SAP Records Management

March 28, 2018 | Author: Syamal Babu N | Category: Records Management, Xml, File Format, Business Process, Web Browser



SAP Records ManagementPage 1 of 99 SAP Records Management Purpose Records Management is a standard solution for the electronic management of records. Quick access to information is a key factor for performing business successfully. Records Management guarantees this quick access. In one record, all information objects of a business transaction are grouped together in a transparent hierarchical structure. By converting paper records to electronic records, you can enjoy all the advantages of a paper-free office: No storage costs for records, no cost-intensive copying procedures, and optimal retrieval of information. However, SAP Records Management not only provides an electronic representation of the conventional paper record, but also offers functions that far exceed those available for conventional records management: you have fast and secure access to archived documents. You can enter Office documents and notes directly in a record, using document templates if required. You can include Internet or intranet pages in a record. In addition to documents, you can also integrate other diverse electronic elements (the elements can originate from the local SAP system, from other SAP systems, or from non-SAP systems):  Business objects  Transactions  Reports These integration options mean that the record provides a universal view of all the information objects that exist for a business process. Access to information is facilitated. The user no longer has to navigate through systems to find information objects, because all the information objects for the whole record are available in one structured view. Clicking on an object in this view displays it directly. In addition, the integration of the WebFlow Engine and an ad hoc workflow tool enables you to efficiently control your processes from the record: Predefined workflows can be included in a record and started from the record. Users can, however, also define ad hoc workflows in the record. If they do so, users send record elements in an electronic circular to employees and determine the employees’ tasks. This process is logged and can be traced from within the record. How To Use This Documentation This documentation is divided into the following sections: First Steps This section contains a procedure for using the example Customizing to use the system for the first time. Introduction to Terms The technical terms and their definitions are explained here. Records Management Interfaces Read this section if you are an end user who wants to use a system that has already been completely set up. Only the sections Editing Tool for Record Models: The Records Modeler and Editing Tool for File Plans: The Records Planner are not relevant for the end user (instead they are relevant for the persons responsible for Customizing and administration). Activities for Element Types and Elements This section is intended as a reference guide for all users. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 SAP Records Management Page 2 of 99 You can open a context menu for every element/element type. This context menu is different depending on which element or element type the cursor is positioned. This section describes all of these activities. Customizing Read this section if you want to perform Customizing for Records Management. This section contains important background information. The main Customizing documentation is contained in the SAP Reference Implementation Guide (IMG). Role Maintenance Read this section if you want to maintain authorizations for roles. Integration in SAP Applications Read this section if you are a developer and you want to integrate Records Management into an application. First Steps Each Records Management shipment contains example Customizing. You can use this Customizing to get to know the system without having to create your own Customizing. Do not use the example Customizing in your production system. We recommend that you copy the element types from the example Customizing and make your own modifications to the copied versions. The following is a step-by-step description of how to create a record. This is explained in detail in the subsequent sections of this documentation. Prerequisite: The example role for Records Management SAP_BC_RM_USER (or SAP_BC_RM_ADMINISTROTR) is assigned to you, or a role with similar authorizations. Call transaction ORGANIZER. A dialog box is displayed where you have to select a Records Management System (RMS). Choose RMS_DEMO. The Records Organizer is displayed. In the Role-Based View area, expand the Records node. Select the element type Example Records and choose Create in the context menu. A dialog box is displayed where you have to choose in which record model to create the record. Choose Example Record Model. The system branches to the Records Browser. The new record is displayed. The structure of the record corresponds to the underlying example record model. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 SAP Records Management Page 3 of 99 Expand Structure Node 1. Open the context menu of the model node Any Element. No element type is assigned to the model node. For this reason you first have to decide which element you want to create. A dialog box is displayed where all the element types are listed according to type (yellow folders). Expand a yellow folder and double-click the element type for which you want to create an element. The context menu of this element type is opened. Choose Activities  Create. You create an element. The next steps depend on the element type that you selected. For more information, see Activities for Element Types and Elements in the section of the corresponding element. Create multiple elements. To create more than one element for structure node 1, position your cursor directly on this node and choose Create in the context menu. Save the record. A dialog box is displayed, in which you can enter values for the attributes of the record. Write a short text and assign a unique ID; all other entries are optional. Introduction to Terms This section explains some important concepts in Records Management, followed by an overview diagram of how these concepts interact with one another. Element An element is a piece of information that is checked into Records Management. Elements can be integrated into records, but do not have to be. A record itself is also an element, and at the same time contains elements. This means it is possible for a record to contain other records as subrecords. Record models and file plans are also elements. Record model A record model is a template for records, which is created in Customizing. The template defines the structure of the records. Records that are based on the same record model always have the same structure. This improves user orientation within the records. The assignment of the record to a record model is made in Customizing when the element types for records are created. Element type An element type groups similar elements together. Element types are the starting point for checking new elements into Records Management or searching for them in Records Management. From a technical point of view, an element type is a division of the elements of a service provider (see below) by assigning parameters to the service provider. Every service provider has connection parameters that have to be filled with values when an element type is created. You can only use a service provider if at least one element type exists in this service provider. A service provider can contain any number of element types. To create element types according to customer-specific requirements, file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 or development of Records Management. An area contains a group of service providers. It provides the user with orientation when searching for records (for example: The types “documents”. or service provider for business objects). nurses and doctors only have access to the "RMS for patient records". Records Management System (RMS) An RMS is a discrete unit within Records Management. Employees in the personnel department only have access to the "RMS for personnel records". service provider for notes. Note: In technical contexts. service provider for documents. It defines attributes for the element types of these service providers. In the Records Organizer. types are displayed as yellow folders in the standard setting of the role-based view. This must be used for Records Management. SAP recommends that you only create a new type if you are implementing a new service provider whose elements cannot be assigned to one of the types supplied by SAP. Each application has its own framework area. An RMS can contain any number of element types. Each service provider is responsible for a particular group of elements (for example. “record models”. Type The type classifies elements according to their semantic content. The following terms are only relevant for persons who need to be involved in the customizing.SAP Records Management Page 4 of 99 use the IMG activityRegistry Maintenance. an element type is also called a service provider space (SPS).  The type is a classification parameter of the area S_AREA_RMS. administration.  Example: In a hospital there are personnel records and patient records. The RMS divides various business units logically. You separate the different RMSs by assigning element types to one or more RMS. and “business objects”). file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. You assign values to this parameter using the Customizing activity Maintain Registry.  RMS is a classification parameter of the area S_AREA_RMS. SAP supplies the area S_AREA_RMS. You assign values to this parameter using the Customizing activity Maintain Registry. Area Records Management has an underlying framework that can also be used for other applications outside of Records Management.htm 4/18/2012 . which contains all the service providers implemented by SAP. Service provider Service providers enable integration of elements into Records Management and access to elements. The arrow shows the direction of reading. Elements can only be displayed in the RMS in which they have been entered. Overview Diagram The following diagram provides an overview of the architecture of Records Management. Within a service provider. you can adapt element types to further subdivide this group. Dividing the records of a company into discrete units means that is it possible to provide particular groups of users with access to particular records. SAP Records Management Page 5 of 99 Note that in this graphic you see the elements that cannot be integrated into the Records Management standard. In theory, any elements can be integrated into Records Management if the corresponding service providers are implemented. Records Management Interfaces The following tools are available within Records Management:  Initial Screen: The Records Organizer The Records Organizer is the initial screen for all activities in Records Management: The most important functions of the Records Organizer are:  Creating/checking in new elements Searching for elements that have already been checked in (attribute search, full text search)  file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 SAP Records Management Page 6 of 99  Accessing the 30 elements last edited Managing Favorites Displaying a where-used list for elements Editing Tool for Records: The Records Browser    The Records Browser is the tool used for displaying and editing records. The most important functions of the Records Browser are:  Displaying a record in a hierarchical structure (the record structure is specified by the record model) Displaying/creating/editing elements Entering attribute values for the elements Displaying a record as a list Editing Tool for Record Models: The Records Modeler     The Records Modeler is the tool used for creating record models. A record model is a template for records, which is created in Customizing. The template defines the structure of the records. Records that are based on the same record model therefore always have the same structure. This improves user orientation within the records.  Editing Tool for File Plans: The Records Planner The Records Planner is the tool used for creating file plans. A file plan is a central registry used for the management of records. Use of the Records Planner is optional.  Circular and Process Route You can use circulars and process routes to select individual elements from a record and send it around for circulation in a particular folder. (The term circular comes from the public sector.) You can determine who receives the elements and which activities the corresponding person is to perform on these elements. You can also use the following functions:  Assigning Attribute Values   Search Displaying on the Web  Exporting Records Initial Screen: The Records Organizer To navigate to the Records Organizer, choose the following in the SAP Easy Access Menu: Records Management  Start Records Management(transaction ORGANIZER). Use The Records Organizer is the initial screen in Records Management. You can navigate from the Records file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 SAP Records Management Page 7 of 99 Organizer to all the other tools:  To edit records, go to the Records Browser (see Navigating to the Records Browser).   To edit record models, go to the Records Modeler (see Navigating to the Records Modeler). To edit file plans, go to the Records Planner (see Navigating to the Records Planner). Prerequisites To start the Records Organizer, you need the authorizations of the authorization object S_SRMSY_CL. This is included in the SAP role SAP_BC_RM_USER (standard user for Records Management). When you call the Records Organizer for the first time, you need to enter a Records Management System ID (RMS ID) in a dialog box before you can access the Records Organizer. There is a separate ID for each Records Management System (RMS). The RMS logically divide various business areas. Ask your system administrator which ID is relevant for you. Features The Records Organizer is a navigation area from which you start your work in Records Management. The navigation area is split into two halves: In the upper section, you can activate the Role-Based View, Favorites, Resubmission, or the Inbox. You can switch between these areas by choosing the appropriate button at the top of the display area. The History area is displayed in the lower section. The four areas are described below. Role-Based View In this screen area, you can check new elements into Records Management, or search for elements that have already been checked in. The role-based view can be individually compiled in Customizing for each existing SAP role. The following only describes the standard setting, which contains three hierarchy levels.  The first hierarchy level contains only one node. This specifies the name of the current Records Management System (RMS). You can only execute all subsequent activities within this RMS. If you are authorized to work in more than one RMS, you can choose  to change to another RMS. The second hierarchy level contains folders that group together elements under different headings.  The third hierarchy level contains the corresponding element types. Element types group together similar elements. You only see the element types that have been assigned to the current RMS in Customizing. To check in or search for an element, select the element type to which you want to assign the new element, open the context menu, and choose Activities. The activities can be different for each element type. For more information, see Activities for Element Types and Elements. After you have executed one of the activities, the element is displayed in the right-hand screen area and an entry is made in the History area. To make room for processing of elements, you can choose to hide the Organizer. The symbol is available in the function toolbar in every Records Management tool. You can also use it to redisplay the Organizer navigation area if required. and History to navigate through the open elements. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 position the cursor on the uppermost node and choose Activities  Create element type link. To do this. Resubmission In this area.  Execute: Starts the execution of a work item or a deadline monitoring item. You can start all activities from the Favorites. you choose . you can enter notes for resubmission in the Action field. Choose to clear all elements from the History.  Log: The work item or the deadline monitoring item branches to the log display. The new folder is created one hierarchy level lower. In the Submit On field. To integrate element types into your Favorites: In the area Favorites. To display the element. you choose . In the dialog box that is displayed. enter the date on which the element is to be submitted. The elements are not arranged according to a hierarchy. If the due date has passed. The element edited last always appears at the top of the list. position the cursor on the element/element type and choose Activities  Create folder. To include an element in the resubmission. select the relevant element. the elements that the record contains and the underlying record model are displayed. and choose Activities in the context menu. You fill the fields Priority and Status by using the input help. select which folder to add the element to. To refresh the content of the inbox. Inbox In the inbox area you can display your current work items and deadline monitoring items. The Where-Used List activity is available in the context menu for all elements. You can use Drag&Drop. The activities offered may differ from element to element. select an element. you can set elements to be resubmitted. You can use the History as a starting point to perform activities for the elements. see Activities for Element Types and Elements. enter the date by which the element must be processed. We recommend that you use your Favorites to keep the elements and element types that you most frequently use. select an element type.SAP Records Management Page 8 of 99 This contains the last 30 elements you have edited. place the cursor on the element in the History or the Favorites. you choose Favorites Here you can create and organize elements and element types. The elements still remain in the Records Management System.htm 4/18/2012 . the elements are marked in red. To refresh the elements. All elements are displayed for which the resubmission date is the current date or earlier. For more information. Additionally. open the context menu. or choose Add to Favorites from the context menu to copy elements from the History into the Favorites. In the next dialog box. A dialog box is displayed. and choose Resubmission in the context menu. If the selected element is a record. To create folders for organizing your Favorites into a hierarchy. A dialog box is displayed containing a list of all the records in which the element is used. You can choose Change to change the resubmission entry at any time. .  Forward: file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. In the Due On field. The following activities are available:  Display: Displays the technical information of a work item or a deadline monitoring item. To perform activities for the work items and deadline monitoring items. and choose one of the activities offered. For the procedure for editing a record. In the Role-Based View area. Select the record in the History or in the Favorites. If you edit the record regularly. This activity cannot be performed for deadline monitoring. and choose and you can continue editing the record. The assignment of the record to a record model was made in Customizing when the element type was created. The Records Browser is displayed Navigating to the Records Modeler You navigate to the Records Modeler when you want to:  Create a new record model file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. You reach the Records Browser. Editing a record that you have already created Records that you have created in the Records Browser automatically appear in the History area of the Records Organizer.  Include in History: The work item or deadline monitoring item is displayed in the history. The structure of the record corresponds to the underlying record model. Navigating to the Records Browser You navigate to the Records Browser when you want to:  Create a new record  Display or edit a record that you have already created The text below describes both activities. in which the record is displayed.SAP Records Management Page 9 of 99 Work items are forwarded to another processor. Select an element type and choose  Create.htm 4/18/2012 . expand the Records node.  Change. we recommend that you add it to your Favorites list. Creating a new record Create the record starting from an element type for records. see Editing Records. The Records Planner is displayed. expand the File plans node. Creating a file plan In the Role-Based View area. Select an element type and choose Activity  Create. you can insert it back into the worklist at any time using Search. Select an element type and choose Activity  Create. expand the Record Models node. the default setting displays a header node and a model node History. If you expand the overview tree. and which cannot be assigned to a specific node. Creating a record model In the Role-Based View area. Editing a record model that you have already created. Use ( ) to display your newly created file plan. it is a good idea to add it to your Favorites. and choose displayed and you can continue editing the record model. If you edit the record model frequently or use it as a basis for records.SAP Records Management Page 10 of 99  Display or edit a record model that you have already created The text below describes both activities. Record models that you have created in the Records Modeler automatically appear in the History area of the Records Organizer. see Creating a File Plan. The Records Modeler is Navigating to the Records Planner You use the Records Planner when you want to:  Create a new file plan  Edit a file plan that you have already created These activities are described below. If the record model is no longer in the History.htm 4/18/2012 . For the procedure for creating a record model. Select the record in the History or in the Favorites. For the procedure for creating a file plan. Activity  Change. see Creating a Record Model. ) to display your newly created record model. The system creates these for elements that are inserted automatically in the record (by a workflow or a report). (only the last 30 elements are listed). file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. and choose displayed and you can continue editing the file plan. choose Record  User-Specific Settings. and time/date of the last change User roles for which the node is visible Number of the node in the underlying record model To hide or display the columns. see Editing Records. the overview tree is structured from left to right as follows: Column Header Record Entry Element Type Last Processing Visibility Node ID Description Node symbol and ID Element type assigned to the node (one or more element types can be assigned to a model node) User name of the last user to make any changes.SAP Records Management Page 11 of 99 Editing a file plan that you have already created File plans that you have created in the Records Modeler automatically appear in the History area of the Records Organizer. The Records Planner is Editing Tool for Records: The Records Browser Use You use the Records Browser for viewing or editing records. Select the file plan in the History or in the Favorites. Choose to hide the Organizer navigation toolbar. You can enter elements for each of these nodes. Integration You can only reach the Records Browser through the Records Organizer (see Navigating to the Records Browser). This provides the following functions for editing the record: file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. If you are in change mode. Colored symbols show the inserted elements. Toolbar The toolbar is above the main window. The record structure is predefined by the underlying record model. If you edit the file plan regularly. For more information. Features The screen consists of the following parts: Overview tree of the record The main window contains an overview tree of the record. The structure nodes ( ) mark sections in the record in the same way as index cards in paper records.htm 4/18/2012 . we recommend that you add it to your Favorites list.) In the standard setting. Activity  Change. the overview tree also contains model nodes ( ) of the underlying record model (you need model nodes when inserting new elements in the record). Administration  Transport Entry: Write a transport entry for the record. the overview tree. To print documents. Administration  XML Representation: You can display the underlying XML code of the record. but which are necessary for displaying the rest of the nodes. The following functions are available:      Other Record: The search dialog box is displayed (see Searching). User-Specific Settings: You can adapt the user interface to suit your requirements. Print  Record (Including Log): You print the attributes. deselect the Only Current Results check box in the search dialog box (see Searching). The system does not display an error message in this case. Roles that are linked by AND are roles that are required for displaying more than one node. an external conversion server must be connected to the SAP system by means of RFC. Choose to display the record attributes and their values. Print  Record: You print the attributes and the overview tree of the record. it can be processed. Administration  Display Log: You display the log of all activities executed on the record. Each new page of the printout contains the record number. the overview tree. You can decide whether you want to save the status as a continuation of the current version.SAP Records Management Page 12 of 99 Use to change the editing mode (display/change). Services: An additional context menu is displayed. Load New: Update the record. and the documents that are contained in the record (including their attributes). Use to save the current status of the record. and the log of the record. The conversion server must support the XDC interface. Administration  Display Missing Authorizations: A dialog box is displayed containing a list of the roles that you do not have. A new print request is created for each document. offering all the functions of the Generic Object Services (you can also display these functions by choosing the symbol next to the header Records Browser). This function is only offered if the element type underlying the record permits transport to subsequent systems.     Print  Record (Including Log + Documents): You print the attributes. Documents in non-supported formats are not printed. Choose Record to display a menu that offers functions for the whole record. The parentheses around all requests form a composite request. see Generic Object Services (BC-SRVGBT). If you save the record as a new version. Roles that are linked with OR are roles that are required for displaying one particular node. Model nodes are displayed as an unfilled rhombus. it cannot be changed. you can access the previous version at any time. Only formats that are supported by the conversion server can be printed. or as a new version. To access old versions.     file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Print  Record + Documents: You print the attributes and the overview tree of the record. You can access all records that belong to the same element type as the current record. and the log of the record. and the documents that are contained in the record (including their attributes). If the record is open. and elements are displayed as a filled rhombus.htm 4/18/2012 . see Assigning Attribute Values). For more information on the Generic Object Services. You can change the values of the maintainable attributes at any time (for more information. Close/Open Record: If the record has been closed. according to the element).  If you have selected a structure node ( ). Use to display the attributes for a node. To copy elements. you can show or hide the columns of the overview tree and determine their width. After inserting an element. you choose Use to delete a node. only the entry in the record is deleted. Select the corresponding structure node . Use to create a model node for the underlying record model. and the element itself remains in the node. To insert the copied elements. Use to search for an element using its short description. the symbol of the model node changes to that of the inserted element. the whole subtree is deleted. the subtree is expanded and the corresponding element selected. Activities are offered that you can carry out on elements that are already inserted. you choose . and to expand/collapse the sub-tree of a node. You can position the element with Drag&Drop. If the search is successful.  You can use to display a context-sensitive menu offering activities. No activities are offered.) For more information on individual activities. . see the section Activities for Element Types and Elements. Activities are offered for inserting elements into the record. : Current processing mode file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Use Use to rename a node. which displays the following:  Tool: Indicates which tool the user is currently using (browser.htm 4/18/2012 . a dialog box is displayed from which you have to select one element type.  If you have selected a model node ( ). there is the status bar. The new element is inserted below the model node in first position. The list of activities depends on which element type is assigned to the model node. for example). The activities offered depend on the element in each case (see above). choose . If you want to search for further elements using the search term entered. You need a model node to enable you to insert a new element in the record. (If more than one element type is assigned to the model node. Status Bar Directly below the function bar. For the record and the record model.SAP Records Management Page 13 of 99  You can display the underlying record model. The list of activities differs according to which node you have selected. If the node already contains an element. If the selected node has nodes beneath it in the hierarchy.   / / : Indicates whether the record is open or closed.  If you have selected a node that already has an element assigned to it (different symbols. A menu that contains For some model nodes. Procedures The following text describes how to insert an element into the record.htm 4/18/2012 . choose Record  User-Specific Settings. The procedure for inserting an element differs according to the element type and activity selected. the underlying record model is displayed as the basic structure for the record. a dialog box is displayed containing all the element types. Proceed as follows: Select the model node for which you want to insert an element. the status of the profile is displayed. yellow = not yet saved). Status: If a status profile was defined for this element type. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The symbol of the model node is replaced by the symbol of the element. there may be more than one element type assigned. Inserting an Element To insert a new element in a record. In this case. The model node specifies the element type to which the element to be inserted belongs. The newly created record is displayed as the symbol ( ). When you expand the overview tree. see the section Activities for Element Types and Elements. Select an activity. For more information on individual activities. The element appears in the record after the activity has been executed. and choose activities is displayed. Editing Records Prerequisites You have gone from the Records Organizer to the Records Browser (see Navigating to the Records Browser).SAP Records Management Page 14 of 99     Record Number: Record number of the record Version: Version number of the record : The traffic light icon indicates the save status of the element (green = saved. and how to duplicate and move nodes. To display the underlying record model for the record. you need a model node ( ) of the underlying record model. . Choose the appropriate element type for the element to be inserted. The activities offered depend on the element type assigned to the model node. Proceed as follows: Select the structure node of the selected model node. pull it to another node. You can use necessary. This differs file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. You can use change the description of the node if necessary. . Choose Create. If you want to add another element to a model node. A model node cannot be duplicated directly.htm 4/18/2012 . The structure node is repeated in the record. holding the mouse button down. to The model node appears repeated in the record and can have an element added to it. The maximum number of instances of a node is displayed in the overview tree of the record model. If you want to repeat a whole section of the record model. you can also display the record elements in a list. duplicate the model node.SAP Records Management Page 15 of 99 Duplicating a node In the record model. duplicate a structure node. you have predefined whether a node may be generated more than once in a record. To move a node.  The target node must accept the element type of the element that you are moving. to change the description of the node if To re-insert the sub-node belonging to the structure node. select the structure node and choose Create. Displaying Record Elements in a List Use As well as the standard display in the overview tree. Moving a node using Drag&Drop You can move nodes within the record using Drag&Drop. Select the record Choose Create. and must be in the lowest hierarchy level of the overview tree. select it and. The following restrictions apply:  The node you are moving must already contain an element. but only after it has been assigned an element. in the column Number. You can use Drag&Drop to move elements from the navigation toolbar in the Records Organizer into a record. Activities In the Records Organizer or the Records Browser. The standard setting for the attribute SRM_PROTOCOL is “ON”.SAP Records Management Page 16 of 99 from the overview tree display in the following ways:  Only inserted elements are displayed. and Delete Element. and Delete Element. Prerequisites In content models for records. access to records of this content model will not be logged. select the node for the record and choose Display Variants  Display Record Element in List. To navigate to the Record Log. If the attribute SRM_PROTOCOL is set to “OFF” for a content model. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. the attribute SRM_PROTOCOL of the real LOIO class must be set to “ON”. select the node for the record and choose Other Functions -> Generate and Download Export Format. Choose the directory in which you want to save the files for the record. You can sort the elements according to their individual columns. Only display functions are available. Logging Access to Records Use In Records Management. Change Element. Exporting Records Use You can use this function to export the record. Change Element. Features The log contains the following information:  Unique record ID  Operation     User Date of operation Time of operation Element name This column is only filled for the operations Insert Element. Procedure In the Records Organizer or the Records Browser.htm 4/18/2012 . The file selection box for your hard drive is displayed.  Node ID (unique ID of the node for the element in the record) This column is only filled for the operations Insert Element. choose the following in the SAP Easy Access Menu: Records Management Administration  Display Log (transaction code SRMPROTOVIEW). with no structure information (no model nodes or structure nodes). you can use a log to record each time a record is accessed. The system generates a series of files that you can save in your Windows Explorer. It is not possible to switch to change mode.   The standard functions for lists are available using the symbols. These subdirectories each contain the following files and further subdirectories:  HTML document: Metadata of the element (for visualization) XML document: Metadata of the element (for further processing of the data) Optional: Subdirectory for the content of the element. The system generates a subdirectory in the selected directory. use the transaction code SRMEXPORT. and the elements are separated by dashes. In the hit list. The dialog box is displayed for searching for records. The HTML display of the exported record is displayed. you can select any number of records and copy the selection. You can also export more than one record at the same time. Editing Tool for Documents: Document Client Use You use the document client to display or edit documents.htm 4/18/2012 .    Optional: Subdirectory for the log information of the element. The names of these files are GUIDs generated by the system. which contains the export log. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. to display the attributes and attribute values for the document. To navigate to the input template of the report. The content of the elements themselves can only be displayed if this is supported by the corresponding service provider. This file is called LOGDATA. the service providers for documents. The list output of the report is displayed. This displays the file selection box for your hard drive. and URLs support this function. The name of this directory is the POID Directory ID of the record. Note: If you choose Yes. This subdirectory contains the following files and further subdirectories:  HTML document: Content of the record (for visualization)    XML document: Content of the record (for further processing of the data) Text document: Log of the record export Subdirectories for the individual elements. You can use an integrated link to display the metainformation for each element. you will receive an error message. ArchiveLink documents. In the input template. enter the RMS ID and the element type ID for the records that you want to export.  Between 0 and n files that contain the log information for the element (the format depends on the element and its service provider). If it is. This file is called CONTENT. a dialog box is displayed that asks whether you want to overwrite the old directory for the record. the report is executed. ensure that the directory to be overwritten is not open.SAP Records Management Page 17 of 99 If you have previously exported the same record to this directory. Features Display Mode In display mode. After you have selected a directory.  Between 0 and n files that contain the content of the element (format depends on the element and its service provider). The report SRM_EXPORT is available for this. you can use the following functions: Use Use to switch to change mode. The structure nodes are displayed in bold. The metainformation has the same entries as the Information activity. Of the standard SAP service providers. you have to upload the document from your hard drive again to display it in Records Management. The SAP sending screen is displayed. choose  Download . choose Components. Use to save the document. If you saved multiple components. or by double-clicking the version. it cannot be edited by other users. If you save the document as a new version.  Check In If you choose Check In. The document also still exists in Records Management.SAP Records Management Page 18 of 99 Use Versions to display a list of versions of the document. Use to send the document. choose  Upload . The file selection window for your hard drive is displayed. You can edit these documents with your local editor. To display a list of the files. You use the activity Upload if you want to integrate documents in records for which no editor is available within Records Management. You can select one or more documents from your hard drive. To upload a new document and check it in. you can access the previous version at any time (see the Versions pushbutton above). To download the current document and check it out. the document cannot be changed afterwards. you can use the following functions: Use to switch to display mode.htm 4/18/2012 . and use the activity Upload to upload individual versions into Records Management. a dialog box is displayed where you have to enter your file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. For more information. If you choose Open Document. Change Mode In change mode. the document is available for editing by other users. The document is now available for editing by other users. the document can be edited again. You can display single versions by choosing . To open and close documents. If you choose Release Checkout Lock. or as a new version. If you choose Close Document. If the document is stored on a WebDAV server. You can save the document locally on your hard drive. changes can only be made if you download the files and then upload them. For more information. To change the version. choose . see Sending a Document. The file selection window for your hard drive is displayed. You can decide whether you want to save the status as a continuation of the current version. The mail is sent using the SAP Mail program. choose . This is saved as a new version of the existing document in Records Management. Prerequisite: A connection to the external mail system exists. You can send the document as an e-mail even if you do not use the SAP Mail system. Use to display the log of all activities executed on the document.  Check Out If you checked out the document. see External Sending in the SAP System. If you selected more than one component. If you want to create the document from the Records Organizer.SAP Records Management Page 19 of 99 user name and password to log on to the WebDAV server. Choose Application. If you choose Set Form Fields. A simple text editor appears. you can select the Create with Template activity. Use Use to change the attribute values for the document. or use your own files. see Assigning Attribute Values. see Assigning Attribute Values. position the cursor on an element type for documents under Role-Based View. You can select more than one document. PowerPoint. Select an entry. Editing Tool for Record Models: The Records Modeler file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. you can check in a document of your own.htm 4/18/2012 . go to a model node for documents. you can only change the documents by downloading and then uploading them.) The source of the data is determined in Customizing. Save the document. After you perform this activity. but you can also use an Office application to create the document. as long as the corresponding fields exist in the document. For more information. Excel. (The symbol is only active in change mode for Word documents. Create the document. you can create Microsoft Word. to display the log of all activities executed on the document. on which you can select a template. A list appears that contains the applications registered on your PC and a From File entry. you can automatically set data in form fields. When you select an application. see Service Provider for Documents. and choose Activities  Create. This template is then displayed for further editing. a dialog box appears. and choose Activities  Create. You can create the text here. Creating a Document with a Template If document templates have been entered in the Customizing settings for the element type. A dialog box is displayed in which you can enter attribute values for the document. Within Records Management. The file selection window for your hard drive is displayed. and Visio documents. the appropriate editor is displayed for you to create the document. Creating a Document Creating a Document Without a Template If you want to create the document within a record. For more information. When you choose From File. For a description of the dialog box. choose Model -> User-Specific Settings. Before you can create record models. Choose to hide the Organizer navigation toolbar. In the standard setting. Choose to save the current status of the record model. node is grayed out Node number in order of creation Limit to how many times the node can occur in the record Element type assigned to the node Attributes assigned to the node (see below) User roles for which the node is visible User name of the last user to make any changes. and time/date of the last change To expand or collapse the columns. Features The Records Modeler screen is divided into two areas. deselect the Only Current Results check box in the dialog box for searching for file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Left screen area The left screen area has the following sections: Overview of the record model The main window contains an overview tree of the record model. After you have created the record model. you must release it and assign it to an element type for records (which is a value for the connection parameter MODEL_ID). This provides the following functions for editing the record model: Choose to change the mode (display/change). To access old versions. Toolbar The toolbar is above the main window. You can decide whether you want to save the status as a continuation of the current version. you can access the previous version at any time. an element type for record models must already exist in registry maintenance. The records then adopt the structure of the record model entered. You can then create records for this element type. Integration You can only reach the Records Modeler through the Records Organizer (see Navigating to the Records Modeler). or as a new version.htm 4/18/2012 .SAP Records Management Page 20 of 99 Use You use the Records Modeler to create record models. If you save the record model as a new version. this is structured from left to right as follows: Column Header Model Entry Inactive Node ID (model) Number of Instances Element Type Context and Free Attributes Visibility Last Processing Description Node symbol and description Node active: No symbol Node inactive: Symbol . This function is only offered if the element type chosen for the record model permits transport to subsequent systems. to select a node. To make nodes in released record models invalid. You need this selection when reassigning nodes (see below). the whole subtree is deleted. The change in status from Initial to Released is irreversible. (for a description of the status values.htm 4/18/2012 . Administration  XML Representation: You can display the underlying XML code of the record model. In the right screen area you can see the detailed display (see below). Choose to display these versions. the whole subtree is deleted. Administration  Transport Entry: You write a transport entry for the record model. Choose to display the attributes of the record model and their values.   Other Model: You can call all record models that belong to the same element type as the current record model. This is where you change the content and attributes of the node (see Creating a Record Model). Use to edit a node. see Assigning Attribute Values). file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. legend bars. Note: Element instances cannot be saved. and it must correspond to the XML schema specified by SAP for the record model. and columns in the overview tree of the record model. This is where you determine the content and attributes of the new node. If the selected node has nodes beneath it in the hierarchy. Load Local File: The file selection box for your hard drive is displayed.   Save as Local File: You save the record model as an XML file on your hard drive. Prerequisite: The record model must be saved in XML format. Use to delete a node. User-Specific Settings: Change the user interface: You can hide or display status bars. Choose Model to display a menu that offers functions for the whole record model. You can change the values of the maintainable attributes at any time (for more information.SAP Records Management Page 21 of 99 record models. Use Use to rename a node. use the deactivation function (see below). The following functions are available:  Change Status: A dialog box is displayed. The search dialog box is displayed (see Searching). from which you can select an existing record model to upload. Use to create a new node. see Status Bars). in which you can assign a new status to the record model.    Administration  Log Entries: You display the log of all activities executed on the record model. Instance nodes are therefore displayed as structure nodes. If the selected node has nodes beneath it in the hierarchy. This selection is in addition to simple selection by positioning the cursor on the node. All versions will then be displayed in the hit list. In the right screen area you reach the detailed display (see below). and hence cannot be redisplayed. If you want to move and not duplicate the selected node. repeat the same procedure. To insert more than one node. You can create records using this record model. You can create records using this record model. double-click on a node in the left screen area. Use and to expand/collapse a subtree. Execute the first step in the left-hand screen area. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Procedure The following text describes how to insert a node into the record model. The records that have been created using this record model still exist. Another status bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen.  Obsolete: The record model is invalid. You cannot create any further records using this record model. you need to delete the node or sub-tree from its previous position.  Right screen area To display the detailed view of the node in the right screen area. Status bars A status bar is displayed directly under the toolbar. You can use the deactivation function to specify that this subtree will not be visible in any future records based on this model. but you can create further nodes. you can only extend it. choose the cross icon at the beginning of each line. and the unique name and version number of the record model. to deactivate a node or subtree. Released: You cannot change existing nodes of the record model. This shows the tool you are currently working in. Use Use to activate a node or subtree that was previously inactive. the whole subtree is deselected. Use to insert the selected nodes or sub-tree at the cursor position. Creating a Record Model Prerequisites You have navigated from the Records Organizer to the Records Modeler (see Navigating to the Records Modeler). If the selected node has nodes beneath it in the hierarchy. For information on the individual entries. The status values have the following meaning:  Initial: The record model is under construction. you cannot delete any nodes. see Creating a Record Model.htm 4/18/2012 . This shows the current status of the record model.SAP Records Management Page 22 of 99 Use to deselect a node. or choose . the current mode (a symbol for either Display or Change). To hide the status bar. If you have changed the status of a record model to Released. You cannot yet create any records for this record model.  Final: You cannot make any further changes to the record model. In the Maximum Number field. Selecting a structure node In the Minimum Number field. You can use the instance node in each record to provide information necessary for editing the record. You need to assign an element type to the record model. enter a text for the title of the node.  Instance node: Node that already has an element assigned to it in the record model. and Selecting an Instance Node below. Choose an informative text to provide some orientation for end users who are editing records.SAP Records Management Page 23 of 99 Select the node before or after which you want to insert a new node.  Model node: Node that can be assigned elements in records. Selecting a Model Node. The rest of the procedure differs according to which node type you have selected. to create the new The text appears next to the node symbol in the Records Modeler and the Records Browser. enter the maximum allowable number of instances of the node in a record. You have the following options:  Structure nodes: Nodes that cannot have elements assigned to them in records. Selecting a model node file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Execute the following steps in the right-hand screen area: In the Description field. See the sections Selecting a Structure Node. Choose (on the top right-hand side of the screen). The element type determines that the node can only be filled in the record with elements of this element type. These nodes only act as headers for other nodes. The new node is displayed in the overview tree of the record model (left-hand screen area). The detailed display of the new node appears in the right-hand screen area. There can be any number of these in a record. up to the permitted limit. There can be any number of these in a record. Use the check box to select the type of node. There can only be one of these in each record.htm 4/18/2012 . depending on the permitted amount (see below). enter the minimum allowable number of instances of the node in a record. Enter attributes for the node (optional). and choose node. Element attributes affect the inserted elements. In this case. Input help is available for selecting the element type. tab page POID Directory. Input help is available for this selection. If the node is to be visible for all roles. (You maintain relations in registry maintenance in the dialog box for Area. At this point you can also determine the node attributes for the new node. This sets a marker in the record model at the position of the node. This displays all the element types of the current RMS. node attributes affect the node in the underlying record model. so that the system can automatically insert elements in this position. Specify one or more element type(s). You can create node attributes with or without attribute values. Choose (on the top right-hand side of the screen). which groups all the roles together. select one or more user roles.htm 4/18/2012 . Optional: Enter a relation. You can enter a free character string for this attribute. You can also choose All Element Types. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.) Optional: Enter attributes for the node. in which you can choose to attach a note node one level beneath the new node. Example: Node attribute ANCHOR The node attribute ANCHOR is offered by default. In this case a flag is set in the Context column. you can also enter attribute values for context attributes. the system automatically enters these in the Records Modeler. The element type determines that the node can only contain elements of this element type in the record. enter the maximum allowable number of instances of the node in a record. The relation expresses the relationship between the element and the record above it. classified byType. the value for the attribute ANCHOR must be entered in the calling program before processing. Context attributes are coded in a service provider. we recommend that you create a composite role. In the Maximum number field. Input help is available for selecting the relation.SAP Records Management Page 24 of 99 In the Minimum number field. and a number is entered in the List number column for each context attribute. Optional: To specify the visibility for the node. In addition to free attributes. You can enter values for the context attributes. This marker can then be used. see the sections on the individual service providers that have implemented context attributes (see Standard Service Providers). users can enter the value separately in each record. enter the minimum allowable number of instances of the node in a record. for example. For more information on context attributes. the node is visible for all roles. A dialog box is displayed. If you enter an attribute value. In the standard setting. If you do not enter an attribute value. this is displayed in all records with this record model. The node is then only visible in the record for users who have the roles entered here. Records Management supports two types of attributes in the records: Element attributes and node attributes. The user can enter a new attribute value for every instance of the node. If the service provider responsible for the selected element type has implemented context attributes.  Editing Tool for File Plans: The Records Planner Use file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. choose . The new node is displayed in the overview tree of the record model (left-hand screen area). Choose Select Instance. Select the element type to which you want to assign the element to be inserted.SAP Records Management Page 25 of 99 A note node enables the end user to attach a note to the element in the record. because records based on these record models may already exist. To do this. You cannot delete record models that are in status Released. choose . If you do not want to include a note node. . Choose (on the top right-hand side of the screen). A dialog box is displayed. If you do not want to include a note node. choose Record Model  Status  Release. Final. Notes  You must release the record model before you can create records for it. or Obsolete. You can only delete record models that are in status Initial. however. A dialog box is displayed. in which all element types of the current RMS are listed. If you want to include a note node. classified by Type. and confirm with . in which you can choose to attach a note node one level beneath the new node. remember that any records created in the record model up to this time will become obsolete if incompatible changes are made to the record model. If you want to set the status back to Initial at a later point in time. Selecting an instance node Elements that you integrate as instance nodes must already be checked into Records Management. Use the search function to select the element. This means that no more new records can be created for the record model. To ensure that you have selected the correct element. Enter attributes for the node (optional). assign the status Obsolete.htm 4/18/2012 . you can display the element by choosing Display Instance. choose one of the element types for notes offered. A note node enables the end user to attach a note to the element in the record. You can. The new node is displayed in the overview tree of the record model. A dialog box is displayed (see Searching). choose Plan  User-Specific Settings. A file plan is a central registry used for the management of records. In the standard setting. You can also use the file plan position to search for elements. It is the same as the toolbar in the Records Modeler (see Editing Tool for Record Models: The Records Modeler). Status bar The status bar is directly under the toolbar. you can assign elements to every file plan position. Toolbar The toolbar is above the main window. and the nodes of the tree are the individual file plan positions. You can see these elements in the bottom screen area No arrow: No assigned elements exist User name of the last user to make any changes. Bottom left-hand screen area You can view the elements that are assigned to a file plan position.SAP Records Management Page 26 of 99 The Records Planner is the editing tool for file plans. The file plan is an overview tree. Choose to hide the Organizer navigation toolbar. Top left-hand screen area File plan overview tree The overview tree of the file plan is displayed. It is the same as the status bar in the Records Modeler. record models. The file plan position is displayed on which the cursor is positioned in the top screen area in the overview tree of the file plan. The display of assigned elements is structured as follows: Column Header Assigned Elements Description Three-level overview tree: First level: Selected file plan position Second level: Type of the assigned element file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. You can assign elements to every file plan position. this is structured from left to right as follows: Column Header File Plan Position Name Elements (assigned) Description Node symbol and number (file plan position) Node description or number Arrow: Elements are assigned.  Assignment starting from the file plan: In the Records Planner. You can only reach the Records Planner from the Records Organizer (see Navigating to the Records Planner). and file plans have the attribute File Plan Position as a standard setting. You can assign the ID of a file plan position to this attribute. There are two methods of assigning elements to file plan positions:  Assignment starting from the element: Records. Features The screen is divided into three sections. and time/date of the last change Last Processing To display or hide the columns. documents.htm 4/18/2012 . Choose (on the top right-hand side of the screen). In the three input fields. Prerequisites file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. If you want to be able to search for elements using the file plan item. In addition to records. and optionally an additional explanation.SAP Records Management Page 27 of 99 Element Type Third level: Assigned element Element type of assigned element Right-hand screen area If you double-click a node. To insert more than one node. in which you can enter values for the attributes. A dialog box is displayed. Procedure The following text describes how to insert a node into the file plan. enter a number for the file plan position. The detailed display of the new node appears in the right-hand screen area. In the right-hand screen area. enter the number of the file plan item as a value for the attribute File Plan Item (for more information. Select a node in the left-hand screen area and use to create the new node. an ID. see Assigning Attribute Values. you will see the texts that appear in the file plan overview tree in the first three columns of the line of the selected node. Assigning a Record to a File Plan Item Use You assign a record to a file plan item if you want to classify the record in a higher level registry. you can also assign other elements to file plan items.htm 4/18/2012 . Creating a File Plan Prerequisites You have navigated from the Records Organizer to the Records Planner (see Navigating to the Records Planner). Save the file plan. the node is displayed in detail in the right screen area. repeat the same procedure. The new node is displayed in the overview tree of the file plan (left-hand screen area). For more information. see Assigning Attribute Values). For more information. (for example. Choose . You can create process route items sequentially. A dialog box is displayed. Result The selected element is added to the file plan item. approve. or in parallel. If you want to assign another element. position the cursor on the file plan item to which you want to assign a record (or another element). Integration A circular can only be created from a record.SAP Records Management Page 28 of 99 You have navigated from the Records Organizer to the Records Planner (see Navigating to the Records Planner). Select an element from the hit list. The search dialog box is displayed (see Searching). Circular and Process Route Use You can use the circular and the process route to send single elements from the record one after another to multiple employees. Features You can choose all the elements in a record for a circular. In addition to actual employees. Procedure In the file plan overview tree in the upper screen area. and not directly from the Records Organizer. The selected file plan item is displayed in the lower screen area. the employees entered in the process route as agents receive a work item in file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. You can search for all elements that belong to the selected element type. containing a list of all element types in order of type. and so on). You can define a process route for these elements. You determine the process route when you create the circular. If you want to assign a record to the file plan item. and create it as a complete version. You are in change mode. The type of the element is displayed in the hierarchy level above the element. see Workflow Customizing for the Process Route. edit. expand the appropriate node and choose an element type. For executing the assigned activity. print. expand the Records node and choose the element type of the record that you want to assign to the file plan item. You model a process.htm 4/18/2012 . you can also enter other organizational categories from Organizational Management. and assign an agent to each step. You can determine which activity each employee will execute. Prerequisites You have carried out the workflow basic Customizing. The process route is based on SAP Business Workflow. Once a work item has been executed. Use the checkbox to select the elements that you want to send in the circular. the dialog box Add Process Route Item is displayed. the item on file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. and previous versions are listed in the second hierarchy level. a list is displayed containing all the elements selected by the creator of the circular. and then choose The screen Create Circular is displayed. When the circular is executed. to which an element type for circulars is assigned. Attachments are displayed in the bottom screen area. Add process route items. When the circular is executed. The dialog box Header Data for Process To confirm your entries. the employee in the next position along the process route receives a work item. and can also add attachments to the elements. This is divided into three screen areas. These are the elements that you selected in the previous step. Creating a Circular and a Process Route You can create a circular starting only from a record. the most recent version is listed in the first hierarchy level. open the context menu. and choose Create. of course. The specified process can be changed at any time. If more than one complete version exists for an element. the processing steps and the corresponding processor of the circular are displayed. The objects for the circular are displayed in the top screen area. no longer be changed). In the middle screen area. In a record. see Creating a Circular and a Process Route and Executing a Work Item for a Circular. and not starting from the Records Organizer. For more information. Add in Parallel: The process route item is added parallel to the item on which the cursor is currently positioned. You have the following options: Add Sequentially: The process route item is added after the item on which the cursor is currently placed. In the default setting. the work item is not sent until the agent processing the previous process route item has completed their work item. both employees receive a work item at the same time. The agent can double click to display these elements. Users can add any number of additional attachments. To maintain the header data for the process route. that is. the details are displayed for the preceding process route item. They can then use pushbuttons to execute the functions provided for the activity. This ad hoc functionality enables the user to react flexibly to changes (steps that have already been processed can.htm 4/18/2012 . place the cursor on a model node. In the upper screen area. the attachments include a link to the whole record from which you have created the circular. choose Route choose .  . When they execute the work item.SAP Records Management Page 29 of 99 their workflow inbox.  If you select Insert Sequentially or Insert in Parallel. A dialog box is displayed that contains a list of all the elements of the record that already exist as a complete version. . If you have used a process route template.htm 4/18/2012 . and to navigate to the process route log. choose Process Route -> Load as Template. To start the search. To do this. Load Process Route Template: You can load a process route that you have created previously. The dialog box Column Selection is displayed. Result has been processed. Executing a Work Item for a Circular Prerequisites You are entered as an agent for a process item in a process route.  If you chooseLoad Process Route Template.  Create Note: You can create relevant notes for the circular step. You can show and hide columns. you can make userhowever. Choose . You can choose to navigate to the workflow log. you receive a work item to notify you that the process has been completed. use to check the process route. if you have saved that process route as a process route template. To use a process route template. For an explanation of the individual fields. choose . double click on it in the hit list.SAP Records Management Page 30 of 99 which your cursor is currently positioned. choose . Choose Start Circular. In addition. the next agent in the route receives a work item. The new process route item or the selected process route template is displayed in an overview tree. and then save. To refresh the process route display. The agent of the preceding process route item has executed and completed their work item. save your column view by choosing application. Assign the process route to a process route template group (process route template groups are used for improved user orientation. so that your view is displayed the next time you call the Choose the green arrow to navigate back to the circular. and are created in Customizing). you can determine the properties of the new process route item. To make user-specific settings for the columns. Confirm your entries by choosing . If all process route items have been completed. use the field help. In the lower screen area. you can then make any required changes to it. a search template is displayed in which you can restrict the search for existing process route templates. so that you can reuse it later. When you have added all the process route items. You can save the process route you have created as a process route template. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. choose . In the default setting.htm 4/18/2012 . Select an element and execute an activity function by choosing the appropriate pushbutton. If a circular has been ended. choose Management as an attachment. even if not all of the process route items have been completed. A dialog box is then displayed. in which you have . (this replaces the button). The text of the work item contains an option to link to the circular and the process route. This step explicitly closes the circular. In the middle screen area. You can display the elements by double clicking on them. The activity function you have selected is displayed one hierarchy level below the element. and choose Inbox -> Workflow. along file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. This can be at any time. The person who started the circular can also use this step to end the circular. To create a new element as an attachment. You have a work item in your workflow inbox that contains the processing of a process route item. Execute an activity function for each element. If necessary. choose of the circular. On the far right there are the pushbuttons with the activity functions. This screen is divided into three areas: In the upper screen area. this is displayed in the header data of the process route. Choose Complete Circular Step. create one or more attachments in the lower screen area. If you are the last processor in the process route. If other agents have already processed the circular before you. Execute the work item. the elements for you to process are displayed. The system displays the Circular screen. . your entry is added under the entries of your predecessors. The attachments are also visible for all subsequent processors The work item is completed. choose Circular and then Complete. You are back in the Business Workplace. the link to the record from which the circular has been created is always included. The lower screen area contains the attachments for the circular. The user who is entered as the next agent for a process route item receives a work item. You can double click to open the attachments. the processing steps and the corresponding processors of the circular are displayed.SAP Records Management Page 31 of 99 Procedure Open Business Workplace (transaction SBWP). and then choose The description of the file plan position is entered as a value in the input field. Note for the attributes Record Number and Unique Name You can generate the record number of a record or the unique ID of a document. The dialog box for searching for file plans is displayed. The generation rule determines the schema that the record number is based on. You can then use the attribute values to search for elements (see Searching). file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. and file plans (known collectively as “Records Management documents”). The system generates the unique ID from the elements that you defined in Customizing in the generation rule. you determine which attributes are assigned to which Records Management documents. Perform a search. By choosing or you can add or remove file plan items. The procedure is described in Generating Record Numbers. Features Note for the attribute Keyword: The keyword catalog is a standard function of a document management system. documents.SAP Records Management Page 32 of 99 with the name of the user who ended it. and select a file plan from the hit list. Note for the attribute File Plan Position Choose the input help for the field File Plan Item. For detailed information about the procedure. to which you want to assign the Records Management document. Documents can be assigned to semantic categories by means of keywords. Integration The dialog box for assigning attribute values is displayed when you:  Save a new Records Management document for the first time. record models.  Use to display the attributes for a Records Management document. Assigning Attribute Values Use You can assign attribute values to all elements. see Assigning Keywords. A uniform assignment of keywords ensures that documents are found quicker and easier. The following text provides information on the dialog box that is displayed when you assign attribute values for records.htm 4/18/2012 . Attributes provide the user with information on a Records Management document. In Customizing. . The dialog box Select Plan Element is displayed. Select a file plan and choose . Document Attributes. choose . If the type of the rule element does not require you to enter values. the function Print is In the change mode of the record browser. The system displays the dialog boxAssign Keywords. choose The system displays the dialog box Create Attributes. Choose . choose The system displays the dialog box Display Attributes. or when you create records or documents. . . select the input help. . In addition. Double-click the relevant keyword to include it in the box Selected Keywords. you can check whether the specified attributes are correct. To complete the generation process. Click the arrow on the left-hand side to select a keyword catalog in the dropdown box. The dialog box for selecting a generation rule is displayed. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.SAP Records Management Page 33 of 99 If you choose available. Choose the input help for Unique ID. choose Generating Record Numbers and Document Numbers In change mode.  If you have to enter values. For the Keyword attribute. All keywords are assigned to the selected document in the record browser. the dialog box Entry for Generation Rule is displayed. You can include multiple keywords in this box. choose . To add keywords. Depending on the catalog properties. keywords can be edited and new keywords can be added. You can select the flag Superordinate Keywords to additionally include all superordinate keywords. the record number is generated automatically. Select a rule and choose  Attributes.htm 4/18/2012 . To delete keywords. Enter your attribute values. In the context menu. there are two functions that you can select in the field Unique ID: Use Current Default: When the record number is assigned. documents. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. choose the activity Search. or choose . The search is based on the selected element type. For some attribute values you can make a multiple selection. This means that the unique ID is generated automatically. You can also use the wild card (*) selection. proceed as follows: Various attribute values such as Short Description. record models. In the dialog box Display Attributes. this value cannot be changed when record numbers are regenerated. and Time Changed are available. Depending on the specified generation rule. This search interface is described below.   New Default: You can change the specified default.htm 4/18/2012 . documents. in which you can restrict your search by entering attribute values. record models. or file plans. Language. The hit list then only contains elements that have these attribute values. or file plans. Choose Start Search. see Activities for Element Types and Elements. Activities In the area Role-Based View. The search interface is the same whether you are searching for records. notes. notes. various dialog boxes are displayed for entering values. The search result is displayed in the lower window. To search using attribute values. position the cursor on an element type of the type records. the system searches for all elements that belong to the element type. Record Number. A dialog box is displayed where you can select values and intervals. choose Searching Use The Find activity is offered for all element types.SAP Records Management Page 34 of 99 Use the input help to select the corresponding values. If you select Default. For a description of the Find activity for all other elements. If you do not enter an attribute value. You do not need to make an entry since the value has already been specified. or . To activate these functions. A dialog box is displayed. Keyword. the specified default value is used. or use the input help to select the attribute values. select the input help.. The system displays the dialog box for the search. select one or more keywords. The selected keyword catalog is displayed in the group box Keywords. The checkbox is selected in the standard setting. see Searching by Keywords. start the search query for records or documents. In the group box Keyword Catalog. The keyword catalog is displayed. the keywords that you cannot use are displayed. In the Organizer. choose . A dialog box is displayed. use the selection list on the top left-hand side to select a keyword catalog. The version number of the element is displayed in the Version column. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. If you selected Permitted Terms from the selection list on the top right-hand side. If you deselect the checkbox. the keywords that you can use for the search are displayed. If you selected Non-Permitted Terms. the attribute Keyword is available. you can save the search variants by using . Saving Search Variants If you plan to search regularly by using the same entries.SAP Records Management Page 35 of 99 Make your selection and choose the history. This means that only you have access to the search variants. If you select a keyword in a lower hierarchy level. For more information. . To use the key words for the search. Choose the input help for the keyword. The selected element is displayed in the organizer and is added to Special Functions Keyword catalog Provided that a keyword catalog was created in Customizing. The default setting is that the permitted terms are displayed. You can select the search variants that you saved by choosing Select Search Variant. or only the current versions. In the keyword catalog.. all versions are listed in the hit list. You can save any number of search queries. The search query is saved personally. In the Keyword field. all the keywords above this word in the hierarchy are also selected. Searching by Keywords Start.htm 4/18/2012 . Access to old versions You can use the field Only Current Versions to determine whether old versions of the elements are also included in the hit list. the element types are each assigned to a model node in the overview tree of the record. file plans. place the cursor on the relevant node and choose Activities. In the Records Organizer standard setting. The keyword is copied to the group box Selected Keywords. the element is displayed in the History area. You can also include element types in your Favorites list. Activities for Element Types and Elements To access the list of activities for an element type or an element. For this reason it is described here centrally. the element types are displayed in the Role-based View area.htm 4/18/2012 . select the keywords that you want to use for the search and choose . The model node symbol ( ) changes to the symbol of the element. under the node of the corresponding Type. After one of the listed activities has been executed. Choose Start Search. Activities for Element Types The activities for element types are used for checking new elements into Records Management. The activities in the list depend on which element type or element the cursor is currently positioned. or searching for elements that have already been checked in. In the Records Browser. In the group box Selected Keywords. and circulars. the element is moved to the position of the model node. Repeat step 4 for all keywords that you want to use for the search. select Superordinate Keywords. After one of the listed activities has been executed.) The following provides you with information about the context menu activities for all other standard element types and elements. The hit list is displayed. and the POID Directory ID of the element type. in the second level of the overview tree. or open the context menu. (The information contains primarily technical specifications. For a description of the activities for records. record models. The Information activity is offered for all element types. If you want to use the keywords of the superordinate node for the search as well. documents.SAP Records Management Page 36 of 99 In the keyword catalog. select the keyword that you want to use for the search by double-clicking it. The selected keywords are included in the attribute search.) A dialog box is displayed that contains the following:  ID and name of the element type  Technical Information: The complete Persistent Object ID (POID) of the element type in XML format. (The activities in the context menu match the activities in the toolbar. and is intended for the Records Management administrator. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. see the relevant section about the editing tools. elements can also be inserted in the Role-Based View area. and the POID Directory ID of the element. The inserted elements appear in the overview tree of the record in the Records Browser. Use the input help to select a document area. The documents are ordered in a hierarchy according to document type. The hit list is displayed. For this reason it is described here centrally. Position the cursor on a document and choose The document is inserted in the record.  Technical Information: The complete Persistent Object ID (POID) of the element in XML format. and is intended for the Records Management administrator. and use the search parameters to restrict your search. or Excel document. and that is already stored in a storage system. The Document Finder is displayed.   General Service Provider Information: Attributes and attribute values of the element. Depending on the Customizing settings. Depending on your role. PowerPoint. (The information contains primarily technical specifications. some fields may already contain values. the inserted elements appear in the History area. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 . and link it to a business object. Specific Service Provider Information: Technical attributes and attribute values of the element. Proceed as follows: (export to file). Create You create a new document in Records Management. You can include elements in your Favorites list. You can create a Microsoft Word. ArchiveLink Documents Activities for Element Types Find You use this activity to search for a document that has already been linked to a business object using ArchiveLink. The activity Information is offered for all elements.SAP Records Management Page 37 of 99 Activities for Elements In the Records Organizer. and the ID and name of the corresponding service provider.) A dialog box is displayed that contains the following:  Element Type: ID and name of the element type to which the element belongs. Create Using Scan Program This activity is independent of the settings in Customizing for ArchiveLink (SAP Reference IMG: Basis Services  ArchiveLink  Front End Communication Customizing). For more information. enter the Document Class of the record. For more information. From here. The values for these fields are in the information about a record. the standard setting links the document to an instance of the business object type Record. If you are creating the document starting from the Records Organizer: If no document type has been entered for the current element type in Customizing. Activities for Elements Display file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. the standard setting links the document to an instance of the business object type Record. see the SAP ArchiveLink documentation in the section Basic Customizing. The document is then stored using ArchiveLink and is entered in Records Management. right click to display the context menu. The Editor is displayed. You first need to identify this business object. see the ArchiveLink documentation in the section Customizing Front End Communication. a dialog box is displayed for you to select a document type. and choose Information. Place the cursor on the top node in a record. Load Local File The file selection box for your hard drive is displayed. Select an application. The document is stored using ArchiveLink and is entered in Records Management. This business object instance is the current record. a dialog box is displayed for you to select a document type. The subsequent procedure depends on your starting point for creating the document (from a record or from the Records Organizer). Prerequisite: You have already made the ArchiveLink Customizing settings for the business object type Record and the selected document type. The ID of the record is displayed as the value Document ID. In the dialog box that is displayed. These are the key fields of a record.SAP Records Management Page 38 of 99 Choose Application in the right-hand screen area. A list of Office applications is displayed. and the Record ID. You can determine that you branch directly to the scan program and select a document there. Select a document. proceed as from step 4 of the activity Create. because the document does not yet belong to a record. Save your data.htm 4/18/2012 . If you are creating the document starting from a record: If no document type has been entered for the current element type in Customizing. in which you can create the document. If no business object type has been specified for the current element type in Customizing. and the element type Customizing. If no business object type has been specified for the current element type in Customizing. SAP Records Management Page 39 of 99 The document is displayed in the right-hand screen area. The viewer in which the document is displayed depends on the Customizing settings for the document format. The ECL viewer is used for many formats. For information about how this viewer works, see the SAP Library under SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components  Cross-Application Components  Document Management  Viewer for Displaying Original Application Files. Display Using the ArchiveLink Document Viewer The document is displayed in the Document Viewer in a new session. Business Objects Activities for Element Types Find A dialog box is displayed. The dialog box is predefined by the business object type selected for the element type in Customizing. Enter the unique key for a business object instance. If you do not know the unique key, you can use search template (this function is not available for all business object types). to use a To enable smooth running of the Find activity, the method Existence check must be correctly implemented for the business object type of the respective business object instance. Create Creates a new business object instance. The input template for this business object instance is displayed. The business object instance refers to the business object type that you selected for the element type in Customizing. The business object instance is created in the application system specified for the element type in Customizing. The activity Create is only available if the method for the business object type has been activated for the element type in Customizing (see Service Provider for Business Objects). Activities for Elements Display, Change Calls the appropriate method for the business object type. The screen of the business object instance is displayed. Delete Calls the Delete method for the business object type. Caution: A business object instance only ever has one version. This means you are deleting the entire business object instance. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 SAP Records Management Page 40 of 99 The activities Display, Change, and Delete are only available if the appropriate methods have been activated in Customizing (see above). HCM Infotypes Activities for Element Types Search A dialog box is displayed. The dialog box is split into three areas. These are described below. Confirm each of your entries by choosing Enter.  Employees area. Enter the personnel number of the employee for whom you are creating the personnel Confirm using . The personnel number and name are copied to the dialog box. If you entered the personnel number as the value of the attribute Personnel Number, this number is displayed by the system in the field Personnel Number.   Validity area: Choose one of the two variants: At the time of displaying, the current content of the infotype is always displayed. Instead of the current content of the infotype, the content related to a key date of your choice is shown.   Area Infotype/Subtype: Open the input help and select a new infotype. Some infotypes have subtypes.If this is the case, you must also select a subtype. Example: The infotype Address has the subtypes Permanent address and Temporary address. The number of the infotype/subtype is then copied into the dialog box. If you have selected an infotype that has no subtypes, the subtype field remains empty. Sometimes the infotype is already predetermined in the underlying record model. If this is the case, the field already contains a value. Activities for Elements Display The screen of the infotype/subtype is displayed. To navigate back to the record, choose . Workflows Activities for Element Types file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 SAP Records Management Page 41 of 99 Create Starts the workflow underlying the element type, thus creating an instance of this workflow. When the workflow is started, a number (ID) is generated for the workflow instance. This is inserted into Records Management as an element. Depending on the workflow, a dialog box is displayed for you to enter the input parameters of the workflow. Find A dialog box is displayed for restricting the search. You can enter the following values to restrict the search for workflow instances:  Creation After/Creation Before Enter a date for each of these values. The interval between the two dates refers to the date the workflow instance was created. Only workflow instances created between these two dates will be included in the hit list. The default value is always the current date.  Status Use the input help to select a status. Only workflow instances in this status will be included in the hit list.  Agents Enter the user name of an agent. Only the workflow instances that are currently being edited by the person specified will be included in the hit list. If you do not make any entries, the system searches for all workflow instances of the element type. Activities for Elements Display The workflow log is displayed for the workflow instance. Work Items Activities for Element Types Search A dialog box is displayed. Here you can select criteria for searching for work items by using the input help. The search result is displayed in a hit list. Select a work item and choose . Information The Information screen is displayed. This screen displays general information such as the element type ID and the element name, and technical information. Activities for Elements Display file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 Activities for Elements Display You go to the selected transaction. Execute A new screen is displayed where you can process the work item. Use the input help to select the user and then choose . the variant of the report that you want to insert into file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. if applicable. The transaction is displayed. Transactions Activities for Element Types Find A dialog box is displayed.SAP Records Management Page 42 of 99 A new screen is displayed where the work item is displayed. Display in new session The screen where the work item is displayed is opened in a new session. choose . and confirm it. To navigate back to the record. Enter the transaction code for the transaction that you want to include in the record. This screen displays general information such as the element type ID and the element name. Log Information The Workflow Log screen is displayed.htm 4/18/2012 . Information The Information screen is displayed. Forward The Select Processor dialog box is displayed. Reports Activities for Element Types Find A dialog box is displayed. Enter the name and. Work items that require deadline action cannot be forwarded. and technical information. Change A dialog box is displayed in which you can change the URL and/or the description. Activities for Elements Display The Internet/Intranet page is displayed in the right screen area. and a description for the URL. Create You create a new URL as an element in Records Management. The screen output of the report is displayed. Enter the note. or a description of the URL.SAP Records Management Page 43 of 99 Records Management (the latter is optional). file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. As a search parameter. Activities for Element Types Find Search for a URL that has already been checked into Records Management. A dialog box is displayed containing the hit list. Save your entries using . Notes Activities for Element Types Create The note editor is displayed in the right screen area. A dialog box is displayed. The screen output of the report is displayed. You can double click to copy the element to your History. Enter the address of an Internet/Intranet page (URL) that you want to integrate. Delete The element for the URL is deleted from Records Management. enter either the URL.htm 4/18/2012 . To navigate back to the record. choose Activities for Elements Display The report is executed. A dialog box is displayed. Search A dialog box is displayed for restricting the search. These attribute values should include a note regarding the storage location of the paper document. Delete All versions of the note are deleted. and so on). you can electronically manage documents that do not yet exist in electronic format. In this way. For a description of the dialog box. This function is only possible if the content model underlying the element type of this note is transportable.htm 4/18/2012 . Use the input help to select a transport request. Change The note is displayed in the right screen area. Last Changed By. and therefore group together documents that are thematically linked.SAP Records Management Page 44 of 99 Find A dialog box is displayed for restricting the search. Activities for Elements Display The note is displayed in the right screen area. Activities for Elements file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. independently of the media in which they exist. see Searching. and you can edit it. For a description of the dialog box. Administration Data of Paper Documents Activities for Element Types Create A dialog box is displayed in which you can enter the attribute values for a paper document. see Assigning Attribute Values. you can only search using the attributes that have values allocated by the system (Created By. Because you cannot enter any attribute values for notes. see Searching. You cannot change it. For a description of the dialog box. Other Functions  Transport Entry A dialog box is displayed. The IMG is divided into the following structure nodes:  Basic Customizing The central basic Customizing for Records Managements involves setting up element types in the registry maintenance.SAP Records Management Page 45 of 99 Display A dialog box is displayed containing the attribute values of the paper document. for example). Change A dialog box is displayed containing the attribute values of the paper document. Upload your document. You can select a document or a record in the list and display it. choose: SAP Web Application Server  Basis Services  Records Management. Delete Deletes the attribute values of the paper document. The file selection window for your hard drive is displayed. The selection Convert Electronically appears in the context menu only for paper documents without digital content. Convert Electronically In the history.htm 4/18/2012 . When you display a record. If the Enterprise Portal is not used. choose . it displays a search interface that you can use to retrieve records and documents. Activities When the iView is started. For more information on executing the activities. or a record component. To go back. see the online documentation in the IMG. In the IMG. Display in the E nterprise Portal Use You can integrate the functions for retrieving and maintaining records and documents from Records Management into the Enterprise Portal. C ustomiz ing You make the Customizing settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG). A list of records or documents is displayed that match the specified search criteria. You can change the maintainable attributes (see Assigning Attribute Values). choose Convert Electronicallyin the context menu of the paper document. Choose Search. if you do not want to use the Enterprise Portal. Creating element types requires knowledge of the service providers supplied by SAP and file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The paper document can now be edited in the document display. Prereq uisites You have made the Customizing settings for the Web display (see Web Display). Alternatively. you can access these functions directly by means of the browser. This documentation contains important background information that you need for Customizing. you have to enter the URL specified by the system administrator in your browser (by linking to the intranet. a document. a new dialog opens that displays the selected element. Each person who receives record elements as part of the process route has to execute a specified activity. see Web Display Customizing. We do. For more information.  Customizing for record models. records. see Workflow Customizing for the Process Route. For more information.SAP Records Management Page 46 of 99 their connection parameters. see Back End of the Generic Service Provider. records. A circular is an electronic folder that contains selected elements of a record and is sent for circulation. Users select the elements when they create the circular. see Standard Service Providers Supplied and read the sections on the individual service providers. Since the process route is based on the business workflow. For more information.  Customizing for the circular This is only relevant if you want to implement the circular. see Creating a Record Model. because you need to assign values to the connection parameters when you create element types. For these elements you have to determine the storage strategy and perform the relevant Customizing.  Customizing for attributes This is only relevant if you have implemented your own service provider or if you have added attributes to the default service providers. you need to make some additional settings. The process route is an ad-hoc workflow that can be created from a record and that defines a circulation route for elements in the record. recommend that you set up role-based views. For more information. The user then uses the process route to determine which employees will receive the circular and which activities they will perform. and documents Record models. you also have to perform the basic workflow Customizing for the IMG activities. For more information. see Setting Up the Keyword Catalog and Creating and Displaying Generation Rules.  Customizing for the Records Organizer The IMG activities are not mandatory. If you want to use Web display. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. however.htm 4/18/2012 .  Customizing for the process route This is only relevant if you want to implement the process route. To create records you have to create at least one record model. All other IMG activities refer to services that you can use. For more information.  Customizing for status management This is only relevant if you want to implement status management. and documents are created in Records Management. or the Internet. The service providers in this category are:        Service provider for business objects Service provider for ArchiveLink documents Service provider for transactions Service provider for reports Service provider for HCM infotypes Service provider for URLs  Service providers whose elements support processes in record processing. The parameter values of the service providers are documented in the subsequent sections. external systems. The service providers in this category are:  Service provider for records Service provider for record models Service provider for documents Service provider for document templates Service provider for notes Service provider for administration data of paper documents Service provider for file plans  Service providers whose elements are integrated from other SAP application systems. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. the generic service provider. All service providers have the parameter groups described below.SAP Records Management Page 47 of 99 Standard Service Providers Supplied SAP supplies standard service providers. which can be split into three groups:  Service providers whose elements are created within Records Management They are therefore all based on the same back end. The service providers in this category are:       Service Provider for Circulars Service provider for business workflows Service provider for work items   Service Provider Parameters Service providers must have particular parameters before they can be registered in the Records Management Framework.htm 4/18/2012 . These parameters belong to the implementation of a service provider. if an element type that you have assigned to the model node belongs to a service provider that has published context parameters. see Editing Tool for Record Models: The Records Modeler. For more information. see Using the Knowledge Provider for Storage. For each element type you can decide which storage strategy to use for the elements (see below). Context parameters that can have more than one value are listed ten times as a standard setting.htm 4/18/2012 . These are described in the sections for each service provider. They determine which element types can be created. the connection parameters of the service provider must have values. The SP POID parameters. Back End of the Generic Service Provider The following service providers are all based on the back end of the generic service provider:  Service provider for records    Service provider for record models Service provider for documents Service provider for notes  Service provider for document templates  Service provider for administration data of paper documents  Service provider for file plans The elements of these service providers are all created within Records Management. Connection Parameters You need to assign values to connection parameters in registry maintenance when creating element types. KPro is the SAP generic document infrastructure. The system automatically writes the context parameters in the attribute list for this model node. the element type ID. give the DOC_PROVIDER_SPACE parameter a value. The service providers differ in the visualization of the elements but they are all based on the same back end. ignore this parameter. The SP POID parameters are automatically assigned values when an element is created. Not all service providers publish context parameters. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. POID stands for Persistent Object ID. Context Parameters Context parameters enable transfer of information from one service provider to another. DOCUMENT_CLASS You give this parameter a value only if you choose to use the Knowledge Provider (BC-SRV-KPR) (KPro) to store your documents. Values for the context parameters are either assigned automatically by the program. Additionally. The service providers listed above have all the connection parameters that are documented in the following section. Assigning values for context parameters is optional. some have other connection parameters. and the RMS ID together identify an individual element. Before you can create an element type. To do this. Connection Parameters The connection parameters limit the amount of elements of a service provider. or are entered by the user in the Records Modeler when creating a record model. For more information. and is not carried out when creating element types. If you do not want to use Knowledge Provider. you need to know which values are possible for the connection parameters of each service provider. In the Records Modeler.SAP Records Management Page 48 of 99 SP POID Parameters (SP stands for service provider. This background information is provided in the individual sections on each service provider. instead. context parameters are automatically displayed for which you can enter values. (For information about content models. which uniquely identify an element: Document ID KPro storage option: The document ID is composed of the name of the document class (name of the content model) and the object ID (GUID) for the logical information object. For more information. GENSP_QUERY_EXT This parameter refers to the display by means of Business Server Pages (BSPs). which is available on a long-term basis. These are described in the sections for each service provider. Only fill it with a value if you use this display option. This parameter is. In KPro. which are based on the generic service provider. Context Parameters You do not enter values for the context parameters in registry maintenance.  Save as new version A new version is created from the current state. To view old versions. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The versions are numbered which are based on the generic service provider. which is overridden by user setting versions. You can always access the current version by entering 0. these are optional and are entered when creating record models. TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_PRINT This parameter is only relevant in the service provider for documents (see Service Provider for Documents) and in the service provider for notes (see Service Provider for Notes).SAP Records Management Page 49 of 99 DOC_PROVIDER_SPACE You give this parameter a value only if you choose a document storage system other than Knowledge Provider. The service providers listed above. see Using WebDAV for Storage. Variant Number of the variant In addition to different content versions. all have the context parameter DOC_PROPERTIES. The user has two options when saving:  Save The current version is overwritten with the current state. use WebDAV (Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) to store documents on the portal server. see Standard Content Models for Records Management. deactivate the Only Current Results indicator in the search dialog box. SP POID Parameters The service providers listed above. Additionally. For more information. a new version is created each time the content is changed. however. some of the service providers have other context parameters. instead. As the value. see SAP Service Marketplace at service. all have the following SP POID  Media Center.htm 4/18/2012 . a document can also exist in different languages or different formats. for example. The back end of the generic service provider supports its own version concept. enter the name of a class that configures the search attributes.) WebDAV storage option: URL of the document Version Number of the content version A document can be subject to frequent changes in content. You can. not relevant for Customizing. The KPro enables versions to be created and attributes to be assigned for elements. variants are numbered consecutively. A content model is a definition for documents with a common structure. There is no structured amount of variants. For more information on content models. or in external storage systems. PHIOs represent the versions and variants of a document. The storage location can be a content server or the SAP database.  A physical information object class (PHIO class) Determines the properties (including the attributes) of the physical information object. see Standard Content Models for Records Management. You characterize a content model by assigning values to particular attributes when storing individual documents. The documents can be stored either in the SAP database. More than one PHIO can be related to a logical information object. see the Document Modeling Workbench documentation. Using the Knowledge Provider for Storage You can use the Knowledge Provider (KPro) to store elements that are based on the back end of the generic. but it groups together all physical information objects (see below) of a document. In the content model. Records Management currently only supports one variant for each version. enter the name of the logical information object class (LOIO class) of a content model. Standard Content Models for Records Management Structure of a Content Model A content model is a definition for documents with a common structure.  A connection area Determines possible relations. For more information about content models.htm 4/18/2012 . The LOIO represents the whole document and is identified by an ID generated by the system.  Associated information object attributes (IO attributes) file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Assigning a Value to the Connection Parameter DOCUMENT_CLASS As this value. You can always access the current variant by entering 0. A logical information object (LOIO) does not have any content.SAP Records Management Page 50 of 99 These non-content-related versions are called variants. the attributes and the storage location are determined. As with versions.  Associated relation classes Determine the semantics of possible relations. A content model consists of the following parts:  A logical information object class (LOIO class) Determines the properties (including the attributes) of the logical information object. A physical information object (PHIO) is an information object with content. Attributes of an LOIO class (in short: LOIO attributes) apply to the whole document. All classes are virtual as well as real classes. Content Model Name SRM_REC00 SRM_REC01 SRM_RCD08 SRM_RCP06 SRM_DOC04 SRM_DOC05 SRM_DCD09 SRM_MOD02 SRM_FPL03 Contents M T LOIO class name SRM_REC00 SRM_REC01 SRM_RCD08 SRM_RCP06 SRM_DOC04 SRM_DOC05 SRM_DCD09 SRM_MOD02 SRM_FPL03 Name of virtual LOIO class from which properties are inherited SRM_RECORDS_V SRM_DEMO_RECORDS_V SRM_RECORD_DOM_V SRM_P_RECORD_V SRM_DOCUMENTS_V SRM_DEMO_DOCUMENTS_V SRM_DOCUMENTS_DOM_V SRM_MODEL_V SRM_FILEPLAN_V PHIO class name SRM_RECP00 SRM_RECP01 SRM_RCDP08 SRM_RCPP06 SRM_DOCP04 SRM_DOCP05 SRM_DCDP09 SRM_MODP02 SRM_FPLP03 Name of virtual PHIO class from which properties are inherited SRM_RECORDS_PH_V SRM_DEMO_RECORDS_PH_V SRM_RECORD_PH_V SRM_P_RECORD_PH_V SRM_DOCUMENTS_PH_V SRM_DEMO_DOCUMENTS_PH_V SRM_DOCUMENTS_DOM_PH_V SRM_MODEL_PH_V. or create your own content models. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. If an LOIO attribute value is changed by the user in one version of the document.SAP Records Management Page 51 of 99 Attributes that can be used for both the LOIO and the PHIO classes. The virtual class is a template class that can transfer properties to other virtual classes and to real classes. DOMEA records/DOMEA documents: Contain attributes required by DOMEA. Content Models Supplied SAP supplies standard content models for elements that are based on the back end of the generic service provider. The virtual classes are identified by a V on the end of the name.htm 4/18/2012 . When creating element types. You can either use these content models unchanged. Note: There are no specific content models for notes or for administration data of paper documents. the name of the LOIO class must be entered as a value for the connection parameter DOCUMENT_CLASS. The table below provides an overview of the content models for Records Management that are supplied by SAP. You can view the standard content models in the Document Modeling Workbench (see Displaying Standard Content Models for Records Management). Do not change these. the value is also changed in all previous versions of the document. For each LOIO attribute there is only one LOIO attribute value. the value is also changed in all previous versions of the document.) Demo records/Demo documents: Supplied by SAP as examples. If a PHIO attribute value is changed by the user in one version of the document. because you can use the same content model as normal documents for notes and administration data. Attributes of a PHIO class (in short: PHIO attributes) are saved for each PHIO. (The DOMEA concept is a German standard for the paper-free processing of electronic records in public authorities. For more information on creating your own content models. SRM_FILEPLAN_PH_V Records Demo records DOMEA records Personnel records Documents Demo documents DOMEA documents Record Models File Plans + + + + + - + + + + Key:     M: Client-specific T: Elements based on this content model are transportable (content models themselves are transportable). see Creating and Editing a New Content Model. htm 4/18/2012 . This is particularly useful for finding out about the attributes assigned using a content model. see Document Modeling Workbench. To navigate to the DMWB. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. For more information. The attributes that are selected in the Mandatory column must have values assigned. Procedure Content models are displayed in the Document Modeling Workbench (DMWB). open the assigned PHIO class. On the tab page Instance Attributes. all the application attributes are displayed that can be assigned values when creating individual information objects. To view the attributes of the content model. call transaction DMWB. Expand the nodes of the virtual classes until you reach the relevant real class (not in the document area SRMU). Proceed as follows: Expand the node PHIO Classes. the detailed information of the content model is displayed in the right-hand screen area. All standard content models for Records Management that are not client-specific are in the document area SRMU. If you double-click the name. By double clicking a name you reach the detailed information of the LOIO class. The real PHIO class is displayed. including the name of the assigned PHIO class (tab page Free attributes: Value of attribute SRM_PHIOCLASS). are in the document area SRM. expand the node SRM/SRMU in the column Entity name. Expand the node LOIO classes. Expand the nodes of the virtual classes until you reach the relevant real class (not in the document area SRMU). All client-specific standard content models for Records Management are in the document area SRM. The real LOIO class is displayed (the name is the name of the SAP content model). proceed as follows: On the left-hand side of the screen. All attributes written in blue have been inherited by the PHIO class from the virtual classes.SAP Records Management Page 52 of 99 Displaying Standard Content Models for Records Management Use You display the standard content models for Records Management when you require detailed information. To view a standard content model for Records Management. All virtual classes. The default setting is a screen displaying the document spaces. for both client-specific and non-client-specific content models. The following graphic shows an example of an inheritance tree for content models. the system creates the following objects when the wizard is run:  A content model template that is exactly the same as the selected SAP content model. If you enter a name prefix that has already been allocated. To access this wizard. but which can be changed. If you modify the content model. When you create a content model. this content model is also based on an additional content model template.SAP Records Management Page 53 of 99 All attributes written in black have been specifically created in this PHIO class. This illustrates the relationship between an SAP standard content model. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.  A content model that inherits from the customer content model template.htm 4/18/2012 . Records. you have to enter a name prefix and select an SAP-supplied content model as a template. the system only creates one content model (and corresponding template). and content models. a screen is displayed with more detailed information on the attribute. If you double-click an attribute. you must always change the corresponding template. Changes to the customer content model template affect all inheriting content models. If you enter a prefix that is not yet allocated. In the wizard for creating content models. navigate to the IMG and choose SAP Web Application Server  Basis Services  Records Management  Customizing for Record Models. these content models are used as templates. and Documents  Create Content Model (transaction SRMCMCREATE). For technical reasons. Creating and Editing a New Content Model Creating a Content Model SAP provides a wizard for creating new content models. SAP supplies at least one content model (see Content Models for Records Management). You need to use the wizard once for every content model created. This inherits from the customer content model template that already exists with this prefix. including the short text. customer content model templates. The name prefix must be in the customer namespace. Prerequisites The following steps are prerequisites for creating a content model: Understand the concept of inheriting from content models For every standard service provider that is based on the generic service provider. If you are creating the content model on the target host. a package and a workbench transport request must already exist. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. however. and contains the following steps: Model description Enter the following data:      Description text for the content model Package for development objects Transport request Name prefix for development objects (must always begin with “Z” in the customer system) Prefix for the descriptions of the created tables. also possible for two content models derived from the same template to share a table record. the package and the request can be local – otherwise the package must be transportable. you need to specify development packages.SAP Records Management Page 54 of 99 Determine package and transport request In the wizard for creating content models. The wizard is displayed. Therefore. The wizard therefore offers the option of using storage tables from an existing record. Using the wizard Call the IMG activity Create Content Model. This is useful if the individual content models only contain a small amount of data. SAP content model template Select one of the standard content models supplied by SAP. You normally need to create a table record for each content model. Metadata storage (optional) A database table record is required for storing administration data (or “metadata”).htm 4/18/2012 . It is. and the request must have a corresponding target. see the online documentation for the IMG activity. The content server needs to be set up by an expert. you have to register the class CL_SRM_GENERIC_SP2. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. For a step-by-step guide to maintaining the attributes.) You must have already created the document provider space. Maintaining Attributes of a Content Model Call the IMG activity Create or Change Content Model Attributes. In this case. Support Package 4). Assigning a Value to the Connection Parameter DOC_PROVIDER_SPACE For the value of the parameter DOC_PROVIDER_SPACE.) Registering a New Service Provider To store elements by using WebDAV. This can be realized using normal database tables (in the simplest case). For technical reasons. This name is also used internally as the name of the content model. you must maintain the attributes in the template directly above the model. You can use one content model for one or more element types. The dialog box that is displayed after the content model has been completed contains the name of the logical document class (LOIO class) created by the wizard. You can maintain attributes for the customer content model. (Exceptions: Record models and document templates cannot be stored by using the WebDAV protocol. more detailed configuration is required. or an HTTP content server. When creating the element type for the content model. Using WebDAV for Storage You can use the WebDAV protocol to store the elements that are based on the back end of the generic service provider on the SAP portal server (as of version 5. You create the element types within the new service provider. You can also only maintain the attributes for individual content models. which the wizard cannot perform. the wizard performs the storage of the necessary tables and administration information. the element type then becomes merely a subdivision of documents that are otherwise stored in the same way and in the same tables. If you use one content model for more than one element type. you have to restart the transaction to select a new area. The Document Modeling Workbench is displayed (transaction DMWB). Creating a Document Provider Space for the Service Provider SGDMA_GSP_WEBDAV In the registry maintenance. which inherits directly from an SAP content model. When storing content in an R/3 database. the changes are also valid for all content models below this one in the hierarchy. we recommend that you create your own content model for each element type.SAP Records Management Page 55 of 99 Content storage The content (not the metadata) of documents needs to be stored separately. To optimize performance.htm 4/18/2012 . End The content model is created. enter an element type service provider SGDMA_GSP_WEBDAV in the area S_AREA_GDMA. You also have to create an element type in the system for each content model. (Element types of service providers in the area S_AREA_GDMA are called document provider spaces. and not in the content model itself. switch to the area S_AREA_GDMA. you have to create a new service provider for the standard service provider. The wizard only prepares the content model for connection to a server of this type. Note that if you opened the registry in Customizing mode. In addition. you need to enter this name as a value for the parameter DOCUMENT_CLASS. The new service provider must contain all the classes that the standard service provider contains. If you are using a content server. The log can only be written if you enter a file name. instead you must use the Knowledge Provider. the record is an element like any other element. and which properties these attributes have.SAP Records Management Page 56 of 99 Place the cursor on the service provider SGDMA_GSP_WEBDAV and choose Create Element Type in the context menu. Enter values for the connection parameters BASE_URL. Records can therefore be nested at any level. if necessary. As the value. Connection Parameters See Back End of the Generic Service Provider. Assign a file name for storing the log. Since a value of a connection parameter must have a maximum of 128 characters. Service Provider for Record Models The service provider for record models provides all activities relevant to record models in the Records Modeler. Additional context parameter: RELATION_ID Not relevant for Customizing. Do not use the WebDAV to store record models. If you do not maintain the table. use the IMG activity WebDAV Storage: Determine Attributes and Their Properties. Additional connection parameters: file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. enter a URL that points to a folder on the WebDAV server.htm 4/18/2012 . the system uses the default entries (document provider space SGDMA_DEFAULT_DPS_WEBDAV with default attributes). Assigning Attributes to the Elements You can assign attributes to the elements. Context Parameters See Back End of the Generic Service Provider. Service Provider for Records The service provider for records provides all activities relevant to records in the Records Browser. Connection Parameters See Back End of the Generic Service Provider. The WebDAV commands are logged. In this activity you determine for each document provider space of the service provider SGDMA_GSP_WEBDAV which attributes apply to the documents. Enter a value for the connection parameter LOG_FILE. BASE_URL_PART2 and BASE_URL_PART3. For this reason it is possible that the record contains elements but at the same time can be included as an element in another record. In the service provider concept. To do so. you can split the URL into three connection parameter values. and all printable documents including their attributes are printed. Context Parameters CURRENT_ACTIVITY Not relevant for Customizing. The default setting is that the default service provider for record models (SRM_SP_MODEL) is entered as the template service provider. The connection parameter MODEL_ID is obligatory and can have multiple values assigned to it. TEMPLATE_REC_PRINT This parameter refers to the print functions of the record. If you do not enter a name. Users cannot choose between several different record models. MODEL_ID The context parameter MODEL_ID is related to the connection parameter of the same name. This form is used for printing the record. you enter this as a template service provider. you establish the following: When users create records using this model node. see the online documentation in the IMG for customizing status management. If you enter more than one record model. You make this entry in the service provider for records on the tab page Properties. the structure of the record. If the user then creates a record of this element type. You can only enter the ID of a record model that you have also entered in the connection parameter MODEL_ID of the corresponding element type. if you have created a model node to which you have assigned an element type of the service provider for records. Note that the interface must be the same as the interface of the default form. The document ID is composed of the document class of the record model (name of the LOIO class of the content model) and the object ID (GUID) of the record model. the system enters the document ID automatically as a value for the connection parameter MODEL_ID. If you use a different service provider for your record models. If you want to create your own form. Note that the service provider of the specified record model must be entered in the service provider for records as a template service provider.htm 4/18/2012 . You can call up this Information in the activity Information on the record model. Enter the name of Smart Form. the system uses the default form SRM_RECORD_PRINT_FORMULAR. these are displayed in a dialog box for selection when the user creates a record. STATE_PROFILE_ID As the value. Service Provider for Documents file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. You can assign values to the context parameter MODEL_ID when creating a record model (this is optional). assign the name of a status profile that you created in the IMG activity Define Status Profile. When a record is printed. he or she can maintain the attribute Status in the dialog box for attribute maintenance. By entering values for this parameter in the record model. the records created are always based on the record model that you entered as a value for the context parameter MODEL_ID. (A document ID consists of the name of the LOIO class of the content model and of the object ID in the form of a GUID. After a record model has been selected. To find out this information. For more information. Enter the document ID of a record model.) The selection dialog box lists all the record models created in the service provider for record models. This determines that all records with this element type are based on this record model. we recommend that you copy the default form and make changes to the copy as you require. It is only useful to assign values to this context parameter if you have entered multiple values for the connection parameter MODEL_ID when creating this element type. you can choose the Information activity for the record model.SAP Records Management Page 57 of 99 MODEL_ID Enter the document ID of a record model. too. You can use the input help for entering the document ID of the record model. TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_PRINT This parameter refers to the print functions of the record. The user can select one of these templates. A document ID is composed of the name of the document class (name of the LOIO class of the content model) and the object ID (GUID). You can use the parameter TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_PRINT to set the layout for printing the attributes of a document. the system uses the default form SRM_DOC_PROP_PRINT_FORMULAR. For the templates you can use the service provider for document templates but this is not mandatory. assign the name of the element type where you created the template documents. we recommend that you copy the default form and make changes to the copy as you require.SAP Records Management Page 58 of 99 The service provider for documents can include documents with various formats in Records Management. To print documents. You can enter between 0 and n template profiles. Only formats that are supported by the conversion server can be printed. TEMPLATE_SPS_ID As the value. When a record is printed. TEMPLATE_PROFILE As the value. an external conversion server must be connected to the SAP system by means of RFC. Note that we recommend that you use only the parameter TEMPLATE_PROFILE and not the parameter TEMPLATE_ID. You must have created all the templates in an element type. If you want to do this. Other formats can be uploaded and downloaded in a simple manner. Connection Parameters See Back End of the Generic Service Provider. assign the name of a template profile that you created in the IMG activity Manage Document Templates. too. The template profile groups together multiple template documents. Office documents and simple documents in the text-edit-control editor can be edited in Records Management. and therefore be managed in a record and edited on the local desktop. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The system then displays a dialog box where all templates of the template profile are listed. and all printable documents including their attributes are printed. The conversion server must support the XDC interface. the user sees in the element type the activity Create with Template. You can enter between 0 and n template documents. Note that the interface must be the same as the interface of the default form. Enter the name of a Smart Form. assign the document ID of a single document that you want to use as a template. To find out this information. you can choose the Information activity for the template document. Documents in non-supported formats are not printed. If at least one template profile is entered. If you do not enter a name. TEMPLATE_ID As the value. If you want to create your own form. The user then no longer sees the activity Create in the element type but only the activity Create with Template. the structure of the record. Additional connection parameters: CREATE_ONLY_VIA_TEMPLATE You can use this parameter to stipulate that the user can create documents only by using document templates. enter the value X. The system does not display an error message in this case.htm 4/18/2012 . SAP Records Management provides the following service especially for these attributes. form fields in a document can be filled using a standard mechanism: In the standard setting. Their name is as follows: SRM_MS_DOC_<technical name of the attribute>. Attribute values are assigned to form fields with the same names. The attributes are also displayed in the attribute maintenance dialog of the document. Users can then search by the attributes. which is available to the user when processing Word documents. As a value. he or she can maintain the attribute Status in the dialog box for attribute maintenance. Service for MS Word Documents Each MS Word document has its own MS Word attributes. The connection parameter FUNCTION_GET_FORM_DATA offers a user exit. assign the name of a status profile that you created in the IMG activity Define Status Profile. The names of the attributes are fixed. Include these attributes in the Customizing table. If you do not enter a value for the connection parameter FUNCTION_GET_FORM_DATA. FUNCTION_GET_FORM_DATA The parameter refers to the icon Set Form Fields. If you want to use this mechanism. but they can only be edited in MS Word. Users can use the service described above if they are editing a document that is based on a content model to which you have assigned the MS Word attributes. enter the name of a function module that reads the data that is to be set in the form fields. Using WebDAV for Storage You define the MS Word attributes in the Customizing table of the IMG activity WebDAV Storage: Determine Attributes and Their Properties for a document provider space. the system reads the data from the attribute values of the record in which the document is integrated. Required Customizing Using the Knowledge Provider for Storage You define the MS Word attributes in a content model for documents. For more information. Description of the Service Users can edit the MS Word attributes in MS Word. The names of the attributes are in the Document Modeling Workbench (IMG activity KPro Storage: Create or Change Attributes of a Content Model) in the area SRM under IO Attributes. SAP already delivers the MS Word attributes. You can edit them in MS Word by choosing File  Properties. For example. see the online documentation for the function module SRM_BDV_GET_FORM_DATA.SAP Records Management Page 59 of 99 STATE_PROFILE_ID As the value. A function module that you have implemented must have the same interface as this example function module. This is entered as a value for the connection parameter FUNCTION_GET_FORM_DATA in the supplied element type SRM_SPS_DOCUMENT. see the online documentation in the IMG for customizing status management. For more information. The entered values are automatically saved as attribute values for the document within Records Management. when creating form fields ensure that you call these exactly the same names as the record attributes that you want the system to transfer into the document. They are in the Document Modeling Workbench (IMG activity KPro Storage: Create or Change Attributes of a Content Model) in the area SRM under IO Attributes. SAP supplies the function module SRM_BDV_GET_FORM_DATA. You can use this symbol to enable automatic filling of form fields in the document.htm 4/18/2012 . file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. If the user then creates a document of this element type. A common example is setting dates in the form fields of a document template. The attribute names are as follows: SRM_MS_DOC_<technical name of the attribute>. the system uses the default form SRM_NOTICE_PROP_PRINT_FORM. and all printable documents including their attributes are printed. we recommend that you copy the default form and make changes to the copy as you require.htm 4/18/2012 . In this way. independently of the media in which they exist. If you digitalize the paper document at a later point in time. too. Service Provider for File Plans The service provider for file plans is only relevant for the public sector. Service Provider for Document Templates The service provider for document templates corresponds to the service provider for documents except that only document templates are created here. Connection Parameters See Back End of the Generic Service Provider. For information about additional connection parameters. you can use the Convert Electronically activity to check the paper documents into Records Management. If you do not enter a name. An element of the service provider for paper documents consists only of the dialog box for attribute maintenance. Service Provider for Administration Data of Paper Documents The service provider for administration data of paper documents enables the electronic administration of attributes of paper documents. The parameters are the same as for the service provider for documents (see Service Provider for Documents). have no attributes that can be maintained. You can use the connection parameter TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_PRINT to set the layout for printing the attributes of a note. The parameters are the same as for the service provider for documents (see Service Provider for Documents). When a record is printed. you can electronically manage documents that do not yet exist in electronic format. Enter the name of a Smart Form. Note that the interface must be the same as the interface of the default form. Connection Parameters See Back End of the Generic Service Provider. Notes are created in the text-edit-control editor and. see the documentation for the Public Sector and Case Management under Enhancements: Service Provider for Record Plans (File Plans). the structure of the record. TEMPLATE_PROPERTY_PRINT This parameter refers to the print functions of the record. The document attributes are retained. and therefore group together documents that are thematically linked.SAP Records Management Page 60 of 99 Users can use the service described above if they are editing a document that is based on the document provider space to which you have assigned the MS Word attributes. Records file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Service Provider for Notes The service provider for notes includes notes in Records Management. as opposed to documents. Here you can create a reference to the actual location of the paper document. If you want to create your own form. SAP Records Management Page 61 of 99 Service Provider for General Search This service provider allows you to perform a cross-element type search for elements of the service providers that are based on the back end of the generic service provider. The BOR is the cross-client repository for business object types. However. Business object types are administrated in the Business Object Repository (BOR). data types of a parameter. the user sees all existing document areas for selection in the document finder. This makes the selection easier for the user. This is because an element can only be included in the record if the corresponding element type is defined in the model node. Within a record. only element types. In this hit list you can choose to select a document. work item). SP POID Parameters BOR_OBJECT_ID: Business object ID BOR_OBJECT_TYPE: Business object type file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. sales organization) and more technically oriented object types (such as text. If you choose the activity Search. The service provider does not have its own elements. this is only possible if the elements have been stored by using the Knowledge Provider. The BOR contains business object types and organizational types (for example company code. Prerequisites for inserting a business object in Records Management: The corresponding business object type has implemented the BOR methods IFSAP~ExistenceCheck and IFSAP~Display. the document finder is displayed (search interface that is also used for ArchiveLink documents). method parameters. and uses a programming interface to provide information about their structure and metadata (key attributes. you limit the selection of the document areas in the document finder to this value. note. is responsible for both the addressing and for calling the methods. If you do not enter a document area. When you create the record model. see the online documentation for the IMG activity Maintain Additional Information for Document Finder Integration. For more information. The aggregated document area must contain the document areas that you entered in the IMG activity Maintain Additional Information for ArchiveLink DocFinder Integration each be assigned to an element type. The runtime environment of the BOR. method names. the Business Object Broker. Business objects are instances of Business Object Types.htm 4/18/2012 . Connection Parameters DOCUMENTSPACE: Aggregated document area of the document finder By entering a value here. You can perform a general search of these element types. It identifies and describes the available business object types. and so on). make sure that in addition to assigning an element type of the service provider for general search to the model node that you also assign the element types that match the hits. The connection parameter DOCUMENTSPACE is not mandatory. and contains their definition and implementation. Service Provider for Business Objects The service provider for business objects can integrate business objects from all SAP application systems into Records Management. the user can choose to include the selected hit in the record. which is then added to Records Management. Note: To view the methods of a business object type. BOR_OBJECT_TYPE Business object type (mandatory) Enter the full name of a business object type. ask your system administrator or create the logical system yourself. To determine the name. SUBTYPE Subtype of the business object (optional) METHOD_BOR_OBJECT_CREATE Method Create (optional). Enter the full name of the method. see the Business Object Browser (transaction SWO3).htm 4/18/2012 . If you want to integrate business objects from the local system. The logical system identifies the system in which the business objects of the selected business object type are stored. use transaction SWO1. An element type always relates to exactly one business object type. To test this in the IMG activity Create or Change Element Types.   file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. METHOD_BOR_OBJECT_DISPLAY Method Display (optional). Enter the full name of the method.SAP Records Management Page 62 of 99 Connection Parameters You enter values for the connection parameters in registry maintenance when you create an element type in the service provider for business objects. For more information. choose Check in the context menu for the service provider for business objects. LOGICAL_SYSTEM Logical system (mandatory) Enter the full name of the logical system. For an overview of all existing business object types. METHOD_BOR_OBJECT_DELETE Method Delete (optional). see Creating a Logical System and an RFC Destination. Enter the full name of the method. The methods do not have any mandatory parameters. The methods can be called remotely. The business object types are organized by component. enter the value “NONE” for the connection parameter “Logical system“. Prerequisites for the methods:  The selected business object type supports the current method. METHOD_BOR_OBJECT_EDIT Method Edit (optional). Enter the full name of the method. Import parameters of the function module:  ACTIVITY_ID.htm 4/18/2012 . TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the element type ID of the business object.SAP Records Management Page 63 of 99  The methods are synchronous. or add your own new activities.    FUNCT_PUBLISH_CUSTOM Function module for publishing activities (optional) Implementing this function module provides a user exit that you can use if you want to enhance the standard activities. initial. The function module returns a list of activities to the SP for business objects.  AREA_POID. TYPE SRMACTBOR: Activity list as a table with the following fields: Activity ID. TYPE STRING: Value of the connection parameter BOR_OBJECT_TYPE BOR_ID. TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the current RMS ID  BOR_SP_POID. Import parameters of the function module:       BOR_TYPE. activity text. which supports the actual methods. TYPE STRING: For model activities “MODEL”. SUBTYPE. Implement a new service provider for the business object. The SP for business objects calls this function module when the context menu of activities is structured. indicator whether the activity is a changing activity. see the function module MY_PUBLISH_CUSTOM_TEST. “INSTANZ” BOR_RMF_POID. SP POID of the business object. Enter the name of a function module. or add your own new activities. TYPE SRMACTID: ID of the activity selected by the user file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. you have the following options:  Use one of the two user exits (see the connection parameters FUNCT_PUBLISH_CUSTOM and FUNCT_EXECUTE_CUSTOM below) Enhance the business object type. Enter the name of a function module that is responsible for executing the previously published activities. TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the business object SP-POID Export parameters of the function module:  ACT_LIST. and for model nodes. The SP for business objects transfers a range of parameters to which you can assign values for executing the activity. Write a new business object type. TYPE STRING: For instance activities. TYPE STRING: Value of the connection parameter LOGICAL_SYSTEM POID_STATE. If the business object type does not support one of the methods specified above. see the function module MY_EXECUTE_CUSTOM_TEST. for instance activities. For an example implementation. TYPE STRING: Value of the connection parameter SUBTYPE LOGICAL_SYSTEM. The SP for business objects transfers a range of parameters that you can use as decision criteria in the function module when deciding which activities you want to offer. The SP for business objects calls this function module when the user calls an activity that has been published using the connection parameter FUNCT_PUBLISH_CUSTOM. For an example implementation. FUNCT_EXECUTE_CUSTOM Function module for executing activities (optional) Implementing this function module provides a user exit that you can use if you want to enhance the standard activities. but you need one of these methods. see SAP Note 701300. For more information. initial. SUBTYPE. AREA_POID. TYPE STRING: For model activities “MODEL”. TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the SP-POID parameter of the superordinate record. SP POID of the BOR object. SOURCE_SP_POID. TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the business object SP-POID  ANCHOR. using a BAPI. instead. TYPE BAPIRET2: Table with the following error messages. If the business object type supports the DRB. TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the current RMS ID  BOR_SP_POID.htm 4/18/2012 . for instance activities. TYPE STRING: Value of the context attribute ANCHOR The following import parameters refer to the record containing the business object for which the activity is to be executed. Context Parameters You do not enter values for the context parameters in registry maintenance. this is optional when creating file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. and you want to activate access to archived objects of this object type by means of the organizer or the record. Archived business objects that are not connected to the Document Relationship Browser can be connected by implementing two function modules. and for model activities. and you want to activate access to archived objects of this object type by means of the organizer or the record. ARCHIVE_DISPLAY By using this parameter and the parameter ARCHIVE_ORIGIN_GET. for example. “INSTANZ” BOR_RMF_POID. You need these parameters if you want to manipulate the record. RFCDEST_CUSTOM RFC destination of the SAP system containing both the function modules that you have defined under FUNT_PUBLISH_CUSTOM and FUNC_EXECUTE_CUSTOM (optional). To do this.  Manipulation of the record using BAPIs can only be carried out when the record is not in processing. TYPE STRING: Value of the connection parameter SUBTYPE LOGICAL_SYSTEM. it has to be known how the storage location can be determined and how an archived object of this type can be displayed (usually described in the documentation about the relevant object type). enter the value DRB_ORIGIN_GET. TYPE STRING: Value of the connection parameter LOGICAL_SYSTEM POID_STATE. TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the element type of the superordinate record.  SOURCE_RMF_POID. Export parameters of the function module: RETURN. TYPE SRM_LIST_POID: Name-value pair of the element type ID of the business object. you can display archived business objects if the corresponding business object types support the Document Relationship Browser (DRB) (see also SAP Note 492938). enter the value DRB_OBJECT_DISPLAY. ARCHIVE_ORIGIN_GET If the business object type supports the DRB. TYPE STRING: For instance activities. TYPE STRING: Value of the connection parameter BOR_OBJECT_TYPE BOR_ID.SAP Records Management Page 64 of 99        BOR_TYPE. Enter the target system ID and the message server of the target system. and save the RFC destination using .SAP Records Management Page 65 of 99 a record model. choose SAP Web Application Server  iDOC Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Communication  Create RFC Connection. Choose Test connection file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Enter an informative name for the RFC destination (target system). In each case enter the target addresses of the other system. Choose Create. choose Load distribution  No. Enter the required data on the Registration/Security tab page (optional). to ensure that these business objects are inserted exactly in this position. This marker can be used when inserting business objects that are automatically entered in the record (for example. Enter a description of the RFC destination (documentation) and choose Enter. Enter a character string of your choice. if you create a model node to which you have assigned an element type of the service provider for business objects. Choose the connection type ‘3’ (for R/3 connection). To enable this. If you want to use load distribution (to utilize more than one application server). and then choose Enter. you must provide the character string to the BAPI. Enter the required data on the Technical settings tab page. This activates the input template of the Technical settings tab page. Enter the target host and the system number. Creating a Logical System and an RFC Destination Carry out the following in both the calling system and the system being called. and choose Enter. This is a marker for the model nodes for business objects. Setting the RFC destination for connection between SAP systems In the SAP Reference IMG. select Load distribution  Yes. The screen Display and Maintain RFC Destinations is displayed.htm 4/18/2012 . and then choose Enter. If you want to use a particular target host. using a BAPI). The RFC Destination screen appears. ANCHOR A marker in the record model. Save your entries using .htm 4/18/2012 . A dialog box is displayed. choose SAP Web Application Server  iDOC Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Communication  Determine RFC Destinations for Method Calls. you cannot use the enhancements in the ALE environment for the BOR service provider. As of SAP Release 4. In addition. the BOR runtime environment does not support the enhanced ALE Customizing. as of Release 4. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. choose SAP Web Application Server  iDOC Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Set Up Logical Systems  Name Logical System. Enter a name and a description for the logical system. A dialog box is displayed. and choose Save your entries using . a logical system can be assigned to an RFC destination according to business object type methods (choose the “Special method destination” pushbutton). The screen Assign RFC Destinations for Synchronous Method Calls is displayed. . The Display View “Logical Systems”: Overview screen is displayed. Assigning a logical system to an RFC destination In the SAP Reference IMG.5B. Choose New Entries. and choose Choose Standard dialog destination. Enter the RFC destination for dialog calls. Select the logical system that you have just created. . This means that. Enter the RFC destination for BAPI calls. which is not the case in SAP Records Management. This requires that the addressed business object type is available in both systems. Setting the logical system in ALE customizing In the SAP Reference IMG.SAP Records Management Page 66 of 99 to display the RFC connection test screen. Choose Standard BAPI destination.5B. Disadvantage: Node attributes cannot be used for the search.htm 4/18/2012 .SAP Records Management Page 67 of 99 Service Provider for ArchiveLink Documents The service provider for ArchiveLink documents can integrate all documents stored using ArchiveLink into Records Management. If an ArchiveLink document is linked with an instance of the business object type RECORD. navigate to the SAP Reference IMG and choose SAP Web Application Server  IDoc Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Communication  Create RFC Connection. see below. If you do not enter values for the parameters. BO_KEY: Business object key (optional) BO_TYPE: Business object type (optional) CLIENT: Client (optional) CREP-ID: Content repository ID (optional) DOCUMENTSPACE: Document area (optional) DOC-TYPE: Document type (optional) Entering values for these parameters restricts the element type to only include documents that fulfill the parameter values. However. In this case. For more information. see the ArchiveLink documentation. do not enter a value. under Basic Customizing and Document Finder Customizing. To determine an RFC destination or set up a new one. Notes About Linking with Business Object Type RECORD A business object instance that is linked with an ArchiveLink document usually contains semantic information about the ArchiveLink document. SP POID Parameters CREP_ID: ID of the content repository in which the document is stored DOC_CLASS: Document class of the document DOC_ID: Document ID (assigned to the document by the content repository) Connection Parameters You enter values for the connection parameters in registry maintenance when you create an element type in the service provider for ArchiveLink documents. For more information. For more information about ArchiveLink. Node attributes are defined in the record model for a model node and can be maintained in a record for an element. RFC DESTINATION (optional) Enter the RFC destination of the system from which the ArchiveLink documents are to be incorporated. this is not the case if the instance is of the business object type RECORD. the document has no semantic attributes. The values must match those entered in ArchiveLink Customizing. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. the system links all ArchiveLink documents that have been created within Records Management to an instance of the business object type Record. the system links all ArchiveLink documents that have been created within Records Management to an instance of the business object type RECORD. It can also create new documents within Records Management that can be managed and searched for by ArchiveLink. If the ArchiveLink document is to be incorporated from the local system. see the ArchiveLink documentation. If you do not enter values for the parameters. you have the following options for assigning attributes to an ArchiveLink document:  You can use the node attributes. Example: aid=2 Only enter values for the context parameter if you create an instance node. you can enter the value “NONE”. SP POID Parameters TCODE: Transaction code of the transaction to be integrated Connection Parameters You enter values for the connection parameters in registry maintenance when you create an element type in the service provider for transactions. RFC-DESTINATION: RFC destination of the target system (optional) Enter the RFC destination of the system from which the transactions should be incorporated.htm 4/18/2012 . You can enter any number of values for the parameter. instead. If you do not enter a value. the system uses the SAP function module SRM_TRANSACTION_CHECK. see Adding Functions. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Using SET GET PARAMETERS. SPAGPAID This context parameters enable you to transfer SET GET PARAMETERS to a transaction. if you create a model node to which you have assigned an element type of the service provider for transactions. If you do not want to skip the initial screen. For more information. because entering values in advance can only ever apply for one particular transaction. Service Provider for Transactions The service provider for transactions can insert transactions from all SAP application systems into Records Management. FUNCTIONMODULE_EXISTENCE_CHECK: Function module for existence check (optional) Enter the name of a function module for checking the existence of transactions. Function modules that you have implemented yourself must have the same interface as the SAP function module SRM_TRANSACTION_CHECK. enter X. Context Parameters You do not enter values for the context parameters in registry maintenance.SAP Records Management Page 68 of 99  You can redefine the standard service provider for ArchiveLink documents and to extend the functions of the attributes. do not enter a value. you can enter values in advance for fields within the transaction. Enter a field ID of the appropriate transaction as a value for the parameter. If you do not want the system to check the existence of the transaction. this is optional when creating a record model. To determine an RFC destination or set up a new one. navigate to the SAP Reference IMG and choose SAP Web Application Server  IDoc Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE) Communication  Create RFC Connection. do not enter a value. If you want to skip the initial screen. If the transaction is to be incorporated from the local system. SKIP_SCREEN The context parameter enables you to skip the initial screen when calling the transaction. this is optional when creating a record model. If the report is to be incorporated from the local system. assign a parameter ID of the report with a value. SP POID Parameters REPORT: Name of the report that is to be integrated VARIANT: Name of a report variant Connection Parameters You enter values for the connection parameters in registry maintenance when you create an element type in the service provider for reports. Example: CLASSN=RECORD and CLASSTYP=BO for the report BDSFIND Only enter values for the context parameter if you create an instance node. Example: CREAUSER=CREATED_BY and CHANUSER=CHANGED_BY If the record attributes CREATED_BY and CHANGED_BY exist. Alternatively. FUNCTIONMODULE_EXECUTE: Function module for executing a report (optional) Enter the name of a function module that can be called remotely to execute a report.htm 4/18/2012 . FUNCTIONMODULE_EXISTENCE_CHECK: Function module for existence check (optional) Enter the name of a function module for checking the existence of reports. Function modules that you have implemented yourself must have the same calling interface as the SAP function module SRM_RFC_SUBMIT_REPORT. VSELNAME This context parameter allows the dynamic use of the report parameters for predefining the record attributes when the report is executed. the attribute values are assigned to the report file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.SAP Records Management Page 69 of 99 Service Provider for Reports The service provider for reports can insert reports from all SAP application systems into Records Management. If you do not enter a value. RFC DESTINATION: RFC destination of the target system (optional) Enter the RFC destination of the system from which the reports should be incorporated. As the value. the system uses the SAP function module SRM_RFC_SUBMIT_REPORT. if you create a model node to which you have assigned an element type of the service provider for reports. To determine an RFC destination or set up a new one. If you do not enter a value. because entering values in advance can only ever apply for one particular report. Context Parameters You do not enter values for the context parameters in registry maintenance. do not enter a value for the parameter RFC Destination. CSELNAME This context parameter allows the report parameters to be predefined when a report is executed. instead. navigate to the SAP Reference IMG and choose SAP Web Application Server  iDOC Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Communication  Create RFC Connection. Function modules that you have implemented yourself must have the same interface as the SAP function module SRM_RFC_CHECK_REPORT. you can assign values to these context parameters in a report that has already been included in a record. the system uses the SAP function module SRM_RFC_CHECK_REPORT. Service Provider for HCM Infotypes The service provider for HCM infotypes can integrate information types (infotypes) and subtypes from the SAP Human Capital Management application (HCM) into records. the user does not have to re-enter the personnel number. RFC_DESTINATION (optional) Enter the RFC destination of the HCM system. Instead. You can enter any number of values for the parameter. RECORD_VER_ID: Version of the record file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. you can restrict the user selection options for inserting infotypes at this model node.SAP Records Management Page 70 of 99 parameters CREAUSER and CHANUSER of the report BDSFIND. When a user in a record of this model type wants to insert an infotype for the model node. INFOTYPE: Infotype number By entering values for the parameter. if you create a model node to which you have assigned an element type of the service provider for infotypes. only these infotypes are displayed in the input help for the Infotype field. Infotypes can have multiple sub-infotypes. To facilitate reporting on past employee data. If you enter more than one value for the parameter and assign several infotypes. Example: You enter the value 0001 for the parameter INFOTYPE. RECORD_DOC_ID: Unique ID of the record You cannot manually enter values for this context parameter. SP POID Parameters INFOTYPE: Infotype number PERNO: Personnel number SELECTDATE: Selection date SUBTYPE: Subtype number Connection Parameters You enter values for the connection parameter in registry maintenance when you create an element type in the service provider for HCM infotypes. in one view. If HCM and Records Management are working in the same system. together with all the infotypes and subtypes maintained for a person. If you enter only one value for the parameter and assign an infotype number.htm 4/18/2012 . RECORD_VAR_ID: Variant of the record See RECORD_DOC_ID. The system automatically enters these values. When entering further infotypes. The values are used to identify the relevant personnel record. the infotype 0001 is already displayed in the infotype dialog box. this infotype is then already displayed in the dialog box for inserting infotypes. This identification is required to enable automatic display of the personnel number in the search dialog after the user has already entered the first infotype. In this record you can display documents. Context Parameters You do not enter values for the context parameters in registry maintenance. infotypes can be stored according to date. do not enter a value. Infotypes are uniquely identified by a fourdigit number. Infotypes are sets of content-related data grouped together for an employee. this is optional when creating a record model. or the context parameters RECORD_VAR_ID and RECORD_VER_ID. You can use the service provider for infotypes to create an electronic personnel record. To determine an RFC destination or set up a new one. navigate to the SAP Reference IMG and choose SAP Web Application Server  iDOC Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Communication  Create RFC Connection. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. If the personnel data exists in a separate system to the Records Management system. Prerequisites You have created element types for the record model. and a dialog box is displayed. If the user does not have authorization for the infotype. the personnel record. Choose . Authorization Concept Users who access infotypes starting from a record have the same authorization that they have in the HCM system. In this way. Creating Personnel Records Automatically Use SAP supplies a report that automatically creates a report for one or more personnel numbers. For more information on the individual fields. You can find and view the records in the Records Browser. If the infotype has further subnodes. and the infotypes. the HCM system checks that the current user has authorization for this infotype.SAP Records Management Page 71 of 99 See RECORD_DOC_ID. see the input help for the “Anchor” field). the service provider for infotypes can only be used with an HCM system that runs on SAP R/3 Enterprise Release 4.7.htm 4/18/2012 . Result The personnel records have been created. the whole subtree is hidden. the infotypes are included in Records Management by means of an RFC connection. Prerequisite: The RFC destination has been set up so that it is always the current user who is put through to the called system. Because the current user has connected to the HCM system using an RFC call. you have created an RFC destination for this system. you can structure the record model so that the visibility of further nodes is coupled to authorization for the infotype. The report SRM_CREATE_RECORDS is started. and inserts infotypes/subtypes. You have assigned values to the attribute ANCHOR for one or more model nodes (for more information. this infotype is hidden in the overview tree. Before the infotype is displayed as a node in the overview tree in the record. Enter the required data. You can use this report if you are implementing Records Management and want to create personnel records for the current employees of your enterprise. The report is started and the screen output of the report is displayed. they are logged on to the HCM system with their user data that is maintained in that system. You also have to make some adjustments. If you use an HCM system whose release is lower than 4. see SAP Note 676402. Procedure Call transaction SRMRECORDSCREATE. see the input help for each field. For more information.7 or higher. Note In the standard setting. one element type corresponds to exactly one workflow definition. Context Parameters DIS_ACTIVITY This is only important for internal development. For more information. you also need to perform some Customizing steps for the process route. Service Provider for SAP Business Workflows The service provider for SAP Business Workflows can insert workflows from all SAP application systems into Records Management. Connection Parameters None. you can therefore incorporate a workflow file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. which determines which employees receive the elements and which activities these employees should carry out. You can define a process route for these elements. For more information. By assigning the element type to model nodes. PATH_POSITION This is only important for internal development. In addition to creating an element type in the service provider for circulars. In the service provider for workflows. To create an element type. Service Provider for Circulars The service provider for circulars provides the following service: Elements from a record can be selected and sent in circulation.SAP Records Management Page 72 of 99 The service provider for URLs can insert any URLs into Records Management. SP POID Parameters DISPOSITION_ID Unique number of the circular. you therefore only need to enter values for the classification parameters.htm 4/18/2012 . see Workflow Customizing for the Process Route. see Circular and Process Route. SP POID Parameters GUID: System-generated ID for a URL Connection Parameters The service provider for URLs has no connection parameters. you can start the corresponding workflow instance or search for an already existing workflow instance. if a workflow is defined that executes functions for a record. the system uses the SAP function module SRM_SP_WFL_START_WORKFLOW. You can use this number to display the current log of the workflow instance from the record at any time. Every element type that you create will thus be related to one workflow definition. This generates a dialog step for entering a value for the workflow input parameter. and therefore creates an instance of the workflow. The elements of this element type are the only workflow instances of this workflow definition. for example. The parameters listed below are automatically assigned values by the SAP function module. If you are including a workflow definition from the local system. enter ‘NONE’. They are displayed in a dialog box after the workflow has started. If you are including a workflow definition from the local system. This parameter is always required if the workflow functions are to be performed in a record. The entry must begin with WS. The function module provides both the key fields of the business object. RFC DESTINATION: RFC destination of the target system (mandatory) Enter the RFC destination of the system from which the workflow definitions or workflow instances should be incorporated. The number of the appropriate workflow instance is inserted in the record. FUNCTION_START_WORKFLOW: Function module for starting the workflow (optional) Enter the name of a function module that starts the workflow. This is necessary. The business object is identified for the record file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. enter ‘NONE’ as a value for the parameter. navigate to the SAP Reference IMG and choose SAP Web Application Server  IDoc Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Communication  Create RFC Connection. RFC-DESTINATION_CALLBACK: RFC destination of the calling system (mandatory) Enter the RFC destination of the system in which Records Management is running. followed by the 8-digit number of the workflow definition. you can include your own dialog step for entering the input parameter that may be required for the workflow.  RECORD Typing: Business object RECORD. In a record that has this record model. The RFC destination must be specified from the system in which the workflow definition is created. If you do not enter a value. This enables you to return from the target system (system where the workflow was created) to the outgoing system (system where Records Management is running). By implementing a function module. Prerequisite: The parameters are import elements of the workflow container and are typed there as specified. WF_DEFINITION: Workflow definition (mandatory) Enter the ID of a workflow definition. this must have the same interface as the respective SAP function module.SAP Records Management Page 73 of 99 definition into a record model. To determine an RFC destination or set up a new one. SP POID Parameters WF_INSTANCE_ID: ID of the workflow instance Connection Parameters You enter values for the connection parameters in registry maintenance when you create an element type in the service provider for SAP Business Workflows.htm 4/18/2012 . If you implement your own function module.  FIRSTAGENT: "US" + current user name Typing: WFSYST-ACT_AGENT This parameter is required if the user who started the workflow from the record is to have the option to determine the agent for the first work item. This parameter is required if a BAPI is called within a workflow that the record manipulates. however. elements are created that are to be automatically inserted into the record from which the workflow is started.  AKTSPSID: Element type of the record Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters. the function module provides the parameter with the current user name. This requires the value as an import parameter.SAP Records Management Page 74 of 99 from which the workflow is started. This parameter is required if a BAPI is called within a workflow that the record manipulates. This parameter is required if a BAPI is called within a workflow that the record manipulates. This requires the value as an import parameter.  AKTLOGSYS: RFC destination of the system in which Records Management is running Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters. This requires the value as an import parameter. The function module provides the parameter with the document class of the record from which the workflow is started. The function module fills the parameter with the RFC destination that you have entered as a value file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Example: During the workflow. overwrite this setting in the dialog box that displays the parameter values. The function module provides the parameter with the ID of the record from which the workflow is started. Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters.  AKTID: ID of the record Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters.  ACTCL: Document class of the record Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters. The function module provides the parameter with the RMS ID of the RMS to which the record belongs that is used as a starting point for the workflow.  RMSID: RMS ID of the RMS in which the record was created.htm 4/18/2012 . In the standard setting. This parameter is required if a BAPI is called within a workflow that the record manipulates. You can. and activities are to be performed using the record during the workflow. This parameter is required if the workflow is in a separate system to the Records Management system. The function module provides the parameter with the element type of the record from which the workflow is started. This parameter has more than one line. if you want to insert the elements into this record. This displays the log in the standard version. This parameter has more than one line.htm 4/18/2012 . see Context Parameters below.  TARGET_SPS: Element type of the element to be inserted Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters. The following three parameters are the context parameters. Note: The element type that you enter as a value for the context attribute TARGET_SPS in the record model must belong to the same RMS as the record from which the workflow is started.SAP Records Management Page 75 of 99 for the connection parameter RFC_DESTINATION_CALLBACK. The function module provides the parameter with the value/s for the context attribute TARGET_ANCHOR. The function module provides the parameter with the value/s for the context attribute TARGET_TYPE.  TARGET_ANCHOR: Marker in the record (value for attribute ANCHOR) Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters. to be automatically inserted into the record at a defined position. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. this must have the same interface as the respective SAP function module. Prerequisite: You have set the context attribute TARGET_TYPE in the record model for the model node to which you have assigned the element type of the corresponding workflow. If you do not enter a value. It is required to enable an element. Prerequisite: You have set the context attribute TARGET_ANCHOR in the record model for the model node to which you have assigned the element type of the corresponding workflow. the system uses the SAP function module SRM_SP_WFL_PROCESS_LOG. It is required because the documents that have been created within the workflow are business objects. This parameter has more than one line. FUNCTION_PROCESS_WF_LOG: Function module for log display (optional) Enter the name of a function module that displays the workflow log for a workflow instance. If you implement your own function module. The function module provides the parameter with the value/s for the context attribute TARGET_SPS. For more information. It is required because the element type of the element must be known before an element can be inserted into a record. You can implement a function module to generate your own version of the log display. which has been created within the workflow.  TARGET_TYPE: Business object type of the element that is to be inserted into the record Typing: Character datatype <= 255 characters. Prerequisite: You have set the context attribute TARGET_SPS in the record model for the model node to which you have assigned the element type of the corresponding workflow. You can implement a function module to individually format the restrictions for creating a hit list. instead.htm 4/18/2012 . The entries for the three parameters are related to each other. TARGET_SPS: Element type Enter the element type ID of the node to which you want to assign the attachments. If you implement your own function module.SAP Records Management Page 76 of 99 FUNCTION_QUERY_WORKFLOW: Function module for search (optional) Enter the name of a function module that searches for workflow instances. This structures the hit list according to a standard template. and the columns of the hit list. TARGET_ANCHOR: Marker in the record You can assign any name of your choice as a value. user name of the agent). If you do not enter a value. the system uses the SAP function module SRM_SP_WFL_F4_WIID. the system uses the SAP function module SRM_SP_WFL_GET_INST_DESCR. If you do not enter a value. or elements that are otherwise related to a work item. You do not enter values for the context parameters in registry maintenance. This is not checked when the parameters are entered. You also enter this name as a value for the attribute ANCHOR for the model node to which the element from the workflow is to be assigned. Context Parameters The context parameters of the service provider for workflows enable you to automatically insert work item attachments. this must have the same interface as the respective SAP function module. into the record. You have to assign values for all three context parameters. this is optional when creating a record model. this must have the same interface as the respective SAP function module. if you create a model node to which you have assigned an element type of the service provider for workflows. This function module uses the ID of the workflow instance and the workflow description as variables for creating a name. You can implement a function module to determine which variables are used to form the name of a workflow instance when it is created. They are inserted into the record from which the workflow instance was created. TARGET_TYPE: Business object type file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. the hit selection. Prerequisite: A step is included in the workflow definition for filtering interesting elements for the record and inserting them. (Example options: Workflow instance ID. If you implement your own function module. FUNCTION_INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION: Function module for assigning names (optional) Enter the name of the function module that determines the names of the individual workflow instances incorporated in the record. workflow description. The identical line number links them to each other. or in records. (TARGET_TYPE). The following steps are required for adding attachments to records: In the service provider for business objects. You can enter any number of values for the parameters. see Work Items. As a value for the attribute ANCHOR for this model node. the subsequent step also inserts these attachments into the record. 3. Create a model node in the record model and assign it the element type that you created in step 1. the business object type has already been selected. The agent enters one or more attachments during processing of the work item. The context parameter values inform the workflow instance under which nodes the attachments are to be added. In the workflow definition. For this model node. because the workflow instance only knows the business object type of the attachment. This means it is possible to insert different elements relevant to a workflow instance into the record. Create a model node in the record model and assign it an element type from the service provider for workflows.SAP Records Management Page 77 of 99 Enter the name of the business object type underlying the element type (in the example below: SOFM). but not of the element type. you need to assign values for the three context parameters. in the history. Service Provider for Work Items The service provider for work items enables you to manage work items in Records Management. you must assign the name that you have already assigned to the context attribute TARGET_ANCHOR. For more information. The following explains the insertion procedure using the example of attachments for a work item. because an element type in the service provider for business objects only represents one object type. You can search for work items in your own work list to include them in your favorites. Attachments that are added to a work item are business objects. Through selection of the element type (TARGET_SPS). they need their own node. You need to specifically name the business object type again. TARGET_TYPE: Business object type SOFM. The attachments cannot be added beneath the same node as workflow instances. create an element type that supports the business object type SOFM. SP POID Parameters WI_ID: Work Item ID Example of Dynamic Service Provider file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.  TARGET_ANCHOR: Free character string   TARGET_SPS: Element type that you created in step 1. and are instances of the business object type SOFM.htm 4/18/2012 . and choose Customizing for Record Models. The classes of the service provider for resubmission entries are CL_SRM_RESUB_BACKEND and CL_SRM_RESUB_CLIENT. Setting Up the Keyword Catalog To set up the keyword catalog. Example Implementation: Service Provider for Resubmission Entries The dynamic service provider for resubmission entries allows the user to determine in an opened record which other person(s) have set this record for resubmission. Proceed as follows: Wählen.. The service provider has only one element: the list of persons who have set the current record for resubmission. it makes sense to include it as an instance node in the record model. the user then sees a node called Resubmission Entries. see Searching by Keywords. You can also use the keywords to search for a record or a document. the list is displayed.. and Documents  Create or Change Keyword Catalog. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. For information about searching for records or documents by keywords. In this way. This list is always read again at runtime. Choose Create Catalog. In addition. see Setting Up a Keyword Catalog. but does provide an example implementation. there are service providers that generate their elements dynamically at runtime. and set the catalog language. Since there is only one element. The implementation of a dynamic service provider requires little effort and is of great benefit. see Assigning Keywords.SAP Records Management Page 78 of 99 Apart from the service providers whose elements come from a repository. SAP does not deliver dynamic service providers. Records. and is always up-to-date. At that moment in time. current information can be displayed in a simple manner in the record. Keyword catalogs are set up in Customizing. and can be studied as an example implementation.htm 4/18/2012 . the list is read. Activate this property so that the user can edit existing keywords. Keyword Catalog Definition A keyword catalog is a collection of keywords that the user can use to select keywords as attributes for records and documents. The catalog property Editing Keywords is available. Here you specify the name and the catalog properties. If the property Free Input of Keywordsis activated. In the record structure. The system displays the Create Catalog dialog box. For this node there is only one activity: Display. If the user chooses this activity. For information about assigning keywords as attributes of a record or document by the user. navigate to the SAP Reference IMG. you can activate the property Display Keywords in Uppercase. you can add new keywords. For information about setting up a keyword catalog. The system displays a subscreen. see the following:  Properties of Generation Rules  Creating and Displaying Generation Rules  Description of the Rule Elements  Properties of Rule Elements  Assigning Generation Rules For information about generating record or document numbers by the user. Confirm your entries. The generation rule applies if a user has to enter the unique ID of a record or document. Print.  In addition. For information about setting up generation rules.  Choose Insert Keyword as Subnode or Insert Keyword on Same Level. Use You can create generation rules for records or documents. Record Number Generator Definition The Record Number Generator is a tool that you can use to determine which information is used for the unique description of a record (record number) or a document (document number).htm 4/18/2012 . The keyword is now included in the catalog. Catalog Administration. select it and choose Change. Properties of Generation Rules A generation rule has the following properties. The user has the option of generating this ID. The following rule types exist:  Record number: Generation rule applies to records Document number: Generation rule applies to documents  file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. see Generating Record Numbers and Document Numbers.SAP Records Management Page 79 of 99 Confirm your entries by choosing To edit the catalog. the functions Delete. These rules can consist of multiple rule elements. which you have to specify when you create a new rule:  Rule type The rule type together with the technical name forms the key for the generation rule. choose . and Search are available.  To edit the keyword. Each rule element contains information that can be part of the unique ID. The system generates it by using the rule elements that you included in the generation rule. Here you can enter the name and a description of the keyword. A dialog box is displayed in which you can edit and enter the keywords. This service provider has the following connection parameters:  CHECK_UNIQUE_REFERENCE Controls the scope of the syntax check. Possible values:  0: Inactive (default) 1: Active  The default setting for this service provider is exactly one element type that has the value RULE for the connection parameter CHECK_UNIQUE_REFERENCE. In addition.htm 4/18/2012 . we recommend that you delete the default element type. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The scope of the uniqueness check can be set in the registry (see below). you have to enter the following in transaction SRMCUSTSRV: IS_SRM_REFERENCE_CLASS <element type> The system then uses the element type entered here. The Record Number Generator is realized by means of the service provider SRM_SP_REFERENCE. If you create multiple element types for the service provider SRM_SP_REFERENCE.  Syntax check Indicates whether unique numbers that were entered manually have to be checked for compliance with the generation rule. you can choose to set properties in the registry.  Uniqueness check Indicates whether the unique ID has to be checked for uniqueness after it has been generated. Therefore.  Description of the rule Meaningful name for the rule You can enter the following optional properties in the property dialog. If you want other values. and create a new one. To access the property dialog. the technical name has to be unique for each rule type. and 0 for the connection parameter SAVE_REFERENCE_PARTS. The following values exist:  RULE: Unique for each rule (if uniqueness check is activated in the rule) RULETYPE: Unique for each rule type (activates uniqueness check for all rules)  SAVE_REFERENCE_PARTS  Controls whether parts of generated IDs are saved to the database.SAP Records Management Page 80 of 99  Transaction number (only relevant for Public Sector)  Technical name of the rule The technical name (together with the rule type) is the key for the generation rule. you doubleclick the root node of the rule. .htm 4/18/2012 . . Confirm your entries. select a rule element and choose To delete rule elements. Enter the name of the generation rule and choose Create New Rule. You cannot choose To add generation rules. Changes are saved automatically. . Records. Open a dialog box by double-clicking the node. navigate to the SAP Reference IMG. The rule element is created below the selected node. Here you enter additional data about the rule element. choose file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. choose . Create New Rule Element. To edit the property. and Documents  Create or Change Rule for Generating Record Numbers. Confirm your entries by choosing . to save.   If you select Uniqueness. and to delete generation rules. Procedures Creating New Generation Rules: Determine the rule type. Choose Select a node and choose The rule elements that can be selected are displayed in a dialog box. and choose Customizing for Record Models. A new dialog is displayed. choose . manually specified record numbers are checked against the generation rules. the system checks whether the record numbers are unique. If you then select Syntax. The system displays the dialog box New Generation Rule.SAP Records Management Page 81 of 99 Creating and Displaying Generation Rules To set up generation rules.Select the corresponding rule elements. The generation rule that you specified is displayed as a node. In the administration function.htm 4/18/2012 . you have to specify the technical attribute name as it is defined in the content model. Legen . file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. and for a document number you can use the attributes of the document. choose In addition. This date has to be entered by the user. The same formats apply as for the current date. You can see the selected rule. you can copy rules. Select the rule that you want to display and choose Choose . You can create query and help texts. Choose the input help. and default values for the user.SAP Records Management Page 82 of 99 Confirm your entries by choosing Displaying Existing Generation Rules: . you determine in which output format the date appears in the unique ID.. The following rule elements can be selected: Current Date This rule element adds the current date to the ID. . Date Entry This rule element adds a date to the ID.. Attribute Value This rule element adds the value of an attribute to the ID. and to delete them. The following formats are available: Format YY YYYY MM Description Year (two characters) Year (four characters) Month (two characters) DD Day (two characters) All other characters are included unchanged in the generated ID. Description of the Rule Elements Rule elements consist of a technical name and a description. A dialog box is displayed with all existing rules. Determine the rule type. For a record number you can use the attributes of the record. In the administration function. You can determine in which output format the date appears in the unique ID. choose . . To change existing rules. spaces can also be inserted at the end of the text. and inserts this number in the ID.htm 4/18/2012 . there must be exactly one number range interval for the current year with internal number assignment (which means that the option External Number Assignment is not selected for the interval). Organizational Unit This rule element adds an organizational unit to the generated ID. Rule Link file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. You can only specify existing number ranges. If the generated number does not contain the maximum number of characters.SAP Records Management Page 83 of 99 Definite Text This rule element adds a definite text to the ID. The key.  If the number range is not year-dependent. the first one is used. long text. and a default value for the user. Use the following keys and characters: 9 = Figure Z = Letter ? = Any character The user entry is only checked if you specify an entry format. The inverted commas at the beginning or end of the text are not inserted in the generated ID. Use the input help. You can create a query and help text. If you select Change to Uppercase. Number Range This rule element triggers the generation of a new number from the specified number range. and a default value for the user. The number range that you want to use also has to be specified in the administration function. In the administration function you can specify whether the key or the description of the file plan item are included in the generated ID. and default values for the user. In the administration function. You can determine an entry format for the text that is entered by the user. the definite text can be enclosed in inverted commas to enable spaces to be inserted at the end of the text. To ensure that the number can be accessed by the number range. you can specify whether leading zeros are used to fill the space specified maximum length. If the separators are enclosed in inverted commas at the beginning and end. The specified separators are added to the ID before or after the specified text. the user entry is converted to uppercase spelling before it is included in the generated number. If multiple intervals with internal number assignment exist for the current year. there must be exactly one number range interval with the number 01 and internal number assignment (which means that the option External Number Assignment is not selected for the interval 01). You can create a query and help text. You have to select a file plan that exists in the system. You can create a query and help text. The inverted commas are not inserted in the ID. File Plan Position This rule element adds the file plan item of the record to the generated ID. The user then selects an item from this file plan when an ID is generated. You can specify a minimum length and you must specify a maximum length. the following prerequisites must be met:  If the number range is year-dependent. Text Entry This rule element adds a text to the ID. or short text of the organizational unit is included. This text has to be entered by the user. Since the names of rule elements have to be unique within the rule. C links to A. The following constellations are not permitted: o o Linking from a rule to itself Loops in the rule definition Example: Rule A links to B.htm 4/18/2012 . Example: You want to map a record number where all records that were created for the same record plan ID (=file plan item) are numbered in ascending order. The context counter is used for this purpose. B links to C.2 / 2 Ref1 – 9876 / 241 Ref1 – 9877 / 67 This example needs to be numbered according to a certain substring of the generated ID (gray text in the example). file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The selection elements and the counter element are connected by the element name. If there are values of this string that are the same. and PHLD_). there are two selection elements: o o Start selection for the context counter End selection for the context counter (has to be behind the start selection in the rule definition) The part of the record number that is generated from all the rule elements between the two selection elements defines the uniqueness area (context) of the counter.1 / 24 Ref2 – 4711.1 / 25 Ref3 – 4711.SAP Records Management Page 84 of 99 This rule element is a link to other generation rules. and generates a new number based on the context string (result of both selection elements). the selection elements and the placeholder have a (nonmodifiable) name prefix (MBEG_. different counter values are generated. MEND_. Example: Ref1 – 4711. which is then included in the record number. The rule element context counter is inserted in the rule definition behind the end selection. To select the part of the record number that you want to use for the numbering. Context Counter This rule element is a counter (similar to a number range) that is dependent on a part of the generated record number (its context). If a document is created outside of a record. If the generated number has to be in front of and in the context string. this has to be specified explicitly in the context element by selecting the setting Use Placeholder. If the generated number does not contain the maximum number of characters. Example: Document number that contains the reference number of the superordinate record. the unique ID of a superordinate object can be inserted. Here the name CONTAINER_ID lends itself to the type Rule Link. you can specify in the context counter settings which number is assigned first. If you want to use a placeholder. In the administration function. The rule that the link with the name CONTAINER_ID points to is only applied if no superordinate object is known whose unique ID can be read and inserted. instead it is inserted where the placeholder element is. the rule link can point to a rule that has to be applied in this case.SAP Records Management Page 85 of 99 The context counter element must always be behind both selection elements since the context string is required for calculating the new number. this option has to be selected in the context counter. the system reads the reference number of the record. a placeholder element can be used that is assigned according to whether the name after the prefix PLHD_ is the same.htm 4/18/2012 . and includes it in the document number. The rule elements have the following general properties:   Element type (A list of all rule element types is displayed below. If you use a placeholder element. or the result of the element can be determined automatically without user entries (automatic rule element types). If a document is created from within a record. This means that the number generated by the counter is not inserted where the context counter element is. Properties of Rule Elements Generation rules consist of rule elements. Otherwise the placeholder is ignored. The following automatic rule element types exist:      Definite Text Current Date Attribute Value Number Ranges Context counters with the corresponding selection elements and the placeholders file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.  Description (optional) Rule elements differ according to whether user entries are required for evaluation purposes when the elements are processed (interactive rule element types).) Name (must be unique within a rule) If a rule element is given the special name CONTAINER_ID. you can specify whether leading zeros are used to fill the space specified maximum length. (The technical name for the attribute Generation Rules for Record Numbers is SRM_REF_RULE. Exception: If you have created a generation rule with the name DEFAULT. Save the record model.htm 4/18/2012 . Use the input help. a dialog box is displayed in which you select the generation rule. which you have already used as a rule for generating the unique name. If the system generates the unique name for a document. Assigning Document Numbers to Documents The assignment is made at runtime. This name has to be set in the content model that you entered in the element type for record models to Visible and Can be Maintained.SAP Records Management Page 86 of 99  Rule Link The following interactive rule element types exist:     Text Entry Date Entry File Plan Position Organizational Unit In addition.) You can choose to add and to delete generation rules. interactive rule elements have the following general properties:    Query text (displayed above the entry field) Help text (displayed below the entry field) Minimum length (determines whether the entry is optional) Assigning Generation Rules Assigning Record Numbers to Records Record numbers are assigned when you assign the generation rule to a record model. the system will always use this rule. The dialog box for selecting a generation rule is no longer displayed. Proceed as follows: Open the record model. the user can generate the record number by using the generation rule. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Choose Attributes for Record Model and enter the name of the generation rule as the value of the attribute Generation Rules for Record Numbers. In all records that are based on this record model.  Activate event linkage for the main workflow WS75500107.SAP Records Management Page 87 of 99 Workflow Customizing for the Process Route The process route is based on SAP Business Workflow. and choose Environment  Refresh Organizational Environment. Choose the task type standard task. See also SAP Note 527668. Open the Triggering events tab page. enter the number 75500107. Enter the workflow WS75500107. and URLs on the Web. and display the task. documents. enter the number 75507961 or 75507962. These elements can therefore be displayed without installing the SAP GUI for Windows. You can enhance every service provider by adding these functions. notes.  Maintain possible agents for the tasks TS75507961 and TS75507962.  Refresh organizational environment You perform this in transaction SWUS. It is theoretically possible to display all elements in the Web. and display the workflow.htm 4/18/2012 . Choose Additional Data -> Agent Assignment -> Maintain. Web Display Customizing Use You can display and change records. If you do not want to make any restrictions. You make the Customizing settings in transaction SWU3. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. To access documents you also have to configure the Knowledge Provider (BC-SRV-KPR) for HTTP access. and activate the event by clicking on the symbol in the first column. In addition to the IMG activities on the structure node Customizing for the Process Route you therefore have to perform the following Customizing steps of the workflow:  Carry out basic Customizing for the workflow system. Choose the task type workflow template. choose the Attributes button and select General Task. You also maintain this in transaction PFTC_DIS. Prerequisites The SAP Web Application Server is set up for HTTP access. You also maintain this in transaction PFTC_DIS. see the documentation about the enterprise portal. but we no longer recommend that you use it. For downward compatibility. read the guide Programming Service Providers for Business Pages (available to Records Management customers upon request).20. You have to copy and modify the application in the following cases:  Deep portal integration The BSP application reacts to portal events. which is described in the documentation for Release 6. Retrieval takes place by means of the application SRM_DEMO_RECORD in the RMS S_RMS_DATA with the element type SRM_SPS_RECORD. Activating the BSP Application in Transaction SICF The BSP application SRM_DEMO_RECORD or the customer-defined BSP application has to be activated by using transaction SICF. see HTTP Access for Repositories on the SAP Web Application Server. You can enter different RMS and element types by using URL parameters as follows: http://<default host>/<alias>/iview. Defining a BSP iView in the Enterprise Portal The enterprise portal allows you to use BSP applications by using a special iView for BSP applications. Instead. In this transaction you can also assign an alias for accessing the BSP application. Adjusting the Search Function You can adjust the search function without modifications (for displaying additional or other search parameters. use the enterprise portal. a class has to be implemented that implements the interface IF_SRM_GENSP_QUERY_EXT. Example: You want an additional iView to cause a particular record to be displayed. For more information. Activities To customize the Web display.   Navigation or user logic that differs from the standard logic If you want the display of records or documents to be embedded in a customer-defined BSP application For more information. or you can copy it to the BSP application and modify it. To do so. Notes for Users of the BSP Display in Release 6. or access the BSP application directly as described above.SAP Records Management Page 88 of 99 For more information. see the documentation for the transaction SICF. This class then has to be assigned to the corresponding element type in transaction SRMREGEDIT by using the connection parameter GENSP_QUERY_EXT.20 We no longer recommend that you follow the procedure for using the Records Organizer to access BSP applications. For more information. the following steps are required: Selecting/Creating the Underlying Business Server Page (BSP) Application Depending on your requirements. For more information.htm?rms_id=<RMS ID>&sps_id=<SPS ID>. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. the Records Organizer for BSP is still delivered. see the interface documentation on IF_SRM_QUERY_EXT.htm 4/18/2012 . for example). you can use the BSP application SRM_DEMO_RECORD directly. The role-based view contains element types and elements that users with that role need for their everyday work. The authorizations in the Customizing activity Registry Maintenance are linked to specific authorizations. The role-based view is designed to simplify user navigation from the initial screen. Prerequisite: User roles have been defined. to which you then assign authorizations (transaction PFCG). This role contains all authorizations for working with Records Management. for business objects. see the section The Authorization Concept for Records Management. see The Authorization Concept for Customizing. You can define roles with varying authorization profiles. SAP supplies two example roles:  SAP_BC_RM_USER Role for the Records Management user.   Level 1: Authorization restrictions for defining views. The user then has to use the Search activity to display each individual element. and also the authorizations for the Customizing activities. Level 1 is checked first. Creating views in the Records Organizer The administrator can create a role-based view and assign it to a user role.  Level 1: Authorization restrictions for defining views Level 2: Authorization check using the Records Management authorization object Level 3: Authorization check using the authorization objects of a service provider (as long as this has implemented an authorization check) As a general rule: An authorization check for an element in its own repository is only successful if these authorization checks are successful (for example. The Authorization Concept for Working with Records Management The authorization concept for working with Records Management has three levels.htm 4/18/2012 . followed by level 2. Creating views in the Records Modeler file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. For more information. This role contains the same authorizations as the role SAP_BC_RM_USER (see above). the user sees all the element types that exist in the current RMS. The views are each assigned to one or more users. If no role-based view is created. It does not contain authorization for the Customizing activities.SAP Records Management Page 89 of 99 You can define roles for Records Management.  SAP_BC_RM_ADMINISTRATOR Role for the Records Management administrator. For more information. Records Management supports a three-level authorization concept. and then level 3. the authorization check for displaying a business object in the actual application must be successful). the system checks whether the user has Write authorization for the RMS and the element type of the element.  Calling activities for an element For the activities Search. and Log. When users create a record using a record model. The user can therefore only create elements for element types that are assigned to the visible nodes. Edit. and the Output activity. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. the administrator can determine for which roles each node is visible. the system checks whether the user has authorization for the current RMS. only the structure nodes. The general authorization object for Records Management is called S_SRMSY_CL. the element type (SPS ID). Level 2: Authorization check using the Records Management authorization object. enter ‘*’. and structure nodes. and has the following authorization fields: You can use the fields to restrict the authorizations within an authorization object. and instance nodes are displayed that have been defined as visible for their role. when calling a record) For every element type and every element that is displayed as a node in the list. the authorization is restricted to this value. If the check is failed for an element or an element type. You can enter more than one value for each field. The following values are permitted: 33 Read (execute non-changing activities) 34 Write (execute change activities) 35 Output (list display) This authorization check is carried out before the user performs the following actions:  Displaying element types and elements as nodes in a list (for example. If you do not want to set any restrictions. Information. This is valid for model nodes that do not yet have any elements.SAP Records Management Page 90 of 99 When creating a record model.    o o o RMSID: ID of an RMS SPSID: ID of an element type ACTVT: Number of an activity. For the activities Create. the node for the corresponding element/type is not displayed in the list. the system checks whether the user has Read authorization for the RMS and the element type of the element. and Delete.htm 4/18/2012 . model nodes. This applies to all elements within Records Management. a user can determine which nodes are visible for which roles. Display. as well as for nodes that have elements assigned to them. Controlling views in the Records Browser In a record. As soon as you enter a value. The following service providers supplied by SAP have an implemented authorization check:        SP for records SP for record models SP for documents SP for document templates SP for notes SP for administration data of paper documents SP for file plans The service providers named above are all based on the same back end.htm 4/18/2012 . see The Authorization Concept for Circulars and Process Routes. Authorization Objects The following authorization objects exist:  S_SRMGS_DC: Relates to documents (container for versions and variants)  S_SRMGS_VV: Relates to versions and variants   S_SRMGS_PR: Relates to attribute values for documents S_SRMGS_CT: Relates to document content Fields of the authorization objects file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. For more information. see The Authorization Concept of the Generic Service Provider. administration data of paper documents. For service providers that do not implement their own authorization check. Authorization Concept of the Back End of the Generic Service Provider Activities for elements that are based on the back end of the generic service provider (records.  SP for circulars and process routes For more information. and file plans) are linked to authorizations. document templates. The authorization check for all these service providers is therefore identical. documents. a message is displayed stating that the user does not have authorization to execute this activity. level 3 is omitted. record models.SAP Records Management Page 91 of 99 If this check fails. notes. This authorization check is called in connection with the authorization check of the general Records Management authorization object. the generic service provider. Level 3: Authorization check using authorization objects of the individual service providers Service providers can implement their own authorization checks. Enter the activity numbers of the activities to be allowed as the parameter values. Enter an element type ID as a value. is the same as editing attribute values using the activity Edit in the authorization object S_SRMGS_PR. The activity number is in brackets after the name of the activity. variants and attribute values. Enter a unique document ID as a parameter value. SRM_MODEL You can use this field to restrict the authorization for records of a particular record model. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248.htm 4/18/2012 . The authorizations for the activities Search and Transport relate to the document with all its associated versions and variants. The following table shows an overview of the activities for which you can check the authorization in each authorization object. Authorization for the activity Delete is only effective if you create the same authorization for versions and variants (do not create delete authorization for attribute values).SAP Records Management Page 92 of 99 All four authorization objects have the authorization fields described below: ACTVT You can use this field to restrict authorization to particular activities. Notes for authorization object S_SRMGS_VV Authorization for the activity Edit is not included. DOCUMENTID You can use this field to restrict the authorization for a particular element. SPS_ID You can use this field to restrict the authorization to a particular element type. Authorization object  S_SRMGS_DC (relates to documents) S_SRMGS_VV (relates to versions and variants) X S_SRMGS_PR (relates to attribute values for documents) X X X X S_SRMGSP_CT (relates to document content) X X Activities Create (01) Find (30 ) Display (03) Edit (02) Delete (06) Transport (21) X X X X X Notes for authorization object S_SRMGS_DC Authorization for the activity Create is only effective if you create the same authorization for versions. Enter a unique record model ID. because editing document content using the activity Create in the authorization object S_SRMGSP_CT. All other fields: *. notes. You need to set up the following authorization profile for this user: Authorize the editing of records.htm 4/18/2012 . Prohibit editing of the record model and the file plans. In the authorization object S_SRMGS_DC. enter the following values:  SPS_ID: All element types for record models and file plans ACTVT: Search. There are no authorization restrictions for any other Records Management documents. You can set the classification for a content model in the Document Modeling Workbench. and administration data for paper documents. enter the following values: file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Enter the following values in all four authorization objects: SPS_ID: All element types for records. do not enter any values: In the authorization object S_SRMGS_PR. All other fields: *. but not to change them. and administration data of paper documents. but not to change record models. Enter the name of an attribute value. You also want to allow the user to display his or her file plans.   In the authorization object S_SRMGS_CT. and to select a record model for creating records. PROPNAME You can use this field to restrict authorization to individual activities. Enter the name of an attribute group as a value. notes.SAP Records Management Page 93 of 99 The authorization object S_SRMGS_PR has the fields listed above as well as the following: PROPGROUP You can use this field to restrict the authorization to attribute values from a particular attribute group.   All other fields: *. documents. The attribute is called SRM_PROPGROUP. Example of an authorization profile You want to authorize the user to create records.   In the authorization object S_SRMGS_VV. documents. enter the following values:  SPS_ID: All element types for record models and file plans ACTVT: Display. Attributes can be classified into groups. 02 Change: The user can change existing process routes. The Authorization Concept for Process Routes The authorization concept for a process route has three levels: Level 1 You can maintain authorizations using the authorization object S_SRMPATH1. use the activity area SRMDP. SPSID ID of the element type for which the user is to have authorization. These are:     01 Add or create: The user can create new process routes and new process route items. Since a process route is always deleted when you delete a circular. The authorization object has the following fields: ACTAREA Restricts the authorizations to limited activity areas of the process route. If you are using the process route in a Case Management context.     02 Change: The user can change circulars. ACTVT Describes the possible activities that can be executed. These are:  01 Add or create: The user can create new circulars. This has the following fields: RMSID ID of the RMS for which the user is to have authorization. use the activity area “SCMG”. You can use the activity area to control the process routes for different applications separately. 03 Display: The user can display circulars. 03 Display: The user can display process routes. 06 Delete: The user can delete process routes. This includes executing the steps of a circular. If you are using the process route in a Records Management context (circular). ACTVT Describes the possible activities that can be executed.htm 4/18/2012 . Level 2 file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The authorizations assigned apply for all process routes. the user must also have authorization for deleting process routes.SAP Records Management Page 94 of 99  SPS_ID: All element types for record models and file plans ACTVT: Display All other fields: *. 06 Delete: The user can delete circulars. An activity area is a name for an application that uses the process route. 35 Show: The user can see links to circulars (the nodes in a record).   Authorization Concept for Circulars and Process Routes Authorization Concept for the Circular You maintain the authorizations for circulars in the authorization object S_SRMDISP1. and you can enter any additional specific authorizations. you only need the authorization objects S_FRA_AREA.  Change: The user can change all process route items. There are five authorization objects for registry maintenance. For maintaining an RMS and element types without the implementation of additional service providers . For more information. Level 3 You can maintain authorizations when creating a process route item in the field Authorization Item. In the header data. and S_FRA_SPS.htm 4/18/2012 . The following values are permitted:  Create (01) Display (03) Change (02) Delete (06)  F_AREA_ID ID of an area    Authorization object S_FRA_SP This authorization object relates to the entity service provider. and display activities.SAP Records Management Page 95 of 99 You can maintain authorizations in the header data of the process route. You can assign the following authorizations:  Display: The user can display the process route. Authorization object S_FRA_AREA This authorization object relates to the entity area and has the following fields:  ACTVT Number of an activity. The Authorization Concept for Customizing The activities within the IMG activity Registry Maintenance are linked to authorizations. you can select which groups involved in the process route have authorizations for the change. The authorizations assigned in level 3 can both restrict and extend the authorizations assigned in level 2 for a process route item. You assign this authorization to the person/s who you have entered as processors for the process route item.  Add: The user can add new process route items.  No authorization: The user can neither display nor change the process. Changing includes deleting. The authorizations assigned in level 2 can restrict the authorizations assigned in level 1. Authorizations assigned here are only valid for the process route of which you are currently editing the header data. see the field help for the individual fields. add. but cannot extend them. The authorizations are only valid for the time during which the process route item is processed.  ACTVT Number of an activity (see above)   F_AREA_ID ID of an area F_SP_ID ID of a service provider file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. S_FRA_SP. Integration and Extension You can integrate Records Management in all SAP applications. You also often need to perform programming tasks as part of the implementation. The object has the following authorization fields:   ACTVT Number of an activity (see above) F_SPTY_ID ID of the service provider type Best Practices for Implementation Projects Records Management is a tool that often needs to be adapted to individual customer requirements and integrated into applications. Choose Media Library  Documentation. For these typical requirements.htm 4/18/2012 . but they can be adapted for other scenarios.SAP Records Management Page 96 of 99 Authorization object S_FRA_SPS This authorization object relates to the entity element type. we have prepared tutorials that tell you in detail how to realize the requests. Some requirements appear repeatedly in many implementation projects. illustrated by example source code. The object has the following authorization fields:  ACTVT Number of an activity (see above)  F_CLRO_ID ID of the class role Authorization object S_FRA_SPTY This authorization object relates to the entity service provider type. Tutorials are available for the following topics:  Inserting ArchiveLink documents into records automatically  Inserting business objects into records automatically and setting up navigation between the business object and the record    Format conversion and archiving for documents when you use the Close function Integration of a pushbutton into an application transaction for navigating to the appropriate record Starting a workflow in a record by entering import parameters  Full text search in Records Management You can find the tutorials in the Service Marketplace under the alias recordsmanagement.     ACTVT Number of an activity (see above) F_AREA_ID ID of an area F_SP_ID F_SPS_ID ID of a service provider ID of an element type Authorization object S_FRA_CLRO This authorization object relates to the entity class role. The tutorials include concrete example scenarios. see Integration into an SAP Application. The following options exist: file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. The following options exist:  System-controlled execution of activities in records    System-controlled execution of activities in documents Navigation from an application to display a record Navigation from an application to display any element  Integration of Records Management as a GUI Control For more information. You can extend the functions that are delivered with Records Management. SAP provides a range of BAPIs that can manipulate documents without user interaction. choose Basis  Basis Services. and open the business object RM_DOCUMENT. see SAP Service Marketplace at service. use the BAPI Explorer (transaction BAPI). see the online BAPI documentation.htm 4/18/2012 . For remote access. The BAPIs act on the business object RECORD. You can display the methods of the business object RECORD in the file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. Integration is carried out using by the business object RECORD. The following BAPIs exist:  BAPI_SRM_DOC_CREATE: Create document       BAPI_SRM_DOC_DELETE: Delete document BAPI_SRM_DOC_GETPROPERTIES: Determine document attributes BAPI_SRM_DOC_CHANGEPROPERTIES: Set document attributes BAPI_SRM_DOC_CHECKIN_CONT_TAB: Set document content and transfer tables with row length 255 BAPI_SRM_DOC_CHECKIN_CONT_TAB: Get document content and transfer tables with row length 255 BAPI_RECORD_GETLIST: Get a list of documents  BAPI_SRM_DOC_GET_VERSION_LIST: Get a list of versions for a document  BAPI_SRM_DOC_GET_COMP_INFO: Get file information (file ID. The integration is easily implemented and is sufficient for most application scenarios.SAP Records Management Page 97 of 99  Add functions to a standard service provider  Integration of an application entity by implementing a new service provider For more information. Integration into an SAP Application This section contains information about the options for integrating Records Management into an SAP application. and open the business object RECORD. For more information. To enable this background processing. Navigating From an Application to a Record You can integrate a button into an application to enable the user to navigate directly to a record in the Records Browser. To view the available BAPIs. SAP also provides a number of Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs). To view the available BAPIs. SAP provides the Records API. System-Controlled Execution of Activities in Records You can specify that the system executes activities in records in the background. choose Basis  Basis Services. file size. see Adding Functions. In this  Media Center  Documentation  “Accessing the Records API”. You only have the options for manipulating a record that are offered in the methods of the business object RECORD. mime type. You can use the Records API to execute almost all activities that are provided for the user in the Records Browser. Users can go to an existing record. System-Controlled Execution of Activities in Documents You can specify that the system carries out activities in records in the background. and so on) For more information on these use the BAPI Explorer (transaction BAPI). For this purpose. or create a new record. The following BAPIs exist:  BAPI_RECORD_CREATE: Create record  BAPI_RECORD_ADDELEMENT: Add an element to a record    BAPI_RECORD_ADDELEMENTS: Add multiple elements to a record BAPI_RECORD_GETPROPERTIES: Determine properties of a record BAPI_RECORD_CHANGEPROPERTIES: Change the attribute values of a record  BAPI_RECORD_DELETEELEMENTS: Delete multiple elements from a record  BAPI_RECORD_DELETE: Delete record  BAPI_RECORD_GETLIST: Find records For more information on these BAPIs. The BAPIs act on the business object RM_DOCUMENT. In this transaction. see the online BAPI documentation. Change. Integration of Records Management as a GUI Control You can display a record or any other Records Management element in any application transaction as a control. or adding new functions. A model activity is an activity for an unspecified element. or called remotely so that a new internal session is created. Inheriting an SAP service provider class may cause problems during an upgrade since SAP reserves the right to change these classes in such a way that renders them incompatible. You can navigate to the display of any element. and you can call all activities that are possible for the element. see the developer documentation Implementing a Service Provider on the SAP Service Marketplace under the alias recordsmanagement. Adding Functions This section contains information about the options for changing Records Management functions. and not the proprietary methods of the service file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. For this purpose. For more information. Records Management can be integrated into a screen of the application by using the control. changing. Records Management provides the classes CL_SRM_BASE_CONTROL and CL_SRM_STACKED_CONTROL for this. the function module can only be called with the destination NONE. There are three ways of adding functions to standard service providers: Redefining Service Provider Classes Use this option if you want to make small changes only. but can also be called locally. Search or Create. Navigating From an Application to an Element You can integrate a button into an application that enables the user to navigate directly to any element within Records Management. but is not restricted to displaying records. This integration requires more complicated implementation than the integration using the business object RECORD. Calling the function module causes the system to switch to transaction ORGANIZER with an opened and also offer methods for displaying.htm 4/18/2012 .com/recordsmanagement  Media Library  Documentation  “Integrating Records Management as a GUI Control”. For information about the structure of service providers. Whereas calling the function module SRM_START_FRAMEWORK_RFC causes the system to switch screens. You declare a class that inherits from a class of the standard service provider. If you use the function module SRM_START_FRAMEWORK_RFC. For this class you can redefine methods to implement the new function. The methods contain the calls for the BAPIs named above. for example: Display. You can call a model activity or an instance activity. and searching for records. and you have generated a root object (either explicitly or implicitly).SAP Records Management Page 98 of 99 Business Object Repository Browser (transaction code SWO3). or Delete. SAP provides the following function module: SRM_START_FRAMEWORK_RFC This function module starts the Records Management Framework using a concrete element instance. see SAP Service Marketplace at service. The module is RFC-compatible. Choose Basis Components  Basis Services  Records Management. Adding Functions to a Standard Service Provider You can add functions to a standard service provider. An instance activity is an activity for a specific element. We recommend that you redefine standardized interface methods only. for example. For more information on implementing a new service provider. The entity can be displayed as an element in a record. for example). SAP does not provide support for any classes that you copy and change. You register the new class together with the other classes of the standard service provider as a new service provider in the registry. make sure that the new class complies with all class roles that the class of the standard service provider also complied with. copied classes do not receive new functions or corrections. When you upgrade your system. Implementing a New Service Provider You can integrate any entities into Records Management by implementing a new service provider.SAP Records Management Page 99 of 99 provider. You register the new class together with the other classes of the standard service provider as a new service provider in the registry. see the developer documentation Implementing a Service Provider that is available on the SAP Service Marketplace under the alias recordsmanagement. Copying Service Provider Classes You copy a class of a service provider and change it according to your requirements. You choose this option if you want to include entities in records that cannot be integrated by using the SAP service providers. whether an element-specific authorization check should be performed. Implementing a new service provider also enables you to control which activities are offered. and so on.htm 4/18/2012 . Replacing a Service Provider Class You write a new class that replaces one of the classes of the standard service provider. file:///C:/Users/SYAM/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3248. On copied classes you can also reimplement proprietary methods of the standard service provider. Also make sure that the communication of this class with the other service provider classes takes place by means of a standardized interface (communication between a client class and a back-end class. whether elements are displayed on the current interface or in a new session. If you choose this option.
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