Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877)

March 20, 2018 | Author: Julie Ann Obina | Category: Medicine, Wellness, Further Education



Prepared by: Tomas, R.A.N. Javier, G.M. Besinio, Z. Sayana, J.E. Pastrano, M.D. Although José Rizal, now eleven years old, had passed a good entrance examination in Manila in June, 1872, he nearly failed to matriculate in the Ateneo in July, because his mother's arrest had made him a month late, and because he looked so little, so slender, so young. He would not have been admitted at all but for the intercession of Dr. Manuel Burgos, a nephew of the recently executed Dr. José Burgos.  Pepe Rizal’s formal schooling started when, at the age of eleven, he was admitted into the Ateneo Municipal which was then under the supervision of the Spanish Jesuits.  The curriculum of the five-year secondary course (leading to the degree of Bachiller en Artesor AB), included subjects such as Christian doctrine, Sacred history, Latin, Spanish, Greek, French, English, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Universal history, Spanish history, Latin literature, rhetoric and poetics, Social ethics, Psychology, Logic and other branches of Philosophy. He always had an edge over his classmates and he stayed at the top even during the written and oral examinations. He captured many honours in literary and artistic contests. Young Rizal tackled his work as a genius would. . His report cards were usually marked sobresaliente (excellent).  On the spiritual side of school activities. as the Director. Pablo Pastells. . He wrote a playlet in Spanish called "Junto al Pasig".J. which was presented in school. He was Prefect of the Sodality of Our Lady with Fr. Pepe Rizal was there winning medals as usual. S. Whenever there was an oratorical tilt. Rizal was also a high-point man. . . . . he prepared a schedule so that he would not lose an hour: study and reading until four p. four to five. exercise. five to six social and miscellaneous obligations.m. .. This careful husbanding of every minute began to show results almost at once. Following the rigid methodical habits which he had learned from his father and which were taught by his Jesuit teachers.  He began at the bottom of the school. The Ateneo had divided the students into two "empires". It was this war that soon brought young Rizal triumph and prizes. . to fight for academic supremacy. At the end of the first quarter he received the grade "excellent". but within a month he was "Emperor of Rome". Roman and Carthaginian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Geometry and Trigonometry . . . . . . " Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1876-7 Philosophy 1 . . . 1872 Arithmetic . . . . " 1875-6 Rhetoric and Poetry . . . . . . " Greek. . . . . . . Excellent Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "     . . . .Excellent 1872-3 Latin 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1874-5 Latin 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Arithmetic and Algebra . . . " 1873-4 Latin 2. . . . . " Bachelor in Arts. " Philosophy 2 . . . . . . Excellent Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . " Botany and Zoology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excellent Mineralogy and Chemistry . . . . . . . . . " Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Spain and Phil. . " Physics. . " Geography . . . . . . . " General History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excellent French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Hist. . . . . . . . . " Spanish . . . . . . The Jesuits called him "a child excellent in religious sentiments. customs and application. with progress worthy of his signal talent. He was as good as he was brilliant. . he succeeded in being admitted to the Marian Congregation in which he gradually rose until he became Secretary.  Because of all this and because of his good conduct throughout his stay at the Ateneo. . . As a normal teenager. It was during the summer vacation in 1874 in Calamba when Rizal began to take interest in reading romantic novels. he became interested in love stories and romantic tales. . he had time for extra reading. The first foreign book he read. reminded him of the sufferings of his mother in prison and of his motherland. (03) The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas. All over the Philippines were conditions worse than those which Dumas had described. Thanks to the schedule José was following. 1877 Rizal. received from his Alma Mater. On Commencement Day. a joy mellowed with poignancy. who was 16 years old. like all graduates.  But to Rizal. Ateneo Municipal the degree of Bachelor of Arts. . Commencement Day was a time of bitter sweetness. with highest honors. March 23. he was a campus leader. . he surpassed academic triumphs. he was also a member of the Academy of Spanish Lit. He was the “emperor” inside the classroom. he was the secretary of a religious society. and Natural Science. Rizal excelled in Extra-Curricular Activities. . that painful experience which comes to nearly all adolescents.the youth of nineteen laughing at himself at sixteen. He writes the story three years later -. Rizal's delightful account of "What happened between April and December. throws so much light upon his boyish heart that it ought not be omitted. It is an account of his first love at sixteen. 1877". .  After graduation with the highest position in Ateneo. It merely qualified its holder to enter a university. The Bachelor of arts degree during Spanish times was equivalent to a high school diploma today. Rizal had to go the University of Santo Tomas in order to prepare him self to a private career. . . finally answered his letter. whom he consulted for a choice of career. The reason why he studied medicine were: 1. It was during the school term (1978-79) that Rizal took up medicine. 2. . and recommended medicine.) The Father Recto of the University. enrolling simultaneously in preparatory medical course and the regular first year medical course.) He wanted to be a physician so that he may cure his mother’s failing eyesight. mechanics and surveying. Rizal also studied in Ateneo. University of Santo Tomas (1877 – 78. the college for boys in Manila offered vocational courses in agriculture. . In those days it should be remembered. commerce. he took the vocational course leading to a title of porito agrimensor (expert surveyor)). (2) the filipino students were racially discriminated. Rizal’s Ateneo boy wonder. He was unhappy of this Dominican Institution of high learning because (1) the Dominican processors were hostile to him. Rizal’s unhappy days at UST. . and (3) the method of teachings were obsolete and repressive. found the atmosphere at the UST a suffocating to his sensitive spirit. Descend with the pleasing light Of the arts and sciences to the plain. joyful day. This day. oh genius great. . On a calm unperturbed night. And the mantle of Nature. joyful. You. with loving eagerness Sends you luck and happiness. And you. who with magic brush On canvas plain capture The varied charm of Phoebus. Philomel's match in melody. Loved by the divine Apelles. More sweet than divine honey. Oh Youth. who heavenward rise On wings of your rich fantasy. Run ! For genius' sacred flame Awaits the artist's crowning Spreading far and wide the fame Throughout the sphere proclaiming With trumpet the mortal's name Oh. The Spaniard. and break forthright The links of the heavy chain That your poetic genius enchain. Seek in the Olympian skies The tenderest poesy. oh timid flower! Lift up your radiant brow. With wise and merciful hand To the son of this Indian land. where shadows stand. May their virgin mind fly and find More rapidly than the wind. Unfold. That in varied symphony Dissipate man's sorrow's blight. The Almighty blessed be Who. The honor's glorious seat. See that in the ardent zone. Youth of my native strand! Your abounding talents show Resplendently and grand. And with noble thoughts fill their mind. Fair hope of my Motherland! Soar high. Doth offer a shining crown. You at th' impulse of your mind The hard rock animate And your mind with great pow'r consigned Transformed into immortal state The pure mem'ry of genius great. You of heavenly harmony. held a literary contest.  The judges were very impressed because of the inspiring poem and its flawless form. a society of literary men and artists. Rizal who was 18 then won the contest. . In the year 1879 the Liceo Artistico-Literario of Manila. . who were often surpassed by the Filipino in class work and who insultingly call their brown classmates “Indio. the Filipino students called them “Kastila.bangus!” Hostility between these two groups of students often exploded in angry street rumbles. Rizal was the champion of the Filipino students in their frequent fights against the arrogant Spanish students. chongo!” In retaliation.  In 1880 he founded a secret society of Filipino students in UST called “Compañerismo” . Rizal participated in these student brawls. and his indomitable courage. his prowess in wrestling. Owing to his skills in fencing.  In his novel. “El Fili”. especially in the teaching of the natural sciences. . Ateneo’s boy wonder. he described how the Filipino students were humiliated and insulted by their Dominican professors and how backward the method of instruction was. He was unhappy at this Dominican institution of higher learning. Rizal. found the atmosphere at UST suffocating to his sensitive spirit.  He related in Chapter XIII. Although his grades in the first year of Philosophy were all “excellent”. Rizal the most brilliant graduate of the Ateneo. “The Class in Physics”. that his science subject was taught without laboratory instruments/experiments. . they were not impressive in the four years of his medical course.  Because of the unfriendly attitude of his professors. failed to win high scholastic honors. ” they were not impressive in the four years of his medical course. Although his grades in the first year of the philosophy course were all “excellent. His scholastic records in the UST (1879-82) . Good • Cosmology and metaphysics.Very Good Surgical Pathology.Good Dissection.Good .Good Dissection 2.Good Physiology.2nd Year Anatomy 2.Very Good Obstetrics.Excellent Theodicy.3rd Year General Pathology. 1877-78(Philosophy and Letters) Private Hygiene.Good • 1878-1879( Medicine) – 1st Year Physics.Good Public Hygiene.Good • 1881-1882( Medicine).Fair Chemistry.Excellent • 1880-1881( Medicine).Fair Therapeutics.Excellent History of Philosophy.Excellent Natural History.Very Good Siphilography.Very Good 1879-1880( Medicine).Excellent Surgery.4th Year Medical Pathology.Good Anatomy I. Rizal decided to study in Spain. . After finishing the fourth year of his medical course. He could no longer endure the rampant bigotry. and hostility in UST. discrimination.
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