
March 19, 2018 | Author: grover2010 | Category: Electrical Connector, Cable, Computer Monitor, Switch, Equipment



Scully GroundhogVehicle Static Grounding System ELECTRONIC PRODUCT LINE Self-Proving Verification for Loading Operations DESCRIPTION Don’t let unsure grounding methods leave you guessing. Transport vehicles should be properly grounded before and during the loading operation. There should never be any doubt that the grounding systems at your terminals are performing their proper function. Many systems give you little assurance of their operation. The Scully Groundhog gives you complete assurance that a proper ground is present. The Scully Groundhog is a self-proving grounding system for maximum safety in loading operations. The system consists of a rack mounted control monitor with two system operation methods. It can operate in conjunction with your existing Scully Overfill Prevention System or as an independent unit. Scully Signal Company has over 30 years of electronic liquid handling system experience along with the dependability, service and safety Scully is known for. The Scully Groundhog Grounding System can be used for a wide variety of loading applications for use with tank trucks, rail cars, and aircraft refuelers. Model ST-47 ELK shown F E AT U R E S A N D B E N E F I T S ONLY THE SCULLY GROUNDHOG OFFERS YOU ALL OF THOSE ADVANTAGES: The Scully Groundhog is a self-proving grounding system for maximum safety in loading operations Proof-Positive that the vehicle is properly static grounded before the loading operation can begin. Immediately shuts down the loading operation if the static ground is lost. Actual earth ground tie point available. No manual checks are needed. The Scully Groundhog, when wired as a self-proving system, cannot be fooled by attaching the clamp to the rack, a metal shim or by jumping the contacts with a paper clip. Can be used in conjunction with your Scully Overfill Prevention System offering one quick connection for overfill protection and ground verification. Can also be used as a completely independent grounding system with a special quick-release plug for ground connection to a specially designed, vehicle mounted, electronic ball. Self-Proving, the Groundhog monitors the ground connection throughout the loading operation. 60733, Rev C Scully Signal Company 70 Industrial Way Wilmington MA 01887-3479 USA [email protected] phone: (617)692-8600 toll-free phone: 800-2-SCULLY(728559) fax: (617)692-8620 ISO 9001 registered Are Your Grounding System Options Limited? AS PART OF YOUR SCULLY OVERFILL PREVENTION SYSTEM: The Groundhog Control Unit can be wired into your existing Scully Overfill Prevention System for the ultimate safety system. Only Scully offers you a complete. Before the loading operation can begin. It maintains the integrity of your loading operation. The Groundhog requires that each vehicle is equipped with a specially designed Scully electronic Ground Ball or Ground Bolt. Just one connection gives you overfill and grounding protection. something no other system can provide. The Groundhog is an intelligent system which continuously and automatically monitors the ground connection during the entire loading operation. One connection for overfill prevention and grounding The Groundhog utilizes a spare conductor in the existing Scully Overfill Prevention Plug and Cable. This single connection simplifies loading and eliminates the need for additional plugs and cables at the rack. The Scully Groundhog gives you complete assurance that static grounding to the vehicle’s frame has been accomplished*. this connection provides a self-proving static ground verification. That’s proof-positive.Scully Groundhog T H E S C U L LY G R O U N D H O G P R O V E S I T ! Only the Scully Groundhog can provide you with the safest and most dependable means for vehicle static grounding. The Groundhog control monitor is mounted at the loading rack. integrated overfill prevention and vehicle static grounding system for maximum safety in your loading operations. Together. key protected bypass switch with additional circuitry for deadman switch Control monitor with lamps (240 VAC operation) Control monitor with lamps and key protected bypass switch (240 VAC operation) Rack mounted heavy duty junction box with 20' straight cable and ground proving plug for connection to vehicle mounted ground proving ball (Independent System) Rack mounted heavy duty junction box with 32' coiled cable and ground proving plug for connection to vehicle mounted ground proving ball (Independent System) Same as SC-47-CC with additional circuitry for the deadman switch for aviation applications Part # 08508 08220 08749 08675 08502 08249 08567 08653 . the controller must see an intelligent return signal from the Ground Ball or Ground Bolt. Scully Ground Bolt C O N T R O L U N I T I S A N D P L U G & C A B L E A S S E M B LY Model ST-47-115 EL ST-47-115 ELK ST-47-115 ELK/D ST-47-240 EL ST-47-240 ELK SC-47 SC-47CC SC-47CC/D Description Control monitor with lamps (115 VAC operation) Control monitor with lamps and key protected bypass switch (115 VAC operation) Control monitor with lamps. The Groundhog is designed to immediately shut down the loading operation if the ground is broken. The Scully Ground Bolt’s sensing lead is wired to the Scully Overfill Prevention Socket. Indicator lights on the face of the control monitor are visual proof that a proper ground has been accomplished. indicating that a proper ground connection has been made. In many cases. Independent grounding connection R E P L A C E M E N T PA R T S Model Ground Ball Ground Bolt Coiled Cable Straight Cable Plug Module 115 Bulb 135V Module 240 Bulb. There are many systems that claim to be foolproof and even self-checking. there is no proof that a proper ground has been made or the system is functioning correctly. 250V Deadman Control Descriptio Truck mounted electronic ground proving ball for independent Grounding System Truck mounted electronic ground proving bolt for wiring to overfill prevention socket Replacement plug and 32' coiled cable assembly for SC-47 Replacement plug and 20' straight cable assembly for SC-47 Replacement plug only for SC-47 Replacement module for 115 VAC models Replacement indicator lamp bulb for 115 VAC models Replacement module for 240 VAC models Replacement indicator lamp bulb for 240 VAC models Deadman switch with coiled cable Part # 08274 08560 08566 08219 08565 22040 27005 22407 27006 08863 . No manual checks are needed. The controller must receive an electronic return signal from the ball throughout the loading operation. The Scully Groundhog foils these typical cheating methods and malfunctioning problems that can lead to an improperly grounded vehicle. It is possible with many of these systems to bypass a safe ground by attaching the clamp to the rack. Scully Groundhog Control Monitor with Plug and Cable and Ground Ball Scully Has a System for Every Application! AS A SEPARATE AND INDEPENDENT GROUNDING SYSTEM: The Groundhog can be used as a completely independent system.ELECTRONIC PRODUCT LINE D O N ’ T U S E A S Y S T E M T H AT I S E A S I LY C H E AT E D . The controller in conjunction with the Ground Ball provides and verifies the vehicle ground before loading can begin. The Groundhog’s intelligent monitoring capabilities and the special electronic circuitry inside the Scully Ground Ball and Ground Bolt form a self-proving system. the loading process will not begin. a metal shim or by jumping the plug contacts with a paper clip. The control monitor connects to a heavy duty Sculcon® junction box with attached cable and special quick release snap-on plug. It will automatically shut down the loading operation if the ground is broken. The Scully Ground Plug connects to a specially designed electronic Scully Ground Ball mounted on each vehicle. The Scully Grounding System insures that unless the proper static ground connection has been made. This system is ideal for top loading or applications where a Scully Overfill Prevention System is not in use. Patent No.75" (171. T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Operation Temp.3 mm) 3.75" (171.Scully Groundhog 3/4 NPT 2. www. not grounded/non-permit. 208-240 VAC.0) Scully UK Ltd.2) 1.7" (43. 50/60 Hz.58" ( www. Rev C © Scully Signal Company. Dynamic Self-Test. MulteCept.25" (31. 9 lbs (4 kgs) One normally open user contact rated 250V.5) Front View Side View Back View 1. Printed in USA.8) 3/4 NPT C L 2. 5A resistive load. Road One. Biclops.68" (42.2) (43. Groups A. Winsford Industrial Estate Winsford.62" ( 347. Faylsafe.S.P. Sculcon. All Rights Reserved.scully.7" 1.0 mm) scully . 20 watts maximum.0" (50. Copyright © 2003 Scully Signal Company.94" (100. Cheshire. 20 watts maximum.50" (12. ST-47-ELK. 8/2003 .6 mm) 1.0" (50. Scully. 0.scully.7) Mtg. Scultrol.5 mm) 13. A P P R O VA L S The explosion-proof housing is approved for mounting in Class I.3) 6. 26 lbs (12 kgs) ST-47-EL. identified for easy installation. 60733.2 mm) 7. (146.87" (200. is protected under U. Red.20" (31. C & D environments by FM and CSA.06" (27 mm) Hole for Conduit Hub (Cable Gland) Top View 3. TABS and V. 10 Pineapple Park.5 seconds maximum. 26 lbs (12 kgs) SC-47. The intrinsically safe outputs are approved for use in Class I. Lug 5.62" (169. Intellitrol. Specifications are subject to change without notice.901.6) 6. Division 1.0 mm) Mounting Centers for #8 (4 mm) Hex Socket Head Screws (4 Places) 2. when used in conjunction with an overfill prevention controller and connected to a vehicle mounted Ground Bolt via the overfill prevention system's plug and cable. grounded/permit. CW7 3PR UK tel: fax: email: web site: 011 441 606 553 805 011 441 606 553 824 sales@scullyuk. Scul-Tite.5) All Dimensions in inches (Millimeters in parenthesis) Bottom View Model ST-47 ELK Shown in Illustration Model SC-47 CC/D Shown in Illustration* *Dimensions of units manufactured prior to 3/1/97 may vary. Dynacheck.8) C L 1.94" (100. Dynamic Self-Checking. Load Anywhere.I. Division 1.0 mm) 8. USA tel: fax: email: web site: 1-800-272-8559 (617) 692-8600 (617) 692-8620 sales@scully. 50/60 Hz. are registered trademarks of Scully Signal Company. 4.37" (214.44" (36. The Scully Groundhog. Internal terminal strips.33" (186. MA 01887-3479. Groups C & D environments by FM Global (FM) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). B.8) 6. Key lockable off-on bypas switch for ELK model only Shipping Weights: Output Control: Power Requirements: ST-47-115 Models: ST-47-240 Models: 105-135 VAC. Maxsafety.75" Ctr. Scully Signal Company 70 Industrial Way. Wilmington.195. Scul-Lock.7) 3.Scul-Tel.3) 1.06" (27 mm) Knockout for Conduit Hub (Cable Gland) 7. Green.: Enclosure: Indicators: Response Time: Electrical Connections: Bypass Switch: -40o to +140o F (-40o to +60o C) NEMA 7 Style Explosion-Proof Weather-Proof Housing.
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