Sbi Ibps Cleck Po 2016 Prelims Mock 2

March 29, 2018 | Author: Niel Gupta | Category: Ellipsis, Languages, Science, Philosophical Science



MOCK TEST This Preliminary Exam practice mock consists of three sections. Reasoning Ability (Qs. 1-35); Quantitative Aptitude (Qs. 36-65) and English Language (Qs. 71-100).  There is negative marking equivalent to 1/4th of the mark allotted to the specific question for wrong answer. Time : 1 hrs. Max. Marks : 100 REASONING ABILITY 1) Each surveyor in a factory has his own call, which has been converted into a password and kept in a code language. The call of Ashutosh is “hard work is the best solution”, and its coded form is “is best hard the work solution”. If the call of Amit is “honest work is always appropriately rewarded”, then what will be its password code? 1) work appropriately honest rewarded always is 2) is appropriately honest always work rewarded 3) honest appropriately always work rewarded is 4) reward appropriately always honest is work 5) None of these 2) If ‘A$B’ means ‘A is brother of B’, ‘A# B’ means ‘B is father of A’, ‘A*B’ means ‘B is mother of A’, then which of the following represents ‘A is grandfather of B’? 1) B$C*D#A 2) A#DSC*B 3) B$C#D*A 4) B*C#D$A 5) None of these 3) If both the statements “Some pens are files” and “All files are books” are true, then which of the following statements is definitely true? 1) All files are pens 2) No books is pen 3) All books are files 4) Some pens are books 5) None of these Directions (Q. 4-5): Study the following letter number-symbol sequence carefully and answer the questions given below it. SMP© 2 LT@ND45#ZAQ98OFG*73EH 4) If in the above sequence from the beginning each letter, number or symbol is interchanged with the alternate letter, number or symbol, then which element will be fourth to the left of A? 1) P 2) 9 3) D 4) @ 5) T 5) Which of the following is exactly midway between the seventh from left and the eighth from the right? Page no 6) What is the relationship of C with E? 1) Father-in-law 2) Son 3) Son-in-law 4) Brother-in-law 5) Can’t be determined 7) What is the position of H with respect to her granddaughter? 1) Second to the left 2) Third to the left 3) Fourth to the right 4) Third to the right 5) None of these 8) Who among the following is definitely the group of females? 1) H G F B 2) G D B A 3) B H D C 4) G D B H 5) G D C H 9) Who among the following is sitting exactly between G’s daughter and C’s son? 1) A’s father 2) D’s son 3) H’s husband 4) B’s father 5) Can’t be determined 10) How many persons are sitting between G and her brother-in-law? 1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four 5) Can’t be determined 11) If all the eight persons are seated in the English alphabetical order starting with A. if counted in anticlockwise direction starting from A? Page no . E. A and his sibling D can’t sit together. • B. D. cannot be an immediate neighbour of either E or B. • F and B are not siblings.1) A 2) Z 3) # 4) N 5) None of these Directions (Q. • The son-in-law and grandson of H are immediate neighbours. All of them are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. G and H. C. 6-11): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow: There are eight members of a family – A. They belong to three different generations and there are three married couples among them. C. There is only one person sitting between C and his brother-in-law. a spinster. is sitting two places to the right of her grandfather E. G cannot be an immediate neighbour of her sister-in-law. some more information is also given. B. a married male. the position of how many of them will remain unchanged (excluding A). • There are only three persons sitting between B and her aunt D. Also. F. four of them are males and four of them are of the opposite gender (though not necessarily in the same order.) Further. which is to the West of Village R. II) Hari is eighth from the left and right end of that row. 14) How is ‘red’ written in a code language? I) ‘red and blue’ is written as ‘ho po da’ in that code language. Give answer (2): If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. Directions (Q. And so on. II) ‘spread red carpet’ is written as ‘na da ka’ in that code language. P. T and R is the youngest? I) N and T are younger than P. similarly the third and the fourth letters are interchanged. while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. N. 16) How many sisters does D have? I) D’s mother has four children. II) M is older than R and P. II) Village M is to South of Village B. 12) Who among M. then which of the following will be seventh from the right? 1) M 2) G 3) A 4) T 5) None of these Page no . 17-25): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow: 17) If the first and second letters of the word PRGMATISMS are interchanged. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four 5) None of these Directions (Q. 15) Village R is towards which direction of Village M? I) Village M is to the West of Village T. 12-16): Each of the questions below consists of questions and two statements numbered I and II given below it. Read both the statements and Give answer (1): If the data is statements I alone are sufficient to answer the questions. Give answer (3): If the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient II alone are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (4): If the data given in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question. II) K and T are brothers of E. while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. which is to the South of Village R. and Give answer (5): If the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. 13) How many children are there in the row? I) Manoj is twelfth from the left end and fourth to the left of Hari in that row. 18) If all the letters of English alphabet are written in reverse order then which of the following will be third to the right of eighth from the left? 1) Q 2) P 3) R 4) T 5) None of these 19) In a certain code language ‘Po Cho To’ means ‘who came yesterday’. How far is he from the point A” 1) 7 Km 2)17km 3) 15km 4) 5km 5) None of these 25) What should come in the place of question mark (?) so that the similar relationship could be established between the words of first pair as that of the words of second pairs? Page no . ‘Ho No To’ means ‘who play there’ and ‘Bo Po No’ means ‘beauty came there’ How will the word ‘yesterday’ be written in that code language? 1) Po 2) Cho 3) To 4) Cho or To 5) None of these 20) If the second half of the following alphabets is written in the reverse order. turns to his right and walk 5 km and then he turns to his left and covers a distance of 5 km. turns to his right and walks 2 km. then how Ramji is related to Pawar? 1) Son 2) Nephew 3) Either nephew or Son 4) Brother 5) None of these 23) What will be the next term of the number series given below? 3 9 27 81 ______ 1) 263 2) 253 3) 243 4)162 5) None of these 24) Suresh walks 5 km towards south of point A. If Sangeeta’s sister Urmila is niece of Pawar. then which of the following will be the tenth letter to the left of 17th from the left? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1) S 2) R 3) T 4) V 5) None of these 21) ‘Garden’ is related to ‘Gardener’ in the same way as ‘Agriculture’ is related to 1) Plant 2) field 3) farmer 4) Produce 5) None of these 22) Ramji is brother of Sangeeta. ? : Foot :: Arm : Hand 1) leg 2)Thigh 3) Nail 4) Arm 5) None of these Directions (Q. 26-30): In the following questions. K $ N Conclusions: I. J © D II. T $ B. F  N Conclusions: I. R © H II. F  D II. ‘P % Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’. K © M II. T  R 1) Only I is true 2) Only I and II are true 3) Only I and III are true 4) Only II and III are true 5) None of these 30) Statements: M % D. D @ N. ‘P © Q’ means ‘P is neither less than or equals to Q’. %. ‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q’. B © R Conclusions: I. K $ F. M  K. N % R 1) Only I and II are true 2) Only I and III are true 3) Only II and III are true 4) All are true 5) None of these 29) Statements: H  T. B © H III. ‘P  Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’. F  R III. F @ R III. K © J 1) None is true 2) Only I is true 3) Only II is true 4) Only III is true 5) None of these 27) Statements: R @ K. @. M © N 1) Only I is true 2) Only II is true 3) Only III is true Page no . N © R II. N © D III. D  M III. © and  are used with the following meaning as illustrated below. N © F Conclusions: I. 26) Statements: J © M. the symbols $. ‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’. K%D Conclusions: I. F © R 1) Only I true 2) Only either II or III is true 3) Only I and either II or III are true 4) Only II and III are true 5) None of these 28) Statements: R $ D. D  K. III. All darts are carts. Some curtains are not boxes. IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they appear to be at variance with commonly known facts. Some docks are drops. Some carts are smarts. II and IV follow 4) Only I. 1) Only I. No desks are tables. III. 31) Statements: Some charts are darts. Some flops are not cups. Some smarts are charts. II. No cup is a flop. and then decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements. Some darts are smarts. 1) Only I and III follow 2) Only II and III follow 3) Only I and II follow 4) Only I. Conclusions: I. Some curtains are boxes. Conclusions: I. mark out an appropriate answer choice that you think is correct. III and IV follow 3) Only I. III and IV follow 5) None of these 32) Statements: All boxes are tables. III and IV follow 5) All follow Page no . IV.4) Only I and II are true 5) None of these Directions (Q. Some boxes are desks. II. III. IV. II. All cups are docks. No dock is a flop. 31-45): Below are given three statements followed by four conclusions. For each questions. Some drops are not flops. No boxes are desks. 1) Only III and either I or II follow 2) Only I and either II or IV follow 3) Only Either I or II. II and III follow 2) Only II. Some desks are curtains. Conclusions: I. Some carts are darts. Some charts are carts. and either III or IV follow 4) Only I and III follow 5) None of these 33) Statements: Some drops are cups. IV.0225 =  ? . Conclusions: I. All bags are roses. Some big are not tiny.0000027 Page no . No big is large.8763 5) None of these 38) 0.6347 3) 0. 36-40): What should come in place of question mark (?) in each of the following questions? 36) √ 0.0676 1) 5 6 2) 15 26 3)   15 24 4)   4 5 5) None of these 36) (0. Some large are tiny.003 × ? × 0.34) Statements: Some big are small. II. Some decent are bags. Some large are not big. IV. Some small are not tiny.6666 2) 0. Conclusions: I. All roses are decent.868)2 − (0. Some decent are roses. No small is large. All bags are students.236)2 = ? 1) 0. III. 1) Only I follows 2) Only II follows 3) Only II or III follows 4) Only IV follows 5) None of these 35) Statements: No student is decent. II. Some bags are not students. 1) Only I follows 2) Either I or II follows 3) Only III follows 4) Either I or II and III follow 5) Only I and III follow QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Directions (Q. III.0003 = 0.697728 4) 0. Y2 + 47 – 371 = 0 Directions (Q. 20y2 – 117y + 169 = 0 15 9 + 43) I. 8X2 -78X + 169 = 0 II.03 4) 0. = 12 1 √y 8 6 + = √x √x √ x 7 II.42 2) 245.46-50): The following table shows the population of six different cities.2 5) None of these 40) √ 1521 ? =  169 768 1) 6821 2) 2304 3) 380 4) 470 5) None of these In the following questions two equations numbered I and II are given. √289x + √ 25 = 0 II. = 11 √ x √x √ x II. ratio of males to females among them. You have to solve both the equations and – Give answer if 1) x > y 2) x ≥ y 3) x < y 4) x ≤ y 5) x = y or the relationship cannot be established 41) I. √y + 5√ y 4 44) I. √676Y + 10 = 0 42) I.1) 6 2) 3 3) 0. X2 – 208 = 233 II. +( 14 ) 3 Y 2 √y =0 45) I.06 5) None of these 39) 49%of 490 + 490%of 49 = ? 1) 265.81 3) 2302 4) 480. percentage of adult males and adult females (population is given in lakh): Page no . 124 lakh 2) 1.2 5.Cit y Populati Males: % on (in Female adult lakh) s Males A B C D E F 7.69 lakh 5) 3.152 lakh 4) 1. Total Students = 39000 Page no .228 lakh 3) 1. The following pie-charts show the distribution of the total students and of the total boys from these cities who appeared in the exam.5 6.8 3.6 4.88 lakh 2) 2.1 lakh 48) The total number of minor females in City C is approximately what percentage more or less than the total number of minor males in City F? 1) 8% 2) 9% 3) 10% 4) 11% 5) 12% 49) The total number of minor males in City E is approximately what percentage of the total number of adult males in City B? 1) 60% 2) 70% 3) 80% 4) 90% 5) 110% 50) What is the difference between adult females and minor males in City C? 1) 1.32 lakh 4) 2. 51-55): A total of 39 thousand students appeared in an entrance examination from six cities.682 lakh 5) None of these Directions (Q. in which the number of boys was 12000.8 7.4 7 5 2 9 4 2 : : : : : : 6 4 3 8 5 1 62% 70% 68% 72% 65% 75% % adult Femal es 65% 72% 64% 70% 72% 64% 46) What is the difference between total adult males and total adult females in City A? 1) 22500 2) 24800 3) 25200 4) 26400 5) 27900 47) What is the average number of adult males taking all six cities together? 1) 1.1 lakh 3) 2. 5% Page no .2 51) What is the total number of girls who appeared from City A? 1) 3310 2) 3840 3) 3550 4) 3870 5) 3100 52) What is the difference between the total number of boys and the total number of girls who appeared in the exam from City E? 1) 1725 2) 1745 3) 1765 4) 1795 5) 1815 53) The total number of girls who appeared from City C is approximately what percent of the total number of students who appeared from City D? 1) 47% 2) 49% 3) 51% 4) 53% 5) 59% 54) What is the difference between the total numbers of boys who appeared from City A and that from City B? 1) 310 2) 320 3) 350 4) 380 5) 360 55) The number of girls who appeared from City F is approximately what percent of the total number of girls who appeared from all six cities together? 1) 31. 13.50% C.A.4 A. 26% B. Boys = 12000 F.6 B. 75. 32. 72 D. 8.5% 5) 35. 36 C. 20% Values in degree. 17% F. 61. 15% D.5% 3) 33.5% 4) 34. 82.8 E.5% 2) 32.50% E. 25 2) 285 3) 205. 8. How many per cent should Sanjay reduce the consumption of rice in the family so that the expenditure on rice remains the same as before in increase in the price of rice? Page no . 806 1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 1 5) None of these 60) 3.5.Directions (Q.? 1) 226 2) 148 3) 195 4) 258 5) None of these 57) 5. Find the speed of the boat downstream. 9. ? 1) 242 2) 565 3) 484 4) 395 5) None of these 59) ? 6.13 40. 161. ? 1) 295 2) 148 3) 195 4) 258 5) None of these 58) 2.101.85 4) 290 5) None of these 61) A train running with the speed of 45 kmph crosses 300 m long another train running in the same direction. 250. 56-60): What should come in the place of question make (?) in each of the following number series? 56) 1. 1) 35kmph 2) 45 kmph 3) 55 kmph 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these 62) The ratio between the present ages of Vijay and Sanjay is 6:7. What is the present age of Vijay? 1) 17 years 2) 18 years 3) 13 years 4) 25years 5) None of these 63) The speed of a boat in still water is 15 kmph and its speed upstream is 7 kmph. 3. Three years hence the ratio will become 7 : 8 respectively. 22. 5. Find the speed of the second train.2.69. 1) 23 kmph 2) 25 kmph 3) 35 kmph 4) 13 kmph 5) None of these 64) The price of rice has been increased by 20%.5. 4. 112.37. ? 1) 235. 27. 150.10. 67. 500 more than that of ‘C’ share then find the share of A. In order to gain 60% on marked price at how many more per cent of the discounted price it should be sold? 1) 75% 2) 25% 3) 65% 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these ENGLISH LANGUAGE Directions (Q. 5375 in two years at compound interest. Page no . 800 2) Rs. and C in the ratio of 8:5 : 8 respectively. 1) Rs. 600 4) Rs. Certain words/ phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. 71-80): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. 700 5) None of these 69) If two-third of three-fourth of a certain number is 50. If the share of A and B together is Rs. In how many days that work can be completed by 119 men? 1) 15 days 2) 14 days 3) 12 days 4) 18 days 5) None of these 68) A certain sum is to be divided among A. 1) 85 2) 100 3) 105 4) 110 5) None of these 70) An article is sold at a discount of 20% on the marked price. find the number. If A and B together can do that work in 6 days in how many days B alone could do that work? 1) 12 days 2) 11 days 3) 15 days 4) 17 days 5) None of these 67) A group of 84 men can complete a work in 17 days.500 3) Rs.2 1) 15 % 3 2 2) 16 % 3 3) 20% 4) 18% 5) None of these 65) If a certain sum becomes Rs. B. then what the rate of interest? 1) 8% 2) 14% 3) 5% 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these 66) A can do a work in 12 days. pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet. 71) In the passage what has the author compared the orphanage to? 1) An educational institute 2) An old age home 3) A nursery 4) A military school 5) None of these 72) Why had the author walked into the bushes many times? Page no . just several weeks or may be a month before the orphanage turned me into an old man.There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. near the blackberry bushes. I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back. When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement step and went inside to answer the phone. So I prayed for them and then I put them in an old torn up shoe box and I buried them in the bottom of the fort that I had built in the ground. make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in my dormitory. but it was too hard to do. There were all kinds of butterfly pieces going everywhere. I told him that I did not do anything but he did not believe me. I had walked many times out into the bushes. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out. Finally its wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just quivered. Every year when the butterflies would return to the orphanage and try to land on me I would try and shoo them away because they did not know that the orphanage was a bad placed to live and a very bad place to die. I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures. He threw the cardboard down on the ground and told me to pick it up and put it in the garbage can inside the back room of the dormitory and then he left. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. just so the butterflies could land on my head. How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old. and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings. one after the other. by that big old tree. After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies that lived by the hundreds in the bushes strewn around the orphanage. The next thing I knew the house parent came walking back out of the back door by the garbage room and started yelling at me. I sat there in the dirt. face and hands so I could look at them up close. I would get up every morning at the orphanage. for the longest time trying to fit all the butterfly pieces back together so I could bury them whole. He picked up the cardboard paper and started hitting me on the top of the head. It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin. out by the large bamboos. all by myself. But it would hot stay on him. 4) Because he was able to find all the pieces. 2) Because he was responsible for the death of the butterflies. so he could look at them up close 3) So that he could give the butterflies to the house parent 4) So that he could kill the butterflies 5) None of these 73) Why would the author try to shoo away the butterflies which tried to land on him? 1) Because he thought that the butterflies would suffer a very bad death if they stayed in the orphanage. 76) LAND 1) cement 2) grounding 3) sit 4) earth 5) wait 77) CAREFULLY 1) closely 2) anxiously 3) vaguely 4) strongly 5) artificially 78) QUIVERED 1) fainted 2) trembled 3) waved 4) flew 5) fell Directions (Q. 4) Because the author did not like the butterflies sitting on him. 5) None of these 74) Which of the following words can be used to describe the author? 1) Cruel 2) Adventurous 3) Daring 4) Caring 5) None of these 75) Why was the author trying to fit all the butterfly pieces back together? 1) Because he was told to do so by the house parent. 79) GETAWAY Page no . 79-80): Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word /phrase printed in bold as used in the passage. 2) Because the house parent had warned him against it. 5) None of these Directions (Q. 3) Because the house parent would yell at him otherwise. 76-78): Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. face and hands.1) So that he could save the butterflies 2) So that the butterflies could sit on his head. 3) Because the butterflies were too many in number. etc.g. A great deal of the time Wisdom is …(85)… interested in finding out why metaphysicians feel …(86)… to utter such strange sentences. 1) depressed 2) confined Page no . Even more than Wittgenstein. “There are no material things”. Other Minds is Wisdom’s most …(90)… discussion of a single topic and in many ways his finest work.) According to Wisdom such sentences are both false (and perhaps meaningless) and yet …(87)… . a careful reading of Wisdom is seldom …(83)… . they nevertheless also display a …(81)… originality. a view that comes out clearly in this essay where he emphasises the analogy between philosophical and neurotic distress …(88)… them with other kinds of problems. 81) 1) concise 2) virtual 3) marked 4) limited 5) relative 82) 1) individuality 2) novelty 3) originality 4) complexity 5) creativity 83) 1) unprofitable 2) useful 3) advantageous 4) unreliable 5) durable 84.1) find place 2) get down 3) lose sight 4) come closer 5) get lost 80) BOTTOM 1) below 2) height 3) tall 4) length 5) top Directions (Q. This essay is an excellent example of Wisdom’s repeated attempts to …(88) … the ultimate bases of philosophical perplexity. Despite the …(82)… and difficulty of his style. 1) jettison 2) delimit 3) augment 4) fortify 5) explore 85. 81 – 90): Find out the appropriate words for the blanks in the paragraph. The reader who is interested in gaining a fuller…(89)… with Wisdom’s thought is referred to his famous article “Gods” in philosophy and Psychoanalysis. He is a unique kind of genius in philosophy. “Time is unreal”. (e. Although John Wisdom’s writings in philosophy show clearly the influence of Wittgenstein. Wisdom has stressed the ‘therapeutic’ conception of philosophy. 1) admirably 2) primarily 3) advertently 4) reluctantly 5) happily 86. 91-95): Rearrange the following six sentence A). C).3) alluded 4) compelled 5) adapted 87. B) Once a monkey escaped from one of the rooms in the palace and came into my room. E) and F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. E) I was so scared when I saw the monkey that I could not move. A) I could not even hide myself. B). then answer the questions given below them. 1) illuminating 2) damaging 3) confusing 4) critical 5) unreliable 88. which would have saved me. who jumped out of the window and climbed onto the roof. D). 1) projected 2) sustained 3) prolonged 4) prolific 5) attributed Directions (Q. 1) compelling 2) associating 3) contrasting 4) describing 5) advocating 89. 1) comparison 2) analysis 3) agreement 4) elaboration 5) acquaintance 90. 91) Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement? 1) B 2) C 3) D 4) E 5) F 92) Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement? 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E 93) Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement? 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E Page no . C) This frightened the animal. D) Suddenly my sister entered my room and screamed when she saw the monkey scratching me. F) Seeing that I was scared. the monkey started scratching me. 96-100): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error. 4) No error 5) 97) He talked on the phone 1) for hours together 2) who really irritated 3) his parents a lot. (Ignore errors of punctuation.) 96) She was running 1) a very high fever 2) and thus her mother takes 3) her to the doctor. if any. the answer is (5). 4) No error 5) 99) Despite working 1) very hard he 2) failed to achieve 3) the desiring results. will be in one part of the sentence.94) Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement? 1) B 2) C 3) D 4) E 5) F 95) Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement? 1) B 2) C 3) D 4) E 5) F Directions (Q. 4) No error 5) 98) Although his speech 1) was not very clearly 2) everyone understood 3) the underlying meaning. 4) No error 5) 100) He was very excited 1) about go to 2) the park with 3) his younger brother. if any. 4) No error 5) Page no .
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