SAP Yard Management
SAP Yard Management
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SAP ECC 6.00 December 2006 English W70: Yard Management Business Process Procedure SAP AG Neurottstr. 16 69190 Walldorf Germany These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only. Program Neighborhood. without representation or warranty of any kind. xApps.com. if any. and MultiWin are trademarks or registered trademarks of Citrix Systems. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. HTML. XHTML and W3C are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C®. World Wide Web Consortium. mySAP. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. R/3. DB2 Universal Database. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. pSeries. and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world.. xSeries. 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This includes file and directory names and their paths.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. source code. function keys (such as ENTER key. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. paths and options. program names. titles of graphics and tables. SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Emphasized words or phrases in body text. and individual key words of a programming language. names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation. pushbuttons as well as menu names. © SAP AG Page 3 of 15 . Keys on the keyboard. screen titles. when surrounded by body text. F2) Example text EXAMPLE TEXT or the Example text <Example text> Exact user entry. Cross-references to other documentation. These include report names. Variable user entry. upgrade and database tools. Screen output. table names. These include field names. transaction codes. messages. Names of elements in the system. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. for example. ..............SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP Contents Yard Management....................................................9 Check Vehicle Out of Yard............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 3..........................................................................................................................15 © SAP AG Page 4 of 15 ....................................11 Post Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery...... 11 3............................................ 5 2........................... 5 1 Overview.........................................................7 3 Scenario Procedure......................................4 Create an Unassigned Vehicle.................................... 13 3.............................................. 6 2..........................6 Assign Vehicle to Outbound Delivery......4 Pack Receipt and Create Transfer Order...................5 Check Vehicle into the Yard....................................................................................1 Define RF User.......................................................................................................................................8 Move Vehicle Using Mobile Device.............................................................................12 3......................... 6 2............. 5 2 Prerequisites.................................................................................2 Check Stock............................................................................................1 Create Sales Order.....................10 View Activities on Vehicle Checked Out.... 9 3............................................................................ 14 3.............................................................. 8 3..........................................................................................7 Schedule a Dock Door...........................................................3 Create Inventory......2 Create Outbound Delivery with Reference to the Sales Order..................................................... 8 3.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 3............................................3 Confirm Transfer Order................................................................................... 12 3....................14 3...................................................................................................................................... 5 2................ The yard my also be virtual where trucks and vehicles are only visible for planning. loaded with an outbound delivery. Field name Yard User action and values Y50 3. Choose Define RF Users.1 Define RF User Use The purpose of this activity is to define the RF users for the RF monitor. These processes will be accomplished using a combination of the new Yard Management transaction. stored or available for pick up by an external carrier. and checked out of the yard. 1. On the Yard: Selection screen. the Yard Monitor and Mobile Yard transactions. ** MAIN © SAP AG Page 5 of 15 . 4. enter your yard number and choose Execute. highlight your yard number under the Yard folder and right mouse click. 5. moved within the yard. In this scenario we will show a vehicle being checked into the yard. scheduled to a dock. In the Classes Hierarchy section of Yard Monitor screen. 2 Prerequisites 2.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP Yard Management 1 Overview A yard can be a physically enclosed area outside the warehouse where trucks and vehicles are processed. Create your RF user (must be a defined user) and assign to your presentation device. Status [checked] Pres. Device PD01 Personal. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction Code Logistics Logistics Execution Yard Management Yard Monitor LYRDM 2. User Name [your user name] 6. Save your data. On the Enter Other Goods Receipts: Initial screen. When inventory already exists.3 Create Inventory Use In order to have a delivery to load. go directly to scenario procedure. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Inventory Management Goods Movement Goods Receipt Other MB1C Transaction code 2. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Internal Warehouse Processes Bins and Stock Display Total Stock per Material LS26 Transaction code 2. If message “No quants were selected (new selection required)” appears.2 Check Stock Use In order to have a delivery to load. make the following entries: Field name Warehouse Material Plant 3. you will need to check stock. Create Sales Order. On the Stock Overview screen. Description User action and values 050 LEHU-001 BP01 2. you will need to create inventory. Procedure 1. displayed inventory should be at least 100. Proceed to step. Otherwise. Choose Enter. inventory is not present and must be created. Field name Movement Type Plant Storage Location Description User action and values 501 BP01 0050 © SAP AG Page 6 of 15 . make the following entries and then choose Enter.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP 2. Procedure 1. Create Inventory. To display document flow. select the line item. On the Enter Other Goods Receipts: New Items screen. choose Transfer Order → Confirm → Transfer Order. 7. From the Transfer Order Create Screen. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Inbound Process Goods Receipt for Inbound Delivery Inbound Delivery Change Single Document VL32N Transaction code 2. 3. Choose Confirm in the dialog box to save your delivery. The system will create additional handling units if needed. Description User action and values CEB LEHU-001 100 2. Select both the material line and the handling unit line item and choose New HU if full. 8. go to Environment and select Document Flow. use transaction code Vl33N (Display Inbound Delivery). if one was created. On the Change Inbound Delivery screen. Procedure 1. 4. 10. Note the Transfer Order numbers. 6. 9. From the drop-down list for the Foreground/Backgrnd field. Choose Enter. Choose Pack . You will note that the system generates a handling unit number automatically. Choose the Back button once to return to the main menu and then select Subsequent Functions Create Transfer Order.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP 3. choose Background. make the following entries: Field name Vendor Material Quantity 4. Note the delivery number that is generated.4 Pack Receipt and Create Transfer Order Use You will need to pack your receipt because this warehouse is handling-unit managed. Enter LES-PAL in the packaging material field and then choose Enter. The system will indicate how many transfer orders were created or. If several transfer orders are created. Choose Save. 5. it will display the transfer order number. 5. the numbers can be displayed from the document flow view of the inbound delivery. The system will automatically go to the Create Order for a Delivery Note: Initial Screen. © SAP AG Page 7 of 15 . enter your delivery number and choose Enter. 4. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Inbound Process Goods Receipt for Inbound Delivery Inbound Delivery Change Single Document VL32N Transaction code 2. Procedure 1. make the following entries: Field name Sold-to Party Description User action and values BP0001 © SAP AG Page 8 of 15 . enter inbound delivery order number created earlier. 3. If more than one TO is created. On the Create Sales Order: Initial Screen. On the Create Sales Order: Overview screen. To check inventory. Procedure 1. Result Transfer Order confirmed.1 Use Post Goods Receipt Post goods receipt of inbound delivery. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options ng: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Create VA01 2. go to transaction LS26. On the Change Inbound Delivery screen.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP 11.4. 2. Choose Post goods receipt to save the inventory. choose Background for for the Foreground/Backgrnd field under the control section and then choose Enter.1 Create Sales Order Use This activity creates sales order as a prerequisite to creating an outbound delivery. In the confirmation screen. 3 Scenario Procedure 3. repeat for all transfer orders. enter OR in the field for order type and choose Enter: 3. choose Enter to bypass the message. Note your delivery number for the Yard Management portion. Choose Save. User Defined Current date + 1 or 2 days BP01 LEHU-001 5 5.date Deliver. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP PO Number Req. Message “Standard order XX has been saved” is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Choose Enter and then choose Save. If information message “Credit check: maximum document value exceed” appear. On the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen. Information message "Change in invoice date: The billing date is redetermined" will appear.3 Confirm Transfer Order Use This activity confirms the transfer order. © SAP AG Page 9 of 15 . Plant Material Quantity 4. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With reference to Sales Order VL01N Transaction code 2. 6.2 Create Outbound Delivery with Reference to the Sales Order Use This activity creates outbound delivery with reference to the sales order. enter shipping point BP01 and set the selection date out one month. 3. Note the SO number. Choose Enter to bypass the message. deliv. 3. Transfer order has been generated automatically in background due to the output type WMTA. 3. the monitor and mobile to complete the transaction for our process. we have an empty vehicle that has arrived to the yard. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Logistics Logistics Execution Yard Management Yard Monitor LYRDM 2. On the Yard: Selection Screen.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP Procedure 1. This keeps the yard manager up-todate on the current situation of the yard and enables a central point to centrally respond to situations which may occur. 3. we will be using a combination of screens. 4. In this scenario. Result Inventory and outbound delivery are created. On the Create Vehicle dialog box. This could be a return vehicle or one that was ordered for an outbound load. select the transfer order with your delivery number and then choose Confirmation in Background. On the Transfer Order: List of Materials screen. enter yard number Y50 and choose Execute. Procedure 1. The vehicle has arrived at the checkpoint and will be “checked into the yard” by a checkpoint operator or guard. Field name Warehouse Material Only open TO items Description User action and values 050 LEHU-001 [select] 3. On the Transfer Order Material screen. Right-click on the Vehicles folder and choose Create. 3. The Yard Monitor is an user interface designed to provide a real-time view of the status of yard and to allow the yard functions to be formed. make the following entries and then choose Execute. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Comment © SAP AG Page 10 of 15 . Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Outbound Process Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery Picking Display Transfer Order For Material LT24 Transaction code 2.4 Create an Unassigned Vehicle Use In this scenario. 5. To move the vehicle into a parking space until ready to use for an outbound delivery. 7. On the Check-in Registration screen. In the Location dialog box. 6. You will note the status is now green. Please note since you will be using this number throughout the process. enter your license plate number created in the previous step and then choose Execute. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Logistics Logistics Execution Yard Management Checkpoint LYCHP 2. Select your vehicle on the lower half of the page and choose Check-in. Procedure 1. 5. Choose Confirm. Choose Confirm to complete the move.5 Check Vehicle into the Yard Use You must first check in the vehicle before moving it around the yard. Your status light should move to Yellow. A dialog box will appear with an empty parking space (indicated by Destination Location P01 or other available parking space) already assigned. Choose Confirm. Back out of the monitor to the main SAP menu by choosing the Back button twice. Result: Vehicle … successfully created 6. 3. select your vehicle once again and then choose Move. 4. The traffic light in the status field means the following: Red: The vehicle has been created Yellow: The vehicle has been checked in Green: The vehicle has been moved to a parking space.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP Vehicle Category Vehicle Type License Plate Select Transport Equipment Trailer48 User defined. make the following entries: Field name Yard Location Description User action and values Y50 Checkpoint 3. © SAP AG Page 11 of 15 . Procedure 1. Ignore warning messages saying that “Vehicle &1 shipping time is earlier than "From" time. The Assign Vehicle to Document dialog box appears. The system will then indicate that the schedule was successfully created. On the Yard Monitor screen. Result Vehicle successfully assigned to document. Procedure 1. © SAP AG Page 12 of 15 . Right-click on your vehicle and select Create Scheduling Activity.7 Schedule a Dock Door Use To start loading the vehicle. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Logistics Logistics Execution Yard Management Yard Monitor LYRDM 2. Remain in the Yard Monitor and open the Vehicles subfolder within the Outbound Deliveries folder. 2. Confirm your entries. Continue?” 6. On the Yard: Selection Screen. 5. 5. 4. Choose Execute. enter the following data and confirm your entries: Field name From time Location Class Location (Door) Duration Description User action and values Enter a time in the future(now + 3h) 05 Pick an available door Optional – system will use configuration as default 4. 3.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP 3. enter Yard Number Y50 and your delivery number on the Outbound Deliveries tab page. 3.6 Assign Vehicle to Outbound Delivery Use Assign vehicle to outbound delivery. Select your vehicle and choose Confirm. In the Create Scheduling Activity dialog box. 3. right-click on your delivery number under the Outbound Deliveries folder object class and choose Assign Vehicle. you must first schedule a dock door and move the vehicle from the parking place to the door. 9. Enter your license plate number and then choose Next. Move and then 2. Choose Back twice to return to the Yard Monitor. To move the vehicle from the door to the checkpoint. 21. Choose the button Creates a new session to open another SAP Session. enter yard Y50 and choose F1 Save. Choose NewDst. © SAP AG Page 13 of 15 . Choose 6.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP 7. Move from the mobile menu. 12. Enter your license plate number and then choose Next. 14. Load/Unload to load the vehicle that is now at the door. 10. You will see your activity represented by the license plate number. Choose Logon to confirm the presentation device (PD01). 13. Choose Next and then Save to load the vehicle. 3. enter your license plate number and choose Next. Look at the door and time which you selected in your scheduling activity for a graphical representation of your door availability. Load end. You can select this number and choose Details for information on your vehicle/delivery. Choose Save. Choose Back once to return to the loading menu and then choose 4. Procedure 1. 16. In the license plate field. 3.8 Move Vehicle Using Mobile Device Use This activity shows how a yard jockey might perform vehicle movements within the yard on a mobile device. please execute the step Create RF User in Prerequisite part. 15. Select by Transport Equipment. Enter door that was scheduled and choose Save. On the Enter Location screen. Choose Save and then choose Save once again to confirm that you have taken the vehicle to the Checkpoint destination. The system displays the destination for the vehicle. 19. 9. 8. Choose Back twice to return to the main menu. Choose Save to finish loading the vehicle. 4. Choose 3. choose 3. 8. If message No active definition for user xxxx show. 18. 11. The system displays the destination for the vehicle. Select by Transport Equipment. 7. Choose 3. Choose New Destination and enter Checkpoint in the Checkpoint field. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Logistics Logistics Execution Yard Management Mobile Execution LPYRD 2. 5. 6. Choose Schedule chart and then Execute to check if the dock door was scheduled successfully. Load start and then enter your license plate number. 20. Choose 2. Choose Back twice to return to the main menu. 17. On the Yard: Selection Screen. 4.9 Check Vehicle Out of Yard Use Check the vehicle out of the yard. 3. Result Your vehicle and corresponding activities are displayed. Result Your vehicle has now been checked out of the yard. enter Yard Number Y50 and choose Execute. 3. Switch back to previous SAP session. location Checkpoint. enter yard Y50. 3. Procedure 1. View vehicle in departed vehicles folder and other activities performed with this vehicle by expending the folder and the sub-folders. Procedure 1. Highlight your vehicle at the bottom of the screen and then choose Check out on the lower half of the screen. Choose Check out mode at the top of the screen. © SAP AG Page 14 of 15 .SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP 22. 3. Logistics Logistics Execution Yard Management Checkpoint LYCHP In the Location dialog box.10 View Activities on Vehicle Checked Out Use View checked-out vehicle in departed vehicles folder along with all associated activities that were performed with this vehicle. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code Logistics Logistics Execution Yard Management Yard Monitor LYRDM 2. Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Transaction code 2. Enter your license plate number and choose Execute. 5. and then choose Confirm. Check the stock level in LS26. © SAP AG Page 15 of 15 . Access the transaction by choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Logistics Logistics Execution Outbound Process Goods issue for Outbound Delivery Post Goods Issue Outbound Delivery Single Document VL02N Transaction code 2. enter an outbound delivery number and choose Post Goods Issue.SAP Best Practices W70: Yard Management: BPP 3. On the Change Outbound Delivery screen. Result The goods issue was posted.11 Post Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery Procedure 1.
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