SAR Department of Entomology

March 23, 2018 | Author: JuNi BuTt | Category: Course Credit, Postgraduate Education, Test (Assessment), Doctor Of Philosophy, Curriculum



PIR MEHR ALI SHAHARID AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY RAWALPINDI Self Assessment Report DEPARTMENT OF Entomology Prepared by 1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam (Coordinator) 2. Dr. Muhammad Naeem (Member) 3. Mr. Humayun Javed (Member) (Director Quality Control) (Deputy Director Quality Control) Reviewed & Edited by: 1. Prof. Dr Riaz Ahmad 2. Dr Muhammad Shoaib 3 Table of contents Introduction Criterion-1: Programme Mission, Objectives and outcomes Criterion 2: Curriculum Design and Organization Criterion 3: Laboratories and Computing Facilities Criterion 4: Students Support and Advising Criterion 5: Process Control Criterion 6: Faculty Criterion 7: Institutional Facilities Criterion 8: Institutional Support Summary and Conclusions ANNEXURES Annexure I: Student Course Evaluation Questionnaires Annexure II: Faculty Course Review Report Annexure III: Survey of Graduating Students Annexure IV: Research Student Progress Review Form Annexure V: Faculty Survey 125 128 130 132 134 03 04 52 59 61 63 66 119 121 123 Annexure VI: Survey of Department Offering Ph.D. Programs Annexure VII: Alumni Survey Annexure VIII: Employer Survey Annexure IX: Faculty Resume Annexure X: Teacher Evaluation Form Annexure XI: Detailed Course Contents of B.Sc. (Hons.) Degree 136 138 140 142 144 146 4 Introduction Department of Entomology was started in 1980 with the establishment of Agriculture College. In the beginning, department used to offer minor courses of Entomology for the students of B.Sc. (Hons). agriculture specializing in disciplines other than Entomology. During the year 1986, the department started B.Sc. Hons. Degree Program in Entomology. With the up gradation of College to the status of University in 1994, the department made tremendous efforts to upgrade B.Sc. Hons. Program. Consequently, M.Sc. Hons. degree program was started in 1997 and Ph.D. program was introduced during 1998. The department is committed to quality teaching and research in the area of Entomology. Mission of the department is to produce professionally skilled and academically sound entomologists to resolve the challenges relating to the insect pests infesting field crop, stored commodities, functioning as vector of plant/ animal diseases and producing useful products directly and to improve quality of the human life and economy of the country indirectly. Keeping in view its mission and objectives, the department of Entomology recurrently reviews its curriculum to meet the challenges in the field. The department is always committed to enhance students’ professional training and career opportunities. It arranges field visits and holds national and international seminars on current issues relating to the protection and quality of post-harvest etc. The faculty is actively engaged in a number of research projects some of which are funded by the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan Science Foundation etc. The department never compromises on quality. Since the faculty has been inducted purely on merit basis, so it is committed to promote merit and improve quality of education, teaching and research. The department is always willing to cooperate with the Quality Enhancement Cell of the University as well as to incorporate their recommendations for improving standard of teaching, quality of learning and achievement of its objectives. This report reflects efforts of the department to evaluate its performance for future improvement in collaboration with the QEC. This Self Assessment Report (SAR) contains eight sections. The first section outlines the programme mission and objectives. Section 2 provides information about the curriculum development. Section 3 enlists the laboratories and other relevant information followed by student support and guidance. The last four sections provide information about student support, process control, faculty characteristics and institutional facilities and support provided by the university. 5 Standard 1-1: The program must have documented measurable objectives that support institution mission statements. Basic and applied education to the students at graduate and post-graduate level. and producing useful products directly and to improve quality of the human life and economy of the country indirectly. To equip the graduates with necessary theoretical and practical knowledge relating to the field of Entomology and to enable them to apply this knowledge of degree program professionally and productively. Application of knowledge concerning the field of entomology not only reduces enormous losses due to insect pests. stored grains. Besides the insects produce highly useful products such as silk.Sc. honey etc. (Hons) and Ph. forecasting and development of control measures. biodiversity and insect resistance against the pesticides are the burning issues of today which warrant continuous processes of education and research. To produce professionally skilled and academically sound entomologists to resolve the challenges relating to the insect pests infesting field crop.D.Criterion-1: Programme Mission. M. 1. 6 .Sc. involves the use of modern/advanced teaching methods and innovative analytical techniques for insect pest identification. so the field of Entomology is directly related with Sericulture and Apiculture industries. monitoring. in this specialized field. In case of medical discipline. Documented measurable objectives The department is offering B. fruit trees and ornamental plants from the attack of insect pests. scouting. stored commodities which ensure to crop production as well as improved plant health. lessen pollution hazards and develop a sustainable and substantially profitable production system for the farmers. Likewise environmental pollution. entomology is playing a key role in healing of wounds by application of sterile maggots which are otherwise difficult to heal specially in diabetic patients. degrees in Entomology discipline to cater highly skilled local manpower for future needs. (Hons). Objectives and Outcomes The Field of Entomology deals with the protection of crop. thereby help developed agricultural and industrial economy. Objectives of Entmology program are given as under. symposia etc for the award of degree. To ensure application of entomological knowledge in a systematic way to reduce cost incurred on plant protection techniques especially on pesticides. research reports and dissertation. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES ASSSESSMENT The department monitoring system is focused on the lines: • • • Student-Teacher interaction Students views for program/faculty Critical analysis and policy formulation for development of infrastructure 7 . 4. field demonstrations and internship programs. expertise and vision gathered from world reviews. 6. To peruse higher studies in any international university of high repute. so that they may contribute in reduction of environmental pollution and uplifting of human health. Main elements of strategic plan to achieve mission and objective • Strengthening and implementation of a solid teaching system based on the knowledge. editing of books and manuals etc. proceedings. Publication of review papers. Provocation of linkages with national and international research organizations to solve indigenous problems relating to research. 5. To train and prepare the students about application of the latest techniques of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program. literature. To prepare the graduates to work in an R &D environment effectively. • Scheming and improving the curricula involving core subjects. innovations. job oriented and dedicated worker with a reasonable earning to lead a prosper life. elective subjects. • Establishing and strengthening well equipped specialized research laboratories to conduct to conduct research. • • Post-graduate research including special problems. 3.2. To enable the graduates to be a good human and an efficient. • • Execution of research projects funded by the universities and other agencies. popular articles and scientific papers in well reputed journals. Table: 1 S. The students should have ample capacity to analyze the pest problem and to recommend an insecticide suitable for the situation keeping in view cost effectiveness and environmental safety. # 1 Program Objectives Assessment How Measured Based on identification of insect pests infesting crop plants in the field and their economic importance Assessing the previous understanding of students through entry tests and student response Evaluating the attention of students through their opinions Objective Improvement and intensification of Entomology at AAUR When Measured It is a regular process as per requisite Improvement Identified Techniques of guidelines are required to be improved Improvement made Techniques regarding research and field practices developed and dissemination to the students. 2. The students should have an aptitude toward understanding the importance of entomology. judging manpower. The graduates should have ability to differentiate the harmful and beneficial insects as well as to apply knowledge of IPM for their control. to study the new challenges Seminars. crop protection. 8 . It must be documented that the outcomes support the program objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes Expected Outcomes of the Programme: 1. interviews research own interest Through surveillance of crop pests. Improvement of courses as per requisite 2 3 To communicate fundamental and practical knowledge to the graduate and Post-graduate students Supervision of students in research / internship At the occasion of entrance into first semester Various basic subjects are required to be incorporated in the syllabus Students to deliver seminars and prepare reports Prior to initiate the projects 4 Incorporation of associated fields Through entry tests. were organized for communication proficiency improvement Development of awareness and exposure regarding the field Endorsement of new syllabus to incorporate modern techniques Standard 1-2: The program must have documented outcomes for graduating students. communication to evaluate farmers opinions 5 Foresee the new lines of education and areas of research Topics / curriculum attachment previous to start Regular feature Allied topics to be suggested Latest subjects should be incorporated in syllabus. 3. insect pest problem. environmental pollution and health hazards caused by pesticides. presentation sessions and class discussions. 4. The graduate students must have capability to take up small scale research on some problem which they come across during their course of duty; whereas postgraduate and doctoral students will be capable of conducting advanced level research on the problems relating to Entomological field. 5. The students shall gain advanced theoretical and practical knowledge enabling them to peruse for higher studies. 6. The graduates shall be capable to establish their own enterprises and business using their skills such as silkworm production, honey production, sterile maggot production, mass scale production of predators and parasites. 7. The students shall have potential to contribute in national economy and development through their research projects. Relationship between programme outcomes and objectives are given in table 2. Table 2 Programme outcomes and their relationship with the Programme objectives Outcomes 1 1 Objectives 2 3 4 5 6 +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ + 2 ++ +++ ++ + + ++ 3 + +++ +++ ++ + + 4 +++ ++ +++ +++ +++ + 5 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ + 6 + ++ + + + ++ 7 + ++ +++ +++ ++ +++ + = Moderately satisfactory ++ = Satisfactory +++ = Highly satisfactory 9 Programme Outcome Measurement For programme’s evaluation, especially from point view of achievements of objectives; assessment was made through prescribed proforma provided by the Quality Enhancement Cell of Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University. This Performa was filled in by students, faculty, alumni, field organizations, research institutes, research centres and agriculture departments as the graduates of Entomology department are mostly working in these institutions. PROGRAM ASSESSMENT RESULTS Teachers’ Evaluation Teachers’ performance was assessed through students’ comments on prescribed evaluation performa. This evaluation was done for different courses of the individual teachers filling in Proforma 10 (Annexure-IV). There are 4 teacher in the department which are numbered 1-4 with monitoring there names, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Dr. Muhammad Naeem, Mr. Humayun Javed and Mr. Muhammad Tariq. The results showed that the teacher 1 is on top scoring 4.73. The lowest performance with a score of 4.42 was observed in case of teacher 4. Teacher Evaluation Form 6 5 4.73 4.60 4.63 4.42 4 3 2 1 0 Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Teacher 4 Teacher Evaluatin Form Figure: Performance level of different teachers in Entomology Department 10 Pie Charts Showing Teacher Evaluation Teacher 1 The individual graphs reflected excellent performance of the teacher in all respects. However, 7.10% students complained that the instructors do not show respect towards students and do not encourage the class participation. SA A UC D SD 93% SA A UC D SD 86% 14% 0% 0% 7.1% 0% The instructor is prepared for each class The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject SA A UC D SD 93% 86% SA A UC D SD 7.1% 0% 14% 0% The instructor has completed the whole course The instructor provides additional material apart from text SA A UC D SD 36% SA A UC D SD 29% 71% 64% 0% 0% The instructor communicates the subject matter effectively The instructor gives citations regarding current situations with reference to Pakistani context 11 1% 0% The instructor was available during the specified office hours and for after class consultations 0% 7.1% 0% The instructor arrives on time The instructor leaves on time SA A UC D SD SA A UC D SD 86% 7.SA A UC D SD 21% 21% 0% 7.1% 0% The subject matter presented in the course has increased your knowledge of the subject 12 .1% 79% 0% The instructor shows the respect towards students and encourages class participation SA A UC D SD 71% The instructor maintains an environment that is conducive to learning SA A UC D SD 93% SA A UC D SD 21% 79% 0% 7.1% 86% 14% 0% The instructor returns the graded scripts etc in a reasonable amount of time The instructor is fair in examination SA A UC D SD SA A UC D SD 93% 86% 7.1% 0% 7.1% 7. 1% 0% The assignments and exams covered the materials presented in the course The course material is modern and updated SA: Strongly Agree D: Disagree A: Agree UC: Un-certain SD: Strongly Disagree 13 .1% 0% The syllabus clearly states course objectives requirements procedures and grading criteria The course integrates theoretical. course concepts with real word applications SA A UC D SD 21% 29% SA A UC D SD 71% 7.1% 0% 64% 7.1% 0% 64% 7.SA A UC D SD 21% 29% SA A UC D SD 71% 7. 1% 0% 0% The instructor is prepared for each class The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject SA A UC D SD 29% SA A UC D SD 14% 21% 79% 0% 50% The instructor has completed the whole course The instructor provides additional material apart from text 0% 7.6% 6. SA A UC D SD 93% SA A UC D SD 21% 79% 7.1% 27% 20% SA A UC D SD SA A UC D SD 31% 6. 67% students reported that the teacher gives the current citation about the problems relating to Pakistan. Besides. Almost 79 % of the students stated that the teacher used to provide them extra material apart from text.Teacher 2 Evaluation results showed very good performance of the teacher.6% 40% The instructor gives citations regarding current situations with reference to Pakistani context 69% 0% The instructor communicates the subject matter effectively 14 . 1% 57% The instructor is fair in examination 7.1% 0% 7.1% 0% The instructor returns the graded scripts etc in a reasonable amount of time 25% SA A UC D SD SA A UC D SD 21% 79% 67% 8.43% SA A UC D SD 43% SA A UC D SD 57% 0% 57% 0% The instructor shows the respect towards students and encourages class participation The instructor maintains an environment that is conducive to learning SA A UC D SD 93% SA A UC D SD 93% 7.1% 0% 7.3% 0% 0% The subject matter presented in the course has increased your knowledge of the subject The instructor was available during the specified office hours and for after class consultations 15 .1% 0% The instructor arrives on time The instructor leaves on time SA A UC D SD 36% SA A UC D SD 86% 7. course concepts with real word applications 0% SA A UC D SD 23% 50% SA A UC D SD 69% 7.SA A UC D SD 33% 36% SA A UC D SD 14% 67% 0% 50% The syllabus clearly states course objectives requirements procedures and grading criteria The course integrates theoretical.1% 0% The assignments and exams covered the materials presented in the course The course material is modern and updated 16 .7% 0% 43% 7. 1% 0% 79% 7.1% 0% The instructor communicates the subject matter effectively The instructor gives citations regarding current situations with reference to Pakistani context 17 .Teacher 3 Analyses of the proformae revealed good performance of the teacher except some students (7.6% reported unsatisfied level of students’ respect by the teacher.1 %) were not satisfied with the fairness in marking and 6. SA A UC D SD 29% 29% SA A UC D SD 71% 0% 71% 0% The instructor is prepared for each class The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject SA A UC D SD 36% SA A UC D SD 29% 71% 64% 0% 0% The instructor has completed the whole course The instructor provides additional material apart from text 29% SA A UC D SD 14% SA A UC D SD 64% 7. SA A UC D SD 13% 6.6% 21% SA A UC D SD 73% 14% 64% 0% The instructor shows the respect towards students and encourages class participation The instructor maintains an environment that is conducive to learning SA A UC D SD SA A UC D SD 86% 86% 14% 0% 14% 0% The instructor arrives on time The instructor leaves on time SA A UC D SD 38% 14% SA A UC D SD 79% 0% 7.1% 0% The subject matter presented in the course has increased your knowledge of the subject The instructor was available during the specified office hours and for after class consultations 18 .1% 62% 0% The instructor is fair in examination The instructor returns the graded scripts etc in a reasonable amount of time SA A UC D SD 36% SA A UC D SD 14% 79% 64% 0% 7.6% 0% 6. 29% SA A UC D SD 29% SA A UC D SD 64% 7.1% 0% 64% 7. course concepts with real word applications 36% SA A UC D SD 29% SA A UC D SD 57% 7.1% 0% The assignments and exams covered the materials presented in the course The course material is modern and updated 19 .1% 0% The syllabus clearly states course objectives requirements procedures and grading criteria The course integrates theoretical.1% 0% 64% 7. However some students (7.6% SA A UC D SD 36% SA A UC D SD 13% 0% 40% The instructor gives citations regarding current situations with reference to Pakistani context 50% 14% 0% The instructor communicates the subject matter effectively 20 .1%) reported that the course was not updated and did not depict citations from Pakistni point of view. Few students were doubtful about the fairness of the teacher in examination. SA A UC D SD 95% 64% SA A UC D SD 5.3% 0% 36% The instructor is prepared for each class 0% The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject SA A UC D SD 36% SA A UC D SD 21% 79% 0% 43% The instructor has completed the whole course 21% 0% The instructor provides additional material apart from text 40% 6.Teacher 4 The pie charts indicated that overall performance of the teacher was good. 1% SA A UC D SD 62% SA A UC D SD 7.1% 7.7% 0% 31% The instructor returns the graded scripts etc in a reasonable amount of time 23% SA A UC D SD SA A UC D SD 29% 15% 62% 0% 71% 0% The subject matter presented in the course has increased your knowledge of the subject The instructor was available during the specified office hours and for after class consultations 21 .1% 43% The instructor is fair in examination 7.SA A UC D SD 43% SA A UC D SD 23% 77% 0% The instructor shows the respect towards students and encourages class participation 57% 0% The instructor maintains an environment that is conducive to learning SA A UC D SD 36% 29% SA A UC D SD 71% 0% 64% 0% The instructor arrives on time The instructor leaves on time 36% 7. 1% 0% 7.1% 0% 36% The course integrates theoretical.1% 14% 64% 0% 7. course concepts with real word applications The syllabus clearly states course objectives requirements procedures and grading criteria 21% SA A UC D SD 43% SA A UC D SD 7.36% SA A UC D SD 36% 21% SA A UC D SD 57% 0% 7.1% 0% 43% The assignments and exams covered the materials presented in the course The course material is modern and updated 22 . 32).32 4. Mr.506 (Teacher 4) 23 .6 3. There are 3 teacher which are numbered 1-3 with monitoring there names.Students Course Evaluation The courses of the individual teachers were evaluated on the basis of information gathered from Proforma 1 (Annexure-III). Abdul Khaliq (Late).3 4.7 3. Dr.5 ENT-502 (Teacher 1) 4. Results showed that course taught by Teacher No. The performance level is graphically presented in figure as shown under.79 Ent-510 (Teacher 2) ENT .2 3. Dr.8 3.97 3.4 4. 1 gathered maximum score (4.1 4 3.9 3. Muhammad Naeem.713 (Teacher 3) ENT .2 4. Humayun Javed and Prof. Student Course Evaluation 4. g. That is why the level of students participation was found to be only 37 % and about 56 % students pointed out that they made progress in the course.D S.A A UC D S. notification of changes.) 0% 8% 0% Approximate level of your own attendence during the whole course. However the students were not satisfied about the level of their own attendance.A A UC D S.D 24 . T he course objectives were clear T he course workload was manageable 7% 0% 0% 15% 8% 0% 29% 8% 64% 69% S. course work was manageable and the course was well organized.timely access to materials.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D T he course was well organized (e.A A UC D S.D S. 21 % students were not satisfied with class room environment. 0% 0% 0% 31% 54% 61% 46% S.D I participated actively in the course 0% 7% 0% 36% I think I have made progress in this course 7% 0% 0% 36% 57% 57% S.D S. etc.Pie Charts Showing Student Course Evaluation Course ENT 502 (Teacher 1) About 61 to 69 % students revealed that the course objectives were clear. A A UC D Learning materials (lesson plans.A A UC D S. tutorieals.I think the course was well constructed to achieve the learning ourcomes (there was a good balance of lecture.A A UC D S. 0% 0% 0% 36% Recommended reading books etc. partical etc. were relevant and appropriate.A A UC D S.D 25 . 0% 7% 0% 7% 29% 14% 64% Classrooms were satisfactory 14% 21% 44% S.D S.A S.D S.) T he learning and teaching methods encouraged participation. course notes etc.D T he overall environment in the class was conducive to learning. 0% 0% 0% 43% 57% 64% S.) were relevant and useful.A A UC D S. 7% 0% 7% 14% 0% 7% 50% 36% 50% 29% A UC D S.D S. A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D T he course stimulated by interest and thought on the subject area.A A UC D S.D 26 .D S.A A UC D S. (if relevant) 14% 0% 14% 43% 15% 8% 15% 23% 39% 29% S.D S. T he provision of learning resources on the web was adequate and appropriate.D Ideas and concepts were presented clearly 0% 14% 0% T he method of assessment were reasonable 0% 0% 0% 43% 29% 57% 57% S.A A UC D S.T he provision of learning resources in the library was adequate and appropriate.A A UC D S. 0% 7% 0% T he pace of the course was appropriate 0% 0% 0% 50% 36% 57% 50% S. A A UC D S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D S.Feedback on assessment was timely 0% 7% 0% Feedback on assessment was helpful 0% 7% 0% 43% 50% 43% 50% S.D T he instructor was responsive to student needs and problems Had the instructor been regular throughout the course? 0% 0% 21% 0% 0% 0% 0% 29% 71% 79% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D I understood the lectures T he material was well organized and presented 7% 0% 0% 0% 14% 0% 36% 57% 29% 57% S.A A UC D S.D S.D 27 . D S.D S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D T he demonstrators dealt effectively with my problems.T he mat erial in t he t ut orials was useful I was happy wit h the amount of work needed for t ut orials 14% 0% 0% 7% 36% 7% 7% 50% 50% 29% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S. 0% 43% 57% S.D The materials in practical was useful T he tutor dealt effectively with my problems 0% 0% 0% 36% 57% 0% 43% 64% S.D 28 . A A UC D S.timely access to materials.D S.Course ENT 510 (Teacher 2) A majority of the students ranging 71 to 79 % disclosed that the course objectives were clear.A A UC 79% D S.D S.A A UC D S. 21 % students were not satisfied with class room environment.A A UC D S. notification of changes.D S.D T he course was well organized (e.g.A A UC D S.D I participated actively in the course 0% 0% 0% 36% I think I have made progress in this course 0% 0% 0% 43% 57% 64% S.A A UC D S. That is why 43 % students strongly affirmed that they made progress into the course inspite of their active participation to the extent of 64 %. However 42 % students were not satisfied with the level of their own attendance. course work was manageable and the course was well organized.D 29 . T he course objectives were clear 0% 0% 21% 0% 21% T he course workload was manageable 0% 0% 0% 79% S.) 0% 0% 0% 29% Approximate level of your own attendence during the whole course. 0% 0% 0% 42% 58% 71% S. etc. were relevant and appropriate. course notes etc.A A UC D S.A A UC D Learning materials (lesson plans. 0% 0% 43% 57% 71% S.A A UC D S.D T he overall environment in the class was conducive to learning.A A UC D S.I think the course was well constructed to achieve the learning ourcomes (there was a good balance of lecture.D S. 0% 7% 0% 43% 50% 57% 43% S. partical etc.A A UC D S. 0% 0% 0% 29% Classrooms were satisfactory 21% 21% 7% 71% 14% 37% S.D S.A A UC D S. 0% 0% 0% Recommended reading books etc. tutorieals.D 30 .) were relevant and useful.) 0% 0% 0% 29% T he learning and teaching methods encouraged 0% participation.D S. A A UC D S.T he provision of learning resources in the library was adequate and appropriate.D T he course stimulated by interest and thought on the subject area.A A UC D S.D 50% 50% 64% S.A A UC D S. (if relevant) 14% 7% 0% 7% 14% 0% 43% 43% 36% 36% S.D S. T he provision of learning resources on the web was adequate and appropriate. 0% 0% 0% 36% S.D S.D Ideas and concepts0% presented clearly were 0% 0% T he method of assessment were reasonable 0% 8% 0% 36% 38% 64% 54% S.A T he A pace of the course was appropriate UC D 0% 0% 0% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D 31 . D S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D S.D I understood the lectures 0% 0% 0% T he material was well organized and presented 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 43% 57% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.Feedback on assessment was timely 0% 0% 0% Feedback on assessment was helpful 0% 0% 0% 38% 46% 54% 62% S.D T he instructor was responsive to student needs and problems Had the instructor been regular throughout the course? 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 31% 23% 69% 69% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D 32 .D S. D T he tutor dealt effectively with my problems 0% 0% 0% The materials in practical was useful 0% 43% 43% 57% 57% S.D S.D 33 .D S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S. 0% 43% 57% S.A A UC D S.D T he demonstrators dealt effectively with my problems.The material in the tutorials was useful I was happy with the amount of work needed for t ut orials 7% 0% 7% 7% 0% 7% 50% 29% 57% 36% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S. notification of changes.A A UC D S.D T he course was well organized (e. 17% 17% 0% 0% 67% S.g. etc.timely access to materials.A 50% A UC D S.Course ENT 713 (Teacher 3) Although 66 % students were of the view that course objectives were clear but only 33 % students strongly agreed that the course work was manageable and the course was well organized.D S.) 0% 0% 0% 33% Approximate level of your own attendence during the whole course.D S.A A UC D S. Similar percentage of the students strongly agreed that the course was well conducted and teaching methods encouraged their participation. T he course objectives were clear T he course workload was manageable 0% 17% 0% 17% 0% 33% 17% 17% 66% 33% S.D S.A A UC D S.D 34 .A A 66% UC D S.D I participated actively in the course 0% 17% 0% 33% I think I have made progress in this course 0% 17% 0% 33% 50% S.A A UC D S. A A UC D S.A 83% A 50% UC D S. 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 50% S.) were relevant and useful.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D 35 .) 0% 0% 17% T he learning and teaching methods encouraged participation. tutorieals.A A UC D S.A A UC D 33% Learning materials (lesson plans. 0% 17% 0% Classrooms were satisfactory 17% 0% 33% 50% 33% 17% S.D S.D T he overall environment in the class was conducive to learning. course notes etc. 0% 17% 0% 33% S. 0% 17% 0% 33% Recommended reading books etc.I think the course was well constructed to achieve the 0% learning ourcomes (there was a good balance of lecture. were relevant and appropriate.D S. partical etc. D S. (if relevant) 17% 0% 33% 33% 0% 17% 17% 0% 50% S.A A 33% UC D S.D T he course stimulated by interest and thought on the subject area.A A UC D S.A A 66% UC D S. 0% 0% 17% 17% T he pace of the course was appropriate 0% 0% 17% 17% 66% S.D S.D 36 .A A UC D S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S. T he provision of learning resources on the web was adequate and appropriate.D Ideas and concepts 0% presented clearly were 0% 0% T he method of assessment were reasonable 0% 17% 50% 50% 83% S.D S.T he provision of learning resources in the library was adequate and appropriate. A A UC D S.D I understood the lectures 0% 0% 0% 33% T he material was well organized and presented 0% 0% 0% 50% 67% 50% S.D T he instructor was responsive to student needs and problems Had the instructor been regular throughout the course? 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 0% 50% 50% 83% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D S.D S.D S.A A UC D S.D 37 .Feedback on assessment was timely 0% 17% 0% Feedback on assessment was helpful 0% 17% 0% 50% 50% 33% 33% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S. A A UC D S.D 38 .D S.D T he demonstrators dealt effectively with my problems.D The materials in practical was useful 0% T he tutor dealt effectively with my problems 17% 0% 33% 20% 0% 0% 40% 50% 40% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S. 0% 17% 0% 33% 50% S.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.T he material in the0% tutorials was useful I was happy wit h the amount of work needed for t ut orials 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% 40% 40% 60% 40% S.D S. timely access to materials.D T he course was well organized (e.D S.A A UC D S.D S. notification of changes. T he course objectives were clear 0% 0% 0% 36% 14% 14% 21% T he course workload was manageable 64% 7% 44% S.D 39 .Course ENT 506 (Teacher 4) About 64 % students strongly agreed that course objectives were clear. 0% 0% 21% 0% 0% 0% 43% 46% 54% 36% S. etc.D S. But only 21 % students strongly agreed that the course work was manageable. Likewise 57 % did not strongly agree that the course was well organized.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.) Approximate level of your own attendence during the whole course.A A UC D S.A A UC D S. Only 21 % agreed that class room were satisfactory. Whereas 50 % of the students agreed that they participated actively and made progress in the course.D I participated actively in the course 0% 0% 0% I think I have made progress in this course 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 50% 50% S.A A UC D S.g. Most of the students were not satisfied with the overall environment of class. D S.) were relevant and useful. 0% 0% 0% Recommended reading books etc.D S.I think the course was well constructed to achieve the learning ourcomes (there was a good balance of lecture.) 0% 14% 0% T he learning and teaching methods encouraged participation. 14% 0% 14% 50% 50% 51% 21% S.A A UC D S.A 29% A UC D Learning materials (lesson plans.D S. tutorieals.A A UC D S.A A UC D S.D 40 .D T he overall environment in the class was conducive to learning. 7% 0% 7% 21% 29% 57% 65% S.A A UC D S. partical etc. were relevant and appropriate.A A UC D S. course notes etc. Classrooms were satisfactory 7% 0% 7% 36% 29% 21% 0% 21% 50% S. T he provision of learning resources in the library was adequate and appropriate. T he provision of learning resources on the web was adequate and appropriate. (if relevant) 14% 7% 7% 7% 17% 8% 8% 42% 25% 65% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D T he course stimulated by interest and thought on the subject area. 0% 7% 0% T he pace of the course was appropriate 0% 6% 0% 29% 44% 64% 50% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D Ideas and concepts were presented clearly 7% 0% T he method of assessment were reasonable 0% 7% 0% 0% 14% 29% 64% 79% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D 41 Feedback on assessment was timely 0% 14% 0% 36% Feedback on assessment was helpful 0% 0% 23% 23% 50% 54% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D I understood the lectures 7% 0% 0% T he material was well organized and presented 0% 7% 0% 29% 36% 64% 57% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D T he instructor was responsive to student needs and problems Had the instructor been regular throughout the course? 0% 7% 0% 0% 29% 64% 100% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D 42 T he material in the tutorials was useful I was happy with the amount of work needed for tutorials 7% 0% 21% 20% 14% 7% 0% 27% 58% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A 46% UC D S.D T he tutor dealt effectively with my problems The materials in practical was useful 7% 7% 0% 0% 0% 7% 44% 21% 93% 21% S.A A UC D S.D S.A A UC D S.D T he demonstrators dealt effectively with my problems. 0% 0% 7% 0% 93% S.A A UC D S.D 43 8% Knowledge 0% 11% Communications Skills Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 50% 22% Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 61% 22% 5. Six graduate students feed back was obtained from the Alumini survey.ALUMINI SURVEY The alumni survey results was conducted associated with Proforma # 7 (Annexure-I).2% 38% Departmental Status 44 . Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 45% Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 67% 22% 48% 0% 6. The programme assessment results are shown in the following pie graphs.6% 0% 22% Interpersonal Skills 0% 16% Management/Leadership Skills Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 46% 13% 0% 4. 86% Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 57% 0% 14% The work in programm is too heavy and induces a lot of pressure 0% 43% The program is effective in enhancing team working abilities Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 14% Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 0% 86% 57% 14% 0% 14% The programm administration is effective in supporting learning 14% 0% The programm is effective in developing analytical and problem solving skills 45 . Our students develop ability to apply knowledge of Entomology to work as skilled and successful professionals in the respective field.Skills and Capabilities Reflected In Performance as Entomologist. SURVEY OF GRADUATING STUDENTS The survey of graduate students results was conducted associated with around 20 graduate students of Proforma # 3 (Annexure-II). gain confidence. However few students were dissatisfied with the environment. While studying. contents of the curriculum and team work abilities. The programme assessment results are shown in the following pie graphs. experience and skills to handle problems relating to their field of specialization independently as well as working in a team of experts. It is evident from the charts that majority of the students were satisfied with the programme. students learn advance knowledge about the field. Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 0% 86% Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 14% 14% 71% 0% 14% 0% The programm is effective in developing written communication skills The programm is effective in developing independent thinking Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 57% 0% 29% Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 57% 0% 29% 0% 14% The programm is effective in developing planning abilities 14% 0% The objectives of the programm have been fully achieved Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 17% 86% Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 17% 67% 0% 14% Whether the contents of curriculum are advanced and meet programm objectives Faculty was able to meet the programm objectives 0% 46 . 60 % satisfaction level 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 47 . professional development. discipline. time management skills and appreciation of esthetic values.Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 29% 57% 0% Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 33% 0% 14% Environment was conducive for learning 67% 0% Whether scholarship/grants were available to students in case of hardship Internship Experience: The results of internship experience was found to be satisfied which help to improve the ability to work in teams. Arround 50% students showed their satisfaction considering all the parameter as represent under the figure. Electron microscope. It is hoped that on their return the department will be capable to touch the peaks of success in research and teaching methodologies. Strength of the Department The department hold meeting during or at the end of semester to discuss performance.Ds to be inducted. computers and equipments relating to molecular techniques are deficient areas. Muhammad Naeem Mr.Standard 1-3: The results of Program’s assessment and the extent to which they are used to improve the program must be documented. Weakness Identified In the Program The department is facing acute shortage of: • • • Lab equipments i.D. 2002. At present two of the senior faculty members are foreign Ph. Faculty with Excellent Research Award PEF 8th National Education Award. whereas three junior faculty members are doing Ph.. Humayun Javed 3 1 1 The department is under staffed and need more Ph. systematics. The main strength of the department is the urge and desire to promote the entomological knowledge and research to solve the field problems relating to crop pests. Shortage of funds for chemicals and glassware Shortage of staff and lack of temperature and humidity controlled laboratories. Growth chambers etc. food security and economic entomology.Ds. 2002. 13th Star award.e. 48 . Muhammad Aslam Dr. Microtome. multimedia. Standard 1-4: The department must assess its overall performance periodically using quantifiable measures Present Performance Measures for Research Activities Table 3 Faculty Research Performance of the Faculty Journal Publications (National & International) 113 21 13 Conference Publications (Proceedings Abstract) 41 2 7 Projects Dr. attitude and regularity of the students. abroad. journals. However. the department is paying special attention on: • • Maintaing better learning environment and standards of teaching. Chairman Entomology Department was honored with these awards). we are no more an agriculture-dependent economy only. brochures and pamphlets for the farmers and advisory services. reviews and access to internet. • All sorts of records/inventories pertaining to personnel. In the light of faculty performance evaluation and monitoring surveys. sericulture and apiculture and Bio-control along with strengthening of 49 . • Corresponding to the HEC standards Entomology Department maintains a ratio of 8:3 for the academic (technical) and administrative (non-technical) staff.Quid-i-Azam Gold Medal. Biosystematics. and syndicate). students. so far no complaint has been lodged from any quarter in this regard. Crop protection and improved plant health for higher yields will always be among the prime objectives for the country. Major Future Improvement Plans Thanks to industrialization. Dr. books. To establish the post-graduate laboratories in the disciplines of Toxicology. and develop extension material. • A good level of regularity has been maintained in quick office disposal. Rescheduling field visits incorporating entomological problems particularly in arid areas. results or thesis etc have been maintained in a regular and proper way. • • To prepare hand outs. 2004 (Prof. • To extend facilities for studying crops and stored grain insect pests. academic council. • To impart quality education in Entomology through audio visual aids and modern tools along with provision of latest literature. university. Community Services by the Department Workshop on “Controlled and modified atmospheres to preserve post-harvest quality of stored grains” Faculty Satisfaction Regarding the Administrative Services • Department regularly participate/attend all periodical/scheduled meetings including departmental. a sizeable portion of our industry is agriculture-based. Muhammad Aslam. ) produced M. currently holding various positions 5 In employment 1 UK 3 One for Netherland. Table: 4 Sr.Sc.Sc. (Hons) Agric. 37:1 Fulfils HEC criteria 8:3 Fulfils HEC criteria Around Fulfils HEC criteria 3 No.) degree awarded ii iii iv v vi vii viii Ph. Entomology Pre-requisites F. research organizations.Sc. 80% of them joined M.Stored grain research laboratories.D.D. banks NGOs.Sc. (Hons.D. Scholarship for faculty Students: Faculty rates Technical: Non Technical ratio Average grade point The assessment exhibited high efficiency of system and adequate impact of outcomes. 2 for UK. in Entomology. (Hons) Agric. pesticide companies etc. Entomology Ph. after entry test B. 35% got employment 18 3 students joined PhD program. short term trainings and collaborative research projects with federal and provincial government bodies.). the remaining got employment. Degree B. • To emphasize problem oriented research on specific and serious crop pests prevalent in the arid ecology. with Entomology as major subject.Sc.Sc. Entomology M. Human Resource development in Plant Pathology to meet future challenges for sustainable agriculture leading to self sufficiency in food. 29 Particular Undergraduates B. Almost all the graduates and post graduates got jobs in various organizations (Federal & provincial departments.Sc. Interview 50 . • Overall enhancement of knowledge and skills of faculty members in relation to the latest global advancements in this discipline through exchange programs. (Hons) Agric. Entry test. produced Post-Doc fellowship Ph.Sc.# i Quantitative Assessment of the Department Remarks Some of the students are silver medalist. (Hons) Agric. entry test M. (Hons. Pre-medical and Pre-engineering. universities. Besides some office management courses have also been suggested to be included in the curricula. 55% observed considered to be very good in interpersonal skills. 80 70 60 % skill level 50 40 30 20 10 0 Knowledge Communication skills Work skills Interpersonal skills The most of the employers were satisfied with potential of our students in handling entomological problems independently. Performance of our students was appreciated by the employers. Pie figures shows that the overall results of employer survey were assessed.Employer Survey: Employer survey for the determination of student skills was conducted from the different organization from proforma 8 (Annexure 8). communication skills shows that 40% agree both in excellent and very good. Some employers suggested that students should be given opportunity to take up courses on communication skills before they are awarded degrees. Survey shows that our graduates are fall above average in all areas except communication skills. 51 . More than 80% were considered to be very good in knowledge. The weakness of communication skills will be tried to improve for our current and future students. 0% 0% 8% 8% Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 84% Knowledge Communication skills 10% 0% 10% 40% Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 40% 52 . Interpersonal skills 0% 6% 22% 17% Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 55% 0% 0% 0% 33% Work skills Excellent Very good Good Fair 67% Poor 53 . (Hons) degree programme consists of 4 academic years/8 semesters.Sc.) Agric. This body is authorised to formulate syllabus and course content. The courses are then sent to the Board of Faculty for approval. Degrees are awarded after completing the required number of credit hours (courses) following by internship report and its presentation. In total B.) Entomology degree requirement is 211 credit hours (101 theory + 110 practical) including 30 credit hours for internship. who is also the Convener. (Hons. Duration of a semester is 18 Weeks. As per University Rules. conducts the meeting. test and exercises by the concerned teacher and the remaining 90% marks from the theory part has been assigned for Mid and Final examinations as per University examination rules. One credit hour carries 20 marks. One credit hour is one theory lecture or two hours laboratory (practical)/week. (Hons.Sc (Hons) Agriculture.CRITERION 2: CURRICULUM DESIGN AND ORGANIZATION Degree Title: B. When and if needed. these are placed before the University Academic Council for their approval.Sc. after the approval of courses from the Faculty Board. As a whole a student has to study 52 credit hours of theory of the total 155 credit hours. DEGREE PLAN Presently three degree programs are organized by the department B. The Dean of the Faculty. Definition of Credit Hour A student must complete a definite number of credit hours. 10% marks are assigned for evaluation through assignments.Sc. The chairman of the Department is the convener of this body. subject matter specialists from the Universities and research organization from Pakistan. 54 . Majoring Entomology and M.Sc (Hons) in Entomology Intent: All the courses for degree program were developed by a committee constituted by the Higher Education Commission. is responsible for updating the curriculum. Pakistan. ccurriculum for the Department of Entomology is revised/updated through different bodies. which is comprised of senior faculty members. Majoring in Entomology: The B. The committee consists of experts and learned professors. Final approval of all the courses is accorded by the University Syndicate for implementation. out of this. At department level Board of Studies. M.Sc. (Hons) Entomology M.Sc (Hons) degree programme consists of 2 academic years/4 semesters. As a whole a student has to study 45 credit comprising 35 credits of course work and 10 credits of research thesis. Concerning course work, 10% marks from theory part have been assigned for evaluation through assignments, test and exercises by the concerned teacher and the remaining 90% marks for Mid and Final examination as per University examination rules. Degrees are awarded after completing the required number of credit hours (courses) followed by internship report and its presentation. During M.Sc. degree course students are required to take up research and to write up thesis which is evaluated by the external examiner who is expert in the respective field and should be a Pakistani national. Ph.D. Entomology The Ph.D. programme was initiated in 1998. At present department has two Ph.D. faculty members. Whereas four teachers are continuing their Ph.Ds. The department has produced 5 Ph.Ds. Whereas 15 students are currently enrolled in the Ph.D. programme. The department is strictly following HEC instructions and guidelines in relation to admission, examination and performance evaluation of Ph.D. students. Curriculum course requirements for B.Sc. (Hons) Entomology degree is summarized below Ent-301 Ent-302 Ent-501 Ent-502 Ent-503 Ent-504 Ent-505 Ent-506 Ent-507 Ent-508 Ent-509 Ent-510 Ent-601 Ent-602 Ent-603 Ent-605 Ent-607 Ent-609 Ent-611 Introductory Entomology Applied Entomology Insect Morphology Insect Physiology Insect Taxonomy Agricultural Pests Plant Resistance to Insect Pests Classification of Adult Insects Beneficial Insects Stored Product Entomology Household Insect Pests Range and Forest Entomology Pest Forecasting and Management Internship Insect Ecology and Behaviour Insecticides and Their Application Insect Natural History Project Planning and Presentation Agriculture & Environmental Pollution 4(3-2) 4(3-2) 4(3-2) 3(2-2) 4(2-4) 4(2-4) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 2(1-2) 2(1-2) 2(1-2) 4(2-4) 20(0-40) 4(3-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 2(1-2) 3(2-2) 55 Curriculum course requirements for M.Sc. (Hons) Entomology degree is summarized below Ent–701 Ent-702 Ent-703 Ent-704 Ent-705 Ent–706 Ent-707 Ent-708 Ent-709 Ent-710 Ent-711 Ent-712 Ent-713 Ent-714 Ent-715 Ent-716 Ent-719 Ent-720 Research Methods in Entomology Environmental Entomology Advanced Insect Physiology Microanatomy and Histology of insects Advanced Forest Entomology Insects of Man and Animals Classification of Immature Insects Insect Pest Management systems Advances in Host Plant Resistance Insect Toxicology Insects in Relation to Plant Diseases Insect Cytogenetics Insect Pathology Insect Biochemistry Comparative Insect Embryology Biological Control of Insect pests Special Problem SEMINAR 4(1-6) 2(2-0) 3(2-2) 2(0-4) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 4(2-4) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 3(2-2) 1(1-0) 1(1-0) Curriculum course requirements for Ph.D. Entomology degree is summarized below. Ph.D Course work includes two taught courses as well as two seminar in major subjects as well as three from other departments as minor courses i.e. Biochemistry, Statistics and Agronomy to broaden the knowledge base of the students. The Ph.D. students are required to defend synopsis at the faculty level. Evaluation of Ph.D. dissertation is accomplished externally by two foreign examiners from the technically advanced countries. 56 Standard 2-1: The curriculum must be consistent and support the program’s documented objectives. The assessment of curriculum is done in the following table and the courses are cross tabulated according to the program outcomes. Table 5 Courses Taught during the semester Versus Outcome Course/ Groups of courses 1 Ent-301, Ent-302, Ent-510 , Ent601, Ent-602, Ent-603, Ent-501, Ent-705, Ent–706, Ent-707, Ent708, Ent-709, , Ent-715, Ent-716, Ent-719, Ent-507, Ent-508, Ent-509, Ent605, Ent-607, Ent-609, Ent-611, Ent–701, Ent-702, Ent-703, Ent704Ent-720, Ent-504, Ent-505, Ent-506, Ent-302 Ent-710, Ent-711, Ent-712, Ent713, Ent-714, Ent-502 , Ent-503 , + = ++ = +++= + ++ + = • Relevant Relevant & satisfactory Very relevant & Very satisfactory Highly relevant & Highly satisfactory +++ Out comes 2 ++ 3 +++ ++ 4 +++ 5 +++ + 6 ++ +++ ++++ ++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++ +++ + +++ + +++ ++++ +++ + ++++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++ +++ +++ + ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ + ++ +++ + + +++ ++++ The curriculum fits very well and satisfies the core requirements for the program, as specified the respective accreditation body. • The curriculum satisfied the general arts and professional and other discipline required for the program according to demands and requirements set by the Higher Education Commission. 57 7: Oral and written communication skills of the student must be developed and applied in the program.Standard 2-2: Theoretical backgrounds. Ent-707. Ent-716. Ent-609. problem analysis and solution design must be stressed within the program’s core material. Ent-603. Ent-508. Ent-507. all aspects of information technology were considered and after a critical analysis. courses (6 credit hours) and two courses of statistics (6 credit hours) based on computer practical usage were included in the curriculum to fulfill the I. Ent-711. Ent504. Ent–706. Ent-709.T.Sc. Ent-703. Ent-708. Ent-712.2. relevant aspects were integrated into the program as: • Three computer and I. problem analysis and solution design. Ent-720 Problem analysis Solution design All these seven courses were offered during the semester (reporting period).D students which fulfill the requirements of I. Ent-713.T. Ent-607. Ent-611. delivering two seminars (of one credit hour each) have been made compulsory for each student. Table 6 Programme Courses corresponding to theoretical background. (Hons) Agric. • Standard.Sc (Hons) and Ph. Ent–701. Ent-503 . Ent-702. Ent-605.T. Ent-704. Ent-510 . Ent719. Ent602. Ent-509. • To develop communication skills of the students a course of 3 credit hours entitled “developing communication skills” have been integrated in in the curriculum of level. Elements Theoretical backgrounds Courses Ent-301. 58 . Ent-505. .T. Ent-705. Ent-714. Ent-601. • At post-graduate level. degree • Computer and I. Ent-501. requirements for the students of B. Ent-302. Ent-506. Ent-715. courses (3 credit hours) have been integrated in the curriculum of M. Ent-710. Ent-502 . Standard 2-6: Information Technology Component of the Curriculum Must Be Integrated Throughout The Program: While the curriculum was prepared. student Total internet bandwidth available to all the students in the department Faculty Resources: Number of faculty members holding Ph.1 General Information: Name of Department Name of Faculty Date of imitation of Ph.2 4. Advisors in the department Research output: Total number of articles published last year in International Academic Journals that are authored by faculty members and students in the department Total number of articles published last year in Asian Academic Journals that are authored by faculty members and students in the department Total number of ongoing research projects in the department funded by different organizations Number of post-graduate students in the department holding scholarships/fellowships Total Research Funds available to the Department from all sources Number of active international linkages involving exchange of researchers/students/faculty etc.1 2. (Attach Details) Student information: Number of Ph. program Total number of academic journals subscribed in area relevant to Ph. program Number of Computer available per Ph.• Students of BSc (Hons) Agriculture. degree in the department Number of HEC approved Ph.D.D.6 2 2. program Entomology FC&FS 1998 3 3 1 2 3.3 1.D.D degrees conferred to date to students from the department during the past three academic years Number of Ph.6 4 4.D.D.3 1+2 3 More than 20 millions - 5 13 - 59 .5 3.D students currently enrolled in the department Ratio of number of students accepted to total number of applicants for Ph. MSc (Hons) and Ph.D.D.2 1.2 5 3.D are assigned presentations and group works during different courses which are presented in the class to develop and enhance their written and oral communication and motivation skills.4 3. program is offered.1 1.2 3 3.3 3. 1 1. PROGRAMS The following information is required for EACH Department in which a Ph.1 4.D.4 1.5 1. SURVEY OF DEPARTMENT OFFERING Ph. D.6 Total number of Ph.5 5.5 Total number of M.2 5.1 Any other information that you would like to provide Yes Yes Yes Two - - 60 .D. Any other examination (Y/N) 5.D.9 How is the selection of an examiner from technologically advanced countries carried out? 5.D.D. Research paper in HEC approved journal d. degree? 6 Additional information 6. Qualifying examination (Y/N) b.D program based on research only/ (Y/N) Maximum number of years in which a Ph. program (M.1 Program information Entrance requirements into Ph.3 Is your Ph. (Hons) Entomology (CGPA 3) No 5 18 credit hrs - 5. level courses taught on average in a term/semester 5. dissertation is sent 5.Sc.7 Do your students have to take/write a.Sc/M.Phil. Comprehensive examination (Y/N) c. program 5.4 Total number of post M.D.Phil level courses taught on average in a term/semester 5.D. degree has to be completed after initial date of enrollment in Ph. (16 year equivalent) courses required for Ph.) indicate subjects or M. Ph.D 5.10 Is there a minimum residency requirement (on campus) for award of Ph.Sc/M.8 Total number of international examiners to which the Ph.Sc.Phil M. g. NPLC. 2nd Floor. The equipments are out date and out of order. The facilities and shortcomings of these laboratories are listed as under. The department library has not all the relevant books. cleaning and washing. PCR Spectrophotometer. Stereoscope. Laboratories are maintained by only one laboratory assistant (equipment. The laboratories are not specious and inadequate. • • Research work for the graduate and post-graduate students . individual teachers have their books. relevant software. chemicals. PAG-Electrophoresis apparition. A-Block. Three laboratories attendant assist the students in practicals. material etc). However. • Laboratory Title: Entomology Laboratories for the Under-graduate and Post-graduate students. chemicals and biochemicals. Main Campus • • Objectives: Laboratories are used for: Practicle exercise and demonstrations to graduate students in their introductory and major courses. • Location and Area: Faculty of Crop and Food Sciences. Used for execution of the research/development projects funded by HEC. Standard-3. 61 . PARC. and other national and international agencies/institutions.1: Laboratory manuals/documentation/instructions for experiments must be available and edaily accessible to faculty and students Laboratory manuals are not available.2: There must be support personal for instruction and maintaining the laboratories. PSF. glassware. centrifuge (slow and ultr). Future Need • More spacious and well equipped laboratories to fulfill the contemporary level of research/education are necessitated for better output.CRITERION 3: LABORATORIES AND COMPUTER FACILITIES There are three laboratories in the department. Equipments regards molecular approaches are lacking e. Standard-3. o Computing facilities support: Not available to all faculty members and the post graduate students. separate class rooms are needed as presently classes (lectures) are taken in laboratories. No fire extinguishers have been installed in any laboratory.Standard-3. • Space limitation is a major constraint as department could not initiated some of the major subjects like apiculture. o Safety Arrangements: There is no proper safety arrangements and no security plan are in place in case of emergency.3: The University computing infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to support program’s objectives. The department is located on the 2nd floor. No first aid kits/facilities provided in the laboratories/department. there is no emergency exits for the labs. sericulture. host plant resistance and biological control research activities. • To upgrade the prevailing education facilities. 62 . o Shortcoming in computing infrastructure: Computers with internet facilities should be available to all faculty members and postgraduate students. Standard-4. Though at Masters level all the courses are offered as per the above mentioned approvals/guidelines of the authorities but depend upon the availability of teachers and facilities. Standard-4. All of the courses are designed / tailored to address the teaching needs in an effective way. practical work is also done in field/laboratories while students are also oriented to tackle their professional needs through different assignments and submission of reports. the post-graduate level courses are tailored accordingly.1: Courses must be offered with sufficient frequency and number for students to complete the program in a timely manner • Corresponding to the HEC guidelines and Academic Council’s recommendations regarding schemes of study. all the courses are offered accordingly at graduate level.2: Courses in the major area of study must be structured to ensure effective interaction between students. 63 . In this regard teaching staff and students are consulted periodically to get the feedback for further improvement. • • All the courses (number and type) are taught as per the HEC criterion/standard. They are coupled with various institutions/organization to get updated knowledge and insight addressing their future needs. To meet the human resource needs in public and private sector at national level. faculty and teaching assistants.CRITERION 4: STUDENT SUPPORT AND ADVISING To resolve students’ issues regarding provision of guidance and information in various social and educational matters. courses are structured and updated in the board of study meeting. Along with theoretical aspects of the courses. University organizes various cultural activities and study tours/visits to broaden the students knowledge and experience to be utilized in their practical life. In this regard • Keeping in view the feedback from students and teachers. Directorate of Students Affairs provides an effective support. - Students are informed about the program requirement through the office of the head of the department. 64 .3: Guidance on how to complete the program must be available to all students and access to qualified advising must be available to make course decisions and career choices. Management has made all sorts of efforts to update their knowledge and information source.• It is common and general practice to maintain an effective interaction between students and faculty and inter and intra classes of the students. - Entomology department has developed full hormony among the faculty members and students especially the post-graduate ones.Directorate of Placement Bureau also helps in communicating and exploring jobs for the university students. - Their information records related to their studies are regularly updated through teacher – student interaction. . Students are guided properly in relation to their on-going educational programs at university and also focusing their future needs. Standard-4. This is followed as per the rules and regulations set by the university. • On successful completion of 4th semester. • Admission merit based upon marks percentages of previous and entry test exams etc. Admission criteria for different degree courses are described in definite terms by the university and admission system is based upon the recommendations of supervisory committee. Standard-5.2: The process by which students are registered in the program and monitoring of students progress to ensure timely completion of the program must be documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives • Registration of students is done once in a degree course but evaluation is done a number of times through different examination stages. • Recommendations regarding admission process for different departments are forwarded to the Registrar office for their formal registration as university student. faculty recruitment activities which are dealt by various statutory bodies and the university administration. 65 . This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.CRITERION 5: PROCESS CONTROL It includes student admission. Successful completion of one semester ensures the promotion to the next semester. criterion for admission is revised every year as a regular process. Prior to the admission process. Admissions for different degree courses are properly advertised in the news papers having national level circulation.1: The process by which students are admitted to the program must be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria and clearly documented. students’ registration. A well established admission system works at university/department level. graduate students are allotted major courses by the Dean Faculty of FC & FS. Standard-5. • All sorts of audio visual aids are utilized in educational process. Also processes and procedures for faculty evaluation. Students usually buy relatively cheaper books of Asian Editions. however. • HEC also supports appointment of highly qualified members as foreign faculty Professor. Standard 5-4: The process and procedures used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material to the students emphasizes active learning and that course learning outcomes are met. electronic journals and internet facility are made available to all faculty members and students. National Professors and deputes them in various departments of the University. course curriculum are regularly revised / updated time to time. • Selection of candidates is approved by the Syndicate for issuing orders to join within a specified period. call letters are issued to the shortlisted candidates on the basis of experience. no procedure exists for retaining highly qualified faculty members. • • Induction of new candidates depends upon the number of approved vacancies. • The candidates are interviewed by the University Selection Board and Principal and alternate candidates are selected. Induction of all positions at Faculty level is done as per rule: • Different faculty positions are advertised in different newspapers of national circulation.3: The process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty members must be in place and clearly documented. These editions are also available in university library where computers. 66 . publications and other qualities/activities as fixed by the University. • • With the emergence of new fields. These processes must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting with its objectives University follows recruitment policy given by the HEC.Standard-5. promotion must be consistent with institution mission statement. new courses are set and included in the curriculum. At present. the revised pay scales of structure is quite attractive. qualification. Applications are received by the Registrar office. The process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meting its objectives • To impart the most recent advances and techniques in entomology. The progress is regularly reviewed in the staff meetings. • The Controller of Examinations announces the date of commencement of examination.• All efforts are made that the courses and knowledge imparted meet the objectives and outcome. practicals. the controller office notifies the results of the students. Degrees are awarded to the students on the annual convocation that is held annually. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives. effective and clearly documented procedures. assignments and reports. mid and final examinations. Standard 5-5: The process that ensures that graduates have completed the requirements of the program must be based on standards. After 10-20 days of the examinations. 67 . oral and technical presentations. grade Gold medals are awarded to the students who secure highest marks in various fields. Candidates who secure 80% or above marks are awarded grade A. The evaluation procedure involves quizzes. degree 01 01 01 3 Standard 6-2: All faculty members must remain current in the discipline and sufficient time must be provided for scholarly activities and professional development. At present there is on professor.D. One assistant professor and two lecturers are abroad perusing Ph. two assistant professors and two lecturers working in the programme. Table 7.Faculty members are provided with different academic.D. Research supervisors are offered incentives for implementing different laboratory and filed experiments to promote high standard research activities. one associate professor. All faculty members must have a level of competence that would normally be obtained through graduate work in the discipline. plan. in the discipline. Currently three faculty members are abroad for completion of their PhD degrees sponsored by HEC. Faculty Distribution by Program Areas in Entomology Program area of specialization General Entomology Stored Product Entomology Insect Biosystematics Applied Entomology Total Courses in the area and average number of students per year 18 07 05 02 32 Number of faculty members in each area 03 01 01 02 7 Number of faculty with Ph.D. 68 . The interests and qualifications of all faculty members must be sufficient to teach all courses. Effective Programs for Faculty Development . studies. The majority of the faculty must hold a Ph. research and training facilities as per availability in the university system.CRITERION 6: FACULTY 6-1: There must be enough full time faculty who are committed to the program to provide adequate coverage of the program areas/courses with continuity and stability. modify and update courses and curricula. effective programs for faculty development must be in place. Also. Faculty Survey: A figure represent the Faculty survey from Proforma 5 (Annexure V) were summarized. three assistant professors and four lecturers are working in the department.Standard 6-3: All faculty members should be motivated and have job satisfaction to excel in their profession. Motivation and encouragement are among the main tools for the better performance of the faculty team members. one associate professor. 69 . 70 60 % faculty survey 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very satisfied Satisfied Uncertain Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied At present one Professor. However around 30% are very satisfied. Faculty members are contented by the initiatives undertaken by the management in this regard. field visits and excursions etc play a vital role in motivating the young faculty members. different entertainment events. Most faculty members are experienced and professionally sound in their respective fields. Formal and informal coaching by the senior faculty members. The result indicated that significantly 60% are satisfied as compared to others. Our HEC strengthened project will help to improve the practical workability. Sc.67 1 st 1965 900 Board/ University Rawalpindi Region (Chak No. Father’s Name: Nationality/Religion: Date/Place of Birth/Domicile: NIDC# Occupation: Permanent Address: TOTAL MARKS Examination GAV (Middle School Exam) Year CURRICULUM VITAE: Marks Marks Division Secured %age Position 753 83.) B. 267 RB Faisalabad) BISE Lahore University of Agriculture Specialization Govt. 1st (Gold Medal) Science Group Agriculture Entomology 1981 1988 700 520 74. Muhammad Aslam Ph. (Hons) Agriculture Ph.Sc. (051) 4423693. (Intermediate Exam. 1967 1969 1972 900 2000 3000 737 1441 2236 81. Ali Muhammad Pakistani/Islam 15-2-1950/Sangla Hill (Sheikhupura) Punjab Pakistan 37405-2706966-5 Teaching and Research at University Level. 0301-5502356/ aslam502001@yahoo. Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (Pakistan).53 1st 1st 1st.50 / 4 (Gold Medallion) University of Georgia (USA) Entomology 70 . SN-312.D.D. USA) Gold Medallion M.A.89 72.Sc (Hons) Agri in Entomology (UAF) BSc (Hons) Agri in Entomology Gold Medal (UAF) (Star. Entomology ( Present Official Address: Professor (BS-21) / Chairman Department of Entomology. NE Award & Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medallist) Ch.05 74. Shamsabad. Anglo Vernacular Exam SSC Examination F.Faculty Resume PERSONAL: Name: Professor Dr.(Hons) Agriculture M. Dhoke Kala Khan.28 1st Faisalabad Entomology CGPA= 3. Madina Town.Sc. Murree Road Rawalpindi Phone # (Residence)/ email: (051) 9062288. D in Entomology from UGA. USA in a record period of less than 3 years and got a Gold Medallion. History. AWARDS (NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL) AND HONORARIA: Topped the University of Agriculture Faisalabad in 1972 and was decorated with a GOLD MEDAL Completed Ph.C. from April 18.. Promoted as Assistant Professor. 27-08-1988 and taught Entomology courses mentioned above. 1988 after completing Ph. 1. RESEARCH AT NATIONAL/ INTERNATIONAL LEVELS) Served Pakistan Tobacco Board (Govt of Pakistan as Tobacco Dev.DISTINCTIONS. Throughout merit scholarship holder starting from 5th class onward. Decorated with PEF 8TH NATIONAL EDUCATION AWARD 2002 on account of quality publication of research papers on science. in Entomology. Stored Product 71 .A. Served B.f. and Fruit Pests. Served as Associate Professor of Entomology from 28-10-1999 to 04-12-2004 and taught different Entomology Courses including Introductory Entomology. Tobacco Board in 1976 and 1978 on account of excellent performance of research duties. Served B. 1974 to March 26. 1982 and got experience in research on Virginia Tobacco.D. 1985 Proceeded USA as OSD on September 12. Beneficial. EXPERIENCE (TEACHING. (BAC) RWP. 1985 on the directive of the Governor Punjab and was back on August 26. Nominated by the competent authority for best teacher award for 2001. 1984 to April 30. Decorated with QUAID-E-AZAM GOLD MEDAL 2004 on account of best performance of duties and loyalty for the nation. Received Saigol Foundation Scholarship during B. Statistical. Served Barani Agricultural College.1984. Decorated with XIIITH STAR AWARD 2002 by South Asia Publications based upon credentials and research publications par excellence. Asstt. 1985 to September 12. Host Plant Resistance. Nominated by the competent authority for 16th Khwarzmi International Award 2003.Sc. Vegetable. 1985 against a leave vacancy. as Lecturer in Entomology from March 27. Biological Control of Insect Pests.e. Insects. Rawalpindi as Lecturer in Entomology from May. Insect Taxonomy. Received Merit Certificate from Pakistan. Insect Natural. Field Crop Pests and their Control.. 1973 to October 10. Applied Entomology. in Different Fields of Knowledge”. Entomology w.. Association.C. 1974 and as Farm Manager from October 11. Literature.(Hons)Agric on account of having first positions in the classes. as Assistant Professor of Entomology from August 1. Stored Product Entomology.A. in an Essay Reading Contest “Application of Statistics. Received “Honoraria” from Pakistan.. Review and Seminar and Laboratory Techniques and Experimental Designs in Entomology. Established two Tobacco Research Stations (TRS) in Punjab and Founder of one TRS in Punjab. Principles and Methods of Pest Control. and got experience in teaching Introductory Entomology. 1982 to July 31. Nominated by the competent authority for Presidential Award Izaz-e-Fazeelat for Academic Distinction for 2002and 2003. Forest Entomology. Insect Morphology.. of Entomology. Faculty (FCFS) Board from 14-03-1998 onward. of Entomology. (Hons) Agric. Command on X-EDIT. Microsoft word. SPSS 10. Plant Resistance. Insects of Man and Animals. Insects of Man and Animals. Ph.Sc synopses/theses and dissertations. Learnt word processing –Word Star on IBM computer in the Dept. (Hons) and Ph. Insect Biochemistry.e.Sc. Plant Resistance to Insect Pests.e. B. Insect Pest Management Systems. Declared as a resource person by Pakistan Agricultural Research Council to review and evaluate the Competitive Research Grant System. (Hons). Insect Biochemistry. 72 . Remained Deputy Director. Insect Pest Management Systems. Remained Chairman. Stored Product Entomology. f. Appointed as Professor of Entomology w. Secretary.D. Remained Secretary Tutorial Group System and Tutor group I for three years from 1998 to 2001. Problem and Seminar and conducting Research at UAAR in different research projects and supervising the graduate and postgraduate students.f 02-05-2007 Upgraded as Professor of Entomology BS. Departmental Board of Studies (for 8 years from 1991 to 1999).Sc. Insecticides and Their Application. Admission Committee for several years.e. Major advisor of several Post-graduate students (M.1 for Windows and Network explorer. M.D). (Hons) in the Dept. Twenty two completed degrees so far. Problem and Seminar and conducted Research at UAAR in different research projects and supervised the graduate and postgraduate students. Special. Special. Member Research Co-ordination Board of UAAR for one year w. e. Aslam as Principal Investigator of the following Research Projects: UGC/UAAR funded Research Project.Sc. “Screening of Sunflower Cultivars against Insect Pests in the Potohar Region of Pakistan to Reduce Environmental Pollution Problems” Duration: 36 months Cost: 0. e. Appointed as Chairman Department of Entomology UAAR w. and 275 M. f. Secretary. 30-05-2007 Incharge English Declamation Contest Team UAAR. Member Advanced Studies and Research Board of UAAR from 01-03-2001 to 01-03-2003. Productive scientist of Pakistan as per PCST book.21 w.f 19-10-2007. Insect Toxicology.Sc. Microsoft excel. Remained Chairman.Entomology. HEC Ph. Microsoft power point.D Approved Supervisor in Entomology. 04-12-2004 and teaching different courses at graduate and post graduate levels including Introductory Entomology.f. framed library rules and prepared syllabi/curricula of Entomology at B. Member Advance Studies Research Board of PMASAAUR w.D. Agriculture Linkages Program Projects. On the panels of various admission. Advanced Studies and Research. 1994. Dept of Entomology (11/2 years) and Library Incharge (3 years) in BAC and UAAR. Insect physiology. The team contested at Islamabad College for Boys and won “Trophy” (1st Position). Learnt statistical & analytical techniques taking three courses in Statistics and one in Mathematics in University of Georgia (USA). (Hons). and UGC National levels.5 million. 15-07-1997. University of Georgia (USA). Dr. UAAR for two years (01-03-2001 to 27-03-2003) and evaluated about 15 Ph. Research Methods in Entomology. Introduced M. supervisory and comprehensive examination committees of UAAR. Advances in Host Insect physiology.Sc. Plant Resistance to Insect Pests. IDOSI Publications Canada w. Quetta. Associate Editor. Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus. IDOSI Publications Canada Interviews conducted by Prof. Synopses of Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan.783 m) 2007-2009 Dr.6 million.f. Aslam as Editor. Muzaffarabad and University of Balochistan. Aslam as member of Inter University Course Curriculum Committee (IUCCC) Notified by Inter University Faculty Board (IUFB) as member IUCCC on Entomology vide University of the Punjab.Chief / Editor / Associate Editor of the following Magazines/Journals: Editor. IDOSI Publications anada w.f. AJ&K Univ.f.e. Sindh. Dr.e. Remained Editor of Naveed-e-Baran for one year. W.e. Aslam as Advisor. Interviewed candidates (appeared for the positions of Assistant Research Officers / Agricultural Officers Plant Protection sub-group Entomology (BPS-17) in the Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore and assisted the Commission in the capacity of Advisor/Subject Expert to select the suitable candidates against these gazetted positions several Faisalabad. Thesis Examiner of Ph.e. Duration: 36 months Cost: 0. Referee Journal of Research (Science) of Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan Dr. Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Sciences of Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam. D/284/R of 06-04-2004. Member Univ. 27-03-2003.PSF/R&D/P-UAAR/AGR/70. 10-04-2006. D. 2002. Integrated Management of Stored Chickpea Beetle. Dr. Aslam Interviews and tests of fields assistants and lower staff conducted at Tobacco Research Sub Station Kunjah (Gujrat) and appointed the employees required during 1980-82.D.f. 4-22006. Publication Committee for one year (1997) Subject Expert to review articles in Sarhad Journal of Agriculture of NWFP agricultural University Peshawar. Interviews of candidates (appeared for the positions of Lecturer in Entomology (BPS-17) in the Selection Board of Sargodha University were conducted in the capacity of Advisor/Subject Expert to select the suitable candidates against this gazetted position. 73 .Chief (Pakistan) of American–Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.e. Pakistan Journal of Arid Agriculture w. Foreign Students Advisor Foreign Students w. 03-04-2006 for the session (2006-2009). Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department.e. Sc of the following Universities: Referee Ph. University College of Agriculture. External Examiner and paper setter of Entomology courses of Gomal University. Subject Expert/Scientist to evaluate research papers of Pakistan Journal of Agriculture. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. / M. Aslam as External Examiner / Thesis Examiner of Ph. Lahore letter No.Chief (Pakistan) of American–Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research. Islamabad. in Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh. Pakistan Journal of Science and Technology.f. Dr.f. Editor. Editor. 14-06-2003 at UAAR to take care of the foreign student affairs. Project Director HEC Project Strengthening of Dept of Entomology (34. External Examiner of Postgraduate students in University of Agriculture. of Pak. (Entomology). for higher education on competitive basis during 1985 and deputed to UGA. Athens (USA) officially as FAO FELLOW # 30.Sc.#.D. International Organization Washington D. (R.Appointed by the President of Bangladeshin / Chancellor of the Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh. DISSERTATION: Resistance to Insect Pests of Cotton Strains Grown Under Different Levels of Pest Management.e. watering. Aslam as External Examiner of Foreign National / International Universities Acted as external examiner of Ph. Life Time Member of Pakistan Education Forum Islamabad. UNIVERSITY TITLE OF THESIS/DISSERTATION EXAMINED 1.D. patrolling on railway stations.261) M.C. “Biodiversity of Entozoic Flagellates of the Heterotermes indicola and Coptotermes heimi and the effect of Wood. (HONS. Lannate and Thiodan on Agrotis ipsilon (Hfn) and Heliothis armigera (Hb) attacking Virginia Tobacco. 08-072007 12-012008 Memberships / fellowships and foreign training awards: Member of Entomological Society of America since 1986. 74 . Founder and lifetime member of Agricultural Foundation of Pakistan since 1996. stemfly. attending “mehafilai qawwali”. Dr. 3. Member of research team to carry out research activities under a UNESCO sponsored project for Rural Education and Development during 1999. travelling by train. Member AGRICS since 1996.D. hoeing plants. since 31-12-2000.No. Selected by Govt. Ph. grave yards.Effect of Dipel. Grant for Fellowship was awarded by Govt. 2804-2007. monuments. Member LEAD Pakistan (ID#1877) Member Pakistan Botanical Society since 19-03-1996. 23-08(Diptera: 2006 DATE 2.) THESIS. Bioefficacy and Residue Study of Lufenuron on Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae). Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh University of Pune India GC University Lahore Bioecology and management of Ophiomyia phaseoli (Tryon) Agromyzidae) on blackgram.f. visiting historical places. of Pakistan. PARC Islamabad in collaboration with FAO of the UN and the USDA. Bangladesh as Expert Member on the Selection Committee for the appointment Professors and Associate Professors in the Department of Entomology of the University under the article 7 (1) (a) (iv) of the first statutes of the University w.. observing nature (naturalist). (UTF/PAK 1073) for Ph. thesis/dissertation of the following universities: S. Wood Extracts and Anti Protozoan Drugs on Flagellates”. HOBBIES: Reciting Holy Quran. loving medicinal plants. updating biodata. writing scientific research papers. popular scientific articles. searching internet. citing. 75 .Literature collecting. learning new computer commands. delivering scientific talks on electronic media. 3 -2007 25. Agri Foundation of Pakistan. Islamabad.I. 1985 08-09-1997-22-09-1997 June 18-19. Teachers. UAAR Horticultural Foundation of Pakistan. 13. USA and PARC 17-05-1999 to 18-05-1999.22-03-2006 20-06-2006-21-06-2006 26-28 June.1983 Oct. 1981 May. 24. Islamabad Weed Science Society of Pakistan. IBD UAAR UAAR Sustainable Development Institute. NARC. National Conference on Rural Pakistan 3rd International Science Conference 4th National Conference of Plant Pathology 6th Sustainable Development Conference “Bridging the research policy gaps National conference on the role of agriculture In poverty alleviation. 1973-Sep. resources and future perspectives (COCHAIRED ONE SECESSION) CONGRESSES: Second International Congress of Entomological Sciences 23 rd Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International) National conference on ways and means to strengthen fruit and vegetable processing From To Institution Sep.1984 April 4. Auditorium.1974-Sep 14. Parents.1993. 1976-Sep 18. Islamabad.ADDITIONAL TRAININGS OF PROFESSOR DR.1985-May 02. 1985-April 15. (Peshawar) -do-do-do-doB R S Rawalpindi CIBC. UAA Rawalpindi Dept State.May 31. 1975-Oct 25. Islamabad UIMS. 17. PARC Rawalpindi NARCTI. UGC. Administrators. 26. 2007 A. 03-03-2003 19-08-2008 to 20-08-2008 Pakistan Entomological Society and PARC IBD. NATIONAL CORE GROUP IN LIFE SCIENCES UAAR 19-03-1996 to 21-03-1996.29. 1981-Oct 21.12. 9. Pak. 76 . 1975 Sep. Sec.1985 April 28. 16.1974 Oct. 1973 Sep. Students Building Pakistan’ Universities for 21st century. MUHAMMAD ASLAM CONGRESSES/CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS/CONVENTIONS/SCIENTIFIC FAIRS/SEMINARS ATTENDED (NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL) Nature of Training SHORT COURSES: Tobacco Production -do-do-do-doApiculture Bio Cont of Insect and weed pest Vertebrate pest Control.1976 Oct. concerns and challenges International conference on Biological resources of Pakistan: problems. P-Block. Islamabad NARCTI. 28. Bee-keeping Computer Course Biosafety and biosecurity Initiatives CONFERENCES: National Conference. 2006 16-12-2006 13-03-2007-14-03-2007 22-03-2007 -24 –03-2007 29-31. 31. 2 rd International Weed Science Conference International Conference :Biotechnology: Shaping Future Agriculture International Science Conference: Value addition in horticultural products 17th International Food Science Conference International conference on Biodiversity conservation as a renewable resource of Pakistan International conference on Role of allelopathy in Sustainable agriculture International conference on Trade liberalization and Safta: Opportunities. NARC.1984 -Oct.T. 2007 Auditorium. auditorium. IBD 29-07-1999 to 30-07-1999 26-09-2002 to 28-09-2002 14-10-2003 to 16-10-2003 11-12-2003 to 13-12-2003 21-04-2004 20-03-2006. UAAR UAAR UAAR UAAR Auditorium UAAR/HEC UAAR/HEC/PSF HEC/UAAR/GTAP HEC. UAAR/UAAR auditorium(HEC) Rural support programmes network Islamabad. Wealth Generation Through Research Second Workshop of the sub-regional network:Non-formal science education and popularization of science(Breaking the poverty cycle of women) International Workshop :Intensive farming and integrated resource management: Traditional and non-traditional approaches. 28-01-2003 26-03-2003 to 27-03-2003 23-06-2004 to 24-06-2004 27-08-2003 to 29-08-2003 28-04-2003 –03-05-2003 26-09-2003 to 01-10-2003 24-10-2003 03-12-2003 19-02-2004 Held under the auspices of PARC IBD. How to use digital library (workshop) Honey bees in the Himalayas: Promoting partnerships with the rural development networks in the HKH. Auditorium. International workshop Carbon and water exchange in plants under changing climatic conditions 20-10-1982 to 31-10-1982 1-11-1982 to 5-11-1982 23-12-1984 to 31-12-1984 05-06-2000 to 07-06-2000. Pakistan Academy of Sciences UAAR UAAR Auditorium. IPEP.WORKSHOPS: Environmental Mutagenesis and Predictive Carcinogenesis Agricultural Genotoxicity in Developing Countries Art of Becoming a Creative Research Scientist Training Workshop on Policy and Strategy for Rational Use of Pesticides. International centre for integrated mountain development. of the Punjab Lahore. NARCTI. IBD UAAR/Pakistan Academy of Sciences. Agriculture Dept. USA. Govt. Bahawalpur UAAR PSF. IPMP. IBD UAAR. Islamabad ---------------do-----------UAAR National IPM Programme Mingora. Rohtas Road G/9/4 Islamabad II NARC I slamabad Conference room UAAR HEC-PSF Seminar Room UAAR UAAR/HEC/NCB Seminar room UAAR HEC / UAAR Seminar Room UAAR NARC IBD AT Entomology Department UAAR (Principal Organizer: Prof.04-01-2006 13-02-2006 to 14-02-2006 28-08-2006. National IPM Workshop on IPM curriculum in Universities at Mingora and Bahawalpur New trends in Agriculture: Progressive Farmers Experiences and Technologies. UAAR Actionaid Pakistan at Holiday Inn.30-08-2006 I 09-09-2006. National University. UAAR (seminar room) National Insect Museum. Workshop on Urdu Fonts Development. Biotechnology National Workshop on role of Insect Taxonomy and Systematics in Sustainable Agriculture Crop improvement. Swat.29-12-2006 27-04-2007 30-07-2007 to 31-07-2007 05-11-2007-06-11-2007 77 . Workshop on Plant Molecular Biology. II Workshop on biotechnology for secondary school teachers International workshop on Phytoremediation of contaminated soils and water International workshop on techniques related to molecular biology and immunology Basic tools in isolation and identification of microorganisms. NARC/PARC Isalmabad HEC/NCB SEMINAR ROOM UAAR I FAST House. conventional and biotechnological ApproachesAgro-Informatics. CIT. Helicoverpa armigera In small scale cotton production systems. Dr. Pakistan Workshop: Sustainable control of the cotton bollworm. Washington. International workshop on Sanitary and phytosanitary measures in the wake of trade liberalization: Challenges to agriculture in developing countries Workshop on knowledge sharing and awareness of stakeholders regarding compliance issues for Pakistani agriculture products export to Pakistan. Islamabad PSF in collaboration with UNESCO and ISESCO 28-04-2004 PSF auditorium. NSF. The Associated Universities Inc. UAAR Auditorium. The future of Pakistans’ Agriculture I . National Workshop on WTO Challenges and Role of Agricultural Universities __________do______________ Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Challenges and Strategies. IBD NARC IBD. Muhammad Aslam) PMASAAUR 12-06-04/26-05-05/29-08-06 26-07-2004 to 28-07-2004 20-09-2004-22-09-2004 12-01-2005 to 14-01-2005 13-04-2005 30-1-2006. Agroinformatics the future of Pakistan’s Agriculture Training workshop Controlled and modified atmospheres to preserve post harvest quality of stored grains. II 27-04-07 09-12-2006 12-12-2006.15-12-2006 18-12-2006 27-12-2006. CFC/ICAC 014/NARC. RWP UIMS Library / CIT. their solutions were conveyed to them. 2004 AgriKiosk and software projects Exhibition Farmers day (Kissan Mela) 10-03-2004 15-04-2004 28-08-2004 25-03-2006 08-04-2007 • Science and Technology EXPO 2007-shaping the future 78 . Seminar Room PMAS AAUR 21-07-2008 23-07-2008 Best Western Hotel. Pakistan monument museum. Rwp. was distributed among the farmers who hailed from far off areas.. BIIT. St.25 April 2008 06 to 10 May 2008 At Seminar Room PMAS AAUR PARC.International workshop on Protected Horticulture International Training workshop on Organic Farming: Organic Production and Inspection.09-04-2005. Agri Dept. 22-04-2006 20-11-2006 Convention Centre. PSF. their management. Pakistan Sports Complex. IBD. UAAR Installed stall of Entomology. West view point Shakarparian Islamabad. BIIT Annual IT Project Exhibition Agricultural Mela. Jinnah Convention Centre. Problems of insect pests were discussed with the farmers. Town. Entomology literature in urdu on stored product pests. International Workshop on Molecular Techniques in Biological Research Sharing Biodiversity Data on Internet Integrating Agribusiness Curriculum and Practice UIMS HEC CONVENTIONS: National Convention of Scientists and Engineers Students Convention 2004. Sagri. IBD.2005. Islamabad Seminar Room PMAS AAUR 27-05-1999 24-05-2004. Pakistan Science Foundation.2006 Convention of Scientists 27-02-2008 to 01-03-2008 21. Kashmir Highway. Holiday Inn Islamabad SCIENTIFIC FAIRS ATTENDED: 4th National Science and Technology Fair 23-10-1999 to 01-11-1999 Pakistan Science Foundation. Hotel Margala. Club Road. Islamabad. Islamabad. 5 ENT UAAR 16-09-1999. 13th OIC Meeting (Ministerial Standing Committee) Seminar on Science and Technological Cooperation (Comstech) IPMI TOT/FFS Project Seminar 14-06-2001 Environment and Agriculture 16-03-2001 Media War and Role of PTV Ecological Resources of the Northern Areas – Gradients in Climate and Vegetation Agricultural Policies 02-10-2003 Education for Rural Development 09-01-2003 Edible Oils 17-01-2003 Food Technology 22-03-2003 Development of a new rearing Technique of Chryposa 20-05-2003 Mitigation of Water Crisis in Pakistan with special reference to Barani Areas Science and Spiritualism Genetically modified foods Disaster Management New Agricultural Policies And WTO Creative Thinking -----. UAAR.Auditorium Convention Centre. At ZTBL Islamabad ---------do---------Dr. Seminar No 30(software projects. delivered to the participants of 9th refresher course. Islamabad NARC. Islamabad. Islamabad UAAR UAAR 20-10-1981 11-10-2000 ATI. Islamabad 04-04-2000 01-03-2001 NARC. Behavior of Pesticides in Soil. Islamabad Chaired by President of Pakistan UAAR UAAR UAAR UAAR 04-03-2002 12-03-2002 Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad. At ZTBL Islamabad Pakistan Academy of Sciences Islamabad The Agri Foundation of Pak. Edward de Bono at National to 19-06-2007 Eleventh OIC Meeting (Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (Comstech) National training seminar on biosafety and biosecurity initiatives PARC Marriott Hotel Islamabad 29-05-2003 18-06-2003 23-09-2003 08-10-2003 07-04-2004 25-12-2003 The Agri Foundation of Pak. Islamabad. • 79 . Peshawar UAAR 08-12-2005 31-07-2007 CIT/UAAR/LAB NO. delivered to the participants of Short Course on Environmental Pollution. 1-3. “Ecological Risks And Sustainable Agriculture” Automation of cottage industries of Pakistan. PARC. 2008 Convention Centre. Biosystematics of Callosobruchus chinensis Seminars Attended: 9th . technical seminar series).SEMINARS: Seminars delivered: Insect pests of Tobacco. Sindhu Seminar Room UAAR UAAR Lecture room 7 UAAR UAAR 04-08-2005 22-08-2005 29-12-2005 07-01-2006 11-11-2006 20-11-2006 08/03/2007 01-06-2007 02-06-2007 UAAR UAAR PSF auditorium. auditorium Rumi Forum Pakistan G10/2 IBD JB Holiday Inn ISLAMABAD UAAR 29-11-2007 30-11-2007 07-12-2007 13-12-2007 23-05-2008 05-06-2008 Seminar room UAAR Seminar room UAAR Seminar Room PMASAAUR UIMS PPMASAAUR FAO Auditorium PMASAAUR Dr.S. Characterization of Pakistani isolates of chili veinal mottle potyvirus (ChiVMV) Environment in relation to air pollution and Agriculture Einstein the genius of the century. IBD. Precision agriculture technologies to increase farm profitability and reduce environmental risks Impact of climate change on agro environment of Pakistan 30-04-2004 25-02-2005 02-04-2005 14-04-2005 28-04-2005 12-05-2005 Pakistan scientific & technological information centre.Seminars attended continue: Understanding patentability issues of scientific research. Characteriization of local fennel (Foeniculum vulgar Mill)germplasm for oil contents and genetic variability. S. a source based approach. PSF auditorium. UAAR. Dr. Islamabad PSF Islamabad. Tehseen Aslam AGR New Zealand Seminar Room PMASAAUR ------------do-------------- 80 . Seminar room. Concepts in molecular breeding Diversification of Horticulture(Floriculture) Genetic transformation of wheat for salt tolerance Experimental studies of arthropod community. world year of physics 2005 PSF awards for inventions and innovations Global perspectives in Iqbals’ thoughts New Chemistry and revolution in termite proofing Precision Horticulture Global proteomics profiling technologies identify Potential novel drug targets An overview of Animal Genomics Fertilizer use in Pakistan An overview The new urban development paradigm and the civil society’resposes in Karachi Role of agriculture and livestock in combating poverty Impact of soil organic matter on the soils filtering and buffering capacity. 2005.D. 1996 University of AJK(External Examiner and Paper Setter) 1996 to 2002. 2007 Entomology-(M.DR. 2007 1993. 2007 University Institute of Edu. 2002. 2006.ROF. 2007. 2007 2000. 2000. 2004. 2004. 2002. 2003. PROF. 2006. 2004. MUHAMMAD ASLAM ON PANEL OF VARIOUS ADMISSION/COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION COMMITTEES OF UNDERGRADUATE/POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS OF UAAR ADMISSION COMMITTEES YEAR 2000-2001.(Hons)Agr MSc (Hons) Entomology and Ph. DR. 2006. 2006. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2000. 2004. Bahauddin Zakariya University (Refree Ph.I. 2002. 2002. 2001. 2005. 2007 University Institute of Management Sci 2001.Sc. and Research 2002 Plant Pathology /Forestry &RM 2005. 2003 Zoology 2000. 2006. 2005. COMMITTEES (MSC AND PH. 2005. 2004. DR. 2006. 2004 Setter) 1999. 2006. 2002. Synopsis/Research 2002. PARC (Agri. 1998.D. DR. 1995. 2008 PROF. 2003. 2005. 2006. 2006. Khan(External Examiner and Paper Setter) 2004 1999. 2007 LEVEL B.D) DEPARTMENT/INSTITUTION YEAR Plant Pathology • Biology • Zoology 2004. 2001. MUHAMMAD ASLAM AS MEMBER OF SCRUTINY COMMITTEES (MSC AND PH.D) DEPARTMENT/INSTITUTION YEAR Biology/Botany 2002. 2007. 2005. 2005. 2007 Entomology-Ph. 2003. 2002. Evaluation Committee)/Viva voce exam 2006 81 . 2006. 2006 1997. 2003.MUHAMMAD ASLAM ON VARIOUS PANELS OF OTHER ORGANIZATIONS/UNIVERSITIES OF PAKISTAN ORGANIZATIONS/UNIVERSITIES YEAR 2000. 2003. 2001. 2002. 2007 2005. Linkages Programme Projects-Resource person) 2003. 2001. Gomal University D. MUHAMMAD ASLAM AS MEMBER OF COMPREHENSIVE EXAM.D. 2002. University of Baluchistan. 2003. Quetta (External Examiner and Paper 2003. 1999. 2003. 2007 PROF. 2002.Sc(Hons) 2001. 2004. 2004. its damages and control” “Khapra. Muhammad Aslam on PTV World. IPEP.2008 2008 Biology 2008 Zoology PROF. SORGHUM AND MILLET(MSM). Dr. ISLAMABAD TWG MSM Annual Planning and VCR Meeting YEAR 09-07-2004. 13-04-2006 to 14-04-2006 PROGRAMMES OF PROF. Kissan Time Name of the Programme “Dhora. its damages and control” “Snout weevil. its damages and control” “Termites. field crops and stored grains and their solutions were released in “Harriayali” of PTV during 1993. 28-05-2007. NARC. its damages and control” “Ghoon. its damages and control” “Flour beetle. 1994 and 1995. 2002. 2006.MUHAMMAD ASLAM ON DEPARTMENTAL BOARD OF STUDIES OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS/UNIVERSITIES DEPARTMENT YEAR 2000. Entomology 2003. its damages and control” “Grain moth. 2001. disadvantages and control” Date recorded/released 17-03-2004 19-03-2004 14-02-2004 30-04-2004 24-02-2004 3-05-2004 01-06-2004 11-06-2004 82 . DR.DR. NARC SINCE 01-07-2004. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON MAIZE. DR. 05-09-2007 25-03-2005 to 26-03-2005. Programmes recorded/released by Prof. MUHAMMAD ASLAM RELEASED ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA FOR THE BENEFIT OF FARMERS. VILLAGERS AND GENERAL PEOPLE. advantages. its damages and control” “Lesser grain borer. GROWERS.PROF. 2004. 2007. GARDENERS. MUHAMMAD ASLAM AS MEMBER OF TWG (TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP) OF INSTITUTE OF PLANT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (IPEP). Programmes on pest problems of fruit/vegetable. ) of important insect pest of okra. Investigations on the adaptability of some silkworm lines to adverse temperature and humidity for seed cocoon production. “Documentary on harmful aspects of aphids” “Aloe vera documentary” “Documentary on termites” “Harmful effects of ticks and their control” “Advantages of Aloe vera” “Documentary on kawar gandal” “Preying mantis-a friendly insect” “Aloe vera” 20-07-2004 13-08-2004 07-08-2004 02-10-2004 06-10-2004 18-10-2004 31-12-2004 13-01-2005 10-02-2005 19-02-2005 25-02-2005 05-04-2005 26-05-2005 POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS PRODUCED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROFESSOR DR. control” “Harmful aspects of aphids.# NAME OF STUDENT REG. NO COMPLETI ON YEAR TITLE OF THESIS / DISSERTATION / RESEARCH 1. 4. MUHAMMAD ASLAM (INDIGENOUS HEC SCHOLARS) Ph. Mubashar Hussain 95-arid -26 2006-09 3. ENTOMOLOGY S. Phytosanitry management of Trogoderma granarium Everts with Methyl Bromide alternatives to ensure food security and safety. useful. 05-arid-1185 2005-08 83 .D. Muhammad Shoaib Ahmadani 03-arid-371 2005-08 Genetic variability in egg parasitoid (Trichogramma spp.“Advantages of qawar gandal” “Citrus butterfly. educational survey and control” “Lasura weevil. its damages and control” “Harms of ticks and their control”. Asia Riaz 93-ag/arid-347 2006-09 2. Muhammad Tariq Ch. Biosystematics of dragonflies (Anisoptera: Odonata) of Pakistan. harmful aspects. Ommatissus lybicus on date palm in Baluchistan. in relation to honey yield. Rahid Mahmood 07-arid-01 2007-10 4. NO COMPLETION YEAR TITLE OF THESIS/DISSERTATION/RESEA RCH 1. 84 . Pyhico-Morphic variations among brinjal cultivars against Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee (Pyralidae:Lepidoptera) and its management with different techniques Integrated management of Dubas bug. POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS PRODUCED UNDER THE MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSOR DR.D. Pyralidae.D. Anwaar Hyder Khan Alvi 08-arid-02 2008-11 Studies on the Resistance in Maize against Stem Borer (Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). MUHAMMAD ASLAM Ph. Pakistan.POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS SUPERVISED BY PROFESSOR DR. Role of NPVs in the management of gram pod borer Helicoverpa armigera: a serious pest of gram in barani areas. NO COMPLETION YEAR TITLE OF THESIS / DISSERTATION/ RESEARCH 1. Ahqabullah Kakakhel 00-arid-1594 2006 Tritrophic level interaction among host plant (rapeseed mustard) turnip aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt) parasitoid (Diaeretiella rapae M’intosh) and its augumentation on Brassica napus. Habib Iqbal Javed 00-arid-352 16-06-2005 2. MUHAMMAD ASLAM Ph.# NAME OF STUDENT REG. Javed Iqbal 99-arid-751 01-08-2005 3. Humayun Javed 98-arid-428 2006-09 5. Lepidoptera). Growth inhibiting and deterrent effects of Plant Extracts on Major Insect Pests of Stored Grains Integrated Management for ectoparasitic mites Varroa destructor (Aderson and Trueman) and Tropilaelaps clareae (Delfindo and Baker) of honeybee Apis mellifera L.# NAME OF STUDENT REG. ENTOMOLOGY / OTHERS S. S. Arif Shah 07-arid-255 2007-10 6. ENTOMOLOGY S. Sc. 2. 5. Gulshan Irshad P.P Syeda Farah Naqvi P. 07-arid-08 2007-10 10.) on some cucurbits and their integrated management. Syed Haroon Akhtar P. .2. Muhammad Naveed Rafiq 95-arid -72 2005 Insecticide resistance in diamond back moth Plutella xylostella (L. (HONS) EQUIVALENT TO M. PHIL STUDENTS SUPERVISED BY PROFESSOR DR. Assessment of Root-Knot nematodes (Meloidogoyne spp. 03-arid-163 2007-10 M. 7. Abdul Rehman Ghulam Ali 93-ag/arid-406 2007-10 2007-10 07-arid-256 8.Sc / M. Plant aero microbial population in the atmosphere of Rawalpindi and Islamabad (twin cities) and its impact on major crops. NO COMPLETION YEAR 1. Aphid population dynamics: A comparative evaluation of their natural enemies in wheat and brassica. sesame. MUHAMMAD ASLAM S.#. 3. Biosystematics of Damselflies (Zygoptera: Odonata) of Pakistan.P. associated with bacterial blight. Muhammad Zamer Kiyani P. Rapid diagnosis of Xanthomonas campestris PV. 4. Ecological studies of Cotesia spp. 07-arid-07 2007-10 11. on maize stem borer and factors contributing to its efficiency as biocontrol agent.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and strategies of its management.P. Biosystematics of Aphid Parasitoids from Punjab Province of Pakistan. TITLE OF THESIS/ DISSERTATION/ RESEARCH Shazia Raja (92-ag/arid –228) 16-01-1999 Host plant effect on (Quaid-e-Azam parasitism by Cotesia scholarship holder) lomerata (Braconidae:Hymenoptera ) on Pieris brassicae Pieridae: Lepidoptera) Khalida Hameed 92-ag/arid 229 01-06-1999 Study of interspecific Abbasi interactions between 85 NAME OF STUDENT REG. 97-arid-129 2007-10 9.P. Parasitoids associated with FruitInfesting Tephritidae in the Punjab Province (Pakistan). disease monitoring and identification of resistance source in sesame. Imran Bodlah Ahmad Zia Qamar Zia 98-arid-778 98-arid-889 93-ag/arid-369 2005-08 2004-08 2007-10 6. The Impact of Intercultural Operations 86 8. Asia Riaz 93-ag/arid 347 6. 01-09-2000 Screening of Different Wheat Cultivars Flour) Against the Attack of Tribolium astaneum Herbst Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Under Laboratory Conditions.3. Pakistan 16-09-1999 Evaluation of Resistance (Quaid-e-Azam in some Wheat Cultivars scholarship holder) to Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus. Saima Jamil 94-ag/arid 168 (Silver Medal) 7. M. Nazia Suleman 93-ag /arid 343 (Silver Medal) 5. 16-10-1999 Evaluation of Resistance in Different Chickpea Strains to Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus (Coleoptera:Bruchidae) under Laboratory Conditions. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Under Laboratory Conditions. Muhammad Ashfaq 99-arid-735 Encarsia lutea and Eretomocerus near munda (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) the parasitoids of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) 01-09-1999 Survey of Entomopathogenic Nematodes from Different Soils and Crop Areas of NWFP. Ansa Tamkeen 00-arid-353 9. Compositae) genotypes and their correlation with yield component under field conditions 01-04-2002 Susceptibility of Different Maize Genetic Lines to the Attack of Sitotroga cerealella (Olive) under Laboratory Conditions. Mukaram Ali 96-arid-174 4. 17-09-2001 Response of different insect pests to some sunflower (Helianthus annuus Linnaeus.Misba-ul-Haq 96-arid-52 01-10-2002 . Ambreen Saba 00-arid-804 17. Syed Ahmad Zia 98-arid-889 16-09-2004 12. Liaquat Ali Hashmi 99-arid-736 01-12-2004 13. 87 . Impact of ants on Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus on chickpea. Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) attacking different genotypes of chickpea. Vulnerability of maize cultivars to insect pests due to nitrogenous fertilizer. Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus Influence of different utensils on Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus on chickpea. Mehwish Hameed 01-arid-620 2007 And Different Genotypes on the Insect Pests Attacking Sunflower (Helianthus annuus (Linnaeus) at Different Localities and Their Correlation With Yield Antixenosis and antibiosis tests on stored chickpea beetle. Arshad Ayyaz 00-arid-767 2006 Gold Medal 2006 16. Muhammad Ramzan 99-arid-205 2006 15. Impact of different concentrations of some plant extracts and oils on stored chickpea beetle.10.Gelechiidae) under laboratory conditions. Muhammad Ijaz 98-arid-807 01-10-2004 11. Impact of temperature on Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus on chickpea. Muhammad Assad Abbas 99-arid-196 17-10-2005 14. Callosobruchus chinessis (Coleoptera: Brchidae) attacking chickpea. Bioefficacy of some plant materials against stored chickpea beetle. Varietal resistance in different wheat genetic lines to the attack of Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (Lepidoptera. Asma Batool 05-arid-364 2006-07 Occurrence and influx of insect vermin on baby corn under spring conditions Beneficial and Harmful Arthropods Occurring on Rose of China (Hibiscusrosa -sinensis) and their Correlation with some Environmental Factors. Ruqqya Naz. Beneficial and Harmful Arthropods Occurring on Rose (Rosa indica) and their Correlation with some Environmental Factors. 04-arid-1014 2006 25. Effect of temperature on Callosobruchus chinensis L. turpentine oil and red soil on Callosobruchus chinensis in stored chickpea. Rabia Anayat 05-arid-346 2006-07 26. Ayesha Khan 03-arid-757 2005 22. Uzma Bibi 01-arid-1556 2004 20. Effect of animal and plant source ashes. Sundas Rana Qureshi 01-arid-617 Thesis in process 19. Saadiya Majeed 03-arid–769 2005 23. Nafeesa Majeed 05-arid-368 2006-07 27. Ishrat Mahjabeen 01-arid-1538 2004 21.18. Jabeen Akhtar 04-arid-1027 2006 24.(Bruchidae: Coleoptera) on stored chickpea Nature and extent of infestation of olive plants by termites and their management Nature and extent of infestation of citrus plants by Papilio demoleus Linnaeus and its Mnagement Feeding behavior of Earias insulana on okra and suggestions to minimize its attack on okra Feeding behavior of Leucinodes orbonalis Guanee on brinjal and suggestions to minimize its attack on brinjal Feeding behavior of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) on guava and suggestions to minimize 88 . ) pollination on fruit setting and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.its attack on guava 28.) Thermal management of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) using low temperature. Ishrat Kaneez 03-arid-185 2007-09 Feeding behavior of Helicoverpa armigera on Tomatoes and suggestions to minimize its attack on Tomatoes Impact of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on Maize flour under laboratory conditions. Mahwish Raza 03-arid-186 2007-09 34. Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh 03-arid-196 2007-09 . Noreen Azam 05-arid-363 2006-07 29. Ghulam Sarwar 04-arid-235 2007 32. Khalid Mahmood 02-arid -23 2006-08 30. Effect of honeybee (Apis mellifera L. Use of elevated temperature for management of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Colour variation in Pediculus humanus capitis (De Geer) (Anoplura: Pediculidae) in response to human host belonging 89 33. Shabnum Farid 06-arid-1441 2006-08 31. Impact of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on Wheat flour under laboratory conditions. to different demographic backgrounds. M. in relation to honey production. MUHAMMAD ASLAM S. (HONS) EQUIVALENT TO M. 93-ag-arid406 2. Salman Majeed 07-arid-265 2007-09 Effect of thymol and formic acid against parasitic mite Tropilaelaps clareae (Delfinado and Baker) of honey bee Apis mellifera L. 38. Biochemical and physical characteristics of wheat grains affected by Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus) infestation. 35. Qurat-ul-Ain 07-arid-264 2007-09 M. Screening of different cultivars of roses against Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus) and its management.PHIL STUDENTS PRODUCED UNDER THE MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSOR DR. Muhammad Afzal 94ag/arid 202 COMPLETION TITLE OF THESIS/ YEAR DISSERTATION/ RESEARCH 01-06-2000 Evaluation of quality of commercially produced Trichogramma sp in Pakistan 2001 Evaluation of wooden blocks treated with Methyl Eugenol for male annihilation for on farm control of some fruit and vegetable flies (Diptera:Tephritidae) at Punjgiran (District: Islamabad) Pakistan.Sc. NO 1. Physico-chemical characteristics of maize grains affected by Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae).Sc / M. Qasim Alee 07-arid-263 2007-09 37.# NAME OF STUDENT Abdul Rehman REG. 90 . Khalid Rafique 07-arid-261 2007-09 36. Sumera Aslam 00-arid-782 2007 8. Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) against some insecticides used in cotton. Sohaib Shahid 02-arid128 2008 . Muhammad Naveed Rafiq 95-arid-72 2001 4.Pakistan. Soil macrofauna variation in Margalla Hill national Park.3. Saiyed Zameer Ahmad Jaafery 98-arid 835 2004 11. Screening of different maize cultivars against maize stem borer Chilo partellus Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyrallidae). Imran Abbas Gulshan Riaz 00-arid-768 00-arid-778 2007 2006 13. Evaluation of different varieties of brinjal against brinjal stem borer Euzophera perticella Rag. Naheed Akhtar 96-arid-03 2002 6. 12. Effect of some botanical oils against insect pests of sesame. Biological aspects of crown rot of groundnut (Arachis hypogea) caused by Aspergillus niger and its biological control. Host plant resistance of maize against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky under laboratory conditions. Adila shaukat 98-arid-758 2004 7. Population dynamics and distribution of wheat aphids and their natural enemies. Biodiversity assessment and its effect on the environment of Shakar Parian Forest Resort Regeneration assessment of chir (Pinus roxburgii ) in Tret Forest Sub Division Murree Hills. Lubna Ansari 00-arid-807 2006 14. Syed Sada Hussain 02-arid-31 2008 15. Shakeel Ahmad 96-arid-49 2002 5. Bushra Allah Rakha 03-arid-779 2005 10. Jaweria Chaudhry Siddique 01-arid-1539 2003 Determination of resistance in Beet armyworm. (Lepidoptera: pycitidae) Bionomics of aphids and their parasitoids on wheat 91 9. Growth and reproduction of earthworm (Eisenia fetida) in different organic media. Population dynamics of thrips (Frankliniella tritici) on different rose varieties. 26. Diversity of soil invertebrate species of Shakarparian. Pakistan Diversity of soil invertebrate species of Khewra Salt Range. 18. Daud-ul-Hassan Khan Tahir Mahmood Khan 01-arid-567 03-arid-103 03-arid-150 2007-09 2007-09 2007-09 M. Naveed Usman 21. Responses of aphids and their natural enemies on wheat crop. “Population dynamics of insects pests on different enteries of safflower” Aphid population dynamics: Do natural enemies influence population size on Brassica crop? Responses of aphid and their natural enemies on cauliflower varieties. 27. 22. Pakistan. Taxonomic studies of cetoniid beetle (Cetoniidae: coleoptera) of Pothwar Region.16. Effect of inoculum density of root knot nematode on okra at different ages Effect of major storage insect pests on wheat seed and their control. 20. Mohsin Hasnat Avais Jahangir 24. Saleha Shahid Siddiqui 03-arid-180 03-arid-198 07-arid-258 2007-09 2007-09 2007-09 M. 19. Laila Khalid 07-arid-260 07-arid-262 06-arid-573 06-arid-586 05-arid-334 2007-09 2007-09 2008 2008 2008-09 Muhammad Ramzan Zeb-un-Nisa Mahjabeen Zulfiqar Sangam Khalil 92 . M. Huma Shereen 06-arid-1440 2008 17. 28. Taxonomy of Crane Flies (Tipulidae: Diptera) of Pothwar Region. Israr Arshsd 02-arid -148 2007-2008 and brassica. 23. 25. Population Dynamics Of Lipaphis erysimi and Brevicoryne brassicae On Oil Seed Brassica. 96-arid-06 2000 Screening of some sunflower Helianthus annuus Linnaeus. STUDENTS SUPERVISED BY PROFESSOR DR. Rosaceae).B. Younis Jatoi ..Sc. 96-arid-03 2000 Melittophily Aphidophagy found on sunflower Helianthus annuus Linnaeus (Compositae) genotypes. Hafiz-ur Rehman 6. 99-arid-196 2003 Population density of armyworm (Mythimna separata on wheat (Triticum aestivum. Rosaceae). 99-arid 232 2003 Status of bagworm Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth) on moor punkh (Thuja orientalis with respect to abiotic factors. Muhammad Assad Abbas 8. M.Sc. NAME OF STUDENT Shakeel Ahmad OF THESIS/ COMPLETION TITLE YEAR DISSERTATION/ RESEARCH 96-arid-49 2000 Influence of environmental factors on rose aphid (Macrosiphum rosaeiformis Das) (Homoptera: Aphididae) attacking rose Rosa indica var Iceburg. Younis Jatoil 3. 93 REG. 93-ag/arid-343 1999 Biology of Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) under laboratory conditions. Naheed Akhtar Awan 5. M. Nazia Suleman 4.(Brassica oleracea var Capitata. Compositae) genotypes against insect pests. MUHAMMAD ASLAM S #. 2. 96-arid-36 2001 Antixenosis of Brevicoryne brassicae on different genotypes of cabbage.arid -36 2001 Influence of environmental factors on Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus Hood (Thysanoptera: Heliothripidae) feeding on Rosa indica var Iceburg. (HONS) EQUIVALENT TO M. NO 1. 96 . Muhammad Afzal Ghani Suleria 7. Varietal Resistance of Canola and influence of abiotic factors on population of mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. Khalid Mahmood 02-arid-23 2006 Potency of some spices against Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus Infestation trend of Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) on wheat crop (Triticum aestivum Linnaeus) in rainfed conditions. Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae) against different stored product commodities under laboratory conditions.H. Bajwa Muhammad Ijaz 97-arid-147 97-arid-168 98-arid 807 2002 10. 2003 11. Host plant resistance in maize against major pests attacking at early stage of the crop. 94 . Screening of maize germ plasm against insect pests of economic importance. Sundas Rana Qureshi 01-arid-617 2005 16. Ibrarul Hassan 97-arid-140 2003 12. Evaluation of maize germplasm for resistance against major insect pests. Mehwish Hameed 01-arid-620 2005 15. Management of Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus on stored chickpea (Cicer arietinum) with Brassica juncea.Z. Antixenosis test on Red Flour Beetle.Arshad Ayyaz. Khalid Ali Khan and M.9. M. Imran Abbas and Riaz Hussain 00-arid-767 00-arid-768 00-arid-775 2004 14.Arshad Ayyaz 00-arid-767 2004 13. M. 19. UIER UAAR 2002 A study of examination system of Pakistan and development of a model for twenty first century Ph. UIER UAAR 2001 A study to evaluate the impact of foreign aided girls’ primary education development project in Pakisatan ALP PARC Islamabad 01-01-01-023 Integrated management of fruitflies in Pakistan Ph. UIER UAAR 2002 A study to evaluate five year plans in education sector from 1955 to 1998 in Pakistan Ph.D. UIER UAAR 2001 A study to evaluate the infused concepts of population environment and drug education in the existing school curricula Ph. PBG UAAR 2004 Genetic diversity and gene action in mungbean (Vigna radiata ) L. PBG UAAR 2004 Inheritance of seed and seedling vigor in rice (Oryza sativa L) Ph. 17.D.D.D. ALP PARC Islamabad 01-01-01-076 Assessment of suitable sealant materials for measuring the gas tightness of public sector ware houses and tarpaulins used for covering the open stakes (ganjees).MUHAMMAD ASLAM S.D. 13. 18. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ETC) REVIEWED BY PROF. 11. 7.D. 12. UIER UAAR 2002 A comparative study of teacher evaluation systems of United States of America and Pakistan Ph.#.D. UIER UAAR 2002 A comparative study of secondary school and GCE O-level science education programmes in Pakistan Ph. UIER UAAR 2001 A study to investigate into the nature and extent of contribution of private sector in the development of primary education in Pakistan Ph. 9. 5. 10. Ph. DETAIL OF THE SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES REVIEWED Ph. Wilezek ALP PARC Islamabad 01-03-01-019 Integrated Management of canola ALP PARC Islamabad 01-01-01-065 Studies on mycotoxins in corn through latest techniques. UIER UAAR 2002 A study of science curricula to develop a DATE REVIEW COMPLETED 19-01-2001 04-05-2001 11-06-2001 26-06-2001 26-06-2001 26-06-2001 16-08-2001 27-08-2001 16-10-2001 16-10-2001 14-11-2001 23-11-2001 30-11-2001 20-12-2001 01-01-2002 16-02-2002 03-04-2002 04-04-2002 17-04-2002 95 . 4. PSF. Ph. 2. UIER UAAR 2001 A study of practice teaching of prospective secondary school teachers and development of a practice teaching model. BZU.D.D.SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES (PROJECT PROPOSALS (UAAR. ALP PARC. UIER UAAR 2002 Factors affecting the development of female higher education in Pakistan and and future strategies Ph. 6.D. 1. PCST. 8. 14. SJA.D. UIER UAAR 2002 A study to develop a model for in service training of teachers in Pakistan Ph. UIER UAAR 2002 A study of nature and causes of crimes in educated youth in Pakistan Ph.D. 3. PBG UAAR 2004 Genetic diversity of agro-morphological and high molecular weight glutennin subunits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L ) land races Ph.D. DR.D. 15.D. 16. 30. RMF UAAR 2004 Productivity and residual effects of green manure legumes in cereal based cropping system in Potowar Plateu Ph. 36.D. 21. UIER UAAR 2004 Problems and prospects of higher education in Pakistan Ph.D.D. 25. UIER UAAR 2004 Problems and prospects of technical education in Pakistan Ph. 38.D. UIER UAAR 2004 Analysis of national science curriculum at secondary school level in Pakistan Ph. 27. UIER UAAR 2004 Analysis of examination system at university level in Pakistan ALP PARC Islamabad CS-029 Save grain compaign for enhancing food availability at village level ALP PARC Islamabad CS-065 Measuring resistance of weeds of wheat against different herbicide groups in rice wheat and cotton wheat cropping systems ALP PARC Islamabad CS-063 Development of botanical pesticides from traditionally used plant derivatives against stored grain pests. model for next mellinium Ph. 39. UIER UAAR 2004 Construction and standardization of intelligence test for secondary level Ph. 28. 31.D. 22. ALP PARC Islamabad NR-017 Studies on IPM with reduced chemical beekeeping approach to avoid related treatment resistance of parasitic mites. UIER UAAR 2004 Study of attributions of low achievers and high achievers about the perceived causes of their success and failure Ph. UIER UAAR 2004 Effectiveness of reward and punishment as modifiers of students classroom behavior Ph.D. 29. 32.D.D. 37. 34.D. UIER UAAR 2004 Effectiveness of teacher training in developing professional attitude of perspective secondary school teacher Ph. 24.D.D. UIER UAAR 2002 Self financing in higher education in public and private sector :its prospects and implications Ph.D. 23. honey bee diseases pests ALP PARC Islamabad CS-030 Monitoring of resistance to phosphine in major stored grain insect pests ALP PARC Islamabad CS-120 The role of spiders to economize the use of pesticides on cotton (IPM) and to protect the environment from their harmful effect ALP PARC Islamabad CS-047 Integrated management of stone fruits in Peshawar region Federal Seed Certification Department Islamabad Response of 17-04-2002 11-06-2002 15-07-2002 25-07-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 12-11-2002 05-05-2003 05-05-2003 05-05-2003 18-07-2003 16-09-2003 16-09-2003 16-09-2003 27-03-2004 96 . UIER UAAR 2004 Effect of computer assisted instruction (CAI) on the secondary school students achievement in science Ph. UIER UAAR 2004 Analysis of curriculum process and development of model for secondary level in Pakistan Ph.20. 33. PBG UAAR 2005 Genetic diversity for morpho-genetic traits and Horden seed protein in barley germ plasm Ph. 35. 26.D. 40. BZU Multan Sustainable management of insect pest complex of cotton through biorational pesticides and Chrysoperla carnea Stephen in Faisalabad Pakistan Sindh Agrivarsity PJAAEVS Tandojam Seasonal abundance of aphidophagous predators in berseem 175/2004/SJA 21-10-2004 Peshawar Development of Chrysoperla … 206/2004/SJA 13-12-2004 Peshawar Effect of pesticides Swat valley 30/2005/SJA 03-03-2005 Peshawar Comparative efficacy of insecticides stem borer. 43. PSF/RES/S-US/BIO(372) Biodiversity and Biogeography of Mantodea in Pakisatan 139/2005/SJA 22-08-2005 Peshawar Effect of nitrogen wheat crop 141/2005/SJA 22-08-2005 Peshawar Effect of adult diets Federal Seed Certification Department Islamabad Evaluating the seed reactions of certain chickpea genotypes against the action of pulse beetle (Bruchidae:Coleoptera) 222/2005/SJA Peshawar Dynamics of chickpea pod borer…… 266/2005/SJA 23-11-2005 Peshawar Effect of grains Gelechiidae World Journal of Agri Sciences Boll weevil (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) and Pink boll worm (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae) incidence in early middle and late maturing cotton with cattle grazing effects in cotton residues Mexico. 44.D. 53.41. 59. 45. 57. 55. Dissertation ENT 506 (3)/2006 02-08-2006 Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh –2202 Bangladesh Bioecology and management of stemfly Ophiomyi phaseoli (Tryon)(Diptera:Agromyzidae) on blackgram 17-04-2004 26-07-2004 30-07-2004 30-07-2004 29-10-2004 05-01-2005 07-03-2005 02-06-2005 27-08-2005 27-08-2005 01-09-2005 01-10-2005 26-11-2005 03-05-2006 31-05-2006 27-06-2006 29-07-2006 10-08-2006 22-08-2006 23-08-2006 97 . 56. 51. 48. 54. 46. USA PCST Islamabad Effects of insecticides on faunal biodiversity in different ecosystems of Pak – Italy regions Sindh Agrivarsity PJAAEVS Tandojam Biological parameters of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephen) on mustard and wheat aphids Federal Seed Certification Department Islamabad Resistance variability within gram seeds of different genotypes against the intrusion of cowpea weevil Callosobruchus analis L ALP PARC Islamabad CS-128 Save grain compaign for public sector storage located in Sindh ALP PARC Islamabad CS-204 Management of peach flat headed borer. 42. gram dhora to insecticide with contact mode of action BZU Multan Development and field application of Trichogramma chilonis against bollworms of cotton BZU Multan Integrated management of maize borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) in maize crop. 52. 50. Sphenoptera dadkhani (Oben) and other borers causing gummosis problem in stone fruit orchards of Peshawar valley (NWFP) Ph. 60. 58. 49. 47. 71. HEC proposal No. Invitro anthelmintic activity of hydroalcoholic extracts of some Artemisia spp.D Dissertation Bioefficacy and Residue Study of Lufenuron on Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae) M. Zoology UAAR. UAAR.61. 65. 62. Pakistan.em. 68.Phil.Incidence of tuberculosis in dairy farms of Islamabad area of Pakistan. 64. UAAR/PP Biology and management of charcoal rot disease of mung bean (Vigna radiata) (L) Wilezek) and mash bean (Vigna mungo) (L) Hepper UAAR/PP Epidemiology of yellow rust of wheat Triticum aestivum L. 993 Sustainable management of insect pests of rice crop with special reference to biocontrol agents and biorational insecticides University of Pune India Ph.D. 76. UAAR. 66.Thell) DR UAAR/RP Characterization of epidemiology and biochemical factors in relation to resistance against mung bean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) PARC Pak J Agri Res Development and monthly percent damage of Callosobruchus chinensis L. 70. 75. M. 73. The comparative haematology of beetal and Indigenous hairy goats (Jattal) reared in Potohar region of Pakistan. Sindh Agrivarsity PJAAEVS Tandojam Response of newly developed high yielding and early maturing cotton strains against population of jassid (Amrasca devastans Dist) UAAR/PP Stripe rust analysis of D-Genome synthetic wheats and their molecular diversity PSF/RES/P -NIAB/AGR(358) Use of conventional and nuclear techniques to improve mass rearing of Bracon helector (Say) and its host Galleria mellonella L UAAR PP Sreeening of synthetic hexaploid subset for Biolaris sorokiniana (Helminthosporium satvum) and their D Genome diversity around microsatellite markers / or Rapds (RAPDS) UAAR PP Evaluation of elite II synthetic hexaploid wheat against barley yellow dwarf virus and their molecular diversity Ph. 77. 74. 63.Phil. 69.biology. Food preferences of snow leopard (Uncia uncia) in Himalayas. 78. Zoology UAAR Seroprevalence of tonoplasma gondiianibodies in farm animals reared at Kharimurat Livestock reproduction and production unit. – Indigenous of Northern areas of Pakistan. 67.D.biology. Zoology UAAR. Zoology UAAR In vitro ovicidal and larvicidal activity of some locally available plants against gastro-intestinal nematodes of 25-09-2006 07-12-2006 11-01-2007 11-01-2007 12-01-2007 31-01-2007 08-02-2007 16-02-2007 26-04-2007 19-05-2007 08-07-2007 08-07-2007 22-09-2007 22-09-2007 22-09-2007 23-09-2007 23-09-2007 23-09-2007 24-09-2007 98 . North Pakisatan. Zoology UAAR Effect of different avian egg yolk in extender on the freezability of buffalo spermatozoa. UAAR/PP Cellular changes induced by Meloidogyne incognita on okra and its management Ph. 72. 79. ZOOLOGY UAAR A cross sectional study: The regulation of anterior pituitary and adrenal hormones secretion in normal school going and working boys throughout puberty. 85. Zoology UAAR Optimization of conditions for assessment of genetic diversity in some Asiatic bears. some ruminants. Lahore.(Momordica charantia) Faculty Sciences UAAR Expression studies and activity evaluation of bovine growth harmone using mammalian cell line ZOOLOGY UAAR Prevalence and characterization of mycobacterium bovis in clinical isolates from patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. purification. 26-09-2007 94. 26-09-2007 91. 25-09-2007 88. 26-09-2007 90. Ph.80. 84. Faculty Sciences Evaluation of Technetium 99m radiolabeled antibiotics for use of nuclear medicine. 24-09-2007 24-09-2007 24-09-2007 25—09-2007 25-09-2007 25-09-2007 25-09-2007 87. ZOOLOGY UAAR Prevalence and characterization of pathogenic bacteria from fish culture in pond fertilized with different organic manures. Zoology UAAR Incidence and control of hypocal in dairy cattle and buffalo in Islamabad. 26-09-2007 26-09-2007 93. 97. 25-09-2007 89. Zoology UAAR Seasonal distribution of Cercariac of Fasciola gigantica infecting different freshwater snails of barani region of Pakistan ZOOLOGY UAAR Minerals dynamics in dairy buffaloes fed on calcium and phosphorous supplementation. 92. 86. 81. and quantification of Quercetin from onion (Allium cepa) Zoology UAAR Haematological changes in response to gastrointestinal infection (Gin) in salt range sheep reared at livestock production unit Kharimurit Pakistan Faculty Sciences Isolation and characterization of active peptides from Pisum sativum (garden pea)having antimicrobial activity against mammalian pathogens. Zoology UAAR Determination of pollutants in the water and fish fauna of Kabul River. Faculty Sciences UAAR Genetic transformation of rice (Oryza sativa) for stress tolerance. 27-09-2007 28-09-2007 28-09-2007 99 . 82. 98. ZOOLOGY UAAR Preservation of Bull cauda epididymal spermatozoa Zoology UAAR the assessment of iodine deficiency in lactating mothers residing in Islamabad and adjoining areas. NWFP. 83. Faculty Sciences Isolation. Faculty Sciences Isolation and characterization of antimicrobial activity conferring components from the seeds of bitter gourd. 95.D. 27-09-2007 27-09-2007 96. Zoology An epidemiological study on faciolosis in large ruminants of Potohar areas Pakistan. Zoology UAAR Studies on the changing in Avian community structure of the river. 99. PP PMAS AAUR Characterizing novel wheat germplasm for kernal bunt resistance using phenological and molecular diagnostics. Purification and Quantification of Quercetin from Onion (Allium cepa L. Zoology UAAR determination of iodine deficiency in preganant women residing in and around RawalpindiIslamabad. 105.D. Biodiversity of Entozoic flagellates of the Heterotermes indicola and Coptotermes heimi and the effect of wood Extracts and Anti Protozoan drugs on flagellates. Dissertation.D.D. AGR RES FAISALABAD.). 111. Biodiversity and pollination: Plant pollinator interactions in semi natural landscape and agriculture of southern irrigated zone of Punjab.Phil PMAS AAUR in vitro ovicidal and larvicidal activity of some locality available plants species on gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants. 110. Pakistan BZU Multan Ph. PP Ph. Faculty Sciences Production of Lignin peroxidase by Granoderma lucidum using lignocellulosic inducer substrates. 29-09-2007 29-09-2007 10-1-2007 01-11-2007 12-10-2007 31-10-2007 08-11-2007 13-11-2007 15-11-2007 21-11-2007 05-12-2007 08-12-2007 08-12-2007 08-12-2007 15-03-2008 05-04-2008 115. 07-04-2008 08-04-2008 100 . PP Ph. 109.D. 101. 114. 108. PMAS AAUR Isolation. 106. 103. Biology M. Comparative efficacy of different Fenoxaprop formulations to control monocot weeds in wheat. distribution and partial characterization of cucumber mosaic Cucumovirus (CMV) in Chilli. Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solacearum strains causing bacterial wilt of solanaceous crops in Pakistan PP PMAS AAUR Pathogenesis and study of resistance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) against kernal bunt (Tilletia indica) GC University Lahore. Ph. Zoology M. 100. 113. PP UAAR Effect of inoculum density of root knot nematode on okra at different ages.D. J. PMAS AAUR Plant aero microbial population in the atmosphere of Rawalpindi and Islamabad (twin cities) and its impact on major crops. PP UAAR Biological approach for the management of collar rot (Sclerotium roefsii Sacw) in Lentil ( Lens culinaris Medik) Prevalance. 116. 112. 102. PP PMAS AAUR Evaluation and Characterization of D Genome based synthetic hexaploid wheats for yellow rust resistance PP PMAS AAUR Ph. Phil. Project proposal Hort Development and optimization of methods for determinations of pesticide residues in Kinnow mandarins BZU Multan Ph. 104. 107. PMAS AAUR Molecular characterization of citrus tristeza closterovirus (CTV) through coat protein gene sequence. The role of bark beetle as a potential vector of mango quick decline and its management in the mango orchard.D. 117. B and D wheat genome derived germplasms for powdery mildew resistance: Morpho-Molecular characterization.Sc. (Hons) Evaluation of A. PP M.Sc. diversity and utilization potential for wheat improvement. PP M. 20-08-2008 20-08-2008 101 . (Hons) Stripe rust resistance and genetic diversity of some “A” genome diploid progenitor resources of wheat. 118. Pakistan BSc. UAF. Pakistan Computer Applications: Good knowledge and experience of the following computer softwares: Microsoft Word. Exel. Minitabe and SSPS for statistics.1997 University of Leeds Leeds.D.(Hons) 1992 University of Agriculture Faisalabad.D. 1. 2005 in United Kingdom 2. of Pakistan. Cricket and Microcal Origin Graphics. Pakistan University of Agriculture First Division Faisalabad. England agroforestry MSc. Power point Idealist. Pakistan Agricultural Entomology Distinctions: The following scholarships were awarded from the Govt. Experimental studies of Arthropod community structure: a resource-based approach Research and Teaching: 102 . Higher Education Commission One year Postdoctorate Fellowship from Feb. Pakistan Ministry of Education: Two years scholarship for MSc.(Hons). Jan. Pakistan Ministry of Education: Three years postgraduate foreign scholarship for Ph. 31. Internet Experience Highlights Research: Systematic of Insects: * Mantodea (Dictyoptera) * Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) * Aphids (Homoptera) * Aphid parasitoids and hyperparasitoids (Hymenoptera) * Aphid predators (Hoverflies: Diptera.(Hons) 1989 environment” First Division Agricultural Entomology. in United Kingdom 3. 2004 to Feb. Mantodea (Dictyoptera) of Punjab Province. MUHAMMAD NAEEM Associate Professor Area of Researach SYTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY ==================================================================== Qualifications: Degree Year Institution Position & Research Area “Responses of aphids & their natural enemies to a silvoarable Ph. Windows Paintbrush and Draw.DR. Coccinellids: Coleoptera) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Biological Control of the insect pests in a silvoarable agroforestry landscape. UK. pitfall traps and suction sampler) at Leeds University Farm. insect collection.D. Field Work: 1990-91 1994 Mantids were collected various localities of the Punjab Province yielded 31 species in 21 genera under 5 families. Field experience. 2004 Served as a superitendent of Boys Hostel. Assistant Professor. Blakely on Butterfly immature stages. Lecturer. Associate Professor. Experience with Dr. Experience with D. Laboratory experience. Rawalpindi. 2001-2005 2005 to date Demonstrator to undergraduate. yellow water-pan traps. Rawalpindi. University of Arid Agriculture. Rawalpindi. 2004 Serving as a tutor of group I in University of Arid Agriculture. Headly Hall. Department of Entomology.Phillips in field samplings (leaf survey. Served as an invigilator in Leeds University in May-June. University of Arid Agriculture. Secretary board of study 1999 to Jan. UAAR. 1995 Associate Editor 2001 to 2003 Serving as associate editor of Pakistan Journal Of Arid Agriculture Consultant Editor Jan-July 2000 Worked as consultant editor for Pakistan Journal Of Arid Agriculture Tutor group I 2001 to Jan. Leeds. insect setting and identification. 2004 Serving as a secretary of the board of study of the Department of Entomology. 2006 to 2007 Superitendent of Jinnah Hall 103 . Leeds University. University of Arid Agriculture. University of Arid Rawalpindi.1994 1996 1998-2001 Agriculture. Rawalpindi. Superitentend 2001 to Jan. Department of Entomology. Department of Entomology. 6. Nazar Iqbal (95-arid-14). Muhammad Ramzan (07-arid-262) Taxonomic studies of cetoniid beetle (Cetoniidae: coleoptera) of Pothwar Region. Ghulam Rabbani (07-arid-280) Biological studies of Diaretiella rapae (Mcintosh) 12. 2. 2002. Saleha Shahid Siddiqui (03-arid-180) Responses of aphid and their natural enemies on cauliflower varieties 11.Sc. Waqas Abdullah (00-arid-819). 13. 2004. M. UAF. 9. Sharafat Ali (94-arid-172). Mohsin Hasnat (03-arid-280) Taxonomy of crane flies of Pothwar region (b) Department of Zoology 14.) in Relation to Different Fertility Regimes Using NPK. Alumni Association. Conditions. 2001. M. UK 1993-97 Pakistan Overseas Society 1994-95 International Student Organisation 2002 to date The Agrics. 2006. Shakeel Ahmed (96-arid-49). chillies) to major insect/pests under field conditions in Islamabad. Sajida Iqbal (98-arid-160). tomato. 2008. 10.Joint Secretary 2005 to date The AGRICS Alumni Association. Imran Abbas (00-arid-768). M. FYM and EMCompost. 2001 Evaluation of Resistance in some Wheat Cultivars to T. 4. Voluntarily work for three months to High Commission in London and Consulate of Pakistan in Bradford. Population Dynamics And Distribution of Wheat Aphids And Their Natural Enemies. Bandicota bengalensis (Gray). The following students completed their M. Abrar Ali Mohsin (04-arid-234). Islamabad-Rawalpindi Affiliations & Memberships: Hold memberships of the following Organisation and Societies 1992-97 Agroforestry Research Group. 7. Bionomics of Rose Aphids and their Natural Enemies. Interrelationship of Cereal Aphids and their Natural Enemies on Wheat. 2000. The Responses of Aphid Spp.(Hons) under my Supervision (a) Department of Entomology 1. Development of the Cereal Bait Formulations for the Lesser Bandicoot Rat. Nazish Bostan (99-arid-819). On Different Varieties of Brassica Crops. castanemum (Herbst) under Lab. Daud-ul-Hassan Khan (01-arid-567) Responses of exotic vegetable crops of solanaceae family (brinjal. The Responses of the Population Density of Insect Pests of Maize (Zea mays L. 2000. 104 . 2006. Naveed Usman (03-arid-150) Potential of biocontrol agents against population size of aphids on Brassica. 5. Comparative study of parasitoids attacking aphids on wheat and Brassica Working 8. 15. Irfan Ahmed (00-arid-354). Evaluation of the Diversity of Insects on Ground Flora of UAAR. 3. 17. Department of Entomology 19.16. Student. Ph. Evaluation of Resistance of Wheat and Maize Cultivars…….Sc. Abdul Rehman (93-ag/arid-406) Molecular Characterization of Parasitoids associated with Fruit-Infesting Tephritidae in the Punjab Province (Pakistan).D. Imran Bodla. Screening of Different Wheat cultivars ……………. Ghulam Ali Aphid population dynamics: Aphid population dynamics: A comparative evaluation of their natural enemies in brassica.D. Fozia Bashir (00-arid-1012). Students 2 student 105 . on maize stem borer and factors contributing to its efficiency as biocontrol agent.) Students 10 students Member for Ph. 22. 20. 21.. Qamar Zia (93-ag/arid-369) Ecological studies of Cotesia spp. (C) Working 18. Andleeb Sartaj (99-arid-759). Member for M. Ahmad Zia (98-arid-889) Biosystematics of Damselflies (Zygoptera:Odonata) of Pakistan.(Hons. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS: National 1. Naeem, M. and M. Yousuf. (1999). Taxonomy of Amorphoscelidae, Empusidae, Hymenopodidae and Eremiaphilidae (Mantodea: Dictyoptera) from Punjab Province (Pakistan). Pakistan Entomologist’s. 21(1-2). 33-38. 2. Naeem, M. and S.G. Compton, (2000). Population Dynamics of Filbert aphid, Myzocallis coryli (Goetze) on Hazel bushes to an Agroforestry System. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. V. 3(2). 306-308. 3. Naeem, M. Samina, A. Sartaj and T. Mehmood. (2000). Diversity of Soil Fauna in Hedges, Cultivated and Uncultivated Field Areas. Pakistan Journal of Arid Agriculture : 3(1-2): 2732. 4. Ali, S. M. Naeem and Ehsan ul Haq. (2000). Evaluation of Cabbage Aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) on Different Varieties of Rapeseed Mustard Crop under Field Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(6):991-992. 5. Naeem, M. and M. Yousuf. (2000). Bisystematics of Mantidae (Mantodea: Dictyoptera) from Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan Entomologists. 22(1-2):111-115. 6. Latif, M. S. T. Alam and M. Naeem. (2001). Comperative Efficacy of Different Insecticides Against Whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn) on Two Cotton Varieties. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences 1(6):480-482. 7. Sartaj, A. Naeem, M. Samina and Mahmood T. (2001). Preference of Wheat and Maize by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) Under Laboratory Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Arid Agriculture 4(1-2): 85-89. 8. Bostan N. and M. Naeem. (2002). Evaluation of Resistance in Some Wheat Cultivars to Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) under Laboratory Conditions. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 1(2): 95-98. 9. Naeem M., S. Ahmed and M. Latif. (2002). Effect of Orchard on the Spread of Cotton Leaf Curl Viral Disease. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences. 1(2): 99-100. 10. Naeem M., S. Compton and L.D. Incoll. (2002). Population Trends of Barley-feeding Aphids and Their Parasitoids to an Agroforestry Environment. Pakistan Journal of Arid Agriculture. 5(2): 43-52. 106 11. Compton SGA and M. Naeem (2005) Dispersal and Landing of Insects in silvoarable agroforestry: Implications for Better Pest Management. Proceeding of International Workshop of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. 81-88pp. UAAR. 12. Mahmood K and M. Naeem (2006) Observation on animal behavior before and after earthquake in District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Abstracts: 26th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International). University of the Punjab, Lahore. 83-84. International 13. Incoll, L.D., D.T. Corry, C. Wright, D. Hardy, S.G. Compton, M. Naeem, D. Phillip and J. Griffiths. (1994). Silvorable experiment with quality timber production hedges. Agroforestry Forum, 5(1):22-23, University of Wales, Bangor. UK. 14. Naeem, M. S.G. Compton, D.S. Phillips and L.D. Incoll. (1994). Factors influencing aphids and their parasitoids in a silvoarable agroforestry system. Agroforestry Forum, 5(2):20-23, University of Wales, Bangor. UK. 15. Phillips D.S., J. Griffith, M. Naeem, S.G. Compton and L.D. Incoll. (1994). Responses of crop pests and their natural enemies to an agroforestry environment. Agroforestry Forum, 5(2):14-20, University of Wales, Bangor. UK. 16. Naeem M. and M. Yousuf. (1996). The Mantodea (Dictyoptera) of the Punjab Province of Pakistan. Entomologists Monthly Magazine Vol. 132: 281-284. London. 17. Mehmood, K., M. Yousuf and M. Naeem. (1996). The Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) of the Punjab Province of Pakistan. The Entomologist’s Record & Journal of Variation Vol. 108: 211-215. UK. 18. Naeem, M. S. G. Compton, L. D. Incoll, C. Wright and D. T. Corry. (1997). Responses of aphids to a silvoarable agroforestry landscape. Agroforestry Forum, 8:18-20, University of Wales, Bangor. UK. 19. Naeem, M., S. Compton, L. D. Incoll, Waseem Akram and Jong-Jin Lee. 2005. Interaction of English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F) and their natural enemies to an agro-forestry environment. J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. South Korea. 8: 175-183. 20. Naeem M., F. Shahzad and M. Riaz. (2005). Biosytematics of Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) from Potohar Region of the Punjab (Pakistan). Entomologists Monthly Magazine. 141: 219-226. Hollickwood Avenue, London. 21. Naeem, M., W. Wakil and N. Iqbal. (2005). Effects of inorganic fertilizers farm yard manure and effective microorganism compost on corn leaf aphid. Rhopalosiphum maidis fitch. and their predators. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture Research. 30(1): 1-7. 107 BIO DATA OF MR. HUMAYUN JAVED M. Sc. (HONS.) AGRI. ENTOMOLOGY. PARTICULARS. A. PERSONAL 1. Name 2. Father’s Name 3. Date of Birth 4. Domicile place 5. Identity card No. 6. Permanent address Humayun Javed Abdul Wahid 4.4.1961 (Fourth April nineteen sixty one) Punjab (Pakistan) 37405-0677403-7 DAA-House No. 4, street No. 6 Muslim Town, Kurri Road, Rawalpindi 7. Mailing address Assistant Professor Entomology, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi. B. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION RECORD S.#. Name of Institute 1. C.B. Tech High School Rawlapindi. 2. Govt. Zamindar Degree College, Gujrat. 3. Barani Agricultural College Rawalpindi. University of Agri., Faisalabad DISTINCTIONS Stood first in B. Sc. (Hons.) Agric. Department of Entomology at Barani Agricultural College, Rawalpindi. D. EXPERIENCE Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi. E. THESIS TITLE. Studies on the Biophysico-Chemical Resistance of Some Cotton Cultivars against Cotton Pest Complex. Year of Passing Matriculation (1976) F. Sc. (Pre-Medical) (1978) B. Sc. (Hons.) Agri. Entomology (1984) M. Sc. (Hons.) Agri. Entomology (1986) Division First Second Subject Science Pre-Medical 4. First C. G. P. A. (3.57) First C. G. P. A. (3.66) Entomology Entomology C. 108 Rawalpindi. Rawalpindi. Gujrat. Zamindar Degree College. 1. 2. Rawalpindi. University of Arid Agriculture. Tutor tutorial J. 5. 3. Laboratory Incharge Department of Entomology. 2.#. -doNational Agricultural Research Centre. University of Arid Agriculture. C. C. G. Rawalpindi. Member of the Examination scrutiny Committee. Acted as Co-ordinator Bee-Keeping short courses held during 1987 to 1988 at Barani Agricultural College. 5. 109 . National Agricultural Research Centre. during 1988-1995 in the Barani Agricultural College. S.F. Islamabad. Islamabad. 1. University of Arid Agriculture. -doBarani Agricultural College in cooperation with the international Agric. Bee-Keeping Attended From To 1976 1978 27th April 1987 19th May 1989 23rd July 1988 10th Aug 1989 28th April 1997 22nd April 1987 Bee-Keeping 15th May 1989 Teaching 13th July Methodology 1988 Teaching 29th July Methodology 1989 Bee-Keeping 24th April 1997 Institute Govt. Worked as Assistant Controller of Examinations. Rawalpindi. ACTIVITIES & RESPONSIBILITIES. 6. 4. group at the University of Arid Agriculture. Incharge maintenance Block-A. Training Programme. 4. Rawalpindi. Course N. 3. 6. COURSES ATTENDED. Muhammad Rafiq Khan and Mansoor Ahmad. Javed. H. Humayun Javed and Muhammad Aslam. M. PUBLICATIONS: 1. Biolog. 1998 influence of biotic factors on the population of Mustard aphid. A. Effect of Food supplementation by N and Ascorbic Acid on Larval Mortality of Silkworm (Bombyx mori L. Entomol.. Pl. Javed. 5. Evaluation of Catch Efficiency of medium and Lethal Range of Blocks for Mall Annihilation (MA) on fruit fry Bactrocera spp. H. Evaluation of soaked wooden killer blocks for annihilation (MA) on fruit fly Bctocera Spp. Javed. 2002. H. Afzal. (Diptera: Tephritidae). Relative Resistance among 22 Brassica napus cultivors Kalt. and M. Role of Physico-chemical factors imparting resistance in cotton against some insect pests. vol 14(5): 1998. Javed. 9. 14(1-2): 5355. Sci. 4:426-428. Sci. Afzal. 2. 3. J. Sci. 2001. Hussain. Biophysico chemical resistance of cotton cultivars against some pests Pak. Afzal. 4. 1:80-82. 1(5): 558-559. and M. 2001. H. Bio. 1992. H. 8. 7. Online Journal of Biological Sciences. J. Sarhad J. 1(1): 49-54. and H. H. 1(7): 577-579. and M. Pl. H. 2002. Afzal. Evaluation of Developmental and Reproductive Potential of Lysiphebus ambiguus (Braconidae: Hymenoptera). and M. Asian J. 2002. Ahmad Bilal Nasir.. Javed. Y. Evaluation of Commonly Available Aphids for their suitability as Host Range of Lysiphebus ambiguus (Haliday) Braconidae: Hemiptera. Muhammad Rafiq Khan Manzoor Ahmad. Javed. (Diptera: Tepritidae) Pakistan. and Agric.). Pak.H. Jatoi. Javed and S. Asian J. M. Sci. Sci. 6. 1(2): 109-111. Pak. Kakakhel. 110 . Asian J. Javed. 2001. Lipaphis erysimi Kaly. 1(5): 556-557. 1998. Impact of environmental factors and physicomorphic character of sunflower (Heliothus annus) genotypes on insect pest complex. Abrar. Javed. of plant sciences 2(17-24): 1166-1169. Microclimatic morphs and plant distribution analysis of cereal aphids on wheat. 2002. and A. H Javed. 12. Akhtar 2003. Asian J.2% N with various combinations of Ascorbic acid on Growth and silk production of silkworm (Bomby mori L. 11. 2004. Asian J. Akhtar. M. Akhtar. H.). Abrar. Khaliq. H. H. of plant sciences 3(5): 539-543. Shakoor. Asian J. Javed. 13. 111 . Asian J. Javed and I. and H. and A. Tariq. M. of plant sciences.10. Effect of 0. H. of plant sciences 3(4): 516-521. 2004.. Hussain. Microclimatic morphs and plant distribution analysis of Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) and Schizaphis Graminum (Roundani) on Wheat. 1(6): 650-651. H. Herzog.nology. Science. (ISSN 1016-4383). Population of harmful and beneficial arthropods on selected cotton strains under different levels of pest management.. Evaluation of resistance of Cotton Strains to Heliothis virescens (F) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory conditions. 1997. (ISSN 1016-4383). Chalfant and G.) attacking Virginia Tobacco. Chalfant and G.. .Science & Tech. Response of Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus) (Dictyoptera:Blattidae) to different food materials under natural Environments. Pak Tobacco (J) IV (2): 25-29. R. (ISSN 1028-8880).B. 1980. 1998. 1998.. Chalfant. Chalfant. Pak. Herzog and R. M-ul-Haq and M. Diversity of Arthropod populations in Conventional Tillage. Effect of Dipel. 1998. 1998. Sci. B.B. Agric.) in Punjab. Zarif Qazi. Herzog. Herzog.B. Aslam. Pak. M. Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (ISSN 1016-4383). 1998.A. Extent of damage to Virginia Tobacco by Agrotis ipsilon (Hfn.A. (ISSN 0250-5339) Aslam. 1998. 10. Journal .15 (5): 453 – 455. (ISSN 1016-4383). Arid. Herzog. Engg.. 7. Agri. R. Pak. Aslam.B.A. Biol. J. The Influence of Pest Management levels on the Yield of Different Cotton Strains. M. M. Aslam. M. Aslam.Science & Tech. Veterinary . Aslam. Agric.. Biol. M.. 12. Javed. 1(4):248-251 (ISSN 1028-8880). G.. Sarhad J. Aslam and A.nology 21: 15-17. 6. Chalfant and G. Naturally occuring Arthropods on Cotton Strains Grown under Different Levels of Pest Management. Agric. A. (ISSN 1027-877X).. R. (ISSN 1016-4383) Aslam.A. Herzog 1998. Aslam.. 9.B. Sarhad J. R.. 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Compton. M. Biosytematics of Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) from Potohar Region of the Punjab (Pakistan). Compton. K. Asia-Pacific Entomol. Compton.S. Rhopalosiphum maidis fitch. 42.G. Compton.T. Corry. Waseem Akram and Jong-Jin Lee.. D. Riaz. 36. Bangor. 132: 281-284. Naeem. UAAR. South Korea. Naeem. Incoll. University of Wales.D. F. and M. T. Hollickwood Avenue. S. W. 5(1):22-23. Agroforestry Forum.. Effects of inorganic fertilizers farm yard manure and effective microorganism compost on corn leaf aphid. 41. 40. UK. Naeem. Phillips. D.D. University of the Punjab. D. L. M. 38. D. Incoll. Incoll. Iqbal. The Entomologist’s Record & Journal of Variation Vol. London. C. 37. Compton and L. Naeem. S. UK. University of Wales. 1997. L. 8: 175-183. M. Bangor. S. M. Factors influencing aphids and their parasitoids in a silvoarable agroforestry system.S. and their predators.. Naeem. 35. Responses of aphids to a silvoarable agroforestry landscape. Sitobion avenae (F) and their natural enemies to an agro-forestry environment. 119 . 1994. L. D. Phillips and L. 8:1820. The Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) of the Punjab Province of Pakistan. University of Wales. G. J.. 2005.33. Naeem. Bangor. 83-84. 2005. 141: 219-226. International 34. Yousuf. Griffith. Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Incoll. Naeem. M. Phillip and J. Naeem 2006. Entomologists Monthly Magazine Vol. 108: 211-215. 1994. Agroforestry Forum. M..D. Responses of crop pests and their natural enemies to an agroforestry environment. Silvorable experiment with quality timber production hedges. M.. Naeem. C. 2005. London. S. Wakil and N. Bangor. (1996). 5(2):20-23. D. D. UK. 81-88pp.G. Hardy. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture Research. UK. Abstracts: 26th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International). Mahmood. 24. Javed and M. 1992. Sci. Javed. and H. Microclimatic morphs and plant distribution analysis of Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) and Schizaphis Graminum (Roundani) on Wheat. of plant sciences 3(4): 516-521. 16.RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS BY MR. Sci. Asian J. Khan and M. Relative Resistance among 22 Brassica napus cultivors Kalt. Evaluation of soaked wooden killer blocks for annihilation (MA) on fruit fly Bctocera Spp. of plant sciences 2(17-24): 1166-1169. HUMAYUN JAVED 14. 2002. H. 23. 22. J. Akhtar. Asian J. H. and M. Ahmad. and H. 1(2): 109111. 1998 influence of biotic factors on the population of Mustard aphid. Entomol. M. Effect of 0. M. H Javed.). 15. Abrar. 25. and M. Impact of environmental factors and physicomorphic character of sunflower (Heliothus annus) genotypes on insect pest complex.. R. J. 20. H. Pak. and Agric. Hussain.. 1(1): 49-54. Ahmad B. Abrar. Afzal. H. Ahmad. Kakakhel. 2001. Khan and M. A. Role of Physico-chemical factors imparting resistance in cotton against some insect pests. Asian J. 4:426-428. 18. Biolog. H. Javed. Shakoor. Sarhad J.. Pl. Jatoi. 1(5): 558-559. Javed. 2002. Online Journal of Biological Sciences. Javed and I. Lipaphis erysimi Kaly. and A. Sci.). H. 2002. Javed and S. vol 14(5): 1998.2% N with various combinations of Ascorbic acid on Growth and silk production of silkworm (Bomby mori L. 26. (Diptera: Tepritidae) Pakistan. and M. H. Tariq.. 1(5): 556557. 1(7): 577-579. Effect of Food supplementation by N and Ascorbic Acid on Larval Mortality of Silkworm (Bombyx mori L. Javed. 1:80-82. Evaluation of Developmental and Reproductive Potential of Lysiphebus ambiguus (Braconidae: Hymenoptera). 21. Microclimatic morphs and plant distribution analysis of cereal aphids on wheat. 120 . M. 14(1-2): 53-55. Evaluation of Catch Efficiency of medium and Lethal Range of Blocks for Mall Annihilation (MA) on fruit fry Bactrocera spp. Pak. 2002. Y. and M. Asian J. Biophysico chemical resistance of cotton cultivars against some pests Pak.. H. Pl. 1998. N. Javed. H. Afzal. M. 2004. 2001. R. Javed. Sci. of plant sciences 3(5): 539-543. Asian J. Afzal. Asian J. H. 19. Khaliq. of plant sciences. Bio. Sci. Hussain. Asian J.. (Diptera: Tephritidae). M. 17. Javed. H. Javed. Aslam.. Akhtar. Evaluation of Commonly Available Aphids for their suitability as Host Range of Lysiphebus ambiguus (Haliday) Braconidae: Hemiptera. 2004. 2001. and A. M. H. Akhtar 2003.. Afzal. Javed. H. 1(6): 650-651. Telephone sets/connections. Although at present offices for 121 . Standard.7. • • Registered antivirus software is immediately required. journals and periodicals. Practical lab space is also not meeting the needs which affects the quality of teaching. • IT issues.1: The institution must have the infrastructure to support new trends in learning such as e-learning: The faculty has access to e-library which is very helpful for the high quality education and producing research of international standard.2: The library must possess an up-to-date technical collection relevant to the program and must be adequately staffed with professional personnel The University Central Library has very limited number of books.3: Class-rooms must be adequately equipped and offices must be adequate to enable faculty to carry out their responsibilities Currently the class rooms are not enough and the space is not only limited but some basic facilities are lacking. • No regular/prompt arrangements are available to resolve IT and Telecommunication issued faced by the faculty members / students in the department. writer are required. • A printer with in built scanner and fax facility is urgently needed by the department. Registered version s of Microsoft Windows. Office XP.7. Adobe reader. However the department lacks facilities as mentioned below: • Majority of the faculty members do not have access to the PCs as department have only two Computers provided by the university. It needs funds allocation to establish a well equipped library at departmental level. Internet connections often remain out of ordered. • No registered softwares of computer programmes are available to be installed at departmental level. It does not meet the standards of a University Library.CRITERION 7: INSTITUTIONAL FACILITIES Standard. Standard. They also have access to the internet. Multimedia are not available for the lecture halls. Virus problems. It’s a small library in term of space and facilities with no catalogue systems. Department itself does not have a library.7. 122 . yet on the return of the remaining faculty. we will face severe problem regarding shortages of offices for the staff.the faculty are sufficient. D and M.Sc. The department offers admission annually to graduate and M. However Ph. This project will prove beneficial in improving the quality of education and research. Currently. The students have access to scientific literature through central laboratory. laboratories and computer facilities. RESEARCH STUDENTS REVIEW Proforma 4 was used to conduct survey to review the progress of Ph. research assistants and Ph. admission are usually offered in each semester.Sc. Hons students. Some students requested provision of computers.D. General inferences are drawn hereunder. Most of the students were satisfied with the level of supervision. Hons students. Standard 8-1: There must be sufficient support and financial resources to attract and retain high quality faculty and provide the means for them to maintain competence as teachers and scholars At present department is having inadequate financial resource to meet the present needs for a better education system.CRITERION 8: INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT The university administration has been striving to strengthen all the departments and upgradation of departments and establishing new Faculties and Institutes. Individual research grants for students and faculty are mainly supporting the departmental research activities.D. Standard 8-2: There must be an adequate number of high quality graduate students. students. 123 . Keeping in view the awful need for increasing the financial resources to establish a library. The university is also trying to attract highly qualified faculty members. the university has launched tenure track system which would be helpful in pooling up better human recourses as faculty members. The students had access to the available sophisticated equipments. tThe HEC has approved a project for strengthening the department. 3: Financial resources must be provided to acquire and maintain Library holdings. Although administration provides adequate financial resources. Standard. yet there is need to increase budget to carry out advance level research. 124 .Some students argued that equipments relating molecular and biochemical techniques should be made available in the department to carry out biochemical analysis of cereals. laboratories and computing facilities.8. toxicological study of insecticides and biosystematics study of insects. their performance score ranges from 4. Department also rendered its technical input in designing and development of courses curriculum. the employer survey depicted an above average level of graduates’ success and was ranked above 70% with regard to their knowledge and personality traits. Presently. international setups. Alumni survey revealed demonstrate variable results with regard to different traits like knowledge. Rawalpindi.with an average of 4. Department of Entomology.73.59. Bottlenecks earmarked as lack of scientific equipment in laboratories along with computers and their accessories. private sector and extension department. management and leadership qualities. Meanwhile the department has also been provided community technical services in household and field pest management. Entomology Department deals with the production of highly skilled manpower both at graduate and post-graduate levels and providing practical and economical solution to the insect pest problems for enhancing agricultural productivity in arid agriculture setup. The program’s mission objectives and outcomes are evaluated and strategic work plans are formulated to achieve stipulated measurable goals. research organizations.42 to 4. Additionally.32 with an average value of 4. Observing the required terms and conditions all pre-requisites were made available. Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University. Prior to the establishment of Arid Agriculture University in 1994. Student’s evaluation score ranged from 3. Entomology department has played an exclusive role in providing technical input in providing highly skilled man power to cater future needs of educational institutions. Rawalpindi has been endeavoring for setting high standards both in research and human resource development. The major objectives of this program include equipping graduates with necessary theoretical & practical knowledge in Entomology and conduct research to devise environment friendly IPM practices. interpersonal communication skill etc. Teachers’ evaluation figures of four teachers depict very much pleasing (satisfactory) standards.07. Periodic examinations were conducted as per schedules given by the Controller Exams and all 125 .Summary and Conclusions Since its inception. 5 faculty members are performing research and educational activities.79 to 4. this department had been working with in the domain of Barani Agricultural College. Most of the Program’s outcomes are found highly satisfactory. library facility.of the academic schemes were prepared strictly keeping the given timeline. The number of courses along with their titles and credit hours for each semester. hunting employment and effective interaction with professionals and farming community. facilities both for quality research and education are being developed at department level. through an HEC funded project. This development will help both students and faculty members in attaining stipulated targets in an efficient manner. Presently. delivery of material. recruitment policy. The level of their efficacy also falls between satisfactory and highly satisfactory rank. thus institutional support in this regard can play a pivotal role in streamlining the sustained development of the institution. training institutions at national and international level must be getting in touch with. Proper measures have been adopted to train students in effective communication and motivation skill. 126 . academic requirement and performance evaluation etc. their course contents for different degree programs were fully planned and finalized. In this regard a varied level of information was gathered but within satisfactory level (> 50%). organizing meetings and tutorials. and class room/laboratory equipment were also identified. Bottlenecks incase of availability of infrastructure. This report also indicates the available facilities and bottlenecks both in the field research and education. In addition to that procedures and practices set forth by the HEC and the university are fully observed during different processes involved in admission. To update the knowledge of the faculty members and improve their skills. conducting field visits. registration. Annexure -1 127 . 128 . 129 . Annexure -2 130 . 131 . Annexure -3 132 . 133 . Annexure -4 134 . 135 . Annexure -5 136 . 137 . Annexure -6 138 . 139 . Annexure -7 140 . 141 . Annexure -8 142 . 143 . Annexure -9 144 . 145 . Annexure -10 146 . 147 . G. Ltd. principles and methods of insect control. (HONS. and Field Studies. vegetables.S. New Delhi. mode of damage and control of important insect pests of various crops.S. characters of classes of Arthropoda. sericulture and lac-culture. T. Chapman & Hall. London. Publishers and Distributors. Davies. and II. University of Agriculture. life history. stored grains and household with particular reference to barani areas. 10th ed. C. 1994. Yousuf. external and internal morphology of ‘ak’ grasshopper. their classification. 3. 148 .. Pvt. Sc. Poekilocerus pictus. G. O.. An Aid to Lab. Imm’s General Text-book of Entomology. and R. external and internal morphology and physiology of insects with particular reference to ‘ak’ grasshopper. insecticides. Delhi 4.Y. M. entomological industries: apiculture. temporary mounts of different types of appendages of insects. causes of success and economic importance of insects. Manual of Introductory Entomology. Books Recommended: 1.. fruits. 1996. N. Tonapi. metamorphosis and its types. 1984. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. salient characters of insect orders with important examples. types of metamorphosis.) degree in Entomology Introductory Entomology 4(3-2) Ent-301 Theory: Introduction. identification. General Entomology 4th ed. Vol. M. formulations and application equipment. insect classification and nomenclature. Ent-302 Theory: Applied Entomology 4(3-2) Introduction. Practical: Collection and preservation of insects. Experimental Entomology. 2. salient characters of insect orders with important families and insects. introduction to miscellaneous pests.. 1990.W. evidence. Faisalabad. Richards.B. I.Annexure-XI: Detailed Course Contents of B. Mani. phylum Arthropoda and its classification. . 1993. 1994. 149 . Ent-501 Theory: Insect Morphology 4(3-2) Introduction. Pak. Davies.. A. 1982. practical instructions in apiculture. 4.. I. II. Pfadt. Snodgrass. R. fruits. Council. N. use of application equipment.. Shah.W. III. sericulture and lac-culture. Imm’s General Textbook of Entomology. Chapman. Vols. Limited. Richard. Applied Ento. H. R.. 6. Endoskeleton and internal organ systems.. Physiology & Development). Izher Sons.G. Islamabad. L. 10th ed. Res. The Macmillan Co. Printer. 2. Hand book of Plant Protection. Chapman and Hall. An Aid to Laboratory and Field Studies. Body regions. Segmentation. Saha. 1991. thorax and abdomen in different insects. Entomology and Pest Management 2nd ed. Principles of Insect Morphology. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology. Prentice and Hall Intl.. R. revised. Exocrine and Endocrine organs. (Structure. Pedigo. Vol. sulci and appendages of head. A.P. 2nd Edition. 3. Experimental Entomology. O. Tonapi. Recommended: 1. New Delhi. CBS Publishers and Distributors. I. E. vegetables. Kalyain Publishers New Delhi.Y. Y. Lahore.. 5. Agricultural Pests of India & Southeast Asia. 4. identification and mode of damage of insect pests of various crops.Practical: Collection. Atwal. Books Recommended: 1. 3.A. London. S. 1990. Saleem. F. R. 4th Ed. U. Hodder and Stoughton Education Ltd. 2002. Cornell Univ. Press. T. Hashmi. Practical: Structure of integument and its derivatives.K.A.. 1984.). London. 1994. & M. stored grains and household. The Insects: Structure and function (3rd ed. 1985.. N. sclerites. 1996. India. 2. Kalyani Publishers. Agri..A. U.S. G. Integument and its derivatives. insecticide formulations and their computations. A. and R. Ludhiana. comparative external and internal morphology of different insect orders. Insect Pest Management. L. 2. Cummins. 5. Academic Press. Vol. Tonapi. respiratory. variations in population. 150 . India. U. Hormones and pheromones. London. taxonomic keys. S. physiology of digestion.) Hodder and Stoughton Educational Ltd. musculature and sensation. Introduction to numerical taxonomy and phylogenetic systematics. Davies. The Physiology of Insects.W.W. Vol. Ned A. 1982. Books Recommended: 1. Lee. Fox. muscular and nervous systems. N. N.) 1973-74. 3. Taxonomic categories. Tasks of a taxonomist. speciation and phylogenies. R. History. taxonomic procedure: Collections. G.. reproductive. Biology of Insects. circulatory. London.Y. revised. An Aid to Laboratory and Field Studies. T. digestive. preparation of taxonomic paper. C. Imm’s General Textbook of Entomology. reproduction. taxonomic characters. New Delhi. 1-6. Chapman. Embryonic and Post-embryonic Development. taxonomic discrimination. O.K. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. and R. The Insects: Structure and Function (3rd ed. identification.. Richard. Saxena. excretion.. Reinhold Publishing Corporation. samples and methods of sampling. Ent-503 Theory: Insect Taxonomy 4(2-4) Introduction. Experimental Ento. excretory. respiration. Production and Function of hormones and pheromones. circulation. (Structure. Chapman and Hall.Y. 4. M. functions and concepts. Chapman & Hall Ltd. 1985. 1984. Rockstein. K. 2nd ed. CBS Publishers and Distributors. Physiology of integument.Ent-502 Theory: Insect Physiology 3(2-2) Introduction. Presentation of findings: Descriptions. Smith & Richard M. 1992. Experimental Entomology. D. Sense organs and perception. Miller. Practical: Study of cuticular proteins. 1994. 10th ed. Physiology & Development). I... 6.. New Delhi. (Edit.F. Code of zoological nomenclature..G. Pvt. Ed. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Ltd. S. 1994. Bubaque. Council. Davidson. 3. 1991. 1991. New Delhi. 1988. E. Sindh Agric. preservation and labeling of insects. Insect Pest Management. & P. Cambridge University Press.A. Agric. W. R.. Pakistan. Insect Phylogenetics. New York. Cataloguing and writing of descriptions of identified insects.C. McGraw Hill Inc. II & III. Garden and Orchards. Ent-504 Theory: Agricultural Pests 4(2-4) Introduction. Pak. Insect Pests of Farm. 5. vegetables and orchards. Entomological Nomenclature. A. 1985. M. U. Preparation of taxonomic keys. 4. distribution. 3. Agricultural Insect Pests of the Tropics and their Control (Indian ed. and W.F. 5. Agricultural Pests of India & South-east Asia. Demonstration of control measures. Ed. Principles of Systematic Zoology. 1994. adopted by XX General Assembly of the Intl. 1977. Cambridge. Sci. Union of Biol.Practical: Methods of collection. Handbook of Agricultural and Veterinary Applied Entomology.Pakistan. Calif. W.. 2. Mayer. D. Theory and Practice of Animal Taxonomy. Ludhiana. Henning. K. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 4. New York. Kapoor. Uni. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Vols. J. V. 1962. Books Recommended: 1. 1993.. Practical: Collection and identification of insect pests of agricultural importance and their damage. 2. D.). Tandojam. Los Angles. host plants.A. Kalyani Publishers. 746 pp. Ashlock.K.S.. Lohar. 2nd. Atwal. Identification. Hashmi. A.H. Preparation of phenograms and phylogenetic trees. I. mite and vertebrate pests of field crops. Islamabad . 2nd. Department of Ento. Univ. Lyon. Chamberlin. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. India.S. biology.. Books Recommended: 1. 151 . Identification of insects with taxonomic keys. Press. Willy Inter Sciences. Hill. 1981. damage and control of insect. U. 3. Saleem 2002.A.H. & W. Prentice & Hall... 152 . K.. Crop. Antixenosus. Allenheld. 7. 1992. Entomology and Pest Management (2nd ed. N.. Chamola & O. Luckmann. Effect of environment on resistance. P. Books Recommended: 1. N. Introduction to Insect Pest Management. Practical: Testing and measurement of relative plant resistance to insects. L.6.. Biddles Ltd. London. H.). Role of entomologists in breeding for resistance. Dubey. Prentice and Hall. New York. A. 1995.. London. Shah. Lahore. Guildford. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. 2. N. Integrated Pest & Disease Management. Ed.. 1980. B. Ramakrishna (Edts.E.. Insect Resistance in Crop Plants. London. H. Entomology and Pest Management. R. Pedigo. U. Ent-505 Theory: Plant Resistance to Insect Pests 3(2-2) Introduction. 1985. Balagopalan and S. and M. 4th ed. Factors of resistance. 2nd. N.P.A. 4. Ltd. Applied Entomology. R. John Wiley and Sons. Upadhyay. V.K. L. and G. Panda. Genetic. 8.A. C. Painter. Panda. Inc.Y.K. Pedigo. 1951. 1982. L. Induced.P. IRRI. S. Pub. 1998.G. Intl. Measurement of resistance. Khush. Fundamentals of applied Entomology. Biotypes and resistance. R. New Trends in Biotechnology. Asynchrony. Antibiosis and Tolerance. P. 1996.P. Principles of Host Plant Resistance to Insect Pests. Host plant resistance to Insects. Izher-sons. Pfadt. New York. Printed and Bound in U. Development of resistant varieties.K. S.). Physiological. 2nd Ed.. Macmillan Co. 5. Printer. Genetic basis of resistance. Metcalf. Macmillan Publishing Co. Mechanisms of resistance: Ecological. R. 1996. New Delhi. NewDelhi 695p 9. Subba Rao. 6. Mukerji. Pvt. University of Agriculture. entomophagous. Chapman and Co. Books Recommended: 1. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.Y. 3. Practical: Assessment of existing phylogenetic arrangement of insect orders. Pvt. and Chetty. BAS Printers Ltd.H.A. Ross. Vol. Pvt. D. 4. Ltd. Practical: Practical instructions in apiculture. 2. and R. A. Insect pollinators. Borror. John Wiley and Sons. Inc.Y. Pak. H. sericulture and lac-culture. classification of insect orders up to family level. S... 153 . II. 1984. Rinehart and Winston.. An Introduction to Sericulture. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Council. Ltd. 1994..A. I. New Delhi 376 pp. medicinal. Imm’s General Text Book of Entomology. Insect Pest Management.. Davies. C. Richards. 1982. D. J. II & III. phylogenetic affinities of different orders.M. (Revised). Res. Faisalabad. Agri.Ent-506 Theory: Classification of Adult Insects 3(2-2) Introduction. New Delhi 302 pp. Aruga. 1997. A Textbook of Entomology. Guide to Bees and Honey. Ross and J. 10th ed. 1981. DeLong and C. scavengers. Hashmi. T. scavengers. 1994.. Ganga. An Introduction to the Study of Insects.W.J. Entomological industries: apiculture. Hooper. Ltd. A Notebook of Classification of Adult Insect. Insects of medicinal and aesthetic value. London. 2. Holt. weed feeding and other beneficial insects. UK 271 pp. Vol. Collection and identification of insects up to family level with the help of taxonomic keys. Suhail. Types of classification. 2002. 4th ed. with particular reference to insects of Pakistan. G. A. Islamabad. entomophagous and weed feeding insects. Ent-507 Theory: Beneficial Insects 3(2-2) Introduction. 5th ed.G.P Ross. Principles of Sericulture (Translated from Japanese). A.R. N. sericulture and lac-culture. N. 3. O. 1991. Hampshire. Triplehorn. H. 4. Books recommended: 1.. Collection and identification of pollinators. Books Recommended: 1.5. Govt. Slough.A. Ent-508 Theory: Stored Product Entomology 2(1-2) Introduction. F. identification and control of different stored grain pests. D.B. Lozare. 1978.K. D.I. Manual on improved Farm & Village level Grain Storage Methods. Insect and Arachnids of Tropical Stored Products. Ratanova. Factors affecting grain in storages. Operational Manual for Grain Quality. K. U. Agriculture and Co-operatives by R. Collection.S. D. U. Semple. Stored Grain Pests and their Control. Dichter. Ltd. of Pakistan. J. S. Berks. Stored grain losses and their prevention.. 548 pp. Hall. Ministry of Food. and A..W.. and Kumararaj. Types of storage. 4. New Delhi 133 pp. Waterhouse. Zaklandvoi. Castermans 1992. and V. Anonymous. Manual of Grain and Cereal Product Insects and their Control. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Oxonian Press Pvt. G. Pedersen.A. Storage principles. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.R. M. 6. 3. Storage Department. biology and control of different stored grain pests. 1970. U. 1993.A. Germany. 2. Hicks. 1987. Rome. 1998. Mills and J. N. TAD. S. Ltd.N.AO. P. 154 . S. German Agency for Technical Co-operation (GTZ) W. Practical: Demonstration of sampling methods and estimation of losses.. Inspection & Quality Control Procedure during Procurement & storage. Pvt. Biological Control of Insect Pests: Southeast Asian Prospects.F. Suryanarayan.L.V.. and R.. 1984. 1977.A. Sericultural Mannual 2: Silkworm Rearing. Wilbur. Narasimhanna. Krishnaswami. 1986. R. their Biology and Identification (A Training Manual). Kansas State University. Canberra. D. Anonymous.. Handling and Storage of Food Grains in Tropical and Sub-tropical Areas. Identification. F. 5. London. McGraw Hill Book Co. Pfadt. Books Recommended: 1. New York. identification and demonstration of control of different household insect pests. 155 . N. 1989. Flint 1978. 1985. Principles of Forest Entomology. 3. Academic Press. Kaya. Agricultural Pests of India & Southeast Asia. 3. M. London. Publ. 2nd Ed. P. Insect Pest Management.F. 5. Publishing Comp. Competing and complementary role of insects with range livestock. Dent. N. host plants. R. 1980. The Macmillan Co. Forest Entomology (Ecology & Management) S.B.. cockroaches. 2. 2nd ed. Insect pests of range and forest trees. Ent-510 Theory: Range and Forest Entomology 2(1-2) Importance of range and forest entomology in range lands and forest ecosystems. 1991.P. Comp. Knignt. F. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology. 4. Metcalf C.Y.I.I. mode of damage and control.J. 2.B. Practical: Collection. D. psocids. McGraw Hill Book Co. bed-bugs.B. Anderson. powder-post and carpet beetles. crickets. Press.E. lice. Wagner. Atwal. Practical: Collection. New York. & M. 2000. Perspectives in Forest Entomology. A. Destructive and Useful Insects.A. Practical study of mode of damage and demonstration of Control Methods. Ludhiana. Books Recommended: 1. distribution. J. house flies. 2000.Y.I. Preservation and Identification of insect pests of Range and Forest Trees. cloth-moths. & M. Barbose. termites. Kalyani Publishers. 1976. biology and control of different household pests like ants..Ent-509 Theory: Household Insect Pests 2(1-2) Introduction. Thakur. biology. Heeiknen. Identification. and W. London.. silver-fish. 4th ed. and fleas. Acad.K. Their Habits and Control. Identification. New York Sac Francisco. & H.L. A. Introduction to Forests and Shade Tree Insects. Inc. mosquitoes.S. D. Familiarity with irradiation techniques. 1998. Florida. 1996. Economics of pest management. preparation and field application of insecticide formulations. House. Dent. 3rd ed. 1996. microbial & genetical alongwith antimetabolites.C. S. Population sampling. Luckmann. D.. identification of important bio-control agents.. R. Press Inc. chemical. U.. Practical: Demonstration of cultural practices and different methods of pest scouting and forecasting.. 7.P. Ludhiana. P. 8. legislative. 1993. 1994. 3. Integrated Pest Management. Losses caused by insect pests to different crops. Assessment of crop losses by different methods. H. & W.P. 6. Publ. London. P. Atwal. Mukerji. 1981.. and S. Kalyani Publishers. B. Books Recommended: 1. Jones. Cambridge. Chapman and Hall. Handbook of Pest Management I . Entomology and pest management 2nd ed.III. Insect Pheromones and their use in Pest Management. Hill. K.H. A. Determination of economic threshold of insects on different crops. 5. D. USA. Metcalf. Stevens and O. A. Ent-602 Internship 20(0-40) 156 . Upadhyay. Nature and extent of damage. P. Different methods of pest scouting & forecasting. Methods of control: cultural. Pedigo. Co.R. Introduction to Insect Pest Management. 746 pp. Paimental. R. Population fluctuation & its measurement. L. Bains. 1974. Dubly. Intercept Ltd.L. 2.. C.Ent-601 Theory: Pest Forecasting and Management 4(2-4) Introduction. Integrated Pest and Disease Management. Cambridge University Press. Concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). mechanical. Limited. biological. hormones and pheromones. S. 4. Principles & requirements of Pest Management. Computation. Prentice and Hall.. Intl. London. Installation of light and pheromone traps. feeding deterrents. London. Agricultural Insect Pests of the Tropics and Their Control. I. K. Chapman & Hall. S. G. physical. 1998. Applied Animal Ecology. New Delhi. Chamola and O.K. Ecological succession. Patterns of behaviour. 2. Yazdani. University Press. Flow of energy in ecosystem. John Wiley and Sons. M.Ent-603 Theory: Insect Ecology and Behaviour 4(3-2) Introduction. and M. Periodicity. Ashfaq.Y. Books Recommended: 1. Insect Biology. learning. auditory. Control of behaviour: nervous. offence and predation. A. formulations. B. Natural and agro-ecosystems. chemical. Saleem. kineses and taxes. New Delhi. defence. Applied Animal Ecology. 157 .A. Introduction to life tables. 1984. escape. P. I. Rabb. population and its characteristics. Agarwal. classification. Insect Ecology. tactile. hazards and safety measures of insecticides. Humidity and light with different instruments. Atwal. 2004. Ent-605 Theory: Insecticides and Their Application 3(2-2) Introduction. Trophic relations: Food chain. Huffaker.B. N.S. endocrine and genetic. Wiley Inter-sciences. E. food web and food mesh concepts. Intra and inter-specific interactions. mode of action. residues. physico-chemical properties. 6. 1974. Ecological Entomology.Z. compatibility. A Textbook of Ento.S.. 1984. Territoriality. Practical: Maintenance and measurement of Temperature. Divisions of ecology. Dispersal and migration. Multan. 5. Narosa Publishing House. Nomenclature. Elements of Insect Ecology. Price. Study of types and patterns of insect behaviour under laboratory and field conditions. Habitat and niche. Bains. Environmental Pollution and Agriculture. and M. C. 3. H. biological functions of behaviour: host finding. 1984. Ludhiana. feeding and reproductive. S. Dormancy.W. S. Kalyani Publishers. 1997. Types of behaviour: reflexes. 4. Structure and working of various types of hand and power operated equipment for insecticide application. and S. & Robert L. population estimation and construction of life tables. communications: Aisual. Evans. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Frost. Pesticide application methods 2nd ed. U. Solitary. Preparation and Field Application of different formulations of insecticides. Pergamon Press.. 1969. Intercept Ltd. 6. social. Chemicals for Pest Control.F. 2002. sub-social. gregarious.. Books Recommended: 1. New York. Books Recommended: 1. Information Service. 1965. Modern Insecticides and their Uses. Boring. leaf-rolling.A. B. and D.Z.Y. P. demonstration of auditory and sound producing organs. terrestrial. Leaf-mining. West. Saleem. London. Weber. Classification. New Delhi. Acrial. Gall-forming. boring. nest-building and case-making insects.). Izhar Sons Printer. Practical: Collection and identification of solitary. sub-social.. S. M. and Ehrlich. 5. 2. Handling and Maintenance of Application Equipment. Mission Road. Petersmith Dover Publications Inc. Aquatic. Daly. and colonial. Hartley. Alam.K.J. Litter inhabiting. Insecticides with novel modes of action: Mechanism and application. New York. 1978. Introduction to Insect Biology & Diversity. of Agri. Leaf-rolling. 1992. subterranean. Insect adaptive radiation and diversity. Johnwiley & Sons Inc.S. 1998. Agri.S. Chapman X Hall. 1959. aquatic. Dhaka.Practical: Computation. Terrestrial. Iest-building and case-making insects. Ent-607 Theory: Insect Natural History 3(2-2) Introduction. Deptt. gall-forming. Insecticides Mechanism of Action and Resistance. Otto. Evolution of phytophagous insects..P. 4. V.W. Insect adaptations in various geographical regions. 2. litter.. 3. D. identification.K. R. Principal of Insect Toxicology. leafmining. R.. 1994.inhabiting. aerial. and Cranston.A. Lahore. Subterranean. Norosa Publishing House.H. N. McGraw-Hill Book Company. The Insects an outline of Entomology. 3. Mathews G. gregarious.. 1991.H. I. 158 . M. T... study of adaptations in insects. Ishaaya. and T. Degheele. G. Gullam P. Doyen. Insect life and Natural Hisotry (2nd ed.. New York.. colonial. 3. Sonification insect associations. Ahmed. 159 . 1929-85.Z. Hamilton. Books Recommended: 1. Green house effect. A workbook of Agriculture & Environmental Pollution. A guide to information sources. A. Berger. Ghani.. Practical: Identification and determination of sources of pollution in various substrates. and M. collection.J.4. A Laboratory Manual of Natural History & Behavior of Insects. air. Khan and M. General concept of pollutants. Khan. Ltd.. A Resume of Post Graduate Research. J. Types of pollution with reference to agriculture and forestry. S.) 1987. living organisms. 2003.. B. Ahmad. London. of Agric. Univ. 2. 3. 2004. & S. Science & Strategies for restoring the health. management of pollution. 2003. instruction in research paper monograph and catalogue writing. Entomology. Environmental deterioration. Environmental Pollution & Agriculture. of Agri. University Press. J. Pakistan. M. Effect of pollution on soil. Mas Computers.. tabulation. Ashfaq (Edit. Entomology. water. plants.R. Books Recommended: 1. Gilbert. Multan. R... Internet Sources of entomological information. etc. 1983. EBL Publishers. Deptt. Mausel Publishing Co. and M. Practical: Library exercises in internet sources of Entomological information. M. Univ. Ashfaq.A. Sources and nature of pollutants. Fsd.A. collection and analysis of data on field experiment. its effect on agriculture. analysis and interpretation of research data. 1990. and C. I. Saleem. Ent-609 Theory: Project Planning and Presentation 2(1-2) Entomological literature. Environmental Restoration. layout of experiment. Ent-611 Theory: Agriculture & Environmental Pollution 3(2-2) Introduction. Suhail.A. Faisalabad. Fsd. 2. 1994. Agricultural Pollution.M.1994 Fundamentals of Environmental Pollution CBS Pub. & Distributors. Praksh. Mani.. and D. S. House.G. New Delhi.H. Choubey. 1990. Publication of Society of Biochemistry of India. S. Ashish Pub. 160 .4. Vols. Misra. Bhola Nath Nagar. 6. Shahdara.32. Jain Bhawan. 485. Delhi . & S. Rizvi. Environmental pollution and health hazards. 1 & 2. 5. M. R. Bancroft. Handbook for Scientific Photography. London. Ann. permanent slides. P. J. rearing and culturing. 3. micrometry and scientific photography. tabulation. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. 1976. U. PCR Technology: Principles and Applications for Amplification. electrophoresis.H. ultraviolet visual spectrophotometer. maintenance and measurement of microclimate. 6. Chaschill Livingstone. Blaker. Michigan.Sc. Smith. use of different equipments in entomological experiments. scanning and transmission. Arbor. 2. methods of sampling. and A. CBS Publishers and Distributors-Delhi. H. sampling. Tonapai. W. amino acid analyser. high performance liquid ehromatography. & R. 5. atomic absorption spectrophotometer. D.Annexure-XII: Detailed Course Contents of M. A. Theory and practice of histological techniques. gas chromatography. 1977. Erlich. analysis of data and report writing. Stevens. Moore. ultra centrifugation. Singh.A.A 4. India. U. Vol. 1990.l (4"1 edition) XII. Edward Bros. Freeman and Co. 1. PRACTICAL: Insect collection apparatus and preservation techniques. G. bio-assay for insecticide residues.. London.H. 1960.An aid to Laboratory and Field Studies. use of Potter's tower. Kntomological Techniques. techniques and apparatus employed in entomological research: temporary and permanent mounts. electron microscopy and computer software in entomology. 1985. Freeman & Company.A. Handbook of Insect Rearing VoU & II. 1994. micrometry and scientific photography. New York. analysis and interpretation of data. W. 1992. Experimental Entomology .. 161 . Hlsevier. Peterson. T. (Hons) and Ph.D in Entomology ENT–701 THEORY: RESEARCH METHODS IN ENTOMOLOGY 4(1-6) Introduction. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1.. A.S. microtomy. use of camera lucida. San Francisco-3.F. exercises in microtomy. Inc.S. . determination of visual. Insecticides in Agriculture and Environment: Retrospects and Prospects. Agarwal. Perspectives in Entomological Research.. 162 ADVANCED INSECT PHYSIOLOGY 3(2-2) . "New York. 2. gustatory/olfactory responses and wing beat frequency. development and breaking of diapause. Fundamentals of Insect Physiology. California. 1994. and G. physiology of locomotion and resistance. circulation. Annual Review of Entomology. Vienna. impact of pollutants on insects and non-target organisms at different levels. Stephenson. development. hormones.P. physical and chemical characterization of environmental contaminants. 1998. Inc.Y. chemical and physical constituents of their environment. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. respiration. excretion. 3. U. pheromones and light production.A. Blum. estimation of digestive enzymes. 1979. A. Rev. reproduction. O. insects as indicators of levels of pollution.ENT-702 THEORY: ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY 2(2-0) Introduction.. The Use and Significance of Pesticides in the Environment. 1965 to date Palo Alto. Anonymous. interactions of various groups olinsects with biological. Ann.L.l. India. growth. John Wiley and Sons. uric acid in excreta and water loss. John Wiley and Sons Inc. digestion. diversity and stability of insects in different environments. F. Published by I.N. diapause. Perry. advances in physiology of integument. Eljivier.Y. 1985.S.S. determination and estimation of blood proteins. Oxygen consumption.S. N. biological responses to pollutants and biogeochemical cycles. McEwen. 2. 1983. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1.A-. 4. Scientific Publishers. M.E.A. PRACTICAL: Hormonal control of insect growth. Insects as environment cleaners and soil builders. carbon dioxide production and determination of respiratory quotient. reception and perception. neuromuscular physiology. Qualitative and quantitative analysis ofhaemocytes and free ammo acids in haemolymph. Agrochemical Fate in Food and Environment. pheromones as sex attractants. ENT 703 THEORY: Introduction. S. Edinburgh. CBS. Toronto. 1.Y. Insect cells. Rockstein. Chapman. Kerkut.An aid to Laboratory and Field Studies. terminal. Inc. New York. Chapman and Hall. 1982. 1965. Preparation of temporary and permanent mounts of various body parts and study of histological structure. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1.. defoliating. Development of pest management systems for insects attacking forest trees. London. N. Nuclear and cytoplasmic stains. New York. Gilbert. Structure and Function. G.. shoot. sap sucking. Sydney. P. 1968. 1985. India.. twig and phloem boring insects. N. 1-12. Comprehensive Insect Physiology. 6. 4. 3. The Insects. Vols. G. Biochemistry and Pharmacology. PRACTICAL: Collection. Jones. I. CBS Publishers and Distributors-Delhi. A. Inc. preservation and identification of insect groups damaging forest plantations. The Blakiston Co. (Ed. Pergamon Press. ENT-704 MICROANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY OF INSECTS 2(0-4) PRACTICAL: Use of microtome and other apparatus in the study of microanatomy and histology of insects. London.Y. R. 3rd ed. Stevens and 0. their structure and function. Tonapai. 2. 5.) year. 1998. Insect Pheromones and Their Use in Pest Management. Academic Press. Oxford. Monitoring pest populations damaging forest trees. ENT-705 THEORY: Ecological and behavioral aspects of forest insects and their management. Publisher. 7.F. ADVANCED FOREST ENTOMOLOGY 3(2-2) 163 .T. Smith. D. Experimental Entomology . P. An Aid to Laboratory and Field Study. T.3. The Microtomists Formulary and Guide. and L. India. Population dynamics of forest trees in relation to phytophagous insects. Gray. Frankfurt. Fixation and fixatives. Paris. Tonapi. G. 1-todate. wood boring insects and gall makers. Howse. 1994.. Hxperimental Entomology. Advances in Insect Physiology Vol. Olive and Boid. M. American Elsevier Publishing Co. 1994. Thakur. identification and control of different arthropod pests in relation to the diseases of man and domestic animals. Dent. CLASSIFICATION OF IMMATURE INSECTS 4(2-4) INSECTS OF MAN AND ANIMALS 3(2-2) 164 . Management strategies for major insects attacking man and domestic animals.1996. and R. 2"d Ed. Prentice Hall Inc.L. Veterinary Entomology. A. Academic Press. Herm's Medical Entomology. Hymenoptera. Forest Entomology. Lepidoptera. Important diseases of man and animals where insects act as vectors.BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Witter. Introduction to Insect Pest Management. Plecoptera. R. Barbosa. 1989. London. collection and preservation of immature stages of insects.R. 1. 1997. 3. New York. ENT–706 THEORY: Scope of Medical Entomology. and W. R.J. Wagner. 1969. 2. Diptera. identification and classification of immature stages of Ephemeroptera. Coulson. Pedigo.A. Collier Macmillan Limited. A. London. and J. Neuroptera and Coleoptera up to family level. and M. R. Luckman. P. L.I. James. 1984. Chapman and Hall. Trichoptera. D. and D. Insects and other arthropods of medical and veterinary importance. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Forest Entomology (Ecology and Management). Ecology and Management. their biology and control measures.L.H. Metcalf. M.N. 2000.B. 4. Introduction to Forest and Shade Tree Insects. John Wiley and Sons. M. The Mcamillan Company.F. Insect Pest Management. 4. New York. Publishing Co. John Wiley and Sons.P. Wall. Entomology and Pest Management. Shearer. preparation of immature insects for identification. 1982. 2. ENT–707 THEORY: Introduction.T. S..679pp. PRACTICAL: Collection. 3. N. 2000. New York. Harwood. Odonata. Publishing Co. Integrated Pest Management systems and Cotton Production. Larvae of Insects. How to know the Immature Insects. Chapman and Hall. Luckman.M. Peterson. HY. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. P. remote sensing and other currents. A. Inayatullah.Pest management strategies for insects attacking different crops grown in barani tracts of Pakistan. Arbor. 4th ed. Arizona Press.4th ed. Part-1.Hunt Publishing. A. W. New Delhi. Publishers. Immature Insects. D. Bombay. Michigan. New York. . USA. Saxena. 4.C. Stehr.. Larvae of Insects. Ecological considerations for the collection of data for the management of pest populations. Michigan. D. R. USA. ENT-708 THEORY: The pest management concept. 1962. Introduction to Insect Pest Management. 1982. 1987. Pvt. Edwards Brothers Inc. 3. Part-1.1. and W. Demonstration of pest scouting techniques for insects attacking different crops grown in barani areas.. Metcalf. 165 INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 3(2-2) . 1989. F.. Peterson. Chu. Minnesota. 2. 4. Brown Co... Integrated Pest Management. insects growth regulators. Iowa. Vol.. U. Calcutta. 1987. 1960. allelopathy.. Development of pest management systems for key pests of major crops. Insect Pest Management. Ch. Kendall .A. Biology of Insects.H. 1992. Edwards Brothers Inc. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Transgenic and genetically modified crops. 6. PARC. S. Integrated Pest Management.. Frisbie. PRACTICAL: Estimation of losses done by insects to various crop plants.S. 7.L. Islamabad. I&II.C. APS Press. preservation. 2. 1983. preparation and identification of immature stages up to family level. Arbor. Teng.R. Dent. John Wiley and Sons. Ltd. New York. London 3. John Wiley and Sons. 1996. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. The economics of pest management.S. 1991. Crop Loss Assessment and pest Management. Dent. R. development in suppressing insect pests. Univ.PRACTICAL: Collection. 5. 1991. ENT–710 THEORY: Introduction. K. P. F. theory and principles of bioassay. R. 3. A. B. relationship between dosages and responses. Integrated Pest and Disease Management.N. joint action of insecticides. 1998. C. Entomology and PestManagement. Chawla and O. John Wiley and Sons.pp 679. P. Inc. Epidemiological types of resistance. use of INSECT TOXICOLOGY 3(2-2) ADVANCES IN HOST PLANT RESISTANCE 3(2-2) 166 . ENT-709 THEORY: Types and classification of resistance. Novel Aspects of Insect Plant Interactions. Techniques for screening different plant strains (especially in barani areas) showing resistance to insect pests. Testing of mechanisms of host plant resistance under laboratory and field conditions.J. Mukerji. 1988. New York. PRACTICAL: Laboratory equipment used in toxi-cology experi-menu. Jennings. detoxification mechanisms. Germplasm sources and needs. Dubey. Plant Resistance to Insects. 1980.L. New York. classification of insecticides on the basis of chemical nature and mode of action. Barbosa. Prentice Hall. (synergism and antagonism).R. 2. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. 1996 Plant Resistance to Insects. PRACTICAL: Demonstration of techniques for screening crop plants showing resistance to insect pests.K. G. Physio-chemical basis of plant resistance against insects. New Delhi. and P. mechanism of action of major groups cf insecticides.G. Letourneau.M. Smith. The relationship of resistant variety development to biotechnology. Maxwell. John Wiley and Sons. general concepts of insect toxicology. 4. Upadhyay. energy production and inhibition by insecticides at various levels. Publishing Corp. Pedigo. Breeding Plants Resistane to Insects. gross symptom-s produced by representative insecticide groups. and D. phytotoxicity of insecticides. The use of plant and insect models in host plant resistance. John Wiley and Sons. P.. K. chemistry and comparative toxicology of some'common insecticides from each group.8. H. New York.P. P. 1989. Agrotech Publishing Academy. Sydney. BLRS/Macmillan. Insecticides: Toxicology and Uses.C. Oxford. Mode of Action and Uses in Crop Protection..time-mortality determination in comparing the relative toxicity of insecticides.. and D. 1996.L. London. 2. 8.A. Toronto. N..A. 5. 1990. Calcutta. bacterial and viral diseases of crop plants transmitted by insects and mites.. Pergamon Press. L. I. N. Bombay. 6. The Biochemistry and Uses of Pesticides: Structure. London. Paris. 3. U. INSECTS IN RELATION TO PLANT DISEASES 3(2-2) 167 .Y.U. Norosa Publishing House. Metabolism. N. Insecticides Biochemistry and Physiology.K. K. 1998. San Francisco. 1978. Gilbert Year Comprehensive Insect Physiology. C. and L. ENT-711 THEORY: Introduction. mode of transmission of plant pathogens by insects and mites.Heyden. Madras. Ishaaya. 1999. Biochemistry of Insects. Udaipur. Entomology and Pest Management. Wilkinson.S. Hassal. London. Macmillan Publishing Co.P. Rheine. Insecticides With Novel Modes of Action: Mechanism and Application. 4.. H. Y. chemical assay of insecticides. identification. Rockstein. Frankfurt.'New Delhi. M. biology and control of insect and mite vectors. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. rearing and handling of insect vectors for plant pathological studies. 7. symptoms and control of important fungal. Study of mode of transmission of plant pathogens by insect and mite vectors. London.. Kerkut... I. 1976. Pvt. study of causal organisms.. Biochemistry and Pharmacology. etiology. New York.. PRACTICAL: Identification of insect and mite vectors and pathogens. Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides Second Edition). New Delhi. Academic Press. Pedigo. Calcutta. Deghecle. Bombay.F. 1995. preparation of spectral transmittance and concentration transmittance curves.Y. Gupta. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. G. SreeRamulu. VANI Educational Books. Mites Injurious to Economic Plants. Cytogenetics. Ashburner. PRACTICAL: Study of insect cell. 1986. Principles of Insect Pathology. The Genetics and Biology of Prosphila. 1978. cell division. and Sunita Sinha. 2.H. 1998. London. flies and dragonflies. P.BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Univ. types and number of chromosomes in important insects like grasshoppers. H.P. Academic Press. 4. genetical identification of species and biotypes in insects. D. Thompson Jr. Insects in Perspective. Rainhart and Winston. mutations and variations. Carnegic Institute of Washington. D. W. sex determination in insects. Salimath. genetic engineering.Y. Calif. Bahi. A.C. 4. Genetics. M. Sinha. 3. diversity and types in insects. modem concept of gene. cell structure. Kaufmann. New York. New York. 1996. genedetermined characters.1.N. An Introduction to the study of insects. study of insect resistance in genetically engineered crops. characteristics and cell division in insects. D. and B. inc. evaluation and speciation in insects. Cytogenetics and Breeding of Crop Plants. Jeppson. environmental effect on gene expression.L. number. Press.. Macmillan Publishing Company. chromosomes and parthenogenesis in insects. 1975. 5. Baker. Triplehom. Rinderer. Drosophila guide. Washington D. 1986. Pvt. INSECT CYTOGENETICS 3(2-2) 168 .. 2. H. 5111 ed. D. New Delhi. chromosomes and ecology. DeLong and C.R. Academic Press. 1967. cockroaches. Boner.I. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. chromosomes structure. Ltd.G. Atkins. study of different types of genetic variations in insects. V. L. ENT-712 THEORY: Introduction. Plant Breeding & Evolution. Demere M. crickets. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Chapman Hall. Bee Genetics and Breeding.. Carson and J.. 1981. 3. M. I. 1984.T.M. Keifer and E. N. Boucias. M. New Delhi. and P. New York. 1949. N. energy metabolism and production in insects. chemical reactions involved in insect resistance to insecticides. insect growth regulators and diapause in insects. 1998. hormones. flight. light production. D. history definition and scope. 5. host range/persistence and virulence of insect pathogens. Thomas. G. Kaya. 3. hormonal control ofinsect growth and development. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Microbial control of Insect and Mites. H. biochromes. Insect Pathology. INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY 3(2-2) 169 . control of microbial diseases of useful insects: control of insect pests with microbial insecticides. Chapman Hall. Academic Press. New York. and H. 1978. PRACTICAL: Chemical identification of insect species and biotypes.D. pheromone extraction. Hurrey. synaptic transmission. Press. chemical control of insect behaviour. culture and identification of insect pathogens from the diseased insects. resistance and immunity in insects. biochemical defences in insects. Inc. transmission. purification. 1992. muscles. biochemistry of cuticle.Y. Burges. Boucias. London 2. and G. New York. Jr. role of pathogens in IPM of insects. Sleinhous.613pp. Tanada. determination of extent of parasitism by pathogens in insects. Principles ol'-Insect Pathology. types of injuries and methods of infection by pathogens in insects. its identification and control in insects.A.O. control of microbial diseases of useful insects.M. PRACTICAL: Isolation. extra-cellular and intracellular microbiota of healthy insects. types of insect pathogens.ENT-713 THEORY: INSECT PATHOLOGY 3(2-2) Introduction. Poinar. andN. Academic Press London. McCiraw-Hill Book Co. Y. proteins and lipids in insects..G. metabolism and role of carbohydrates. 757 pp. 4.W. diagnosis of different pathogenic diseases in insects. 1972. Diagnostic for the Identification of Insect Pathogens. Principles of Insect Pathology. pathogenic diseases and their diagnosis in insects. E. ENT-714 THEORY: Introduction. and BA..F. PRACTICAL: Identification of different types of insect eggs.) C 1. New York. New York. Chapman. 1977. 4111 ed. 1998. 1984. 4. Co. D. Pubt. U. Insect Physiology 3rd Ed. . Biochemistry of Insects..S. 3. 1985. study of comparative embryology indifferent groups of insects. 4. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. development and scope of biological control with special reference to Pakistan. O. Sarojini. Kilby. Chapman. and R. The Biochemistry of Insects. 1978. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. study of insect embryo at different durations.W. New York. fertilization of egg. R. biological characteristics of emomophagous insects. introduction. 1963. Insect Biochemistry and Function (2"d cd. R. Academic Press London..G. American Elsvier. Imms General textbook of Entomology (10 ed. development of organs and organ systems. 314 pp. Inc. structure of insect egg. Blastodein germ band.343 pp. embryonic envelopes and blastokins different eggs. Turner. 1961. release and establishment of entomophagous BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS 3(2-2) COMPARATIVE INSECT EMBRYOLOGY 3(2-2) 170 .. history.A. 3. Gilmour. 649 pp. Richards. Invertebrate Embryology. Inc.J. 2. New Delhi 580 pp. ENT-715 THEORY: Introduction. l (Structure Physiology and development) Chapman and Hal 1 London. and R.. 1998. structure of an insect egg. Insects: Structure and Function. early organization and development.. Co.. John Wiley and Sons. 2.) Vol.D. Candy. Structure and 1-unction. R. 1978. Roeder. Nagabhushanam. pman and Hall London. The insects.. Analytical Biochemistry of Insects. Inc. M. 315 pp. study of cleavage. segmentation. R. Academic Press. 5. American Elsvier. ecological basis of biological control. Rockstein. ENT-716 THEORY: Introduction. K-D.B. 4111 ed. Davies. New York. Publ. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company New York.F.. culture.BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. S. laboratory rearing. conservation and augmentation of natural enemies. 4. integration of chemical and biological control. Lntomology and Pest Management. study of extent of parasitism / predation of different biocontrol agents. and N. 1996. Molecular Biology of the Biological Control of Pests and Diseases of Planls. Maramorosch. Weber. 5. London. Biotechnology for Biological Control of pests and Vectors. 171 . and D. predators and micro-organisms of economic importance. De'Bach. role of micro-organisms in biological control. Gunasekaran. Pedigo. Prentic Hall Intl. Hussey. A. 1971. London.W.insects. relevant journals of the programs are not available to the students However. Academic press.A. ENT-719 ENT-720 SPECIAL PROBLEM SEMINAR 1(1-0) 1(1-0) INSTITUTIONAL FACILITIES The institution must have the infrastructure to support new trends in learning such as e-learning • • Electronic library books and journals are available for learning purpose. • • • In sufficient library’s technical collection of books Recommended books. 1996.. 3. U.. Burges. PRACTICAL: Collection. Biological Control of Pests and Weeds. Microbial control of insects and mites. culturing and identification of parasitoids. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1.D. CRC Press.S. 2"a ed. 2. 1976. this aspect needs to be strengthened in number and space. U. P. Chapman & Brotcs. I'-SA Publications. M. H. L. Class rooms must be adequately equipped and offices must be adequate to enable faculty to carry out their responsibilities. K„ 1991. Insufficient facilities regarding the infrastructure to support new trends in learning are prevalent • The library must possess an up-to-date technical collection relevant to the program and must be adequately staffed with professional personnel.
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