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How to run MRP Based on MRP Controller? For e.g.:- We have different MRP Controller for Spare parts and we have different MRP Controller for Finished product and raw materials. Now, how can we to run MRP, based on Spare parts MRP controller? You can run MRP at MRP controller, you need to activate user exit. Goto SMOD and activate the user exit M61X0001 for MRP Controller. (For this user exit, SPA already has given the logic. Just copy the logic and paste in the function of user exit and activate) (EXIT_SAPMM61X_001 - logic is given for this ‡ select materials for one MRP controller (specified in user_par) ---------------------------------------------------------------------WHEN '005'. UXPAR = USER_PAR. CONDENSE UXPAR. WRITE UXPAR+0(3) TO DISPO. IF DISPO IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. IF MT61D-DISPO DISPO. NO_PLANNING = 'X'. ENDIF. Once you do above the go to SPRO -> PP -> MRP -> Planning -> User Exit: Material Selection for Planning Run Here you define the 005 as MRP controller. Now when you execute MD01 at that time Enter User exit Key = 005 and User exit parameter = your MRP Controller value. Curtsy: (Way 2 SAP) PPCO0007 (Go to SMOD) Function exit EXIT_SAPLCOZV_001 enhancement when saving order &--------------------------------------------------------------------*& Include ZXCO1U06 &--------------------------------------------------------------------*Write code here 2) BADI Implement the BADI . recently we are observing that the users are not capturing the regular issue of material on daily basis. wa_resb type resb. loop at lt_resb into wa_resb. if wa_resb-enmng < wa_resb-bdmng.WORKORDER_CONFIRM in this there is method AT_SAVE under that write this code method IF_EX_WORKORDER_CONFIRM~AT_SAVE. endif. Processing is STOPed'. select * from resb into table lt_resb where rsnum eq i_order_header-rsnum and xloek eq space and bdmng gt 0. endloop. message E499(sy) with 'Order is not fully consumed. data: lt_resb type standard table of resb. check sy-subrc eq 0.Control Regular Entry for Material Consumption 09 Jan 2011 08:14 am Problem Ticket: In our company. I think the only way to you can control this is by implementing an USER EXIT or BADI 1) User-Exit Use below user exit for Production Order when saving exit will work . Is there any option to make the entry a must or do you have any suggestion to control this loop hole? Solution: You can work with PP and ABAP person on this requirement. . which is why the material consumption is not coming on time or the status is changing. endmethod. Mass changes : Material Selection .Product Structure Browser. To check all the changes. Click Goto for the various type of changes to be displayed.XX. CC04 . you must specify the earliest possible Selection date. CS20 . Please check the BOM changes using below tcode·s: CS80 CS81 CS82 CS83 CS84 Change Documents for Material BOM Change Documents for Standard BOM Change documents for Sales Order BOM Change documents for WBS BOM Change documents for Class BOM . This is a great transaction for viewing and modifying anything that were related to the Material. e. If don't know the earliest date.g BOM. just key in XX. at the second screen.You add or delete a component from all the BOM. Routing etc.Bill of Material display changes in SAP PP Module 09 Jan 2011 08:05 am Transaction CS80 keep track of changes done to the BOM.9999. 2. Requires more discipline from the supplier and the shop floor. Interplant Kanban is transparent to supplying plant. Kanban board. T-codes for Kanbans Control cycle is a pre-requisite for KANBAN. Prevents overshipping 3. do not affect shipping 4. More master data to maintain. PK31 4. Incorrect inventory balances. PK01 3. maintenance and tracking of Kanbancards. Keeps raw material inventory in check 2. PK13N . Example: controls in processing of scrap. Kanban correction. May hide procedural or data problems. Currently. Quantity signal input. Maintain supply area. PK22 5.adherence to ship windows. Supplier schedules stay in sync with actual production Disadvantages: 1. You can create it with t code PK01 The major steps in KANBAN are: 1. Advantages: 1. SAP KANBAN functionality is used only for procuring raw materials from outside vendors and transferring stock between plants. 3. No additional work is required from the supplying plant. Create control cycle. BOMs. etc. PK05 2. Interplant transfers (STO's) use internally generated schedule lines for replenishment.SAP KANBAN Functionality 09 Jan 2011 08:21 am Describe the overall process of KANBAN step by step. Vendor kanban uses Summarized JIT Calls to communicate JIT requirements to suppliers. It describes production process. forecasting etc. time required to carry out work. The header screen of the header/operations component displays the main order elements of production order and once required master data elements are maintained. There are different views for user departments i. jigs and fixtures and measuring instruments. Major settings related to production planning are available in MRP and Work scheduling views of material master.Introduction to SAP PP Master Data 10 Nov 2010 11:18 am SAP PP Master Data.e. costing. change of master data if any is controlled by the function Read Master Data. sales. Quality Management. Sales Order activities and in product costing department.The material master contains information on all the materials that a company procures or produces.BOM is basis for number of activities in many areas like CAD Department. Bill of Material (BOM) (CS01)²A list of components that make up product or assembly along with quantity and unit of measures.Production Resource/Tool (PRT) is a moveable operating resource used in production planning to perform an activity repeatedly. A work center is created for a plant and is assigned to operations in routing. Routing (CA01) -is nothing but sequence of operations (i. Master data tends to remain constant in and used in same way.Master data is important component in PP modules like any kind of SAP modules. MRP Department. then data Related to production order elements will automatically copied from master data which saves lot of data entry time of users and helps for planning accuracy. . For specific production order. Examples of PRTs are Drawings.e. Work Steps) needed to make up product or assembly. Purchasing. It is the company·s essential source for retrieving material-specific data. Master data helps to maintained integration of business processes/objects. Data in work centers is used for scheduling. A routing is used as a source for creating a production order or a run schedule header by copying. Accounting. stores. Changes to master data are strictly controlled by authorizations and automatically under a Change Management. Capacity Planning etc. a different routing or both if production order is not still processed further ahead. Work centers are capacity collectors for internal and external processing. Production Resource Tools (PRTs) (CF01) . Following are vital master data elements related to SAP Production Planning (PP)Material master (MM01) . This information is stored in individual material master records. Routing also contained information like place of work to be performed. Individual department·s users are responsible for material master maintenance activity as per requirements. Work Scheduling Department and production order management department. Costing. and sells. So proper maintenance of master data is again having high importance. Work Centers (CR01) -is a place where work (operations) is carried out. material or component requirement along with equipment need if any. One can elect to read a different BOM. MRP. . processing. For available capacity calculation SAP consider Factory Calendar attached in Header Data of work center capacity category. And no of machine are two no·s of same specification. To achieve this objective SAP PP has integrated component called as SAP PP CRP (Capacity Requirement Planning). Available capacity is the work that can be done by a capacity at a work center per working day. Operating time of capacity is calculated considering start time and finish time of capacity category minus lengths of break considered for resource/work center multiplied by capacity utilization percentages. Process Orders and SOP orders. Other PP master such as Material master. 2. 5. Labor. teardown. Processing unit. 3. 4. Select alternative capacity if need arises Plan resources on alternative capacity Monitor outcome of planning and take corrective action (i.e. Transport.00 p.And further resources is attached to operation and finally Scheduling is used to determine the times of the capacity requirements. There we maintain capacity category like Machine.m to 7. And Management anticipates 85% utilization of machine. Evaluate existing available capacity of resources Analysis/compare requirements and available capacities i. For example. and there is one hour break during this available time. 7. pooled capacities etc) and Capacity requirement is based on these Set up. In production planning requirement is normally consists of Planned Order. processing and Teardown time factors all together based on actual process and requirement of planned or production order. Further standard available capacity is maintained in respective header data of capacity category. equipments and space etc. leveling) considering business requirements. Make educated guess about future capacity requirements based on planned order/production order etc.e. machines. evaluation Find out alternatives/substitute capacity if any primary resource is full with allocated requirements. external processing etc along with formulas (i. Resources could be man.SAP PP CRP helps to get answer to mainly following questionsWhat kind of capacity is needed? How much is needed? When is it needed? Following are major steps in Capacity Planning1. routing and factory calendar are pre. These different time factors are assigned to operation via routing .m. 6. The capacity planners responsible for machine loading are obliged to process the scheduled capacity requirements in production on time.00 a. Setup.requisites for capacity planning function.e. And it is available from 7. Production orders. let·s say Machine is capacity category. Electricity. BOMS.SAP PP Capacity Requirement Planning Overview 10 Nov 2010 09:31 am Cost Effective and optimized use of resources is major objective of any company. Main CRP elements introduced by SAP are: Available capacity Scheduling Capacity Requirement Capacity evaluations Capacity Leveling Capacity reduction One need to maintain master data related to capacities in Work Center (CR01) in Capacities Tab Page. Capacity reduction occurs when operations are confirmed or order quantities are reduced or cancelled. requirements can be compared with the available capacities.e control recipe is configured in this module. GIVE SOME EXAMPLES.00 AM to 7.7 hrs Another important element of CRP is Capacity Evaluation which is used to analyze capacity loads in company. i. REM: Mainly to reduce the data input by person working in SAP and in this case we are bother by the period end costing and not the each order level costing as the process is repetitive and one order is sufficient for the wile life. WHAT IS THE MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DISCRETE. And it is entered by operator and approved by shift supervisor through control recipe function. One can use planning table to carry out simulation. many orders are going through this lathe m/c and schedule plays very important role w. Every time the product many not be same can be different. In the capacity evaluations. But the difference is the o/p is almost same. if you have a lath machine. REPETITIVE AND PROCESS MANUFACTURING. here the capacity planning plays major role. The objectives of capacity leveling include: Leveling overloads and under loads at work centers Achieving optimum commitment of machines and production lines Selection of appropriate resources And SAP has provided interface called capacity planning table which enables to carry out detailed planning of capacity requirements continuously over time.r. PP-PI: We are mainly concerned with quality parameters and Process management i. PP-Discrete: Required where there will be discrete orders passing through a work center.00 PM] less [Break ² 1 hour] * [No of Machine or capacities ² 02 nos] * Capacity Utilization (85%) So Available Capacity = (12-1) * 2 * 85/100 =18. .So in this case available capacity will be calculated as followsShift hours ² [7. you will not change the product. Capacity reduction is necessary for accurate capacity planning functioning. Capacity Leveling function is used to dispatch operations. Operations are dispatched in order to fix them at a point in time when there is sufficient capacity for them to be carried out.e. Knowledge on Discrete and Repetitive in SAP PP Module 09 Jan 2011 07:59 am 1. but same work center can be used for many products.t lath as well as the product as the product has to go through many work centre. but every step is very important to achieve the product quality. Accordingly. client can go for REM. . Even FERT can produced with Discrete and HALB can be produced by using REM.2. WHY NOT DISCRETE OR PROCESS INDUSTRY. WHAT TYPE OF INDUSTRY IS THIS. IF IT IS REPETITIVE. how they want to map the system. it can come to a conclusion whether to go for Discrete or REM. FOR EXAMPLE CAR MANUFACTURING. It is to be decided before implementation starts. We can map the car manufacturing in REM or Discrete. HOW YOU CAN DECIDE AN ORGANISATION IS DISCRETE OR REPETITIVE OR PROCESS INDUSTRY? It depends on the client decision. Also the production contains more and long operations can adopt discrete. It is to be decided with the business process owners and consulting partner. If the production process under go same type of operation and process in their manufacturing. REM contains similar less complicated operations. Also. Production persons will explain how and about the production process. 3. the opinion of Costing department is important. client may go for Discrete. If the production flow in their manufacturing process under go different operations depends on the requirement. In general it can be classified on the basis of product flow in the manufacturing process. Give me step by step procedure for Creation of Variant Configuration. that will be a very helpful to me for creating VC. Welcome. 2007 8:59 AM response to: Sandeep in Reply Theurkar Forum Points: 2. Sandeep N.If some of you having screen shots for the same with one Example.SAP Community Network Forums » SAP Solutions » ERP Manufacturing (PP) Thread: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP This question is answered. Thanks & Regards. 2010 4:25 PM Last Post By: Saraswati chandra Sandeep Theurkar Posts: 535 Registered: 10/4/07 How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Oct 12.463 Registered: 8/4/06 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Oct 12. Step1: Create Material master with configurable type Alternatives: a) Material type KMAT b) Material with configurable indicator Step2: ‡ Create variant class with class type 300 ‡ Define features of the product as characteristics ‡ Use characteristic values to describe customer requirements ‡ Assign characteristics to class ‡ Assign class to material Step3 ‡ Create Super BOM ‡ It should contain variable parts & non variable parts Step 4 ‡ Create configuration profile ‡ Assign variant class to config profile Step5 ‡ Create object dependencies .500 Hi step wise procedure in brief.Theurkar Forum Points: 628 YM REDDY Posts: 1.Last Post: Dec 22.Pages: 1 . Guest Want to post to the Expert Forums? Reply to this Thread Search Forum Back to Thread List Replies: 11 . Pl 's guide me for How to Create Variant Configuration Material Master. 2007 8:47 AM Reply Dear Friend's. and in CLASSIFICATION view assign the class which you have prepared . So no w you can able to Configure a material . follow the steps. 2007 9:12 AM response to: Sandeep in Reply Theurkar Forum Points: 6 Hi sandeep In creating Variant configuration for a material . for that you need to wirte the related Object depandenices . 3) MM01 : create the Configurable materila with Mat type KMAT .‡ Use characteristics & their values Step6 Assign object dependencies to BOM components Step7 Simulate the configuration Hope you can get this. pl. Configuration Profile : TCODE : CU41 The Object dependencies you prepared can be attached in Configuration Profile such as PROCEDURES AND CONSTRAINTS. award if it is helpful. Objeect depandencies are of 4 types 1) PROCEDURES : TCODE : CU01 2) PRECONDITION: TCODE : CUO1 3) CONSTRAINTS : TCODE :CU21 4) Actions The central settings of a material like which type of BOM and whether it belongs to single level or multi level and some mote important data can be maintained in Configuration Profile. 2) CL01 : Create the class with class type 300 /200 and assign the creaed characteristcis in step1 here . 1) CT04 : Create the characteristics which you have for the material. after assigning all Object dependencies you can check the consistency of the model by using TCODE : CU50 ( wit . Regards YMREDDY Anil Reddy Posts: 42 Registered: 3/7/07 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Oct 12. Preconditions can be assigned in characteristics value level and in characteristic level but not in Configuration profile. code : CT04(characteristic) FORD_MODEL. . T. IN FIESTA_LXI CLICK THE 'O' meant for Obj dependency. OBJECT DEPENDENCY: T. class need to be assigned to material master 1. Reward points if it is helpful. ie you need to define the characteristic and assign the values .code : CL02 fiesta_class type : 300 4. Edit the dependecy.hthis one particularly you can check whether your configuratio n is working as you desired ) Please come back to me if you have any queries. 2007 9:15 AM response to: Sandeep in Reply Theurkar Forum Points: 2.Nandakumar Posts: 1. action & extra. 01 .fiesta_vxi. S.Tcode: CT04.( characteristic values) 2. don't click entry required. Create class T.If a sale order is raised for fiesta lxi model the system should choose red colour & for vxi blue colour respectively.557 Registered: 3/22/07 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Oct 12.930 Hi. Eg: Ford car. This characteristic need to assigned to class.CODE : CT04 FORD_MODEL CLICK VALUES TAB.Red( characteristic values) 02.Blue 3. Choose single value & entry required tab & give the input as 01 fiesta_lxi & 02 . FORD_BODY( another characteristic) Choose single value . Then create a Super BOM with usage 3 & give component as ford_body Then use T. .code cu41 (Create config profile) enter a profile name & class 300 & choose class assignment. .Tcode . Posts: 1.Tcode CS01 ‡ It should contain variable parts & non variable parts Step 4 ‡ Create configuration profile Tcode .CU50 . Then create a sale order. choose fiest_class . 2007 9:20 AM response to: Sandeep in Reply Theurkar Forum Points: 1.code cu50 to check the values.CT04 ‡ Use characteristics & their values Step6 Assign object dependencies to BOM components .ford_body = '01'. Regards. Use T... I am changing the sequence to the previous post so that you can understand easily Step1: ‡ Define features of the product as characteristics .426 Hi. Pl.038 Registered: 7/12/07 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Oct 12. then create a ROH as ford_body.010 $Self. reward if helpful. & save Repeat the same for FIEST_VXI & instead of '01' give '02' for blue colour.Tcode CL02 Step2: Create Material master with configurable type Alternatives: a) Material type KMAT b) Assign class to material in "Classification view" b) Material with configurable indicator in MRP-2 view Step3 ‡ Create Super BOM .T code -CT04 ‡ Use characteristic values to describe customer requirements ‡ Assign characteristics to class ‡ Create variant class with class type 300 .T code-CS02 Step7 Simulate the configuration . & a KMAT material for the car.CU41 ‡ Assign variant class to config profile Step5 ‡ Create object dependencies . nandha MURUGESAN THANG. pl. 2009 5:05 PM response to: suresh in Reply subraman. I don't see the flag for 'configurable material' in basic data 2 tab. Posts: 4. . award if it is helpful Thanks and regards Murugesan suresh subraman.Hope you can get this.. other process are same which other posted. 2009 5:49 PM response to: Prasobh in Reply Karunak. Forum Points: 0 Hi everyone! I am trying to create a material in MM01 as the first step for Variant config with material type KMAT. Thanks.852 Registered: 9/1/06 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Nov 10. Any way when you are creating the material with material type KMAT. 2009 5:24 PM response to: Rome-TR in Reply Forum Points: 11. Activating the check box for "Material is Configurable" is applicable only for material types other than KMAT.. But. S.Suresh. Regards. Romena Prasobh Karunak. Forum Points: 0 Thanks Prasobh. I have tried creating a material with our own customized material type and it still did not show the flag for 'configurable material'..... Pls let me know what I am missing.. It would be a good idea to create a new thread for the problem faced. Regards. Posts: 122 Registered: 7/12/07 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Oct 12. RomeTR Posts: 4 Registered: 11/10/09 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Nov 10.458 Romena. Prasobh RomeTR Posts: 4 Registered: 11/10/09 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Nov 10. 2007 1:32 PM response to: Sandeep in Reply Theurkar Forum Points: 80 Hi.. u can create KMAT material type or any other material type like FERT but in basic data 2 view material is configurable has to select. default your material type would be defined for Configuration so no need to to do this stuff. hence you will not see in the basic data. Thanks for your time and help!./collective 1*** Above details are rhe basic/essential/primary material master data for for Variant configuration Purposes in SAP-PP.Anyway. you will not see "configurable material" in basic data. Thanking you in anticipation Regards Saraswati Chandra Saraswati chandra Posts: 133 Registered: 12/16/10 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Dec 22. 25*** ***MRP type For example. Madhava Saraswati chandra Posts: 133 Registered: 12/16/10 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Dec 22. 2010 3:57 PM response to: Sandeep in Reply Theurkar Forum Points: 152 Hi Sandeep. KMAT itself is the configurable material. There is some data that you need to maintain specifically for configurable materials:*** ***Basic Data*** ***Material is configurable indicator X*** ***Sales*** ***Item category group 0002 or 0004*** ***Delivering plant*** ***MRP*** ***Strategy group For example.N Posts: 312 Registered: 5/28/09 Re: How to create Variant Configuration Material Master in SAP PP Posted: Nov 10. I am repeating what other Gurus said. 2010 4:25 PM response to: Rome-TR in Reply . PD*** ***Not ND*** ***MRP lot size EX*** ***Availability check (checking group) 02*** ***Individ. I will play with it and see whether I can figure it out. Please find the answer below and revert if required***Material Master Data for Configurable Materials*** ***You use central maintenance functions to create material master records for configurable*** ***materials. When you create material master with KMAT. Romena Madhava K. 2009 6:56 PM response to: Rome-TR in Reply Forum Points: 830 Hi. You are not missing anything. thanking you in anticipation Regards chandra . Please revert if required.this functionality is pre-configured in material master(mm01).Forum Points: 152 Hi Romena.You can easily find it out in Basic data view 2 (at the bottom) in material Master. Thanks n regards.Dear All. I am interested in understanding the FI PP or CO PP integration part of the busiess with corresponding accounting entries. If any of you have documentation / material / web link .-Co document will be generated for Planned postings 2) When you issue goods(Raw materials) to production (against Production order) the FI and CO entries will get generated -CO27 FI Entry.PP Integration Posted: Jan 8. FI-PP integration takes place mainly at these stages1) When you create and release the production order. we have to run WIP at the month end-KKAO FI entry. 2008 10:45 AM to: Ganesh in response Reply JK Hi.Consumption A/C Dr To Inventory A/C Cr CO primary cost postings will be triggered against the cost center. 3) When operations in routings are confirmed .WIP A/C Dr To Change in WIP A/ c Cr The above entry will be reversed at the time of settlement of production order. here also CO and FI documents will be generated -CO11 FI-EntryFinished Goods A/C Dr To cost of goods produced A/C 5) If the production order is not confirmed fully. the planned costs will be calliculated from BOM and Routing/Master Recipe master data. 6) When the PO is technically completed.please share with me. the cost centers in the work centers will be charged with the activity costs Here secondary cost postings will be triggered in the production cost centers. Ganesh JK raj m Posts: 53 Registered: 12/7/07 Re: FI . 4) After final confirmation of the operations. the GRN will takes place against the production order. then settlement of PO takes place-K088 FI entryPrice Difference(Goods) A/C To cost of goods produced A/C Thanks Kishore Forum Points: 104 . . sort criterion. Holiday Class. Here is a summary of steps for creating holidays.. Public Holidays ¢Menu Path: SAP Implementation Guide Maintain calendar¢ General Settings ¢SAP Web Application Server Trx Code: SCAL Choose the radio button Public holidays and click the change button Select the create button from the toolbar Select the required holiday type radio button option from the above screen and choose create button (in this example is a movable holiday is selected which means the date is not known but month and day is known) Enter the year.? thanks. short description and long text. month and day. 2007 10:22 PM response to: Guest in Reply Found it :) Holiday Calendar ¢ SAP Web Application Server ¢Menu Path: SAP Implementation Guide Maintain calendar¢General Settings Trx Code: SCAL Choose the radio button Holiday calendar and click the change button Choose the create button from the toolbar . The public holiday is created.... The procedure is same in SAP HR.. Posted: Aug 14.holidays and factory calendar. Request you crm people to guide me in creating holidays and factory calendar. 2007 10:07 PM Reply Hello.. Posted: Aug 14.Is the process same as in HR module of R/3? Can it be transported to other systems... Im afraid these are not transportable and thus have to be created manually in every system. Guest Re: holidays and factory calendar. I have to search my notes for creating factory calendar.. 2007 10:10 PM response to: Pankaj in Reply Chandra Pankaj. Julius Pereira Guest Re: holidays and factory calendar. Choose the green tick mark button. will keep this thread posted. And choose the Insert Date button Choose the create icon. Posted: Aug 14. Pankaj. Select the required holidays and choose the assign publ. To view the Factory calendar. holiday button. In the screen that opens enter the Factory Calendar Id. Then click the Assign publ. holiday calendar. We get a warning because we have not maintained holidays for all the years in the range 2006 ± 2010 except 2006.Enter the calendar id. public holidays defined in the ECC 5. You may refer to the factory calendar. Choose the assign publ. to date and check the workday checkbox. If the checkbox is selected all public holidays are considered as working days. The factor calendar gets saved. Click the save button in the sap toolbar. Special Rule: Based on the above workdays settings in the factory calendar.0 system (through transaction code SCAL) so that the ECC and CRM system calendars are in sync. This special rule is then maintained in the factory calendar. holiday button Choose the save button from the SAP toolbar. valid from year. the Public holidays are considered as off days if the checkbox Public Holiday is not selected. valid to year. description. Also enter the holiday calendar id created in earlier. Now If you want a particular public holiday to be considered as a working day (but not all public holidays as working days) you need to maintain a special rule and specify the from date. Then select the checkboxes to indicate which days are working days. holiday button (you may use the funnel button in the above screen to filter out only records based on your sort key defined earlier while creating the holidays). 2. Click the yes button multiple times till the warning disappears and the holiday calendar gets saved. Note: 1. description. Select the calendar and click the . Factory Calendar ¢Menu Path: SAP Implementation Guide Maintain calendar¢ General Settings ¢SAP Web Application Server Trx Code: SCAL Choose the radio button Factory calendar and click the change button Select the create icon from the toolbar. Valid From year and To year. To see details of a particular day from the above calendar. Similarly you can see details of the Holiday calendar as well. Select a row from the above list and click the Year pushbutton from the toolbar to see the detailed month-wise calendar for the year selected.Calendar pushbutton We see the factory calendar maintained for the no of years. select the date and click the Day pushbutton from the toolbar. Hope this helps too. Julius Pereira .
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