Scheme & Syllabus (Wbfs & Wbsfs 2013)(3)

March 31, 2018 | Author: Sandeep Kumar Sinha | Category: Amplifier, Microwave, Internal Combustion Engine, Electronic Oscillator, Electronics



PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, WEST BENGALWest Bengal Forest Service and West Bengal Subordinate Forest Service Examination, 2013 SCHEME AND SYLLABUS A. Scheme and Syllabus for Preliminary Examination : The Preliminary Examination will consist of only one paper of “General Studies and Arithmetic”. The question paper will be an objective type consisting of 200 multiple choice questions. The paper will carry 200 marks and will be of 2½ hours duration. The standard of the paper will be of the level of knowledge as expected of a graduate of a recognized Indian University or Institute. The paper will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) English Composition General Science Current Events of National and International Importance History of India World Geography Indian Polity and Economy Indian National Movement General Mental Ability Arithmetic … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 20 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 marks, marks, marks, marks marks, marks, marks, marks, marks, The Preliminary examination is meant to serve as a screening test only for the purpose of selection of candidates for the Main examination. The marks obtained in this examination by the candidates will not be considered for Final Selection. Only those candidates who will be declared qualified at the Preliminary examination in a year will be eligible for admission to the West Bengal Forest Service (Main) and West Bengal Subordinate Forest Service (Main) Examination of that year. The Commission shall have the discretion to fix the qualifying marks in the examination. B. SCHEME OF THE MAIN EXAMINATION : Written examination : The written examination shall be held in two Groups(a) Compulsory Subjects; (b) Optional Subjects (a) Compulsory Subjects : There shall be three compulsory subjects as stated below :Paper - I : English Essay, Precis Writing and Composition; Paper - II : Bengali/Hindi/Urdu/Nepali (Essay, precis writing and composition); Paper - III: General Studies b) Optional Subjects : Candidates shall take up any two subjects * from the following list of subjects :i) iv) vii) x) xiii) xvi) xix) Agriculture, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science, Horticulture, Statistics, ii) v) viii) xi) xiv) xvii) xx) Botany, Computer Application, Civil Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Forestry, Mathematics, Veterinary Science, iii) vi) ix) xii) xv) xviii) xxi) Chemistry, Agricultural Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Geology, Physics, Zoology. * Consult restriction on choice of optional subjects. (The standard of Syllabus of these subjects shall be that of Bachelor’s degree in Science or Engineering of a recognized Indian University or Institute). Page 1 of 16 . ABSTRACT TABLE PAPERS/SUBJECTS AND MARKS FOR MAIN EXAMINATION AND PERSONALITY TEST : A. Forest Service and 100 marks for the W. In Geography emphasis will be on Geography of India. Arithmetic will be of Madhyamik or equivalent standard. Questions of Indian Polity and Economy will test the knowledge of the country’s Political system. Bengali/Hindi/ Urdu/Nepali 3. Syllabi of Compulsory and Optional Subjects of Main Examination A.B. understanding and natural conclusion. Questions on the Indian National Movement will relate t o the nature and character of the Nineteenth Century Resurgence. Electrical Engineering or Electronics Engineering.2 : Restriction on choice of optional subjects : Candidates will be allowed to offer optional subjects mentioned below in the following restricted manner: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Agriculture or Agricultural Engineering or Veterinary Science. of Papers Marks No. NOTE . economic and political aspects. Optional Subjects Total marks… DISCRETION OF THE COMMISSION : The Commission shall have discretion to fix qualifying marks in any paper or all papers and in the aggregate. social and Economic Geography of the country including the main f eatures of Indian Agricultural and Natural Resources. phrasal verbs. Antonyms. Mathematics or Statistics. the same words bearing more than one meaning. COMPULSORY The standard of Compulsory papers will be such as may be expected of a Science or Engineering Graduate of an Indian University. Idioms and Phrases. leadership and also the range of interest of the candidate. Subject I Two 200 Two 200 2. Page 2 of 16 .1 : Each of the compulsory subject will carry 100 marks and examination will be of 3 (three) hours duration. Personality Test ----- 200 ----- 100 ----- 900 ----- 800 1. Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science. Subject II Two 200 Two 200 C. e. English 1. Computer Application or Computer Science or Computer Engineering. intellectual and moral integrity. Sub-ordinate Forest Service. General Mental Ability will relate to Logical perception. Each candidate will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The purpose of the test will b e to assess the personal qualities of the candidate. Panchayatee Raj. General Studies B. Vocabulary test. use of appropriate and qualifying words etc. Each optional subject will have two papers carrying 100 marks each and examination will be of 3 (three) hours duration for each paper. Community Development and Planning in India. PERSONALITY TEST : There shall be a Personality Test carrying 200 marks for the W.g. Question on the Geography of India will relate to physical.SYLLABI FOR PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Questions on English Composition will cover Synonyms. power of clear and logical exposition.B. A number of candidates to be selected in order of merit on the results of the Main Examination (Written) for the service will have to appear for the Personality Test. In History emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social. alertness of mind. including matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. Growth of Nationalism and Attainment of Independence. Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. NOTE . of Papers Marks one 100 one 100 one 100 one 100 one 100 one 100 1. Compulsory West Bengal Forest Service West Bengal Subordinate Forest Service Subjects No. Alloys and Intermetallic compounds. Soil development and their composition. Starch and Organic Polymers. CHEMISTRY Paper-I : Physical and Organic Atomic structure and Chemical bonding. Principles of plant quarantine regulations. Classification of insects up to orders. Internet and Java programming. Page 3 of 16 . taxonomy and nomenclature of Fungi.Principles of nomenclature anc1 classification of angiosperms. Aliphatic Chemistry. Antibiotics. Silicones. Organic Photo Chemistry. flower and seed including developmental aspects and anomalous growth. Paper-II : Plant Pathology . Thorium. Structure of anther and ovule. Cellulose. Antibiotics. genetics. Carbohydrates. plant pigments and alkaloids) Chemistry of Fertilisers. fibre. Stereo-Chemistry. Chemistry of simple and compound fertilisers and measures. bacteria and viruses. Industrial importance of Cellulose. Life History of economic insects and methods of rearing them. Evolution. Nitrification and nitrogem fixation. Titanium. Relational data base management system. Genetics and Plant Breeding. Fungicides and their use. Alkaloids. Anatomy. Germanium. Soil structures. Dyes. Organic Polymers. Tungsten. Paper-II : Design and analysis of algorithms. BOT ANY Paper-I : Morphology. Cytology. Taxonomy . Vitamin. Catalysis. Insect ecology. Morphology and anatomy of stem. Tantalum. Plant viruses and bacteria. Paper-II : Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science (Properties of important carbo-hydrates. lipids. Transition metal Chemistry. Physical organic Chemistry. Physical properties of soil. Fertilisation and development of seed. morphology of crop plants). pests and methods of their control. Classification. Chemistry of : Boron. valence bonds and molecular orbitals. A general knowledge of the more important families of angiosperm. Molecular structure and molecular spectra. Life history of crops and stored grains. Petro-Chemicals. Mode of infection and methods of prevention and control physiology of parasitism. Pesticides and Herbicides. System software. COMPUTER SCIENCE Paper – I : Operating system. breeding and physiology. wood and drugs. Uranium.Knowledge of important plant diseases in India caused by Fungi. leaf. Octahedral and Planar Inorganic complexes. Oils and fats.AGRICULTURE Paper-I : Agricultural Botany (Plant cytology. Anatomy . Soil Microbiology. Soil -water relationship. proteins. Computer graphics. Coal Tar Chemicals. Origin and importance of cultivated plants. Software engineering. Agricultural Entomology and Plant Pathology. Raman spectra. Starch.Tissues and Tissue systems. Proteins. Chemical Kinetics. Embryology and Taxonomy of Angiosperms. organic acids. Economic Botany. Electro-Chemistry. Major diseases of crops and methods of their prevention and control. Aromatic Chemistry.Ecology and elementary idea of plant geography and dispersal of plants. General account of important sources of food. Soilplant relations soil fertility and plant growth. root. Modern trends in Taxonomy. Physiology . Computer system architecture. Paper – II : Inorganic and Industrial Inorganic Polymers. Computer networks. Vitamins. Insecticides and their use. Hormone. circuits. ii) Velocity profile. Levelling and layout of irrigation systems. Harves ting and threshing equipment. rainfall and runofffactors affecting them and their measurements. Water requirement of crops. bunds. Investigation and planning in River Valley Projects. Measuring devices-flow through orifices. design and construction of channels. Design of surface and subsurface systems. Planning and design of minor irrigation pro jects. PC maintenance and trouble shooting. fuel. selection. MC and Assembly language programming. their construction.COMPUTER APPLIC ATION Paper – I : Digital computer fundamental. A.C. Numerical methods. Electr ic motors used in agriculture-types. Drainage-Definition-causes of water logging. Design of farm houses. Irrigation and drainage : Soil-Water-plant relationships. Design of columns. Layout of farmstead. lubricating. Rural water supply and sanitation. 3. Testing of wells.C. Well development. transmission and stearing. Soil and Water Conservation : Definition and scope of soil conservation. head gates. Plant producting equipment. Transport phenomena : (Under steady State conditions) (a) Momentum transfer :i) Different patterns of flow and their criteria. Visual programming. Types of wells. Different type of tractors. Measurement and cost of irrigation water. pip e lines. beams. interculture tools and machinery. Ignition. Sources and types of Irrigations. joints. animals shelters and storage structures. Farm power and machinery : Construction of different types of internal combustion engines. Building materials : Kinds of building materials-their properties. Mechanical and types of erosion their causes. 2. diversion boxes structures and road crossing. Brick work and R. Duty of water-consumptive use. & D. Paper-II : 1. chassis. Flood routing. Erosion control measures-Biological and Engineering. outlets and grassed waterways. Resource management techniques. Timber. roof trusses. Techniques of measuring soil moisture. Hydraulic of wells. Page 4 of 16 . Methods of drainage. construction. Machinery for land development. Farm machinery for primary and secondary tillage. drilling methods. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Paper-I : 1. Designs of soil conservation structures-terraces. Basic open channel hydraulics. Drainage of irrigated lands. installation and maintenance CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Paper-I : 1.C. C programming. Principles of flood control. Paper – II : Data and file structure. Object oriented programming. Stream bank erosion and its control. Cooling and governing s ystem of IC engines. wires and flumes. seeding machinery. Occurance of ground water. field channels. Electricity and rural electrification power generation and transmission : Distribution of electricity for rural electrification. stream gauging-Evaluation of runoff from rainfall. Hydrologic cycle. Pumps and pumping machinery. Principles of watershed management. Discrete mathematics. Uses of electric energy on the farm. 2. Wind er osion and its control. Design of farm ponds and earth dams. metal and glass structural properties of metals and alloys used in engineering practice. Convection-different diamentionless groups used in forced and free convection.C. enthalpy and free energy-Determination of chemical equilibrium constants for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. spherical shapes. brick.C. Geometrical shape factor. Bending. magnetic. pumps. humidification. heat and mass and transfer. Torsion and direct stresses. surki. ceramics. pneumatic. dehumidification. Mixer-Mechanisms and theory of mixing. ii) Catalysis choice of catalysis. maximum and minimum stresses due to eccentric loading. thermal. Paper-II : 1. Mechanics of catalysis based upon mechanism. Instrumentation and process control : Mechanical. rivetted and welded connections. Timber and timber products. solid-liquid. automation. column bases and grillages for axially and eccentrically loaded columns.S. electrical and electronic instruments. iv) Flow of solids through fluids. 2. Axially loaded columns and their bases. powders. desorption. roofs and lintels. Page 5 of 16 . plywood laminates. proportioning workability and strength requirement. entrophy. (b) Heat transfer : Different modes of heat transfer : conduction calculation for single and composite walls of flat. hydraulic. Sedimentation. solid-solid. 2nd order reactions. various mixers for liquid-liquid. Design of beams. plastics and rubbers. optical. Equivalent diameter. Batch and flows – Reactors and their design. Emmissivity and absorptivity. cylindrical. solid-liquid and solid-solid. standards for design loads. Determination of individual and overall heat transfer coeff. Materials : Factors that determine choice of materials for construction in chemical industries-Metals and alloys.C. filter presses etc. Centrifuge. Elastic theory of bending of beams. R. sand. distillation and heat transfer. Absorption. Thermodynamics : (a) 1st. 4. members subject to direct and bending stresses. structures. Mechanism and theory of mixing. 3.iii) Filtration. mortar and concrete. 2nd and 3rd Laws of thermodynamics.I. various mixers for liquid-liquid. permissible stresses in R. Specification of materials used. Reaction Engineering : i) Kinetics : Homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions. (c) Mass transfer : Diffusion in gases and liquids. barrals. tile. controls and control systems. I. Design of simply supported overhanging and cantilever beams. Fabrication of equipment with particular reference to production of vats. 2. Building materials and properties and strength of materials : Building materials-Timber stone. Transportation : Storage and transport of materials and in particular. Hook's law. Heat load of furnaces-Calculation. (b) Determination of internal energy. 2. Structural Engineering : Steel structures : Permissible stresses. drying and distillation Analogy between momentum. Bolted. simple and built-up columns and simple roof trusses and girders. Preparations. Stresses and strains. compressors and blowers. emulsions and dispersions. resins volatile and non-volatile liquids.C. lime. Use of thermodynamics in combustion. 1 st. CIVIL ENGINEERING Paper-I : 1. rectangular and Tee beams in floors. Evaporation-Radiation-Stefan Boltzman law. Bending moment and Shear force diagrams and deflection of beams under static and live loads. single and multistage. width of foundation and pavement. bituminous surfaces and concrete roads. camber. sewage treatment and dispersion trenches. 2. house drainage requirements and appurtenances.Sewers. COMPUTER ENGINEERING Paper-I : Number system. Bearing capacity and foundations of buildings and structures. determination of current and voltage gain and input and output impedances biasing technique. Electrical Machines : Page 6 of 16 . designing superstructure of small span bridges. ceiling. Microprocessor based system design.c. septic tanks. water supply and sanitary engineering Construction-Brick and stone masonry walls. Estimating Earthwork for roads and canals. specifications and data sheets for important items.Earth roads. ground and space waves. pumps and boosters. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PAPER-I : Network : Steady state analysis of d. Matrix Algebra. Architecture and instruction set of microprocessors. Taking out quantities for building and preparation of abstract of costs. roof.c. Elemenets of high level programming language PASCAL/C. pile and well foundations. Microprocessors. elementary network synthesis. solution of boundary value problems. Draining of roads. Standards of purity. electromagnetic wave propagation. measurement of voltage. frequency spectral polezero concept. loading. Paper-II : Fundamental of computer architecture. doors and windows. Imhoff tanks. pointing. stabilized and water bound macadam roads. painting and varnishing etc.Paper-II : 1. networks. current. carpentry in wooden floor.R. methods of purification. transient response. I. Soil mechanics-Soil and their investigation. System organisation. analysis of different type of multivibrator and their uses. Roads and bridges Survey and alignment : Highway materials and their placements principles of design. units of measurement. and a. Electronics : Vacuum and semiconductor devices. Retaining walls.Types. network theorems. Control unit design. Laplace transform. curves and super-elevation. Use of data structure. propagation between earth station and satellites. digital circuits. stair cases. frequency and flux. audio and radio small signal and large signal amplifiers and their analysis. Building-construction. resistance. storm water overflows. Construction . Activated sludge process. principles of design. Assembly language programming. frequency response. cathode ray oscilloscope. Memory organisation. Finishes (plastering. Principles of designing foundation of abutments and piers of bridges. Measurements : Basic methods of measurements. network functions. Building estimates . Fourier series and Fourier transform. capacitance. layout of distribution system. Economical spans. Bridges . Data representation. power. indicating instruments. Personal computers and their typical use. Processor design. Statics and Magnetics : Analysis of electrostatic and Magnetostatic fields: Laplace and Poisson Equations.C. equivalent circuits transistor parameters. inductance. gradient. Water supply-sources of water. error analysis. Maxwell's equations. time. electronic meters. Sanitation .).principle. standards. Programming. feedback amplifiers and oscillators : wave shaping circuits and time base generators. floors and roofs. Physical Electronics : Conduction in Semiconductors. sudden short circuit and analysis of oscillogram to determine machine reactances and time constants. equation phasor and circle diagrams. phasor diagram. noise. Utilisation.General layout and economics of different types of power stations. wave guide components cavity resonators.c. D. Application of two phase induction motor. Protective relays. feeders and receiving circuits. motor and generator characteristics of d. smoothing tilters. to a. electron emission: deflection of electron beam with electric and magnetic fields and its application in CRT and picture tubes. mechanics of train movement and estimation of power and energy requirements and motor rating characteristics of· traction motors.Generation of e. and P. synchronous and induction machines equivalent circuits.Industrial drives electric motors for various drives and estimates of their rating.m. ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PAPER-I : 1.Comparison of modulated systems.c. difference amplifiers. microwave radiati on pattern. phasor diagram and equivalent circuits of power trans former. OR SECTION. load flow analysis and economic operation. and torque in rotating machines. Theory. communication and antenna systems.c.B (Heavy currents) Electrical Machines : Induction Machines . inverters. determination of performance and efficiency. protective schemes for power system equipment.c. Economic and other aspects of different systems of rail traction. circle diagram.C.c. transmission line at audio. starters. modulators and demodulators . stability. poly phase motor. principle of operation of p-n junction diodes. PAPER-II : SECTION -A Control systems : Methematical modelling of dynamic linear control systems. root-locus techniques series compensation.f. Microwaves – Electromagnetic wave in guided media. and induction motors. peak-load and pumped-storage plants. D. principle of operation.T.M. filters microwave measuring techniques. Dielectric and induction heating. Insulators. m.T. voltage distribution in a string of insulators and grading. radio and ultra high frequencies.m. Testing of circuit breaker. motor characteristics and performance methods of starting applications. operation on infinite bus. 3-phase transformers. frequency response techniques. stead y state and transient stability. scr’s and transistors.e. Fault calculation by symmetrical components. short. Transmission line parameter calculation. Page 7 of 16 . Radio aids to navigation. Special Machines – Amplidyne and metadyne operating characteristics and their applications. microwave generators and amplifiers. channel efficiency sampling theorem. Choppers. Baseload. Induction generator. operating characteristic and performance by different methods. speed control double case motor. Environmental effects on insulators.m. regulated power supplies speed control circuits for drivers. synchronizing power. phasor diagram. Travelling waves and protection. SECTION . conversion. concept of G. block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Synchronous Machines . d. Behaviour of motors during starting acceleration. characteristics and application of single phase motors. Schemes of speed control for d. and a.. Economics of different systems of d. C. Industrial Electronics : Principles and design of single phase and polyphase rectifiers. Equivalent circuit and determination of its parameters. medium and long transmission line. controlled rectification. antennas.C (Light currents) Communication Systems – Generation and detection of amplitude frequency-phase – and pulse-modulate signals using oscillators. microwave tubes and solid state devices. Power Systems and Protection . Switch-gear Methods of arc extinction: Re-striking and recovery voltage. Torque slip characteristic. sound and vision broadcast transmitting and receiving system.f. transient response steady state error.Rotating magnetic field.f. braking and reversing operation. Commutation parallel operation. Surges in transmission lines. choppers and analog computation. Amplifiers – Direct coupled amplifiers.c. timers and welding circuits. problems. power distribution. auto-transformers. directional properties of dipole antennas. use of op. broadcast arrays. Boilers. Steam tables and their use. two and four terminal passive networks. amps. Analog Computation fundamentals. micro and macro operations. transducers for non-electrical quantities. Electromagnetic fields and Antennas : Displacement current. sampling. Digital voltmeter. Boolean Algebra. Bending Moment. block diagram and signal flow graph of control systems. monostable and bistable multivibrators. Applied Thermodynamics Fuel Combustion. 4. Compound bars in tension and compression and stresses due to temperature changes. Superheaters and Economisers. Simple cases of combined bending and direct stresses. propagation of electromagnetic waves.2. signal transmission in presence of noise and signal to noise ratio. Page 8 of 16 . Strength of Materials Stresses and strains. adder. hybrid parameters of transistors. Digital Electronics : Pulse response of linear passive circuits. fundamentals of digital communication. D/A and A/D converters. Wave Equation and its solution for sinusoidal variations. measurement of sensitivity. two-element array. amps in Instrumentation. Instrumentation and Measurement : Basic Instrumentation Scheme. its. transistor amplifiers (biasing. Control Systems : Concept of open and closed loop systems. clipping and clamping. 3. Operational Amplifiers and Analog computers : Basic principle and structure of operational amplifiers. over hanging and cantilever beams for simple loading. filters and transmission lines. registers and counters. Representation of numbers. Elastic theory of failure – Stress concentration and fatigue. shear force and deflection in simply supported. and combined bending and torsion. scalar. Principles of Communication : Basic principles of telegraph and telephone. Root-locus technique. astable. springs. Torsion in round bars – Transmission of power by shafts. binary arithmetic. Analysis of fuels and exhaust gases. Hooke’s Law and relations between elastic constants. Assembly level programming. sub-tractor and Integrator using op. selectivity and fidelity of an AM Receiver. 2. 3. Logic Gates. DC and AC power control using SCR's. pulse code modulation. Architecture of microprocessors. Air supply. stability concepts. solution of differential equations. principles of amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation. Microprocessor fundamentals : Computer organisation. 2. power amplifiers. 5. stabilization and frequency response). Electronic Circuits : Rectifiers and filters. Physical properties of steam. characteristics. Time and Frequency Measurements. transistor oscillators. and concept of load line. feedback in amplifiers. transistor characteristics. Boiler mountings and accessories. Boiler trial. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Paper-I : 1. optical Communication fundamentals. attenuators. PAPER – II : 1. concept of time and amplitude scaling. Input/Output. time division and frequency multiplexing. Concepts of Interrupts and Interfacing. 4. Memory and peripheral devices. Maxwell's Equations. transient and frequency response of control systems. Indicating Instruments :CRO. Q-measurement. quantization. technology and industrialization. Abrasive Wheels. Cranes and Lifts. testing of welds. Natural Resources and their management : Water. Metal cutting tool materials. Linear and angular measurements. Speed-Variation of flywheels. marine) and their problems. expansion and compression of gases. application and characteristic curves. atmosphere and biosphere.Laws of Therodynamics. Weldability and different welding processes. land. Welding. Principles of similarity. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PAPER-I : Fundamentals of Environment : Concept of environment. wildlife and energy resources status and their proper management/conservation. air compressors. industrial and rural areas of India. period of hunting and food gathering. types of ecosystems (forest. entropy. Production Engineering Common machine tools : Working principles and design features of Lathes. Moving plates and vanes. gas law. Indicators and Indicator Diagrams-Mechanical. use of temperature. Forming process-moulding. components. rolling and drawing of metals. Ideal and actual engine cycle. soil. Limits and fits. Theory of machines and Machine Designs Relative velocities of parts in machines graphically and by calculation. effect and prevention of human induced environmental problems of air. energy flow and productivity in ecosystem. desert. aquatic. food chain and food web. planners. soil. Tool geometry. ecological imbalance. work sampling. non-conventional resources. water. Shapers. Measurement of screws and gears. Governors power transmitted by belt drives. nutrient cycle in ecosystem. drilling machines. Thermal. Crank effort diagram of engines. forging. wages and incentives.hydrosphere. 3. Industrial engineering Methods of study and work measurement Motion-time data. Milling machines. Metrology. 2. Governing. Optical instruments. agriculture. Page 9 of 16 . Design of fastenings and locking devices. preparations for revetted. jigs and fixtures. heatentropy and pressure-volume charts and diagrams. forest. plant lay out. pumps and turbines Design Principles. air standard and actual efficiencies – General construction – Engine trial and heat balance. thermal. casting. ball and roller bearings. control. Environmental Pollution : Cause. bolted and welded joints and fastenings. surface finish. Fluid mechanics and Water power Bernoulli’s equation. Grinding machines. impact of man and environment. Cutting forces. noise and marine pollution : socio-economic consequences of pollution in urban. lithosphere. planning. Surge tanks and Storage reservoirs. grassland. Simple steam engines and internal combustion engines. period of plant and animal domestication. Friction and Lubrication of journals and thrust bearings. Ecosystem : Concept. minerals. period of science. job evaluation. Hydraulic accumulators and intensifiers. Paper-II : 1. Chukrasia tabularis. medicinal and other flora and fauna.. aerial seeding thinning. 2. technical constraints. health hazards in agricultural pest control. establishment and tending. establishment and management of standards. habitat and diversity loss. mangrove. salinization. deforestation. Waste Management and Bioremediation : Treatment of waste water. choice of species.) and their management. humid tropical. chemical and radiation hazards (Chernobyl disaster. El-nino. FORESTRY PAPER – I : Section A 1. safe limits of the key environmental pollutants. Bhopal tragedy etc. methods of propagation. Environmental Monitoring and Impact Assessment : Bioindicators and Monitoring. plantation-establishment and rehabilitation of degraded man grove formations. water budgeting. Butea monosperma. hardwickia binata. Cassia siamea. Silviculture – General : General Silvicultural Principles : Ecological and physiological factors influencing vegetation. role in the life of people and domestic animals and in integrated land use. Salmalia malaba ricum. food and air-borne diseases of men and animals. Eucalyptus spp. Environment and Public Health : Major water. special approaches. Dalbergia sisoo. Antocephalus Cadamba. The Environment Protection Laws and Human Rights : Sustainable development environmental policies. Bamboo spp. grading and hardening of seedlings. peoples participation. Social/Urban Forestry:Objectives. Terminalis tomemtosa. Santalum album. Populus spp. Albizzla lebbeck. acid rain. civic sense and personal hygiene issues. Silent valley project.PAPER-II : Global Environmental Problems : Green house effect. heavy metal toxicity. silvicultural systems for mangrove. prosopis juliflora. environmental ethics. Shorea robusta. human rights issues relating to environment human population growth and lifestyle. Section B 1. O3 depletion. Azadirachta indica. dry tropical and coastal tropical forests with special reference to plantation silviculture. Casuarina equisetifolia. Gmelina Arborea. environmental impact assessment and management. Emblica officindils. Tectona grandis. nursery and planting techniques-nursery beds. cost effective abatement technology. Page 10 of 16 . Acacia nilotica. food fodder and fuel security. management of persistent organic pollutants. Tamarindus indica. the Ganga action plan. planning especially related to (i) soil and water conservation. Albizzia procera. natural and artificial regeneration of forests. identification and management of species. Cedrus deodara. Pinus roxburghi. subtropical. solid waste management. Cold Desert – Characteristics. Largerstroemia Lanceolata. 3. Anageisus latifolia. Silviculture – systems : Clear feeling. HIV / AIDS. selection of species and role of multipurpose trees and NTEPs techniques. Acacia auriculiformis. Silviculture of trees : ' ' Traditional and recent advances in tropical silvicultural research and practices. Management of silviculture systems of temperat e. Silviculture of some of the economically important species in India such as Acacia catechu. Agroforestry. coppice and conversion systems. Research and Extension needs. polybags and maintenance. 4. Joint Forest Management and Tribology : Agroforestry-Scope and necessity. (iii) nutrient availability to crops. uniform shelter wood selection. grafting techniques. Agroforestry systems under different agro-ecological zones. Pterocarpus marsupium. (iv) nature and eco-system preservation including ecological balances through pest-predator relationships and (v) providing opportunities for enhancing biodiversity. (ii) water recharge. Dipterocarpus spp. Semecarpu s anacardium. intensive mechanized methods. enrichment methods. scope and necessity. desertification. Silviculture – Mangrove and Cold desert : Mangrove : Habitat and characteristics. Social Forestry. site factors. protection of habitats against natural disasters. VAM. forest cover monitoring through remote sensing. watershed management and environmental functions of forests. working plans and working schemes. Cost benefit ratio. progeny tests. rehabilitation of degraded areas. education. reclamation of saline and alkaline soils. Economics assessment of watershed development vis-a-vis ecological and environmental protection. ecological succession and climax. economic evaluation. insects. river channel stabilization. Annual Plan of Operations. hilly and mountain areas. field crops. Sampling methods and sample plots. Building materials and construction. principles and establishment of herbaria and arboreta. water shed development in respect of torrent control. sand dunes. nutrient cycling and water relations. methodology. maps and map reading. provenance. forest genetic resources and gene conservation in situ and ex-situ. genetic testing programming. Tree Improvement and seed Technology : . General concept of tree improvement. objects. sanction and expenditure. forest hydrology. seed source. 2. impact and control measures. preparation and control. forest community concepts. Approaches viz. Role of microorganisms in ameliorating soils. ground water recharge and watershed management. dendrology. Maintenance and build up of soil organic matter. 3. their role in nature conservation. cultural tradition. Role of trees and forests in environmental conservation. Role of forests conserving soils. types. exotics: quantit ative aspects of forest tree improvement. simple design and construction of timber bridges. N and C cycles. Tribology . physiology in stress environments (drought. Forest Management and Management Systems : Objective and principles. Yield calculation. types . Forest Mensuration and Remote Sensing : Methods of measuring . commercial forests. yield and stand tables.· increment. selection and breeding for resistance to diseases. stand structure and dynamics. form-factor. forest leaf litter and composting. Roads and Bridges. methods and techniques. scope. construction and developmental projects. 4. classification.A 1. 2. variation and its use. factors affecting soil formation. Surveying and Forest Engineering : Forest surveying-different methods of surveying. (i) site-specific planning. normal forest. forest fires and various human activities like mining. water logged and other waste lands. PAPER II : Section .systems. water logging salinity and alkalinity). sustained yield relation. height and volume of trees. forest cover monitoring.diameter. Forest Ecology and Ethnobotany : Forest ecology : Biotic and abiotic components. and adverse envir onment. Basic principles of forest engineering. bio-diversity and other dimensions.tribal scence in India. objective. Joint Forest Participatory Management. 3. acid rain. Soil Conservation and Watershed management : Forests Soils. Forest types in India. volumes estimation of stand. principles of social grouping. Forest Soils. management of forest plantations. rotation. Forest Working Plan : Forest planning. Soil conservation: Definition. 4. mean annual increment. ozone layer depletion. identification of species. (iv) Monitoring. use of tree improvement in natural forest and stand improvement. evaluation and monitoring tools and approaches for integrated planning. grass and fodders. provision of loppings for green leaf manuring.wind and water erosion. (v) Reporting and governance. vegetation concepts. water and noise pollution. ethos and participation in forestry programmes. Section B 1.. techniques. Pollution : Types. role of mini-forests and forest trees in overall resource management. chemical and biological properties. role of integrating forest trees. stages of tribal economy. Environmental policy and legislation in India. Watershed Management: Concepts of watershed.JFM: Principles. current annual. Page 11 of 16 . Details of steps involved such as formation of Village Forest Committees. avalanche and landslide controls. green house effects. the genetic base. causes for erosion.· General principles. seed production and seed orchards. Geographic Information Systems for management and modeling. impact of deforestation. Divisional working Plans. conservation and management of eroded soils/areas. Clonal parks. shelter belts. Environmental Impact Assessment. benefits and role of NGOs. physical. Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity : Environment : Components and importance. multipurpose development of forest resources and forest industries development. control and prevention of air. girth. composition and associations. (iii) Approval. customs. (ii) strategic planning. primary productivity. wind breaks. taxonomic classification. population growth on environment. forest eco . growing stock regulation of yield. tribes. Water -harvesting and conservation. horticu ltural crops. Conservation of forest ecosystems. concept of sustainable development. principles of conservation. global warming. enviro nmental monitoring. concept of races. uses. adhesives-manufacture. destructive agencies. Common types of landforms. shifting cultivation and control. Joints. insect-pests and disease. nature of damage. assessment and projection of market structures. human impacts. fibres. theft. Structures. Important genera of India vertebrate. Factors affecting action and toxicity of drug plants and their chemical constituents. transportation system. grazing. stratigraphy of India. prevention. Stratigraphy Principles of stratigraphy. distribution and botanical features of medicinal and aromatic plants. steam heated and electrical kilns. properties. institutional and structural changes. estimation of. timber salvage operations after natural disasters. fibre boards . Isostasy. Present status of composite wood industry in India in future expansion plans. effects of air pollution on forests and forest die back. plywood manufactureproperties. Volcanoes and earthquakes. uses. 4. stratigraphic palaeontology. Forest laws.Introduction. Forest Economics and Legislation : Forest economics : Fundamental principles. demand and supply. Rotational and controlled grazing. GEOLOGY Paper-I : General Geology Origin and internal constitution of the earth. necessity. medicinal plants. poaching. Structural Geology and Geotectonics Diastrophic and Non-diastrophic. Composite wood. utilization of plantation wood. Indian Forest policy of 1894. nomenclature. General forest protection against fire. collection. involvement of women. problems and possibilities. Indian Forest Act 1927. controlled use of fire. role of private sector and co-operatives. Standard stratigraphic column. habit. Decentralization and forestry Public Administration. wildlife protection Act 1972 and their amendments. resins. Types of folds and faults. wood substitution. oil seeds nuts.Role of Ethnobotany in Indian Systems of Medicine. Role of afforestation and forest regeneration in absorption of CO2. Joint Forest management. Page 12 of 16 . Anatomical structure of wood. general principles of seasoning. role of corporate financing. oleoresins. properties uses. Principles of measurement of geological time. Socio-economic analyses of forest productivity and attitudes. canes. different methods of control against grazing and browsing animals. Pulp-paper and rayon. cause. sustainable forest management. cost-benefit analyses. Need and importance of wood seasoning and preservation. Sedimentary environment. Continental drift and concepts of sea-floor spreading and plate tectonics. industrialisation policies. Forest Conservation Act. Legislation : History of forest development. wind.manufacture properties. Soils. Forestry Policies and issues related to land use. analysis of trends in the national and international market and changes in production and consumption patterns. storage and sale. Palaeontology Systematic palaeontology. National Forest Policy. Application of Indian Penal Code to Forestry. processing and disposal. valuation of forest goods and service. invertebrate and plant fossils. timber and non-timber products. effect of wild animals on forest regeneration. Geosynclines. Forest Protection & Wildlife Biology : Injuries to forest-abiotic and biotic. 1988 of people's involvement. lac and shellac. charcoal. logging and extrac tion techniques and principles. 3. solar dehumidification. equipment and methods. timber identification – general principles. protective measures & benefits due to chemical and biological control. Non-Timber forest Products (NTFPs) definition and scope. present position of supply of raw material to industry. Sedimentary facies: Principles of stratigraphic correlation. Susceptibility of forest to damage. encroachment. Scope and objectives of Forest invent ory. Katha and Bidi leaves. economic and environmental costs. particle boards manufacture. 1980. 1952 and 1990. Planar and linear structures. Geological work of water. rubber. uses. bamboos. defects and abnormalities of wood. Ayurveda and Unani . Organic evolution. general principles. palaeo-ecology. live fencing. gums. and glacier. mobile belts and island arcs. Forest Resources and Utilization : Environmentally sound forest harvesting practices. air and kiln seasoning. 2. Mid-oceanic ridges. grading. straight line. medicinal and aromatic plants. Environment. Variance. vector triple product. Groups and Fields. Rot. MATHEMATICS Paper-I : 1. Determinants and Matrices. 3. 4. vegetables. 2. plantation. value addition. Improper Integrals. Elementary statistics. Principles of art and their application in landscape compositions and interior decoration. Ground water geology. plantation crops. Differential Calculus. Linear Programming : The simplex method. Vector Algebra and Vector Calculus. flowers. Linear Programming Game Theory. Mathematical expectation of a set of data. factors and types of metamorphism. HORTICULTURE PAPER-I : Principles and fundamentals of horticulture. Equation with constant co-efficients. Elements of prospecting and mineral economics. De Moivre’s theorem. Cone.their classification. Div. Baye’s theorem. reduction of second degree general equation to the normal form. Structure and petrography of common metamorphic rocks. Crystal symmetry. Probability and Statistics : Events space. Importance of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition. 2. Algebra Complex numbers. Areas and Volumes. Paper-II : 1. organic farming. quality assurance system. Production technology of commercial flowers. Coal and Petroleum resources of India. PAPER-II : Importance and scope or floriculture. spices and medicinal plants. Convex sets. Two phase simplex method Duality Application. Classification of crystals . Solution of differential equation by separation of variables. storage and transport of fruits. Maturity standards. Principles of engineering·geology. Physical and optical properties of minerals . Harvesting techniques. Page 13 of 16 . Principles of uses of X-ray in the study of crystals. Orchard management.Paper-II : Crystallographv and Mineralogy Crystal habits and forms. nursery management and seed production. Axiomatic foundation. Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions. Improved production technology for fruit. breeding of self and cross pollinated crops. Polar equation of a conic. Histogram. Important metalliferous and non-metalliferous deposits of India. Integral Calculus and Differential Equations. Principles of crystallisation of magma. Rejuvenation of old and unproductive orchards. primary processing. spices and warm and cool season vegetable crops. Protected cultivation of vegetables. History and development of gardens. food laws. Contribution of horticulture in National Economy and export. Normal poissonian distributions with simple examples. Addition and multiplication of vector. Binomial. handling. Indeterminant form. Grad of a vector. Fundamental Theorems of Linear Programming. various produ cts from horticultural crops. experimental design and computer application. Maxima and Minima of two or more variables. Mode. Codex standards. Simple applications. The transportation and assignment problem. Petrology Petrography of common sedimentary rocks Forms and petrography of common igneous rocks. Median. Mean. sphere. Classification of igneous rocks Genesis of common types of igneous rocks. Economic Geology Formation of mineral deposits and their classification. Cylinder. Thrust on plane surfaces and on curved surfaces.H. diffraction and polarization. II and III. General Veterinary Biochemistry. II. Physiological chemistry. Arthropoda. Equilibrium of fluid rotating about a fixed axis. entomology. Motion of Artificial Satellites around an attractive body. Hydraulic press. microbiology and pathology. Immunology and serology. Platehelminthes. VETERINARY SCIENCE Paper-I : Gross anatomy I.3. clinical bio-chemistry. evaluation of feed staff and feed technology. Electro-acoustics Ultrasonics. Special Pathology I. Histology and Embryolog y. Numerical Mathematical Analysis. Descriptive Statistics. Classical Statistics. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics. Direct Current Circuits. Animal Housing Sanitation. regional and clinical surgery. 4. Semiconductor Physics. Simple cases of constrained motion. II. lab diagnosis and ambulatory clinics. Entropy. Autonomic and systemic pharmacology. Page 14 of 16 . Head Transmission by Conduction. Compressibility. ZOOLOGY Paper-I : Invetebrata – Distinctive characters of Protozoa. Electro-magnetic induction. Electronics. General and CNS pharmacology. Friction : Sliding. Simple Harmonic Motion. Hydrostatics : Perfect fluid. Veterinary and systemic virology. chemotherapy. Properties of liquids an d gases. Mechanics of a system of particles. General veterinary parasitology. Elementary Theory of Testing Hypothesis. Applied nutrition I. pressure at a point. waves and Oscillations. extension techniques. abattoir practice and animal by-product technology. Sample Survey. Fodder production and grassland management. andrology and artif icial insemination. marketing and Business Management. general surgery and anasthesia. tumbling and rolling. First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Nematoda. PAPER-II : Economic Statistics. Veterinary Physiology I. Principles of animal nutrition and breeding (includes avian). Paper-II : Sociology and principles of veterinary and A. Extension. wild and zoo animal health care and management. protozoology. Lab animal or rabbit or fur animal care and management and pet animal care. Application of Statistics to Agriculture. III and IV. Veterinary helminthology. Optical Phenomena of Interference. environmental hygiene. gynaecology and obstretrics. Principles of Genetics and Population Genetics. Properties of deformable bodies. Laws of motion. Paper-II : Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Fields. toxicology. Applied anatomy. Vital Statistics. systemic pathology. milk and hygiene and public health. Convection and Radiation. clinical and preventive veterinary medicines. Alternative Current Circuits. Livestock Economics. epidemiology and mycology. special pathology I and II. Biostatistics and comp uter application. Motion in a straight line under variable acceleration. Qualit y Control. Elementary Theory of Estimation. Theoretical Statistics. Official Statistics. Structures with functions and life history of representative species under each order. Common pumps. swine or equine production and management. Cattle or buffalo or sheep or goat and avian production and management. Fundamentals of Atomic and Nuclear Physics. livestock breeding system. bacteriology. Principles of Radio and Television. PHYSICS Paper-I : Mechanics of a single particle. zoonosis and human health. Statics and Dynamics : Reduction of Coplanar forces. Equilibrium of the atmosphere shape and energy of liquid film. Milk and Meat and their product technology. X-ray and Radioactivity. II. STATISTICS PAPER-I : Probability. General Livestock Management. Introduction to Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. (b) Nomination for training : Name of the candidates selected for admission together with attested copies of all certificates prescribed hereunder should be submitted to the Director. Certificate of health issued by Medical Board. adaptation. brain and kidney in chick. : IF A CANDIATE OFFERS 2 (TWO) OPTIONAL SUBJECTS WHICH HAVE RESTRICTION ON CHOICE AS PER “SCHEME AND SYLLABUS” OF W. Laws of Heredity. Mathematics (17). 2. Horticulture (16). Parthenegenesis.An outline knowledge of social insects with special reference to termite and honey-bee. 3. Sex-linked inheritance and sex determination and Mutation.B. Appointment and Nomination letter issued by the Sponsoring Authority. Embryology and Histology. Veterinary Science (20) and Zoology (21). Computer Application (05). distinctive character and examples of Amphibia. heart. 1. Government of India by the Forest Department. Aves and Mamalia. as the case may be in original must be submitted by the candidate for verification to the Principal at the time of admission for training . Paper-II : Cytogenetics. Botany (02). Linkage and crossing over. Electronics Engine ering (11). Electrical Engineering (10). Page 15 of 16 . N. Computer Engineering (09). Chemistry (03). WALKING TEST : Male candidates will be required to pass a Physical fitness test covering a distance of 25 kilometers within four hours on foot and the female candidates will be required to cover a distance of 16 kilometers within four hours on foot. HEALTH CERTIFICATE : In case of direct recruitment the candidates shall have to undergo medical examination to be c onducted by a Medical Board. FOREST SERVICE EXAMINATION. Physics (18). Chordata – General organisation and distinctive characters of pisces. Forest Education. Geology (15). Government of West Bengal. Forestry (14). Chemical Engineering (07). Agricultural Engineering (06). Statistics (19). Development of eye. The Medical Board shall issue a health certificate and shall also certify that the candidate is fit for undertaking strenuous outdoor activity in the Forest Department. animal association including ecology : Fertilization. HE/SHE WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY THE OPTIONAL SUBJECT MENTIONED FIRST. General organisation. Evolution. Cleavage and formation of three germinal layers in rabbit. Computer Science (04).B. elementary knowledge of fisheries. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Proof of age. Civil Engineering (08). Mechanical Engineering (12). Reptilia. Environmental Science (13). Bachelor’s degree a certificate of physical test issued by Competent Authority. Elementary knowledge of sericulture. 2013. IN-SERVICE TRAINING ( FOR POSTS IN WEST BENGAL FOREST SERVICE ) : (a) The candidates selected for appointment on the basis of the Main Examination (Written) and personality Test) shall be sent for in-service training at any of the State Forest Service Colleges or Institutes of the Government of India from time to time. * Optional Subjects with Code : Agriculture (01). (c) Certificates : The following certificates or Mark-sheets. be required to refund to the State Govt. Bachelors’ Degree Certificate of Physical Test issued by the competent authority. followed by practical training in this state. Forest Education. before being deputed for training.T. (c) Certificates : The following certificates or mark-sheets as the case may be in original must be submitted by the candidate for verification to the Principal at the time of admission :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Proof of age. (e) Special condition : Selected candidates shall. Appointment and Nomination letter issued by the Sponsoring Authority. (d) The cost on account of tution fees. in connection with the training including salaries. Page 16 of 16 .4. travelling expense and equipment allowances sanctioned by the Govt. all costs incurred by the State Govt. of India by the Forest Department of the State Govt. Govt.C. IN-SERVICE TRAINING ( FOR POSTS IN WEST BENGAL SUBORDINATE FOREST SERVICE ) : (a) Candidates provisionally selected through direct recruitment shall be sent to Forest Rangers’ College at any place in India for In-Service-Training except candidates securing 1st position for Deputy Ranger/ Forester at the final examination of the State F. of West Bengal for a period of five years. In the event of non-fulfilment of such condition. Certificate of Health issued by Medical Board. of India from time to time as per rules for the Forest Rangers’ Course in connection with training shall be borne by the State Govt. (b) Nomination for In-Service-Training : Name of the candidate selected for admission together with attested copies of all certificates prescribed hereunder shall be submitted to the Director. execute a Bond undertaking to serve the Govt.
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