Science Grade 3 Dll Q1-Q4

June 26, 2018 | Author: Deped Tambayan | Category: Thermometer, Self-Improvement, Motivation, Temperature, Gases



SUBJECT: SCIENCEDAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: WEEK NO. ___1______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe solids according to their color. DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to identify solids based on their shapes. At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to : 1. compare solids according to size; 2. classify solids according to size; and 3. use measuring devices in determining the size of solids. Subject Matter: Lesson 1 - Characteristics of Solids Subject Matter: Lesson 2 : Characteristics of Solids according to their color Subject Matter: Lesson 3: Characteristics of Solids According to Shape Subject Matter: Lesson 4: Characteristic of Solids According to Size Reference: LM: ___S3MT-Iab-1___ LG: _______ CG: ___17___ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ___S3MT-Iab-1___ LG: _______ CG: ___17___ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ___S3MT-Iab-1___ LG: _______ CG: ___17___ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ___S3MT-Iab-1___ LG: _______ CG: ___17___ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Name objects found in the room. Tell the size of the objects using a ruler or meter stick. Get the exact measurement of each object. At the end of each lesson, the pupils should be able to: 1. name different objects around us; and 2. classify the objects based on their characteristics. Have the class do thefollowing activity. Study the pictures of different objects. Choose the correct shape in the parentheses. List down 2 objects inside the box below which can be classified according to size, shape, color, texture and weight. Assignment: Draw 5 objects with different colors. Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Look for different objects in your kitchen. Make a chart of these objects and their color. Write them in your notebook Assignment: Let the pupils collect pictures of different objects and make an album of their shapes. Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: SUMMATIVE TEST Assignment: List down objects found at home and in school. Describe their sizes. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. ___2______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to classify solids according to texture. At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe different liquids based on their different characteristics. At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe how liquids flow from one container to another At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe the liquid according to the shape of the container and the space it occupies. Subject Matter: Lesson 5 : Characteristics of Solids According to Texture Subject Matter: Lesson 1: Characteristics of Liquids Subject Matter: Lesson 2: Characteristics of Liquids according to how they flow Subject Matter: Lesson 3: Characteristics of Liquids on how they take the shape of the container Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Say: List down two (2) liquids found in different places below. Write your answers in the graphic organizer . Do this on your notebook. Evaluation: Evaluation: Describe the liquids below on how each one flows when poured from one container to another. Put a check (/) mark in the box if it correctly describes the liquid and (X) mark if not. Given two liquids in each container. Liquids A and B drawn below. Describe the two liquids according to shape and the space it occupies. Assignment: Assignment: Ask the pupils to bring to class at least ten solids from a place outside their homes. (backyard garden, sidewalk) and identify the solids based on their texture. Have the pupils cut out three (3) pictures of liquids that can be poured from one container to another. Paste them on their notebook. Assignment: Cut out pictures 3 different liquids from old magazines and describe how they flow. Assignment: Cut out 3 different liquids from old newspaper which can be identified according to shape. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: SUMMATIVE TEST Remarks: Mastery Level: SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. ___3______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe the taste and odor or smell of liquids. At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe the characteristic of gases according to its shape. At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe the space occupy by the gases. At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to: 1. Classify the materials found at home as solids, liquids, and gases ; and 2. describe their uses . Subject Matter: Lesson 4: Characteristics of Liquids according to their taste and odor or smell Subject Matter: Lesson 1: Characteristics of Gas according to the shape of the container Subject Matter: Lesson 2: Characteristics of gases according to space they occupy Subject Matter: Lesson 1: Common Solids, Liquids, and Gases Found at Home Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Get a plastic bag. Blow air into it. Add more air. Ask: What will happen to the plastic bag? Evaluation: Assignment: List down 5 different gases found in the environment. Assignment: Bring objects (solids, liquids etc.) found at home for our next lesson. Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Underline the correct word/s inside the parenthesis. 1. Perfume has a (good smell, bad smell). 2. The taste of orange juice is (sweet, salty). 3. Vinegar is ( sour, bitter). 4. Honey has (sweet, salty, ) taste. 5. Candies have ( sweet, bitter) taste. Assignment: Let the pupils make an album of 10 pictures of different liquids cut out from old magazines. Have them describe the characteristics of each liquid. Remarks: Mastery Level: Draw 5 balloons with different colors. Describe their shapes. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: SUMMATIVE TEST Match the picture in column A with column B. Connect the letter to its correct picture using a line inside the box and write down if it is solid, liquid or gas. Remind the pupils to bring empty containers of the following materials: 1. Bleaching liquid 2. Shampoo 3. Pesticide 4. Any toilet freshener 5. Mosquito coil empty box Remarks: Mastery Level: Activity C. Activity C. Discussion 3. the pupils should be able to tell whether the material is hot or cold. Generalization D. 2. Generalization D. Generalization D. Insecticides 3. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Divide the class into 4 groups and let them have a role play on the safety measures in using and handling harmful materials at home or in school. Activity C. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Write in your activity notebook. At the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to describe the proper ways in using and handling harmful materials at home and in school. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: (Note: Tell the pupils that the diagram is just a portion of the whole thermometer Assignment: Compare the temperature of ice to the temperature of boiling water? Write your answer on your notebook. Preliminary Activities 1. compare the temperature of tap water and hot/warm water. Presentation 2. Presentation 2.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. and 3. ___4______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Motivation B. Preliminary Activities 1. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Review 3. Activity C. Drill 2. Motivation B. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. read the temperature from the thermometer correctly. Preliminary Activities 1. the pupils should be able to identify the harmful effects of the common materials found at home and in school At the end of the lesson. At the end of the lesson. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Muriatic Acid Pupils’ activity outputs may be taken as a form of assessing their knowledge formatively. Subject Matter: Lesson 2. Discussion 3. Disinfectant 2. the pupils should be able to: 1. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. measure the temperature of tap water and hot/warm water using a thermometer. Take note that such assessment results should not be graded . Discussion 3. Review 3. Presentation 2. LPG 4. What could be the temperature of hot objects compared to cold objects? Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Write the hazards that the following materials may do to people when not used properly: 1. Motivation B. Harmful Effects of Common Materials Found at Home Subject Matter: Lesson 3. Presentation 2.Safety Measures in Using and Handling Harmful Materials Subject Matter: Lesson 1: Is it Hot or Cold? Subject Matter: Lesson 2: Measuring the Temperature of Hot/ Warm Material Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Bleaching liquid 5. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. Review 3. Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: List down at least 2 reasons on what should you do in order to avoid accident brought about by the misuse of the materials that are commonly found at home? List down at least 2 materials found in your home and write down the proper way in handling the material that you listed. Its purpose is just for the teacher to determine pupils’ prior knowledge as a springboard for the discussion of the next lesson. Generalization D. the pupils should be able to describe the candle wax when heated and cooled. Drill 2. Generalization D. At the end of the lesson. measure the temperature of tap water and cold water using a thermometer. Presentation 2. the pupils should be able to describe the candle wax when heated and cooled. Motivation B. and 3. How will you compare the temperature of tap water with that of cold water? (The temperature of tap water is higher than the temperature of cold water. Presentation 5. Developmental Activities 1. compare the temperature of tap water and cold water . 3. Generalization D. Discussion 6. Presentation 2. Motivation B. What do you think will happen to the butter/margarine? Why? Assignment: Evaluation: Evaluation: Your mother is boiling water in a kettle for your coffee. Drill 2. Discussion 3. What is the effect of removing heat from the water? (Heat removed from the water decreases the temperature of the water. Discussion 3. Motivation B. the pupils should be able to describe what happens to water when heated Subject Matter: Lesson 3: Measuring the Temperature of Cold Material Subject Matter: Lesson 4: What Happens when a Candle Wax is heated or Cooled? Subject Matter: Lesson 4: What Happens when a Candle Wax is heated or Cooled? Subject Matter: Lesson 5: What Happens to Water When Heated? Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Assignment: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Developmental Activities 1. read the temperature from the thermometer correctly. At the end of the lesson. Review 3. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. Motivation B. Drill 2. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: A butter/ margarine is put in a frying pan over the stove for few minutes.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Activity C. the pupils should be able to: 1. Preliminary Activities 1. What do you think will happen if she leaves the water boiling for a long time? Why? Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: The activity output of the pupils may be considered in assessing them formatively. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1.What is the temperature of tap water? What is the temperature of cold water? 2. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: 1. Activity C. At the end of the lesson. Generalization D. Generalization D. Presentation 2. Review 3. Developmental Activities 4.) Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. . Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. or the temperature of cold water is lower than the temperature of tap water). Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Activity C. Preliminary Activities 1. ___5______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Review 3. 2. At the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to describe what happens to naphthalene ball when heated. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. Subject Matter: Lesson 7: What Happens to Naphthalene Ball when Heated? Subject Matter: Lesson 7: What Happens to Naphthalene Ball when Heated? Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. What is the effect of heat on the naphthalene ball? Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Did you notice any change in the appearance of the naphthalene in saucer 1 and saucer 2? Why? 2. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. Presentation 2. Activity C. Generalization D. Presentation 2. the pupils should be able to describe what happens to water vapor when cooled Subject Matter: Lesson 6: What Happens to Water Vapor when Cooled? DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Motivation B. Motivation B. Motivation B. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. Drill 2. Activity C.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Generalization D. Review 3. Presentation 2. Motivation B. Review 3. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Science Activity Science Activity Assignment: Assignment: Bring naphthalene ball if you have at home for our next lesson. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. What does this observation tell you? 3. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Answer the following questions: 1. Review 3. Drill 2. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. the pupils should be able to describe what happens to naphthalene ball when heated. ___6______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Presentation 2. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Discussion 3. the pupils should be able to describe what happens to water vapor when cooled Subject Matter: Lesson 6: What Happens to Water Vapor when Cooled? DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Review 3. Motivation F. Activity G. Presentation 5. Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Science Activity DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: As shown in the drawing. Generalization H. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 4. Drill 2. Discussion 3. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 6. Drill 5. Subject Matter: Lesson 8: What Happens to the Air Inside the Bottle/Balloon when Heated or Cooled? GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: Lesson 8: What Happens to the Air Inside the Bottle/Balloon when Heated or Cooled? Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 6. the pupils should be able to describe what happens to the air inside the bottle/balloon when it is heated or cooled. Activity C. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks E.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Preliminary Activities 4. Developmental Activities 1. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks E. Motivation F. Drill 5. Presentation 2. the pupils should be able to describe what happens to the air inside the bottle/balloon when it is heated or cooled. Discussion 3. Motivation B. Preliminary Activities 1. what happen to the air balloon when heated? Why? Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Assignment: Draw on a bond paper 5 living things found in the environment. Presentation 5. Developmental Activities 4. Drill 2. Motivation B. ___7______ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Preliminary Activities 1. Activity G. Review 6. At the end of the lesson. Generalization D. Review 3. Review 6. Generalization H. Developmental Activities 4. Review 3. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Activity C. Motivation F. Generalization L. Preliminary Activities 7. Developmental Activities 7. Activity G. Generalization H. Drill 5. Review 6. Developmental Activities 4. Presentation 5. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks I. Preliminary Activities 4. ___8______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks E. Generalization H. Drill 8. Preliminary Activities 4. Discussion 9. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Activity K. Discussion 9. Developmental Activities 4. Developmental Activities 7. Activity K. Motivation J. Presentation 8. Review 6. Drill 8. Motivation F. Discussion 6. Motivation J. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks I. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks E. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Review 9. Presentation 5. Drill 5. Generalization L. Discussion 6.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Review 9. Presentation 8. Preliminary Activities 7. Activity G. Activity K. ___9______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks I. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks M. Generalization L. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Discussion 12. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Activity K. Generalization P. Review 12. Drill 11.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks I. Motivation N. Motivation N. Motivation J. Presentation 11. Review 9. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks M. Presentation 8. Activity O. Generalization L. Motivation J. Drill 11. Preliminary Activities 7. Review 12. Drill 8. Activity O. Discussion 9. Discussion 9. Drill 8. Preliminary Activities 7. Developmental Activities 7. Presentation 11. Developmental Activities 10. Developmental Activities 7. Review 9. Generalization P. Preliminary Activities 10. Developmental Activities 10. Discussion 12. Preliminary Activities 10. Presentation 8. Review 12. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks M. Preliminary Activities 13. Generalization T. Developmental Activities 10. Motivation N. Developmental Activities 13. Motivation R. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks Q. Generalization P. Generalization T. Discussion 12. Discussion 15. Preliminary Activities 10. Generalization P. Developmental Activities 13. Discussion 12. Application Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks Q. Presentation 11. Presentation 14. Review 15. Preliminary Activities 10. Developmental Activities 10. Review 15. Review 12. Drill 14.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Motivation R. Discussion 15. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. ___10______ GRADING PERIOD: FIRST GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Reference: LM: ______ LG: _______ CG: ______ Learning Tasks M. Drill 11. Activity O. Activity S. Drill 14. Motivation N. Activity S. Presentation 14. Preliminary Activities 13. Drill 11. Presentation 11. Activity O. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Remarks: Mastery Level: . . brain _____3. Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS GRADING PERIOD: SECOND GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. is seen is focused _____5. Generalization D. Discussion 3. enters Assignment: Find out who wears eyeglasses in your family. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Motivation B. 1. Generalization D. identify the parts of the eyes. Review 3. Ask the reasons why they are using eyeglasses. . Write the letter before each number. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Is playing computer games for a long period good to your eyes? What should you do to take care of your eyes? Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Why are the ears important? Assignment: What can happen if the sense of hearing is impaired? Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Match column A with column B. Drill 2. identify the parts of the ears and its DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: function. Activity C. and 2. identify proper ways of caring the eyes. Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Retina d. Lens c. and 2. Activity C. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. Pupil b. Review 3. Generalization D. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: I II Remarks: Mastery Level: . Presentation 2. Motivation B. Application Reference: LM: ____53___ LG: ___50____ CG: __18____ Learning Tasks A. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. identify the parts of the eyes. Motivation B. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. identify proper ways of caring the ears 1. the eye _____4. ___1______ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Activity C. Optic nerve e. Discussion 3. Sends messages to the . Focuses light and project . identify proper ways of caring the eyes. Developmental Activities 1. identify the parts of the ears and its function. Preliminary Activities 1. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. identify proper ways of caring the ears Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Reference: LM: __50_____ LG: ____48___ CG: ___18___ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. .SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Application Reference: LM: ___53___ LG: ___50____ CG: ___18___ Learning Tasks A. Generalization D. The opening where light . Review 3. Discussion 3. Where the image that . Drill 2. the image on the retina _____2. Motivation B. Application Reference: LM: ____50__ LG: ____48___ CG: ___18____ Learning Tasks A. A B _____1. Cornea a. Presentation 2. The transparent covering of . Presentation 2. and 2. and 2. describe the uses of the tongue. Discussion 3. Motivation B. Preliminary Activities 1. Presentation 2. Review 3. and 1. Activity C. Developmental Activities 1. Generalization D. Presentation 2. The tongue needs to be cleaned from time to time. identify the parts and function of the tongue. Drill 2. 1. identify the parts and function of the tongue. Developmental Activities 1. Discussion 3. identify the parts of the nose and its function. describe the uses of the tongue. Presentation 2. Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Presentation 2. Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. and 2. Activity C. Application Evaluation: Match Column A with Column B Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Why is the nose important? Assignment: What can happen if the sense of smell is impaired or does not function well? Assignment: What helps you taste the food? Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: 2. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ____60___ LG: __55____ CG: ___18____ Learning Tasks A. Motivation B. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. and 2. identify the parts of the nose and its function. Preliminary Activities 1. Match Column A with Column B b. Identify proper ways of caring the nose. Motivation B. Activity C. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. and 2.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. How do members of your family clean their tongue? Write their responses on your notebook. _____2_____ GRADING PERIOD: SECOND GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Drill 2. Drill 2. Discussion 3. Identify proper ways of caring the nose. Developmental Activities 1. Review 3. Remarks: Mastery Level: . Drill 2. Developmental Activities 1. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: a. Application Reference: LM: __57_____ LG: __53_____ CG: ____18___ Learning Tasks A. Motivation B. Application Reference: LM: ___60____ LG: ____55____ CG: ____18___ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 3. Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Reference: LM: __57_____ LG: ____53____ CG: ___18__ Learning Tasks A. Activity C. Generalization D. identify the parts and function of the skin. Generalization D. 2. and 3. group animals according to their body parts. Review 3. Drill 2. show proper ways of caring for the skin. Assignment: Each group will bring a picture of a frog. Application Reference: LM: ___66___ LG: ____61__ CG: _18_______ Learning Tasks A. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. Assignment: Do you practice personal hygiene? Assignment: Name animals found in the community. show proper ways of caring for the skin. Generalization D. Complete the table below by listing animals described in each column. Drill 2. Generalization D. Presentation 2. Motivation B. Application Reference: LM: ___62____ LG: ___56____ CG: _18______ Learning Tasks A. Motivation B. Motivation B. 2.describe the uses of the skin. Discussion 3. identify the parts of some animals. Discussion 3. _____3_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Preliminary Activities 1. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Developmental Activities 1. Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS GRADING PERIOD: SECOND GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: Identify common animals found in the environment DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Presentation 2. Review 3. Drill 2. The pupils can write as many answers as possible. Activity C. DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Review 3. Activity C. Discussion 3. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: What are the parts and functions of the skin? How do we take care of the skin? Complete the table by listing different kinds of animals found in different places. Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: and 2. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. and 3. horse and bird for the next activity. Motivation B. identify the parts and function of the skin.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Drill 2. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests.describe the uses of the skin. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Activity C. Activity C. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: __68_____ LG: ____61___ CG: ___18-______ Learning Tasks A. Presentation 2. Review 3. Subject Matter: SENSE ORGANS Subject Matter: L1 ANIMALS Subject Matter: L2 ANIMALS Reference: LM: ____62__ LG: ___56____ CG: __18____ Learning Tasks A. 2. Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Describe how animals move? How do they differ from other animals? Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Ask the pupils to draw their pets in their assignment notebooks. group animals according to their body parts. Drill 2. horse and bird for the next activity. Developmental Activities 1. Show the part or parts that they use to move. Discussion 3. Subject Matter: L3 ANIMALS Subject Matter: L3 ANIMALS Subject Matter: L4 ANIMALS Reference: LM: ___70___ LG: ___63____ CG: ___19____ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Motivation B. Discussion 3. Presentation 2. Describe how animals move. Motivation B. Motivation B. Review 3. Activity C. Drill 2. Identify the body parts that enable animals to move. Application Reference: LM: ___70___ LG: ___63____ CG: ___19____ Learning Tasks A. Activity C. Activity C. Developmental Activities 1.SUBJECT: SCIENCE DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Review 3. Describe how animals move. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. What is the food of your pet? Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: How do animals get /eat their food? Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Discussion 3. identify the parts of some animals. Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: . Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Generalization D. Draw the animals in your notebook. Preliminary Activities 1. Subject Matter: L2 ANIMALS Reference: LM: ___68____ LG: ___61____ CG: ____19____ Learning Tasks A. Application Evaluation: WEEK NO. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: I. II Choose an animal without legs and an animal with legs. Motivation B. Presentation 2. Identify the body parts that enable animals to move. Presentation 2. and 2. III Assignment: Each group will bring a picture of a frog. 2. Generalization D. ____4______ GRADING PERIOD: SECOND GRADING_ DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Review 3. Observe the body parts that these animals use to move from one place to another. Generalization D. Activity C. Application Reference: LM: _________ LG: ____66____ CG: __19____ Learning Tasks A. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: infer the body parts used by different animals for eating/getting food. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Drill 2. Drill 2. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Preliminary Activities 1. Explain why animals are important to people 2. Application Reference: LM: ___81____ LG: ____68____ CG: ____18___ Learning Tasks A. Drill 2. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: 1. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: I II III Assignment: Tell the pupils to look for and bring colored photos or pictures of the animals Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Why do animals have body covering? Assignment: Why do animals live in different places? Assignment: bring a picture or drawing of their pet or favourite animal. Preliminary Activities 1. Motivation B. Motivation B. Generalization D. Discussion 3. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: L4 ANIMALS Subject Matter: L4 ANIMALS Subject Matter: L4 ANIMALS Subject Matter: ANIMALS Reference: LM: ___77____ LG: ____66___ CG: __18____ Learning Tasks A. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Review 3. Generalization D. Activity C. Activity C. Application Reference: LM: ___79___ LG: __66_____ CG: ___18___ Learning Tasks A. Developmental Activities 1. DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: Group animals according to their body coverings. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: ___77____ LG: ______66___ CG: __18__ Learning Tasks A. Developmental Activities 1. DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: Classify animals according to their habitat/place where they live. _____5____ GRADING PERIOD: SECOND GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: Describe the body covering of animals. Discussion 3. Activity C. Presentation 2. Developmental Activities 1. Discussion 3. Group animals according to what people get from them or how they can extend help to people. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Drill 2. Motivation B. Review 3. Review 3. Developmental Activities 1. Generalization D. Presentation 2. Motivation B. Activity C. Review 3. Presentation 2.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Presentation 2. Activity C. Describe the parts of a plant 2. Application Reference: LM: ___83___ LG: ___70____ CG: ____18___ Learning Tasks A. Activity C. Activity C. Motivation B. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Generalization D. Review 3. Discussion 3. Describe the parts of a plant Subject Matterl: ANIMALS Subject Matter: PLANTS Subject Matter: PLANTS Reference: LM: ___82____ LG: ____70__ CG: ___18____ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Drill 2. Presentation 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Name the parts Assignment: What should you do to avoid harmful animals? Assignment: Why should you observe safety measures while caring your pet? Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Draw your favourite label its parts. Activity C. Motivation B. Presentation 2. Identify some plants in the garden 2. Discussion 3. ____6______ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: Identify animals that can harm people Subject Matterl: ANIMALS DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: Communicate to care for pets GRADING PERIOD: SECOND GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Drill 2. Developmental Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: _84____ LG: ___70___ CG: ___18___ Learning Tasks A.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Developmental Activities 1. Discussion 3. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Motivation B. Generalization D. Motivation B. Presentation 2. Review 3. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: plant and DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: I Assignment: Name plants on your way to school. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: _84____ LG: ___70___ CG: ___18___ Learning Tasks A. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. Identify some plants in the garden DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: 1. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. Discussion 3. Drill 2. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ____87__ LG: ___73____ CG: ___18____ Learning Tasks A. Preliminary Activities 1. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. Drill 2. Review 3. Review 3. Compare the plant parts of different plants Subject Matter: PLANTS DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: Compare the plant parts of different plants Subject Matter: PLANTS DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Infer the function of different plant parts Subject Matter: PLANTS Reference: LM: ____87__ LG: ___73____ CG: ___18____ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 3. Motivation B. Presentation 2. Review 3. Motivation B. Assignment: Bring 2 different plants tomorrow. Discussion 3. Application Reference: LM: ____87__ LG: ___73____ CG: ___18____ Learning Tasks A. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Why do we need to observe the different parts of the plants? Remarks: Mastery Level: Reference: LM: ___89___ LG: ____77____ CG: __18_____ Learning Tasks A. Developmental Activities 1. Generalization D. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: answer the following questions Assignment: Read about the different functions of the different plant parts. Generalization D. Activity C. Motivation B. Assignment: Bring to class an example of an object made from plants. Drill 2.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Developmental Activities 1. Review 3. Application Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Give the parts of the banana plant. Remarks: Mastery Level: . Activity C. ____7______ GRADING PERIOD: SECOND GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: Compare the plant parts of different plants Subject Matter: PLANTS DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: . Generalization D. Presentation 2. Motivation B. Presentation 2. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. . Motivation B.Write the correct word that describes the position of the object or animal or person in each picture. Motivation B. Generalization D. Distribute ¼ lengthwise strip of bond paper to each group. Draw or cut a picture of different ways in moving a ball. Application Reference: LM: _116__ TG: __114____ CG: ____20_____ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 3. Call the group leaders to pick one piece of paper. Presentation 2. the pupils should be able to describe the position or location of an object relative to another object. magazines. Subject Matter: Describing the Position of an Object relative to another Object GRADING PERIOD: THIRD GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the activity. Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Discussion 3. 1. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Let the pupils read and gather pictures about windmills that are used in producing electricity. Generalization D. 1. 3. Presentation 2. Developmental Activities 1. Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Draw two objects which show movement on a short bond paper. Choose from the list of words in the box. Drill 2.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Activity C. Application Reference: LM: _115__ TG: __111____ CG: ____20_____ Learning Tasks A. Application Reference: LM: __114_ TG: ___109___ CG: _____20___ Learning Tasks A. List 2 tasks you do at home that involve pushing. Review 3. the pupils should be able to describe the location of an object after it was moved. Generalization D. Let them list two things that are moved by the wind outside the classroom. the pupils should be able to: 1. Developmental Activities 1. _____1_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Review 3. make a wind wheel. Presentation 2. Ask the pupils to draw a wind wheel. Developmental Activities 1. Tell each group to describe the position of the object that their leader picked. Generalization D. Encircle three objects that were moved from their original location. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: At the end of each lesson. Write each object on a piece of paper. Review 3. Presentation 2. Motivation B. 4. describe how wind moves objects. 2. 5. Preliminary Activities 1. Assignment: Tell each group to bring a toy car for the next activity. Preliminary Activities 1. Describe the location of the object after it was moved. Picture A shows a classroom while picture B shows the same classroom after a day. Activity C. Drill 2. 2. Discussion 3. B Remarks: Mastery Level: . Activity C. They can get it from books. Drill 2. Place 5 objects in different location inside the classroom (add more objects if there are more than 5 groups). WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: A. At the end of the lesson. List 2 tasks you do at home that involve pulling. 2. the pupils should be able to describe different ways of moving objects DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: How do you know that an object has moved? Subject Matter: How can you make objects move? Subject Matter: Wind can make Objects Move Reference: LM: __112_ TG: ___106___ CG: _____20___ Learning Tasks A. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: “Find Me” Game: 1. Activity C. Motivation B. or the internet. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. infer that the strength of the magnet is strongest at the poles. Preliminary Activities 1. Assignment: Let the pupils bring two identical toy cars. Review 3. 1. Motivation B. with their N poles facing each other. Activity C. Generalization D. unlike poles attract. with their N and S poles facing each other. 3. Drill 2. Motivation B. and 2.___________________________ (The group’s output in the activity can serve as assessment. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. and 4. ___________________________ 2. Discussion 3. describe how a magnet can move objects. Presentation 2. Developmental Activities 1. describe different ways of making a toy car move. At the end of each lesson. Subject Matter: Making a Paper Boat Subject Matter: Describing the Location of an Object After it has Moved Subject Matter: Attract or Repel! Subject Matter: Ready. identify the poles of a magnet. Remarks: Mastery Level: Read about where magnets came from. Set. Discussion 3. describe how water moves objects. 2. the pupils should be able to: 1. Remarks: Mastery Level: Draw what would happen to two bar magnets that are placed: 1. Drill 2. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. _____2_____ GRADING PERIOD: THIRD GRADING_ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. the pupils should be able to: 1.) Assignment: Assignment: Draw a situation where water is used to move an object. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Bring a toy car (not batteryoperated) for tomorrows activity. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: A plastic ball is placed in a basin with water. Presentation 2. Developmental Activities 1. with their S poles facing each other. Generalization D. Preliminary Activities 1. Presentation 2. Go! Reference: LM: _117__ LG: ___115___ CG: ____20_____ Learning Tasks A. Activity C. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Generalization D. Write two ways to make the ball move without touching or blowing unto into it. Discussion 3. identify materials that can be moved by magnets. Application Reference: LM: _120__ LG: ___120___ CG: ___20____ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Activity C. 2. Activity C. Application Reference: LM: _119__ LG: ___119___ CG: ___20____ Learning Tasks A. state that like poles repel. identify objects or materials that can move a toy car. Review 3. the pupils should be able to: 1. make a paper boat. Discussion 3. Application Reference: LM: _118__ LG: ___117___ CG: ____20_____ Learning Tasks A. Motivation B. infer that a magnet has two poles. At the end of each lesson. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: How does the car move? What are the objects or materials that can move a toy car? Assignment: . the pupils should be able to: 1. Drill 2.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. 3. and 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. and 2. Activity C. Motivation B. 4. describe the movement of an object as forward or backward. The pupils will guess the word by asking questions that could help her/him guess the word. Presentation 2. II. Developmental Activities 1. Describe a situation that shows a car moving forward and another that shows a car moving backward. Preliminary Activities 1. 1. Describe a situation that shows a car moving fast. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: _126__ LG: ___128___ CG: _____20____ Learning Tasks A. “no (hindi)” and “pwede (maybe)”. _____3_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Presentation 2. 3. The game is played by putting the words written on a strip of paper on the pupil’s forehead. Generalization D. Name objects that can be stretched or compressed 1. Generalization D. the pupils should be able to: 1. Discussion 3. Give at least 2 uses of light. Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Draw an object which you can find at home that can be stretched. The class can only respond with “oo (yes)”. Then. the pupils should be able to identify uses of light. Discussion 3. Remarks: Mastery Level: . Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Review 3. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: E. II. 2. Activity C. Application Evaluation: I. Activity C. Describe the act of stretching and compressing objects 2. and 2. Presentation 2. Drill 2. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Which of these objects can be stretched and compressed? Pupils may play “Pinoy Henyo”. Developmental Activities 1. 2. Application Reference: LM: __124_ LG: __124____ CG: ___20______ Learning Tasks A. DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. (Note : Teacher will provide pictures/illustrations) Assignment: Bring a notebook spring and a rubber band.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. Write Natural or Artificial. Drill 2. Review 3. Subject Matter Sources of Light Subject Matter: Uses of light Reference: LM: _122__ LG: __124____ CG: _____20____ Learning Tasks A. Activity C. Presentation 2. Review 3. write below your drawing the use of the object. describe the movement of an object as fast or slow. GRADING PERIOD: THIRD GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: Identify sources of light Classify sources of light into natural and artificial DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. 5. Motivation B. Drill 2. Developmental Activities 1. using open source data and the internet. The words to be guessed are all sources of light. Discussion 3. Generalization D. 1. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Name objects that can be stretched or compressed Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Describing the Different Ways Objects Move Describing the Movement of Objects– Stretched or Compressed Reference: LM: __121_ LG: ___122___ CG: ___20______ Learning Tasks A. Motivation B. Review 3. Assignment: List 3 sources of light in your home Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Research on other sources and uses of light. 2. Application Reference: LM: __129_ LG: _131_____ CG: ____20_____ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Remarks: Mastery Level: At the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to describe uses of heat. Activity C. Developmental Activities 1. (Pictures assigned beforehand ) Assignment: Draw one proper way of using light on a short bond paper Assignment: Have the pupils list three 3 other sources of heat at home. the pupils should be able to identify the proper ways of using light. Application Reference: LM: __128_ LG: ___131___ CG: ______20___ Learning Tasks A. Subject Matter: Sources of Heat Reference: LM: __128_ LG: ___130___ CG: _____20____ Learning Tasks A. 3. Make a collage of different sources of heat. the pupils should be able to identify things that give off heat. Subject Matter: Safety in Using Light DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: GRADING PERIOD: THIRD GRADING_ DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Subject Matter: Safety in Using Light DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Preliminary Activities 1. Discussion 3. List Down at least 4 ways of using light. Preliminary Activities 1. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. Activity C. Application Reference: LM: _130__ LG: __132____ CG: _____20____ Learning Tasks A. Developmental Activities 1. Review 3. using open source data and the internet. Drill 2. Discussion 3. Generalization D. Drill 2. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Drill 2. Motivation B. Remarks: Mastery Level: . 1. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Activity C. Motivation B.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. WEEKLY TEST Look at the pictures. Drill 2. Motivation B. the pupils should be able to identify the proper ways of using light. Motivation B. Application Evaluation: Give 3 uses of light. Assignment: Read on the other uses of heat. Subject Matter: Uses of Heat DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Describe how heat is used in each picture. Generalization D. Presentation 2. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Research on other sources and uses of light. _____4_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Discussion 3. Generalization D. Activity C. Preliminary Activities 1. Review 3. 4 5 6 7 Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: List down at least 3 proper ways of using light. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. Review 3. Motivation B. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Review 3. Activity C. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: _135__ LG: __136____ CG: ____20_____ Learning Tasks A. Subject Matter: Safety in Using Heat Subject Matter: Sources of Sounds Subject Matter: Ways of Producing Sound Subject Matter: Make Your Own Kazoo Reference: LM: __132_ LG: ___133___ CG: ______20___ Learning Tasks A. Whistle ___________________________ 2. Drill 2. Identify the sources of sounds. Presentation 2. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: A. a. Preliminary Activities 1. Maracas 2. Discussion 3. Presentation 2. tik tak tik tak c. Pupils will play “guessing game”. Motivation B. Review 3. Developmental Activities 1.SUBJECT: SCIENCE DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: WEEK NO. Developmental Activities 1. Guitar 4. Application DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Review 3. A sharp pointed object 5. Whistle Remind the pupils to bring the following materials: 1. Bell _______________________________ 4. Drill 2. Cardboard tube from toilet paper or cardboard only 2. the pupils should be able to identify various sources of sound. Activity C. Tambourine _______________________ The pupils kazoo can serve as assessment. Generalization D. Discussion 3. Review 3. Waxed paper 3. Discussion 3. Generalization D. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Xylophone _________________________ 5. Developmental Activities 1. the pupils should be able to: 1. Let the pupils play with the kazoo and give a score based on the functionality of the kazoos. Presentation 2. Developmental Activities 1. the pupils should be able to identify the proper ways of handling hot objects. Assignment: Assignment: Remind the students to bring the following: 1. Presentation 2. Drill 2. Fill up the column – What I learned about Heat. The other group will guess the objects thatproduce the sound. _____5_____ GRADING PERIOD: THIRD GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Discussion 3. Activity C. B. Use the sample rubric below. Activity C. Write on the blanks how sounds are produced by the following objects: 1. Motivation B. Motivation B. Reference: LM: __136_ LG: __138____ CG: _____20____ Learning Tasks A. make an improvised kazoo. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: The completion of the KWL chart presented at the beginning of the lesson can serve as assessment. the pupils can describe the different ways of producing sound. Assignment: List 2 other safety tips in using sources of heat. hiss hiss hiss b. DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Ambulance _________________________ 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Scotch tap Assignment: Read: Importance of sounds Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: At the end of each lesson. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: __135_ LG: __135____ CG: ____20_____ Learning Tasks A. describe how sound is produced using a kazoo. Each group will produce a sound from objects around them. Drum/box 3. Rubber band 4. Generalization D. 2. kokak kokak C. Generalization D. They will hide behind a curtain the objects when they made it produce the sound. Drill 2. Motivation B. Discussion 3. Application Reference: LM: __140_ LG: ___142___ CG: __20_____ Learning Tasks A. Application Reference: LM: __139_ LG: ___141___ CG: _____20__ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Presentation 2. Application DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Subject Matter: Uses of Sounds GRADING PERIOD: THIRD GRADING_ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Assignment: . Review 3. and 2.List down 2 electrical equipment/devices and describe the use of the device Remarks: Mastery Level: . the pupils should be able to: 1. List five electrical equipment in your home 1 2 3 4 5 C. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. the pupils should be able to: 1. Describe the use of sound in each picture. List down 3 electrical equipment/devices and describe the use of the device. 3. B. Review 3. the pupils should be able to describe the uses of electricity. Discussion 3. Drill 2. Reference: LM: _143__ LG: __143____ CG: ____20___ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Developmental Activities 1. Generalization D. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: At the end of each lesson. Motivation B. Motivation B. _____6_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. appreciate the importance of sound. Generalization D. Preliminary Activities 1. Activity C. Activity C. Activity C. Look for news about accidents involving electricity. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: List down two uses of sound not mentioned in the activity. List five electrical equipment in your home. At the end of each lesson.classify objects that operate using battery or when plugged in outlets. Motivation B. 2. Presentation 2. appreciate the importance of electricity. Preliminary Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. Write down how you can help lessen noise pollution in your community.describe the different sources of electricity.Look at the pictures.identify various sources of electricity. Read about safety measures in using electricity. Generalization D. Research on the different power plants in the Philippines.SUBJECT: SCIENCE WEEK NO. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: A. Assignment: . describe the uses of sound 2. Developmental Activities 1. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: Sources of Electricity Subject Matter: Uses of Electricity Subject Matter: Using Electricity Safely Reference: LM: _137__ LG: __140____ CG: ____20___ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 3. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Drill 2. identify the proper use of electricity. Activity C. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. Drill 2. List two ways of what not to do to avoid electrocution. Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Assignment: Make a list of the sources of noise pollution in your place. Presentation 2. the pupils should be able to: 1. Motivation B. describe the importance of living and nonliving things in the surroundings. water and air. 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Opposite it place a check mark if these things are important to the people. Assignment: Collect pictures of the different kinds of bodies of water Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: a. the pupils should be able to: 1. 3. Motivation B. water and air. Questions 1. Things in the Garden Reference: LM: __146_ TG: _154__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. At the end of each lesson. Discussion 3. Drill 2. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Developmental Activities 1. List down 5 examples of living and nonliving things that you can find in a garden.describe one’s environment as being made up of life forms. Review 3. and 3. What makes your surroundings a nice place to live in? b. There are plants in the pond that served as food of some “dalag”. Preliminary Activities 1. Generalization D. Review 3. land.make observations of the school’s and community’s surroundingsand . 2. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. How can you keep your community a safe place to live in? d. Complete the table below. describe the importance of living and nonliving things in the surroundings.SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. Things in the Garden Subject Matter: Lesson 2. At the end of the lesson. Generalization D. Where do you live? Can you name things around your house Assignment: Draw a picture of the surroundings of your house. Developmental Activities 1. identify things that are found in a garden. Preliminary Activities 1.make observations of the school’s and community’s surroundingsand . Motivation B. land. identify things that are found in a garden. Review 3.tell something about the surroundings. Assignment: Assignment: Draw a water body found in your community. Discussion 3. Remarks: Mastery Level: . 3. How many kinds of animals did you see? What are they? 4. Motivation B. Subject Matter: Lesson 1. the pupils should be able to: 1. Make a table to show their classification as living and non living things. Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. How many kinds of plants did you see? What are they? 3. Her father and brother take good care of the pond near their house. Drill 2. Application Reference: LM: __148_ TG: _154__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Activity C. the pupils should be able to: 1. Presentation 2. Activity C.Why does her father and brother need to take care of the pond? B. Your friend Samantha lives in a farm. Why should you keep your surroundings clean and orderly? c.Things in the Surroundings Subject Matter: Lesson 2. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. classify the things in the garden as living and nonliving. _____1_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. At the end of each lesson. Make a list of things you see at home and in school. Presentation 2. Color it to show a happier and livelier mood. Developmental Activities 1. the pupils should be able to: 1. Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Evaluation: A Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Activity 1: Different things around you Activity 2: Take a Tour Around Activity 3: A Walk in the Garden Write in one or two sentences what things can be seen in a garden. classify the things in the garden as living and nonliving. Generalization D. Drill 2. Activity C. Drill 2. Application Reference: LM: _148__ TG: _155__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. WEEKLY TEST 1. What are the living and non-living things in the garden? Living things: Non –living things: 2. 2. Discussion 3.Things in the Surroundings Subject Matter: Lesson 1. Application Reference: LM: _148__ TG: _155__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Share in class next meeting.describe one’s environment as being made up of life forms. and 3.tell something about the surroundings. 2. 2. or otherform of moving water that serves to feed or drain the lake 5. Activity C. Activity C. describe the bodies of water. Ask them to identify and describe each landform . and animals. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper A 1. Application Reference: LM: _153__ TG: __160_ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. 4. lake e. Write a three sentence description of the landform. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Activity 4: Bodies of Water in your Community Activity 4: Bodies of Water in your Community 1. coves h. that is surroundedby land apart from a river. Application Reference: LM: _151__ TG: _158__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. 7. Presentation 2. Drill 2.Tape each cut out bodies of water onto a sheet of poster board using only a small piece of clear tape along the top of each card ( so the card flips upwards) and answer the questions. and 2. Review 3. 2.Post a photocopy of 10 land forms on the board. 3. usually freshwater. Using crayons or water color. describe common landforms. 2. Discussion 3. a lake. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation 2. discuss how landforms can be 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Application Reference: LM: _153__ TG: __160_ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks b. bay i. plants. the pupils should be able to: 1. a large body of saline water that is connected to an ocean or may be a large saline lake that lacks a natural outlet. and At the end of each lesson. 8. a body of water with a current. describe common landforms. Activity C. Generalization D. sea f. localized in a basin. Bodies of Water in your Community Subject Matter: Lesson 3. It moves to a lower level in a channel on land. or sea.Match Column A with Column B. to people. describe the bodies of water. stream.river c. infer that plants and animals are present around and in the bodies of water 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Discussion 3. larger than a bay which is usually a deep cut of the land B a. Land Forms in the Community Subject Matter: Lesson 4. Drill 2. and 1. Review 3. oceans g. 3. Cut out the landform pictures. Remarks: Mastery Level: WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: I. color the illustrations and cut the paper following the broken lines. Review 3. Assignment: Activity 5: The Landforms Activity 5: The Landforms 1. Group yourselves into 5. produced by the emergence of geothermally heated ground water from the Earth’s crust. 2. plants. Land Forms in the Community Reference: LM: _151__ TG: _158__ CG: ___21__ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Motivation B. Activity C. Generalization D. flowing towards an ocean. Do this on your notebook. the smallest indentations of land by a lake. 2. the pupils At the end of each lesson. or another river. Presentation 2. hot spring d. 2. Discussion 3. larger than a cove and can refer to any wide indentation of the land. Motivation B. Generalization D. Presentation 2. ( see attached pictures) Remarks: Mastery Level: . Drill 2. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Draw a landform found in your place. Have a photocopy of the bodies of water. Glue each landform next to its description. gulf II. Bodies of Water in your Community Subject Matter: Lesson 4. Subject Matter: Lesson 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. discuss how landforms can be beneficial beneficial animals. and weekly tests. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: and to people.SUBJECT: SCIENCE DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. confined within a bed and stream banks. Developmental Activities 1. infer that plants and animals are present around and in the bodies of water GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. Make a poster board for this activity. Generalization D. Motivation B. Group yourselves into 5. sea. 6. Discussion 3. Have a photocopy of the landforms. or ocean. Match a landform picture with its description in your notebook. the pupils should be able to: 1. _____2_____ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. the pupils should The pupils are expected to get be able to: should be able to: 75% mastery level in the 1. draw and describe the basic types of clouds. Developmental Activities 1. Activity 2 A. Motivation B. the pupils should be able to describe the appearance of the clouds. Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: List down the different weather instruments. Generalization D. Activity C. Discussion 3. Making Models of the Basic Types of Clouds evaluate activity for each them to Assignment: WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Draw the different kinds of cloud formation. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Complete the table below.SUBJECT: SCIENCE DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Application Reference: LM: _156__ TG: _169__ CG: ___21__ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Activity C. Motivation B. The Types of Clouds Reference: LM: _155__ TG: _164__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. draw and describe the basic types of clouds. Activity C. the pupils should be able to: 1. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Draw the basic types of clouds. Review 3. Remarks: Mastery Level: . Review 3. the pupils should be able to: 1. DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Subject Matter: Lesson 2. Ask evaluate their work GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. The Weather Reference: LM: _155__ TG: _164__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Developmental Activities 1. Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. _____3_____ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. the pupils should be able to describe the appearance of the clouds. Discussion 3. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Review 3. Drill 2. 2. Generalization D. If available. Review 3. Motivation B. show a four-day observation of the clouds in the locality. use the internet or any science books to get details about them. The Weather Subject Matter: Lesson 1. Application Reference: LM: _156__ TG: _169__ CG: ___21__ Learning Tasks A. The Types of Clouds Subject Matter: Lesson 2. Look at the descriptions drawing. Application Evaluation: Activity 1: “The Weather Watcher” Check the pupils’ outputs to whether they performed their correctly. show a four-day observation of the clouds in At the end of each lesson. Developmental Activities 1. the locality. Activity C. Preliminary Activities 1. Drill 2. Observing The Basic Types of Clouds Activity 2 B. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. Motivation B. Subject Matter: Lesson 1. Do this in your notebook. Presentation 2. Drill 2. Presentation 2. Ask each group to evaluate the model done by each group using the rubrics. Present the rubrics. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. Distribute the materials in each group. Are there changes in the temperature readings inside the room? How about outside the room? d.SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. Review 3. 2. Generalization D. Motivation B. Drill 2. A Basic Weather Instruments Subject Matter: Lesson 4. describe the speed and direction of the wind. Developmental Activities 1. Drill 2. inside the room or outside the room? Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Subject Matter: Lesson 3. inside or outside the room? e. Generalization D. Show and explain to the groups the rubrics for scoring their participation in the activity. Generalization D. Presentation 2. Wind’s Temperature Wind Speed and Wind Direction Subject Matter: Lesson 4. Developmental Activities 1. Prepare also a weather chart as in the table below: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . and 2. Review 3. What do these changes in the temperature mean? f. tell how cold or hot the air is . the pupils should be able to: 1. and 2. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Draw 3 examples of weather tool. Motivation B. sunny . Group the class. At the end of each lesson. Presentation 2. Ask the pupils to read the procedure in LM’s No. tell how cold or hot the air is . Review 3. Where were the temperature changes greater. Preliminary Activities 1. Outside the room: What is the highest temperature recorded? Lowest temperature recorded? c. the pupils should be able to: 1. Application Learning Tasks A. Discussion 3. _____4_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. Activity 3: My Improvised Weather Instruments Table 2. Activity C. b. windy and stormy day. Discussion 3. and 3. Motivation B. Movement and direction of the wind Activity 4A: Measuring Temperature a. Drill 2. Application Learning Tasks A. Application Learning Tasks A. and 3. Preliminary Activities 1. At the end of each lesson. Preliminary Activities 1. the pupils should be able to: 1. make s simple weather instrument. Assign pupils to draw in their notebook the weather symbols for rainy. Activity C.3 entitled “My Improvised Weather Instrument”. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. Presentation 2. Developmental Activities 1. Developmental Activities 1. make s simple weather instrument. Motivation B. Generalization D. compare the temperature of air in different places. compare the temperature of air in different places. Activity C. 2. Drill 2. Wind’s Temperature Wind Speed and Wind Direction Reference: LM: _159__ TG: __171_ CG: __21___ Reference: LM: _159__ TG: __171_ CG: __21___ Reference: LM: _162__ TG: _177__ CG: __21___ Reference: LM: _162__ TG: _177__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Activity 3 a. the pupils should be able to: 1. Activity C. describe the uses of the instrument. Review 3. Inside the room: What is the highest temperature recorded? Lowest temperature recorded? b. A Basic Weather Instruments Subject Matter: Lesson 3. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. describe the speed and direction of the wind. describe the uses of the instrument. At the end of each lesson. In which area was the air cooler. Presentation 2. The Daily Weather Reference: LM: _164__ TG: _183__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Drill 2. Motivation B. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Why does the air temperature inside and outside the room not the same? c. Discussion 3. Discussion 3. is the temperature inside and outside the room the same? What about in the shade and under the sun? b. the pupils should be able to: identify the elements of weather DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Preliminary Activities 1. Activity C. During what kind of weather is the temperature of the air usually warm or cool? Remarks: Mastery Level: . Review 3. Subject Matter: Lesson 5. Review 3. Motivation B. Application Reference: LM: _164__ TG: _183__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Review 3.SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. Activity C. Discussion 3. Review 3. How does air temperature affect the weather? d. Preliminary Activities 1. DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. _____5_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Developmental Activities 1. Activity C. Motivation B. Activity C. The Daily Weather Subject Matter: Lesson 5. Generalization D. the pupils should be able to: describe how the wind moves within the day. Presentation 2. Application Reference: LM: _164__ TG: _183__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Application Reference: LM: _164__ TG: _183__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. the pupils should be able to: tell how hot or cold is a place. Discussion 3. The Daily Weather Subject Matter: Lesson 5. Based on the activity. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. The Daily Weather DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Generalization D. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Drill 2. Drill 2. Ask the following questions: a. the pupils should be able to: describe the weather for the day Subject Matter: Lesson 5. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: What are the elements of weather? Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Drill 2. Preliminary Activities 1. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: After all the activity. Motivation B. Developmental Activities 1. Developmental Activities 1. Discussion 3. Application Learning Tasks A. Generalization D. Drill 2. Today is a ________. Developmental Activities 1. Discussion 3. What kind of weather do you hate most? Why? Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Ask to the class to complete the paragraph by writing their answers in their notebook. Preliminary Activities 1. Presentation 2. Generalization D. Preliminary Activities 1. B. Use the weather chart in activity 5. Developmental Activities 1. Review 3. report orally the weather for the week. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. and ____________ Ask each group to report the weather forecast. At the end of each lesson. the wind blows fast and c. What kind of weather do you like most? Why? D. I like to dothe following _________. Assignment: WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: A. . the pupils should be able to: 1. describe how weather affects people. Activity C. the sun is high b. and animals. make a collage showing the effects of weather on people. a. 2. plants. 2. What kind of weather brings Assignment: Assignment: Ask your parents the what are the safety measures in dealing different weather conditions. and 2. Activity C. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Activity 6: Weather Reporter 1. Developmental Activities 1. make a weather bulletin for a week. Presentation 2. Presentation 2. Review 3. Preliminary Activities 1. plants. plants. Drill 2. the pupils should be able to: 1. and 2. Use the rubrics in evaluating the group output Assign pupils to collect and bring pictures that show activities when. Motivation B. Weather Collage Reference: LM: _167__ TG: _186__ CG: __21___ Reference: LM: _167__ TG: _186__ CG: __21___ Reference: LM: _168__ TG: _187__ CG: __21___ Reference: LM: _168__ TG: _187__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Review 3. Activity C. Motivation B. The Weather Reporter Subject Matter: Lesson 7. The Weather Reporter Subject Matter: Lesson 6. Developmental Activities 1. and animals At the end of each lesson. 2. make a collage showing the effects of weather on people. What kind of weather brings bad effects on a a) people? Why? b) animals? Why? c) plants ? Why? C. Motivation B. Make a weather bulletin. Motivation B. The skyis _________. Discussion 3. Activity C. Drill 2. Weather Collage Subject Matter: Lesson 7. ____________. describe how weather affects people. plants.SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. At the end of each lesson. the pupils should be able to: 1. Drill 2. Assignment: good effects on a) people? Why? b) animals? Why? c) plants? Why? B. Generalization D. the wind blows lightly Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. and animals Subject Matter: Lesson 6. report orally the weather for the week. Presentation 2. the pupils should be able to: 1. make a weather bulletin for a week. Application Learning Tasks A. Application Learning Tasks A. Make a simple weather bulletin using the table below. ________ . The wind is ___________. and animals. Review 3. _____6_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. Generalization D. Generalization D. How did the big ball appear in set-up C? the small ball? DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. 3. Preliminary Activities 1. the different types of weather condition. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing very slightly. Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Draw one activity you need to do for each weather condition. Observe. ______5. Objects Seen in the sky Subject Matter: Lesson 2. Motivation B. the pupils should At the end of the lesson. but the rain is not falling. Name them. Do this in your notebook. DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. On your drawing pads. Describe what you saw in set-up B. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. B. Preliminary Activities 1. _____7_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of each lesson. He was wondering why the flying bird looks big while the moving airplane appears very small. Motivation B. Motivation B. What will you tell Peter to help him understand the situation? during the Assignment: Look up in the sky tonight and draw objects you saw. List the objects you see in the sky. Share it to class tomorrow. ______1. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: A. ______3. which ball looked bigger as you saw it? b.On a sunny day. ______2. Drill 2.SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. Do this in your notebook. Review 3. Developmental Activities 1. Which of the 2 balls appeared bigger? Or smaller? c. Discussion 3. the wind is strong and the rain is falling. ask your pupils the following questions. Activity C. the pupils should At the end of each lesson. Go out of the house at night time when the sky is clear. Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: Ask the class to copy the following in their notes. Developmental Activities 1. Let’s Be Careful with What We Do Subject Matter: Lesson 1. Generalization D. Drill 2. Activity C.Write the kind of weather in each situation. The sky is dark. Write your answers in your assignment notebook. draw what you will see. Application Reference: LM: _170__ TG: _192__ CG: ___21__ Learning Tasks A. Presentation 2. Preliminary Activities 1. ______4. Sizes of Objects Seen in the Sky Reference: LM: _169__ TG: _190__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. After the two graphic organizers are completed. Activity C. Drill 2. Drill 2. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Draw one activity you need to do for each weather condition. There are plenty of dark clouds and rain is falling. Review 3. Developmental Activities 1. The sky is clear and the clouds are so high. 1. Presentation 2. Peter looked up the sky. The sun cannot be seen and there are plenty of dark clouds. What are the objects seen in the sky at night? during the day? a. Presentation 2. Review 3. Review 3. Application Reference: LM: _169__ TG: _190__ CG: __21___ Learning Tasks A. Discussion 3. Preliminary Activities 1. 2. Presentation 2. the pupils should be able to describe the sizes of objects seen in the sky Subject Matter: Lesson 8. Discussion 3. In set-up A. Let’s Be Careful with What We Do Subject Matter: Lesson 8. Application Reference: LM: _172__ TG: _195__ CG: _21____ Learning Tasks A. the pupils be able to draw the safety and be able to draw the safety and should be able to describe the precautionary measures in dealing with precautionary measures in dealing with objects seen in the sky the different types of weather condition. Generalization D. Motivation B. Generalization D. Remarks: Mastery Level: Assignment: What are the objects seen in the sky which are bright at night? Why? Make a three sentence paragraph for your answer. Activity C. The class of Mrs. Having done with the lessons on objects seen in the sky during daytime and night time. sunny day on Saturday. heat on plants. pupils should be able to describe the brightness and dimness of objects seen in the sky at night time At the end of the lesson. Presentation 2. Discussion 3. Generalization D. Presentation 5. Samantha is so excited to wear her leather jacket. Santos is on a field trip to the Dinosaur’s Land in Angeles City. Presentation 2. Effects of Suns Heat on Heat and Light on People Plants Reference: Reference: Evaluation: WEEKLY TEST LM: _176__ TG: _203__ CG: __22___ Learning Tasks A. What will you advise Samantha to wear? Why? 2. Developmental Activities 1. Activity G. the pupils should be able to make observations of the position of the sun at different times of the day Subject Matter: Lesson 3. so many of them. Application Reference: LM: _175__ TG: _201__ CG: ___22__ Learning Tasks A. Brightness and Dimness of Objects Seen in the Sky Subject Matter: Lesson 4. Gonzales received a potted plant as a gift on her birthday. It is a house plant but she thought the plant will be healthier if she puts it under the sun. Which candle looked smaller and dimmer? c. Review 3. but she was wondering why some stars appear big and bright . Activity C. Discussion 3. Developmental Activities 1. Raul wanted to be at the swimming pool by 12:00 noon. Activity C. Discussion 3. At noontime. Discussion 6. Review 6. She told her daughter to water it every morning. Presentation 2. Positions of the Sun at Different Times of the Day Reference: LM: __174_ TG: _199__ CG: __22___ Learning Tasks A. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Activity 4: Position of the Sun at Different Times of the Day Complete the table a. Predict what happened to the plant. In the morning. what is the position of the sun? b. Drill 5. Motivation B. _____8_____ DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Drill 2. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 4. where can you find the sun? Assignment: Assignment: Helen loves to look up the sky on a clear night. Tirso and Jake planned to go swimming on Saturday. Whom do you think has the better idea. others appear so small and bright and more others appear very small and dim. Tirso told his two friends that it’s a warm. weekly tests. Which candle looked bigger and brighter? b. sunny week. Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Lesson 5. Review 3. After 2 days. the pupils should The pupils are expected to get be able to describe the effects of the heat of be able to describe the effects of the sun’s 75% mastery level in the the sun to people.SUBJECT: SCIENCE DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Drill 2. the following day. Harmful Effects of Sun’s Lesson 6. Preliminary Activities 1. Developmental Activities 4. Review 3. Motivation F. what will you tell Helen? Why do some stars appear big and bright? Some stars appear small but bright? Other stars appear very small and dim? ________________ ________________ _________________ Mrs. a birthday present from her uncle in the USA. Drill 2. Generalization H. Motivation B. Raul or Jake? Why? y season? rainy season? Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: . the pupils should At the end of the lesson. Activity C. Generalization D. The weather forecast is a hot. She sees the stars. Generalization D. Why did the plant wilt Assignment: Ask pupils to conduct an informal interview to at least 2-3 farmers in the community using the following questions: 1. In the afternoon. Application Evaluation: Activity 3: Brightness and Dimness of Objects seen in the Sky Write your answer in your notebook. How would you relate the distance between the 3 candles to their brightness or dimness? Assignment: GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. where is the sun? c. the plant looked like the picture. Motivation B. Preliminary Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 1. Pampanga. Application LM: _177__ TG: _210__ CG: _22____ Learning Tasks E. Jake insisted that they go at 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon. Raul. a. Generalization D. Application Reference: LM: ___ TG: ___ CG: _____ Learning Tasks E. Why? What should Pedro do? Remarks: Mastery Level: . Discussion 6. Generalization L. Presentation 8. _____9_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: At the end of the lesson. Review 6. Drill 2. like people can suffer in the hot weather. Presentation 5. Generalization H. the pupils should be able to describe the effects of sun’s heat on animals Subject Matter: Lesson 7: Effects of the Heat of the Sun on Animals DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Reference: LM: __189_ TG: __212_ CG: _22____ Learning Tasks A. Motivation F. Application Reference: LM: ___ TG: ___ CG: _____ Learning Tasks I. Preliminary Activities 1. Activity G. Drill 5. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Draw a situation at home showing an animal is affected by suns heat. Motivation F.SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. Motivation J. Discussion 9. Review 9. Presentation 2. Drill 8. Preliminary Activities 7. Activity C. Developmental Activities 4. Application Reference: LM: ___ TG: ___ CG: _____ Learning Tasks E. Developmental Activities 7. Preliminary Activities 4. Developmental Activities 1. Preliminary Activities 4. Presentation 8. Developmental Activities 7. Motivation B. Discussion 3. Discussion 9. the mouth is open and the tongue is hanging out. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Dogs. Drill 5. Activity K. Generalization H. Activity G. Review 3. Review 6. Pedro observed that his dog is panting. Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Motivation J. Preliminary Activities 7. Activity K. Motivation N. Drill 11. Activity K. Application Reference: LM: ___ TG: ___ CG: _____ Learning Tasks I. Review 6. Discussion 12. WEEKLY TEST Evaluation: Remarks: Mastery Level: . Presentation 5. Motivation F. Preliminary Activities 10. Developmental Activities 13. Application Reference: LM: ___ TG: ___ CG: _____ Learning Tasks M. Generalization H. Application Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Evaluation: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: Remarks: Mastery Level: DAY 5 DATE: __________ Objectives: The pupils are expected to get 75% mastery level in the weekly tests. Review 9. Review 12. Review 9. Discussion 15. Activity G.SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADING PERIOD: FOURTH GRADING WEEK NO. Generalization L. Motivation J. Presentation 11. Discussion 12. Preliminary Activities 4. Generalization L. Developmental Activities 10. Developmental Activities 10. Drill 5. Drill 8. Presentation 11. Drill 8. Developmental Activities 4. Generalization P. Preliminary Activities 7. Presentation 14. Discussion 6. _____10_____ DAY 1 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 2 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 3 DATE: __________ Objectives: DAY 4 DATE: __________ Objectives: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Subject Matter: Reference: LM: ___ TG: ___ CG: _____ Learning Tasks E. Application Reference: LM: ___ TG: ___ CG: _____ Learning Tasks I. Activity O.
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