
March 16, 2018 | Author: Santosh Wagaj | Category: Academic Term, Emergency Medical Services, Laboratories, Test (Assessment), Libraries



Self Assessment Report (SAR) For NBA Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programme Department of (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering S. No 80, Pune – Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathawade, Pune – 411033 Part I INSTITUTIONAL SUMMARY (Criteria I and II) I.0.1 College/Institute/University Name and Address Name : Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, S. No. 80, Pune – Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathawade, Pune, Maharashtra. Pin Code 411 033. I.0.2 Name, designation, telephone numbers and e-mail id of the contact person Name : Prof. Dr. D.S. Bormane Principal 020 – 22934347, 64739810 020 – 22934084 (Extn 208) 020 – 22933423 (Extn 208) 020 – 22934344 (Extn 208) Tele Fax : 020 - 22933424 E-mail id : [email protected] Website : Designation : Telephone Nos : I.0.3 Histroy of the College/Institution (including dates of introduction and number of seats of various programmes of study along with NBA accreditation, if any), in tabular form : Year 1999 Description Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal (JSPM) is established in the year 1998 and has five campuses all located at Pune. It has 20 institutes conducting professional courses in the field of engineering (UG, PG and diploma), computer applications (MCA), management (MBA and PGDM), pharmacy (degree and diploma), education (degree and diploma) besides three primary schools affiliated to state / CBSE board and three pre – primary schools. Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, the Flagship college of JSPM started in the year 2001 at its Tathawade campus with following programmes 1. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering with intake 60. 2. Computer Engineering with intake 45. 3. Information Technology with intake 45 1. Computer Engineering intake increased from 45 to 60. 2. Information Technology intake increased from 45 to 60. 3. New programme Mechanical Engineering started with intake 60. 1. New programme Civil Engineering started with intake 60. 2. New programme Master of Computer Applications started with intake 60. 1. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering intake increased from 60 to 120. 2. Mechanical Engineering intake increased from 2001 2002 2003 2006 60 to 120. 3. New programme Master of Business Administration started with intake 60. 2007 1. New programme P G in Electronics Engineering (Digital Systems) started with intake 18. 2. New programme P G in Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power) started with intake 18. 2008 1. New programme P G in Civil Engineering (Structures) started with intake 18. Summary of Programmes and seats : (a) Electronics & Telecommunication 120 (b) Mechanical Engineering 120 (c) Civil Engineering (d) Computer Engineering 60 (e) Information technology 60 (f) 60 (g) Master of Business Management 60 (h) Master of Engineering (Mech) 18 --Master of Computer Applications ----60 --- (i) Master of Engineering (Electronics) -18 (j) Master of Engineering (Civil) 18 _______ -- Total intake (UG+PG+MBA+MCA) 594 None of these programmes is so far accredited. I.0.4 Ownership Status : Private Trust I.0.5 Financial Status : Private – Self financing. I.0.6 Nature of Trust/Society : Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Pune. List of other institutes/colleges run by the Trust/Society : Refer to annexure I attached. I.0.7 External Sources of Funds (in lakhs) : Name of External Source Research Grant from University of Pune. CFY 2009 – 10 Rs 13.96 CFY m1 2008 – 09 Rs 1.64 CFY m 2 2007 – 08 NIL I.0.8 Internally Acquired Funds (in lakhs) : Name of Internal Source From JSPM CFY 2009 – 10 Rs 588.919 CFY m1 2008 – 09 Rs 874.424 CFY m 2 2007 – 08 Rs 366.379 I.0.9 Scholarships or any financial assistance provided to students ? YES If provided, basis of scholarship/assistance: Merit/Parents limited income/other : Nature of assistance – Fee concession, Amount Rs 3,61,670.00 in CFY (2009 – 10) Nature of assistance – Fee concession, Amount Rs 2,33,530.00 in CFY m1 (2008 – 09) Nature of assistance – Fee concession, Amount Rs 2,19,090.00 in CFY m 2 (2007 – 08) I.0.10 Basis/examination for admission to the engineering college : All India entrance/State level entrance/University entrance/ 12th level/other (specify) : (a) All India Entrance – A I E E E (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) (b) State Level Entrance – M H C E T (Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test) I.0.11 Total No. of Engineering Students : (a) U G Engg : Boys : 1451, Girls : 438, Total : 1889 (b) P G Engg : Boys : 49, Girls : 47, Total : 96 Total No. of Other Students : (a) M B A : Boys : 92, Girls : 26, Total : 118 (b) M C A : Boys : 126, Girls : 51, Total : 177 I.0.12 Total No. of employee : (a) Teaching : Male : 91, Female : 69, Total : 160 (b) Non Teaching : Male: 109 Female : 13, Total : 122 Total : Male : 200 Female : 82 Total : 282 I.0.13 Minimum and maximum number of faculty and staff on roll, in the Engineering College /Institute/Faculty during the CAY and the previous CAYs (1st July to 30th June) Items CAY 2009 – 10 Min Max 119 123 13 121 214 13 124 225 CAYm 1 CAYm 2 Teaching faculty in engineering Teaching faculty in science and humanities Non Teaching staff Total 2008 – 09 2007 – 08 Min Max Min Max 130 140 120 122 13 94 169 13 112 190 11 92 137 12 117 167 Criteria I : Organization & Governance, Resources, Institutional Support, Development & Planning I-I.1 Campus infrastructure and facility (30) I-I.1.1 Land, built up area and academic infrastructure – Physical resources available (5) : (a) Exclusive for this college Land 05 acres, Built up space 20,663 sq m (b) Shared with other colleges in this campus Land Nil acres, Built up space Nil sq m I-I.1.2 Maintenance of academic infrastructure and facilities (5) Specify distinct features ---College has different sections/cells to maintain the infrastructure and facilities namely, electric supply and telephone service, water supply, security, computer and network connectivity etc. Besides these, services of tradesman from workshop are utilized for maintenance purpose. I-I.1.3 Ambience, green cover, water harvesting, environment preservation etc (5) specify distinct features ---(a) The sprawling lawns, garden and plantation covers about 40 % of the campus area. This helps in reducing pollution. (b) Noise level is within permissible limits as per BIS norms for institutional buildings. (c) Every year World Water Day is celebrated by organizing guest lectures/ seminar, poster and painting exhibition etc to create awareness. (d) Tree plantation activity is a regular annual feature in near by villages under N S S programmes. I-I.1.4 Hostel (Boys and Girls) (5) (a) Hostel for Boys? YES, Exclusive /Shared/Rented, No. of Rooms : 63, No. of accommodated students : Out of 160 students, 146 are from this college. No. of students in waiting list: NIL. (b) Hostel for Girls ? YES, Exclusive /Shared/Rented, (i) Own (shared) : No. of Rooms 37, No. of accommodated students : Out of 73 students, 45 are from this college. No. of students in waiting list : NIL. (ii) Rented (shared) : No of Rooms 16, No of accommodated students : Out of 32 students, 18 are from this college. No of students in waiting list : NIL. I-I.1.5 Transportation facility and canteen (5) (a) Transport ? YES, Exclusive for JSPM campus institutes (owned by JSPM) No. of Buses : Nineteen (19) Facility availed by : 79 staff and 508 students of this college. (b) Canteen ? YES (i) Seating Capacity : (aa) Students : 150. (bb) Staff : 12 (ii) Usage : (i) Students : (aa) Breakfast - 1500 (bb) Lunch (cc) Dinner (ii) Staff : (bb) Lunch - 300 - 150 75 30 - (aa) Breakfast - I-I.1.6 Electricity, power backup, telecom, water etc (5) (a) Electricity : Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) 200 KV transformer is installed in the campus exclusively for electric supply to JSPM campus institutions. (b) Power Back up : One 165 KV Generator Set is installed exclusively for power back up to the engineering college and the hostel. (c) Telecommunication : (i) BSNL lines : Other than direct BSNL line to Principal, three lines (Nos) are terminated on campus EPABX through which tele communication is provided to all other subscribers of EPABX. (ii) Tata indicom : These instruments (connections) have been provided to the principal, vice - principal, all the heads of departments, T and P Officer and a few other important subscribers. (iii) EPABX : For internal communication 144 extension capacity Syntel Make EPABX has been installed. All the departments, offices, campus institutions, sections etc have been provided connection from this exchange. (d) Water Supply : Water Treatment Plant has been installed in the campus for provision of water supply to all the institutions in the campus, gardens and lawns. Besides this, RO water purifiers have also been provided in all the buildings and the hostels for drinking water purpose. I-I.2 Organization, governance and transparency (20) I-I.2.1 Governing body, administrative set up and functions of various bodies (5) Governing, Senate and all other Academic and Administrative bodies, their membership, functions and responsibilities, relation of the members of such bodies with the principal owner of the college/institute, frequency of the meetings and attendance therein, in tabular form. A few sample minutes of the meetings and action taken reports should be annexed. (a) Governing Body : The composition and functioning of the Governing Body of the JSPM Trust is as per the guidelines of the AICTE issued by AICTE Western Regional office. The meeting of the Governing Body is conducted twice a year under the chairmanship of the Founder Secretary JSPM. None of the members of the Governing Body is related to the Founder Secretary who is the principal owner. The details are annexed at annexure II. Sample minutes of these meetings and the action taken report are attached at annexure III (i) and (ii). (b) Local Managing Committee : As per the Maharashtra Universities Act 1994 Statute 85, Local Managing Committee is constituted. The meetings of LMC are conducted twice a year. The details are annexed at annexure IV. Sample minutes of these meetings and the action taken report are attached at annexure V (i) and (ii). (c) Academic Committees :List of academic and administrative bodies/committees is at annexure VI. The records of membership, functions, frequency of the meetings of these committees are available with respective office bearers. I-I.2.2 Defined rules, procedures, recruitment and promotional policies etc (5) List of published rules, policies and procedures, year of publications awareness among the employees/students, availability on web etc. (a) (b) (c) List of Rules : Refer to annexure VII. List of Policies : Refer to annexure VIII. List of Procedures : Refer to annexure IX. The copies of rules, policies and procedures are sent to all the departments and sections for the information of staff and students. Communication with students is ensured through Notice Board. College website is updated periodically. I-I.2.3 Decentralization in working and grievance redress system (5) (a) List of faculty members who are administrators/ decision makers for various assigned jobs Principal and heads of departments, Librarian, TPO have been vested with appropriate financial and administrative powers. Full transparency is maintained to ensure proper, effective and efficient administration. List of faculty members who are administrators / decision makers is at annexure X. (b) Specify the mechanism and composition of Grievance Redress system, including faculty association, and staff-union, if any. Fully functional Grievance Redress Committee is in place. The composition and functions of Grievance Redress Committee is given at annexure XI. There is no faculty association / staff union. I-I.2.4 Transparency and availability of correct/unambiguous information (5) (a) Dissemination and availability of institute/ programme specific information through the web. College information as per AICTE Mandatory Disclosure format is posted and is available on the College Website : The same is periodically updated. (b) Formation of a Cell in accordance with the provisions of Right To Information Act, 2005. A cell as per the provisions of Right To Information Act 2005 is in place. I-I.3 Budget allocation and its utilization (10) Summary of current financial year’s budget and the actual expenditures incurred (exclusively for the college/institute) for three preceding financial years. Item Budgete d in CFY 2009-10 Expenses in CFY till 31.03.2010 Expenses in CFY m1 2008-09 (Rs in lakhs) Expenses in CFY minus 2 2007-08 (Rs in Lakhs) Acquisition of land; & new building and infrastructural built-up Library Laboratory Equipment Laboratory Consumables Teaching & Non teaching staff salary Travel Other, specify (a) Furniture (b) Operation & Maintenance 75.00 73.22 (Towards Maintenance ) 90.37 (Towards maintenance ) 52.06 178.24 75.63 225.70 50.00 55.00 80.00 42.46 51.37 78.84 10.22 16.04 45.73 800.00 805.20 796.71 586.32 50.00 5.00 60.00 52.28 5.00 65.77 22.44 28.48 54.43 23.75 19.44 17.86 Services (c) Faculty & Staff Devp (d) Students Activity 45.00 75.00 43.78 82.67 33.355 131.65 16.52 38.78 I-I.4 Library (25) I-I.4.1 Library space and ambience, timings and usage (5) (a) Carpet area of Lib. 792 sq m. Reading space 198 sq m. No. of Seats in reading space 250 No of Users (issue book) 95 per day No of Users (Reading space) per day 200. (b) Timings : Academic Working day : 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Academic Weekend : 8:30 AM to 12:00 midnight, Vacation : 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM (during examination) I-I.4.2 Availability of qualified librarian and other staff, Library automation, online access, networking (5) (a) No. of Lib. Staff : 9, Staff with degree in Lib : 5 (b) Computerization for search, indexing, issue/return records? YES / NO (c) Bar-coding used ? YES /NO (d) Library services on internet? YES / NO, (e) Indest or other similar membership? YES / NO. Specify ---(i) IEL on line for E and TC Department. (ii) ASCE for Civil Engineering Department. (iii) ASME for Mechanical Engineering Department. (iv) ACM for Computer/IT/MCA Departments (v) ICFAI for MBA Department. I-I.4.3 Variety of titles and the volumes per title (5) (a) No of titles : 5080, No. of Volumes : 26318 Year No. of New titles added No. of New editions added No. of volumes added CFY m2 (2007-08) 881 88 CFY m1 (2008-09) 717 71 CFY (2009-10) 1208 185 I-I.4.4 Journal subscription and internationally titles (5) : Year No of Technical Magazines/ Periodicals No of Total Technical Journals subscribed In Hard In soft copy Copy 2406 2317 3500 acclaimed Internationally acclaimed titles in (Originals, reprints) CFYm2 2007-08 CFYm1 2008-09 CFY 10 16 13 42 50 45 - 39 43 44 2009-10 I-I.4.5 Digital library (5) Availability of Digital Lib. contents : YES / NO If available No. of Courses : 07 of Books 20 per course, Any other? E-journals and CDs. Availability of an exclusive server? Availability over intranet/internet? YES / NO YES / NO Availability of exclusive space/room? YES / NO No. of users on an average 40 per day. I-I.5 Academic support units and common facilities for FIRST YEAR Courses (20) I-I.5.1 Core laboratories (Adequacy of space, number of students per batch, quality and availability of measuring instruments, laboratory manuals, list of experiments) (10) Core Lab Descriptio n Physics Lab (Exclusive) Batch size 20 students Area 98 sq m Chemistry Lab (Exclusive) Batch size 20 students Area 98 sq m) Basic Electrical Engg Lab Batch size 20 Area 98 sq Space/No. No. of of students 4.9 sq m experiment s 10 Sem I – 05 Sem II – 05 Quality of instruments Calibration and quality as per university norms Lab manuals Manuals are prepared and are available to students 4.9 sq m. 10 Sem I – 05 Sem II – 05 Calibration and quality as per university norms Manuals are prepared and are available to students 4.9 sq m. Basic Elec Engg – 08 Basic Elex Engg – 10 Calibration and quality as per university norms Manuals are prepared and are available to m. (sharing with E & TC Dept) Basic Civil Engg Lab Batch size 20 Area 98 sq m (sharing with Civil Engg Dept) Basic Mech Engg Lab Batch size 20 Area 98 sq m (sharing with Mech Engg Dept) I-I.5.2 Central computing laboratory (4) Computin g Lab No 1 170 Sqm Space No of computer s 60 Variety of SWs MSDN Usage/ Timings 4.9 sq m. Engg Graphics – 05 Basic Mech Engg – 08 Study Experiment s (Basic Mech Engg) Models are as per University norms 4.9 sq m. Basic Civil Engg – 08 Applied Mechanics – 08 Calibration and quality as per university norms students Manuals are prepared and are available to students Manuals are prepared and are available to students Lab Asst 1 8:00 AM To 8:00 P M No 2 170 Sqm 60 MSDN 8:00 AM TO 8:00 P M 1 I-I.5.3 Manufacturing Practices Laboratory (4) Lab Descriptio n Batch size 60 Area 810 sq m Space/No. No. of of students 13.5 sq m. Quality of Lab Manuals Manuals are prepare d and are availabl e to students experiments instruments Part I : 3 jobs 1 Carpentry 2 Welding Techniques 3 Sheet Metal Work Part II : 1 Study of measuring instruments . 2 Demo of basic workshop tools, equipments, machines I-I.5.4 Language Laboratory (2) Language Lab One Space/No. of students 66Sqm/20 Type of experiments Communicatio n Quality of instructions Software illustrated Guidance/ Learning Language Trainer 1 Machine installation as per industrial norms and safety measures. 2 Proper Electrificatio n Verbal, phonetics I-I.6 Internet (5) Internet Provider : Dishnet Pvt Ltd, BW 4 Mbps (1:1) Access speed Poor / Good / Excellent Availability in an exclusive lab for Internet use ? YES / NO Availability in most computing labs ? YES / NO Availability in departments & other units ? YES / NO Availability in faculty rooms ? YES / NO I-I.7 Co-curricular & extra curricular activities (10) I-I.7.1 Co-curricular and extra curricular activities e.g. NCC/NSS, cultural activities etc (5) Specify : The students are encouraged to take active part in co and extracurricular activities. Every year the students supported by the college management organizes “Innovision” a technical events in which students from various colleges from Maharashtra, karnatak, Gujrat and other places participate. Some of the events are : (a) Technical Paper Presentation (b) Robotics and IC Engine I Technical Quiz (d) Model Making (e) Drag Race (f) Contraption (g) Business Games (h) Mathematical Modeling and so on Besides above the individual departments under their respective students association organize various other technical and other activities with the aim to acquire soft skills. The college has following students chapters : (a) ISTE College Chapter (b) CSI Students Chapter. I IEEE college Chapter. (d) NEN Students E-cell. The college has signed MOUs with : (a) Gills Instrument – Channel Partner of Texas Instruments (b) ACTEL USA for VLSI Design I Indian Express Group, Pune The college is accredited by TCS, and has Campus Connect Programme with INFOSIS I-I.7.2 Sports grounds and facilities (5) College encourages students to take part in various outdoor/indoor games at University /District /State level sports competitions/tournaments. Proper Ground exists in the campus. College provides facilities in terms of sports kits, participation /registration charges, coaching, travel and refreshment expenses. Our teams participate in following sports events : 1. Football 2. Volleyball 3. Cricket 4. Handball 5. Athletics 6. Kho-kho 7. Chess 8. Carrom 9. Table – Tennis 10. Badminton. Besides above every year inter department and inter division sports tournaments are conducted during Student Social. I-I.8 Career guidance, Training, placement and Entrepreneurship cell (15) I-I.8.1 Effective career guidance services including counseling for higher studies (5) An exclusive Career guidance and Training and Placement cell is in place headed by a retired defense service officer equivalent to professor. The cell has established healthy relations with core and IT industries and is very effective in organizing campus interviews. Specify – facility, management and impact : The Training and Placement Cell arranges various training capsules for the overall personality and soft skill development of the students. The TPO has established good contacts and relations with core as well as IT industries. Majority of the eligible students get placed through the placement Cell even during the third year. Renowned industries such as TCS, Infosys, Tech Mahendra and so on conduct placement interviews every year in the campus. I-I.8.2 Training and placement facility with Training and Placement officer (TPO), industry interaction for training / internship / placement (5) The Training and Placement Cell is effective in organizing industry training for MBA and MCA students of the college. I-I.8.3 Entrepreneurship cell and incubation facility (5) Specify – facility, management and impact An Entrepreneurship Cell “Rennegan” with 200 student members and 2 faculty advisors is in place. The cell is associated with National Entrepreneurship Network. Guest / Expert lectures to promote entrepreneurship are organized. Activities to impart knowledge of business skills and team building have been undertaken. I-I.9 Safety norms and checks (5) Proper SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) exist which elaborate following aspects : 1. Office / department / laboratories and class room opening and closing procedure, 2. Location of original and duplicate keys along with names of holders. 3. Security orders for security during working and after college hours. 4. Duties of security guards. 5. Action on breakout of fire, use of fire extinguishers, 6. Discipline and security of students in the hostel 7. Anti Ragging measures. All these procedures are properly implemented, regularly monitored as under : (a) Opening and closing duty of laboratories, workshop is assigned by the respective Head of the Department in writing on a weekly basis. (b) Prior to leaving the lab, the lab assistant switches off all fans, lights, closes windows and doors and (gas supply in the chemistry lab). (c) A C mains supply to the labs is switched off. (d) The lab assistant seals the lock and deposit the keys in the key box in the HOD office. (e) The staff member on opening and closing duty goes around the department and physically verifies proper closure of all the lab, class rooms, and mains supply to labs. He then closes the HOD office and deposit the key in the key box in the college office and makes entry to that effect in the register. (f) The register is put up to the Principal for check and signature. I-I.10 Emergency medical care and first-aid (10) I-I.10.1 Medical staff to provide first-aid and medical help in emergency. (a) No of Medical practitioners ----. (b) No of nursing staff ----. Specify Medical facility within the Institute/College ? Medical facility nearby. I-I.10.2 Availability of ambulance services (response times and medical facility) (a) No. of ambulances within the institute/college ---(b) Facility in ambulances ----. (c) Response-time in calling ambulance services from outside ----. Memorandum of Understanding is signed with Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital which is just about 1.5 Km from the campus to provide Out Patient and In Patient Health Services to JSPM students, staff and dependents of staff. Emergency medical cover is provided by the Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital to the hostel during working as well as odd hours. Every year arrangements are made to carry out medical examination of the first year students by inviting male and lady doctors. The First Aid, medical and counseling facility provided by the college has been appreciated by Cantonment General Hospital Dehu Road Pune. Copy of the Cantonment General Hospital letter and MOU are attached as annexure XII and XIII respectively Criteria II : Evaluation and Teaching- Learning Process II-I.1 Evaluation system (40) II-I.1.1 Published schedule in academic calendar for assignments/mid-semester tests, distribution of corrected scripts (10) Items in Academic Calendar Assignments Tests Mid - sem examination End-sem examination Other activities Conduct during the period or in the academic work Home Assignments During period During period During period Performance Feedback/Distribution of Scripts during the period or in the academic work During period During period During period During period Remedial classes Academic work Guest Lectures After regular classes II-I.1.2 Maintenance of Course files – class deliveries and their closeness and mapping with Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) (15) All the faculty members maintain the course file which contains the following documentsSr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 identified PEO will be produce / presented to experts at the time of visit. II-I.1.3 Quality of problems in assignments/tests/semester examinations and their closeness and mapping with Programme Educational Objectives (15) Sample assignment sheets, test papers, Lab manuals, Retest papers and test paper solutions result sheets and their closeness & mapping with PEOs will be produced for assessment by the expert team. There is a provision of additional/supplementary tests to cover additional topics. Details of Documents Unit wise notes as per university syllabus. Academic calendar Individual timetable University Syllabus Teaching methodology as per University Session Plan Last 5 years university Question Papers Test Paper Mid. Term and End Term Test paper solutions Mid term Mark list, End Term Mark list Retest Question paper, attendance, solution and mark list. List of Assignments Last 3 years subject results Extra efforts/Lectures (If conducted) Sample course files, handouts, course deliveries, mapped with II-I.2 Tutorial classes/remedial classes/mentoring (20) YES II-I.2.1 Tutorial classes to address personal level doubts and queries : size of tutorial classes, hours per subject in timetable (10) (a) Provision of tutorial classes in time table ? YES/NO For specific subjects as per University Syllabus and not for all subjects. Provision of tutorial classes has been made in the time table. Tutorial classes are conducted only for subjects mentioned in the course syllabus. (b) Tutorial sheets : YES/NO (c) Tutorial classes taken by : Faculty/ Teaching Assistants / Senior students/Other (specify) (d) No. of tutorial classes per subject 1(one) per week per batch Only for specified subjects as per University syllabus. (e) No. of students per tutorial class 20. (f) No of subjects with tutorials (i) Ist year : 1* (ii) 2nd year : 3, (iii) 3rd year : Nil, (iv) 4th year : Nil. II-I.2.2 Remedial classes and additional make up tests to help academically weaker students : list of remedial classes, schedule of classes/tests and students’ list. (5) The remedial classes are conducted for the students who (a) score less than 40 % in mid term (retest) & university examination in a subject. (b) Have taken admission directly to second year after diploma. This is due to delay in admission process and additional inputs required for engineering mathematics. (Details will be shown to the Expert Committee) Provision of Remedial Classes in Time Table ? YES/NO Number of subjects having Remedial Classes : 10 Network analysis.(S E) Solid state devices and circuits (S E) Engg. Maths III (S E) ICA (S E) DSP (T E) Signal systems (S E) Electromagnetics (S E) DS (S E) EWRS (T E) ITCT (TE) 3 subjects out of total 5 subjects per semester for SE. Sem-I 4 subjects out of total 5 subjects per semester for. SE. Sem-II 1 subjects out of total 5 subjects per semester for TE. Sem-I 2 subjects out of total 5 subjects per semester for SE. Sem-II Number of students having Remedial Classes : It depends on their performance and result. Remedial classes are required to be conducted for approximately 20 students out of total 120 during each semester. Number of hours of Remedial Classes : 02 per week Provision of Makeup Tests in Academic Calendar ? YES/NO Number of subjects having Makeup Tests : For all the subjects from SE to BE, for the students who fail in Mid Term Test and End term Test for all 5 subjects per semester. Number of students having Makeup Tests : Those who fail in Mid Term Test and End term Test. nearly 1/3 students in a semester. Number of hours of Makeup Tests : 02 per subject II-I.2.3 Mentoring system to help at individual levels (5) Type of Mentoring: Professional guidance/ Career Advancement/ Course work specific/Lab specific/Total Development. Guardian Faculty Members (GFM) is appointed for a group of 20 to 25 students who take care of their academic & individual problems. Experts are invited to deliver lectures on career advancement and personality development. Number of Faculty mentors : 12, Number of students per mentor : 25 Frequency of Meeting : Weekly/Monthly per semester / Need based /other. II-I.3 Teaching evaluation process : Feedback system (30) II-I.3.1 Design of proforma and process of feedback evaluation (5) Number of Feedback items 22, Number of levels - 06 Space for descriptive feedback/suggestion etc ? YES/NO Any consistency check ? : YES/NO Any performance/attendance profile ? : YES/NO Frequency of feedback collection : Once/Twice in a Semester. Feedback collection : Hard-copy / Web-based. II-I.3.2 Feedback analysis and percentage of student’s participation (5) Feedback collected for all courses ? YES / NO Specify the feedback collection process Who collects the feedback – HOD and Departmental Academic Coordinator. When feedback is collected – Twice in a semester - First Feed back Before Mid Term Test and second feedback after End Term Test. Percentage of students participating – 70 to 80 % Specify the feedback analysis process Is this done manually ? YES / NO What metrics are calculated ? Totaling of each and every points as per grading by the students and their analysis by the HOD to find the strength and weaknesses of the faculty and suggestion by the HODs and Principal to improve their performance. What is inferred from the metrics ? Strengths and weaknesses of the faculties. Measures to correct the weaknesses How are the comments used ? Teacher performance is graded on1 to 5 scale. 1. Below Average 2. Average 3. High average 4. Above average 5. Outstanding Based on the comments, the faculty is advised to take corrective measures and HOD along with academic coordinator and senior faculty members monitor the performance of faculty whose feedback is average and below average. II-I.3.3 System of rewards/corrective measures etc (10) Appreciation letter by the Principal for the Staff members whose University result for individual subject more than 90 %. Basis of reward/corrective measures, if any, University result for individual subject more than 90 % along with sincerity and regularity. Were extraneous factors, like hard / soft attitude of the instructor considered ? YES / NO Was result considered ? YES / NO Number of awards in CAY : Nil, in CAYm1 : 04 in CAYm2 : 02. Number of corrective action in CAY 01, in CAYm1 01, in CAYm2 01 II-I.3.4 Any feedback mechanism from alumni, parents and industry (10) Specify the mechanism of feedback collection and Analysis Number of feedback received in CAY : Nil, in CAYm1 : 20, in CAYm2 : 25. Specially typical corrective action taken, if any ----- II-I.4 Self Learning and Learning beyond syllabus (20) II-I.4.1 Generation of self learning facilities and motivation (10) Specify self learning mode and modules . (a) Assignments are given to the students on the topics which are important but not part of the syllabus. (b) Third year students have electronic design practice and mini projects in which the students are required to design and built an electronic system. The students are required to learn many things related to it on their own. (c) Final year students are required to carry out project workin which they have to prepare the basic related to the projects. (d) In some practical subjects , the students are motivated to prepare a case study on their own. II-I.4.2 Availability of learning beyond syllabus contents and promotion (10) Specify learning beyond syllabus contents and modules • Theory meet PEO’s Modules conducted to cover contents “beyond syllabi” to Class & Subject SE(E&TC) Data Structures BE (E&TC) Optical and Microwave Communication BE (E&TC) Embedded Systems Curriculum Gap CProgramming Concepts Field Visit required to See Microwave communicatio n Link Field Visit required to See embedded product development Field Visit required to See actual test and measurement techniques for quality Additional Efforts Extra Lectures taken to cover Cprogramming concepts Visited Satellite earth station GMRT Narayangaon Visited Confident Elecronics, Banglore PEOs Satisfie d 2 3,4 3,4 BE (E&TC) Electronic Product design Electronic Measurement Visited ETDC, Pune 3,4 TE (E&TC) Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems Digital Communication TE(E&TC) Microcontr-ollers BE(E&TC) VLSI & Embedded Systems TE(E&TC) Microcontr-ollers BE(E&TC) assurance Field Visit required to See Antenna, Trasmitter and receiver Systems Microcontroller applications Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System. Microcontroller applications Global Positioning Systems(GPS) Visited Nokia Siemens, Panjim, Goa 3,4 3 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) /9/2007 to /9/2007 M/S Gill Instruments Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System. Mr. Manish Patil I2IT Hinjewadi Pune) 2007 2 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) M/S Gill Instruments 4/9/2008 to 6/9/2008 One Day workshop on GPS & its application. 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 By Prof S R Jog, DYPIET &Mr Mukund Bhopale Mihir Enterprises, Pune 25/09/08 Recent trends in Electromagnetic and Antenna Design 02/02/09 to 03/02/09 3 Day Workshop on Advanced Embedded System 11-13 Sep 2009 Industrial Visit to ETDC, Pune Sept 2009 Industrial Training 10/6/09 to 20/06/09 14/06/09 to 15/07.09 Guest lecture on “RFID Technology” Mr. Narendra Patil 25/09/2009 Building Excellence in HR by Mr. Paritkar 4,5 TE(E&TC) Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems BE(E&TC) Embeded System BE(E&TC) Electronic Product Design 1.Shilesh B Patil 2.Samina shikalgar BE(E&TC) Recent Trends and Antenna design Recent Trends in Embedded Systems Quality Control of Electronic products exposure to Industrial environment RFID Technology Management (HSS) 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 SE(E&TC) 4,5 SE(E&TC) TE(E&Tc) Management (HSS) SE(E&TC) BE(E&TC) Matlab applications Management (HSS) 22/1/2010 Synthesis of Science and religion Dr. Stephen Knapp, Texas ESCON, Pune 10/09/2009 One day workshop on Matlab Mr. Sanap, Otis India 30/1/2010 “Yoga and Diet” Dr. Nirmala Desai 22/2/2010 4,5 4,5 4,5 II-I.5 Faculty Ratio and qualification for First Year Common Courses (25) List of faculty members teaching first year courses Name of Faculty Qualifica tion Designa tion Date of Joining College Dept With Which Associated Name Of Course Taught (2009-10 Semester – I) Basic Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Graphics - II Mrs P P Sathe Mr M D Hambard e Mr N D Khire Mr V J Jagtap Mr S M Jadhav Mrs G V Phadtare Mr S S Pimpale Mrs N P ME ME Mech BE Mech ME Mech BE Mech ME Mech Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Sr Lecturer Lecturer 20.8.2008 01.8.2008 14.1.2009 04.8..2008 15.7.2008 04.8.2008 BE Mech ME Mech Lecturer Asst Prof 03.7.2007 11.8.2008 Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Civil EG – I,II, BME EG – I,II, BME EG – I,II, BME EG – I,II, BME EG – I EG – I,II EG – I,II, BME FM-I, BCEE Basic Civil Engineering Jajoo Mr M M Mahajan Ms Kalpana Dhavane Mrs H R Raut Mr R D Bhagwat Environ ment ME Water BE Civil Lecturer 20.8.2008 Civil Lecturer 07.1.2008 Civil Structure I BMC,HI, BCEE BMC, BCEE, BE Civil M Tech M Sc (Maths), NET, GATE M Sc (Maths) B Ed M Sc (Maths) M Sc (Maths) M Sc (Maths) M Sc (Maths) Lecturer 02.8.2006 Lecturer 08.8.2006 Lecturer 6.10..2007 Lecturer 20.7.2003 Eng. Science Discrete Structure, EM I,II,III Sr. Lecturer Lecturer 07.7.2005 20.7.2004 Eng. Science Eng. Science Eng. Science Eng. Science Eng. Science EM I,II,III EM I,II,III EM I,II EM I,II,III EM I,II,III Lecturer 05.1.2009 Civil BPBE EM, BCEE Engineering Mathematics I and II Mr M V Ghotkar Mrs S M Badadhe Mr R G Talekar Mr B B Gadekar Mr S G Gajbhiv Applied Science I and II Mr A S Devasthal i Dr B M Bandgar Mr M C M Sc (Phy) M Ed M Sc (Phy) B Ed M Sc Lecturer 18.8.2006 Lecturer 20.7.2004 Asst Prof 01.7.2001 Eng Science Eng Science Eng APS – I,II APS – I,II APS – I,II Hingonek ar Dr Mrs S M Yadav (Phy) M Sc (Chem),P Lecturer 25.7.2005 Asst Prof 01.7.2001 Science Eng Science Eng Science APS – I,II, Statistical Mechanics Electro analytical techniques Quamtum chemistry, Spectrosco py APS – I,II APS – I,II hD Dr Mrs P A M Sc Tomar (Chem), Ph D Mrs S V Joshi Mrs S J Bhosale Mr S L Chavan Ms I A Naik Mrs M A Kanawade Ms Chaitra N D M Sc (Chem) ME Electrical Power ME Electrical BE Lecturer 08.8.2006 Eng Science Basic Electrical Engineering Lecturer 1.10.2003 E & TC BEE, ET, ECM Asst Prof Lecturer 21.7.2004 20.8.2008 E & TC E & TC BEE, ET, ECM, PDM BEEP, Basic Elex BE BE Lecturer Lecturer 20.8.2008 07.9.2009 E & TC E & TC Engg BEE, ET, ECM BEE, ECA Fundamental Programming Language Ms S V Kolekar Mr V V Dakode Mrs D H M Tech (IT) BE (IT) BE Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer 29.1.2007 15.7.2008 22.12.200 IT IT IT ISS,CS,FPL GIS, FPL, CS FPL Patil Mrs J A Mokashi (Comp) MCA Lecturer 6 03.3.2005 MCA FPL,IS,AD, SE,STQA, ‘C’ language (2009-10 Semester – II) (BME / Engineering Graphics I and II) Mrs P P Sathe Mr M D Hambard e Mr N D Khaire Mr V J Jagtap Mr S M Jadhav Mrs G V Phadtare Mr S S Pimpale Mr S P Khasge Mr R P Jadhav ME (ST) Lecturer 03.7.2006 Civil ME (ST) ME BE ME Mech BE Mech ME Mech Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Sr Lecturer Asst prof 27.8.2008 01.8.2008 14.1.2009 04.8.2008 15.7.2008 04.8.2008 BE Mech ME Mech Lecturer Asst Prof 03.7.2007 11.8.2008 Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Mechanica l Civil EG – I,II, BME EG – I,II, BME EG – I,II, BME EG – I,II, BME EG – I EG – I,II EG – I,II, BME EM, SOM, TOSQSU, NACP’C’ EM, SOM, TOS, SD II, SD I, SD III, Mr G R Patil Mr G J Sopal Mrs Y A Shirdhon kar ME (ST) BE Lecturer Lecturer 15.6.2009 21.1.2010 Civil Civil ME (ST) Asst Prof 19.8.2008 Civil ASD EMM, BCE, Structure Analysis II TOS II, EM EM Engineering Mechanics (Engineering Mathematics I and II) Mr R D Bhagwat M Sc (Maths), NET, Mr M V Ghotkar Mrs S M Badadhe Mr R G Talekar Mr B B Gadekar Mr S G Gajbhiv GATE M Sc (Maths) B Ed M Sc (Maths) M Sc (Maths) M Sc (Maths) M Sc (Maths) Lecturer 02.8.2006 Lecturer 08.8.2006 Lecturer 6.10.2007 Sr Lecturer Lecturer 07.7.2005 20.7.2004 Eng. Science Eng. Science Eng. Science Eng. Science Eng. Science EM I,II,III EM I,II,III EM I,II EM I,II,III Lecturer 20.7.2003 Eng. Science Discrete Structure, EM I,II,III EM I,II,III Applied Science I and II Mr A S Devasthal i Dr B M Bandgar Mr M C Hingone kar Dr Mrs S M Yadav M Sc (Phy) M Ed M Sc (Phy) B Ed M Sc (Phy) M Sc (Chem),P Lecturer 25.7.2005 Asst Prof 01.7.2001 Lecturer 18.8.2006 Lecturer 20.7.2004 Asst Prof 01.7.2001 Eng Science Eng Science Eng Science Eng Science Eng Science APS – I,II, Statistical Mechanics Electro APS – I,II APS – I,II APS – I,II APS – I,II hD Dr Mrs P A M Sc Tomar (Chem),P hD analytical techniques Quamtum chemistry, Spectrosco Mrs S V M Sc Lecturer 08.8.2006 Eng Science Lecturer 1.10.2004 MCA ISAD,SE, MSS, MIS, SS, CS, DBMS, Mrs Poonam Nikam MCA Sr Lecturer 12.7.2006 MCA SPM DM,OT, MIS,SBP, IT, DBMS py APS – I,II Joshi (Chem) Communication Skill Mrs Rinku MCA Dulloo II-I.5.1 Assessment of faculty availability for First Year courses in teacher – student ratio of 1 : 15 (15) Three years data for first year courses to calculate teacher – student ratio : Item CAY 2009 – No of students in First Year No of faculty teaching first year 10 426 31 CAYm1 CAYm2 2008 – 09 425 33 2007 – 08 423 26 courses Teacher – student ratio 13.70 12.80 16.30 Av. teacher – student ratio (in first year courses) : 14.26 II-I.5.2 Assessment of qualification (10) Assessment of qualification = (10 * X + 6 * Y + 4 * Z)/N Where X = No of Faculty Members with Ph D Y = No of Faculty Members with M E / M Tech Z = No of Faculty Members with B E / B Tech M Sc / M A N = Total No of faculty Members Year CAYm2 2007 – 08 CAYm1 2008 – 09 CAY X 3* 4** 3* 3** 3* Y 11* 9** 9* 10** 8* Z 15* 10** 20* 21** 20* N 29* 23** 31* 37** 31* Assessment of qualification 5.37* 5.82** 5.125* 5.270** 5.096* 5.033** 2009 – 10 3** 10** 17** 30** Average Assessment of Qualification 5.2835 5.370** II-I.6 Academic performance in First Year Common Courses (40) Academic performance = 40 * FYSI Where FYSI = First Year Success Index = (No of students who have cleared all the subjects in a single attempt of their semester or year of examination) /(Total No of students admitted in the first year) Item CAYm1 2008 – No of students admitted in First Year No of students who have cleared all subjects in single attempt First Year Success Index 09 422* 416** 281* 234** 0.67* 0.56** Av FYSI = 0.68* / 0.62** = 0.65 CAYm2 2007 – 08 423* 412** 240* 261** 0.56* 0.65** CAYm3 2006 – 07 415* 413** 342* 253** 0.82* 0.61** Academic Performance = 40 * FYSI = 26.00 Note : * - Semester I, ** - Semester II Annexure I Refers to I.0.6 List of other institutes/colleges run by the trust/society 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) Tathawade Campus : Rajarshi Shahu College of Pharmacy & Research. (B. Pharm) Jayawant Institute of Management Studies. (MBA, MCA) Jayawant Institute of Computer Applications. (MCA, MBA) Jayawant Institute of Business Studies (Autonomous). (PGDM) Jayawant Institute of Pharmacy. (D Pharm) Rajarshi Shahu College of Education (B Ed) Blossom Public School (C B S E) Blossom Public School (Pre Primary). Hadapsar Campus : Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engineering. (BE, MBA, MCA) Jayawantrao Sawant College of Pharmacy & Research. (B Pharm) Jayawantrao Sawant Institute of Management Studies. (MBA) Jayawantrao Sawant Institute of Pharmacy. (D Pharm) Abacus Institute of Computer Applications. (MCA) Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic (Dip Engg) in double shift Jayawantrao Sawant College of Education. (B Ed) Imperial Adhyapak Vidyalaya. (D Ed) Cygnet Public School. (State Board) Cygnet Public School. (Pre Primary) Wagholi Campus : Imperial College of Engineering & Research. (B E) Charak College of Pharmacy & Research. (B Pharm) Kautilya Institute of Management & Research. (MBA) Eniac Institute of Computer Applications. (MCA) (e) (f) (g) (h) Bhiwarabai Sawant Polytechnic. (D Engg) Bhiwarabai Sawant College of Engineering (B E) for women. Prodigy Public School. Prodigy Public School. (Pre Primary) All the above institutes are approved by AICTE / MSBTE / CBSE / State Board and colleges are affiliated to University of Pune. Annexure II Refers I-I.2.1 (a) Governing Body : Composition and Functions Composition : 1. Prof T J Sawant, Founder Secretary 3. DTE Maharashtra 4. Dr P D Patil, Vice Chancellor D Y Patil Deemed University 5. Prof R S Joshi, Director JSPM 6. Prof Dr P P Vitkar, Campus Director 7. Mr P C Patil, C.A.Director Finance 8. Industrialist/Educationist/technologist (to be appointed by WRO AICTE). 9. Industrialist/Educationist/technologist (to be appointed by DTE). 10. Prof D S Bormane, Principal Functions : 1. To approve budget estimates. 2. To scrutinize workload, approve the staffing pattern and create posts. 3. To consider and approve proposals for creation of infrastructure such as building, equipment, library and staff. 4. To consider Principals’ report on the status of admissions. 5. To consider Principals report on the academic performance of the students. 6. To supervise the observance of service conditions of the staff. 7. To consider the proposals of the Principal for improvement in academic performance of the staff. - Member - Member Secretary - Member - University Nominee - Member - Member - Member - Chairman - Nominee of DTE 2. Regional Officer, AICTE Western Region - Member AICTE 8. To consider any other matter in so far as it enhances the academic atmosphere in the college. 9. To consider any other proposal for expansion of educational activities to be made to council / Government / affiliating body. Frequency of Meetings : The Governing Body meetings are held twice a year. Annexure III (i) Refers to I-I.2.1 (a) Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Rajarshi Shahu college of Engineering, Tathawade, Pune Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting of the college held on Wednesday 02 December 2009 Prof T J Sawant, Founder Secretary and Chairman welcomed and felicitated all the members and exchanged pleasantries. He then told the secretary to commence the proceedings. 1. Item 1. Passing of the minutes of the last meeting held on 29 April 2009. : Secretary read out the minutes of the previous meeting and after brief discussion the minutes were confirmed. 2. Item 2. : Principal’s Report : Principal presented the report of various activities since last meeting held on 29 April 2009. He had special mention about the nice performance of our students in the university examination. He informed that the university examination was in progress. All the departments had completed the syllabi in time and end term test was also conducted after the term was over. 3. Item 3. : Reports of subcommittees : The reports of finance, building, purchase and staff selection sub committees were presented by the respective sub committee in charge. Principal requested for new type of class room furniture for image building. 4. Item 4. : Budget for Innovision and Gandharva : Principal submitted the balance sheet of last years activity and put up budget for the same for similar event in February 2010. Governing Body accepted the requirement. 5. Item 5. : Points from the Principal : Principal requested for the following : (a) Replacement / addition of furniture and storage facility in the library. (b) Renovation of buildings and infrastructure. (c) Implementation of pay scales as per Sixth Pay Commission recommendations. 6. Item 6. : Points from the Chairman : (a) Chairman appreciated the efforts of faculty in bring commendable results. (b) Chairman conveyed that senior faculty members should be tasked to guide young faculty members for writing and publishing technical papers in journals. (c) He told the members that action was in hand to replace existing old class room furniture and to improve campus get up. (d) He laid stress on the accreditation and said that that the college must complete the accreditation process in 2010. 7. There being no other point the meeting was declared over after vote of thanks by the secretary. S/d Place : Tathawade, Pune Date : 05 December 2009. Prof T J Sawant Chairman Annexure III (ii) Refers to I-I.2.1 (a) Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Rajarshi Shahu college of Engineering, Tathawade, Pune Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting of the college held on Wednesday 05 May 2010 Prof T J Sawant, Founder Secretary and Chairman welcomed and felicitated all the members and exchanged pleasantries. He then told the secretary to commence the proceedings. 1. Item 1. Passing of the minutes of the last meeting held on 02 December 2009. : Secretary read out the minutes of the previous meeting and after brief discussion the minutes were ratified. 2. Item 2. : Principal’s Report : Principal presented the report of various activities since last meeting held on 02 December 2009. He said the response of students from various colleges as well as from sponsors to the technical event Innovision was even much better than that of previous year. The industry people who were invited to judge various competitions lauded students innovative ideas. 3. Item 3. : Reports of subcommittees : The reports of finance, building, purchase and staff selection sub committees were presented by the respective sub committee in charge. The building committee informed about the construction/ renovation to improve library and computer centre facilities. It was informed that the floors housing the two are being made air conditioned. 4. Item 4. : Budget Approval : Principal presented the budget of the college for the financial year 2010 – 11. The same was approved. 5. Item 5. : Points from the Principal : Principal thanked the Chairman for implementing sixth pay commission recommended scale to the faculty and staff. He also thanked the management for the renovation of library and computer centre building. 6. Item 6. : Points from the Chairman : Chairman expressed his concern about non availability of senior faculty in MCA and MBA departments. He directed the principal to identify some senior faculty members from this field and arrange their meeting with him. 7. There being no other point the meeting was declared over after vote of thanks by the secretary. Place : Tathawade, Pune Date : 08 May 2010. Prof T J Sawant Chairman Annexure IV Refers to I-I.2.1(b) Composition and Functions of Local Managing Committee Composition : 1. Prof T J Sawant, Founder Secretary 2. Prof Dr P P Vitkar, Executive Director 3. Mr Abhay Tambe, Industrialist 4. Prof V K Kokate, Academician 5. Mr Sanjay Kulkarni 6. Prof A S Devasthali, Vice Principal 7. Prof S M Sangve 8. Prof D M Yadav 9. Mr Ravi Salunke Member 10. Prof Dr D S Bormane, Principal Functions : 1. Prepare budget and financial statement. 2. Recommend to management creation of teaching and other posts. 3. Determine the programme of instruction and internal evaluation and to discuss the progress of studies in the college. 4. Make recommendations to the management for the improvement of the standard of teaching in the college. 5. Formulate proposals of new expenditure not provided for in the institute budget. 6. Advise the principal regarding the intake capacity of various classes, preparation of time tables, distribution of the internal administrative responsibilities of the college and discipline of the students from time to time. 7. Consider and make recommendations on the report of Local Inquiry Committee, if any. Member Secretary Chairman JSPM Nominee Expert from outside Expert from outside Expert from outside Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Non Teaching 8. Prepare annual report on the work done by the committee for the year ending on 30 th June and submit the same to the management, the management council of the university. Frequency of meetings : Twice in an academic year. Annexure V (i) Refers to I-I.2.1 (b) Minutes of Local Managing Committee Meeting 1. Meeting of the Local Managing Committee of the college was held at 3 : 00 P. M. on Saturday, 21 November 2009. Following were present : (a) Prof. T. J. Sawant, Founder Secretary – Chairman (b) Prof. Dr P. P. Vitkar, Campus Director (c) Mr. Abhay Tambe, Industrialist – Expert form outside (d) Prof. V. K. Kokate, Academician – Expert form outside (e) Mr. Sanjay Kulkarni – Expert from outside (f) Prof. A. S. Devasthali – Faculty Member (g) Prof. S. M. Sangve – Faculty Member (h) Prof. D. M. Yadav – Faculty Member (i) (j) Mr. Ravi Salunke – Non Teaching Member Prof. Dr. D. S. Bormane, Principal – Member Secretary 2. Principal’s Report : Principal welcomed the chairman and all the members. He reviewed the points discussed during the previous meeting and gave the progress on various points and also presented a brief of the activities carried out in the last semester as under : (a) He presented the result of the University examination of conducted in May 2009. He informed that the performance of our students was quite encouraging. Chairman directed the Principal to prevail upon the faculty for further improvement. (b) He informed the members about smooth conduct of ME Mechanical, Electronics and Civil classes and tie up for visiting faculty / eminent subject experts. (c) He informed the members the details of the technical and cultural activities INNOVISION and GANDHARVA to be organized in February 2010. (d) He informed that research proposals worth about Rs 28 lakhs have been approved by the University of Pune during current academic year. These were forwarded by a number of faculty members from all the departments. (e) He informed the members that the requirement of equipment, consumables, stationary items, furniture for next semester was being worked out and will soon be forwarded to obtain approval. 3. Points from the Experts : (a) Mr Abhay Tambe, expert from the industry appreciated the efforts made by the faculty members for undertaking research activity, he suggested that young faculty members also should be involved in this work. This would help them in getting experience and they would be motivated to undertake projects on their own. (b) He also expressed his willingness to provide guidance to students for their final year projects. (c) Prof V K Kokate stressed the need of writing technical papers for publication in journals. He suggested that Professors should be given specific task to guide young faculty in this matter 4. Points from the Chairman : The chairman while laying stress on the academics, expected further improvement in students performance in university examination. He complemented faculty members for the excellent results.: (a) He asked the Principal to make provision for R and D in the budget. He stressed the need for faculty’s involvement in R & D and paper publication activities. (b) He instructed the Principal for timely planning the procurement of equipment, books, computers, consumables etc for the next semester. 5. There being no other points the meeting was concluded after vote of thanks by Vice Principal Prof A S Devasthali. Annexure V (ii) Refers to I-I.2.1 (b) Minutes of Local Managing Committee Meeting 1. Meeting of the Local Managing Committee of the college was held at 3 : 00 P. M. on Saturday, 17 April 2010. Following were present : (a) Prof. T. J. Sawant, Founder Secretary – Chairman (b) Prof. Dr P. P. Vitkar, Campus Director (c) Mr. Abhay Tambe, Industrialist – Expert form outside (d) Prof. V. K. Kokate, Academician – Expert form outside (e) Mr. Sanjay Kulkarni – Expert from outside (f) Prof. A. S. Devasthali – Faculty Member (g) Prof. S. M. Sangve – Faculty Member (h) Prof. D. M. Yadav – Faculty Member (i) (j) Mr. Ravi Salunke – Non Teaching Member Prof. Dr. D. S. Bormane, Principal – Member Secretary 2. Principal’s Report : Principal welcomed the chairman and all the members. He reviewed the points discussed during the previous meeting and gave the progress on various points and also presented a brief of the activities carried out in the last semester as under : (a) He presented the result of the University examination of conducted in December 2009. (b) He informed the members about the conduct of technical and cultural event INNOVISION and GHANDHARVA 2010 in the last week of February 2010. He informed that the technical event received overwhelming response from the students form various colleges even from outside Maharashtra. (c) He gave out the progress of the research projects being pursued by the faculty members for which they have received grants form the University of Pune. (d) He thanked the Management for providing new class room furniture to some of the classes and also requested for similar replacement in the remaining class rooms. (e) In view of the starting of PG courses in the college he requested the management for up gradation of library, internet access and enhanced connectivity. (f) Principal requested the Chairman to consider the request for implementing sixth Pay commission scale. 3. Points from the Experts : (a) Mr Abhay Tambe, suggested that the final year students be given product improvement related projects rather than those of only academic interest. (b) He also expressed his willingness to provide guidance to students for their final year projects. (c) Prof V K Kokate stressed the need of writing technical papers for publication in journals. He suggested that Professors should be given specific task to guide young faculty in this matter. (d) He once again stressed the need for motivating faculty members to write technical papers and to get them published in the national and international journals 4. Points from the Chairman : The chairman while laying stress on the academics, expected further improvement in students performance in university examination. He complemented faculty members for the excellent results.: (a) He asked the Principal to insist on senior faculty to write technical papers and assured full financial support. (b) He informed that the up gradation of infrastructure as suggested by the Principal will be done on priority. (c) He said that the sixth pay scale will be implemented from next academic year. 5. There being no other points the meeting was concluded after vote of thanks by Vice Principal Prof A S Devasthali. Annexure VI Refers to I-I.2.1(c) College / Institution Committees To ensure smooth, effective and efficient functioning of the institution, following committees shall be formed. The committees will meet periodically and minutes of the meetings will be put up to the Principal / Director for his perusal and guidance. 1. Governing Body. 2. Local Management Committee. 3. Academics Monitoring and Performance Evaluation Committee. 4. Purchase Committee. 5. AICTE/DTE/LIC Report preparation committee 6. NBA Accreditation committee 7. Training and Placement committee. 8. Publication and media liaison committee. 9. Continuing education and staff development committee. 10. Gymkhana and sports committee. 11. Canteen and campus maintenance committee. 12. Grievance Redressal committee. 13. Hostel management and discipline committee. 14. Equipment repair and maintenance committee. 15. Extra and co curricular activities committee. 16. Library committee. 17. R & D and consultancy committee. 18. Planning committee. 19. Budget committee. 20. Anti – Ragging Committee. 21. Anti – Ragging Squad Annexure VII Refers to I-I.2.2 (a) List of Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Carrying of Identity card. College Uniform. Library Rules. Prohibition of Ragging. Sale and consumption of Tobacco products in and around college campus. College Attendance. Admission Rules. Hostel Rules. Payment of fees Annexure VIII Refer to I-I.2.2 (b) List of Policies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Leave. Vacation. Compensatory Off. Promotion. Study Leave. Incentive for up gradation. Remuneration for consultancy. Sponsorship for higher studies. Annexure IX Refer to I-I.2.2 (b) List of Policies 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Leave. Vacation. Compensatory Off. Promotion. Study Leave. Incentive for up gradation. Remuneration for consultancy. Sponsorship for higher studies. (c) List of Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Procedure to appoint principal. Procedure to appoint faculty. Actions to be taken when new employees join the college. Documents to be forwarded to corporate office along with bio data. Procedure to fill up temporary vacancy. Procedure to implement inter institution transfer order. Procedure to process resignation letter. Purchase procedure. Procedure of Performance Evaluation of faculty members Procedure to initiate official correspondence. Procedure to process inward – outward mail. Key drawal and deposition procedure. Procedure to work out stationery requirement of the office and the departments Annexure X Refers to I-I.2.3 (a) List of Faculty administrators and decision makers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Dr D S Bormane, Principal Mr A S Devasthali, Asst Prof, Vice Principal Mr G R Patil, Prof, Head E and TC Department Dr S B Barve, Prof, Head Mechanical Engineering Department Mr S M Sangve, Asst Prof, Head Computer Engineering Department Mr R S Karale, Asst Prof, Head Civil Engineering Department Mrs Seema Kedar, Asst Prof, Head I T Department Mr Gorakh Wakhare, Asst Prof, Head MBA Department Mrs Jigisha Pardeshi, Asst Prof, Head MCA Department Mrs S P Gudi, Librarian Wg Cdr N B Shikhare Training & Placement Officer Mr Jagtap, Asst Prof Workshop Superintendent Annexure XI Refers to I-I.2.3 Composition and Functions of Grievance Addressal System Composition : 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Prof Dr D S Bormane, Principal Prof Dr Mrs Apte, Mr Jadav Office Superintendent Mechanism : To maintain total transparency in the day to day working. Not to over look or ignore minor type of untoward incidence. Meeting to be convened as and when any complaint is received without delay. Complaint of any type will be investigated without any bias. Strict confidentiality of the deliberations of the meeting will be maintained by all the members. The record of all investigations will be kept in the personal custody of the Principal. Matter will be resolved expeditiously. Matter requiring reference to management will be dealt with personally by the Principal and directions received will be communicated to concerned person. 9. In addition to above permanent members Head of the concerned department will be co-opted if considered necessary. - Chairman - Member - Member Prof A S Devasthali, Vice Principal – Member PART II Department / Programme Summary (Criteria III to VIII) D.0.1 Name and address of the Department : Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, S. No. 80, Pune – Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathawade, Pune, Maharashtra. PIN 411033. D.0.2 Name, designation, telephone Nos and e-mail of the Contact person for NBA (a) Name : Mr G. R. Patil (b) Designation : Professor and Head of the Department (c) Telephone Nos. : 020 – 22933423 extn 214 020 – 22934084 extn 214 020 – 22934344 extn 214 (d) E-mail id : [email protected] D.0.3 History of the Department (including dates of introduction and No. of seats of various programmes of study, which are run by the department along with NBA accreditation, if any, in tabular form. Programme of study U G in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Description Started with 60 seats in 2001 Intake increased to 120 in 2006 Applied for the accreditation for the first time PG---ME(Electronics) Started with 18 seats in 2007 D.0.4 List the names of the Programmes/Departments which share human resources and/or the facilities of this Department/Programme. Department : Electronics Engineering Programme : P G in Electronics (Digital Systems) Intake : 18, Started in 2007, Not yet eligible for Accreditation. D.0.5 Total No. of Students --420, Boys -302, Girls -118 D.0.6 Total No of Employees --46, Male --27, Female --19. during the current and previous two academic years (1st July to 30 June) in the Department : D.0.7 Minimum and Maximum No. of faculty and staff on roll CAY (2010-11) Teaching faculty in the department Teaching faculty with the Programme Non Teaching staff Min 34 31 12 Max 34 31 12 CAYm1 (2009-10) Min 36 33 08 Max 37 34 08 CAYm2 (2008-09) Min 36 33 09 Max 38 34 09 D.0.8 Summary of budget for the CFY and the actual expenditures incurred in the CFYm1 and CFYm2 (exclusively for this programme in the department) Items Budgete d in CFY (200910) Actual expenses in CFY 2010) Actual expenses in CFYm1 Actual expenses in CFYm2 08) (till 31Mar (2008-09) (20077,36,036/1,400/26,101/3,128/50,000/1,00,000/13,57,620/15,02,506/61,554/17930/40,000/60,000/3,87,287/Nil 58,907/25650/40000/34000/- Lab 7,50,000/- Equipment S W Purchase 2,000/Lab 30,000/consumables Maintenance and spares Travel* Miscellaneou s expenses for academic activities** 4,000/60000/1,10,000/- * Since it is under JSPM (society) arrangement no separate budget is allocated to the department. ** Academic activities are carried out centrally and Department wise hence no separate budget of the department. Criteria III : Students’ Entry and Outputs (150) III-P.1 Students admission (10) (a) Admission Intake Items Sanctioned intake strength in the programme No. of total admitted students in First Year No of total admitted students (including lateral entries in 2nd year, if any), belonging to the same CAY 2010-11 120 100 - CAYm1 2009-10 120 121(1J&K) 121+45 CAYm2 2008-09 120 121(1J&K) 121+24 CAYm3 2007-08 120 120 120+20 batch (b) Admission Quality: Divide the total admitted ranks (or percentage-marks) into 5 or a few more meaningful ranges. Rank Range 1 to 10,000 10,001 to 20,000 20,001 to 50,000 50,001 to 1,00,000 1,00,001 to 2,00,000 Admitted without CAY 2010-11 23+12 35 17 13 CAYm1 2009-10 30+3=33 34+1=35 25+10=3 5 7+8=15 0+3=03 _ CAYm2 2008-09 39 30+2=32 18+9=27 CAYm3 2007-08 38 20 26+13=3 9 7+15=22 6+9=15 0+1=01 _ 3+5=8 _ rank Note: The figure following +ve sign indicates students admitted through management quota in that rank range III-P.2 Success Rate (30) Provide data for the past 7 batches of students (Successfully completed implies zero backlog) Year of Entry (in reverse chronologi cal order) No. of students admitted in 1st year +2 nd No. of students successful ly complete d 1st year No. of students successful ly complete d 2nd year No. of students successful ly complete d 3rd year No. of students successful ly complete d 4th year year (x+y) 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 100 _ _ _ 121+45 83 _ _ 121+24 92 67+7 _ 120+20 76 68+11 60+11 120+20 90 58+8 49+9 61+10 36 35+6 29+4 61+9 35 26+2 31+5 Success Rate = 30 * Mean Success Index (SI) for past 3 SI = (No. of students who cleared the _ _ _ _ 88 56 46 batches programme in minimum period of course duration) / (No. of students admitted in the first year of that batch) Items Year of admission Year of passing No. of students admitted in the corresponding First Year No. of students who have graduated in 4 years Success Index (SI) Average SI = 2006-07 2009-10 2005-06 2008-09 2004-05 2007-08 140 88 0.628 71 56 0.788 70 46 0.657 0.691 Success Rate = 30 * Average SI = 20.73 III_P.3 Academic performance (30) Academic Performance = 3 * API Where API = Academic Performance Index = Mean of Cumulative Grade Point Average of all the students on a 10 No. of students successfully completed CGPA System OR Mean of the percentage of marks of all students / 10 Items CAY 2009-10 CAYm1 CAYm2 2008-09 2007-08 22 26 7 10 28 6 Approximating API by the following mid-point analysis No. of students in Distinction: >=67% No of students in Ist Class 60<=Percentage<67 No of students in Higher IInd class: 55<= Percentage<60 No of students in IInd class: 50<= Percentage<55 No of students in Pass class: Percentage<50 Total Approximating API by MidCGPA Exact Mean of CGPA/Percentage of all the students (API) Average API = 64.285/10= 6.4285 Academic Performance = 3 * Average API = 19.28 65.265 64.89 62.7 88 56 _ 46 _ _ 1 1 1 9 35 44 Note: Pune University does not follow CGPA grading system. The grading is based on percentage marks scored. III-P.4 Placement and higher studies (40) Assessment Points = 40 * ( X + 1.25 *Y)/ N Where X= Number of students placed , Y = Number of students admitted for higher studies with valid qualifying scores / ranks , N= Total number of students who were admitted in the batch Subject to Max. Assessment point = 40. Items Number of admitted students corresponding to LYG Number of who obtained jobs as per the records of placement office (X1) Number of students who found employment otherwise at the end of the final year (X2) X=X1+X2 Number of students who went for higher studies with valid qualifying scores /ranks (Y) Assessment Points Avg III-P.5 Professional Activities (20) Provide data for past 3 years – CAY, CAYm1, CAYm2. III-P.5.1 Professional societies / chapters and organizing engineering events (4) (list in tabular form) Sr. No . 1 Name of Professiona l Society/ Chapter IEEE + ENTESA Nature of Activity 3 Day Workshop on Advanced Embedded Date Participation Details (Number) Faculty Student s 3 27 Remarks LYG 2009-10 120+20 40 30 70 03 21.07 LYGm1 2008-09 60+11 24 15 39 04 25.14 26.12 LYGm2 2007-08 60+10 36 19 55 01 32.14 1113 Sep 200 For final year students Sr. No . 2 Name of Professiona l Society/ Chapter IEEE + ENTESA Nature of Activity System 2 Day Workshop on Emerging Trends in Electromagneti c & Antenna Design 3 Day Workshop on MSP-430 & its Application STTP-DSP Experiment with MATLAB Inauguration of ISTE staff chapter Inauguration of Student Chapter Seminar on “Building Excellence in HR” Seminar on “ Network Security & Virus Programming” One day workshop on MATLAB Guest lecture network security Date Participation Details (Number) Faculty Student s 10 135 Remarks 8 2-3 Feb 200 9 For third year students 3 IEEE + ENTESA ISTE 4 5 ISTE 6 7 ISTE ISTE 4-6 Sep 200 8 1213 Feb 200 9 12 Feb 200 9 Jun 200 9 22 Jan 201 0 3 33 For third year students For Staff 57 18 50 Nil Staff from all dept. Students from all dept. For second & third year students For second year students For second year students For Second Year & 10 5 400 300 8 ISTE 6Feb 5 201 0 30 Jun 201 0 8 Sep 201 3 150 9 ISTE 70 10 ENTESA 1 200 Sr. No . Name of Professiona l Society/ Chapter Nature of Activity Date Participation Details (Number) Faculty Student s Remarks 0 11 ENTESA 12 ISTE 13 ISTE Guest lectureStress Management Expert lecturepersonality development WorkshopMatlab 18 sept 201 0 5 oct 201 0 16 to 19 Aug 201 0 6 Aug 201 0 16 aug 201 0 27 aug 201 0 22 july 201 0 30 july 201 0 1 103 2 98 2 4 Third Year Students For Second Year & Students For Second Year & Students For Final Year & Third Year Students For Final Year & Third Year Students For Final Year & Third Year Students For Final Year & Third Year Students For Final Year Students For Final Year Students 14 IEEE 15 IEEE 16 ENTESA 17 ISTE 18 ISTE expert lectureIssues and scope in VLSI design VisitChaphekar wada Anath ashram Workshop8051 Target Boards Expert lectureareas and scope of project Expert lectureArm processor 1 20 1 15 1 176 1 98 1 103 III-P.5.2 Organizing of paper contests, design contests etc. and their achievements (4) (list in tabular form) Sr. No . 1 Nature of Activity Rachana 2010 Project Competition Rachana 2009 Project Competition Rachana 2008 Project Competition Innovision Paper Presentatio n 2010 Innovision Paper Presentatio n 2009 Innovision Paper Presentatio n 2008 Locatio n RSCOE Date Participatio n Details (Number) th 12 44 April 201 0 4th 45 April 200 9 Apr 30 200 8 22nd & 23rd Mar 201 0 16th & 17th Feb 200 9 28th & 29th Feb 200 8 29 Award s 3 Remarks For third & final year students For third & final year students For third & final year students For second, third & final year students For second, third & final year students For second, third & final year students 2 RSCOE 3 3 RSCOE 3 4 RSCOE 3 5 RSCOE 36 3 6 RSCOE 35 3 III-P.5.3 Publication of technical magazines, newsletters etc(4) (List the above publications along with the names of the editors, publishers etc) Sr. No . Publication Date of Details Publication No. of Article s Participation Details (Number) Faculty Student Remarks 1 Wall Magazine 7 of every Month th 100 - s 100 2 News Letter of E&TC Dept. 22nd Mar 2010 10 09 10 The students put up their articles regularly in the wall magazine The Newsletter “HORIZON ” With news & technical articles III-P.5.4 Entrepreneurship initiatives, product designs, innovations (4) (Specify the efforts and achievements Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Activity Inauguration of NEN E-Cell Program for Faculty Under NEN Documentary screening activity Drafter Activity One day workshop for students Participation in the program by IIT Mumbai Regional Workshop on “Collaborate to innovative” Date 19.07.200 8 7.07.2008 20.10.200 8 10.11.200 8 14 03.2008 6 .02.2009 Participation S.E and T.E and B.E Faculty from RSCOE S.E and T.E and B.E All FE students and BE 1.Chadan Kumar 2.Vaibhav Chatre 1.Supthrushi Bhatacharya 2. Saloni All Branches Achievements Awareness of Entrepreneurship Workshop for new Faculty incharge Team Building Knowledge of Business The Entreprenunal sprit “Get the wining Edge” Summit 09-10 Workshop on Entrepreneurship development Workshop for Entrepreneurship Skill development 6 7 4.02.2009 Sr. No. 8 Activity Date Participation 1.Amit Pachore 2.Gharpure Kaustabh 3.Chowdhury Saurav 4. Ganesh B. K. 1. Manish Patil 2. Shradha Wadje 3.Shardha Chordia 4. Patil Pooja 5. Pande Malvika 6. Neethi Suresh 7. Ritu Rani 8. Nilanjan Pahari 9. Pratik Shetty 10.Pranav Mathur 11. Prasad Piyush 12. Rutuja Vaidya Achievements Knowledge of Robot building Participates 15 Nov program of IIT 2010 Mumbai Nexus10 9 Three day workshop(ROB o CLAN) for students at SAE ,Pune 27 to 29th Aug 2010 Knowledge of Swam Intelligence,Imag e processing and Advanced autonomous robots *NEN : National Entrepreneurship Network III-P.5.5 Publications and awards in inter institute events by students of the programme of study (4) (include a table having those publications, which fetch awards by students in the events / conferences organized by other institutes. Include in a tabulated list of all other student publications in a separate annexure. Papers 2007-2008: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name of Student Shivaji Bhadra Shradha Patil Sanket Garade Vijayata Pawar Shrikant mane Sheni Mathaw Varun Saner Varun Saner Vibhu Gangal Chandan Kumar Ankush Dey Abhijeet Jain Abhijeet Jain Shreyas Tamboli Suhail More Event in Which Participat ed Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 TechnoAre na 2008 Innovision 2008 Tech jalwa Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 Innovision 2008 Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 Zenith200 7 Date Name of Organiser 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 --28th Feb 2007 19th March 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 28th Feb 2008 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 21st Sept 2007 Date Name of Organiser AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE COEP RSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE RSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE AISSMSCOE Prizes, Medal Won, Semi Final, Final Participant Participant Participant Participant Participant Participant Participant Participant 1st 3rd Participant 5th Participant Participant Participant Paper Presentation 2008-09 Event in Sr. Which Name of Student No. Participa ted National Nisha Hashwani level Bindu Shrinivas paper 1 Sachin Gavane presentati Prashant Ghewari on Zest Prajakta Umbarkar 08 2 Priyanka acharya Technical Mamata bansal paper Prizes, Medal Won, Semi Final, Final 15/9/20 08 29/9/08 AVCOE , Sangamner PICT, Pune Participation 3rd prize Sr. No. Name of Student 3 Bindu sriniwas Nisha haswani 4 Ajay Tiwari Pushpraj Shetty Krunal Sonawane 5 Neha Sukhatankar 6 Neha Sukhatankar 7 Vibhu Gangal Mnish Gupta 8 Pallavi More 9 10 Ajay Tiwari Ajay Tiwari Pushpraj Shetty Event in Which Participa ted presentati on National level paper presentati on ITECH09 , Internatio nal Paper presentati on Techlligen t 09, National level Paper presentati on INVIGOR 08-09 National level Paper presentati on ITECH09 , Internatio nal Paper presentati on INVIGOR -09 National level Paper presentati on Paper Presentati on, REBEL-09 Paper Presentati Date Name of Organiser Prizes, Medal Won, Semi Final, Final 15/9/08 National level paper presentation Participation 4/3/09 to 5/3/09 AVCOE, Sangamner Participation 6/3/09 to 7/3/09 PCCOE, Pune First 30/1/09 to 31/1/09 SKNCOE, Pune Participation 4/3/09 to 5/3/09 AVCOE, Sangamner First 30/1/09 to 31/1/09 SKNCOE, Pune Participation 19/3/09 to 20/3/09 24/3/09 SVPMCOE Baramati MAE alandi Second Third Sr. No. Name of Student Event in Which Participa ted on, Technodr eam Date Name of Organiser Prizes, Medal Won, Semi Final, Final Paper Presentation 2009-10 Sr. No. 1 Name of Student Ajay Sawant (BE-B) Event in Which Participated National Level Paper Presentation Date 20 Feb 2010 Name of Organiser VIM, Pune Prizes, Medals Won Participation III-P.6 Students’ Project Quality (20) Include list of five best and average projects, taken each from three years – CAY, CAYm1, CAYm2 – along with their contributions. Refer to annexure I Criteria IV : Faculty Contributions List of Department Faculty : Exclusively for the programme / shared with other programmes Refer to annexure II IV-P.1 Teacher – student ratio (20) Assessment = 20 * 15/ TSR Where TSR = Teacher Student Ratio = (x + y + z)/N Where x = No of students in 2nd year of the programme y = No of students in 3rd year of the programme z = No of students in 4th year of the programme N = Total No. of Faculty members in the programme Year CAYm2 (2007-08) CAYm1 (2008-09) CAY (2009-10) x 149 151 140 y 69 135 147 z 63 69 115 x+y +z 281 355 402 N 26 27 28 TSR 10.8 13.1 5 14.3 6 Assessmen t 20 20 20 20.00 Average Assessment IV-P.2 Cadre ratio (20) Assessment = 20 * CRI Where CRI = Cadre Ratio Index = 2.25 (2x + y) / N subject to Max CRI = 1.0 where x = No of Professors in the programme y = No. of associate professors / readers in the programme N = Total No. of Faculty Memebers in the programme Year CAYm2 (2007-08) CAYm1 (2008-09) CAY (2009-10) x 2 3 4 7 6 5 y N 26 27 28 CRI 0.95 1 1 Assessment 19.04 20 20 19.68 Average Assessment IV-P.3 Faculty Qualifications (40) Assessment = 4 * FQI Where FQI = Faculty Qualification Index. = ( 10 x + 6 y + 4 z ) / N where x = No. of Faculty Members with Ph.D. in engg. y = No of Faculty Members with M.E./M, Tech z = No of Faculty Members with B.E./ B.Tech N = Total No. of Faculty Members Year CAYm2 (200708) x 2 y 12 z 12 N 26 FQI 5.38 Assessment 21.51 CAYm1 (200809) 2 15 10 27 5.56 22.22 CAY (200910) 3 15 10 28 5.71 22.86 Average Assessment IV-P.4 Faculty retention (20) Assessment = 4 * RPI/N Where RPI = Retention Point Index 22.20 = Points assigned to all faculty Where Points assigned to a faculty = 1 point for each year of experience at the institute but not exceeding 5. N = Total No. of faculty Members Item CAYm2 (2007-08) No of faculty with less than 1y (xO) No of faculty with 1y <= period< 2y (x1) No of faculty with 2y <= period< 3y (x2) CAYm1 (2008-09) 5 6 5 CAY (200910) 1 5 6 2 10 4 No of faculty with 3y <= period< 4y (x3) No of faculty with 4y <= period< 5y (x4) No of faculty with more than 5y (x5) N RPI = x1 +2* x2 +3* x3 + 4*x4 + 5*x5 5 5 0 26 55 8.46 4 5 2 27 58 8.59 5 4 7 28 83 11.86 9.64 Assessmen t Average Assessment IV-P.5 Research Publications and IPR (20) Faculty points in Publication & IPR (FPPR) = Assessment of Publications + Assessment of IPR Assessment of Publications = 3 * Sum of research points scored by each Faculty member/No of sanctioned positions of Professors and Readers. Assessment of IPR = Sum of IPR points scored by each Faculty member/ No of sanctioned positions of Professors & Readers. Note : A faculty member scores at the most 5 Research points depending upon the quality of the research papers published in the past 3 years. For this research papers considered are those (i) which can be located on Internet and / or are included in hard copy volumes/proceedings, published by a well known publishing house, and (ii) the faculty member’s affiliation, in published paper, is the one of the same college/institute. For multiple authors, every author of the same college will earn the points. Similarly, a faculty member scores 1 point for each IPR subject to a maximum of 5 points. Include a list of such publications along with details of DOI, publisher, month/year, etc. Sr. No Name of Faculty CAYm2 (2007-08) Pub IPR Pub+ Points Points IPR (x) (y) Points (3x+y) Dr. D. S. Bormane Dr. Mrs. S. D. Apte Prof . S. D. Shirbahadurkar Prof D. M Yadav Prof G.R. Patil Prof A. N. Paithane Prof D. G. Bhalke Prof S. L. Chavan Prof G.C. Patil Prof B. D. Jadhav Prof S.C. Wagaj Prof P.M. Ghate Prof U. G Patil Prof A.A. Kasangottuwar Prof A.B Kanawade 2 2 1 2 3 2 0 0 0 5 0 15 CAY CAYm1 (2008-09) Pub IPR Pub+ points Points IPR (x) (y) points (3x+y) 3 = 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 3 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 15 9 9 5 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 12 6 6 3 6 9 6 1 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 9 0 3 0 3 9 2 1 0 0 3 5 0 15 6 15 5 0 15 9 5 0 15 CAY (2009-10) Pub IPR Pub+ points Poi IPR (x) nts points (y) (3x+y) 1 9 Sr. No Name of Faculty CAYm2 (2007-08) Pub IPR Pub+ Points Points IPR (x) (y) Points (3x+y) Prof S.A. Bhisikar 2 0 6 CAY CAYm1 (2008-09) Pub IPR Pub+ points Points IPR (x) (y) points (3x+y) - CAY (2009-10) Pub IPR Pub+ points Poi IPR (x) nts points (y) (3x+y) - 16 17Pr Prof C. V. Rane 18 Pr Prof B. R.Thawali Sum N Assessment FPPR = (Sum/N) 1 0 0 0 111 6 3 - - 0 0 51 7 - 1 2 0 0 72 9 3 6 (11 1/6)=18.5 7.20 (51/7)= 9)=8.00 (18.5+7.20+8.00)/3=11.20 (69/ Av. Assessment IV-P.6 Externally funded R & D projects and consultancy work (20) Assessment of R&D and consultancy Projects = 4 * Sum of FPPC by each faculty/No of sanctioned positions of Professors and Readers Where FPPC = Faculty Points in Projects & Consultancy. Note : A faculty member gets at the most 5 points depending upon the amount of externally funded R & D project and/or consultancy work. For multiple faculty members involved in a single project, every faculty member will earn the points, depending on the funding agency as given below : 5 points for funding by National Agency 4 points for funding by State Agency 3 points for funding by private sector, and 2 points for funding by the sponsoring Trust/ Society. Points to be awarded, if the total fund available for a project is of minimal one lakh rupees in the CFY. Name of Faculty contributing to FPPC Dr. D. S. Bormane Dr. S A Patil Dr. S. D. Apte Prof. G. R. Patil Prof. S. D FPPC Points CAYm2 (2007-08) 4 0 0 0 CAYm1 (2008-09) 4 2 0 2 2 CAY (2009-10) 4 2 4 4+3(Max 5) 4 Name of Faculty contributing to FPPC Shirbahadurkar Prof. D. G. Bhalke Prof. A. N. Paithane Mrs. C. V. Rane Mr. G C Patil Mr. S C Wagaj Mr. B D Jadhav Mr.P.M.Ghate Mr.S.L.Chavan Sum N (min N is 3) (excluding Asst Prof) Assessment FPPC = 4 * Sum/N FPPC Points CAYm2 (2007-08) 0 3 0 3 3 3 2 2 20 6 13.33 CAYm1 (2008-09) 2 3 0 3 3 3 2 2 28 7 16 CAY (2009-10) 4+3(Max 5) 4 4 2 2 34 9 15.11 14.81 Average Assessment IV-P.7 Interactions of Faculty with outside world (10) Assessment of Interactions = 2 * Sum of IP by each Faculty/No of sanctioned positions of Professors and Readers Where IP = Interaction points scored by each faculty Member Note : A faculty member gets at the most 5 Interaction Points depending upon the type of Institution or R & D Lab or Industry. Only those interactions will be considered who have resulted in joint quality publication, R & D projects and / or consultancy. The points earned by each faculty shall be decided as given below : 5 points for interaction with a well known Institute/ University abroad, 4 points for interaction with Institute of Eminence in India or National Research Lab, 3 points for interaction with University /Industry in India and Institute / University (not covered above) 2 points for interaction with State level Institutions, and 1 points for interaction with private affiliated Institutions. Points to be awarded are for activities, which result in joint efforts in publication of books / research paper, pursuing externally funded R & D projects and / or development of semester – long course / teaching modules. IP SR.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 Name of faculty DR.D.S.BORMANE DR. S. D. APTE DR. S. A. PATIL PROF G R PATIL PROF.S.D.SHIRBHADURKAR PROF D M YADAV PROF. D G BHALKE PROF A.N.PAITHANE PROF. S L CHAVAN MR.G.C.PATIL MR.S.C.WAGAJ MR.B.D.JADHAV MR.P.M.GHATE MRS.C.V.RANE Total point Number of sanctioned post Average Assesment CAYm2 2007-08 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 25 6 CAYm1 2008-09 5 5 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 38 7 9.3 CAY 2009-10 5 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 43 9 Criteria V : Facilities and Technical Support Description of Class rooms, faculty rooms, seminar a conference halls. Room description Class Room 1 Class Room 2 Class Room 3 Class Room 4 Class Room 5 Class Room 6 Class Room 7 Class Room 8 Dept Office HOD office Staff Room No 1 Staff Room No 2 Staff Room No 3 Staff Room No 4 Staff Room No 5 Staff Room No 6 Staff Room No 7 Tutorial Room Seminar Room Usage Class Room for 3rd year Class Room for 3rd year Class Room for 4th year Class Room for 2rd year Class Room for 2nd year Class Room for 2nd year Class Room For FE Class Room For FE H.O.D Office HOD Room Staff Room Staff Room Staff Room Staff Room Staff Room Staff Room Staff Room Tutorial room for 2nd year Guest Lectures, Seminar, Workshops Departmental meeting Library Shared/Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Shared With PG Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive 50 20 10 White Board Book Racks,Books Capacity 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 01 01 04 03 03 02 03 03 03 25 1 Rooms Equipped with Black board, Chair & Table Black board, Chair & Table Black board, Chair & Table Black board, Chair & Table Black board, Chair & Table Black board, Chair & Table Black board, Chair & Table Black board, Chair & Table PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack PC, Internet, Book rack White Board PC,LCD Projector Meeting Room Departmental office &Library V-P.1 Class rooms in the department (15) V-P.1.1 Enough rooms for lectures (core/electives), seminars, tutorials, etc for the programme (5) i) There are 6 divisions and 6 classrooms available. ii) At a time maximum 4 theory lectures are conducted hence even 3 electives can be offered to BE students for which Sufficient Classrooms are available. iii) There are two tutorial rooms available which are adequate for conducting Tutorial for SE(E&Tc) class iv) There is separate seminar room available which can accommodate 150 students. V-P.1.2 Teaching aids – black/white-boards, multimedia projectors, etc. (5) i) Each classroom has a blackboard a seating capacity of 70. ii)Two OHP’s are available in the department. iii)The seminar room is equipped with whiteboard, LCD projector, PC & internet. V-P.1.3 Acoustics, class room size, conditions of chairs / benches, air circulation, lighting, exits, ambiance etc. (5) i) The class rooms can accommodate 70 students each. ii) The classrooms are airy and spacious iii) There are enough windows to provide air circulation and natural light. iv) The classrooms are fitted with enough tube lights and fans v) The decent flooring and furniture provides good ambience for study. V-P.2 Faculty rooms in the department (15) V-P.2.1 Availability of individual faculty rooms (5) i) There are total 32 faculty members in the department ii) 8 faculty rooms are available which can accommodate 26 faculty members. iii) In the laboratories separate cabins are available for faculty who are lab in-charges. V-P.2.2 Rooms are equipped with white/black board, computer, internet, etc (5) i) Each faculty room is equipped with computer & Internet. V-P.2.3 Usage of room for discussion/counseling with students (5) i) There are two tutorial rooms, and a meeting room available in the department which is also used for discussion & connselling. V-P.3 Laboratories in the department to meet the curriculum requirements as well as the PEOs (25) S.N o. Curriculum Lab description Exclusive Space/ use/ students shared List of Experiments Quality of QLab Manuals Instruments 1. Solid State devices & Circuits 66 EDC Lab1 Sq.m./20 8 Test & Measuring Instruments such as function Yes S.N o. Curriculum Lab description Exclusive Space/ use/ students shared List of Experiments Quality of QLab Manuals Instruments 2 Electronics Instruments & Testing EDC Lab2 66 Sqm../20 7 generator,oscillo scope,DSO’s,M ultimeter, Power supplies Yes EDC Lab1 3 Integrated Circuits & Applications 66 Sq../20 10 Yes DEMP Lab 4 Digital Logic Design 66 Sq../20 8 IC Tester,Micropro cessor &Controller Kits 66 Sq../20 9 Yes Yes DEMP Lab 5 Advance Microprocessor S.N o. Curriculum Lab description Exclusive Space/ use/ students shared List of Experiments Quality of QLab Manuals Instruments 6 Microprocessor & Microcontroller Architechture 66 Sq../20 10 IC Tester,Micropro cessor &Controller Kits Yes 7 Communication Theory Communicat 66 ion ab1 Sq.m/20. 10 DSO,MSO, Logic Analyzer, Yes 8 Digital Communication Communicat 78Sq.m/20 ion ab1 . 10 DSO,MSO, Logic Analyzer, Yes 9 Voice Networks Communicat 78Sqm./15 ion ab2 9 Microwave test bench,DSB SSb Agilent Make Function generator Yes S.N o. Curriculum Lab description Exclusive Space/ use/ students shared List of Experiments Quality of QLab Manuals Instruments 10 Optical & Microwave Communicat 78Sqm./15 ion ab2 . 8 Microwave test bench,reflex klystron,detecto r power measurement unit Yes 11 ComputerNetworks Electronic s Design & 98Sqm./20 softwarw . tools Lab Electronic s Design & 98Sqm./20 softwarw . tools Lab Electronic s Design & softwarw 98Sqm./20 tools Lab Embdded System Lab 7 Yes 12 Digital Signal Processing 10 Yes 13 Data Structures 10 Microwind,Matl ab,Multisim Yes 14 Embdded System Design 78Sqm./15 9 Microwind,Matl ab,Multisim Yes S.N o. Curriculum Lab description Exclusive Space/ use/ students shared List of Experiments Quality of QLab Manuals Instruments 15 CST Embdded System Lab 78Sqm./20 8 Matlab,Multisi m Yes Measuremen ts Lab 16 Network & power Lab 66Sqm./20 11 DSO, power supply Yes Measuremen ts Lab 17 Electronic measurements 66Sqm./20 7 DSO, power supply, function generator, CRO Yes Power Lab Universal freq. counter Yes 18 Power Electronics Lab 66Sqm./20 10 19 Electronic Design practices Project Lab 98Sqm./20 4 Analog digital trainer,projector, wobullator,digit al TV Trainer Yes S.N o. Curriculum Lab description Exclusive Space/ use/ students shared List of Experiments Quality of QLab Manuals Instruments 20 Audio video Engg Project Lab 98Sqm./20 8 Yes Analog digital trainer, projector, wobullator, digital TV Trainer 21 Electronic system design & Mini project Project Lab 98Sqm./20 5 Yes 22 Information theory & Coding Techniques PG Lab 66Sqm./20 7 Actel kits ,PC’s Yes 23 VLSI PG Lab 66Sqm./20 10 Actel kits ,PC’s,microwin d,Actel Yes V-P.3.1 Enough labs to run programme specific curriculum (10) i)There are total 10 laboratories available in the department ii)The labs are developed as per the curriculum. V-P.3.2 Availability of computing facilities available exclusively in the department (5) i)There are four laboratories out of 10 which have computing facilities. ii)They are equipped with Pentium IV computers, printers, and all are networked. iii)The software tools available are MATLAB, multisim, Microwind etc. iv)A state of art VLSI design lab is available with Actel kits and software. V-P.3.3 Availability of labs with technical support within and beyond working hours (5) i) The technical support staff is available in all the laboratories. ii) Labs are kept open beyond working hours . V-P.3.4 Equipments to run experiments and their maintenance, Number of students per experimental set up. Size of the laboratories, overall ambience etc. (5) i)Each lab is equipped with test and measuring instruments. Kits & components are available for performing experiments. ii)For software based experiments, the students perform the experiments individually. ii)For the hardware experiment, there are four students per experimental setup. iii)The size of labs is 66 to 78 sqm which is as per norms and can accommodate 20 students per batch. iv)The labs are equipped with decent flooring and furniture to provide good ambience. V-P.4 Technical manpower support in the department (20) Name of Tech Staff Kamble S.H. Designation (Pay-Scale) Lab Assistant (3000-5008000) Exclusive/ Shared Work? Exclusive Date of Joining Qualification At joining Now 23/06/08 D.I.E Oyher technical Skills gained? Computer training at C.O.E,Osmanabad Enhancing the Lab development Training program of D.T.E. Completed at VIT,Bibwewadi Software Testing course Responsibility To maintain the Lab To provide consumable material to conduct practical. To arrange setup of practical. To maintain the Lab To provide consumable material to conduct practical. To arrange setup of practical. To maintain the Lab To provide consumable material to conduct practical. To arrange setup of practical. To maintain the Lab To provide consumable material to conduct practical. To arrange Kare C.B. Lab Assistant (3000-5008000 Exclusive 1/07/08 B.E(E & TC) Bahadure K.P. Lab Technician (4000-5009000) Exclusive 03/10/08 I.T.I,NCVT, DEE(Appeared) Apprenticeship- ITI Electrical Johnson & Johnson Aurangabad,2005 Dawane A.B. Lab Assistant (3000-5008000 Exclusive 08/08/08 I.T.I NCVT DEE (Appeard) DISKTOP publication Computer course completed. Name of Tech Staff Designation (Pay-Scale) Exclusive/ Shared Work? Date of Joining Qualification At joining Now Diploma In Computer Hardware & Networking. Oyher technical Skills gained? Responsibility Kamble S.S Lab Assistant (3000-5008000 Exclusive setup of practical To maintain the Lab To provide consumable material to conduct practical. To arrange setup of practical. To maintain the Lab To provide consumable material to conduct practical. To arrange setup of practical. Having industrial experience to work on CNC Machines. Completed the computer course in C++ To maintain the Lab To provide consumable material to conduct practical. To arrange setup of practical. Shelar V.S Lab Assistant (3000-5008000 Exclusive 16/08/10 M.E.(DLX) Appear Mrs. Wagh Meenakshi Tech Assistant (3000-5008000 Exclusive 16/08/10 M.E.(DLX) Appear V-P.4.1 Availability of adequate and qualified technical supporting staff for programme specific labs (10) i) The technical support staff available is adequate to run the 10 laboratories ii)The staff is well qualified(ITI & Diploma in Electrical & Electronis) and capable of handling the labs. V-P.4.2 Incentives, skill-up gradation and professional advancement (10) i)The staff is encouraged to upgrade their qualification. They are sponsored for the same ii) They are deputed for skill up gradation courses. iii)They are given incentives/promotions from time to time. CRITERION VI :- Continuous Improvements VI. P1 – Improvement in Success Index of Students (10) Items Success Index LYG/CAYm4 (2009-10) .628 LYGm1/ CAYm5 (2008-09) 0.7887 LYGm2/CAYm6 (2007-08) 0.6571 VI. P2 – Improvement in Academic Performance of Students (10) Items API LYG/CAYm4 (2009-10) 65.265 LYGm1/ CAYm5 (2008-09) 64.89 LYGm2/CAYm6 (2007-08) 62.7 VI. P3 – Enhancement of faculty qualifications & retention (15) Items FQI RPI CAY (2009-10) 5.71 83 CAYm1 (2008-09) 5.56 58 CAYm2 (2007-08) 5.38 55 VI. P4. Improvement in Faculty activities in Research Publications, R & D works & Consultancy, & Interaction. (15) Items FPPR FPPC IP Sum CAY (2009-10) 7.33 13.3 53.0 73.63 CAYm1 (2008-09) 7.20 9.14 24.00 40.34 CAYm2 (2007-08) 18.50 10.6 22.00 51.10 VI. P.5. CONTINUING EDUCATION:ACADEMIC YEAR:- 2007-08 ( CAY m2) Module Any other Developed/ Description contributory Organized Inst./Industry by STTP KGCOE Karjat KGCOE Karjat Workshop Wipro Technologies E&Tc Dept Duration 17-21 Nov 07 05-09 Feb 08 Resource Persons Target Audiences Prof. Ajay Paithane Prof. M.H. Naikwadi & Prof. B. D. Jadhav Usages & citation etc. “Next generation on communication” Teaching Methodologies ACADEMIC YEAR:- 2008-09( CAY m1) Module Description Workshop “Insight-09” Internationa l Conference Workshop Any other contributory Inst./Industry Developed/ Organized by Infosys Pune. SKNCOE, Pune SKNCOE, Pune Duration 12-13 May 2009 27-28 May 2009 9-Aug08 Resource Persons Infosysy Training Division Target Audiences Usages & citation etc. Prof. G. R. Teaching & soft Patil skills Prof. S. C. “Global ICT Wagaj standardization Forum” Prof.S. C. Electronic Wagaj System Level Module Description Any other contributory Inst./Industry Developed/ Organized by Duration Resource Persons Target Audiences Usages & citation etc. Designs Using System Crafter Fiter. "Advanced Embeded Technology" "Advances in Mechatronics" Workshop - MMCOE, Pune E&Tc Dept (Prof M J Pingale) E&Tc Dept (Prof D. G. Bhalke) PVPIT, Bawdhan, Pune Dept of E&Tc 25-Aug 08 1-Aug -08 Rajalaxmi Hegde from B&R automation Pvt. Ltd.,Pune Prof. S.D. Apte RSCOE, Pune Workshop Prof. A.N. Paithane, Prof. B.D. Jadhav TE(E&TC) Students Workshop Workshop 12-13 Feb-09 26 Feb09 All Faculty “DSP Experiment Members with MATLAB” attended Mrs. R R 3G Technologies Itkarkar BE E&TC “Recent trends in students. Electromagnetic and Antenna Design .” Workshop 02/02/09 to Prof.Deosarkar 03/02/09 ,BATU Mr. Kulkarni, Ni2 logic, Pune Module Description Workshop Any other contributory Inst./Industry Actel & REANU Microelectronics Pune BOS Electronics, Pune Univesity Workshop Developed/ Organized by Prof . M. J. Pingle RSCOE, Tathawade Pune DYPIET, Pimpri, Pune18 DYPIET, Pimpri, Pune18. Sinhgad Academy of Engg, Kondhawa, Pune. Duration 18th 2008 Nov Resource Persons Target Audiences Faculty of E &Tc Dept Usages & citation etc. Advanced VLSI Design 19 Nov 08 Prof. G R Patil Faculty of E &Tc Dept Prof D Bhalke Drafting of SE syllabus reform under BOS. STTP Workshop 05-06 Oct.2008 24/10/2008 Prof G R Patil G Wireless Communication . Workshop on Syllabus reforms of Uniersity of Pune. Syllabus setting for the subjects Data Structures & Communication Theory Module Description Workshop Any other contributory Inst./Industry BOS Electronics, Pune Univesity Developed/ Organized by VPCOE, Baramati. Sinhgad Academy of Engg, Kondhawa, Pune. VIT, Pune P.V.P.I.T., Bavdhan, Pune Duration 9th Jan 09 Resource Persons Target Audiences Faculty of E &Tc Dept Prof.S.C.W agaj Usages & citation etc. Teaching methodology of Basic electronics engineering. “Enterprise server and security” STTP 9th -13th Jan 09 Training Program Workshop - 19th – 20th Jan 09 31/01/2009 Mr.S.H.Ka mble Prof B Jadhav Enhancing skills for lab development. D mini-project for TE E&TC Students. ACADEMIC YEAR:- 2009-10( CAY) Module Description Workshop Any other contributory Inst./Industry BOS Developed/ Organized by Sandip Duration 13th July 09 Resource Persons Target Audiences Usages & citation etc. Faculty of E “Instructional Module Description Any other contributory Inst./Industry Electronics, Pune Univesity Developed/ Organized by Foundation’s COE, Nashik D.Y. Patil C.O.E. Akurdi, Pune. G H Raisoni College of Engg, A’nagar G H Raisoni College of Engg, A’nagar G H Raisoni College of Engg, A’nagar Infosys Pune Duration Resource Persons Target Audiences &Tc Dept Usages & citation etc. Methodology S.E” for Workshop 12th 09 Sept Prof.G.R.Patil Prof.S.D.Shirba hadurkar Mr. G R Patil Faculty of Pune Univ. Faculty of Pune Univ. SM Hundiwale, J. M. Kadam D. G. Bhalke Workshop Workshop Workshop BOS Electronics, Pune Univesity BOS Electronics, Pune Univesity BOS Electronics, Pune Univesity 11th Jan 2010 11th Jan 2010 11th Jan 2010 Drafting of T.E. E & TC Syllabus & FE Online Exam Teaching Methodology of Data Structure Teaching Methodology of Communication Theory Teaching Methodology Campus Connect activity Dr. D. M. Yadav - Workshop VI. P6. NEW FACILITY CREATED ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-10 ( CAY) Module Any other Developed Description contributory by Inst./Industry Silicon Automation Microcontrol Systems ler Kits Digital Storage Oscilloscope 25 MHz (5 Nos.) Digital Storage Oscilloscope 60 MHz (5 Nos.) Digital Storage Integrated Services & Consultancy Integrated Services & Consultancy Integrated Services & Duration Resources Consumed 75,113.50/Target Audience UG sudents. Usages & citation etc. For conducting experiments of Advanced Microprocessors for TE students For conducting experiments of DC,SSDC, AICDA, EIT etc. for SE & TE students 29/09/09 25/09/09 1,14,400/- 25/09/09 1,87,500/- 25/09/2009 2,37,500/- Oscilloscope Consultancy 100 MHz (5 Nos.) ACADEMIC YEAR 2008-09 ( CAY m1) Any other contributory Inst./Industry Matlab 2008 with tool boxes & Simulink. (25 Users) Multisim Circuit option. (10 Users) Microwind Package 3.1 ( 5 Users) MSDN ( 1 user) Actel VLSI kits Module Description Developed by Purchased Duration 14/08/08 Resources Consumed 8,15,022/Target Audience UG & PG Students Usages & citation etc. For conducting S/W based experiments of SE, TE & BE. Carrying out BE & ME projects. For carrying out S/W based experiments at SE & TE level. For carrying out VLSI based experiments. Operating System For carrying out VLSI based Purchased 27/08/08 2,80,800/- UG Students Purchased Purchased Actel USA Actel USA collaboration 23/09/08 04/08/08 July 08 3,65,560/42,665/-- UG & PG Students UG Students UG Students Module Description Any other contributory Inst./Industry Developed by donated Duration Resources Consumed Target Audience Usages & citation etc. experiments. Desktop computer Intel Core 2 Duo,2.4 GHz processor, Intel chipset mother board 160 GB data,1 GB Ram, CRT color monitor. (30 Nos.) Optel make Overhead projector 24 V,250W,hal ogen lamp,model no. 001 Dot matrix Purchased 29/9/2008 4,61,760/- UG Students Upgradation of Computing facility Purchased 19/08/2008 7875/- UG Students Teaching aid Purchased 30/09/2008 20904/- UG Upgradation of Module Description printer Epson make 8 bit ADC & DAC Interfacing card, 4x4 keyboard with LCD Interfacing card Printer HP 1007 (1 no.) Any other contributory Inst./Industry Developed by Duration Resources Consumed Target Audience Students Usages & citation etc. Computing facility For conducting experiments of Advanced Microprocessors for TE students Purchased 6/10/2008 6000/- UG Students Purchased 09/07/08 5700/- UG Students Upgradation of Computing facility ACADEMIC YEAR 2007-08 ( CAY m2) Module Description Advanced VLSI Lab Any other contributory Inst./Industry Actel, USA Developed by Prof. G.C. Patil E & TC Dept. RSCOE, Duration 2007-08 Resources Consumed 2,66,914/Target Audience UG Students Usages & citation etc. For carrying out VLSI based experiments. Tathawade VI. P7. – Overall Improvements ACADEMIC YEAR 2008-09 (CAY m1) Specify the improvement Improvem ent brought in Organisation of InterCollege Project competitio n RACHANA -09 Held on 4 April 2009 Technical Event “Innovision ” was organized on 28-29 Feb. 2008 for UG Students, in which the mathemati cal modeling competion, technical quiz, project competitio n, technical & non tech. paper presentatio Contributed by List the PEO(s), which are strengthene d PEO -5 Comments, if any Organistion of Inter College Competition E&Tc Dept Organisation of National level compettion on large scale RSCOE faculty & Studetns PEO- 4 Specify the improvement Improvem ent brought in n& robotics competitio n were held. MOU sign between RSCOE & ‘Science & Tech. park’. Revision of F.E. syllabusIntroductio n of on-line university examinatio n for FPLCommunic ation Skill subject introduced in the syllabus. ISTE staff and student chapter was formed NEN activities were started Contributed by List the PEO(s), which are strengthene d Comments, if any MOU for Research Projects Prof. Salunkhe, Comp Dept PEO-4 Revision of Syllabus E & Tc Faculty PEO 1,4. Formation of ISTE student & Staff chapter Prof. D. G. Bhalke PEO-4,5 Entrepreneurship Cell Mr. P. M. Ghate PEO-4 ACADEMIC YEAR 2007-08 (CAY m2 ) Specify the improvement Improvem ent brought in Project competitio n RACHANA -09 Held on 19 April 2008 Technical Event “Innovision ” was organized in Feb. 2007 for UG Students, in which the mathemati cal modeling competion, technical quiz, project competitio n, technical & non tech. paper presentatio n& robotics competitio n were held. MOU sign between RSCOE & Gill Instrument Contribut ed by Project Competition E&Tc Dept List the PEO(s), which are strengthen ed PEO 5 Comments, if any Technical Competition RSCOE, faculty & Students PEO1,2,3,4,5. MOU with industry E&Tc Dept PEO 1,2,3 Specify the improvement Improvem ent brought in s. MOU sign between RSCOE & Actel, USA. Industrial Visit of B.E. (E &TC ) Students to ETDC shivajinaga r, Pune,on 05/03/2008 Contribut ed by List the PEO(s), which are strengthen ed PEO 1,2,3 Comments, if any MOU for lab development Industrial Visit for specific course module E&Tc Dept Prof. D.G. Bhalke & Prof. S. S. Sonawane E & TC Dept. RSCOE, Tathawade PEO 2,5 This industrial visit helped the students to clear the practical concept and maintain the industry institute interaction. ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-10(CAY ) Specify the improveme nt Academic Coordination and uniformity Improveme nt brought in Academic Co-ordinator was appointed on the Dept. level for the smooth functioning of academics. Formation of Gate Forum for UG Students. Introduction of tutorial for MIII Revision of Contributed by List the PEO(s), which are strengthen ed PEO 5 Comments , if any Principal & HOD Encoragemen t for higher studies Revision of SE Syllabus Prof. B. D.Jadhav Dr. N. S. Mujumdar PEO 1,5 PEO-2 Dr. D. M. Yadav PEO-1,3 Online Exam CT syllabus Revision of DS Syllabus Online Examination for Subject BEE for FE students Prof. G. R. Patil PEO-1,3 SD Shirbahadurkar PEO-1 Criteria VII : Curriculum List all the course modules along with their objectives and outcomes (in Part III) : FE Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th Lab Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives. ( per semester ) Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T HW 2 2 Comments Engg. Maths-I 4 - Science 1,2 Applied Science- I 4 2 Science a) Physics b) Chemistry 1,2 2 - - 2 - Fundament al Programmi ng Language Basic of Electrical Engg. Basic Civil Engg 1 2 Professional Core 1,2 1 - - - - To provide a sound foundation for formulating and solving problems using mathematical techniques. a) To understand the basics principles of and its application in engineering. b) Understand the composition, properties of substances used in electronics industry. To understand the basics of high level programming language. Analysis of network circuits using different network theorems . Civil Engg being a core branch needed by everyone for inter disciplinary approach 3 3 2 2 Professional Core Breadth 1,2,3 1,2 1 1 - 3 4 2 2 Yes Yes Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th Lab Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives. ( per semester ) Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T HW 10 4 3 3 Comments Engineerin g GraphicsI 3 2 Breadth 1,2 Manufactur ing practices Engg. Mathemati cs II Applied Science II 4 2 - Breadth Science 1,2 1,2 2 - 2 - 3 2 - 4 2 Science a) Physics b) Chemistry 1,2 2 - - 2 - Engineerin g Mechanics 3 2 Breadth 1,2 1 - 6 2 Yes Basic Electronics Engg. Engineerin g Graphics II Basic 3 2 Professional Core Breadth 1,2,3 - - - 2 Yes 1 2 1,2 - - - 2 - 3 2 Breadth 1,2 5 - - 2 - 1.To know the orthographic projection 2. To understand isometric view & projection 3.To understand Auxiliary views To get awareness about actual techniques of manufacturing process To provide a sound foundation for formulating and solving problems using mathematical techniques. a) To understand the basics principles of and its application in engineering. b) Understand the composition, properties of substances used in electronics industry. 1.To express the physical phenomena in math form. 2. To develop logical thinking & imagination power. 3. To implement concepts of mechanics in day-today Life. Introduction to the basics of electronic devices, digital circuits and their applications. To know the projection of lines, planes, different types of solids, their cutsections & development of solids To introduce Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th Lab Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives. ( per semester ) Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T HW Comments Mechanical Engg. Workshop Practice Communication Skill SE Course - 2 2 Breadth HSS 1,2 4,5 10 2 3 6 - - fundamentals of thermodynamics, heat transfer & other machineries which we see in day to day life To develop basic workshop practice among students 1.To build qualities of Effective communication. 2. How to improve skills like speaking, writing etc Solid State Devices & Circuits Network Analysis Signals & Systems Power Devices & Machines Digital Logic Design Network & Power Lab Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th La eo b ry 4 2 Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college 1,3 Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives Comments Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core 4 3 4 4 - 1 Tut 2 2 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,3 1,2,3 Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T H 5 2 2 2 1 Aims at giving knowledge about basic components , Semiconductor devices and circuit design 5 2 2 2 1 Aims at building and analyzing the network circuits. 5 2 3 2 1 To understand the types of basic signals and systems with its transformations. 5 2 2 2 1 To understand Power electronics devices, characteristics and applications. 5 2 2 2 1 To develop basic knowledge about digital circuits & its applications . 5 2 2 2 1 Analysis and Synthesis of Network circuits. Analysis of Power devices Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th La eo b ry 2 Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T H 2 2 1 Comments Electronic Instruments & Tools Professional Core 1,3,5 practically. Study of basic component , its testing & small case study using basic components . Integrated Circuits & Applications Electromagnetics Data Structures Communication Theory Engineering Maths-III Circuit Simulation Tools TE Course 4 3 4 3 4 2 1 Tut 2 2 1 Tut 2 Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Science 1,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 To understand characteristics and applications of OPAMP. To understand basics of electric field, magnetic field , Maxwell equation . Aims to develop algorithms for data structure applications using ‘C’ programming language . To understand the basics of analog communication. Deals with the mathematics required for the Electronics curriculum Understand MATLAB Tool for Signals & Systems , Net analysis . - Professional Core 1,3,5 - 2 - - - Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th La eo b ry 4 - Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Comments Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives ( per semester ) Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T H 5 2 2 1 Aims to design digital circuits . Digital Design & Computer Organization. Analog Integrated Circuits- Professional Core Professional Core 1,3 4 - 1,3 5 - 2 2 1 To understand characteristics and applications of OPAMP. Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th La eo b ry Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Comments Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives ( per semester ) Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T H Design & Application Digital Communication Microprocessor, Microcontrollers & applications Mechatronics 4 4 2 - Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core 1,3 1,3 5 5 2 - 2 2 2 2 1 1 To understand information theory, modulation and demodulation techniques. To understand basics of microcontroller and its architecture. Able to design Signal conditioning system & controllers for Mechatronics system. Able to design any Mechatronics system using mechanical & electronics concept. ALP for 8051 for different interfacing of peripherals. Experiments on OP Amp . Helps a student to have good hands on experience on designing and mounting components on PCB for small hardware projects. To understand the basic 8086 processor , PIC Controller and RISC processor architecture and its interfacing. To understand Power electronics devices, characteristics and applications To understand DFTs and its properties, FFTs and design of digital filters. To understand basics of electric field, magnetic field and radiating systems. To understand different coding techniques . ALP for 8086 , PIC controller 3 2 1,2,3 5 2 2 2 1 Electronics Lab-I Electronic Design Workshop - 4 2 Professional Core Professional Core 1,3,5 1,3,5 - 2 2 - - - Advanced Microprocessors Power Electronics Digital Signal Processing Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems Information Theory & Coding Techniques Electronic 4 - Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional 1,3 5 - 2 2 1 4 4 3 4 - 4 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3,5 5 5 5 5 - 2 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 2 - 1 1 1 1 - Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th La eo b ry Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Comments Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives ( per semester ) Th Lab Assignments/Tests A T H and interfacing for 8086 , PIC controller . Experiments on power devices . Understand MATLAB Signal processing tool . Solve DSP problems using MATLAB. Analysis od different coding techniques using ‘C’ programming language . Aims at giving knowledge of building basic system design. Design of some mini project. Comments Lab-II Signal Processing & Communication Lab 4 Core Professional Core 1,3,5 2 - Electronic System Design & mini Project BE Course - 2 Professional Core 1,3,4,5 - 2 - - - Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week T Pr h 3 - Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? Computer Networks Voice Network Professional Core Professional Core PEOs specifi ed by affiliati ng univ, or the college 1,3,4 Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives T h 5 L ab Assignments/Tests A T H 2 2 1 To understand basics of OSI and TCP/IP layers. To study Telephone Signaling & Switching, Telecommunication Traffic Engineering, Data and Voice, Integration, GPS, Communication ,Code division Multiple Access, IP Telephony 4 - 1,3,4 5 - 2 2 1 Electronic Product Design VLSI Design 4 - Professional Core 1,3,4 5 - 2 2 1 3 2 Professional 1,3,4 5 2 2 2 1 Study of different electronics testing methods , Design flow of electronic products. Understand basics of Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week T Pr h Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specifi ed by affiliati ng univ, or the college Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives T h L ab Assignments/Tests A T H Comments Core Embedded System Design 4 2 Elective-I 1,3,4 5 2 2 1 Communication Lab – I Seminar - 4 Professional Core 1,3,5 - 2 - - - - 2 Professional Core 1,3,4,5 - 2 - - - Project - 2 Professional Core 1,3,4,5 - 2 - - - Electronic Measurement Systems Telecomm Networks & Management 4 - Professional Core 1,3,4 5 - 2 2 1 4 - Professional Core 1,3,4 5 - 2 2 1 CMOS , IC design techniques , VHDL programming Acquire skills like Hardware architecture , software architecture , Design metrics required for development of Embedded product. Aims to understand Computer network concepts practically. Study of EPD concepts. To improve presentesation skills.Study of literature survey on Projects. Aims to design a project on social problems using knowledge of all subjects . Also contribute development of nation by developing innovative ides through project. Understanding the basic principles of electronic equipments and specifications. Introduction to Telecom Network, Broadband Networks Telecom Network Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week T Pr h Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specifi ed by affiliati ng univ, or the college Addl Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives T h L ab Assignments/Tests A T H Comments Management Routing Technologies QoS and Reliability Issues of Telecom Networks Broadband Access Optical & Microwave Communi -cation Audio Video Engineering 4 Professional Core Eletive-II 1,3,4 5 2 2 1 Technologies Aims to establish communication link using optical and microwave devices. To understand principles of disc, tape recording and reproduction, multimedia, video systems, different types of TV system. Study characteristics of different optical and microwave devices. Also study of characteristics and principles of electronics equipments . Aims to design a project on social problems using knowledge of all subjects . Also contribute development of nation by developing innovative ides through project. 4 2 1,3,4 5 - 2 2 1 Communi -cation Lab-II - 4 Professional Core 1,3,5 2 - Project - 6 Professional Core 1,3,4,5 - TE (2008 course ) Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th Pr Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Comments Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives ( per semester ) Th Pr Assignments/Tests A T H 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Design & analysis of various Electronics control Systems To understand DFTs and its properties, FFTs and design of digital filters. To understand information theory, modulation and demodulation techniques. To understand basics architecture of microcontroller and ALP & embedded ‘C’ programming concepts, interfacing of MCS 51 family micontrollers. Analysis, Synthesis & Design of one port & two port network circuits. Helps a student to have good hands on experience on designing and mounting components on PCB for small hardware projects. To understand the basic 8086 processor , PIC Controller and RISC processor architecture and its interfacing. To understand the concept & programming of operating systems To understand basics of electric field, magnetic field and radiating systems. To understand different coding techniques . To motivate the entrepreneur Control Systems 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 Digital Signal Processing Digital Communication Microcontrollers and Applications Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 Network Synthesis and Filter Design Electronic Design Practice 3 1 2 2 Professional Core Professional Core 1,2,3 1,3,5 5 - 2 2 2 - 2 - 1 - Computer Organization and Architecture 4 - Professional Core 1,3 5 - 2 2 1 System programming and Operating Systems Wave theory and Antenna Signal coding and Estimation theory Industrial 3 2 Professional Core Professional Core Professional Core Professional 1,3 5 - 2 2 1 3 4 4 2 2 4 1,3 1,3 1,3 5 5 5 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Course Theory Hrs/ week Lab Hrs/ week Th Pr Science/HSS/ Professional Core, Elective or breadth? PEOs specified by affiliating univ, or the college Addl Comments Theory/lab /assignments /tests needed to meet objectives ( per semester ) Th Pr Assignments/Tests A T H & management skills Management Test & Measurement Techniques Mini project and seminar Core 1 2 Professional Core Professional Core 1,3 5 2 2 1 To study the principle & specifications of Electronics measurement equipments Aims at giving knowledge of building basic system design. Design of some mini project. - 2 1,3,4,5 - 2 - - - VII-P.1 Contents of basic sciences, HSS, professional core and electives, and breadth (40) Assessment is based on the balanced laboratory composition of basic sciences, HSS, professional core and electives, and breadth to meet the PEOs. If such components are not included in the curriculum provided by the affiliated uni, then the college / institute should make additional efforts to impart such knowledge through covering such aspects through “contents beyond syllabi”. Basic Sciences AICTE Norms Actual 15 – 25 % 10.68% HSS 5-10% 0.85% Professional Core 55 – 65% 71.79% Elective 10-15% 5.12% Breadth 10-15% 11.53% Composition of University curriculum is closed to AICTE module curriculum • Theory Modules conducted to cover contents “beyond syllabi” to meet PEO’s Class & Subject SE(E&Tc) Data Structures BE (E&Tc) Optical and Microwave Communication BE (E&Tc) Embedded Curriculum Gap C-Programming Concepts Field Visit required to See Microwave communication Link Field Visit required to See Additional Efforts Extra Lectures taken to cover Cprogramming concepts Visited Satellite earth station GMRT Narayangoa Visited Confident Elecronics , PEOs Satisfied 2 3,4 3,4 Class & Subject Systems BE (E&Tc) Electronic Product design Electronic Measurement TE (E&Tc) Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems Digital Communication TE(E&Tc) Microcontr-ollers Curriculum Gap embedded product development Field Visit required to See actual test and measurement techniques for quality assurance Field Visit required to See Antenna, Trasmitter and receiver Systems Microcontroller applications Additional Efforts Banglore Visited ETDC, Pune PEOs Satisfied 3,4 Visited Nokia Siemens, Punjim, Goa 3,4 BE(E&TC) VLSI & Embedded Systems Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System. Microcontroller applications TE(E&Tc) Microcontr-ollers BE(E&TC) Global Positioning Systems(GPS) TE(E&Tc) Electromagnetic Recent Trends and Antenna 3 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) /9/2007 to /9/2007 M/S Gill Instruments Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System. Mr. Manish Patil I2IT Hinjewadi Pune) 2007 2 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) M/S Gill Instruments 4/9/2008 to 6/9/2008 One Day workshop on GPS & its application. By Prof S R Jog, DYPIET & Mr Mukund Bhopale Mihir Enterprises, Pune 25/09/08 Recent trends in Electromagnetic 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 Class & Subject Waves & Radiating Systems BE(E&TC) Embeded System BE(E&TC) Electronic Product Design 1.Shilesh B Patil 2.Samina shikalgar BE(E&TC) Curriculum Gap design Additional Efforts and Antenna Design 02/02/09 to 03/02/09 3 Day Workshop on Advanced Embedded System 11-13 Sep 2009 Industrial Visit to ETDC, Pune Sept 2009 Industrial Training 10/6/09 to 20/06/09 14/06/09 to 15/07.09 Guest lecture on “RFID Technology” Mr. Narendra Patil 25/09/2009 Building Excellence in HR by Mr. Paritkar 22/1/2010 Synthesis of Science and religion Dr. Stephen Knapp, Texas ESCON, Pune 10/09/2009 One day workshop on Matlab Mr. Sanap, Otis India 30/1/2010 “Yoga and Diet” Dr. Nirmala Desai 22/2/2010 PEOs Satisfied Recent Trends in Embedded Systems Quality Control of Electronic products exposure to Industrial environment RFID Technology Management (HSS) Management (HSS) 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 SE(E&TC) 4,5 SE(E&TC) TE(E&Tc) 4,5 SE(E&TC) Matlab applications Management (HSS) 4,5 BE(E&TC) 4,5 VII-P.2 Emphasis on laboratory and project work (30) Assessment is based on the balanced laboratory and project work along with theory, to meet the PEOs. If enough lab / design / experimentation components are not included in the curriculum provided by the affiliated uni, then the college / institute should make additional efforts to impart such knowledge through covering such aspects through “contents beyond syllabi”. Theory (Teaching) 60% max. 61.96 % OK Tutorials Above 10% 1.28 % Low Practicals Above 25% 32.47% High Project (in 8th sem.) 30-40% 15% Low AICTE Norms Actual Comment Comments & Remedies adopted: • Theory & practicals are close to AICTE norms. • Tutorials are less as it is kept for conceptual and mathematical subjects. Deficiency made through Home assignments and remedial tutorials. • Project hours shown in structure are contact hours only where in students interact with teacher for guidance & difficulty. Actual working of the students on the project independently by them is nearly same or sometimes even more than that, therefore total project hours are more than double with ref. to structure. Practical modules conducted to cover “contents beyond syllabi” to meet PEO’s Class & Subject TE(E&Tc) Microcontrollers Curriculum Gap Microcontrolle r applications Additional Efforts 3 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) M/S Gill Instruments Sept 2007 2 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) M/S Gill Instruments 4/9/2008 to 6/9/2008 One Day workshop on GPS & its PEOs Satisfied 4,5 TE(E&Tc) Microcontrollers Microcontrolle r applications 4,5 BE(E&TC) Global Positioning 4,5 Class & Subject Curriculum Gap Systems(GPS) TE(E&Tc) Recent Trends Electromagnetic and Antenna Waves & design Radiating Systems BE(E&TC) Embeded System BE(E&TC) Electronic Product Design 1.Shilesh B. Patil 2.Samina Shikalgar SE(E&TC) Recent Trends in Embedded Systems Quality Control of Electronic products exposure to Industrial environment Matlab applications VLSI Additional Efforts application. By Prof S R Jog, DYPIET & Mr Mukund Bhopale Mihir Enterprises, Pune 25/09/08 Recent trends in Electromagnetic and Antenna Design 02/02/09 to 03/02/09 3 Day Workshop on Advanced Embedded System 11-13 Sep 2009 Industrial Visit to ETDC, Pune Sept 2009 Industrial Training 10/6/09 to 20/06/09 14/06/09 to 15/07.09 One day workshop on Matlab Mr. Sanap, Otis India 30/1/2010 Guest lecture on issues & scope in VLSI design by Mr. Manish Patil under IEEE Four day workshop on Basic Matlab & Signal Processing toolbox Mr. Sanap, Otis India 9,10,11,12 Aug 2010 Expert Lecture on ARM processor by Mr. B. Vasudev, Bangalore on 30/07/2010 Workshop on 8051 PEOs Satisfied 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 BE(E&TC) 4,5 BE(E&TC) Basic Matlab & Signal Processing toolbox 4,5 BE(E&TC) ARM processor 4,5 TE (E&TC) Microcontrolle Class & Subject r BE(E&TC) Curriculum Gap Automotive Embedded BE(E&TC) Projects Additional Efforts target board on 27th Aug 2010 Guest Lecture on Embedded System in Automotive Domain by Mr. Vishvas Vaidhya on 25th Feb 2010 Lecture on BE projects Industry and students perspectives by Mr. Prashant Shukla on 15th Jul 2010 PEOs Satisfied 4,5 4,5 VII-P.3 Curriculum updates and PEO reviews (30) List of course modules (along with coverage beyond syllabus) and PEOs which were updated and revised in past 3 years by the college, irrespective of curriculum updates by the affiliating uni, in order to meet the corresponding PEOs. • College is affiliated to university; hence university course curriculum is mandatory to follow. • Curriculum revision is done once in five years. • Faculty of the department is involved in formulation of the curriculum. • Syllabus of other universities is studied before syllabus revision. • Alumni, academicians from other institutes & Industry resource persons contribute to syllabus revision In The past the syllabus was revised as below Class F.E. S.E. T.E. B.E. First Revision 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 Second Revision 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 Third Revision 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Below are some of the resource persons involved in syllabus revision. Sr No. 1. Name of the Resource Person Mr. Rajesh Mehta Role Suggestions regarding the relevance of various subjects Role of Electronics Engg in IT Communication Engg Subjects Computers Subjects Institute / Organization Integral Solutions Specialization Electronics 2. Mrs. Sumedha Nashikkar Dr. B. S. Chaudhary Pravin Sukhase KPIT Cummins, Pune I2IT Pune TCS, Pune IT 3. 4. Communication Computers • The department has organized Workshops for University Teachers to restructure the course & frame the syllabi. Program Educational Objectives Reviews (A)Program Educational Objectives (PEO’S) 2010-11 1. To prepare students for postgraduate courses, research and successful careers in Electronic, Computer, Communication & IT Industry. 2. To provide necessary background in science & other basic engineering fields particularly in electrical, electronics & mathematics. 3. To develop the ability among students to analyse & synthesise the data for applications to electronic products design and to enable students to simulate, analyze & solve electronics and communication Engineering problems. 4. To provide students familiarity with professional issues in electronics & Telecommunication Engineering including innovation, ethics, issues related to global economy and emerging technology and promote important skills such as oral & written communication. 5. To promote students awareness of lifelong learning through an excellent academic environment & provide them opportunity to work in teams on multidisciplinary projects. (B)Program Educational Objectives (PEO’S) 2009-10 1. To prepare students for postgraduate courses and successful careers in Electronic, Computer, Communication & IT Industry & research. 2. To provide necessary background in science & other basic engineering fields particularly in electrical, electronics & mathematics. 3. To develop the ability among students to analyse & synthesise the data for applications to electronic products design and to enable students to simulate, analyze & solve electronics and communication Engineering problems. 4. To provide students familiarity with professional issues in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering including innovation, ethics, issues related to emerging technology and promote important skills such as oral & written communication. 5. To promote students awareness of lifelong learning through an excellent academic environment & provide them opportunity to work in teams on multidisciplinary projects. (B) Program Education Objectives (2008-09) 1. To prepare students for postgraduate courses and successful careers in Electronic, computer, Communication & IT Industry. 2. To provide necessary background in science & other basic engineering fields particularly in electrical, electronics & mathematics. 3. To develop the ability among students to analyse & synthesise the data for applications to electronics products design. 4. To provide students familiarity with professional issues in electronics & Telecommunication Engineering including ethics, issues related to global economy & emerging technology and promote important skills such as oral & written communication. 5. To promote students awareness of lifelong learning through an excellent academic environment & provide them opportunity to work in teams on multidisciplinary projects. P.E.O Reviews 1. PEOs Reviews Summary from 2009-10 to 2010-11 PEO Review / No Updation Term 3 Rationale There is requirement of manpower in the research & development Efforts More emphasis on analytical subjects and will be taught using analytical approach “Research’’ added Revised T.E. Syllabus includes new subjects – 1. Netw ork Synthesis & Filter Design 2. Syste m Programming & Operating System 3. Wave Theory & Antenna 4. Signa l Coding & Estimation Theory Term “Global Knowledge of economy New Subject Industrial economy’’ is essential for engineers management is introduced added in the competitive in T. E. Syllabus environment 4 1. PEOs Reviews Summary from 2008-09 to 2009-10 PEO Review / No Updation Term 3 Rationale Industry requires knowledge of Electronics & Simulation & Modeling tools Efforts More emphasis on modeling & simulation of circuits using Matlab, multisim etc. Subjects like communication Theory will be taught using analytical approach rather than block diagram “Simulate, analyze solve electronics and communicatio n Engineering problems’’ added approach.Revised S.E. Syllabus includes new subjects – 5. Electr omagnetics 6. Integr ated Circuits & applications 7. Circui t Simulation Tools Students are encouraged to take projects on communication, VLSI and embedded system development. 4 Term “Innovation’’ added More jobs in Wireless communication system ,VLSI, Embedded Systems, DSP applications are available, which demands for innovative stand alone project development. 2. PEOs Reviews Summary from 2007-08 to 2008-09 PEO No 4 Review Rationale /Updation Term Industry requires technical ’promote manpower who can important communicate effectively skills such as oral & written communicati on’ added Efforts Revised F.E. Syllabus includes new subjects – Communication Skill More inputs are provided to students through personality development programs. VII-P.4 Additional contents to bridge curriculum gaps (25) Assessment is based on programme specific contents which are added to bridge curriculum gaps across the courses in order to achieve PEOs and the specific course objectives. Programme specific contents are added to bridge curriculum gaps across the courses in order to achieve PEO’s & the specific course. Following creative ways / ideas are implemented for all the courses- FE Course (Class/Subject ) Engg. Maths-I Applied Science- I Fundamental Programming Language Basic of Electrical Engg. Basic Civil Engg Engineering Graphics-I Manufacturing practices Engg. Mathematics II Applied Science II Engineering Mechanics Basic Electronics Engg. Engineering Graphics II Basic Mechanical Engg. Workshop Practice Communication Skill Program Education Objective s specified by Affiliating Univ. or the College? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 No. of course objective s satisfied Additiona l Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 3 2,2 2 2 2 3 3 2 ----Extra Assignments --Tutorials Extra Assignments Extra Assignments Extra Assignments ------Group discussions 2,4,8 2,4,5,8 2,4,5,8,10 2,8 --11 2,4,5,8 2,7,8 2,3,4,5,8,10 2,8 2,3,4,5,8,10 ---2,3,4,5,8 SE Course (Class/Subject) Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,3 1,2,3 1,3,5 1,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods Solid State Devices & Circuits Network Analysis Signals & Systems Power Devices & Machines Digital Logic Design Network & Power Lab Electronic Instruments & Tools Integrated Circuits & Applications Electromagnetics Data Structures Communication Theory Engineering Maths-III Circuit Simulation & Tools 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 4 Additional Circuit simulation MATLAB simulation assignments MATLAB workshop PCB design Workshop and guest lecture ‘Additional programmin g assignments Additional assignments MATLAB workshop 2 2 4 9 4 2 1,2,3 1,2 1,3,5 3 -3,4 11 4 TE Course (Class/Subjec t) Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1.3 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods Digital Design & Computer Organization. Analog Integrated CircuitsDesign & Application Digital Communication Microprocessor, Microcontrollers & applications Mechatronics Electronics Lab-I Electronic Design Workshop Advanced Microprocessors Power Electronics Digital Signal Processing Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems Information Theory & Coding Techniques Electronic Lab-II 2 - - 1,3 4 - - 1,3 1,3 2 2 1,2,3 1,3,5 1,3,5 1,3 1,3 1,3 1 4 4 2 1 2 Industrial visit Additional practical assignment s Additional practical assignment s Field Visit - 6 9 7 2 ,7 1,3 1,3 1,3,5 3 4 2,4 6 - Course (Class/Subjec t) Signal Processing & Communication Lab Electronics system design and mini project BE Course (Class/Subjec t) Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1,3,5 1,3,4,5 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods 4 3,4 - - Computer Networks Voice Network Electronic Product Design VLSI Design Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1,3,4 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovative Methods 3 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 3 2 3 Additional practical assignment s Field visit Additional practical assignment s on ACTEL kit Field visit ,Expert Lecture on Embedded System Design - 2 6 7 Embedded System Design 1,3,4 3 6,7 Communi-cation Lab – I Seminar 1,3,5 1,3,4,5 2 4 - Course (Class/Subjec t) Project Electronic Measurement Systems Telecomm Networks & Management Optical & Microwave Communi -cation Audio Video Engineering Communi-cation Lab-II Project Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1,3,4,5 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,5 1,3,4,5 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovative Methods 3 4 2 3 2 3 3 Field visit Field visit - Visits -- 6 6 - Project Contest, Technical paper presentation -• Software programming competitions are arranged. • Encourage to use mechanical workshop for their projects. • Extra lectures are arranged for programming languages • Technical Paper Presentation conducted by students and for students. • Conduction of Aptitude test for their career development. The innovative teaching methods used are 1. E-submissions 2. E-learning 3. Group discussion 4. Expert lectures 5. Magazines 6. Visits 7. Case study 8. Presentations 9. Mini projects 10.Real time demonstration 11.Tutorial Criteria VIII : Programme Educational Objectives – Their Compliance and Outcomes List all the course modules along with their PEOs (in Part III) : Units (Per week) Quality of PEOs specified? Poor/Av/ Good/Excell Additional contents to meet PEOs through? (in hours per semester) Th Lab Assignments/Tests Course Assessment through Course files/Lab and assignment sheets/Test papers Cou rse files Lab and assi gn me nt she ets -Yes Yes Test papers Th Lab FE Engg. Maths-I Applied Science- I Fundamental Programming Language Basic of Electrical Engg. Basic Civil Engg Engineering Graphics-I Manufacturin g practices Engg. Mathematics II Applied Science II Engineering Mechanics Basic Electronics Engg. Engineering Graphics II Basic 04 04 01 03 03 03 00 04 04 03 03 01 03 -02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 Excellent Excellent Excellent 2 2 1 3 1 10 2 2 2 3 2 - 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 2 2 2 3 Yes Yes ---- Yes Yes Yes Good Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Good Good Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -- Yes Yes -Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No ---- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Units (Per week) Quality of PEOs specified? Poor/Av/ Good/Excell Additional contents to meet PEOs through? (in hours per semester) Th Lab Assignments/Tests Course Assessment through Course files/Lab and assignment sheets/Test papers Cou rse files Lab and assi gn me nt she ets Test papers Th Lab Mechanical Engg. 32Workshop Practice Communication Skill SE Solid State Devices & Circuits Network Analysis Signals & Systems Power Devices & Machines Digital Logic Design Network & Power Lab Electronic Instruments & Tools Integrated Circuits & Applications Electromagnetics Data Structures Communicati on Theory Engineering Maths-III 04 04 03 04 04 04 03 04 03 04 02 02 Excellent Good - 4 10 6 Yes -- Yes Yes --- 02 Good 01 Tut 02 02 02 02 01 Tut 02 02 01 Tut Good 5 Good 5 Excellent 5 Good Good Good -Good 5 Excellent 5 Excellent 5 Excellent 5 Good 5 -2 2 -2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 2 4 2 3 2 Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -Yes -- Yes Yes Yes 3 Assignments 2 Tests --3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Yes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Units (Per week) Quality of PEOs specified? Poor/Av/ Good/Excell Additional contents to meet PEOs through? (in hours per semester) Th Lab Assignments/Tests Course Assessment through Course files/Lab and assignment sheets/Test papers Cou rse files Lab and assi gn me nt she ets Yes Test papers Th Lab Circuit Simulation & Tools TE Digital Design & Computer Organization. Analog Integrated CircuitsDesign & Application Digital Communication Microprocessor, Microcontrollers & applications Mechatronics Electronics Lab-I Electronic Design Workshop Advanced Microprocess ors Power Electronics Digital Signal Processing Electro- - 02 Good -2 ---- -- -- 04 - Good 5 -- 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests Yes -- Yes 4 - Excellent 5 -- Yes -- Yes 04 04 02 - Excellent 5 Good 5 -2 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests Yes Yes Yes Yes -- Yes 03 04 04 04 03 02 04 02 - Good 5 Good -Excellent -Excellent 5 Excellent 5 Excellent 5 Excellent ---2 2 2 3 Assignments 2 Tests ----3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 2 3 2 3 Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Assignments Yes --- Yes Yes Yes Yes --- Yes -- Yes Yes Yes Yes ---- Yes Yes Yes Units (Per week) Quality of PEOs specified? Poor/Av/ Good/Excell Additional contents to meet PEOs through? (in hours per semester) Th Lab Assignments/Tests Course Assessment through Course files/Lab and assignment sheets/Test papers Cou rse files Lab and assi gn me nt she ets Test papers Th Lab magnetic Waves & Radiating Systems Information Theory & Coding Techniques Electronic Lab-II Electronic System Design & mini Project Signal processing & communicatio n lab TE(2008) Control Systems 5 -- 2 Tests 04 - Excellent 5 -2 2 3 Assignments 2 Tests - Yes -- -- - 04 02 Good Excellent - --- Yes Yes --- - 04 Excellent - 2 - -- Yes -- 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 Good Excellent Excellent Good 4 5 5 4 -2 2 2 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 2 3 2 Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Yes ---- Yes Digital Signal Processing Digital Communicati on Microcontroller s and Applications Network Synthesis and Filter Design Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests Yes Yes Yes 3 2 Good 4 2 Yes Yes Yes Units (Per week) Quality of PEOs specified? Poor/Av/ Good/Excell Additional contents to meet PEOs through? (in hours per semester) Th Lab Assignments/Tests Course Assessment through Course files/Lab and assignment sheets/Test papers Cou rse files Lab and assi gn me nt she ets Yes Test papers Th Lab Electronic Design Practice Computer Organization and Architecture System programming and Operating Systems Wave theory and Antenna Signal coding and Estimation theory Industrial Management Test & Measurement Techniques Mini project and seminar 1 4 2 - Excellent Good -5 2 -- -----------3 Assignments 2 Tests Yes --Yes Yes Yes 3 2 Good 4 2 3 Assignments 2 Tests Yes Yes Yes 3 4 2 2 Excellent Good 4 5 2 2 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests ------------ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 1 2 Good Excellent 4 1 --2 Yes Yes --Yes Yes --- - 2 Excellent -- 2 -------------- Yes Yes --- BE Computer Networks Voice Network Electronic Product 03 04 4 Excellent 5 Good 5 Excellent 5 ---3 2 3 2 3 2 Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Yes Yes Yes ---Yes Yes Yes Units (Per week) Quality of PEOs specified? Poor/Av/ Good/Excell Additional contents to meet PEOs through? (in hours per semester) Th Lab Assignments/Tests Course Assessment through Course files/Lab and assignment sheets/Test papers Cou rse files Lab and assi gn me nt she ets Yes Yes Test papers Th Lab Design VLSI Design Embedded System Design Communication Lab – I Seminar Project Electronic Measurement Systems Telecomm Networks & Management Optical & Microwave Communi -cation Audio Video Engineering Communi -cation Lab-II Project 3 4 04 04 04 2 2 04 02 02 - Good 5 Good 5 Good -Good Good Excellent 5 Good 5 Good 5 ---2 ---2 2 3 2 3 2 -- Assignments Tests Assignments Tests Yes Yes Yes Yes -- Yes -- --- Yes Yes -- --Yes -Yes 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests 3 Assignments 2 Tests --Yes -Yes Yes -- Yes 04 - 02 04 06 Good 5 Good Good --2 2 -- Yes Yes Yes -- Yes -- -- Yes -- VIII-P.1 Course objective and mapping (20) Assessment is based on the PEOs defined for a course or a set of courses and their mapping with the content delivery and knowledge gain through theory classes, lab experiments, assignments and tests. Programme Objective 1. To prepare students for postgraduate courses, research and successful careers in Electronic, Computer, Communication & IT Industry. 2. To provide necessary background in science & other basic engineering fields particularly in electrical, electronics & mathematics. 3. To develop the ability among students to analyse & synthesise the data for applications to electronic products design and to enable students to simulate, analyze & solve electronics and communication Engineering problems. 4. To provide students familiarity with professional issues in electronics & Telecommunication Engineering including innovation, ethics, issues related to global economy and emerging technology and promote important skills such as oral & written communication. 5. To promote students awareness of lifelong learning through an excellent academic environment & provide them opportunity to work in teams on multidisciplinary projects. Programme Outcomes (a) Graduate will demonstrate knowledge of differential equations, vectors calculus, complex variable, matrix theory, probability theory, physics, chemistry & Electrical & Electronics engineering. (b) Graduate will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate & solve Electronics & Communication Engineering problems. (c) Graduate will demonstrate an ability to design electronic circuits & systems, conducts experiment, analyze & interpret the data. (d) Graduate will demonstrate an ability to design digital & analog systems and components. (e) Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern engineering tools, software & equipments to analyze. (f) Graduate will demonstrate knowledge of professional & ethical responsibilities. (g) Graduate will able be able to communicate effectively in both verbal & written from. (h)Graduate will show the understanding of impact of engineering solutions on society and also will be aware of contemporary issues. (i) Graduate will develop self confidence and ability for lifelong learning. (j) Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE, GRE. Course Objective FE Basic Elecrical Engg 1. To develop the awareness and adopt the safety of human being and apparatus. 2. To understand meanings of various terms related to electricity. 3. To learn principles of generation, transmission & distribution of electrical power. 4. To understand meanings of AC & DC circuits. 5. To learn various methods to analyse electrical networks. Basic Electrical Engineering 1. At the end of the course the students will understand various electronic components and devices. 2 The students will understand basic idea about digital electronics, op-amp and its applications, industrial applications and basics of communication. SE (E&TC) Signal & System 1. After studying this subject the student will be able to represent various electrical signals in mathematical form and He will be able to mathematical operations on them. 2. The students will be able to analysis of signal & system using various mathematical tools . 3. The student will also learn how to represent and analyse random signals using probability theory Solid State Devices & Circuits 1. At the end of course student will understand the detailed basics of semiconductor devices. 2. They will be able to correlate the practical aspects of electronic circuits with the devices, students will be familiar with different types of amplifiers used in the communication system, and students will be able to analyze the transistor amplifiers as small signal hparameter model. 3. They will also learn to estimate the gain of the amplifiers and other parameters for practical aspects. Network Analysis 1. At the end of course the student will understand various techniques of electrical & electronics circuit analysis. 2. The student should be able find transient response of an electrical network using replace transform. 3. He/She will be able to classify and characteristics four terminal network. 4. The student will be able to understand time Dwain behavior of network form pole zero plot . 5. He/She will be able to find various low part network parameters Digital Logic Design 1. Students will get awareness of various logic families and their features. 2. They will come to know how to select IC of proper family for specific application . 3. Under this subject, student will study different combinational circuits and sequential circuits. 4. They will able to implement various digital types, characteristics and expanding memory size. 5. At the end of this subject students will also get awareness of basics of VHDL programming. Electronic Instruments and tools 1. The objective of this subject is to make the student aware of testing of electronic component & devices, handling equipments & circuits fabrication techniques Engineering Mathematics III 1. At the end of the course the student will be able solve liner differential equations and that applications to electrical circuits. 2. He will get awareness about complex variable, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform etc and their application for solving differentials equations. 3. He will also study vector calculus and its applications to problem in electromagnetic field Electronic Circuits & Machines 6. To understand construction, working, characteristics and applications of various types of electrical machines, their behavior with respect to load. 7. To learn various way to measure active and reactive powers in three phase circuits. 8. To understand meaning of energy conservation and to study various methods to achieve it. Power Devices and Machines 1. At the end of the course the students will be able to understand different functions of AC and DC motors along with different power handling devices. Data Structures 1. The student will study the representation and use of primitive data types, built in data structures. 2. He will also study the data structure allocation and their applications. 3. The students will be able to implement data structure in C language. 4. He will also be able to compare alternative implementations, cost and benefits of data structure. 5. He will also be able to choose the appropriate data structures for modeling a given problem Communication Theory 1. The objective of this course is to introduce basic concept of communications theory. 2. The student get awareness of analog modification techniques& its application. 3. He will also study transmitter & receivers used in radio communication. 4. He will be able to analyse analog communication system along with noise effect. Circuit Simulation and Tools 1 At the end of the course student will understand designing and simulation of various circuits using different simulation tools like MATLAB, Multisim, VHDL and C language. TE (E&TC) Digital Design & Computer Organisation 1. Student should gets idea about digital circuit design using hardware description language. 2. He can write the programs in VHDL for combinational & sequential circuits. 3. He is able to draw ASM charts & get idea about FSM design, CPU design, I/O organization and memory organization. 4. He can simulate the codes using VHDL. Analog Integrated Circuits Design and Applications 1. Students will understand fundamentals of differential amplifier. 2. They will know ideal & practical parameters of operational amplifier. 3. They will study different applications of operational amplifier. 4. They will be able to design different signal generators as per required specifications. 5. Students will also be able to design different filters and understand operation of phase locked loop. Digital Communication The objective of the course is to understand various digital communication techniques. The student will be able to analyze performance of digital communication systems in presence of noise. He will understand various waveform coding techniques used in digital communication technique and its application. Microprocessors & Microcontroller Applications 1. The purpose of this subject is to understand basic principles of microprocessor & microcontroller and its application. 2. Secondly students should know how to write assembly language program and finally to expose students to the latest technology that is used in industry. 3. After studying this subject, students with prior assembly language experience will be able to gain a mastery of 8051 architecture very rapidly and start on building their projects for automation. Mechatronics 1. At the end of the course the student will understand mechatronics system and its importance with respect to interdisciplinary approach. 2. He will study various sensors, transducers, signal conditioner and data acquisition devices used in mechatronics systems. 3. He will get awareness of data presentation & data logger systems & actuators. He will also study some practical systems. Electronic Design Workshop 1. The objective of this workshop is to make the student aware of various design parameters used in the design of electronic systems. 2. He will be able to design small analog & digital circuit. Advanced Microprocessors 1. Main aim to present the fundamental concepts of advanced microprocessors and their architectures. 2. To enable the students to write efficient programs in assembly level language of 8086 processor. 3. Also to make the student aware of the techniques of interfacing between the processors & peripheral devices so that they can design and develop a complete microprocessor based system. Power Electronics 1. The subject study includes various types of power converters characteristics, structure, drive circuits and protection circuits of SCR, BJT, MOSFET and IGBTs. 2. Students are able to study controlled rectifiers, single and three phase converters for resistive and inductive loads with mathematical analysis. Single and three phase inverters are presented in one chapter. 3. It explains control techniques for square, quasisquare and PWM output waveforms. DC choppers are presented in fourth chapter. 4. 5. 6. Step up/down choppers with resistive and inductive loads are discussed. It also explains SMPS and resonant converters. AC to AC power controllers are presented in fifth chapter. Control circuits and waveforms are given for resistive and inductive. Students are introduced with the applications like UPS, DC motor control, HVDC, induction heating and electric welding applications. Digital Signal Processing 1. The objective of this course is to study various digital signal processing techniques. 2. The student will be able to design & analyze various digital filters. Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems 1. The objective of this course to make student aware of role of electromagnets and radiation systems in communication and Electrostatics. 2. The student will be able to analyze electro magnet field with the help of Maxwell’s equations .He will study various wave propagation techniques & transmission line fundamentals. 3. He/She gets awareness about basic antenna theory & their types. Information Theory & Coding Techniques 1. At the end of the course student will get awareness various source & channel coding techniques. 2. He/She will be able to measure and analyze information involved in communication system. 3. He/She will be able to design various codes for efficient transmission of information. 4. He/She will study the application of information theory in communication system & signal processing. 5. He/She will also study various aspects of communication link design for satellite link. Electronic System Design & Miniprojects 1. The objective of this subject is to make the students aware about design & development of an electronic system. 2. At the end of the course the student will be able to design, implement & test a miniature electronic product. T.E.(2008) Control Systems 1. The objective of this subject is to study the design of control systems using different methods. 2. The students will get awareness of advanced control systems & automation. Digital Communication The objective of the course is to understand various digital communication techniques. The student will be able to analyze performance of digital communication systems in presence of noise. He will understand various waveform coding techniques used in digital communication technique and its application. Digital Signal Processing 1. The objective of this course is to study various digital signal processing techniques. 2. The student will be able to design & analyze various digital filters. Microcontrollers & Applications 1. The purpose of this subject is to understand basic principles of microprocessor & microcontroller and its application. 2. Secondly students should know how to write assembly language program and finally to expose students to the latest technology that is used in industry. 3. After studying this subject, students with prior assembly language experience will be able to gain a mastery of 8051 architecture very rapidly and start on building their projects for automation. Network synthesis & Filter Design 1. At the end of course the student will understand various techniques of electrical & electronics circuit analysis. 2. The student should be able find transient response of an electrical network using replace transform. 3. He/She will be able to classify and characteristics four terminal network. 4. The student will be able to understand time Dwain behavior of network form pole zero plot . 5. He/She will be able to find various two port network parameters 6. The student will be able to synthesize transfer function of system. 7. He/She will able to design active filters. 8. The student will study sensitivity & performance parameters for an electronic circuit. Electronic Design Practice 1. The objective of this workshop is to make the student aware of various design parameters used in the design of electronic systems. 2. He will be able to design small analog & digital circuit. Signal Coding & Estimation Theory 1. At the end of the course student will get awareness various source & channel coding techniques. 2. He/She will be able to measure and analyze information involved in communication system. 3. He/She will be able to design various codes for efficient transmission of information. 4. He/She will study the application of information theory in communication system & signal processing. 5. He/She will also study various aspects of communication link design for satellite link. 6. The student will get an idea of estimation & detection theory with reference to signal processing & communication application. System Programming & Operating system 1. At the end of this course the student will study various aspects of system programming & operating system. 2. He/She will be able to design an assembler, macroprocessor. 3. The student will get an insight into various aspect of complier & interpreter design. 4. He/She will study loader & linker design details. 5. The student will study various aspects of operating system & memory management. Computer Organization & Architecture 1. Main aim to present the fundamental concepts of advanced microprocessors and their architectures. 2. To enable the students to write efficient programs in assembly level language of 8086 processor. 3. Also to make the student aware of the techniques of interfacing between the processors & peripheral devices so that they can design and develop a complete microprocessor based system. Industrial Management 1. At the end of the course the student will come to know current industrial management practices. 2. He/She will study implication of convergence technology on electronics & Telecommunication industry. 3. The student will know various issues related to design of business information system. 4. He/She will study role of information integrity for development of business model. Wave Theory & antennas 1. The objective of this course to make student aware of role of electromagnets and radiation systems in communication and Electrostatics. 2. The student will be able to analyze electro magnet field with the help of Maxwell’s equations .He will study various wave propagation techniques & transmission line fundamentals. 3. He/She gets awareness about basic antenna theory & their types. Mini Project & Seminar 1. The objective of this subject is to make the students aware about design & development of an electronic system. 2. At the end of the course the student will be able to design, implement & test a miniature electronic product. Test measurements & Techniques BE (E&Tc) Computer Networks 1. This subject aims to study various types of networks and networking topologies in use today. 2. Students will learn about layered architecture, OSI and TCP/IP reference model. 3. This subject deals with introduction to computer network and transmission media, physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, application layer and TCP/IP protocol suite. 4. Functions and protocols used by each layer are studied so that concepts can be used to implement different topologies and types of network. Voice Network 1. The objective of this subject is to understand the different types of Data and voice network. 2. The students will aware about the Telephone signaling and switching and telecommunication traffic engineering at the end of the course. 3. He/She will also study the global system for mobile communication and Code division multiple access. 4. He will get awareness of IP telephony protocols. Electronics Product Design 1. This subject is to mean an overview of product development stages and study of techno commercial feasibility of product specifications. 2. The students will understand the PCB design and developments techniques. 3. The students will study the hardware design, Software design and testing methods. 4. At the end of this subject the student will able to understand the product testing and PCB documentation. VLSI Design 1. The objective of this subject is to learn various front end tools and necessary coding techniques. 2. The students will able to a circuit at abstraction level, gate level and system level. 3. They will also be able to elaborate CAD tools for digital integrated circuits. 4. The students get the idea about the design tools synthesis and simulation of circuits at various complexity levels, design verification, layout generation and design synthesis. Embedded system design (Elective-I) 1. At the end of the course student will understand various embedded architectures, their design challenges and optimization techniques. 2. He will be familiar with programming concepts of the embedded system ,student will get awareness of real time operating systems and their synchronizations. 3. He will understand the commercial RTOS used in the electronic gadgets. 4. Student will also study some day to day used embedded systems like digital camera ,car control & smart card. Electronic Measurement Systems 1. This subject deals with various electronic measuring instruments & their block details which are used for testing & troubleshooting of analog &digital circuits. 2. At the end of the course the student will be able to understand various instruments like DSO, Spectrum analyzers, communication measurements & computer controlled test measurements. 3. These instruments will help the students in testing their final year projects. Optical and Microwave Communications 1. To develop students practical & transferable skills, as well as their content knowledge and scientific understanding related to optical & microwave communication system. 2. At the end of course students will be able to understand design of optical and microwave communication link for broadband applications and other areas like biomedical, astrology etc. 3. They will know Working principle, characteristics and applications of different optical & microwave components. Audio and Video Engineering (Elective-II) 1. The objective of this subject is to learn the audio and video systems related to the television. 2. The students will study Color TV basics, various TV systems and their standards. 3. The students will be able to understand the Digital TV, HDTV standards and systems. 4. The students will also study the various methods of sound recording and reproduction and studio equipments. Digital Image Processing (Elective-II) 5. At the end of this subject the students will b understand the components of image processing, image enhancements, image coding and compression techniques. 6. The students get the idea about image transforms and color fundamentals. 7. The students will also be able to study image analysis, image restoration techniques. Image processing applications are discussed further. Telecom Networks and Management 1. This subject aims to study various Telecommunication Network in use today. types of 2. 3. It gives theoretical and practical knowledge of different types of telecommunication network and their management issues. This subject deals with broadband telecommunication network, broadband access technologies, routing algorithms, QoS and Reliability Issues of Telecom Networks, Telecom Network Management, so that students get knowledge of recent trends in telecommunication network and management. VIII-P.2 Assessment outcomes (20) Assessment is based on the feasibility, applicability and quality of the PEOs’ with the course delivery. Assessment is also based on the methodologies for outcome measurements from the stake holders including industry, alumni, and professional bodies. Feasibility • To make teaching learning process effective enough infrastructures in the department is available. • Faculty expertise is available in the department for delivering content in all courses of the program. • Seminars and workshops are arranged to update with latest technologies. • Short falls in expertise if any, are overcome by inviting respective subject experts. • Interaction with alumni of the institute. Applicability • Most of the Electronics and Communication program contents have application in industry and research. • The course concentrates on real world application development. • Students get exposure to twelve streams for their career advancement. • A student doing this course has good opportunities for further research & development Quality of PEO’s Vs course delivery • The PEO,s and course objectives for Electronics and Communication program are designed taking into consideration the requirement of industry and research. • The PEO’s aim at making a student compatible EC professionals to meet the needs of Indian and multinational companies. • • • • The PEO’s and course objectives aims to develop the logical, mathematical, scientific and Engineering skills. The PEO’s and course objective induce life long learning and professional ethics. The PEO’s and course objective aim at making a student a good personality with good communication. The PEO’s and course introduce student to latest technologies. To give a good course delivery efforts are taken by faculty and staff to deliver 100% using the following techniques: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lectures, Assigned readings, Lab experiments and homework in the form of assignments Assignment Tests to enable the students to use basic sciences to develop confirmation of physical effects, understand and apply laws for reaction and substances, Use references of physical data and solve numerical problems to represent application of real world University results. Presentations, Industrial visits, Quizzes Understand problem in environment Deal with social issues involving them ethically and develop management skill, a central feature for the Communication scenario. Vivas and tests are conducted to evaluate the students understanding. e-learning e-material, Programming tasks, Mini projects Workshops Expert talks Seminars Case Studies field work Short surveying projects Assessment Method • Direct assessment of the course was done by alumni, industry and technology ,professional experts • Industry expert are included during the revision of the course at university level. • • Feedback from alumni and final year student are taken into account during revision of the PEO’s at the institute. Indirect assessment is done through campus interviews and performance of students in competitive exams like GATE, GRE, and CAT etc. Methodology Feedback/ informal meet/ visit to college Training, placement offices, test results Feedback Parent meets & Letters Feedback form Suggestion box/ complaint box Feedback from student representatives University result Success in competitive exam Paper & Project Competitions Participation in co-curricular Activities Participation in Extra-curricular Activities Participation in Blood Donation Exhibition for common man on social issues, ethics, warfare, poster competitions Sr. No. Agency or Organization doing assessment 1 Alumni 2 Industry 3 Professional body 4 Parents of students 5 Students 6 Students 7 College Faculty ( course monitoring committee) 8 University 9 GATE GRE TOFEL administrative Bodies 10 National Technical Symposium 11 Other Institutes 12 District, State, Zonal, University Sports Authority 13 Blood Banks 14 Institute in collaboration with Social Organizations Assessment outcomes • Students join industry • Students go for higher studies. • Students become an entrepreneur. • Students will involve themselves in social activities. • Students will become ethically responsible. VIII-P.3 Mapping with faculty expertise (20) Course Units Theory Lab Area of specialization needed to achieve PEOs Name of the Faculty whose expertise matched with the specialisation Comments Engg. Maths-I Applied ScienceI 6(54hr ) 6(48hr ) 10Exp 20hr Engineering Mathematics Applied Science Mr. M.E.Ghotker Mr. B.N.Bangar Fundamental of Programming languages Basic of Electrical Engg. Basic Civil Engg Engineering Graphics-I Manufaturing Practices Engg. Mathematics II Applied Science II Engineering Mechanics Basic Electronics Engg. Engineering Graphics II Basic Mechanical Engg. 5(15) 6(42hr ) 6(36hr ) 6(45hr ) 6(54hr ) 6(48hr ) 6(45hr ) 6(51hr ) 5(15hr ) 6(45hr ) 12 Exp 24hr 9 Exp 18hr 8 Exp 16hr 5 Sheets 10hr 8 Exp 16hr 10 Exp 20hr 6 Exp 12hr 8 Exp 16hr 5 Sheets 10hr 8 Exp 16hr Computer Engg. Electrical Engg Civil Engg Mechanical Engg Production Engg Engineering Mathematics Applied Science Civil Engg Electronics Engg Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Mrs. P.A.Tomar Mr. Dakode Mrs. S.J.Bhosale Mrs. N.P.Jajoo Mr. M.D. Hambarde Mr.S.J.Jagtap Mr. M.E.Ghotker Mr. B.N.Bangar Mrs. P.A.Tomar Mr.S.A.Khasage Mrs.S.D.Kale Mrs.S.V.Sathe Mr. M.D. Hambarde SE Course Units Theory Lab Area of specializatio n needed to achieve PEOs Name of the Faculty whose expertise matched with the specialisation Comments Solid State Devices & Circuits Network Analysis 6 (42 hr) 6 (45 hr) 6 (36 hr) 6 (56hr) 8 Exp.(16 Basic hr/ batch) Electronic (4 batches) s - Prof.S.M Hundiwale Mrs. S.S.Kanse Ms. N.J.Borkar Mrs. J.M.Kadam Dr.S.D. Apte Prof. G.R.Patil Mrs. C.V.Rane Prof. S.L.Chavan Signals & Systems 8 Tut 8hr/batch - Basic Electronic s Signal Processing Power Electronic Power Devices & Machines Digital Logic Design Network & Power Lab Electronic Instruments & Tools Integrated Circuits & Applications Electromagnetics Data Structures Communication Theory Engineering Maths-III 6 (56hr) - 10 Exp 20hr/batch 12 Exp 24hr/batch 7 Exp 14hr/batch 8 Exp 16hr/batch 6 Tut 6hr/batch 10 Exp 20hr/batch 10 Exp 20hr/batch Tut 6hr/batch s Digital Electronic s Power Electronic s Basic Electronic s Basic Electronic s Electroma gnetics Computer s Communic ation Mr.S.S.Badhe Prof. P.M.Ghate Prof. S.L.Chavan Mr.S.S.Badhe Mrs. J.M.Kadam - 6 (45hr) 6 (36hr) 6 (56hr) 6(45hr ) 6(56hr ) Prof.S.M Hundiwale Mrs. C.V.Rane Mrs. J.M.Kadam Prof. G.R.Patil Mr.S.R.Gulhane Mrs. S.A.Bhisikar Ms. N.J.Borkar Mr. Gadekar Engg Mathemati Mr.Gajbhiv cs Circuit Simulation & Tools - 8 Exp 16hr/batch Basic Electronic s Mrs. A.A.Kasangottuwar Ms.Chaitra.N.D TE Course Units Theory Lab Area of specialization needed to achieve PEOs Name of the Faculty whose expertise matched with the specialisation Comments Digital Design & Computer Organisation 6(56hr ) - VLSI Prof. S.C.Wagaj Mrs. A.A. Kasangottuwar Analog Integrated 6(56hr ) 8 Exp 16hr/batch Basic Electronics Mrs. C.V.Rane Ms. B.R. Thawali Course Circuits-Design & Application Digital Communication Microprocessor, Microcontrollers & applications Mechatronics Electronics Lab-I Units Theory Lab Area of specialization needed to Name of the Faculty Comments 6(56hr ) 6(56hr ) 6(45hr ) - 9 Exp 18hr/batch 8 Exp 16hr/batch 10 Exp 20hr/batch Communica Prof. G.R.Patil tion Engg Mrs. R.R.Itkarkar Microproce Prof.A.N.Paithane ssor Instrument ation Basic Elecronics Microproce ssor Prof.J.N.Shinde Mrs.S.D.Kale Prof.A.N.Paithane Mrs. C.V.Rane Ms. B.R. Thawali Ms. N.J.Borkar Electronic Design Workshop Advanced Microprocessors Power Electronics 6(56hr ) 6 (56hr) 15 Exp 30hr/batch - Electronic Design Microproce ssor Power Electronics Prof.J.N.Shinde Prof.A.N.Paithane Prof. S.D. Shirbahadurkar Mr.S.S.Badhe Digital Signal Processing Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems Information Theory & Coding Techniques Electronic Lab-II 6(56hr ) 6(45hr ) - Signal Processing Electromag ntics Prof.B.D.Jadhav Prof. P.M.Ghate Prof.J.N.Shinde 6(56hr ) - 7 Exp 14hr/batch 18 Exp 36hr/batch Communica Prof. S.C.Wagaj tion Power Electronics Microproce ssor Signal Processing Communica tion Mr.S.S.Badhe Ms.Chaitra.N.D Prof.B.D.Jadhav Prof. P.M.Ghate Signal Processing & Communication Lab - 16 Exp 32hr/batch Course Electronic System Design & mini Project Units Theory Lab - 30hr/batch Area of specialization needed to Electronic Name of the Faculty Prof.J.N.Shinde Comments Design TE (2008) Control Systems 6(36 hrs) 6(42 hrs) 6(38 hrs) 6(36 hrs) 6(36 hrs) ----6(42hr s) 6(36hr s) 6(36hr s) 6(36hr s) 6(36hr s) -------- --------- Digital Signal Processing Digital Communication Microcontrollers and Applications Network Synthesis and Filter Design Electronic Design Practice Computer Organization and Architecture System programming and Operating Systems Wave theory and Antenna Signal coding and Estimation theory Industrial Management Test & Measurement Techniques Mini project and seminar 15 Exp 30hr/batch 10 Exp 20hr/batch 10 Exp 20hr/batch 8 Exp 16hr/batch 4 Exp 16hr/batch ---------- Instrument ation & Automation Signal Processing Communica tion Engg Microcontrollers Mrs.S.D.Kale Mrs.A.B.Kanwade P.M.Ghate Prof.G.R.Patil Mrs.S.A.Bisikar A.N.Paithane Neha Mathais B.D.Jadhav A.N.Paithane A.A.Kasangottuwa r P.M.Ghate Anlog Design Electronic ckt Design Microproce ssor Operating System 9 Exp 18hr/batch 9 Exp 18hr/batch 8 Exp 16hr/batch Communica B.D.Jadhav tion Neha Mathais Communica S.C.Wagaj tion Manageme nt Mesuremen t Electronic Design MBA Dept. B.D.Jadhav B.D.Jadhav S.D.Kale S.A.Paitane 9 Exp 18hr/batch 30hr/batch BE Course Theory Units Lab Area of specialization needed to achieve PEOs Name of the Faculty whose expertise matched with the specialisation Comments Computer Networks Voice Network Electronic Product Design VLSI Design 6(45hr ) 6(56hr ) 6(56hr ) 6(45hr ) 6(56hr ) 8 Exp 16hr/batch 8 Exp 16hr/batch 18 Exp 32hr/batch Computer Mr.G.D.Upadhye Ms.S.Shabadi DR.D.M.Yadav Communicati on Mrs. R.R.Itkarkar Mr.S.R.Gulhane Electronics VLSI Prof. S.D. Shirbhadurkar Embedded System Design Communicatio n Laboratory – I Embedded System Prof.B.D.Jadhav Mr.G.D.Upadhye Computer Communicati Ms.S.Shabadi on Mrs. A.A. Kasangottuwar Mrs. S.S.Kanse Seminar Project Electronic Measurement Systems Telecomm Networks & Management Optical & Microwave Communicatio n Audio Video Engineering Communicatio n Laboratory – II 30hr 30hr 6(56hr ) 6(56hr ) 6(56hr ) - Electronic Design Microprocess or Power Electronics Ms.U.G.Patil Mrs. S.S.Kanse Communicati Mrs.Kshirsagar on Network Optical Fibre and Microwave communicati on Audio Video Engineering Prof.D.G.Bhalke Ms.M.D.Dhongde 6(56hr ) - 10 Exp 20hr/batch 16 Exp 32hr/batch Mrs. R.R.Itkarkar Communicati Prof.D.G.Bhalke on Network Ms.M.D.Dhongde Optical Fibre Mrs.Kshirsagar and Microwave Course Theory Units Lab Area of specialization needed to communicati Name of the Faculty Comments on Project 90hr Assessment is based on the factor that the expertise needed to deliver the contents is met with the faculty expertise and on a balanced load factor of the experienced faculty. Faculty expertise should be adequate to cater for all the major fields specified in the programme criteria. VIII-P.4 Mapping with outcomes Assessment is based on what extent the PEOs / curriculum map with the outcomes. The relation between the Electronics and Teleommunication Program Objectives and Outcomes Program Outcomes c d e f g a 1 Educational Objectives 2 3 4 5 X X X b X h X i X X X j X X X X X X X X X X X X VIII-P.5 Significant achievements (20) List significant achievements, in respect of curriculum, stated PEOs and their outcomes, in CAY, CAYm1 and CAYm2. CAY (2009-10) • • • • • • • • • • • One faculty completed Ph.D Significant achievement of faculty research indicated through research publication. Industrial training for student newly introduced Two faculty members completed Post Graduation Faculty interaction with outside world enhanced. More faculties involved in getting advanced teaching learning methods. Also implementing the same. BUDGET increased by 25% Conduction of e-PGCON for Conference for PG Students Innovision-2010, The technical event conducted on large scale. e-learning material: IEEE Transaction subscribed. Introduction of On-line Examination at FE foe the subject Basic Electronics Enggineering CAYm1(2008-09) • • • • • • • 100% result in final year University examination. Tendency to go for higher studies increased Students participations in Technical Symposium increased Enormously. Campus enabled with Wi-Fi setup More expenditure incurred for improving Lab infrastructure for better academic ambience. Start of ISTE staff and student chapter STTP on DSP experiments with Matlab • Revision of Syllabus CAYm2(2007-08) • • • • • • One faculty registered for Ph.D. 36 out of 74 students placed through campus interviews in well known organization. Recognized by The Institute of Engineers(India) Collaboration with Gill instruments for developing Embedded system lab One of the BE Projects MI card got appreciation from Industry and Govt. organization Rachana 2008, Start of Project Competition PART III Curriculum , Syllabi , PEOs and Outcomes 1) PEOs and Course objectives a . Program Educational Objectives 1. To prepare students for postgraduate courses, research and successful careers in Electronic, Computer, Communication & IT Industry & research. 2. To provide necessary background in science & other basic engineering fields particularly in electrical, electronics & mathematics. 3. To develop the ability among students to analyse & synthesise the data for applications to electronics products design and to enable students to Simulate, analyze & solve electronics and communication Engineering problems. 4. To provide students a familiarity with professional issues in electronics & Telecommunication Engineering including innovation, ethics, issues related to global economy and emerging technology and promote important skills such as oral & written communication. 5 To promote students awareness of lifelong learning through an excellent academic environment & provide them opportunity to work in teams on multidisciplinary projects. b. FE Course Objective Basic Elecrical Engg 1. To develop the awareness and adopt the safety of human being and apparatus. 2. To understand meanings of various terms related to electricity. 3. To learn principles of generation, transmission & distribution of electrical power. 4. To understand meanings of AC & DC circuits. 5. To learn various methods to analyse electrical networks. Basic Electrical Engineering 1. At the end of the course the students will understand various electronic components and devices. 3 The students will understand basic idea about digital electronics, op-amp and its applications, industrial applications and basics of communication. SE (E&TC) Signal & System 1. After studying this subject the student will be able to represent various electrical signals in mathematical form and He will be able to mathematical operations on them. 2. The students will be able to analysis of signal & system using various mathematical tools . 3. The student will also learn how to represent and analyse random signals using probability theory Solid State Devices & Circuits 1. At the end of course student will understand the detailed basics of semiconductor devices. 2. They will be able to correlate the practical aspects of electronic circuits with the devices, students will be familiar with different types of amplifiers used in the communication system, and students will be able to analyze the transistor amplifiers as small signal hparameter model. 3. They will also learn to estimate the gain of the amplifiers and other parameters for practical aspects. Network Analysis 1. At the end of course the student will understand various techniques of electrical & electronics circuit analysis. 2. The student should be able find transient response of an electrical network using replace transform. 3. He/She will be able to classify and characteristics four terminal network. 4. The student will be able to understand time Dwain behavior of network form pole zero plot . 5. He/She will be able to find various low part network parameters Digital Logic Design 1. Students will get awareness of various logic families and their features. 2. They will come to know how to select IC of proper family for specific application . 3. Under this subject, student will study different combinational circuits and sequential circuits. 4. They will able to implement various digital types, characteristics and expanding memory size. 5. At the end of this subject students will also get awareness of basics of VHDL programming. Electronic Instruments and tools 1. The objective of this subject is to make the student aware of testing of electronic component & devices, handling equipments & circuits fabrication techniques Engineering Mathematics III 1. At the end of the course the student will be able solve liner differential equations and that applications to electrical circuits. 2. He will get awareness about complex variable, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform etc and their application for solving differentials equations. 3. He will also study vector calculus and its applications to problem in electromagnetic field Electronic Circuits & Machines 1. To understand construction, working, characteristics and applications of various types of electrical machines, their behavior with respect to load. 2. To learn various way to measure active and reactive powers in three phase circuits. 3. To understand meaning of energy conservation and to study various methods to achieve it. Power Devices and Machines 1. At the end of the course the students will be able to understand different functions of AC and DC motors along with different power handling devices. Data Structures 1. The student will study the representation and use of primitive data types, built in data structures. 2. He will also study the data structure allocation and their applications. 3. The students will be able to implement data structure in C language. 4. He will also be able to compare alternative implementations, cost and benefits of data structure. 5. He will also be able to choose the appropriate data structures for modeling a given problem Communication Theory 1. The objective of this course is to introduce basic concept of communications theory. 2. The student get awareness of analog modification techniques& its application. 3. He will also study transmitter & receivers used in radio communication. 4. He will be able to analyse analog communication system along with noise effect. Circuit Simulation and Tools 1 At the end of the course student will understand designing and simulation of various circuits using different simulation tools like MATLAB, Multisim, VHDL and C language. TE (E&TC) Digital Design & Computer Organisation 1. Student should gets idea about digital circuit design using hardware description language. 2. He can write the programs in VHDL for combinational & sequential circuits. 3. He is able to draw ASM charts & get idea about FSM design, CPU design, I/O organization and memory organization. 4. He can simulate the codes using VHDL. Analog Integrated Circuits Design and Applications 1. Students will understand fundamentals of differential amplifier. 2. They will know ideal & practical parameters of operational amplifier. 3. They will study different applications of operational amplifier. 4. They will be able to design different signal generators as per required specifications. 5. Students will also be able to design different filters and understand operation of phase locked loop. Digital Communication The objective of the course is to understand various digital communication techniques. The student will be able to analyze performance of digital communication systems in presence of noise. He will understand various waveform coding techniques used in digital communication technique and its application. Microprocessors & Microcontroller Applications 1. The purpose of this subject is to understand basic principles of microprocessor & microcontroller and its application. 2. Secondly students should know how to write assembly language program and finally to expose students to the latest technology that is used in industry. 3. After studying this subject, students with prior assembly language experience will be able to gain a mastery of 8051 architecture very rapidly and start on building their projects for automation. Mechatronics 1. At the end of the course the student will understand mechatronics system and its importance with respect to interdisciplinary approach. 2. He will study various sensors, transducers, signal conditioner and data acquisition devices used in mechatronics systems. 3. He will get awareness of data presentation & data logger systems & actuators. He will also study some practical systems. Electronic Design Workshop 1. The objective of this workshop is to make the student aware of various design parameters used in the design of electronic systems. 2. He will be able to design small analog & digital circuit. Advanced Microprocessors 1. Main aim to present the fundamental concepts of advanced microprocessors and their architectures. 2. To enable the students to write efficient programs in assembly level language of 8086 processor. 3. Also to make the student aware of the techniques of interfacing between the processors & peripheral devices so that they can design and develop a complete microprocessor based system. Power Electronics 1. The subject study includes various types of power converters characteristics, structure, drive circuits and protection circuits of SCR, BJT, MOSFET and IGBTs. 2. Students are able to study controlled rectifiers, single and three phase converters for resistive and inductive loads with mathematical analysis. Single and three phase inverters are presented in one chapter. 3. It explains control techniques for square, quasisquare and PWM output waveforms. DC choppers are presented in fourth chapter. 4. Step up/down choppers with resistive and inductive loads are discussed. It also explains SMPS and resonant converters. 5. AC to AC power controllers are presented in fifth chapter. Control circuits and waveforms are given for resistive and inductive. 6. Students are introduced with the applications like UPS, DC motor control, HVDC, induction heating and electric welding applications. Digital Signal Processing 1. The objective of this course is to study various digital signal processing techniques. 2. The student will be able to design & analyze various digital filters. Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems 1. The objective of this course to make student aware of role of electromagnets and radiatry systems in communication and Electrostatics. 2. The student will be able to analyze electro magnet field with the help of Maxwell’s equations .He will study various wave propagation techniques & transmission line fundamentals. 3. He/She gets awareness about basic antenna theory & their types. Information Theory & Coding Techniques 1. At the end of the course student will get awareness various source & channel coding techniques. 2. He/She will be able to measure and analyze information involved in communication system. 3. He/She will be able to design various codes for efficient transmission of information. 4. He/She will study the application of information theory in communication system & signal processing. 5. He/She will also study various aspects of communication link design for satellite link. Electronic System Design & Miniprojects 1. The objective of this subject is to make the students aware about design & development of an electronic system. 2. At the end of the course the student will be able to design, implement & test a miniature electronic product. T.E.(2008) Control Systems 1. The objective of this subject is to study the design of control systems using different methods. 2. The students will get awareness of advanced control systems & automation. Digital Communication The objective of the course is to understand various digital communication techniques. The student will be able to analyze performance of digital communication systems in presence of noise. He will understand various waveform coding techniques used in digital communication technique and its application. Digital Signal Processing 1. The objective of this course is to study various digital signal processing techniques. 2. The student will be able to design & analyze various digital filters. Microcontrollers & Applications 1. The purpose of this subject is to understand basic principles of microprocessor & microcontroller and its application. 2. Secondly students should know how to write assembly language program and finally to expose students to the latest technology that is used in industry. 3. After studying this subject, students with prior assembly language experience will be able to gain a mastery of 8051 architecture very rapidly and start on building their projects for automation. Network synthesis & Filter Design 1. At the end of course the student will understand various techniques of electrical & electronics circuit analysis. 2. The student should be able find transient response of an electrical network using replace transform. 3. He/She will be able to classify and characteristics four terminal network. 4. The student will be able to understand time Dwain behavior of network form pole zero plot . 5. He/She will be able to find various two port network parameters 6. The student will be able to synthesize transfer function of system. 7. He/She will able to design active filters. 8. The student will study sensitivity & performance parameters for an electronic circuit. Electronic Design Practice 1. The objective of this workshop is to make the student aware of various design parameters used in the design of electronic systems. 2. He will be able to design small analog & digital circuit. Signal Coding & Estimation Theory 1. At the end of the course student will get awareness various source & channel coding techniques. 2. He/She will be able to measure and analyze information involved in communication system. 3. He/She will be able to design various codes for efficient transmission of information. 4. He/She will study the application of information theory in communication system & signal processing. 5. He/She will also study various aspects of communication link design for satellite link. 6. The student will get an idea of estimation & detection theory with reference to signal processing & communication application. System Programming & Operating system 1. At the end of this course the student will study various aspects of system programming & operating system. 2. He/She will be able to design an assembler, macroprocessor. 3. The student will get an insight into various aspect of complier & interpreter design. 4. He/She will study loader & linker design details. 5. The student will study various aspects of operating system & memory management. Computer Organization & Architecture 1. Main aim to present the fundamental concepts of advanced microprocessors and their architectures. 2. To enable the students to write efficient programs in assembly level language of 8086 processor. 3. Also to make the student aware of the techniques of interfacing between the processors & peripheral devices so that they can design and develop a complete microprocessor based system. Industrial Management 1. At the end of the course the student will come to know current industrial management practices. 2. He/She will study implication of convergence technology on electronics & Telecommunication industry. 3. The student will know various issues related to design of business information system. 4. He/She will study role of information integrity for development of business model. Wave Theory & antennas 1. The objective of this course to make student aware of role of electromagnets and radiatry systems in communication and Electrostatics. 2. The student will be able to analyze electro magnet field with the help of Maxwell’s equations .He will study various wave propagation techniques & transmission line fundamentals. 3. He/She gets awareness about basic antenna theory & their types. Miniproject & Seminar 1. The objective of this subject is to make the students aware about design & development of an electronic system. 2. At the end of the course the student will be able to design, implement & test a miniature electronic product. Test measurements & Techniques BE (E&Tc) Computer Networks 1. This subject aims to study various types of networks and networking topologies in use today. 2. Students will learn about layered architecture, OSI and TCP/IP reference model. 3. This subject deals with introduction to computer network and transmission media, physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, application layer and TCP/IP protocol suite. 4. Functions and protocols used by each layer are studied so that concepts can be used to implement different topologies and types of network. Voice Network 1. The objective of this subject is to understand the different types of Data and voice network. 2. The students will aware about the Telephone signaling and switching and telecommunication traffic engineering at the end of the course. 3. He/She will also study the global system for mobile communication and Code division multiple access. 4. He will get awareness of IP telephony protocols. Electronics Product Design 1. This subject is to mean an overview of product development stages and study of technocommercial feasibility of product specifications. 2. The students will understand the PCB design and developments techniques. 3. The students will study the hardware design, Software design and testing methods. 4. At the end of this subject the student will able to understand the product testing and PCB documentation. VLSI Design 1. The objective of this subject is to learn various front end tools and necessary coding techniques. 2. The students will able to a circuit at abstraction level, gate level and system level. 3. They will also be able to elaborate CAD tools for digital integrated circuits. 4. The students get the idea about the design tools synthesis and simulation of circuits at various complexity levels, design verification, layout generation and design synthesis. Embedded system design (Elective-I) 1. At the end of the course student will understand various embedded architectures, their design challenges and optimization techniques. 2. He will be familiar with programming concepts of the embedded system ,student will get awareness of real time operating systems and their synchronizations. 3. He will understand the commercial RTOS used in the electronic gadgets. 4. Student will also study some day to day used embedded systems like digital camera ,car control & smart card. Electronic Measurement Systems 1. This subject deals with various electronic measuring instruments & their block details which are used for testing & troubleshooting of analog &digital circuits. 2. At the end of the course the student will be able to understand various instruments like DSO, Spectrum analyzers, communication measurements & computer controlled test measurements. 3. These instruments will help the students in testing their final year projects. Optical and Microwave Communications 1. To develop students practical & transferable skills, as well as their content knowledge and scientific understanding related to optical & microwave communication system. 2. At the end of course students will be able to understand design of optical and microwave communication link for broadband applications and other areas like biomedical, astrology etc. 3. They will know Working principle, characteristics and applications of different optical & microwave components. Audio and Video Engineering (Elective-II) 1. The objective of this subject is to learn the audio and video systems related to the television. 2. The students will study Color TV basics, various TV systems and their standards. 3. The students will be able to understand the Digital TV, HDTV standards and systems. 4. The students will also study the various methods of sound recording and reproduction and studio equipments. Digital Image Processing (Elective-II) 1. At the end of this subject the students will b understand the components of image processing, image enhancements, image coding and compression techniques. 2. The students get the idea about image transforms and color fundamentals. 3. The students will also be able to study image analysis, image restoration techniques. Image processing applications are discussed further. Telecom Networks and Management 1. This subject aims to study various types of Telecommunication Network in use today. 2. It gives theoretical and practical knowledge of different types of telecommunication network and their management issues. 3. This subject deals with broadband telecommunication network, broadband access technologies, routing algorithms, QoS and Reliability Issues of Telecom Networks, Telecom Network Management, so that students get knowledge of recent trends in telecommunication network and management. . a. Programme and Course Outcomes (a) Graduate will demonstrate knowledge of differential equations, vectors calculus, complex variable, matrix theory, probability theory, physics, chemistry & Electrical & Electronics engineering. (b) Graduate will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate & solve Electronics & Communication Engineering problems. (c) Graduate will demonstrate an ability to design electronic circuits & systems, conducts experiment, analyze & interpret the data. (d) Graduate will demonstrate an ability to design digital & analog systems and components. (e) Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern engineering tools, software & equipments to analyze. (f) Graduate will demonstrate knowledge of professional & ethical responsibilities. (g) Graduate will able be able to communicate effectively in both verbal & written from. (h)Graduate will show the understanding of impact of engineering solutions on society and also will be aware of contemporary issues. (i) Graduate will develop self confidence and ability for lifelong learning. (j) Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE, GRE. b. Mapping of PEOs with the expected outcomes a 1 Educational Objectives 2 3 4 5 X X X X X b X Program Outcomes c d e f g h X i X X X X X X X X j X X X X X 4) Additional content beyond the syllabi , if needed , to be provided to meet the outcomes with the course objectives Class & Subject SE(E&Tc) Data Structures BE (E&Tc) Optical and Microwave Communication BE (E&Tc) Embedded Systems BE (E&Tc) Electronic Product design Electronic Measurement TE (E&Tc) Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems Digital Communication Curriculum Gap C-Programming Concepts Field Visit required to See Microwave communication Link Field Visit required to See embedded product development Field Visit required to See actual test and measurement techniques for quality assurance Field Visit required to See Antenna, Trasmitter and receiver Systems Additional Efforts Extra Lectures taken to cover Cprogramming concepts Visited Satellite earth station GMRT Narayangoa Visited Confident Elecronics , Banglore Visited ETDC, Pune PEOs Satisfied 2 3,4 3,4 3,4 Visited Nokia Siemens, Punjim, Goa 3,4 Class & Subject TE(E&Tc) Microcontr-ollers Curriculum Gap Microcontroller applications Additional Efforts 3 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) /9/2007 to /9/2007 M/S Gill Instruments Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System. Mr. Manish Patil I2IT Hinjewadi Pune) 2007 2 Day Workshop on MSP-430 for TE(E&Tc) M/S Gill Instruments 4/9/2008 to 6/9/2008 One Day workshop on GPS & its application. By Prof S R Jog, DYPIET & Mr Mukund Bhopale Mihir Enterprises, Pune 25/09/08 Recent trends in Electromagnetic and Antenna Design 02/02/09 to 03/02/09 3 Day Workshop on Advanced Embedded System 11-13 Sep 2009 Industrial Visit to ETDC, Pune Sept 2009 Industrial Training 10/6/09 to 20/06/09 14/06/09 to 15/07.09 Guest lecture on “RFID Technology” PEOs Satisfied 4,5 BE(E&TC) VLSI & Embedded Systems Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System. Microcontroller applications 4,5 TE(E&Tc) Microcontr-ollers 4,5 BE(E&TC) Global Positioning Systems(GPS) 4,5 TE(E&Tc) Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems BE(E&TC) Embeded System BE(E&TC) Electronic Product Design 1.Shilesh B Patil 2.Samina shikalgar BE(E&TC) Recent Trends and Antenna design 4,5 Recent Trends in Embedded Systems Quality Control of Electronic products exposure to Industrial environment RFID Technology 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 Class & Subject Curriculum Gap Management (HSS) Management (HSS) Additional Efforts Mr. Narendra Patil 25/09/2009 Building Excellence in HR by Mr. Paritkar 22/1/2010 Synthesis of Science and religion Dr. Stephen Knapp, Texas ESCON, Pune 10/09/2009 One day workshop on Matlab Mr. Sanap, Otis India 30/1/2010 “Yoga and Diet” Dr. Nirmala Desai 22/2/2010 PEOs Satisfied 4,5 SE(E&TC) SE(E&TC) TE(E&Tc) 4,5 SE(E&TC) Matlab applications Management (HSS) Computer Network 4,5 BE(E&TC) SE, BE ( E&TC) 4,5 4,5 SE, TE(E&TC) Signal & Systems , DSP SE, TE(E&TC) Computer Network General SE(E&TC) SE(E&TC) General TE, BE(E&TC) Digital Signal Processing , Project Seminar on “ Network Security & Virus Programming” On 6 Feb 2010 One day workshop on MATLAB on 30 Jun 2010 Guest lecture Network security On 8 Sept. 2010 Guest lectureStress Management on 18 Sept. 2010 Expert lecturepersonality development On 5 Oct 2010 Four day workshop Workshop-Matlab 16-19 August 2010 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 Class & Subject TE, BE ( E&TC) Curriculum Gap VLSI Design Additional Efforts BE(E&TC) Project TE, BE (E&TC) Embedded Systems Microcontroller TE, BE (E&TC) Expert lectureIssues and scope in VLSI design on 6 Aug 2010 Expert lectureareas and scope of project on 22 July 2010 Expert lectureARM processor On 30 July 2010 Workshop-8051 Target Boards on 27 august 2010 PEOs Satisfied 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 5) How to make provisions for additional contents, if needed to bridge the gap , in the academic calendar FE Course (Class/Subject ) Engg. Maths-I Applied Science- I Fundamental Programming Language Basic of Electrical Engg. Basic Civil Engg Engineering Graphics-I Manufacturing practices Engg. Mathematics Program Education Objective s specified by Affiliating Univ. or the College? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2 No. of course objective s satisfied Additiona l Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 3 ----Extra Assignments --Tutorials 2,4,8 2,4,5,8 2,4,5,8,10 2,8 --11 Course (Class/Subject ) Program Education Objective s specified by Affiliating Univ. or the College? 1,2 1,2 1,2,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 No. of course objective s satisfied Additiona l Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods II Applied Science II Engineering Mechanics Basic Electronics Engg. Engineering Graphics II Basic Mechanical Engg. Workshop Practice Communication Skill 2,2 2 2 2 3 3 2 Extra Assignments Extra Assignments Extra Assignments ------Group discussions 2,4,5,8 2,7,8 2,3,4,5,8,10 2,8 2,3,4,5,8,10 ---2,3,4,5,8 SE Course (Class/Subject) Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,3 1,2,3 1,3,5 1,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods Solid State Devices & Circuits Network Analysis Signals & Systems Power Devices & Machines Digital Logic Design Network & Power Lab Electronic Instruments & Tools Integrated Circuits & Applications Electromagnetics Data Structures Communication Theory Engineering Maths-III Circuit Simulation & Tools 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 3 4 Additional Circuit simulation MATLAB simulation assignments MATLAB workshop PCB design Workshop and guest lecture ‘Additional programmin g assignments Additional assignments MATLAB workshop 2 2 4 9 4 2 1,2,3 1,2 1,3,5 3 -3,4 11 4 TE Course (Class/Subjec t) Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1.3 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods Digital Design & Computer Organization. Analog Integrated CircuitsDesign & Application Digital Communication Microprocessor, Microcontrollers & applications Mechatronics Electronics Lab-I Electronic Design Workshop Advanced Microprocessors Power Electronics Digital Signal Processing Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems Information Theory & Coding Techniques Electronic Lab-II 2 - - 1,3 4 - - 1,3 1,3 2 2 1,2,3 1,3,5 1,3,5 1,3 1,3 1,3 1 4 4 2 1 2 Industrial visit Additional practical assignment s Additional practical assignment s Field Visit - 6 9 7 2 ,7 1,3 1,3 1,3,5 3 4 2,4 6 - Course (Class/Subjec t) Signal Processing & Communication Lab Electronics system design and mini project Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1,3,5 1,3,4,5 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovativ e Methods 4 3,4 - - BE Course (Class/Subjec t) Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? 1,3,4 No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovative Methods Computer Networks Voice Network Electronic Product Design VLSI Design 3 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 3 2 3 Additional practical assignment s Field visit Additional practical assignment s on ACTEL kit Field 2 6 7 Embedded System 1,3,4 3 6,7 Course (Class/Subjec t) Program Educatio n Objective s specified by Affiliatin g Univ. or the College? No. of course objective s satisfied Additional Contents to bridge the Gap Innovative Methods Design Communi-cation Lab – I Seminar Project Electronic Measurement Systems Telecomm Networks & Management Optical & Microwave Communi -cation Audio Video Engineering Communi-cation Lab-II Project 1,3,5 1,3,4,5 1,3,4,5 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,5 1,3,4,5 2 4 3 4 2 3 2 3 3 visit ,Expert Lecture on Embedded System Design Field visit Field visit - Visits -Project Contest, Technical paper presentation -- 6 6 - • Software programming competitions are arranged. • Encourage to use mechanical workshop for their projects. • Extra lectures are arranged for programming languages • Technical Paper Presentation conducted by students and for students. • Conduction of Aptitude test for their career development. The innovative teaching methods used are 1. E-submissions 2. E-learning 3. Group discussion 4. Expert lectures 5. Magazines 6. Visits 7. Case study 8. Presentations 9. Mini projects 10.Real time demonstration 11. Tutorial P.III.6 Students Quality Projects for 3 Years (Year 2007-2010) Year 2007-2008( 5 Best & 5 Average Projects) Sr. Name of the Project Title Area of No Student Specialisation 1 2 Amit Mahadik Vijayendra Deshpande Saurabh Patil Tanvi Pal Sunil Kharat Sachchida Nand Vikas Kumar Krishna Kant Swagat Ghosh Joydev Gupta Nikhil Mhetraskar Kaustubh Bapat Rohit Patil Bhodhe Uday MI card money transaction system Low Power Wireless Sensor n/w (Car Parking System) FPGA Configuration using USB Communication network Communication Project Supervisor Mrs. N.M.Lokhande Mr. S.S Sonavane Contribution/Achieve ments/Research O/P Received Scholarship & presented paper internationally Project was developed for car park occupancy with Low Cost & Low Power. Project was developed using advanced microcontroller to interface PC to FPGA through USB. Project emphasised on Linear predictive coding designed for Compression specially for wideband speech signals. To reduce the instability in the acoustic system due to noise echo cancellation algorithm developed in matlab Viterbii error correcting Matching with the stated PEO’s Departmental PEO’s 1,3,4,5 Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 Departmental PEO’s 1,5 3 Embeded System Mr. D.M.Yadav 4 Linear Predictive Coding for Wideband speech Communication Mr. S.D. Shirbhadurkar Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 5 Echo Cancelation of speech signal using Matlab Communication Mr. B.D.Jadhav Departmental PEO’s 1,3 6 Vipin Saneja Viterbii Codec on FPGA Communication Mr. S.S Sonavane Departmental Vinay Raut Harshal Jagavkar 7 Rohit Potdar Raichura Pankaj Suryawanshi Prthiviraj Implementation of MP3 decoder on TMS320C6713 DSP Processor Signal Processing Prof.S.D. Shirbhadurkar 8 Adil Altaf Johar Taha Zakir Husain STATCOM using IGBT Power Electronics Mr.S.L.Chavan 9 Dinesh Choudhary Deepak Desale Dinesh Pawar Implementation of 8 bit Microcontroller using VHDL VLSI Mr. D.G. Bhalke coding technique designed in FPGA to save memory & algorithm runs much faster. Project is developed to compress audio using Texas processor to achieve speed, memory demand & implementation complexity. A single phase current controlled voltage source inverter is designed & implemented to be used as dynamic reactive power compensator for nonlinear loads injecting harmonics in generating system. VHDL based microcontroller designed to meet applications such as data communication, consumers, defence, space, video, PEO’s 1,3,5 Departmental PEO’s 5 Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 Departmental PEO’s 5 10 Mohsin Khan Pundlik Gavade Sukhavinder Kumar Performance Analysis of different Filters in Image Restoration Image Processing Mr. A.N.Paithane biomedical & industrial application. An efficient algorithm is used for filters for Departmental image restoration to PEO’s 1,3,5 meet factor like speed, complexity & time. P.III.6 Students Quality Projects Year :2008-09 ( 5 Best & 5 Average Projects) Sr N o 1 Name of the Student Mr. Ajay Tiwari Mr. Pushparaj Shetty Mr. Krunal Sonawane Project Title Area of Specialisation Wireless Communication Project Supervisor Mr. D. G. Bhalke Contribution/ Achievements/ Research O/P Participated & presented Paper & 3rd prize 1.EXEGESIS at SVPN Baramati Participation secured 2nd prize 2. MAE Alandi, Pune Paper presentation & Project Exhibition secured 3rd prize Presentated Paper in various Programs & secured 1st & 2nd Prize 1.Zenith 09 State level Paper Presentation at AISSMS Pune 2. ITech 09 AVCOE, Sagamner Paper Presentation Participated in Project competition & secured 2nd Prize 1.Vitality 09- Project Competition VIT, Pune Matching with the stated PEO’s Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 Wildlife Tracking And Monitoring System 2 Manish Gupta Vibhu Gangal Manish Dubey Musical Instrument Sound classification using wavelet analysis Matlab Communication Mr. D.G.Bhalke Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 3 Deepak Deshmukh Mohd. Abrar Zaheer Azhar Patel Patient Monitoring over Internet Wireless Communication Mr. P.M.Ghate Departmental PEO’s 1 4 Mehul Palrecha Rahul Panicker Bhavana Vankhede WSN based Patient Monitoring System Wireless Communication Mr. Sonavane 5 Kaustubh Naniwadekar Kedar Phadnis Automatic mill level measurement using digital filtering Embedded System Mr.B.D. Jadhav 2.Project Competition Siddhant COE, Pune Participated in Project competition & secured 2nd Prize 1.Vitality 09- Project Competition VIT, Pune 2.Project Competition Siddhant COE,Pune Sponsered Project- Kana Electronics, Pune Departmental PEO’s 1,5 Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 Sr .N o 6 Name of the Student Kuanal Chakraborti Nikhil Guhagharkar Snehi Mathew Mayur Taware Mahendra Rane Sachin Sonawane Vrushaket Prabhune NESTOR :Water Sediment displaying Robot with an EYE Auxillary Vision System General purpose I/O card Area of Specialisation Embedded System Project Supervisor Mr. A.N Paithane Contribution/ Achievements/ Research O/P Sponsered Project – Pimpri Chinchwad Muncipal Co-orperation, Pune Sponsered Project from R& D Engineers Pune Sponsered Project by Suyog Electronics, Pune Matching with the stated PEO’s Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 7 Wireless & Embedded System Wireless & Embedded System Mr.D.G Bhalke Mr.. B.D.Jadhav Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 8 9 10 Venkatesh Haldule Shantanu Kulkarni Rahul Mahajan Vivek Marathe Pragati Mahajan Priyanka Sondkar Snehal Tamboli MAP430controll er based PicoRobot Digital Embedded Steganography Embedded System Embedded System Mr. S.C.Wagaj Sponsered Project by Badawae Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Pune This project emphasis on image containing encrypted data which can be transmitted across the world in secured form. Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 Departmental PEO’s 1,3,5 Mr. A.N.Paithane Sr No P.III.6 Students Quality Projects Year 2009-2010 Name of the Project Title Student Area of Specialisati on Embedded Project Supervisor Contribution/ Achievements/ Research O/P Participated in International & national Conference 1. Presented Paper in International conference THINKQUEST- 10 BGIT, Nashik 2. Presented Paper in National Conference at VIM, Pune Sponsored ProjectSponsored BRAAIN TECH Matchin g with the stated PEO’s Public a-tion 1 Suhail More Ajay Sawant Pritam Patil Safe Drive Ignition System Mr. S.M.Hundiwale 2. Satish Kumar Shikalgar Samina Automatic Soldier Embedded Mrs. B.R.Thawali Departme ntal 1,3,5 Hitesh Kataria 3 Sourabh Deshmukh Satyjeet Chaphekar Vaibhav Chatre Sushant Bhide Joshi Aditya Khedkar Harshad Kalpita Dixit Lakhi Priyanaka Name of the Student Data Acquisition & transmission & Bio-metric parameter using GSM n/w Speech to Text Convertor Communi -cation Mr. G.R.Patil India Sponsored ProjectSponsored BSNL , Pune PEO’s Departme ntal 1,3,5 PEO’s Departme ntal 1,3,5 PEO’s Departme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5s Matchin g with the stated PEO’s Departme ntal 1,5 PEO’s Public ation 4 Speech Mr. S.D. Shirbhadurkar 5 Auxiliary Power Train Control Unit Project Title Embedded Mr. B.D. Jadhav Project is developed to serve the purpose of education aid for a beginner in the field of speech to text conversion software in Marathi. Sponsored ProjectSponsored TATA Motors Contribution/ Achievements/ Research O/P Sponsored ProjectSponsored SERUM institute of India ltd. Sr. No Area of Specialisati on Embedded Project Supervisor 6 7 Anirudha Mhase Kulkarni Abhishek Deshmukh Hrishikesh Tamboli Hrishikesh Rakesh Kumar Achar Patil Kalyani S Smart Card Monitored Vehicle Mr. P.M.Ghate Image Compression using Curvelet & Mr A.N.Paithane Compression technique developed using wavelet transform and analysed Departme ntal 1PEO’s Pradeep Kumar Factal Coding Singh Kartik Srinivasan 8 Sumit Thakur Ankur Saxena Rahul Sarkar Kharade Vivek Jotwani Nikhil Anirudha Allam Mamta Bansal Neha Garade Radhika Gogate Wireless Controlled Fire fighting Robot VLSI Based Sequence Generator Speech Control Robot Wireless & Embeded Mrs. R.R.Itkarkar using higher PSNR. .9 10 VLSI Embedded Mrs. S.S.Kanse Mr. S.C. Wagaj This project developed a wireless Robot in manual & automatic mode to extinguish fire by using wireless sensor network. Sponsored Project- DRDO, Pune Sponsored Project - Sponsored PROTOCONTRL Instruments, Pvt, Ltd, Bhosari, Pune Departme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5s Departme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5 Year 2010-11 Sr . N o Name of the Student Project Title Area of Specialisatio n Project Supervisor Contribution/ Achievements/ Research O/P Matc hing with the state d PEO’ s Depa rtme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5 s Publica -tion 1 Barli Pranav Ramesh Bansode Pramod Anish Babu(Prov) Quad Rotor Helicopter Embedded & Wireless Mr.P.M.Ghate 2 Chapolikar Jayendra Chougule Sushant Disale Amol Harishchandra Detection of EOG Signal to control remote devices. Biomedical Signal Processing Mrs. S.D.Kale Project sponsored KPIT, Cummunis, Pune is a unmanned aircraft capable of flight without an on-board operator. The structure of the aircraft is ready till date. The project focuses on capturing the distinct for different eye movements & these signals are used to control the remote home Depa rtme ntal 1,5 PEO’s 3 Kajulkar Swati Madhukar Bhole Shweta Tapiram Ketaki Kiran Choudhari Segway- The self transportation system Embedded & Wireless Mrs. A.A.Kasangoutowar appliances. The project is sponsored by AMC solutions Corporation, Pune. SegwayThe Human transportation system is a one person dynamically self balancing transportation vehicle. It is designed to allow humans to move more quickly & cover more distance. Project is Sponsor by DRDO Pune. The objective is to build a mobile platform capable of communicating through radio frequency & Depa rtme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5 s 4 Patil Aditya Ritesh Chaudhari Praveen Sampath Surveillance System on a Mobile Platform Communicatio n Mr.A.N.Paithane Depa rtme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5 s 5 Walimbe Gaurav G Warke Pankaj S Position Locator for Blind Person Embedded Mr.S.C.Wagaj 6 Shaikh Asif M Sayyad Zeeshan S Mhetre Dinesh M Unmanned Military Force Communicatio n Mr.S.C.Wagaj taking photographs of its environment. Application of project include Aerial photography, Geographic surveying etc. This project is based on communication application in which it is going to help out blind people while travelling by giving them information about current location & time. The project is designed to find the target & accordingly movement of robot & gun in that direction with proper action. Depa rtme ntal 1,5 PEO’s Depa rtme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5 s 7 Thite Apurva D Nemade Priyanka Y Padki Poornima M DSP Based AC motor control Signal Processing Mr.S.L.Chavan 8 Kulkarni sharad Pethkar Girish G Pophale shashikant A Emotion Detection from Speech. Speech Mr.S.D.Shirbhadurk ar 9 Ajnavi Taranumm Kudale Aparna Rajaram Bipasha 1-Phase MSEB supply with backup & e-billing. Embedded & Wireless Mrs.S.D.Kale Project is sponsored by Honeywell Automation India Ltd, Pune. The project is developing an AC drive based on DSP processor. AC motor drive is to vary the speed of motor as per the requirement. This project exploits speakers emotion by system’s dialog manager to provide more suitable responses, there by achieving better task completion rate. Project is sponsored by MSEB, Chinchwad, Depa rtme ntal 1,5 PEO’s Depa rtme ntal 1,5 PEO’s Depa rtme ntal PEO’s Mitra(Prov) 10 Chapole Atul Bapurao Ganyarpawar Vinit V Gaikwad Akshay B Wireless Irrigation System Embedded & Wireless Mr. G R Patil Pune. Through this project the problem of paying bills without standing in long queues is avoided through e-Billing. Project is sponsored by Science & Technology Park, university of Pune. In this project a wireless sensor network is used to make crop irrigation efficiently. It effectively monitors the temperature, humidity & soil moisture of a certain crop & its surrounding. 1,3,5 s Depa rtme ntal PEO’s 1,3,5 s Annexure II YEAR 2007-08 Faculty of E & TC Department Qualification, University and year of graduation Sr. Name of the faculty No Designation (administrati ve positions,if any) Qualification University Year Areas of Specialization Date of joining the department/prog ram: Load sharing with more than one programs No of research publications in journals and conferences since joining the department and Total no. of such publications nJ,nC(NJ+NC) Dr. D S Bormane 1 Principal BE,Electronics ME,Electronics PH.D.,ELECTR.&CO MPUTER SCIENCE BE ME Ph.D. B.E. (EC) M.E.(EC) A’BAD SHIVAJI SRTMU. Nanded Pune Shivaji Shivaji Pune Dr.BAMU 1987 1996 2003 Electronics 18/07/2006 0,10(10) 2 3 Dr. S.K.Bodhe Mr.S.S..Sonawane Prof. Asst. Prof. Electronics 1998 2005 Electronics 21/07/2003 1/07/2006 0,0(0) 3,4(7) 4 Prof.S.D. Shirbahdurkar Asst. Prof. B.E. (EC) M.E.(EC) Ph.D. BE ME Electronics Ph.D. BE [Electrical] ME [Electrical 5 Prof.D.M.Yadav Asst. Prof. Marathw ad Dr.BAMU Dr.BAMU Dr.BAMU Shivaji Bharati 6 7 Prof.S.L. Chavan Lecturer Prof.A.N. Paithane Sr. Lect. 8 Prof.G.C.Patil Lecturer 9 10 11 12 Mr. S. C. Wagaj Mr. B.D. Jadhav Mr. P.M. Ghate Mrs.S.A.Bhisikar Sr. Lect Sr. Lect Lecturer Lecturer Amravati Bharti , Pune BE Electronics Dr.BAMU ME (E & TC) Shivaji BE(E & TC) Pune M.Tech( E & TC) Pune Ph.D(Reg)IIT, Microelectronics & Kanpur VLSI BE (Electronics) Shivaji ME Electronics Shivaji BE Electronics Pune BE Electronics BE(E & Tc) M.Tech. Dr.BAMU Amravati COEP 1991 1998 Pursui ng 1993 2004 Pursui ng 1995 2007 1996 2008 2002 2007 Persui ng. 1999 2006 2002 2002 Electronics 17/07/2007 0,3(3) Electronics Power Systems Communicat ion systems VLSI 01/7/2004 0,2(2) 21/7/ 2004 01/07/2005 0,0(0) 0,4(4) 15/1/2004 3,1(4) Electronics Electronics [computer] Electronics 02/01/2004 05/1/2005 01/07/2005 01/07/2006 0,2(2) 0,2(2) 0,1(1) 0,2(2) 2000 E&TC Appear Microwave Ms. Shilpa Kanse 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Lokhande 22 Mr.M.S. Khaladkar Ms. U G Patil Mrs.C.V. Rane Mrs.A.A. Kasangottuwar Mrs A.B.Kanawde Mrs.A.S.Shinde Mr.S.L.Kurkute Mr.R.Turior Mrs.N.M. Lecturer (E&TC) BE ME BE(Electronics) ME(Electronics) BE(Electronics) ME(Electronics) BE E&TC M.E.Electronics(Di gital Systems) BE(E&TC) BE(E&TC) ME(EC) BE ME BE ME BE ME BE ME SRTMU Nanded Pune Shivaji Shivaji Shivaji Pune Amravati Pune Pune Dr.BAMU Dr.BAMU Pune Karnatak Bhopal Bhopal ed 2002 Digital Appear Systems ed 1997 2009 2000 Appear ed 2002 2009 2003 Digital Systems Digital Systems Digital Systems Telecommu nication 01/07/2006 0,0(0) 31/07/2006 02/02/2007 29/07/2007 23/07/2007 02/01/2008 1/7/2006 1/7/2006 1/7/2006 0,2(2) 0,1(1) 0,3(3) 0,2(2) 0,2(2) 0,0(0) 0,2(2) 0,0(0) Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. 2003 Appear Electronics ing - Dr.BAMU Bharati - - 16/08/2003 0,0(0) 23 24 25 26 Mr. A.A.Labde MR.M.J.Pingale Ms Neeta Tune* Mr.R.P..Borse Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer BE BE BE BE Pune Dr.BAMU Indor NMU 2004 - - 9/7/2007 23/7/2007 2/1/2008 1/7/2004 0,0(0) 0,0(0) 0,0(0) YEAR 2007-08 [Faculty for ME] Qualification, University and year of graduation Date of joining the department/progra m: Load sharing with more than one programs No of research publication s in journals and conference s since joining the department and Total no. of such publication s No of current R & D and consultanc y projects and the amount Sr. N o Name of the faculty Designation (administrativ e positions , if any) Areas of Specialization 1 Dr. Mrs. S.D. Apte Prof. 2 Prof.Col. P.S.Karandika r Prof. Qualification M.Sc Electronics M.E, Computer Applications Ph. D, Electronics M Sc Physics Specialization in Electronics M Tech (Signal Officers Post Graduate Engineering ) University Mumbai Shivaji Shivaji Year 1976 1991 2001 Computer Applications 01/01/2008 2,1(3) - Nagpur Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalay a, Indore 1970 Telecommunicati on 1986 31/7/2006 0,0(0) - 3 Prof.D. Bhalke G. Asst. Prof. BE(E&TC) ME(Electronic s) Ph.D. Dr.BAMU Shivaji NIT Waranga l 1998 2005 Pursuin g Electronics 09/08/2007 0,0(0) - YEAR 2007-08 [Staff for FE] Qualification, University and year of graduation Qualification University Year Sr. Name of the faculty No Designation (administrati ve positions,if any) BE ME Areas of Specialization Date of joining the department/prog ram: Load sharing with more than one programs 14/08/2007 01/10/2003 19/07/2007 2/2/2007 1/7/2004 Experience 1 2 3 4 5 Ms V. A. Shinde Ms. S.J. Bhosale Mrs.S.D. Kale Mr.M.H.Naikwadi Mrs. R.S.Gadgil* Sr. Lect Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Pune Pune Pune Pune Dr.BAMU Pune - 1998 2006 1999 2002 Control Systems 0.11 4.9 1 1.6 4 BE [Electrical] ME [Electrical] BE(Instru) M.E.(Electronics) BE BE Power systems 2004 Digital Appear Systems - Academic Year 2008-09 Faculty of E & TC Dept Sr No Name of the faculty Designatio n (administr ative positions,i f any) Qualification, University and year of graduation Areas of Specialization Date of joining the department/pro gram: Load sharing with more than one programs No of research publications in journals and conferences since joining the department and Total no. of such publications nJ,nC(NJ+NC) No of current R & D and consultancy projects and the amount Qualification University Year 1 Dr. D S Bormane BE,Electronics ME,Electronics PH.D.,ELECTR. Principal &COMPUTER SCIENCE BE ME Ph.D. B.Tech. Electronics ME Electronics (Sp Computer) B.E. (EC) M.E.(EC) Ph.D. BE ME Electronics Ph.D(Reg) BE [Electrical] ME [Electrical A’BAD SHIVAJI S.R.T.M.U . Nanded Shivaji Shivaji Shivaji Calicut Univ. Pune Univ. Marathw ad Dr.BAMU Dr.BAMU Dr.BAMU Shivaji Bharati Amravati Bharti , Pune Dr.BAMU Shivaji 1987 1996 2003 Electronics 18/07/2006 3,0(3) - Dr. S A 2 Patil 3 Prof.G.R. Patil Prof.S.D. Shirbahdu rkar Prof.D.M. 5 Yadav 6 7 Prof.S.L. Chavan Prof.A.N. Paithane Prof.G.C. 8 Patil Prof.& Head Asst. Prof. Prof. 1987 1994 2005 1989 1992 1991 1998 Pursu ing 1993 2004 Pursu ing 1995 2007 1996 2008 2002 2007 Persu ing. Electronics [Biomedical] 21/07/2008 0,0(0) - Computer 01/08/2008 0,1(1) - 4 Electronics 17/07/2007 0,0(0) - Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Electronics Power Systems Communicat ion systems 01/7/2004 2,1(3) - 21/7/ 2004 01/07/2005 0,0(0) 3,0(3) - Asst. Prof. BE ME Electronics BE(E & TC) Pune M.Tech( E & Pune TC) IIT, Ph.D(Reg)Kanpur VLSI 15/1/2004 0,0(0) - Academic Year 2008-09 [faculty for ME] Sr No Name of the faculty Designation (administrat ive positions,if any) Qualification, University and year of graduation Areas of Specializatio n Date of joining the department/pro gram: Load sharing with more than one programs No of research publications in journals and conferences since joining the department and Total no. of such publications No of current R & D and consultanc y projects and the amount Qualification University Year 1 Dr. Mrs. S.D. Apte 2 Prof.Col. P.S.Karandikar Prof.D.G. 3 Bhalke M.Sc Electronics M.E, Computer Prof. Applications Ph. D, Electronics M Sc Physics Specialization in Electronics Prof. M Tech (Signal Officers Post Graduate Engineering ) BE(E&TC) ME(Electronics) Asst. Prof. Ph.D. Mumbai Shivaji Shivaji Nagpur D.A.V.Vid yalaya, Indore Dr.BAMU Shivaji NIT Warangal 1976 1991 2001 Computer Applicatio ns 01/01/2008 2,7(9) - 1970 1986 Telecomm 31/7/2006 unication 0,0(0) - 1998 2005 Electronic Pursu s ing 09/08/2007 0,3(3) - Academic Year 2008-09 [Faculty for FE] Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the faculty Designation (administrat ive positions,if any) Sr. Lect Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer A Lecturer BE ME Qualification, University and year of graduation Qualification University Year Areas of Specializat ion 1998 2006 1999 2002 2004 Appe ared Control Systems Power systems Digital Systems Control Sysstem s Digital Electroni cs Electrica l Power systems - Date of joining the department/program: Load sharing with more than one programs 14/08/2007 1/12/2003 19/07/2007 17/07/2008 21/07/2008 0/08/2008 Exper Ms V.A. Shinde Ms.S.J.Bhosale Mrs.S.D. Kale Mrs.H.S Anantwar* Ms.B.R. Thawali Mrs M. Kanawade* Ms. I. A. Naik* Mr.N.P.Zinjad* Pune Pune Pune Pune Dr.BAMU 1.11 5.9 2 7days 1 0.11 BE [Electrical] ME [Electrical] BE (Instru.] M.E. (Electronics) B.E[Electrical] M.E[Electrical] 7 8 Lecturer Lecturer Pune Aurangab ad Pune B.E[Electrical] Amravati M.E[Electrical] Amravati Appe aring B.E[Electrical] Pune 2003 M.E[Electrical] Pune Appe aring B.E[Electrical & Dr.BAMU 2008 Electronics] Appe M.E[Electrical] Pune aring B.E. (EC) - 20/08/2008 1/8/2008 0.11 0.11 Academic Year 2009-10 [Faculty of E & TC dept] Date of joining the department/pro gram: Load sharing with more than one programs No of research publicati ons in journals and conferen ces since joining the departme nt and Total no. of such publicati ons nJ,nC(NJ+NC ) Qualification, University and year of graduation Designation (administrat ive positions,if any) Areas of Specialization No of current R & D and consultancy projects and the amount Sr No Name of the faculty Qualification University Year 1 Dr. D S Bormane Principal BE, Electronics ME, Electronics PH.D.ELECTR. & COMPUTER SCIENCE BE A’BAD SHIVAJI S.R.T.M.U. Nanded 1987 1996 2003 Electronics 18/09/2006 9,7(16) 1 2,00,000/ 2 Dr. S A Prof. Shivaji 1987 Electronics 21/07/2008 0,0(0) - Patil 3 4 5 Prof.G. R. Patil Prof.S. D. Shirbahdu rkar Prof.D.M.Y adav Prof.S.L. Chavan Prof.A.N. Paithane Prof.G.C. 8 Patil 9 Prof. S.M Hundiwale Prof.&He ad Asst. Prof. Prof. Asst.Prof . Asst. Prof. ME Ph.D. B.Tech. M.E Electronics(Sp.Comp) B.E. (EC) M.E.(EC) Ph.D BE ME Electronics Ph.D BE [Electrical] ME [Electrical BE Electronics ME (E & TC) Shivaji Shivaji Calicut Pune Univ. Marathwada Dr B.A.M.U Dr.B.A.M U Dr.B.A.M.U Shivaji Bharati Amravati Bharti Vidyapeeth Pune Dr.B.A.M.U Shivaji 1994 2005 1989 1992 1991 1998 Pursuing 1993 2004 2009 1995 2007 1996 2008 2002 2007 Persuing. Reg. 1990 1997 [Biomedica l] Computer Electronics Electronics Power Systems Communic ation systems 01/08/2008 17/07/2007 01/7/2004 0,1(1) 5,9(14) 0,0(0) 1 2,00,000/ 1 1,75,000/- 6 21/7/ 2004 2,0(2) 1 1,75,000/- 7 01/07/2005 0,0(0) Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. BE(E & TC) Pune M.Tech( E & TC) Pune Ph.D(Reg)IIT, Kanpur Microelectronics & Pune VLSI Pune IIT, Kanpur BE, Electronics Pune ME,(INDUSTRY & Alahabad CONTROL) VLSI 15/1/2004 1,0)1) - Electronics 01/07/2009 0,0(0) - PH.D. 10 11 12 13 Ms J. M. Sr. Lect Kadam Mr. S. C. Sr. Lect Wagaj Mr. B.D. Sr. Lect Jadhav Mrs R R Sr. Lect Itkarkar Mr J. N. Sr. Lect Shinde Mr. P.M. Lecturer Ghate Mrs.S.A. Bhisikar Mrs. Shilpa Kanse Lecturer BE [Electrical] M.Tech [Electrical] BE (Electronics) ME Electronics BE Electronics M.Tech Electronics B.E[Electronics] M.E(E & TC) B.E[Electronics M.E Electronics PH.D. BE Electronics ME Electronics BE(E & Tc) M.Tech. (E&TC) BE(Electronics) ME(Electronics) N.M.U Pune Pune Shivaji Shivaji Pune Pune Shivaji Shivaji Shivaji Pune Mumbai Dr.B.A.M.U Dr.B.A.M.U Amravati Autonom— ous(COEP) S.R.T.M.U Nanded Pune Uni. Persuing. 1998 2006 1999 2006 2002 2008 1995 2007 1997 2009 Persuing 2002 2008 2000 Appearin g 2002 Appearin g Control Systems Electronics Electronics [computer] Wireless communic ation Wireless communic ation Electronics E&TC Microwave Digital Systems 14/08/2007 02/01/2004 05/1/2005 03/1/2009 0,0(0) 0,0(0) 0,0(0) 0,0(0) - 14 10/08/2009 0,0(0) - 15 16 01/07/2005 01/07/2006 0,0(0) 0,0(0) - 17 Lecturer 01/07/2006 0,0(0) - 18 Ms. U G Lecturer Patil Mrs.C.V. Rane Lecturer BE(Industrial Electronics) ME(Electronics) BE(Electronics) ME(Electronics) BE E&TC M.E.Electronics(Di gital Systems) BE(Instru) M.E(Electronics) BE(E&TC) ME Electronics( Teleco mmunication) BE(E&TC) ME(EC) BE[E&TC] ME(Electronics) BE[Electronics] MTech(Electronics & Telecom) Shivaji Shivaji Shivaji Pune Amravati Pune Dr.BAMU Pune Pune Pune Dr. BAMU Dr. BAMU Amravati Pune NAGPUR DBATU,LON ERE 1997 2009 2000 Appearin g 2002 2009 2004 Appear 2003 2009 2003 Appearin g 2007 Appearin g 2000 Appearin g Electronics & Telecomm. Digital Systems Digital Systems Digital Systems Telecomm unication Electronics Digital Systems Electronics & Telecomm unication 01/08/2006 0,0(0) - 19 20 21 22 02/02/2007 29/07/2007 19/07/2007 23/07/2007 1,1(2) 0,0(0) 0,0(0) 0,0(0) 1 2,00,000/ - Mrs.A. A. Kasangott Lecturer uwar Mrs.S.D. Lecturer Kale Mrs A. B. Lecturer Kanwade Mrs.A.S.S hinde Lecturer 23 24 02/01/2008 15/07/2008 0,0(0) 0,0(0) - Ms. N.J. Lecturer Borkar Ms. M.T. Lecturer Dhongde 25 21/07/2008 0,0(0) - 26 27 28 Ms. B.R. Lecturer Thawali Mr. S. S. Lecturer Badhe Mr. S.R. Lecturer Gulhane BE [E & TC] ME(Electronics) BE [E & TC] ME(Electronics) BE [I.E] ME(Electronics) Amravati Amravati Dr.BAMU Pune Amravati Pune 1998 Appearin g 1999 Appearin g 2004 Appearin g Digital Electronics Digital Systems Embedded Systems 21/07/2008 01/08/2008 11/08/2008 0,2(2) 0,2(2) 0,2(2) - Academic Year 2009-10 [Faculty for ME] Date of joining the department/pro gram: Load sharing with more than one programs No of research publications in journals and conferences since joining the department and Total no. of such publications No of current R & D and consultancy projects and the amount Sr No Name of the faculty Designation (administrativ e positions,if any) Qualification, University and year of graduation Areas of Specialization Qualification University Year 1 2 Dr. Mrs. S.D. Apte Prof.Col. Prof. Prof. M.ScElectronics M.E, Computer Applications Ph.D Electronics M Sc Physics Mumbai Shivaji 1976 1991 2001 Digital Signal processing Telecommu 01/01/2008 31/7/2006 2,2(4) 0,0(0) 1 2,00,000/ - Shivaji Nagpur 1970 P.S.Kara ndikar 3 Prof.D. G. Bhalke Asst. Prof. Specialization in Electronics MTech (Signal Officers Post Graduate Engineering ) BE(E&TC) ME(Electronics) Ph.D. Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Indore 1986 Dr.B.A.M.U Shivaji NIT Warangal 1998 2005 Pursui ng nication Electronics 09/08/2007 0,3(3) 1 2,00,000/ Academic Year 2009-10 [Faculty for FE] Designation (administrativ e positions,if any) Date of joining the department/pro gram: Load sharing with more than one programs 01/10/2003 17/07/2008 20/08/2008 Experience Sr No Name of the faculty Qualification, University and year of graduation Areas of Specialization Qualification University Year 1 2 3 Ms. S.J. Lecturer Bhosale Mrs. H S Anantwa Lecturer r Mrs M. A Lecturer Kanawa BE [Electrical] ME [Electrical] B.E[Electrical] M.E[Electrical] B.E[Electrical] M.E[Electrical] Pune Pune Aurangabad Pune Pune Pune 1999 2002 1994 2004 2003 Appear Power systems Control Systems Power systems 6.9 1.0* 1.11 de 4 Ms. I. A. Lecturer Naik Ms.N. D. Lecturer Chaitra B.E[Electrical & Dr. BAMU Electronics] M.E[Electrical] Pune B.E[Electrical & Kuvempu,K Electronics] arnataka ing 2008 Appear ing 2006 Power systems Electrical 20/08/2008 1.9 5 07/09/2009 0.10
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