Second Quarter OPAPP Accomplishment Report 2015

March 24, 2018 | Author: Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process | Category: Peacebuilding, Philippines, Government, Politics, Unrest



Office of the President of the PhilippinesOffice of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process OPAPP ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Second Quarter FY 2015 The Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) is mandated to supervise, coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Philippine government’s comprehensive peace process, which consists of two (2) main tracks. Track 1 aims to achieve negotiated political settlement of all internal armed conflicts; and the Complementary Track, which seeks to address the causes and impacts of all internal armed conflicts and other issues that affect the peace process through security, justice, and development interventions focused on conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable areas. The Complementary Track is primarily pursued through PAMANA, the national government’s convergence framework and program for peacebuilding and development in areas affected by and vulnerable to conflict. The following presents the highlights of OPAPP’s accomplishments during the second quarter of FY 2015 in the implementation of various programs and projects in support of the national peace agenda: I. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS Government of the Philippines - Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army/ National Democratic Front (GPH-CPP/NPA/NDF) Peace Process In line with the continuing efforts of the Royal Norwegian Third Party Facilitator to possibly bring the Parties back to the negotiating table in order to move the peace negotiations forward, the GPH Panel/Secretariat sustained the conduct of preparatory activities for this eventuality. In particular, it continued its provision of technical support to the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process in her engagements with the Norwegian Third Party Facilitator, the Cabinet Cluster on Security, Justice and Peace, the Cabinet Secretaries of national government agencies providing socio-economic projects to CPP/NPA/NDF conflict-affected areas, and key religious organizations such as the Philippine Ecumenical Peace Platform (PEPP) and Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI). These engagements were meant to sharpen the GPH’s negotiating framework/agenda (“workable”/“reconstructed” Table) on the reduction of armed violence against civilians. The Panel Secretariat also arranged and coordinated various activities convened by the GPH Panel Chair Atty. Alexander Padilla and the Executive Director of the Cabinet Cluster on Security, Justice and Peace as well as the meetings of the Panel Technical Committee. The following documents were prepared by the GPH Panel/Secretariat in support of or resulting from the abovementioned engagements and activities: Page 1 of 38 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Confidential Memoranda forwarded to the PAPP and President Draft GPH documents in support of the negotiations Draft GPH Negotiating Documents (Agreements) Updated Briefing Report on the GPH-CPP/NPA/NDF Talks Narratives (Briefs) on each of the key signed agreements between the GPH and the CPP/NPA/NDF containing the features of the agreement, issues raised by the CPP/NPA/NDF and the GPH position on these issues. (6) GPH Panel Chair Letters to the Norwegian Third Party Facilitator clarifying the GPH position on issues raised by the CPP/NPA/NDF (7) GPH Panel Chair Reply Letter to the NDF Panel Chair stating GPH’s position on allegations raised by the NDF (8) Activity related documents (activity profiles and documented activity proceedings/highlights, including action points) The GPH Panel/Secretariat also conducted advocacy work on the peace talks aimed towards enlisting support from the peace stakeholders. It conducted a luncheon conversation with the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) bishops and priests on 11 June 2015 in Cagayan de Oro City. The Panel representative shared with the group the status and prospects of the peace negotiations with the CPP/NPA/NDF while the IFI raised key concerns that affect their church and peacebuilding efforts on the ground. Following the recommendation of the GPH Panel, the PAPP already endorsed these concerns to the Department of National Defense for its appropriate action. II. AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTATION A. Government of the Philippines – Moro Islamic Liberation Front (GPH-MILF) Peace Process 1. GPH-MILF Special Meeting in Malaysia. On 30 – 31 May 2015, the Peace Panels of the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Among the documents adopted during this meeting were following: a) Certification to renew the mandate of Ad Hoc Joint Action Group (AHJAG) until 31 March 2016 b) Certification to renew the mandate of the Civilian Protection Component (CPC) of the International Monitoring Team (IMT) until 31 March 2016 c) Terms of Reference of the Task Force for Decommissioned Combatants and their Communities. The Task Force shall undertake efforts related to socio-economic and development programs for MILF combatants and their communities identified under the Normalization Annex of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB). It shall assist the Panels identify and implement socioeconomic priorities and development projects that will address the needs of MILF combatants and their communities. It will be composed of three (3) members and to be co-chaired by designated representatives of the GPH and the MILF respectively and one (1) member who will act as the Secretariat. 2 The Panel Secretariat provided technical and administrative assistance during the two-day meeting. 2. Deliberation on the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL). In the House of Representatives, the Ad Hoc Committee on the BBL consulted with different sectors in 13 public sessions during the first quarter: April 20 & 23 – National Defense and Security sector April 27 - Peace Council1 May 18 – 19 – Line by line Voting May 20 – Voting on the proposed bill (Yes-50, No-17, Abstain-1) June 1 – 4 & 8 - 10 – Sponsorship Speeches & Plenary Sessions In the Senate, the Committees have held nine (9) public in-house and ground consultations also with various sectors and other government agencies. The Government of the Philippines Negotiating Panel for Talks with the MILF attended all these except the May 5 session with the Peace Council: April 13 – Ceasefire Mechanisms May 5 – Peace Council May 13 – Community leaders, NGOs, student leaders (Jolo, Sulu) May 14 – Community leaders, NGOs, student leaders (Zamboanga City) May 18 – MNLF Factions May 25 – Sulu Sultanates June 2 – Other government agencies June 3 – ARMM Regional Government, and Local Government Units of ARMM, Region IX & XII June 9 – Other government agencies On 20 May 2015, the HOR Ad Hoc Committee on the BBL voted to approve its committee report on HB 4994 voting 50 to 17 with one (1) abstention. Thus, the Committee filed substitute bill, HB 5811 entitled “An Act providing for the Basic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, repealing for the purpose Republic Act No. 9054, entitled “An Act to strengthen and expand the Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao,” and Republic Act No. 6734, entitled “An Act providing for an Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao,” and for other purposes.” After the substitute bill was approved by the Committees on Appropriations, and Ways and Means, it was then submitted to the Plenary for debate. The period of interpellation began on 01 June 2015, and on 11 June 2015, the Congress adjourned sine die with the bill still pending at the plenary. Interpellation is expected to continue when session resumes on 27 July 2015. 1 The Peace Council was formed by President Benigno Aquino to study and review the proposed BBL. The Council divided its members into four groups, namely: 1) Constitutionality, Forms and Powers of Government, 2) Economy and Patrimony, 3) Social Justice and Human Development, and 4) Peace and Order and Human Security. 3 In all these committee hearings, the GPH Panel participated as resource persons with the GPH Legal Team and Panel Secretariat providing legal and technical assistance to the Panel members respectively, as well as to the House committees as requested. The Legal Team and Panel Secretariat assisted the sponsors of HB 5811 to address points of interpellations during the plenary sessions. 3. Simultaneous implementation of the different components and mechanisms of the normalization process. Simultaneous to the Senate and Congressional deliberations of the Basic Law is the operationalization of mechanisms to implement Normalization, the process whereby communities can achieve their desired quality of life, which includes the pursuit of sustainable livelihood and political participation within a peaceful deliberative society. a. Security i. Transitional Components of Normalization. During this period, the Joint Peace and Security Committee (JPSC) members were in full force preparing for the Training of the First Batch of Joint Peace and Security Teams (JPSTs) contingents in order to perform its mandate for the incoming decommissioning of MILF combatants. As part of the preparation, the JPSC conducted eight (8) meetings and finalized matters related to the training (venue, uniform, training staff and instructors, training module and schedule). Part of the meetings, also includes the conduct of three (3) information and consultation drives to the AFP and PNP commanders re JPSC and JPST matters particularly on the proposed deployment areas. The JPSC members of both the GPH and MILF agreed and signed the Proposed JPST Deployment Areas, Amended Training Requirements, JPST Classroom and Athletic Uniform, JPST Training Schedule and Amended Training Module for JPST which were subsequently approved by the JNC. Meanwhile, the MILF conducted the Internal Retooling of 303 Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Force (BIAF)-MILF contingents to JPST in Camp Darapanan, Crossing Simuay, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao on 25 April to 05 May 2015. It was a sign of their sincerity in their engagement with the Government of the Philippines to attain peace in Mindanao. Thirty one (31) JPST members composed of fifteen (15) BIAF-MILF, eight (8) PNP and eight (8) AFP together with the three (3) PNP contingents to the VMAT were trained for six (6) days at the St. Joseph Retreat House in Brgy. Broce, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on 27 May to 01 June 2015. The weeklong training was part of the preparation of both the GPH and the MILF for the ceremonial decommissioning of MILF combatants and weapons. The purpose of the said training was to orient and equip the JSPT members with knowledge and skills prior to their deployment. Three (3) ocular inspections were conducted in relation to the training and deployment of the JPST. Part of the inspection was the visit at Camp 4 Abubakar/Iranun to identify the location of the ceremonial decommissioning site and weapon storage facility of the weapons will be turned-over to the Independent Decommissioning Body (IDB). For the ceremonial decommissioning, that was held last 16 June 2015 at the Old Provincial Capitol, Brgy Simuay, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao the JPSC members directed the JPST to report prior to the day of the activity. The JPST were tasked to assist the IDB - Verification Monitoring and Assistance Team (IDB-VMAT) to provide security assistance at the designated decommissioning area. The first batch of the JPST and VMAT members were deployed to the Assembly and Processing Area (APA) and to the temporary weapons storage facility in Camp Iranun/Abubakar, Sitio Bumbaran, Brgy.Tugaig, Barira, Maguindanao to secure the weapons turned-over to the IDB, which was conducted during the ceremonial decommissioning. ii. Decommissioning. As stated in the Annex on Normalization, the IDB led the ceremonial turnover of the MILF weapons on 16 June 2015 at the Old Provincial Capitol, Sultan Kudarat in Maguindanao with the presence of President Benigno S. Aquino III and witnessed by members the Cabinet, diplomatic corps, ARMM and LGU representatives, CSOs and other stakeholders. Twenty four (24) crew-served weapons and fifty one (51) highpowered firearms were turned over by the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) to the IDB Verification and Monitoring Teams (VMAT) to be put beyond use. The VMAT secured the storage facility for the weapons at Camp Iranun (formerly known as Camp Abubakar) in Maguindanao. A total of 1,124 individuals attended the event. The design and flow of the programme and the bar codes structure for the turned in weapons were also developed by the Joint Normalization Committee Secretariat in coordination with the IDB. Socio economic packages for the decommissioned BIAF members were also developed thru the assistance of the JNC who provided insights on the context of the situation of the beneficiaries. The re-tooling of MILF contingents to the JPST and the training of 31 JPST and VMAT assigned to secure the arms storage area were also conducted within April -June 2015. Based on the initial re-tooling activity, adjustments were made for succeeding trainings. Logistical and administrative preparations for the re-tooling of the succeeding batches (estimate is 150 persons per batch) are now being undertaken. The following day, on 17 June 2015 in Cotabato City, the GPH, MILF and the IDB signed the Second Protocol on the Implementation of the Terms of Reference for the Independent Decommissioning Body in the presence of Malaysian Facilitator Tengku Dato’ Ab Ghafar Tengku Mohamed. 5 iii. Transitional Justice and Reconciliation. The Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC)2 continued to conduct studies along four themes. Interviews and desk research had been conducted in the corresponding dates: 1) Legitimate Grievances - 28 May to 6 June 2015 2) Historical Injustices - 29 May 2015 3) Human Rights Violations - 28 May 2015 4) Marginalization through Land Dispossession - 29 May 2015 As part of the Dealing With the Past Program, workshops on Human Rights Archives, and Bangsamoro History and Culture were conducted on 28 May and 30 May respectively in Makati City. On 14 May 2015, the Panel Secretariat facilitated a meeting of the Rapporteurs of the Legitimate Grievances Study Group at Somerset Olympia, Makati City. It has also provided technical support to the GPH alternate member of the Commission, Atty. Al-Amin Julkipli, who also the lead member of the Legitimate Grievances Study Group. b. Socio-Economic Development3 As part of the normalization process, the MILF and GPH agree to intensify development efforts for rehabilitation, reconstruction and development of the Bangsamoro. In particular, socio-economic programs will be instituted to address the needs of the BIAF members, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and povertystricken communities in the Bangsamoro. This includes a needs and skills assessment of BIAF members, as well special socio-economic interventions for the decommissioned women auxiliary forces of the MILF. For the second quarter of 2015, the socio economic provisions for the decommissioned BIAF had already been presented to both the GPH and MILF panels. The following are the modified service packages that aim to facilitate the transition of the decommissioned combatants into productive civilian lives: Option 1 or Livelihood Package: This is suitable for combatants who wish to immediately develop their livelihood skills. Immediate assistance and health insurance will be given upon decommissioning. Afterwards, the combatant may opt to undergo training through TESDA or a literacy program through DepEd. There is a provision for seed capital and tools/livestock provided that these will be used to develop and enhance the combatant’s chosen source of livelihood. There is also an option to avail of the cash for work program. 2 TJRC, chaired by Mo Bleeker, was launched on October 4, 2014 in Cotabato City, and on October 11, 2014 in Manila. The Commission was created to undertake a study and recommend to the Panels the appropriate mechanisms to address the legitimate grievances of the Bangsamoro people, correct historical injustices, and address human rights violations. 3 As defined in the Protocol on the Implementation of the TOR of the IDB, Socio-economic Development refers to programs and other initiatives for the MILF combatants, their families and communities in accordance with the Annex on Normalization. Also see attached comprehensive report of socio-economic development program. 6 Option 2 or College Study Grant Package: This is suitable for combatants who wish to pursue higher education. Immediate assistance and health insurance will be given upon decommissioning. Afterwards, the combatant will be given a college scholarship and allowance to enable him to start schooling. There is a provision for seed capital to be given upon graduation. There is also an option to avail of the cash for work program. Option 3 or High School Study Grant: This is suitable for combatants who wish to continue their secondary education through formal schooling. Immediate assistance and health insurance will be given upon decommissioning. Allowance will be given while studying to cover educational expenses he/she might incur. There is a provision for seed capital and tools/livestock provided that these will be used to develop and enhance the combatant’s chosen source of livelihood. There is also an option to avail of the cash for work program. To date, 145 decommissioned combatants received immediate assistance amounting to PhP25,000.00 from DSWD and Health Card Insurance from PhilHealth during the ceremonial turnover of the MILF weapons in Maguindanao. The succeeding delivery of socio economic assistance shall commence upon completion of individual survey assessment and packaging of appropriate service packages through the facilitation of a program officer or the caseworker assigned to each of the decommissioned combatants. This is to ensure that the socioeconomic development programs will match the combatant’s profile, needs, aspirations, and characteristics. There will be a designated program officer/caseworker that will guide the combatants in choosing the appropriate programs that will help them achieve their desired quality of life. The caseworker will also monitor the combatant’s progress as he or she goes through the Normalization process. Consonant to the modification of the proposed service packages to the decommissioned combatants vis-à-vis the assumption of the 2015 GAA of the agencies involved a meeting to level off and to have adjustment in their assumptions and work plan was conducted last 1 June 2015. In preparation for the full implementation of the decommissioning process, the normalization partner agencies are in the process of finalizing their implementation guidelines (IG) to affect the delivery of service packages to the decommissioned combatants. CHED has submitted their IG for the deliberation of executives, while others are in the process of modifying their IGs based on the current service packages. The special panel meeting dated 12 May 2015 held at Microtel, Quezon City approved the allocation of 12,000 PhilHealth insurance to be distributed to Bangsamoro communities in general as well as the 445 new CHED study grant aid slots while the 9,000 slots of health insurance will be reserved for the target Phase 2 decommissioned BIAF with the total 21,000 targeted PhilHealth beneficiaries. 7 Enrolment and facilitation of the 12,000 targeted PhilHealth beneficiaries are ongoing and aimed to be completed by the end of July 2015 while the 445 new CHED slots by were completed by the end of June 2015. Sajahatra Bangsamoro Program (SBP) In order to jumpstart the initial dividends of peace upon the signing of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, the Sajahatra Bangsamoro (Blessings, Prospertity and Peace upon the Bangsamoro) was launched on 11 February 2013. The Program aims to deliver health, education and livelihood services to priority MILF communities and targeted individual beneficiaries. This shall be focused on quick-gestation, high-impact, and social protection type programs. As of 30 June 2015, MILF communities and targeted individual beneficiaries have benefited and shall continue to benefit from the various services and programs being implemented by eight (8) implementing partner agencies. The status of these services and programs are found in the table below: PROGRAM COMPONENT 4 5 AGENCY BUDGET STATUS (in million Pesos) (As of 30 June 2015)  All 639 target beneficiaries were enrolled under the Study Grants Program for AY 2014-2015.  Out of the fifty (50) target Madaris, forty four (44) Madaris received financial assistance, while processing of the release of funds for the 6 Madaris is ongoing.5 Study grants Program CHED 6.39 Grants to Madaris4 DepEd 12.50 Community-based technical-vocational education and training TESDA 16.54  Out of the 1,030 target beneficiaries:  1,000 completed training, of which 34 are employed  26 are currently undergoing training  4 dropped out of classes Health insurance premium for PHIC 30.87  All 11,000 target beneficiaries were Madaris are schools for children that focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic. Eight (8) Madaris requested to re-download funds from DepEd due to the problems encountered during the actual transfer of funds. The voucher for the other Madaris has yet to be approved by the DepEd. 8 PROGRAM COMPONENT AGENCY BUDGET STATUS (in million Pesos) (As of 30 June 2015) identified families in Bangsamoro communities Cash for Work (CFW)/Cash for Training (CFT) Program enrolled and renewed for 2nd year health premium DSWD 91.25  For the Cash for Work /Cash for Training Program, all 11,000 target beneficiaries have been identified and target program completion is August 2015. Supplementary Feeding Program  For the Supplementary Feeding Program, out of 16, 194 allocated slots, 11,738 of the total beneficiaries have been identified. Of this number, 11, 032 have been funded by DSWD:  45 children have completed the feeding program,  3,047 children are currently undergoing the feeding activities; and  Bidding for the supplies and materials for the feeding of 7,940 children are ongoing.  Funding for the remaining 706 beneficiaries is still being processed by the DSWD. Support to daycare centers  For the construction of day care centers (DCCs), 3 are ongoing construction in Dahican Mati, Davao Oriental; Baas, Lamitan, Basilan; and, Baloi, Lanao del Norte, while bidding for the 7 DCCs in Butig, 9 PROGRAM COMPONENT AGENCY BUDGET STATUS (in million Pesos) (As of 30 June 2015) Lanao del Sur; Sultan Mastura, Maguindanao; Pikit, North Cotabato; Polomolok, South Cotabato; Bongao, TawiTawi; Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay; and Panamo, Sulu are ongoing. Preventive and Clinical Health Services DOH 48.00  Of the target 10 Barangay Health Stations (BHS):  Two (2) BHS have been completed and turned over in Davao Oriental and South Cotabato  One (1) BHS has been completed in Lanao del Sur but awaiting the delivery of equipment and facilities within the 3rd quarter of 2015;  Two (2) BHS in Zamboanga Sibugay and North Cotabato have been endorsed for release of funds under Health Facilities Enhancement Program (HFEP)  The sites for the remaining five (5) new BHS were subjected to revalidation . Validations in Sultan Mastura, Maguindanao and Butig, Lanao del Sur were conducted last June 2015. Validation for the BHS in Panamao, Sulu; Albarka, Basilan; and, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi will be finished by August 2015 10 PROGRAM COMPONENT AGENCY BUDGET STATUS (in million Pesos) (As of 30 June 2015)  The Cotabato Sanitarium Hospital’s budget for refurbishment has been included in the approved DOH 2015 GAA. Implementation will start in the 3rd quarter of 2015. Small Scale Infrastructure (SSI) DA 228.30  For the provision of SSI:  The DBM released the budget for the construction of farmto-market roads (FMRs) in South Cotabato, Lanao del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, and TawiTawi. The DPWH, in coordination with the DA, is undertaking the technical preparation for the implementation of said projects. Technical site validation and geotagging activities for the construction of FMRs in Sulu and Basilan are scheduled to be conducted in July 2015.  The DBM has yet to release the budget for the construction of two (2) fish landing bays in Davao Oriental and North Cotabato.. Budget for the fish landing is expected to be released by September 2015 and implementation will commence within the fourth quarter of 2015. 11 PROGRAM COMPONENT AGENCY BUDGET STATUS (in million Pesos) (As of 30 June 2015)  For the provision of livelihood development:  Conduct of Community Livelihood Needs Assessment and Planning has been completed.  Of the 10 targeted communities, six (6) communities such as Munai, Lanao del Norte; Sultan Mastura, Maguindanao; Pikit, North Cotabato; Mati, Davao Oriental; and, Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay have been provided assistance (e.g., farm inputs such as tools and equipment, and working animals). Bidding for the assistance to be provided to the remaining four (4) communities is ongoing. Full delivery of DA livellihood assitance will be completed within the fourth quarter of 2015. Livelihood Development National Greening Program (NGP) DENR 16.00  Out of the targeted greening of 1,000 hectares, 745 hectares are ongoing greening in the ff: areas: Sorala, South Cotabato, Butig, Lanao del Sur, Pagalungan, Maguindanao, Munai, Lano del Norte, Alicia and RT Lim Zamboanga Sibugay, while the remaining 245 hectares are subject for validation, 12 PROGRAM COMPONENT AGENCY BUDGET STATUS (in million Pesos) (As of 30 June 2015) survey mapping, and planning by August 2015. This Program aims to augment the income of 150 households from the 6 People’s Organizations6 recommended by the MILF. c. Confidence-building Measures Transformation of acknowledged MILF camps. Alongside the delivery of socioeconomic assistance for the decommissioned MILF combatants and as a gesture of goodwill, the Parties organized and constituted the Joint Task Forces7 composed of GPH and MILF representatives to assess the needs, plan appropriate programs, and undertake measures to transform the six acknowledged MILF camps into peaceful and productive communities. For the second quarter, camps transformation program had been able to kick-off its first camps activities through participations in the Brigada Eskwela and Dental Outreach (BEDO) activities in the 18 schools of the 18 communities of the 6 camps from 3-8 June 2015. The dental outreach of BEDO served 211 and provided Php 100,000.00 per school for the repair, rehabilitation and beautification of the selected schools. The implementation of assistance is projected to be completed by the end of July 2015. These activities were attended by different officials and representatives of the GPH (panel, line agencies, LGUs, AFP and PNP) and MILF (panel, task force and combatants) and other stakeholders. The MILF Task Force Camps completed two (2) capacity building workshops in preparation for the joint area development-planning workshop scheduled on the second week of July 2015. 4. Consultations / Dialogues / Advocacies. As of 22 June 2015, the GPH Panel, Legal Team, Panel Secretariat and OPAPP Cotabato Office attended and participated as resource persons in more than 550 public consultations with the different stakeholders (government agencies, LGUs, NGOs, CSOs, academic institutions, royal 6 Upper Sepaka Renewable Energy and Community Development Association, Surallah South Cotabato; Bangsamoro Unified Into Growth. Brgy. Sandab, Butig, Lanao del Sur; Ligawasan Multi Sectoral Socio Economic Development. Brgy. Bulliok, Pagalungan, Maguindanao; Amanah association for peace and Development, Munai, Lanao Del Norte; Silingan RT Lim Seaweeds Farmers Association. Brgy Pres. Roxas RT Lim Zamboanga Sibugay; Bangsamoro Association for Development and, Brgy. Tampalan, Alicia, Zamboanga Sibugay 7 After the signing of the Annex on Normalization, Joint Task Forces for the six (6) acknowledged MILF camps was created in August 2014. These six camps are Camp Abubakar as-Siddique, Camp Omar ibn al-Khattab, Camp Badre in Maguindanao; Camp Bilal in Lanao del Norte and Lanao del Sur, Camp Rajamuda in North Cotabato and Maguindanao, and Camp Busrah Somiorang in Lanao del Sur. 13 houses, indigenous people and youth groups, among others) since 2012. Of this number, there were 61 public consultations within the 2nd Quarter. These consultations focused on the sections and provisions of the draft BBL and other components of the CAB such as the Normalization aspects. In cooperation with the OPAPP Communications Unit, the Panel approved and made available to the public information materials to deepen understanding on the draft BBL and the CAB. Also as part of the advocacy efforts, the Panel Secretariat under the guidance of the Panel produced contents for the following IEC materials: a. Myths and Facts on the BBL b. Participation of the international community in the GPH-MILF peace process These materials are part of the standard GPH-MILF peace process kit that is being distributed during briefings, meetings, fora/symposia, dialogues and consultations. 5. Ceasefire Mechanisms. The second quarter of 2015 started favorably for the Ceasefire Mechanisms and all the stakeholders of the GPH-MILF Peace Process following the deaths of the two key personalities in the BIFF identified as Ustaz Ameril Umbra Kato and Abdul Basit Usman. Kato reportedly died on 14 April 2015 due to heart attack while Abdul Basit Usman died as a result of an encounter on 3 May 2015. Both died in Guindulungan, Maguindanao. These significant developments in the security situation allowed the GPH and MILF peace panels to start the implementation of the scheduled activities. The CCCH, continued to fulfill its mandate by ensuring that both parties strictly abide by the ceasefire agreement and the primacy of the peace process to avoid incidents similar to the tragic Mamasapano Incident. As a result, occurrences of ceasefire violations decreased significantly. Only four (4) ceasefire violations were recorded during the quarter from 19 incidents in the first quarter. All of these incidents were categorized as Prohibited Provocative Acts such as uncoordinated conduct of activity and display of firearms of the BIAF-MILF. Consequently, the GPH CCCH has filed two (2) protests with the MILF CCCH. However, the quarter was marred mostly with “rido” incidents, such as shooting, ambuscade and armed encounter. A total of thirteen (13) incidents, which happened mostly in Maguindanao, North Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat, were recorded. Although not part of its mandate, the CCCH attended and witnessed the signing of the Peace Covenant and Kanduli for the amicable settlement of the long-standing feud and misunderstanding involving families and members affiliated with the MILF in Dungguan, Aleosan and Langayen, Pikit, in the Province of Cotabato on 17 June 2015. As part of the continuing education of the stakeholders, both the government and the MILF extensively conducted peace advocacies and consultations all over the conflict affected areas in Mindanao to gain support from them. A total of 16 major meetings 14 and conferences were attended by the GPH CCCH geared towards the understanding of the CAB and the ceasefire mechanisms. For its part, the Ad-Hoc Joint Action Group (AHJAG) conducted its first ever Joint Structural Workshop at the Ritz Hotel, Davao City on 20 May 2015, which aimed at leveling off with its members their specific roles and mandates for the efficiency of the operation of the Joint GPH and MILF AHJAG. During the workshop, the members were able to identify issues, gaps and challenges during the implementation of their mandate. They were also asked to give their recommendations on how to address the identified gaps/concerns. On 31 May 2015, the GPH and the MILF Peace Panels signed the renewal of the mandate of the AHJAG for nine (9) months until 31 March 2016, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Meanwhile, another major event during the quarter was the End of Mission of the IMT Indonesian Contingent headed by Col. Pribadi Jatmiko on 29 June 2015. This also signals the arrival of the new batch of the Indonesian Contingent in Cotabato City on 03 July 2015. B. Government of the Philippines – Moro National Liberation Front (GPH-MNLF) Peace Process 1. Closure of the Tripartite Review Process (TRP) On 16 April 2015, Iyad Bin Amin Madani, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) led an eight-man delegation for a four-day visit to the Philippines to reaffirm its long support to the Mindanao peace process. The initiative was undertaken after the setback in the Mindanao peace process due to the recent encounter between the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the MILF in Mamasapano, Maguindanao.  Sec. Gen. Madani’s Meeting with the President and other Members of the Government On 17 April 2015, the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, Secretary Teresita Quintos Deles met with the head of the OIC to discuss the on-going peace processes with the MILF and the MNLF. OIC Secretary General Madani also made courtesy calls to Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario, as well as to House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr., who was joined by House Representatives Rufus Rodriguez, Bai Sandra Sinsuat A. Sema, and Sitti Djalia Hataman. He also met with the Senate Peace, Unity and Reconciliation Committee Chair Senator Teofisto Guingona III. Madani noted during these meetings the current legislative work on the proposed BBL. He had also categorically given statements of support to the CAB and the BBL. The visit of Secretary General Madani showed OIC’s firm commitment to assist in the current peace efforts in Mindanao and aims to boost their role in the peace process, saying that the OIC has long been involved in the effort to address the conflict in Mindanao and secure the welfare of Muslims in the country. Another 15 agenda of his visit is the convening of the 3 rd Bangsamoro Coordination Forum (BCF) – a platform for the MNLF and MILF to discuss and resolve their differences. The BCF meeting was conducted in Davao City on 18 – 19 April 2015. On 20 April 2015, the head of the Islamic organization made a courtesy call to Senate President Franklin M. Drilon and informed that there is an agreement between both the MILF and the MNLF that the Bangsamoro peace process should be pursued. OIC Secretary General Madani said that this is underscored by the convergence process taking place between the government’s peace accords with the MILF and MNLF, particularly in the harmonious relationship being forged under the auspices of the BCF formed in 2010 upon the initiative of the OIC and formally operationalized in 2014 after the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) between the government and the MILF. During his four-day visit, Secretary General Madani reiterated the OIC’s support for the CAB and the BBL as well as urged everyone to be part of the peace process and take advantage of the opportunity. Secretary General also corrected notions that they are here to pressure Congress to pass the BBL, saying that the OIC is not involved in passing the BBL and that the OIC came to the Philippines to express its support to the BBL. He further stated that the CAB is made meaningful by the BBL as the BBL gives the CAB legs to stand on. After his meeting with the Senate President, the head of the Islamic body paid a courtesy call to President Benigno S. Aquino III. The Philippine President informed the OIC Secretary General that he is fully committed to the passage of the BBL, which prompted the head of the OIC to openly announce his support to the undiluted BBL.  3rd Bangsamoro Coordination Forum Meeting, 18-19 April 2015, Davao City On 18 April 2015, the OIC delegation led by the Secretary General went to Davao City to hold the 3rd BCF Meeting between the MNLF and the MILF. Prior to this, separate meetings were held with the representatives of the MNLF and the MILF. Through the logistical and administrative assistance of OPAPP, approximately seventy-five (75) MNLF leaders and selected members from the Sema and Misuari groups attended the meeting where they aired their respective issues, concerns and recommendations on the BBL. The OIC Secretary General, during the meeting, ensured support to peace process and encouraged genuine unity in order for the MNLF to come up with one common position. The Secretary General further challenged MNLF to have logical moderate leadership as it is accountable to its people at all levels and affirmed that the parties should help the OIC in its stewardship on the peace process by way of demonstrating rational, logical and sincere attitude towards what is expected of the BCF to accomplish for the Bangsamoro. 16 On 19 April 2015, the head of the OIC convened with the top leaders of the MNLF and MILF to strengthen the BCF, which was created by the OIC to harmonize the two Moro fronts. The MILF was represented by ten (10) panelists led by chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal while the MNLF Nur Misuari group was represented by Ustadz Shariff Zain Jali and the Central Committee represented by Muslimin Sema, each fielded in six members during the said BCF meeting. The meeting served as a venue for both MILF and MNLF to declare their positions on the Mindanao peace process. After meeting with officials of the MILF and the MNLF, the secretary general declared that the OIC is encouraged by the “sincere desire and the serious effort” displayed by all parties involved in the peace process. He also announced that the OIC would invite representatives of the Bangsamoro Coordination Forum (BCF) in the upcoming 42nd OIC International Conference for Foreign Ministers (ICFM) in Kuwait on 27 May 2015. It was also agreed that the BCF secretariat would be strengthened through the support of the OIC financial department.  42nd Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers Meeting, 27 – 29 May 2015, Kuwait During his opening statement at the ICFM Meeting, OIC Secretary General reiterated the OIC support to the peace process, commended the government’s efforts in pushing for the passage for the BBL. The 42nd ICFM provided an opportunity to the GPH to inform the OIC about the significant developments on the BBL in relation to the 1976 Tripoli Agreement and 1996 Final Peace Agreement as well as with the MNLF. OPAPP Undersecretary Jose Lorena manifested that one of these is the draft bill as approved by the Adhoc Committee on the BBL, which explicitly contains the Tripoli Agreement under Article III Section 3 of the draft BBL. In addition, the role of the MNLF is also clarified under Article XV Section 2. Meanwhile, OIC Special Envoy HE El Masry proposed for a conduct of an informal meeting between the GPH and MNLF delegates to further discuss the way forward with respect to the Tripartite Review Process (TRP). On 28 May 2015, as requested by Special Envoy HE El Masry, an informal meeting between the GPH and the MNLF was held. The GPH was represented by Sec. Yasmin Busran Lao (NCMF) and USec Jose Lorena while the MNLF was represented by Atty. Randolph Parcasio, former mayor Muslimin Sema, Hatimil Hassan, Ustadz Abdul Baki, Atty. Bayan Balt and Dr. Samsula Adju. MNLF Leader Muslimin Sema stated their support for the BBL and noted that although some of the contentious issues, specifically the wealth sharing, have already been addressed in the draft BBL, they are concerned on the perceived need to conduct another plebiscite in the five (5) provinces which are currently under the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), considering that they are the gains of the previous GPH-MNLF peace process. The event also gave the GPH the chance to bring up the need to convene the 5th Tripartite with the agenda of completing the process. It was noted that the OIC must call for it the soonest prior to the ratification of the BBL. 17 The GPH Delegation also had a side meeting with the Ministry of Affairs, State of Kuwait represented by Deputy Minister Khalid al Jaralah, which had hosted the 42nd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. The GPH expressed appreciation for the invitation and provided quick updates on the ongoing peace process. Deputy Minister al Jaralah also expressed support to the peace process in the Southern Philippines. 2. MNLF personalities engaged in the Bangsamoro political process. On 26 May 2015, before the start of the 42nd ICFM, USec Jose Lorena met with the MNLF delegation composed of Atty. Randolph Parcasio and Ustadz Abdul Baki for the Misuari Faction and Atty. Bayan Balt and Atty. Omar Sema representing the Sema Faction. During this meeting, the MNLF was provided with brief updates on the ongoing hearings on the BBL in both houses of Congress and was informed that that the three (3) contentious issues of the TRP and the forty-two (42) consensus points are now reflected in the draft as approved by the Adhoc Committee of the House of Representatives. The particular engagement initiated by the GPH served as another opportunity for the MNLF to share their insights on the BBL. During the meeting, the MNLF manifested positive disposition towards the provision on wealth sharing, however they expressed concern on the amendatory powers of the new autonomous entity, which has been provided in the RA9054 and the conduct of plebiscite in the current ARMM provinces. C. Government of the Philippines – Cordillera Bodong Administration/ Cordillera Peoples’ Liberation Army (GPH-CBA/CPLA) Peace Process The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the GPH and the CBA/CPLA signed last 4 July 2011 aims to support the CPLA’s Final Disposition of Arms and Forces and its Transformation into a Potent Socio-Economic Unarmed Force. For the second quarter the following were accomplished in the implementation of the commitments under the MOA as well as other complementary interventions in support of the implementation: 1. Final disposition of arms and forces. The manner and schedule of the transport of the remaining pre-demilitarized turnedin firearms of the former CPLA members had been agreed by OPAPP and the Police Regional Office for Cordillera (PRO-Cor). Once the transport is done, the process of checking and verification of the firearms shall ensue and schedule for demilitarization shall be finalized. 2. Socio-Economic Reintegration a. Army integration. The 168 former CPLA members and / or their next of kin who chose the army integration option for socio-economic reintegration are still on active duty, with some detailed in Mindanao as augmentation to AFP battalions. 18 b. DENR Forest Guards. The hired forest guards from 2014 continue to report nonpayment of salaries. Investigation into the issue was done by the OPAPP Closure Agreement Secretariat (CAS) to ascertain the cause of the issue. By the end of the second quarter, the DENR was advised to submit the PAMANA-DENR 2015’s Work and Financial Plan to the DBM for immediate processing of salaries. c. Livelihood The livelihood focal persons for each province in the Cordillera were convened last 17 April 2015 to share their experiences as implementers of the livelihood component of the 2011 MOA. As a result of the meeting, mechanisms for strengthened coordination and monitoring of the projects and enhancements on the livelihood guidelines were noted and adopted. These hoped to improve relationships on the ground and address liquidation and operational issues observed by the focal persons. Status of livelihood implementation per province:  Abra - the Provincial Accountant has notified OPAPP that the livelihood fund has been returned to the Bangued Branch of the National Treasury in consideration of the Supreme Court ruling on the DAP. The same amount has been requested for the 2016 GAA.  Benguet - The livelihood focal person reports that the Benguet Saguday Livelihood Association, Inc. (BSLAI) does not comply with liquidation requirements. A proposal to change the modality of fund release is being explored, subject to people’s organization (PO) and Joint Committee (JC)8 approval.  Ifugao - Implementation of projects for the two (2) POs in Ifugao, Hibla ng Pagkakaibigan People’s Organization (Hibla) and Kabunian People’s Organization (Kabunian) in the three (3) clusters (Hingyon, Lamut, and Banaue) is in the resource mobilization stage. On 26 June 2015, the Province of Ifugao submitted its liquidation for the livelihood projects as required by COA.  Mt. Province - Ten percent (10%) of the Php 5,000,000.00 fund for Mt. Province’s POs has been released to the four (4) POs -- Riverside Community for Peace and Development Association (RCPDA), Mountain Province Pechen Association Inc. (MPPA), Matagowan Tako Organization (MTO), and Malinawa Livelihood Association (MLA). As observed in most CPLA/CFPD POs, there are challenges in compliance to liquidation procedures thus a proposal to change the modality of fund release is being explored, subject to PO and JC approval. 8 The Joint Committee (JC) was constituted under Article II - Implementing Mechanism of the 2011 GPH--CBA-CPLA MOA. Section 9 states that the JC shall oversee the management, operation and utilization of resources in the implementation of development projects; provide referral service; establish a Project Clearing Team; and create Monitoring Teams. Under the JC, an Implementation Group (Program Management Office) was created to undertake the ground implementation in collaboration with the communities or appropriate agency. The JC is composed of two (2) government representatives (OPAPP and DILG), two (2) representatives from CBA-CPLA and one (1) civil society organization (Concerned Citizens of Abra for Good Government or CCAGG). The JC is chaired by the OPAPP. 19 3. Community Development Projects. Four (4) physically completed community development projects (CDPs) are added to the tally with the reported completion of Ifugao projects. This brings the total for completed projects at sixty-two (62). Eleven (11) are ongoing implementation, and eight (8) are in preparatory and other stages of implementation. Following the JC Guideline on Turn Over of Completed CDPs, three teams from CAS undertook technical site inspection activities for completed PAMANA/ 2011 MOA projects. The teams were assisted by engineers from the AFP, DPWH, DA, and DILG. Results are being consolidated for presentation to the JC Meeting on 21 July 2015. The technical site inspection also provided opportunity for photo and video documentation of the projects. To date, four videos have been produced showcasing completed projects in 1) Bontoc, Mountain Province; 2) Besao and Sagada, Mountain Province; 3) Tinglayan, Kalinga, and 4) Ifugao. 4. Social Protection. For the second quarter, OPAPP-CAS was able to endorse to the PAMANA 2016 budget 40 slots for CHED grants and the renewal of 823 members and new enrolment of 75 additional PhilHealth beneficiaries. Other accomplishments include distribution of 244 out of 823 total cardboard membership cards printed by PHIC to CPLA/CFPD members and conduct of benefits orientation to forest guards and PO members in Benguet, and completion of initial stages of case work for the reported issues on CHED grants availment. 5. Communications and Advocacy. Two (2) technical interagency meetings were held in the second quarter of 2015 to continue the multi-stakeholder communications and advocacy work accompanying the implementation of the 2011 MOA. The first meeting got commitments of the agencies to send engineers to the planned technical site inspection of completed CDPs. The second interagency meeting reported on the initial findings of the inspection as well as elicited status updates on the 2015 PAMANA-CAR projects in the region. D. Government of the Philippines - Rebolusyonaryong Partidong Manggagawa ng Pilipinas/Revolutionary Proletarian Army/Alex Boncayao Brigade (GPH – RPMP/RPA/ABB) - Tabara Paduano Group (TPG) Peace Process In preparation for the signing of the Closure Agreement, OPAPP focused its efforts on the capacity building of the ground for the implementation of the agreement, and sustaining a more conducive environment for bringing about closure to the armed conflict with the RPA/ABB (TPG). For the 2nd quarter, OPAPP through its Project Management Office (PMO) in coordination with implementing partners accomplished the following: 1. DENR Work and Financial Plan (WFP) covering the DENR’s Php 200 Million budget for RPA/ABB Closure Program under the 2015 GAA to pave the way for its release by 20 the DBM. The release of the funds is critical to ensure payment of the salaries for the year of TPG members employed as Forest Guard with the DENR, and to acquire lands for the settlement sites in Brgy Gawahon, Victorias City and in Brgy Malindog, San Carlos City and for the congregated area in E.B.Magalona, Negros Occidental under the Closure Program. For this purpose a series of meetings were held with DENR (both regional and Central Office) starting with the Planning Workshop last 4 March 2015 in Iloilo and culminated in the meetings with the DENR Central’s Operations Office last 6-7 April 2015. 2. Design and mechanics for the conduct of community dialogues in 100 CPD barangays. The dialogue design and mechanics were completed on 9-10 April 2015 covering the tools to be used in conducting a series of conversation between and among the local communities, LGUs, TPG and other CPD stakeholders. The primary objective of the dialogues is to prepare the CPD barangays in the implementation of the Closure Program by deepening their understanding of the program and appreciation of their role in its implementation. The design and mechanics were piloted in Ibajay, Aklan during the convening of the TWG for the Aklan Settlement Site on 13 April 2015. 3. Review and determination of the status the DA PAMANA funds (GAA 2012-2015) for the Closure Program. A series of consultations with the DA (Region VI) were held on 23, 28-29 April 2015 to review and determine the status of the PAMANA funds downloaded to the agency for the Closure Program. The consultations determined the disbursement of Php107.6 M under 2012-2014 GAA for development of the settlement sites in Aklan, Kabankalan City and Negros Oriental. The fund status assessment was inputted in the monitoring and evaluation of the Closure Program. 4. A dedicated “Team” to provide legal assistance in the review of cases of TPG members under the Civil/Political Rights Component of the Closure Agreement was established and activated. The creation of the Team on 30 April 2015 was the result of the evaluation of the progress of the Component, which identified the need for more focused and dedicated work for the completion of the review of the 138 cases involving TPG members to determine the means for the possible dismissal/withdrawal of the cases. 5. Utilization/Catch-Up Plan for PhilHealth and CHED Study Grants Program developed and implemented. In coordination with the Social Protection Unit, a Utilization/Catch-Up Plan was formulated to accelerate the identification and processing 10,000 PhilHealth beneficiaries and 200 CHED study grantees in CPD barangays. The Plan employed an “all-in approach” mobilizing TPG Kapatiran chapters and the LGUs. 6. 3,226 individuals for PhilHealth coverage and 31 CPD community members for CHED study grants identified, processed and endorsed. This is part of the implementation of Utilization/Catch-Up Plan for Social Protection in CPD. 7. Budgetary outlay for the implementation of the Interim Security Arrangements (ISA) with the AFP and the Disposition of Arms and Forces (DAF) with the PNP for inclusion in their proposed 2016 GAA finalized. In anticipation of the signing of the 21 Agreement, a workshop was conducted with AFP and PNP on 6 May 2015 to finalize their funding requirements in the implementation of the Interim Security Arrangements and of the Disposition of Arms and Forces. The budget outlay totaling Php51.6 M (Php12.5 PNP and Php39.1 M AFP) was submitted to the PAMANA National Program Management Office for inclusion in the PAMANA budget for inclusion in the 2016 GAA. 8. Public messaging framework for the Closure Program formulated. A series of meetings with the OPAPP Communications Group was held to formulate the public messaging framework of the Closure Program. The framework revolves around mustering a critical mass to sustain the GPH’s gains and ascendancy at the RPA/ABB Table as well as to providing positive impact on the other Tables. 9. Preparation for the conduct of reflective/generative dialogues between and among agencies, LGUs, TPG and other stakeholders undertaken. The “needs assessment” was jointly conducted by OPAPP and TPG on the CPD barangays in 2012. The revisiting was done on 6-7 May 2015 generated the “inputs” for the reflective/generative dialogues to be conducted among the stakeholders to determine other development interventions in CPD barangays. 10. Assessment of the status of the DILG PAMANA funds (GAA 2012-1015) for the Closure Program. The consultation meetings with DILG Region VI in Iloilo on 15-16 May 2015 and with the Development Unit, DILG Central Office, in Quezon City on 20- 22 May 2015 were held to assess the status of the DILG PAMANA funds under 2012-2015 GAAs for the Closure Program. The funds assessment also identified measures to accelerate the fund utilization and avoid their being reverted to the Treasury. The consultations also determined budgetary gaps for possible inclusion in the proposed PAMANA budget for 2016 GAA. 11. In coordination with OPAPP PAMANA Unit, held a series of consultation with DILG, DA, DENR and DSWD to prepare budget proposal for the Closure Program under PAMANA of 2016 GAA. This involves participation in the PAMANA interagency meetings in preparation the PAMANA budget for GAA 2016. 12. Draft Comprehensive Guidelines for the implementation of socio-economic projects in CPD barangays under the Closure Program finalized. Meetings with DSWD Central Office in Manila on 2 and 16 June 2015 and with DSWD Region VI on 10 June 2015 in Iloilo to complete and finalize the draft Comprehensive Guidelines for socioeconomic projects in CPD barangays were conducted. The Guidelines provides the parameters and criteria for the implementation of the community-impact projects in CPD barangays. 13. Status of the DSWD PAMANA funds (GAA-2012-2015) for the Closure Program and measures to fast-track utilization of the existing funds determined. A series of consultations with DSWD (Central/Region VI) during the 2nd and 3rd week of June 2015 to determine the status of the DSWD PAMANA funds (GAA-2012-2015) for the Closure Program were conducted. The meetings validated the reversion to Treasury of Php56.1 M of the DSWD PAMANA funds under 2012 GAA. The meetings also agreed 22 on measures to fast-track the utilization of the existing funds for the Closure Program and to ensure the non-reversion of such funds to the Treasury. It also facilitated the formulation of the DSWD budget proposal for 2016 GAA. 14. AVP training modules on Democracy and Human Rights updated and additional AVP modules on Human Security and Citizenship for the AFP’s CSF Training Program produced. This involved the commissioning of the AVP work with an implementing partner and the previewing the enhanced and new AVP training modules on 15 June 2015. The modules will be a major component of the AFP’s Community Security Force Training Program for the 267 TPG members who will comprise the Community Security Force in the Settlement Sites. 15. Framework and design of the Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Closure Program formulated. A series of coordination meetings with OPAPP’s Data Management Unit (DMU) and Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (MEU) during the 3rd and 4th weeks of June 2015 were conducted. III. PEACEBUILDING IN GOVERNANCE A. PAyapa at MAsaganang PamanayaNAn (PAMANA) (See attached PAMANA Progress Report as of 30 June 2015.) B. Philippine National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (NAPWPS) OPAPP, as Chair of the National Steering Committee9 (NSC) that oversees the implementation of the NAPWPS, provides NAPWPS technical assistance to the committee members and, most recently, partner agencies implementing the PAMANA. The following were the key interventions and outputs for the second quarter: 1. Orientation on the inclusion of National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security Programs, Activities and Projects in the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples GAD Plan and Budget In line with institutionalizing the NAPWPS interventions initiated in 2014, OPAPP conducted a one-day orientation on the inclusion of NAPWPS PAPs with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples on April 17, 2015 at the NCIP Office. The orientation aims to familiarize the NCIP with their NAP PAP included in their GAD Plan and Budget and to discuss various ways on including and accommodating NAPWPS PAPs in their GAD Activities. 9 The nine (9) NSC members are as follows: Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Department of National Defense (DND), National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) and the National Commission of Muslim Filipinos (NCMF). 23 It was agreed that NCIP will look into collecting sex-disaggregated data, especially in conflict areas. The orientation was held on April 17, 2015 and attended (43) by NCIP Planning Officers and GAD Focal Persons from their different units. 2. Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar on Women, Peace and Security with the Department of Foreign Affairs As part of their NAPWPS PAP, DFA included a module on Women, Peace and Security in their Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) delivered to foreign service officers and Filipino government employees to be deployed in embassies worldwide. The module on WPS aims to account the need for including WPS programs and for a gender and conflict lens on the participants’ work in diplomatic and consular posts. It also acquaints participants with the challenges on post overseas especially on issues on women in conflict areas. The PDOS was held on April 21, 2015 and was composed of 31 participants from the Department of Foreign Affairs (24), Department of Tourism (2), Philippine Coast Guard (1), Philippine National Police (1), and National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (3). 3. Coordination with Royal Norwegian Government to facilitate the funding of the Seminar Course on Women, Peace and Security A seminar course on Women, Peace and Security, in partnership with OPAPP and the Ateneo Political Science Department, will be held on July to August 2015. Since the first phase of the NAP implementation heavily focused on institutionalization, the next phase should already be internalization. This means that the NAP must be embedded in the specific policies, capacity development, GPBs, and GAD ARs for the implementing agencies. For the partner agencies to have ownership and internalization, they should be involved in training of their own personnel. To be able to conduct the said seminar course, a coordination meeting was held between the RNG and OPAPP on 22 May regarding the course in which the RNG agreed to fund the said course. The proposed seminar course is designed as a seminar-workshop focusing on women, peace and security. It will be held at the Ateneo de Manila University targeting 90 participants from various government agencies. 4. Localization of the National Action Plan The Municipality of T’boli, South Cotabato with its barangays (Maan, Lamsalome, and Lambuling were capacitated on the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security through the conduct of an orientation-workshop last 8-9 April 2015. This activity also aimed to support the community in identifying and crafting of the project 24 proposals for NAP-related projects to access the 2014 funds provided under the PAMANA-DILG. There were 34 participants composed of 16 male and 18 female. Participants were from the following offices of the Municipal and Barangay LGUs: - Municipal Local Government Operations Office (MLGOO) of the MunicipalDILG - Municipal-DA PAMANA Focal Person - Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) - Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) - Women Civil Society Organization, GAD Focal Points, - Barangay Captains and Barangay Kagawads of the 3 barangays The following results were achieved:  Basic women, peace and security concepts and mandates were introduced among participants.  The M/BLGUs were oriented on gender and conflict tools such as Socio-economic Profile (SEP), Conflict and Gender Responsive LGU Ka Ba? (CGeRLKa Ba?), and Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG), which include assessing and identifying women, peace and security issues in their localities.  Further, the activity resulted in the surfacing of common gaps among the barangays which include (1) lack of sex disaggregated data, (2) lack of policies on protection for women abused by militia, and (3) low trained health care professional for health care centers. A follow through activity was requested by the municipality to identify programs, projects and activities that will address the conflict and gender issues of their localities. Schedule is being finalized by the PAMANA-Bangsamoro. OPAPP also provided technical and administrative assistance during the 2 major activities for women development and empowerment as follows:  Women, Peace and Security Congress in Calbayog City, Northern Samar  Forum on Women, Peace & Security with GADCC Agency members in CARAGA C. Support to the Implementation of PAMANA. 1. Conduct of Peace Caravans. The conduct of Multi-Service/Peace Caravan is among the strategies employed by PAMANA to make government presence felt especially in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas where most CAAs/CVAs are located. The Multi-Service/Peace Caravan is a series of converged or joint delivery of basic services by the different participating government agencies and other private stakeholders to pre-identified focused areas. Its major objectives are as follows: i. Showcase convergence efforts amongst government and non-government institutions; 25 ii. Bring the government closer to the people through accessibility of basic services; iii. Help regain the people’s trust and confidence towards government; iv. Promote the PEACE AGENDA vis-à-vis PAMANA core message, “SAMASAMA sa PAMANA: KAPAYAPAAN at KAUNLARAN ABOT KAMAY ng PAMAYANAN;” v. Sustain the gains of the peace initiative of the government; and, vi. Recognize the efforts and support of the communities Agency representation varies depending on their availability to participate in Multi-Service/Peace Caravans. These are either conducted monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. The peace caravan also serves as a platform for information campaign to present the menu of government programs/ projects/services. It offers spaces for consultations and dialogue between the community and participating government agencies on various peace and security concerns. For this quarter, a total of 23 caravans were conducted in the different municipalities of the following zones:  Bicol-Quezon-Mindoro: The conduct of 12 PAMANA Peace Caravans /Multi Service Caravan/Munisipyo sa Baryo/Serbisyo para sa Bayan in Oriental Mindoro, Sorsogon, Masbate, Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur were supported. Hygiene Kits, Slippers, and School Supplies were distributed to the identified beneficiaries per caravan conducted.  Comval-Davao-Caraga: 7 ARENA-led Serbisyo Caravans were conducted in Compostela Valley and Davao del Norte, and one LGU-led Service Caravan in Agusan del Sur. During the said activities, educational materials were given to pre-school and primary (Grades 1-3) pupils.  Samar Island: 4 Other locally-initiated projects such as Youth Leadership Summits in Samar and CDC zones were also conducted. 2. Provision of technical inputs to partner agencies. OPAPP also provides regularly technical inputs to partner agencies during coordination meetings. This quarter, 11 coordination meetings were conducted with various PAMANA partner agencies. Technical support was provided during the conduct of 7 Technical Budget Hearings (TBH) of the various PAMANA implementing partner agencies– DPWH, DENR, DOH, DILG, DSWD, BFAR, DA. Technical support was also provided during the Inter-agency PAMANA TBH, resulting in a prioritized list of projects/programs. 26 3. Conduct of Monitoring Activities. 30 monitoring activities were conducted by the PAMANA Zones together with the DA and DILG project implementers specified as follows: i. Bicol-Quezon-Mindoro: 6 monitoring activities and site validation ii. Samar Island: 8 monitoring activities and site validation iii. Comval-Davao-Caraga: 16 monitoring activities and site validation All the monitoring activities conducted generated monitoring reports by the concerned implementing agency. Consequently, 4 implementation issues in BQM area were resolved. Since the Third Party Monitors (TPM) for the PAMANA projects were not yet operational, the respective local offices initiated the conduct of project monitoring activities. In BQM, the Grievance Redress and Feedback System was established already in communities particularly in the Municipality with KC-PAMANA (Camarines Norte, Sorsogon and Masbate) as these communities are beneficiaries of both Pillar 2 and Pillar 3. Issues, agreements and concerns in the sub-project implementation were being addressed/resolved in the community up to the Municipal level. 4. Local Strategic Communications i. As part of PAMANA agencies’ support in advocating PAMANA, success and change stories have been produced by the different Information Officers and shared with the local media. ii. OPAPP coordinated with PIA XI for the proposed conduct of a Local Strategic Communications Workshop. iii. PAMANA updates and IEC materials were disseminated during the National Convention of Prosecutors iv. A PAMANA Booth and information center was set-up during the Naliyagan Festival in Agusan del Sur. D. Monitoring and Evaluation During the first quarter of 2015, the OPAPP Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (MEU) focused its engagement in raising partners’ awareness regarding conflict-sensitive monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (CSMEAL) systems and approaches as well as in undertaking preparatory activities for PAMANA program evaluation initiatives. For the second quarter of 2015, the MEU continued to build on these engagements toward advancing the adoption of the CSMEAL systems and approaches through the following: enhancing citizen-led monitoring processes, improving consolidation, analysis and 27 communication of M&E results, mainstreaming of CSMEAL in partner agencies, and facilitating program evaluation initiatives. Below are the MEU’s accomplishments organized according to key unit outcomes: 1. Enhanced systems of OPAPP Units and Partner Agencies for Conflict Sensitive and Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation. Under this outcome, the MEU facilitated the development and enhancement of tools, processes, guidelines and information systems to support the operationalization of the CSMEAL system. Institutional arrangements for CSMEAL established for roll out. As an overview, the CSMEAL system is composed of five main elements for PAMANA: i. Implementation monitoring: monitoring of physical and financial status of implementation, as well issues, concerns, actions taken and recommendations; ii. Outcomes monitoring: monitoring of immediate to medium-term development benefits and peacebuilding gains, described as changes in behaviors and practices among program stakeholders; iii. Context monitoring: monitoring of local peace and conflict context where the intervention operates, as well as risks and assumptions that impact on program implementation; iv. Transparency and accountability mechanisms: operationalization of mechanisms to facilitate constructive engagement between government and citizen, especially in relation to peacebuilding v. Program evaluation and learning: assessment of program results based on criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and peacebuilding impact and feedbacking of learnings to improve program implementation, guide program enhancements, maximize program impact, and mainstream peacebuilding in governance Development CSMEAL guidelines, tools and processes. OPAPP through MEU finalized the PAMANA CSMEAL manual and toolkit, in partnership with other OPAPP units and to a certain extent, with inputs from PAMANA implementing agencies. This manual encapsulates the various M&E initiatives that have already been initiated and are now being conducted for PAMANA by different program stakeholders. System enhancements are also put forth in this manual, based on insights and learnings derived from program stakeholders as they utilized the tools and engaged in the processes provided in this system. The manual is intended to serve as a resource material in the conduct of M&E initiatives by PAMANA Program Management Offices implementing agencies, and other program stakeholders (e.g., local government units, civil society organizations, etc.). The CSMEAL framework and components were customized for integration in the following policy documents: i. PAMANA Department of Agriculture (DA)-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Pillar 3 Implementing Guidelines 28 ii. PAMANA-DA-Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Pillar 2 Implementing Guidelines and Operations Manual iii. PAMANA-PhilHealth Implementing Guidelines iv. Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines Crafting of Results Framework, Indicators and Theory of Change. OPAPP through MEU provided technical assistance in the formulation and vetting of the Normalization Program results and indicators framework. As well, the MEU also helped to revise the results and indicators framework for the RPM-P/RPA/ABB-TPG Closure Program. The MEU also provided technical assistance in the crafting and review of the results framework and indicators operationalization matrices (IOM) of the different OPAPP units. Relative to NAP/GAD, the MEU initiated a meeting with the NAP team to formulate their IOM as anchored on the NAP results framework, in view of streamlining their activities in support of their outcomes. The MEU also reviewed and provided inputs for the results framework and IOMs of the following units: Closure Agreement Secretariat, PAMANA-CLIP Coordinating Unit, the GPH-MILF Peace Process Cluster, and the Bangsamoro Political Office. As well, in view of further enhancing the units planning, the MEU also provided technical assistance to PCU in the process of reviewing unit work and financial plans (WFPs) towards identifying accomplishments, gaps, and next steps. The MEU also facilitated the formulation of the design and conduct of preparatory work for an M&E planning workshop for the RPM-P/RPA/ABB-TPG Closure Program, in collaboration with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for the Closure Program. In preparation for the conduct of this M&E planning workshop in the third quarter of 2015, the following initiatives were undertaken: (1) quick assessment of existing M&E arrangements and (2) initial steps in the set-up of the information system for this program. For PAMANA Pillar 1 initiatives under the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the MEU together with the PCCU and Policy Office, facilitated an initial discussion with representatives from the Bureau of Local Government Development (BLGD), the Office of Project Development Services (OPDS), the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) and the Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS) regarding the work plan and convergence mechanisms for PAMANA under DILG. This was followed by a meeting on the proposed CSMEAL framework for PAMANA Pillar 1 held last 12 May. Outcome tracking system undergoing development. OPAPP through MEU facilitated the review of the initial 38 PAMANA stories collected from the PAMANA website, the DSWD peace writeshop held in March 2015, and submissions from partner agencies. The review / inventory process included an assessment of the stories’ key messages, alignment to PAMANA outcomes and indicators, and the key changes that were observed in the story. The results of the review showed that most of the stories 29 submitted by the agencies focused on PAMANA outcomes on improving the socioeconomic conditions in conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable areas. Following an agreement with DSWD-ARMM, the MEU is also spearheading the conduct of a writeshop aimed towards consolidating PAMANA stories under DSWDARMM. The proposed writeshop is expected to be conducted on 7-9 August 2015, which includes sessions on the following:  Overview of PAMANA program results framework and indicators;  Indicators mapping which includes conflict–sensitive and peace promoting practices and peacebuilding gains;  Orientation on the use of the PAMANA outcomes tracking tool; and,  Processing of PAMANA change stories. The activity is expected to lead towards the publication of a compendium of change stories and outcomes map for PAMANA under DSWD-ARMM. 2. Enhanced citizen engagement in Conflict-Sensitive Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning. Key interventions for this outcome focused on strengthening Transparency and Accountability Mechanisms as integrated in the CSMEAL guidelines and increasing citizen engagement in peacebuilding in governance i. Level of effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness of government to citizen feedback Establishment of TAM framework and guidelines. To improve and strengthen the relationship between the government and its citizens, the MEU proposed enhancements to the TAM framework. The TAM for PAMANA will seek to:  Help increase awareness and appreciation of the public on PAMANA;  Provide meaningful spaces for citizens to constructively engage government in peacebuilding;  Demonstrate effectiveness and responsiveness of government by ensuring that feedback are addressed in a timely and high-quality manner; and,  Improve peacebuilding interventions based on learning from citizen feedback. The TAM framework is envisioned to be composed of five components, namely:  Feedback and Response System  Citizen-Led Monitoring System  Webposting  Project and community billboards  Performance-based fund releases The MEU also crafted the PAMANA Feedback and Response System guidelines for vetting with the OPAPP Management Committee. The PFRS guidelines aim to enhance the voice of citizens in PAMANA implementation by providing citizens with opportunities to lodge their feedback regarding peacebuilding interventions of government and improve the capacities of OPAPP in handling and responding to citizens’ feedback. Said guidelines include the following: (1) clarification of 30 roles among units in terms of handling and addressing grievance / feedback, (2) set initial standards / service level agreements, such as turn-over time in handling the different kinds of feedback, and (3) provided for system of review of PFRS’ performance with MEU as an oversight. ii. Number of citizen feedback with substantive findings on project status, implementation issues and concerns Development of PFRS platform. The MEU, in partnership with the Data Management Unit, finalized the design of the PAMANA FRS. The PFRS design was initiated during the first quarter of 2015 and inputs from different OPAPP units were collected. For the second quarter, revisions on the system design, such as the addition of new features in the system, were integrated into the system. Establishment Citizen-led monitoring initiative. Civil society organizations (CSOs) serve as catalysts for non-violent and constructive engagement between citizens and the government in conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable areas through the conduct of participatory M&E processes. Their role as third-party monitors for the implementation of PAMANA is crucial in monitoring and addressing implementation issues and concerns. Given this role, the MEU, through the guidance of the PAMANA NPMO, engaged the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability-East Asia and the Pacific (ANSA-EAP) in formulating a program proposal that aims to capacitate citizens and other CSOs to highlight and enhance the peacebuilding component of the practice of social accountability in PAMANA. The ANSA-EAP Foundation Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit corporation registered under Philippine law. To improve governance, ANSA-EAP seeks to connect citizens and government by engaging in networking and learning initiatives for social accountability. ANSA-EAP works with citizen groups (non-government organizations, civic associations, academic institutions, business sector, and community-based groups), government institutions, media, international development partners, and various other stakeholders. It promotes constructive engagement with and citizens’ monitoring of the performance of government, specifically, the quality of public service delivery and the transparency of public transactions.10 The present engagement with ANSA-EAP is geared towards the establishment of a Citizen-Led Monitoring mechanism for PAMANA. A Citizen-Led Monitoring mechanism for PAMANA is envisioned to provide channels for citizens in conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable areas to undertake monitoring of PAMANA projects. Through the use of the Community Score Card process, citizens shall participate in the following processes: 10 ANSA-EAP website 31    3. Monitoring of PAMANA interventions based on criteria that citizen monitors have generated and deemed significant; Feedbacking of monitoring findings to other project stakeholders especially project implementers; and, Generating learnings and insights from these monitoring initiatives to inform program improvements and maximize program impacts. Improved consolidation, analysis and communication of M&E outputs/findings to inform decision-making. M&E results should always be analyzed and communicated in view of enhancing program implementation and maximizing positive impacts of an intervention. As part of CSMEAL guidelines and the MEU’s mandate in assisting OPAPP and partner agencies in communicating their M&E results, this outcome focused on distilling learnings from program review and evaluation initiatives and how these learnings can be communicated to implementers and stakeholders. i. Regular program learning processes organized and implemented by OPAPP units and implementing partners based on established CSMEAL system Program evaluation initiatives supported. MEU’s assistance in evaluation initiatives focused on the crafting of their designs and assessment on emerging outcomes derived from the evaluation / learning review. For the PAMANA Midterm Review, MEU participated in the negotiation process with the Ateneo School of Government and the Jesse Robredo Institute of Governance-De La Salle University for the selection of an Independent Evaluator for this initiative. MEU also provided technical assistance in the review of the technical and financial proposals of these two institutions. Based on this review, ASoG was selected, based from the criteria set in the MTR procurement process, to be the IE for the PAMANA Mid-term Review. MEU, as part of the 3ie reviewer representing the implementing agency, facilitated the review of the submission of the two organizations (Innovations for Poverty Action-Philippines and Center for Econometrics and Empirical Economics-University of Mannheim) that responded to 3ie’s request for qualifications for the proposal preparation for impact evaluation of PAMANA. The review includes an assessment of organizations research credentials, organizational capability, and research experience in undertaking peacebuilding studies. Based on this review, the University of Mannheim was selected as the research organization to undertake proposal preparation for the PAMANA impact evaluation study. Level of adoption of outcome tracking activities in agency program review and evaluation initiatives. OPAPP though MEU spearheaded the outcomes mapping activity for PAMANA-ARA during the PAMANA-ARA Assessment and Planning Workshop last 13-15 May in Glan, Sarangani. Outcomes mapping is part of the CSMEAL guidelines in outcomes monitoring and is proposed to be undertaken with agencies during regular inter-agency meetings or program review and evaluation activities. Outcomes mapping for PAMANA involves identifying program stakeholders, the changes that can be observed in the behavior, 32 relationships, actions, activities, policies, practices or conditions of these stakeholders in a particular area and time period, and the social actor/s and their strategies that contributed to these changes. In summary, the following outcomes were identified by DAR Field Officers:  Immediate development benefits, such as improved access to basic services and to livelihood and employment opportunities, were highlighted. Complementation of PAMANA interventions implemented by different agencies (DAR and DA) in one area help to enhance the effect of these immediate development benefits for communities.  The conduct of Barangay Workshop Consultations, capacity-building seminars, and other activities that ensure involvement of people’s organizations in project implementation contribute to transforming reluctant and skeptical community members to active, participative and supportive partners in community-building. Specific inputs on peacebuilding processes (i.e., lectures on peace, conflict and social cohesion) also helped community members understand conflict issues, improve intergroup relationships and engage in peacebuilding efforts at the community level.  LGU involvement in the different project phases helps build LGU responsiveness to community needs and aspirations. The community-driven development approach espoused in PAMANA-ARA provided a venue for LGUs to engage different sectors (e.g., people’s organization, security sector, other government agencies) in the identification, implementation and monitoring of community projects. LGU partnership with different sectors extends even beyond completion of PAMANA-ARA projects.  Although investments in PAMANA-ARA projects are minimal as compared to other government interventions, community members express more appreciation for these interventions as compared to other projects that still remain to be implemented. For communities, PAMANA-ARA served to bring demonstrate government’s hard work in addressing the needs and aspirations of their communities. E. Data Management and Information System Set up 1. Management of Data on PAMANA Peace and Development Projects. Maintenance and management of the consolidated PAMANA data is continuously undertaken. Specifically, the unit has produced: i. Updated PAMANA masterlist (status and details) as of 1st Q 2015 ii. Varying requests from OPAPP units on different permutations of the PAMANA data iii. Varying requests from OPAPP units on PAMANA maps and other indicators 2. PAMANA Information System (PIS). The PIS is an online system for the consolidation and recording of all data on PAMANA projects to facilitate monitoring, data sharing, processing and reporting. As of date, the unit: 33 i. ii. Completed enhancement of the PAMANA Information System  Created new user accounts and access  Created temporary database for for-review projects  Developed email facility (alert mechanism) Migrated PAMANA data to PIS 3. Development of Grievance Redress and Feedback System (GRFS). The GRFS is a web-based system that will capture grievances from public and monitoring data from the ground. It is a product of the need to centralize the database of grievances, monitor issues and facilitate issue resolution. As of date, the unit: i. Restructured the GRFS Public Web Portal and GRFS OPAPP Web Portal based on systems review:  Redesigned database and graphic user interface (GUI)  Restructured database and process flow  Modified feedback form details and status  Created scripts on new pre-categories (Appreciation, Query, Grievance)  Developed email facility (alert mechanism) ii. Is in the process of restructuring the system based on newly emerging requirements of the M&E 4. CLIP Information Management System (CIMS). The CIMS formerly called, FRISCLIP, is a customized application for systematic and structured documentation of information on former rebels, is initially developed as offline application. After consultations with DILG, the development of web version started. As of date, the unit: i. Enhanced the web CIMS based on system review  Redesigned GUI according to results matrix  Added reporting facility for aggregates  Added mapping facility for the distribution of the former rebels ii. Enhanced the DILG Claims Settlement system based on new requirements  Added firearms functionality on enrollment  Added verification/validation feature  Restructured the process flow 5. Normalization Information System (NIS). The NIS is envisioned to accommodate pertinent data management needs in the implementation of the Normalization Process. MEU provided DMU the categorization of items for the BIAF profiling tool. 6. Decommissioned Combatant Management System (DCMS). The DCMS is one of the components of the Normalization IS, and is designed for systematic and structured documentation of information on decommissioned combatants. As of date, the unit: i. Developed registration system for the Independent Decommissioning Body (IDB) ii. Customized FRIS to harmonize with the requirements of the Normalization iii. Setup decommissioning system in Camp Darapanan for the 145 combatants 34 F. The Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Promotion (CSPP) 1. CSPP PAMANA Guidelines. OPAPP is harmonization of existing documents on CSPP and is currently in the process of finalizing the CSPP Handbook / Checklist, wherein the over-all agenda of crosscutting concerns (NAPWPS/Women, Children, Indigenous People, Elderly and Persons with Disabilities) had been integrated. Meetings have been held in order to present and finalize draft versions of the standard PAMANA guidelines. For the second quarter, several meetings were held between the OPAPP PAMANACSPP Composite Team and DILG to discuss the mainstreaming strategies and plan of action for PAMANA Pillar I. Specifically, the latest meetings of these meetings were: i. Meeting with BLGD re PAMANA Baseline Data, 12 May 2015. DILGNAPOLCOM. ii. Meeting with DILG Bureaus (BLGD, BLGS, NBOO, LGA) re PAMANA Pillar I M&E System Development, 12 May 2015. DILG-NAPOLCOM. iii. Meeting with BLGD re PAMANA CSPP Guidelines and Green book, 5 June 2015. DILG-NAPOLCOM. iv. Meeting re Operationalizing “CAAs”, 8 June 2015, AFPCOC. G. Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) a. Pre-Testing of Healing and Reconciliation (H&R) Tool and Orientation As part of the Comprehensive Local Integration Program, OPAPP through the Project Management Office of the Capacitating Government in DDR and in coordination with the PAMANA-CLIP Coordinating Unit (PCCU) facilitated a series of pre-testing runs of the Healing and Reconciliation Tool for Former NPA Rebels. Specifically, the OPAPP-Policy Unit provided technical and administrative assistance in the conduct of runs in Bukidnon and Davao Oriental last 29 May 2015 (Prep Meeting); 9-10 June 2015; 16-17 June 2015. Over-all, the pre-testing of the H&R tool had been conducted in 7 provinces, specifically, in Bacolod, Bukidnon, Davao City, Tacloban, Lucena, Davao Oriental and Naga. b. Support to the implementation of the Comprehensive Localization Integration Program (CLIP) During this quarter, the following were the accomplishments of OPAPP: i. Formal transmittal of CLIP Security Protocol to DILG last April 2015 ii. Pre-testing of H&R tool to selected CLIP beneficiaries last June 2015 (Negros Occidental, Bukidnon, Quezon, Camarines Sur, Davao Oriental,Davao City, Leyte) iii. M&E Guideline was presented to selected CLIP Committee during the Program Review last May 2015. 35 iv. Monitoring (thru phone calls and letters to regional offices) of CHED and PHILHEALTH beneficiaries on the status of their assistance. Issues and concerns were forwarded to OED. v. Provided comments and issues relative to the implementation of PHILHEALTH to OED as input to the PHILHEALTH Assessment Activity last May 26, 2015. vi. Orientation on the Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) for AFP Ground Operators held at Lucena City and Iloilo City on 9 June 2015 and 18 June 2015, respectively. H. Communicating Peace Following the efforts of the OPAPP Communications Group in minimizing the negative perceptions of the public on the government’s entire peace process brought about by the Mamasapano incident in 25 January 2015, the Communications Group exerted its activities to advance the passage of the proposed BBL and the establishment of Bangsamoro as the Philippines’ best chance to achieve lasting and genuine peace and security in Mindanao. The OPAPP Communications Group pushed this objective upon the resumption of hearings and deliberations in the Senate and the House of Representatives on the draft BBL during this period. The Communications Group, through the Bangsamoro Communications Team, produced seven (7) communication plans and helped push the OPAPP’s and the GPH-MILF’s messages and communication materials during media coverage of the hearings of the Senate Committee on Local Government and the House Ad Hoc Committee on the BBL on the draft BBL, and when the House Ad Hoc Committee passed House Bill No. 5881 or the Basic Law on the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region and submitted it to plenary deliberations in the House of Representatives. In support of the President’s directive for the passage of the BBL, the OPAPP Communications Group, through the Bangsamoro Communications Team, also produced fifty-four (54) press releases; five (5) statements/speeches/ messages; and eighty-seven (87) communication materials (PRs/ statements, and/or speeches). Furthermore, the IEC Team developed a total of twenty-seven (27) materials to aid the public’s understanding and positive projection of the BBL, PAMANA, and other programs and projects under the agency. Meanwhile, 13 proposed IEC materials were likewise submitted. As public discussion on the peace process with the communist rebels also resumed, the Communications Group’s CNN Team crafted communications plan for the GPH-CNN peace process; managed issues; covered events/activities; staged events and provided media support to activities; and monitored news and issues related to or concerning the GPH-CNN peace process and other related peace tables. Communications and editorial support services were provided to the Bangsamoro Communications Team and the CNN Team by the Communications Group’s News Desk, Media Relations Unit, Creatives Unit, News Monitoring Unit, and the Mindanao Bureau. The Social Media Team, on the other hand, dedicated more efforts on issues management and communicating the peace process through social media networks. As a result, 36 OPAPP’s Twitter page (@OPAPP_peace) is still the most popular among the agency’s social media platforms and the fastest growing in terms of constituency. As of June 30, 2015, @OPAPP_peace has a following of 28,586, while the OPAPP Facebook page ( has a 18,179 likes. PAMANA and I am for Peace social media pages also grew considerably. Increased activities and fresh materials helped raise the follower count on both Facebook and Twitter platforms. At the end of the second quarter of 2015, PAMANA Twitter (@PAMANAgovph) has 1,094 followers, while the Facebook page ( has 2,491 likes. I am for Peace Facebook ( has 2,108 followers; and 2,903 followers on Twitter (@iamforpeacePH). IV. Other Peacebuilding Initiatives In furtherance of enhancing knowledge, skills, and attitudes on conflict-sensitive and peacebuilding processes, both within the organization, and with partners in government and civil society; and strengthening peace constituencies towards sustained peace and development, the following were undertaken: I. Children in Situation of Armed Conflict OPAPP, as permanent representative to the Inter-agency Committee on Children in Armed Conflict (IAC-CIAC), the agency regularly participates in the meetings of the Government of the Philippines Monitoring, Reporting and Response System on Grave Child Rights Violations (GPH-MRRS on GCRVs), as well as the Joint CTFMR and GPHMRRS meetings. On 10 April 2015 meeting member agencies were updated on newlyreported GCRVs, discussed appropriate next steps of action and other pertinent matters including reports, orientations and other activities relevant to IAC-CIAC. OPAPP also attended a one-day workshop wherein data and information from the members of the IAC-CIAC and some Local Government Units (LGUs) were gathered to facilitate the process of developing the local situationer on Children in Situations of Armed Conflict (CSAC). Said workshop was held in Bayview Park Hotel, Roxas Blvd, Manila on 3 June 2015. J. Information, Education and Communication Campaign (IEC Campaign) on the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) In support to the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), orientations were given during the conduct of RDCs. Four (3) BBL Orientations were conducted in the Samar Island (1) and in the Compostela Valley – Davao – Caraga (2) areas. From these activities, 7 resolutions were passed in support to the BBL. In the other areas, the PPOC became the venue of BBL briefings and orientations. 10 briefings were conducted in the following provinces:  Bicol-Quezon-Mindoro: 3 (Masbate, Camarines Norte, Sorsogon)  Samar Island: 3 (Samar, Northern Samar, Eastern Samar)  Comval-Davao-Caraga: 4 (Bukidnon, Davao del Norte, Davao Oriental, IPMR meeting in Davao del Sur) 37 The Comprehensive Briefing and Training for NCMF was conducted with the main objective of developing a pool of NCMF speakers who can effectively discuss the CAB and the salient points of the proposed BBL. The trained NCMF speakers are expected to plan IEC activities for the BBL within their agency and for their key stakeholders. The Policy Unit, through ASec Jennifer Santiago-Oreta, participated in the 2-day training seminar. 24-25 April 2015, Great Eastern Hotel (formerly Aberdeen Court). Provided technical assistance and administrative support (mostly coordination with BBL Peace Room / IEC team and linking them with Bantay Bayanihan) in the conduct of the BBL Forum Series that was being organized by the Bantay Bayanihan network. In particular, ASec Jennifer Santiago - Oreta provided technical assistance as one of the resource speakers for the Samar and Dumaguete leg held last 18 May 2015, Hotel Alejandro and 4 June 2015, Plenary Hall, Negros Oriental Convention Center, respectively. The Policy Unit also attended and participated in the first forum in the said series, the NCR leg, conducted at Astoria, Pasig City last 28 May 2015. Conducted research on the conflict of laws in non-federal states where autonomies exist and how such is addressed, the jurisdictional disputes between the Central and the Local Government, the need for coordination protocols between the Central Government and the Bangsamoro Government, the vesting on the BHRC of prosecutorial powers and power to compel the appearance of witnesses and the production of evidence, the Paris Principles and other Human Rights Institutions in other countries where prosecutorial powers are granted to them, the constitutionality of Bangsamoro constitutional bodies, the plebiscite requirement for inclusion in the Bangsamoro, the asymmetrical relations, the conflict of laws, and the BBL and IPRA, among others. K. Production of Knowledge Products (KP) A key informant interview was conducted with LTGEN Aurelio B. Baladad AFP (Commanding General), U3 and U7 of EASTMINCOM regarding the disposition of arms and forces (DAF) and Human Rights/ International Humanitarian Law (HR/IHL) as input to the KP being written on these topics. L. OPAPP Library In the establishment of the OPAPP Library, the following were accomplished within the quarter: 1. Continuing organization/inventory/digitizing/reclassification, scanning and cataloguing of AVPs, documents and other materials related to peace and other OPAPP activities; 2. On-going revision of draft Library Operations Manual; 3. Subscription of periodicals/newspapers: Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippine Star, The Standard; 4. Acquisition of new books and materials (14 from the Office of the Secretary and 3 purchased from the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) *** 38
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