Schedule of Rate- JKR- Malaysia

March 19, 2018 | Author: Ąlmost Ąwhisper | Category: Deep Foundation, Brick, Flooring, Lumber, Concrete



NEGERI SABAH, MALAYSIASCHEDULE OF RATE JABATAN KERJA RAYA 1. This Schedule of Rates shall form part of the Contract for and shall be read in conjunction with the General Specifications and any addendum or appendices hereto. 2. The tenderer shall insert in the space provided at the end of this Schedule the percentage increase or decrease which he requires to be applied to the rates in this Schedule. Where the majority of the rates are acceptable to the Contractor, with the exception of a few items, then the percentage increase or decrease clause at the end of this Schedule shall be deleted and he may amend in ink only those rates and initial them accordingly. 3. This Schedule of Rates duly filled in (or amended) and signed must be returned together with the Tender Form. 4. All rates herein shall held to include for waste on materials, carriage and cartage, carrying in and return of empties, hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing in position, making and all other labours and everything else necessary (including any customs duty, etc.) for the proper completion of each item and for establishment charges and profit. 5. Rates for excavation including excavation for drainage) are to include for keeping all excavations free from water, mud, etc. by pumping or bailing if required and for planking and strutting, levelling, ramming or preparing bottoms, any double handling required and for additional excavation for planking and strutting and formwork. 6. Rates for concrete shall be held to include for forming, leaving or cutting grooves, chases, mortices, holes and making good and any sundry items of a like nature. 7. Rates for formwork shall be held to include for erection, raking and circular cutting, splayed edges, notchings, allowance for overlaps and passing at angles, battens, strutting, bolting, wedging, easing, striking and removal. 8. Rates for brickwork and blockwork shall be held to include for all rough and fair cutting, over-sailing and receding courses, rough relieving and discharging arches, wedging and pinning, raking out joints for and pointing flashings, bedding plates, bedding and pointing frames, parging and coring flues, labour caves filling, plumbing angles, forming square and rebated reveals, cut squints or bird-mouths, notches, forming, leaving or cutting chases, holes and mortices and cutting and pinning and making good any other sundry items of a like nature. 9. Rates for each item of paving shall be held to include for all rounded angles, arises and making good and any other sundry items of a like nature. SR/1 10. Rates for each item of skirtings, risers, channels and the like shiill be held to includi short lengths, formed, cut and purpose made angles, junctions, ends- etc. and makir and any other sundry items of a like nature. 11. Rales for all carpentry timber are to include for all labour to noichings. halvings, the tenoning and wedging, scarfing, dovetailing, sinking for heads of bolts and ni 12. Rates for each item of joinery shall be held to include for all cuttings, notching1 housing ends. mitreing ends and shaped ends- angles, junctions, heading joint; lengths and any other sundry items of a like nature. 13. Rates for plastering, rendering, etc. shall include for raking out joints of brie blockwork and masonry or hacking concrete as key. 14. Overall rates of each item of plastering, etc. shall be held to include for narrow wid' small quantities, tempotary rules, joints between different types of plastering, i angles, arises, rounded coves and external angles not exceeding 1" radius, and mitres. etc. on cornices, mouldings, enrichments, coves, skirtings, gutters and strings, all i good and any other sundry items of a like nature. 15. Rates for mild steel tubing are to include all short running lengths, sockets, ba< elbows and bends. 16. Rates for driving of Bakau and pressure-treated timber piles shall include for the pn of all necessary mechanical plant, rig, temporary works, timber, etc. transporting erecting, dismantling removal on completion and also for travelling efpile frame abi site. Rates for driving of precast concrete piles and reinforced concrete extension pile include for travelling of pile frame about the site. 17. 18. The percentage increase or decrease and those rates amended by the tenderer si subject to agreement with the S.O. as to their reasonableness, and subject tc agreement, shall be used for calculating the cost of any variation which may be ordt accordance with the terms of the contract. 19. Abbreviations:No m m2 m3 Kg PR N.A = = = = = = = Number Metre Metre Square Metre Cube Kilogram Pair Not Applicable SR/2 ITEM DESCRIPTION SR/3 UNIT Rate (RM) Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . ITEM DESCRIPTION SR/4 UNIT Rate (RM) Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . protective rings. 100. 90. 106. 22. No. 9 Gauge) 113mm and 125mm nominal diameter x 400mm long to B.S. 150. 130.30 J Ditto 175m (average) ditto m 3. transport. 1775 with 113mm and 125mm diameter x 5mm thick (min. plate separating divider inserted and fillet welded all round onboth sides in mid section of tube connector.30 G Ditto 175m (average) ditto m 2.s. 20. No. pitch and drive 100mm (average) diameter bakau piles (initial/extension) including all necessary pointing.00 Q Ditto 7m long ditto No. 72. No. including shaping ends of bakau piles to fit-into tube.00 C Ditto 125m (average) ditto No.00 P Ditto 6m long ditto No.00 R 150mm x 150mm pressure-treated timber piles (initial/extension) as specified 5m long complete with 150mm x 150mm x 16 Gauge galvanised mild steel anti-split rail plates fixed to both ends. 27.00 F Handle.65 H Ditto 175m (average) ditto m 2. m 2.00 B Ditto 113m (average) ditto No. No. 15.00 S Ditto 6m long ditto No. No. 140/ton N Ditto and test subsequent piles ditto.60 K M. tube connector (No. 125mm x 125mm x 16 Gauge galvanised mild steel anti-split and plates fixed to both ends.00 M Provide all equipment kentledge etc.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) PILING Bakau Piling A Supply only 100mm (average) diameter bakau piles 6m long No.95 I Ditto 175m (average) ditto m 3.S. No.00 D Ditto 150m (average) ditto No. 19. wedging up and tack nailing through connector and painting steelwork with one coat approved bituminous paint inside and out. 16.00 T Ditto 7m long ditto.00 E Ditto 175m (average) ditto No.) m.00 L Ditto 150mm-175mm diameter ditto with 150mm-157mm ditto. No. straps or bands and cutting off pile heads. and initial load test pile 6m long as described including all extra costs in setting out and driving one pile before commencement of the main piling works. 125/ton Pressure-Treated Timber Piles: O 125mm x 125mm pressure-treated timber piles (initial/extension) as specified 5m long complete with. 24.00 SR/5 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . No. transport and pitch 125mm x 125mm lengths 5m to 7m long pressure-treated timber (initial/extension) piles. and test an initial test pile size 125mm x 125mm to a vertical load test of __________ tons including all extra costs in setting out and diving one pile before commencement No. 18. 140/ton P Ditto and test subsequent pile ditto. 125/ton timber piles Precast Concrete Piles: SECTION A .00 J Ditto size 5mm thick x 153mm x 153mm (Ditto).30 E Ditto 150mm x 150mm pressure-treated timber piles single ditto. Kg 2.30 F Ditto 150mm x 150mm pressure-treated timber piles in clusters ditto.300mm x 300mm PILES: Q Allow for providing all necessary mechanical plant. m 40.00 G Pointing and shaping of 150mm x 150mm timber pile and shoeing with and including 3mm thick mild steel welded shoe size 125mm x 125mm x 225mm high comprising of pyramid shaped end. No.00 SR/6 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . 17. etc. temporary works. timber.00 D Ditto 125mm x 125mm pressure-treated timber piles in clusters ditto. erection dismantling and removal on completion. 125/ton O Ditto size 150mm x 150mm to a vertical load test of _________ tons including all extra costs in setting out and driving one pile before commencement of the main piling works. 4. 4.O.00 S 25mm . rig. 4. No. hydraulic jack. No. deflection gauges kentledge. 2.(Cont'd) A Handle. 21. No. (For hard No.00 H Ditto 150mm x 150mm ditto 150mm x 150mm x 225mm ditto (Ditto). temporary staging. 2.00 I Mild steel welded extension sleeve or collar size 5mm thick x 128mm x 128mm (nominal dimensions) x 450mm long with a seating plate/divider fillet welded centrally inside and bevelling ends of piles and slipping same into and nailing. 3. No. No. No.00 C Drive 125mm x 125mm pressure-treated (initial/extension) singly to set approved by S.e. 3. 125mm high and socket 100mm high and nailing to pile. 16.00 M Provide all equipment.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) Pressure-Treated Timber Piles: .00 R 300mm x 300mm Precast concrete (1:P/2:3 . 140/ton N Ditto and test subsequent pile ditto. No. No. 3.50 B Ditto 150mm x 150mm lengths 5m to 7m long.00 K Cut off and dispose of surplus length of 125mm x 125mm timber pile including treating head of pile with preservative before No. L Sum 2200.16mm Diameter mild steel bar reinforcement as specified in precast concrete piles or extension piles.19mm) piles as described with comers splayed including all moulds finishing smooth and casting on or off site n. 12mm lengths. No. No. No. etc.50 L Ditto 150mm x 150mm ditto. transporting to site. 00 K Ditto 6m long for driving singly. No. No.00 M Ditto 12m long ditto. m 12. 43.5/kg F 12mm x 12mm Pressed steel fork spacers or spreaders. No. No. 26. 38mm diameter mortices 450mm deep. m 11.10 C 10mm Ditto in binders. 5.80 Extension Using Couplings: R 300mm x 300mm x 16mm Mild steel pile extension head cap chamfered all round. No. No. m 13. 50mm x 10mm galvanised mild steel straps 450mm girth with fishtailed end and casting onto No.00 G 38mm Diameter galvanised mild steel tubing (Class "B" Medium) 300mm long cast in pile to lifting hole.50 O Ditto not exceeding 12m long ditto.00 U 16mm x 16mm (Overall) Fillet weld connection 1. 30. with 4 Nos. 30.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) Precast Concrete Piles: . 26.00 SR/7 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . Kg 2. 1 No.10 E Chilled hardened cast iron pile shoe size 200mm x 200mm x 175mm overall (weighing ________ kg) with cast iron point splayed on four sides/faces. Kg 2. No. transport and pitch 300mm x 300mm precast concrete pile or extension pile 6m long for driving in clusters. 2. 43. Kg 2. m 13.10 Q Ditto not exceeding 12m long ditto.(Contd) A 12mm Diameter ditto.(Contd) SECTION A .10 D 10mm Ditto in Helical binders. 17.00 I Ditto 9m long ditto.00 H Handle.00 L Ditto 9m long ditto. four times drilled for 38mm diameter mild steel bar and welding ends of 4 Nos.00 S 300mm x 300mm x 16mm Mild steel pile extension base cap ditto. No.00 J Ditto 12m long ditto. 21. 9. Kg 2. in No. No.00 B 10mm Diameter ditto.2m girth between chamfered edges of head and base caps. 32mm diameter mild steel bars half way through thickness of cap and fillets welding all round the bars at junctions with cap before casting including forming No.00 T 32mm Diameter mild steel centring bar 900mm long and inserting into and including boxing in concrete to form 2 Nos.00 N Drive only 300mm x 300mm precast concrete piles not exceeding 9m long singly the final set as required by the S.O. 300mm long and fixing with saddle ends engaging the main reinforcing bars in concrete piles.300mm x 300mm PILES: .10 P Ditto not exceeding . No. 17. 21.9m long in clusters to ditto. in head of pile and 1 No. m 50. 2. dismantling and removal on completion.00 H 32mm Diameter mild steel bar reinforcement as specified in precast concrete piles or extension piles. kentledge.19mm) piles as described with comers splayed including all moulds finishing smooth and casting on or off site n. 25. hydraulic jack. etc.10 L 10mm Ditto in helical binders. No.00 P Handle. Kg 2. L Sum 2550.00 SR/8 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .x 375mm Precast concrete (1:1V2:3 . No. Kg 2. transport and pitch 375mm x 375mm precast concrete pile or extension pile 6m long for driving in clusters.00 Q Ditto 9m long ditto.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) Extension Using Couplings: . temporary staging. Kg 2. 70/ton E Ditto and test a subsequent pile ditto. 47.00 I 41mm Diameter ditto. 50mm x 10mm galvanised mild steel straps 450mm girth with fishtailed ends and casting onto No. deflection gauges. 5. 375mm long and fixing with saddle ends engaging the main reinforcing bars in concrete piles. 34. m 4.10 M Chilled hardened cast iron pile shoe size 250mm x 250mm x 263mm overall (weighing ________ kg) with cast iron point splayed on four sides/faces. No.00 G 375mm. No. Kg 2.375mm x 375mm PILES: F Allow for providing all necessary mechanical plant. 38. timber. No.00 J 12mm Diameter ditto. 9.10 K 10mm Ditto in binders. rig.00 R Ditto 12m long ditto. 16m length. temporary works.50 Testing:C Extra cost in making 300mm x 300mm precast concrete piles in rapid hardening cement for testing purposes. and test an initial test pile size 300mm x 300mm to a vertical load test of _________ tons including all extra costs in setting out and driving one pile before No. erection.Medium) 375mm long cast in pile to lifting hole. No. etc.00 B Cut off or break away and dispose of surplus length of 300mm x 300mm pile. with 4 Nos.e. 51.30 D Provide all equipment. transporting to site. No.(Cont'd) A Strip concrete from 600mm length of 300mm x 300mm reinforced concrete pile and bend and bind the exposed reinforcing rods to the reinforcement in the pile cap. Kg 2.60 O 38mm Diameter galvanised mild steel tubing (Class B . 60/ton SECTION B .50 N 38mm x 38mm Pressed steel fork spacers or spreaders. No. 00 K 16mm x 16mm (Overall) Fillet weld connection. kentledge. hydraulic Jack. 51. m 14. m 16. m 5. 47. No.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) PRECAST CONCRETE PILES (Cont’d) SECTION B .10 Extension Using Coupling: H 375mm x 375mm xl6mm Mild steel pile extension head cap chamfered all round four times drilled for 32mm mild steel bar and welding ends of 4 Nos.O. m 16. No. temporary staging etc. 68. and test an initial lest pile size 375mm x 375mm to a vertical load test of _______ tons including all extra costs in setting out and driving one pile before commencement No. No.00 I 375mm x 375mm x 16mm Mild steel pile extension base cap ditto. 1.00 Testing: N Extra cost in making 375mm x 375mm precast concrete piles in rapid hardening cement for testing purposes. in head of pile and 1 No. 38mm diameter mortices 450mm deep 1 No. No.00 L Strip concrete from 600mm length of 375mm x 375mm reinforced concrete pile and bend and bind the exposed reinforcing rods to the reinforcement in the pile cap. 47. 26. No. 34. No.50 F Ditto not exceeding 9m long in clusters ditto. No.50 E Ditto not exceeding 12mm long ditto.00 C Ditto 12m long ditto. 17. in bottom of extension pile.5m girth between chamfered edges of head and base caps. 32mm diameter mild steel bars half .00 O Provide all equipment. 70/ton P Ditto and lest a subsequent pile ditto. 38. defection gauges. No.00 M Cut off or break away and disposed of surplus length of 375mm x 375mm pile. 34.375mm x 375mm PILES (Cont’d) A Ditto 6m long for driving singly. No. No.way through thickness of cap and fillet welding all round the bars at junction with cap before casting including forming 38mm diameter central hole. 60/ton SR/9 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .50 G Ditto not exceeding 12m long ditto. m 16.00 D Drive only 375mm x 375mm precast concrete piles not exceeding 9m long singly to set as required by the S.00 J 32mm Diameter mild steel centring bars 900nun long and inserting into and including boxing in concrete to form 2 Nos.00 B Ditto 9m long ditto. 50 R Ditto for excavation oversite to reduce level in rock or other hard materials which in the opinion of the S. backfill and remove surplus spoil and deposit. m3 2. m3 32. m3 65.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) PRECAST CONCRETE PILES (Cont’d) EXCAVATOR A Excavate oversite average 150mm deep to formation or reduce level. spread and level on site as specified (By Mechanical Equipment). pier holes. m3 15.50 J Ditto exceeding 4. m3 9.10 N Ditto exceeding 3m but not exceeding 4.80 P Extra over excavation for excavating in rock or other hard materials which in the opinion of the S. pier holes.O.50 D Excavate for foundation trenches.5m but not exceeding 3m deep ditto (Ditto). m3 26. m3 15.O.60 T Load and cart away excess/surplus soil from site to Contractor's own tip. m3 3. m3 8. backfill and remove surplus spoil and deposit. not exceeding 1. manholes.g. manholes. m3 18.60 U Ditto excess/surplus rock ditto.50 M Ditto exceeding 1. not exceeding l:5m deep on soft sand and soft silty peat which requires planking and strutting irrespective of depth including backfill and remove surplus spoil and deposit. 3. m3 7. spread and level on site as m3 10. requires the use of explosives (Allow for all necessary precautions).5m deep ditto (Ditto). septic tanks.5m deep on Clay and stiff sand which requires planking and strutting from below 1.5m but not exceeding 6m deep ditto (Ditto). m3 5.5m but not exceeding 6m deep ditto (Ditto).5m but not exceeding 3m deep ditto (Ditto).00 G Excavate for foundation trenches.20 I Ditto exceeding 3m but not exceeding 4. filter beds. ripper).5m and not exceeding 3m deep ditto (Ditto). septic tanks.20 H Ditto exceeding 1. etc.5m deep ditto (Ditto).5m deep onwards including.30 K Ditto exceeding 6m but not exceeding 7. filter beds.00 Q Ditto in shale ditto.5m deep ditto (Ditto). manholes.50 B Excavate to obtain formation levels and remove spoil and deposit on site to make up levels including trimming or forming banks as specified (By hand). m3 9.60 O Ditto exceeding 4.5m deep ditto (Ditto).O.5m deep. m3 6. m3 19. pier holes. m3 14. requires the use of wedges. filter beds. etc.50 C Ditto (By Mechanical Equipment). spread and level on site as specified (By Mechanical Equipment).50 L Excavate for foundation trenches. m3 20. septic tanks.90 m3 SR/10 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . not exceeding 1. level or compressor drills.00 E Ditto exceeding 1. m3 8.10 S Ditto for excavating in rock or other hard materials which in the opinion of the S. etc. requires the use of mechanical plant (e.20 F Ditto exceeding 3m but not exceeding 4. m2 0. E and F. beams. m3 240. m3 200. m3 0. In the measurement of quantities of each either for carting away or filling. roof slabs.19mm) as specified in foundation.00 E Concrete as item D.20 E Hardcore as specified. columns. the S.B (i) (ii) Items F & G of SR/12: If the Contractor is selling the surplus excavated material.00 G Concrete as item E ditto. For guidance the following are the average increase in bulk on various types of excavated materials after Type Gravel Sand Ordinary Earth Clay Chalk Rock Per Cent 10 121/2 25 331/2 331/3 50 CONCRETOR A Concrete (1:3:6 .00 B Ditto but using granite ditto. m3 265. m2 9.00 B Haulage or transport only of excess/surplus soil through each subsequent km lead or part thereof.65 C Spread and level excess/surplus soil in areas outside the site designated by the S. curbs and steps etc.00 I Ditto but using granite. m3 5.00 J 19mm thick waterproofed concrete (1:2:2 . m3 2. shall ensure that these are the compacted or consolidated quantities. but using granite. m3 180. landing. balustrading and lintels.00 SR/11 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .6mm or 10mm) topping laid to falls on concrete roof slab.50 F 50mm Sand filling spread and levelled under precast slabs and floor. gutter sides and bottom etc.19mm) in reinforced concrete foundations. stairs. canopy slab. m3 1. excluding reinforcement and formwork.35 D Earth filling as specified with material from the Contractor's own source within 5 km from the site. aprons. then the Contractor is not entitled to any payment in respect of these items.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) A Ditto to areas outside the site and designated by the S. within a radius of 1km from the site. m3 290. m3 285.00 H Concrete (1:1'/2:3 -19mm) as items D. m3 190.00 C Ditto (1:3:6 .O. including well ramming or rolling and m3 2. m3 270.45 EXCAVATOR (Cont'd) N.19mm) in floors.00 F Concrete as item D in suspended floor slabs.00 D Concrete (1:2:4 . m3 230.O. walls. m3 36.O. 00 N To soffit of suspended floor slab. bending and placing in position: (a) 10mm Diameter Kg 2.10 (b) 10mm Diameter Kg 2. m2 14.00 M To sides and soffit of beam. etc. (BRC 65) m2 8. (a) 6mm Diameter Kg 2. including all cutting.80 F Ditto 150mm x 150mm mesh weighing 2. m2 2. m2 6.58 kg per m2 ditto.10 C D Welded steel fabric reinforcement of 75mm x 300mm mesh weighing 2.00 G Ditto 75mm x 400mm mesh weighing 3.10 P Extra over for strutting to soffits exceeding 3.6m high for every 0.50 I Ditto weighing 4.15 kg per m2 and embedded in concrete.20 Q Extra over sawn formwork for wrot faces.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) CONCRETOR (Cont'd) A 32mm thick ditto to gutter.90 E Ditto 150mm x 150mm mesh weighing 2.00 O Extra over last four items for sloping surfaces. m2 6.05 High tensile steel bars in reinforcement to concrete work generally.00 K To sides of wall. m2 22. m2 1. (BRC 10) m2 5.20 H Expanded metal reinforcement of 75mm mesh weighing 2.17 kg per m2. staircase. including all cutting.15 (b) 12mm Diameter Kg 2.08 kg per m2. m2 21.00 L To sides of column.6m stages.20 B Mild steel bars in reinforcement to concrete work generally. bending and placing in position.82 kg per m2 ditto. m2 10. landing slab etc. m2 11.10 (c) 12mm Diameter Kg 2.25mm Diameter Kg 2. m2 21. m2 18. (BRC 64) m2 10.25 SR/12 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . m2 21.10 (d) Exceeding 25mm Diameter Kg 2.20 Sawn Formwork As Specified: J To sides of foundation and ground beam.05 (d) 16mm .15 (c) 16mm . m 7.50 S 12mm Bitumen impregnated fibreboard 150mm wide as expansion joint filler in reinforced concrete structure including filling 12mm x 12mm recess with non-shrinkable mastic grouting. roof slab.05 (e) Exceeding 25mm Diameter Kg 2. lintels.36 kg per m2 ditto. m2 5.25mm Diameter Kg 2.50 R Extra over sawn formwork for patterned formwork having fillets at 150mm centres or in 150mm wide 'V jointed timber boards. 00 W Ditto for squared rubble fair face and pointed as specified. m 7.(Contd') A 12mm Cane fibre expansion joint filler ditto. J 275mm Thick hollow wall in common brick in gauged mortar comprising of 113mm thick inner and outer skins and 50mm cavity in between including wrought iron fishtailed wall ties (4 per yard m2 11. m 60.90 B Concrete (1:2:4 . m2 10. m2 33.30 SR/13 m2 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .19mm) in half round precast surface water drains 225mm wide including bends.00 I Bricklayer & Mason Reduced brickwork 225mm thick as specified (Clay Bricks).00 V Extra over random rubble walling for fair face and pointing as specified. m2 211. built honey-comb with 113mm spaces (Clay bricks).20 Q Damp proof membrane ditto. 31.40 U Sandstone in uncoursed random mbble walling. junctions.00 T Ditto 225mm thick ditto.00 E 450mm x 450mm Ditto. m 9.00 G 113min x 150mm Precast concrete (1:2:4 .50 L Half brick wall. m2 20.50 m2 60.20 S Ditto 113mm thick ditto.00 C 300mm x 300mm Precast concrete lay to fall elliptical channel 75mm thick including all necessary excavation.10 P Damp proof course as specified (measured nett with no allowance added for laps) in various widths as specified.85 H 50mm Thick Precast concrete cover slab 300mm wide cast in approximately 600mm lengths. including pointing. m2 16.l9mm) lintel including reinforcement.50 K Half brick wall (113mm thick) reinforced as specified (Clay bricks). m2 7.60 N Half brick walls in facing bricks in gauged mortar struck pointed both sides. m 20. m2 110. m 50. notched at ends and reinforced with and including one layer of 150mm (6G) x 150mm (6G) Steel fabric reinforcement and placing in position. m2 50.00 M Extra over standard brickwork for facings including struck pointing in gauged mortar. m 11. m 75.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) CONCRETOR (Cont'd) Sawn Formwork As Specified: .00 F 600mm x 600mm Ditto. m2 24. m2 2.m2 19. and bedding as specified including excavations. m 40.00 D 375mm x 375mm Ditto. etc.00 O Extra over standard brickwork for fair face one side.50 R Precast cement and sand hollow blocks in 75mm thick walling as specified. m2 53. 30 C Ditto for 150mm diameter drains not exceeding 1. m 27.500.8m deep m ditto.19mm) in benching average 150mm thick to bottom of manhole finished to sleep falls towards channels and m2 43.5m deep and average 0. 7. No. m 22.00 K Ditto 45 persons ditto.00 R Concrete ( 1:2:4 .19mm) bed under 100mm diameter drain pipe and haunch as specified. m 52.000.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) A Excavate trench for 100mm diameter drains not exceeding 1. 2.40 P Ditto under 100mm diameter drain pipe and completely surround as specified.8m deep ditto.90 Q Ditto under 150mm diameter drain pipe and ditto.90 X 100mm Diameter salt glazed stoneware three-quarter section curved branch channel bend and jointing in cement and sand (1:3).000. m2 13.00 T 100mm Diameter salt glazed stoneware half round straight main channel and jointing in cement and sand (l:3). 8. 9.000.00 M Ditto 100 persons ditto.90 DRAINLAYER SR/14 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .20 E 100mm Diameter salt glazed stoneware drains (1st quality) laid and jointed with tarred gaskin and cement mortar (1:1) as m 15.500.9m deep ditto. 11. m 8. No. No. 5.00 V 150mm Diameter salt glazed stoneware half round straight main channel and jointing in cement and sand (1:3). m2 12.00 H 150mm diameter ditto.5m deep and average 900mm deep and refill trench including removing surplus spoil and deposit and spread and level on site as m 4.00 B Ditto exceeding 1.5m deep but not exceeding 3m deep average 1. No.00 W 150mm Diameter salt glazed stoneware half round section main channel bend and ditto.20 S 12mm Cement and 'sand (1:3) water-proofed rendering as specified to internal sides of manhole or septic tank. m 18. m 25. No. m 4.00 J Ditto 25 persons ditto.80 O 150mm concrete ditto under 150mm diameter ditto m 13. No.50 U 100mm Diameter salt glazed stoneware half round section main channel bend and ditto.5m deep but not exceeding 3m deep and average 1. No. 11. m 25. m 12.00 G 100mm Diameter (Medium Duty) cast iron drains laid complete as specified. 3.00 L Ditto 75 persons ditto.00 N 150mm concrete (1:3:6 .00 I Supply and fix 15 persons capacity septic tank complete with effluent pipes as specified. No.00 F 150mm Diameter ditto. 9.20 D Ditto exceeding 1. 50 H 38mm to 50mm Gauge ditto. No. 80.10 P Corrugated aluminium sheet roofing 28 Gauge as specified including culling and fixing.40 O Hip or ridge to match interlocking concrete roof tile as specified. 6.52min galvanised steel roofing sheets as specified including cutting and fixing. 10. No. 500.00 J 150mm Diameter ditto.00 D 600mm x 450mm Ditto 37 kg ditto. No. caulked and built in to brickwork as step iron.50 K Clay roofing tiles laid to 338mm gauge on and including battens as specified.50 S Galvanised steel standard flashing.00 U Ditto colour bond ditto m2 37. m2 17. m 16.m2 45.00 N Low pitch ditto laid to 275mm gauge on and including battens as specified.00 F Manhole cover (Heavy Duty .80 M Standard interlocking concrete roofing tiles laid to 300mm gauge on and including battens as specified.50 I 100mm Diameter unglazed clayware subsoil drain pipe and laying with open m joints. m 11. 497 grade 'C' weighing not less than 25 kg including setting frame in cement and sand (1:3) and No.) 500mm diameter as specified. m3 36. No.00 E 600mm x 600mm Coated cast iron heavy duty manhole cover and frame weighing not less than 400 Ibs. m 14.48nun 'Spandek' roofing sheets or other equal and approved and fixing in accordance with manufacturers' instructions m2 30. 450.00 G 50mm to 100mm Gauge graded limestone in filter bed as filter media.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) DRAINLAYER (Cont'd) A 150mm Diameter ditto. m 13. 60.00 C 600mm x 450mm Coated cast iron light duty single seal flat type manhole cover and frame to B. No.W. m2 60. 281mni girth as specified.00 W Ditto colour bond-ditto m2 48. m2 38. 15. m 13. m 13.00 L Hip or ridge tile to match tiles as specified.532 Ibs.80 T 0. m3 45.G. aluminium plain ridge on hip 450mm girth and fixing.00 B 19mm Diameter mild steel rod 750mm girth bent as required and with ends split.10 R Galvanised steel standard ridge capping 450mm girth (Suitable for notching on site) as specified.S. m2 41.00 ROOFER SR/15 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .00 V Klip-lok' or other equal and approved 0.30 Q 20 S. including ditto. picture rail and cornices.00 N Built-in wardrobes (Grade 'C' timber). roof trusses.00 W 10mm Plywood panel in partition including fixing.00 P 12mm Soft board in ceiling fixed complete including V-jointing and cutting. m2 13.00 D 38mm Thick framed.00 E 38mm Thick panelled doors and casement windows and ditto.00 V 6mm Plywood panel in partition including fixing. m2 24. partitions ramps and including fixing.00 B In floor joists. m3 1200. m2 21. m2 65. rafters.20 SR/16 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . m2 40.00 Y 1.00 R 12mm Ditto m2 23. m3 1600. JOINER AND IRONMONGER The following in wrot pressure-treated Grade 'B' timber unless other wise stated: A Frame to door. m2 23. m2 35.00 O Wrot pressure-treated Grade "C timber in shelving 32mm thick and including m2 fixing 41. (partitions ramps m3 1000. roof trusses.00 T 45mm "UAC" Superflex fibre cement board in ceiling fixed complete including cutting m2 20. m2 53. architraves. m2 18.5mm 'Formica' or equivalent laminated plastic sheeting and fixing. m3 1090. m3 1500. m2 72. m3 970.00 F 50mm Thick louvred doors and windows and ditto.00 H 32mm Thick tongued and grooved flooring.00 Q 10mm Chipboard in ceiling fixed complete including butt or Vjoints and cutting. ceiling joist.00 S 8mm Gypsum plaster board in ceiling fixed complete including m2 22. ceiling joist.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) CARPENTER.00 L Staircase components (Grade 'A' timber).00 M Built-in kitchen cupboards and benches (Grade 'C' timber).00 G 38mm Thick skeleton-framed flush door covered both sides with 6mm plywood and ditto. m3 1220.70 Z 50mm 'Insulate' wood-wool slabs including fixing.00 K Moulded skirtings.00 I 19mm Thick weather boarding (measured nett). m2 21. m2 14. m3 1500. ledged and braced doors and windows including fixing but excluding ironmongery (measured overall).00 J 25mm Thick barge boards and fascias.00 C Sawn pressure-treated Grade 'B' timber in floor joists.00 X 12mm Ditto. rafters.00 U 6mm ditto m2 25. m2 59. window and vent including fixing (Grade 'A' timber). no allowance made for laps). 17.00 Y 200mm x 19mm Ditto.50 I 100mm Ditto. PR 6. No. No. 12mm mesh.20 P Set 300mm standard galvanised steel adjustable friction stays and fixing-as specified.50 N 100mm Cabinet 'D' handle equal to union 4800-04 A. PR 6. No. No. No.00 X 150mm x 19mm Aluminium lever action flush bolt.00 B 12mm Moulded acoustic ceiling complete with metal framing as specified.80 V 200mm Brass barrel bolt.20 D 50mm Ditto laid to slope of roof over chicken wire netting (measured separately). No. 8.30 O 150mm Ditto Union 4800-06 A. 6. 17.90 T Window handle and fixing ditto. No.20 E Layer of single sided reinforced aluminium foil insulation laid ditto with 150mm laps (measured nett . PR 4. No. No. fixed with tying wire to purlins including 150mm laps (measured nett-no allowance m2 3. 4.20 Q Set 300mm standard brass ditto. 337) sandwiched between limber framing (measured separately). PR 2.20 R Window spring catch and fixing as specified. 4. No. 55.00 J 75mm Brass butt hinges. or equivalent.00 SR/17 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . 11.50 U Extruded aluminium hat and coat hook with rubber buffer. m2 15. m2 24. 1. No. 15.S.80 C 50mm Thick resilient and flexible bonded fine glass fibre malelining (Density 3/4 Ib/FC) and fixing to brick wall as m2 15.00 S Window fastener and fixing ditto.00 L 75mm Counter flap brass hinges.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) CARPENTER.50 G Galvanised chicken wire netting. m2 64.50 M 50mm Brass cabin hook and eye.25 IRONMONGERY Supply And Fix The Following Ironmongery: H 75mm Steel butt hinges. 4. m2 7. PR 9. No.00 W 250mm Ditto. JOINER AND IRONMONGER (Cont'd) A 12mm Perforated acoustic boards fixed to walls as specified.50 K 100mm Ditto. 9.70 F 25mm Thick 'Rockwool' mineral woolslab (No. No. 8. m2 2. (Standard Designs only).S. 00 I Single action floor spring (hold open at 90°) equal to Union 524 L255 & 546 SC. No.00 W 62mm Double cylinder lockset (Union CZ 682 .30 R 3 . 13. hangers. Kg 3. No.70 L 50mm Brass cupboard lock equal to union 4137.50 E Brass cylinder padlock 38mm (Union 3102 or equivalent). bolting.Lever mortice deadlock with escutcheons (Ditto). No.75 AA Wrot iron straps. No.00 X 62mm Rebated ditto (Union CZ 682 -13 . No. complete with all bolts. including rivetting. No.75 SR/18 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . No.Lever mortice lockset (Ditto). 34.Lever rebated mortice lockset (Ditto). No. 8. assembling.00 Q 3 . No. 20.30 Z Mild rolled steel in angels. etc. 34.No.Lever ditto No. 11. 1. No. plates. 15.00 K 25mm Diameter rubber door stop. including cutting. 49. 38. 420. No. 80.00 D 100mm x 50mm Flush pull (Union 1370 AS or equivalent).00 J Double action floor spring 44mm shoe (ditto) equal to Union 512- No. gusset plates. 10. bearing plates.13-241 SC or equivalent). No. joists. 32.00 P 2 . rivetting.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) IRONMONGERY (Cont'd) Supply And Fix The Following Ironmongery: . 8. Kg 3. No. fixed complete. No.00 F Ditto 50mm (Ditto).245 SC or equivalent). etc.00 T 3 . channels. braces.Lever mortice lockset (Union or equivalent).13 .00 Steel And Ironmongery:Y Mild rolled steel in roof trusses. No. etc. 73. drilling.45 SC or equivalent). welding.00 V 62mm Rebated ditto (Union CZ 682 .00 G Ditto 62mm (Ditto). No. 380. 15. hoisting and Kg 3.00 S 2 . No. 40. No. 25.40 U 62mm Single cylindrical lockset (Union CZ 682 -1341 SC or equivalent). welding.00 H Approved single action central door closer equal to 'New Star (Medium Duty).Lever rebated mortice lockset (Ditto). etc.00 M 62mm Cylinder sliding cupboard lock equal to Union 4346. 38. bolting. No.(Cont'd) A 150mm x 25mm Stainless steel flush bolt (Hope or equivalent). No. 37. 23.00 B 25mm x 25mm Ditto (Ditto). etc.50 N Bathroom indicating bolt (Union 8094 CH or equivalent). washers.50 O 2 . 10 Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg 5. m2 10.95 5.50 M 32mm Thick ditto. Kg 5. weldmesh No. and fixing frames to concrete or brickwork m2 162. m2 11. PLASTERER AND TILE FIXER L 19mm Thick cement and sand (1:2) water proofed rendering as specified on concrete roof slab. (d) 5/16" Ditto.25mm Diameter bolts.C. 1.00 K All for each additional louvre blade.60 J Pair of approved Zinc annealed or baked enamel pressed steel adjustable louvre slyle 987mm for seven blades and fixing (Dual PR 9.75 D Galvanised B. top and bottom guides.C. etc. weldmesh No.20 T 25mm Thick ditto. C Galvanised B. m2 8. m 2. ladders and grillers.75 B Mild steel hollow sections including cutting. m2 9. 32 ditto.00 PAVIOR.80 R 19mm Thick ditto skirling 100mm high as specified.95 5. balustrades.00 I 12mm x 12mm Mild steel burglar bars and fixing.30 O 19mm Thick cement and sand (1:3) rendering to floor as specified. assembling.R.10 5. (e) 6mm Ditto.00 G Pair of approved zinc annealed or baked enamel pressed steel adjustable louvre slyle 3omm for three blades and fixing (Single PR 5. 1.65 E Collapsible gates consisting of vertical channel pickets with low friction 3mm x 6mm lattice bars complete pivoting on steel pins with and including roller top hangers. m2 119. tracks.50 SR/19 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .30 S 19mm Thick cement and sand (1:3) rendering lo floor in coloured cement as specified m2 10.50 H Add for each additional louvre blade.20 Q 38mm Thick ditto. m 3. (c) 10mm Ditto.00 F Ditto with shutters in 20G galvanised iron sheet. m2 5.80 U 38mm Thick ditto.95 Supply And Fix The Following Complete With Nuts And Washers: (a) 19mm . Kg 3.30 5. drilling.R. No. m2 10. doors. bottom rollers.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) Steel And Ironmongery:.00 P 25mm Thick ditto. m2 11. welding.80 N 19mm Thick ditto skirling 150mm high with rounded top edge and cove at bottom. m2 10. m2 9. m2 13. (b) 12mm and 16mm Ditto.(Cont'd) A Wrot iron railings. 28 or other equal and approved welded fabric and fixing. No. m 2. m2 12.60 Y 150mm x 150mm x 6mm While glazed wall tiles. m 12. m2 45.60 B 19mm Thick quarrv tile flooring. While glazed wall tiles first quality fixed including screed and all internal and external angles coved and round edged tiles and all cutting and fining as specified. m2 22.50 V I9mm Cement and sand (1:3) rendering in two coats as specified m2 10. beams.20 U 12mm Ditto to soffits. first quality.65 T 16mm cement mortar (1:6) with plasticiser plastering in two coals .is specified lo walls.00 P Ditto skirting 100mm high with rounded top edge and cove at bottom.50 I Terrazzo tile flooring as specified including screed. (100mm x 200mm.60 F Semi-glazed mosaic tile flooring (Square pattern) as specified including screed. m2 50. m2 44.20 G Semi-glazed mosaic tile skirting 100mm high as specified ditto. m 2.50 D Unglazed mosaic tile flooring as specified including screed.20 H Semi-glazed mosaic tile flooring (random pattern) as specified including screed. m2 46. m2 60.00 R 100mm High vinyl skirting. 48. m 2. m2 8. m2 43.00 N 12mm x 75mm High timber skirting to match parquet flooring. m 9. m 6.00 J Ditto skirting 100mm high as specified. m2 44.00 X Ditto but coloured tiles ditto. m2 54.20 E Unglazed mosaic tile skirting 100mm high as specified ditto. m2 43.65 Q 225mm x 225mm x 2mm Thick vinyl tile flooring including 19mm cement and sand (1:3) screed. and ditto. m 10. m 8.85 M Parquet flooring including screed as specified. including screeding as specified.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) PAVIOR. m2 8. m 3.00 m2 SR/20 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . PLASTERER AND TILE FIXER (Cont'd) A 19mm Thick ditto skirting 100mm high as specified.50 L 19mm Thick ditto skirting 100mm high with rounded top edge and cove at bottom.00 C Quarry tile skirting 100mm high as specified. m2 54. etc.5m.30 S 28mm x 3mm Aluminium strip fixed and cast in floor finish as specified.80 O 19mm Thick Granolithic flooring as specified.50 K 19mm Thick in-situ terrazzo flooring including 16mm (1:3) mortar screed as specified.m.20 W 106mm x 106mm x 5. 106mm x 106mm: 150mm x 150mrn) red.80 Z Ditto but coloured tiles ditto. m 2. 8. rainwater gutter including fittings and fixing with brackets. m 11. etc. 20. No.00 O Ditto single branch with 75mm arm and inspection eye. 18. m 9. single branch with 150mm arm and inspection eye. 15.Lon G150 DP' or equivalent).ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) A Galvanised iron 16 gauge in flashings.00 360.80 I Approved galvanised wire balloon grating and fixing to end of 100mm diameter pipe. No. bends. shoes and short lengths. waste or ventilating pipe as specified.00 J 50mm Diameter medium duty coated cast iron soil and waste or ventilating pipe as specified.00 R Ditto single branch with 100mm arm and inspection eye.00 T Extra for bend.50 C Galvanised iron 22 gauge 100mm diameter half round caves gutters including brackets. 18. m 10.50 D Ditto rainwater pipes 100mm diameter holderbais. (Type: 'S . 12.50 H 100mm x 75mm x 22 Gauge galvanised iron rainwater down pipe and fixing to wall approved holderbats and including bends.00 S 150mm Diameter medium duty coated casted cast iron soil.C. 20.20 E 100mm Diameter P.00 280. 15. No. and fixing to walls with holderbats.00 B Galvanised iron 16 gauge in gutters and valley linings including jointing and cutting fixed as specified. bends.00 PLUMBER SR/21 including Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .00 K Extra for bend.00 M 75mm Diameter medium duty coated cast iron soil and waste or ventilating pipe as specified. No.00 U Ditto. shoes.00 V Rivetted Galvanised Iron Water Tanks With Lids Fixed Complete As Specified: (a) Size 1125 litres (nominal) (b) Size 900 litres (nominal) (c) Size 450 litres (nominal) No. m 50.V. m 36. collars. shoes and short lengths. 420. No. fixed as specified. m2 28.50 G 22 Gauge galvanised iron rainwaler box gutter 600mm girth including fixing to timber and cutting hole for down pipe. m 60. waste or ventilating pipe as specified. rainwater downpipe including bends.00 Q Extra for bend. No. No. No. including jointing and cutting.20 F 150mm Half round P.00 N Extra for bend. 25.C.00 P 100mm Diameter medium duty coated cast iron soil. m 12. No. m 28. short lengths and top ends.V. No. m 13. m2 34.00 L Ditto single branch with 50mm arm and inspection No. m 14. etc. No. No. m 12. bends. m 26.00 294. No. (b) Size 1800 litres (nominal) No.00 190. 25mm Ditto.00 No. 1500. No.00 650. 32. 38mm Ditto.50 J 32mm Diameter ditto. (e) Size 230 litres (nominal) No.00 980.00 550. No.00 380. brass stem and body with flynut and load washers and fixing to cistern including drilling cistern and jointing to cold water 25mm Ditto. No.00 No. 19mm Ditto.00 19mm High pressure equilibrium ball valve with blown copper ball and thread brazed on brass stem and body with flynul and lead washers and fbcing to cistern including drilling cisiem and jointing to cold water 25mm Ditto.00 30. 38mm Ditto. 79.steel tubing in Class 'C' as specified and including couplings. No.00 SR/22 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . elbows and m 6.00 23. m 18.00 Appro HDPE Storage Water Tanks With Lids Complete As Specified: (a) Size 4000 litres (nominal) No. 32mm Ditto. 6.00 37. 50mm Ditto. No. No. 32mm Ditto.90 I 25mm Diameter ditto. No.00 M 62mm Diameter ditto.50 15. 38mm Ditto.00 336.00 420. No. connectors. m 9. 32mm Ditto. (d) Size 450 litres (nominal) No. No.00 12mm High pressure screw down stopcock and joints to galvanised mild sleel tubing both ends. m 6.80 25.00 780.00 520.50 No. 63.00 44. (c) Size 900 litres (nominal) No. No. 15. 50mm Ditto. 50mm Ditto.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) Approved Fibreglass Water Tanks With Lids Fixed Complete: (a) Size 3600 litres (nominal) (b) Size 1800 litres (nominal) (c) Size 1125 litres (nominal) (d) Size 900 litres (nominal) (e) Size 450 litres (nominal) No.80 10. 2750. 5. 25mm Ditto. 137. 75mm Ditto.30 PLUMBER (Cont'd) A B C (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) D (a) (b) E (a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (f) F (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 19mm Flanged tank connection and joints to galvanised mild steel tubing and mild steel cistern including welding flange to and perforation in cistern.00 H 19mm Diameter ditto. No.00 750. No. No.00 5. 9.50 L 50mm Diameter ditto.00 19mm High pressure equilibrium ball valve with plastic ball and thread brazed on. m 14. No.30 No.00 17. No. No.00 G 12mm Diameter galvanised mild . 75mm Ditto.20 K 38mm Diameter ditto. No. 00 (k) Single bowl and single drainer stainless steel sink size 900mm x 450mm x 169mm complete with ½” chromium plated pillar tap. m 33. No. m 28. No.20 G 50mm Diameter ditto. 140.90 D 25mm Diameter ditto. No.00 (n) Double bowl and double drainer stainless steel sink 1800mm x 525mm complete with 12mm chromium plated pillar taps. 480.00 (l) Ditto size 1050mm x 450mm ditto as specified. 347. m 21. 300.00 (j) Ditto size 540mm x 450mm x 250mm ditto No.60 (e) 600mm x 25mm Diameter chromium plated towel rail with ball and brackets for fixing. tees. waste fittings with chain. No.20 J Supply And Fix The Following Sanitary Fittings: (a) 150mm x 150mm Semi-recessed white glazed vitreous china toilet roll holder. marked 'hot' and 'cold'. as specified.50 (d) 550mm x 125mm Plate glasshelf complete with chrome plated brass brackets.00 (g) 550mm x 400mm Ceramic tiles wash basin / overall size of complete with 32mm ‘P’ trap with 38mm seal.30 I 75mm Diameter ditto.10 H 62mm Diameter ditto. m 10.50 F 38mm Diameter ditto.00 SR/23 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . 30. as specified. as No. fixed complete as specified. No. m 12. 230.00 (f) 550mm x 400mm Bevelled edge plate glass mirror complete with 1/8" thick plywood backing and fixing No. m 8. No. 25. No. elbows. 31. m 5. 25. 227.00 (h) Ditto but with two 12mm chromium plated taps.20 E 32mm Diameter ditto. plug and painted bracket No.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) PLUMBER (Cont'd) A 75mm Diameter ditto. No.00 (b) 150mm x 150mm Semi-recessed white glazed vitreous china soap holder. 197. 38mm trap etc. No. 38mm trap etc.80 B 12mm Diameter galvanised mild steel tubing in Class 'B' including all bends. 45. No.00 (c) 300mm x 150mm White glazed vitreous china recessed combined dish and sponge holder. 296. 45. m 5.00 (m) Ditto do but in aluminium.00 (i) Fireclay plain edge sink size 600mm x 400mm x 200mm complete with 38mm trap. 12mm chromium plated pillar tap etc.30 C 19mm Diameter ditto. m 15. 296.C. m2 48.00 (s) 100mm Diameter chromium plated shower rose and arm with swivel joint complete with 12mm chromium No.8m long ditto. m2 30. m2 23. 89. 38mm trap etc. 700.00 (w) Vitreous china division size 325mm x 600mm (approximately) complete with hangers or fixing No. No.30 K 6mm Clear sheet glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified.50 L Ditto in louvre blades 150mm wide.50 G Ditto in louvre blades 150mm wide.00 (v) White vitreous china urinal range of 3 bowls as specified ditto. 247. m2 45.20 J 5mm Rough rolled clear glass in louvre blade m 6. No. 247. No.20 M 6mm Polished plate sheet glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified.40 N Ditto in louvre blade 150mm wide.00 GLAZER A 24 Oz.No. m2 99. 44. sparge pipes.00 (u) While vitreous china urinal range of 2 bowls as specified ditto. 650.00 I Ditto in louvre blades 150mm wide.00 (r) Ditto 1.m2 106.60 H 6mm Non-actinic glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified. m2 205.00 P 5mm Grey heat absorbing glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified. 800. Clear sheet glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified.30 C 32 Oz. 69.00 SR/24 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . ditto louvre blade 150mm wide as specified.C. No. set as specified. No. m2 97.60 D 5mm Obscured glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified.No.80 O 6mm Georgian wired polished plate glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified. m 5.p.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) PLUMBER (Cont'd) (o) Squatting W. M 4. ditto.00 (q) Long bath in white porcelain enamelled iron 1512mm long complete with 12mm chromium plated taps.00 (p) Pedestal W. m 13.50 (t) White vitreous china single urinal bowl as specified including automatic cistern and c. m 8. m2 57. 900.00 (x) Chromium plated liquid soap dispenser (container in glass) equal to shake H 5283. set as specified.00 E Ditto in louvre blade 150mm wide as specified. m 5.60 F 5mm Clear sheet glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified.80 B 32 Oz. and as specified. m 13. No. m 1. prime.60 V Ditto on surfaces not exceeding 75mm girth.20 J Ditto on surfaces not exceeding 75mm girth. m 0.20 G Ditto exceeding 150mm and not exceeding 225mm girth. m 0. m2 5.00 L Ditto on surfaces exceeding 150mm and not exceeding 225mm girth. m2 4.90 K Ditto on surfaces exceeding 75mm and not exceeding 150mm girth.00 C Ditto in louvre blades 150mm wide. m 1.30 O Clean down and supply one coat of petrifying liquid and two coats of distemper on walls as specified.80 I Clean down. m 1. m2 6. m2 4.20 M Ditto on surfaces exceeding 225mm and not exceeding 300mm girth.30 Y Ditto exceeding 225nun and not exceeding 300mm girth. dampen surface and supply two coats cement based water paint on walls and soffits as specified. prime and paint three coats glass enamel paint on metal surfaces generally as specified.20 SR/25 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .90 F Ditto exceeding 75mm and not exceeding 150mm girth. m 1. m 13. m2 8.50 U Prepare. m 1.30 E Ditto on surfaces not exceeding 75mm girth. m 14. on timber as specified.00 W Ditto exceeding 75mm and not exceeding 150mm girth.40 Z Prepare and apply 2 coats of flame retardant paint on chipboard ceiling. stop and paint three coats of oil based paint on woodwork.20 Q Stain and wax polish to approval on timber as specified. m2 3. m 1.10 R Prepare and apply two coats of floor dressing on parquet or other timber floor.60 S Wood preservative. m 1. m2 3.m2 112.20 T Prepare and apply two coats of Sandtex Matt or equivalent on walls and soffits. m 1. m2 4.80 PAINTER D Knot.55 H Ditto exceeding 225mm and not exceeding 300mm girth. m2 3. m 1.30 P Clean down prime and paint three coals of emulsion paint on walls and ceiling as specified.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) GLAZER (Cont'd) A Ditto in louvre blades 150mm wide. stain to approval and apply three coats varnish on surfaces of woodwork.80 B 6mm Grey heat absorbing glass and glazing to wood or metal as specified. m2 4. two coats.55 N Clean down. m 1.10 X Ditto exceeding 150rnm and not exceeding 225mm girth. m2 2. m2 180. including three strands of No.80 D Apply one coal of 80/100 penetration bituminous binder as described at a rate of 2 litres/nr on wearing course including blinding with 19mm (nominal) stone and lightly rolled with a 6 ton m2 4.00 R Extra over last 4 items for chain link fencing 150mm high having three (3) strands of 2 ply barb wire (13 gauge with 4 pointed barbs at 75mm c/c) on top.W. 8 S.00 I Sawn formwork to culvert base.80 E Apply one coat of 80/100 penetration bituminous binder seal as described at the rate of 0. m2 230. m2 16.00 P Ditto 1500mm high ditto 50nun Diamond mesh (12 S-W.W.5 litres/nr on finished wearing course including blinding with 19mm (nominal) stone and lightly rolled m2 2.) ditto.00 SR/26 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease .00 K 600mm Diameter ditto. surround etc.00 Q Ditto 2100mm high ditto 50mm Diamond mesh (12 S.70 S Ditto for chain link fencing having the bottom of mesh embedded in concrete kerb. galvanised straining wire and including 50mm x 50mm x 6mm painted steel angle comer struts embedded m 25.00 L 750mm Diameter dino.40 F Provide and lay 50mm thick premix carpet course consisting stones of maximum size 19mm and including a bituminous emulsion tack coat applied at the rate of 0.G.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) ROADS. m 23.) galvanised chain link fence. m 2. m 12. head and wing walls.G.3:6-25mm to 38mm) in culvert base. 10 S. m 36. surround.00 H Reinforced Concrete (l:2:4-19mni) in culvert base surround. m 550.00 C 87mm (Finished) Layer of wearing course consisting of two layers as described the 1st layer 62mm thick made up of 38mm .W.62mm aggregate and the 2nd layer 25mm thick made up of 25mm plus aggregate each layer spread and levelled and well rolled and compacted to falls and cambers including binding with 6mm m2 6.00 N Chain link fencing 1500mm high consisting 50mm x 50mm x 6mm painted steel angle posts at l0’0” centres with the bottom embedded in concrete (1:3:6-25mm) and with 50mm diamond mesh (No. 10 S.G. CULVERTS. m 280. head and wing walls. m 400.G.G.67 litre per m2 .) ditto. m 40.) ditto.80 G Concrete (l. m2 1.00 O Ditto 2100mm high ditto 50mm Diamond mesh (No.80 B 200mm (Finished) Thick crusher run base course consisting of two 125mm loose layer of metal as described spread and levelled and m2 11.W. m2 16. FENCING AND TURFING A 50mm Sand spread and levelled and well rolled and compacted to falls and cambers with an 8 ton roller.50 J 450mm Diameter precast reinforced spun concrete pipe type 'Y' and jointing with and including precast concrete collars in cement mortar (1:1) including forming fillet all round at each end of m 200.00 M 900mm Diameter ditto. CULVERTS. pipe posts in lieu of 50mm x 50mm x 6mm mild steel angle No. No.50 F Ditto for use of 100mm diameter in lieu 75mm diameter class 'C' mild steel pipe posts. No.00 C Ditto 62mm diamond mesh (No.) ditto.) chain link infill.50 J Ditto 62mm diamond mesh (No.W. 10 S. No. m2 4. 425. No.8m having three (3) strands of 2 ply barb wire (13 gauge with 4 pointed barbs at 75mm c/c) on top. No.G.00 K Extra over last 4 items for use of 75mm diameter class 'C mild steel. (Tenderer) (Witness) Date: Date: (*Delete this clause if not applicable) SR/27 . 10 S.G. lock plates. 40. 50mm x 50mm x 6mm painted mild steel angle posts and struts embedded in concrete (l:3:6-25mm) and including hinges. 13 S. 20.) ditto.G. 12 S.80 R Close turfing to banks on and including 50mm bed of black earth and pegging all as specified.G.00 H Ditto 50mm diamond mesh (No.00 P Spot turfing on level surfaces at 450mm centres in chequered pattern and including 50mm bed of black earth as specified. 11. 410.80 G Mild steel gate to suit opening size 900mm x 1500mm comprising of 50mm x 50mm x 6mm painted mild steel frames and braces.G.50 The Rates contained in the foregoing Schedule of Rates shall be increased/decreased by ______ %.W. bolts welding and No. m2 3. 144.00 D Ditto 62mm diamond mesh (No.6m x 1.1800mm having three (3) strands of 2 ply barb wire (13 gauge with 4 pointed barb @ 75mm c/c) on top. 10 S.W. No.) ditto.G.) ditto. 10 S. 136.ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease ROADS. 39. No. 153.W.00 Q Close turfing on level surface and including 50mm bed of black earth as specified. lock plate.10 L Extra over last 5 items for mild steel gate to suit opening size 900mm x . No. No. 410. This increase/decrease does not apply to any altered rate.) ditto.W. 400. FENCING AND TURFING (Cont'd) A Pair mild steel gate to suit opening size 3. 12 S.W.00 B Ditto 50mm diamond mesh (No. 50mm diamond mesh (No.G. No.60 M Provide 38mm brass cylinder padlock (Yale 3102 or equivalent). No. 15.W. 50mm diamond mesh (No. bolt. No.12 S. 75mm diameter class 'C' mild steel pipe posts embedded in concrete (1:3:6-25mni) and including all necessary hinges.G.6m x 1. 144.00 O Ditto 62mm ditto.00 N Ditto 50mm ditto No.W.5m comprising of 50mm x 50mm x 6mm mild steel frames and braces.) ditto. 7. m2 3.00 E Extra over last 4 items for mild steel gate to suit opening size 3.50 I Ditto 62mm diamond mesh (No. 18.) chain link infill. the contractor shall also produce his receipted bills and wages books in support of his Where special mechanical plant is required for use on Dayworks. Rates for power-driven tools are not included in the labour rates but charges for hand tools shall be deemed to be included. which shall include for the use of all ordinary plant.O. Only time on work actually done will be allowed A "Day" is considered to be normal working day of 8 hours. establishment charges and profit. vouchers specifying the time and materials employed on the work.Male Day 20 2 Ditto -Female Day 15 3 Concrete Leveller Screeder Day 30 4 Mason Day 48 5 Bricklayer Day 48 6 Carpenter and Joiner Day 48 7 Steel Bar Bender & Fixer Day 45 8 Pneumatic Tool Operator Day 37 9 Fitter Day 37 10 Welder Day 37 11 Plumber Day 37 12 Painter Day 37 SR/26 Percentage (%) Increase/Decrease . Fractions of a day will be paid by "pro-rata" basis. The cost of any material supplied by Government for use on Dayworks shall not be taken into account when calculating the amount on which the 15% addition is based. supervision. tools and scaffolding. transport and labour for the work The Contractor shall produce for verification to the S. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Rate (RM) DAYWORK LABOUR RATES 1 General Labour .DAYWORK RATES Daywork rates will only be used as a basis for payment when normal rates for supply and fix (as stated before) are not applicable.O. No work shall be carried out on Dayworks basis except when ordered in writing by the When work is so ordered the Contractor shall be paid Daywork Prices plus 15%. Day work prices shall be taken to mean the actual prime cost to the Contractor of his materials. the cost to be paid to the Contractor shall be subject to agreement by the S. If required. (Contractor) (Witness) (Witness) Date: Date: SR/27 . ____________________________ of the year ______________ entered into parties to this Schedule of Rates consisting of ______________ pages. number 1 to _____________ inclusive which shall be read and construed as part of the said Contract. (Superintending Officer) Date: CONTRACT NO.The foregoing Schedule of Rates and percentage increase or decrease and Daywork Labour Rates as set down by the successful tenderer on Pages SR/1 to SR/26 inclusive have been scrutinized and agreed to by me as reasonable.
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