
March 25, 2018 | Author: Oscr Ccañihua | Category: Parameter (Computer Programming), Database Transaction, Databases, System Software, Technology



SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note forcorrections up until March 2003 Note Language: English Version: 1088 Validity: Valid Since 27.09.2004 Summary Symptom Collective SAP Note for the Central User Administration (CUA) Other terms ZBV, SCUL, SCUG, SCUA, SCUM, SU01, SUCOMP, HINTS, TRICKS Reason and Prerequisites Caution! This collective note details the changes made to Central User Administration (CUA) up until March 2003. Given that CUA has now become a stable system and that problems rarely still occur, this collective note will not be updated. You can still access individual notes which are still relevant to the CUA system using the note search function. The collective note groups the most important notes for the Central User Administration in a subject-related way (by transaction). The errors that occurred in this area are described and the relevant notes are specified with note number, support package and release as of which the error is corrected. Contents SCUA SCUM SCUG SU01/SUCOMP maintenance SU01D SCUL SU10 SUIM PFCG and SU03 SU02 SUPC SUGR SM04 SCC8 SU20 SU21 SU22 SU24 SU25 SU50 SE10 SUUM SU53 SE16 SE93 26.02.2013 Central User Administration Central User Administration Copy users User Maintenance/User company address User Display Central User Management Log User Mass Maintenance Call AUTH Reporting Tree (Info Sys.) Role Maintenance/Maintain Authorizations Maintain Authorization Profiles Role Profiles Maintain User Groups User List Client Export Maintain Authorization Fields Maintain Authorization Objects Auth. Object Usage in Transactions Auth. Obj. Check Under Transactions Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator Own data Transport Organizer Global User Manager Display Check Values Data Browser Maintain Transaction Codes Page 1 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SM51 List of SAP Systems SESS Session Manager Menu Tree Display USMM Customer Measurement BBP_USER_MAINT User maintenance in BBP HRUSER Generation of users from HR employee data Technical information on the Central User Administration Buffer problems BAPI problems Client copy Errors after support package implementation Miscellaneous If errors occur when you use the Central User Administration that are not mentioned here, please create a problem message in the SAP Service Marketplace or in the SAPNet - R/3 Frontend under component BC-SEC-USR-ADM. o Customizing distribution model (Transaction SCUA) - Improvements in the operability of Transaction SCUA; ALE model and partner agreements were not created reliably so far. 529163 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62013 620 - Report RSDELCUA for deleting the Central User Administration has an unclear selection screen. 565697 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62015 620 - Report RSDELCUA for deleting the Central User Administration (CUA) is called with the invalid MODEL parameter from Transaction SCUA. This parameter existed in an old version of RSDELCUA but has been removed (Note 565697). The error does not show in normal system operation but only occurs in an enhanced syntax check for objects of main program SAPMSCUA. 576330 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - On the initial screen of Transaction SCUA, too many functions are offered. In a child system, for example, the "change" function cannot be used. When you call Transaction SCUA in a child system of a Central User Administration, the current system is displayed as central system. 511994 SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 26.02.2013 Page 2 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - As described in the online documentation, you have to assign comprehensive authorizations to the various communication users (CPIC users) that are used by the Central User Administration (CUA). This involves a security risk, because the defined RFC destinations can be abused. 492589 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62016 620 - Note 424982 was replaced by Note 492589. 424982 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - In Transaction SCUA, you cannot select subsystems (receivers) via the F4 help. A corresponding F4 help is not available. 422361 SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - If the number of internal RFC modes exceeds the limits set in profile parameter "rdisp/tm_max_no", this leads to a short dump with the message "R3 login failed" CM_DEALLOCATED_ABEND -> CM_NO_STATUS_RECEIVED RFC_I05. 418455 SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - When you generate partner agreements for message type USERCLONE in 4.6D via Transaction SCUA or BD82, the system reports that the outbound parameters for this message type could not be created. In addition, child systems of the CUA do not accept IDoc type USERCLONE03 in Release 4.6C, if the central system is Release 4.6D or higher. 389426 SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D08 46D - When you distribute the model of a Central User Administration using Transaction SCUA, a dump occurs in a child system and the error message "DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND" appears. 389275 SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D08 46D - Central User Management: Although you again removed a system from the distribution landscape, it is still offered via the F4 help (e.g. in the user maintenance). 141246 SAPKH45B01 45B - When you create a new distribution landscape für the Central User Administration using Transaction SCUA, pushbutton "Create" 26.02.2013 Page 3 of 144 SCUA classifies all users in are allowed to logon there." is displayed. 162527 SAPKH45A24 45A SAPKH45B05 45B SAPKB46A01 46A - The call of Transaction SCUA terminates with a short dump. There you can only display the current settings for the distribution of the active CUA.6C. some users are deleted child systems.6D and 4.2013 Page 4 of 144 . fields "Local" and "Proposal" on the "Addresses" tab are ready for input in Transaction SCUM. 182341 SAPKH45B12 SAPKH45B15 SAPKB46A04 SAPKB46A07 SAPKB46B01 the central system as users that 45B 45B 46A 46A 46B Customizing of the distribution (Transaction SCUM) - You started Transaction SCUM in a child system of a Central User Administration (CUA). In Releases 4. error "BDDISTMODEL 033: 'Model view & has invalid date area'.02. 585056 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 - When the Central User Administration (CUA) is active. when you save and distribute the model view.6D. if the view is the first model view that is generated from the system. the field selections made with the default values of the system are overwritten and you have to maintain them again.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 is not displayed in Release 4. and the system tries to send those settings to all systems of the active CUA. 354181 SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - When you distribute the distribution model in SCUA by. 352084 SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - When you distribute the distribution model again using Transaction SCUA via pushbutton "Save". 129727 - o solved in 45B. 585900 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 26. Pushbutton "Save (CTRL-S)" is not active. When leaving the transaction with "Back (F3)" or "Cancel (F12)". the current settings are saved locally nevertheless. the maintenance of activity group assignments of a user to global (Transaction 26. 414481 SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61002 610 - Ergonomic improvements: When you select tab page "Groups". a call is executed in the central system. local. a timeout occurs and the distribution terminates. 413809 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61002 610 SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - When you distribute a large number of users via the Central User Administration.i. If a target system cannot be reached via RFC.2013 Page 5 of 144 . the data is displayed but the cursor is still on tab page "Address". or e-mail (default. the central system overwrites them again soon. 435351 SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 - SCUM attributes of the reference user field have no effect 424789 SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61006 610 - When you change the existing settings for telephone.g. also directly after saving.02. or redistribution) via transaction SCUM in the child system. Nevertheless.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - You are in a target system of the Central User Administration. When you close the transaction. 379028 SAPKB46D08 46D - Central User Administration: You set e. fax. an error message is displayed instead of an information message which would make more sense. a warning message regarding a possible data loss is displayed .e. 493715 SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - CUA: The user adminiatration cannot change password in the central system. The field attributes for user distribution are set in a way that redistribution is not made for any attribute. The locks can be removed via Transaction SU01 only. 313945 SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB61009 610 - Despite of global profile maintenance (setting in Transaction SCUM). the wrong radio buttons may be grey. you can enter profiles in the user master via SU02 in the child system. 136596 45A-45A o - In Transaction SCUM. 152056 SAPKH45B05 45B - SNC data are not distributed. 46C-46D - You can distribute only one telephone and fax number and one e-mail address via the Central User Administration. 306706 --45A-45B. Error message B1252 reads: "Function module not allowed: BAPI_IDOC_INPUTP". users might not be distributed. 321739 --46A-46B. you can set the field attributes for each field via radio buttons. 46C-46D - You cannot remove the lock due to an incorrect logon using function module BAPI_USER_UNLOCK. The same happens for profiles and user parameters. if you set the fields to redistribution (Transaction SCUM). all communication data in the child systems that are not included in distribution are deleted. Transaction WE05 displays status 51. 327096 SAPKH45B30 45B - Local maintenance is not activated in the central system.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SCUM) so that maintenance in the child system should no longer be possible. For the IDocs in the child system. As a result.2013 Page 6 of 144 . 156043 SAPKH45B11 45B - If the central and child systems of the Central User Administration have different releases. For the users. 46A-46B. However. 173533 SAPKH45A27 45A SAPKH45B09 45B - You cannot remove locks due to an incorrect logon from within the central system. you cannot maintain profiles and activity groups locally for system administrators.02. On tab page "Lock". Transaction SCUL displays status "new/unconfirmed". The other communication data can be maintained locally. The user maintenance fields on the corresponding tab page are no longer ready for entry but entries can still be deleted because the associated function key is still active. 182070 --45A-46B User transfer for the Central User Administration (Transaction SCUG) and company address synchronization 26. The corresponding radio buttons are grey. This function helps to avoid a number of inconsistencies which would otherwise require comprehensive user actions. role or profile assignments in child systems of a Central User Administration (CUA) differ from the information contained in the central system. this note informs you about how to configure BAPI call BAPI_HELPVALUES_GET for reading company addresses.02. 528914 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62015 620 SAPKB62016 620 - New function in the Central User Administration area which allows a comparison of company addresses in analogy with Transaction SCUG (transfer of users from a child system into the central system).2013 Page 7 of 144 . you can restore a consistent state in the child systems affected by newly distributing the corresponding user data. this function uses a new search help USCOMPANY_ADDR delivered in the given note. Despite of that. In addition. 534522 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62007 620 - Data loss during transfer of users 502117 SAPKH45B52 45B SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62001 620 26. the status for this system is still displayed as "New" in the structure overview of the Central User Administration.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 (Transaction SCUC) - If user master data. 574094 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 - Note 549881 makes available a new function for comparing company addresses to the central system of a Central User Administration. 549881 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62016 620 - You use Transaction SCUG to transfer all users for a new system. In the child systems. 143846 SAPKH45A14 45A SAPKH45A16 45A SAPKH45B01 45B SAPKH45B02 45B - The transfer of users triggers too many ALE processes.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - When you distribute a user to all CUA child systems via the CUA central system. 46A-46B. incorrect users are displayed during the transfer of the users of the second system. During the second user transfer. SU10. 411042 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B30 46B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D10 46D SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61001 610 SAPKB61005 610 - Error message 00270: A status cannot be set in the subscreen. 325517 --45A-45B. 186746 SAPKH45B15 45B SAPKB46A07 46A 26. and PFUD) in particular. 144194 SAPKH45A20 45A SAPKH45B01 45B - Adressing problems during mass editing of users (SCUG. SU10). the new system is not entered for the users transferred. error message "The profiles and activity groups could not be stored" is displayed. the profiles or activity groups (roles) may not be transferred.02. In Transaction SCUG. The distribution log shows an unconfirmed entry. This becomes clear in mass administration transactions (SCUG. 46C-46D - CUA: Loss of performance due to WAIT command: The BAPIs for user administration functions need a long runtime. the references to application objects are accepted by the central system or deleted. 434932 SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 - When creating users. 173081 SAPKH45A27 45A SAPKH45B09 45B SAPKB46A03 46A - When transferring users via Transaction SCUG. active maintenance is carried out during the user transfer.2013 Page 8 of 144 . 129014 45A - Migration with central user maintenance: After transferring users from a system that had been newly included in the distribution landscape into the central system. who have different first and surnames) between the central system and the system to be newly added. you copy the users from child systems using Transaction SCUG. By applying this correction. PFUD or function modules BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN and BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN.2013 Page 9 of 144 . 313429 SAPKH45B27 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - When transferring a user to the central system.02. you cannot filter by "Search term 1" and "Search term 2". generated profiles are also transferred. 602703 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 - You want to use Transaction SU3 or SU01 to assign another company address. message "Please specify an initial password" (01290) is displayed. In the selection window. To do this. 144094 45A-45B. 169317 SAPKH45B07 45B - When you transfer users. 46A-46B - When transferring users from the child systems to the central system using Transaction SCUG. 319553 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 Distribution of users and company addresses from the central system (SU01/SUCOMP) - You change the role assignment to a user with Transactions SU01. always only the first profile or the first activity group of the user is transferred to the central system. the central system is already entered for some users although you do not wish that the copied users are authorized to log on to the central system as well.e. the runtime of role assignment is reduced. 144970 SAPKH45B01 45B - You cannot transfer users declared "differently" (i. 600552 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D 26. PFCG.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46B01 o 46B - You set up the Central User Administration. however. although the Central User Administration only needs the roles (activity groups). The other profiles and activity groups are missing. After the transfer. This may be necessary for addresses that had been maintained incorrectly. however.5B: When assigning several profiles. the profile type is displayed incorrectly after confimring the changes by pressing ENTER. Up to Release 4.6: Error message AM014 "Assignment person address does not exist" 585829 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62019 620 - You are working in the central system of a Central User Administration and are using Transaction SU01 to change the system assignment of a user.2013 Page 10 of 144 . A deletion request is sent to the corresponding system which cannot be processed. You copy a user and delete a system assignment within the same transaction. 563332 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62013 620 - During user maintenance you receive an error message indicating an error in address administration. one of the following symptoms occurs: As of Release 6. the type symbol of the profile entered first is also displayed for all other profiles. Transaction SCUL displays an error for the copied user. A repeated call of SU01 shows that the system assignment has not disappeared.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB61031 SAPKB62020 610 620 - User administrators can pass by missing authorizations for assigning roles by directly assigning the corresponding generated profiles and thus assign invalid authorizations temporarily. Errors occur in the following cases: You delete a system assignment and add it again within the same transaction. 94104 SAPKH40A01 40A 26. 568976 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62015 620 SAPKB62017 620 SAPKB62019 620 - When you edit a user using Transaction SU01.10: Runtime error with error message TIME_OUT (time limit exceeded).02. Display error in Release 4. The user in the corresponding system is deleted nevertheless. 562596 SAPKB46C39 f46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62013 620 26. 589527 SAPKB61030 61 SAPKB62019 62 - You are in Transaction SU01 and go to maintenance of references. you find that the profiles have not been assigned to some users. Input help is missing for the "Start menu" field. 545192 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62013 620 - When you try to create a new company address in Transaction SUCOMP.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH40B08 SAPKH40B19 SAPKH40B21 SAPKH40B29 SAPKH45A02 SAPKH45B11 SAPKB46B37 SAPKB46C28 SAPKB46D17 SAPKB61012 SAPKE40B08 SAPKE40B19 SAPKE40B21 SAPKE40B29 40B 40B 40B 40B 45A 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 40B 40B 40B 40B R/3 standard HR - In Transaction SU01. In the central system. the program may abend when incorrect values are entered. 575413 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62016 620 - In travel management (Transaction PR05). 585314 SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 - You use the Central User Administration (CUA) and create one or more users to whom you assign roles and profiles in the same step. the rights assigned to users via a reference user in Transaction SU01 are missing.2013 Page 11 of 144 . Transaction SCUL displays the error 01 492 "You are not authorized to change the users of group &" for the profile assignment to the users affected. you open tab "Fixed values". In the child system. The texts are displayed in a wrong language.02. the program repeats the function selected previously. 560378 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62013 620 - Although you logged on to the system with logon language "DE" (German).SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - When you use the Central User Administration (CUA) and delete the current role and profile assignment for a user in Transaction SU01. 578624 SAPKB61029 610 - SAPKB62017 620 - After applying Note 495250. the process is not prevented by Transaction SU01. If pushbuttons are used for scrolling. the error does not occur.2013 Page 12 of 144 . Instead of scrolling. When you copied a user with a reference user that did not exist in the current 26. 572598 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62016 620 - When you switch from change mode to display mode in Transaction SU01. The program does not switch between display and change. some texts are displayed in English in Transactions SU01 and SU10. the deletion is not distributed to the other systems. The first version of the note was incomplete since you received a confusing message after copying a user. you are asked necessarily whether you wish to save the user. the "Display/change" key does not work on the "SNC" tab in Transaction SU01. 571136 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62015 620 - In user maintenance (Transaction SU01). 579845 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - You have structured your authorization concept in a way that there are different administrators for specialized tasks. If an administrator copies a user but does not have sufficient authorizations to assign the associated roles or profiles to the new user. the scroll bar on the "Roles" tab does not work correctly when you view a role or a reference user in a new window by double-clicking.02. ). Depending on the system landscape. etc. the displayed list is incomplete.02. PFCG.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 system. Transaction PGCG is called in the same mode for this role. however. 539648 SAPKH45B57 45B SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62008 620 SAPKB62009 620 SAPKB62013 620 - If you work in an SAP System which is not connected to a central user administration (CUA) and you doubleclick on a role on the "Roles" tab of Transaction SU01. no action is triggered when you doubleclick on a role. for example.2013 Page 13 of 144 . If your system is part of a CUA. the following message was displayed: "User & does not exist" instead of "Reference user & does not exist". This error is corrected in the second version of the note. 540404 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB61025 610 SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62008 620 SAPKB62011 620 SAPKB62019 620 SAPKB62020 620 - You start Transaction SU01 and go to the "Roles" tab. one of the following errors may occur: The validity date for roles already entered cannot be changed 26. 545980 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62009 620 SAPKB62016 620 - When you call the search help for roles in the transactions for user and role maintenance (SU01. 557612 SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62011 620 - When you delete table-type personalization data selectively.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 since the corresponding fields are not ready for entry. no action is triggered. 535721 SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 - This note supplements Note 503366. you directly return to the initial screen of SU01 without a warning being displayed regarding the fact that unsaved data will be lost. SUGR. You expect a sorting by system and role name. When you specify incorrect validity data. the short text of the old activity groups or profiles changes or disappears. Also during display. the wrong entries are deleted. 546613 SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62009 620 - In the central system of a CUA with global role assignment. When you change the validity date and then choose "Back" or "Exit". 549375 SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62011 620 - In the CUA central system. The F4 help does not offer multiple selection for roles. and SUGRD is too tight. 549173 SAPKH45B58 45B - When you doubleclick on a reference user on the "Roles" tab in Transaction SU01. After pressing ENTER. The role assignments are sorted by the role names only. 26. you assign a role (activity group) in Transaction SU01. the change authorization is checked. however. you start Transaction SU01 and go to the "Roles" tab.2013 Page 14 of 144 . the following error message may be displayed in rare cases. when you maintain user data using Transaction SU01: 01 020: Error in address management. ADDR_PERS_COMP_GET sy-subrc = 1 538564 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62007 620 - The authorization check for displaying the user groups in Transactions SU01. If inconsistencies exist in the address data of a SAP user (personal address and associated company address). you only receive an information message and can continue working.02. 2013 Page 15 of 144 .02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 526590 SAPKB46B44 SAPKB46C34 SAPKB46D23 SAPKB61022 SAPKB62005 46B 46C 46D 610 620 - The "Roles" and "Profiles" tab pages contain the following new functions: "Search". This may lead to follow-up errors (error message: Deployment/Update of SDA was not successful). error message "Error in module ADDR_MEMORY_SAVE. 524310 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62006 620 SAPKB62013 620 - New authorization checks during reference user assignment. 495089 46B-610 - Automatic creation of communication user SAPJSF fails if you have not maintained any default company address in the system. problems may occur when you create/change users in the Earlywatch client using Transaction SU01 because address data are to be maintained. 102532 SAPKH31I99 31I SAPKH40B73 40B SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61015 610 SAPKB62001 620 SAPKE31I99 31I R/3 standard HR 26. 519385 SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61019 610 SAPKB62003 620 - When you add an authorization profile to several users in Transaction SU02 via "Utilities -> Enter into users". and "Mark expired roles". 513694 SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61019 610 SAPKB62003 620 - When you change a user in Transaction SU01. 517174 SAPKB62003 620 - After applying the corrections from Note 503366. SY-SUBRC = 5. the user list is displayed completely unsorted. REFERENCE_MISSING" is displayed. "Sort". the assignments of these roles or profiles to users are kept in the central system. the scroll bar on tab page "Roles" in 26. 503366 SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 - The CUA text comparison in Transaction SU01 on the "Activities" tab deletes the activity group texts in the foreign languages (language <> logon language). a too strict authorization check is carried out. 438201 SAPKH45B55 45B SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C34 46C SAPKB46D23 46D SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62004 620 - When you choose the "Groups" tab in Transaction SU01. This is not required when maintaining your own user defaults.2013 Page 16 of 144 . In the course of that. 513777 SAPKB46D21 46D - After selecting a function (e. 511192 SAPKH45B54 45B SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62004 620 - Correcting inconsistencies that occur when editing a user's address data. 503681 SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 - You want to use function module BAPI_USER_CHANGE to maintain your own user defaults (in analogy with Transaction SU3).02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - You are using the Central User Administration.g. the information system) via the menu or viewing a role by doubleclicking or by clicking on the "Details" button. 519830 SAPKH45B54 45B SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62003 620 - Transaction SU01 produces errors since the non-existing parameter "WPDRDIALOGPERS" had been entered for the user currently processed. an authorization check for object S_USER_GRP is always carried out. When you delete roles or profiles in a connected system. You are in Transaction SU01 on tab page "Groups". Inconsistencies occur in address management which later lead to an error in address management when changing the company address assignment.02. In 4. If you then switch back to tab page "Logon data". 493031 SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - When you call "Text comparison from child systems" on tab page 26. and as of 4. One entry contains the specified date. 484983 SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - Your are in Transaction SU01 on tab page "Logon data" and switch to another tab page. Instead of scrolling. the other contains the default values. internal mail. 460237 SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61011 610 SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - When you use Transaction SU01 to unlock users. for example. abbreviation. copy roles into a display using the input help. you change the user name (user ID). change the validity date and confirm by pressing Enter. the function selected before is repeated. the following misleading message may be displayed: 01 333 "User &1 is still locked". User groups without short text are not displayed.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 Transaction SU01 no longer works correctly.5B: Search term A. 495347 SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61016 610 SAPKB62001 620 - In Transaction SU01. two entries are displayed on the Table Control.6B: Search term A. 480542 SAPKH40B71 40B - Tab page "Address" shows further fields. search term B.2013 Page 17 of 144 . initials. 511127 SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61018 610 SAPKB62002 620 - When you maintain role assignments for users. a short dump occurs. name affix. search term B. Nevertheless. the user list is displayed completely unsorted. the input help does not work on tab page "Profiles" in Transaction SU01. The field attributes for user distribution have been maintained. The CUA-specific maintenance authorization for role assignment in Transaction SCUM is set to "global". you can enter and save roles in change mode. 10253 SAPKH31I99 31I SAPKH40B73 40B SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61015 610 SAPKB62001 620 - The Central User Administration is active. Transaction SU01 -> Input help via users displays an unsorted list. 200283 46A-46C - When you use Transaction SU01 in the CUA central system to change a user to user type "Service". 489843 SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - When you log on with language "JA" (Japanese) for example. 487042 SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - When you add an authorization profile to several users via "Utilities -> Add to users" in Transaction SU02. The list of available profiles is not displayed. the change is not distributed to the child systems.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 "Roles" or "Profiles" in Transaction SU01 in a CUA. 495250 SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - You are in a CUA child system and switch to tab page "Role assignment" in Transaction SU01.02.2013 Page 18 of 144 . 354165 SAPKH45B36 45B SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46C20 46C SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D04 46D 26. the scroll bar does not work correctly. Several fields of SU01 or SU10 can be maintained or not contrary to this setting. The child system containing the IDoc sets the status to 51 with message "Invalid user type S". 501768 SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61016 610 SAPKB62001 620 - In the central system of a CUA. the lock table may overflow. The report cannot be started for the central system. 17"). When you use Transactions SU10.02. 457318 SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C28 46C - You are in Transaction SU01 and want to compare texts.2013 Page 19 of 144 . the favorites are copied as well. you change the role assignment of a user. A complete display is only possible with the scroll bar to the right. and "Parameters" cannot be displayed completely. You want to carry out the following actions on tab page "Role assignment" in Transaction SU01: Assign a user a collective role which includes single roles 26. the table controls on tab pages "Task profiles". PFCG. "Profiles". 498051 40B-45B - You are in the central system of a Central User Administration and are changing the master data. or PFUD. 423856 SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61015 610 SAPKB62001 620 - On smaller monitors (e.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D10 SAPKB61001 46D 610 - When you copy a user in Transaction SU01. The change is carried out in the target system even if a logical database lock is set for the user there. the "Communication type" field is not available on the "Address" tab page although it can be maintained in the Business Workplace (Transaction SBPW -> Settings -> Office settings -> Administrative information -> Address management). BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN . or BAPIs BAPI_USER_CREATE.g. While doing this. The maintenance attribute of role assignment is set to "global". SCUG. The error occurs in Support Packages SAPKH46B32 and SAPKH46B33 only. 455179 SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61010 610 - In Transaction SU01. the sending of IDocs is triggered. 446956 46B - You are in the CUA central system. role and profile assignments of a user. the assignment of these single roles to the child systems is kept. This also applies when you edit your own user via SU01. 442957 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - When you save a user in Transaction SU01. 441209 SAPKH45B47 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 - You want to change a user using Transaction SU01. 438513 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 - Explanation on the time zone of a user 436755 SAPKH40B80 40B 26. However. however. You receive an error message saying that the user is locked by another user. 449594 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB61009 610 - You found that a user with user name "SPACE" is in your system which cannot be deleted with the usual means. surname or sort fields SORT1 and SORT2 is very slow. 441215 --- - You use the Central user Administration (CUA). the user looses all authorizations and only regains them after logging on again. 441501 SAPKH45B47 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - You delete a user. displays an incorrect name. Nevertheless you can display the user's address data by means of function module "BAPI_USER_DISPLAY". not all systems are entered which should be available according to the collective role. 451708 SAPKB46B36 46B - The search for users by first name. When you delete a collective role on the "Roles" tab page in Transaction SU01 or SU10 which includes single roles with another target system than the central system.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 with target system attribute: On the "Systems" tab page. Deprive a user from a collective role shich includes single roles with target system attribute: Not all assignments to single roles belonging to the collective role are deleted. The error message.02.2013 Page 20 of 144 . the user is already locked by another user. if you scroll down and press the button "Delete marked lines".02. 437303 SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 - According to Transaction SCUM. This behavior was intended but has not produced the expected results. if field "Valid to" in the "Logon data" tab contains its inital value whereas field "Valid from" is filled with a value in Transaction SU01. In addition. the new user does not contain the assigned authorizations after the logon. Further symptom: In systems where the users are changed frequently. the marks are valid in the visible area only. 162746 SAPKH40B24 40B SAPKH45A24 45A SAPKH45B05 45B SAPKB46A02 46A SAPKB46A03 46A SAPKE40B24 40B R/3-Standard-HR - When you copy a user to a user that already existed and that was deleted in the meantime in Transaction SU01. roles may only be assigned in the central system.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B47 SAPKB46B35 SAPKB46C26 SAPKB46D15 SAPKB61007 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 - When you create or change a user via Transaction SU01. you cannot exit from Transaction SU01. 158208 SAPKB46B01 46B SAPKB46B09 46B SAPKB46B11 46B SAPKB46C02 46C SAPKB46C04 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - A short dump is generated when you create user during an upgrade: CREATE_DATA_UNKNOWN_TYPE in CL_PERS_ACCESS_CO_OM_MA=======CP 436964 SAPKB61005 610 - Error message: "Invalid time interval" is displayed. You nevertheless can delete role assignments in child systems using pushbutton "Delete line" in Transaction SU01. table USRBF2 increases constantly. 439099 SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61006 610 - In all table controls. This means that the program does not delete marked lines.2013 Page 21 of 144 . The program only deletes lines whose marks are still visibile on the screen. 433690 SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C27 46C 26. Saving then results in an error in the address management. the password is not checked for formal correctness in the screen. 426694 SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61003 610 - If you do not log on in the language used to create the profiles and the roles. if the entry in field "User group" contained number in the previous release. the role has a target system attribute referring to target system "Y". (Depending on the release. 423574 SAPKH45B50 45B 26. when you choose <ENTER> after adding a new profile. a popup is presently displayed that asks the adimistrator whether this role should be assigned for system "Y". texts are not displayed either on tabs "Roles" and "Profiles".) 426758 SAPKH31I88 31I SAPKH40B67 40B SAPKH45B45 45B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61004 610 SAPKE31I88 31I R/3 Standard-HR - In user maintenance Transaction SU01. the profile names are displayed as short text on the "Profiles" tab page in the edit mode of Transaction SU01. If the Central User Administration (CUA) is active.6b or 4. However. You want to deactivate the popup. Every time the screen changes.2013 Page 22 of 144 . no texts are displayed in tab "Profiles" of Transaction SU01. You have to mark every user group individually. 431185 SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61005 610 SAPKB61006 610 - You created a user group with an empty name (depending on the release. in Transaction SU01 or SUGR) and want to delete the group again. the system displays no message at all or message 01168: "User group & still used in user master records". Starting with the Support Packages of the first correction.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D16 SAPKB61009 46D 610 - After the release upgrade to 4. you cannot leave tab "Logon data" in Transaction SU01.02. you cannot mark records on tab "Groups" using the "Select all" function.6C. The system does not allows the deletion. 422309 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C - You have an active Central User Administration (CUA) and want to assign a role to a usr for target system "X" on tab "Roles" in Transaction "SU01". 423843 SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - If you are the administrator and are authorized to maintain the user to be maintained. This message is displayed when creating the user but not when trying to change it. 00058 is issued: 'Entry xxx does not exist (please check the input). 395841 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C20 46C SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61002 610 - When you create. a deadlock may arise on Table USR03/USR04. This is a security gap since . When you try to set a parameter that does not exist in the central system. The user cannot be deleted either. 26. no check is carried out as to whether you are authorized to assign the authorizations of the reference user. the system-independent data are not distributed. the following error message is issued in Transaction SCUL: "USER E PARAMETER ID xxx is not registered". When you create an ESS user. no USER-IDOC is generated but IDocs for the role and profile assignments are generated. 417443 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - You use a Central User Administration and wish to create or change a user in the individual component systems and assign system-specific parameters.' After you tried to distribute a user in a central system where one of the set parameters does not exist.2013 Page 23 of 144 .SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B55 SAPKB46B38 SAPKB46B43 SAPKB46C29 SAPKB46C34 SAPKB46D18 SAPKB46D23 SAPKB61012 SAPKB61022 SAPKB62004 45B 46B 46B 46C 46C 46D 46D 610 610 620 - SU01: BAPIs BAPI_USER_APPLICATION_OBJ_* provide errors. message no.02. you can assign any reference user to a user in the user maintenance (Transaction SU01).by assigning a reference user . 330067 46D-610 - When distributing a user during saving in SU01. Thus. change or delete users in Transaction can grant considerably wider authorizations than in the usual way by assigning roles and profiles. the system reports that the profile or the activity group could not be assigned to the user master record. ABAP program "SAPLSUSB" terminates with the message "ORA-00060". However. you can enter non-existing roles and profiles in Transaction SU01. 425253 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 - When you create a user or change the password in the user maintenance transaction (SU01). the message "Please enter a substitute" (LAW_MESSAGES 020) is displayed. 01293 "The passwords specified must be identical") and then an error message with blank text. the user may not be completely deleted. 45A-45B. 413710 SAPKB46B31 46B - If you enter user type "Substitute" or "Multi system/-client" in tab "Licence data" of Transaction SU01 and directly go to another tab afterwards. you have to enter the password twice . You cannot select the target systems to be called. 425231 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61005 610 SAPKB61009 610 SAPKB61012 610 - You created or deleted a role or a profile in the central system or in a child system. 46A-46B. If you enter different passwords.2013 Page 24 of 144 . 46C - When you delete a user. Now. There is no background job for this purpose. 192290 40A-40B. The first message should be an error message (not an information message) and the second one is not necessary.02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 although the user master record is not locked by other users or programs. you need to call function "Text comparison in child systems" in Transaction SU01 in the central system. the program first displays an information message (message no. It may happen that no SAPoffice user is created for a user. 421846 SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - If the Central User Administration is active. The system does not check against the check tables. This error occurs with function module BAPI_USER_DELETE and with Transactions SU01 and SU10. No error message is displayed to this matter. 26. 37813 21A-21N. In your child system. the data period is not set correctly.02. indicator "NEW_SYSTEM" is deleted from Table USZBVLNDRC for this system. 391351 SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB61009 610 - As of Release 3. 30A-30B - In Transaction SU01. Transaction SU01 continues to link generated profiles whose names do not start with "T_" or "T-" to users. 140510 31G-31I - SU01: Search help for reference user is missing 398503 SAPKB46C20 46C SAPKB46D11 46D - When navigating from users (Transaction SU01) or from the organization management (Transaction PROM) to the assigned role (activity group). the profile status is displayed in red in activity group maintenance (Transaction PFCG). however. you want to delete the link of an activity group to the user under "Utilities -> Assign activity group". although the link was correctly deleted with the activity group. 27920 21A-21N. However. compare and delete user groups in Transaction SU01. 183359 SAPKH31H85 31H SAPKH31I58 31I SAPKH40B31 40B SAPKH40B35 40B SAPKH40B49 40B SAPKE31H85 31H R/3 standard HR SAPKE31I58 31I SAPKE40B31 40B SAPKE40B35 40B SAPKE40B49 40B - You are using a Central User Administration and integrated a new child system. the system may display too few data.1).0A. you should only be able to create and delete users from the CUA. 22A-22I.0). Now.2013 Page 25 of 144 . without the text (Release 4. After changing the authorization data. however. 22A-22J. the pushbutton "Delete" in Transaction SU01 is still active. After you transferred all users from the new child system to the CUA using Transaction SCUG.0C inclusive. The actions can be carried out without check until Release 3. you can create. since you want to implement a great number of users. 300-30F 26. The system gets stuck in batch input processing. 36063 30A-30C - Transaction SU01 is executed in batch input. or red and "To compare" (Release 3.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 414084 SAPKB61001 610 - When you display the change documents for a user in a restricted period. 62259 30C-30F - When you copy a user in Transaction SU01 and change any user afterwards. 80037 30A-31H - When you create a user in batch input.31G - In Transactions SU01. The selection is incorrect in specific situations. 72619 30A-31G - Copying users does not copy the fixed values for date format and decimal representation. Instead of the values of the reference user. the address data can also be copied. the value help does not display user groups. no further actions are carried out after the first save.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - After an upgrade from Release 2. even if you only have display authorization. The system does not display address data afterwards. The following message is issued: "User A was copied to B". SU02 and SU03 Info -> Overview -> Profile values only the profile name and not the profile text is displayed. 68075 31G - In Transactions SU01. the first save does not work. The first two fields after "Name" or the SAPoffice address are not copied. Affected are three telephone numbers. some address data has disappeared. only if there are no single profiles that match the generic input.22J - You create a user with Transaction SU01 and enter address data in the second screen. 76589 31G-31H - You can select users in a dialog window.02. the system default settings are defaulted in the dialog window for the maintenance of the user fixed values. object -> <Select object class> -> <Select object> you can select authorizations by field values. 30A-31G - After creating a user with Transaction SU01.2013 Page 26 of 144 . collective profiles are taken into account. language. 71314 22G-22G. 80317 30F - When you maintain user parameters in Transaction SU01 (Administration -> User maintenance -> Users) or in Transaction 26. however.x to 3. 43605 30A-30D - SU01: You can change time zone. If you enter a generic value in field "Profile". 52553 SAPKH30D13 30D - When you copy users. printer control and CATT indicator.0x or after a client copy. 68126 30A . SU02 and SU03: Info -> Overview -> Users (or profiles or authorizations) -> Sel. 50573 22A . 98277 40A-40B - Error in Release 4. the batch input session terminates prematurely. When you choose "No" or "Cancel". the program abends with the following short dump: 'ABAP runtime error convt_no_number'. the dialog popup is displayed where you can confirm the action. The detail view of a profile is displayed instead. the following message is issued: "Entry X does not exist". the following message is issued: Error in address management: 'ADDR_PERS_COMP_EXP_SUBSCREEN' sy-subrc = 3. you can user XXX beforehand?" XXX is not the user that you just wanted to create. 93802 --- - When you create a user. When you save during editing of the user to be created. 40A - The scroll bar at the edge of the Table Control does not allow to scroll the displayed list. Only after you overwrite the value with blanks and delete the line with the "Delete line" button. 93751 31H - You want maintain users (SU01) in batch input.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SU52 (via System -> User defaults -> User parameters). 40A - When you lock or unlock a user with Transaction SU01. 90525 31G-31H. a control request is displayed that contains the incorrect user name: "Data was changed . a corresponding change document may not be written.2013 occurring in user management. 40A 40B 40B 40B 40B 45A 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 40B R/3 standard HR 40B 40B 40B Page 27 of 144 . When you save.02.0 in the area User maintenance/authorizations: You can no longer maintain the Cost center field. 93057 40A - If you terminate the creation of a user. 26. parameter ID PID "X" is specified for some users. 87386 31G-31I. 93981 30A-31H - Errors in address management 94104 SAPKH40A01 SAPKH40B08 SAPKH40B19 SAPKH40B21 SAPKH40B29 SAPKH45A02 SAPKH45B11 SAPKB46B37 SAPKB46C28 SAPKB46D17 SAPKB61012 SAPKE40B08 SAPKE40B19 SAPKE40B21 SAPKE40B29 - After you enter the user name and delete it with pushbutton "Delete". 02. if you assigned a new company address to the user and when you left the address tab to access another tab during data maintenance. 118574 SAPKH40B07 40B SAPKE40B07 40B R/3 standard HR - In particular when you enter data into Table Control "Profile and activity groups" by overwriting an existing line. the new profile first contains the text of the overwritten one and the new entry is appended to the list. the transaction abends with short dump DYNPRO_MSG_IN_HELP. 118359 SAPKH40B07 40B SAPKE40B07 40B R/3 standard HR - Problems in address data maintenance in particular. error message "Program error. 105331 40A-40B - The system does not allow users to execute a function although the user has the relevant authorizations in his master record. The program states that the company addresses are still being used and cannot be deleted. The long text states that system program CPASS was called with an insufficient number of parameters. 4. Note 93802. 118834 SAPKH40B67 40B SAPKH45B46 45B - In Transaction SU01. The fields for the logon language and the spool control are also ready for input in display mode. The system log contains entries such as: "User buffer is too small for User xxxxx". Note 98277).SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 Address error when deleting users (cf. 110179 40A-40B. the following message is issued: Error resetting the user buffers. 99532 SAPKH40A09 40A SAPKH40B04 40B SAPKE40B04 40B R/3 standard HR - If you use the input help (F4) in field "User name". please inform SAP" is issued when you save. Infosystem Authorizations (SUIM) user list does not display address data correctly (4. 10187 --- - When you reset the user buffer in Transaction SU01. you also want to delete the company addresses assigned to the users deleted before.0A only). 109154 31G-31I. the fixed values of users can be changed without the relevant authorization. 45A-45B - After deleting the user SAP* in Transaction SU01. Message number 01045. 40A-40B. Error in batch input (cf. if you are not authorized to display users (authorization object S_USER_GRP).2013 Page 28 of 144 . 45A - After deleting all users in Transaction SU01 via mass change -> Delete all users.0A only). 123245 30A-31I 26. the parameter long text is not displayed.2013 Page 29 of 144 . If the system is to offer another default. existing changes may be overwritten. 125194 40A-40B. date and decimal formats are not transferred from the template during the transfer of the fixed values. an ABAP/4 runtime error (DYNPRO_CONVERSION) occurs. 42044 30C-30D - When you create a user. After entering the data and confirming with RETURN. The default values set in the instance profile are used instead (zcsa/moddatfm und zcsa/moddcpfm). date format DD. you can set this via system profile parameters zcsa/moddatfm (date format) and zcsa/moddcpfm (decimal format).02. Setting of parameter zcsa/moddcpfm = X does not work. 26. 87461 30A-31I - When you display single records of Table USR02 in Transaction SE16. 123644 SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB61009 610 - You are maintaining the user parameters either in Transaction SU01 or in Transaction SU03 via System -> User defaults -> Own data. if the contents of table field USR02-UFLAG consist of three characters (e. if users are locked (entry in field UFLAG is "128"). 130510 SAPKH40B10 40B SAPKE40B10 40B R/3 standard HR - When creating a new user. 45A-45B - If a user data change in the central system only changes the profile or activity group assignment.MM.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - When you display the contents of Table USR02 in Transaction SE16. 45A-45B - When you copy a user. 138254 40A-40B. the setting stored in the system profile for parameter zcsa/moddcpfm (decimal format) is not defaulted as default value. 45A-45B - When you select a position from the list of the assigned task profiles. the data displayed in the field for the last change and the change date are not updated. with entries for locked users: USR02-UFLAG = 128). double-clicking does not branch to the position. 138097 30F-31H - Incorrect authorization check in case of password change.YYYY is proposed for the user defaults in the standard. 124441 31G-31I - When you consecutively change the address data of a user. a termination occurs. if you had already selected an activity group before. and a comma is proposed for the decimal format. 132037 40A-40B. The long text is not displayed until you save.g. 154442 SAPKH40B20 40B SAPKE40B20 40B R/3 standard HR - The behavior of the Table Controls in the user maintenance does not meet the latest ergonomic standard. 156907 40A-40B. dispatch points. the selection list does not display the addresses specified as the company addresses.02. This allows to carry out two changes to the same address in parallel. and error message AM891 "Internal error . not all of the company addresses are available in the input help. 164297 SAPKH45B20 45B SAPKH45B28 45B SAPKB46B04 46B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C01 46C SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - When you create further roles (activity groups) for a user and are authorized for the new activity groups only and not for the existing ones. When you maintain company addresses via Transaction SU01. 46A-46B. Actually. 166060 SAPKH45B06 45B 26.DB and COMM_A_P_IN_MEMORY inconsistent" is issued. etc. 161578 SAPKH40B25 40B SAPKH45A24 45A SAPKH45B07 45B SAPKB46A01 46A SAPKE40B25 40B - Deletion of a company address in Transaction SU01 is rejected with message AM068 "The address was not deleted (there are assignments to persons)". 157510 SAPKH31H57 31H SAPKH31I31 31I SAPKE31H57 31H SAPKE31I31 31I - When you maintain the communications data (phone and fax) of a user.). the system reports missing authorizations for the old activity groups. 46C-46D - When you assign another company address to a user. sales organization. 156988 SAPKH31H54 31H SAPKH31I28 31I SAPKE31H54 31H SAPKE31I28 31I - For some actions a lock is not set. The change saved last is kept. this address is no longer assigned to any active user.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 143999 45A-45B.2013 Page 30 of 144 . plant. 45A-45B - You may not be able to maintain your own user data in Transaction SU01. the transaction is terminated. but the addresses of customizing objects (company code. i. 166110 SAPKH40B24 40B SAPKH45B06 45B SAPKE40B24 40B - SU01: User parameters disappear when copying the users. 416549 SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61002 610 - When you rename users.e.2013 Page 31 of 144 . 197844 SAPKB46B02 46B - CUA: Role and profile assignments disappear. the previous user is still displayed. the input help of the search function does not find activity groups that had not been created in the logon language.02. the roles (activity groups) entered for the user are not transferred. the program terminates with the following message "Error in address management sy-subrc = sapname_has_no_office # 01 020 (sapname_has_no_office)". the old password can be used again. 177231 SAPKH40B29 40B SAPKH45B11 45B SAPKE40B29 40B R/3 standard HR - When you change the user address. you can make entry " ". 198339 SAPKH45B27 45B 26. 168874 SAPKB46A01 46A - User maintenance SU01: Entries in table controls are not sorted. 182862 SAPKH40B36 40B SAPKB46B01 46B SAPKE40B36 40B - When you rename a user. 172028 SAPKH40B71 40B SAPKH45B49 45B SAPKB46B06 46B SAPKB46B37 46B - User maintenance SU01: For a profile. the position assignment of the user is not updated. 197453 SAPKH31H73 31H SAPKH31I45 31I SAPKE31H73 31H R/3 standard HR SAPKE31I45 31I - Entry of enhanced user groups without authorization check.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B15 SAPKB46B01 45B 46B - After you as the administrator reset the password of a user. 184906 SAPKH45B47 45B SAPKB46B34 46B - When you assign roles (activity groups) from user master maintenance. 205888 SAPKH40B42 40B SAPKH40B64 40B SAPKH45B22 45B SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKB46B06 46B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C01 46C SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKE40B42 40B R/3 standard HR - After you deleted a user who was assigned to several user groups on tab page "Groups". 46A-46B - No profile display for users. the system checks whether you as the administrator are authorized to change all activity groups of a user.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B35 SAPKH45B40 SAPKH45B42 SAPKH45B44 SAPKB46A10 SAPKB46B02 SAPKB46B15 SAPKB46B22 SAPKB46B26 SAPKB46B28 SAPKB46B31 SAPKB46B32 SAPKB46C07 SAPKB46C11 SAPKB46C16 SAPKB46C18 SAPKB46C23 SAPKB46D02 SAPKB46D03 SAPKB46D09 SAPKB46D11 SAPKB46D12 SAPKB61002 45B 45B 45B 45B 46A 46B 46B 46B 46B 46B 46B 46B 46C 46C 46C 46C 46C 46D 46D 46D 46D 46D 610 - If you scroll with the scroll bar to one of the table controls after switching with "Display/Change". 203553 --45A-45B. the user still appears in the 26. 203340 --46D - When you change a user in Transaction SU01.02. 201967 SAPKH40B64 40B SAPKH45B42 45B SAPKB46B30 46B SAPKB46C20 46C SAPKB46D11 46D - You cannot delete the roles assigned to a user in TransactionSU01. the system switches again between Display and Change.2013 Page 32 of 144 . however. A check for changes of the activity group assignments would be sufficient. if the maximum number of 300 profiles is exceeded. 02. The cost center in CO has length 10.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 display you can call via Transaction SUGR (SU01 ->Environment -> User groups -> Display). you can make a maximum of 18 entries on tab page "Parameters" in SU3 (System -> User defaults -> Own data). no input help is displayed. 334426 --46C - When you distribute users with the Central User Administration. 305890 SAPKH45B24 45B SAPKB46B09 46B SAPKB46C02 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - When you copy a user via Transaction SU01.5B under HP-UX. 210496 SAPKB46B06 46B SAPKB46C01 46C - Field "Cost center" in the user master (SU01. The basis field used in user maintenance has documentary character only. the other intervals of the activity group are deleted as well. however. 350619 --- - When you enter a role name. an addressing error occurs which is reported via a message of message class AM. 212181 --- - If a user has a role (activity group)with several validity intervals of which one is deleted.2013 Page 33 of 144 . the distribution logs (Transaction SCUL) contain message 01036: Invalid date format.". or the entries made are declared invalid. 323861 SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - On the R/3 frontend 4. There is no functional reference to the CO cost center. 319804 SAPKH40B49 40B SAPKH45B28 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D SAPKE40B49 40B - When you change a user password in Transaction SU01 via pushbutton "Change password" and use the Central User Administration. the associated profiles are displayed on the corresponding tab page but with the text of 26. logon data) has length 8.. a dump with error message 'DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND' occurs. performance problems occur when several administrators are saving in SU01 at the same time. 306126 SAPKH45B29 45B - When you maintain the address in Transaction SU01 or SU3... 212191 SAPKH45B22 45B SAPKH45B27 45B - Sometimes. 02. only the first of the selected roles is displayed. the user administration has new dialog. you cannot change the validity period of the assignment of the user to the role (activity group). 355361 SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - In Transaction SU01. The system reports that the user is already being changed by another user. the date fields of tab page "Roles" are no longer ready for entry. Only after you confirm with the ENTER key. system. the existing alias values are displayed several times.2013 user types: programs do of change field "User Page 34 of 144 . service and reference users.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the alphabetically previous profile. 355364 SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - When you repeatedly call the input help for the user alias. at first. the other roles are displayed. F1 help for type" is obsolete or not translated. 355494 SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - You cannot change a SAP user created with function module BAPI_USER_CREATE in Transaction SU01. the user is still displayed on tab page "Users" of the profile generator. After you confirm with the ENTER key. the correct profile text is displayed. 353962 SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKH45B37 45B SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D05 46D - As of Basis 4. 26. 136040 45A-45B - After you completely deleted a user with activity groups in the central system. After you saved and restarted SU01. Some not display the new user types correctly: Display documents for users (report RSUSR10). 360254 SAPKH40B56 40B SAPKH45B35 45B SAPKB46A31 46A SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C12 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - You cannot delete a user existing in the child system from within the central system.6C. 354054 SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D08 46D - When you assign roles to a user using the input help. although this is not correct. 02. the links (IT1001) to this user are deleted in all plan variants in function module RH_USER_ALL_REL_DELETE. the relationships maintained for the user in the Global User Manager are kept.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 325758 SAPKH45B29 SAPKH45B32 SAPKB46B16 SAPKB46B18 SAPKB46C07 SAPKB46C09 SAPKB46D03 45B 45B 46B 46B 46C 46C 46D - When you delete a user. This action should not be carried out for transport plan variant . (Global User Manager (Transaction SUUM) is deactivated.2013 Page 35 of 144 .) 309535 SAPKB46B11 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - When you delete a user with Transaction SU01. 373672 SAPKH40B78 40B SAPKH45B57 45B SAPKB46B26 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D06 46D - You can delete users in the child system via pushbutton "Delete". since this would have consequences that would be hard to control. 154720 SAPKH45A18 45A SAPKH45B03 45B - Text comparison using pushbutton "Text comparison from child systems" on tab page "Activity groups" returns only "0000" for the texts belonging to the activity groups. error ERROR_DURING_DELETE occurs in function module RH_USER_ALL_REL_DELETE. 26. 151652 SAPKH45A27 45A SAPKH45B04 45B SAPKH45B09 45B SAPKH45B11 45B SAPKH45B15 45B SAPKH45B24 45B SAPKB46B06 46B - You cannot distribute company addresses into the child systems via Transaction SUCOMP.: 320026 SAPKH40B50 40B SAPKH45B28 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D SAPKE40B50 40B - When you delete one or several users in user maintenance. although deletion should only work from the central system. The relationships between roles (activity groups) and systems cannot be deleted automatically when you delete them in the child system. You have to manually delete the relationships afterwards. .SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 155054 SAPKH45A18 SAPKH45B03 45A 45B - You have a user in the CUA central system that was distributed to a child system but has never been logged on in the central system. 155120 SAPKH45A18 45A SAPKH45B03 45B SAPKH45B27 45B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C06 46C 26. the user must change his password when logging on to the child system.2013 generated initial passwords via Transaction SU01 a password or when creating users in order to passwords (INIT. 144091 SAPKH45A13 45A SAPKH45B01 45B SAPKH45B18 45B SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKB46B03 46B SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C01 46C SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - When you switched off the central system and run Transaction SU01. user master comparison is not carried out automatically. If the user has already changed the password. short dumps occur. if the user administrator is not authorized to make assignments. When you change the user in the central system and distribute him again. Existing profile assignments are lost. a comparison of user master data is carried out automatically after every saving of user data in SU01. After applying the first correction.02. --45B SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46D05 46D Page 36 of 144 . it is overwritten by the password of the central system. the system might be displayed again on the registration tab of the user. 142595 SAPKH45A13 45A SAPKH45B01 45B SAPKH45B07 45B SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D06 46D - Assignment of when changing avoid initial 372070 - When you delete a system that was assigned to the user and subsequently delete the user in the child system.) that can be easily guessed. 161806 SAPKH45A24 45A SAPKH45B05 45B SAPKB46A01 46A - For the central system.. You want to set a new initial password for several child systems via the central system. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D02 46D - You distribute the copy template of a user in SU01 which may be partly overwritten with the data of the copied user.g. 200512 SAPKH45B18 45B SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B03 46B SAPKB46B30 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61001 610 - The pushbutton for global locking and unlocking is missing. you can enter system SPACE on tab page "Profile" or "Activity group".2013 Page 37 of 144 .02. problems (e. lock problems) may sometimes occur. 313285 SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D03 46D 26. 171786 --- - After distributing company addresses. 187412 45A-45B. the deletion is not distributed into the child system. an error message is issued. 46A-46B - In Transaction SU01. 216182 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - When you delete company addresses. 156504 SAPKH45A20 45A SAPKH45B03 45B - In the central system. the profiles are removed from the user master records again during user master comparison because the primary assignment between the user and the activity group is missing. the activity groups entered on tab page "Activity groups" disappear immediately again. 190265 --- - When you distribute printer parameters. 177258 SAPKB46A03 46A - If you enter the authorization profiles generated by the profile generator directly into the user master records. 179394 SAPKH45B11 45B - CUA: The cost center is not distributed. 185718 SAPKH45B14 45B SAPKB46B01 46B - There is no possibility of automatically distributing company addresses in bulk. you can set the decimal format "1 234 567. 321739 --- - If you assign a role to a user in a system-specific way in Transaction SU01 and the Central User Administration is active. the role is automatically deleted from the list. This effect occurs if the role also exists in the central system (i. SPACE as thousand separator) in Transaction SU01 and SU02 via the user defaults.5. this role is also entered for another target system. the profile of the role is displayed as 'To be adjusted'. 373531 SAPKB46B26 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D06 46D - When you assign Workflow tasks to a role (activity group).) instead of the comma (. This way. 387017 SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46C23 46C contains errors SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKB46D11 46D contains errors SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61002 610 contains errors SAPKB61003 610 - A user who already has some roles assigned cannot be assigned further roles. an ITS service using this function module may interpret the format of specified 26.02. 314170 SAPKB46B12 46B SAPKB46C05 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - On tab page "Roles".e.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - Error message if several communication types are maintained. was indirectly assigned via a composite role). can be edited via Transaction PFCG) and if the target system of the role does not correspond to the target system entered in Transaction SU01.).89" incorrectly and returns a point (.e. RFC-compliant function module SUSR_GET_USER_DEFAULTS interprets number format "1 234 567.2013 Page 38 of 144 . the entry is displayed twice for the same system after confirming with the ENTER key. 319146 46B-46D - If you assign a user the same role in two systems via the Central User Administration. 377761 --- - Distribution of user data does not work if the central and child systems have different maintenance levels. 320319 SAPKB46C07 46C - Comparison of authorizations of composite and single roles. The last role entered is marked blue (i.89" (comma as decimal point. 380912 SAPKH40B59 40B - As of Basis release 4. SU01 also checks authorization S_USER_GRP with activity 78 in display mode when you leave tab page "User groups".2013 Page 39 of 144 . 387017 45B. the decimal format (comma as decimal point. 386066 SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKH45B53 45B SAPKH45B55 45B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46B43 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46C34 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB46D23 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB61021 610 SAPKB62002 620 SAPKB62004 620 o - As of Basis release 4.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 numbers incorrectly or display numbers incorrectly. 382082 SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D06 46D User display (Transaction SU01D) - In the mere display transaction SU01D. assignment). In the correction for the above problem. a special case has been overlooked: The SAP GUI Calendar Control available as of 4.5. 46C - You use the CUA and distribute user group assignments of tab page "User groups" in Transaction SU01 which are inserted in the target system several timesinstead of replacing the existing assignments. Date format YYYY-MM-DD is not returned by function module SUSR_GET_USER_DEFAULTS. As of 4.6C.02. 46B. you can switch to change mode after calling the organizational assignment (Environment -> Organizat. 492729 SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - User display SU01D checks authorizations that are required for changing activity group assignments only. SPACE as thousand separator) may be interpreted incorrectly by function module SUSR_GET_USER_DEFAULTS. 314649 SAPKH45B27 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46C11 46C 26.6 always needs the date format in English since the date format is used by the program and is not displayed. But in Transaction SCUL. The reason for that error is not given in the message. you send several users one after the other. and the following warning is displayed in Transaction SCUL: "Role assignment to user & not completed". 312714 SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46D02 46D Central User Administration log (Transaction SCUL) - The Central User Administration is active. The change is not carried out in the target system of a CUA. you want to make role assignments. A user who did not have any profile assignment before now has the profile assignment of the user sent before him. 444956 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61008 610 - In your CUA. 01." 453438 --- 26.02. Transaction SCUL shows changes for role and profile assignments although you use the CUA with the local role and profile assignment. 459342 SAPKH45B49 45B SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61011 610 - You want to deprive some users of role or profile assignments. This activity fails. 555150 SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62012 620 - In Transaction SCUL.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D02 - o 46D The display version of user maintenance (SU01D) unnecessarily sets a lock on the company address so that an administrator cannot change users at that moment. 594194 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 - In a system of a central user administration (CUA). you can see the following warning for some of the changed users in the warning area: Class no. In several cases. The log of Transaction SU10 shows that all desired changes were made.2013 Page 40 of 144 . you set global role maintenance and want to use Transaction SU10 to assign or remove roles to/from users in the associated child systems. Text 49 "Activity group assignment to user & not carried out completely. and in the child system. 201428 45A-46D 202516 SAPKH45B18 45B 26. 325914 --- - When forwarding users with Transaction SCUL. 169538 SAPKH45B07 45B SAPKH45B09 45B SAPKH45B15 45B - The specified distribution status is sometimes incorrect. the assignment of profiles and activity groups is missing. see Note 433941). performance soon decreases to such an extent that you must quit and restart the transaction. 152138 SAPKH45B04 45B - When you call Transaction SCUL. The most severe error is not propagated to the top tree node.02. errors occur in the communication addresses: 'USER E Please select a number as standard number in the communication type. 129727 numbers 46B 46B 46C 46C 46D 46D 610 610 solved in 45B - The log display sometimes shows users in status "unconfirmed" that never disappear. The same happens when distributing users several times via the Global User Manager (GUM . the program abends with a short dump. 357491 SAPKH45B49 45B SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C12 46C SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D04 46D SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61007 610 SAPKB61011 610 - When distributing users from the central system. the log (Transaction SCUL) incorrectly displays message "User exists already".SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - Display of the outgoing IDOC 419622 SAPKB46B31 SAPKB46B35 SAPKB46C23 SAPKB46C26 SAPKB46D12 SAPKB46D15 SAPKB61002 SAPKB61007 - When you distribute users from the central system into the child systems.' The errors occur in the central system (Transaction SCUL) and in the child system (Transaction WE05).2013 Page 41 of 144 .deactivated. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B49 SAPKB46B03 SAPKB46B37 SAPKB46C01 SAPKB46C28 SAPKB46D17 SAPKB61011 o 45B 46B 46B 46C 46C 46D 610 - Message 01 036: "Invalid date format" after password change. After calling Transaction SCUL again.02. With every check of the results in Transaction SU01. you find that the roles to be deleted are still assigned to the users. This error occurs when you use a CUA. however.2013 Page 42 of 144 . the correct values are displayed again. According to the log. Transaction SU10 has successfully carried out all desired actions. incorrect values are displayed under "Status information" after returning to the initial screen. 594361 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62019 620 - Due to an unfortunate combination of actions in tabs "Systems". "Roles" and "Profiles" in Transaction SU10. 368774 SAPKH45B37 45B SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D05 46D Mass change (Transaction SU10) - In Transaction SU10. it may happen that the selected user masters are deleted completely in child systems. you want to remove one or several roles assigned before without changing the selected users. 562276 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 - You use Transaction SU10 to assign a profile to several users. 323861 SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - If you call a selection screen and then the log display under "Complete control" via "Man. 565461 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 26. it is assigned to that user again. Even if this profile has already been assigned to a particular user. selection" in Transaction SCUL. the user data are distributed to the target systems. profiles!" 506008 --- - You use SU10 in the central system of a Central User Administration. unnecessary actions are carried out. The changes are not carried out. When you choose "Save".02. however. Some error messages are missing in this log. if you called the "Fixed values" tab before.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB62014 620 - Due to missing checks in functions "Block users" and "Unblock users". Transaction SU10 displays a confirmation of success for all users despite of the user masters not being changed. 576924 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62016 620 - You create users in Transaction SU10. you change the flag from "Add users" to "Remove users". 488494 SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - In the change log. After saving.2013 Page 43 of 144 . an error message log is created. As the next step. If you confirm your action with <Enter> again or want to save the changes. some fixed values for printer parameters and data formats are only saved correctly. a dialog window displays the following messages: 01 321: "Do not mix 'add' and 'remove' for system-dependent data!" 01 322: "Do not mix 'add' and 'remove' for activity groups. 548453 SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB61025 610 SAPKB62010 620 - When you make mass changes in Transaction SU10. 538678 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62007 620 - You added roles on tab page "Roles" in Transaction SU10 and confirmed by pressing <Enter>. The following error message is displayed: "Alias is already used". 504412 SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61016 610 SAPKB62001 620 26. 26. 451663 SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61010 610 - You want to assign a user a role or profile for a particular target system. When you use the program again without restarting it. the PFCG works correctly at the first time. When you use a collective role with system-specific single roles. You are on the "Roles" tab page or on the "Profiles" tab page. but the target system is not entered on the "Systems" tab page.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - From the CUA central system. however. no further role assignments are made. In the target system. This leads to the fact that the assignment is not distributed into the target system. you want to use Transaction SU10 to block several users globally. The SNC tab page is displayed nevertheless.02. 444378 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61008 610 - Incomplete distribution of user master data in Transaction SU10. the phone number of the SAPoffice user is overwritten with the truncated phone number with only 16 digits. 307258 SAPKH31I54 31I SAPKE31I54 31I R/3 standard HR - In selection "User by user group". From the CUA central system. 437063 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 - Mass maintenance of a user's SNC data with Transaction SU10 is impossible. if the system had not been assigned to the user before.2013 Page 44 of 144 . All locks are set in the central system. When changing the user address data. user maintenance (Transaction SU01) later displays only the first 16 digits. you want to use Transaction PFCG to assign users and roles. This creates a data record for user " " in table USRACL. The following errors occur: Transaction SU10 does no longer distribute changes in role and profile assignments. the selection screen seems not plausible (need of interpretation). Just the master data of the last user are changed. Only one USERCLONE IDoc is distributed. 357249 SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - When you create a phone number with more than 16 digits for a SAPoffice user (Transaction SO12). the lock is set with the first user only. You enter the role or profile for the target system. SU01: 01/01/0001 problem 312943 SAPKB46B12 46B SAPKB46B16 46B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C05 46C SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D02 46D SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - User mass changes and CUA: Bothering automatic comparison of tabs. where you can select several users to be 26. To unlock.02. 46C-46D - After mass changes of profiles using Transaction SU10. Thus. a single display page is not sufficient to display all profiles) and the new profile is not among the first ten in alphabetical order. 321955 SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - In Transaction SU10. 318480 SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - To lock users it is sufficient to have activity "05" (lock) for object S_USER_GRP in the authorizations.2013 Page 45 of 144 . the profiles newly assigned to a user might be displayed in user maintenance (SU01) only after pressing ENTER.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 395690 46A-46B. all users involved receive the role and profile assignments of the user changed last. the other users loose their data! 163059 SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46A01 46A SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - Changes to the start menu are not carried out. This occurs. 210672 SAPKB46B05 46B SAPKB46C01 46C - SU10: Delete roles. you call the selection screen via "Address data".e. when the user already had more than 10 profiles (i. 50545 22A-22I - When you change role or profile assignments for more than one user. 208278 SAPKB46B06 46B SAPKB46C01 46C - A change of the user's company address via mass change does not become effective. the overall authorization is erroneously required. The selection result is displayed in a list with checkboxes. 382010 --46B. the users of the second selection are appended to the current result list. 315166 SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46D02 46D Change documents/display report tree AUTH (Transaction SUIM) - 26. however. 585629 SAPKB46B53 46B SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 Page 46 of 144 .SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 maintained. 306589 SAPKB46B09 46B - Automatically linking SYSTEMS . if you have the corresponding authorization.2013 New functions in Report RSUSR002 to find users that have special values assigned via authorization or organizational levels of roles. An authorization check is not carried out. 318480 SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - When you select "Lists of users" in the infosystem. 46C. By repeating the action.ROLES in SU10 results in messages such as "Do mot merge removing and adding". and press F3 to return to the selection screen and start selection again. the number of users in the result list is multiplied. If you mark users but do not copy them with 'Copy'. 46D - When you select user names in Transaction SU10 via "Authorization data" and "Transfer" them to the list of users to be processed.PROFILES .02. the log does not display the texts of the profiles. short dump SAPSQL_STMNT_TOO_LARGE occurs. 353894 SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D03 46D o - When you use Transaction SU10 to carry out mass maintenance of authorizations. 375131 SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61019 610 SAPKB62003 620 - You can change the user group of users in Transaction SU10. 367112 SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - Text comparison within the mass change has no effect. roles and user groups. the complete names of the users may not be entered correctly. If you created the authorization manually using Transaction SU03. only the first ten characters of the entered value are further processed. all composite profiles are displayed as result. You receive the message 01 270 "Authorization cannot be deleted because it is used in profile(s)". you choose "Where-used list -> for authorization values". 582205 SAPKB46B53 SAPKB46C44 SAPKB46D33 SAPKB61032 SAPKB62021 - In selection block "Selection by values".SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - In the user information system.2013 Page 47 of 144 .02. 583982 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62017 620 SAPKB62019 620 - In the user information system (SUIM). you cannot delete it. 598872 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 26. you choose "Where-used list -> for authorization values". 583516 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - New function for searching for values in authorization or organizational level fields of roles. 585551 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 - If you create a where-used list for profiles for an authorization which is not used in any profile. The report call leads to a program termination with error message "ABAP runtime error CONVT_NO_NUMBER". The report call leads to a program termination with error message: "ABAP runtime error CONVT_NO_NUMBER". 2013 Page 48 of 144 . profile comparison abends with error 01 814 "Profile does not exist".02. the locks are not displayed on the output list. No roles are displayed as a result although roles exist for the selection. if at least one of the users has a composite profile with the same properties assigned. 595086 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 - In the user information system (Transaction SUIM). 607115 --45B-620 - You start Report RSUSR_SYSINFO_ROLE in the central system with selection by roles and validity date "all". 598156 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 - You cannot schedule Report RSUSR009 with a variant as background job.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB62020 620 - When you call Report RSUSR070 with selection by authorization values and select by authorization values with additionally entering value "*" (by entering a preceding escape character ("#*")). Thus you cannot search for authorization values with value '*'. The user comparison fails with the same error. 606010 SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 - If Report RSUSR002 is started without selection of blocked users (parameter: 'Only blocked users' or 'Only unblocked users'). error message "01 053 Only numeric entries are permitted" is displayed. if a composite profile only contains composite profiles. 589911 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62019 620 26. 592753 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62019 620 - The documentation for some reports of the user information system is missing (Transaction SUIM). 568732 SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 - In Transaction SUIM (user information system). "Group for authorization". you choose "Transactions -> Transactions executable for user. message "E124 User does not exist" is displayed. The error message "No matching user found" is displayed.02. 561278 SAPKH40B80 40B SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62012 620 - The menu bar and some pushbuttons in Report RSUSR070 still contain the old name "Activity group" instead of "Role". "User group". "Transaction". 577397 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C 26. the report is started nevertheless and tries to find users that are assigned to the non-existing role. the following error message is displayed in the status line: "E: User SCHMIDTMAR does not exist (01-124)" 118485 SAPKH40B80 40B - This note combines several changes for Transaction SUIM that are intended for enhancing the output lists of some reports. The same applies to selection fields "User".g. you call function "Profiles -> by roles or activity groups" or Report RSUSR020. 578418 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - In the user information system (Transaction SUIM). When you enter a non-existing role (e. with profile or authorization -> Executable with profile". and "Settlement number". due to a typing error) in the "Role" field.2013 Page 49 of 144 .SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - In the user information system (Transaction SUIM). you choose "Users by complex selection criteria" (Report RSUSR002). the report does not select any profiles although the specified combination of roles/activity groups exists in profiles. When you enter a profile name and press ENTER. 554752 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 - You are on the selection screen "Change documents for user". With this selection. When you enter a user that no longer exists in selection field "Changed by". the profile text is missing. this leads to because the maximum runtime of a dialog exceeded. the single role contained in the composite role is missing on the output list. you cannot search for the attributes "Reference user" and "Alias". In extreme cases.02. The message "Does not exist !!! Logon with password PASS possible!" is displayed. 540246 SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62008 620 SAPKB62008 620 SAPKB62009 620 - After creating new users for the child systems in the central system of a central user administration (CUA). the following 26. 574399 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62015 620 - In Report RSUSR002 or Transaction SUIM under "Users" -> "Users by complex selection criteria". 572831 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62015 620 - The user type is displayed with wrong text. 574246 SAPKB62015 620 - When you start Report RSUSR070 and branch to the associated profiles in the output list. 578891 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - The runtime of Report RSUSR008 strongly of critical transaction combinations to report.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D29 46D - When comparing roles containing a composite role with only one single role.2013 depends on the number be analyzed by the program terminations work process was Page 50 of 144 . These fields are not displayed on the result list either. 578008 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - Report RSUSR003 for standard user SAP* is partly analyzed incorrectly. The earliest change document is missing. the texts can no longer be displayed in the list. the report does not list all change documents.02. short dump "CALL_FUNCTION_NOT_REMOTE" occurs.2013 Page 51 of 144 . You can neither exclude selection values nor enter value ranges. If a local administrator makes the first role or profile assignment.6B: "Activity groups" -> "Activity groups by complex search criteria" -> "by activity group name") in Transaction SUIM. For this reason.6B: "Activity groups" -> "Activity groups by complex search criteria" or "by activity group name") in Transaction SUIM. the list display for the deleted user type is missing. 545484 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62009 620 - You want to use Transaction SUIM (Comparisons -> of roles) to compare roles across systems. 556799 SAPKB46B47 46B - You carry out Report RSUSR050 (either directly or via 26. 545033 SAPKH45B57 45B SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62009 620 - When you call "Roles" -> "Roles by complex selection criteria" or "by role name" (Release 4. when the user type has been changed. 543038 SAPKH45B57 45B SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62008 620 - When you call "Roles" -> "by role name" (up to Release 4. 541921 SAPKH45B57 45B SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62009 620 - When you search for change documents for users using selection "Changes to header data" and "Changes since" in Transaction SUIM. this administrator is displayed in the change documents as the person who created the user. the multiple selection does not work correctly for both input fields ("Role" and "Description".6B: "Activity group" and "Text"). up to Release 4. you cannot select the long texts for the roles on the selections creen.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 errors occur: The systems concerned do not record the corresponding change documents. In addition. In this process. RSUSR070. RSUSR020. not all roles are displayed that have this transaction assigned. 527421 SAPKH31IA7 31I SAPKH40B77 40B SAPKH45B55 45B SAPKB46B43 46B SAPKB46C34 46C SAPKB46D23 46D SAPKB61022 610 SAPKB62005 620 SAPKE31IA7 31I R/3 standard HR - When you choose selection "Search text in role description" on the selection screen. the corresponding background job is terminated as well. If the report was started in the background. 523170 SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D23 46D SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62004 620 26. If several profiles exist for at least one of the two roles. the report also displays users who do not have this authorization object. 498842 SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61015 610 SAPKB62003 620 - In Reports RSUSR002.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 Transaction SUIM -> "Comparisons" -> "of roles") to compare the generated profiles of two roles. 527637 SAPKH31IA7 31I SAPKH40B77 40B SAPKH45B55 45B SAPKB46B43 46B SAPKB46C34 46C SAPKB46D23 46D SAPKB61022 610 SAPKB62005 620 SAPKE31IA7 31I R/3 s andard-HR - When you fill in selection field "Changed by" on the "Change documents for users" screen and the system does not find any change documents. 528906 45B-630 - When you select by authorization objects on the "Users by complex selection criteria" screen. the title is missing.02. the roles matching this selection are not selected. error message E265 ("No data selected") is displayed and the program terminates. the result is incomplete.2013 Page 52 of 144 . 550994 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46C37 46C SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB61025 610 SAPKB62010 620 - When you search for roles by transaction assignment. "Object". This flag overrides the above selection.02. "From". When you choose "List with role". and the changes by all users are displayed. "To". users are listed as well who had this role assigned temporarily only. 516571 SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61018 610 SAPKB62002 620 - When you select change documents by header data. Selection "Info system -> Users -> Users by complex selection criteria" produces a user list of all users even if authorization S_USER_GRP was restricted. "AND/OR") match the proposed values. 484433 SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D17 46D 26. 509703 SAPKH31IA2 31I SAPKH40B74 40B SAPKH45B53 45B SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 SAPKE31IA2 31I R/3 standard HR - RSUSR009 "Users with critical authorizations": - When you want to accept the values proposed by SAP via pushbutton "Proposals". 519417 SAPKH40B76 40B SAPKH45B54 45B SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61019 610 SAPKB62003 620 - Standard selection "Changes by" with simultaneous selection of "Changes to header data" runs without errors until a flag is set under "Additional selection criteria for header data". the role searched for is missing for that user. "Field name". change documents with the currently selected system date and time which actually do not exist are displayed for some users. 484135 SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - The authorization check for the user is missing in some reports of the user information system.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - When you select users by roles (activity groups). no message is displayed stating that existing entries are overwritten the first six fields of which ("ID". For this reason.2013 Page 53 of 144 . the texts for the critical authorizations are lost. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB61012 610 - If critical authorizations were linked with "AND" in the customizing data of Report RSUSR009. 486563 SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - Reports RSUSR_SYSINFO_ROLE. RSUSR_SYSINFO_PROFILE. 486657 SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - RSUSR020: As of 4. Report RSUSR003 does not recognize a global lock which was set via the Central User Administration. or profiles. and RSUSR_SYSINFO_ZBV yield incorrect results when called in CUA child systems. the list is generated with ALV-GRID-CONTROLs by default and is therefore not CATT-capable.2013 Page 54 of 144 . 492777 SAPKH31I98 31I SAPKH40B72 40B SAPKH40B73 40B SAPKH45B51 45B 26. 480407 SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61011 610 - If cross-reference "Authorization objects with values" is called for user masters. 485039 SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - When you use the user information system (SUIM: Reports RSUSR002). authorizations. the program abends after a very long runtime. List display from RSUSR020 generated with Transaction SCAT is empty and cannot be analyzed. the list is empty.6C.02. the selection criteria for a third authorization object (Authorization object 3) are ignored and not taken into account for the selection. 490879 SAPKB61013 610 SAPKB62001 620 - When you want to use Report RSUSR100 to display all change documents created by certain users (selection "Changed by"). the resulting list is incorrect. 484921 SAPKH31I96 31I SAPKH40B71 40B SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKE31I96 31I - For standard users SAP* and DDIC. if the role name contains an asterisk (*). you cannot display details for the users. profiles.02. 136856 SAPKH31I95 31I SAPKH40B70 40B SAPKH45B48 45B - When you call the report with a selection for only one user. 427151 SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61011 610 SAPKB62003 620 - On the result list.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46B39 SAPKB46C30 SAPKB46D19 SAPKB61014 SAPKB62001 46B 46C 46D 610 620 - The report result is incorrect. the result shows roles that are not assigned to the user at all. 490223 SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46C37 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB61013 610 SAPKB61025 610 SAPKB62010 620 - You cannot start a cross-system comparison for users. if the critical authorizations were entered in the table without the "from" value. Follow-up error: After applying the correction for the above problem. The following error message is displayed: E801 Please position cursor on user name! 495313 SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 26. You cannot compare roles and collective roles. 495092 SAPKH40B73 40B SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - "Users by critical combinations of transaction start authorizations" sometimes produces incorrect results.2013 Page 55 of 144 . "Users by critical authorizations" may also be affected. the error still occurs. and authorizations. in connection with authorization object S_DATASET. 444624 SAPKH40B70 40B SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C27 46C 26. Authorizations that had been added or deleted are missing on the list.2013 Page 56 of 144 . strange authorization value ranges occur such as ACTVT 03 .Z*. 490969 SAPKH45B50 45B - In the authorization info system (Transaction SUIM). 452476 SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB61009 610 - When you carry out report RSUSR030 and call an authorization by double. A check in PFCG or SU02 only shows the entry ACTVT 03. This happens.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - The change documents for profiles are not displayed completely.02.clicking. the result is only displayed if you also use selection "changed until". no cross reference can be called for authorization objects in programs. 439689 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 - Via the user information system. if the file name is longer than 18 characters. a short dump WRITE_TO_OFFSET_TOOLA may occur. 498605 SAPKH31I99 31I SAPKH40B73 40B SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61015 610 SAPKB62001 620 SAPKE31I99 31I R/3-Standard-HR - The authorization information system (Transaction SUIM) abends with ABAP runtime error "CALL_TRANSACTION_LOCKED" when Transaction SARP was locked with Transaction SM01. 489887 SAPKH31IA9 31I SAPKH40B78 40B SAPKH45B57 45B SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62007 620 SAPKE31IA9 31I - When you use selection "changed since" in Report RSUSR070. for example. 02. 440832 SAPKH40B68 40B SAPKH45B47 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - When selecting by transactions that a user may execute. the initial screen of the area menu maintenance is displayed. The effect of the selection buttons in section "Selection by user assignment" is not clear. 441107 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 - When you call Report RSUSR070 from the user information system SUIM (selection by roles). display is incomplete for the To-value. A maximum of 13 places are displayed. 438890 SAPKH40B68 40B SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61006 610 - When you choose "Back" in Transaction SUIM. 432061 SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61003 610 - In Transaction SUIM (user information system). the user information system does not display all transactions. the lock is not displayed in Report RSUSR200. 444211 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB61009 610 - When you lock a user via the Central User Administration in the central system. you select by 26. the selection by user assignment is ignored. 445531 SAPKH45B47 45B SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61008 610 - When the InfoSystem starts for users. message SF141 is displayed: No authorization for maintaining area menus.2013 Page 57 of 144 . Transaction SUIM Report RSUSR020: When you view the authorization values for the selected profiles by doubleclicking.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D16 SAPKB61009 46D 610 - InfoSystem Authorizations -> Profiles. The following message is displayed instead: "No input help available". non-existing objects are displayed as well. 430841 SAPKH45B45 45B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61004 610 - Roles by complex selection criteria: When you select by roles (activity groups).The known reports are currently: RSUSR002. not the general selection by complex selection criteria) in Transaction SUIM (User infosystem). the following errors occur: In function "Activity groups -> by authorization values". all roles are displayed. RSUSR020. When you select by descriptions for a role. no users or too few users are displayed. if the text is not found. 425056 SAPKH45B45 45B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61003 610 - Reports of the user information system terminate with the following messages:. RSUSR030. 422626 SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61002 610 - When you call a report with SAP standard variant (i.02. In a Oracle database. input help is only available for the first field ("from") but not for the second field ("to").DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL and SAPSQL_STMNT_TOO_LARGE. Report RSUSR070 does not select any activity groups although the specified combination of authorization objects and field 26.e. 420880 SAPKH31I96 31I SAPKH31IA1 31I SAPKH40B71 40B SAPKH40B74 40B SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61005 610 SAPKB61016 610 SAPKB62001 620 SAPKE31IA1 31I R/3 standard HR - When you select users by a particular start menu.2013 Page 58 of 144 . on tab page "Intervals". messages ORA-00604 and ORA-04031 may also be displayed. In dialog window "Multiple selection for role".SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 roles (activity groups) via "Users -> Users by complex selection criteria". the following message is displayed nevertheless: "No matching user found". 60905 30E - When you select users. the following occurs when you switch the view: User has already been selected: When you select a user in the second view. 168060 SAPKH40B68 40B SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 - Up to 4. copy. 48213 30D-30E - Report RSUSR002 (lists of users by complex selection criteria): If you enter an existing user group in field "User group". the user selected last in the first view is always selected. the infosystem Authorizations was realized as report tree. the last user of the list is still selected. Profile assignments leading to irritations in the infosystem are not removed either. this is not taken into account correctly in the change documents. As of 4. the program abends with a short dump. 304897 SAPKH45B24 45B SAPKB46B09 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - After executing Report RSUSR002. (Maintenance in Transaction SERP for report tree AUTH). profiles or authorizations by values and 26.6. 392304 SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - When you delete. (Maintenance via Transaction SE43 for area menu AUTH.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 values in activity groups exists. Report RSUSR020 does not select all profiles although the specified combination of authorization values and field values in the profiles exists. In function "Profiles -> by authorization values". User has not been selected yet: When you select a user in the second view. Infosystem Authorizations is an area menu.) Transaction SUIM displays the report tree instead of the area menu. 388412 SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D08 46D - When you delete a user in the central system with the Central User Administration. you can select any user by doubleclicking.5. Depending on whether a user had already been selected in the previous view.2013 Page 59 of 144 . or distribute users.02. However. 75536 30F-31G - You select profiles by profile name and text. 40A - Incorrect where-used list for authorizations.. if you select the path "Transactions -> Executable for users" (or "Executable with profile" or "Executable with authorization") in Transaction SUIM. 78825 31G - The result list contains transactions. To display actuall all change documents. although the user or the profile does not contain an authorization for object S_TCODE. Report RSUSR010 is started. If you enter data into field "Profile name" and only select "Generated profiles". 67727 30E-31G - Report RSUSR006 only lists users locked due to incorrect logon. 85356 31G - Report RSUSR002 produces incorrect results. the specifications for user group.. that were changed again after the creation. 71000 30E-31G - When you call Report RSUSR010. 40A - The transaction list for user and profile is incomplete. a termination with message DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL RSQL error 13 may occur during the access to Table "TSTCA". enter placeholder "*" in the "User" field. when you select by user group and switch to the display of the user and administration data by pressing the pushbutton "Other view" in the displayed list. 40A 26. only change documents for users are displayed.02. user type and settlement number are missing. Abend in .2013 Page 60 of 144 . 40A-40B - To display the change documents of all users. if the authorization name is longer than 10 characters.. profiles that do not have the same name as the activity group are not found. the program displays the following message: "Please select a profile type. 64640 30D . 87668 31G-31I.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the number of authorizations for the selected authorization object is very large.. 85476 30E-31H. 89411 31G-31I. leave the "User" field blank. a short dump with the following message may occur in some cases: Error message ABAP/4 runtime error DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL occurred RSQL error 13 when accessing Table . if you select by values.30E - In Report RSUSR002. 90492 30F-31H. it does not lock users locked by the administrator." 78717 31G-31H - Infosystem Authorizations (Report RSUSR020): When selecting the profiles by activity groups. In some cases. 125409 SAPKH31H53 31H SAPKH31I30 31I SAPKH40B23 40B 26. a dump does not occur. Activity groups (roles) by values: If the values reside in various profiles of a single activity group (role). 90778 SAPKD40AXX 40A - When you select the cross-reference list via "Profiles -> by profiles contained" in Transaction SUIM (reporting tree AUTH).02. 101551 31H-31I. 40A-40B. 45A-45B - Change documents for users (Report RSUSR100): If you restrict the period for change documents by entering a value into field "Changes since" that is earlier than the creation date of the user. entries for password changes may not be contained in the list. 40A-40B.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - Infosystem Authorizations: Selecting activity groups by transaction produces incorrect results. 45A - "Back" from the list with F3 does not return to the "Profile comparison" but to the "User comparison". since the profiles differing by a current number in the last two characters are not identified as belonging together. 90492 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 - When you select activity groups by transaction. The displayed list is empty although the matching profiles exist. In some cases. short dump "TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED" with error message "No memory space available for extending table SELECTED_PROFS" occurs after a longer runtime.2013 Page 61 of 144 . but the result is incorrect. 118946 SAPKH40B79 40B SAPKH45B57 45B - If a user is locked due to a logon with an incorrect password. After the user is unlocked by the administrator via Transaction SU01. 111527 30F-31I. Report RSUSR100 contains a corresponding entry. 125051 40A-40B - Selection of profiles by values. only the values for the last object are taken into account. 40A-40B - To display all change documents of all profiles in the system choose "Change documents -> Profiles" in Transaction SUIM without entering data into field "Profiles". If you enter values for several objects. there are no traces of the lock left. incorrect results are displayed. an incorrect result is displayed. the result is incorrect. Password changes initiated by the user also disappear after the next password change. 112774 31G-31I. 40A-40B - When you delete the logon data of the users in Infosystem Authorizations. 137903 31G-31I. 154401 SAPKH31H52 31H SAPKH31I27 31I SAPKH31I46 31I SAPKE31H52 31H R/3 standard HR SAPKE31I27 31I SAPKE31I46 31I - Transactions for user/profile/authorization: The texts for the transactions in the output lists are sometimes missing. 157053 SAPKH31H56 31H SAPKH31I30 31I SAPKH40B23 40B SAPKH45A22 45A SAPKH45B05 45B SAPKB46A01 46A SAPKE31H56 31H R/3 standard HR SAPKE31I30 31I SAPKE40B23 40B - Change documents for deleted users canot be analyzed. 157202 SAPKH40B21 40B SAPKH45A20 45A 26. 133932 SAPKH45B08 45B SAPKH45B13 45B - Infosystem Authorizations (Transaction SUIM): The selection of users by activity group assignments is incorrect in rare cases.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45A22 SAPKH45B05 SAPKH45B29 SAPKB46A01 SAPKB46B15 SAPKB46C07 SAPKB46D02 SAPKE31H53 SAPKE31I30 SAPKE40B23 45A 45B 45B 46A 46B 46C 46D 31H 31I 40B R/3 standard HR - Report RSUSR070 ("Infosystem Authorizations -> Activity groups") returns the activity group names only. if you enter authorization object without values only and immediately select "Execute" (RSUSR070). 156657 SAPKH31H54 31H SAPKH31I28 31I SAPKH40B21 40B SAPKH45A19 45A SAPKH45B03 45B SAPKB46A01 46A SAPKE31H54 31H R/3 standard HR SAPKE31I28 31I SAPKE40B21 40B - The selection of activity groups by authorization values is incorrect.02. the change documents are incorrect. The corresponding description (column "Long text") is missing.2013 Page 62 of 144 . the result is incorrect. the short texts for the profiles are missing. The same applies to options "Users by values" (RSUSR002).02. In status display.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B04 SAPKE40B21 45B 40B - List of activity groups: F4 does not transfer the values. 174819 SAPKH40B29 40B SAPKH40B41 40B SAPKH40B70 40B SAPKH45B10 45B SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKH45B48 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB61009 610 26. If you branch from the list of activity groups into the associated profiles. 45A - When you enter the values for one of the programs under "Cross reference" in lowercase letter. 40A-40B. "Authorizations by values" (RSUSR030).2013 Page 63 of 144 . "Profiles by values" (RSUSR020). it seems that the user had removed the administrator lock himself. 157460 SAPKH45B12 45B - When selecting by profiles. 166629 SAPKH40B24 SAPKH45B06 SAPKE40B24 of a user and subsequently add two profiles are displayed as 40B 45B 40B - Infosystem Authorizations (SUIM): List of activity groups (Report RSUSR070). 158965 SAPKH45B04 45B SAPKH45B09 45B SAPKH45B47 45B SAPKB46B09 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D16 46D - When you remove two profiles more than two profiles. Report RSUSR002 does not only take into account active accounts but also maintenance versions. That is why a too large user list is returned. only added (Report RSUSR100). 99857 31G-31I. Possible effects: Incorrect values under "Deleted entries" (these are mostly the values from the previous user). and "List of activity groups (roles) (RSUSR070). 171718 SAPKH40B27 40B SAPKH40B29 40B SAPKE40B27 40B R/3 standard HR SAPKE40B29 40B - Change documents for users: Date selection is not converted correctly. some values may not be displayed.02. 184810 SAPKH45B15 45B SAPKB46B02 46B - In the authorization list. 187776 SAPKH31H71 31H SAPKH31I42 31I SAPKH40B35 40B SAPKE31H71 31H R/3 Standard HR SAPKE40B35 40B - Activity group list by user assignment (RSUSR070): If you specify more than one user in user assignment. 26. 187104 --31G-31I.45A-45B. 176434 SAPKH40B29 40B SAPKE40B29 40B - Infosystem Authorizations: When you create a user and delete him immediately afterwards.) may occur. No result list is displayed. the change documents for users do not indicate the creation of the user.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB61010 SAPKE40B29 SAPKE40B41 610 40B 40B R/3 standard-HR - Users for activity groups: Only one entry is displayed for employees with the same last name and the same authorizations. 46A-46B - If you call option "Unequal values" by doubleclicking from the profile. 187181 SAPKH31I88 31I SAPKH40B32 40B SAPKH40B67 40B SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B01 46B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 SAPKE31I88 31I SAPKE40B32 40B - Search for last change in activity groups is incorrect. 181263 SAPKH40B38 40B SAPKH45B12 45B SAPKB46B01 46B SAPKE40B38 40B - Infosystem Authorizations: Incomplete authorization check. the texts in the list are shifted and unreadable. user or authorization comparison. 199758 SAPKH45B17 45B SAPKB46B03 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D - When displaying change documents. 40A-40B. long runtimes up to timeouts (10 min.2013 Page 64 of 144 . you can determine the corresponding profiles and activity groups only once via the where-used list. 319136 SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D08 46D 26. the lists are displayed via the SAP List Viewer (ALV).2013 Page 65 of 144 . 46C - When you specify an authorization object in Transaktion SUIM report RSUSR070 (list of activity groups) abends with a short dump. 314870 SAPKH45B27 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - In the infosystem Authorizations (SUIM). list variants can be stored with user-specific filter criteria. 314312 SAPKH45B26 45B SAPKB46B12 46B SAPKB46C05 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - Infosystem Authorizations: Activity groups by complex selection criteria. When you specify several options in the multiple selection. Option "Without user assignment" does not display the activity groups without user assignment.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 201792 SAPKH31I88 SAPKE31I88 31I 31I R/3 Standard HR - Infosystem Authorizations: List of activity groups. 205582 SAPKH45B45 45B SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61003 610 - Missing authorization check in report RSUSR009 (user with critical authorizations) in infosystem authorizations. no role (activity group) is found. 215584 SAPKH40B42 40B SAPKH45B22 45B SAPKB46A15 46A SAPKB46B07 46B SAPKB46C01 46C SAPKE40B42 40B R/3 standard HR - List of activity groups (RSUSR070) in infosystem Authorizations (SUIM). 46A-46B.02. the result is correct. If you search for the short text only and not for the role name. all roles (activity groups) are displayed. 40A-40B. 215215 --31G-31I. 45A-45B. In the case of a single selection. but the activity groups with user assignment. Criterion "Created by" of the activity group is ignored. problems may occur. Since all list variants are stored together. 203373 SAPKH40B67 40B SAPKH45B44 45B contains errors SAPKH45B45 45B SAPKB46B32 46B contains errors SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C23 46C contains errors SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D12 46D contains errors SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61002 610 contains errors SAPKB61004 610 - In systems with a large number of profiles. 354254 SAPKB46C11 46C - User selection by roles or general user groups is incorrect. roles. profiles or authorizations. If you generically search for a profile contained in users. 319576 SAPKH40B62 40B SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - Long field values (e. the system reports that the profile does not exist. If more than 100 profiles are selected in an intermediate step. 327040 --40A-46C - Infosystem Authorizations SUIM: When you display users. 358227 SAPKH45B36 45B SAPKB46B24 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - With report RSUSR010 of infosystem Authorizations (Transaction SUIM) you can display all the transactions used by an 26.g.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - Infosystem Authorizations: List of users (RSUSR002): In rare cases.02. if the selection conditions were selected in an unfavorable way. short dump RSQL-13 can occur in report RSUSR002. navigating via double click is not possible in the results lists. users are partly displayed several times. 203219 SAPKH40B51 40B SAPKE40B51 40B R/3 standard HR - User list in infosystem Authorizations (Transaction SUIM. a termination with RSQL error 13 occurs.2013 Page 66 of 144 . if the system contains a very large number of profiles and the chosen selection conditions plan that users with profiles from a very large profile list should be found in an intermediate step. RSUSR002). transaction codes) are truncated in the tree display in info system Authorizations (Transaction SUIM). This happens only. A follow-up error is caused by the Support Packages and correction instructions for solving this problem. report transactions (e.. 511200 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62018 620 - You transport the deltion of roles to the child system or the central system of the CUA. SU01. The user is displayed in the change documents as not locked. only "normal" transactions are displayed. 359391 SAPKH40B56 40B SAPKH45B35 45B SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C12 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - Report RSUSR020 of the user infosystem terminates with message DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL..2013 Page 67 of 144 . Considerable problems occur in particular when assigning roles via a Central User Administration (CUA) or a HR organizational structure. and SU10 do not work correctly.) are not displayed.g. 323745 SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D03 46D Authorization values (Transactions PFCG and SU03) - This note introduces changes to the authorization concept in the user and role administration area. PFCG. However.. The role assignments of the users are deleted neither in the central system nor in the child system.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 authorization. 374899 SAPKH31I71 31I SAPKH40B58 40B SAPKH45B37 45B SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D05 46D SAPKE31I71 - o 31I R/3 standard HR If you globally lock a user in the central system via the Central User Administration. 26. the locks are not displayed in the change documents. 536101 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 - The programs for role assignment and user master comparison that are called via Transactions PFUD. S_ALR_87.02. if one of the authorization fields was changed into an organizational level field. if you set the "Technical names" option via "Utilities". The input help ignores all entries of user names in the "User ID" field of the table control. incorrect authorizationf field values are displayed. The authorization values entered are noch checked against authorization object S_USER_VAL. The alternative user selection via pushbutton "Selection" only displays the first 100 users. you want to exchange a single role against another. 601079 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 - For an existing composite role the menu of which was originally generated from the single roles it contained. and merge the existing composite role menu with the new single role. 590996 --46C-640 - When you call authorization data in Transaction PFCG for the first time. The maintenance dialog shows a strange behavior. 576937 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46C44 46C 26. After merging. Always all users are displayed.2013 Page 68 of 144 . the "Personalization" tab does not offer any documentation.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 605896 SAPKH45B59 SAPKB46B53 SAPKB46C44 SAPKB46D33 SAPKB61032 SAPKB62021 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 620 - In Transactions PFCG and SU01.10 and 6.02. 600807 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 - When maintaining authorization values for authorization objects R_UC_TASK and R_UC_PERIO of component FIN-SEM-BCS. a special maintenance dialog is called in Transaction PFCG. 588141 SAPKB62021 620 - The input help for assigning users to a role on the "User" tab in Transaction PFCG has the following deficiencies: The input help does not offer multiple selection from the list of displayed users. some of the newly added menu entries show incorrect short texts.20. There is the general option of displaying an extended user list via the "New value selection" key in the same dialog window but this function has errors in Releases 6. The window title is "Open file" instead of "Save file". When you manually delete the last authorization object which contains a particular organizational level field and save the role afterwards. and VBER. The input help for organizational level KOART is defined via domain fixed values. If you changed the mentioned fields to organizational levels and try to maintain them in the dialog window "Define organizational levels". 604787 SAPKB46B53 46B SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 - On the initial screen of Transaction PFCG. 604136 SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D - On the initial screen of Transaction PFCG. the associated entry in Table AGR_1252 where the characteristics of the organizational level fields for the role are stored is not deleted.2013 Page 69 of 144 . A dialog window for entering and saving the required file name is displayed. however. however. the program generates a short dump. you choose "Utilities" -> "Tool for role comparison". you need to do without the value help because the specific maintenance dialog is not available. For authorization fields AUTHAREA. problems occur in the following special cases.02. The result shows a difference in the menu structure. 565436 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 - In Transaction PFCG. RESPAREA. 603881 SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 26. When you call this help in the dialog window "Define organizational values". however.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D30 SAPKB46D32 SAPKB61029 SAPKB61031 SAPKB61032 SAPKB62017 SAPKB62020 46D 46D 610 610 610 620 620 - When maintaining roles in the profile generator. you maintain the authorization data of a role (screen: "Change role/activity group"). if you use the input help: When you leave the input help of authorization field CO_ACTION ("Actions of authorization check CO-OM"). you want to download a role via "Role" -> "Download". function module K_VBER_EXIT is entered as maintenance dialog in Table USEXIT. The corresponding entries in Tables AGR_1250 and AGR_1251 (authorization data for role) are adjusted correctly. no values are displayed. You compare a role to itself. After turning on the technical names. the system only considers the current logon language.02. "Single role" is displayed as role name. As folder texts.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - In Transaction PFCG. you can choose either the technical names or the short texts of the single roles.6D which allows to display the roles existing in the system in different representations.6D. 584947 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62019 620 - On the initial screen of Transaction PFCG.2013 Page 70 of 144 . no input help is offered for authorization field SPODEVICE. 603654 SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 - In Transaction PFCG. the language key instead of the numbers for the activities is displayed in the ACTVT ("Activity") field of authorization object C_SHER_TDH. the "Views" function is offered as of Release 4. Report RHAUTHUPD_NEW is called incorrectly in module USER_COMMAND_0540 (function group SAPLPRGN_TREE). When you select the first role from the list. Short texts in other languages are not loaded so that no folder texts are displayed when later logging on in another language. Roles that have a description available in several languages are displayed several times because a restriction to the current logon 26. an additional folder is created on the first hierarchy level for each single role contained in the composite role (see Note 498074). 584936 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 - When maintaining authorization values in Transactions PFCG and SU03. you display the list of single roles via "Views". when newly constructing a composite role menu. you maintain the authorization data of a role that contains various objects from the "Production planning" area (starting with C_SHE*). 602789 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 - After importing the Support Packages given in Note 511200. When you choose the short texts. 589224 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62019 620 - As of Release 4. runtime errors or errors when filling the fields may occur. you also need the change authorization (S_USER_AGR. 565108 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62019 620 - In Transaction PFCG. 571276 --45B-640 - You want to distribute your HR-ORG model from your HR system to other systems to make indirect role assignments there.02.2013 Page 71 of 144 . This note supplements the documentation on indirect role assignment (Note 578265).SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 language is missing. however. you maintain the authorization data of a role. 581019 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 26. 569340 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62014 620 SAPKB62019 620 - Questions or problems in indirect role assignment. 596515 SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 - To assign roles (activity groups) to users on the "User" tab in the profile generator. The object type 'Role' (AG) is not available. 578265 --46B-640 - You want to maintain the indirect role assignments in the maintenance of the organizational plan (Transaction PPOME). 578271 --46B-640 - Detailed information about the transport of roles. When you use the input help for certain authorization fields. 588710 SAPKB46D31 SAPKB61030 SAPKB62019 46D 610 620 - You want to display statistical data on the structure of a role menu. ACTVT=02) for the corresponding roles in addition to the assign authorization (S_USER_AGR. ACTVT=22. 80210 --31G-45B - You work in the profile generator (Transaction PFCG) on screen "Display/change role: Authorizations" and want to display the current profiles for the role via "Authorizations" -> "Profile overview. 569128 --46B-640 - When you try to delete a role in the profile generator which is part of at least one composite role. you can only display a list of your single roles but not the actual single roles. 568299 SAPKH46B48 46B SAPKH46C39 46C SAPKH47005 470 26.2013 Page 72 of 144 . Support Packages for the profile generator are contained in Note 97612.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB62017 620 - Three cases where authorization texts are missing. a corresponding warning message is displayed as of Release 4.02.. 573763 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62015 620 SAPKB62016 620 - The profile generator has been available since Release 3. 574760 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62016 620 - The input help for authorization values for authorization field "Business transactions" (BETRVORG) does not allow multiple selection. Transaction SPAU displays SAP standard roles with an unknown compare mode which cannot be changed even by executing program SAPRUPGM."..1G. For a more detailed documentation on the profile generator see the SAP Library. 571120 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C40 46C - When maintaining a composite role in Transaction PFCG.6B and 4. the Implementation Guide (IMG). 564822 SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62013 620 - After an upgrade. and SAP's "Authorizations Made Easy" manuals. A dialog window is displayed which is so small that you cannot read the information. This message is missing in Releases 4. For more information about finding the documentation please refer to Note 93769.6D.6C so that undesired deletions may occur. there is the additional function "Generate derived roles" for which you need full authorization for S_USER_PRO and S_USER_AUT in addition. 547160 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62009 620 SAPKB62011 620 SAPKB62020 620 - In the profile generator (Transaction PFCG). For the fields "Document class" and "Document".6C. you can also add references to SAPScript texts. and then call the F4 help.2013 Page 73 of 144 . 560315 SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62012 620 - In the administration of favorites in the Easy Access menu (menu bar: "Favorites" -> "Insert other objects") and in the menu maintenance of roles (Transaction PFCG: Tab "Menu" -> Pushbutton "Others").02. you want to add new values to an existing authorization. authorization checks are carried out for object 26. you maintained a role menu without adding or removing transactions. For this purpose. however. 580028 SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - When you maintain the authorizations in a role (Transaction PFCG) or in a manually created profile (Transaction SU03). Nevertheless. there is no input help. 560074 SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62013 620 - In Transaction SU03. When you have maintained the values and want to activate the authorization immediately without having saved explicitly. you can select only one value in the displayed list. you need full authorization ('*') for object S_USER_VAL. the new values are lost. As of Release 4. you maintain the authorization data of a role and want to transfer the data to the derived roles.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - In the profile generator. you insert a subtree of the SAP menu into a role using the transfer option "From the SAP menu" on the "Menu" tab.02. For roles with complex menus. 551039 SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46C37 46C SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB61025 610 SAPKB62010 620 - When you transfer role menus with option "from other role". the transfer takes a very long time and. With complex subtrees. you edit a role menu on the "Menu" tab. you need a special maintenance dialog for the authorization values of authorizaiton object R_UC_TASK to be able to maintain the authorization fields together. 537501 SAPKB62007 620 - In the profile generator.2013 Page 74 of 144 . a runtime error Laufzeitfehler mit der Meldung "UNABLE TO INTERPRET *0 AS A NUMBER" im Programm SAPLSUSB. the runtimes may be very long. even leads to a termination due to timeout. 556693 SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62012 620 - In Transaction PFCG. "from area menu" and "Import from file" or reconstruct or create a collective role menu. You choose pushbutton "Compress menu" to eliminate identical submenus that occur several times (see Note 504006). and work processes may even abend due to timeout. in extreme cases.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 S_USER_TCD for all transactions contained in the role menu during saving. 90770 --46A-46C - In Transaction PFCG. 551101 SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C37 46C 26. 541712 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62008 620 SAPKB62018 620 SAPKB62020 620 SAPKB62021 620 - In Transaction PFCG. this may take a long time. despite of all data being completely and correctly contained in Table AGR_1251. 538328 --46B-630 - After importing roles via a transport.02. the data of the derived roles are deleted as well. the PFCG no longer displays some authorizations of the role in the target system correctly. 554942 SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62011 620 SAPKB62013 620 - Due to the transport or upload of individual derived roles. If a transport deletes a role which other roles are derived from. roles with inpermissible transactions and the associated authorization default values may be created. no check is carried out as to whether he/she is authorized for transferring the transactions from the original role menu to the derived role (authorization object S_USER_TCD). upload or via RFC. Fields within the same authorization are displayed several times. 509005 SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 - After an upgrade. the texts of role menus were lost in a particular language. Authorizations are displayed as "inactive". cycles may occur in the inheritance hierarchy. 535554 SAPKH45B56 45B SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 26.2013 Page 75 of 144 . The following symptoms have been observed so far: Some authorization fields are either empty or filled with incorrect values.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46C42 SAPKB46C43 SAPKB46D26 SAPKB46D30 SAPKB46D32 SAPKB61025 SAPKB61030 SAPKB61031 SAPKB62010 SAPKB62018 SAPKB62020 46C 46C 46D 46D 46D 610 610 610 620 620 620 - When a user derives a role in the profile generator. This way. The Easy Access menu of those users does not display the menu of the roles. After implementing the note. On tab page "Menu". you enter an RFC destination as target system. you distribute the roles to the target system where the roles are also created.2013 Page 76 of 144 . When saving. This results in the following errors: A user can copy a single role although his/her rights for S_USER_VAL are not sufficient for taking over all authorization objects contained in the old role into the copy.02. This length is sufficient for the organizational levels delivered by SAP. 532724 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62006 620 SAPKB62012 620 SAPKB62015 620 - When you use the F4 help for maintaining authorization fields in Transactions SU03 and PFCG. For organizational levels created by customers (Note 323817). Then you assign the roles to users in the target system. 26. 18 characters may not be sufficient. this error also occurs. the values offered may differ or even be incorrect.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - The maximum length of organizational level fields that you maintain in dialog window "Define organizational levels" in Transaction PFCG (screen "Change role (activity group): authorizations") has been restricted to 18 characters. 526413 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62007 620 - The authorization checks carried out when copying roles (activity groups) in Transaction PFCG are incomplete. The single roles contained in a collective role are successfully assigned to the collective role copy even though the user does not have the sufficient rights for S_USER_AGR. 535315 SAPKH45B56 45B SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 - You create single roles in a central system. if the user has only derived roles assigned or roles that contain a certain defect. the data are lost. 529334 SAPKB46B43 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61022 610 SAPKB62005 620 - You changed data on the personalization tab in Transaction PFCG and saved them together with the role. The texts for the URLs are correct.02. When you copy a collective role. the old menu structure is lost. All transactions and other menu items are listed in a folder titled "Newly added menu items". however. however. 532695 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 - You want to use Transaction PFCG to enter value "PRIN" for field S_ADMI_FCD of authorization object S_ADMI_FCD. in Release 4.6C. The symptom mentioned first then occurs again. undesired values are sometimes entered in the organizational levels of the derived roles. 532318 SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 - When you maintain a collective role menu and choose "Import menu" -> "Merge". 527604 SAPKB46D23 46D 26. This value is not available in the list of values.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 ACTVT=79. you can subsequently copy its single roles as well as of Release 4.6B: "Authorizations" -> "Adjust derived activity groups"). Those are the values of another derived role which had been adjusted immediately before the faulty role. the Web addresses (URLs) are copied incorrectly. After exiting PFCG and loading the role again. When you open the role again (without exiting PFCG). 507458 SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 - When you import a collective role menu from the menu of single roles (tab page "Menu" -> "Import menu" -> "New import").2013 Page 77 of 144 . 521878 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62007 620 - When you adjust the authorization data of a derived role when editing the original role on the "Change role: authorizations" screen ("Authorizations" -> "Adjust derived roles" -> "Generate derived roles" or "Save derived roles". all Web addresses in the collective role menu are identical. After the import. the data are available in the saved version. 26.2013 Page 78 of 144 .02. When importing derived roles.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB61022 SAPKB62005 610 620 - When you return to the initial screen of the profile generator. I_BETRVORG. 518540 SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62004 620 - The initial screen of Transaktion PFCG offers the options "Upload" and "Import via RFC from another system" in the "Role" menu which can be used to import roles into the system. 410849 SAPKH31IB1 31I SAPKH40B80 40B SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKH46B37 46B SAPKH46C28 46C SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61001 610 - Missing authorization check when you enter a single role into a collective role or delete a single role from a collective role. 512408 SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61018 610 SAPKB62003 620 - Since Release 4. 527628 SAPKB46D23 46D SAPKB61022 610 SAPKB62005 620 - Missing short texts for authorization objects I_VORG_MEL. 523804 SAPKB46B43 46B SAPKB46C34 46C SAPKB46D23 46D SAPKB61021 610 SAPKB62004 620 - Improvements in the authorization concept for authorization data maintenance of a role. there has been an option for importing roles via RFC from other systems. a short dump occurs (GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED). and I_VORG_MP make a useful authorization assignment difficult.6C. The previous authorization checks are not specific enough and are replaced. 513130 SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61018 610 SAPKB62003 620 - Turning off the checks for authorization object S_USER_AUT. I_VORG_ORD. 504006 SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61019 610 SAPKB62003 620 - After transporting a role.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the associated original roles are not automatically imported if they have not existed in the calling system yet.02. no check is carried out as to whether you have the corresponding authorization for accessing the copied roles. 82039 SAPKH31G13 31G SAPKH31H20 31H SAPKH31H24 31H SAPKH31H29 31H SAPKH31I01 31I SAPKH31I07 31I SAPKH40A16 40A SAPKH40B05 40B SAPKE31H20 31H R/3 standard HR SAPKE31H24 31H SAPKE31H29 31H SAPKE31I01 31I SAPKE31I07 31I SAPKE40B05 40B - Corrections for the authorization check in authorization object S_USER_PRO: 498441 SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB61018 610 SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62002 620 SAPKB62003 620 - When you copy roles (activity groups). 511918 SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62003 620 - After a role upload. the authorizations of a role keep the technical names they have in the source system.2013 Page 79 of 144 . 506825 SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 - New functions and corrections for role menu maintenance. 301709 45A-46D 26. the profile shows status "Profile comparison required" even after newly generating the profile in the target system. when the authorization data administrator does not have the required authorization. This may lead to inconsistencies in the target system after the transport. With an empty TCD field. 489095 SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61013 610 - You use Transaction PFCG to change the authorization data of a role. this check does not make sense and leads to an error message.TCD = SPACE. 490250 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61013 610 - When you manually enter transactions in an empty TCD field of authorization object S_TCODE. the program may abend due to timeout even before the role selection is displayed when there is a large number of single or collective roles. In the input help for authorization value maintenance. however. - 490770 - In manual authorization maintenance (Transaction SU03). you want to make entries in field "Authorization group" of authorization object S_TABU_DIS using the input help. 26. existing authorization values are not displayed by long authorization fields (more than 12 characters). the roles they had been derived from are missing.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - When calling value entry in Transaction SU03 for authorization maintenance. the first four characters of the associated authorization object are entered. Runtime error UNICODE_TYPES_NOT_CONVERTIBLE 452422 SAPKB61011 610 - When transporting collective roles using Transaction PFCG. all single roles contained in the collective roles are also included in the transport. The system automatically checks whether there is an authorization for deleting old entries. an authorization check is carried out for S_USER_TCD. Instead of the value of the authorization group.02. If the roles are derived single roles.2013 SAPKH45B50 SAPKB46B38 SAPKB46C29 SAPKB46D18 SAPKB61013 SAPKB62001 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 620 Page 80 of 144 . 492123 SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61013 610 SAPKB62001 620 - During mass transport or download of roles within the profile generator (Transaction PFCG). however. a runtime error occurs for some authorization fields. the input help for this field does not support all options of the input help (control display. Partner namespaces are not supported. the administrator role cannot be restricted to certain authorization objects. you use Transaction PFCG to change the user assignment for a role on tab page "Users".g. 495753 SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - When building a composite role menu from the menus of the single roles involved.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 494602 SAPKB46B39 SAPKB46C30 SAPKB46D19 SAPKB61014 SAPKB62001 46B 46C 46D 610 620 - You want to create the role of an authorization data administrator who shall also maintain authorization fields of certain organizational levels. personal settings. In addition. efficient performance). 498074 46D-620 - The naming convention for authorizations and profiles may be unclear.02. 26. it is often useful to display the single role menus in a separate folder to better recognize the origin of the individual menu items. This excludes either object-specific maintenance of authorization data or maintenance of organizational level fields. in Transaction SE16 for Table AGR_DEFINE).2013 SAPKH40B72 SAPKH40B75 SAPKH45B50 SAPKH45B53 SAPKB46B38 SAPKB46B41 SAPKB46C29 SAPKB46C32 SAPKB46D18 SAPKB46D21 SAPKB61013 SAPKB61017 SAPKB62002 40B 40B 45B 45B 46B 46B 46C 46C 46D 46D 610 610 620 Page 81 of 144 . Since the authorization data administrator needs full authorization for field OBJECT of authorization object S_USER_VAL for this purpose. - 20643 - In the central system. 495282 SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61016 610 SAPKB62001 620 - Field "Role" (in 4.6B: "Activity group") does not have an input help on all screens (e. After saving. 443235 SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61008 610 - You are in Transaction PFCG.g. there is no distribution into the target systems. however. Or. menu folders are missing at some places which are visible in Easy Access. or SU10 to change the role assignments to a user.6A. The role assignment is deleted in the central system but not in the CUA target system. you want to copy entries from the SAP menu. authorizations per profile. you delete an indirect role assignment in HR organization management where the assignment of the users to the collective role is deleted but the assignments to the single roles contained in the collective role are not. In the dialog for selecting menu parts from the SAP menu. 442935 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - You assigned generated transactions (e. SU01. 410993 46A-46D - When you generate profiles as administrator using Transaction PFCG. 501070 SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61015 610 SAPKB62001 620 - To create a menu for a role. S_ALR_*) to a role in the profile generator. 443390 SAPKH45B47 45B 26. but the authorization check indicators and default values for these transactions are incomplete or completely missing so that the generated role receives only insufficient authorizations. For single roles that are assigned via HR organization management. 452827 46B-620 - You edit a collective role using Transaction PFCG on the "User" tab page and want to delete a role assignment. Even if the administrator only has insufficient authorizations for authorization object S_USER_AUT.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the address data of some users are deleted in the target system. profiles are generated. it may happen that not all role assignments are distributed. or you see insufficient or no authorizations when maintaining the role's authorization data. If you also generate assignments via the HR organization model. 326508 --- - Restrictions of the number of profiles per user.02. failed checks for authorization object S_USER_AUT are not always processed correctly.2013 Page 82 of 144 . authorization values per authorization still occur during maintenance although the kernel has no longer had any restrictions in the default setting (auth/new_buffering = 3) since 4. <. 173891 --45B - When you download roles (activity groups). this has the effect that only the first 20 entries are copied from 26. may be copied not correctly to the S_TCODE authorization of the role (activity group).02. menu nodes may be missing in roles. 313959 --46C - After upgrading to release 4. if the role name contains one of the following special characters: /. if you did not select area menu "S000" as root for the company menu in earlier releases. the authorizations exist again.0. |. error message "Local object is processed without order" (TK 481) which does not make any sense here is displayed on the selection screen during CALL TRANSACTION (SE97) in the maintenance transaction of the transaction start authorization. some users loose their authorizations. a dump occurs in the input help for the roles' target system. 320138 --46A-46B. >.2013 Page 83 of 144 . *. :.6.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46B35 SAPKB46C27 SAPKB46D15 SAPKB61008 46B 46C 46D 610 - During profile generation and when importing profiles and/or roles (activity groups). 452904 SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61010 610 SAPKB61015 610 SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62001 620 SAPKB62020 620 - When you select local transactions. ". 2 in Workplace Release 2. Not all transactions are taken into account in the authorization data. ?. The error no longer occurs when Hot Package no. 3 or higher was imported. 195279 --46A-46B - After importing CRT (Conflict Resolution Transport) no. 46C-46D - When you assign transactions to roles (activity groups). an error message "Action was interrupted" may be displayed depending on the frontend operating system. After a new logon. 442456 SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - Menu items that were added via the company menu or via manual input in the table control in Transaction PFCG. however. no transactions are displayed. 436362 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61005 610 - In the profile generator (Transaction PFCG).SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the table where the transactions are entered. the selection screen for selecting a view for a project is not displayed. 46C-46D. After transporting the roles to the test system or the system in production and assigning them to the user. 109187 - When you use Transaction PFCG to assign project views of the introduction manual (IMG) to a role (menu item "Customizing authorizations"). Despite of the button for the menu appearing green in Transaction PFCG. does not exist. if more than 15 view exist for an IMG project. the authorization values for object S_TCODE which can be seen from the authorization data of the role do not correspond exactly to the transactions in the menu. 26. In addition. 173934 SAPKH45B09 45B - You cannot execute a transaction due to missing authorizations. 435114 46A-46B. this report could be started as usual via the user menu. SAP buffering is not used in some cases although the complete key is used for reading. 314655 SAPKB46B13 46B SAPKB46C05 46C - When you access Tables USR10 and USR04.02. 329485 SAPKH45B30 45B - You have created a role and added report transactions (among others) to the menu of this role. short dump SET_PARAMETER_ID_SPACE occurs. If you delete an entry from this page without using pushbutton "Delete line" for this purpose. you cannot select value "SM02" for authorization object S_ADMI_FCD. 433444 SAPKH45B55 SAPKB46B43 SAPKB46C34 SAPKB46D23 SAPKB61021 - You choose "System -> User defaults -> Own data" (Transaction SU3) and then tab page "Parameters"." In you development system.. the assigned transactions have disappeared from some activity groups. the user receives error message: "Transaction .2013 Page 84 of 144 . 152292 --45A-45B - After a release changeover. mark the blank line afterwards and delete it again using pushbutton "Delete line".. 610 - Status LED in PFCG remains red after the indirect user assignments have been compared. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 199921 SAPKH46A10 SAPKH46B02 SAPKH46B07 46A 46B 46B - Downloading roles from old systems 181368 --- - When you activate redundancy prevention in Easy Access. 331239 46A-46B. you can select all collective roles. an error message is displayed. 422211 SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61004 610 - When you maintain authorization object S_TABU_LIN in role maintenance (Transaction PFCG). the non-SAP roles must be filtered.02. 417047 SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D11 46D 26. You have to call function "Cancel" twice. however. identical transactions that exist in different roles (activity groups) are removed. the program abends with OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED. 46C-46D - During selection in the generation report. 215347 46B-46C - In certain data constellations. 426167 SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61002 610 - In Transaction PFCG (profile generator). Since collective role generation was designed for SAP roles only. 357877 SAPKB46A30 46A SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C12 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - The pushbutton for displaying the user menu in Easy Access is locked although you assigned a role (activity group) containing a menu to the user. This function may cause problems. 332818 SAPKB46D03 46D - Checking the specified TCODE in PAI of the dialog window: When you enter a transaction code which is contained in roles but not in the system (Table TSTC). 330356 SAPKB46D03 46D - When you maintain the field values for an authorization object via the input help in the profile generator. you cannot close the input help window directly via the cancel function. you cannot maintain the values for authorization fields in authorization objects using Transaction PFCG. an unnecessary empty S_TCODE authorization may be created for the S_TCODE authorization.2013 Page 85 of 144 . 6B.g.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB61002 610 - Transaction PFCG does not display authorizations for add-on components (e. this data is imported into the authorization data of the role (activity group) in another way. when they select a menu item. 421942 40B - You are using the profile generator to create menus which you then transport into other systems.. 414138 --- - You cannot execute transactions in the user menu. there may also be invalid data in the database (Tables AGR_CUSTOM and AGR_USERT. In this way. 416016 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61001 610 - In the profile generator (Transaction PFCG). Depending on the release. the program abends with short dump DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL or DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR. In these systems the users. kernel and database system used. IS*). The imported authorization data is taken into account only for authorization fields that are not organization levels... you can import authorization models and manually created authorization profiles via "Edit -> Insert authorizations -> From profile" and "Edit -> Insert authorizations -> From model". (Obsolete note 26. 610 - The documentation of profile parameter auth/no_check_in_some_cases gives the default value "N". it can very occasionally occur that the (technical) authorizations of the source role are assigned to the profile of the target role. Field CHANGE_TST). As of 4. although the actual default value is "Y". 410572 46C-46D. get the error message "Error when calling the Transaction .2013 Page 86 of 144 . 420828 SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - When copying roles (activity groups) with the profile generator and then subsequently generating the authorization profile." (S#555). However.02. organization level data existing already can become effective for newly imported data. 414352 --- - When uploading activity groups and roles. 198598 - Dump with value help in the profile generator. you can execute the same transactions without any errors via the SAP menu or the transaction code. in the target system .. the error message is 'System * is not a trusted-trusting system". the window for selecting transactions from the SAP menu in Transaction PFCG is too small to display the checkboxes and the technical names of the transactions at the same time without using the scrollbar. the new value. 374508 SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D08 46D - When you maintain your own data.. only a single value can be entered during the authorization value maintenance in Transaction PFCG or SU03. 46C-46D. 194349 46B - Table PRGN_CUST contains critical customizing settings for the 26. applies. i. This gives the assigned users too extensive authorizations. the line with the original value is kept and a new line with the new value is appended as the last line. 610 - After maintaining the short or long texts of a role (activity group) via Transaction PFCG. 206839 SAPKH45B21 45B SAPKH45B22 45B SAPKB46A14 46A SAPKB46B05 46B SAPKB46C01 46C - For deep hierarchies. This is confusing. Thus the same parameter is contained in the list with different values. 406084 SAPKH45B41 45B - For authorization objects containing field CO_ACTION. For company addresses entered with SUCOMP.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 was replaced by Note 324362. the last parameter in the list. error messages such as "No authorization for users of group . 406182 46A-46B. When you save.) 215362 - When you overwrite the existing value of a parameter with a new value and confirm with ENTER. not only the transaction code of the variant transaction but also automatically the one of Transaction SHD1 is entered into the profile created for this purpose in the authorization for S_TCODE.02.2013 Page 87 of 144 .. The authorizations are not required and you can maintain your data and save changes. the key is automatically converted into uppercase letters. these texts exist in the current logon language only. 205654 SAPKH45B19 45B SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKB46B04 46B - SUCOMP does not find company addresses entered in SU03 with a key consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters. 409842 SAPKH40B65 40B SAPKH45B44 45B - When you enter a variant transaction in the profile generator in the menu of the activity group.e. in activity groups" are issued. if required. 391121 SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D08 46D - When you call the dialog "From the SAP menu" during the insertion of menu entries into the role menu.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 profile generator (Transaction PFCG). although the Central User Administration (CUA) is active. Further changes to the target system of the single role may no longer be adjusted. a too comprehensive authorization check against authorization object S_TCODE is carried out with the value TCODE='*'. 301344 SAPKB46B08 46B SAPKB46C01 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - A where-used list produces incorrect results in Transaction SU03 or SU02. a great number of database inserts are executed in the background. Here. 304252 SAPKB46B09 46B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C02 46C SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D01 46D SAPKB46D02 46D - If you created profiles in maintenance version in the profile generator. The same applies to the deletion of single roles from a collective role: The users assigned to the single role via the collective role are not removed from the single role in the target system. 303144 45A-45B. 46A-46B.02. since the authorization required for the profile generation was not assigned. the relevant roles (activity groups) are displayed as "cannot be generated" in Transaction SUPC.2013 Page 88 of 144 . 194285 --46A - During the inclusion of a single role into a collective role. When you maintain the tables using Transaction SM30. 398587 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C19 46C SAPKB46D09 46D - Message to user of a role. an error occurs. The displayed menu is incomplete and the texts do not correspond to the texts in the Easy Access. The infosystem authorizations produces incorrect 26. the users of the single role assigned to the collective role are not assigned in their target system. the target system of the single role is saved at the menu node of the collective role. permanent role maintenance in productive clients 392152 46A-46B. 46C-46D - You assign a user a role (activity group) that has a target system specified and assign this role to a collective role (collective activity group). 46C-46D - After editing some role menus in the profile generator. Then you import the menu of the single role into the collective role and restructure it. 3..5B and 4. Later. 46A-46B - "System -> User defaults -> Own data": You cannot maintain more than 20 user parameters. 4. 3. 4.1G. since there are no scroll keys. 40A - To display the change documents.0A.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 results. if a large number of transactions was selected.?" displayed in the popup with "No" (Abend). 88232 31G-31H. 40A-40B - When you delete an authorization marked in an authorization list in Transaction SU03 via pushbutton "Delete" and answer the question "Do you really want to delete . you select the object class and the authorization object via Info -> Change documents -> Authorizations in Transaction SU03. Instead of the field values "01" for Create and "02" for Change. 26. 45A-45B. some required authorizations may be missing.5A. IH12). The error occurs in particular. the authorization disappears from the list nevertheless and is only displayed again after the list has been newly created. profiles generated via the profile generator for field "Activity" (ACTVT) may contain incorrect entries. this flow is no longer active and you get back to the object class selection.0B.02. 40A-40B. 4. 77280 - In the list of authorizations. some of the transactions cannot be executed with the generated profile. 98132 40A-40B - After carrying out the user master comparison for the profile generator. Afterwards. 38075 31I-45B - When you generate authorizations with the profile generator. the authorization is actually active but is not marked active in the display before you leave the list and regenerate it.1I. Values may be truncated. As a result. 4. However. 97152 SAPKH40A18 40A SAPKH40B07 40B SAPKH40B08 40B SAPKH45A02 45A SAPKE40B07 40B SAPKE40B08 40B - Note with Hot Packages for Releases 3. if you select "TechnNames" in the authorization object list. you copy an authorization and immediately activate it within the list display.g.6A on the profile generator and for the enterprise menu generation. some of the values may later not be contained in the generated profile. 76184 30F-31G. As a result. 97612 Hot Package Collection 30F-31I. the log contains many error messages: "Error during saving: IH04" (or IH10.1H. 95329 30A-31I - If you generate profiles with a large number of values for an authorization object using the profile generator. e..2013 Page 89 of 144 . only "0" may be set. 45A - When generating authorization profiles with the profile generator. 40A-40B. 135040 SAPKH40B15 40B SAPKH40B16 40B SAPKH40B20 40B SAPKH45A13 45A SAPKH45A14 45A SAPKH45A18 45A SAPKH45B01 45B SAPKH45B03 45B SAPKE40B15 40B R/3 standard HR SAPKE40B16 40B SAPKE40B20 40B - When you maintain your own communication data. 123238 31G-31I.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 99791 31G-31I. 144034 --- - Error 5@022 during the profile generation with the message: "Internal error & when generating authorizations/profiles".2013 Page 90 of 144 . 103497 31G-31H. 124172 SAPKH31I54 31I SAPKH31I61 31I SAPKE31I54 31I R/3 standard HR SAPKE31I61 31I - When you maintain the values of an authorization with Transaction SU03. 40A-40B - After transporting roles (activity groups) of the profile generator to backend systems. 40A-40B - If you terminate the field value maintenance of an authorization in Transaction SU03.02. 159827 SAPKH40B62 40B SAPKH40B77 40B SAPKH45A20 45A SAPKH45B40 45B 26. 136186 40A-46B - Problems in the field value maintenance 140191 40A-40B. 45A-45B - When you change roles (activity groups) in the production system. the scroll bar is missing from the screen so that the number of achievable values is restricted. the short descriptions of the referenced profiles are missing. the entered values are transferred nevertheless. 155584 --- - Authorization values with more than 18 characters may be truncated. logged on users may lose authorizations and have to log on again. error 5@ 022 "error code 10" occurs. you can specify the e-mail address of another user via "System -> User defaults -> Own data" (Transaction SU3) and the mails of the other users are delivered. 45A-45B. 192140 --45A-45B. 167466 --45A-45B - Transaction SU03 can be used for batch input only to a restricted degree...SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B55 SAPKB46B28 SAPKB46B43 SAPKB46C18 SAPKB46D08 156158 45B 46B 46B 46C 46D 40A-40B. 169850 --- - The input help for authorization values may be incomplete. 165564 40A-40B. 207196 --46A-620 - Authorization profiles generated via the role maintenance do not contain all the authorizations required for executing the transactions contained in the role menu. the field is reset to asterisk (*) after activating the authorization. 45A-45B - If you enter the controlling area and a profit center group (e. although the authorization is assigned. The entered value is lost. 205616 SAPKH45B32 45B SAPKH46B04 46B SAPKH46B08 46B SAPKH46B09 46B SAPKH46B18 46B SAPKH46B43 46B SAPKH46C01 46C SAPKH46C02 46C SAPKH46C03 46C SAPKH46C07 46C SAPKH46C09 46C - Problems may occur during the generation of the SAP menu. 208449 --46A-46B. Nevertheless the user assignment can be included in an activity group copy. 171316 SAPKH45B09 45B - The central system is set in a way that users can be assigned to activity groups only there.area of responsibility in field "CO-OM area of responsibility". 46A-46B - Blanks in authorization values or the transfer of too many field/value pairs to the authority check with blank field label result in the status "No authorization . Redundancies can be eliminated to a higher degree than designed in the standard by means of customizing parameters.2013 Page 91 of 144 .g.02. from the standard hierarchy) in authorization object K_PCA . Prerequisite is that the enclosed Hot Package is implemented.!. 46A-46B - You want to assign IMG authorization for customizing by means of the profile generator. if customers implemented enhancements in the initial menu. 46C 26. the error message number S010(SRT2) "Function module K_RW_REPORT_ADD does not exist" is displayed. the report states that the relevant tables are not contained in any authorization group. 305138 SAPKB46B10 46B SAPKB46C02 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - The name of an authorization of the authorization data in generator) cannot be changed group (role) can be copied. 308810 SAPKB46B25 SAPKB46C15 SAPKB46D05 profile defined during the saving Transaction PFCG (profile subsequently.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - The SAP menu in Transaction PFCG is not complete. no input help is displayed for some authorization fields such as "PROFILE" with object 26. 210018 SAPKB46B05 46B SAPKB46C01 46C - During the maintenance of entries in Table Controls of user maintenance SU01 with motive GUI.2013 Page 92 of 144 . The texts in the menu structure are not correct. you cannot scroll using the scrollbar to insert blank lines. 46C-46D - Creation of additional organization level fields (particularly marked authorization fields with special meaning) in the profile generator. Only the activity 46B 46C 46D - When you change the user address of a SAP user (Transaction SU03). 319584 SAPKH40B50 40B SAPKH45B28 45B SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46D02 46D SAPKE40B50 40B R/3 standard HR - Table change logs are not analyzed by report RSVTPROT (Transaction SCU3). change documents are not written.02. 323636 --45A-45B. 303920 --- - When you insert a report into a role of an area menu. 323817 SAPKH45B38 45B SAPKH45B53 45B SAPKB46B26 46B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D06 46D SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 - In the profile generator. 46A-46B. a following user master comparison of the collective role does not remove the single role from the user master. by target system) for the first time. The request only contains entries for Table AGR_TIMEB. redundancy prevention is not carried out. since the transport only works with full authorization ("*") for field ACTGROUP of authorization object S_USER_AGR. 338375 SAPKB46D03 46D - The following errors occur after a role was created in the profile generator (Transaction PFCG) by recreating or copying: After the import of the corrections from Note 336975. During the transport of the new role. 350937 SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46C11 46C - After you selected the setting "Display first level" in the SAP Easy Access menu. by branch. 324362 SAPKB46A23 46A SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - When a collective role created in German is displayed in another language in the PFCG initial screen via view "Roles by person responsible for role". when you go to one of the grouping views (by country. 337383 --46B - During the start of PFCG. an authorization check may fail. the order of the menu entries may change. If there is no input help for the field. In Release 4. object R3TR ACGR is missing from the transport request.2013 Page 93 of 144 . 321965 SAPKB46A23 46A SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C 26.5B. 46C-46D - When you transfer a menu from another role and maintain a collective role in compare mode via Transaction PFCG.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 "S_USER_PRO". if the transport is carried out from screen "Change authorization groups" after the end of the data maintenance. a short dump may occur. no text for the roles is displayed. it has the single role icon instead of the collective role icon. 337365 SAPKB46D03 46D - In the role maintenance transaction (PFCG).02. Table AGR_DEFINE is locked during the attempt to edit the new role so that editing is not possible. 339694 --46A-46B. no help texts are displayed via pushbuttons "Information" and "Creating roles". 339489 SAPKH45B35 45B SAPKB46B19 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - When you remove a single role from a collective role. This search is not available for the insert from the area menu. the menu entries are sorted alphabetically in both the re-read and in the compare mode during the single role import. 356744 SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - After you copy and create roles. 356573 SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C12 46C - In the profile generator. 354492 SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - In the menu maintenance of a collective role in Transaction PFCG. 352775 SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - When you directly insert transactions in roles (activity groups). the same dialog is called up. 46C - In the profile generator (Transaction PFCG). When you enter the URL via Transaction URL_DEFINITION. 350956 SAPKB46A28 46A SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - When you print out a role using Transaction PFCG (profile generator). the transaction text is inserted in the logon language only. column "Target system" on the PFCG initial screen is not updated. 359949 SAPKB46D04 46D - The URL input field in Transaction PFCG (Menu -> Others) is too short (132 characters only). although they are available in this language. The target systems are only displayed after a new start of PFCG. the text entered in field "Description" is missing. the menu texts of the hit list may not be displayed in the logon language. you can insert menu entries from an area menu in the menu maintenance (as of Release 4. If you search for a transaction with the option "Hit list" in the selection dialog. 205497 --46A-46B.6). you can select transactions from the SAP standard menu and assign them to the activity group (role). 360529 SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C12 46C - Using Transaction PCFG.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46D02 46D - Function module NAVIGATION_USER_MENU_READ should be started in the mode without redundance prevention and menu sort for PFCG. you can generate activity groups manually composed in an error-free way once.02. The relevant insert function in the SAP menu provides a search by menu entries.2013 Page 94 of 144 . When you change 26. you can enter one single value only for authorization objects with field CO_ACTION. 374786 --45B. 367043 --46A. 46C-46D - The menu entries of the single roles contained in a collective role are not displayed when importing the collective role menu via Transaction PFCG. PROJECT_ID and the BW authorization fields). the menu of the collective role remains 26. Error message in the dump: ASSIGN with length 0 in Program "SAPLSUSB". generation may terminate time and again. 364603 SAPKH45B36 45B SAPKB46B24 46B SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - In the menu maintenance with Transaction PFCG. When you display authorization field values in Transaction SU03 or SUIM.g. although the input help displays a numeric format without leading zeros. 46B. 46B.2013 Page 95 of 144 . 378687 --46B. the one-place language ID is displayed. 46D - In the profile generator. 367660 --45B. DE. but a one-place ID has to be specified. In the target system. leading zeros need not be entered. (e.g. However. 362212 SAPKH31I81 31I SAPKH40B57 40B - SAPKE31I81 31I R/3 standard HR - When you enter authorization field values in Transaction PFCG. you have to enter a leading zero for some fields (e.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the activity group. 46C. you cannot set up authorizations for the authorization administrators that make a difference between the authorization administrator and the activation administrator per SAP module. EN).02. in the report selection criteria for the same field. 367299 SAPKH45B37 45B SAPKH45B47 45B SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - Modification of the behavior of Transaction PFCG by means of user-written coding using the prepared user exits. A similar problem occurs with authorizations for languages: The input help displays two-place language IDs. you can enter any transaction codes for a single role with target system. 46B. 46C - During the maintenance of the authorizations in the profile generator (Transaction PFCG). 46C-46D - During the maintenance of the authorization values in Transaction PFCG or SU03. the program does not check whether the transaction code exists. Table USR12 then contains entries with an empty OBJECT field. input help is not available for numerous authorization fields. i. The adding of single profiles to collective profiles takes a very long time (the program may even terminate due to timeout). 368454 SAPKH45B36 45B SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C14 46C SAPKB46D05 46D Maintain authorization profiles (Transaction SU02) - When you maintain a profile. The objects are displayed with the corresponding short text only since the function "TechNames" does not work. the authorization data of the profile generator become useless. 31662 --30B-30D - You use Transaction SU02 to manage many (thousand) collective and single profiles. 372780 SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C14 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - During the generation of a profile for Transaction SM49 using the profile generator.2013 Page 96 of 144 . if the Central User Administration is used. 373577 o SAPKB46A20 SAPKB46B11 SAPKB46C04 SAPKB46D02 46A 46B 46C 46D - When you open folders in the menu of a role in Transaction PFCG. 369426 --45A-630 - Creation of several (collective) roles and assignment of the users with Transaction PFCG without leaving the transaction. various authorization checks are carried out 26.02. EBCDIC and ASCII. The problem occurs only if the operating systems use different codes to represent characters. you can display the existing authorization objects using function "Insert object" and select objects. the message "Exception raised: OTHERS or NO_PERMISSION" is issued.g.e. authorizations are missing. The assignments are accumulated. existing transactions are not displayed. 509477 SAPKH40B74 40B SAPKH45B53 45B SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 - When you enter profiles in a composite profile using Transaction SU02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 empty. e. When you run a command in SM49. the users assigned to the second role also get the first role. 372549 --40A-40B - After the migration of the SAP system from one computer platform to another. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 depending on the way the profile is entered. Only after you saved the fields display the change data of the profile currently maintained. authorizations. 85158 31G-31H - You are using the transport connection for profiles in Transaction SU02 or for authorizations in Transaction SU03. 89806 40A - In the profile maintenance transaction (SU02). in user masters. no check is carried out whether you are authorized to display the profile.. fist and last name are missing.2013 Page 97 of 144 . 92855 40A-40B - When you activate a profile in profile maintenance transaction SU02. Some entries for user group.. 40A-40B. 74033 30D-31H - Where-used list of profiles. 86544 SAPKH40B57 40B SAPKH45B36 45B SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - When you copy a profile from the list without displaying it beforehand. 96042 SAPKH40B24 40B SAPKE40B24 40B R/3 standard HR - Profile maintenance (Transaction SU02): When you call the where-used list from the profile list. activity groups. . you call the where-used list for authorizations from the authorization list in the authorization maintenance transaction (SU03). 121002 SAPKH40B57 40B SAPKH45B36 45B SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - Authorizations disappear from the profile 60165 30E .02. the program terminates with CONVERT_NO_NUMBER. the scroll bar in the Table Control for displaying the profiles and authorizations contained in the profile does not work.g. go to 26. the fields display the change data of the profile entered last. The same problem occurs. 132382 31H-31I. The corresponding texts are only entered in the logon language in the transport request.30F - When you maintain collective profiles in Transaction SU02. the profile contains the entries of the profile processed last. 45A - Profile maintenance SU02: When you scroll the collective profile maintenance via the "Scroll down" key (e. The problem occurs only if the profile to be activated is assigned to more than 9999 users. 46A-46B - When you combine several transport requests with authorization profiles via Transaction SU02. if at least one collective profile is transported with the first request and the first profile of the second order is a single profile. they are skipped during the automatic generation. the system prompts for a new profile name. is not accepted. a authorization profile is generated in Transaction SUPC (mass generation). activity groups whose profile was marked for generation.2013 Page 98 of 144 . report SAPPROFC terminates due to cause CONVT_NO_NUMBER in line 320. but the end (sometimes an empty screen) is displayed. If you then subsequently generate the profile of the activity group in Transaction PFCG. They are displayed in the dialog mode and you can select them there for generation. The single profiles of the collective profile are also entered into the second request. 174740 45B - During the automatic generation of authorization profiles for activity groups. this error occurs always. the authorizations in the activity group do not have the same prefix as the profile of the activity group. The same occurs when you display another profile. 45A-45B.02. 126333 31G-31I - When you generate profiles in Transaction SUPC. are not taken into account. not the beginning of the entry list. 359305 SAPKH31I67 31I SAPKH40B56 40B SAPKH45B35 45B SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C12 46C SAPKB46D04 46D SAPKE31I67 o 31I R/3 standard HR Role profiles (Transaction SUPC) - In two special cases. 167657 --40A-40B. 406148 SAPKH40B64 40B - Error 5@ 083 occurs. when you generate activity groups in the background in Transaction SUPC. however. 547621 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D26 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62009 620 - When you run Transaction SUPC. the second transport may contain too many entries.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 bottom) and call a subordinate profile. 198296 46A-630 - When you copy an activity group. Transaction SUPC displays the role status incorrectly. In addition. however. activity "Change" instead of activity "Display" is checked with 26. The defaulted profile name. the group is not named in error message 492. If you then reconcile the user master (Transaction PFUD = report PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY = report RHAUTUPD_NEW). 46A-46B.02. you have to reduce the authorizations considerably and transport the role again. 424273 SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C24 46C - When you assign users to a user group and you do not have the authorization for this group. massive buffer invalidations occur for Table AGR_TIMED. 46C - You cannot generate activity groups with Transaction SUPC or report SAPPROFC. 410720 SAPKH40B68 40B SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB61006 610 - Since all ESS users shall login with their own userID and password we in general strongly recommend to leave those two parameters empty in the global service file. 330183 SAPKH40B53 40B SAPKE40B53 o 40B R/3 standard HR User master reconciliation (Transaction PFUD) - You start Transaction PFUD with the option "Carry out cleanups" or the user master comparison in Transaction PFCG. 420252 SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B32 46B 26. Some generated profiles are deleted although the associated roles still exist. After you tested the role.2013 Page 99 of 144 . 442906 --- - You created a role with a great number of authorizations and transported it to a subsequent system of your system landscape. 45A-45B. 606366 SAPKB46B53 46B SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 - IMG activity for PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY incorrect 442565 SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - When you carry out a user master comparison using Report RHAUTUPD_NEW. authorization may disappear from the generated profile.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 authorization object "S_USER_AGR" 217460 --40A-40B. after the implementation of the customizing parameter. Known transactions. PRGN_USERPROF_UPDATE_ALL. problems with the size of Tables UST12 and USR12 may occur. 400672 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B30 46B SAPKB46C21 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61001 610 - During the user master reconciliation. GUM was deactivated. All fields that had been ready for entry before are now displayed grey. However. 313812 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 Maintain user groups (Transaction SUGR) - In Transaction SUGR. you want to add users to a user group. functions and BAPIs: PFUD (RHAUTUPD_NEW). 539003 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62008 620 - You can change user groups without an authorization check for S_USER_GRP (relevant in the GUM also). 211843 SAPKB46B06 46B SAPKB46C01 46C 26. no further input is possible. BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN 412084 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D - When you reconcile the user masters of all users.02.2013 Page 100 of 144 . After pressing the <ENTER> key. the periods are grouped incorrectly in the case of indirect user assignments. 385230 SAPKH45B39 45B SAPKB46B27 46B SAPKB46C16 46C - The compelete reconciliation in Transaction PFUD may terminate. the lock table overflows. reports. moving the roll bar or even only clicking on "New entries". if the assignment has a temporal gap (is splitted). See note 433941). if database table AGR_USERS contains a great many entries.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46C23 SAPKB46D12 SAPKB61002 o 46C 46D 610 - Performance problems. a short dump RAISE_EXCEPTION occurs. the extension is not displayed in Release 4. a list of technical information for a particular authorization field is displayed.. . When you doubleclick or click on the "Display (F7)" pushbutton in Transaction SU20. This technical information is incomplete or does not show the origin of the values in the F4 help. fields "Department" and "Extension" are truncated... In addition..g.02. structure AUTHC is no longer delivered since Release 4." is issued.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 o User list (Transaction SM04) - o Client export (Transaction SCC8) - o When you call the popup with the user information e. 336283 --46B Authorization fields (Transaction SU20) - You want to know which data sources are used for the F4 help for authorization fields and in which order they are used for value search. if you do not have the required authorizations. the message "No authorization for Transaction xxx" is displayed. 432916 46A-46B. 46C-46D - When you create customer authorization fields.6D despite its being maintained correctly.Use ABAP Dictionary maintenance to copy the structure AUTHC to ZAUTHCUST.0A. none of the other users in the client has any authorizations. However. message 01134 with the long text ". from the user list of Transaction SM04. 539654 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62008 620 SAPKB62009 620 SAPKB62012 620 - When you create or change authorization objects in Transaction SU20. 439262 SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB61009 610 - Some authorization fields are not displayed. When these users call a transaction. 171538 --31G-45B 26. 201750 SAPKB46D29 46D When you export a client.2013 Page 101 of 144 . 45A - You cannot create new authorization fields with Transaction SU20 any longer. With the first correction.1I and 4. The second input help variant is obsolete. The authorization object class is removed from the list. the object is not entered in the transport request. popups giving other information are incorrect. In background processing. 26. you can select authorization fields using both the standard input help (F4) and a special input help (F7).2013 Page 102 of 144 . 551182 --46B-620 - In Transaction SU21. 531355 SAPKH31IA8 31I SAPKH31IB1 31I SAPKH40B78 40B SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B56 45B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 SAPKE31IA8 31I - In Transaction SU21. the following error was delivered in 3. you can globally exclude authorization objects from the authorization check.6C SAPKB46C13 4.0B: When creating or changing authorization objects (transport object SUSO). 303856 --31G-31I. since a correction in the following support packages unintentionally prevents the creation of new authorization fields: 4. you want to delete an empty authorization object class which is no longer required. these objects are checked nevertheless.6B SAPKB46B23 4. however. An authorization object class that belongs to package "$TMP" (local object) cannot be transported. The TADIR entry for the transportable objects is kept.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 o - Authorization fields that can be maintained in Transaction SU20 still only have a length of 10 characters after the extension of the namespace. The object class is automatically assigned to the old package. you are not asked for the package (development class) when you create an authorization object class with the same name. 40A-40B.02.6D SAPKB46D05 374657 SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46B26 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D05 46D SAPKB46D06 46D Authorization object maintenance (Transaction SU21) - With Transaction Auth_Switch_Objects (global switch-off of authorization checks). For this reason. This procedure causes long runtimes (partially several hours) of report AGR_REGENERATE_SAP_ALL. 45A-45B - When you delete an authorization object. 94294 31G-31H. you enter a new authorization object in the popup "Create authorization object" and select pushbutton "Auth. During the export from the development system. the text is displayed. If you enter the field name directly. the generation process is started with every import into subsequent systems of a system landscape. 350757 SAPKH40B55 40B SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62018 620 26.2013 Page 103 of 144 . 40A-40B. The transfer of a field does not include the text. the texts in the selection list are incorrect. profile SAP_ALL is regenerated once for every authorization object. 111579 31G-31I.02.objects". 500167 SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D29 46D SAPKB61028 610 SAPKB62016 620 - You created customer-specific authorization objects. error message 01220: "Object & cannot be deleted because it still contains authorizations" is issued. although it is contained in the generated profile SAP_ALL. 40A-40B - When you create a new authorization object with Transaction SU21. 18529 --- - When you select the authorization field via the value help. The system generates a short dump: Exception condition "OCLASS_DOES_NOT_EXIST" raised. In the same way.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 526616 SAPKB46B43 SAPKB46C34 SAPKB46D23 SAPKB61022 SAPKB62004 46B 46C 46D 610 620 - Function module GET_AUTH_VALUES only returns the authorization values of a user to the authorization objects and does not take into account the authorization checks deactivated with Transaction SU24 for specific transactions or the authorization objects globally deactivated via Table TOBJ_OFF. 439753 SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C29 46C - Information for the authorization administrator about hich authorization objects are checked in given functions (business transactions). 572223 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 Ongoing improvements to the SU22 todo check 413194 SAPKB61001 610 SAPKB61002 610 - When you confirm pick orders via Transaction VL08 and also post the goods issue automatically. 600674 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B53 46B SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 - The information key in Transaction SU22 displays an empty window. SU24.02.2013 Page 104 of 144 . 368496 SAPKH40B58 40B SAPKH40B62 40B SAPKH45B37 45B 26. and the field value is not saved. 357690 SAPKB46B22 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D Test statuses and authorization default values (Transaction SU22) - When maintaining authorization default values using Transactions SU24 (for customers) and SU22 (SAP-internal). and SU25. For this purpose.. A simple distribution of this data within the system landscape is not possible either.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - o When you create a new authorization object with Transaction SU21. the import of Support Packages is required.. the authorization checks in the inventory management with respect to the movement type and the plant are not carried out: authorization objects M_MSEG_BWA and M_MSEG_WWA are not checked. An error message is displayed.: or yu want to enter a namespace prefix containing special character "/" in an authorization default value. 411135 SAPKH40B64 40B SAPKH45B42 45B SAPKH46B30 46B SAPKH46C22 46C - With standard transactions SU22. you cannot enter field values containing one of the special characters !"§$%&/()=?{[]}+~#. the input help for the authorization fields does not provide values. you cannot import improved or corrected test statusses and default authorization values into the system. incorrect values may be entered in the field value maintenance for the authorization fields. Error message "Development/correction . only if the inserted fields are organizational fields. you try to upload new default authorization values and test statusses into your system and create a transport request. 428500 SAPKH31I89 31I SAPKH40B68 40B SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 SAPKE31I89 31I - When you add a new authorization object for a transaction using Transaction SU24 and set the test status from "Maintain" to "Check/maintain". this applies. cannot include repaired objects".SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45B40 SAPKB46B25 SAPKB46B28 SAPKB46C15 SAPKB46C18 SAPKB46D05 SAPKB46D08 o o 45B 46B 46B 46C 46C 46D 46D Maintain assignments of authorization objects for transactions (Transaction SU24) - In Transaction SU24. No manual maintenance!". you cannot change the field values.2013 Transaction SU25 ("Profile generator: Upgrade and initial installation") => Function "2d. however. The following status message is displayed: "Field describes an organizational unit.02. Page 105 of 144 .. especially if redundancy prevention is activated there. However. The new transactions are assigned the texts of the old transactions.. Display changed transaction codes" => Functions "Adjust menu automatically" and "Add menu automatically": These functions add new transactions to the menu of roles. 350722 SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D Upgrade tool for the profile generator (Transaction SU25) - 26. This leads to problems in the Easy Access menu. 605590 SAPKB46B53 46B SAPKB46C44 46C SAPKB46D33 46D SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62021 620 - When you edit the test statuses in all transactions for an authorization object with Transaction SU24 and the authorization object has at least one organizational field. When you start the program several times. 46C-46D - The list of changed transaction codes for the upgrade postprocessing of the profile generator (Transaction SU25. 338937 SAPKB46B19 46B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46C35 46C SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61006 610 SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62006 620 - When you go to the profile generator from Transaction SU25.02. the standard decimal Page 106 of 144 . 351993 SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D Own data (Transaction SU50) - 26. the program abends with a short dump.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 441017 o SAPKB46B34 SAPKB46C26 SAPKB46D15 SAPKB61007 46B 46C 46D 610 - SU25: Step 2c does not show which roles had already been revised after the upgrade. 175498 --46A-46B.2013 Via profile parameter zcsa/moddcpfm = X. 426739 SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61003 610 - SU25: Step 2d does not show which roles had already been revised after the upgrade. adjustments that had already been made are partly overwritten. step 2d) is incomplete. adjustments that had already been made are partly overwritten. When you start the program several times. That is why not all old transactions in the role menus are replaced with the new ones. 420621 SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61003 610 - SU25: Function "Add new transactions" in roles is missing 418735 SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - When you execute Transaction SU25. the program may terminate in step 2c due to timeout. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 representation was set to decimal point. Now, the decimal representation cannot be set to comma for individual users. This leads to errors in CATT processes. 97836 22A-22J, 300-31H, 40A-40B, 45A-45B, 46A-46B, 46C-46D, 610 o Maintain your own user fixed values (Transaction SU0) - o The following transactions are intended to allow a restricted maintenance of your own user data: SU0 "Maintain your own data", SU1 "Maintain your own user address" and SU2 "Maintain your own user parameters". This restriction is not effective. The equivalent transactions SU50 (=SU0), SU51 (=SU2) und SU52 (=SU2) are also affected. 494064 SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 Authorization check (Transaction SE10) - Syslog message US6 "User buffer too small for user ... ", although profile parameter auth/auth_number_in_userbuffer is set to a sufficiently high value and Transaction SU56 displaying considerably less authorizations. 166206 31G-31I, 40A-40B, 45A-45B - An authorization check fails or is successful, even though the authorizations assigned to the user should have the contrary effect. 179145 --- - In the case of variant transactions the system also checks the core transaction. This mainly occurs when using the Easy Access menu. 410622 --46C-46D - When you start variant transactions, the authorization for starting the main transactions is also checked since release 4.5A. 204193 --45A-45B, 46A-46B, 46C-46D - SU53 always reports the message that the check for object S_TCODE failed at value SU53 despite of all authorization checks having been successful so far. 310513 46D - Restricted authorizations are not taken into account. The SY-SUBRC of command AUTHORITY-CHECK always is 0, even if the user does not have the authorization. 197633 --- o 26.02.2013 Page 107 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - The system log displays the message: "BY8 All Open Cursors defined". 186575 46A - The users do not have start authorizations for the kernel transactions of parameter transactions. This works as designed. However, all of a sudden, an additional authorization check for authorization object S_TCODE is carried out for the kernel transaction (e.g. authorization object S_TCODE for the kernel transaction (e.g. V.01 -> V.00, VA01 -> VA00, CM01 -> CM00 ...). 410238 SAPKH31I81 31I SAPKH40B80 40B SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 SAPKE31I81 31I R/3 standard HR - A design improvement in the authorization field resulted in authorization checks not reproducible in the environment of the transport management. Even with extensive authorizations you cannot take over the task of another user. 398809 46C-46D - In numerous customizing transactions and in the ABAP Workbench, menu "Utilities" provides a marker to the order overview of the Customizing Organizer or the Workbench Organizer via function "Orders (Organizer)". The authorization of the user for calling the Customizing or the Workbench Organizer is not checked here, but only when the functions of the Customizing or the Workbench Organizer are being used. 395161 SAPKH31I76 31I SAPKH40B61 40B SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKE31I76 31I R/3 standard HR - During a session, users suddenly loose the authorization in the system. By setting parameter "auth/tcodes_not_checked" to values "SU53" and "SU56", TA SU56 can nevertheless be called. SU56 no longer displays the missing authorization. Number signs "#" are displayed instead. 391163 45A-45B - In the background processing of reports, authorization checks fail while they are successful when the corresponding transactions are carried out online. 389702 46B-640 - If a user is not authorized to display authorization groups (authorization object S_USER_GRP), the function module does not carry out any authorization check against the transferred authorization object and always delivers "Authorized". 26.02.2013 Page 108 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 493888 SAPKB46C30 SAPKB46D19 SAPKB61014 SAPKB62001 46C 46D 610 620 - Function module SUSR_AUTHORITY_CHECK_SIMULATE does not work correctly. The check is made, as if the authorizations of the user to check for the required object were grouped in a single authorization. 410597 SAPKB46B39 46B - In function module AUTHORITY_CHECK or SUSR_AUTHORITY_CHECK_SIMULATE, resp., special characters in field values result in "Not authorized" despite of the "*" authorization. The ABAP language element authority-check behaves correctly. 500646 SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61016 610 SAPKB62001 620 - Function module AUTHORITY_CHECK returns "Authorized", although there is only an authorization for a longer transaction name. - 496544 - Function module AUTHORITY_CHECK (which should not be mistaken for ABAP language element AUTHORITY-CHECK) and function module SUSR_AUTHORITY_CHECK_SIMULATE which is called by this module as of 4.6C do not work correctly. The check is made in a way as if the authorizations of the user to be checked for the required object were grouped in a single authorization. 387111 SAPKB46C16 46C SAPKB46C17 46C SAPKB46C19 46C SAPKB46D09 46D - Cause and analysis for missing authorization: The 6 main causes 23342 SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46B35 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D06 46D SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 - Authorization checks with command AUTHORITY-CHECK do not produce the expected result. The user authorization for the checked object, however, seems to be error-free. 136647 --- 26.02.2013 SAPKH40B73 SAPKH45B51 SAPKB46B39 SAPKB46C30 SAPKB46D19 SAPKB61014 SAPKB62001 40B 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 620 Page 109 of 144 " or via "Environment -> Maintain company address" which shows that the user does not have the authorization for assigning and maintaining the company address. this fact is not taken into account in the SAP Easy Access menu.". an additional authorization check is carried out with function "Assign new company address.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - In user maintenance. the authorization check is missing in function "Assign new company address. 332797 --- 26.02... 163750 SAPKH40B23 40B SAPKH45B06 45B SAPKE40B23 40B R/3 standard HR - When you exclude transaction codes from the check by authorization object S_TCODE via system profile parameter auth/tcodes_not_checked.. and user authorizations should be granted in analogy with Transaction SU01. 329795 SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46B26 46B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D03 46D SAPKB46D06 46D SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - You cannot deactivate the authorization check for specific transactions in Transactions SU22 and SU24. a user with lower rights can create a user with higher rights using function module BAPI_USER_CHANGE and bypass the security system for the assignment of authorizations in this way. 207247 --46A-46B. 46C - Authorization checks when assigning users and roles 312682 SAPKH45B40 45B SAPKH45B53 45B SAPKB46B28 46B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46B41 46B SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46C27 46C SAPKB46C32 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKB46D16 46D SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB61009 610 - When you change users with function module BAPI_USER_CHANGE. However.. In user maintenance. the security regulations should be observed.2013 Page 110 of 144 . After you leave the Easy Access menu via /N. the authorization check during the start from the Easy Access menu does not work.2013 Page 111 of 144 .SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 o - If single authorizations for transaction starts are granted with a maximum length of 20 characters. Therefore the note is no longer relevant. 303468 --46B. 319637 --46A-610 - Collection of the most frequently asked questions on the Global User Manager. The following errors may occur: Distribution does not work. 610 - The functionality of the Global User Management (Transaction SUUM) is deactivated (see Note 433941). runtime is extremely long. The job terminates. 433941 SAPKB46B33 46B SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46C25 46C SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D14 46D SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61005 610 SAPKB62003 620 - If the Global User Manager contains a large number of users. and you can determine with difficulty only which changes are caused by the distribution. the list of users is not put out completely but information "further users" is displayed at the end of the list.46C-46D Global User Manager (GUM. 339913 --46D - In job processing. 542675 SAPKB46B45 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62008 620 SAPKB62009 620 - Deactivation of the Global User Manager (Transaction SUUM): SAP has decided to advise against using the Global User Manager (Transaction SUUM) until further notice and lock the corresponding functions. it works. 304074 SAPKB46B09 46B SAPKB46C02 46C SAPKB46D01 46D 26. Transaction SUUM) - You want to use Report RSUSR500 to distribute the role assignments changed via the Global User Manager to the target systems of the central user administration. This pushbutton does not work.02. 385894 --46A-46B. errors sporadically occur during the authorization check that are logged in the job log. 46C-46D. 455172 46A-46B. 40A-40B. the field displayed. this user is not authorized for Transaction SU53. SU53 is contained in the existing authorizations. but lists a suitable authorization check among the existing authorizations.02. 78106 30F-31H - Transaction SU53 for displaying the last authorization check that failed: If the text of the object class is shorter than 26. Via SAP GUI for Windows and SAP GUI for HTML. display is correct.2013 result "Not authorized". 432550 46C-46D - Transaction SU53 shows that an authorization check failed. (The functionality of the Global User Manager (Transaction SUUM) is deactivated (see Note 433941).. 380489 SAPKB46B26 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D06 46D Display check values (Transaction SU53) - After an authorization check with the Transaction SU53 does not display the values requested in the authorization authorizations of the user. however. since authorization object S_USER_SYS is not checked. however. Transaction SU53 just displays "no authorization for SU53" or ". This suitable authorization.. 45A-45B. is missing in SU56. 456763 SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C28 46C - You assigned a reference user to a user with SU53 authorization in Transaction SU01. 518289 --- - Via mySAP Workplace.) 314230 SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - In Transaction SUUM of the Global User Manager you can assign user groups. Transaction SU53 always displays a missing authorization for object S_TCODE with the value SU53. For the listed names and values are Page 112 of 144 . for SM02" or "All authorization checks have been successful so far" after requesting failed authorization checks. field names and field check. the displayed transaction code may contain some special characters. however. some roles may be displayed several times. 46C-46D - When you click on pushbutton "First page" in Transaction SU53. the screen scrolls down instead of up.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 o - When you expand roles (activity groups) in the Global User Manager (GUM). 181353 31H-31I. 46A-46B - When you display the missing authorization values in Transaction SU53 after a failed authorization check. the statistics collection jobs do not run. no data is displayed. 3310 --- Session Manager menu tree display (Transaktion SESS) - 26. 87926 30A-31I. 185272 SAPKH40B36 40B SAPKH45B13 45B SAPKB46B01 46B SAPKE40B36 40B R/3 standard HR In SM51. 78627 30D List of SAP systems (Transaction SM51) - o In Transaction SE16.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the text of the object. 40A-40B - o Data Browser (Transaction SE16) - o Transaction SE93: You display the assigned authorization objects (pushbutton "Auth. object assignment") for a transaction for which authorization objects are not assigned. you displayed another transaction whose list of authorization objects was not empty. since value "A" is stored for dialog users in the database. Beforehand. This termination may also occur during the execution of report RSUSR102 in connection with authorization object S_DATASET.2013 Problems starting Transaction SESS 128138 SAPKH40A23 40A SAPKH40B10 40B SAPKH45A05 45A SAPKE40B10 40B R/3 standard HR Page 113 of 144 .02. the object class text is overwritten by the name of the object class. When you manually enter "D" to evaluate the dialog users. 319674 SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D02 46D SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 Transaction code maintenance (Transaction SE93) - o When you display the last authorization check that failed (SU53) the program may abend with WRITE_TO_OFFSET_TOOLARGE. The same list is displayed for the second transaction. Value "D" is selected. but "B" is used. if the file name length exceeds 18 characters. the input help for field User type is incorrect. you cannot display the processes or users of a server. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 System measurement (Transaction USMM) - o o You process measurement transaction in the user 396384 user information in the transaction for system (USMM). SAPKB46C21 46C SAPKB46D10 46D Create user ID for HR employee master records (Transaction HRUSER) - In Transaction HRUSER. the activity group (field name ACT GRP) of the previous user may be used. The problem only occurs in a reproducible way when you create a user the system has never known before. 357443 SAPKE46B25 46B SAPKE46C16 46C - When you execute Transaction HRUSER. 351037 SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D Technical Information on the Central User Administration - 26.6C or higher to a central system with 4. 374911 SAPKH45B46 45B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C20 46C SAPKB46D09 46D SAPKB61001 610 Transaction BBP_USER_MAINT - When you change user data in Transaction BBP_USER_MAINT. The authorization checks in this do not refer to the user groups (as it is the case administration). the profiles of the role (activity group) are not assigned during the generation of the user from an employee. although there is an RFC destination with the same name for the logical system.6B in a Central User Administration. 174657 SAPKH46A03 46A SAPKE45B11 45B - When you connect a system with Release 4.02. 410832 SAPKB46B30 46B - When you change parameter "Keydate" "Next first of the month" in Transaction HRUSER. 503247 SAPKB46B41 46B Page 114 of 144 . the newly calculated key date is incorrect. error message PWWW142: "No RFC destination found for logical system &1" is issued.2013 Synchronizing the master data of selected users with a child system from the central system of a Central User Administration. a problem may occur. 2013 Page 115 of 144 .02. 26. Correction of the company addresses in an active CUA.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46B42 SAPKB46C32 SAPKB46C33 SAPKB46D21 SAPKB46D23 SAPKB61017 SAPKB61020 SAPKB62002 SAPKB62004 46B 46C 46C 46D 46D 610 610 620 620 - Explanations for authorization checks at the start of a transaction 15253 --- - How is profile SAP_ALL generated? Customizing for generating profile SAP_ALL. 320449 --45A-640 - Additional Documentation for RSUSR009 216557 --- - The scope of functionality of BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN is changed from Release 4.6C. 410424 --- - Individual maintenance of organizational levels in the profile generator 314513 SAPKH45B57 45B SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62007 620 - How to create RFC-capable function module BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_READ. if the addresses are inconsistent. 439122 --- - Explanation of Transaction SE97 358122 SAPKB46C18 46C SAPKB46C24 46C SAPKB46D08 46D SAPKB46D13 46D SAPKB61003 610 - Complicated entry of the filter criteria in the collective role generator 326050 --46D - You want to temporarily deactivate the Central User Administration (CUA) without deinstalling it completely.6B to 4. 441702 SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D - Distribute correct company addresses before setting up a CUA and linking new child systems. 367660 --45B. 46B. 610-620 - Completely delete the Central User Administration or clean up the data. deleting a CUA client from the landscape and moving a CUA client.2013 Page 116 of 144 . 197728 SAPKH45B38 45B SAPKB46B26 46B SAPKB46C15 46C SAPKB46D06 46D - CUA: Tips for performance optimization of ALE distribution with CUA 399271 --- - Removing a child system from the CUA system landscape 191449 SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - Moving a CUA central system by means of client copy. Completely delete the Central User Administration and replicate them again from the CUA data. 46C-46D - Which archiving objects are there for the user administration? Which reports are available for the administration of archived change documents? 419933 --- - Unsorted display of nodes and folders in the Easy-Access menu 322853 SAPKB46A23 46A 26. 338177 SAPKH45B56 45B SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46C37 46C SAPKB46D24 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62010 620 - Authorization check: A short introduction 20534 --- - You want to modify the behavior of Transaction PFCG by means of your own coding using the prepared user exits.02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 306215 SAPKB46B09 SAPKB46C27 46B 46C - Description of the new functions of the Global User Manager and the rule-based role assignment by the HR Organizational Management (Transaction SUUM was deactivated). 338101 SAPKB46D03 46D - Explanation of the authorization checks from the development environment viewpoint when you execute programs and development objects. moving a CUA central sstem by means of system copy. 46C-46D. 399917 --- - General information on the usage of the redundancy prevention in Easy Access 357693 46A-46B. after the menu tree of a role was changed. 8852 --- - Definitions and explanations on topic area Authorization concept 28175 --- - Which is the meaning of profile SAP_NEW? 28186 --- - Customer exits at SAP logon: Additional coding is to be executed with every dialog logon (e. 37724 30C-46D - New reports for infosystem user 40689 30D . 46A-46B.g. since SAP* has not yet been created and thus has not yet the password PASS. 46A-46B - Explanation how the authorization data are merged in the profile generator (Transaction PFCG). checks). What is the purpose of this function? Which file format is used to upload a menu? Is there a difference between downloading and uploading roles? 389675 46C-46D - Which roles (activity groups) are available for the system auditor? 375609 SAPKH45B40 45B - Definitions and explanations on password rules and incorrect logons 2467 --- - SAP* cannot log on with password 06071992 is not possible. function "Import file" is offered in tab "Menu".2013 Page 117 of 144 .SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46B15 SAPKB46C07 SAPKB46D02 46B 46C 46D - In Transaction PFCG. 45A-45B. 40A-40B.0A 96607 SAPKH40A10 40A SAPKH40A14 40A SAPKH40B01 40B SAPKH45A24 45A SAPKH45B06 45B SAPKB46A01 46A SAPKE40B01 40B R/3 standard HR - How can you grant node authorizations in a report tree? 113024 31G-31I.02.31I - S_TCODE: Authorization check at transaction start is possible 67766 30E-31I. 40A-40B. 45A-45B. The modification of module pool SAPMSYST is not allowed for safety reasons. 46C-46D - Changes to the address management for 4. 26. an insufficient authorization check for authorization object S_USER_GRP with activity = 66 (Refresh) and user group = DUMMY is carried out.000 authorizations per user. The syslog (SM21) contains error message "US6 User buffer too small for user . communication. system reference users 327917 --46C-46D - Advice for problem analysis concerning distribution problems with the Central User Administration.6D. service. 433467 --46A-46D - Single record buffer overflow Table USR12 on AS/400 187464 SAPKB46B21 46B 26.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 113290 o --- - Preventing multiple dialog logons 142724 SAPKH45B09 45B - Activity groups renamed as of Release 4. 333441 --45A-620 Buffer problems - When running Report RSUSR405 (reset all user buffers).. 596151 SAPKH40B81 40B SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62020 620 - After logging on to the system. 537001 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61024 610 SAPKB62008 620 - Since Kernel 4. ".. the user buffer (Table usrbf2) allows a maximum of 10.6C: dialog.02.5A 156196 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D - Tables in the Central User Administration 161347 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 - New user types for Release 4. system. package level 449. some of your users do not have any authorizations for carrying out any transaction.2013 Page 118 of 144 . 196334 SAPKB46A23 46A SAPKB46B09 46B - The database buffer of Table USRBF2 is invalidated too many times. 586775 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62019 620 - When deleting a user. many deletions and insertions are observed in USRBF2. 320460 SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKH45B49 45B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D02 46D SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61011 610 - All workprocesses are used due to sequential reading on UST12. The same error occurs in the child system of a Central User Administration when you delete the user in that system. 46C-46D BAPI problems - The release status of individual function modules of function group SU_USER that are defined in BOR is "Not released". 385901 --46B. in mass calls. 319727 --46B. 46C-46D - The internal buffers for the profile update are not reset with BAPI_USER_ACTGOUPS_ASSIGN.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 o - Performance problems due to changes in the user master data. Table USRBF2 is cleared too many times. function module BAPI_USER_DELETE does not create any change document for "User deleted". 585428 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62018 620 - You use function module BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN to assign several roles to a user.2013 Page 119 of 144 . the profile tables are unnecessarily updated.02. 599405 SAPKH45B59 45B SAPKB46B52 46B SAPKB46C43 46C - The runtime of function module BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL within a transaction increases with each user newly read from the database. In addition. the 26. If a role does not exist or if you do not have sufficient authorizations for a role assignment. The ENQUEUE lock on the user set in the beginning remains set. error messages may occur in rare cases in Transaction SU10 or when directly using BAPI BAPI_USER_CHANGE due to inconsistencies in the user address data (personal address or company address assignment). BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN and BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_DELETE. However. the program only returns the error message Returncode 024 (missing authorization). BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_ASSIGN and BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_DELETE. The program does not check whether the transferred data is valid or plausible. 457549 SAPKH45B49 45B SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61011 610 - The following function modules for changing the profile assignment do not carry out an authorization check for authorization object S_USER_GRP: BAPI_USER_PROFILES_ASSIGN.2013 Page 120 of 144 . 486908 SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46C29 46C SAPKB46D18 46D SAPKB61012 610 - You use function module BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN or BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 following problems occur: No role assignment is carried out at all. 488013 SAPKB46B44 46B SAPKB46C36 46C SAPKB46D25 46D SAPKB61023 610 SAPKB62007 620 - BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL cannot read alias and reference user 435345 SAPKB46C31 46C SAPKB46D20 46D SAPKB61005 610 - You want to call the value help for users via RFC using function module BAPI_HELPVALUES_GET.02. 487708 SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKH45B51 45B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46B39 46B SAPKB46C29 46C 26. BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_DELETE. BAPI_USER_PROFILES_DELETE. 560548 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB62013 620 - When you use the Central User Administration. The following function modules for changing the role assignment do not carry out an authorization check for authorization object S_USER_GRP with activity 05: BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN. 412924 SAPKH45B43 45B SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B31 46B SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61001 610 SAPKB61002 610 - Function modules BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN and BAPI_USER_PROFILES_ASSIGN do not work correctly. there is a "COMMIT-WORK" command that should not exist according to the BAPI rules. The role and profile assignment of a user is stored in the database. this is rather confusing. function module BAPI_USER_CHANGE does not return correct error texts but just enters "E 00 000" without any error text in return table RETURN. 314479 SAPKB46A23 46A SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - Function modules BAPI_USER_LOCACTGROUPS_ASSIGN and BAPI_USER_LOCPROFILES_ASSIGN have a long runtime because too many IDocs are being sent. e. In the first case.2013 Page 121 of 144 .02. even if the user does not exist. the program writes a result to the change documents that is different from the one written when you delete a user in Transaction SU01. since "*** users created ***" is the final result. passwords too short or contained in the user name).g. 417127 SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46C23 46C SAPKB46D12 46D SAPKB61002 610 - After deleting a user in function module BAPI_USER_DELETE. The same symptom occurs in the user maintenance transaction (SU01). 26. 439187 SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46C26 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61006 610 - In case of passwords that violate the password rules (see security guide.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46C30 SAPKB46D18 SAPKB46D19 SAPKB61012 SAPKB61014 SAPKB62001 46C 46D 46D 610 610 620 - In BAPI BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN. 369761 --46A-46B. 46C-46D - BAPIs create an incorrect system assignment or no assignment at all. you execute an application transaction that is to create several users ((HRUSER. BBP_USER_MAINT. (The same applies to the alias).). All BAPIs of BOR object USER presently require the submission of the user name in uppercase letters. although it had not existed before.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 412617 o SAPKH45B43 SAPKB46B30 SAPKB46C22 SAPKB46D11 SAPKB61001 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 - In a child system of a Central User Administration. The transaction terminates. The log (Transaction SCC3) shows Report RSCCUSND (BC-SEC-USR) as the last exit program. it is supposedly incomplete (missing role assignment). The user is nevertheless created. For some users an error message is issued that says that the user exists already. if the user name is submitted in lowercase letters.6B 161495 SAPKH46B25 46B SAPKB46A01 46A SAPKB46A05 46A SAPKB46A07 46A SAPKB46A09 46A SAPKB46A11 46A SAPKB46A13 46A SAPKB46A17 46A SAPKB46B01 46B SAPKB46B03 46B SAPKB46B04 46B SAPKB46B05 46B SAPKB46B08 46B SAPKB46B12 46B SAPKB46B19 46B SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46B27 46B SAPKB46B34 46B SAPKB46B42 46B SAPKB46B46 46B - Prior to SAPKB62004: Import postprocessing (Transaction SCC7) abens. However.2013 Page 122 of 144 . etc.6A and 4.02. 412103 SAPKH45B42 45B SAPKB46B30 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61001 610 Client copy - CC-RELEASE: Error in client copy in 4. The cause for the termination is error message 01 351: "You are not logged on to 26. 496442 SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - The creation of a user with BAPI BAPI_USER_CREATE1 or BAPI_USER_CREATE fails. 02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the central system". a client copy is hanging. Prior to SAPKB62019: On DB2 for AS400 (DB2/400 or iSeries). rtc=16 enxxmenq1377" and "GEA Internal error in lock management". and warnings during client transport 338578 SAPKH45B41 45B SAPKH45B44 45B SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B29 46B SAPKB46B32 46B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46B43 46B SAPKB46B46 46B SAPKB46B49 46B 26. "GZZ > EqSetCluster(). 449822 SAPKH45B49 45B SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61010 610 - CC-RELEASE: Errors in client 432152 SAPKB61003 SAPKB61005 SAPKB61006 SAPKB61007 SAPKB61009 SAPKB61011 SAPKB61012 SAPKB61013 SAPKB61014 SAPKB61015 SAPKB61016 SAPKB61018 SAPKB61019 SAPKB61027 SAPKB61028 SAPKB61029 SAPKB61030 SAPKB61031 SAPKB61032 - Problems.2013 copy in 6. individual addresses are lost in a way that cannot be reproduced (entries in Table ADRC). 491923 SAPKB62003 620 SAPKB62013 620 SAPKB62014 620 SAPKB62016 620 SAPKB62017 620 SAPKB62018 620 SAPKB62019 620 SAPKB62020 620 SAPKB62021 620 - In the system. All actions needing a lock (ENQUEUE) do not work. Prior to SAPKB62021: A client deletion abends with error TA 363: Source client is the target of a client copy.10 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 610 Page 123 of 144 . errors. The SysLog (Transaction SM21) of ten contains the following messages: "GEG lock table overflown". ALE landscape of the target system has to be set up anew. 122779 SAPKH45A01 45A - Authorization problems after a client copy: Authorizations that are said to be missing or authorizations from the incorrect source client. as of Release 4. The developer trace contains messages of type "Invalid BCD Number". 46C - After a client copy.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46C14 SAPKB46C19 SAPKB46C20 SAPKB46C23 SAPKB46C29 SAPKB46C33 SAPKB46C35 SAPKB46C40 SAPKB46D05 SAPKB46D09 SAPKB46D10 SAPKB46D12 SAPKB46D18 SAPKB46D22 SAPKB46D24 SAPKB46D29 46C 46C 46C 46C 46C 46C 46C 46C 46D 46D 46D 46D 46D 46D 46D 46D - Errors occur during a client copy in Release 4. the texts for the user groups are missing. user or company addresses are incorrect or deleted. users in the target client are overwritten. 102783 SAPKH40B01 40B SAPKE40B01 40B R/3 standard HR - After client copying with profile SAP_UCUS.02.6D. 191207 SAPKH45B15 45B SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKB46A08 46A SAPKB46B01 46B 26. 392453 46B - After the client copy of user masters. 305912 SAPKB46B27 46B SAPKB46C17 46C SAPKB46D08 46D - Five problems after a client copy: User is not copied. company addresses for users are no longer found. users are not deleted.6B with Kernel 4.2013 Page 124 of 144 . 191660 --46A-46B. and field CHANGE_TST in Table AGR_CUSTOM and/or field CHANGE_TMP in Table AGR_DEFINE and/or field CHANGE_TMP in Table AGR_TIME contain invalid (not-BCD-compliant) data (see Note 339932). the assignment of the user groups to the users are missing as well. 75908 31G-31I - Shadow tables still exist after a client copy. authorizations seem to be missing for some users although the authorizations are contained in the master record.6. That is why the input help (Transaction SU01) does not find any users. a dump marked "CALL_FUNCTION_CONFLICT_LENG" occurs in program SAPLSMNV.2013 Page 125 of 144 . problems during saving occur in the profile generator where various error messages are issued (Note 124172). 157396 --45A-45B - In Business Warehouse systems (BW). an error occurs if the action is canceled. an error message is displayed in this case. generation of the company menu abends with an error stating that Report RPUSM003 could not be found. 129041 SAPKH40B10 40B SAPKE40B10 40B - When you move transactions of the favorite list to folders. after the first generation of a profile).5B. 305553 SAPKH45B22 45B SAPKH45B23 45B SAPKH45B26 45B SAPKB46B06 46B SAPKB46B08 46B SAPKB46B12 46B SAPKB46B13 46B - When you import Hot Package 54. SCCL or SCC9 is executed. after a second Hot Package is implemented. If you call the update program from the profile generator (e. 316914 --31I Miscellaneous - When generating the company menu in Transaction SSM1. no error message is displayed.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46B14 SAPKB46B15 SAPKB46B29 SAPKB46B30 SAPKB46C06 SAPKB46C07 SAPKB46C20 SAPKB46C22 SAPKB46D02 SAPKB46D10 SAPKB46D11 o o 46B 46B 46B 46B 46C 46C 46C 46C 46D 46D 46D Errors after the import of Support Packages - When you import Support Package 6 for 4. 124427 SAPKH40A19 40A SAPKH40B08 40B 26. The problems occur only if the "automatic transport connection" of the organizational management is active (Note 33582). The favorite is deleted.g. too. As described in Note 124172. the addresses of the users and the company addresses are deleted in all clients when Transaction SCC1.02.6B and Support Package 22 for 4. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKH45A02 SAPKE40B08 45A 40B - When you add transactions to stating that the transaction 123993 SAPKH31H32 SAPKH31I11 SAPKE31H32 SAPKE31I11 - During "Save", "Back", for example, within a transaction, you get the message "You are not authorized for Transaction XYZ" (e.g. MM01, FB01). However, you did not start Transaction "XYZ" at all. 601472 --45A-46D - In an activity group, menu items are displayed in a new folder with the label 'cannot be assigned'. 85565 --30E-45B - Explanation for migration of the user menu from 3.1 to 4.x. 153681 --40A-46A - The directory synchronization of the SAP user master cannot synchronize any external IDs for users. 505203 SAPKB61017 610 SAPKB62002 620 - You are authorized to start a particular variant transaction. You do not have the authorization to start the corresponding core transaction. Via the Session Manager you start the variant transaction. Then you can start the core transaction of the variant transaction via the Session Manager even if you do not have the corresponding authorization. If you try, however, to start the core transaction first, you cannot start the variant transaction afterwards either. 602304 SAPKB46B52 46B - Table USOTT is not used by the transactions of the user and role administration. Some partly obsolete programs use the table nevertheless. The table will soon be used in another way. 594300 SAPKB61032 610 SAPKB62020 620 - In Transaction PPOMW, you search by user group (UG). The transaction abends with the following error: "ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY" or "A line with the same key already exists". 593529 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C42 46C - For applications using function module AUTHORITY_CHECK, SUSR_AUTHORITY_CHECK_SIMULATE or SUSR_USER_AUTH_FOR_OBJ_GET, performance is poor. This applies in particular, if the call is made within loops. 568349 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C40 46C SAPKB46D29 46D 26.02.2013 the company menu, an error message already exists is displayed. 31H 31I 31H 31I Page 126 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB61028 SAPKB62014 610 620 - Navigation of Report RSUSR200 for user administration. This note is obsolete and is replaced by Note 564632. 206200 SAPKB46B04 46B SAPKB46C01 46C - When you start Transaction SBWP, the runtime may be several minutes long. 594444 SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C43 46C SAPKB46D32 46D SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62019 620 - Activities PA, PB, PC, PD are missing in Table TACT. For this reason you cannot select these activities in Transaction SU21 for maintaining valid activities. 594862 SAPKB61031 610 SAPKB62019 620 - When you start a URL in the Solution Manager transaction, there is no reaction. 545104 SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46B51 46B SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62017 620 SAPKB62019 620 - Documentation on logon restrictions. 12466 --- - You are in the central system of a CUA. In Transaction SU3, tab page "Systems" is displayed. 585702 SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C42 46C - When you create an object in the ABAP Workbench or using Transaction SE11 (Data Dictionary) or SE38 (ABAP Editor), message EU518 "You are not authorized to display" or message EU519 "You are not authorized to change (authorization object S_DEVELOP)" although you have the authorization for creating an object. 31077 --30A-30D - When you run Report SUSR_CUA_CONSISTENCY_CHECK and select a system that does not exist in the current CUA for the input field RECEIVING SYSTEM, a confusing message is displayed. 565755 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D 26.02.2013 Page 127 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB61027 SAPKB62014 610 620 - You use the Central User Administration (CUA) and assign another company address to a user in the source system. The corresponding IDoc is not updated in the target system. 520223 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 - You transported a Business Warehouse role to a non-BW system and start a BW Web report for this role there. Already when calling the browser, you get an error message (message class S#, no. 394) because the system could not find the file specified in the address. 568031 SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62014 620 - You want to use function module CRM_ICSS_CONTACTPERS_REGISTER to create a contact person in CRM. The following error occurs: "Error in COM_BPUS_INTERNETUSER_CREATE when calling SUSR_USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RFC". 572890 SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - Errors occur when distributing company addresses using the Central User Administration. In addition, log entries are missing, if the central system has Release 4.6 or higher and the child system has Release 4.5B. 573469 SAPKH45B59 45B - When you distribute role and profile assignments to the child systems of central user administration (CUA), Transaction SCUL displays warning "Activity group assignment to user & not completed" (class 01, no. 49) although you carry out the inbound processing of IDocs of type USERCLONE in series with a periodic background job as recommended in Note 399271. 557610 SAPKB46B47 46B SAPKB46B50 46B SAPKB46C38 46C SAPKB46C42 46C SAPKB46D27 46D SAPKB46D31 46D SAPKB61026 610 SAPKB61030 610 SAPKB62012 620 SAPKB62018 620 - When importing profiles, the after-import method for object SUSPR, SUSR_AFTER_IMP_PROFILE, is always called for all clients. In particular with setting "auth/new_buffering = 4", this leads to long import runtimes. 26.02.2013 Page 128 of 144 USLOGOND ("not classified") is incorrect.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 550935 SAPKB46B46 SAPKB46C37 SAPKB46D26 SAPKB61025 SAPKB62010 46B 46C 46D 610 620 - The enhancement category of structures BAPILOGOND. 540644 SAPKH45B58 45B SAPKB46B48 46B SAPKB46C39 46C SAPKB46D28 46D SAPKB61027 610 SAPKB62013 620 - Syntax errors due to missing data element AGRNAME which was deleted with Basis Support Package 14 for Release 6.10 but is still used in BW and CRM programs.0E kernel on AS/400 (operating system V3R7). These checks are required for changing the table only and are therefore incorrect at this point. 522497 SAPKB46C33 SAPKB46D22 SAPKB61020 SAPKB62004 26. function module PRGN_AUTH_MAXIMAL_AUTHORITY is called which contains checks for the total authorization for several Basis objects. After implementing the downward-compatible 3. the authorization check fails and message SF261 is displayed: "You are not authorized for Transaction JJB1".02. Transaction QE71 carries out a large number of identical calls of function module authority_check_tcode. 519101 SAPKIPPDD3 402 SAPKIPPJ20 462 SAPKIPPK14 463 SAPKIPPL04 464 - You cannot delete table-type generic folders. 503385 - When you call Transaction JJB1. This may lead to timeouts.0F kernel from CD. you can no longer log on to the R/3 System.2013 personalization data from the 46C 46D 610 620 You can not always turn off the implicit authorization check Page 129 of 144 . 547750 SAPKB46B45 46B - You use an R/3 System of Release 3.0E and a 3. 550616 SAPKB62010 620 SAPKB62011 620 - By BAPI call. 71329 30E - Description of user SAP* 2383 --- - When you choose the display function for Table PRGN_CUST in Transaction SM30. the following error message is issued during the opening of a folder: "Relative node for insert not found.2013 the administration of roles from Systems. 40B-46B Server 500_40B . fields so that calling applications may issue incomplete or wrong error messages. In addition.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 implemented since 4. 503099 SAPKB61017 610 - Description of the possibilities of buffering authorizations of a user for the authorization check 209899 --- - During the start of the ALE distribution model maintenance (Transaction BD64). If these groups were extensitively used in the old system.02. a decrease of the performance. runtimes of several hours may occur. 81508 31G-45B - Description of the status of the Enterprise Portal in SAP 439836 SAP R/3 PlugIn for Workplace - WP3R: Corrections (derived roles. 315193 SAPKB46B13 46B SAPKB46C05 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - During the upgrade from a release up to 4. 442424 SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D17 46D SAPKB61011 610 - Table data from PD info types still exist in the database.e." 362883 46D-620 - The communication between the SAP Web Application Server and 26. the HRT* tables are accessed in some positions (without reading the primary record) which may lead to incorrect system behavior. In some tables.5 at the beginning of this process. this may produce a great number of idle entries. although the corresponding primary records were deleted. Independent of the end release aimed at.500_46C Page 130 of 144 . i. 515130 SAPKB46C33 46C SAPKB46D21 46D SAPKB46D22 46D SAPKB61020 610 SAPKB62004 620 - Function module authority_check_tcode does not set the sy-msg. report AGR_XPRA_ALL_CLIENTS converts all the roles to 4. RFC connections) 481007 31I-46B - When you display a user or role menu in the profile generator. LastError node key: 00000xxxxx.5 and higher. The termination occurs after form routine TREEMODEL_ADDVIEW was called.. a short dump is generated due to ABAP runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_X.. all activity groups (roles) existing in the system are converted.6C during Call Transaction.0 to a release 4. locks. The system log and the developer trace files (dev_w?. DDLOG overflow. Since the communications user cannot be created. long wait times arise due to DB locks for Table SPERS_LTYP. you cannot process the addresses of users assigned to an incorrect address any longer. dev_disp) contain corresponding entries. 46C-46D - Dump in SUSR_USER_CREATE_CHECKS (Create users. 450176 45A-610 - With some transactions. 447398 SAPKB61009 610 - Work processes abend when new users are logged on or authorizations are changed. since processes terminated because of timeouts hold semaphore 17. 30287 22A-30F - Module FSUSR_GET_TIMESTAMP cannot be called remotely.02. termination of the buffer synchronization. Other error detected with kernel 836 to 844: Deadlocks for Table USRBF2 A great number of invalidations for USRBF2. since the relevant function module in the Web Application Server is not RFC-capable.e.2013 Page 131 of 144 . A repeated logon is successful. dev_disp) contain corresponding entries. work processes abend. 444143 - When creating/registering new Internet users (not via Transaction SU01). the addresses of a user company are used incorrectly or not at all.2.0 and a not desired language ID appears until Release 2. The next time. 433773 SAPKB61005 610 - In the User Administration.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 the SAP J2EE Engine is carried out via a communications user.g. the transaction abends with runtime error 26. no language ID is displayed as of Release 3. 440905 46A-46B. Furthermore problems occur in the Central User Administration. business partners): When you create a business partner of type Person (contact person for suppliers/bidders or employees of your own company). the user can log on but no authorization is granted. user accounts of the SAP Web AS cannot log on to the SAP J2EE Engine and SAP roles are not available as user groups of the SAP J2EE Engine. The logon screen displays the texts in a not desired language. The syslog and the developer trace files (dev_w?. data inconsistencies in Table USCOMPANY occur with company addresses for various reasons. runtime error "PERFORM_CONFLICT_GENERIC_TYPE" occurs. This functionality is required for future enhancements. User companies point to inexistent addresses or do not have an address at all. 492210 SAPKB62001 620 - In the logon screen. These inconsistencies may result in problems in the process of normal user administration . The creation of this communications user via installation program fails. Deadlocks for Table USRBF2 If new users log on or if you change authorizations. but the user has no authorizations at all. Text "Operating concern" was translated with "‘€•ìŠÖ˜A" for both entries.02. "User could not be locked"). 304130 SAPKH31H82 31H SAPKH31I54 31I SAPKH40B45 40B SAPKE31H82 31H R/3 standard HR SAPKE31I54 31I SAPKE40B45 40B - During the inbound processing of IDocs of the User Administration. 189260 SAPKH45B22 45B SAPKH45B23 45B SAPKB46B08 46B SAPKB46C01 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - After the import of Note 373672. 497514 SAPKB46B40 46B SAPKB46C30 46C SAPKB46D19 46D SAPKB61014 610 SAPKB62001 620 - You can assign a system user to a user using infotype 105 (communication).2001. 20C - Incorrect translation of strings EKRE and ERBE in Table TPARAT into Japanese. 424075 --- - After the user master comparison. the assignment of persons (personnel numbers) to users from info type 105 is no longer deleted when you rename or delete users in Transactions SU01 and SU10. 428179 SAPKB46B36 46B SAPKB46C28 46C SAPKB46D15 46D SAPKB61007 610 Business to Business Procurement/Customer 30. In this process.2013 Page 132 of 144 . the profiles on the persons responsible are lost. Messages on roles in the workplace environment are processed on the component WP-WSR.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 CALL_FUNCTION_CONFLICT_TYPE. The same problem occurs. A system user was assigned to several persons.g. all assigned personal links are selected by the end date of the system user's existence. the assignments are partially in the past. if you use BAPI BAPI_USER_CHANGE. a series of errors is not recognized (e. The system user is deleted via the user administration (Transaction SU01). but the correct translation is "•ª•Í‘Εەh. 412007 45B-46D 26. 74244 30D-30F - The component WP-WSR-RAD has been locked as of 10. Messages which describe problems with the administration of roles in Transaction PFCG are processed on the component BC-SEC-USR-PFC.08. The assignments in the past of this system user (infotype 105) are erroneously extended to the end date of the system user. 157984 SAPKB46A01 46A - User address: House number is not written in the Street field. In the function module interface. The program abends with short dump "screen 0001 doesn't exist". no jobs are found.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - When you read a user address with function module SUSR_USER_ADDRESS_READ. the communications langauge is determined incorrectly. some address data is not converted correctly. You can restrict the access to objects of individual packages (development classes) via field DEVCLASS (package for the transport system) of authorization object S_DEVELOP.g. SAP recommends to enter value $TMP explicitly into the value list of field DEVCLASS. When you select jobs by a fixed start date and user name. 302767 SAPKH40B44 40B SAPKH45B23 45B SAPKB46B08 46B SAPKB46C01 46C SAPKB46D01 46D SAPKE40B44 40B R/3 standard HR - When you create a user. the following warning (AM330) "No data maintained for standard communication type 'Remote Mail'" is issued. 395937 SAPKB62001 620 - Problems occur in Transaction SM37. 26. too. Reading the user's address does not supply the house number. 129969 SAPKH40B10 40B SAPKE40B10 40B R/3 standard HR - Report RSUSR003: When you doubleclick on the users in the list. if you use user names with placeholders (e.02. Local objects (objects of package $TMP) play a special role. you do not go to the expected popup with the detail information. 160092 SAPKH45B04 45B - The accesses to all components of the Object Repository (Workbench) are managed via authorizations of authorization object S_DEVELOP. MrHesse) were selected. even if a job was scheduled or executed at this fixed start date.HESSE): Jobs of other users (e. The Workbench assumes that a developer who is authorized to create and change objects of a transportable package may also process local objects that cannot be transported. M. 94158 31G-31H - Message 01022 does not contain a reference to repair report RSADRCK2. parameter USER_USR03 is used to submit the data.g. instead.2013 Page 133 of 144 . If you want to restrict the access to individual packages in an authorization of S_DEVELOP. 76829 --- - When you create a user with function module SUSR_RFC_USER_INTERFACE. 314339 SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46B49 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46C41 46C SAPKB46D06 46D SAPKB46D30 46D SAPKB61029 610 SAPKB62017 620 - If you use the 4. the authorization for starting the transaction in question is not missing. DELETE DATASET. In the latter case. 610-620 - In rare situations.6C kernel with Release 4. 45A-45B. 200761 SAPKH45B18 45B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C - On 32-bit platforms. 46C - The start of a transaction from the Easy Access Menu abends with error message SF 261 "You have no authorization for Transaction &".02.. transactions with more than 4 characters cannot be executed.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 157778 SAPKH40B24 SAPKH45B06 SAPKE40B24 40B 45B 40B - Questions on accessing operating system files with ABAP command OPEN DATASET. 40A-40B. On 64-bit platforms.2013 Page 134 of 144 . 46A-46B.6B of the R/3 system. 46C-46D. 26. READ DATASET. however. SU3) or during the change of the print request. the reconciliation does not work vice versa. the changes immediately become active in the user master as well. TRANSFER . 211877 --46A-46B. 307641 SAPKB46B10 46B SAPKB46C03 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - You can change the print parameters in the user master (SU01. calls to the BAPIs for BOR object USER are affected by incorrect internal statuses before the call. TO DATASET. since the reference of key field UserName in the ABAP function modules points to structure BAPIBNAME and not to its sole field BAPIBNAME-BAPIBNAME. 182918 SAPKH45B13 45B SAPKH45B42 45B SAPKH45B55 45B SAPKB46B01 46B SAPKB46B30 46B SAPKB46C22 46C SAPKB46D11 46D SAPKB61001 610 - You cannot call the BAPIs for object USER from Visual Basic. transactions with more than 8 characters cannot be executed. 177702 30E-31I. According to Transaction SU53. SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 imports of authorization data abend due to missing authorizations and users logged on loose their authorizations. 318867 --46B - When you import profiles and authorizations, Table USRBF is often locked; as of 4.6A, this applies to Table USRBF3 as well. Follow-up errors may be that authorizations of a user are not up-to-date despite of a new logon. 300594 --45A-45B, 46A-46B, 46C-46D - When you change a role menu in the profile generator (Transaction PFCG), the indicator in tab "Authorizations" is also set to red, if neither a transaction nor a generated transaction for a report is affected by the menu changes. This way the role administrator is made believe that a profile comparison is required. 320239 SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46B17 46B SAPKB46B37 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46C08 46C - SAPKB46C28 SAPKB46D02 SAPKB46D03 SAPKB46D17 SAPKB61011 46C 46D 46D 46D 610 - When you transport roles (activity groups), authorization problems may occur in the target system of the transport, if the procedure to be applied to the transport is not applied. 321095 --45A-45B, 46A-46B, 46C-46D - The SNC data of a user is not output although it is contained in the interface of function module BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL (relevant to the GET_DETAIL method of BOR object USER). 321867 SAPKH45B28 45B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - For Release 4.6, activity groups (roles) are migrated by an automatic report during the upgrade. The activity groups are stored in new tables. The menu from Release 4.5 or later is only migrated in languages in which the enterprise menu in the start release of the upgrade was generated. 308961 46A-46B, 46C-46D - During the upgrade to 4.6, terminations occur due to missing authorizations, or incorrect authorization checks are carried out after a successful upgrade. 207971 --46A-46B - During the upgrade of the activity groups (roles) to Release 4.6, folder "Info catalog" is displayed in the menu of the updated activity group. You cannot start the reports in this folder. 324060 SAPKB46B15 46B 26.02.2013 Page 135 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 SAPKB46C07 SAPKB46D02 46C 46D - When you upgrade to Release 4.5, XPRA may sometimes terminate with dump SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC. 183180 --45A-45B, 46A-46B - Long runtime of XPRA RSAUTHXPRA in phase XPRAS_46C; sometimes, even terminations with error "Assign Length 0" occur. 324452 SAPKB46C07 46C - RHPROFL0: Error in list output of non-existent users 324916 SAPKH45B30 45B SAPKB46B16 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - There is no suitable function for deleting activity groups (roles) that are no longer required. 313587 --45A-620 - Deletion of all activity groups whose names start with "RY_" and "T_". 324962 --46A-46B, 46C-46D - When users with limited authorizations call specific transactions, a short dump with the message "CALL_Transaction_LOCKED". occurs. 324966 --46C - You can use report RSUSR070 (Activity group list) to display the activity groups (roles) of transactions. If the transaction does not exist in the system (i.e. neither does its short text), the list contains an empty entry. This situation may occur for all application actions on the Workplace server, if the Workplace server is a pure Basis system. 325094 SAPKH45B29 45B SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - Logging on to the SAP system takes extremely long, since the workflow inbox is already being selected. However, this dynamically activates or deactivates only the icon "Business Workplace" in the SAP Easy Access menu. 309070 SAPKB46A19 46A SAPKB46B11 46B SAPKB46C03 46C SAPKB46D01 46D - When you log on to the central system of the Central User Administration (CUA) with a user whose master record is valid only in the CUA child systems, the misleading error message "User is locked. Please notify the person responsible" (00158) is displayed. However, the user is not locked. 325213 --45A-45B, 46A-46B, 46C-46D - If you do not activate the Central User Administration (CUA), 26.02.2013 Page 136 of 144 SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 BAPI_USER_LOCK always sets a global lock which, however, only makes sense together with the CUA. 325420 SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - Long runtime of function module SUSR_SYNC_USER_TABLES. Very long "inexplicable" runtime in the user infosystem. 325812 SAPKH40B72 40B SAPKH45B50 45B SAPKB46B38 46B SAPKB46D18 46D - When you execute report RHPROFL0 acc. to Note 189260 for organizational objects in an active plan version other than "01", error message 5A 699 "No valid user in evaluation path found" is displayed. 327680 SAPKH45B34 45B SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - No print function for menus in activity groups 331651 SAPKB46A28 46A SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - Folder "infosystems" is not displayed in the generated enterprise menu. 331655 --40A-40B - Report PROFGEN_CORR_REPORT_5 EASY_ACCESS_NUMBER_OF_NODES) "Valid to". 332126 SAPKB46B17 SAPKB46C08 SAPKB46D03 (as of 4.6D: skips users with initial field 46B 46C 46D - You cannot start the Easy Access menu with large user menus and activated redundancy prevention. 334993 SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - Logged on users suddenly lack their authorizations. 335444 SAPKB46B18 46B - When you download collective activity groups (collective roles) containing derived activity groups (roles), the file does not contain all the roles from which the inserted role was derived. After an import into another system, the derived role has no menu, since the original role is not contained in the import file. 336561 SAPKB46B19 46B SAPKB46C09 46C SAPKB46D03 46D 26.02.2013 Page 137 of 144 336976 --45A-45B. 26. The problem occurs in various transactions processing workflow items and during the inbound IDoc processing of user master changes. it produces a very long list of all users which makes the determination of users with large menus rather laborious. During parallel processing. 350360 46C-46D - The print report for roles applies the texts in logon language independent of the parameter submitted in the selection screen. the problem is extremely evident. AGR_DEFINE. The work process seems to get stuck at command SELECT . 337110 46C-46D - When you use pushbutton "Cascade more fields" during the maintenance of the company addresses. 46A-46B - Certain Internet scenarios automatically create Internet users by means of function module SUSR_USER_INTERNET_CREATE.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 - Performance problem. the program terminates with short dump "MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN". however. 316395 SAPKB46B14 46B SAPKB46C06 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - When you execute report PROFGEN_CORR_REPORT_5. the user names are not clearly readable. 339688 SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - Transactions called or locked via Call Transaction by a user who does not have the corresponding authorization generate a short dump. 337943 SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C10 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - Short dump in the role compare tool with large role due to too high memory consumption..2013 Page 138 of 144 . since every parallel process performs multiple table reads.02. In addition. since the system often reads the entire Table AGR_DEFINE. The report partly does not complete. Transaction SU01 of the child system displays the single roles of the composite role in change mode only instead of in display mode. not all required functions are supported. 337859 46B. but the single roles themselves are not.. 352578 SAPKB46A28 46A SAPKB46B20 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D03 46D - When you display the users analysis report PROFGEN_CORR_REPORT_5. If the Central User Administration (CUA) is active. the profiles of the single roles contained in the role are assigned correctly. 46C-46D - When you assign a composite role to a user via module BAPI_USER_ACTGROUPS_ASSIGN. performance problems occur. 332775 --45A-45B. user assignments are maintained within the organizational structure. message 01058: "Problem occurred when creating subordinate profiles or auths" is issued. the master record is deleted. 354227 SAPKE46C17 46C - When you delete SAP users. REGENERATE_SAP_APP and 26. for example. Client has status 'not changeable'. SAP_ALL is destroyed afterwards. "FAX" or "INT". 46C-46D - When you change a user password using BAPI_USER_CHANGE. an error message indicates that no users were found. 40A - You can generate the authorization profiles SAP_ALL and SAP_APP using reports AGR_REGENERATE_SAP_ALL. 355754 SAPKH45B36 45B SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - Profile SAP_ALL does not have all authorizations. fax number or e-mail address using BAPI_USER_CHANGE by filling the flat structures ADDRESS and ADDRESSX instead of using the available transfer table for communications data. the authorization check for activity "02" (Change) is always required. 45A-45B - When you generate profile SAP_ALL using report RSUSR406. If you start the function module on an application server without SNC. If you only had profile SAP_ALL when you ran the report.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 353126 SAPKB46A29 SAPKB46B22 SAPKB46C12 SAPKB46D04 46A 46B 46C 46D - When you execute report RHPROFL0. 354507 --- - After you changed the standard telephone number. even if you do not want to change the SNC data (SNCX = blank). return table RETURN contains error message AM086 "Select a standard number in communication type &" where "&" represents "TEL". the following error message is displayed: "Error in object processing. you cannot change them using function module BAPI_USER_CHANGE. 85327 31G-31I. 323656 --46A-46B. it destroys the canonical SNC names. Select 'Display objects' or 'Abend'. generate profile SAP_ALL. However." After you confirm the message. 191752 SAPKH45B15 45B SAPKB46B01 46B - When you call BAPI function module BAPI_USER_CHANGE. 46A-46B. 40A-40B. 82390 310-31I.02.2013 Page 139 of 144 . the canonical SNC names are updated. 46C-46D - Although structure BAPIADDR3 contains fields of the company. although the 26. the system prompts you to enter an initial password. The process terminates. The number is wrong or superfluous. a timeout occurs.2013 Page 140 of 144 . 365549 SAPKB46B25 46B SAPKB46C14 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - After the upgrade from Release 3. 362397 SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C12 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - Problems during the address data transfer USR03 from a Release < 4.5B 23. the texts of the area menu have no effect on the role texts. 362525 --45A-45B - When you create roles from the area menus and install another language.0 to a Release > 4. 112847 40A-40B - When you import Hot Package 4.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 RSUSR406. an SAP user has the fax number (0000) 0000/00000-000. 45A-45B. a syntax error occurs in SAPLSUSM. however. 46C-46D - When you change over activity groups (roles) of earlier releases to Release 4. After you entered the password and saved again. 367266 --40B-46C - Selection from either the user or the SAP menu 380029 --46A-46D - Which authorizations are required for WebReporting? 373347 --- - After the upgrade.6. However. 355912 SAPKB46B21 46B SAPKB46C11 46C SAPKB46D04 46D - When you recreate a deleted user and immediately assign a new company address and save it.x. the reports are included.46A-46B. When you enter the initial password already before the first save.0 with the CUA. 357500 --40A-40B. you can only start the reports via the user menu but not via the SAP menu. popups indicate address errors. 363723 SAPKB46B23 46B SAPKB46C13 46C SAPKB46D05 46D - When you save a role (activity group). Error message: "USR03" is already declared. the problem does not occur. not all of the records in Table UST10S are cleaned up. After import method PRGN_AFTER_IMP_SUSO_SAP_ALL for transport object R3TR SUSO also calls report AGR_REGENERATE_SAP_ALL.02. the applications no longer find data and objects of the organizational management. 2013 Page 141 of 144 . 323395 SAPKB46B15 46B SAPKB46C07 46C SAPKB46D02 46D - The where-used list of transactions in user profiles does not display all users. 319 in the return structure.2004 15:40:04 German Recommendations/additional info Consulting BC-SEC-USR-ADM Users and Authorization Valid Releases Software Component Release SAP_APPL SAP_APPL SAP_APPL SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS 45 46 46C 46 60 From Release 45A 46A 46C 46D 620 To Release 45B 46B 46C 46D 620 and Subsequent Support Packages 26. e. 373038 --- When you change the communications data of a user via BAPI_USER_CHANGE (or the change method of BOR object USER). the program returns error message no. the XPRA that migrates the activity groups (roles) cannot find the objects and thus does not carry out the migration. 368469 SAPKH40B60 40B SAPKH45B39 45B SAPKB46B27 46B SAPKB46D07 46D Solution The notes are listed directly under the description of the symptom.0 to a higher Basis release.02.09. although the profiles assigned to the users contain these transactions. this applies only if the communications data to be maintained did no longer contain their initial values before.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 corresponding table entries still exist. When you use the profile generator during the upgrade of a Basis release <= 4. however.g. Header Data Release Status: Released on: Master Language: Priority: Category: Primary Component: administration Released for Customer 27. 2013 codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes Value 0000 ACT BALD BAPI BD64 BD82 BEREICHSMENÜS CM00 CM01 HIER IDOC IH04 IH10 IH12 ORGANIZER PFCG PFUD PPOM RSUSR003 RSUSR200 S000 SARP SCAT SCC1 SCC8 SCC9 SCCL SCU3 SCUA SCUG SCUL Page 142 of 144 .02. 054(01) "User is locked" in case of logon CC-TOPIC: Client copy and central user admin Attributes Attribute Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction 26.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 Support Packages SAP_BASIS Release 620 Package Name SAPKB62001 Related Notes Number 1365452 672004 608273 399271 325213 191207 Short Text Optimization of the report EASY_ACCESS_NUMBER_OF_NODES CC-ERROR: User from CUA client not exported Authorization in MBLB for MMBE CUA: Tips for optimizing ALE distribution performance CUA: 158(00) or. 2013 codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes codes Value SCUM SE10 SE16 SE43 SE93 SE97 SERP SESS SHD1 SM01 SM02 SM04 SM21 SM30 SM37 SM49 SM51 SO12 SU0 SU01 SU01D SU02 SU03 SU1 SU10 SU2 SU20 SU21 SU22 SU24 SU25 SU3 SU50 SU51 SU52 SU53 SU56 SUCOMP SUGR SUIM SUPC SUUM TRANSAKTIONEN URL_DEFINITION USMM Page 143 of 144 .02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 Attribute Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction 26. 02.SAP Note 159885 CUA: Collective SAP Note for corrections up until March 2003 Attribute Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction 26.2013 codes codes codes codes codes codes codes Value V.00 V.01 VA00 VA01 VL08 WE05 XPRA Page 144 of 144 .
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