SCL 9 Marriage and Family

March 28, 2018 | Author: Madeline Sibulo | Category: Catechism, Christian Views On Marriage, Catholic Church, Marriage, Spirituality



University of Santo TomasFaculty of Pharmacy A Course Syllabus of AY 2011-2012 Course Title : Sociology 9 (Marriage and Family) Course Code : SCL 9 Course Description : This course presents a holistic view of Marriage and Family emphasizing the theological and moral dimensions. The multidisciplinary approach is used in presenting the concepts. The course also makes use of the recent contributions of the social and behavioral sciences in the field. The course also includes the latest provisions of canon Law and the New Family Code of the Philippines. It cites Filipino values and traditions still observed. This course is divided into four parts 1. The first part which has four chapters provides an in-depth study of a truly Christian marriage and family rooted in God’s plan. 2. The second part is divided into three chapters. It emphasizes family in today’s realities as a community of love and life. It also includes a chapter on family spirituality. 3. The third part utilizes the contributions of other disciplines (psychology, sociology, medicine and biology) to provide an integral formation for students specially in terms of preparing them for marriage and family life. 4. The fourth part, which concludes the study of this course, deals with special issues. These are presented in the context of Christian teachings and accepted in that light. The issues are the following: Homosexuality, Mixed Marriages, Responsible Parenthood: Pro-Life versus Pro-choices; Marriage “On the Rocks”; solo-Parenting; Violence in the Home; Family Conflicts, Infidelity/Adultery; Family Counseling; and concludes with suggestions and recommendations for a Family Life Enrichment Program Course Credit : 3units Contact Hours : 3 hours per week 1 Philosophy 5 (Christian Ethics) and Sociology 3 (ChristianSocio Cultural Dimensions) Third Year First Semester Course Outline: Specific Objectives MONTHLY GRADING PERIOD Time Teaching Allotted Strategies Topics Skills Values Evaluation Tool CHAPTER ONE: Small Group Discussions. Essay Writing. Interpersonal Critical Thinking Analytical Communication Teamwork Self-discipline Patience Professionalism Quizzes Unit Examination Graded recitation CHAPTER TWO: Small Group 2 . Have a clear and deeper knowledge of the essential Christian teachings on marriage given by Christ himself. Theology 2 (Church and Sacraments). A short Reflection Prayer MARRIAGE Unfolded in the New Testament At the end of the chapter. Convince Christians to opt for a Catholic marriage when they get married 4. Understand the significance of celibacy in relation to marriage LESSON ONE: MARRIAGE Gospels in the LESSON TWO: MARRIAGE in Paul’s Teachings St.Pre-requisite(s) Placement : : Theology 1 (Salvation History). Class Debate. Explain the significance of the presence of Christ and His actions in the wedding at Cana to Christian marriage 3. 2. the students are expected to: 1. Develop on a sheet of paper (for submission) on the preference for a Christian Catholic marriage LESSON ONE: Marriage a Contract LESSON TWO: Marriage as Covenant: The End Discussions. Class Sharing. 2. students are expected to: 1. Gain a deep and clear knowledge of the Christian dimensions of marriage. Composing a Prayer. Mini Interview a LESSON THREE: Marriage as a Covenant: Essential Properties LESSON FOUR: Marriage as Sacrament a LESSON FIVE: Marriage as Celebration and Vocation a a 3 . Homework for submission.CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE Dimensions of 4 wks At the end of the chapter. Healing the Wounded Toward an Authentic Family Spirituality LESSON SIX: The Wounded Family and Spiritual At the end of the chapter. 3. Prayer for Healing the Family Tree. Para-liturgical celebration . Group Interpersonal Critical Thinking Analytical Communication Values Teamwork Self-discipline Patience Professionalism Evaluation Tool Quizzes Unit Examination Graded recitation 4 . Deepen their awareness about authentic family spirituality. 2. Consecrate their family to the Holy Family of Nazareth Role Play. the students are expected to: 1. Specific Objectives Topics CHAPTER THREE: Being Ready for Marriage LESSON ONE: Growth and Maturity Remote Preparations LESSON TWO: The PRELIMINARY GRADING PERIOD Time Teaching Skills Allotted Strategies 4 wks plus one meeting Class Discussion on Bahay-Bahayan Story. Recall the hurts that need healing in their family tree and pray for the healing of memories. Integrate love and human sexuality in the context of marriage Specific Objectives CHAPTER FOUR: Special At the end of the chapter. Reaction Paper. the students are expected to: 1. Cine Forum. Acquire a deeper understanding of the important factors necessary for a mature long-life commitment 2. Reflect the principles drawn from scriptures concerning God’s plan for human sexuality and share their thoughts with their classmates 3. Realize the implications of some selected pertinent Total Man. Class Sharing Values Teamwork Self-discipline Patience Evaluation Tool Quizzes Unit Examination Graded recitation LESSON THREE: The Issues of Mixed 5 . Case Analysis.At the end of the chapter. Research Work. Interviewing parents and some couples Openmindedness LESSON FOUR: Maturing in Love Topics LESSON ONE: Responsible Parenthood LESSON TWO: Responsive Parenting FINAL GRADING PERIOD Time Teaching Allotted Strategies 4 weeks Skills Small Group Sharing. Distinguish sex from human sexuality 4. the students are expected to: 1. Role Playing. The Total Woman LESSON THREE: Right Approach to Sex and Sexuality Work Activity. Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Truth and meaning of Human Sexuality. Manila: Word and Life Publications. Paul 6 .issues and problems seriously affecting Christian marriage. Pontifical Council for the Family (1996). MM: Word and Life Publications. Manifest their conviction to abide by God’s plan through the magisterum of the Church with the help of His grace Grading System : Marriages and The Disparity of Cult LESSON FOUR: Marriage on the Rocks LESSON FIVE: The Issues of Masturbation and Homosexuality Three Grading Periods Monthly Grading Period Preliminary Grading Period Final Grading Period - 20% 40% 40% References CHURCH DOCUMENTS Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. Makati. The Catholic Faith Catechism. 2. ECCCE (1994). Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education (1994). Pasay City: Daughters of St. Elucidate how Catholic Christian teachings view these issues and problem. 3. : Pope John Center Dowyer.BOOKS AND ARTICLES Abad. Pasay City: Daughters of St. Aquinas. New York: Crossroad. Marriage: A Path to Sanctity. St. Dominion. San Francisco: Ignacius Press. Cahill. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House. (1990). Manila: Copyright by Teodoro Bacani. Marriage. Larry A. Espana. De Haro. Maria Corazon Unas 7 . Human Sexuality: A Christian View. (1984).P. May. Summa Theologica Bacani. Lisa Sowle (1985). Ph. Mo. Doyle. De Torre. Prof. Between the Sexes: Foundations for a Christian Ethics Sexuality. Inc.D. Ramon Garcia (1994). Teodoro (1992). Philadelphia: Fortress Press. Faith and Love. Manila. Jack (1981). Kansas: Sheed and Ward Garcia. St. Manila Philippines: Sinagtala Publishers. Philippines Inc. Eugenio (1988). Sexuality and Sanctity. Joseph (1988). Moral Theology Today: Certitudes and Doubts. A Couple’s Guide to Commitment. Prepared by : Assoc. Thomas. Your Way to Marriage. Box 536. Translated by William E. Greenhills. Paul. John (1987). Marriage and the Family in the Documents of the Magisterium. Excelso.O. The Church and Birth Control. Thomas. P. The Moral Inseparability of the Unitive and Procreative Aspects of Human Sexual Intercourse. (1995). O. Bugen. Louis. Javier and Fenoy. Date Approved by : June 2011 : Prof. Torres. Priscilla M. 8 . Ph.D.
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