March 29, 2018 | Author: sapsd1082012 | Category: Invoice, Databases, Application Software, Oracle Database, Application Server



CompanyDay 1:- Plant Storage Loca Company Code SALES AREA Sales Organization Distribution Channel Shipping Point Division Sales Office Sales Group Sales Person Company code to sales organization – 1 to n Sales organization to distribution channel – n to n Sales organization to division - n to n Sales area to sales office - n to n Company code to plant - 1 to n Plant to storage location – n to n Plant to shipping point – n to n Definition:Enterprise Structure SD Definition Sales Organization Distribution Channel Sales Office Enterprise Structure Logistics-General Definition Division Plant Location (Storage Location) Enterprise Structure Logistics-Execution Define Shipping Point Sales Office is just for MIS purpose. (All FI transactions in SAP hits at the Company Code & Plant Level) Storage Location can be different because of physically of different places and (2) material type can be different e.g. manufacturing material, trading material etc. (Materials can be broadly distributed into 4 types: 1. Finished or manufactured material or Trading material (FERT) 2. Raw Material (ROH) 3. Service Material (DIEN). The only tab in which both the Definition & Assignment of storage location falls under the definition tab of SPRO. ASSIGNMENTS:SD ASSIGN Sales Organization to company code Distribution Channel to Sales Organization Division to Sales Organization SET UP SALES AREA Sales Office to Sales Area Sales Group to Sales Area Sales Organization ----- Distribution Channel ----- Plant Sales Group is on HR level Customer is always created on Company code & sales area. Why we assign the 3 Sales Organization ----- Distribution Channel ----- Plant? 1) When we create customer than the plant tab is there, if we do not assign the 3, the integration is not possible. 2) During a creation of a Sales Order I have to mention a plant which specifies the delivery. Logistics-General Assign plant to Company Code Logistics-Execution Assign Shipping Point to Plant Company is always of 6 alphanumeric digits Company code is of 4 alphanumeric digits Sales Organization is of 4 alphanumeric digits Distribution Channel & Division is of 2 alphanumeric digits Storage location, Plant, Shipping Point is of 4 alphanumeric digits Sales Office & sales Group is of 4 alphanumeric digits SATGES OF SAP IMPLEMENTATION:PROJECT PREPARATION (when you study the project) GAP ANALYSIS AS IS & IS AS BLUE PRINT (complete details of the project) REALIZATION (customization stage) FINAL PREPARATION (integration testing) LEGACY SYSTEM MIGRATION (migration data) 2 tools for this stage –1) LSMW –LEGACY SYSTEM MIGRATION WORKBENCH 2) BDC (BATCH DATA COMMUNICATION) for ABAP GO LIVE POST GO LIVE SUPPORT 3 TIER ARCHITECTURE:DEVELOPMENT CLIENT (1-Customization & SPRO work done here, 2- BASIS raises TR) SAND BOX (this is for checking whether TR is correct or not) QUALITY CLIENT (1-Buffer Storage and 2- Unit Testing) PRODUCTION CLIENT (Live) There is only 1 Sand box for basis team requirement / Quality Client can be 2 or 3 / Production Client is 1 It is important to note the application server only runs SAP software. mobile devices. For example: desktop. SQL Server (from Microsoft) and DB2 (form IBM). Application server in turn communicates with the database server to write data to the database and to retrieve data from the database. Application Server The actual SAP software runs on an application server. The database server would be hosting a database management system like Oracle. You could also use your web browser to access SAP application. . This device would be called a presentation layer. laptops. The device would simply display you a presentation layer while the application is actually running on the application server. Oracle is the most popular choice of database to be used with SAP software.g. and so run. You might have to install a piece of software on these devices so that they could talk to the application server (computer running the actual SAP software). the front end device would communicate with the application server. The device is also called a "client". Other databases could be used as well e. Client node simply displays the image of the screen that is actually being produced on the application server. Whatever the case may be. Data is not stored in application server Database Server Data is stored on a separate machine called database server.SAP GUI (Presentation Layer) -------Front End (Application Layer) -------ABAP (Tables / fields / Structure) (Database Storage)---------SAP Server (BASIS) Presentation Layer Various devices could be used to access SAP business software. Presentation layer communicates with application server to retrieve the screen image to be displayed to the user.SAP R/3:Enter the data -----------. . (when click on PGI date.No. the amount delivered to the customers shows. VBAP. and VBRP PO stands for Purchase Order PGI is Post Goods Issue which means the actual delivery date & hits the inventory a/c.SALES ORDER TABLES FIELDS VBAK (Header) Customer Sold to party PO.) During PGI SD & MM integration takes place in 2 ways:1) Inventory is reduced. VBRK. Date VBAP (Item) Material Quantity Plant BILLING VBRK (Header) Payer Billing date Billing Type VBRP (Item) Material Material Amt. 2) Inventory a/c is debited. DELIVERY LIKP (Header) Material type Material Quantity Ship to party Delivery date PGI (post goods issue) LIPS (Item) Item Item category T CODE SE16 – helps us to see the data of VBAK. Interval: We can create & modify no. SH. . a) Interval : display mode. range would be 0. SP is there.T.Codes:1) 2) 3) OBD2 ----. Current no.(4 digits) T.customer data for all XDN1 ----. When invoice is created and saved then the screen transfers to accounting document. A/c ing information of a customer is stored in a payer. PY) When a SO is created. not modifiable b) c) Status: Scale of no.Code for field behavior Xd01 ----. during delivery SH is there and during invoice BP is there.Day 2:- Customer A/C Group :.when we click on XDN1 in command prompt : 3 tabs are there. We cannot maintain a/c ing data in VD01 Customer Master Relevant T. range & current customer no.Codes for Customer 1) XD01 – Customer Data including all fields 2) VD01 – SD related customer data Views maintained by XD01:1) General Data : Customer Name Customer Address Telephone no Country Code Customer Classification Neilson ID 2) A/C ing Data : Reconciliation A/C (Recon A/C) 3) Sales Area Data: Sales Tab (sales element data) Shipping Tab (Delivery plant stored here) Billing Tab (payment term of a customer stored) Partner Functions (SP. BP. range here. it is also called customer a/c group. Uses of Customer A/C Group Customer A/C Group :. Range of a Customer It helps in determining that a field can be Mandatory/ suppressed/ hidden or not in use Customer A/C group maintains the Field behavior (customer master data) & specifies the no. ranges . ranges Assign no. SPRO Path for creating/ changing customer a/c group: SPRO FI A/C Receivable/ Payable Customer a/c group Master data preparation Create no. range of a customer. Types of Customer A/C Group in an organization:1) 2) 3) Domestic Customer A/c group : Used in normal sales cycle Export Customer A/c group : Used in Export sales cycle One time sale Customer A/c group: used in cash sales cycle.(4 digits) 1) Customer Master Data (Field Behavior) 2) No.CUSTOMER A/C GROUP: When we put XD01 in command prompt then the first tab is A/C group. CNF – Cost & Freight / FOR – Free of delivery.For one time sale customer a/c group STEPS TO CREATE CUSTOMER MASTER:XD01 ENTER ENTER ALL DATA SAVE .For export customer a/c group Trading Revenue: . Customer a/c gets debited Sales a/c gets credited When balance sheet comes into role than recon a/c is divided into 2 parts.g. Steps: When invoice is created and saved. Standard Recon A/C: Domestic Sales: 20300000 Export Sales: 20300010 What is incoterms? Incoterms constitutes of terms & condition that we define with the customers based on his freight charges E. Types of a/c assignment group:Domestic Revenue: .For domestic customer a/c group Foreign Revenue: .What is a reconciliation a/c? Reconciliation a/c is basically required for customer accounts entry. Note: Shipping condition should always be standard. MATERIAL MASTER RECORD:MM01 – Material Master Create MM02 -.Material Master Change MM03 – Material Master Display Sales relevant views in Material Master:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Basic Data1 Sales Organization Data1 Sales Organization Data 2 General/ Plant Data General Plant Data/ Storage 1 General Plant Data/ Storage2 Accounting1 Most important fields:BASIC DATA 1 (a) basic unit of measure (unit of measurement of material) (b) Division (of sales organization) (1 division has many materials) SALES ORGANIZATION DATA 1 (a) Sales unit (measurement in which goods are sold) (b) Minimum order quantity (minimum amount customer needs to order) SALES ORGANIZATION DATA 2 (a) a/c assignment group (it specifies the material is either manufacturing or trading type) (b) item category group (used for item category determination) . SALES: GENERAL PLANT (a) gross weight (it includes the weight of the packaging also) (b) net weight (It determines the freight charges) PLANT DATA/ STORAGE 1 (a) storage condition (for storage location determination) PLANT DATA/STORAGE 2 (a) weight unit (unit of gross/ net weight) (b) volume weight ACCOUNTING 1 (a) valuation class (basically used for inventory a/c ing) (b) moving price MATERIAL MASTER CREATION STEPS:MM01 ENTER MATERIAL INDUSTRY SECTOR MATERIAL TYPE a) Finished goods b) Trading goods c) Services d) Raw material VIEWS WILL ARISE CLICK ON VIEWS CLICK ON ORGANIZATIONAL DATA/ LEVEL: Plant Sales organization Distribution Channel . Sales Org + Customer 03 – 002 – Sales Org CONDITION TYPE V/06 Xxxx V/08 Xxxx PR00 PRICING PROCEDURE PR00 – Price KF00 – Freight K005 .003 .Discount MASTER DATA .Day 3:- Pricing Procedure:CONDITION TABLE V/03 001 V/04 002 V/05 003 V/07 Xxxx ACCESS SEQUENCE 01 – 001 – Sales org + Customer + Material 02. Display Condition table .Change condition table V/05 . NOTE: Sales Organization should always be present in condition table.Create condition table V/04 . T-Codes for condition table:- V/03 .Sales Area Customer Pricing Procedure Document Pricing Procedure Condition Record (/NVK11) PRICING TECHNIQUE:a) b) c) d) e) f) Condition Table Access sequence We have to configure Condition Type these 4 steps Pricing Procedure Pricing Procedure Assignment We will assign preceding 4 steps here Master Maintenance Power user & End user work on it CONDITION TABLE:Condition table are cluster of pricing fields which are required to create an access sequence in the pricing technique. sales organization.) Click Generate Tab Yes Ticket System arises .0) Enter Available fields Double click on the fields to choose (e.TABLE 968 no Looks like:SELECTED FIELDS FIELD CATALOGUE SO Material SO Material Customer Etc.g.g. 951. Creation of condition table (steps):V/03 Enter Table no (e. 967 ---we can put table no from 900 to 999 in SAP ECC 6. customer etc. . STR Doc. ……. Field Long Field …….` ……….. T – Code for access sequence is V/07 --.ACCESS SEQUENCE: Access Sequence is a step wise combination of condition tables (or fields) that is required to create a condition type..Create Access Sequence Looks like:Access Sequence ASCQ A111 DESCRIPTION XYZ CATEGORY 1/2 DESCRIPTION Access AC 10 TABLE 600 DESCRIPTION ABC REQUIRED Fields A111 600 Condition 10 I Doc.. g.Creation of Access Sequence Steps:V/07 Enter Click on new entries AS Description Type Description Retail access sequence Enter Select whole line Click access Select new entries Put table no (e. 951 &967 & description) Select first line Double click on fields Enter . It can be majorly divided into 4 parts:a) b) c) d) Price Discount Taxes Reimbursement (in service industry : when company provides services than customer reimbrues) Condition type can also be divided based on its calculation (+) ive & (-) ive STEPS TO CREATE CONDITION TYPE:V/06 (T code for condition type creation) Select one line Click copy as Fields .When green signal arise: it means granted Back Save Enter CONDITION TYPE:Condition types are the elements used in a pricing procedure to create a pricing technique. T – Codes for Master Maintenance:VK11 Create Master Maintenance VK12 Change Master Maintenance VK13 Display Master Maintenance Manual Entries .Condition class (price. reim) Plus/ Minus Calculation Type Rounding Rule (Based on (+) (-) everything is describe) Click on each and every fields &put on the basis of condition class Put access sequence that we created before in the screen Save Division of Manual Entries:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) No limitation Free Automatic entry has priority Manual entry has priority Not possible to process manually MASTER MAINTENANCE:Master maintenance is used to create condition records for different condition type. tax. dis. Steps to create Master Maintenance:VK11 Enter Click on condition type Put condition type we have taken before for access sequence Enter Click 1st one Enter Put Sales Organization Put Customer Search on customer Put customer name (*more*) Enter . Material group Amount Unit Unit(BUM) Valid From Valid to 100 INR M2 17/9/2012 29/2/2013 REJC Enter Save Steps to Change Master Maintenance:VK12 Condition type Enter Select any one Enter Click on clock sign . Steps to Display Master Maintenance:VK13 Condition type Enter Select any one (you have to select from the condition tables) Enter PRICING PROCEDURE:Pricing procedure is a systematic input of condition type. Standard pricing procedure for sales is RVAA01. Pricing procedure skeleton view:Price (+) Discount (-) Tax (+) Gross amount (price – discount + tax) NOTE: .code is V/08. & T.Condition type that we created will be used in pricing procedure 80% of work is done by SD consultant 20% of work is done by FI consultant . Steps to Create Pricing Procedure:V/08 Enter Click on any one Click control Step Co Condition type Description Price Discount Total ELEMENTS:What are the 2 elements SD consultant uses in pricing Procedure? SD consultant puts condition type & FI consultant puts a/c key of condition types created by SD consultant. Therefore. Pricing Procedure always comes in Sales Order. Sales Area + Customer Pricing Procedure + Document Pricing Procedure = Pricing Procedure. . PRICING PROCEDURE ASSIGNMENT:Pricing procedure is done in:Sales Area + Customer Pricing Procedure + Document Pricing Procedure. For Sales Order (VA01):- Sales Area + Customer Pricing Procedure + Document Pricing Procedure = Sales Order Sales org Dist cha division (1) (A) Steps:VA01 Put document type that goes to document pricing procedure Put Sales Area Put customer pricing procedure Enter Put sold to party (When we put material than debug can occur) Enter Pricing Procedure Determination (OVKK):Sales Area (1001. 11) + Document Pricing Procedure (A) + Customer Pricing Procedure (1) + Pricing Procedure (RVAA01) + Condition Type (PR00) . 50. Day 4: DIFFERENT DETERMINATION PROCEDURES: PLANT DETERMINATION: SALES ORDER Plant Delivery Shipping Point Picking Point (Storage Location) Plant Determination is mandatory and is always there. usually picking point is not determined. the MM people keep it blank. and as per industry requirement storage location is kept blank by the MM. SHIPPING POINT DETERMINATION: (is always there) Shipping Condition (CMR) + Loading Group (MMR) + Plant (Determined) = Shipping Point (Sales: General Plant) STORAGE LOCATION / PICKING POINT DETARMINATION: Storage Condition (MMR Plant Data Stor 1) + Shipping Point + Plant = Storage Location / Picking Point Storage condition in the MMR is never maintained. . Plant Determination is determined in a hierarchical basis: 1) CMIR : Customer Material Information Record 2) CMR : Customer Master Record 3) MMR : Material Master Record CMIR – Is a combination of a customer master & material master. we give it manually during delivery time. profit.g. demo) Sales Order Document Type + Item Category Group (NORM) + Usage (Blank) + Higher Level Item Category (TAN) = Proposed Item Category (TAN).ITEM CATEGORY DETERMINATION : ( How a material behaves e. d) It helps in fixing the cap of part deliveries. enter material no. b) It helps in plant determination. Automatically material description arises Sales Document Enter . Note: Maximum part deliveries should be 9 because for maximum of 9 times any customer can get its delivery from a vendor for one Sales Order. service. TAX is services Higher Level Item Category for hierarchical maintenance like TAN1. c) It helps in determining minimum material quantity that we want to store in our plant. TANN is Free Goods. TAN2 TAN3 (combination of these three gives proposed Item Category TAN) SPRO Pathway: SPRO S/D Enter Sales Sales Document Enter Data Sales Document item New Entries Assign CMIR allows following things: a) It helps to give a customer specific name to the material. NOTES: The first two are important (Sales Order Document Type + Item Category Group) Item Category Group is NORM in most cases (from MM) Usage in 90% cases is kept blank (is for background calculation) TAN – Costing Material. CMIR – VD51:VD51 Enter Enter (Customer. Distribution Channel) First screen appears. Sales Organization. g. . 20 etc.g. TAN or TANN Billing Block: It specifies that the material having this item category will be blocked for invoicing. 10. Increment (specifies the serial number e. Determine Cost: Should always be ticked. It determines the manufacturing or trading cost of that material. Billing Relevant: Is used to maintain that the material is relevant for billing or not. maximum time it would be 100% (Probability is for MIS) f) Output Application: for output determination. how printout of SO will come g) Document Pricing Procedure h) Screen Sequence Group – Determines screen of SO (for ABAP) i) Delivery type j) Billing Type BILLING TYPE Delivery Related Billing (SO Delivery PGI Invoice) (When material movement takes place) Order Related Billing (SO Credit Note) (When there is no movement of material e. Say suppose the given discount should be 5 instead of 10.e.SALES ORDER DOCUMENT TYPE: (VOV8) IMP ORTANT BUTTONS:a) Sales Order Document Category Order(C) Credit Memo (K) Debit Memo (L) b) Number Assignment / System of a Sales Order: Number Range c) Item No. e) Probability – Probability of sales order converts into Billing. then raise a credit memo of 5 i. credit/debit note) Item Category document Type: (VOV7) a) b) c) d) Pricing : Determines whether an item will have a price or will be free e.) Number scale d) Reference Mandatory (100 – 10 discount = 90). Reference to billing document.g. It determines the cost price. When credit/debit note is created then select (M) .it stands for with reference to billing document. (The fields that is mandatory in Sales Order that we define by Incompletion Procedure) PATH: SPRO S/D Basic Function Log of Incomplete Item Define Incompletion Procedure Assign Incompletion Procedure What are the levels in which we can define Incompletion Procedure? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Sales Header Sales Item Sales Schedule Line Delivery Header Delivery Item Sales Activity Partner Incompletion Procedure: Group Description A B C Sales Header Select It Procedure Incompletion Procedure 10 Select 20 Description Enquiry Standard Orders . or it gives the control for a certain document to be complete in order to run that particular document.Day 5: Incompletion Procedure: Incompletion procedure generally checks the incompletion of the document. OUTPUT DETERMINATION: Output Determination is an assignment of a Sales Document type (Sales Order.Code VOV8 2 basic use of Incompletion Procedure: 1) It specifies the fields for which the user must enter the values during processing e. Sales Order. 2) Determines the fields that appear in the incompletion log when the data is missing & throws away the particular screen. Delivery. and Billing) to its Output Printout.Fields TABLE FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION SCREEN STATUS VBAK AUDAT DOCUMENT DATE 01 KKAU WARNING SEQUENCE NOTES: Screen . XYZ (Document Title) 123 Company Code Customer Material (By ABAPers) .is done by ABAP and is automatically Status group is a pre defined SAP group that specifies in which the level the status of the fields will be checked Warning – will always be ticked We can assign Incompletion Procedure on T.g. a/c determination procedure) .PATH: SPRO S/D Basic Function Output Determination using Condition Technique Output Control Output Determination What are the levels in which Output Determination can be maintained? 1) Sales Activities 2) Sales Document 3) Billing documents Maintain Output Determination Select Control Data New Entries Step Condition Type (ABAP) Assign Output Determination V1 Is a kind of application of S/D which is SAP standard. which contains the cluster of different procedure (output procedure. SALES CYCLE: Inquiry Quotation Sales Order Delivery Billing Pre-Sales (No a/c ing work Is done & is only for MIS Purpose) CONTRACT: Contract is a modify form of Sales Order which has a valid from & valid to dates. . if not done PGI does not takes place PGI is a step in which inventory is reduced. There are 2 types of contract: a) Quantity Contract b) Service Contract SALES CYCLE: Sales Order Delivery PGI Invoice A/C Entry Pre – Requisites of a Sales Order: a) b) c) d) e) Customer Code Material Code Quantity Price Delivery Plant Pre – Requisites of a Delivery: a) b) c) d) e) Material Code Picking Quantity Ship to party Delivery Plant Storage Location For PGI to happen we have to complete the 5 steps of delivery. 2% SO Date Valid From Valid to SO date is important VAT is always 12.Pre – Requisite of an Invoice: a) b) c) d) e) Delivery No. Delivery Plant Material 1) ABC 2) XYZ 3) XXX Quantity Price Price is always per/ piece Tax VAT. storage location wise (stock of one material). Day 6: CREATION OF SALES ORDER: Customer code no.5% CST.12. Bill Date Bill to party Net Amount Tax A/C Entry: a) Payer b) Amount (Net &Tax) A/c is always posted on payer.5% (the tax within the state) CST is always 2% (the tax is outside the state and within the country) SAP condition type for VAT is JIVP SAP condition type for CST is JCST T – Codes to check the inventory stock of a plant: 1) MB5B – Gives you the information of all the stock available in a plant 2) MMBE – Gives you the information for the breakup of that material stock. . (MB5B) MB5B Material no (Keep it empty) Company Code (CPIL) Plant (3041) Date (7/10/2012) Execute Steps :. BUM M2 .(MMBE) MMBE Select Stock (For selecting Ctrl + Y) Paste (for paste Ctrl +V) Execute Taxes (VAT & CST) are always payable for Sales and receivable for Purchase.How to check the stock of the material by using T – Code MMBE & MM5B? Plant 3041 Material - From Date To Date Opening Stock 7/10/2012 7/10/20102 10 Total Receipt +2 (add) Total Closing Issue Stock Quantity -5 7 (delivery) Steps: . KOL) Enter Steps to create Sales Order: a) b) c) d) e) Customer Creation Condition Table Creation Access Sequence Creation Pricing Procedure Master Maintenance (VK11) Price Maintain (ZA00 Condition Type.Tax maintains: VK11 (JIVP for VAT) & (JCST for CST) Plant Customer 12.g. VK13 Display Master Maintenance) Tax Maintain .5% / 2% Enter Tax Up search *KOL* vat payable (place e. Pre requisite of Sales Order: Customer code: 0011000017 Material code: CM00048R Delivery Plant: 3041 VK11: ZA00.10.2012 7.10. 12234 Require Delivery Date (7.10. JIVP Date: 7.2012 Creation of Sales Order: VA01 VA01 Order type (ZAGR – order type would always be given) Enter Customer code (0011000017) PO No.2012) Enter Material Code Quantity Unit of Measure Plant Enter . DELIVERY: VL01N SAP standard you cannot do delivery on a Sunday. VL01N Date GO TO Header Processing Change the date to 7.10.` Double click on material Condition Order Reason SO no (1734110425) Whenever you create a SO the pricing date & the required delivery date should always be the same. To do a delivery on a Sunday put a date forward to open the screen & then change the date to Sunday.2012 Billing date changes automatically Shipment . ) Enter Back Picking Picked quantity Picked Status PGI (it gets automatically saved) Delivery no (8234110418) Display SO: .1) Means Transport Type 2) Transaction Id.VA03 (to delivery through SO) VA03 SO No (open) Enter Sales document Delivery 3) Route (west) . code (truck no. Billing: VF01 VF01 Delivery No (automatically / if not then enter) Enter Save A/C DETERMINATION: VKOA How is a/c determined through VKOA? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Application: V (it is for S/D) Condition: KOFI(without costing assignment) & KOFK (with costing assignment) Chart of A/C: Company code Sales Organization Plant Division A/C assignment group: for customer A/C assignment group: for material A/C key: Pricing procedure The combination of all the above will determine G/L a/c in which the revenue of the bill will be posted Purpose of a/c determination is to generate the a/c ing document of the bill. . The important columns are: 1) Steps: Is basically the hierarchy in which the condition type in a pricing procedure is assembled. The standard Accrual Key in ERU. The accrual key is linked to G/L account in VKOA where the accrued amount is stored.g. 20. 90 Gross Amount – 100 2) Condition Type: In a single pricing procedure only one price condition type can be maintained 3) From: It determines the step of the condition type on which the calculation of existing 4) To: condition type can be maintained. 30 Discount – 40. 60 Tax – 70. The same is maintained in VKOA. 8) Accrual Key: used in rebate condition type. (if we have not maintained the price in VK11 then the price will not flow) 6) Required: The control which makes the any condition type mandatory. 80.Day 7:Notes:MB5B is the T. E.10. . Sales Order: Condition Analysis Pricing Procedure assigned to SO Open (V/08) Pricing Procedure:How many columns are there in a pricing procedure? There are 16 columns in a pricing procedure. 50. Price. 5) Manual: Is the control which determines if a condition type can be manually maintained or not.Code to check the stock of the material During creation of a Customer you should always maintain the customer pricing procedure V/08 is for pricing procedure. 7) A/C Key: Is used for a/c ing determination of a condition type. 3) No Scheduling: . you have to create Sales Order & before saving.Is for one text type. . During holidays (which are maintained in factory calendar) no delivery is possible. In 3 types of Delivery Forecasting there are 5 steps (dates): 1) Picking 2) Transport Planning 3) Loading 4) Planned GI 5) Delivery Date.Text Determination:Text determination is always used for MIS purpose. Before creating text determination.Is for maximum Retail Sector. 2) Backward Scheduling: . Here the delivery date is determined based on material requirement in a plant. accordingly the production and the material requirement planning is determined.Is determining the delivery date based on customer requirement. GOTO Header Text Determination:VA01 GO TO Header Text The White Box.The date calculated from the day of production to the date of delivery. Based on these 5 steps (date) billing date is determined. standard we can maintain 365 alpha numeric characters. Delivery:Delivery Forecasting:There are 3 types of delivery forecasting: 1) Forward Scheduling: . : Sales Order (10. E. b) Update Document Flow: Controls the flow of the documents (Sales Order Delivery Billing) and it controls that the documents are being processed or completed.requisite which should be present in a Sales Order for a delivery to happen.g. standard SO +ive / -ive quantity would be plus (+) and If it is return SO +ive / -ive quantity would be minus (-) . It helps in combining multiple sales orders into one single delivery by controlling certain features like all the sales order will have the same customer and the delivery date would be the same etc. b) Combination Requirement: Are SAP provided routines which specifies/helps to combine multiple orders into one single delivery. 2) Item:a) Order Requirement: In Header and Item both the order requirement are the same. an order should contain material quantity. 20) the hierarchy will be the same. When SO Delivery (positive+) When SO Return Delivery (negative-) For e. c) Copy Item No.g. for a delivery to happen. 20) then in Delivery it will be (10. c) Positive & Negative Quantity: Specifies that the order to delivery is forward or backward. 051 is the SAP standard routine for combination requirement. SALES ORDER (VTLA) DELIVERY (VTFL) BILLING VTLA ZAGR (Select) Magnify Header 1) Header:a) Order Requirement: Are certain pre. 001 is the SAP Standard routine for Order Requirement. delivery plant. etc. it’s just that this is used for Item Data.Day 8 COPY CONTROL:Copy Control is certain key/controls which determine the values which are to be copied from Sales Order to Delivery and from Delivery to Billing. 003 is the SAP standard routine for copying requirements. d) Copy Item No. of the bill. Purchase Order No. 20) then in Delivery it will be (10.: Sales Order (10. D copy pricing elements unchanged. They flow in the HEADER of the bill. d) Pricing Type: It controls how the price which flows in the invoice behaves. e) Pricing Source: Is the document source from which the price in a bill flows.g. Are basically used for identifying the Sales Order/ Delivery/ c) Reference No.BILLING (VTFL) DELIVERY VTFL ZAGR (Select) Header Magnify 1)Header: a) Copying Requirements: Are routine which manages to club multiple deliveries into one billing. 20) 2) Item: Item ZTAN (select) Magnify a) Data VBRK/VBRP: Are routines which controls the header/item values in a bill for e. c) Positive & Negative Quantity: Specifies that the Delivery to Billing is forward or backward. b) Assignment/ Allocation No. . we can set the routine 011 to specify the bill date = Today (current date) b) Billing Quantity: Checks that the quantity which flows in the bill should not exceed delivery/order quantity. There are 2 types of Credit Management: a) Centralized Credit Management b) Decentralized Credit Management Centralized Credit Management: CPIL Credit Control Area (CCCA) [there is only one CCCA] Code1 Code2 Code3 Code4 Decentralized Credit Management CPIL CCCA1 Code1 Code2 CCCA2 [there are more than 1 CCCA] Code3 Code4 Code5 Code6 .CREDIT MANAGEMENT: Credit Management enables to set credit limit per customer and how the system response if the customer credit limit exceeds. Step 1: Create new CCCA: T code is OB45 OB45 Click on any one & copy Change Name & Currency Enter Save Step 2: Assign CCCA to Company Code: T code is OB38 SPRO S/D Basic Functions Credit Management & Risk Management Credit Management Step 3: Define Credit Groups Step 4: Assign Sales & Delivery Document to Credit Group Click Select Step 5: Define automatic Credit Control [CCCA + Risk Category + Credit Group] Step 6: Master Maintenance Master Maintenance – How to maintain a credit limit for a customer? FD32 Customer Credit Control Area Enter Click on all the boxes Enter Enter Enter FD32 . Display . 100pc Order Delivery 100pc Billing 80pc (as 20 pc would be given for free for an order of minimum of 100pc) 80pc – TAN and 20pc – TANN b) Exclusive Free Goods: Where you get more quantity for what you have ordered for but paying the same price.DAY 9: FREE GOODS: Free Goods are of 2 types: a) Inclusive Free Goods: Where you get the same quantity for what you have order for. but at a less price.Change VBN3.g. E. E.g. 100pc Order Delivery 120pc Billing 100pc (100 pc TAN & 120pc TANN) Item Category for free goods is TANN (where there is no price) Master Maintenance of Free Goods – Condition Type VBN1 – Create VBN2. condition type & table) Create Promotion Screen (enter validity & description) Enter Enter Sales Area Data Promotion “XX” Created STEP 2: Sales Deal: T.Code VB31 VB31 Save Promotion Type (Define validity period. NOTE: Fill/ maintain the condition type KA00 with the material on which the promotion would be given. In Sales Promotion we have to give: a) Validity b) Name of the Sales Promotion e.g.e. SAP standard condition type for Sales Deal/ Promotion is KA00 STEP4: Run the Sales Order as usual. STEP 1: We have to create a Sales Promotion. Diwali Bonanza and any comments of the sales promotion which is needed for MIS purpose. Sales Deal is created with reference to a Sales Promotion it contains the condition type KA00 and its master maintenance i.Code VB21 VB21 Type of Sales Deal Enter Sales data created Create Sales Deal (Description/validity/promotion/condition) save STEP 3: Add the promotion Condition Type KA00 in the pricing procedure.SALES DEAL/ PROMOTION: Sales Deal / Promotion are any kind of discounts or benefits which are given for a specific period owing to a specific occasion. T. the materials with the discount and its validity period. . material and rebate/discount).000 bottles the customer gets a 10% discount on his purchase.000 coke bottles (material) in one year.000 bottles on Oct. 1000 bottles being CP is 40000 Discount is 4000/Total discount being 6000/.at end of the year the customer gets a credit note / cash of 6000/. 500 bottles being CP is 20000 Discount is 2000/On Dec. This rebate discount is only relevant if the customer purchases the required volume E. The customer completed the target of 200. Configuration of Rebate Agreement: (VBO1) Step 1 – Define Agreement Type Agreement Type consists of: a) Validity period b) Condition Table (customer.g. Customer/ Material Rebate Proposed Valid From Valid To Payment Method Verification Levels Manual accrual Order Type Manual Payment Payment Procedure Partial Payment Settlement Final settlement .Rebate: Rebate Agreements are a form of special discount paid retro actively to a customer.from the company. This discount is based on the sales volume of a customer over a specific period of time. then on the customer purchases On Nov. Completing the target of 200. XYZ (customer) has a target of 200. 2) Verification Levels – determines the levels in which the user can see his accrual rebate amount.1) Payment Method – defines that the rebate amount paid to the customer can be partial or manual or final settlement. 3) Manual accrual Order Type – determines the order type of a rebate credit note. 4) Manual Payment a) Payment Procedure – determines that the credit note can be issued manually or automatically b) Partial payment – determines the order type of a partial payment. 5) Settlement a) Final settlement – determines the level after which a credit note can be issued. In which levels we have to activate the rebate processing? We have to activate the rebate in a) Billing b) Sales Organization c) Customer Master . the partner function in the customer master is a grey out field and the same cannot be modified. . the partner functions should flow in the customer master otherwise the customer master cannot be saved. SH.Partner Function:SPRO S/D Basic Functions Partner Determination Set up Partner determination In how many levels we can determine partner functions:In 8 levels we can determine partner functions:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Customer Master Sales Document Header Sales Document Item Delivery Shipment Billing Header Billing Item Sales Activity Customer A/c Group PARTNER DETERMINATION PROCEDURE Partner Function (SP. BP.e. 2) Is mandatory i. PY) Partner Function can be 1) Non-modifiable i.e. XDN1 DEVELOPMENT CLIENT (closed) SANDBOX TESTING QUALITY CLIENT PRODUCTION CLIENT (open) SE10 is the T-Code to check what are the tickets generated.TICKET SYSTEM:There are 2 types of changes in SAP: 1) Config Changes – OBD2.XD01. VK12. XD02. Partner Function 2) Master Changes. V/06. VK11. SE10 Modifiable – Which have not been released (cannot be modified) Released – Have been released TICKET Config Tickets (Basis) (That is raised by the consultant) SOLMON Tickets . SOLMON is Solution Manager Tickets:These are the tickets which are raised by the end users when they face any kind of difficulties. These tickets should be solved by the consultant.Configuration Level changes that are raised by a consultant create tickets. SOLMON ticket Development Production I have solved production based SOLMON tickets for master data & very few development based SOLMON ticket (a/c group suppress) . To raise SOLMON ticket: HELP Create Support Message The component of a SOLMON Ticket is a T-Code specific. PY) d) Save 5) Block the customer XD05 Only Customer All Company Codes Tick on the boxes Sales Practical:1) How to delete a Sales Order? VA02 Sales Order No. series be changed after a customer is created with that no.Code to cancel the invoice VF11 Billing Document No. 40. SH. Can a no. 11) Sales Area (1001. Sales Document Delete 2) How to delete a Delivery Order? VL02N Deliver Order No. Enter F5 4) VF11 is the T. 11) 3) New no. Outbound Delivery 3) How do I check the document flow of a Sales Order? VA03 Sales Order No. series can only be changed during initial entry. series? Yes we can change in XDN1. 50.Customer Practical:1) Create Customer 2) Extend a customer to different Sales Area XD01 Put Customer Reference (1001. 4) New Partner Function to the existing customer master a) Create normal customer with the same name but address would be different b) Open XD02 with the previous customer and then go to Partner Function tab c) Specify whether (SP. Save Delete Save . but it will throw an error stating that no. BP. series starting with 19 XDN1 STATUS SELECT & CHANGE THE NO. CP is the schedule line category for normal Sales Cycle. The cost is dependent on the weight of the material. truck no. Check the MOVEMENT TYPES . its quantity. VA01 VL01N (Delivery No.. This follows a different pricing procedure. 3) ROUTE DETERMINATION: It is the process of determining the route. VOV6 is for schedule line category MASTER DATA. driver’s name etc.) With a delivery no. which are given manually during the creation of the delivery. b) In VT01N we can create the delivery challan through 2 process: Collective Processing (CP): It is a creation of one delivery challan of multiple deliveries Single Processing (SP): one delivery = one challan (creation of one delivery challan with one delivery) 2) SHIPMENT: It is the process of calculating the cost of the shipment.. we can create a delivery VF01 challan through VT01N a) Delivery challan consists of materials.LOGISTICS EXECUTION Logistics Execution is divided into 3 parts:1) Transportation – VT01N (transport challan) 2) Shipment 3) Route Determination – for MIS & CIS purpose 1) TRANSPORTATION: VT01N is the process to generate a delivery challan. shipment no. Code to check any a/c ing document STO Delivery Proforma Invoice (Not a/c ing) MIGO . FB03 is the T.MOVEMENT TYPES: I) Sales Order Delivery PGI 601 II) Sales order Delivery REVERSE PGI 602 (T.Code – VL09) III) Initial entry of a stock through MB1C 561/562(Cancel) IV) STO PGI 641 V) STO REVERSE PGI 642 VI) One storage location to another storage location stock transfer 341 VII) One storage location to another storage location stock transfer (REVERSE) VIII) Post Goods Receipts PGR 342 IX) MIGO 301 342 MIGO PROCESS: COMPANY (Factory or Branch):1) Stock Transfer Order (STO) (ME21N) 2) Delivery (by factory against STO) (VL10B) 3) PGI (VL02N) 4) Proforma Invoice (created against delivery) (VF01) 5) MIGO (the receiving branch does a MIGO based on delivery) RANCHI (Branch): the receiving branch makes a STO Proforma Invoice: is the invoice generated during Stock Transfer Order (STO) as this invoice does not generate any revenue for the company. it is not a/c ing relevant.
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