Sectional Properties R0
Sectional Properties R0
March 23, 2018 | Author: skilmag | Category:
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1PROPERTIES OF STEEL SECTIONS 7 19.0 706.15 3.8 3.5 2.55 4.6 314. 1500.25 2.8 78.3 39.4 35.0 2.2 109.0 863.0 196.5 439.1 62.0 4.5 785.m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2.7 17.3 251.7 27.5 94.8 628.5 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 25 32 36 40 45 50 56 63 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 15. 2000 & 2200 .MILD STEEL PLATES SI.6 549.0 1 t 1 PLAN SECTION 1-1 Available Width (mm) 1250.No Thickness (t) (mm) Unit Weight (Kg/Sq.0 353.9 125.5 942.6 22.3 392.6 157.5 588.6 494.2 282.9 31. 1800.0 24.3 47. 489 7.3 35.44 9.35 4.0 12.66 11.94 84.0 80.7 16.76 58.1 48.22 2.28 2.9 17.6 6.7 59.5 27.59 3.9 29.53 5.95 71.14 7.03 2.0 150 150.06 2.84 2.9 3.3 3.05 3.97 395 4.26 179.0 68.0 5.8 44.281 12.19 25.1 51.3 12.77 2.0 200 200.5 6.2 10.1 14.77 49.6 46.8 76.68 7.1 128 166 232 282 329 381 446 640 757 1190 1520 1830 3760 4570 cm 4 cm cm cm 2.8 4.5 8.6 21.0 4.00 403.93 968 6.76 2.0 Centre of Gravity Cx = Cy mm Should be reasonably square SI.75 42.5 73.88 1.89 2.8 3.8 4.0 150 150.5 8.5 6.31 60.30 2.93 Note: All Properties are taken from IS 808 : 1989 cm 3 2.77 5.1 104 145 177 207 240 281 405 476 746 959 1160 2370 2880 ex Plastic Modulus of Section Axis cm A Elastic Modulus of Section Axis cm u Radius of Gyration Axis 1.4 3.8 R2 TOE RADIUS t x x g R1 ROOT RADIUS B Cx u Cy v y Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Ixx = Iyy Iu (Max) Iv(Min) rxx = ryy ru (Max) rv (Min) Zxx = Zyy Zpxx = Zpyy 4 6.98 2.77 3.50 329.0 10 10.7 3.0 2.19 7.11 Gauge length Max.1 8.51 1.03 3.17 3.0 2.0 15 15.56 5.56 306 4.7 110 164 201 cm 3 4.81 1.8 4.7 29.82 1.99 5.8 15.5 10.1 25.4 19 22.8 4.09 3.52 218.07 2.4 35.2 30.14 2.96 2.2 8.5 1.0 40 50 65 65 75 75 90 90 100 100 100 110 110 130 130 150.0 20.0 7.0 6 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 10 12 10 12 10 12 12.8 8.9 8.47 5.4 2 Dimensions A B t Root Radius Toe Radius R1 R2 mm mm mm mm 40 50 65 65 75 75 90 90 100 100 100 110 110 130 130 150.19 1.20 1.5 59.8 12.0 16 20.0 24.6 19.1 25.71 2.4 45.25 2.57 196 3.8 4.50 1.0 16 20.46 5.66 40.5 8.6 1.4 2.8 4.INDIAN STANDARD EQUAL LEG ANGLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Designation 40x40x6 50x50x6 65x65x6 65x65x8 75x75x6 75x75x8 90x90x6 90x90x8 100x100x8 100x100x10 100x100x12 110x110x10 110x110x12 130x130x10 130x130x12 150x150x12 150x150x16 150x150x20 200x200x16 200x200x20 Sectional Area W kg/m A cm 3.94 98.5 60.8 7.5 5.92 3.0 8.4 11.32 17.3 1.No Unit Weight 4.9 71.58 5.94 481 4.8 4.5 7.25 18.96 1180 6.51 2.2 16.0 10 12.8 89.9 0.67 4.16 116 3.7 1.73 3.15 166 4.1 37.0 12 12.8 45.31 4.5 8.45 1.71 y v Moment of Inertia cm 4 10.5 4.75 58.18 22.80 86.1 29.13 32.6 56.16 4.8 4.91 1.70 16.07 3.9 34.40 138.47 1.0 2.46 24.7 23.0 6.85 1.1 94.8 3.37 4.5 0.3 1.42 2.96 11.47 1.Bolt g mm Ø mm 21 28 35 35 40 40 50 50 60 60 60 65 65 80 80 90 90 90 115 115 12 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 27 27 .63 5.02 5.88 1.0 20.0 200 200.9 43.45 32.2 61.76 8.60 102.7 6.7 19.26 15.84 2.5 13.75 3.4 10. 03 cm 9.2 96 9.20 75 6.5 2.7 96 9.8 15200 508 15.8 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 B t T Flange Slope Root Radius A mm mm α deg mm y g1 (B-t) / 2 t x x FLANGE SLOPE α R1 R2 B R1 mm Toe Radius R2 mm Cy cm Radius of Gyration g cy y ey Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Ixx Iyy rxx ryy Zxx Zyy ZPxx Zpyy 3 3 3 cm 4 cm 4 cm cm 1.3 34.4 19.17 43.20 2. Note: All Properties are taken from IS 808 : 1989.97 1.CHANNEL SECTION SI.2 4080 244 9.4 192 26.05 1.35 90 7.0 14.5 26.13 14.4 96 11 3.1 67.7 9. by raising the rolls.9 33.7 3.5 12.4 425 61.4 2.1 9.3 63.56 13.2 16.72 496.1 5.3 8.71 13.8 22.20 75 5.60 2.14 9.7 21.82 211.72 39.95 65 5.3 96 15 4.16 128.2 1830 141 8.8 13.5 46.9 2.48 1.42 100 8.63 78.25 356.91 2.15 119.6 96 13 3.8 2.10 12.54 50 5.4 78.Bolt g mm mm Ø mm 21 28 35 40 40 45 50 60 - 12 50 55 55 60 65 65 70 16 22 25 25 25 28 28 .28 91.0 96 10 2. Plastic Section Modulus (Z px) is taken from IS 800 : 2007 T D Centre of Gravity Moment of Inertia cm 3 20.5 2.17 51.8 15.97 26.No Designation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ISMC 75 ISMC 100 ISMC 125 ISMC 150 ISMC 200 ISMC 250* ISMC 300 ISMC 400 Unit Weight Dimensions Sectional Area D W kg/m cm 2 mm 7.19 1.81 7.23 82 9.3 50.2 6420 313 11.1 96 12 3.08 2.0 2.22 2.32 40 4.02 2.0 cm 24.5 43.0 7.5 96 8.9 47.77 891.83 77.2 36.4 40.4 788 103 6.2 11.94 1.8 7.3 28.68 2.82 * The heavier section in each size intended for use in wagon industry are to be obtained from same set of rolls as the corresponding lightest section in that size group.1 16.46 Gauge Gauge (min) g1 Max.5 68.1 105 181 326 428 760 cm 4.37 2. 7 6.5 98 13 6.95 149.87 117.86 14.7 8.9 9.6 66.02 419.18 1533.63 46.0 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 100 125 140 140 140 150 180 210 5.0 8990 486 12.4 61.2 98 14 7.2 111.2 12.2 2.3 98 20 10.5 30400 834 18.8 88.2 3.12 Note: All Properties are taken from IS 808 : 1989.7 78.29 2.0 20500 622 16.9 111 152 252 253.4 98 15 7.4 92.67 3510.5 58.0 98 11 5.0 52.5 76.4 2. Plastic Section Modulus (Zpx) is taken from IS 800 : 2007 y g1 Moment of Inertia Gauge cm cm cm cm g mm 212 410 599 779 1020 1350 1810 3060 27.10 89.82 17.01 17. Max α deg T W kg/m A cm mm mm mm 24.0 91800 2650 24.9 7.2 98 17 8.0 30.4 53.00 55 65 80 80 80 90 100 100 / 140 3 Gauge (min) g1 Max.1 98 14 7.84 16.57 1176..8 47.5 45200 1370 20.5 2120 137 8.41 260.Bolt mm Ø mm 60 65 65 65 70 70 75 80 16 22 22 22 22 22 28 32 / 25 .2 3.36 2074.0 2 T mm Flange slope α (B-t)/4 x x D t R1 R2 g y B Radius of Gyration Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Root Radius Toe Radius Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis R1 mm R2 mm Ixx Iyy rxx ryy Zxx Zyy Zpxx Zpyy 3 3 3 4 cm 4 cm cm cm 10.0 13600 538 14.52 20.11 12.1 8.74 889.4 86.86 465.80 129.89 187.4 2.5 69.0 156.65 13.71 651.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Designation ISMB 200 ISMB 250 ISMB 300 ISMB 350 ISMB 400 ISMB 450 ISMB 500 ISMB 600 Unit Weight Dimensions Sectional Area D B t Flange Slope.4 10.9 123.5 72.3 46.2 37.2 4.3 2.0 98 14 7.BEAM SECTIONS SI.5 5130 335 10. 20 528.72 1471.9 12.2 5.8 14.4 8.2 11.7 12.3 191.63 4.8 209.3 165.5 8.0 6.9 12.7 177.7 D Bf Tw Tf Depth Between Fillets d mm 172.69 4.55 3.90 11696 1063 13.9 7.0 43.6 407.97 119.60 310.91 208.36 146.2 152.6 311.6 13.94 4.00 70.4 147.15 266.1 30.28 195.51 61519 2692 21.04 3.77 1055.5 85.40 467.0 15.86 9899 896 12.7 243.9 190.00 358.7 11.40 355.6 17.1 54.52 8503 764 12.50 165.93 1211.2 228.05 5.64 2233.3 82.8 11.58 846.2 311.12 4.7 68.8 251.09 3.44 299.80 3.8 211.99 498.9 72.0 165.93 12066 811 14.33 47539 2007 21.97 111777 4505 25.88 468.7 9.83 4.8 208.8 13.1 7.0 230.6 Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis lxx Iyy rxx ryy Zxx Zyy Zpxx Zpyy 3 3 cm3 cm 4 cm 4 cm cm 2340 308 8.0 17.5 61.87 3.6 8.83 3.88 98610 3932 24.76 14136 968 14.8 179.7 6.46 3282.48 6544 677 10.4 18.0 12.6 7.9 13.5 547.9 228.4 94.8 51.29 45727 2347 19.88 4.6 547.5 94.1 74.2 10.0 89.2 6.0 6.2 54.57 66822 2943 21.9 171.91 271.2 10.6 311.4 279.1 9.71 3.0 45.7 166.08 Note: Dimensions Confirming to BS 4-1:2005 cm 3 230 280 351 433 504 561 646 754 687 796 896 1071 930 1063 1189 1323 1296 1458 1611 1770 1957 1800 2072 2292 2477 2793 2874 3221 3622 cm 46.4 6.5 476.4 360.26 896.2 177.5 172.87 3.20 617.36 483.9 92.7 7.91 19463 1362 15.3 82.20 133.99 18722 1021 16.7 11.00 463.5 476.1 54.1 67.68 434.2 133.6 12.06 93.73 623.0 7.2 67.7 12.94 378.8 9.5 476.2 10.5 192.2 173.5 85.5 476.2 39.1 139.68 775.6 7.87 4.2 92.69 393.70 303.6 7.86 16038 1108 14.6 407.12 3197.56 720.2 265.3 58.4 191.0 31.4 407.0 9.36 5537 571 10.7 7.2 10.1 74.40 409.0 67.63 4144.0 219 219.4 256.1 60.6 85.70 539.0 343.3 78.9 10.3 98.9 175.8 21.60 303.0 40.59 566.9 135.17 4413 448 10.3 7.60 612.61 2830.23 41015 2089 18.0 210.30 533.60 406.76 4.56 2613.7 47.8 57.57 236.40 351.9 128.2 10.90 141.9 8.00 363.04 29380 1452 18.5 11.5 189.58 1832.50 607.11 4.67 87318 3434 24.72 1010.79 1653.79 88.3 64.1 37.50 544.12 33319 1671 18.7 10.7 12.97 24331 1365 16.4 9.3 17.0 109.5 13.0 265.4 360.8 301.1 101.1 7.9 32.2 206.9 178.60 76043 3388 22.60 Tf y r x x D Tw y Bf d .2 265.85 21596 1203 16.20 2014.20 37051 1871 18.7 157.7 19.3 114.0 91.2 10.2 319.7 12.6 104 114 125 105 117 129 139 155 144 159 178 203.84 398.6 407.56 3.1 7.80 453.6 311.6 8.6 476.40 306.9 8.1 10.40 3677.0 113.1 152.7 10.83 198.33 1200.7 12.1 11.40 412.9 146.7 12.6 10.48 534.56 177.67 236.3 19.00 460.49 2059.00 4.40 457.62 610.0 51.01 314.2 12.6 108.6 217.40 402.2 10.3 210.3 16.4 391.54 4.6 360.00 259.87 1501.6 22.3 46.0 38.31 4.4 219.2 10.47 337.93 3.37 242.7 172.1 127.4 cm 258.9 10.0 57.7 14.64 354.1 146.9 192.99 27310 1545 17.2 229.UNIVERSAL BEAMS SI.4 172.51 3.1 171.38 55227 2389 21.2 10.10 536.5 9.3 256.93 2361.99 4.6 7.87 3.5 195.2 15.8 9.5 69.7 12.2 10.76 3.8 112.0 122.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Designation UB203x133x25 UB203x133x30 UB254x146x31 UB254x146x37 UB254x146x43 UB305x165x40 UB305x165x46 UB305x165x54 UB356x171x45 UB356x171x51 UB356x171x57 UB356x171x67 UB406x178x54 UB406x178x60 UB406x178x67 UB406x178x74 UB457x191x67 UB457x191x74 UB457x191x82 UB457x191x89 UB457x191x98 UB533x210x82 UB533x210x92 UB533x210x101 UB533x210x109 UB533x210x122 UB610x229x113 UB610x229x125 UB610x229x140 Dimensions Unit Weight Sectional Area W kg/m A cm2 mm mm mm mm Root Radius r mm 25.21 140.10 2896 385 8.5 16.9 8.4 360.21 173.2 57.2 10.2 10.48 3.98 3.24 1346.6 547.0 76.6 10.0 125.6 407.5 94. 11 Remarks IPEA 400 IPE 400 IPEO 400 IPEA 450 IPE 450 IPEO 450 IPEA 500 IPE 500 IPEO 500 IPEA 600 IPE 600 IPEO 600 .3 24.36 NPB 500 x 200 x 79.0 13.0 92083 3387.0 118302 4520.55 442.40 341.4 217.29 1494.19 378.9 158.9 18.21 426.4 171.7 7.56 NPB 600 x 220 x 122.09 485.1 115.4 18.26 1502.0 57777 2621.66 4.76 276.4 18.55 3.42 3512.61 4.0 12.6 17.43 4.0 20293 1170.3 24.5 16.8 24.93 2046.03 378.0 8.0 26747 1564.66 NPB 450 x 190 x 67.4 10.7 137.30 NPB 400 x 180 x 75.NARROW PARALLEL FLANGE BEAMS SI.3 1156.7 101.15 77.38 NPB 400 x 180 x 66.9 214.09 229.57 NPB 450 x 190 x 92.0 82919 3116.64 335.5 96.77 514.0 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 24 24 24 Bf D y Tf r x x D Tw y Bf d Tw Tf Depth Between Fillets d mm Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis lxx Iyy rxx cm ryy cm Zxx Zyy Zpxx Zpyy 3 3 cm 4 cm 4 331.36 79.1 146.52 4.5 15.1 14.57 92.1 176.5 98.45 NPB 600 x 220 x 154.1 84.31 NPB 600 x 220 x 107.8 16.8 12.7 20.0 19.3 307.36 90.38 66.56 122.30 4.30 75.4 11.1 1331.0 42933 1939.01 301.6 16.7 20.4 3878.42 1701.8 117.9 1727.90 408.8 40923 2085.2 20.13 3141.0 8.38 426.11 245.38 514.5 1499.65 4.0 17.31 107.48 4.7 1927.60 4.27 cm3 202.8 29759 1502.68 NPB 500 x 200 x 107.2 12.31 426.4 1324.66 67.6 9.0 48199 2141.27 2613.66 514.66 4.6 283.6 cm 1144.0 9.64 4471.0 24.9 2283.95 331.5 136.2 259.0 15.02 1307.46 73.8 397 400 404 447 450 456 497 500 506 597 600 610 180 180 182 190 190 192 200 200 202 220 220 224 7.0 156.8 33743 1675.2 16.9 403.56 4.65 4.15 NPB 450 x 190 x 77.16 2194.12 378.7 1794.8 3069.0 196.40 1946.0 23128 1317.00 331.7 2777.4 85.6 9.36 NPB 500 x 200 x 90.6 14.2 193.79 Note: All Properties are taken from IS 12778 : 2004 cm 3 1022.5 19.02 269.5 13.8 cm 130.68 640.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Designation NPB 400 x 180 x 57.68 107.46 Unit Weight Dimensions Sectional Area W kg/m A cm2 mm mm mm mm Root Radius r mm 57.45 154. 0 363.0 17.3 252.4 34.7 190.60 Note: All Properties are taken from IS 12778 : 2004 3 cm cm cm cm3 3217.79 177.4 7659.34 6.37 WPB 800 x 300 x 262.6 993.65 674 359083 14903.75 6.9 9484.0 15.34 582 215301 12178.0 3623.51 WPB 700 x 300 x 300.37 262.6 7339.97 10229.0 17.7 5425.08 486 237447 18975.00 251.61 WPB 900 x 300 x 291.0 13.6 1229.2 25.0 28.61 291.0 1244.50 770 494065 15815.1 8977.79 770 301145 9041.3 6240.0 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Bf D Tw y Tf r x x D Tw y Bf d Tf Depth Between Fillets d mm Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis lxx Iyy rxx ryy Zxx Zyy Zpxx Zpyy 3 3 4 cm 4 cm cm cm 486 91872 6993.00 Unit Weight Dimensions Sectional Area W kg/m A cm2 mm mm mm mm Root Radius r mm 128.8 28.0 35.68 674 442598 18627.71 1414.77 WPB 600 x 300 x 211.33 WPB 800 x 300 x 317.45 333.8 28.7 9197.78 6.96 6.47 10539.34 5350.01 674 208882 8133.47 7032.6 6922.40 1980.48 240.WIDE PARALLEL FLANGE BEAMS SI.51 1155.7 1236.45 WPB 900 x 300 x 333.37 4840.2 1054.47 WPB 700 x 300 x 149.0 40.7 542.00 WPB 900 x 300 x 251.89 204.5 270.92 WPB 600 x 300 x 285.4 33.22 582 142721 7673.35 198.0 40.5 285.19 7999.55 5.92 6.6 571 590 600 620 670 690 700 716 770 790 800 814 870 890 900 910 300 300 300 305 300 300 300 304 300 300 300 303 300 300 300 302 12.31 1553.42 8772.0 466.0 30.77 211.7 5701.16 8327.0 21.05 486 171041 13530.8 903.0 14.0 14.33 317.1 10874.0 15.60 1312.79 WPB 600 x 300 x 177.9 260.2 404.48 WPB 700 x 300 x 240.10 1930.8 10979.09 6.0 13.9 4786.53 770 570400 18450.4 23.0 33.51 WPB 800 x 300 x 224.51 224.65 15495.5 21.0 40.09 1928.0 218.48 6.3 24.75 1256.5 306.29 6.0 32.67 6425.7 30.89 WPB 700 x 300 x 204.10 674 303442 12638.92 285.5 17.83 856.5 371.17 7.47 149.0 27.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Designation WPB 600 x 300 x 128.74 724.28 8699.70 6.20 12488.4 29.2 12540.3 511.0 18.4 383.5 27.66 6.87 582 329278 18797.55 7.0 20.70 1391.7 32.78 1495.6 4260.19 1930.59 12584.53 486 141208 11271.2 751.37 10811.23 6225.58 6.5 25.32 7.51 300.2 320.5 602.67 WPB 800 x 300 x 171.9 962.84 582 256888 14440.99 770 422075 13547.5 36.4 1222.5 7682.0 16.53 1658.0 18.67 171.5 25.5 811.56 Remarks HE 600AA HE 600A HE 600B HE 600M HE 700AA HE 700A HE 700B HE 700M HE 800AA HE 800A HE 800B HE 800M HE 900AA HE 900A HE 900B HE 900M .5 21.35 WPB 900 x 300 x 198.3 423.8 334.97 7.45 957.0 15.00 164.0 15.0 36.1 226.4 902.0 30.0 40.7 32.9 36.2 842.42 799.1 27. 2 15.7 246.9 29.00 111.3 265.3 200.8 203.23 247.3 20.8 160.1 254.0 200.49 5110.3 19.56 2426.6 256.3 200.87 7.5 25.3 91.0 13.3 76.8 200.8 261.3 12.8 160.2 15.25 1594.65 1579.45 1486.1 73.1 52.8 9.7 12.8 1037.8 15.2 5.7 44.27 1960.9 314.16 656.3 307.19 1228.6 510.2 209.96 5.3 47.13 5259 1778.2 152.5 11.56 696.2 38.6 215.6 204.No Unit Weight Dimensions x y Bf Tw Tf Depth Between Fillets d mm 123.18 6125 2065.0 14.6 7.06 2299.98 309.40 230.1 339.0 71.6 7.57 7.2 17.0 46.0 282.0 9.0 13.5 14.8 15.76 3.0 13.2 15.9 1096 1313 1631 2075 1445 1760 2048 2369 2995 3643 4318 cm 52.33 6.1 113 136 168 213 123 150 174 201 252 306 360 2 Tf mm mm mm mm Root Radius r mm 152.77 4251.92 373.1 198.3 246.5 8.9 299.8 206.20 7618 2537.5 73.1 307.9 136.8 6.4 10.2 15.48 14268 4857.7 66.2 10.22 6.4 309.7 15.4 322.07 6.6 123.1 584.4 203.5 6.7 246.83 38747 12569.16 .1 576.24 80.4 706.1 174.13 498.0 8.0 9.9 6.2 10.0 cm 182.13 568.1 96.1 23.2 807.3 152.87 6.44 1225.50 263.91 799.2 9.25 455.0 7.0 8.18 5.10 1051.28 5.4 11.0 11.8 222.8 160.0 1276.8 273.9 107.6 10.1 58.3 258.0 11.0 14.0 12.21 877.0 13.45 1136.9 352.55 17510 5928.6 245.5 365.7 276.1 132.70 1748 560.7 246.4 37.83 2210 706.0 8.59 22529 7531.70 574.38 2683.1 307.2 305.2 206.0 13.7 246.2 15.5 327.8 6.0 379.5 897.5 14.69 29998 9870.24 1871.3 266.4 157.1 260.7 246.0 12.2 311.4 744.75 464.2 10.7 246.9 9.7 12.0 11.7 8.2 7.7 15.2 D B y r D x Tw d SI.7 Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Ixx Iyy rxx ryy Zxx Zyy Zpxx Zpyy 3 3 cm3 cm 4 cm 4 cm cm 1250 399.0 26.87 4568 1548.0 14.5 152.54 3.4 18.79 8.9 12.1 88.6 161.77 2340.87 304.0 31.98 894.7 21.30 9449 3127.3 20.0 221.0 1529.0 11.72 7.9 117.0 167.42 7.11 1948.4 692.2 15.2 314.5 320.2 254.82 5.81 22249 7308.7 12.3 200.0 458.8 19.91 5.3 31.85 3.0 850.6 123.2 449.21 724.49 8.0 86.7 25.34 11407 3908.77 32814 10700.27 Note: Dimensions Confirming to BS 4-1:2005 cm 3 164.0 11.3 200.0 589.59 3443.20 8.6 160.43 139.3 289.4 110 93.7 12.2 17.3 478.2 12.0 37.69 27672 9059.74 977.3 205.8 160.4 90.9 154.1 240.90 50904 16299.6 10.0 30.1 7.85 993.15 78872 24635.UNIVERSAL COLUMNS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Designation UC152x152x23 UC152x152x30 UC152x152x37 UC203x203x46 UC203x203x52 UC203x203x60 UC203x203x71 UC203x203x86 UC254x254x73 UC254x254x89 UC254x254x107 UC254x254x132 UC254x254x167 UC305x305x97 UC305x305x118 UC305x305x137 UC305x305x158 UC305x305x198 UC305x305x240 UC305x305x283 Sectional Area W kg/m A cm 23.5 318.2 10.2 6.4 209.58 6.04 64203 20315.9 158.0 60. 54 3.51 13.62 24.51 2.02 1.22 4.75 3.12 5.0 4.47 1.9 3.11 9.52 16.85 6.46 1.72 4.21 1.63 14.92 1.3 4.80 6.26 2.80 26.86 5.41 18.22 5.36 1.51 2.31 2.63 4.03 90.53 2.48 1.88 7.32 79.54 6.42 2.09 4.22 9.98 2.2 6.87 4.45 15.71 cm 0.43 1.35 7.46 1.55 .69 2.98 14.92 3.18 2.25 6.44 1.36 4.30 2.34 6.92 0.72 11.73 17.6 3.75 2.0 2.92 0.15 25.30 2.03 90.15 1.54 5.56 4.50 31.87 1.2 4.49 1.02 1.1 3.68 15.49 1.42 21.89 3.60 8.33 34.94 43.5 6.6 2.2 4.45 9.48 1.69 1.18 1.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Designation (DxB) 25 x 25 32 x 32 38 x 38 40 x 40 50 x 50 60 x 60 72 x 72 Thickness t mm 1.89 0.67 13.31 cm4 1.95 18.02 4.55 49.94 0.78 37.29 3.31 14.95 25.12 6.48 1.41 9.45 5.96 5.82 2.36 1.90 1.6 3.87 4.15 36.07 17.8 2.99 50.05 3.44 1.12 8.55 5.0 2.9 3.03 3.76 4.53 31.43 1.76 5.08 56.12 4.86 1.0 2.33 2.2 2.7 4.02 72.26 8.19 1.57 5.79 2.40 12.31 14.49 6.36 1.68 1.22 66.98 1.64 20.02 4.01 7.24 1.88 7.47 18.0 2.22 66.12 10.21 36.07 4.45 7.81 129.54 5.20 10.56 14.92 1.20 10.47 12.01 8.13 10.98 6.20 3.41 18.74 4.31 2.51 1.88 3.68 2.49 4.38 1.36 4.84 3.87 1.68 7.99 22.74 2.85 16 18.33 34.71 8.38 1.58 6.56 4.85 151.11 9.1 3.23 12.09 cm3 1.95 2.72 1.79 2.54 5.6 2.75 28.12 1.8 3.86 1.6 2.14 8.75 2.55 10.12 60.72 1.3 2.84 3.27 21.21 1.03 5.26 8.52 16.76 1.07 3.71 7.66 IXX IYY rXX ryy ZXX ZYY Plastic Modulus of Section Zpxx = Zpyy cm4 1.22 2.19 5.6 4.22 2.89 0.26 2.90 1.26 2.6 2.71 cm3 1.11 3.2 2.31 Unit Weight per Metre W kg/m 1.99 7.82 2.45 9.78 3.34 9.8 Sectional Area A cm2 1.29 2.86 106.43 1.72 11.30 6.51 1.3 4.51 2.92 2.94 43.41 83.32 79.99 7.58 41.22 4.15 25.31 cm 0.10 2.4 1.28 1.51 27.31 11.44 11.42 21.54 10.28 1.86 10.2 4.32 30.55 cm3 1.55 49.96 2.94 0.37 11.19 1.18 9.51 4.50 31.99 22.4 1.54 6.86 5.67 5.31 21.49 Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Elastic Modulus of Section Torsional Constant J B cm4 1.89 3.18 1.15 1.84 12.21 3.35 4.14 8.28 7.0 2.40 12.46 1.59 3.44 11.6 3.95 25.01 8.01 8.5 2.0 4.47 32.41 7.60 8.2 4.76 12.10 2.52 16.86 10.16 2.02 4.33 2.09 cm3 1.51 2.9 3.76 4.21 36.34 13.48 1.47 18.07 17.TATA STRUCTURA SQUARE HOLLOW SECTION SI.18 9. 0 7.07 27.79 179.84 5.5 5.59 Moment of Inertia IXX IYY Radius of Gyration rXX ryy Elastic Modulus of Section ZXX ZYY Plastic Modulus of Section Zpxx = Zpyy Torsional Constant J B cm cm cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 92.01 22.43 B y D SI.0 5.38 982.18 27.75 67.57 187.93 107.36 3813.81 637.52 3.88 14.04 7.TATA STRUCTURA SQUARE HOLLOW SECTION 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Designation (DxB) t mm 3.71 124.95 18.48 3.45 103.74 192.55 708.8 3.98 15.89 38.40 30.3 364.28 226.95 152.99 224.76 33.18 229.24 251.78 26.79 173.14 56.93 5.8 5.40 215.0 6.00 41.83 26.60 111.87 9.03 41.01 7.45 212.57 3.14 17.36 21.5 132 x 132 150 x 150 180 x 180 220 x 220 A cm2 9.21 2224.71 107.85 12.52 2036.0 6.97 32.29 148.04 111.6 4.4 4.25 159.38 4.78 43.0 4.87 1736.0 6.91 5.39 634.89 257.0 5.56 3.26 173.70 346.31 236.49 156.99 192.11 7.11 5.63 38.68 215.11 192.27 53.04 3.49 3.73 2590.54 311.0 4.67 346.82 807.23 339.56 34.18 23.07 3.59 2134.04 2321.40 192.26 47.55 34.36 33.91 39.63 20.97 157.40 230.89 45.30 4.71 20.88 18.84 3.58 4.30 144.5 x 91.0 4.70 8.79 5.89 432.58 432.02 1134.12 112.49 311.65 1443.18 807.83 47.89 31.74 5.79 27.12 5.16 96.86 287.40 4.44 1299.22 64.76 1736.91 1145.5 x 113.36 40.69 1018.5 100 x 100 113.97 6.41 634.76 70.38 1145.57 11.60 23.74 18.46 161.88 1856.21 40.30 393.97 182.30 81.0 8.06 7.44 1299.58 3.02 2747.44 34.79 152.71 92.79 3.32 15.52 7.65 2321.12 271.67 11.11 23.06 393.28 264.51 9.84 80.13 5.4 4.22 54.53 520.79 306.00 1443.84 54.75 34.53 387.04 31.06 226.59 441.Plastic Section Modulus (Z px & Zpy) calculated as per IS : 4923 .11 700.77 156.16 433.12 96.23 90.67 402.78 290.41 16.1985 .14 47.No Thickness Sectional Area x x t y Unit Weight per Metre W kg/m 7.08 106.36 8.16 7.30 75.48 47.36 3.87 7.44 5.98 1569.11 2405.12 3.08 125.17 51.52 41.14 187.82 5.0 6.26 205.76 27.16 157.80 92.36 226.77 359.0 5.04 3.27 45.89 5.2 4.13 106.24 3758.39 5.40 69.30 62.11 3.22 41.74 7.68 4246.35 3259.89 130.77 226.99 260.85 14.68 3.74 14.40 2036.1 511.16 5.79 62.21 34.00 5.59 2590.30 69.58 127.50 271.89 303.0 7.38 21.89 3.74 1421.78 61.12 982.18 53.49 127.23 76.18 Note: All properties are taken from TATA STRUCTURA.39 50.93 289.11 700.71 3.69 114.0 8.12 1421.05 37.26 26.84 152.28 22.01 257.22 10.49 3.59 22.73 6.0 80 x 80 91.00 48.01 11.86 340.4 4.18 6034.95 28.92 17.07 181.8 5.09 196.38 76.87 1273.97 287.32 3813.75 13.95 130. 33 8.8 3.93 534.53 11.83 26.95 220.25 1.61 33.13 4.71 27.15 8.28 22.93 5.67 5.63 7.60 35.75 1.48 36.6 2.9 3.49 45.41 7.63 165.6 2.80 1.83 15.59 6.6 3.52 5.71 10.24 3.97 147.Plastic Section Modulus (Z px & Zpy) calculated as per IS : 4923 .74 18.41 2.81 20.51 25.TATA STRUCTURA RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTION SI.33 84.14 17.21 8.10 42.60 62.30 12.17 1.26 3.29 2.85 250.4 3.72 45.19 555.44 2.90 27.72 725.12 2.85 35.67 4.81 1.78 64.82 1.29 41.36 1.58 164.75 74.11 9.75 34.47 12.56 16.73 82.31 1.19 6.93 63.75 39.22 9.83 38.71 7.21 12.59 16.87 10.35 44.91 1030.51 11.62 12.02 24.92 46.20 3.01 14.52 88.20 3.09 67.65 41.43 46.85 15.47 381.16 228.85 12.73 94.83 107.71 20.50 33.03 5.87 14.36 40.75 8.13 4.73 30.79 10.07 70.75 57.01 8.13 23.58 5.45 2138.72 14.11 14.07 4.71 1.31 22.1985 .88 4.74 20.22 274.05 9.80 1.7 103.69 4.54 13.73 28.74 2.88 3.38 31.14 232.09 29.38 7.25 11.55 3025.55 9.43 2.73 4.28 5.6 2.94 31.21 17.39 53.69 5.74 3.45 8.03 4.9 3.80 6.11 175.83 Unit Weight per Metre W kg/m 2.75 1.19 1.27 4.46 10.23 14.22 24.1 142.03 2579.97 20.98 6.04 2110.82 106.81 917.61 78.66 6.8 32.07 214.6 4.64 9.13 320.47 8.5 2.99 146.8 5.36 7.13 346.99 18.51 9.34 14.0 5.22 2.8 3.07 25.25 6.66 54.08 114.54 39.29 60.94 93.49 22.26 61.79 24.56 36.46 50.30 1.97 32.13 4.78 4.32 3.01 3.26 2.50 11.41 193.63 3.24 134.23 3.29 1.14 3.23 2.78 26.77 8.05 Moment of Inertia IXX IYY Radius of Gyration rXX ryy Elastic Modulus of Section ZXX ZYY Plastic Modulus of Section Zpxx Zpyy Torsional Constant J B cm cm cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 8.33 9.0 2.59 27.61 5.21 19.45 610.67 11.42 193.64 11.53 38.82 34.04 128.89 120.73 9.96 4.49 73.25 3.08 85.74 6.71 3.2 4.34 51.63 55.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Designation (DxB) 50 x 25 60 x 40 66 x 33 80 x 40 96 x 48 122 x 61 120 x 60 145 x 82 172 x 92 240 x 120 D B y x t x y Thickness t mm 2.95 4.79 117.86 5.70 5.91 6.58 8.34 2.08 1.9 3.02 10.63 12.07 9.85 1012.83 4.62 6.2 3.35 8.93 2.56 10.11 2.23 14.89 216.5 4.11 2.35 7.69 2528.62 13.43 31.2 4.59 9.91 82.36 76.01 8.25 6.01 38.63 0.28 3.89 199.0 6.74 13.01 134.45 52.31 17.49 2.91 264.90 15.6 4.15 2.74 313.84 1.94 20.02 252.12 4.92 17.91 44.68 5.40 184.8 5.65 9.31 12.57 55.62 5.77 4.29 25.0 Sectional Area A cm2 2.79 98.3 223.38 2.20 1.10 7.04 6.17 3.46 4.13 1.71 0.64 75.4 4.35 1.95 4.35 2.66 28.71 29.25 7.01 1736.4 4.85 6.77 18.50 13.6 23.87 20.61 826.65 7.32 10.88 21.76 12.16 3.71 8.0 4.5 5.0 2.29 10.30 12.39 208.79 3.07 28.11 28.08 265.92 5.90 36.13 22.66 592.20 10.91 12.87 25.59 7.84 47.56 7.27 2.2 4.25 4.55 10.0 4.99 4.48 253.83 24.03 2.70 Note: All properties are taken from TATA STRUCTURA.10 8.28 7.68 0.37 12.72 5.77 54.82 117.55 5.87 17.55 18.74 9.24 2.50 6.88 67.5 5.88 14.12 105.66 26.32 15.40 1.52 2.09 2.41 33.69 22.29 2.55 3.65 3.66 9.01 8.55 94.34 7.76 5.02 3.44 44.56 235.29 9.6 4.49 16.85 10.5 2.16 171.06 2.58 15.53 10.59 5.23 1.13 25.72 8.50 278.94 24.59 6.41 132.67 15.6 4.39 296.15 33.54 10.94 18.79 21.95 4.88 42.65 11.86 918.16 9.67 882.27 94.12 13.14 99. 938 23.43 20.20 54.7 32 42.08 5.47 7.99 6.40 21.986 34.31 13.2 4.45 3.53 5.43 16.0 2.23 3.35 8.58 10.36 1.00 1.68 25.43 4.9 8.20 cm3 0.2 2.10 17.0 2.2 17.14 2.23 6.70 11.396 1.85 4.21 1.75 1.8 5.55 0.00 2.88 30.66 15.6 12.83 2.8 3.75 13.092 67.01 1.920 5.57 2.6 100 114.78 1.56 4.92 3.72 8.93 6.19 6.89 3.25 3.70 11.2 4.6 4.69 0.54 1.63 11.03 2.52 133.98 2.9 25 33.40 21.513 28.79 3.79 16.32 8.6 3.23 18.03 234.5 16.61 1.93 5.84 1.75 33.3 274.52 28.02 65.46 23.96 10.60 16.79 54.748 0.59 14.5 18.042 17.85 33.42 7.54 3.59 4.05 3.2 3.59 1.52 2.03 6.52 15.5 3.65 8.75 25.98 2.16 8.32 171.54 3.2 2.09 3.66 11.70 3.20 14.10 8.8 5.2 12.4 40 48.93 2.56 1.55 4.50 9.0 4.947 1.70 10.520 7.6 4.8 33.3 2.No Outside Diameter Nominal Bore 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 15 21.69 0.59 13.6 3.56 71.17 28.808 2.41 12.STEEL TUBES SI.90 48.82 4.12 79.3 50 60.47 3.58 382.10 12.91 27.94 4.08 1.01 44.23 28.0 2.57 2.87 1.4 W kg/m 0.38 1.62 8.3 344.70 12.06 1.37 4.2 A cm2 1.6 14.39 1.563 11.10 1.05 1.9 3.66 0.14 16.38 2.26 1.19 6.47 17.75 12.61 10.87 0.5 3.10 3.3 110 127 Unit Weight Sectional Area t mm 2.98 3.82 1.30 4 10.33 4.41 1.32 4.3 65 76.36 1.48 1.17 31.41 2.08 20.23 96.36 9.124 45.03 3.124 4.22 26.4 4.48 3.09 12.70 1.40 23.10 23.6 4.1 80 88.82 14.52 cm 0.9 90 101.36 112.00 48 51.53 1.30 14.0 Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Zxx = Zyy Zpxx = Zpyy 3 cm 0.22 25.99 10.90 .70 7.0 2.5 4.6 3.57 0.78 21.5 5.06 3.21 1.5 13.61 4.3 18.24 4.44 192.8 3.6 3.56 5.28 64.0 4.54 325.54 0.44 1.86 0.82 21.714 79.27 60.19 5.27 146.02 18.6 41.64 0.70 9.2 4.59 25.88 7.25 10.2 4.59 38.77 21.3 20 26.53 8.54 3.43 3.31 26.13 4.988 3.10 1.915 1.73 3.9 3.71 6.98 2.78 22.58 2.6 Class D mm mm Thickness Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Ratio Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration D/t IXX = Iyy rXX = ryy cm 0.20 10.87 9.132 54.6 4.41 7. 3 22.35 87.01 7.5 4.87 33.77 824.775 777.1 150 168.9 5.10 98.0 323.39 514.421 1271.27 51.79 92.352 917.73 125 165.92 5.71 6.777 Note: All properties are taken from IS 1161 : 1998 4 31.50 116.609 674.06 28.5 19.8 5.2 6.01 128.68 88.9 49.23 493.47 606.7 135 152.64 32.22 79.6 5.57 5.1 225 250 300 350 244.78 62.3 25.STEEL TUBES SI.0 11.06 31.67 94.29 737 966.5 4.4 5.8 5.4 21.5 31 34.9 355.989 7992.2 49.74 116.7 200 219.5 4.4 4.64 158.248 3149.8 5.74 732.35 35.81 32.41 44.14 41.71 40.5 5.65 208.55 195.8 87.00 255.4 4.42 220.50 4.096 777.37 12.2 5.4 29.66 146 191.9 4.96 4412.23 75.6 A cm2 19.7 25.450 572.22 36.50 44.0 8.3 175 193.No Outside Diameter Nominal Bore 125 139.65 39.87 32.4 25.78 20.76 109.51 7.9 22.40 35.2 5.40 30.0 7.45 323 420.42 5.57 37.1 24.32 1416.00 635.8 5.20 88.5 39.1 27.00 143.9 17.3 8.57 5.6 D y x x y t Unit Weight Sectional Area t mm 4.00 9.286 463.78 98.70 24.31 171.4 6.2 19.5 273.04 29.7 38.2 5.0 22.9 21.20 25.69 34.7 97.58 169.8 5.6 17.4 150 165.32 2247.8 18.3 68.65 105 137.44 4.474 2141.4 4.00 34.20 4.9 5.6 82.44 258.10 25.38 864.75 73.520 1535.68 131.10 23.75 28.66 27.15 1856.65 104.97 6.45 Radius of Gyration .54 205 268.2 22.87 31.70 5.83 45.4 17.9 6.11 20.3 18.50 62.0 W kg/m 15 15.9 16.30 Class D mm mm 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Thickness Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy 1 Heavy 2 Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Ratio Moment of Inertia D/t IXX = Iyy Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section rXX = ryy Zxx = Zyy Zpxx = Zpyy 3 cm cm cm cm3 437.32 37.3 4.13 37.16 123.77 66.7 5.00 335.5 4.40 120.56 13201.8 5.35 1053.17 26.2 27.44 46.5 32. by raising the rolls.54 615.76 9.42 652.65 713.4 384 345.0 8160 3588.4 87.78 7.44 8.No Designation Unit Weight W kg/m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 75 x 80 100 x 100 125 x 130 150 x 150 200 x 150 250 x 164 300 x 180 400 x 200 ISMC 75 ISMC 100 ISMC 125 ISMC 150 ISMC 200 ISMC 250* ISMC 300 ISMC 400 Y X X h b Y Sectional Area A cm2 Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Elastic Modulus of Section Plastic Modulus of Section Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Axis Ixx Iyy rxx cm ryy cm Zxx Zyy ZPxx Zpyy 3 3 cm3 4 cm 4 cm 3 cm cm cm 14.10 68.44 519.50 302.74 210.02 239.39 72.63 6.00 125.93 41.13 187.6 57.42 26.09 1520.6 12840 4721.21 * The heavier section in each size intended for use in wagon industry are to be obtained from same set of rolls as the corresponding lightest section in that size group.08 5.01 5.2 127.64 225. .28 18.08 422.Channels Size (hxb) SI.13 8.56 993.44 15.87 39.51 3.6 92.80 437.97 33.68 6.80 69.76 76.78 44.00 524.0 3660 1883.30 151.13 48.20 157 156.52 2.10 87.00 834.00 251.18 154.94 136.4 850 813.6 1576 1402.75 366.79 100.12 24.06 967.94 2.6 30400 8347.34 48.74 1782.66 5.66 84.04 4.97 3.78 19.6 42.00 11.14 856.2 33.
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