SD Sample Question

March 28, 2018 | Author: Satish Buddhar | Category: Invoice, Warehouse, Delivery (Commerce), Sales, Marketing



1.How is an Item Category determined in a Sales Document? y y y y A. Order Type + Item Category Group B. Order Type + Item Category Group + Higher Level Item Category C. Order Type + Item Category Group + Higher Level Item Category + Usage D. None of the above. 2. Which of the following are true for a Header Condition? y y y y A. Header Conditions are applicable to the whole document B. Header Conditions have to be entered only in Header Condition Screen C. Header Conditions have no Access Sequence D. All of the above 3. In a Business requirement the price of a material is based on the µRegion¶, µSales Org.¶, µDistribution Channel¶ . If you were to create a Condition Table for this scenario, the order in which the fields are arranged is? y y y y A. Material, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Region B. Material, Distribution Channel, Region, Sales Organization C. Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Region, Material D. None of the above 4. If an Exclusive Indicator in an Access Sequence is activated, which of the following is true? y y y y A. Does not allow the system to further search for condition Records if a valid Record is found B. Will allow the system to take only the last condition Record even though there are other condition records prior to that C. Excludes the system from carrying out pricing D. None of the above. What is Credit Exposure? 5. y y y y A. Opens Sales Orders B. Opens Sales Orders + Open Deliveries C. Opens Sales Orders + Open Deliveries + Open Invoices D. Opens Sales Orders + Open Deliveries + Open Invoices + Open Items 6. How does the system carry out Static Credit limit check? y y y y A. Net Document Value + Credit Exposure B. Net Document Value + Open Items C. Net Document Value (with horizon period) + Credit Exposure D. None of the above 7. Free Goods is supported for which of the following in SAP R/3? y y y y A. Third Party Order B. Deliveries without reference to order C. Make-to Order D. None of the above 8. In which processes of Consignment ³Transfer Order for picking´ is used? y y y y A. Consignment Fill-up B. Consignment Issue C. Consignment Returns D. Consignment Pick-up 9. A BoM consists of items A, B and C. Which of the following is not an Alternative BoM? y y y y A. A B. A+B C. A+B+C D. A+B+C+D 10. What do you observe when a BoM is entered in Item Proposal and copied to a Sales Order? y y y y A. BoM does not explode in Item Proposal but when copied to Order it explodes B. BoM explodes in Item Proposal first and then is copied to Order C. BoM does not explode in neither of the cases D. None of the above What are the views related to Sales and Distribution in MMR? 11. y y y y A. Sales Org 1, 2 and Accounting B. Sales Org 1, 2, Sales General/Plant, and Accounting C. Sales Org 1, 2, Sales General/Plant, Foreign Trade Export and Sales Text D. None of the above 12. If a material is created for Plant X, how is the same material defined for Plant Y? What is the process called? y y y y A. MM02 and Extending the material B. MM01 and Extending the material C. MM01 and Creating the material D. None of the above What are FERT and HAWA? 13. y y y y A. None of the above What is WM Transfer Order? 16. No D. Warehouse Number D. Finished Product and Configurable Material D. One Sales Organization may be assigned to many company codes . Yes and all the changes in Customer master are copied to already created order B. Material Type and Industry Sector B. Yes but only address change is copied to already created order C. None of the above What are the effects of PGI? 17. Material and Accounting Documents created C. When a Customer Master is changed. y y y y A.y y y y A. More than One shipping point can be used C. None of the above What is the relationship between Sales Organization and Company Code? 19. Status in Delivery changed and requirements reduced or eliminated D. Billing Due list updated B. Finished Product and Trading Product B. None of the above 15. are the changes reflected in the already created documents? If yes/no. grouping field selection functions etc are based on? y y y y A. Using One shipping point only B. Trading Product and Finished Product C. what are the fields? y y y y A. Request to Transfer material from storage location to customers place B. Industry Sector and Item Category Group D. All of the above How is a delivery document created? 18. For Material Master Record creation the important control functions like defining screen sequence. Stock levels are reduced. None of the above 14. Request to transfer material from one storage location to another storage location C. y y y y A. Material Type and Item Category Group C. y A. Request to Transfer material from one place to another place within a storage location for picking purpose D. Sales Organization + Distribution Channel C. None of the above Which of the following are True for Returnable packaging material? 23. If the Customer does not return the returnable packaging material by specified time then he may be billed for the same D. It is cancelled by just changing the values in A Billing Document D. Many Sales Organization may be assigned to one company codes D. which of the following is true? 22. y y y y A. A cancellation Billing Document Type is required B. Internal Customer Number must be assigned to the Selling Sales Organization C. It is not treated as Special Stock C. None of the above Billing of partial quantity is only possible if ? 21. None of the above To cancel a Billing Document. All of the above Which Standard Condition Type is linked to Payment Terms? 25. y y y y A. Item Category has Billing relevance as K D. SKTO C. y y y A. Only A and C are correct Which of the following are true for Inter-Company Sales Processing? 24. Sales Organization + Division D. Sales Organization + Distribution Channel + Division B.y y y B. Returnable packaging material may be stored at Customer Location but remains the property of the company B. y y y y A. Item Category has Billing relevance as B C. Item Category has Billing relevance as A B. Delivering Plant must be assigned to Selling Sales Organization B. None of the above What is Sales Line? 20. A Billing Document cannot be cancelled C. MWST B. RB00 . Many Sales Organizations may be assigned to many company codes C. Inter-company Billing Document Type must be assigned to Order Type D. y y y y A. y y y y A. How do we avoid credit memo if the later is used? y y y y A. All of the above Which of the following are true for an Output Type? 29. System picks the first price invalidating the other price B. LIPS ± Delivery Item Data D. None of the above Rebate Condition Types have the condition Class as? 27. None of the above What are common Distribution Channels and common Divisions? 31. partner functions B. Reject the Items in the Returns Order then copy to subsequent delivery free of charge Order B. LIKP ± Delivery Header Data. y y y y A. Controls Print Program. It is not possible to stop credit memo D. how does the system react? y y y y A. VBFA ± Document Flow B. VBRK ± Header Billing Data. Common Distribution Channels and Common Divisions are used to maintain same data for different Distribution channels and divisions B. C ± Expense Reimbursement D. Combing a distribution channels and combining divisions . VBUK ± Header status. SAPScript layout. None of the above 30. A and B above D. B ± Price C. Any of the above Which of the following tables are correct? 28.y D. VBRP ±Item Billing Data C. System picks the second price invalidating previous price C. First create a credit memo and then cancel it and create subsequent delivery free of charge Order C. y y A. medium. y y y y A. A Returns Order may lead to either a Credit Memo or a subsequent delivery free of charge. Invoice ± RD00 C. VBUP ± Item Status. If a Sales Order determines two condition types which have Condition Class as B (price). A ± Discount/Surcharge B. y y y y A. No Condition Type is linked to Payment Terms 26. System does not recognize any price D. Standard Output Types : Order Confirmation ± BA00. Both A and B above D. How can you prevent Purchase Orders from duplication? That is same purchase Order should not be entered again? y y y y A. Development Environment + Quality &Testing Environment + Production Environment in two servers C. None of the above 34. By activating ³Cumulate Cost´ for main Item Category Controls in Copy Control C. If Invoice Correction Request is to be characterized as Debit Memo. System ignores Condition Exclusion B. By specifying in Item Category controls D. None of the above 33. how would a system react? y y y y A. y y y y A. Using Copy Control C. Development Environment + Quality &Testing Environment + Production Environment in three servers D. None of the above of the above 32. what important changes do you suggest? y y y y A. Development Environment + Quality &Testing Environment + Production Environment in one server B. None of the above What is 3 system landscape? 36. By manually adding sub-item costs to main Items B. Billing Type would be a Debit Memo (L2) C. Using Incompletion Procedure D. How is this possible? y y y y A. Treating all distribution channels and all divisions as same D. System Ignores Condition Supplements C. None of the above 35.y y C. A business needs the cost of free of charge sub-items in Free goods to be transferred to Main Items. None of the above . By using ³Check PO Number´ field in the Order Type settings B. If a Condition Exclusion is activated for a Condition Type for which Condition Supplements are also specified. Document Category must be L (Debit Memo Request) B. It is not possible to set both simultaneously D. y y y A. 602 and 652 D. None of the above When a new account group is created which of the configurations are correct? 42. Order and Delivery only C. y y y y A. Which of the following is correct for Lean Warehouse Management System and Warehouse Management System (full fledged)? y y y y A. New Account Group should be assigned to Partner Functions C. 601 and 651 C. None of the above What is the function of Strategy in Substitution reason? 39. Specifies whether the system should display the alternative items for selection C. Only if the substitute item is displayed as sub item. At which points in Sales and Distribution cycle the system can be set to carry out Automatic Credit Check? y y y y A. Both of the above . Material Entered need not have a material master record at all B. Order level Only B. None of the above 41. In a Lean Warehouse Management System stock is maintained at Storage Location level only B. Both A and B are correct D.37. Order. material entered should have a material master record D. Specifies whether a warning message is to be issued before material determination execution B. Both of the above D. In Warehouse Management System stock is maintained at bin levels C. 601 and 602 B. In which Material Determination process is the ³Material Entered´ also should have material master record? y y y y A. New Account Group should be assigned to Partner Determination Procedure B. Delivery and PGI D. y y y y A. None of the above 40. Material Entered should always have a material master record C. None of the above Which of the following are the movement types used for canceling PGI/PGR? 38. Document Pricing Procedure + Customer Pricing Procedure + Sales Area C. Pricing procedure is directly assigned to Order Type D. Schedule Line Category B. then it is configured in? y y y y A. y y y y A. None of the above 43. None of the above What is a Back Order? 48. To determine which Shipping Point is used for delivery B. y y y y A. None of the above How is a Pricing Procedure determined? 44. If the Item numbers of a document have to be copied to another document as it is.y D. Item Category C. Document Type B. Copy Control Backward scheduling is used? 46. Document Pricing Procedure + Customer Pricing Procedure B. To determine whether delivery should be carried out or not C. y y y y A. None of the above 45. Old Order C. A or B or both D. Delivery B. A status Group in an Incompletion Procedure specifies that if a document is incomplete it should block? y y y y A. None of the above . Schedule Line Category D. Requirements Class D. To determine Material Availability Date D. Billing C. Unconfirmed Order D. Item Category C. Back dated Order B. None of the above For carrying out Availability Check which of the following acts as main switch? 47. y y y y A. A. Schedule Line Category D. Storage Conditions + Shipping Point + Delivering Plant C. Material is not relevant for delivery D. None of them are correct 54. May be used as Lists to view Orders. Both A and B are correct D. None of the above Which of the following are correct? 52. Transfer Order is mandatory C. If the Release order value exceeds Value Contract. Contracts have schedule Lines whereas Scheduling Agreements do not C. Storage Conditions + Loading Group + Delivering Plant D. None of the above . None of the above The main difference between Contracts and Scheduling Agreements is? 51. Item category + MRP Type C. if ³Relevant for Picking´ is not activated then? y y y y 50. or sequence the columns etc. y y y y A. y y y y What is MALA in Storage Location Rule? A. Shipping Conditions + Loading Group + Delivering Plant B.49. C. Only A is correct Schedule Line Category Requirements Type 53. Item category + MRP Type B. Most of the Reports are managed using a special Tool called ABAP List Viewer (ALV) which allows to sum the totals. Contracts are Outline Agreements whereas Scheduling Agreements are not B. how the system should respond may be controlled by? y y y y A. y y y y Which of the following are correct for Reports? A. None of the above For Delivery Item Category. Document Type C. Contracts do not have schedule Lines whereas Scheduling Agreements have D. Item Category B. Both A and B are correct D. y y y y A. Quotations and can also be Work List such as Deliveries which have not been billed B. Transfer Order is not required B. Fields. Item Category C. Many company codes may be assigned to many Credit Control Area C. A customer buys the products from 3 Company Codes belonging to a group. 2 C. y y y y A. Sales Order Creation and Item Category Determination C. Number Range B. 3 D. VBAK ± Sales Header Data. In a third party order process where do you specify the Purchase Requisition Document Type? y y y y A. KNVV ± Customer Sales Data D. 4 61. One company code may be assigned to many Credit Control Area B. y y y y A. Order Type B. One-Time Customers. Comparison key. y y y y A. to search for a Key based on some values of the record B. None of the above Which of the following tables are correct? 56. Schedule Line Category D. where can it be specified in the SAP SD module? . VBAP ± Sales Item Data B. VBEP ± Schedule Line Data C. How many Customer Numbers are required for this customer? y y y y A. None of the above What is the relationship between Company Code and Credit Control Area? 59. 1 B. y y y y A. A code used alternate to Company Code D. All of the above An Account Group determines? 57. Many company codes may be assigned to one Credit Control Area D. It is a Transaction Code C. None of the above 60. KNA1 ± Customer General Data. Partner Functions. If a customer wishes to receive goods on particular days only. Pricing Procedure D.55. None of the above What is a match Code? 58. Specified in the Shipping view of Customer Master Record D. It combines some or all items of an Order so as to deliver together D. Transportation Zone of Shipping Point + Shipping Conditions + Transportation Group D.y y y y A. y y y y A. Higher level to Lower level (Sold-to Party to Payer) C. y y y y A. Group of Orders to be delivered together C. y y y y A. 3 B. Order level processing and Item level processing B. Item level and schedule Line level processing C. Specified in the Sales view of Customer Master Record B. None of the above Which are the Transactions of Consignment? 67. Changes to Account Group (with specific Partner Functions) is possible from which level to which level? y y y y A. None of the above How many divisions can be maintained for a material? 62. None of the above How is Route determined? 64. 1 D. Lower level to higher level ( Payer to Sold-to Party) B. y y y y A. Group of delivery documents to be delivered B. Transportation Zone of Ship-to Party + Shipping Conditions + Transportation Group C. Specified in the Unloading Points view of Customer Master Record C. None of the above What are the two types of BoM processing? 66. y A. 2 C. Consignment Fill-up . Both A and B above D. Transportation Zone of Ship-to Party + Transportation Zone of Shipping Point + Shipping Conditions + Transportation Group What is a Delivery Group? 65. Any number of divisions 63. Shipping Conditions + Transportation Group B. Order Level and schedule Line level processing D. but needs the Goods issue to be cancelled. System creates two invoices for the Order D. B. None of the above 69. A Delivery has been billed. All of the above 70. Once a Billing Document is created there is no way PGI can be cancelled. Shipping Point C. None of the above 72. The header condition is duplicated for all Items B. In both TPO and IPO vendor supplies the material directly to Customer D. Plant B. Either A or B D. Which of the following are true? y y y y A. If a condition is entered in header condition screen. Cancel Billing Document first using VF11 then cancel PGI using VL09 D. PGI can be cancelled using VL09 C. An Order has two Items with different Payment Terms. Is there any possibility to cancel Goods Issue? y y y y A. then which of the following are true? y y y y A. Consignment Pick-up D. Irrespective of Billing Document. Consignment Issue and Consignment Returns C. System creates two deliveries for the Order B. The header condition is proportionally split among Items C. Only in IPO. Company Code D. All of the above 68. vendor supplies the material directly to Customer B.y y y B. None of the above What are Tax Codes? 73. vendor supplies the material directly to Customer C. . Only in TPO. Transportation Planning Point is assigned to which of the following Organizational Unit? y y y y A. The difference between Third Party Order (TPO) and Individual Purchase Order (IPO) is that? y y y y A. System does not carry out post goods issue C. None of the above 71. Buy 3 Shirts get 1 Tie Free What is the path for Storage Location Assignment? 77. None of the above What are the pre requisites for a rebate agreement to be applied on a customer? 74. B and A C. Buy 3 Shirts and 3 Trousers get 1 Belt Free C. IMG Enterprise Structure C. It needs to be activated at Customer (Payer etc. If Material Determination is used how will you list the alternative materials? y y y y A.y y y y A. All of the above 75. Material A should be sold out first and followed by material B and material C. A. It needs to be activated at Sales Organization D. It needs to be activated for Billing Type C. Buy 3 Shirts and 3 Trousers get 1 Belt Free and 1 Tie Free D.) B. y y y y A. C. Batch is determined based on Sales Area and Order Type C. Both of the above D. Buy 3 Shirts get 1 Belt and 1 Tie Free B. Both of the above D. y y y y A. y y y y Which of the following are correct for Batch Management? A. None of the above Definition Assignment Assignment Materials Management Storage Materials Management Plant Logistics Execution Storage 78. B and C B. IMG Enterprise Structure Location D. Tax Codes may be assigned to Condition Types in VK11 C. None of the above Which of the following are correct for a Third Party Order? 79. Batch can be split in Delivery but not in Orders B. None of the above Which of the following is true for Free Goods? 76. Both of the above D. IMG Enterprise Structure Location B. Tax Codes specify Condition Rates and are defined using Transaction FTXP B. . y y y y A. All of the above Which of the following are correct? 82.y y y y A. then which of the following is true? y A. Both A and B are correct D. y y y y A. Standard Partner Type for Customer ± KU B. Both of the above D. Delivery related Pro-forma Invoice need not have PGI D. y y y y A. Group of Items D. None of the above What is a group Condition? 80. None of the above What of the following are true for a Pro-forma Invoice? 81. Both A and B are not correct Which of the following are correct for a Credit Memo Request? 84. y y y y A. y y y y A. Quantity Changes made to the PO are automatically copied to Sales Order C. Free Goods master data maintained as for every 5 pc 1 is free and the Calculation Rule set is Whole Units. Header data of the Orders or Deliveries must be the same B. If the Order Quantity is 24. If a PO is not created. Both A and B are not correct Which of the following are generally correct for a Collective Invoice? 83. Split requirements should not be applicable C. y y y y A. A Pro-forma Invoice is an Invoice which does not have FI postings B. Pro-forma Invoice can be created with reference to Order or delivery C. None of the above 85. Credit Memo Request can only be created with reference to Invoice C. then Sales Order quantity may be changed which is automatically copied to Purchase Requisition (if permitted by release status) B. Both A and B are correct D. Generally a Credit Memo Request is blocked for Billing B. Both A and B are correct D. Condition which can be used to determine a scale value based on more than one item in a document B. Standard Partner Type for Vendor ± LI C. Condition which cumulates all the Items in a Sales Order C. Free Goods granted ± 0 . Item Category should have Structure Scope as A or B C. Free Goods granted ± 5 D. None of the above Which of the following are true for Incompletion Procedure? 87. Item Level and Schedule Line Level B. Free Goods granted ± 4 C. what is to be configured? 89. System can issue warning messages in Delivery also B. . None of the above Which of the following are true for Cash Sales? 90. None of the above Structure of the Delivery Document is? 86. An Invoice is printed from Cash Sales document using Output Type RD03 C. Weight group is used as an additional factor in determining the route C. We may assign Incompletion Procedures to Billing Header also C. Delivery document Type controls if the Route is to be re-determined the Delivery B. y y y y A. Only Header Level D. The Revenues are posted to Cash account and not to Receivables account D. Order quantity is not equal to Goods Issue quantity. Item Category for the Main Item should have Structure Scope as A or B B. y y y y A. Only for Sub-Item. Both of the above D. y y y y A. Both of the above D. None of the above For a BoM to explode. then Cash Sales cannot be billed B. Header Level and Item Level C.y y y B. Header Level. None of the above Which of the following are correct for Route Determination? 88. y y y y A. Both of the above D. y y y y A. In a Business requirement the price of a material is based on the µRegion¶. How does the system carry out Static Credit limit check? A. Sales General/Plant. If an Exclusive Indicator in an Access Sequence is activated. A+B+C 10. the order in which the fields are arranged is? C. Does not allow the system to further search for condition Records if a valid Record is found 5. If you were to create a Condition Table for this scenario. µSales Org. Region. BoM does not explode in Item Proposal but when copied to Order it explodes 11. Net Document Value + Credit Exposure 7. D. B and C. MM01 and Extending the material 13. A BoM consists of items A. Finished Product and Trading Product . How is an Item Category determined in a Sales Document? C. What are the views related to Sales and Distribution in MMR? C. Order Type + Item Category Group + Higher Level Item Category + Usage 2. Which of the following are true for a Header Condition? D. how is the same material defined for Plant Y? What is the process called? B. What do you observe when a BoM is entered in Item Proposal and copied to a Sales Order? A. What is Credit Exposure? Opens Sales Orders + Open Deliveries + Open Invoices + Open Items 6. Sales Org 1. Sales Organization. Free Goods is supported for which of the following in SAP R/3? D. All of the above 3. None of the above 8.Answers 1. which of the following is true? A. 2. Foreign Trade Export and Sales Text 12.¶. Consignment Fill-up 9. In which processes of Consignment ³Transfer Order for picking´ is used? A. µDistribution Channel¶ . What are FERT and HAWA? A. Distribution Channel. Material 4. Which of the following is not an Alternative BoM? C. If a material is created for Plant X. Request to Transfer material from one place to another place within a storage location for picking purpose 17. For Material Master Record creation the important control functions like defining screen sequence. Sales Organization + Distribution Channel 21. How is a delivery document created? A. A cancellation Billing Document Type is required 23. What is the relationship between Sales Organization and Company Code? C. To cancel a Billing Document. Yes but only address change is copied to already created order 16. What are the effects of PGI? D.14. Only A and C are correct 24. Billing of partial quantity is only possible if ? C. what are the fields? B. Many Sales Organization may be assigned to one company codes 20. What is Sales Line? B. Item Category has Billing relevance as K 22. C ± Expense Reimbursement . All of the above 25. All of the above 18. which of the following is true? A. Rebate Condition Types have the condition Class as? C. Which Standard Condition Type is linked to Payment Terms? B. Which of the following are true for Inter-Company Sales Processing? D. Material Type and Industry Sector 15. If a Sales Order determines two condition types which have Condition Class as B (price). Using One shipping point only 19. When a Customer Master is changed. are the changes reflected in the already created documents? If yes/no. Which of the following are True for Returnable packaging material? D. SKTO 26. grouping field selection functions etc are based on? A. how does the system react? B. System picks the second price invalidating previous price 27. What is WM Transfer Order? C. If Invoice Correction Request is to be characterized as Debit Memo. System ignores Condition Exclusion 36. What is 3 system landscape? C. All of the above 29. A Returns Order may lead to either a Credit Memo or a subsequent delivery free of charge. material entered should have a material master record . Both A and B above 33. Reject the Items in the Returns Order then copy to subsequent delivery free of charge Order 31. Only if the substitute item is displayed as sub item. A and B above 30. What are common Distribution Channels and common Divisions? A. how would a system react? A. Development Environment + Quality &Testing Environment + Production Environment in three servers 37. By activating ³Cumulate Cost´ for main Item Category Controls in Copy Control 35. what important changes do you suggest? C. A business needs the cost of free of charge sub-items in Free goods to be transferred to Main Items. Common Distribution Channels and Common Divisions are used to maintain same data for different Distribution channels and divisions 32. Delivery and PGI 39. Order. How can you prevent Purchase Orders from duplication? That is same purchase Order should not be entered again? A. What is the function of Strategy in Substitution reason? B. How is this possible? B. Which of the following tables are correct? D. If a Condition Exclusion is activated for a Condition Type for which Condition Supplements are also specified. In which Material Determination process is the ³Material Entered´ also should have material master record? C. Specifies whether the system should display the alternative items for selection 40. Which of the following are true for an Output Type? C.28. By using ³Check PO Number´ field in the Order Type settings 34. At which points in Sales and Distribution cycle the system can be set to carry out Automatic Credit Check? C. How do we avoid credit memo if the later is used? A. How is a Pricing Procedure determined? B. Which of the following is correct for Lean Warehouse Management System and Warehouse Management System (full fledged)? C. Item Category . Unconfirmed Order 49. Transfer Order is not required 51. For carrying out Availability Check which of the following acts as main switch? C.41. Both A and B are correct 53. If the Item numbers of a document have to be copied to another document as it is. The main difference between Contracts and Scheduling Agreements is? C. then it is configured in? D. To determine Material Availability Date 47. A or B or both 44. What is a Back Order? C. For Delivery Item Category. Backward scheduling is used? C. When a new account group is created which of the configurations are correct? C. If the Release order value exceeds Value Contract. Document Pricing Procedure + Customer Pricing Procedure + Sales Area 45. Which of the following are correct for Reports? C. Contracts do not have schedule Lines whereas Scheduling Agreements have 52. Both A and B are correct 42. Both A and B are correct 54. Requirements Class 48. Storage Conditions + Shipping Point + Delivering Plant 50. A status Group in an Incompletion Procedure specifies that if a document is incomplete it should block? C. What is MALA in Sorage Location Rule? B. Copy Control 46. if ³Relevant for Picking´ is not activated then? A. Which of the following are correct? C. Both of the above 43. how the system should respond may be controlled by? A. In a third party order process where do you specify the Purchase Requisition Document Type? C. What is the relationship between Company Code and Credit Control Area? C. Lower level to higher level ( Payer to Sold-to Party) 64. 1 63. Which of the following tables are correct? D. to search for a Key based on some values of the record 59. Transportation Zone of Ship-to Party + Transportation Zone of Shipping Point + Shipping Conditions + Transportation Group 65. where can it be specified in the SAP SD module? B. What is a match Code? A. How is Route determined? D. Specified in the Unloading Points view of Customer Master Record 62.55. All of the above . It combines some or all items of an Order so as to deliver together 66. All of the above 57. Which are the Transactions of Consignment? D. A customer buys the products from 3 Company Codes belonging to a group. Changes to Account Group (with specific Partner Functions) is possible from which level to which level? A. None of the above 67. How many Customer Numbers are required for this customer? A. If a customer wishes to receive goods on particular days only. An Account Group determines? A. Schedule Line Category 56. What is a Delivery Group? C. Comparison key. What are the two types of BoM processing? D. One-Time Customers. Many company codes may be assigned to one Credit Control Area 60. Fields. How many divisions can be maintained for a material? C. 1 61. Partner Functions. Number Range 58. The difference between Third Party Order (TPO) and Individual Purchase Order (IPO) is that? A. Only in TPO. Which of the following are correct for Batch Management? C. IMG Enterprise Structure Definition Materials Management 78. What are the pre requisites for a rebate agreement to be applied on a customer? D. If Material Determination is used how will you list the alternative materials? A.68. Material A should be sold out first and followed by material B and material C. Both of the above 74. A. An Order has two Items with different Payment Terms. What is a group Condition? A. vendor supplies the material directly to Customer 73. Cancel Billing Document first using VF11 then cancel PGI using VL09 69. System creates two invoices for the Order 70. What is the path for Storage Location Assignment? A. Is there any possibility to cancel Goods Issue? C. but needs the Goods issue to be cancelled. What are Tax Codes? C. Both A and B are correct 80. Condition which can be used to determine a scale value based on more than one item in a document Storage Location . Buy 3 Shirts get 1 Tie Free 77. Which of the following are correct for a Third Party Order? C. All of the above 75. Which of the following are true? C. then which of the following are true? C. Transportation Planning Point is assigned to which of the following Organizational Unit? C. Company Code 71. A Delivery has been billed. B and C 76. Either A or B 72. If a condition is entered in header condition screen. Which of the following is true for Free Goods? D. Both of the above 79. What controls the copying of pricing data from one document into another? B. Which of the following are correct for Route Determination? C. For a BoM to explode. Which of the following are true for Cash Sales? D. Pricing Type in Copy Control 92. Generally a Credit Memo Request is blocked for Billing 85. Which of the following are generally correct for a Collective Invoice? C. All of the above 91. Taxes are determined based on? D. Both A and B are correct 83. Which of the following are correct for a Credit Memo Request? A. None of the above 88. above 95. Scope of Availability is controlled by? C. What of the following are true for a Pro-forma Invoice? D. Both A and B are correct 84. Item Category for the Main Item should have Structure Scope as A or B 90. Which of the following are correct? C. Both of the above 89. Free Goods master data maintained as for every 5 pc 1 is free and the Calculation Rule set is Whole Units. then which of the following is true? A. All of the above 94. If the Order Quantity is 24. Storage Conditions + Shipping Point + Delivering Plant . Structure of the Delivery Document is? B. Both A and B. All of the above 82. Free Goods granted ± 0 86. All of the above 93.81. Which of the following are true for Incompletion Procedure? D. Header Level and Item Level 87. How is Shipping Point Determined? B. what is to be configured? A. Which of the following factors are generally used for Account Determination? D. which of the following are correct? A. Priority 2 ± CMR. In a Sales process a customer should not be allowed buy certain product. For a Factory calendar which of the following is true? D. To combine Two Orders into a delivery what is required? C. Priority 1 ± CMIR. How is Plant determined in a Sales Order? A. Which is the ideal function you use in SAP? C. Regarding standard Class Types. A and B above 100. Class Type 300 for Variant Configuration and Class Type 23 for Batch Management 98. Priority 3 ± MMR 97. Material Exclusion 99.96. All of the above .
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