SAP DeviceTypes WH
SAP DeviceTypes WH
May 2, 2018 | Author: SGauthier06 | Category:
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A Zebra Technologies White PaperChoosing a Device Type – SAP ......................................................... 3 Device Types ......................................................................20 and greater) .... 4 Upload Method / SAPScript (4..................................................................................................6C and greater) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Smart Forms (4.................................................6C and greater) ............................................ 4 Smart Forms (6........................................................................................................ 3 Feedback .........................Contents Overview ................................................................................................. 5 2 Choosing a Device Type – SAP .......... 中文版本可在这里找到。 This file is available in a Spanish-language version here. In each section. Please add your comments/suggestions to the article in the Zebra Support Portal. 3 Choosing a Device Type – SAP . clique aqui.oprima aquí. This file is available in a Chinese-language version here. Available device types in SAP are dependent on the version and solution being used. Feedback We value all feedback. Este archivo esta disponible en Español . Este ficheiro está disponível na versão Portuguesa. This file is available in a Portuguese-language version here. the available device types are listed.Overview This white paper details the various device type options you have in SAP. This document contains several sections for the different versions and solutions of SAP. pri All 203 dpi ZPL-II printers Note: The device types listed above can be used in later versions of SAP while the device types below cannot. 4 Choosing a Device Type – SAP . RFID fields. Zlzebu6. Zlzebs2. IBM® Codepage 850 .html 1.g. and other print related objects.6C and greater. it handles the various printing elements in a means that is familiar to those who create forms on a regular basis.CPA (for Scalable fonts . 2. SAP Script The SAPScript method is commonly referred to as the Upload Method. These device types are native to 4. images.Andale Mono-spaced Scalable Fonts a. Upload Method / SAPScript (4. ZLB_ZEBU. Smart Forms allow the user to design a form inside of SAP and add barcodes.FOR (Sample Form) 3.pri All 300 dpi ZPL-II printers c. Zlzeb6.6C and ship along with the installation package. The label design application enables the customer to easily place barcodes. Unicode™ UTF-8 – Swiss Scalable Fonts a. This method utilizes either a Label Design Application (e. Zlzebs6.PRI. and other various printing objects on the label without having to understand the ZPL formatting language. Zlzeb3.pri All 600 dpi ZPL-II printers b. The latest device types can be downloaded from the following URL below: http://www. S9162.pri All 600 dpi ZPL-II printers b. Unicode™ UTF-8 . 1. Smart Forms Smart Forms is a GUI application that is native to SAP. Zebra Designer for MySAP Business Suite) or hand coding the ZPL (Zebra Programming Language) into an ITF file. text. Zlzebs3.Device Types What device type used in SAP is determined by the version of SAP and the solution being used.CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed Font (Scalable) a.pri All 203 dpi ZPL-II printers 3.6C and greater. The ITF file contains the ZPL code with SAPScript wrapped around it.pri All 300 dpi ZPL-II printers c. ZLB_ZEB. 1. Zlzebu2. The ITF is then uploaded into SAP.6C and greater) For SAP Release 4.pri All 203 dpi ZPL-II printers 2. ZEBRA.6C and greater) For SAP BASIS Release 4.Unicode UTF-8) Smart Forms (4. Zlzebu3. While this application is not as WYSIWYG as a label design application.pri All 300 dpi ZPL-II printers c.zebra. text. graphics.. Zlzeb2.IBM™ CP850) 2.PRI (for Andale and Swiss 721 fonts .com/id/zebra/na/en/index/about_zebra/alliances/strategic_alliances/erp/sapsmartforms.pri All 600 dpi ZPL-II printers b. Containing 936 characters.40: Support Package SAPKB64022 + attached correction instruction or Support Package SAPKB64023 Kernel 6.40 patch level 222 c. Printing other types of documents. 5 Choosing a Device Type – SAP . 1.10 f. SAP Smart Form Device Type Requirements The following kernel patch levels and Support Packages are required for the support of device drivers. SAP Smart Forms support only the Zebra Programming Language (ZPL II). SAPscript forms or InteractiveForms by Adobe (IFbA) is not supported with these device types. SAP_BASIS Release 7. Hebrew and Western. SAP_BASIS Release 7.g. YZB300 All 300 dpi ZPL-II printers c. Turkish.01 and higher: supported from the beginning e. The device types listed below are designed to support label printing from Smart Forms. In Smart Forms. Unicode™ UTF-8 – Swiss Scalable Fonts a.20: Support Package SAPKB62064 + attached correction instructions or Support Package SAPKB62065 + attached correction instructions or Support Package SAPKB62066 Kernel 6.CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed Scaleable Font a. SAP_BASIS Release 6. SAP_BASIS Release 6. this font includes support for Baltic.10: not supported in 7. Greek. Cyrillic. YZB200U All 203 dpi ZPL-II printers b. YZB600 All 600 dpi ZPL-II printers Note: The above device types are designed to work with the internal CG Triumvirate Scaleable font. SAP_BASIS Release 7. Loading these device types is usually performed by a systems administrator.20 and greater. a. 3. SAP_BASIS Release 7. Central European. e. IBM® Codepage 850 . YZB600U All 600 dpi ZPL-II printers Note: The above device types are primarily designed to work with Zebra’s preloaded Swiss Scaleable Font (EMEA Only).00 patch level 148 d. YZB200 All 203 dpi ZPL-II printers b.00: Support Package SAPKB70014 + attached correction instruction or Support Package SAPKB70016 Kernel 7. Before you can begin using Zebra printers with SAP Smart Forms. Utilizing internal font’s results in faster printing and less burden on the network since processing the font takes place on the printer.11 and higher: supported from the beginning 2.20 and greater) For SAP BASIS Release 6. YZB300U All 300 dpi ZPL-II printers c. one of the following device types must be uploaded to mySAP Business Suite.40 patch level 222 b. Arabic. the HELVE font is mapped to the CG Triumvirate font.Smart Forms (6. Western/Central/Eastern Europe and the Middle-Eastern regions. The PCMCIA card requires that the PCMCIA option is installed on your printer. the printer must have the 64Mb E: flash option installed since the Andale fonts are more than 20Mb in size. 6 Choosing a Device Type – SAP . Note: In order to print Unicode fonts with the new device types. 4. YZB200U All 203 dpi ZPL-II printers b. YZB300U All 300 dpi ZPL-II printers c. each contain the same number of characters but are tailored to the Japanese. YZB600U All 600 dpi ZPL-II printers Note: The above device types are primarily designed to work with Zebra’s optional Andale Scaleable Font. This font contains most of characters needed for the Asia Pacific. Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese markets. the printer must have X. Unicode UTF-8 . Four flavors of this font are available. Americas. This font is delivered on a 32mb Linear PCMCIA card or on a CD for storing on the printers E: flash memory.Andale Monospaced Scaleable a. Korean. Printers not supporting the 64Mb or PCMCIA will not have enough space to accommodate the large Andale fonts. If downloading the font to the printer’s memory is desired.14 or greater firmware. South Africa.0 15th February 2011 Initial release 2. FL 33178 USA T: Singapore 068895 Argentina. Russia. Sweden T: +1 847 634 6700 F: +1 847 913 8766 F: +44 (0)1628 556001 +1 800 268 1736 F: +1 847 913 8766 LATIN AMERICA Zebra ASIA-PACIFIC ASIA-PACIFIC www. LLC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Korea 9800 NW 41st Street.Document Control Version Date Description 1. Japan. End EUROPE Lincolnshire T: +1 847 793 2600 or Buckinghamshire SL8 5XF. Brazil. Rhode Zebra Technologies Corporation Limited Island. Germany. Vernon Hills. 71 Robinson Road Suite 200 #05-02/03 LATIN AMERICA Doral.com Technologies Zebra Technologies Australia. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.A. Zebra and the Zebra head graphic are registered trademarks of ZIH Corp Copyrights All rights reserved. 7 Choosing a Device Type – SAP .S.0 20th July 2011 Converted to white paper standards 3.0 1st July 2012 Updated Chinese link into document 4. IL 60061-3109 Millboard Road Bourne Suite 500 U. South International. China. Georgia.zebra. +1 305 558 8470 T: +65 6858 0722 Mexico F: +1 305 558 8485 F: +65 6885 0838 AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST India. Wisconsin Corporation 333 Corporate Woods Parkway Dukes Meadow 475 Half Day Road. Netherlands. Texas. Florida (USA). Spain. IL 60069 USA +1 800 423 0442 T: +44 (0)1628 556000 Poland. UK France. Italy. United Arab Emirates ©2010 ZIH Corp.0 16th September 2012 Updated Spanish and Portuguese link into document Disclaimer All links and information provided within this document are correct at time of writing Created for Zebra Global ISV Program by Zebra Development Services CORPORATE USA EMEA OTHER LOCATIONS USA HEADQUARTERS Zebra Technologies Zebra Technologies Europe California. P/N: WH85 8 Choosing a Device Type – SAP .
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