Search and Read Essays _ TestBig 2
Search and Read Essays _ TestBig 2
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6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig.com Enter your keywords Videos Search Reading & Listening Login | Register Speaking Writing Test prep Social community Submit Home Search and read essays Essay Category Date in -IELTS Writing Task II - IELTS General Training - Any - Key words from essay title Sort by Order Most recent view Desc Search essays Essay title Rates User Category Sticky Some people believe that modern designs for IELTS schools and offices with Writing more open spaces are Task II - (78) ridi necessary. What are the IELTS advantages and General disadvantages of such Training spaces? Give your opinion. Crime is a big problem in IELTS the world; many believe Writing that nothing can be done Task II - to prevent it. To what (78) Jagdeep08 IELTS extent do you agree or General disagree? Give your own Training opinion. http://www.testbig.com/writing 1/11 societies are IELTS becoming more and more Writing alike leading to a Task II - phenomenon known as (84) apurwar IELTS globalization.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky As mass communication and transport continue to grow.com/writing 2/11 .Do you agree or disagree? http://www.To what exten The internet has transformed the way information is shared and IELTS consumed.The Task II - (84) th5395 believe this would benefit IELTS both the individual General teenager and society as a Training whole. Do advantages of Task II - teaching languages to (84) bhumikasuryavanshi IELTS young children outweigh General the disadvantages? Give Training your own opinion and examples.What are IELTS the most serious problems General associated with the internet Training and what solutions can you suggest? Some schools start teaching a foreign IELTS language in primary school Writing years. Some people General fear that globalization will Training inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity. but it has also Writing created problems that did Task II - (59) ahfish not exist before.testbig. Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work IELTS in their free time to help Writing local community. Discuss both the vie Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties. birthday IELTS parties and other Writing celebrations is just a waste Task II - of money. Which view Training do you agree with? Use examples to support your opinion.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig. Writing some people think that Task II - friends are the most (56) tihohhh IELTS important influence on General young people. IELTS such as their hobbies and Writing interests.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky Some people think that family is the most important influence on IELTS young adults. Some (84) max1991 IELTS people say that this General information may be Training relevant and useful. However. Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information. http://www. however.com/writing 3/11 . (78) FaizalReza IELTS think that these are General necessary for individuals Training and the society. and whether they Task II - are married or single. others disagree. Do Writing you agree or disagree? Give Task II - (92) smartaquarius10 reasons for your answer IELTS and include any relevant General examples from your own Training knowledge or experience. Learning to play team sports is an important part IELTS of a child’s education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.testbig. Others. To what General extent do you agree or Training disagree with this statement? The Internet allows us to IELTS stay connected with each Writing other no matter where we Task II - are.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig. Do Training youagree or disagree? Sometimes governments say how many children a family can have in their IELTS country. To what General extent do you agree or Training disagree? Public transportation is a IELTS great way to travel.com/writing 4/11 . Writing particularly within a Task II - metropolis.com IELTS taxes. Throughout the history. Writing Therefore. On the other hand. male leaders always lead us IELTS to violence and conflict. drama and creative writing IELTS have a bright future.It is sometimes General necessary and right for a Training government to control the population in this way. They may control Writing the number of children Task II - someone has through (56)
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you agree or di http://www. schools should Task II - (67) krunal6689 spend more time teaching IELTS these subjects.The metro is (67) kongusuresh IELTS the most convenient way to General get around the city.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky Some people believe that subjects such as art. it (73) ghazal89 IELTS also isolates us and General encourages people not to Training socialize. If a Writing society is governed by Task II - (89) nightfury123 female leaders it will be IELTS more peaceful. music. http://www. drama and creative writing IELTS have a bright future. a General larger proportion should be Training diverted from treatment to spending on health Some people say that the government should not put money on building theatres IELTS and sports stadiums. Writing Therefore. To what extent do (64. To what General extent do you agree or Training disagree with this statement? Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist IELTS knowledge of the following Writing topic. music. Discuss both Training views and give your opinion. schools should Task II - (73) dgr8swati spend more time teaching IELTS these subjects.What Task II - do you think is the reason (73) maryam Karandish IELTS for the growth in the rate General of juvenile crime?What Training solution can you offer to deal with this situation? IELTS Some people believe that Writing extreme sports should be Task II - banned.com/writing 5/11 ." Prevention is better Task II - (82) bhumikasuryavanshi than cure" .Out of the IELTS country's health budget.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig.66670000000001) max1991 IELTS you agree or disagree with General this statement? Training Some people believe that subjects such as art. Writing Others argue that they Task II - (11) lelong95 should spend more money IELTS on medical care and General education.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime IELTS can be attributed to Writing violence in the media.testbig. To General what extent do you agree Training or disagree with this statement? Some companies have uniforms for their staff IELTS which must be worn at all Writing times. however.vekariya IELTS freedom to express any General thoughts and ideas.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky Artists need a certain amount of freedom to IELTS develop their creativity. What are the Task II - advantages for a company (73) swati.vekariya IELTS of having a uniform? Are General there any benefits of Training having a uniform for the staff? Many governments think IELTS that economic progress is Writing their most important goal.Do you Training agree or disagree? http://www.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig.5) swati. To Training what extent do you agree or disagree? Many schools are arranging unpaid work for teenagers to get some work IELTS experience in institution or Writing companies . Writing Some people think that Task II - artists should have total (78.com/writing 6/11 . Training Some people say that in all levels of education. Task II - Some people. because it is Task II - (73) bhumikasuryavanshi beneficial for students as IELTS well as institutions . (73) max1991 IELTS think that other types of General progress are equally Training important for a country.testbig. IELTS Discuss both the view and General give your opinion. from IELTS primary schools to Writing universities. Some people believe that it IELTS is better to grow up Writing children in cities rather Task II - (78) lizoonahar than in the countryside. too much time Task II - (73) Paula is spent on learning facts IELTS and not enough learning General practical skills. the IELTS amount of crime is Writing increasing. Provide specific General reasons and examples to Training support your answer.Discuss Training both of these views and give your own opinion. Task II - Discuss ways to solve the (89) Kvitka IELTS problem.To what extent General do you agree or disagree? Training In many countries. What is your Training opinion about this? Obesity is a serious IELTS problem in many countries.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky Some people believe that IELTS the best way to increase Writing road safety is to increase Task II - (67) Hussein1987 the minimum legal age for IELTS driving cars. Dicuss both these views and give yo Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money IELTS than people in other Writing important professions. say that Task II - (0) kongusuresh this would have little effect IELTS on public health and that General other measures are Training required. What do you Task II - (89.5) xun think are the main causes IELTS of crime? How can we deal General with those causes? Training News stories on TV and in IELTS papers are very often Writing accompanied by pictures. Task II - Some people think this is (84) max1991 IELTS fully justified while others General think it is unfair. Writing especially in rich countries.testbig. some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the IELTS number of sports facilities. Writing Others.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig.Give reasons for y http://www. however.com/writing 7/11 . Task II - Some people say that these (67) max1991 IELTS pictures are more effective General than words. Writing many people believe that Task II - (78) bhumikasuryavanshi help in a form of advice IELTS and skill is more important General and useful than money.com/writing 8/11 .testbig. say that Task II - (86. http://www. however.5) xun parent.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky Some people say that best way to improve public health is by increasing the IELTS number of sports facilities. Discuss both these views and give your Nowadays most developing countries receive financial aid from international IELTS organizations.5) bhumikasuryavanshi this would have little effect IELTS on public health and that General other measures are Training required. Training Discuss both the views and give your own opinion. Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as IELTS a source of household Writing energy in many countries Task II - around the world. Why is (63. However. Writing Others.Do you agree or IELTS disagree with this opinion? General Describe the skills a person Training needs to be a good parent.25) kuldeepjattana IELTS this? What are the General advantageous and Training disadvantageous of solar energy? Some people think it would be a good idea for schools IELTS to teach every young Writing person how to be a good Task II - (71. Some families think the best way to take care of their aging parents is to IELTS care for them at home.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig.Discuss both Training these views and give your opinion. Writing Others believe that it is Task II - (56) HuanNguyen better for their parents to IELTS live in a special home for General the elderly. To what extent General do you agree or disagree? Training http://www. Do you think IELTS the advantages of this General development outweigh the Training disadvantages? The ownership of cars IELTS should be one per family in Writing order to reduce traffic Task II - (79) xun congestion and IELTS pollution. Banks should Task II - (73) swati.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky Some people think that there are things individuals can do to help prevent IELTS global climate change.com/writing 9/11 .vekariya not issue credit cards IELTS unless they are completely General sure of an individual’s Training ability to pay back their debits. The reason that most individuals are in debit is due to the overuse as well IELTS as irresponsible use of Writing credit cards. They IELTS may control the number of Writing children someone has Task II - (76. Writing Others believe that action Task II - (78) ridi by individuals is useless IELTS and irrelevant and that it is General only governments and Training large businesses which can make a difference. It is IELTS sometimes necessary and General right for a government to Training control the population in this way.testbig.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig. One of the consequences of improved medical care is IELTS that people are living Writing longer and life expectancy Task II - (84) okoronkwoac is increasing.5) bhumikasuryavanshi through taxes.To what extent do y some government say how many children a family can have in their country. Do General you agree or disagree? Give Training your opinion ? Some parents buy their IELTS children a large number of Writing toys to play with. while others Task II - says growing up in the (56) sherin IELTS country side is better.Discuss both these General views and give your own Training opinion. Punishment is Task II - necessary to help them (67) FaizalReza IELTS learn this distinction. and whether IELTS you support them or not.testbig. bungee Task II - (89) lalodhi jumping etc. IELTS Others. believe Writing that boys and girls benefit Task II - (84) Janani P more from attending mixed IELTS schools.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky IELTS Writing Task II - Unhealty Life (56) sfftlcn IELTS General Training IELTS Dangerous activities like Writing extreme skiing. General Training some people say that its IELTS better for children to grow Writing up in the city. however.Give reasons for your answer and i It is important for children to learn the difference IELTS between right and wrong at Writing an early age.To General what extent do you agree Training or disagree with this opinion? http://www. What are Task II - the advantages and (60) krunal6689 IELTS disadvantages for the child General of having a large number Training of toys? Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools.6/10/2017 Search and read essays | TestBig.com/writing 10/11 . Technology and Task II - (73) winstonleonard traditional cultures are IELTS incompatible.com Essay title Rates User Category Sticky It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be IELTS lost as technology Writing develops.. Copyright © 2005-2017 Test Prep Communities by testbig. http://www.testbig. To what General extent do you agree or Training disagree with this view? News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in IELTS newspapers. All rights reserved.and get essay checked and graded for free Apply as VIP users Contact Us My idols Speed Reading Tools Social community Forums Disclaimer More..com. What factors Writing do you think influence Task II - (73) Leoxe these decisions? Have we IELTS become used to bad news? General Wouldn’t it be better if Training more good news was reported? 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