Scholarship for Studying in Korea



Scholarship for Studying in Korea*You can find overall and basic information about Korean Government Scholarship Programs at Also you can check the updated notice and information at this website by following steps. -> GKS -> NOTICE  Korean Government Scholarship Program 1. Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate (standard of 2014 KGSP)  Eligibility: Both an applicant and his/her parents must possess the citizenship of the country of origin. Should be under25 years of age as of the date of entrance and shouldn’t have ever enrolled in a university in Korea. Have finished or be scheduled to finish high school courses as of the date of arrival. Possess a grade point average (G.P.A.) above 80% from the last educational attended or have earned top 20% of G.P.A. among classmates.  Scholarship Covers: 4 years for undergraduate degree program plus 1 year of Korean language training.  Awarded: Tuition, monthly stipend (800, 000 won), settlement allowance (200,000 won, once at arrival), repatriation allowance (100,000 won, once at departure), air fare, language training fee, medical insurance  Application Period: announcement – around September of the previous year  Contact: The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, National Institute for International Education Development, / or / 2. Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate (standard of 2013 KGSP)  Eligibility: Both an applicant and his/her parents must possess the citizenship of the country of origin. Should be under40 years of age as of the date of entrance and shouldn’t have ever enrolled in a university National Institute for International Education Development +82-2-3668-1364/ www.studyinkorea.000 ~ 800.) above 80% from the last educational attended or have earned top 20% of G. gifted skills and excellent academic 3. research allowance (Humanities Social Sciences – 210. Fellowship for Korean Language Training  Eligibility: Persons who are engaged in Korea-related research within the context of humanities or social science studies or persons who are professionally involved in Korea-related activities and who also correspond to one of the following profiles: -Undergraduates: Undergraduate students in colleges located in Eastern Europe. or head of government approved organizations. Possess a grade point average (G.    in Korea.000 won per semester).000 won). Applicants recommend by the reactor of the university graduated or attending. courses at general graduate schools of Korean university plus 1 year of Korean language training Awarded: Tuition.niied. monthly stipend (700. settlement allowance (200. Applicants recommend by the  Korea Foundation Fellowships 1. and embassies of Korea and each other country. depends on actual amount). Art Major Asian Scholarship (AMA)  Eligibility: Applicants with outstanding artistic talents. ministries. dissertation printing costs (500. the Middle East or Southeast Asia who are studying the Korean Language as a major or won). once at arrival). .000 won.go.  Awarded: tuition ( / or www. Korea language tuition  Contact: Korean National University of Arts +82-2-746-9073/ www.000 won.A.000 won.go.000 won per semester).A. D. one round trip flight ticket. language training fee. companies and art related institution etc. Hold a Bachelor degree/Master’s degree as of the date of arrival. air / ama@knua. Natural Science – 240.knua. among classmates Scholarship Covers: Master’s or Ph. once at departure). repatriation allowance (100. per month) Application Period: announcement – February of the year Contact: The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.P. medical insurance (20.000.000 won.000 won. monthly stipend (900. air -> find ‘English’ tab -> top menu ‘Digital Archive’ -> side menu ‘Fellowships’ -> Field Research Fellowship  University Scholarship 1. law school or a school of translation and/or interpretation)  Scholarship Covers: 1 ~ 6 months  Awarded: monthly stipend ( 2 to 5 million won). Ewha Womans University 1) EGPP (Ewha Global Partnership Program) . lecturers and researchers who are teaching Korea-related courses or Korean language courses.      Persons corresponding to any of the following will not be considered: -persons already studying or conducting research in Korea -persons planning to enroll in a degree program in a Korean higher education institution -persons having received the Fellowship for Korean Language Study in the last two years Scholarship Covers: 6 months Awarded: monthly stipend (undergraduates.University faculties and researchers: Professors.000 won (one time).kr -> find ‘English’ tab -> top menu ‘Digital Archive’ -> side menu ‘Fellowships’ -> Korean Language Training Fellowship 2.or. or who are conducting Korea-related research at a university or research institution.200..kf. Contact: If you want more information and notice. follow below steps www. tuition for Korean language course. PhD candidates and higher – 1.Professionals: Professionals engaged in Korea-related activities in the fields of arts and culture.MA or PhD candidates: Graduate students pursuing a Korea-related degree as a major or minor. and programs at a business school. follow below steps www.or.000 won. or .000. MA candidates and MA degree holders – 1. and travel insurance Application Period: applications should be received by the end of July for the next academic year.000 won) settlement allowance 300. .kf. medicine and engineering. travel insurance  Application Period: applications should be received by the end of July for the next academic year  Contact: If you want more information and notice. Fellowship for Field Research  Eligibility: Doctorate-level students and scholars conducting research on Korean Studies or Korea-related comparative/case studies within the fields of humanities and social science(excluding programs in natural science. BA degree holders. plus stipend IES F4 and IES H4  Eligibility: International student who is deemed capable of contributing to international exchange in education and who applies for undergraduate program(freshmen) via special admission for international students  Scholarship Covers: max 8 semesters *Undergraduate: There is a minimum GPA requirement to maintain scholarship  Awarded: F4-full tuition fee(including admission fee).  Scholarship Covers: Undergraduate(freshmen)-max 8 semesters. 2) 3) 4) 5) Eligibility: Application from a developing country who demonstrate high potential to become a female leader. Grand(Doctorate)-max 6 semesters. IES H1  Eligibility: International student who is deemed capable of contributing to international exchange in education and who applies for undergraduate program or graduate program via special admission for international students  Scholarship Covers: F2 & H2-max 4 semesters (*Undergraduate: There is a minimum GPA requirement to maintain scholarship). IES F1. H3-half of tuition fee(including admission fee) IES F2. Under(transfer)-max 4 semesters. H4-half of tuition fee(including admission fee) IES F3 and IES H3  Eligibility: International student who is deemed capable of contributing to international exchange in education and who applies for graduate program (combined master’s and doctoral program) via special admission for international students  Scholarship Covers: max 6 semesters  Awarded: F3-full tuition fee(including admission fee). Grand(Master’s)-max 4 semesters. and apply for undergraduate or graduate program via special admission for international students. H2-half of tuition fee(including admission fee). IES H2. F1 & H1-2 semesters  Awarded: F2-full tuition fee (including admission fee). on-campus dormitory fee. H1-half of tuition fee(including admission fee) IES E (Entrance fee)  Eligibility: International student who is deemed capable of contributing to international exchange in education and who applies for undergraduate program or graduate program via special admission for international students . Grand(Combined)max 6 semesters *There is a minimum GPA requirement to maintain scholarship  Awarded: Full tuition fee(including admission fee). F1-full tuition fee(including admission fee). Yonsei University 1) Yonsei Outstanding Foreigner Scholarship  Scholarship Covers: 8 semesters  Awarded: all tuition(including admission fee) Scholarship Covers: The first semester  Awarded: Much of entrance fee (or admission fee) 6) Ewha Language Center Scholarship in Excellence in Korean Language  Eligibility: International freshmen students (transfer students not eligible) who gave completed at least more than 3 semesters and completed Level 6 of the Korean Intensive Program at Ewha Language Center  Scholarship Covers: The first semester  Awarded: Part of tuition fee *For detailed information about Ewha University Scholarship Contact: Office of Global (ECC B329 [email protected] 3. 3) Yonsei VSP Scholarship  Awarded: 80% of tuition .  Selection Standard: entrance score 2) Foreigner Scholarship B  Scholarship Covers: 8 semesters  Awarded: 50% of tuition *There is a minimum GPA requirement to maintain scholarship.000 won *There is a minimum GPA requirement to maintain scholarship. Korea University 1) Foreigner Scholarship A  Scholarship Covers: 8 semesters  Awarded: all tuition(including admission fee). 2. monthly stipend 500.korea. http://enter.  Selection Standard: entrance score *For detailed information about Korea University Scholarship Contact: http://www. on-campus dormitory fee *There is a minimum GPA requirement to maintain scholarship 2) Yonsei Underwood Outstanding Foreigner Scholarship  Scholarship Covers: 8 semesters  Awarded: all tuition(including admission fee) or 50% of tuition *There is a minimum GPA requirement to maintain scholarship  This Scholarship is only for students who enter Underwood International College. or. In order to be considered as our scholarship recipient one must be accepted to the program of one of our cooperating universities and nominated by the universities. SAMSUMG provides tuition and monthly  Other Institute & Corporate Scholarship 1. SAMSUNG Global Scholarship Program  Eligibility: This scholarship is for students from developing countries. Must be of Asian Nationality. *For more detailed information about Yonsei University Scholarship Contact: admission. December for KDI. POSCO Asia Fellowship – Supporting Asian Students  Eligibility: Asian who hold bachelor’s degree. February for Hankuk University of Foreign Studies  Contact: +82-2-562-0227.  Application Period: from January to February  Contact: http://www. Woojung Education & Culture Foundation  Eligibility: This scholarship is for foreign students studying in Korea especially whose grade is good or family circumstance is not  Contact: https://www. This Scholarship is only for students who enter through Visiting Student Program.  Awarded: Full tuition and living expenses for 2 years of staying in Korea  Application Period: June for fall .kr/ 3. [email protected].
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