Sap Erp - Sap Oil and Gas

March 25, 2018 | Author: Lakhbir Singh | Category: Tariff, Sap Se, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customs, Transport



SAP enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6.0 Release Notes All other products which are mentioned in this documentation are registered or not registered trademarks of their respective companies. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG. Neither this document nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means or translated into another language. without the prior consent of SAP AG. All rights reserved.______________________________________________________________ Copyright Copyright(c) 2011 SAP AG. . The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. 1.3 2.1.4 IS-OIL Industry Solution Oil IS-OIL-DS Downstream IS-OIL-DS-TDP Tariffs.2.1 2. Duties and Permits CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Cross-Company/Cross-Border Sales (Enhanced) CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Customer-Specific Defaults and Cross-Excise Duty CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Business Function Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Stock Transfers (Enhanced) IS-OIL-DS-TSW Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Integration of TSW with Customs Declaration OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Transportation Expenses Processing (New) OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Transportation Request and Waybill Printing OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Business Function IS-OIL.1.1 2.2. TSW Localization for RU 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 11 12 ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG iii . 2. Mining Brazil (New) 1 2 2 2.2 2.1.2 2.Release-Informationen Inhaltsverzeichnis SAP AG ______________________________________________________________ 1 1.1 IS-MIN Industry-Specific Component-Mining IS-OIL_MIN_LOC_BR_01: Business Function IS-OIL.1.2.4 2.2 2.1. SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ 1 IS-MIN Industry-Specific Component-Mining ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 1 . you can generate multiple invoices during the transportation of material from a mining company to the customer. Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606). Effects on Existing Data The Customizing structure Country-specific features for Brazil under TDP (Tariffs. in Maintain Nota Fiscal Type for Billing Document Item Category. Duties and Permits) has been enhanced to include a new structure for the localization of IS-Mining. With this business function. Mining Brazil (New) Use As of SAP enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6. ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 2 . the business function IS-Mining Brazil is available.SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ 1. Effects on Customizing You make the Customizing settings for this function in Customizing for IS-Mining.0.1 IS-OIL_MIN_LOC_BR_01: Business Function IS-OIL. Change of title at discharge Cross-company/cross-border sales .TD component) .Change of title at discharge Cross-company/cross-border sales (using Bulk Shipment in the Transportation and Distribution .Change of title at loading Cross-company/cross-border sales (using Bulk Shipment in the Transportation and Distribution .SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ 2 IS-OIL 2.1 IS-OIL-DS-TDP Industry Solution Oil Downstream Tariffs. Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606).TD component) . 8410).Pickup by the customer Cross-company/cross-border sales (using Bulk Shipment in the Transportation and Distribution . and VA03 are new: KUNNR OIHNOTWERKS OIHCOTDISCH ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 3 . there are new functions within cross-company/cross-border sales.1.0. Duties and Permits 2.TD component) .1. VA02. Business Function Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY).Pickup by the customer Cross-company/cross-border sales .Change of title at loading You can map and monitor the following goods movements during cross-company or cross-border sales of excise dutiable material: Export (goods issue in issuing plant/issuing storage location) Import (goods receipt in cross excise duty plant/cross excise duty storage location) Sales to customer (goods issue in cross excise duty plant/cross excise duty storage location) Effects on Existing Data New fields The following fields in transactions VA01 (dynpro SAPMV45A.1.1 CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Cross-Company/Cross-Border Sales (Enhanced) Use As of SAP Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP 6. Cross-company/cross-border sales . You can calculate and post excise duties during cross-company/cross-border sales of excise dutiable material.1 IS-OIL-DS 2. dynpro no. You have maintained cross excise duty plants and cross excise duty storage locations in Customizing activity Define Cross Excise Duty Plants. and a division which the issuing plant uses for inter-company billing to the plants which are to support cross-company sales. Duties and Permits (IS-Oil-DS-TDP) Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606). Business Function Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY).2 CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Customer-Specific Defaults and Cross-Excise Duty Usage (New) Use As of SAP Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP 6. In Customizing activity Assign Organizational Units by Plant. - See also Release information CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Business Function Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (New) SAP Library for SAP ERP on SAP Help Portal under http://help.1. Duties & Permits) according to your requirements under Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) -> TDP (Tariffs. ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 4 . you have assigned a sales organization.SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ - OIBWTAR_IM OIHANTYP_IM OIBWTAR_EX OIINEX_EX OIHANTYP_EX OIH_LICIN_EX OICERTF1_EX OIH_LICTP_EX *OIHL-DATAB *OIHL-DATBI OIHTAXRCP_EX Effects on Customizing You have set up the Customizing for TDP (Tariffs.0. a distribution channel.1. Duties & Permits).com/erp -> SAP ERP Enhancement Packages -> ERP Central Component Enhancement Package 6 -> Industries in SAP ERP -> SAP Oil & Gas -> SAP Oil & Gas (IS-Oil Downstream) -> TDP . 1. Duties and Permits (IS-Oil-DS-TDP) BAdI: Settings for Cross-Company or Cross-Border Sales BAdI: Adjustment of Purchase Account Postings BAdI: Adjustment of Bills of Material 2.SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ you can use several Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) to implement and validate customer-specific defaulting of excise duty -> SAP ERP Enhancement Packages -> ERP Central Component Enhancement Package 6 -> Industries in SAP ERP -> SAP Oil & Gas -> SAP Oil & Gas (IS-Oil Downstream) -> TDP . You can implement a customer-specific defaulting of excise duty data for the following: Stock transfers (purchase orders) TSW nominations TD shipments In addition.1.Tariffs. you can also activate or deactivate the following cross-excise duty functions: Excise duty enhancements for cross-company/cross-border sales Usage of purchase account postings for cross-company/cross-border sales Usage of bill of materials for cross-company/cross-border sales Effects on Customizing You have made customer-specific settings for the following BAdIs: The following BAdIs allow customer-specific defaulting of excise duty data: BAdI: Settings for Stock Transfers BAdI: TSW Excise Duty Defaulting BAdI: TD Excise Duty Defaulting The following BAdIs enable customer-specific activation or deactivation of the new cross excise duty functions See also Release information CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Business Function Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (New) SAP Library for SAP ERP on SAP Help Portal under CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Business Function ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 5 . SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (New) Use As of SAP Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP 6.0. For more information. Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606). You can use this business function to calculate and post the excise duties of excise dutiable materials during the following goods movements: Stock transfers Cross-company sales Cross-border sales You can also use several Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) to implement and validate customer-specific defaulting of excise duty data. see the following Release Notes: CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Stock Transfers (Enhanced) CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Cross-Company/Cross-Border Sales (Enhanced) CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Customer-Specific Defaults and Cross-Excise Duty Usage (New) Note that country-specific functions for Brazil are not supported and the functions within Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management are only supported in the enjoy you can use the business function Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY). Business Function CrossCompany/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY).com/erp -> SAP ERP Enhancement Packages -> ERP Central Component Enhancement Package 6 -> Business Functions -> Business Functions in SAP ERP -> Industry Business Function Sets -> SAP Oil & Gas -> Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management 2. the following functions are available: You can calculate and post excise duties during the following stock transfers of excise dutiable material: ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 6 .4 CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Stock Transfers (Enhanced) Use As of SAP Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP 6.0.1. Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606). See also SAP Library for SAP ERP on SAP Help Portal under http://help. Cross-company stock transfers (domestic) The issuing and the receiving plant belong to different organizational units and are located in the same country. it is not possible to handle transfers between Europe and the USA. For example. excise duty values have been enhanced by excise duty license information.SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ - Intra-company stock transfers (domestic) The issuing and the receiving plant belong to the same organizational unit and are located in the same country. For both goods issues and goods receipts. Intra-company stock transfers (cross-border) The issuing and the receiving plant belong to the same organizational unit and are located in different countries. Within purchasing. when the IS-OIL two-step tracking function is activated for return purchase orders and cross-company purchase orders. - - - - For stock transfers. in addition to excise duty values for goods receipts there are now also excise duty values for goods issues. Cross-company stock transfers (cross-border) The issuing and the receiving plant belong to different organizational units and are located in different countries. Note that the solution does not support cross-continental stock transfers where different UoM groups are required for the related excise duty material. the system does not post any gain or loss quantities. - Effects on Existing Data New fields The following fields are new: OIH_LICIN OIH_LICTP OIDATFM1 OICERTF1 OIH_LCFOL OIDATTO1 OIHANTYP_GI OIINEX_GI OIUMBAR OITAXGRP_GI OIH_LICIN_GI OIH_LICTP_GI OIDATFM1_GI ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 7 . See also Release information CROSS_EXCISE_DUTY: Business Function Cross-Company/Cross-Border Excise Duty Management (New) SAP Library for SAP ERP on SAP Help Portal under http://help. Duties & Permits) .Tariffs. Localization of TSW for Russia 2 (OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2). you can use new enhancements that allow the integration of functions for export customs declaration with the Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench (IS-OIL-DS-TSW).1. ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 8 .2 IS-OIL-DS-TSW Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench 2.1 OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Integration of TSW with Customs Declaration (Enhanced) Use As of SAP enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6. You have set up the Customizing for TDP (Tariffs.2. Duties and Permits (IS-Oil-DS-TDP) 2. Duties & Permits) according to your requirements under Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) -> TDP (Tariffs.SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ - OICERTF1_GI OIH_LCFOL_GI OIDATTO1_GI These fields are integrated into the following transactions: Transaction MEPO ME21N ME22N ME23N Dynpro SAPLOIH_MEPO_BADI SAPLOIH_MEPO_BADI SAPLOIH_MEPO_BADI SAPLOIH_MEPO_BADI Dynpro Number 0001 0001 0001 0001 Effects on Customizing You have set up the Customizing for stock transport orders according to your requirements under Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Set up Stock Transport Order. You have maintained default values in Customizing activity Define Excise Duty Defaults for Stock Transfers. business function -> SAP ERP Enhancement Packages -> ERP Central Component Enhancement Package 6 -> Industries in SAP ERP -> SAP Oil & Gas -> SAP Oil & Gas (IS-Oil Downstream) -> TDP .1. Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606).0 (SAP_APPL 606).sap. SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ Using the enhanced features of the program for customs declaration maintenance. The program stores the reference data from the nomination or ticket in the customs declaration item data.Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Country-Specific ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 9 . Effects on Customizing You can customize the type of messages that the system raises when you create export customs declarations based on nominations or tickets in the Define System Message Attributes for CDecs Based on TSW Objects Customizing activity. two new tab pages are available in the dialog box for selecting the reference object: TSW Nomination TSW Ticket When you create a new item in a temporary or final customs declaration with a reference in the Create Customs Declaration Data or Change Customs Declaration Data transactions. Effects on Existing Data The program for customs declaration maintenance has been enhanced as follows: When you create a new temporary or final customs declaration with a reference in the Create Customs Declaration Data transaction. You can decide if you want to copy data at the item or subitem level. two new tab pages are available in the dialog box for selecting the reference object: TSW Nomination TSW Ticket - In the Item Details and Subitems screen of the customs declaration maintenance program. you can create temporary or final customs declarations or customs declaration items with reference to nominations or tickets. You can access this Customizing activity under one of the following paths: Sales and Distribution -> Foreign Trade/Customs -> Country-Specific Settings -> Russia -> Export Customs Declaration -> Define System Message Attributes for CDecs Based on TSW Objects Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Foreign Trade/Customs -> Country-Specific Settings -> Russia -> Export Customs Declaration -> Define System Message Attributes for CDecs Based on TSW Objects Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream) -> TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Country-Specific Settings for Russia -> Export Customs Declarations -> Define System Message Attributes for CDecs Based on TSW Objects - - See also SAP Library for SAP ERP under Industries in SAP ERP -> SAP Oil & Gas -> SAP Oil & Gas (IS-Oil Downstream) -> TSW . new fields have been added to the Reference Document Details group box for displaying the nomination and ticket data which the item references. SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ Functions -> Russia -> Business Transactions -> Creation of Customs Declarations Based on TSW Objects 2. - Effects on Existing Data The area menu has been enhanced by the following new entries: Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Bulk scheduling -> Workbench -> Country-Specific Functions -> Russia ->: Upload Carrier Invoice Data Process Transportation Expenses Effects on Customizing You make the Customizing settings for this function in Customizing for Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream). and can post these amounts as noted items. you can use new functions for processing transportation expenses charged by the Russian Railways.2 OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Transportation Expenses Processing (New) Use As of SAP enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6. The program can calculate the amount of transportation expenses that must be paid by the customer in accordance with the agreement recorded in the sales document (contract or order).1. The following new programs are available: You can use the Upload Carrier Invoice Data (Russia) program to upload the data of invoices that you received from the Russian Railways for transportation expenses. the program creates a purchase order with the 'held' status.0 (SAP_APPL 606). business function IS-OIL. under TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Country-Specific Settings for Russia -> Railways -> Transportation Expenses. Localization of TSW for Russia 2 (OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2). which you can then use as a base for processing transportation expenses. Based on the uploaded invoices.2. You can then use the standard procedure to create the invoice to the customer based on these noted items. in the following Customizing activities: Define Carrier Service Codes Define Carrier Service Groups Assign Carrier Service Codes to Groups ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 10 . Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606). You can use the Process Transportation Expenses (Russia) program to perform the following activities: The program can distribute transportation expenses to different sales orders. This allows the analysis of transportation expenses based on sales orders in Controlling. 2. Localization of TSW for Russia 2 (OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2). Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606). under TSW (Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench) -> Country-Specific Settings for Russia -> Railways -> Define Input Help Values.Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Country-Specific Functions -> Russia -> Business Transactions 2. The new programs are as follows: The Print Transportation Requests (Russia) program allows you to generate transportation requests based on nominations in XML or PDF format. The filling of these fields are required for generating the transportation request form.3 OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Transportation Request and Waybill Printing (Enhanced) Use As of SAP enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6. The Print Waybills (Russia) program allows you to generate waybills based on tickets in XML or PDF format. you can use new programs for creating transportation request and waybills.SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ See also Define Fields for Carrier Reference Data Maintain Conditions for Apportioning Expenses Define Parameters for Posting to Customer Define Accounts for Cost Distribution Keep CO Object Balance Unchanged Define Pegging Types for Russia SAP Library for SAP ERP under Industries in SAP ERP -> SAP Oil & Gas -> SAP Oil & Gas (IS-Oil Downstream) -> TSW .0 (SAP_APPL 606). ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 11 .1. the following Customizing activities have been changed: The new field Short Code for Freight Shipment Type has been added to the Define Freight Shipment Types Customizing activity. Effects on Existing Data The area menu has been enhanced by the following new entries: Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Bulk scheduling -> Workbench -> Nomination -> Country-Specific Functions -> Russia -> Print Transportation Requests Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Bulk scheduling -> Workbench -> Ticket -> Country-Specific Functions -> Russia -> Print Waybills In Customizing for Industry Solution Oil & Gas (Downstream). The new field Short Code for Railcar Ownership has been added to the Define Railcar Ownership Types Customizing activity. business function IS-OIL. TSW Localization for RU 2 (New) Use As of SAP enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6. With this business function.SAP-System ______________________________________________________________ See also SAP Library for SAP ERP under Industries in SAP ERP -> SAP Oil & Gas -> SAP Oil & Gas (IS-Oil Downstream) -> TSW . the business function IS-OIL. For more information.4 OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2: Business Function IS-OIL. you can fulfill Russia-specific business requirements in the Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench (IS-OIL-DS-TSW) component.2. Industry Extension Oil & Gas (IS-OIL 606).0) -> Enterprise Business Functions -> Industry Business Function Sets -> SAP Oil & Gas -> Country-Specific Business Functions -> IS-OIL. see the following release notes: Integration of TSW with Customs Declaration (Enhanced) Transportation Expenses Processing (New) Transportation Request and Waybill Printing (Enhanced) See also SAP Library for SAP ERP under Business Functions (SAP Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP 6. Localization of TSW for Russia 2 (OIL_TSW_LOCRU_CI_2) is available.0.Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench -> Country-Specific Functions -> Russia -> Business Transactions -> Generating Output for Nominations and Generating Output for Tickets 2. Localization of TSW for Russia 2 ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 12 .1.
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