April 2, 2018 | Author: Shadaab Siddiqui | Category: Market Segmentation, Brand, Marketing, Business Economics, Market (Economics)



1.SEGMENTATION TARGETING & POSITIONING OF AMUL Targeting Positioning Segmentation Market segmentation,Targeting and positioning It is the process in marketing of grouping a market (i.e. Customers) i n t o smaller subgroups. These markets are often termed niche markets o r s p e c i a l t y m a r k e t s . These segments are fairly homogeneous in their attitudes about certain variables. Because of this intra-group similarity, they are likely to respond somewhat s i m i l a r l y t o a g i v e n m a r k e t i n g s t r a t e g y. T h a t i s , t h e y a r e l i k e l y t o h a v e similar feeling and ideas about a marketing mix comprised of a g i v e n product or service, s o l d a t a g i v e n p r i c e , d i s t r i b u t e s in a certain way, and promoted in a certain way. Amul's robust strategies regarding STP for the product Butter has helped it to be no.1 throughout India. SEGMENTATION FOR AMUL The purpose of segmentation for AMUL butter i s t o i d e n t i f y a n d t a r g e t p r i m e c u s t o m e r groups (e.g. the 20% that account for 80% of your sales) so that they get the maximum return from a limited marketing budget. Homogeneity within the segment Heterogeneity between the segments Segments are measurable and identifiable Segments are accessible and actionable It is large enough to be profitable TARGETING FOR AMUL   Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets .  Thus. four sub activities are given which are t h e bases for deciding which segments will actually be targeted on. A company then needs to identify which market  segments it can serve effectively. be it a customer or the supply chain. milk with fat and milk with the highest content of fat which is served by Amul Taaza. Product Availability : It has huge supply chain and distribution netwroks across India and has strong link back to the sourcing farmers.It has created a value for evryone in the value chain. T h e a t t r a c t i v e n e s s o f t h e segments is also depending on other important factors. POSITIONING FOR AMUL AMUL has carefully cultivated its family based image. a company should not d i r e c t l y s t a r t t a r g e t i n g a l l t h e s e s e g m e n t s . Brand Positioning Statement : "The taste of India". Value for money : The best Quality Butter (dairy product) at the reasonable price 2. Brand Consistency : Amul butter comes under the biggest brand that has been a part of the Topical campaign for 4 decades now. broad or diverse of the longest running advertisements in the world. But they can divide such markets  into groups of consumers or segments with distinct needs and wants. Descriptive factor : The butter is now a family product and relates to its homely image. Segmentation Companies cannot connect with all the customers in large. Positioning Components : Emotional Components : through the campaigns like ______ and "Taste of india" Functinal Attributes : Unique functional attributes of Amul are :1. Target market and segment : It has positioned variety of products for different market segments. In the main activity o f defining a target market. Amul Milk has identified the various segments that it needs to cater to where there exist people who prefer to  consume low fat milk.After the most attractive segments are selected. Amul  Gold and Amul Diamond respectively. 1) Geographic Segmentation 2) Demographic Segmentation 3) Psychographic Segmentation 4) Behavioral Segmentation Amul is a segmented market as kids. Positioning It means occupying the most desirable market space in consumers' minds. women. It is one of the longest running advertisements in the world. be it a customer or the supply chain. . Positioning Components: 1) Emotional Component: Through the campaigns like "Gift for someone you love" or "The Taste of India". it has created value for everyone in the value chain. youth.  Product Availability. 3) Descriptive Factor: Amul has become a family brand and it relates to the homely image.Amul has a huge supply chain and distribution networks across India and has a strong link back to the sourcing farmers. Brand Consistency: Amul runs the topical campaign for last four decades. making the brand almost impregnable. Brand Positioning statement: "The Taste of India".The best quality dairy product at the reasonable price. calorie conscious and health conscious segment is present. Amul has carefully cultivated the family based homely image. 2) Functional Attributes: Unique functional attributes of Amul are:  Value for Money.We can define it as a customer based market segmentation where they have launched a slew of product for each market segment. Targeting The four sub activities performed by Amul while targeting are:­ 1) Defining the abilities of the product and resources needed to enter a market 2) Analyzing competitors on their resources and skills 3) Considering the company's abilities compared to the competitors' 4) Deciding on the actual target markets. The segmentation of Amul is the mass population and in general. Amul adopted a low-cost price strategy to make its products affordable and attractive to consumers. both high end and low end customers are the target as there are few high end brands with no real difference in taste and quality. Thus. and modest consumption levels of milk and other dairy products. not only in the Milk market but is also present in products such as Ice cream. It uses the principle of mass marketing.Market Segmentation. This helped Amul Butter create its brand image in the household sector of the society. . protecting the interests of milk-producing farmers who are its suppliers as well as its owners. Amul has given multinationals a run for their money. This is due to Amuls presence. This article states how the real target audience are the regular middle class people for ice creams as higher end customers have a lot of high end products as an alternative in ice cream.Targeting and Positioning of Amul When Amul was formed. Cheese and other milk related products. consumers had limited purchasing power. which aims at providing ‘value for money‘ products to its consumers. Segmentation. The Amul Business Model: Amul follows a unique business model. Different people of different age groups and demography consume Amul products. Butter. This article also states that for other products like Butter and cheese.
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