Scholarships for Pakistani Students



List of ScholarshipsSr. # Name of Scholarship 1 Abdul Hafiz Khan Scholarship 2 Abdul Waheed Khan & Asghari Khanum Memorial Scholarship. 3 AHS‐EA Memorial Scholarship Award of Scholarships for students of Engineering Colleges and Universities in Pakistan by The 4 Institution of Engineers Pakistan‐Saudi Arabian Centre (IEP‐SAC). 5 Azmatullah Scholarship 6 Bismillah Bibi & Mrs. Talat Jamil Scholarship 7 Dr. A. Q. Khan Scholarship. 8 ECIL‐ER Scholarship 9 Engro Chemical Pakistan Ltd. Scholarship 10 Hinopak Skill Promotion Scholarship 11 HEC Japanese Need Based Scholarship Programme 12 IIL Mentoring Scholarship 13 Ismat Shafi Khan Scholarship 14 EMC Chairman’s Scholarship (MECS). 15 Mian Mohammad Yousuf Scholarship 16 Muhammad Rashid Faruqui Scholarship 17 Oxbridge Scholarship 18 Pakistan Bait‐ul‐Mal Stipend / Scholarship. 19 Pakistan Engineering Congress Scholarship 20 PIP Scholarship 21 Scholarship by Koshish Foundation. Scholarship for Mechanical and Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering sponsored by Alumni of 22 1977 Batch of Mechanical Engineering. 23 Shell Scholarship Programme. 24 Professional Education Foundation Scholarship. 25 Scholarships / Loans For Students of NED from EdifAid. 26 Suleman Habib Scholarship 27 Scholarship for NED Students by 80‐81 Alumni Scholarship. 28 Syeda Mehraj Begum Scholarship 29 Syeda Mubarik Begum Scholarship Scholarships for Deserving / Needy Students of NED UET sponsored by NED Alumni Association of 30 South California (NEDAASC). 31 The Bhaimia Foundation Financial Aid / Scholarship. 32 The Dr. Ibrahim Scholar (Scholarship) 33 Moazzam Memorial Scholarship 34 Onaiza Siddiqui Memorial Scholarship 35 TOS Scholarship 36 Haji Hameed Uddin Family Scholarship 37 Endowment Fund Scholarship Payment of Stipend to the selected scholars under project titled Provision of Higher Education 38 Opportunities for the students of Balochistan & FATA (President Directives). 42 Banda‐e‐Khuda Scholarship 43 Additional Suleman Habib Scholarship. Zafar Alam Hashmi Financial Aid Scholarship 45 Safiya & Sharifuddin Pirzada Scholarship 46 Allied Engineering (CAT) Scholarship 47 Lotte Pakistan PTA Limited Scholarship Scheme for NED Engineers 48 NED Alumni Association of Greater Chicago (NEDEA) Scholarship 49 Suraiya & Sabir Ali Siddiqui Scholarship . 39 Nazhat Ishtiaq Scholarship 40 Edna May Pollitt Scholarship 41 Award of HSC Merit Scholarship From Board of Intermediate Education Karachi. 44 Begum Shahnaz Hashmi / Mr. Basic Sciences. . Humanities/Social Sciences and Health Sciences.D.S.S (Engr) programs at the Universities and will subsequently become Ph.S (Engr) programs at the Universities and will subsequently become Ph. 3. These students will initially be enrolled in the respective M. scholars. Test Changes The objectives of the scheme are: 1. Fellowship Program (5000 Fellowships) for Pakistani Nationals The programme aims at awarding of 5000 PhD scholarships in various field of studies in different phases/Batches. The priority areas for research include Engineering Sciences. The specific objective is to give scholarships to a total of 5000 students in five batches. To create a critical mass of highly qualified human resources in all fields taught at the advanced level in the world. students will work on problems of interest to Pakistan and will address social and economical problems critical to the development of Pakistan. Biotechnology. These M. Objectives The programme aims at awarding of 5000 PhD scholarships in various field of studies in different phases/Batches.Phil/M. scholars.Phil/M. 2.D students will follow in subsequent four years.Phil/M. These M. M.D.S (Engr) and Ph. These students will initially be enrolled in the respective M. To promote M. Scholarships however.Phil. 4. (Engr) and Ph. Information Technology. M.D. Basic Sciences. To create a critical mass of highly qualified human resources in all fields taught at the advanced level in the world. Information Technology. Humanities/Social Sciences and Health Sciences. Agricultural Sciences. courses and research work in all fields. These locally qualified academics and researchers will improve the R&D potential of our teaching and research Institutions and the training potentials of our Universities (public as well as private) and feed the industrial sector. The priority areas for research include Engineering Sciences.SCHOLARSHIPS FOR PAKISTANI STUDENTS Indigenous Ph.D students will follow in subsequent four years. To stimulate research and development activities in public sector Universities in Pakistan. starting from September 2003. starting from September 2003.D. 1000 Ph. are not restricted to specified subject/areas and may also be awarded to scholars who would like to conduct research in any area not specified in the programme. The objectives of the scheme are: To stimulate research and development activities in public sector Universities in Pakistan. Four batches of Ph. Pharmaceuticals.Phil/M.S.D. Scholarships however. To promote M.D scholars in the first year as batch-I. (Engr) and Ph.D.D scholars in the first year as batch-I.S (Engr) and Ph. are not restricted to specified subject/areas and may also be awarded to scholars who would like to conduct research in any area not specified in the programme. The specific objective is to give scholarships to a total of 5000 students in five batches.D. Four batches of Ph. 1000 Ph. courses and research work in all fields. Agricultural Sciences. These locally qualified academics and researchers will improve the R&D potential of our teaching and research institutions and the training potentials of our universities (public as well as private) and feed the industrial sector. Pharmaceuticals. Biotechnology. students will work on problems of interest to Pakistan and will address social and economical problems critical to the development of Pakistan.Phil. Maximum age is 35 years. except for people working on regular basis in public sector whose maximum age is 40 years.30-4. Must be a regular PhD Student in a Department/Institute listed at link b.29 1st Division C 50-64 . Scholars must qualify the local GRE (general) type test.50-3. Those who are employed have to arrange study leave for the full duration of the program. by closing date of submission of application.00 Distinction B 65-79 2. List of HEC approved supervisors available at link Category-B: Fresh Enrollment in MS/M. Scholarships will be granted to the following two categories of scholars who meet the Basic Eligibility Criteria: Category-A: Already Enrolled in PhD Program a.Eligibility Criteria Basic Eligibility Criteria: Scholar should have a degree with minimum 16 years of education and 1) No 3rdsion? criteria applicable) 2) No ?D? grade in entire academic carrier (where ?grade? criteria applicable) Must not be availing any other scholarship currently.00 Grade % Marks GPA Division A 80-100 3. The Scholar will have to be a full-time regular student to avail the scholarship.Phil and PhD Programs a. Scholarships will be offered to those candidates who will secure their admissions (fulfilling HEC quality criteria requirements) in MS/M. Must be conducting studies under the supervision of an HEC Approved PhD supervisor.Phil and PhD during the academic year 2007-08 in the Universities/Departments listed at link Qualifying Score for GRE (General) Type Test is FIFTY (50) out of HUNDRED (100) Conversion of GPA into grades/division: Formula for conversion of GPA into percentage of marks/divisions on the scale of 4. 00-1.49 2nd Division D 40-49 2.00-1.1.79 3rd Division F Below 40 1.00-099 Fail Formula for conversion of GPA into percentage of marks/divisions on the scale of 5.29 1st Division C 50-64 2.50-4.00 Grade % Marks GPA Division .00-2.49 2nd Division D 40-49 1.80-3.79 3rd Division F Below 40 0.80-2.00 Distinction B 65-79 3.99 Fail Formula for conversion of GPA into percentage of marks/divisions on the scale of 6.00 Grade % Marks GPA Division A 80-100 4.30-5. Higher Education Commission.pdf No application will be entertained /processed without the appropriate FEE and received after closing date of application. HBL Aabpara Branch Islamabad as processing fee (the remittance form is available athttp://www. 31 May 2010 through postal mail or courier service.Phil leading to PhD student. or conversion letter in PhD program in case MS/M. Graduation/Masters/MS/M.hec. All scholarships will be awarded on merit.Phil Degree(Attested from HEC)iii.A 80-100 5.Following documents are required to be sent with the print of online application form:i. HEC reserves the right for the selection and rejection of the scholarship or any change in procedure at any stage for the award of scholarship as per rules. The award of Indigenous scholarship program will be maximum period of 3 years or for the remaining period for the completion of PhD studies as the case may be. iv. 300/. Time to time changes made in policies by the HEC Quality Assurance division will be implemented to all HEC scholars. Admission letter in Application forms.00 Distinction How to Apply Application Procedure : Prospective candidates should fill-in the online application form available at HEC Website and post the printed copy of the same form along-with a Online BANK Deposit Slip of Rs. Matric Certificate. Other Related Information Financial Support Local GRE and Fee Information Remittance Form Subject List Academic Progress & Fund utilization Report Format Change of University Criteria Quality Assurance in Ph. complete in all respect should reach HEC on or before Monday.(non refundable) in favor of the Director General Finance. Candidates must have 18 years education.HSSC Certificate (Attested from IBCC)ii. ments/650_Remittance_Application. Consent of HEC approved Supervisor with his profile and departmental profile (Format available at HEC website) Those students will be eligible to apply for HEC scholarship who are enrolled in those Universities/degree awarding institutions who have adopted the HEC ?Quality Assurance Criteria for PhD level Studies as given in HEC website?.D Program Notifications . 01120050011901. No form will be accepted/entertained personally/by hand. Incomplete applications or those received after the closing date will not be entertained. Islamabad on A/C No. In addition. .The duration of the scholarship scheme has been enhanced from 4 year to 5 years. Number of PhD scholars must not exceed more than 5 (five) under the supervision of one (1) HEC approved supervisor. An awardee shall sign an agreement with the Higher Education Commission (HEC) on non-judicial paper (stamp paper) to the effect that in case the awardee fails to complete his/her study.D faculty members out of which at least 02 are HEC Approved Supervisors and must be conducting studies under the Supervision of an HEC Approved PhD Supervisor and the number of PhD students enrolled with that supervisor is below the maximum as specified by the HEC. he/she will refund to the HEC the total amount spent on his/her studies by the HEC. preferably in an Institution of Higher Education. Fresh awardee must take/get admission in the department/universities mentioned in the list of universities Already enrolled scholars in PhD program must be a full time PhD student in a Department/Institute which has a minimum of 03 Ph. Change of university/institute at any stage of study is not encouraged but due to unavoidable circumstances will only be admissible giving logical justification for prior approval of the Higher Education Commission.Terms & Conditions The following are the terms & conditions for award of Indigenous Ph. Note: – Every page of Annex-I.per year Rs 75000/.or actual University fee per year. An awardee would obtain Study leave from his employer to join the institution of his study on full-time basis. An awardee is not to hold any other scholarship/stipend during the fellowship period of his/her study.100. Financial Suppot PhD Fellowship for 5000 Scholars(Revised) The Project Indigenous 5000 PhD Fellowship Program has been revised and the following changes have been approved by the Government. academic/research related activities. etc) Rs.II and Annex-III) The Higher Education Commission would monitor the Academic progress/performance of the Awardee on quarterly basis and the financial utilization six monthly bases. An awardee has to execute a bond with the HEC/Government of Pakistan to serve in the country for 5 years after completion of study. Support to University (for tuition fee. This is mandatory. S No Item Existing Revised University 1. other university charges.000/. The awardee must be supervised by an HEC approved supervisor. a personal guarantee of a person of means on non-judicial (stamp) paper to the effect of ensuring the recovery in case of default would need to be furnished available at (Annex. Annex-II and Annex-III should be on non-judicial (Stamp Paper) – value of paper is in accordance to the local provincial law & should be type on one side of page. The format of the agreement is available at Annex-I. contents on simple paper are not acceptable.D 5000 fellowship and the acceptance of the award is an acknowledgement of these obligations: An awardee will not change the course of study specified by the awardee on the application form or in the letter of award without obtaining prior approval of the Higher Education Commission. Support (for laboratory/ workshop equipment.5. 50000/. 18000) once at the time of thesis evaluation form abroad $ 300 (Rs.8.per year during PhD 3.000/-per month for PhD 2. 5000 in the final year 4. lab material. 50000/.000/. Book Allowance Rs.once On publication in ISI/HEC Journals (details below) Rs. Thesis writing Rs. 20000/.per year 3. Thesis Charges to Students in final year Rs.per year No lab fee during MS/M.once .per month for MSRs. 75000/.000/-Per month Honorarium to supervisor as per defined research activities and academic achievements of PhD scholars under his supervision On Approval of BASR (details below) Rs. 5000/. 3. 5000/.Max. Scholars stipend Rs. Thesis evaluation from abroad charges on completion. 70000/.13. consumable and supplies etc) Rs.10. 75000/.000) Scholar 1.per year Rs. $ 300 (Rs. 18.000/.000 (Max) @ Rs.000/.per month Rs.2.per publication per year for three years Honorarium to Supervisor 1.PhilRs. On Publication in ISI/HEC journals to Scholar Nil Rs. Honorarium to Supervisor Rs. 5000 in the final year Rs.once Evaluationo from Abroad Rs. 9. 50. +92 – 51 – 9080-8091 Rizwan Shoukat Assistant Director Tel. H-9. two (02) years for MS/MPhil and three (03) years for Ph D specifically. Peking University scholarships .to be paid to Supervisor once in a year for three years. III and IV. 2008 to all Indigenous 5000 Scholars of Batch I. iv. USER HELP MANUAL Baqir Husnain Project Manager Tel. Contact: Saima Naurin Project Director HRD Division Higher Education Commission. Pakistan Email: – [email protected]/.000/.000/.once.30 pm except Friday when these are up to 12. v. iii.30 pm to 09.On Completion of PhD/ Thesis test ONLINE APPLICATION FORM for??already? PhD Enrolled ?students ?Batch VI. Rs.once.00 Noon Visiting timings: HRD Division visiting hours are from 1100 Hrs to 1300 Hrs except Fridays when these are up to 1200 Noon Indigenous 5000 PhD fellowship is meant for five years i. II. On successful evaluation from Foreign Reviewers Rs. 50000/.15. On approval of PhD Synopsis from Board of Advanced Studies and Research.once ii.+92 - 51-9080 8071 Syed Shoaib Shahid SAP Technical Consultant 0315-5021615(Between 03.e. Islamabad.000/. HEC will not allow any transition/break between MS/MPhil to PhD program. On PhD theses defence by the scholar (successful) Rs.once Note: – The new revised rates would be implemented form January 01. i. On Publication with co-authorship of HEC supervisee in ISI Journal @ Rs.30.000/.30 pm) Office timings: 0800 am to 3. On completion of PhD Thesis writing and sending for evaluation abroad Rs. OR On publication with co-authorship of HEC supervisee in HEC approved Journal @ times each year for three years.50.20.once. 2013 at Peking University. Photocopies of the certificate level of Chinese language/official HSK test or course certificate of language and Chinese culture of the Confucius Institute of the UGR. stakeholders must deliver personally at the Office of the Confucius Institute complete documentation within the application deadline (9 to 18 January 2013).Summon 18 scholarships for the course of winter in Peking University. A tutor of the Confucius Institute will accompany the students during the course of winter. to study Chinese at the time of your request. crafts. Course in the prestigious Centre of Peking University Chinese language teaching Chinese language and culture.00 hours the application deadline closes. visa and international medical insurance are not included in this grant and must be borne by each student. hours in the Office of the Confucius Institute. An informative email will be sent to all applicants. 5 February 2013: admitted students must deliver in PDF and email the full itinerary for your international flight. the winter course be held from February 25 to March 10. etc. pku2 the direction of the Confucius Institute will consider all submitted documentation to perform the valuation and the measure of the candidates. The students of the Confucius Institute will have priority in the selection process. 25 January 2013: summon the 18 students admitted to a briefing at 10 a. Candidates must be students of the Confucius Institute or grade students / graduate of the University of Granada. Opens a period of 24 hours so that students admitted confirm your place by email ([email protected] hours will be published the provisional list of admitted and the list of alternates.) and cultural visits. 23 January 2013: at 12. Photocopy of University academic records. Maintenance (Beijing University will provide students a card with a sum of money – TBD – for food in the University dining hall). Programming includes the Chinese language course. Stakeholders must comply without exception with the following performance calendar: 18 January 2013: at 12. 12 February 2013: admitted students must deliver in PDF and email the official document of the international medical insurance. Applicants must provide a copy of the following documentation (in Spanish) before 12. Interested students can download the program of the course of winter 2013. is recommended since at that meeting will be given admission in the course of winter leaf and talk about the program of the course. Photocopy of the receipt of enrollment of the course of Chinese who are studying at the moment at the Confucius Institute. the international candidates must be between 18 and 30 years. . classes of Chinese culture (calligraphy. The attendance of all students admitted.00 hours on 18 January 2013: form in the course of winter 2013. Photocopy of the passport (open photo and data).m. Likewise. history. students who obtain one of these scholarships will benefit from the following coverage: accommodation in a double room. Local transport for cultural activities and pick-up at airport.00 horasse will publish the final list of admitted students. The meeting will be offered various options for such insurance. enjoy good health and have some level of the Chinese language. 21 January 2013: at 12. martial arts. At the meeting several options will be offered so that all students travelling together with the tutor on the same flight. visa processing and international medical insurance. A private event on Facebook to advise all students admitted will be created. the cost of international flights for round-trip. (Announcement) http://www. Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) (Instructions to applicants) The applications complete in all respect must reach the undersigned before 1. with the opportunity to study at.2.pdf (application form) http://www.2010. Information on the processing of the visa. Higher Education Commission. Phone: 051-90402121. 25 February 2013: starts the course of winter February 2013: students must be in PDF and email a photocopy your Visa scanned for China.mfa. Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) and 3. Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships For Pakistani Students for the Session 2010 – 2011 Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships For Pakistani Students for the Session 2010 – 2011 Government of Brunei Darussalam have offered Annual Scholarships for Pakistani students under special scholarship award scheme commencing in 2010 / 2011 academic session. Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB). which already can be found in this section of our website will be offered at the rjehanzeb@hec. Sector H-9.051-90402109 Fax: 051-90402102 Emails: smahmood@hec. Islamabad (List of Programmes offered) so as to forward to the Brunei High Commission well in College Aid Foundation CatalunyaCaixa . SHAHID MAHMOOD DIRECTOR ACADEMICS. 10 March 2013: completes the course of winter 2013. 1. (home page) http://www. The details of scholarships with application form are available at the following web addresses: www. Reside in Catalonia. the deadline for the submission of applications ends on October 31.The CatalunyaCaixa Foundation presents the summoning of aid University 2012-2013. only the academic performance of applicants. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. . Applicants shall expressly authorize making the request. La CatalunyaCaixa Foundation awarded aid heard once the evaluating Committee integrated. Be less than 25 years old on the date of filing of the application. its transfer to the CatalunyaCaixa Foundation. is intended to help students who start College. Ramon Llull University. 2012. after the analysis of the applications received and based on the annual allocation program. aims to encourage effort and academic excellence. note for the granting of aid. and supporting their training projects. La CatalunyaCaixa Foundation reserves the right to reject applications with insufficient information for the purpose of valuation. University Oberta of Catalonia. the number of aid and its amount. to be eligible for such aid must meet the following requirements: access for the first time to the first year of a university degree the academic year 2012-2013. this note is the weighted average between the obtained note en el Bachillerato (60% of the final mark) and the qualification of the test of the overall phase (40% of the final mark) the Department of Economics and knowledge of the Generalitat of Catalonia. for the award of aid is taken into account. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Master’s degrees are excluded from the call. through this program. by representatives of the management agency aid University and research and the CatalunyaCaixa Foundation. University of Lleida. which is unique and is subject to the existing tax legislation. The University study in integrated or attached to a Catalan University Centers: Universitat de Barcelona. which guarantees the protection and confidentiality. Pompeu Fabra University. joint way. whereas its note of access of the overall phase of the University entrance tests. Having studied the baccalaureate. University of Girona. Send the registration form available on the website of University support of the CatalunyaCaixa Foundation. through the Agency of management of University Grants and researchIt will facilitate to the CatalunyaCaixa Foundation the referred academic information. in any of their specialties. Register for a complete course during the academic year 2012-2013 (approximately 60 credits) students that make effective an enrollment of quarterly character will need to register for a minimum of 30 credits in the first semester of the academic year 2012-2013 and register for a minimum of 30 credits in the second semester. Those artistic studies with Equalization of university degree that are included in the European area of higher education and taught in centres recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya are also recognized. Be a customer of CatalunyaCaixa. are fixed at the end of the process. International University of Catalonia. The special cases will be considered individually by the assessment Committee. Vic University. A minimum age as a client is not required. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. awarding academic performance. Abat Oliba CEU University. engineer. diploma / a. engineer. conscious of the need to invest in human capital formation. As a result. of the Valencian Government’s support measures for university students in the Valencian Community.3 of the text revised from the law of rates of the Generalitat Valenciana. will be conditional on the existence of adequate credit and enough for this purpose in the budgets of the Generalitat for the year 2013. the referred decree 88/2006 extends the coverage of these AIDS to students studying in the private universities in the region of Valencia. and thus promote competition. 2012. without prejudice to coordination with the general system of scholarships and study grants. for their granting shall take into account the economic ability and academic achievement. 2013. of 25 February. Anything that is not provided for shall be resolved by the CatalunyaCaixa Foundation.03. engineer and architect/technical. compulsory notification to the European Commission. teacher. Given the nature of these grants. therefore. Valencia college scholarships Convened scholarships for university studies during the academic year 2012-2013 at the universities of the region of Valencia. by the very nature of the beneficiaries who are aimed. are excluded from the application of the principle of incompatibility with the common market formulated in article 107 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union. for this purpose.06. the Decree 40/2002 of 5 March (DOGV 4207: 11. students who do not appear in the lists have not been selected. in any of the following lessons: to) University teaching adapted to the European space of higher education leading to official degrees Bachelor’s and master’s degree. intends to continue in this line to broaden the scope of the scholarships and grants to ensure that they reach a majority of University students in the region of Valencia. . El Consell. presentation call for proposals implies acceptance of these rules. these subsidies. establishes that they compensate the universities the amount of fees not satisfied by the scholarship students. architect.2006). which are directed to a collective that does not pursue economic activity. b) the conducive to obtaining the titles of Licentiate degree holder. equality of opportunity and excellence in academic performance.2002). ordered that aid for exemption from the payment of rates would be established by University academic services. approved by Legislative Decree 1/2005. article 148. compensation to public universities in the amount of rates not met by students who are granted exemption and the payment of the tuition assistance to students in private universities.the call will terminate a maximum on December 31. aid shall be granted in the course of the ceremony which will take place on February 16. you can apply for the scholarship for university studies during the academic year 2012-2013. modified by the Decree 88/2006 of 16 June (DOGV 5284: 20. and the results will be published before 15 January 2013 at the Foundation’s website. The resolution of the assessment Committee is final. not being. be construed as excluded from the amount of the scholarship exemptions and bonuses of the payment of the above fees that both beneficiary was entitled exemptions from fees as subsidies for the payment of tuition fees will only reach the subjects or credits of which the applicant is enrolledthe 2012-2013 academic year. enrolling first of first course of undergraduate studies and no changes made by other University studies. which referred point 1. for students of second and subsequent courses. in any case.2008). specialized studies or studies leading to the master of own titles of the universities. Addition. In the event that the amount of aid proposed for grant exceeds the maximum overall amount second of this order referred to which. which regulates the conditions for access to the official university education of and procedures for admission to the Spanish public universities (BOE 28324. the qualification of the subjects of the specific phase provided for reference the Royal Decree 1892 / 2008 of 14 November. excluding scholarship students whose grade point average is lower to the student or students where runs such overall maximum amount. the scholarship will consist in exemption from payment of the amount of enrolled credits. according to the average grade obtained by the students proposed for concession in the course academic previous or last carried out.11. in the . do not form part of the tuition scholarship those credits which exceed the minimum necessary to get the qualification concerned. paragraph a. subjects in which the student. the amount of aid shall be 19 EUR per credit. for students enrolling for the first time of first course of official master’s average rating provided for reference point 1 above shall be obtained pursuant to the twelfth base of this order. these grants will be awarded.c) complementary training to access or obtain the degree of master’s degree or to pursue official undergraduate studies. for high school students who access the University entrance exam. the grade point average provided for reference 1 above is obtained accordance with base twelve of this order. for students enrolled in public universities. In this case aid will be awarded until you run the abovementioned maximum overall amount. In the case of students enrolled in the official teachings of master. in other avenues of access to the University. without prejudice to the first transitional provision of this order. for students of private universities this scholarship will consist of a support for the payment of tuition fees of the credits that the student is enrolled. of the first base of this order. in a single degree and specialty. do not include in this call exemptions or aid for the accomplishment of studies corresponding to the third cycle or doctorate. for the same or similar qualifications and curriculum. note Middle a which is referenced in this paragraph will be that of the test or teaching that allows access to the University. in all cases the only aid will reach credits enrolled by the student for the first time in the 2012-2013 academic year. That note of University access not included. through the note medium to which refers the item # 1 above is the note of access to University. The amount of this tuition assistance shall not exceed the amount established in the Decree 110/2012 cited above. in descending order. aid shall be granted in the competitive concurrence scheme. Ed.3) IER.2) Fatima Jinnah Women’s University.nts. the Pre-STEP Selection Committee will shortlist candidates for interviews. Visit the NTS website at in December 2009. GCET and BOC) as permanent employees: Letter from Secretary of Education confirming that if selected for the Pre-STEP scholarship.orgPre-STEP is five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to support pre-service teacher education throughout Pakistan.Candidates selected for admission to a PhD program in the United States will be required to sign USAID agreements and conditions of sponsorship forms as well as a bond with the employing university or provincial department of education . candidates will take the international GRE and TOEFL tests.8. shall also apply them a coefficient of 1. RITE.5 points. 2010. GRE/TOEFL scores. Limited seating may available and will be offered on a first-come-first serve basis. to the Middle notes obtained according to the procedure laid down in this basis. Islamabad. Pre-STEP will pay the registration fees for the tests. Rawalpindi. Candidates selected to apply for PhD programs must submit the following documentation to verify their institutional affiliation:Recent graduates (2007.Educators and education managers working in teacher training institutions under the authority of provincial education departments (PITE. 2008. candidates will pay for all other related costs. 2009Application submission deadline: 30th November. B. the candidate will serve in the faculty of education of that university for a minimum of five (5) years.Semifinalists will need to complete a full Pre-STEP application. university.4) University of Education.After the interviews.S.prestep. for the purposes of the provisions on this basis. the candidate will serve in the same agency/ department/ institution for a minimum of five (5) years. candidates will pay for all other related costs. 2009Submit your completed applications along with NTS scores to: scholarship@prestep. Lahore.For detailed Selection criteria click hereFor Preliminary Application Form (PAF) click hereDates to remember:NTS test date: 22nd November. After the preparatory classes. This examination has been specifically arranged for the Pre-STEP Scholars program.17. and register for the NTS GAT (General) Test nearest you.5) Bahauddin Zakariya University. Classes will be arranged in major cities around the country. Priority will be given to the fifteen universities that form the core of Pre-STEP’s program for capacity building in education. available on the Pre-STEP website at www. it is not possible to conduct these trainings in each and every city. Pre-STEP applications. The purpose of the scholarship program is to strengthen the capacity of faculties of education and other teacher preparation institutes to implement the Government of Pakistan’s new four-year Bachelor of Education degree by February 15.previous or last academic year made.Based upon the NTS scores. Send the completed application with required documents to: scholarship@prestep. 2009) of the Faculties of Education at the fifteen (15) Pre-STEP partner universities: An employment offer letter from one of the Pre-STEP partner universities or HEC will be required. PhD Studies in the United States for Pakistani Nationals Pre-STEP Scholars Program in EducationPhD Studies in the United StatesFor Academic Year 2010- 2011The USAID’s Pre-Service Teacher Education Program (Pre-STEP) is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for Pakistani nationals to pursue PhD degree studies in the field of education in the United States.3 Pre-STEP Scholars Program in EducationBased on the application and GRE/TOEFL scores. (Hons).Members of faculties of education and other faculties at Pre-STEP partner universities and at public sector universities not included in Pre- STEP: Letter from dean and vice chancellor confirming that if selected for the Pre-STEP scholarship.The fifteen (15) Pre-STEP partner universities are:1) Allama Iqbal Open University. Testing needs to occur by second week of January 2009. Multan. however. and results of the interviews).org. The Pre-Service Teacher Education Program in Pakistan is a 5 year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to support pre-service teacher education throughout Pakistan. Pre-STEP will work with the selected candidates to complete applications for admission to a U. University of Punjab.duals to go on to the next phase of the competition. the rating of 2. is enrolled appearing as suspended without numerical rating or not submitted have. applicants will be shortlisted for taking the GRE/TOEFL preparatory classes supported by Pre-STEP. the Committee will select candidates based on their portfolios (NTS scores.Candidates with exceptional NTS scores may be requested to bypass preparation courses and take the GRE and TOEFL examinations. Pre-STEP will pay for the class fee and no other cost. from College of technical education. disadvantaged groups and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Please understand they will not be able to inform you until they have been told by Royal Holloway.d) The final awards will be decided jointly by the University. University of London. University of London Scholarships for Pakistani Students Open Society Institute/ FCO Chevening/Royal Holloway. The Network Scholarship Programmes’ (NSP) Pre-Academic Summer Program is designed to prepare NSP grantees for successful academic experiences in the UK. You should also provide copies of the other documents listed on page 6 of the application form.have passed an appropriate English language test by the time of taking up the award. applicants who are temporarily out of the country (for a total period of less than three consecutive months) may be treated as being resident.The Selection Committee will strive to achieve a fair distribution of scholarships.e) Please note that the staff at your local British Council is not involved at all in the decision-making process.c) Interviews will be carried out by representatives of OSF and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. How can I apply?You should complete the University’s application form ‘Application for a Taught Postgraduate Programme of Study’. decision-makers. and Pre-STEP) are final.already hold (or expect to hold by the time of taking up the award) a degree of an equivalent standard to a good UK second-class Honours degree. Academic staff at the University will compile a short-list. In certain cases.Employees.have not already received or be currently receiving financial benefit from a previous HMG fully funded Scholarship.display intellectual ability and leadership potential. and opinion formers in their own country. scholars will return to their home countries to continue their studies/work there.Confirmation of the award of scholarship is contingent upon the candidate receiving admission to a U.4.b) Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview and an English language test in their home country at the end of March or the beginning of April.Important NotesDecisions of the Pre-STEP Scholars Selection Committee (MOE.S. the Educational Advising Centers or other OSI representations in the region and the participating Universities will not be eligible to apply for these awards. a stipend to cover living costs (for one person only) and return air travel from the scholar’s home country. Each scholarship provides tuition fees at Royal Holloway. there may also be a panel member representing the interests of the University. What do the scholarships offer? The OSI/FCO Chevening/Royal Holloway University of London Scholarships aim to provide opportunities for independent postgraduate study in the United Kingdom for students who are engaged in or intending to pursue postgraduate work in their own country and who have demonstrated both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders. Subject to satisfactory progress. Politics and Governance MSc Medical Sociology.S.Scholarships are available for study inMSc Democracy.on condition of serving with the employing agency for at least five (5) years upon completion of the PhD program and return to Pakistan. the scholarships lead to the award of a master’s.2. HEC. Enquiries or disputes regarding decisions will not be entertained. Who is eligible to apply?Applicants must:be nationals of. 3. A valid passport is required for registration for the GRE and TOEFL tests.Please note that all successful applicants will be invited to attend a 1-month preparatory academic writing summer school in July or August 2010. They will tell you as soon as they can whether or not you have been successful.Women. and resident in Pakistan during the academic year in which they apply for the award. USAID. employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than 2 years before) of FCO (including FCO Posts). the FCO and OSF-London. the British Council. You should keep yourself free around this time. Successful applicants will be provided with the opportunity to refine their research and writing skills through intensive courses in . On completion of the scholarship. One original set of the application pack and two copies thereof should be submitted. University of London Scholarships 2010-11 Guidance Notes For Applicants 1. University of London. Royal Holloway. How does the selection procedure work? a) All completed applications received by your local British Council by the deadline will be forwarded to the Royal Holloway. University of London and OSF-London. The completed forms and other documents must be returned to your local British Council at the address below by 2nd February 2010 (see below address and contact details).return to their home country at the end of their scholarship period to continue their studies / work there.Candidates are required to have a valid Pakistani passport. Candidates will be informed in June.Preference will go towards applicants who have not previously studied outside of their home country.Candidates with no or very little foreign experience will be given preference. university and obtaining a J-1 Exchange Visitor’s visa to the U. ac. be able to take this copy home. the successful scholarship holder will be offered a one year job contract with SAMAA TV. Journalism or Media Studies (Spring / Fall 2009 session).pk/ HEC-SAMAA TV Scholarship Program Spring / Fall 2009. being a responsible corporate citizen. Higher Education Commission (HEC). offered at all Public sector Universities/ Degree Awarding Institutions across Pakistan. as part of its public private partnership initiative has joined hands with SAMAA TV for promotion of higher education in Pakistan.orgIf you have any academic questions.5. Inga PracuteProgram CoordinatorOpen Society Foundation5th Floor. 2008. for the joint implementation and management of SAMAA scholarship program.britishcouncil.pracute@osf-eu. who are striving towards better education but lack the financial resources. then you should contact eitheryour local British Council or Ms.britishcouncil. Who should I contact if I have any questions?Please make use of all of the written documentation available to you: these guidance notes. LahoreShakeela EjazProjects OfficerBritish Council. Pakistan JAAG BROADCASTING SYSTEMS (PVT) The scholarship is targeted for those. HEC is already managing a wide array of scholarship programs. British High CommissionDiplomatic Enclave.London W6 0LE.htm l . Their social investment projects are a testimony to the company’s commitment.LahorePakistanTelephone +92 (42) 111 424 424British Council. HEC and SAMMA TV have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 20th October.Visit the University’s Home Page www. together with all other supporting documents. KarachiNida DossaProjects OfficerBritish Council. University of London (listed in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus).Contact details: British Council. Cambridge House100 Cambridge Grove. This collaboration between a public entity i.British Deputy High CommissionKarachiPakistanTelephone +92 (21) 111 424 424http://www. with a salary at par with the industry standard and in desired department.PO Box 1135IslamabadPakistanTelephone +92 (51) 111 424 424British Council. must be returned to your local British Council office address below by 2nd February 2010.rhul. sponsored by the Government of Pakistan.rhul. The exact date and location of the summer school will be available at a later stage of the selection process. Sector G-5. You will not.e SAMAA TV will serve as a model of Public Private Partnership program for other corporate entities. On completion of the education. How can I find out more about Royal Holloway. however.e HEC and a private entity i. SAMAA TV. University of London?Read the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus at http://www. the guidance notes included with the University’s application form of ‘Application for A Taught Postgraduate Programme of Study’.65 – Mozang Your local British Council will be able to make a copy available for you to School/index. social and environmental needs of the local communities. IslamabadKhawar Tanweer:Program OfficerBritish Council. which aims to integrate the economic.United KingdomTel: (+44-207) 031 0225 Fax: (+44-207) 031 0201inga. then you should direct these to the appropriate department at Royal Holloway. Contact details of local British CouncilYou can obtain application forms from British Council Pakistan website http://www. SAMAA TV has taken a leadership role in contributing to society through a structured social investment program. SAMAA TV realizes the importance of strengthening and developing human note that completed application forms (one original and two copies).7. targets and performance in delivering on our environmental and social is launching a scholarship programme for students currently enrolled in Masters in Mass Communication.If you have any queries about the guidance 6. the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus.academic writing and social sciences. . in the discipline of Mass Communication. They must posses marks above 50% in their entire academic career (e. They should have obtained bachelor degree / 14th grade with atleast 60% or above marks. Incomplete and /or late applications received after closing date shall not be entertained. HSC. as applicable) Attested copies of Domicile certificate (Self. for your record. Father. Read the application form and every field very carefully. parents/guardians should be consulted. Do not apply for the scholarship if your final intermediate and matriculation percentages are less than the required 50%. Those waiting for result can not apply. Ensure that you have attached all required documents by completing the checklist. Their last academic results must have been officially announced and they must be in possession of all of their academic transcripts. SAMAA TV.Primary objective of this scholarship program is to support those who possess merit and are in need of financial resources to pursue higher studies in the field of Mass Communication. Gas & Electricity. neither a current nor former employee.and Bachelor degree level percentage is less than the required 60%. (as a proof of number of siblings) Attested copies of last three months Utility Bills (Telephone. Verified by legal slips of Father / Guardian Attested copies of CNIC (Self. Any other) Attested copies of last three months income certificate/salary slip. before filling the form. Answer all the entries in the form. You are advised to fill the form in block letters. Mother or Guardian. Father. BA/BSc. They are NOT current or former employees of JAAG BROADCASTING SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD.000/. him/herself. 40. other expenses would be borne by the SAMAA TV scholarship holder. Journalism or Media Studies in public sector universities. They should be under 35 years of age or less on the closing date of advertisement (born on or after 13- 02-1975). from all sources must be less than Rs. of JAGG Broadcasting Systems Pvt Limited. Eligibility Applicants should fulfill the below-mentioned criteria at the time of sending application form: They must be Pakistani/AJK citizens and permanent residents. HSC. Please keep a photocopy of the filled-in form. SAMAA TV. The Applicant should not be a relative of. Mother or Guardian.g SSC. please ensure to attach following testimonials Attested copies of Mark sheets/ certificate / Degree (Matriculation. as applicable) Attested copy of B-form. given at the end of application form. Do not provide false or incomplete information or one that cannot be supported with proof. or Equivalent etc). Each scholarship will cover tuition fee only. with one character per block. Those which are not applicable should be marked “N/A” For family financial reporting. All amounts should be mentioned in Pakistani Currency (Rs) Do not overwrite or cross any information in the application form. Intermediate. Their monthly family income. They should not have obtained below 50 % marks in their entire academic career (e. An affidavit needs to be submitted after qualifying for the scholarship. BA/BSc. all three types of bills) . Journalism or Media Studies in any of the public sector universities in Pakistan approved by HEC.g SSC. using MS-Word. or equivalent etc). Bachelor. Before Sending Application Package.. Applicants should have already obtained admission in the Spring / Fall-2009 session. to the address given below: Rezwana Siddiqui Project Director (SAMAA-HRD) HRD Division. 2010. .gov. Last Date for receipt of application in HEC is Applications received after the closing date will NOT be entertained. Closing Date of Application Application should reach on or before 13th February. Islamabad E-mail: samaa-hrd@hec. Applications will be evaluated on two criterions: On Merit Basis: As evident from previous academic record and extra curricular activities. in Spring / Fall 2009 session. Attached Rs. as mentioned on the website. NO Application form will be accepted after the closing date.200/. drawn in favor of JAAG Broadcasting Systems Pvt Ltd. On Need Basis: Where Applicant’s financial circumstances would be considered. for pursing Master level studies in Mass (“How to apply” portion of the website) Instructions for Sending the Application Package Print the application forms available on the website. by the close of office hours. available at HEC website: www. using the capital letters (do not use capital letter for mentioning your e-mail). Applicants should have been enrolled in a public sector university / Degree awarding institution.hec.Disability certificate from a recognized hospital (if applicable) Attestation of enrolment as full time student from the department head. HEC Sector H-9. so as to reach on or before 13th February 2010. Download application Download. by the close of office hours. as application processing fee. as per instructions given in the form. participated in..Bank Draft / Pay Important: The applicant should be Pakistani National and permanent resident. Journalism or Media Studies. TYPE and Print the Application Form. Fill the Application (using MS-Word). Send completely filled application form along with attested copies of ALL testimonials and documents. as the case may be) Short listing will be done on the basis of the merit and financial need of the applicant. test venue.K.Instruction (Important):* The CommonWealth scholarship commission U. Scholarships are Fully Funded and final selection will be made by the donor country. 2010Roll No.Sc Honors (4 years). for details Click here‘ By hand application will not be entertained. ABL or MCB. The Selection Committee’s decision will be final and conclusive. Brunei.Please attach your complete academic credentials with filled Application Form to apply.*Six months of clinical training in medicine or dentistry.Following Degree Holders Can Apply:A candidate must hold a Masters Degree/ B. COMMONWEALTH GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2011. from a recognized University or equivalent qualification. The candidates who wish to undertake extensive periods of fieldwork in home country. 2010=> To download Application Form ” Click Here “=> For Advertisement (In English) ” Click Here “Note: User Guide for test preparation is available. ‘NATIONAL TESTING . Slips will be dispatched on :15th September.*One year research on a split-site basis. Duration/ Details of Scholarship Each scholarship will cover tuition fee only. test date and other information will be displayed on website:Question Distribution:English-Verbal30 %Analytical40 %Quantitative30 %Test ScheduleLast Date for Applications :3rd September. The SAMAA Scholarship Program Spring / Fall 2009 covers all Public Sector Universities in Pakistan Only. The scholarships covers the entire duration of the study program (02 years. The candidate should not be more then 35 years old at the time of closing date of application receipt. Hence it is highly recommended that the applicant should create their personal Blog (either on personal pages or on other website) before submission of application and mention the same in application form. 2010 Test Date :26th September. Canada.Scholarships are expected to be offered by U.The Applicant should be able to demonstrate the need for financial assistance for completing his studies Candidates will additionally be evaluated on the basis of their personal Blog created on the internet.0) be offered a one year job contract with SAMAA TV.Students awaiting result are not eligible to apply. 2010Provisional Candidates’ list will be uploaded on :6th September. 2010Queries will be entertained upto :9th September.Applications are invited for studying abroad under the Commonwealth General Scholarships Program for the year 2011. New Zealand and Malaysia.*Doctoral degrees of up to three years duration. Pakistan The Ministry of Education has assigned the task of conducting the Local GRE-General test for Higher Studies to the National Testing Services (NTS). The list of eligible candidates. The successful candidates will upon completion of degree (min GPA 3. The scholarship is renewable after successful completion of each semester.=> By hand submission of Application Form will not be entertained (Send filled Application Form through any courier service or Postal Service). towards a Ph. Non Refundable/ Non-Transferable) in the online branches of HBL. Ministry of Education.K has offered scholarships in any of the following categories*One year taught masters course or equivalent degrees. Please bank deposit online Rs.D registered at a university in pakistan. 650/.Candidates applying for scholarships are requested to visit our website regularly. UBL.How to Apply:Candidates are required to send their applications on prescribed Application Form along with an online Deposit slip (in original) at the address given below.(Rupees Six Hundred and Fifty. 34. • apply only in the subject areas listed below. residing in .org. aged between 30 and 50 • have a firm offer (for the period of time applied for) from a UK institution.300 per month. Applications in other subject areas will not be considered. firstly. The award Award-holders will receive a grant of £1. professional familiarization and interaction. E- Mail: [email protected] : 111 687 000 www. The fellowships may take the form of an attachment to a university department.nts. 2013. A fellowship may last for between three weeks to three months. Islamabad. skills and contacts. Street No. I-8/ CHARLES WALLACE PAKISTAN TRUST Visiting Fellowship Programme 2013-14 The Charles Wallace Visiting Fellowship Programme provides assistance to mid-career professionals who wish to undertak visits to the United Kingdom to broaden their professional knowledge. They make all their own arrangements in the UK in consultation with their host institution. or arts There is no provision for course or ben fees.SERVICE (NTS) PAKISTAN402. Eligible subject areas Eligible disciplines are as follows: • Social Sciences • Social Development • Humanities • Education • Arts & Creative Industries • Environmental Sciences • Health Sciences Application deadline Completed application forms should be couriered to the British Council Islamabad office before 18 March. professional institution. study and research. and a contribution of £650 towards international travel costs. secondly. Candidates should: • be Pakistani nationals. Thei principal purposes are.
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