Scabies More
Scabies More
March 16, 2018 | Author: Arva Glazel Defensor Gallofin | Category:
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Title (English) Antibacterial activity of kakawate [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.] leaves against wound pathogens Personal authors Gacusan, L.G. Corporate authors Central Luzon State University Publisher Central Luzon State UniversityScience City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija (Philippines) Date of publication c2007 AGRIS Categories Plant structure AGROVOC English terms Drug plants; Gliricidia sepium; Antimicrobial properties AGROVOC French terms Plante medicinale; Gliricidia sepium; Propriete antimicrobienne AGROVOC Spanish terms Plantas medicinales; Gliricidia sepium; Propiedades antimicrobianas Language English Notes Thesis (M.S. in Biology) Abstract (English) The use of herbal medicine in the Philippine setting has been a part of its rich culture and tradition. Even during the early times, Filipinos prepare medicines to treat some illnesses out of the plants available in their backyards. An example of these plants is Gliricidia sepiumH. B. Kakawate as it is commonly known has many folkloric uses in the Philippines such as wound healing, skin itching or dermatitis. The antibacterial activity of the ethanol extracts of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. was evaluated against four bacterial wound pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Straptococci B hemolytic, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli). This study was conducted so as to test te antibacterial activity of kakawate leaf to bacteria that cause wound infection. Specifically, this study aimed to determined the antibacterial activity of kakawate leaves against the wound pathogens; compare the effectivity of kakawate leaf extract to gram positive and gram negative bacteria that cause wound infection; and compare the effectivity of kakawate leaf extract to commercially available antibacterial agent. Mature kakawate leaves were collected in Gerona, Tarlac. The kakawate ethanol extract was obtained by standard method. The antibacterial activity was found by using modified disc diffusion method. The bacteria were obtained from the Nueva Ecija Doctors' Hospital and Central Luzon Doctors' Hospital. Chloramphenicol (30 µg) was used as positive control and distilled water as negative control. The ethanol extract of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. was active against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococci B hemolytic and did not show antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The antimicrobial activity of the kakawate extract is not comparable with that of the antimicrobial activity of the chloramhenicol. This in vitro study substantiated the antimicrobial activity of kakawate plants used in folkloric medicine. The plant extract was effective against the two grain positive bacteria. However, they were ineffective against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Their medicinal use in infections associated with these two species is not recommended. The antibacterial activity of the plant extract is not as good as that of the positive control. This study also showed that Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. could be potential sources of new antimicrobial agents. Type Thesis or Dissertation The antibacterial activity was found by using modified disc diffusion method. This in vitro study substantiated the antimicrobial activity of kakawate plants used in folkloric medicine. The antibacterial activity of the ethanol extracts of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq. However. Antimicrobial properties AGROVOC French terms Plante medicinale. This study was conducted so as to test te antibacterial activity of kakawate leaf to bacteria that cause wound infection. was active against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococci B hemolytic and did not show antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Propiedades antimicrobianas Language English Notes Thesis (M. Gliricidia sepium. this study aimed to determined the antibacterial activity of kakawate leaves against the wound pathogens. Tarlac. Gliricidia sepium.S. was evaluated against four bacterial wound pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus. and Escherichia coli).do?f=2008%2FPH%2FPH0810. and compare the effectivity of kakawate leaf extract to commercially available antibacterial agent.fao. B.xml %3BPH2008C00039 Title (English) Antibacterial activity of kakawate [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq. compare the effectivity of kakawate leaf extract to gram positive and gram negative bacteria that cause wound infection. The antimicrobial activity of the kakawate extract is not comparable with that of the antimicrobial activity of the chloramhenicol.) Walp. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Straptococci B hemolytic. Even during the early times. Mature kakawate leaves were collected in Gerona. The antibacterial activity of the . Chloramphenicol (30 µg) was used as positive control and distilled water as negative control. The ethanol extract of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq. Their medicinal use in infections associated with these two species is not recommended. Corporate authors Central Luzon State University Publisher Central Luzon State UniversityScience City of Muñoz. Nueva Ecija (Philippines) Date of publication c2007 AGRIS Categories Plant structure AGROVOC English terms Drug plants. skin itching or dermatitis. The kakawate ethanol extract was obtained by standard method. Kakawate as it is commonly known has many folkloric uses in the Philippines such as wound healing. Filipinos prepare medicines to treat some illnesses out of the plants available in their backyards.) Walp. The plant extract was effective against the two grain positive bacteria.G. An example of these plants is Gliricidia sepiumH. in Biology) Abstract (English) The use of herbal medicine in the Philippine setting has been a part of its rich culture and tradition.) Walp. they were ineffective against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. L.] leaves against wound pathogens Personal authors Gacusan. Specifically. Propriete antimicrobienne AGROVOC Spanish terms Plantas medicinales.org/agris-search/search/display. Gliricidia sepium. The bacteria were obtained from the Nueva Ecija Doctors' Hospital and Central Luzon Doctors' Hospital.http://agris. cc/?cat=4&paged=3 CLINICAL FEATURES • • • • • Scabies occurs in all populations. axillae and genitalia. could be potential sources of new antimicrobial agents. After an incubation period of about 4 weeks the disease manifests itself with its most characteristic symptom: severe itching with nocturnal exacerbation.xml %3BPH2008C00039 Studies Eczema Natural Cure Using Herbal Decoctions 1. Cacao or Kakaw seeds poultice ( english: Cocoa plant) o Roast 10 seeds and pound. It is particularly prevalent in the developing countries.do?f=2008%2FPH%2FPH0810. Type Thesis or Dissertation http://agris. slightly elevated lesion which often has a vesicle at its end . The patient may present with extensive pyoderma or infective eczema. Pandakaki-puti hot fot bath ( english name: ) o Boil 3 cups of chopped leaves in one gallon of water for 10 minutes. Copyright © 2009 Herbal-Med. Leave it on overnight.co. Add 2 gallons of hot water. The pathognomonic lesion of scabies is the burrow: short. Apply as poultice to affected area after the hot compress or hot foot bath. Children younger than 15 years of age have the highest prevalence. Use compress directly on the eczema for 30 minutes. Soak a small face towel in this decoction. This study also showed that Gliricidia sepium (Jacq. Kulitis hot compress ( english: Amaranth) o Boil 3 cups of chopped fresh leaves in 5 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Use this decoction for hot foot bath. front of the wrists. All Rights Reserved.fao. straight or curved. .plant extract is not as good as that of the positive control.org/agris-search/search/display. 4. 2.) Walp. http://herbal-med. Takip-kuhol poultice ( english: Indian hydocotyle) o Chopped 10 leaves.Burrows are typically found on the finger webs. Apply as poultice to affected area after hot foot bath or hot compress. 3. com/scabies. buttocks. Animal scabies: is characterized by absence of burrows since the animal mites cannot adapt themselves to human skin. • • • • • • http://dermind. In contrast to the more usual variety of the disease. The scalp. Facial involvement may also occur.htm .• • • Intensely itchy papular and vesicular lesions soon develop due to hypersensitivity and these lesions may be generalized with predilections for the nipple and areola in females. Bullous scabies: bullae may occur in infants and immunocompromised people. even millions of mites may be present in a patient. groins and thighs. the nodules may mimic a lymphoma. Histologically. umbilical regions. Scabies in very clean individuals may show few lesions.tripod. steroid therapy. ATYPICAL FORMS • Norwegian or crusted scabies: this is an unsually severe and extensive variety of scabies that occurs in immunocompromised individuals ( HIV infection. The lesions are readily infected with bacteria and impetigo. oozing and crusting are very commonly seen as also localized or extensive infective eczema. Scabies in infants and in the very old: infantile scabies shows involvement of palms and soles as well as the face and scalp. folliculitis. the palms and soles may be affected and the nails may be thickened and dystrophic. mentally retarded persons ( particularly Down’s syndrome) . and in old debilitated persons unable to respond to the infestation by scratching. Crusted scabies is characterized by thick scaling and crusted lesions on the sites of preference of the mites. The condition may give rise to a generalized erythroderma. Nodular scabies: genital scabies in males may give rise to persistent papules and nodules with lingers despite successful treatment of the infestation. In the very old. malignancies). Scabies incognito: inadvertent application of topical steroid may modify the clinical picture of scabies. the trunk may be more severely infested. Thousand. thus confusion may arise as to the true nature of the itch. face and the palms and soles are usually spared sites in the usual cases. Eczema. Home Remedy | No Diarrhea Natural Home Remedies – Herbal Treatment for Diarrhea .Posted in Ailments. Treatments | Comments » Tags: Ailments.
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