Section 5 - Concrete Pavement

March 17, 2018 | Author: LipSingCheong | Category: Road Surface, Track (Rail Transport), Concrete, Building Materials, Manmade Materials



Standard Specification For Road WorksFOR INTERNAL USE ONLY SECTION 5 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L Page 122 3 Construction by Slip Form Paving Machine 5.4.4 CONSTRUCTION 5.2 MATERIALS S5-125 5.1 Side Forms for Manual Construction S5-132 S5-133 Cawangan Jalan.2 Construction by Fixed Form Paving Machine Ibu Pejabat JKR.2 Equipment S5-128 5.4.1 DESCRIPTION S5-125 5.3.3 Joint Filler S5-125 5.2 2 Aggregate S5-125 Joint Sealants and Seals S5-125 5.4.1 Concrete S5-128 5.4.1 Preparation of Subgrade or Subbase S5-128 S5-128 5.PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT Page 5.3 PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE S5-128 5.4.L Page 123 .4.2.3 Construction by Hand-Guided Method S5-128 S5-128 S5-129 S5-131 S5-132 5.2.2.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Standard Specification For Road Works SECTION 5 .2 Construction by Machine 5.2.1 Cement S5-125 5.4.1 Fixed Forms.4 Manual Construction 5. K.2.5 Waterproof Membrane S5-126 5. Rails and Guide Wires For Machine Construction 5.6 Curing Materials S5-126 5.3. 2 Transverse Contraction Joints 5.1 Transverse Expansion Joints S5-133 S5-133 TREATMENT OF MANHOLES AND GULLIES S5-139 5.5.2 Method S5-136 S5-136 S5-137 S5-137 S5-137 5.2 Load Transfer Assemblies S5-134 S5-134 S5-135 5.5 JOINTS 5.L Page 124 .5.1 Apparatus 5.2.8 CURING S5-137 5.3 Longitudinal Joints S5-135 5.2 Measurement of Texture Depth : Sand Patch Method 5.4 Transverse Construction Joints S5-135 5. K.6.6.10 OPENING TO TRAFFIC S5-139 5. SURFACE LEVELS AND SURFACE REGULARITY S5-139 Cawangan Jalan.1 Texture of Running Surfaces 5.5.7 ROUNDING OF EDGES S5-137 5.5 Sealing Joints S5-135 REMOVING FORMS S5-138 5. Ibu Pejabat JKR.6 SURFACE TEXTURE 5.12 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENTS.6.1 Planes of Weakness 5.5.5.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Standard Specification For Road Works Page Concrete Saw S5-136 5. 5212. K. or a retarded cure if mixed by hand. including all relevant requirements of Section 9.2. 5.L Page 125 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY SECTION 5 . levels.PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 5. It shall cure within 1 hour and remain active for not less than 4 hours.1 DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of constructing a Portland cement concrete pavement with or without reinforcement in accordance with this Specification.S.2.2 2 Aggregate Coarse aggregate to be used for at least the top 50 mm of the slab shall have a polished stone value of not less than 40. grades.O. 5. In addition the following requirements shall also be complied with.1 Cement Cement shall be ordinary Portland cement unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or directed by the S. 5. and in conformity with the lines. Cawangan Jalan. Materials to be mixed and applied by hand shall be supplied in separate containers and shall be mixed in the correct proportions using a powered stirrer or mixer or any other method approved by the S.O. fine aggregate. 5.4 Joint Sealants and Seals Joint sealants shall consist of hot or cold-poured compounds or pre formed seals as indicated on the Drawings and shall comply with the following requirements :(a) Hot-Poured Sealants Hot-poured sealants shall comply with the requirements of B. dimensions and crosssections shown on the Drawings. (b) Cold-Poured Sealants Cold-poured sealants shall comply with the performance requirements for the Normal type of sealant given in B.S. The expansion joint filler shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M153 or M213.2.2 MATERIALS All materials shall conform to the relevant requirements in Section 9 of this Specification. 2499 for Type A2 sealants.3 Joint Filler Standard Specification For Road Works 5. The sealant shall be composed of a curing agent and a base resin. which shall be in such proportions as recommended by the manufacturer to provide a fast cure if the material is mixed and applied by special machines. coarse aggregate and water. with or without admixture. The sealant shall be applied after the curing period of the primer and within the period that the primer remains active. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Portland cement concrete shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement. S.2.6 Curing Materials The exposed surface of concrete pavements shall be cured immediately after the surface treatment by the application of one of the following curing materials :(a) White Pigmented Liquid Membrane-Forming Compound White pigmented liquid membraneforming compound shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M148. Waterproof Membrane Plastic sheeting shall have a minimum thickness of 125 um and shall be of a quality as approved by the S. 4254. Alternatively. Type 2.O. 5.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY (c) Gunning Grade Sealants Gunning grade sealants consisting of two-part poly-sulphide-based sealing compounds shall comply with B. poly-urethanebased sealing compounds may be used provided their performance is not inferior to B.S. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Cawangan Jalan. K.2. The curing compound shall not react chemically with the concrete to be cured and shall not crack. (d) Preformed Compression Seals Preformed compression seals shall be made from natural rubber and shall conform to the requirements contained in Table 5.1. (b) Aluminised Curing Compound Aluminised curing compound shall be stable and impervious to evaporation of water from the concrete surface within 60 minutes after application.5 Standard Specification For Road Works It shall have test certificates from an approved testing laboratory to show that the compound has a curing efficiency of 90%.L Page 126 . 5. 4254 material. peel or disintegrate within 2 weeks after application. The curing compound shall contain sufficient flaked aluminium in finely divided dispersion to produce complete coverage of the sprayed surface with a metallic finish. 50 pphm. Ibu Pejabat JKR. under 50% deflection.hardness .L Page 127 .2 hrs IRHD % % 0 to + 10 . 24 hours at 100 oC. Recovery of Finished Seals. Units Requirement Hardness.elongation at break. after 72 hrs + 0 hrs at 100 oC. 20% elongation. Cawangan Jalan. maximum. maximum. minimum. . % 400 Compression Set. maximum change from unaged values after 72 hrs + 0 hrs at 100 oC :. minimum.20 . IRHD 55 + 5 Tensile Strength. Ozone Resistance.25 - No cracking % 0 to + 5 % 85 Note : All tests are in accordance with ISO Standards.SPECIFICATION FOR PREFORMED NATURAL RUBBER COMPRESSION SEALS Property. Change in Volume after immersion in water for 7 days at laboratory temperature.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Standard Specification For Road Works TABLE 5. K.2 hrs . % 40 Ageing Resistance.tensile strength . MPa 15 Elongation at break. 96 hours at 140 oC.1 . FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 5.4.1 Concrete Concrete shall be of the grade shown on the Drawings and shall comply with the relevant requirements of Section 9 of this Specification. Cawangan Jalan.2 as appropriate and the waterproof membrane laid as required in the Drawings. all of the required joint assemblies such as dowel bars.2 CONSTRUCTION 5.5. before the waterproof membrane is laid and the concrete pavement constructed. Rails and Guide Wires For Machine Construction (a) Fixed Forms and Rails All forms and rails shall be made of steel and be sufficiently robust and rigid to support the weight and pressure caused by the paving equipment. 5. after the completion of the bottom layer. having one pin fixed at each side of every joint.3 PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE 5.4. Placement of reinforcement and concreting of the top layer shall be done immediately. Ibu Pejabat JKR.2.3. 5.2. free from play or movement in any direction. Page 128 .3.4.O.4 Standard Specification For Road Works Construction by Machine The concrete slab shall be constructed either by fixed form or by slip form paving plant in a continuous process in either one or two layers. the thickness of the top layer shall be not less than 50 mm or twice the maximum size of the coarse aggregate. 5. as approved by the S.O.2 Prior to the placing of concrete. tie bars. Forms shall be tightly joined together by a locked joint. 5. The forms shall be secured by using not less than three pins for each 3 m length.. Equipment All equipment used such as batching plant and mixers shall comply with the relevant requirements of Section 9 of this Specification. Notwithstanding any earlier approval of finished subgrade or subbase. Side forms for use with wheeled paving machines shall incorporate metal rails firmly fixed at a constant height below the top of the forms. In one-layer construction. whichever is the greater. and shall be at least 15 mm thicker than the depth of the groove former.L In two-layer construction. if used. and in any case not more than 30 minutes. the underlying subgrade or subbase shall have been shaped and compacted in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Sections 2.1 Preparation of Subgrade or Subbase Prior to placing concrete pavement. any damage to or deterioration of the subgrade or subbase shall be made good to the satisfaction of the S. the slab reinforcement shall also be installed and fixed in accordance with the relevant requirements of Section 9.7 or 4. K.1. shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Section 5. etc.1 Fixed Forms. compact and finish the concrete in a continuous operation. a guide wire shall be provided along each side of the slab to be constructed by slip Cawangan Jalan. Forms shall not be removed earlier than 6 hours after the completion of the construction of the slab. Concrete shall be discharged without segregation into a hopper spreader which is equipped with the means to control its rate of deposition on to the subbase or on to the lower layer. Care shall be taken to prevent damage to the concrete and any projecting tie bars during the removal of the forms. (Each guide wire shall be at a constant height above and parallel to the required edges of the slab within a vertical tolerance of ±3 mm.2 Construction by Fixed Form Paving Machine A fixed form paving train shall consist of separate powered machines which spread.O. Prior to concreting.O. Ibu Pejabat JKR.4. The guide wire shall be tensioned on the stakes so that a 500 gramme weight shall produce a deflection of not more than 20 mm when suspended at the mid-point between any pair of stakes.2. In addition. The forms shall be straight within a tolerance of 3 mm in 3 m.. The mortar or concrete bedding shall be broken out after use. . The forms shall be bedded on low moisture content cement mortar and set to the pavement surface level as described in the Contract within a tolerance of ±3 mm. There shall be no vertical step between the ends of adjacent forms greater than 3 mm.O. The bedding shall not extend under the slab. 5. b) Guide Wires Unless otherwise agreed by the S. The ends of the guide wires shall be anchored to fixing points which shall be not closer to the edge of the slab than the row of stakes and in no circumstances shall a guide wire be anchored to a stake. The guide wires shall be supported from stakes not more than 8 m apart by connectors capable of fine horizontal and vertical adjustment. prior to concreting. If the removal of forms results in any damage to the concrete the period of 6 hours shall be increased to that which is necessary to avoid further damage and the Contractor shall make good the damaged areas. the forms shall be approved by the S. The stakes and guide wires shall be checked and approved by the S.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Forms shall be cleaned and oiled immediately before each use. The rails or running surfaces shall be kept clean in front of the wheels of any paving machines.L Standard Specification For Road Works form paving plant. K. The con crete shall be spread in each layer Page 129 . The horizontal alignment for forms shall be to the required alignment of the pavement edge as described in the Contract within a tolerance of ±10 mm. one of the wires shall be at a con stant horizontal distance from the required edge of the pavement within a lateral tolerance of ±10 mm. Before flangeless wheels or rails are used. The deposited concrete shall be struck off to the necessary level by the underside of the hopper as it is traversed across the spreading machine.bottom section rails weighing not less than 15 kg/m laid on the surface of the completed slab. Poker vibrators shall be used adjacent to the side forms and the edge of previously constructed slabs. The initial regulation and finish to the surface of the slab shall be effected by means of a beam oscillating transversely or obliquely to the longitudinal axis of the pavement.L Standard Specification For Road Works The regulation and finishing of the surface of the slab shall be carried out by a machine which incorporates twin oblique oscillating finishing beams which shall be readily adjustable for both height and tilt. or slab.5. K.3. flanged wheels on the paving machines shall not be run directly on the surface of any completed part of the slab. The final regulation and surface finishing of the slab shall be carried out after any wet forming of joint grooves. Cawangan Jalan. on each side of the slab that is being constructed. the surface regularity of the slab over which they are to pass shall comply with Sub-Section 5. This beam shall be readily adjustable for both height and tilt. Joint grooves shall be constructed in compliance with Sub-Section 5.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY without segregation and to a uniform uncompacted density over the whole area of the slab. Prior to being compacted. The beams shall weigh not less than 170 kg per linear metre.4. The concrete shall be compacted by vibration or by a combination of vibration and mechanical tamping so as to comply with Sub-Section 5. The leading beam shall be vibrated. Ibu Pejabat JKR.1 throughout the full depth of the slab. any excess concrete on top of the groove former shall be removed. When a concrete slab is constructed in more than one width. or by replacing the flanged wheels on that side of the machine by smooth flangeless wheels. prior to regulation of the surface by the diagonal finishing beam. After the final regulation and before texture is applied. the surface level of each loose spread layer shall be adjusted to the correct surcharge by means of rotating strike off blades or a screw device. the level of which shall be controlled by the average level of not less than four points evenly spaced over at least 3. The beams shall be supported on a carriage.1 and its surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and brushed to remove Page 130 . beam. be of rectangular section and span the full width of the slab. The machine shall be capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes in average and differential surcharge necessitated by changes in slab thickness or crossfall.5 m of the supporting rail. The second or subsequent slabs shall be constructed either by supporting machines with flanged wheels on flat. The concrete shall be recompacted around the former by a hand held vibrating plate compactor drawn along or on each side of the joint. The alignment and level of ancillary machines for finishing. Slip form paving machines shall have vibration of variable output. The level of the conforming plate and finishing beams shall be controlled automatically from the guide wires by sensors attached at the four corners of the slip form paving machine. A slip form paving machine shall compact the concrete by internal vibration and shape it between sliding side forms or over fixed side forms by means of either a conforming plate or by vibrating and oscillating finishing beams. and the surface levels at the edges are not achieved. Page 131 . Any excess concrete on top of the groove former shall be removed before the surface is textured. texturing and curing of the concrete shall be automatically controlled relative to the guide wires or to the surface and edge of the slab.3 Construction by Slip Form Paving Machine A slip form paving train shall consist of powered machines which spread.2. The concrete shall be deposited without segregation in front of the slip form paver across its whole width and to a height which at all times is in excess of the required surcharge. The alignment of the paver shall be controlled automatically from the Cawangan Jalan. K. paving shall be carried out over separate fixed side forms supporting the edge to the required levels.L Standard Specification For Road Works guide wires by at least one sensor attached to the paver.5 kW per metre of slab per 300 mm depth of slab for a laying speed of up to 1. Flangeless wheels or rails shall be positioned sufficiently far from the edge of the slab to avoid damage to that edge.4. The deposited concrete shall be struck off to the necessary average and differential surcharge by means of a strike-off plate or a screw auger device extending across the whole width of the slab. at least 1 m wide. The equipment for striking off the concrete shall be capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes in the average and differential sur charge necessitated by changes in slab thickness or crossfall.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY all extraneous matter. In addition a hand held vibrating float. shall be drawn over the surface along the joint. The concrete shall be compacted around the former by a separate vibrating plate compactor with twin plates. with a maximum energy output of not less than 2.5. compact and finish the concrete in a continuous operation. Joint grooves shall be constructed in compliance with Sub-Section 5. The groove former shall be compacted to the correct level by another vibrating float which may be included with the transverse joint finishing beam. The machines shall be of sufficient mass to provide adequate reaction on the traction units to maintain forward movements during the placing of concrete in all situations. Where a concrete surface slab is constructed in more than one width or where the edge needs to be matched for level to another section of surface slab.5 m per minute or pro rata for higher speeds. 5. Ibu Pejabat JKR. O. shall be fitted in position as shown on the Drawings. The vibrating beams shall be moved forward at a steady speed of 0. The concrete shall be compacted by internal poker vibrator or other means approved by the S. The beams shall be metal with a contact face at least 50 mm wide and a vibrating unit having a minimum centrifugal force of 4 kN with a frequency recommended by the manufacturer or an equivalent compactive effort. shall be fixed in position as shown on the Drawings.8 m wide or by a further application of a twin vibrating finishing beam. if specified. The concrete shall be cured in compliance with Sub-Section 5. Any irregularities at wet formed joint grooves shall be rectified by means of a vibrating float at least 1. Dowel bars. Ibu Pejabat JKR. The concrete shall be spread uniformly without segregation or varying degrees of precompaction. The slabs shall be constructed in one layer. Joint grooves shall be constructed in compliance with SubSection 5. Cawangan Jalan. Dowel bars. The concrete shall be struck off by a screed so that the average and differential surcharge is sufficient to ensure that after compaction the surface is to the required level. if specified.L The surface shall be brush-textured as described in Sub-Section 5. The concrete shall be spread uniformly without segregation or varying degrees of pre-compaction. The whole area of the slab shall be regulated by two passes of a scraping straight edge not less than 1. by conveyor. by conveyor.5 m to 1 m per minute whilst vibrating over the compacted surface to produce a smooth finish. internal poker vibration shall be used for slabs thicker than 200 mm and may be used for lesser thicknesses.5.4.O. chute or by other means approved by the S. The slabs shall be constructed in one layer. the pokers shall be at points not more than 500 mm apart over the whole area of the slab. K. tie bars and reinforcement.O. The concrete shall be compacted by vibrating finishing beams. tie bars and reinforcement. The surface shall be regulated and finished to the level of the top of the forms or adjacent slab or pavement layer by using twin vibrating finishing beams.O. Areas to be constructed by handguided method shall be agreed with the S.4 Manual Construction Areas to be constructed by manual method shall be agreed with the S.4. The vibrations shall be at points not more than 500 mm apart over the whole Page 132 .6. Any excess concrete on top of the groove former shall be removed before the surface is textured.8. chute or by other means approved by the S.3 Standard Specification For Road Works Construction by Hand-Guided Method Details of joints shall be as shown on the Drawings. 5. and adjacent to the side forms or the edge of a previously constructed slab. When used. In addition. The concrete shall be struck off by a screed so that the average and differential surcharge is sufficient to ensure that after compaction the surface is to the required level.O.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 5.0 m wide drawn along the line of the joint. It shall be of approved shape. The concrete shall be cured in compliance with Sub-Section 5.O. and free from porous areas.4. The forms shall comply with other requirements of SubSection 5. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Preformed expansion joint filler shall be placed around each structure which extends into or through the pavement over the full interface with the concrete pavement slab before concrete is placed.2.4. as shown on the Drawings.1 as appropriate. in a combined longitudinal and transverse shearing motion moving always in the direction in which the work is progressing.O. 5. 5.5. this shall be repeated until the surface is of uniform texture. preformed joint filler of the required dimensions in a single piece. If necessary.8. the pavement shall be given a broomed finish. As soon as surplus water has risen to the surface. Compaction shall be attained by raising and dropping the screed in successive positions until the required compaction and reduction of surface voids is secured. Page 133 .1 Side Forms for Manual Construction All side forms shall be made of steel and be sufficiently robust and rigid to withstand construction forces. Each assembly shall consist of an installing template. screeded and compacted by means of a longitudinal hand float or other equipment as approved by the S. Before any joint materials are set in place. and adjacent to the side forms or the edge of a previously constructed slab.O.O. The surface shall be regulated and finished to the level of the top of the forms or adjacent slab or pavement layer by using an approved portable hand screed.5 JOINTS Joints shall be constructed as specified herein and/or as directed or approved by the S. Cawangan Jalan.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Standard Specification For Road Works area of the slab. The screed shall be at least 600 mm longer than the width of the slab to be struck off and compacted. Any irregularities at wet formed joint grooves shall be rectified by suitable means approved by the S. the underlying pavement course at those locations shall have been approved by the S. true to grade and contour. Details of joints shall be as shown on the Drawings.L 5. with out lifting. dowel bars and sleeves of the required sizes and lengths at the required locations.1 Transverse Expansion Joints The components for each transverse expansion joint shall be assembled in advance and placed in position as a unit.5. sufficiently rigid to retain its shape and constructed either of metal or of other material shod with metal. After the concrete has been struck off and compacted. The screed shall then be placed on the forms and slid along them. it shall be further smoothed. and spacing and supporting elements for the dowel bars. K. Joint grooves shall be constructed in compliance with SubSection 5.4. Timber forms shall only be used for work which is less than 200 m in length. A dowel sleeve shall be fitted on to the coated end of each dowel. before any concrete is placed against it. Ibu Pejabat JKR. shall include load transfer dowel bar assemblies. when shown on the Drawings. It shall be slotted from the bottom as necessary to permit removal. Suitable means shall be provided on the template for facilitating its removal. cut to the required depth and crown of the slab and having a length 10 mm less than the required length of the joint.L Standard Specification For Road Works Stakes for supporting the installing template shall be of a cross-section and length satisfactory to the S. 5.2. Cawangan Jalan. The dowel supports shall be constructed so as to hold dowels in correct alignment.2 Transverse Contraction Joints Transverse contraction joints shall consist of planes of weakness created by forming or cutting grooves in the surface of the pavement and. both vertically and horizontally. K.1 Planes of Weakness (a) Sawn Grooves When sawn grooves are specified they shall be sawn in the con crete after its initial set.5.. subject to a tolerance of not more than 1 in 500. Grooves shall be at right angles to the centre line of the pavement.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY The installing template shall be metal plate of adequate rigidity approved by the S. One half length of each dowel bar shall be thoroughly coated with a 200 pen bitumen blended with creosote oil or other material as approved by the S. and the bottom shall rest on or extend slightly into the underlying pavement course.O. formed grooves shall be used.O. usually 4 to 24 hours after placing. the top of the installing template shall be about 5 mm above the top of the preformed filler.O. The joint assembly shall be placed so that the installing template is on the side of the filler remote from pouring operations. If extreme conditions exist which make it impracticable to prevent erratic cracking by early sawing. All joints shall be sawn before uncontrolled shrinkage cracking takes place but not until the concrete has hardened to the extent that tearing and ravelling is not excessive. Any procedure for sawing joints that results in premature and uncontrolled cracking shall be revised immediately by adjusting the sequence of cutting the joints or the time interval involved between the placing of the con crete or the removal of the curing medium and cutting of the joints. shall be true to line and shall have the width and depth shown on the Drawings. subject to a tolerance of not more than 1 in 100. The assembly and its installation shall have been approved by the S. When assembled.O.5. 5. Page 134 . The filler shall be vertical and shall be in a plane at right angles to the centre line of the road. The top of the filler shall be 10 mm below the required con crete surface. The line. each joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material. Immediately prior to sealing.4 Transverse Construction Joints Concreting operations shall be planned such that transverse construction joints shall be constructed at designed transverse expansion or contraction joints. this construction joint shall be formed at a designed transverse expansion or contraction joint. When there is an interruption of more than 30 minutes in the concreting operations. freshly laid concrete.2 Load Transfer Assemblies Load transfer assemblies for transverse contraction joints shall be as shown on the Drawings. When this is not possible. In such cases. width and depth shall be as shown on the Drawings.2. transverse construction joints shall be constructed at least 3 metres from all transverse expansion or contraction joints. 5. 5.5. Transverse construction joints shall be keyed or butt joints formed by placing suitable bulkheads approved by the S. Tie bars across a longitudinal joint shall be placed perpendicular to the joint and shall be rigidly supported as shown on the Drawings.5. tie bars 12 mm in diameter and 1 metre long at 600 mm centres shall be placed at the transverse construction joints. consequently. steel side forms shall be used which will form a key along the longitudinal joint as shown on the Drawings. a transverse construction joint shall be constructed. they shall be made by depressing an approved tool or device into the soft. As far as is practicable. 5. They shall be of similar construction to the assemblies for transverse expansion joints except that no joint filler shall be required and. including membrane curing Page 135 .5 Sealing Joints Joints shall be sealed as soon after completion of the curing period as feasible and before the pavement is opened to traffic. K.5. 5. Planes of weakness shall be created by forming or cutting grooves as previously specified. The bars shall not be painted or coated with bitumen or other material. no installing template shall be used.5. Ibu Pejabat JKR.L Standard Specification For Road Works When adjacent lanes of pavement are constructed separately. Wire fabric or bar mat reinforcement shall extend across all such transverse construction joints. Cawangan Jalan.3 Longitudinal Joints Longitudinal joints shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings. including construction traffic. The tool or device shall remain in place until the concrete has attained its initial set and then be removed without disturbing the adjacent concrete.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY (b) Formed Grooves When formed grooves are specified.O. L Page 136 .1 Texture of Running Surfaces After the final regulation and before the application of the curing membrane. All of this equipment shall be on the job before and continuously during concrete placement.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Standard Specification For Road Works compound. The seals shall be in one piece for the full width of each transverse joint.O. The sealing material shall be applied in accordance with the dimensions shown on the Drawings or as directed by the S. In no case shall the maximum texture depth exceed 2 mm. without elongation. based on trial brushing to be conducted by the Contractor. Sealing material to be applied hot shall be stirred during heating so that localized overheating does not occur.75 mm and not more than one test of each set shall show a texture depth of less than 0. The Contractor shall provide at least one stand-by saw in good working order. and secured in place with an approved adhesive which shall cover both sides of the concrete joints. The pouring shall be done in such a manner that the material will not be spilled on to the exposed surfaces of the concrete.6. Notwithstanding the above. Preformed compression seals for sealing joints shall be of the crosssectional dimensions shown on the Drawings. the Contractor shall provide sawing equipment adequate in number of Cawangan Jalan.5.6 Concrete Saw 5. K. Any excess material on the surface of the concrete pavement shall be removed immediately and the pavement surface cleaned. the surfaces of concrete slabs to be used as running surfaces shall be brush-textured in a direction at right angles to the centre line of the carriageway. or an abrasive wheel. The texture depth shall be determined by the sand patch test as described herein.6 SURFACE TEXTURE 5. The type of brush and method of application for surface texturing shall be approved by the S. and the joint faces shall be clean and surface dry when the seal is applied.O. units and power to complete the sawing with a water-cooled diamond edge saw blade. The use of sand or similar material as a cover for the seal will not be permitted. The seals shall be installed in a compressed condition and shall at time of placement be below the level of the pavement surface by approximately 5 mm. Seals shall be installed using suitable tools. to the required dimensions and at the required rate. An ample supply of saw blades shall be maintained at the site of the work at all times during sawing operations. Ibu Pejabat JKR. The Contractor shall provide adequate artificial lighting facilities for night sawing. The average texture depth for each set of 10 tests shall not be less than 0. all sealants shall be applied or installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or recommendations. When sawing of joints is specified. 5.65 mm. 5 mm thick.27 to 0. tapping the base three times on a hard surface to ensure compaction.. top edges of concrete slabs shall be worked with an approved tool and rounded to a radius of 5 mm. For the sides of slip formed slabs or when the side forms are removed within the curing period. The sand shall be poured into a heap on the surface to be tested.8 CURING The exposed surfaces of concrete pavement shall be cured immediately after surface texturing and rounding of edges by treating with a curing compound fulfilling the requirements of Sub-Section 5.22 to 0.2.27 litre per square metre using a fine spray. level with the top of the cylinder. iii) Dry natural sand passing a 300 um B. The texture depth in mm of concrete surfaces shall be calculated as:- Cawangan Jalan. The sand shall be spread over the surface. the compound shall be sprayed by hand lance at a rate of 0.25 ml capacity. Page 137 . In doing this.S. The mechanical sprayer shall incorporate an efficient mechanical device for continuous agitation and mixing of the compound in its container during spraying. 5.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Standard Specification For Road Works 5. in a circular motion so that the sand is spread into a circular patch with the surface depressions filled with sand to the level of the peaks. Ibu Pejabat JKR. working the disc with its face kept flat. ii) A flat wooden disc 64 mm in diameter with a hard rubber disc. edges of concrete slabs shall be rounded as follows. dense mortar finish obtained.2. stuck to one face. sieve and retained on a 150 um B.2. After brush texturing but before the concrete has attained its initial set. and striking off the sand. The diameter of the patch shall be measured to the nearest 5 mm.S.L ROUNDING OF EDGES 5.1 Apparatus 5.O.2 Method The surface to be measured shall be dried.7 i) A cylindrical container .6.6. At all transverse joints. A well defined and continuous rounded edge shall be produced and a smooth. The cylinder shall be filled with the sand. and for small areas where a mechanical distributor cannot be used. the reverse face being provided with a handle. All concrete on top of joints shall be removed completely.6. 1. 5. and the surface swept clean using a wire brush both at right angles and parallel to the centre line of the carriageway.6.36 litre per square metre. K. the rounding of the edge of the slab shall not be disturbed. It shall be mechanically sprayed on to the surface at a rate of 0.2 Measurement of Texture Depth : Sand Patch Method 31000 where D is the diameter of the of the D x D patch in mm. sieve. any extraneous mortar and/or loose material removed. Where shown on the Drawings or directed by the S. any tool marks a ppearing on the slab adjacent to the joints shall be eliminated by brooming the surface. Page 138 . Ibu Pejabat JKR. Concrete liable to be affected by running water shall be adequately protected from damage during the setting period. Any areas showing a minor degree of honeycombing shall be repaired with 1:3 cement mortar. The forms shall be removed carefully so as to avoid damage to the pavement. considers that a major degree of honeycombing is present. If discontinuities. except as required for joint sawing operations and surface tests. Where the S. concrete surfaces which are subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after the curing compound has been applied shall be resprayed. the paving operation shall be stopped.9 REMOVING FORMS Forms shall not be removed until the freshly placed concrete has set for at least 6 hours. fibre or other suitable material shall be used to seal the top of the joint opening. an additional coat shall be applied within 30 minutes to the affected areas. pin holes or abrasions exist. continuous. Approved stand-by facilities or approved alternative methods for curing concrete pavement shall be provided at a readily accessible location at the site of the work for use in the event of mechanical failure of the spraying equipment or any other conditions which may prevent correct application of the membrane curing compound at the proper time. Necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure proper curing at the joints and that none of the curing compound enters joints which are to be sealed with joint sealing compounds. Notwithstanding the foregoing. Cawangan Jalan. the work shall be considered defective and shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor. and the concrete in the region of the joint shall be sprayed with curing compound immediately after the rope seal has been installed.O. the ends of all expansion joints shall be cleaned of concrete and the full width of the filler exposed for the full depth of the slab. the section of concrete removed shall be to the full width and depth of the slab and at least 3 metres long. In such cases. The curing membrane so formed shall be maintained intact for a period of not less than fourteen (14) days. and from any other cause which will disrupt the continuity of the membrane. all as specified above at no additional cost.L In addition. and the stand-by or alternative curing method shall be used on the remaining portion of the paving already placed. In the event of a failure of the regular spraying equipment. coherent film that shall not crack or peel and shall be free from pin holes or other imperfections.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Standard Specification For Road Works The compound shall form a uniform. K. Concrete surfaces to which membrane curing compounds have been applied shall be adequately protected for the duration of the entire curing period from pedestrian and vehicular traffic. 5. Rope of moistened paper. the entire surface shall be protected from the effects of solar radiation by the use of frames covered with material with heat and rain deflecting properties for not less than 4 hours after application of the curing compound. As soon as forms are removed. it is necessary to provide for traffic across the pavement.4 of this Specification. This shall be to the full depth of the slab allowing for the depth of the groove required for sealing. SURFACE LEVELS AND SURFACE REGULARITY The alignment. the Contractor shall. The formwork boxes shall be removed before the concrete around the manhole or gully cover is to be placed and preformed joint filler.12 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENTS.O. 20 mm thick.O. as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barricades and shall employ watchmen to exclude public traffic and that of his employees and agents from the newly constructed pavement. Any part of the pavement damaged by traffic or other cause prior to its final acceptance shall be repaired or replaced all at the expense of the Contractor in a manner suitably satisfactory to the S. Cawangan Jalan. placed and fixed accurately. the recesses may be sawn out after the con crete has hardened.11 TREATMENT OF MANHOLES AND GULLIES Manhole covers. at his own expense. Where. Standard Specification For Road Works fixed to the slab edges so exposed. and the mix shall be modified as necessary to permit full compaction by the methods adopted. Manholes and gully recesses shall be formed by casting the main slab against formwork boxes with vertical sides. 5.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 5.10 OPENING TO TRAFFIC No pavement shall be opened to any traffic earlier than twenty-eight (28) days from the completion of concreting. 5. levels and regularity of the finished surface shall be in compliance with Sub-Section 4. Reinforcement shall be placed as shown on the Drawings and concrete placed by hand in the space between the main slab and the manhole or gully frame. shall direct.L Page 139 . This concrete shall be of the same grade as that of the main slab. Ibu Pejabat JKR. K. construct suitable and substantial crossings to bridge the newly constructed concrete pavement for as long as the S. gullies and their frames shall be isolated from the main pavement slab as shown on the Drawings and their surrounds cast in separate operations. These barriers shall be arranged so as not to interfere with public traffic on any lane intended to be kept open and necessary signs and lights shall be maintained by the Contractor clearly indicating any lanes open to traffic. Alternatively.
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