Seating Arrangement Qns

March 30, 2018 | Author: faramohammed | Category: Diploma, Postgraduate Education, Nature, Science, Engineering



A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at fourcorners of the square while fore sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. A sits second to the left of G. G sits in the middle of one of the sides. C sits fourth to the right of his wife and his wife is not an immediate neighbour of A or G. B sits third to right of her husband. B does not sit at any of the corners. Only D sits between B and H. H is husband of A. E is a male. 1. Which of the following is true with respect to given seating arrangement? a) No two males are immediate neighbours of each other. b) G and H face each other in the seating arrangement. c) A sits in the centre of one of the sides of the square table. d) F is a male and sits diagonally opposite to E. e) E and D are immediate neighbours of each other. 2. Who amongst the following is B’s husband? a) C b) G c) F d) E e) Cannot be determined 3. How many people sit between B and C when counted in anti- clock wise direction from B ? a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) Four 4. Who amongst the following is the wife of C? a) D b) F c) B d) G e) Cannot be determined 5. What is the position of E with respect to C? a) Immediately to the right b) Second to the left c) Third to the right d) Immediately to the left e) Second to the right Answers: 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E There are seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V sitting around a circular table. Three of them are facing inside while the rest are facing outside. They work in the different companies, viz A, B, C, D, E, F and G, but not necessarily in the same order. S sits between R and the person who is facing inside and he is to the right of the latter. V works in Company F and sits second to the left of T, who works in Company A. P is fourth to the right of Q and both are facing the same direction. The one who works in Company D is the neighbour of both T and V. S does not work in Company G. The persons who are facing inside on the immediate right of the persons who are facing outside. U and Q are facing inside. The person who, works in Company B sits on the immediate right of the one who works in Company A. The person who works in Company C sits on the immediate left of V. 1. Who among the following is facing inside? 1) T 2) V 3) R 4) P 5) None of these 2. Who among the following is on the immediate right of U? 1) P 2) V 3) R 4) Q 5) None of these 3. If S and Q interchange their positions, who among the following will be second to the left of the one, who works in Company F? 1) Q 2) R 3) T 4) U 5) None of these 4. S works in which of the following companies? 1) G 2) E 3) C 4) Can't be determined 5) None of these 5. R works in which of the following companies? 1) A 2) C 3) E 4) G 5) D 6. How many persons are there between T and P when counted from T in clockwise direction? 1) Three 2) Two 3) Four 4) Five 5) None of these 7. A man walked 30m towards south, took a left turn and walked 20m. Then he took a right turn and walked 27m. Again he took a right turn and walked 20m. How far is the man from the starting point? 1) 50m 2) 57m 3) 35m 4) 40m 5) None of these 8. In a certain code language THRIVES is written as VJTFXBU. How is SOULFUL written in that code language? 1) ULRNHRN 2) U'RLNHRN 3) URXNFIRN 4)NRHNRLU 5) None of these 9. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TEMPORAL each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three 10. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CEREMONY each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? 1) Two 2) Three 3) Four 4) More than four 5) None of these Answers with Explanation: 1. 4 2. 2 3. 1 4. 2 5. 4 6. 1 7. 2 8. 1 9. 5 10. 2 Eight members of a club are sitting around a circular table, viz Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T and S, but not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are not facing the centre. W is facing the center and is third to the right of Z, who is third to the right of U, who is facing the center. X-is fourth to the left of T, S is third to the right of V, who is not a neighbour of T. V sits second to the right of X. Y is on the immediate right of T. 1) What is S's position with respect to Y? a) 2nd to the left. b) 3rd to the left. c) 2nd to the right. d) Either (a) or (c). e) None. 2) Who is second to the left of V? a) W b) X c) Y d) T e) None of these 3) Which of the following pairs are neighbours ofT? a) W, Y b) U, S c) Z, W d) Can't be determined e) None of these 4) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? a) W b) Y c) V d) Z e) U 5) Which of the following statements is/are true? a) Z is not facing the center. b) Y is second to the right of W. c) T is facing the center. d) Both (a) and (b) are true. e) None of these. Directions: In the following questions, the symbols $,@,%, © and # are used with the following meanings as illustrated below: 'P©Q' means 'P' is greater than 'Q'. 'P%Q' means 'P' is smaller than 'Q'. 'P@Q' means 'P' is either greater than or equal 'Q'. 'P$Q' means 'P' is either smaller than or equal to 'Q'. 'P#Q' means 'P' is equal to 'Q'. A) If only conclusion I is true. B) If only conclusion II is true. C) If either conclusion I or II is true. D) If neither conclusion I nor II is true. E) If both conclusions I and II are true 6) Statements: M @ R, R ©F, F#L Conclusions: I. R@L II.M@L 7) Statements: T $ J, J @ V, V # W Conclusions: I. T©W II. W@T 8) Statements: J @ D, D$ L, L#N Conclusions: I. J # L II. J $ L 9) Statements: R $ M, M%H,H$F Conclusions: I. R % F II. M$F 10) Statements: K $ H, H % I, I © F Conclusions: I. K $ I II.H % F Answers: 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) E 6) D 7) C 8) D 9) A 10) D Explanation:(1-5) conclusion II is not true K. 8) (D) J ≥ D ≤ L = N Both the conclusions are not true 9) (A) R ≤ M < H ≤ F. R. R>L. P sits third to the right of S. What is position of M with respect to L? a) Third to the right b) M and L sit diagonally opposite to each other c) Second to the right d) Second to the left e) Fifth to the right 2.(6-7) 6) (D) M ≥ R>F=L. R< F. T faces the centre. 7) (C) T ≤ J ≥ V= W Either I or II follows. Conclusion I is true. Hence. Which of the following pairs represents the persons seated in the middle of the sides who face each other? a) S. Who sits exactly between Q and R? a) T b) P c) K d) M e) S and K 3. As K< I. As M< F conclusion II is not true. P . Hence. S faces the centre. Q sits third to the left of M. 10) (D) K ≤ H < I > F. M does not sit in the middle of the sides. R is not an immediate neighbour of M. Q. Q b) K. H and F can't be compared. L. Only one person sits between Q and R. K is not an immediate neighbour of R. The ones who sit at the four corners face outside while those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table. the Conclusion II is not true. 1. So. L c) M. conclusion I is not true. Hence. S and T are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. M. P. conclusion I is not true. Even. If K is made to face the opposite direction. Who among the following sit between R and K when counted in anti-clockwise direction from K? a) No one sits between R and K as R and K are immediate neighbours of each other b) S. who would sit to his immediate right? a) R b) Q c) P d) T e) S 6. T e) T. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. S and T 5. Q 4.d) R. P and L c) P and Q d) L and R e) M. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? a) L b) M c) K d) P e) R Answers: 1) D 2) B 3) E 4) C 5) B 6) E Explanation: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below . B 4.  Play Z was held on 26th and play X was held on 31st of the same month. ie 3 plays are held in such a way that there is no ‘No play' day between them but immediately before this set or immediately after this set it is ‘No Play’ day. Which day was play Q organized? a) Friday b) Wednesday c) Saturday d) Cannot be determined e) None of these Answers: 1. A 3. not necessarily immediately) and play M was held immediately before Q. 5.  Play B was not held immediately after play A (but was held after A. Which date was a ‘No play ‘day? a) 26th b) 28th c) 29th d) Cannot be determined e) None of these 4.  All the six plays were held in the same month. ‘No play’ day is not Monday or Sunday.  The plays are held in sets of 3 plays each in such a way that 3 plays are held without any break. E 2. c) There was a gap after 2 plays and then 4 plays were organized. Which day was play Z organized? a) Tuesday b) Monday c) Wednesday d) Cannot be determined e) None of these 3. Which of the following is true? a) Play B is held immediately before play M. d) First play was organized on the 25th. e) Play B was held on play each day with one day when there is no play. Six plays are to be organized from Monday to Sunday. b) Play Z is held after play B. C Explanation: Date 25 26 Day Monday Tuesday Play A Z . D 5. 1. Which play was organized on Monday? a) Z b) M c) Q d) Cannot be determined e) None of these 2. What is the position of '31' in Step IV? 1) 7th from the right 2) 5th from the right 3) 5th from the left 4) 6th from the left 5) None of these 5. (A) 14 15 16 21 immediate circular 31 who same before exactly (B) 14 15 16 21 31 who same before exactly circular immediate (C) 14 exactly immediate 21 before 15 circular 16 31 same who (D) 14 15 16 exactly immediate 21 circular 31 who same before (E) 14 15 exactly immediate 21 before circular 16 31 who same (F) 14 15 16 21 31 immediate who same before exactly circular 1. the relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. 3) if either conclusion I or II follows 4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows. Which of the following is Step III? 1) D 2) C 3) E 4) A 5) B 2. Rearrange them and answer the questions. Which of the following is last but one? 1) B 2) F 3) A 4) D 5) C 4. . Which of the following is second from the right end of Step II? 1) 31 2) same 3) who 4) 16 5) None of these 3. Mark answer 1) if only conclusion I follows. Which of the following numbers/words is third to the right of seventh from the left in Step V? 1) before 2) exactly 3) circular 4) 31 5) None of these Directions (6-10): In the questions given below. These statements are followed by two conclusions.27 28 29 30 31 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday B No play day M Q X Directions (1-5): Following are steps of an input. 2) if only conclusion II follows. C ≥ F = G. S. 5 8. U and Q are facing inside. Q > I. 2 10. M > I 10. Three of them are facing inside while the rest are facing outside. B ≥ G Answers: 1. P > M 8. F and G. but not necessarily in the same order. G > D 7. L > H Conclusions: I. 1 2. viz A. Statements: P = Q < L ≤ M. Q < O II. P > N > Q Conclusions: I. P is fourth to the right of Q and both are facing the same direction. G ≥ H > E Conclusions: I. D > M ≥ N Conclusions: I. 2 7. F < H II. P > H II. 2 6. T. Statement: J < K ≤ Q = L > M Conclusions: I. K > M 9. R. 5 Directions (1-6): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions. Statements: A ≥ B ≥ C > D > E.5) if both conclusions I and II follow. The one who works in Company D is the neighbour of both T and V. There are seven persons P. S sits between R and the person who is facing inside and he is to the right of the latter. A > N II. D. 3 3. S does not work in Company G. V works in Company F and sits second to the left of T. C. works in Company B sits on the immediate right of the one who works in Company A. 2 5. The person who. Q. 2 4. The person who works in Company C . J < L II. 6. The persons who are facing inside on the immediate right of the persons who are facing outside. Statements: D = E ≤ F. who works in Company A. E. 1 9. B. They work in the different companies. U and V sitting around a circular table. Statements: M ≤ N < O. Again he took a right turn and walked 20m. who works in Company F? 1) Q 2) R 3) T 4) U 5) None of these 4. If S and Q interchange their positions. How is SOULFUL written in that code language? 1) ULRNHRN 2) U'RLNHRN 3) URXNFIRN 4)NRHNRLU 5) None of these . In a certain code language THRIVES is written as VJTFXBU. How far is the man from the starting point? 1) 50m 2) 57m 3) 35m 4) 40m 5) None of these 8. Who among the following is on the immediate right of U? 1) P 2) V 3) R 4) Q 5) None of these 3. Then he took a right turn and walked 27m. How many persons are there between T and P when counted from T in clockwise direction? 1) Three 2) Two 3) Four 4) Five 5) None of these 7. Who among the following is facing inside? 1) T 2) V 3) R 4) P 5) None of these 2. A man walked 30m towards south. S works in which of the following companies? 1) G 2) E 3) C 4) Can't be determined 5) None of these 5. who among the following will be second to the left of the one. took a left turn and walked 20m.sits on the immediate left of V. R works in which of the following companies? 1) A 2) C 3) E 4) G 5) D 6. 1. 2 3. 1 7.9. 2 5. 2 8. 1 4. 2 . 4 2. 4 6. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CEREMONY each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? 1) Two 2) Three 3) Four 4) More than four 5) None of these Answers with Explanation: 1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TEMPORAL each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three 10. 5 10. 1 9. How many days' gap will be there between the days on which Project J and G will be completed? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) None of these 3. Which of the following projects will be completed on Monday? 1) H 2) G 3) F 4) J 5) None of these 4. The leave day will not be the second or the fourth day. On which date was Poorna born in the month of September? . Among A. 6.Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Five projects F. who is on the immediate left of B? I. 4) All are true 5) None of these Directions (6-10): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered l and II given below it. G. I and J are to be completed. eight friends seated in a circle. B. F is second to the right of A and third to the left of C. Project F will be completed immediately before J and project G will be completed before I. 7. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. 3) Leave day will be between I and H. D. G and H. Project G and I will not be completed on the first day. 4) if the data in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question. F. C. On which day will Project I be completed? 1) Monday 2) Thursday 3) Friday 4) Saturday 5) None of these 5. 3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. each project on each day. Which of the following statements is/are true? 1) There is two days' gap between J and I. 1. Read both the statements and give answer 1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question. while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. On which day will Project H be completed? 1) Tuesday 2) Thursday 3) Friday 4) Can't be determined 5) None of these 2. from Monday to Saturday of the same week. 2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. 2) Project G will be completed immediately after leave day. 5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. There will be a gap of two days between the days on which project I and G will be completed. H. B is second to the left of C and fourth to the right of H. E. Project H will be completed immediately before the leave day. There will be one leave day denoted by L. II. I. Her father correctly remembers that she was born after 21 September and before 25 September. Q sits second to the left of W's wife and has two children. 5 7. II. S's son sits second to the right of U. 5 10. 4 8. II. 4 5. L. How is B related to C? I. M and N. who is the shortest? I. K is taller than M and L. 3 4. J is shorter than only N. 1 9. U is the brother of V. who is daughter of C. has only three children. II. U is not . 3 6. mother of Y. 8. Her mother correctly remembers that she was born after 22 September and before 26 September. K. S. 10. has only one granddaughter. but not necessarily in the same order. Q. 1 3. who sits second to the right of W. C is sister-in-law of E. How many brothers does Y have? I. grandmother of Y. No male is an immediate neighbour of Q. 4 P. T is the son of S. Answers: 1. V and W are sitting in a row facing north. II. Among J. 9. 2 2. If they are arranged in ascending order of their heights from left to right then M is second from the left. T. who is brother of B. A is father of B and B is father of D. R. P. U. Q. V is the father of R. Q sits on the extreme left end. What does the code ‘dn’ stand for in the given code language ? a) goal b) a c) and d) happy e) healthy 7. d) W sits third to the left of his son. P is the mother of immediate neighbour of W's wife. Who sits on the immediate left of R? a) U's grandfather b) V's daughter c) S's father-in-law d) P e) V 5. 1. Only one person sits between W and V. Which of the following is true with respect to the given information? a) R is the cousin of T. e) Q is the father of W. Only one person sits between P and U. 4. What is the position of P with respect to her father-in-law? a) Immediate left b) Third to the right c) Third to the left d) Second to the right e) Fourth to the left 2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given information and so form a group. V is not an immediate neighbour of T. What is the code for ‘life’ in the given code language? a) ol b) dn c) ly d) ai . Only five persons sit between W's father and T. Who is the grandfather of R? a) T b) Q c) V d) R e) None of these Directions (6-10): Study the information and answer the given question: In a certain code language ‘towards a healthy life’ is written as ‘nk jw ly bl’ ‘good life goal always’ is written as ‘ly ai dg ol’ ‘healthy and happy always’ is written as ‘ht ai dn bl’ ‘exercise and healthy goal’ is written as ‘bl xt dn ol’ (All the codes are two letter codes only) 6. W's sister S does not sit on the immediate left of W's father. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? a) U b) R c) T d) W e) V 3. b) W and W's wife are immediate neighbours of each other c) No male is an immediate neighbour of R. A 9. D is the daughter of N. T is the father of K. What is the code for ‘towards’ in the given code language? a) either jw or nk b) bl c) nk d) jw e) ly 9. S is the husband of L. 11. What is the code for ‘good exercise’ in the given code language? a) ol dg b) ol xt c) xt dg d) bl ol e) dg bl 10. B 3. E 6.e) bl 8. K is the brother of S. C 8. D 2. How is L related to J? a) Mother-in-law b) Sister-in-law c) Mother d) Daughter e) Daughter-in-law Answers: 1. A 5. N is the brother of J. J is the wife of T. How is K related to M? a) Cannot be determined b) Grandmother c) Grandson d) Granddaughter e) Grandfather 12. D . What may be the code for ‘be happy always' in the given code language? a) bl ht xt b) ai xu dn c) ht ai ol d) ai ht mi e) ai ht ly Directions (11-12): Study the following information and answer the given question: M is the father of N. E 4. C 7. C 10. D Directions (1-5): Study the following information and answer the questions that follow. Statements: Some plates are tables. III. disregarding commonly known facts. stand for in the given code language? 1) no 2) risk 3) policy 4) damage 5) None of these 3. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements. Some bottles are cups. What is the possible code 'improve policy services' in the given code language? 1) do ra ja 2) me do ra 3) ve do ra 4) ra su ju 5) ju ho la 5. 'improve policy risk of insurance holders' is coded as `ti la ra su ju ye'. Which of the following will be coded as `me su do' in the given code language? 1) no risk damage 2) no damage of 3) no damage improve 4) of no insurance 5) no risk cover Directions (6-10): In each question below are given four statements followed by four conclusions numbered I. III and IV. How is 'holders' coded in the given code language? 1) Either `do' or `ti' 2) Either 'ye' or `ra' 3) Either 've' or `ti' 4) Either 'ye' or 'la' 5) Either 'yo' or `ti' 4. Some tables are cups. All cups are bottles. II. C 12. Conclusions: I. In a certain code language `no risk of damage' is coded as `do me ra su'. `no risk policy' is coded as `su me la' and 'damage of insurance holders' is coded as 'do ti ye ra'. II. How is 'improve' coded in the given code language? 1) su 2) ju 3) ti 4) la 5) None of these 2. Some plates are not cups.11. At least some cups are jugs. Some bottles are jugs. 1. Some plates are bottles. 1) Only II and III follow 2) All follow . What does the code `me'. IV. 6. Some pots are petals. All wails are rooms. No kite is sky. Statements: All lamps are sticks. II and III follow 4) None follows 5) None of these 10. Some birds are kites. All sticks being bananas is a possibility. No sky is a kite. No room is a road. . III. IV.3) Only II follows 4) None follows 5) None of these 7. 1) Only I and III follow 2) All follow 3) Only I. II. No road is a bench. All dogs are pots. All skies are blue. II. All fruits are bananas. At least some pots are dogs. All cats being petals is a possibility. Conclusions: I. IV. Conclusions: I. Some flowers are fruits. All houses are rooms. III. III. Conclusions: I. Some sticks are flowers. 1) Only I follows 2) Only I and III follow 3) Only II and IV follow 4) None follows 5) None of these 9. Some pots are flowers. IV. Some kites are not nests. II. Statements: Some cats are dogs. Some cats are pots. At least some nests are skies. Conclusions: I. All fruits are flowers. At least some lamps are flowers. Some kites are blue. Statements: All walls are houses. 1) Only I follows 2) Only I and II follow 3) Only II and IV follow 4) All follow 5) None 8. II. All flowers being petals is a possibility. Some sticks are flowers. At least some houses are benches. Statements: No nest is a bird. Two persons teach between Reema and Gitesh. Dishal does not teach on the day either immediately before or immediately after the classes by Priya. Reema. but not necessarily in the same order. 1. The one who teaches Geography takes class immediately after the day when Sanskrit has been taught. Reema. 3 7. who likes Green. Gitesh and Ritesh who teach different subjects. 2 2.Green . Dishal. 3 4. 1 6. who does not like either Brown or White or Black colour. 5 9.Hindi d) Reema . Red.Yellow . Ritesh teaches immediately after Riha and he likes White colour. Brown.III.Sanskrit b) Priya . Geography. 1 3. No wall is a road. History. No room is a bench.English c) Diyal . Economics. Diyal does not like Brown colour and teaches Hindi. Riha. They like different colours.History e) None of these 2. The one who teaches History teaches on the last day ofthe week and likes Red colour. teaches on the fourth day of the week but neither Sanskrit nor English. viz White. Yellow. viz Sanskrit. Black. 5 10. 4 8. But Riha does not teach either on first or on 3rd day of the week. Who among the following teaches on the fifth day of the week? a) Ritesh b) Gitesh . There is one person between Priya and Rita. 5 5. Riha likes Yellow colour and teaches Sanskrit. They teach on different days of the week starting from Monday. III and IV follow 3) Only I and IV follow 4) None follows 5) None of these Answers: 1. Civics. 3 There are seven persons Priya. IV. Hindi and English but not necessarily in the same order. Priya does not teach either Economics or Civics. Which of the following combinations is definitely false? a) Riha . 1) All follow 2) Only II. Diyal. Green and Pink.Black .Pink . neither of whom teaches on the first day of the week. If `Reema' is related to 'Yellow' and Ritesh' is related to 'Red'. Give answer A) if only conclusion I follows. 7. All solutions being matters is a possibility. Statements: Some registers are files. All mixtures are matters. All folders being files is a possibility. Statements: . Conclusions: I. II. 8. II. B) if only conclusion II follows. E) if both conclusions I and II follow. Who teaches Economics? a) Reema b) Dishal c) Riya d) Can't be determined e) None of these Directions (6-10):Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. then which of the following is `Piya' related to? a) Brown b) Green c) Black d) Pink e) None of these 5. All registers are folders. No liquid is a mixture. Conclusions: I. No solution is a mixture. Who teaches Civics? a) Reema b) Priya c) Dishal d) Either Dishal or Reema e) None of these 4. C) if either conclusion I or II follows. 6. Some registers are not columns. D) if neither conclusion I nor II follows. Statements: All solutions are liquids.c) Riha d) Diyal e) None of these 3. All folders are columns. II. D . Some pens. All metals being thin is a possibility. Conclusions: I. Some doctors are intelligent. if they are intelligent. B 5. D 4. All thins are circulars. D 6. D 2. 10. E 9. are also poor. if they are novels. No intelligent is poor. No novel is a book. A 10. are also pages. Conclusions: I. II. All novels are pages. All books being pages is possibility. Statements: No paper is thin. E 8. 9. B 7. At least some doctors being poor is a possibility. No circular is a metal. Conclusions: I. Some papers are not circulars. Statements: All doctors are professors. All doctors. II.Some pages are pens. Answers: 1. C 3. C works with OBC in Mumbai. Union Bank. Which of the following groups lives in Kolkata? a) G. D. B works with Union Bank.Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Seven friends A. D d) A. 6. A. A. Those who live in Delhi work neither with BOI nor with IOB. E. F works with UCO Bank and does not live in Mumbai. IDBI. None of those who live in Mumbai work with IOB. Which of the following groups lives in Mumbai? a) C. and 'there is party at home' is written as zi na la ra ti'. F and G live in 3 different cities. IOB and OBC. UCO Bank. F b) B. At least two friends are working in the same city. 'this is beautiful home' is written as ra la ha'. What is the code for 'home'? a) la b) ha . D works with which of the following banks? a) IOB b) OBC c) SBI d) IDBI e) BOI Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: In a certain code language 'please don't go there' is written as 'ti pa ka sa'. G c) E. A b) C. D e) None of these 4. 1. C. C e) None of these 2. Only G lives in Delhi along with E. A. but not necessarily in the same order. Who among the following works with SBI? a) A b) E c) C d) G e) None of these 3. Delhi and Kolkata. B. All are working with seven different banks SBI. C d) B. viz Mumbai. D c) F. E does not work with IDBI. but does not live in the same city as E A does not live. D. The persons who live in Delhi work with which of the following banks? a) SBI and IDBI b) IOB and SBI c) OBC and UCO Bank d) IDBI and OBC e) None of these 5. BOI. in Kolkata. 'please come at home' is written as `sa na jo la'. What does stand for? a) this b) beautiful c) party d) Can't be determined e) None of these Answers: 1. B 8. A 10. D 6. D 7. D 3. Which of the following will be coded as 'ti ra la' in the given code language? a) come at home b) there is home c) this is home d) Can't be determined e) None of these 10. B 5. How is 'go' written in that code language? a) ti b) sa c) pa d) ka e) Either pa or ka 9. C 9. E 4. A . A 2. 'party is beautiful' will be coded as a) zi ra fi b) ra ha zi c) na zi fi d) Either a) or b) e) None of these 8.c) ra d) ti e) None of these 7. F. C. There are two married couples. D. E b) F. Who is the husband of A? a) C b) F c) B d) D e) E 2. one house-wife and two students in the family. one teacher. Who is the sister of E? a) C b) D c) A d) Data inadequate . F is the grand father of C and is a lawyer. B is an engineer and the father of E. E and F are members of a family. F e) None of these 4. A d) B. Which of the following is definitely a group of male members? a) B. CA d) ED.Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully and give answers to the question given below it. BA b) FD. A. There is one engineer one lawyer. 1. CF e) None 3. BE c) FD. E c) B. B. D is the grand mother of E and is a housewife. F. Which of the following are two married couples? a) FD. A + B means A is the daughter of B A × B means A is the son of B A – B means A is the wife of B 10. How is P related to S in S+Q–P ? a) Niece b) Nephew c) Brother d) Uncle e) None 7. which of the following is true? a) S is wife of Q b) S is father of P c) P is daughter of Q d) Q is father of P e) None 11. M is the wife of R. P + Q means P is brother of Q P – Q means Q is father of P P × Q means Q is mother of P P ÷ Q means P is sister of Q 6.e) None of these 5. who is husband of G and father-in-law of R. Which of the following can be A's profession? a) Housewife b) Engineer c) Teacher d) Engineer or Teacher e) Housewife or Teacher Directions (6-9): Read the following information and answer the questions given below it. How is M related to G? a) Duaghter-in-law b) Mother c) Wife d) Daughter e) Sister Directions (10-12): Read the following information and answer the questions given below it. Which of the following is not true? a) B is mother of S b) M is husband of B . Which of the following means M is maternal uncle of R? a) R × N ÷ M b) M + N × R c) M ÷ N × T ÷ R d) Can't be determined e) None of these 8. S is the only grand daughter of H. If T – S × B – M. Which of the following means M is maternal uncle of R? a) M – R + K b) M + K – R c) M + K × Q d) can't be determined. A– B means A is mother of B and A×B means A is sister of B. If P × Q – S. e) None of these 9. A + B means A is brother of B. 1. The one who faces B sits second to right of J. C 6. M and N are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. D 4. In row-2 J. E 7. L. D and E are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. B 9. Therefore. B sits third to left of A. in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A. what is V to A? a) Mother b) Grand mother c) Father d) Can't be determined e) None of these Answers: 1. D 12. K. If A × S – R × V. Who among the following sits second to the right of the person who faces D ? a) M b) J c) N d) K e) L 2. K and L are immediate neighbours of each other. B. One of the immediate neighbours of A faces M. Which of the following is true regarding N ? a) Both J and M are immediate neighbours of N b) Only two people sit between N and M c) N is an immediate neighbour of the person who faces B d) N sits second to right of L e) None of the given options is true 3. D 5. D 10. L does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. C. C 2. A 3. M does not face E. B 11.c) T is wife of S d) S is daughter of B e) S is son of B 12. Which of the following groups of people represents the people sitting at extreme ends of both the . B 8. D Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions based on the information: Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each. One of the immediate neighbours of J faces C. Only one person sits between J and M. Based on the above criteria and the information given in each of the following questions. She is working with a private company as manager. Shirish Guha has completed his graduation in chemical engineering with 75% marks and diploma in business management with 60% marks. Who amongst the following faces L ? a) B b) C c) A d) E e) D 5. 7. 9.12. is chemical engineer with 61% marks and has also done a diploma course in Information Technology. E c) J.rows ? a) M. D. K.10. his case may be referred to the Vice-President. He has passed CET with 85% marks. He has secured 68% marks in CET.99. is a Chemical Engineering Graduate with 72% marks. Arundhati. A. E 4. B) If the candidate is to be referred to the Managing Director. You are not to assume anything. but has secured marks above 60% and below 65% and also working experience of one year. (ii) should have done at least a diploma in business management. D) If the candidate is to be referred to the Vice-President. He has passed the CET with 69% marks. A b) J. C d) K.7. She has secured 79% marks in CET. you have to take a decision in regard to each case. 8. a 27-years-old lady. software since past three years. his case may be referred to the Managing Director. However.1976. Dilip Khare is an engineering graduate passed out in 1996 with 70% marks. M. Which of the following is true with respect to the given information ? a) A sits exactly between B and C b) J faces immediate neighbour of D c) E is an immediate neighbour of C d) J faces A e) None of the given options is true Directions (6-12): A chemical company 'X' decided to recruit Management Trainees for its ammonia plant. These cases are given to you as on 1st July. D e) K.98. 6. C. Subhash Chandra. who is working in a chemical factory as Junior Engineer (Chemicals) since 30. (iv) should have secured a minimum of 75% marks in the Common Entrance Test (CET). C) If the candidate is to be referred to the General Manager of the plant. M.77. if the candidate fulfils all the criteria Except (a) (i) above. He celebrated his 27th birthday on 17th March 1999.6. but has passed the CET exam with at least 65% marks and has secured more than 70% marks in Chemical Engineering degree exam. N. (b) (ii) above. His date of birth is 23. N. The candidate (i) should be a Chemical Engineering graduate with minimum 65% marks. His date of birth is 25. 1999. and has secured more than 80% marks in CET. Mark your answer A) If the candidate is to be selected. She has obtained a postgraduate degree in business management. E) If the candidate is not to be selected. his case may be referred to the General Manager of the plant. D. (c) (iv) above. B. (iii) should not be less than 21 years and more than 28 years of age as on 1. The company laid down the following criteria. He has completed his postgraduate diploma in . B 5. He has no working experience. D 4. Her date of birth is 16. His date of birth is 25th June 1978. . A Directions (1-5) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. B 8. She has done diploma in business management as well as in chemical technology securing 66% and 62% marks respectively. Mamta is an electrical engineer with 74% marks.1973. Answers: 1. Subhodh Roy is studying for postgraduate degree in chemical engineering at present. He has also completed the diploma in businessmanagement and has passed out CET with 82% marks. He is working in a private chemical company as an Assistant Manager for the last two years. chemical engineering.graduate with 62% marks in graduation. She has passed out CET with 80% marks.12. E 10. 11. E 12. He has passed CET with 82% marks and has done diploma in business management in 1995. A 3. 10.E. C 6. 12. He has secured 73% marks in B. C 7. B 11. D 9. B 2. Rajiv Mhatre is a 25-year-old Chemical Engineering .business management from a reputed institute. Police station. R. S. 1. Balu.Post office b) Ali . S is taller. than V and Q is not the tallest. T is heavier than V. How many of them are heavier than T? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Five e) None of these 7. (i) Xavier is working in Electricity office and his hobby is seeing TV. Post office.Bank d) Zeenath . They are working in Bank. Playing cards is the hobby of who among the following? a) Data inadequate b) Zeenath c) Balu d) Ali e) None of these 4. Electricity office. e g Cinema. Q is taller than S and P and heavier than only T and V. P is lighter than only S. How many of them are shorter than Q? .Playing cards c) Zeenath . Q. 6. Yacub and Zeenath are friends. listening music. T and V are six students studying in a class. (iv) Balu is working in Telephone exchange and neither playing cards nor seeing dance is his hobby. Columbus. Each of them has a different height and weight. playing cards. (iii) Yacub is working in Railway and seeing drama is his hobby. The tallest is not the heaviest.Dance e) None of these 3. (ii) Ali is working neither in Bank nor in Post office. (v) Columbus is not working in Police station. seeing drama and seeing dance (not necessary in the same order). Which of the following combinations of person and working place is definitely true? a) Columbus .Ali. Railways and Telephone exchange and their hobbies are seeing TV. Zeenath is working in which of the following organisations? a) Post office b) Bank c) Either Bank or Post office d) Police Station e) None of these Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: P. Seeing cinema is not his hobby. His hobby is listening music. Xavier. Which of the following is Balu's hobby? a) Playing cards b) Seeing dance c) Seeing cinema d) Data inadequate e) None of these 2. Who among the following persons is working in Police station? a) Columbus b) Ali c) Zeenath d) Data inadequate e) None of these 5. T is taller than only P but lighter than R. he does not like to displease Sadan. Anjana is shorter than Neha but taller than Sarita. Preeti is shorter than Manju but taller than Neha. What was the price of the bicycle? a) Rs 800 b) Rs 850 c) Rs 1000 d) Can't be determined e) None of these .m. Who among them is third from top if arranged in descending order of height? a) Q b) V c) S d) Data inadequate e) None of these 10..a) Two b) Four c) Three d) Five e) None of these 8. So.m. Who among them is the tallest? a) V b) P c) T d) R e) None of these 9. when Sadan is with him. If Rachna is taller than Manju. how many times did he have tea till 5 p. he skips tea during that period but has it 10 minutes after Sadan leaves. In a certain code PAPER is written as SCTGW. Sadan came at noon and left at 2 p. who among them is the shortest? a) Neha b) Anjana c) Sarita d) Can't be determined e) None of these 13. How is MOTHER written in that code? a) PQXICJV b) ORVLGW c) PQXJJT d) PQVJGT e) None of these 14. However. who is dead against tea-drinking. Madan is a tea addict and has tea every 20 minutes. Who among them is the lightest? a) V b) T c) P d) R e) None of these 11.? a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 16 e) None of these 12.m. Tarun says the cost of the bicycle was more than Rs 500 but less than Rs 1000. Bicycles are priced only in multiples of hundred rupees. Barun says it was more than Rs 700 but less than Rs 1100. If Madan had his first tea at 9 a. B 8. A 15. E 7. Pointing to a photograph. A 4. "She is the mother of my son's father. B 5. A 11. E 3. C 2. C 10. Janu says. C 13. E 14. D 12. A Explanation (1-5): (6-10): According to Height: R>Q>S>V>T>P According to weight: S>P>R>Q>T>V ." How is the person in the photograph related to Janu? a) daughter-in-law b) mother c) Self d) mother-in-law e) None Answers: 1.15. C 6. D 9. Some glasses are not cups. No cover is a wrap. All caps are pencils. Statements: Some flowers are red. Some trees are not red. Statements: No cloth is a cover. All pencils being pens is a possibility. 15. No red is a tree. II. At least some cups are bags. Conclusions: I. 11-15): in each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and H. Statements: No bag is a glass. Some flowers are not trees. No copy is a book. 11. 2) if only conclusion II follows. Conclusions: I.Directions (Q.2 . Some cloths are not wraps. 4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows. II. 5) if both conclusions I and II follow. No wrap is a cloth. II. Give answer 1) if only conclusion I follows. At least some pencils are caps. Statements: Some pens are caps. Conclusions: I. Statements: All boxes are copies. No box is a book. At least some copies are boxes. 11. II. Conclusions: I. 13. 12. 3) if either conclusion I or II follows. 14. Conclusions: I. II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. No glass is a bag. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.5 12. D is from team 1) White 2) Black 3) Can't be determined 4) Green 5) None of these 4.  A is from team White but participates neither on Thursday nor on Wednesday. E and F are participants from different teams. Green and Black. D. Two of them are the players of team White and t two of them are the players of team Black. If E participates on Saturday then A must participate on which of the following days? 1) Monday 2) Tuesday 3) Can't be determined 4) Thursday 5) None of these 5. H.  Dancing competition is held on Tuesday.5 14. C. J.5 15. Who among the following participates in Painting? 1) B 2) A 3) F 4) D 5) None of these 2. M and N are sitting around a circular table facing the centre.  E participates in Tennis but he is neither from team Blue nor from White. viz White. They participate in different categories. Who participates in Dancing? 1) A 2) F 3) B 4) D 5) Can't be determined 3. Blue.  Persons participating in Cooking and Painting are from team White and Green respectively. B. A participates in which of the following categories? 1) Singing 2) Hockey 3) Cooking 4) Tennis 5) Can't be determined Directions (6-8): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: G. K. Hockey. I. J is . viz Singing.  Neither F nor B participates either in Painting or Hockey.4 Six persons A.  C participates in Singing on Friday and he is from team Blue but F does not participate on Tuesday. Tennis and Cooking in different days of a week from Monday to Saturday. Painting.13. Dancing. 1. G is third to the left of H. There is no competition on Sunday. II and III given below it. 4 2. II. III. 1 5. 6. who is to the west f. II. Tejash is to the west of Tinku and northwest of Neelam. 3 . who is granddaughter of the father-in-law of the mother of M. 3 3. II and III are not sufficient 5) None of these Answers: 1. How many persons are there between I and J when counted ACW starting from J? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) None of these Directions (9-10): Each of the questions given below consists of a question and three statements numbered I. B is the father of D but D is not the daughter the wife of B.not an immediate neighbour of H. J 5) Can't be determined 7. You have to decide Whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question: 9. G 2) M. III. N is not an immediate neighbour of M. M 4) K. N 3) H. Neelam is to the east of Tejash. 1) Only II and III 2) Any two of them 3) All I. and Raj an is to the south of Tinku. M is brother of T. Who among the following is third to the right of the person who is second to the left of G? 1) H 2) K 3) J 4) N 5) None of these 8. K is wife of one of the sons of C and mother of the grandson of the father of B. Who among the following are immediate neighbours of I? 1) N. How is M related to D? I. Tejash is to the north of Neelam. 2 6. Rajan is in which direction ofNeelam? I. 4 4. 1) Only I 2) Only II and III 3) Only III 4) Only I and III 5) All are not sufficient 10. K is second to the left of Hand third to the right of M. Tinku is to the east of Tejash. II and III 4) All I. whose birthday is in the month of July. Divya. Prithi. Reema's birthday is in the month of August and sits second to the right of Nirvan. sits third to the right of Prithi. Priyanka. but not necessarily in the same order. February. 4 Eight friends Nirvan. Nishi sits second to the left of Raji. How many persons are sitting between Prithi and the person whose birthday is in the month of April? (If counted from Prithi in clockwise direction) a) One b) Two c) Three d) None e) None of these 4. Which of the following combinations is definitely true? a) Ishika — June b) Nirvan — January c) Prithi August d) Raji May e) None of these 3. Each of them has her birthday in different months. whose birthday is in the month of March. Which of the following persons' birthday is In the month of February? a) Raji b) Nishi . whose birthday is in the month of April. 5 9. Raji. sits between the persons whose birthday. Ishika. Reema. are in the months of February and June. Divya. May. What is the position of Nishi with respect to the person whose birthday is in the month of July? a) Third to the left b) Third to the right c) Second to the right d) Fifth to the right e) Four to the left 2.7. whose birthday is in the month of January. The one whose birthday is in the month of June sits second to the left of Nishi. July and August. 1. who cannot sit adjacent to Prithi. Nishi and Ishika are sitting around a circular table but not facing the centre. June. viz January. 2 10. 2 8. March. April. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Some dwarves being tall is a possibility. Some giants can never be tall. No curve is a triangle. All tall are giants. In the same way. 6. At least some curves are loops. II. Conclusions: I. E) if both conclusions I and II follow. Statements: No east is west No west is north Conclusions: I. Some rules being acts is a possibility. 10. Statements: All loops are curves. 7. Give answer A) if only conclusion I follows. No loop can be a triangle. There is a possibility that some easts are north. A west can never be an east. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Conclusions: I. All the stunts will necessarily be acts. C) if either conclusion I or II follows.c) Prithi d) Priyanka e) Nirvan 5. II. (6-7) Statements: All heavy are dwarves. Answers: . Statements: Some rules are stunts. `Nishi' is related to 'June' and `Reema' is related to `March'. Conclusions: I. 9. D) if neither conclusion I nor II follows. II. 8. Some acts are stunts. Some giants are heavy. II. Conclusions: I. All tall being dwarves possibility. B) if only conclusion II follows. Priyanka' is related to which of the following months? a) January b) February c) August d) July e) April Directions (6-10): In each question below are given two or more statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. II. At least some heavy are giants. A 8. Delhi. C 5. mechanical. viz. (ii) Each of them is a resident of a different city viz Mumbai. The student from Chennai is in electronics and S is from Mumbai. T. R. civil. A 9. Chennai. is not the resident of Mumbai or Hyderabad. Which of the following is not the correct combination of student and subject? a) P-metallurgy b) Q-electrical c) U-electronics d) S-civil e) All are correct 7. metallurgy and electronics but not necessarily in the same order. electrical. D 3. Hyderabad and Bangalore. Which student is from Chennai? a) R b) U c) S d) T e) None of these . who is in mechanical. Q is from Calcutta and he is in electrical. E 7. S. 6. B 6. chemical. T and U are in different branches of Engineering. E 10. R is the resident of Delhi but he is not in chemical or electrical. B 4.1. Calcutta. E Directions (6-10): Read carefully and answer the questions given below: (i) Six students P. B 2. Q. P is in metallurgy. 6. Q is the brother of R and is neither Engineer nor Professor. D 5. one is an Engineer. P is from which city? a) Chennai b) Calcutta c) Hyderabad d) Data inadequate e) None of these 9. R. A 10.8. B 8. Q. C 2. There is a married couple in which T is the husband. R is studying which subject? a) Electronics b) Mechanical c) Metallurgy d) Data inadequate e) None of these Answers: 1. Who is the Doctor? a) Q b) R . Which student is from Bangalore? a) T b) Q c) S d) T or P e) None of these 10. B 4. C 9. and one is a Professor. S and T. None of the ladies is Doctor or Engineer. E 3. E Directions (6-10): Study the following information and answer the questions given below: There are five persons P. E 6. One is a Doctor. D 7. P and S are unmarried ladies and have no profession. the whitecoloured house. R. white. A 5. A 9. Q and R b) Q. M is the orange-coloured house and is located between P and S. D 3. is taller than house R but shorter than houses S and Q. S. are located on either sides of a road with three on each side. A 7. D 8. Who is the Professor? a) R b) S c) T d) Q e) None of these 9. B R Q.c) T d) P e) None of these 7. Q and S d) P. Who is the wife of T? a) P b) S c) Q d) R e) None of these 8. R and S c) P. The three ladies are a) P. the tallest house. C 2. six houses of different heights and different colours of red. P. T. E 6. What is the profession of T? a) Doctor b) Engineer c) Either Professor or Engineer d) Professor e) Data inadequate Answers: 1. is exactly opposite P. is exactly opposite M. yellow and green. blue. the green-coloured house. R. . R and S e) Data inadequate 10. orange. B 4. the yellow-coloured house. is exactly opposite the red-coloured house. Q. T and M. D 10. The shortest house is exactly opposite the green coloured house. What is the colour of house S? a) red b) blue c) red or blue d) Data inadequate e) None of these 2. What is the colour of the tallest house? a) red b) blue c) red or blue d) Data inadequate e) None of these House P Q R S T M Colour White Green Yellow Red Blue Orange Height H4 H2/H3 H5 H3/H2 H1 H6 . What is the position of house P from top when the houses are arranged in descending order of their heights? a) Third b) Second c) Fourth d) Data inadequate e) None 3. Which of the following houses is located immediately next to the yellow house? a) red b) blue c) green d) Data inadequate e) None of these 5. Which of the following is the second in height? a) S b) Q c) S or Q d) Data inadequate e) None of these 4.1. (vi) The only lady in the family has 'plumbing' as her side-business definitely. B. T is fourth to the right of M. R. H and D are seven persons sitting around a circle facing at the centre. (iii) 'Painting' is the main occupation of F and side-business for C and D respectively. A. E and F are six members in a family. D is not an immediate neighbour of W. (ii) 'Teaching' is the main occupation of B and E while it is side-business for F. (i) 'Plumbing' is the main occupation of D'. What is the main profession of A? a) Plumbing b) Painting c) Typing d) Can't be determined e) None of these 2. D. 1. C. W is third to the left of R. Who is the immediate left of W? a) Y b) M c) D d) Data inadequate e) None of these 7. one is the main and other is their side-business. and side-business for two others. What is the side-business of E? a) Photography b) Plumbing c) Plumbing or Photography d) Date inadequate e) None of these 5. What is the side-business of B? a) Photography b) Typing c) Painting d) Data inadequate e) None of these 3. H is not an immediate neighbour of M. who is second to the right of R. 'Photography' is the main profession of? a) C b) D c) B d) F e) None Directions (6-10):Study the following carefully and answer the questions given below: W. Who is the only female member of the family? a) B b) D c) C d) A e) None 4. Y. 6. All of them have two occupations. T. Who is to the immediate right of H? a) W .Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it. (v) 'Photography' is the side-business for one of the members and main for another. (iv) A is fond of 'typing' and 'plumbing' but his/her side business is same as main business of D. M. D 3. A 7. C 10. D 4. C 2.b) T c) R d) Data inadequate e) None of these 8. Who is third to the right of H? a) M b) R c)Y d) D e) None of these 9. E Person A B C D E F Main Occupation Side-Business Sex Typing Plumbing Female Teaching Plumbing/Photography Male Photography Painting Male Plumbing Painting Male Teaching Plumbing/Photography Male Painting Teaching Male . B 8. What is Y's Position with respect to T? a) 3rd to right b) 4th to left c) 2nd to right d) 2nd to left e) None Answers with Explanation: 1. Who is third to the right of D? a) M b) R c) W d) D e) None of these 10. C 5. A 6. D 9. F. E is third to the right of A. If H is on the immediate right of E then what is H's position with respect to C? a) Third to the left. Which of the following pairs is not facing the center? a) B. who is immediate neighbor of H and I. b) Third to the right. d) Can't be determined..(1-5) Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.. Who among the following is second to the left of B? a) A b) H c) I d) Either H or I e) None of these. 3. Which of the following is/are the possible position(s) of I with respect to A? C a) 4th to the right.E d) B. D. C is second to the right of D and third to the right of B.D e) None of these. e) None of these. b) 3rd to the left. What is the position of D with respect to F? a) 2nd to the right. B is third to the left of D. Band C are also seated in the same circle but two of them are not facing the center. d) Can't be determined. e) None of these. F is second to the left of C. c) 4th to the left.C c) D. H and I are seated in a circle facing the center. b) 2nd to the left. 5. 2. 4.C b) A. A. . E. c) 5th to the right. 1. c) Immediate right. A) If only conclusion I is true. L#W Conclusions: I. E) If both conclusions I and II are true 6) Statements: K@B. K#T II. © and # are used with the following meanings as illustrated below: 'P©Q' means 'P' is greater than 'Q'. F@L 8) Statements: R #Q. R#F 9) Statements: V$X. A@F Conclusions: I. Y@V II. H#V 10) Statements: M@B. 'P@Q' means 'P' is either greater than or equal 'Q'. J©T Conclusions: I. R ©A II. the symbols $. B@T 7) Statements: F$M. W$M II. D) If neither conclusion I nor II is true. 'P%Q' means 'P' is smaller than 'Q'. Y% H Conclusions: I. B # A. B#J. M@L. F%A Conclusions: I. 'P$Q' means 'P' is either smaller than or equal to 'Q'. C) If either conclusion I or II is true.@. M #A II. X © Y. (6-10)Directions: In the following questions. 'P#Q' means 'P' is equal to 'Q'.d) Only (a) and (b) e) All of the above. B#F Answers: 1) A 2) E 3) D 4) B 5) E 6) D 7) A 8) D 9) D 10) D Explanation: (1-5) . B) If only conclusion II is true. Q@F.%. T. U. 7) F ≤M ≥ L = W. H and V can't be compared. So.. Hence. 10) M ≥ B = A ≥F As M ≥ A. Engineer sits second to the right of S. Doctor. S. conclusion I is not true.(6-10) 6) K ≥ B = J >T.e. 1. R and T are immediate neighbours of each other. Business man. conclusion I is true. We can't compare F and L. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. U sits second to the right of Doctor. as B≥F. conclusion II is not true. 9) V ≤ X > Y < H We can't compare V and Y. who is neither Doctor nor Cook. Neither R nor T is an immediate neighbour of either Q or Doctor. i. Q is not Scientist. Hence. R ≥ F. Only one person sits between R and Accountant. Cook. 8) R = Q ≥ F < A We can't compare R and A. facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. conclusion II is not true. By conversion W ≤ M. There are eight persons namely P. Hence. Two people sit between Cook and Q. Cook is an immediate neighbour of Doctor. Scientist. Hence. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? A) V-COOK B) R. Q. Hence. conclusion II is not true. Singer. R. So.SINGER C) W-DOCTOR D) S-ACCOUNTANT E) P-ENGINEER 2. Engineer and Professor. V and W sitting around a circular table. Accountant. conclusion I is not true. Again. K > T. Hence. Who is third to the left of Scientist? A) P B) S C) W D) Q E) None of these . Each of them is from a different profession. Conclusion I is not true. W sits third to the left of Business man. B >T. M ≥ W. V and Scientists are immediate neighbours of each other. conclusion I is not true. conclusion II is not true. conclusion II is not true. Singer sits second to the left of Professor. Again. Which of the following persons is a Professor? A) Q B) S C) R D) W E) T 5.NET includes services used to support web services? A) Platform B) Framework C) Visual Studio D) System E) Mother board 7. The most common addressing techniques employed by a CPU is ___ A) Immediate B) Direct C) Indirect D) Register E) All of the above 9. What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which requires operator attention? A) Pixel B) Reverse video C) Touch screen D) Cursor E) Image . In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting in between the first and the second person? A) PWV B) VUR C) RTS D) SQP E) QWP Computer Knowledge:(6-10) 6.What component of .3. Which of the following is not one of the four primary focuses of e-government? A) G2G B) G2B C) IG2B D) IG2G E) IG2I 8. The idea of MFC document architecture was created by: A) Microsoft B) Oracle C) Xerox D) IBM E) Java 10. Which of the following pairs of persons has first person sitting immediate right of the 2nd person? A) WV B) QP C) TR D) VU E) PW 4. Which of the following pairs of a boy and a girl is at one of the extreme ends? A) TC B) EP C) SF D) CQ E) None of these 3. E 6. not necessarily in the same order. A 3. Only B is sitting between D and E. F is to the immediate left of A and to the immediate right of C. 1. R is facing A and is to the immediate left of Q. E 9. B 2. C 4. C 8. P is to the immediate right of the girl who is facing E the boy at the extreme right. A 5. C 10. Who is standing to the immediate left of D? A) E B) A C) B . B Explanation:(1-5) Six boys ABCDEF and six girls PPQRSTU are standing in rows in such a way that each girl faces one boy. U is third to the left of S. Which of the following girls is facing D? A) R B) P C) U D) Q E) None of these 2.Answers: 1. B 7. T is third to the right of P. The one whose sun-sign Leo is second to the left of the one whose sun-sign is Libra. Explanation: C L.D) F E) C 4. Gemini. R.B E) F. P. C 2. A 3.D C) F. Libra. M. viz Leo.A Answers: 1. Y's sun-sign is Libra and is sitting exactly between P and L. Pisces and Scorpio.D D) A. Aries. The one whose sun-sign is Aries is second to the right of the person whose sun-sign is Gemini. The one whose sun-sign is Pisces sits second to the right of N. B 4. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? A) A-U B) B-T C) C-Q D) D-U E) F-R 5. D 5. Four of the following five are alike in certain way. Each member has a different zodiac sign. but not necessarily in the same order. Neither Q nor L is the . T and Y are the members of a committee sitting around a circular table but not facing the centre. P sits third to the left of the person whose sun-sign is Virgo. Which of the following are immediate neighbours of the one who is facing R? A) F. Cancer.C B) B. Virgo. Q. N. E 3. A 6. Who sits third to the right of L? a) P b) Y c) R d) Q e) None of these 3. N's sun-sign is neither Cancer nor Ariel. The person whose sun-sign is Leo is sitting second to the right of the person whose sign is Cancer. What is the sun-sign of P? a) Gemini b) Libra c) Leo d) Can't be determined e) None of these 6. R’s sun-sign is Leo and is not an immediate neighbor of N. C 5.immediate neighbour of N. 1. Which of the following combinations is true? a) M-Gemini b) P-Cancer c) N-Scorpio d) None is true e)All are true Answers with Explanation: 1. How many persons are there between P and N? a) None b) Two c) Three d) Four e) None of these 5. C . Q is fourth to the left of L. B 2. What is Y's position with respect to Q? a) Third to the left b) Fourth to the left c) Second to the right d) Third to the right e) 2nd to the left 4. D 4. Which of the following is N’s sun-sign? a) Pisces b) Scorpio c) Gemini d) Can't be determined e) None of these 2. All Chairs being Desks is a possibility II. 1) Statements: a) all books are copy b) Some books are chairs Conclusions: I. A) if only conclusion I follows. There is a possibility that All books are copy II.In each question below are given two/three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. All mangoes are fans is a possibility 5) Statements: . some pencils are pen is a possibility 4) Statements: a) Some fans are mangoes b) All mangoes are apple Conclusions: I. D) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. There is a possibility of All mangoes are apple II. Find which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements. Some benches being chairs is a possibility 3) Statements: a) Some pens are pencils b) Some pencils are Erasers Conclusions: I. E) if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow. All pen are erasers is a possibility II. B) if only conclusion II follows. There is a possibility that Some books are chairs 2) Statements: a) All benches are desk b) Some desk are chair Conclusions: I. C) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. some stones are rocks is a possibility 7) Statements: a) Some bats are balls b) All pencils are balls. All children being family is a possibility. E 7. A 9. II. B 6. E 3. Conclusions: I. c) Some erasers are pencils. 8) Statements: a) All structures are circles. 10) Conclusions I. E 4. Answers: 1. E 8. B . All parents who are children are also family. 9) Some parents are family. Atleast some stationary are pens II.a) Some pens are jeeps b) Some jeeps are stationery Conclusions: I. B 5. All rocks are mountains is a possibility II. No family is a children. II. II. All stationery being jeeps is a possibility 6) Statements: a) Some rocks are stones b) Some stones are mountains Conclusions: I. At least some circles are squares. II. A 10. All parents as well as family being children is a possibility. b) All squares are structures. D 2. c) No building is a circle. some balls are erasers. Conclusions: I. Some children are parents Conclusions: I. Some structures being buildings is a possibility. some balls are not bats is a possibility. Karbon. 8. ii. Philips. Umesh and Yadav are seven persons living in a boys hostel near Nirman Vihar.G. Umesh purchased music system of which company? (1) Can’t say (2) Htc (3) iball (4) Intex (5) None of these 11. Karbon. No person purchased mobile and music system of the same company. Pandey purchased mobile of which company? (1) Can’t say (2) Philips (3) Htc (4) Samsung (5) None of these 12. Intex and iball (but not necessarily in the same order). or spice mobile did not purchase music system of Htc. Similarly. Trviedi. Philips. Each one purchased a music system also but of different companies. Samsung. Similarly. Rana did not purchase any gadget of Nokia or iball. These companies are Htc.G. And the one who purchased L. and Spice (but not necessarily in the same order). Yadav purchased mobile and music player of Samsung and L.G respectively. Samsung. Rana. Karim’s mobile and Pandey music system were of the same company iv. Who purchase mobile of Spice? (1) Can’t Say (2) Rana (3) Shukla (4) Trivedi (5) None of these 9. Shukla did not purchase any gadgets of L.G. Umesh purchased mobile of Htc but he did not purchase music system of Intex or iball. Each one purchased a mobile of different companies. L. iii. L. These companies were – Nokia. v.. Once they went to an Mobile shop to purchase mobile and music system. i.G. or Htc. Htc. Karim. Pandey mobile and Karim music system player were of the same company.Pandey. The one who purchased mobile of either Nokia or Spice did not purchase music system of Intex . Shukla. Who purchased music system of Htc? (1) Can’t say (2) Rana (3) Shukla (4) Trivedi (5) None of these 10. Which of the given statements is not necessary to answer the above questions? (1) (iii) (2) (ii) (3) (iv) (4) (v) (5) All are necessary Solutions (1-7) . out of whom one is a Archer. Who sits third to the right of the swimmer? (1) The football player (2) G (3) The Chess player (4) The Hockey player (5) Both 2 and 3 2. (1) Solutions(8-12) Mobile Person Music System Philips/Karbon Pandey Karbon/Philips Karbon/Philips Karim Philips/Karbon L. boxer. C. How many people sit between the 'football player' and 'G' when counted in anticlockwise direction from the football player? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) Five 6. Neither the swimmer nor the tennis player is sitting next to either H or D. Who among st the following sits exactly between E and B? (1) Chess player (2) Tennis player (3) Swimmer (4) Wrestler (5) None of these 7. (4) 6. (5) Second to the right. Which of the following is true regarding C? . (4) 7. G and H. Only C sits between the swimmer and the wrestler. (3) 2. swimmer. wrestler. What is the position of the boxer with respect to the Archer? (1) Third to the Left. (1) player (5) None of These 4. 1. football player.G. Eight players A. hockey player. (2) Second to the left. The swimmer and the tennis player are sitting next to each other. What is the profession of H? (1) Boxer (2) Tennis player (3) Swimmer (4) Wrestler (5) None of these 3. (3) Immediately to the right. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbors of the wrestler? (1) Swimmer. (5) 5. D. (5) 4. chess player and a tennis player( but not necessarily in the same order) are sitting around a circular table facing the center. Archer sits third to the left of A. The Archer is neither H nor G. 5. The chess player is neither F nor sitting next to F. Chess player and the Archer are immediate neighbors of each other. D who is a football player sits third to right of H. (4) Fourth to the right. F.boxer (2) Archer-Swimmer (3) Chess player-boxer (4) Hockey player. Rana Intex Spice Shukla iball Nokia Trivedi Htc Htc Umesh Samsung Samsung Yadav L.G. The hockey player E sits second to the left of swimmer. B. E.Ans: 1. 5 2. A. (3) C sits between B and E. who will be second to the right of B? (1) F (2) C (3) D (4) Data Inadequate (5) None of these 9. B is second to the right of H and third to the left of A. B. D. D is not an immediate neighbor of either B or H and is second to the right of F. (2) He is an immediate neighbor of the Archer. C. F. Who is third to the right of E? (1) C (2) F (3)D (4) Data Inadequate (5) None of these Answers with Explanation Solutions (1-7) 1. (4) He is an immediate neighbor of the swimmer. 8.(1) He is a wrestler. Who is to the immediate right of B? (1) C (2) E (3) H (4) G (5) None of these 12. E. G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. C is fourth to the right of G who is not an immediate neighbor of H. (5) None is true. Directions (8-12): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. If E and F interchange their places. Who is fourth to the right of H? (1) B (2) A (3) F (4) Data Inadequate (5) None of these 11. In which of the following pairs is the second person sitting to the immediate left of the first person? (1) BG (2) HE (3) FA (4) DC (5) AF 10.4 . 5 6.1 5. (5) 9. (5) 10.3.3 4.5 7. (2) . (3) 11. (4) 12.4 Solution :(8-12): 8.
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