Seafall Rules.pdf
Seafall Rules.pdf
March 26, 2018 | Author: Annie Reed | Category:
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STOuP !s to te want ach If you ow to play, RULEBOOK you h n visit you ca .com id h a t games eo pla tch a v id and wa ation. explan STOP! STARTING CONTENTS Before reading these rules, • Gameboard read the Welcome to SeaFall insert. • Sideboard • 10 ships (2 each of 5 colors) THE CAMPAIGN • 15 custom dice • 40 goods (10 each of 4 colors) Glory & Victory • Captain’s Booke In SeaFall, you lead your province in a campaign to • Astrolabe become the Emperor of your world. You’ll play many This symbol • 40 enmity tokens/province markers (double-sided) individual games in this campaign, during which you represents glory (8 each of 5 colors) will earn points, called glory. Glory is recorded in two ways: game glory (your score during an individual game) and campaign • 5 province boards (1 per color) glory (your overall score for the campaign). The player with the most • 62 coins (1, 5, 10) campaign glory at the end of the campaign is the winner. • 36 reputation tokens An individual game ends when a player’s glory total meets or exceeds • 30 fortune tokens the glory target at the end of a round. Game glory is reset each game. While winning an individual game provides a reward, keep in mind that • 9 structure tokens it’s only a step towards your larger goal. • 12 upgrade tokens The main ways to gain glory are: • 8 treasure cards • 5 player reference cards Complete an Endeavor (like exploring or raiding) • 20 damage cards Buy an upgrade for your ship or a structure • 9 milestone cards Buy a treasure • 20 advisor cards Complete a milestone Hire a notable advisor • 6 event cards • 5 title cards More ways will emerge as you progress through the campaign. • 10 leader cards The Crowning of an Emperor • 8 retired advisor stickers Your SeaFall campaign (composed of around 15 individual games) ends • 1 upgrade sticker sheet when a player discovers the island at the end of the world. The player • 1 exploration sticker sheet with the most campaign glory will ascend to greatness and become • 1 permanent enmity sticker sheet the Emperor of all the lands. In the unlikely event of a tie, the player with the most glory from milestones (kept in the Historical Record) • 6 locked chests (sealed cardboard boxes) becomes the Emperor. If there is still a tie, the player who had the least • 5 province chests (empty cardboard boxes) prominent title during the final game is the winner. • 1 storage chest (empty cardboard box) • 1 glory target marker The Historical Record • 5 glory markers (1 per player) The Historical Record on the back of this rulebook is used to record You will need a pen. It is not included. milestones and the glory each player gains. Each line on the record records one game. READING THIS RULEBOOK SeaFall is a medium to heavy game. While the structure of a turn is fairly straightforward, there are a lot of terms and components to get your head around before starting. The rulebook is organized as follows: Page 3................... An overview of components in the game. Use this as reference while reading. Pages 4-5............. Setting up the game. Pages 6-7..............Cards, map, and terms. A look at the cards and how they are used and an overview of the map and key icons. Pages 8-9............. A look at what players control (provinces and ships). Pages 10-11.......... Two big concepts: endeavors (rolling dice pools) and tokens (reputation, fortune, enmity). Enmity is a little tricky. Pages 12-13 ......... Putting it all together. Years, rounds, and turns. How SeaFall is structured and what you do on a turn. Pages 14-19.......... You hire one guild on your turn. All four are discussed here and what actions they let you take. Pages 20-21.......... A short bit on colonies (all these rules come later) and what you do at the end of the game. Pages 22-23......... Odds and ends, such as changing players in your campaign, a glossary of terms, and credits. 2 Locked Chests Dice Custom dice with four Boxes of new materials Strong Standard different faces . campaign that give a lot reached. Move enmity tokens 5. may pay 2 gold to use all three of their actions. go to entry 425. pay 2 gold to use all good to discount it. Glory Markers Province these are used later in the campaign.COMPONENT OVERVIEW ENMITY SHEET Permanent PERMANENT Enmity Sheet To track enmity Astrolabe ENDURING If the flagship. Take 2 guild actions 4. 00 GUN TOWER Structure Tokens 1 against raids in 3 Built on build sites this region 10 to give a power for that game. destroy this advisor. Upgrade Tokens that sticks around Keeps track of which every rolled in an endeavor reduces Put on a ship to boost between games. Refresh and guild actions. Choose guild 3. (including the first). goods. A living 6 6 6 6 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 Used to upgrade 4 4 6 6 8 8 for a turn. Hire advisor or 1. Claim milestone 5. Explore +3 Choose the top available sticker when training an advisor. spice. Soldiers guild. and strong game (not the prologue). Reassign astrolabe buy treasure & event deck 2. upgrades. Island A Island B Island C Island D 4 Island E Island F Island G Island H Damage Cards EXPLORATION SHEET Put on a ship when things go wrong. 6 5 The Wise You may hire an The Industrious When hiring the Builders guild. Enmity Tokens/ Leader Cards Target Marker Enmity A representation of you. use a replacement Adventurer Stickers used at the the advisor forum. advisors’ expertise better. ADVISOR DECK Explore +2 end of games to make goods supply. 00 Weak Blank course of history. 10 that ship for that game. Islands produce 6. you may Player Reference 6 additional advisor token each winter when hiring advisors. you may 4 token each winter token each winter you may use any type of (including the first). and Explore +1 from another game. The back of appellation. 5 6 The Vengeful The Persuasive The Mighty The Mariner Take back one enmity Take one reputation When hiring the When upgrading a ship. the provinces. you may use any type of Explorers guild. use any type of good three of their actions. you explore the world. Used to hire advisors BARON/BARONESS LORD/LADY player is to ascending to and buy treasures and be emperor or empress. PRINCE/PRINCESS (1 per player) of the realm Title Cards Current game glory for Gold PRINCE/PRINCESS DUKE/DUCHESS COUNT/COUNTESS Shows how close each each player. Fortune Tokens three of their actions. to explore the world and Docks-Iron 00 10 Docks-Wood transport goods. Choose active advisor 2. in the world will affect as retired advisors during Spice Iron a price discount when a game. Reputation Tokens 00 Spent to hire an advisor Province Boards without paying gold or Garrison Reputation Fortune Fields A summary of each to use the ability player’s stats and 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 2 Upgrade Sheet 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 of another province holdings. of goods found on the You may use up to two fortune tokens at endeavors special powers. a province has created 2 reputation. you 8 5 5 good to discount it. Research (2 cards) Collect Taxes (4 gold) ON YOUR IN UPGRADE Sell 3 Goods +1 +1 +2 TURN WINTER Cards SHEET 1. weak THE DREAM OF EMPIRE Before the start of the first Moments in the some milestones are FIRST GAME success. you Merchants guild. Raid +2 2 Wood Linen 00 and iron. 7 Research (2 cards) Research (2 cards) +1 +1 +1 Spent to avoid bad luck. and (often) an Appelation 2 enmity. pay 2 gold to use all (including the first). Replace advisors 3. Harvest Reminders of turn steps 4.blank. Gold is unlimited in line to be emperor first Sideboard For organizing GOODS SUPPLY in the game. 3 history of each province. Produces Iron Produces Linen Spice Market Mine 6 6 6 Linen Market 2 2 Treasure Cards ANTIQUE 6 8 8 1 STATUE Exploration Sheet 8 8 8 Ships Iron Market 2 2 8 8 8 Wood Market Sticker A Produces Spice Produces Wood 10 10 3 3 Bought by provinces to Things you find when Each province has two Docks-Spice 3 3 Docks-Linen gain glory. Province Chests Boxes where players Goods The Advisor Cards store province holdings that carry over from Advanced Hired by players to make Scout There are four kinds actions better and give game to game. 1 seas: wood. at dangerous sites. all ships have Sail +1. 3 . When the last sticker is removed. may pay 2 gold to use all three of their actions. 00 buying them. Leaders have fortune. 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 8 8 8 8 4 4 province boards and 3 Appelations 5 5 The Adventurous The Prosperous 4 3 The Glorious When hiring the When hiring the When buying a treasure. out. If you run Retired Retired Advisor structures. damage by 1 round it is within a year. success. after setup. linen. 4 leader cards. of glory and change the Go to entry 425 before the first turn. The colors of Storage Box these goods match the SMOOTH Event Cards Some components stay colors of some cards SEAS Every round something here until needed. Shows how much Province Markers leader of a province. such and tokens and provide This round. glory is needed to Placed on sites to show win that game. you may The Lucky Take one fortune The Efficient When buying a structure. to discount it. Milestone Cards that are opened when standard success. but before the first turn. and the supply of gold (4) within reach of players. you in this region When hiring HALE BOLD Remove all as you like 7 PORT Treasure PRINCE/PRINCESS of the realm 13 PRINCE/PRINCESS DUKE/DUCHESS GOODS SUPPLY COUNT/COUNTESS BARON/BARONESS Appelation 2 2 LORD/LADY Place the deck of advisors. top of each other. next to the sideboard. They should also take reputation and fortune 1 tokens equal to the value shown on their leader Milestone cards and place them 5 on their leader card (10). face down. +2 to Explore damage by 1 every 10 10 10 18 4 3 5 may hire as many +1 to Explore from the forum end a sail order from ships that LIBRARY +1 to Hold damage cards advisors. 10 18 may use up to two STALWART CUNNING fortune tokens at If the flagship. 5 Milestone RULE 1 8 1 2 9 Appelation 10 5 2 Milestone Have each player place their ships in their home harbors (marked with their province symbol and color) (8). Milestone 1 5 4 . Stack duplicate copies of upgrades and structures on Milestone players sit around the table in the order dictated by their title cards. and any other RULE 2 cards or tokens in the appropriate locations. Have Place ship upgrades and structures face up into their locations on the sideboard (12). +2 to Hold dangerous sites an endeavor reduces 10 18 ENDURING rolled in INTREPID 6 If the flagship. Storage Chest (2). their eight enmity tokens in the home enmity section of their province board (9). Players should remove all tokens and cards (7) from their province chest. ADVISOR DECK 11 2 10 18 NIMBLE DEADLY support ship Add 1 extra die when a +2 to Raid 3 OBSERVATORY 10 10 18 3 FEARLESS SPIRITED 1 damage when a support ship look at the top facedown card May secretly +2 to Sail May take in any deck 1 MARKETPLACE 10 10 10 10 3 3 GUN TOWER TERRIBLE 4 Each good sold raids in SWIFT earns +2 gold against in this region +1 to Raid +1 to Sail this region 1 12 Place the Captain’s Booke (1). Give each player their province board (5) and province chest (6). near first in line to be emperor the forum (advisors are added to the forum during the first winter) (11). This is the supply of upgrades and structures.SETTING UP SEAFALL Note: Some of the set up takes place during the first winter of the game so don’t worry if some of the set up seems incomplete. dice (3). Place 1 goods into the goods supply on the sideboard (13). Milestone 3 00 14 1 treasure room. In your first Place shuffled damage cards (18) (and other types of cards. over from game to game. glory total resets to zero each game. Milestone 5 2 Milestone 1 5 Milestone 4 1 5 2 6 9 7 5 3 5 6 18 4 3 5 3 3 2 1 3 Reroll all rolled during endeavors here. Reference the Historical Record to see how many games their Title card and gain bonuses if applicable (there are no bonuses on you’ve played. the target stays at 24 glory each game in turn order (clockwise). by one glory each game. Have three AWAKENS THE CONTINENT When completed. go to entry 278. go to entry 293. a defense of Raid a site with STIRS DARKNESS When completed. the target is 11 glory. go to entry 270. Milestone 1 3 5 00 structures. If your campaign Beginning with the player with the least-prominent title and continuing continues beyond this point. Your You can have more milestones than slots for them (a rare occurrence). the title cards you have at the start of the campaign). 17 00 1 Treasure STATUE ANTIQUE THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF 1 Cost: 6 gold. glory in your totalling 3+ Have treasures TREASURES THE FINEST When completed. Have each player place their glory marker on the glory track (17). Milestone 3 1 00 16 5 U NLOCK 6 without sinking. The target increases face-down in the appropriate section of the game board. though in later games it is possible in which case place them near the board. May use repair action. go to entry 426. Face up card decks can be to start a game with a small amount of glory from items that will carry looked through at any time. once found) game (after the prologue). to a maximum of 24 glory. Place the target glory marker on the glory track (16). have each player follow the instructions on thereafter. 5 . 1 15 10 2 1 2 4 3 3 3 8 6 5 3 6 2 5 6 3 00 site on an island. highest numbered Explore the REVEALED AN ISLAND When completed. 1 2 THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF Place milestones (14) and treasures (15) face up onto their locations. New bagged event cards go into the Advisors have a cost in gold (1) OR storage chest until their milestone is completed. You may name unnamed advisors when you hire them. place it in this space. PRINCE/PRINCESS Sail Buy 2 Goods Sell 2 Goods and thus where they stand in their pursuit of Repair all the title of Emperor. Take 2 guild actions 4. take this many reputation tokens at the beginning of each game. go to entry 270. there are special that are each in their own sealed milestones used only in that game that do not bring in new event cards This round. The with names can be difficult. Sail Raid 1 site Collect Taxes (3 gold) prominent the players are in the campaign. Choose guild 3. or unlocked chests. At the end of Raid +2 4 These reference cards can be 1. the existing appellation. new revealed event cards are immediately and can have one active advisor per turn. Move enmity tokens GUILD5. 1 Note: If it is easier for you to learn rules by knowing the round/turn represented by a card that shows what they structure first. When discovered. the tie as you have control of them. find the event card in 00 Advisors are interesting citizens of the The the storage chest. means that good events favor the less-prominent title and bad events happen to the more-prominent title. Replace advisors turn order and guild actions. with play progressing clockwise to the most prominent player. reputation (2) to hire them. look like. You’ll 4 00 available to pursue each game. You’ll have many opportunities to name your various cards and locations. 6 . You may name your province (on the gameboard and province a game. Refreshno ship required ship required Titles The other side has a list of the guild at location at location PRINCE/PRINCESS 00 of the realm guilds and what actions you Sail Explore 1 site Research (1 card) There are five title cards that show how can take (2). They 6 without sinking. covering the campaign to its conclusion. Reference Cards ON YOUR TURN IN WINTER 1 make a player’s actions better. 5. board) and ships (on your province board) when you are ready. immediately read the corresponding entry in the Captain’s Booke (2). 2 Reputation (3): Your reputation level. When you get an 2 1 U NLOCK your world’s history. and some other information about them: Milestones DARKNESS STIRS Appellation (2): Some leaders have an appellation (such as “the Wise”) that provides 3 Milestones are historical moments in Raid a site with a bonus during games. When this Advisors happens. Hire advisor or buy treasure 1 1. When you claim a milestone. Milestones have a requirement to claim (1). Claim milestone 2 6. and often progress a defense of 3 Appelation appellation. and add the card to the event provinces who help provinces one turn a Advanced draw pile. exhausted (turned face down) and are not 1 3. 5th in line (least prominent. if you’d like. 5 players only): Lord/Lady them. One side has the steps to a 4. both bagged and revealed. all ships bag. Event Cards SMOOTH Milestones always bring a new event card into the game. their name (1). Harvest available for the rest of the year. 2 There are usually a few milestones When completed. will enter the year. The titles. are: COUNT/COUNTESS 1st in line (most prominent): Prince/Princess BARON/BARONESS LORD/LADY 2nd in line: Duke/Duchess Names 3rd in line: Count/Countess first In SeaFall many game elements are unnamed in line to be emperor Name banners look like this. Players hire advisors from the forum Scout game. More event cards. or at any time as long In the event of any tie for any reason. Choose active advisor 2.CARDS IN THE GAME Leader Cards Each player is the leader of a province. advisors become 00 2 used by players to remember 2. Coming up Title cards determine the seating order in each of your games. have a power that is in effect while they’re the active 3 You may use up to two 2 advisor (3). This to do so. of their turn. storage chest until a milestone activates them. ACTIONS Islands produce turn and a winter turn (1). and the player who Fortune (4): Your fortune level. shuffled into the event deck. especially before any history has been player with the least prominent title will be the first player at the start of recorded. In the prologue. remove it from its bag. 6 that are revealed and 4 locked chest when completed. Milestones SEAS The game starts with 10 event with a purple “Unlock” banner (as shown on this card) will also open a cards. 4th in line (4-5 players only): Baron/Baroness until players interact with You can name this one. Reassign astrolabe & event deck a turn being active. unless otherwise stated. if any. 2 also provide glory and other rewards. in order of DUKE/DUCHESS Sail or Upgrade 1 Build 1 Structure prominence. Bagged event cards live in the have Sail +1. and also have expertise (4) to fortune tokens at endeavors at dangerous sites. Do not name islands unless instructed is broken in the favor of the player with the less-prominent title. You’ll take this many fortune tokens at first meets that requirement may claim that milestone at the end the beginning of each game. jump to pages 12-13 first and then come back here. Each column can have Milestone one island in it. 1 Milestone 5 Regions 9 Regions are spaces on the game board that contain land.WHAT’S ON THE MAP? Treasure THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF 1 Cost: 6 gold. Many regions 5 contain sites that can be explored or 1 8 Milestone raided. 3 5 Sites are individual locations within regions that can be 6 raided. 4 1 5 Islands (5): Found in open sea spaces.) Market Garrison 1 Goods in a region with this icon may be sold using the sell goods action. showing what is at that site. Anywhere your ship can 12 12 10 8 6 5 3 go is referred to as a space. one color of good. No one knows its exact purpose. Your home harbor is a region. Some markets let you sell goods of all Each region (island and province) has a garrison. 3 2 1 Stone archway (7): There is an ancient stone archway in the deep ocean. Home harbors have this symbol and more may be found on islands. This is the number of successes needed to explore and/ you upgrade with any color token (as shown here) while others only allow one color. 3 6 1 The number in the shield near a site 1 7 1 (8) is its defense. 5 4 1 as are islands. 5 You must have 3 a chart with this symbol to 5 4 3 2 1 3 find an island here. Reroll all rolled 1 2 Sites that have been explored have printing or (more often) a sticker on during endeavors here. ICONS Repair Ships in a space/region with this icon may take the repair action. large enough to sail a ship through. (See endeavors. 5 4 6 2 30 12 11 9 5 3 5 Sites that are unexplored have a 6 4 3 symbol in a box (9). it is an Empty Sea space. 1 Empty Sea space (4): If the open sea space has nothing in it. Some docks let 4 Each site on an island and each province has a defense. (See endeavors. 11 Reroll all rolled during endeavors here. Ships in an island space can interact with the island inset region and all the sites on the island.) 7 . May use repair action. and raids. 1 Coastal Waters (2): The space between home harbors and the open sea. explored. There is an inset of each island at 7 Milestone the end of its column (6). page 19 for more information. explore. These spaces are organized into columns. 8 THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF Some islands have a special power or effect (11). Dock Ships in a space/region with this icon may take the Defense upgrade ship action. them (10). on page 10 for more information. a ship can buy goods. For example. 4 or raid the site without taking damage. or otherwise 3 10 Milestone interacted with. The provinces are on the eastern side of the 6 2 5 6 3 board and the ocean stretches out to the west. 1 The Basics 5 5 3 2 1 2 4 3 3 3 The world is divided into different sections. which is colors (as shown here) while others only allow you to sell the number of dice removed from a raid endeavor. 1 Milestone Home Harbor (1): Each province has a home harbor off its coast and is said to control this space. 5 Open Sea space (3): The part of the ocean marked as hexes on the board. or raid sites on that island. page 10. 9 At War With Where enmity from other players goes to show you are at war with them. There is a market in the warehouse Active Advisor that lets you sell all colors of goods stored here using the 10 Your current advisor for the turn. sell goods action. 7 Details on your ships. Ships and all sites may be raided. Council Room 4 Holds your non-active advisors. Building Sites 2 Structures can be built here.PROVINCE BOARDS Each province is a region and has its own board. Ships are explained on the next page. 3 Warehouse Stores your goods. Vault 5 Holds your gold. 8 . Treasure Room 6 Holds all cards except advisors. Fields (2x) 1 Harvested during winter for gold. 8 Home enmity Where you store your enmity. 1 2 2 2 8 9 4 3 10 7 7 5 6 Province Sites Other Province Information (not sites) Many sites on your province board can be improved. Raid 3 3 12 1012 812 610 8 6 5 3 5 3 A ship gains dice equal to its raid value when raiding. and 2 5 multiple players may have their ships in the same space. you may continue moving the faster ship after the slower ship 1 moves its sail value. 1 There is no limit to the number of ships that may occupy a space. Each ship may have a maximum of two upgrades at any time. 5 She moves the faster ship one more space to an island (2). A ship with a zero sail value may still move up to one space. 6 3 6 3 2 5 6 2 5 6 3. She moves both ships together for three spaces (1). A ship may have a number of items in 1 its hold equal to its hold value. Example right: Blue has a ship with a sail of four and another with a sail of three. Each of your ships may be upgraded to gain bonuses to values. you may rearrange goods between their holds. 1 1 5 2 5 2 3 3 RULE 4 5 4 5 4 Ships have four values: THE COLONY THE COLONY OF THE COLONY COLONY OF THEOF COLONY OF THEOF THE COLONY THE COLONY COLONY OF THEOF OF COLONY OF THE THE COLONY THE COLONY OFTHE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF 1. If ships are in the same space. At the end of each game. Ships will slowly improve as your campaign progresses and can be upgraded within a game (although these upgrades go away at the end of each game). Sail 1 Cost: 6 gold. Hold The hold is for holding goods. players will get to permanently improve one of their ships by filling in one of the boxes (see end of game). special RULE 6 powers. At this point. 4. 1 5 Sailing 1 2 Each turn you have the option to move each of your ships up to its sail value. Before and/or after you sail. the hold also shows how 5 hard it is to sink when attacked. In later games. If you have two ships with different sail values that move together. 1 1 Cost: 6 gold. SHIPS AND SAILING Ships Each province has two ships. at land). you may choose to move them together. or other benefits. May use repair action. 3 You may also load or unload goods from your ships’ holds into or out of warehouses you control in that region. represented by the two plastic ships. Details of these ships are shown on the province boards. 5 5 3 5 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 RULE 5 4 4 3 3 2. Explore A ship gains dice equal to its explore value when exploring. May use repair action. These upgrades are represented with flags (5) and go away at the end of the game (or earlier if the ship is sunk). if both your ships are together at any region (that is. They RULE 3 have slightly different abilities at the start of the campaign. 1 A ship can move a number of spaces up to its sail value. 9 . the 4 1 slower ship has reached its sail value and cannot move farther that turn. He takes 1 damage (the difference Choose a site in a region that has at least one of your ships. you may use it as a support ship as long as that ship doesn’t have a value of zero for the stat being used. ship. Weak Blank token to turn the blank into a standard success. 6 1 one success and your flagship doesn’t sink. Use this ship’s values in an endeavor. you may spend fortune tokens to change Reroll all into a standard success. it instead sinks. which is the If you did not roll a single success. Lose 1 glory for each upgrade returned to the Dismiss all played research cards after the endeavor. If it would take a third damage card. between number of successes and the 5 4 on which guild action you have chosen (see guild Depending defense of the site). and you will roll active advisor. He has6 both ships there. Her explore pool is five dice. getting count as one success unless there is a power that two successes. dangerous site. An endeavor is successful if you roll at least pool. You may choose which goods to return. add dice to your dice pool in the amount shown on the advisor card. page 16) to modify your dice pool. supply. or a region with a repair symbol. If the site Dice is not dangerous. exploring a site on an island is an endeavor. you succeed (even if 3 Dangerous Sites you took damage). bringing his total to five dice. more dice for the expertise. who has an expertise of Explore +1. lowering it to four. you may choose to play research cards (see Explorers Guild. take damage standard success. Damage is always applied to the flagship Choose a ship in the region to be your flagship. below). 5 4 When performing a raid. She names one as the flagship and takes three diceThe Ships may have no more than two damage cards. as shown here. Sinking If you are exploring. Strong and weak successes also each Example: Blue rolls his dice. He adds3two dice to determine success. Strong Standard If the number of successes is less than the site’s defense. Raiding a province is an endeavor. rolled blank dice during endeavors here. during the endeavor. (See “Raiding” on page 18. site if at a dangerous you took no damage. He Endeavors adds one die for having a support ship. equal to3 its raid value. 5 4 result of taking damage. exhausted. and enmity stickers ENDEAVORS may reduce your dice pool. These dice rolls are called endeavors. enmity tokens. To attempt an endeavor. and any damage you take will Reroll all rolled be assigned to this during endeavors here. weak success. She has two the province board. remove its upgrades and return them to the upgrades supply. Damage takes effect immediately. She adds Explore +1 1 another die for her advisor’s expertise. bringing his total Starting an Endeavor to 3 successes against the defense of 4. which means he during loses aendeavors die from the here. use a repair action at and lose its power until repaired. both with an explore of three. This is your dice pool. Otherwise. Research. Example: Gray’s active advisor is the Madman. Various other effects may MAST exhaust (turn face down) a ship upgrade add or subtract dice from your dice pool. 1 SeaFall dice have four different faces: blank. Note the defense of the site. the endeavor is a failure and your 6 3 turn ends immediately. he5looks at 3 his 4 Some actions in the game are uncertain and risky. 10 . You 3 cannot spend fortune tokens during an endeavor at a 6 Gain 1 glory for a successful endeavor. and strong equal to the difference (see Damage. upgrades or damage cards increase or decrease the appropriate value. and your turn continues. Place the ship on your province board until you rebuild it with a repair action. (See fortune on the facing page. she wouldn’t add a die. you may: BROKEN adjust accordingly.) 3 Dangerous Creating1a Dice Pool Reroll all rolled 3 Site Damage during endeavors here. page 14). Example: Since gray has another ship in the region. Take dice equal to the ship’s value in the appropriate category. If your to start her explore dice pool. 3 you build a dice pool and roll it. trying to roll at least as many successes Completing an Endeavor & Fortune 3 as the defense of the site where the endeavor takes place. Return any goods in the hold to the supply. 00 ships at the region.) 3 AND DAMAGE Example: Blue wants to raid a site with a defense of four. 00 2 If your ship sinks. Finally. The For example. Reroll all rolled garrison of the region is one. actions. He spends one fortune says otherwise. He names one as the flagship and takes two dice. who has Raid +2 as an expertise. success. immediately return any goods in excess of your adjusted Bonuses hold value to the supply. Example: Gray wants to explore a site on an draw a damage card and tuck it under -1 to Sail island. Madman hold is damaged. which is an explore endeavor. Example: Gray has no research cards so skips this step. If your other ship is in the region. To dismiss. Standard successes always count as one success. If the explore of the support ship was zero. or if your ship sank as a number near it. she adds another die to the pool. If 1 For each damage your flagship takes. garrisons. one die per token spent. Gain an additional RULE 7 If your active advisor has expertise in the valueglory you after an endeavor are using. you may be conducting a raid or exploring 3 the unknown. Roll all the dice in your dice pool and count your successes. each of which has a raid value of 2. endeavors. The receiving player pool when raiding that province. you are required to spend an enmity token you do not 3 token you cannot spend. indicating that the site may not be raided by Running out of Enmity any player until the next year. Enmity tokens are remove three dice from his raid dice pool. Blue would There is no limit to the number you may have. you may spend add one gold to the price for each enmity of yours on the island. Yellow accepts the token and red repairs his ships without having to Giving Enmity Tokens spend a repair order (due to the Port). not on the raided site. Fortune and Reputation tokens are acquired from the supply sticker on green’s province from an earlier game. goods. Each winter. one for each enmity. reputation token to have his ships repair all damage in yellow’s home harbor that turn. Red offers to give her a does NOT add dice for the enmity on the field or the permanent enmity. you may not take that action. but do not add dice to your dice pool when attacking a province you are at war with. he adds one die for the enmity in his At War With section but Example: Yellow has a port in her home harbor. Note: You cannot be At War With a where luck has no sway! Province during the prologue so you may skip this section before that game. defensive bonuses and price penalties as enmity tokens. instead lose 1 glory per enmity 1 2 island. or cards Green decides to get revenge on blue and raid his province. Enmity tokens represent the state of 5 into placed4 in their home enmity section. return any of theirs in your At War With space before Enmity represents hostility between provinces. When building his may be exchanged. Yellow could have refused the token but Whenever you are required to put enmity tokens on an island site. the raiding party removes one die from their raid dice AND ENMITY pool for each enmity of theirs in the region they are raiding. which are used later in the campaign. some may turn 2 6 5 permanent enmity stickers which last from game to game until removed. Whenever you put enmity tokens on a site controlled by a province you Enmity Tokens are at war with. affairs in the current game. At the end of the game. He first returns the blue enmity in his At War With section. currency.TOKENS Using Enmity On Defense When raiding. or between giving your own. The island/province still has enmity toward the during endeavors here. to buy goods). 5than you have available If an action would require more enmity tokens enmity tokens on island sites are moved to cover the garrison of that island. and at the end of3the game. after rolling. one token in the At War at the beginning of the game. raid dice pool. due to enmity as there is no red enmity in green’s province. which goes back into blue’s home enmity Placing and Moving Enmity Tokens section. fortune tokens to change blank dice into standard successes. Reputation Tokens You are at war with another Reputation tokens represent your leader’s ability to get province if you have at least one of things done through back channels. 3 Green raids one of blue’s fields and owes two enmity. you may give a reputation token to This allows you to use enmity on offense as well as defense. During your turn. and one on green’s field from a raid earlier in the year. He owes one more and places one green token on the raided field. enmity tokens from your home enmity section of your province board. Blue has one permanent enmity Enmity. There are three types of tokens in SeaFall: Fortune. Enmity tokens returned to a player are immediately an island and province. give can’t ‘sweeten the deal’ by asking for some gold in addition. must accept or refuse. through an unplanned 1 remind you to factor in that enmity during a raid or when paying the course of events. he would not remove any dice them in the home enmity section of their province board. Enmity and Being at War Note: Fortune tokens may not normally be used at dangerous sites. enmity stickers provide the same Most of the time it is a form of defense protecting against future raids. their enmity tokens in your At War you may spend reputation tokens instead of gold if that advisor has a With space on your province board. With space. and no other tokens. and returned to the supply when spent. Fortune Tokens Enmity and Costs on an Island Fortune tokens represent luck that goes your way during Price at islands: When paying an island (for example. 11 . When hiring an advisor. Blue decides to limited to exactly 8 per player. These may accumulate between games THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF and are marked on the six boxes near OF THE COLONY What Does Enmity Do? an island or province. During an endeavor. have. The garrison of the island is still in effect but the tokens on top 3 to spend. Each another player in order to gain all the benefits and powers present in enmity token in your at war with section adds one die to your dice one region they control until the end of your turn. and players begin each game with all of take a different action. province whose enmity tokens they have but the site where it was Permanent Enmity located can be raided again. Enmity tokens are placed on a site when that site is successfully raided 6 4 (or otherwise mistreated). Note: if red raided green. one per token spent. and Blue is considering raiding green’s province. reputation cost. If. Enmity tokens on province boards are moved to that player’s Reroll all rolled At War With section. Province Markers The backs of enmity tokens are province markers. Reputation. Permanent Enmity has different functions depending on where it is on the board. Otherwise. Players Take A Turn into the forum. Reassign Astrolabe & Event Deck Give the astrolabe and event deck to the player with the least glory in the current game. 00 Dismiss all advisors from the forum (dismiss means to put on the bottom of the card deck). The on ships are NOT refreshed during this phase. it is the player with the least prominent title. ship adds +1 die After buying goods. Structures. island to the supply. of 12 gold instead of 8. Shuffle 1. the top card of the event deck so that people can This round. Harvest Check to see if any player’s game glory equals Players place gold from every field they or exceeds the glory target for this game. 1 00 00 2 Tax +1 00 1 00 3 Build -2 00 2 Explore +1 00 2 4. control (equal to the gold shown) into their If so. follow each of these steps in order: 1. Refresh all structures and upgrades in the supply. That player will take the first turn each Non-Winter Rounds round that year. Damaged upgrades These two pages outline the turn/round/year structure of SeaFall. The The The The The 3. May use repai 5 3 6 4 . fortune tokens at endeavors other good on that Explore +1 Wood provides a discount at dangerous sites. and Upgrades Refresh all advisors in council rooms (refresh means to turn face up). clockwise.YEARS AND ROUNDS 6. If there aren’t enough goods in 5 the supply. 5. play section of that province board. Raid +2 1 Buy Goods +1 1 1 Upgrade -2 1 During an endeavor. 1 1 5 5 garrison of the island. Move all enmity tokens on province board sites to the At War With starting with a new winter phase. 5. place all that are available. Set the astrolabe to “1”. including any cards revealed SMOOTH The player who holds the astrolabe turns over SEAS during the previous round. and in order of highest defense 1 THE COLONY OF 2 to lowest on each island. Replace Advisors GOODS SUPPLY resolved during or at the end of the round. If the astrolabe (skip during the first winter of each game) moves to winter. then deal five cards from the advisor deck face up 2. Refresh Advisors. a new year begins with a winter phase. resolve the ADVISOR DECK Advanced Brute Captain Carpenter Local Scout Guide Event Card (if necessary) and dismiss it to the This round. do 3 not add another. be harvested. pages that follow go into more detail about the components and rules. What you do on a turn is on the next page. starting 3 with sites on the westernmost island and 2 continuing east. Begin a new year. a RULE 8 game of SeaFall will end in the middle of a year. At the end of the year. Check Glory Track for End of Game 3. the year is over. this game is over. The goods supply is Spice 3 limited. The game ends at the end of the round in which at least one player has reached or exceeded the glory target for that game. 6 If there is already a good on a site. Resolve the Event Card SMOOTH SEAS After all players have taken a turn. each player takes a full turn. 2. Move enmity on islands to cover the another round. all ships Your support have Sail +1. Islands Produce Take goods from the supply and place them on each site that produces them. each composed of a winter and then six rounds of play. This event will be have Sail +1. Advance the Astrolabe Milestone Milestone Milestone 4. starting with step 1 of this list. Winter Phase During winter. to endeavors. There will be no advisors to dismiss for the first Beginning with the player who holds the astrolabe and proceeding winter of the game. Move enmity tokens Treasure Advance the astrolabe one spot. you may re-roll all your dice once. A Year in SeaFall (Winter + Six Rounds) A game of SeaFall is divided into game years. Fields with enmity tokens cannot on page 20. Most of the time. You may use up to two you may return one bottom of the event deck. Reveal an Event Card the event deck. 3 3 3 5 6 1 12 THE COLONY OF Cost: 6 gold. all ships see the event for that round. If there is a tie. Proceed to “End of Game” vault. A treasure can never have its cost lowered 10 Sometimes claiming a milestone after your first action will end your turn. Each guild has a Sail action. Hire an Advisor (Costs gold or reputation) The Select an advisor card in the forum and pay its Advanced Scout cost in gold or reputation to hire. below 0 gold . It may not be activated again this year. Exhausted Remember that players can always look through the treasure deck and advisors are refreshed each winter. Each turn has the following steps: 1. If the advisor doesn’t have a name. exhaust it by placing it face down in your Council Room.TAKING YOUR TURN During each of the six rounds. Gain 5. These can be done in either order but you cannot take the same action twice. Claim a Milestone AN ISLAND REVEALED If. go to entry 278.(Merchants. at treasures in other province’s treasure rooms. refill the forum 00 2 from the top of the advisor deck. each player takes a single turn. These actions are discussed in detail starting on page 14. Hire a Guild glory amount of that advisor. RULE 10 The guilds and their actions are shown on the player reference cards. You may only claim one milestone When completed. Raid +2 1 00 2 13 . you met the Explore the Buy Treasure ANTIQUE requirements for one of the available highest numbered 3 (Costs gold. after an action. Activate an Advisor You may choose a face-up advisor from The Advanced your council room and place it in your Scout active advisor space on your province board.you can still buy it for 0 but there 00 are no rebates. if any (most don’t You may use up to two fortune tokens at endeavors give glory). As long as this advisor is active. you must choose which to claim. 2. Raid +2 1 After you have finished hiring. by 8 gold. advisors you can have in your council room. Exhaust your Active Advisor the printed amount of glory (shown in the top left corner of the treasure). Explorers. you may name them. which will let you move your ships. and one action that does not require a ship to be present. You may spend exactly one good per turn. If you met the criteria for of the same color as the treasure to reduce its cost more than one milestone in a turn. Builders. Hire Advisors OR Buy Treasure RULE 11 You may either hire one advisor from the forum or buy one treasure card. follow the instructions on the milestone Buy any one treasure from the treasure deck by paying card. of its bonuses and expertise. Put it face-up in your council room. Soldiers) and RULE 9 you will hire one each turn and use two of its three actions. 00 its printed gold cost. Merchants Builders Explorers Soldiers Guild Guild Guild Guild SeaFall has four guilds . you may use all of its abilities and gain all You may use up to two fortune tokens at endeavors at dangerous sites. Gain the printed 3. There is no limit to the number of at dangerous sites. You do not have to take both actions if you do not want to or can’t. 4. Put the Treasure card in your treasure room face up. If you have an active advisor. one action that requires a ship to be present at the location. discounted with a good) 1 STATUE milestones. claim that milestone and site on an island. This good must be in your province warehouse. Cost:Reroll 6 gold. Because blue has two permanent enmity with the island (5).action Example: Red selects the Sell Goods you mayand has an active advisor that 2. 2 Milestone Example: Blue has ships at two different islands. Because Milestone Buy up to two goods cubes available on island sites and place them on for the market symbol in the warehouse 5 6 gold is each. 4 Milestone 1 5 2 5 4 6 4 3 1 5 2 6 5 3 6 3 36 4 3 4 3 4 3 35 3 May use repair action. the linen costs five gold instead of three (one gold more for each enmity). The cost is three gold per good plus goods of any type there. He supply because of the advisor. province warehouse. Goods must be at Sell up to two goods for 6 gold Caravan a region with a market symbol in order to be sold. Red sells may sell two for the action and 1 from twothemore goods in his warehouse (2). in your one gold per good for each enmity of yours at the island. He sells eachgoods these for 6 gold and gets 24 gold (4). Buy goods alsoallbuy fourgoods (Cost 3 gold each. Goods +X” allow you to sell additional goods during this action for 6 A ship with a sail value of 0 still moves up to 1 space. putting the linen cube in the hold of the ship there (6). It 1 produces it but there isn’t a cube there now (3).) has Sell Goods +2 (1). Place bought goods in the hold of any ship of yours at the island. He would like to buy more goods but the action only allows two goods to be bought and he didn’t activate an advisor with this expertise. paying three gold. 1 Sell Goods +2 1 Ships may not carry more items than their hold value allows.) AND THEIR ACTIONS Theeach. Some markets (like in your province warehouse) allow you to sell any type of Driver 1. gold each. a buy action. Advisors with “Sell Move each of your ships up to their sail value. 5 MERCHANTS GUILD 3. He picks the buy goods action and has his first ship buy the iron available on that island (1). Ship must be present. Sell Goods Milestone (Goods sell for 6 gold each. he may sell four goods your ship or ships at those islands. each of which has goods on it. You must pay for them as normal. Buy Goods +2 01 3 Advisors with “Buy Goods +X” allow you to buy additional goods during this action. Return sold goodsDuring cubes to the supply. enmity increases price. all rolled during endeavors here. He puts the iron cube in the hold of the ship there (2). He wants a linen but the island doesn’t have any for sale. He buys the linen from the 5 3 other island (4). You may return goods to the supply (gaining nothing for them) in order to store different goods. Sail goods while others only allow you to sell one type. 11 Reroll3all rolled during endeavors here. 1 2 5 THE COLONY OF THE COLONY OF 2 6 14 . using the ship he has there. all Place colors (3). She chooses the SWIFT SWIFT upgrade. Build LIBRARY Repair any of your ships at a location with the repair (Costs gold. To repair. Repair OR Upgrade (Upgrades costs gold and can be discounted with a good. refresh all exhausted upgrade tokens Build one available structure on any may hire as many and dismiss all damage cards. Structures last until Buy one upgrade for one of your ships at a region with the end of the game or until they are a dock symbol by paying its printed gold cost. This good must be in the same region as the build be upgraded. a ship for a different one. less any discounts. structure. during their turn. add one gold for each enmity you Exhausted (face-down) structures are not available for purchase. lose that glory. Structures give their power discounts. 2. A ship with a sail value of 0 still moves up to 1 space. you symbol. An active advisor with upgrade expertise lowers the cost of the An active advisor with build structure expertise lowers the cost of the upgrade. site. 10 Furthermore. She takes the upgrade and places it on a ship. her advisor has Upgrade -2. ship must be present) You may either repair both your ships or upgrade one of your ships. 15 . This good must be in the same region as the ship to the cost by 8 gold. lose that glory. Gain one glory. If you are using a dock on an island. Gain one glory. If the structure is returned to the board. which lowers the price to free. either in a warehouse or on a ship. either in a warehouse or on a ship. less any raided. Upgrades last until the end of the game or only to the owner of the structure. you may also rebuild build site you control by paying its as you like 18 printed gold cost. have at the island You may return structures to the board exhausted (face down) to make Exhausted (face down) upgrades are not available for purchase. Repairing costs nothing from the forum unless a damage card says otherwise. unless another player pays the owner Some docks let you buy any upgrade while others only let you buy an a reputation token to use that power upgrade of one color. until your ship is sunk. no ship needed) When hiring 4 advisors. BUILDERS GUILD AND THEIR ACTIONS Gain one glory for every upgrade bought Gain one glory for every structure built 1. Take the structure token from the Upgrade board and place it face-up on a build site you control. Example: Yellow has both ships in her home harbor. The +1 to Sail cost is usually 10 but she has a linen in her province warehouse. any sunken ships of yours and place them in your home harbor. If you repair. which has a four-color dock symbol. Repair 3. You may return and exhaust an upgrade to the board to make room on A structure can never have its cost lowered below 0 gold. An upgrade can never have its cost lowered below 0 gold. She has gold to buy another upgrade but cannot since the action only allows for one per turn. Sail Move each of your ships up to their sail value. which discounts the cost to two gold. You may spend one good of the same color as the upgrade to reduce You may spend one good of the same color as the structure to reduce the cost by 8 gold. If the upgrade is returned to the board. which discounts with linen. room for new ones. she finds an anchor symbol. 48 302 Each time you successfully explore a land site. bringing it to four. Advisors with Research +X allow you to draw X additional cards at no extra cost. Sail RULE 12 Move each of your ships up to their sail value. See “What’s on the Islands” on page 17 for examples of what you might 62 308 RULE 14 8 find while exploring. It can’t be after you use them. Because it’s a dangerous site she can’t spend fortune so she takes one damage. 52 picked again. directly over the symbol of the site you explored. 3 56 3 RULE 13 5 45 21 1 47 6 150 358 49 69 22 258 Reroll 28 all rolled 83 63 during endeavors 71 here. EXPLORERS GUILD Exploring the Sea None dare sail into the uncharted waters. There are no maps or charts at the start of the campaign as you have not begun to explore the world. She has six dice. one short of the defense. A ship with a sail value of 0 still moves up to 1 space. 10 56 51 359 44 53 45 54 47 58 10 1 54 314 26 19 19 50 68 72 17 356 57 30 219 61 50 55 12 59 67 13 85 82 60 7 40 355 52 296 72 48 302 304 2 62 84 354 308 220 151 4 191 64 3. 46 16 306 73 . you’ll be instructed to mark that site with a sticker from the exploration sticker sheet. She takes the Explore action and builds her dice pool. The endeavor is a success and she gains one glory. then you have explored the site. Explore (Ship must be present) You may explore one unexplored site at an island where at least one of your ships is present. Dismiss the other cards. An unexplored site has a 5 4 symbol (such as a sun or anchor) in the box above the defense value of the site. AND THEIR ACTIONS Gain 1 glory for every successful endeavor 1. It’s a dangerous site. Remember 6 that explore endeavors do not normally lose dice due to the garrison. and are only dismissed Cross off that entry on the map. Note the number next to the symbol you picked. Her active advisor is the woodsman. Research 30 299 353 46 65 306 73 66 228 219 Note: You cannot research at the start of SeaFall. Her explore value for the ship is two and she has the Intrepid 151 upgrade. 220 Example: Blue has a ship at an island with an unexplored anchor site with a defense of five. 2 Take the appropriate sticker from the sticker sheet and place it on the site’s location. and 296 read the corresponding entry in the Captain’s Booke. 82 at the front of the Captain’s Booke and pick a symbol that matches the site just explored. She chooses to exhaust the Intrepid upgrade rather than draw a damage card. Go to the Explorers’ Map 85 drawn research card to keep and place it face up in your treasure room. because it’s an anchor symbol. his power adds an additional die. crosses it out and turns to the entry matching the number near that anchor. 3 Perform an explore endeavor (see page 10 for endeavor rules). 59 67 Pay three gold to draw one research card. 2. who normally adds one die but. But courage is growing…. She reads aloud…. She rolls 4 four successes. 60 Research cards are kept from game to game. Looking at the explorer’s map at the front of the Captain’s 299 353 65 Booke. which adds two to a ship’s explore value. Choose one If you succeed in your endeavor. Goods These sites produce goods Strange Temples? in winter. allows you to buy a yellow upgrade (which discounts with spice). For example. cube present. 6 RULE 15 Docks You may buy a ship upgrade matching the color of the docks symbol. The only way to get gold from a mine is to raid it (see Soldiers Guild on page 18). These are the things you may discover when you explore island sites: Ancient Statues? The purpose of these is unknown and they may not exist at all. you may sell iron at an island that has an iron market. You may buy from these sites if there is a good Produces Produces Produces Produces Little more than legends from sailors gone mad.WHAT’S ON Tombs? It is rumored that the ancient empire of the seas buried their leaders in THE ISLANDS? tombs on the isles. Market You may sell goods at an island that has a market if the goods match the color of the market. a yellow docks site. This upgrade must be placed on a ship in the same region. Wood Linen Spice Iron Mine Mines may be raided to gain the amount of gold printed on it. 17 . For example. as shown here. You hope. A site cannot be raided if it already has an enmity token on it. He declares his ship with Raid 4 to be his flagship and takes four dice. you may raid a site that produces a good but does not currently have one. Collect Taxes lets him use fortune at dangerous sites so he uses two fortune tokens to turn two Add 3 gold to your vault. opposite page). anywhere in their region. A ship with a sail value of 0 still moves up to 1 space. RULE 17 He has both ships at the island. so he adds two more dice. Remove dice for: The garrison value of the region/island (printed on the board). when raiding. Determine your raid dice 2. If raiding a province. you gain plunder from the site (see Plunder. you will lose dice from your pool RULE 16 before you roll. Each ship is considered a support ship and usually removes one die unless it has an upgrade or ability that allows it to remove more. Structures that have a garrison symbol in that region (like Gun Towers). A raid endeavor works as follows: 1. You are allowed to look at all cards in province treasure rooms and council Raiding a Ship rooms at any time. Although there is no spice cube currently there. provinces are still forbidden to raid each other’s ships at this point. The Advanced Scout is his active advisor and 3. 18 . he can still raid it as it doesn’t have an enmity token on it. Gather plunder based on your rolled successes (unlike exploring) 5. 1 success. Defending ships in the region. Roll and determine damage based on the defense of the site 4. one with Raid 4 and one with Raid 2. see below) 3. bringing his total to 5. especially before a raid. Looking at the garrison of 1. The Advanced Scout has Raid +2 so he takes two more dice for a total of 8 dice. Sail Move each of your ships up to their sail value. It is a dangerous site with defense 5. The ship with Raid 2 also has the Nimble upgrade. gains a glory. 2. His active advisor is the Advanced Scout. The roll is 3 blanks. SOLDIERS GUILD AND THEIR ACTIONS Gain 1 glory for every successful endeavor 1. If you don’t sink after you roll. 2 weak successes. The island’s power says to re-roll weak successes so he does and gets one blank and one success. Raid (ship must be present) Raid a previously explored site in a region to take something by force or to return a built structure to the supply. he removes one die and rolls 7 dice. the defense of the the amount of gold you collect with this action. and takes a spice from the supply. island. and 1 strong success. An active advisor with Taxes +X increases blanks into two standard successes. Example:Yellow decides to raid a site that produces spice. He has a total of three successes. Remove some dice (unlike exploring. Although the peace of the previous generations has largely ended. Unlike buying goods. Each of your enmity tokens and stickers the island has. He takes no damage. Give enmity (usually on the raided site) Unlike exploring. His support ship would normally provide one additional die but the nimble upgrade allows it to donate an extra. remove a die for each enmity of yours they have. exhausted (face down). You may choose to dismiss the advisor instead. the warehouse. good in the supply. its owner loses that glory and. you gain it. if you placed it in your council room. refreshed. and add it to a ship in Produces Produces Produces Produces this region. After taking damage. Warehouse Take half the goods of your choice from the defending player’s warehouse. Take the good on the site She places two enmity tokens on the field. The owner immediately loses its glory. Sites with enmity tokens cannot be raided one site on the province board but you may only plunder a Value again this year. If the advisor provided glory. Gain glory as usual.) successes you rolled. the number of successes you rolled does not matter. the supply. to your vault. you may not Island Sites plunder that site. the site cannot be raided. The defense of all cases. This field will not produce gold during the next winter’s harvest. Council Room Take any advisor from the defending player’s council room and place it in your council room. Market Vault Take up to two matching goods and add them to ship(s) Take half the gold from the defending of yours in this region. Place enmity tokens equal to the plunder value on the site. Gray decides to plunder a field with a plunder value of two. you a good from the supply matching the color of the may hire as many Take a ship upgrade worth 10 gold that matches the from the forum 18 structure. rounded up. site whose plunder value is less than or equal to the number Gold goes directly to your vault. Gray does not have enough successes to plunder the vault or treasure room. If you do not have enough enmity tokens. Structure LIBRARY Return the structure to the sideboard. 19 . Treasure Room Take one card from the defending player’s treasure room and add it to your treasure room. of successes you rolled. or council room since all the plunder values Good are three or less. you may plunder Plunder tokens on the raided site. rounded up. 6 Mine Take gold from the supply equal to the value of the mine. If there aren’t any of the matching player’s vault. Plunder can be put on any ship of yours in the region. at least 1 success results in plundering the site and placing 1 the province is five so gray takes two damage. take one good of the Take gold from the supply equal to the gold matching type from the supply. If aren’t any of the matching good in value of the field and add it to your vault. Take When hiring 4 Docks advisors. the site cannot be raided. or take gold equal to half its cost and add it as you like color of the dock and add it to any ship in the region. plunder a field. refreshed. On islands.PLUNDER Province Sites (Provinces cannot be raided in the prologue so you may skip these What you collect depends on the type of site you raid and how many rules when playing that game. Adjust glory accordingly. In all cases. you will place one or more enmity After a successful raid against a province. gray may enmity token on the site after a successful raid. In Gray raids yellow’s province and ends up with three successes. The site cannot be built on this year. If there isn’t Wood Linen Spice Iron Field one. an advisor with Raid +1 expertise and a Raid +2 expertise has a Raid expertise of +3. 00 An advisor with two of the same expertise combines the values when its expertise is used. If you Raid +3 do not have any advisors with empty slots. 2 Improve Reputation Improve your leader’s reputation to the next higher number available by placing its sticker over the current reputation. Red and blue keep an advisor worth three and yellow keeps one worth four. at the end of the round. When the last sticker is removed. Train Advisors (all players) Retired Pirate Each player chooses a Retired Advisor to train one Raid +1 advisor they control with a new or better expertise. you may it on your leader. follow these steps in order (within each step. and four. The player who won this game may only keep an advisor if its gold value cost is lower than that of You may use up to two any other advisor kept by a player. destroy this advisor. do not Choose the top available sticker when training an advisor. 20 . 3 Improve Fortune Improve your leader’s fortune to the next higher number available by placing its sticker over the current fortune. Raid +2 Each province must choose a different retired RULE 21 advisor. the RULE 18 order is from the lowest game glory to the highest game glory): 1. three. the player with the least prominent title among tied parties wins the game. When the last sticker is removed from a Retired Advisor. If there is a tie.COLONIES END OF GAME The provinces aren’t ready to found colonies now… but some day you hope to. Keep Advisor (all players) The Each player chooses one advisor that player Advanced Scout controls and sets it aside to keep to the next game. This may mean fortune tokens at endeavors at dangerous sites. After the game ends. Improve Field Choose a field on any region you control and replace it 4 with the next higher numbered gold value available by placing its sticker over the current field. 1 the winner cannot keep an advisor. Green may only keep the advisor worth two gold since it is lower than all other advisors kept. 6 Improve Garrison RULE 19 Choose a garrison on any region you control and replace it with the next higher number available by placing its sticker over the current garrison. three of their actions. 2. If you already have an appellation. The game ends when. at least one player has reached or exceeded the target glory for the game. Raid +2 00 2 Example: Green won the game and has advisors with RULE 23 gold costs of two. You must train an advisor if you can. For example. The province with the most glory wins. Improve province (game winner only) The player that won THIS GAME gets to take the Improvement Sheet and choose one reward on it. 3 RULE 20 Take Appellation The Mighty Take any appellation available on the sheet and place When hiring the Soldiers guild. select a retired advisor and skip this step. RULE 22 3. pay 2 gold to use all the new one replaces it (sticker over it). it is destroyed and removed from the game. the game is still over). adding the current game’s glory to the campaign glory to establish a new campaign glory total. etc LORD/LADY Example: The current Lord. tokens. She applies two of those One is improved at the end of each game. takes the Lord title. back 2 The explored sites on an island are permanent. You may apply two successes to cross out (with Some elements of one game carry over into future games. Crossed out 5 enmity counts as a blank space and new enmity can be placed on it. GAME __________________________________ 1 11 8 6 4 11 9 __________________________________ __________________________________ 2 12 12 20 7 13 8 12 9 20 8 17 __________________________________ 3 13 Record each player’s game glory in the historical record (on the back of __________________________________ __________________________________ 4 14 this rulebook). He picks Baron. Permanent Enmity Stickers Example: Green has three enmity tokens out at Remain on islands and provinces. cover over any sticker that is not yours. MILESTONES Return all other cards. Baron. research cards.Count. Although one of your permanent enmity stickers on any region.those tokens. replace each of your remaining enmity tokens on any Islands roll all rolled 1 region with a permanent enmity sticker in that region and then take ring endeavors here. now in last. mentioned in various parts of the rulebook. Determine 4 Enmity (all players) 1 lowest ranked title amongst tied players and gets first choice of titles. enmity tokens. 4. She also has three fortune THE COLONY OF and one reputation token left and rolls four dice. then the next least BARON/BARONESS pen or marker. instead lose 1 glory for each enmity sticker you can’t place (even if provinces drop below the Players should store their title card. of the available empty slots (or crossed out enmity). The current Lord has the 5. Each player rolls as many dice as they6have fortune and reputation 3 remaining. here are the starting game 3 parts that continue from game to game. The current Princess has the most campaign glory and the current Count has the least campaign glory. The Count. prominent title. tokens 5 You may apply one success to take back one of your enmity tokens 6 GAME CARRYOVER 4 a pen) from any region. glory marker. kept 6. successes to cross out a permanent enmity with the Gray province and the remaining success to Advisors take back one enmity token. If there is a tie in campaign glory. and pieces to the game box. OLONY OF the end of the game. in a region are yours and you need to add more. the DUKE/DUCHESS by filling in the next empty box player with the least prominent rank in this game Milestone COUNT/COUNTESS corresponding to that value with a chooses which title they want. Record THE Glory (allHISTORICAL RECORDadvisor. Assign Titles (all players) PRINCE/PRINCESS of the realm Each player permanently improves Re-assign titles to players based on their campaign PRINCE/PRINCESS one value on one of their ships glory total. If all six slots are Title Cards filled. After you’ve finished taking back enmity tokens and crossing out 3 enmity stickers. The remaining two Each province keeps up to one. Ship Values getting three successes. glory target for the game. tokens are replaced with permanent enmity stickers in the region they are in and then she takes back her tokens. and any other players) kept cards in their province chest before returning it to the game box. Finally. the current Duke takes the 5 2 remaining title -. Research Cards When placing a permanent enmity sticker on a region. __________________________________ 5 15 __________________________________ __________________________________ 6 16 __________________________________ 7 17 __________________________________ __________________________________ 8 18 __________________________________ 21 9 19 __________________________________ __________________________________ . The former Baron chooses Duke. Improve Ships (all players) 7. first fill in one Each province keeps unused research cards. and Duke all first end the game with the same campaign glory in second in line to be emperor place. The Princess keeps her current title. If all six enmity stickers Players always have exactly one title. A province is a region. Refresh: To turn an exhausted card or token face up. province has left the game. a new player takes on the role of the gray province. Do not place gold or goods in their province. He chooses to improve a field. you control it. with the same players Control: If you have a card in your possession. This is largely an irrelevant choice but it is written here the prologue). Gray records his score as 22. a standard success. the missing province cards not being used by players. playing the same provinces every game. Their permanent enmity will eventually be Open Sea: The hex-shaped spaces beyond the coastal waters. Ships are also improved with a pen at the end of each non-prologue game. He Home Harbors: The space on the board in front of each province. they improve their ships die has two standard successes. Destroy: Remove the part from the game permanently (this and all future games). For example. If more than you have the same number of improvements as the other players one card is dismissed at once. The last place player’s campaign Improve: Take a sticker from the province improvement sheet glory is 27. receives one less glory than the lowest-scoring player. look through the advisor deck and take any advisor worth one in that region. do the following: Site: A location within a region that can be raided or explored.. SeaFall is meant to be played as a campaign. some faces have successes on them. out entirely. Here fortune holds accommodating this. the player dismissing them chooses (equal to the number of total games played in the campaign -. rounded down. Before setting up the Dock: A region with a dock allows a ship to be upgraded while it is game. Make a note on the historical record that the goods while others only sell one type of good. not use its power or ability. If the province is entitled to an enmity token due to being of lesser Space: Any spot on the board where your ships may be. You may also control different Sometimes people will miss a game. or action on your province lower for each game missed). been discovered but are not in current use. they still get the token(s). burn it. or want to join in after the campaign has started. He looks through the advisor deck and takes one advisor worth one reputation. place any cards that the absent province has in their province has many sites. When exhausted. prominence. but this is your call. board. site. or just set it aside. a weak success. Your campaign glory is equal to the last-place player’s current campaign Empty Sea: An open sea space with no sticker or island in it. Exhaust: To turn a card or token face down. Permanently removing a player Take all cards the player kept from the previous game and return them Market: Regions with a market may sell goods. Here are rules for Dangerous Site: A site whose defense is in red. Take the appropriate title card.CHANGING THE IMPORTANT NUMBER OF PLAYERS TERMINOLOGY IN YOUR CAMPAIGN Coastal Waters: The long space between the home harbors and the open sea. shred it. If a player misses a game (or more) without withdrawing from the campaign. campaign so far. Missing a game Region: An area of land. Success: When rolling dice. Take one improvement for every three non-prologue games that have been played in the campaign. Islands usual spots (treasure room and/or council room). He improves his ships five times. while reputation.. Joining the campaign Take an available unused province board. Some docks may provide upgrades of any color. weak and strong successes count as three games missed. any title When recording glory totals at game’s end. stickered over. including fields. Some markets sell all to their original locations. one. coastal waters. rounded down. and home harbors are different types of spaces. Rip it. once for every game missed and gain one improvement for every Unless there is a power or effect. Open sea. it can Example: After five games. This province may be raided as normal. An island is a region. others may only provide one color of upgrade. because it will be very important to a few people and I’ll hear about it if I don’t. whether it is refreshed or exhausted. Any ships and enmity they Storage Chest: A card box that stores parts of the game that have have adds to the garrison. You may not want to allow new provinces to no sway. enter the game after you’ve opened this box. Each When the player returns to the campaign.do not count the order. one for each non-prologue game played. Place their ships in have unexplored and explored sites. 22 . At the glory value minus the number of games that have been played in the start of the campaign. such as your home harbor. Write your total in the historical record in the column that matches your province. which is five lower than 27 (one glory and permanently change a statistic. and a strong success. and building sites. Improve your ships until Dismiss: Return a card to the bottom of its card deck. their home harbor. all but four open sea spaces are empty sea spaces. A During setup. also gets one improvement as five games divided by three (rounded down) is Each province controls the home harbor in front of their province. drop spaces on the board. com © 2016 Plaid Hat Games. Plaid Hat. EJ Dela Cruz. All rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. CREDITS Game Designer: Rob Daviau Producer: Colby Dauch Illustrators: Jared Blando Gunship Revolution's Brian Valeza. Made in China. Plaid Hat Games. and Jen Santos Graphic Designers: David Richards. Rigaud QC J0P 1P0.R. Plaid Hat Games & Design are trademarks of F2Z Entertainment Inc. Honeycutt Initial Development: Kevin Wilson Copy Editors: Jonathan Liu and Ian Zang www. 23 . Canada. Phillipe Guérin Development: J. SeaFall. Retain this information for your records.plaidhatgames. F2Z Entertainment Inc. 31 rue de la Coopérative.. THE HISTORICAL RECORD MILESTONES GAME __________________________________ 1 11 __________________________________ __________________________________ 2 12 __________________________________ 3 13 __________________________________ __________________________________ 4 14 __________________________________ 5 15 __________________________________ __________________________________ 6 16 __________________________________ 7 17 __________________________________ __________________________________ 8 18 __________________________________ 9 19 __________________________________ 10 20 __________________________________ __________________________________ 11 21 __________________________________ 12 22 __________________________________ __________________________________ 13 23 __________________________________ 14 24 __________________________________ __________________________________ 15 24 __________________________________ 16 24 __________________________________ 17 24 __________________________________ __________________________________ 18 24 __________________________________ 19 24 __________________________________ __________________________________ 20 24 24 __________________________________ .
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