SAP MDG (Master Data Governance) Training and Finance



SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And FinanceContact Us : +91-9052666559 Email: [email protected] SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And Finance  agnific !ame : "#$ %& 2'() *ec+nical s,pport  -ac,lt. : /eal time E0perience agnific *rainings: is a 1ran2 an2 pro3i2ing 4,alit. online an2 o5ine trainings to st,2ents in worl2 wi2e. 6e are pro3i2ing 1est online training on "#$ %&    6e o7er in3estment options to o,r st,2ents8 if necessar.. #s an instit,tion of learning8 we +a3e a strong c,stomer 1ase an2 a great team of e0perience2 mar9eting.  SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And Finance Highlights in our training service:  E3er. fac,lt. +as /eal *ime E0perience. *raine2 /eso,rces place2 in co,ntries li9e #,stralia8 U"#8 U:8 ;#$#!8 "6E%E! etc. #n. critical iss,es face2 1. reso,rce resol3e2 ,sing *eam 3iewer8 6e1E0 . ",pporting t+e reso,rce wit+ *op 100 <nter3iew =,estions. /es,me 1,ilt in 1est corporate stan2ar2s accor2ing to t+e >o1 2escription. 6e will mar9et t+e res,me for top tec+nolog. co,ntries. #fter eac+ wee9 a stat,s e0am is con2,cte2.   SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And Finance Introduction :  "#$ aster %ata &o3ernance applications ?"#$ %&@ for t+e s,ppl. of certain areas of master 2ata go3ernance8 all a2apte2 to a centraliAe2 2ata management. *+e application allows .o, to manage t+e 2ata rea2. for ,se in "#$ en3ironments8 1,t also o,tsi2e. "#$ %& finance8 an2 3en2or 2ata 1ase materials an2 t+e intro2,ction of new applications for "#$ %& c,stomer 2ata 1ase. <t also pro3i2es impro3ements for t+e p,rposes of t+e -o,n2ation of t+e %&s8 w+ic+ range from o1>ects 2efine2 1. t+e ,ser or 1,il2 a go3ernance process stan2ar2 ena1les content.  SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And Finance  Learning Points : Benefits of ,sing "#$ B,siness 6or9Cow to maintain master 2ata <mpact of 2i7erent approac+es to timing an2 a3aila1ilit. of master 2ata c+anges /estrict a,t+oriAations an2 ,se wor9Cow ro,ting instea2 overvie :  Session <ntro2,ction %esign consi2erations #,t+oriAation an2 ro,ting *ips an2 1est practices   SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And Finance  SAP tools !or Master Data Governance : !et6ea3er B,siness $rocess anagement $referre2 for m,lti-s.stem processes ?"#$ + non-"#$@ Eas. to mo2el Dow integration ?2esigne2 to 1e s.stem-in2epen2ent@ "#$ B,siness 6or9Cow Eig+l. integrate2 wit+ "#$ 2ata8 org str,ct,res8 a,t+oriAation concept &reat c+oice for p,re #B#$ s.stem en3ironment wit+o,t % E.g. "#$ B,siness ",ite8 ECC "#$ % %e2icate2 "#$ sol,tion for master 2ata management Eas c,stom wor9Cows 1,ilt in or can wor9 wit+ !6B$ SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And Finance SAP MDG (master data governance) Training And Finance  SAP MDG Training To"ics# Magni$c Training :  $ositioning "#$Fs % sol,tions  SAP Master Data Governance  B,siness $rocesses in aster %ata &o3ernance  #rc+itect,re of aster %ata &o3ernance  &* -:it: C,stomers8 /amp-Up "tat,s8 <nfo "o,rces  "pecific processes inGMDG !or Financials  "pecific processes inGMDG !or Material  "pecific processes in %& for ",pplier  H3er3iew C,stom H1>ects  #cti3ating an2G%ustomi&ing MDG  Creating I 2ata mo2els  E0ten2ing stan2ar2 2ata mo2els J processes  %eep-2i3e into 6or9Cow anagement SAP MDG (master data governance) 1(, online Training  -,ll co,rse 2etails please 3isit o,r we1site htt":'' (sa"onlinetrainings(net  %,ration for co,rse is K0 2a.s or '5 +o,rs an2 special care will 1e ta9en. <t is a one to one training wit+ +an2s on e0perience.  ( /es,me preparation an2 <nter3iew assistance will 1e pro3i2e2.  -or an. f,rt+er 2etails please contact )*+#*,-.///--* or 3isit (magni$ctraining(com  $lease mail ,s all 4,eries to in!o0magni$ctraining(com
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