SAP Database referesh

March 24, 2018 | Author: leninsrinu9 | Category: Oracle Database, Object (Computer Science), Databases, Web Server, File System



Database Refresh [email protected] Document Information Title Database Refresh Procedure Author Ahmed Khan Reviewed Balmukand Sharma Operating System AIX 5.3 Database Oracle [email protected] 1. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 4 Introduction Pre Copy steps Verify the passwords in the source and target systems Check Space in Target System OpenSSH to OpenSSH trust (host based trust) Verify Oracle control file directories on target server Export Target SID/Client Users & retain user master records Save data for RFC, ITS, SAPconnect, SSO, HTTP(S), SCOT and Logical Printer Server tables 2.7 Preserve printers 2.8 Backup BugsEye & eMerge data(If Applicable) 2.9 Export J2EE Database Schema 2.10 Capture the standard SAP jobs released in SAP 2.11 Check & Preserve details of PSAPTEMP datafiles 2.12 Preserve BI Accelerator Indexes 2.13 Logon Group Names (SMLG and RZ12) 2.14 Op-mode Snapshot 2.15 Check and Save Logical System Definition 2.16 Preserve DB13 entries 2.17 SAP License Snapshot 2.18 Determine SAP version 2.19 Preserve TXCOM table entries Restoring/Copying the database 3.1 Procedure to Refresh Database from the online/offline Backup 3.2 Procedure to Refresh DB from the other DB in the same server Post-Copy Steps 4.1 Removing hostname entries 4.2 Fix GLOBAL_NAME parameter in Oracle 4.3 Reset Oracle SYS and SYSTEM password 4.4 Fix SAP License Key 4.5 Cleanup /sapmnt/SID/global 4.6 Start SAP for the first time 4.7 Manual run of backup log 4.8 Re-enable crontab for root on target server 4.9 Transport System Configuration 4.10 Delete all spool request 4.11 Delete Update Entries 4.12 Delete Lock Entries 4.13 Delete Source SID Profile Parameter Files 4.14 Delete Source SID Op Modes 4.15 Delete Server Specific Performance Data 4.16 Check System Logs 4.17 Fix Logon Group Names (SMLG and RZ12) 4.18 Re-initialize Import Jobs 4.19 Restore printers 4.20 Import User Master Records 4 5 6 6 8 8 9 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 19 27 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 [email protected] 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 Change Client Settings Perform client import post processing Change Client Settings Restore data for RFC, ITS, SAPconnect, SSO, HTTP(S), SCOT and Logical Printer Server tables Run System Consistency Check Fix DB13 jobs Convert CCMS tables Changing The Source Server To Target Server Name For SAPCOMM Restore TXCOM table entries Remove System Messages (or adjust) Re-cycle SAP Start SAP on all application servers (if applicable) Check background processing Clear Background Objects Import application server Profile Parameter Files Add required application servers to the Op Modes Reschedule Standard SAP Jobs Fix workload storage parameters Configuring J2EE 6.40/7.00 Re-import BugsEye & eMerge data (if applicable) Run sapdba_role.sql to fix Oracle privileges for OPS$SIDADM SAP INFOCUBE INDEXES REPAIR Convert logical systems names 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 50 52 52 53 [email protected] 1 Introduction A Database refresh/copy consists of three sections or units of work: 1. Pre Copy steps 2. Restoring/Copying the database files 3. Post Copy Steps. Note : The method of copying the database files depends on if the target system has the same number and size of file systems or greater to accommodate the source system. Below are the steps to be followed during refresh, Commands shown in this document are for AIX 5.3 platform. 97 57. Check via command (on both Source and Target Systems): As user root df -k | grep sapdata | sort Also make sure that the space in origlogA & B and mirrlogA & B is the same or more in the Target system as compared to the source system.00 0. If they are not the same 2 Pre Copy steps 2.88 0.91 . they must be removed from the target and the file systems are enlarged to allow them to be built to the Source sizes.2 Check Space in Target System Make sure that you have enough space in the Target System. irrespective of the number of data volumes present www. Check via As user root: df -k | grep log| sort Additional Checks for storage in APO – LCA system  The size of /sapdb/<TARGET SID> should be greater than or equal to /sapdb/<SOURCE SID> in the live cache host Additional Checks for storage in APO – LCA system  The size of /sapdb/<TARGET SID> should be greater than or equal to /sapdb/<SOURCE SID> in the live cache host Example: If source is SSID and target system is TSID (df –gt) /dev/lvusp_ssid_002 58.09 2% /sapdb/TSID  In both systems go to T-code LC10 -> Live cache Monitoring -> Administration -> Configuration -> Volumes  Select Data area tab.1 Verify the passwords in the source and target systems Before you Proceed with the refresh you should have the login credentials in both Source and Target system with Enough Authorisations ( Super user with sap_all and sap_new profiles) (both OS and SAP level) 2. equal to or more than in the Source [email protected] 2% /sapdb/SSID /dev/lvusp_tsid_002 70. size of the Data area in Target system should be greater than that of the Data area in Source system. com Source system(Source SID(SSID)) Target SID(TSID) System(Target If the size of data area is less than the source system then add data volumes .info@keylabstraining. com .3 OpenSSH to OpenSSH trust (host based trust) Server which will be trusted for root login (referred to as ‗trusted server‘): Open the connection between Source system and Target system. followed by the hostkey found in the previous (Example shown below) ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAPyNO8hfzk9+WBS5nOSAhmu/eVE9+4t6Wd5sGRwWNAdyDtFF9u x/CKcgeK8o2OPFSeCcuNiw8d3NOHLCLHNjB6lH8V3L9R8+7b8hDpfpZ4fxcYKlP6W/EXHyWuv8 DrEyCdyaFbYNzul7JaJx1j5lOEUa6TFJDbouqRsp/Mw0jsbBAAAAFQD4kBx7i/53NeFZ7C2GXIED L+mAuwAAAIBzbYbmh8xDG0DQzMt6Ury0aqyDoawbnEq9uAlulvcheivO2VnZfqO9HEFd18JPIX TLWTCjtriE/6zpsgUR9oR2PCMbNW9S+PtIZ5HZ4NbTlCvF7gNxlibZ4sAB5e6zbb3Xso59K9H6m 0lFNZFKrg/P0vWumYtGEw/n16tUr9LxRwAAAIEAjf+4Eis9/ippFAeNIVfKL28KlYrqlcdBHIhE/wy6 /HEvAoNZ3fdxMjzvgn8gtEpzsy1+gql3o00uSJiNJKcMDzREfPqqxtu7lttOT9VYFM9mGFaLW+eB Wh+6I+9HHdewS4A1/F7zwxQ5QLyB5puKNs05qofObC4vpfC3R/kOFMQ= (NOTE : The hostkey above is a single line—NOT multiple lines and must be copied over as a single line) On Server allowing the root trust (referred to as the ‗trusting server‘):(Source system) # cd /etc/ssh # vi ssh_known_hosts (go to the last line of the 2. Just in case you want to transfer any file during refresh.keylabstraining. along with the fully qualified DNS using Shift-G in vi.<domain name> ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAPyNO8hfzk9+WBS5nOSAhmu/eVE9+4t6Wd5sGRwWNAdyDtFF9u x/CKcgeK8o2OPFSeCcuNiw8d3NOHLCLHNjB6lH8V3L9R8+7b8hDpfpZ4fxcYKlP6W/EXHyWuv8 DrEyCdyaFbYNzul7JaJx1j5lOEUa6TFJDbouqRsp/Mw0jsbBAAAAFQD4kBx7i/53NeFZ7C2GXIED L+mAuwAAAIBzbYbmh8xDG0DQzMt6Ury0aqyDoawbnEq9uAlulvcheivO2VnZfqO9HEFd18JPIX TLWTCjtriE/6zpsgUR9oR2PCMbNW9S+PtIZ5HZ4NbTlCvF7gNxlibZ4sAB5e6zbb3Xso59K9H6m 0lFNZFKrg/P0vWumYtGEw/n16tUr9LxRwAAAIEAjf+4Eis9/ippFAeNIVfKL28KlYrqlcdBHIhE/wy6 www. enter the name of the trusted server. You can do so by directly using Secure copy command In Target System # cd /etc/ssh # cat ssh_host_dsa_key. and open a line at the bottom using the ‗o‘ vi command) (using existing lines as a reference. Below is an example of what the key would look like) <trusted server>.<trusted server>. <domain name> root By doing so now your Source server has become the Trusting server and Target system has become the trusted server.<trusted server>.com . If not ensure that these directories are created and a copy of Control file is moved to them.4 Verify Oracle control file directories on target server Logon to the target system  as ora<target_sid>  cd dbs The following command will display three directories where the controlfiles will be written grep dbf init<TSID>. it should be a single long line On the trusting server.shosts file to allow root access # vi /. Log on to the SAP target system clients that need to have users preserved.shosts (include a line of the format : <trusted server>. update the /. 2.<domain name> ssh-dss <hostkey from trusted server> Concatenate all the lines in the file .instead of 9 /HEvAoNZ3fdxMjzvgn8gtEpzsy1+gql3o00uSJiNJKcMDzREfPqqxtu7lttOT9VYFM9mGFaLW+eB Wh+6I+9HHdewS4A1/F7zwxQ5QLyB5puKNs05qofObC4vpfC3R/kOFMQ= NOTE : The hostkey above is a single line—NOT multiple lines. Execute transaction SCC8  Select profile: SAP_USER www.ora According to the standards they should be in /oracle/<SID>/sapdata1/cntrl and /oracle/<SID>/sapdata2/cntrl    ls –l /oracle/<TSID>/cntrl ls –l /oracle/<TSID>/sapdata1/cntrl ls –l /oracle/<TSID>/sapdata2/cntrl /oracle/<SID>/cntrl. so the generic format is as follows : <trusted server>.keylabstraining.5 Export Target SID/Client Users & retain user master records This step only applies to those projects where the user master records are to be retained in the target system. Here‘s an example taken to find everything related to transport su – <sid>adm   cd /usr/sap/trans find ./cofiles -name ‗* . YOU MUST FILL THIS VALUE IN OR IT WILL NOT WORK Click execute button. Note: 1) Monitor the job using SCC3 logs./cofiles –name ‗*00017. Login as sidadm user at os level cd /usr/sap/trans/ find . 2) Sometimes user master export shows COMPLETED status at SAP level but runs for a few minutes in the operating system./data .com   Target system: use ―DUM‖. www. YOU MUST FILL A SID IN OR IT WILL NOT WORK. and log files with the same number before starting the new export. Also./data . Always look to the date/time field to verify the correct logfile.You must delete all cofiles.<SID>‘ -exec ls -lastr {} \. after SCC3 indicates it‘s successful you must check that the transport is completely exported using SE03./data ./data ./cofiles .  On the Info Client Export screen. the file size should become constant if you again trigger the command.  Now.<SID>‘ –exec rm {} \. return to SAP screen and click the green check mark to start the export. Just wait about 3-5 minutes and check again. At first the log may indicate an error in the processing. select any SID except the SID name you are exporting then remove them (consult if you aren‘t sure) else rename them with extension . Therefore always check the file size until it reaches the saturation at operating system level./cofiles .keylabstraining. data files. verify they are the correct files and can be removed. MAKE SURE IT COMPLETES WITH RETURN CODE < 8. click continue button and STOP AT INFO CLIENT EXPORT SCREEN! Perform the following before proceeding with SAP screen. STOP! and document the transport number displayed with the format: <sid>KTnnnnnnn This step will fail if files exist in the transport directories with the same number. If any files are found.old:  find ./log –name ‗*00017.<SID>‘ –exec ls –lastr {} \./log –name ‗*00017. Verify that the files were successfully removed:  find . Remarks:  If DUMMY system is not there.SID‘ –exec ls –lastr {} \. ITS. For Eg Secure store tables are also exported. . HTTP(S). SSO. SCOT and Logical Printers. The contents of the Secure store can be viewed by using tx SECSTORE or SE38 RSECADMIN. These tables contain the RFC 2. Create a transport with the following object list: Program ID R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR Object TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU Object Name RSECTAB RSECACTB RFCATTRIB RFCDES RFCDESSECU RFCDOC RFCTRUST RFCSYSACL IACORDES TSPSV TSPSI TSP03 TSP03A TSP03C TSP03D TSP03L TSP03T TBD11 TWPURLSVR Table Key * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ZKOST * Description/Purpose Secure store table client-specific Secure store table cross-client Administration table for RFC destinations Destination table for Remote Function Call SNC extensions for RFC destinations Description of Possible RFC Connections (->RFCDES) List of existing trusting systems List of permitted trusted systems for the current system RFC Destinations for IACOR / ITS Spool: Server table Spool: Server Information (Updated by Spool Work Processes) Spool: Printer declaration Spool: Device description (new format) Spool: Device Description Extension Spool: Device Description Format) Spool: Long device names (New Paper format in the device paper tray Transaction BD95 Configuration Logical Web Servers for Logical www. SCOT and Logical Printer Server tables Here we Export the tables relevant to RFC.6 Save data for [email protected]. In earlier versions this was included in table RFCDES. ITS. SAPconnect. HTTP(S). SAPconnect. [email protected] Systems / I R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR TABU VDAT TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU TABU ROIDOCPRMS V_TBDLS SXNODES SXROUTE SXSERV SXADMINTAB SXDOMAINS SOPR SXADDRTYPE SXCONVERT SXCONVERT2 SXCOS SXCOS_T SXDEVTYPE SXFORMATG SXJOBS SXRETRY SXRFC SXTELMOIN SXTELMOOUT T160PR TWPSSO2ACL SSF_PSE_H SSF_PSE_D SSFARGS SXMSCONFVL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Control parameters for data transfer from the source system Logical System Names / IHUB SAPconnect: Communication nodes SAPconnect: Routing table SAPconnect: Node capabilities SAPconnect and SAPphone: Administration SAPconnect: Management of Internet Mail Addresses Domains SAPoffice: System-wide profile (default domain) SAPconnect: Address types SAPconnect: Conversion functions SAPconnect: Forma SAPconnect: SAPconnect: classes SAPconnect: Conver SAPconnect: SAPconnect: SAPconnect: connections SAPconnect: address to n Conversion Functions for Send attribute classes Text table for send Device Types for Format Format groups Send Jobs Disruptions in Assignment of RFC RFC SAPconnect: Telephone number modification SAPconnect: Telephone number modification Profile for External Purchasing System Workplace Single Sign-On 2 Access Control List SSF: Personel Security Environment SSF: Storage for Personal Security Environment Data Application-Dependent Parameters for SSF Functions (SSFG) XMS: Integration Configuration Parameters Engine . Save 5. double click on each object to drill down to the key 11. Check the transport log. Write down the transport number 6. Save and go back 15. 9. Goto SE01 3. Enter target (DUM) or enter a SID other than the target SID b. For Target system logon in SAP client. where you have enough authorizations 2. 17. Create button R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR R3TR TABU TABU TABU TABU TABL CREP_HTTP HTTPURLLOC RSADMINA RSDDTREXADMIN RSPOR_T_PORTAL * * * * * KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (HTTP) HTTP URL Location Exception Table Control Parameters for BI (Accelerator) Additional Settings for Indexing of an HPA Index Maintaining Settings for Integration into SAP Enterprise Portal 1. . Check Request type: Transport of copies b. Repeat step 9-12 for all the objects. Correction : Click on <Edit>. Enter Short description a. Click on ―Release directly‖. Click on New entries. When ―application‖ or ―temporary tables‖ which you want to export giving errors then you have to export them via Oracle : www. Select the transport request and 16. Click on transport request a.keylabstraining. Press ―Display object list‖ button 7. After you have entered all objects. Enter entries as listed in above table. Uncheck any other request type 4. Press ―Display > Change‖ do be in change mode 8. then click on <Insert Line>‘ 12. one per line 10. Enter '*' in each of the key field lines and save. 11. 12. 17. Click on the Development/correction task number. 2. Enter a short description. Press Release. Click on Change Icon 4. 9. Click on the transport number. Execute transaction SE01. SPAD 3. 16. Press the save button in the popup . Click Output Devices 5. Press enter at screen prompt 7. In the message window. Select Request – Request header. Press the save button in the popup menu. followed by the back button. <tablename> buffer=1024000 grants=N indexes=N consistent=Y compress=N Preserve printers There are two options to preserve the printers :   Transport Local file 2. Press enter 10. followed by the back button. 8. ―Entry is made in transport request‖ means successful creation. and click on display.keylabstraining. The task should now be displayed in a darker color. select workbench request. Click SAVE and ignore any errors. A prompt for a transport number create a new one and press enter. Log on to one of the SAP target system client 002 (or proper one for BW) with personal id. 15. 18. target = DUM 13. go to Edit Transport > Transport All 6. Press Release.   su – ora<sid> {sapsid = SCHEMA (table owner) of sap tables} exp <sapsid>/<password> FILE=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/ Now the transport has been released. Click on the transport number. In menu. 19.7 Transport : 1. enter a valid www.dmp tables=<tablename>. dmp full=y indexes=y grants=y log=/tmp/ . 2. If the customer agrees to save the data do the following: For BugsEye: . Click on Change Icon Local file : 1. Select Execute export and Generate log 11. Click Output Devices 5. For Output device : Fillin * 1 printer) 12. mode (2) U(sers) . SPAD 3. Click on the line of one of the printers 6.keylabstraining. . Select Export 10.8 Backup BugsEye & eMerge data (Please don't forget this otherwise it will only export if the BugsEye data & eMerge data needs to be saved.Export all data info from eMerge instance www.txt 8.log Note: wait for the prompt and enter the below values. go to Edit --> Transfer --> Export 7.Export all data info from BugsEye instance su – ora<sid> exp bugreq/<Password for bugreq user> file=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/exportbug.txt if the printers are there. Click on execute Please check in your txt file : c:/apps/reserveprintersSID. export grants yes . Export/Import file name : Fillin the destination of your C -drive where you can store the file for the printers. export table data yes . compress extents yes For eMerge (for GSAP) . Log on to one of the SAP target system client 002 (or proper one for BW) with personal id. Example : c:/apps/reserveprintersSID. In menu. Select Frontend computer 9. com su – ora<sid> exp emereq/<See WARP> file=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/exporteme. we shall be Scheduling it later.keylabstraining. mode (2) U(sers) . mode (2) U(sers) .dmp indexes=y grants=y log=/tmp/exportj2ee.9 Export J2EE Database Schema full=y The schema of the J2EE 6. export table data yes .log Note: wait for the prompt and enter the below values. .info@keylabstraining. export table data yes . . www. 2. export grants yes .10 Capture the standard SAP jobs released in SAP Login to Target system Go to SM37 Query for all the released jobs in the system and take a screen shot. compress extents yes 2.dmp indexes=y grants=y log=/tmp/exporteme. export grants yes .ora<sid> cd /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg (need at least 2GB free for SAPMIWDB) full=y exp sap<sid>db/<Password> file=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/exportj2ee.40/7.log Note: wait for the prompt and enter the below values. compress extents yes In case none of the passwords work change the schema password as follows: sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ alter user sapmiwdb identified by <Password>. Export the SAP<SID>DB or SAPMIWDB schema using schema password su .com .00 must be saved to restart the engine after the system has been refreshed. from dba_temp_files where tablespace_name 2.(bytes/1024/1024/1024) ='PSAPTEMP'. Start transaction /nRSDDV in the BI instance. Screenshot: [email protected] 2.ora<SID> sqlpls ‗/ as sysdba ‗ file_name. Select the Display All BIA Indexes button or select (F6) Take a screen shot of these indexes and copy into a word document and save the document.keylabstraining. path & size of the temp files for the existing system and preserve the details for comparison after refresh: su .com .12 Preserve BI Accelerator Indexes If the BI system is connected to BIA the BIA indexes need to be saved so these indexes can be rebuild later.11 Check & Preserve details of PSAPTEMP datafiles Execute the following command at Oracle level for details of tempfiles. Therefore. The Source <SID> and Target <SID> may have different definitions of Op-modes. These logon groups are used in the SAP logon pad to automatically assign users to application servers based on currently application server usage. If the field Logical System is not blank. where you have enough authorizations Execute transaction RZ04 Double-click on one of the Op-modes or click instance/op-mode in menu bar Execute menu items System => List => Save => Local file => unconverted. To retrieve the logon group name(s):    For Target system logon in SAP client.  For Target system logon in SAP 2. Logon group names are also . because after the copy.13 Logon Group Names (SMLG and RZ12) Logon group names are used in projects to accomplish logon load balancing. where you have enough authorizations Execute transaction SMLG The logon group name(s) will be displayed on the screen. it is important to take a snapshot of the Op-modes in the Target <SID>.keylabstraining. Therefore. Save a copy of the screen or write down the logon groups. used for parallel client copies. RFC server groups document the name with each client. it is important to note the SAP logon group names in the target system prior to performing the database copy. the logon group definitions will reflect those of the source system. www. where you have enough authorizations  Execute SCC4. RFC server group names are also case-sensitive. and double click on all clients. After a successful database copy the Op-modes in the Target <SID> will be replaced with the Opmodes in the Source <SID>. Make note of the directory/filename for use in the post-processing steps Check and Save Logical System Definition For Target system logon in SAP client. 2. These RFC server groups must be restored to their current configuration after the refresh. The spelling of the logon groups are important because the names in the logon pad must match exactly with what is configured in the system.14 Op-mode Snapshot Again depending on the requestor: normally the same op-mode would be maintained. Save a copy of the screen or write down the logon groups. where you have enough authorizations  Execute transaction RZ12  The RFC server group name(s) will be displayed on the screen. Proceed as follows:      2. This will ask for a directory/filename on the local PC to store the information.15  For Target system logon in SAP client. amongst other things. 1. 3. Proceed as follows:    2. 4. This is for saving CPIC destinations for SNC protection Note: Apart from the steps above we should take care to see that customer specific data is preserved as requested or applicable .com 2. Make a hardcopy of the screen and/or save it in notepad. should be in /local/users/<sid>adm Determine SAP version This step is important in order to follow these instructions as they are version dependent. Click red X to exit .18 Log on to the target system at UNIX as <sid>adm saplicense –show > saplicense_<Target_SID>. it is important to take a snapshot of the SAP Licenses in the Target <SID>. Make note of the absolute_path/filename (saplicense. Log on to SAP with your personal id 2. the version of SAP is listed in the field named SAP Release (or BasisRelease)[email protected]     Preserve TXCOM table entries Log on to SAP with your personal id in client 002 SM54 Double click on the entry Take a screen shot of the entry and copy into a word document and save the document. SAP RELEASE: ____________________ 2. Proceed as follows:   Goto DB13 on the target system.17 SAP License Snapshot The Source <SID> and Target <SID> may have different list of SAP Licenses loaded in the system. Enter ?STAT in the transaction field at the top left corner of the screen and press enter. 2.x 5. A pop-up screen for use in the Post Copy Steps. www. addons and other applications we might have to upgrade the target system accordingly after refresh if required. And also note that if source system is at lower level in terms support packages. the entries of the DBA Planning Calendar must be saved.16 Preserve DB13 entries As the DB13 tables will be cleared due to the refresh. After a successful database copy the SAP Licenses in the Target <SID> will be replaced with those in the Source <SID>. ControlM agent.1 Restoring/Copying the database Procedure to Refresh Database from the online/offline Backup Disable crontab for root on target system Disable root‘s cron to make sure that nothing runs that might have an impact on the refresh <upgrade_server> # crontab -l > +‖YYYYMMMDD‖`(like root.keylabstraining. CCMSR etc) Bring down the J2ee Engine Access transaction SMICM /local/etc/sapadm/ .com 3 3.2005JAN01) <upgrade_server> # crontab –r Actions on Target System Bring down all the applications of SAP( for ex:: Patrol.`date info@keylabstraining. If it can find the files then use this : find /oracle/SID/saparch -name "*" -exec rm {} \.dbf Copy needed files from source system to target system On Source/Standby systemroot>cd /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup root>more <*. Perform the following path: Administration > J2EE Server > Send Hard Shutdown > Without Restart Bring down SAP and clean up the system          su . SCP the backup file needed from source system to target System.anf <target system>:/oracle/<target SID>/sapbackup/ for standby (if applicable) 2.  cd /oracle/<SID>/cntrl  rm *.anf <target system>:/oracle/<target SID>/sapbackup/ or scp xxx.aff> for standby (if applicable) 1. 1.keylabstraining. On Target system : To make sure that the backup by which you need to restore is successful.anf> or more <*.<sid>adm stopsap saposcol –k su – ora<sid> lsnrctl stop cd /oracle/<SID> rm –r sapdata* cd /oracle/<SID>/saparch rm * If this isn‘t working then use : Check : find /oracle/SID/saparch -name "*" -exec ls {} \.com . Change the permissions and ownership of www. On Source/Standby system : root> cd /oracle/<SID>/sapbackup root> scp xxx. utl root> chown ora<target sid>:dba init<source sid>. On Target system root> chmod g+r init<source sid>.aff file for standby (if applicable)) root> chown ora<target sid>:dba *. On Source system: root> scp init<sid>. Change the permission/ownership of trace file. remove the first file 3.sql 5. sqlplus > exit 3. root> cd /oracle/<sid>/dbs root> scp init<source sid>. SCP init<source sid>.anf (or . 2. scp this file created in /oracle/<SID>/saptrace/usertrace to the target system /oracle /<SID> 4. 2. SCP init<sid>. Edit init<source sid>. 3. beginning from first line. To create the trace file.utl 3. 1.utl 3. On Target system root>cd /oracle /<SID> root> chmod g+r createcontrol. Change the permissions and ownership of init<source sid>. The file has been created double.bki root> chown ora<target sid>:dba init<source sid>.utl Change CONFIG_FILE parameter as :CONFIG_FILE /oracle/<target sid>/dbs/init<source sid>.aff file for standby (if applicable)) 1. To remove all the unwanted root> chmod g+r *.com . On Source system .utl . scp <trace file> target system: /oracle /<SID>/createcontrol. To go into vi mode 2.anf (or .keylabstraining.bki from source to target 2. root> vi <trace file> 2. Change permissions & ownership of init<source sid>. Scp the trace file to the target system. We need to change Config_file parameter.utl file from source to target.sql root> chown ora<target sid>:dba createcontrol.bki 1. All the lines are to be removed until STARTUP NOMOUNT. Remove all the starting lines of tracefile until STARTUP NOMOUNT Backup file.utl <target system>:/oracle/<sid>/dbs/ 2.bki On source system 1. root > vi init<source sid>.sql Editing the tracefile on target system ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ sqlplus > alter database backup controlfile to trace. On Target system : root> cd /oracle/<sid>/dbs root> chmod g+r init<source sid>. 1. This is needed to start the restore. 1. www.bki <target system>:/oracle/<target sid>/ dbs/ 2.bki 1. data4' SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. Example: ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/PC6/sapdata6/temp_4/temp.data2' SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. Check by table V$datafile. which is present at the bottom of the tracefile. 5.$s/<source sid>/<target sid>/g 3.utl -b <backupfile> -m full –c for standby restore: brrestore -r init<source sid>.data3' SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. Note :Make sure no new datafile has being added after the backup that is being used. Comment the 3 3. This is an easy command to change all the sid of source system to the sid of target system. 4. ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/PC6/sapdata6/temp_3/temp. edit the trace file(remove the datafile entry that are entered after the backup that if used) At the end of the tracefile on the BW system you will also find some comments about the TEMP files. at the bottom of the tracefile – #RECOVER DATABASE #ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS. This can be done by using vi command – :1. Edit the 2nd line – CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE "SOURCE SID" NORESETLOGS ARCHIVELOG to CREATE CONTROLFILE SET DATABASE ―TARGET SID‖ RESETLOGS NOARCHIVELOG 4. For now you need to delete these entries but save them somewhere else. We do this manually later.data1' SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/PC6/sapdata6/temp_1/temp. Restore database from Storage Start restore on targetsystem in the foreground with:    su – ora<sid> for normal restore: brrestore -r init<source sid>. If . ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/PC6/sapdata6/temp_2/temp.utl -b <backupfile> -m all –c www. because later you will need them again. Change all source sid to target sid. Edit the 2nd line as said.keylabstraining. Remove also all the 2 lines. log to the targetsystems saparch directory  scp /oracle/<sourceSID>/saparch/arch<sourceSID>. or a point-in-time recovery is needed).g.keylabstraining.utl -b <backupfile>-m full –c force‖ ^D for standby: su – ora<sid> -c ―brrestore -r init<source sid>.com or Start restore in the background with:  as root  at now su – ora<sid> -c ―brrestore -r init<source sid>.dba arch<targetSID>.log  chown ora<sid>. Look for the file arch<SID>.log and decide which files you will need by timestamp.log <targetsystem>: /oracle /<targetSID>/saparch On target system:  mv arch<sourceSID>. Restoring offline redologs In case a recovery of the database is needed (e. after the restore of an online backup.log for any errors. To know what files you will need you can look in the sourcesystem‘s saparch [email protected] arch<targetSID>.sql Check in the /oracle/<SID>/saptrace/background/alert_<SID>.com .utl -b <backupfile>m all –c force‖ ^D After the restore is finished (on target system):    as root cd /oracle/<SID> chown –R ora<sid>:dba sapdata* Rename the database On Target System:  su – ora<sid>  sqlplus ―/ as sysdba‖  @createcontrol. offline redologs files needs to be restored from Storage.log www. You can also look in SAP (source system) with transaction DB12.log chmod 660 arch<targetSID>. To restore redologs you will need to copy the arch<sourcesid>. Recreation of the tempfiles We need some additional action for BW.data2' SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. sqlplus> recover database using backup controlfile until cancel. ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/SSID/sapdata6/temp_3/temp.log for any errors. ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/SSID/sapdata6/temp_1/temp. Recreation of the tempfiles which you saved at step Error! Reference source not Recovering the database There are two ways of recovering the database by CANCEL (you decide how many logfiles you want to apply) or by TIMESTAMP.keylabstraining. to apply all required redologs automatically type AUTO after completion we can now open the database by: sqlplus> alter database open [email protected]' ADD ADD ADD ADD TEMPFILE TEMPFILE TEMPFILE TEMPFILE www. or sqlplus> recover database until time '2004-05-21:10:00:00' using backup controlfile.data4' SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. Checking the database First check if we can stop and start the system without problems. Example for 4 data files in sapdata6: ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/SSID/sapdata6/temp_4/temp. Sqlplus> shutdown immediate Sqlplus> startup Also check the .data3' SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/SSID/sapdata6/temp_2/temp. These kinds of datafiles are created as sparse files (they can grow to the configured size.  exit. Here is an example to move the files. ADD ADD ADD ADD TEMPFILE TEMPFILE TEMPFILE TEMPFILE   Making locally managed temporary datafiles non-sparse The added datafiles in the previous step are locally managed temporary datafiles. Find enough space (usually 2 Gb is enough) in another filesystem than where the datafile is currently . This will make the datafile non-sparse. Change sourceSID to targetSID Create the needed subdorectories in the sapdata filesystem(s) cd /oracle/<targetSID>/sapdata6 mkdir temp_1 mkdir temp_2 mkdir temp_3 mkdir temp_4 Create the tempfiles:  su – ora<sid>  sqlplus ―/ as sysdba‖  SIZE  SIZE  SIZE  SIZE ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/TSID/sapdata6/temp_1/temp. Sqlplus> ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/TSID/sapdata6/temp_4/temp. but initially this amount of space is not yet claimed on the OS cd /oracle/SID/sapdata3 www.keylabstraining. these files need to be change to non-sparse files. Therefore. Sqlplus> ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/TSID/sapdata6/temp_3/temp.  su – ora<sid>  sqlplus ―/ as sysdba‖  shutdown immediate.data4' 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF.data1' 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. when the reserved space is claimed by newly added ―normal‖ datafiles.data3' 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. Sqlplus> ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPTEMP '/oracle/TSID/sapdata6/temp_2/ SIZE 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. The datafile needs to be moved to this other filesystem and back again.) This can lead to issues.data2' 1999M REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. /CHDBPASS. for a use schema password. Restart the database. toggle database log mode. Set Password as relevant .data1 /oracle/SID/sapdata5/temp2. . option a c d.data1 temp2_1/temp2.data2 /oracle/SID/sapdata5/temp2.data2 /oracle/SID/sapdata5/temp2. Change tablespace PSAPUSER1D into PSAPMIWUSR .data2 temp2_2/temp2.data1 /oracle/SID/sapdata5/ ora<sid> ora<sid> ora<sid> ora<sid> 40> 41> 40> 41> mv mv mv mv temp2_1/temp2. Start Oracle Listener The Oracle Listener should also be started Orasid> lsnrctl start www. For c d use system password vi CHDBPASS.keylabstraining. If not.102 . Create new OPS$ user & drop old OPS$ user We need to generate a new OPS$ user.102 Later in the post step you can proceed to grant permissions to the user created Check Archive Log Mode Check if the database log mode is set on archive mode with sapdba.     su – ora<sid> cd /sapmnt/<SID>/exe . Change SAPR3 into SAPMIW .com [email protected] and d ./CHDBPASS.817 select option a.data2 You can now see that the files are non-sparse and use the entire space in the filesystem.data1 temp2_2/temp2. they must be stopped first: Log on to the application servers of the target instance as <sid> Stopsap Logon to the target database server as <sid>adm Stopsap Remove the database existing on the Target System Caution: Be careful with following commands! Look twice before pressing .2 Procedure to Refresh Database from the database residing in the same server (Relevant only if your standby server resides in the same system of the landscape) For eg: if standby Server of production resides in Acceptance system you can refresh the Acceptance system from the Hotstandy of Production(this is common practice for major clients).  quit.keylabstraining.dbf cd /oracle/<targetSID>/saparch rm *. If the above condition persist you can proceed with steps specified below Backup Source controlfile to trace  Log on to the source (or standby database) system‘s as ora<sid>  sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘  alter database backup controlfile to trace.  cd /oracle/<sourceSID>/saptrace/usertrace  ls –altr  Write down the name of the trace file created (we will refer to it as <tracefile>) Stop Target SAP and Oracle Note: Downtime starts here If the target SAP Instance has any application severs. You don‘t want to remove datafiles belonging to another SID (like the standby database…)        Logon to the target system as root cd /oracle/<targetSID> rm –r sapdata*/* cd /oracle/<targetSID>/cntrl rm *.dbf Stop the hotstandby database  Logon to the hotstandby system as ora<hotstandbysid>  sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ www. Not that if both the hotstandby and target systems are on MC-1 platforms. Please ensure that the number of sapdata* filesystems for the target SID matches the number of sapdata filesystems for the hotstandby SID—both in number and in size to ensure there is sufficient capacity for the copy process. please skip this step and proceed with the next step. As  shutdown immediate. if the hotstandby system is on MC-II platform. Copy the database from hotstandby Note: If the target system is not on the same server as the hotstandby.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S). line for line. Therefore. it may be wise to copy and paste. make sure that /.com . please add this line and don‘t forget to remove it when the procedure is completed. stop the SAP instances running on the hotstandby and target systems if this is not done yet in the previous steps and run the following commands as root to disable the cio option. When performing the steps below. On MC-II systems. the conccurent io (cio) option is turned on on the sapdata and origlog/mirrlog filessytems. or letter in some the cio option needs to be switched off because otherwise the "cp" command will be extremely slow.*sapdata\([09]*\)$/\1/' ` do echo $(date): ―Copying /oracle/<hotstandbySID>/sapdata${i} filesystem…‖ scp –p –r /oracle/<hotstandbySID>/sapdata${i}/* <target_server>:/oracle/<targetSID>/sapdata${i} & done | tee -a /tmp/hotstandby_copy. from the document into the UNIX terminal window because it may be difficult to identify whether you are using the proper character .nodev.keylabstraining. number.rhosts file in the target system contains a row like: <hotstandby system> root If not.nosuid $fs umount $fs mount $fs done If the target system is not on the same server as the hotstandby Logon to the hotstandby system as root and run the following command:at now for i in `df -Ik |grep sapdata |grep <hotstandbySID> | sed 's/^.log www. lsfs | grep sapdata | while read lv a fs rest do chfs -a options=rw. to prevent a very slow refresh from the hot-standby system. [email protected] www. The only difference is that it has two stanzas. This can be done by using vi command :1.nodev. it must be turned on again. one with NORESETLOGS and one with RESETLOGS. if the cio option is switched off in one of the above steps. You want the last one. Now. To do ^D If the target system is on the same server as the hotstandby Logon to the hotstandby system as root at now for i in `df -Ik |grep sapdata |grep <hotstandbySID> | sed 's/^.com .$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S). Note: With ORACLE 9 the trace file will appear to have duplicate data. Change all source sid to target sid.cio $fs umount $fs mount $fs done Change ownership on restored files  Logon to the target system as root  cd /oracle/<targetSID>  chown –R ora<targetsid>:dba sapdata* Edit the trace file on target system Use an editor (like vi) to change /tmp/<tracefile>.keylabstraining. It makes sense to check for file sizes and compare with the source files. run the following commands on both the hotstandby and target systems:lsfs | grep sapdata | while read lv a fs rest do chfs -a options=rw. Perform the following changes: Remove all the starting lines of tracefile until the STARTUP NOMOUNT that precedes the command: CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE <SID> RESETLOGS.$s/<sourse sid>/<target sid>/g Change the 2nd line from CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE <SID> RESETLOGS NOARCHIVELOG to /oracle/<hotstandbySID>/sapdata${i}/* done | tee -a /tmp/hotstandby_copy.*sapdata\([09]*\)$/\1/' ` do echo $(date): ―Copying /oracle/<hotstandbySID>/sapdata${i} filesystem…‖ cp -p -r /oracle/<targetSID>/sapdata${i} & ^D Check if all files are copied successfully (this should be the case if there is enough space in sapdata filesystems). keylabstraining. #ALTER DATABASE OPEN. Make sure they execute successfully. as eventual errors can end up in a RUNNING but inconsistent database! Restart the Standby database  Logon to the hotstandby system as ora<sid>  sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘  startup .  Logon to the target system as ora<sid>  sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ www. you have to activate [email protected] In your initial session: Logon to the target system as ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ @/tmp/<tracefile> recover database using backup controlfile until cancel. You will need to manually execute these statements later.data1' SIZE 52420608 REUSE AUTOEXTEND OFF. You can open another window and cut-paste the statements into the sqlplus program. alter database open resetlogs. #ALTER TABLESPACE PSAPPAT1I ADD TEMPFILE '/oracle/SID/sapdata4/pat1i_1/pat1i.‖ statements from step 0. (NOTE: If an online backup was used.  alter database mount standby database exclusive. Execute all the ―ALTER Tablespace <xxxx> ADD TEMPFILE …. Caution: Keep an eye on the alert log. at the bottom of the tracefile. Make sure to comment and make note of any statements at the bottom that have the key word TEMPFILE like the following. Cancel this immediately. #RECOVER DATABASE #ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CREATE CONTROLFILE SET DATABASE <SID> RESETLOGS NOARCHIVELOG Comment all lines below and including the following 3 lines. Create controlfile and open the database Open           another session and tail the alert log: Logon to the target system as ora<sid> tail –f /oracle/<targetSID>/saptrace/background/alert_<targetSID>. the required redo logs must be applied to the database). Save the file and exit vi. You don‘t really have to apply logs.  exit  Restart the database If the target database is supposed to run in ARCHIVELOG MODE. grant dba. create user ops$ora<SID> identified externally default tablespace psapuser1d temporary tablespace [email protected] . The following step ‗Start Oracle listener‘ is only needed if the database is restored from standby.connect. the commands to create the OPS$<SID>ADM account must be run manually. Following line ALWAYS: alter database open. create user ops$<SID>adm identified externally default tablespace psapuser1d temporary tablespace psaptemp. Therefore. www.resource to ops$ora<SID>.connect.resource to ops$<SID> shutdown immediate startup mount Following line ONLY if you have to run in ARCHIVELOG MODE: alter database archivelog.817 or CHDBPASS. drop user ops$<SID>adm cascade.keylabstraining. grant dba.102 (Select option a.c and d)       Note: if The CHDBPASS. Start Oracle Listener Start the listener if it‘s not already running:  Logon to the target system as ora<sid>  lsnrctl start Note: DO NOT START SAP HERE YET. Perform the following steps: Logon to the target system as ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ drop user ops$ora<SID> cascade.817 file is not available. Create OPS$<SID>ADM user and grant sapdba role to First start Oracle (if not already started): Logon to the target system as ora<sid> lsnrctl start sqlplus internal startup exit Go to /sapmnt/<SID>/exe and run CHDBPASS. sapuser.sapuser set passwd = 'passwd'. alter user sapr3 identified by passwd. commands: Run the following Find current passwords from warp . commit. and system must be set. alter user system identified by passwd. exit Also the passwords for sapr3.sapuser as select * from ops$<TSID> create table ops$<SSID> exit Check for connectivity to the database with the following command as <sid>adm: R3trans -d www. update ops$sidadm.keylabstraining. Logon to the target system as ora<sid> connect / as . sys. alter user sys identified by passwd. which could cause database backup to completely remove it.6C and 407123 for 6. Change the global name via: su – ora<sid> sqlplus ―/ as sysdba‖ select * from global_name. (find the current SYS/SYSTEM password from warp) su – orasid sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ SQL> alter user sys identified by password.4 Fix SAP License Key After a successful database copy. the SAP license key database will reflect only the key(s) that were in the source system. In order for users to be able to log into the target . (this will now show the right SID. 4 Post-Copy Steps 4. SQL> alter user system identified by password.WORLD 4. www. This is recommended via notes about the homogeneous system copies (for example see note 201149 for 4.shosts remove entry: <sourceservername> root remove entry: <targetservername> root Log on to the source (Noted : Not applicable for hot-standby machine) vi /.2 Fix GLOBAL_NAME parameter in Oracle SAP recommends to change the GLOBAL_NAME parameter after a change of the SID (which is of course done with a refresh).x). for example) GLOBAL_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------SID. select * from global_name. (this will show an entry for the old DB name) alter database rename global_name to <NEWSID>.info@keylabstraining. the SYS and SYTEM passwords can become inconsistent with the encrypted password in .3 Reset Oracle SYS and SYSTEM password After database copy. Log on to the target system as root vi /.1 Removing hostname entries Remove the entries added during presteps .shosts remove entry: <targetservername> root system as root 4. DON‘T JUST COMMENT the line. save  saplicense –install Answer all questions with values provided by saplicense. Stopsap .save Note: For NW07 systems with digitally-signed licenses e. 1. several customers want these jobs to be prevented from the appropriate license key has to be installed. wihtout the danger of them being kicked off at the startsap command. Since the files in the /sapmnt/SID/global directory are related to the Oracle database on the system. Delete the license from the source system 4. Some projects install all of their project license keys in all systems so that this step can be eliminated. 2. Cancel all the released jobs to schedule.  Use this command to remove the files and directories : rm -r /sapmnt/SID/global/* 4. As this can cause serious issues. proceed as follows:   Logon to the target system as <sid>adm cat saplicense. If the license key is not installed.6 Start SAP for the first time When SAP is started after the refresh. After starting SAP there is now time to delete all released jobs in SM37. Click New Licenses 3.keylabstraining. Install the license for the target system. all batchjobs that were not able to run during the time of the refresh will be released immediately when SAP is started.5 Cleanup /sapmnt/SID/global Before starting SAP we have to remove the WF_LOG files and other directories in the /sapmnt/SID/global/ directory on the target Gchem CRM. This is done by setting the number of batchjobs to 0. Su – sidadm Cdpro We can edit the number of background workprocesses to 0 in instance profile (eg:: rdisp/wp_no_btc=0 can be set in instance profile using vi editor) Startsap Then login to SAP and go to transaction SM37. before starting SAP for the first time. 4. this will not work. These batchjobs can send out purchase-orders etc to actual suppliers.g. all these files can be removed when the DB is replaced during a refresh. In the SAP menu choose Administration  Administration  SAP Licenses or call transaction SLICENSE. [email protected] Revert the btc processes to earlier value from 0 and Startsap 4. the spool requests listed in the Target <SID> will reflect those of the Source <SID>.crontab. Enter RSPO1041(RSPO0041 for 3. the transport system needs to be reconfigured.7 Manual run of backup log Before you Proceed please check the saparch directory to see how much free space is available.  Validate the value is set to « objects cannot be changed> 4. Check if the system is MC II then you have to fillin functional name instead of .10 Delete all spool request After a successful database copy.9 Transport System Configuration After a successful database copy.  Run transaction SE06. Domain name(default is DOMAIN_<SID>) and domain description.1I) in the program field. 4. Run the backup of logs in order to clean up the SAP directory.8 Re-enable crontab for root on target server Re-enable root‘s cron (make sure that the same file saved earlier during the step 0 pre-work is loaded – it should have been saved and restored to /local/etc/sapadm as part of the procedures): May need to replace the date format with the actual date the backup was made-) # crontab /local/etc/sapadm/root. Therefore.  Run transaction STMS  Enter Description.  Click System Change Option button. Proceed as follows:    Logon to the target SAP Run transaction SE38. and click execute.  Press Save  Go to ―Overview‖‖Transport routes‖  Go to ―Configuration‖‖Adjust with Controller‖  Confirm the next popup box that says ―Adjust with controller?‖  Go back to main screen.keylabstraining. all spool requests need to be deleted from the Target <SID>. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP in client 000 as DDIC  Run transaction SE06  Choose ―Database copy or migration‖  Press ―Post-installation processing‖  Confirm ―Do you want to reinstall the CTS…‖  Enter Source System SID  Select OK or YES to all remaining prompts.`date +”%d%m%Y”` 4. and uncheck Print immediately. Click green  Enter the values like the following screen    Select menu item Program => Execute in background A printer destination screen appears. 4. enter LP01 as printer name. 4. These will have been copied to the Target <SID> after the successful database copy and will need to be deleted. and the job will begin in a batch [email protected] Delete Lock Entries At the time that the backup of the Source <SID> was taken. run immediately. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction SM12  Erase all entry fields displayed  Select Menu Items Lock entry => Delete all www. there may have been lock entries listed.11 Delete Update Entries  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction SM13  Erase all entry fields and press enter/execute  Delete all . In the Pre Copy Steps.14 Delete Source SID Op Modes After a successful database copy. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction RZ04  Select Instance/Opmodes  Select a server name and press SHIFT F2. should be deleted from the Target <SID>. the performance database will reflect that of the Source <SID> and. except for the DEFAULT.15 Delete Server Specific Performance Data After a successful database copy. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction RZ10.  Select Menu Items Workload => Reorg => Delete Stats file. Level  Click green check on all versions deleted screen  Repeat steps 1-3 for all source system profiles listed in the Profile drop-down list. the target system will contain Operation Modes from the source system. Verify the Op-modes with this hardcopy 4.  Select Menu Items Goto => Performance database => Contents of database  Select Delete Data 1 Server button  Enter the source server db server name and click Continue  Repeat this for each source app server name.  Click the SAVE button.  Click Yes to first prompt to update the database  Click No to delete the files from the Op. therefore.  Do this for each source system op mode listed. 4. the active profiles listed in the SAP system will be from the source system. Sys.keylabstraining. a snapshot of the Target <SID> Op-modes was taken and downloaded to a directory/filename on the local PC. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP  Execute transaction ST03.  Delete source system profiles:  Click the Profile drop-down box and choose a profile (this process must be done for each profile.  Select menu items: Profile -> Delete -> All versions of a profile.  Select NO to update the database www. These profiles need to be deleted and the profiles from the OS need to be 4.13 Delete Source SID Profile Parameter Files After the database refresh.  Create the target system op mode configuration(s) by selecting the menu items Settings -> Based on Current Status -> New Instances -> Generate  Check each of the new op modes for correctness.  Green back arrow.PFL).com .  Import all profiles from Unix by selecting menu items: Utilities -> Import Profiles -> of active servers. These Op Modes need to be deleted and the correct Op Modes need to be imported. 4.  Execute the transaction.  Type * in the ―User name‖ field.17 Fix Logon Group Names (SMLG and RZ12)  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction SMLG  Delete Source Logon Groups:  Highlight the Source Logon Group.  Run transaction SM37. exactly as it looked in the snapshot taken in the Pre-Copy steps. (case-sensitive)  Run transaction RZ12  Delete RFC Server Groups:  Highlight the Logon Group.  Click the Delete Group button.  Click the Add assignment button  In the Logon group field type in the target logon group name.  Recall the target system‘s Logon Group names which were captured in the Pre-Copy  Select YES to delete the statistics file 4.keylabstraining.  Type RDDIMPDP* in the ―Job name‖ field. Take action on any messages that may look suspicious. and ―Ready‖ radio buttons.  Click the Add assignment button  In the Logon group field type in the target logon group name. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP  Execute transaction SM21.16 Check System Logs Check the system logs to see if there were any unusual error messages generated while the SAP system was started back up. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target system in client 000 as DDIC.  Only select the ―Sched.  Click the Reread system log button.‖. It is best to delete these jobs and reschedule them new.  Select the All messages radio button.  Set the From date/time fields to the date and time just prior to starting the SAP system. (case-sensitive) 4. exactly as it looked in the snapshot taken in the Pre-Copy steps.  Recall the target system‘s Logon Group names which were captured in the Pre-Copy steps. www.  Select menu items System logs -> Choose -> All remote system logs.  Click the Delete Group . the import jobs used by the tp command may not work properly. ―Released‖.  Erase both date fields.18 Re-initialize Import Jobs After the database copy has successfully  Review the system messages. 15. 4. 4. This will schedule the needed jobs in each client where transports will be migrated. example : c:/apps/reserveprintersSID. SPAD 3. Click Output Devices 5. system client or using the Local file. In menu. Run transaction Log onto the target system in each of the other clients and repeat previous 2 steps. Click the Change button Select Utilities. For Output Devices. Select Frontend computer 10.txt 9.13. Execute program RDDNEWPP. Login to SAP client 002 2. Click on the line of one of the printers 6. 5.keylabstraining. tp import <Transport Number> <SID> client<client_number> U128 Local file : 1. Transport :     Select all jobs and click the delete button. Click on Change Icon 4. 8. 8. For Output device : Fillin * www. 6. Select Execute import and Generate log 12. Log on to one of the SAP target system client 002 (or proper one for BW) with personal id. 7. Delete All Ignore any errors/warnings Logon to the target system as <sid>adm cd /usr/sap/trans/bin tp addtobuffer <Transport Number> <SID> <client_number> is the default 9. A message will show up in the status bar indicating the job has been scheduled.19 Restore printers Using the <Transport number> created in step 2. go to Edit --> Transfer --> import 7. Specify job class A or highest priority. Select Import 11. 2. SPAD . Export/Import file name : Fillin the destination of your C -drive where you saved the file of the printers in step 2. we should re-build the index. the User Master Records (UMR) in the target system will be the same as was in the source system.keylabstraining. go to Alter index->rebuild www.20 Import User Master Records After a database copy. before executing scc7. The transport number was generated in one of the Pre-Copy steps . select Analyis Index->Storage quality from the menu If Storage quality is less than 70%. This will speedup the scc7 run considerably. the table name and the index are displayed Place the cursor on the index(USRBF2~0) and click on Detailed Analysis button Check the storage [email protected] Perform client import post processing (All R3 systems) Steps Prior to Execution of SCC7 In all R3 systems. For determining the storage quality of the imported user master:          Logon to Production client Go to ->tcode db02 Click on Detailed Analysis Type USRBF2 as object name.PFL> ] <SID> tp import <SID>KTxxxxx <SID> client<client_number> [pf=TP_DOMAIN_<Sid of domain controller>. The domain controller is usually the development server for this landscape. This process may have to be completed for multiple clients depending on customer requirements for the target system. determine the storage quality of the table. Normally. 4. we have to rebuild index For rebuilding indexes. it is desirable to export the UMR‘s prior to the database copy step and then re-import them after the copy completes.PFL ] U128 Note: The Part in the [ ] maybe required.21 Change Client Settings  Logon to the target SAP in client 002  Execute transaction SCC4  Change the category to ―Test‖ for the client that you just imported the user masters into  Change the Client Protection to Level 0  Hit Save button  Repeat this step for each client that the user import was performed 4. cd /usr/sap/trans/bin tp addtobuffer <SID>KTxxxxx [pf=TP_DOMAIN_<Sid of domain controller>. Click on execute . For example if target system is AB3 the domain controller is DB3. If the storage quality is less than 70%. this is the table for User buffer content for fast RFC logon Click Table ->Indexes .com 13. SAPconnect. NOT production settings. SCOT and Logical Printer Server tables After a successful database copy. Transport :      Logon to the target SAP Run STMS Overview -> Imports Double click the Target system SID name Use menu option Extra -> Other Requests -> Add www.keylabstraining.  Click the ―Schedule in background‖ button. Part 2 – Reset User buffers  Logon to the target system in the productive client as firebasis  Run transaction se38  Enter program RSUSR405 and click execute. HTTP(S).For productive clients. Export Utilities -> mass changes -> reset all user buffers.  Verify the profile name.23 Change Client Settings  Logon to the target SAP  Execute transaction SCC4  Select each client and verify that entries are appropriate for the following fields:  Std Currency  Category (Note: only one client can be marked as ―Production‖ for the SID). Change the main client back to ―Production‖  Change the Client Protection to Level 1  In the subsequent sections.24 Restore data for RFC.  ―No changes to Repository and cross-client customizing objects‖ are selected. This needs to be changed to reflect the target system. 4. Logon to the target SAP in each of the imported clients Run transaction SCC7 Verify the transport request number matches the transport number that was created during the user master export in the Request  After rebuild is completed. and Export System fields. at least.  Login to SAP again to verify your id profiles are now set to the target settings. For systems at lower versions Logon to the target system in the productive client Enter the transaction SU01 Go to Menu. the RFC destinations in the target system will have values reflecting the source system. . this step may take an hour to complete. ITS.    4. verify that these values are set:  ―No changes allowed‖ . In this case you have already a transport available containing RFC tables and/or the exported dump file for the ―application‖ and/or ―temporary‖ tables. proceed to execute Scc7 Part 1 – Run SCC7 Please note: in large systems. com   Enter the transport number from RFC Export done in Pre steps Highlight the transport from the list and hit the transport button.g.g. Exported dump file : Import the exported dump file of the ―application‖ and/or ―temporary‖ tables : <tablename> <tablename> To save copy of the refreshed tables:    su – ora<sid> sqlplus /nolog connect <SAP tables schema>/password> {e.keylabstraining. connect sappe8/m0tor} Example tables : drop drop drop drop table table table table TBD00 TBD05 EDIPOA EDIPORT www. To drop the refreshed tables    su – ora<sid> sqlplus /nolog connect <SAP tables schema>/<password> { connect sappe8/m0tor} Example tables : create create create create table table table table ZTBD00 ZTBD05 ZEDIPOA ZEDIPORT as as as as select select select select * * * * from from from from TBD00 TBD05 EDIPOA EDIPORT To confirm the tables have already being backup: Select table_name from dba_tables where table_name like ‗Z%‘.com . info@keylabstraining. <tablename> buffer=1024000 grants=N indexes=N tables= For Gchem CRM. PAHI. Job start condition to: <a date a month ahead> 4. MONI.26 Fix DB13 jobs During the refresh the DB13 (DBA Planning Calendar) tables are reset. The old monitor data is thus cleared from the CCMS monitors.27 Convert CCMS tables The tables OSMON.dmp <tablename>. .Import the original tables su – ora<sid> {sapsid = SCHEMA (table owner) of sap tables} imp <sapsid>/<password> FILE=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/expdat.  Press the Edit button. it is not necessary to save a copy of the refreshed tables before doing the import. Process type should be Direct.  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction SM28. PAHI.  Select the Object type Table. if any do appear.  NOTE!!! DO NOT PRESS THE DELETE DB TABLE HERE!!! .  Enter one of the table names (OSMON. Job status: Released. Job status: Released.  Select radio-button delete data. they need to be resolved before opening up the system to end-users.keylabstraining. User name: *. To fix that proceed as follows: First delete the SM37 DBA Batch jobs:  Logon to the Target server using your id. Job start condition to: <a date a month ahead> Select all the Jobs Goto Job and click on Delete Confirm message Then create the DB13 jobs preserved in Pre steps with transaction DB13 Confirm that jobs are released by executing the transaction SM37 Select Job name: DBA*. 4. AND DBSNP). There should be no errors. MONI. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP in client 000 (as ddic user)  Run transaction SE14. 4. User name: *.25 Run System Consistency Check This will execute the system consistency check and will report any problems that were found. DBSNP are to be converted in the database with transaction SE14 (delete with data).  Execute the transaction SM37        Select Job name: DBA*.  If a message existed prior to the refresh. Execute the Unix command ps -ef | grep sap. 4. select the Delete button. Click the Create button. This will generate a listing of all SAP processes.  Execute the Unix command startsap to start the SAP application instance. This will generate a listing of all Oracle processes. click ‗EXIT‘.29 Restore TXCOM table entries  Logon to the target SAP in default client using your own id  Run transaction SM54  Click the Create button and enter the field info from the copy of the screen taken in the pre-Refresh steps.  Repeat this until all messages have been removed.  Change the server field to the Target Server name.30 Remove System Messages (or adjust) Check the system to see if there were any system messages and remove/update them. www. There should be several of these SAP processes listed.  Check the boxes for ―Profile parameter‖ and ―Execute external programs‖.31 Re-cycle SAP  Logon to UNIX on the target database server as <sid>adm account. Proceed as follows:  Logon to the target SAP  Execute transaction SM02. 4. 4.keylabstraining. There should be several of these Oracle processes listed.  Enter the message and click Save button.32 Start SAP on all application servers (if applicable)  Logon to UNIX on the application server as <sid>adm account. if there is no entry.  Click on a   Press activate and adjust database. Repeat steps 2-6 for each of the tables listed above.  Select the radio button ―All background servers‖. Execute the Unix command ps -ef | grep ora. .28 Changing The Source Server To Target Server Name For SAPCOMM  Logon to the target SAP in client 000 (as ddic)  Run transaction SCOM  In Destination block choose ‗Server Assignment‘  Press Change push button. 4.  Execute the Unix command stopsap to stop the SAP instance.33 Check background processing  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction SM65.    Execute the Unix command startsap to restart the SAP instance on the database server. com   Click the Execute button.  Green back arrow. Select modify parameters button Change the Days= 31.34 Clear Background Objects  Start transaction SM61   Goto Object  Modify Object.36 Add required application servers to the Op Modes  Logon to the target SAP in client 002  Run transaction RZ04  Select Instance/Opmodes  Create the target system op mode configuration(s) by selecting the menu items Settings -> Current Status -> New Instances -> Generate  Check each of the new op modes for correctness. weeks=5 and months . Review the report for errors. a snapshot of the Target <SID> Op-modes was taken and downloaded to a directory/filename on the local PC.  Import all profiles from Unix by selecting menu items: Utilities -> Import Profiles -> of active servers. In the Pre Copy Steps.35 Import application server Profile Parameter Files  Logon to the target SAP  Run transaction RZ10.  Click the SAVE button. Hit save [email protected] Reschedule Standard SAP Jobs  Logon to the target system  Schedule the Standard Jobs which were running earlier 4. 4. 4. Click on Cleanup list button. To fix:  In the target system      Run ST03 Select menu option Workload -> Reorganize-> Parameters -> Performance Database. 4.38 Fix workload storage parameters During a refresh the parameters that define how long to keep the workload storage statistics are reset to the default. www. Verify the Op-modes with this hardcopy listing. 4. <ora>sid sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ drop user SAP<SSID>DB . Drop the Source System J2EE Schema and Tablespace The J2EE schema and tablespace for the source system must be removed before reconfiguring the J2EE engine on the target system. drop tablespace PSAP<SSID>DB including contents and datafiles. This tablespace must be recreated after the system has been restored.keylabstraining. the J2EE engine must be ―reconfigured‖ in order for the engine to start 4.40/7. Perform the following to create the tablespace: su – ora<sid> sapdba (See the warp file for the system password) [email protected] After the refresh and before starting the SAP system for the first time. Create the J2EE tablespace using sapdba During the installation of the J2EE engine. Perform the following: su .39 Configuring J2EE 6. Continue with create the J2EE schema user. a new tablespace is created in the ABAP stack called PSAP<SID>DB. grant select_catalog_role. The following users must be recreated in the ABAP stack The following users must be created on the main client: . /oracle/SID/sapdata8 was used.Create/drop tablespace Select b – New Path. In this example. alter user sap<sid>db identified by <password>. By default the tablespace is created in sapdata1. resource to SAP<SID>DB. su – ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ create user SAP<SID>DB identified externally default tablespace PSAP<SID>DB temporary tablespace PSAPTEMP. Type of path of the filesystem that contain more than 1GB of Select c – New Size Type 1024M to create a 1GB tablespace. Select s – Start to Create the tablespace. exit Re-create the J2EE Users in the ABAP Stack The J2EE ABAP users are removed from the ABAP Select c – Tablespace administration -> a – Tablespace-> g .connect. Create the J2EE Schema User (SAP<SID>DB or SAPMIWDB or SAPCRMDB ) As ora<sid> perform the following steps to create the J2EE user. Press q to return.    J2EE_GUEST J2EE_ADMIN SAPJSF All three users should be created with the Communication user type to prevent the passwords from expiring. Click the button. www. Perform the following: Access transaction SU01 Enter J2EE_ADMIN in the user [email protected] . e. Click the Roles tab: Note: When creating the SAPJSF . Enter a valid email address in the E-Mail field. User J2EE_ADMIN Roles SAP_J2EE_ADMIN Profile None www. Enter an initial password for the user Enter Group name in the User Group for Authorization Check field. enter the user name ( In the Last Name and First Name field. This prevent the password of the user from expiring. The J2EE_ADMIN and J2EE_GUEST users do not have any profile assigned. During creation. the User type should be set as a Dialog user. For the J2EE_ADMIN user. After creating the user. J2EE_ADMIN)[email protected]. set the User Type as Communications. Click the Logon data tab. The following chart contains the roles and profiles for the J2EE ABAP users. enter SAP_J2EE_ADMIN in the role field. add the SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW in the Profiles tab. verify the J2EE is running.00 check if the state is Running.00): ps –ef | grep jlaunch /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGSXX/j2ee/os_libs/jlaunch pf=/usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/SID_DVEBMGSXX_<Host> no>_server -DSAPINFO=SID_<Sys /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGSXX/j2ee/os_libs/jlaunch pf=/usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/SID_DVEBMGSXX_<Host> -DSAPINFO=SID_<Sys no>_sdm /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGSXX/j2ee/os_libs/jlaunch pf=/usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/SID_DVEBMGSXX_<Host> no>_dispatcher For J2EE 7. tail /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSXX/work/dev_server0 [Thr 16708] Thu Sep 6 09:44:55 2007 [Thr 16708] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Starting applications (10)] to [Running (3)] -DSAPINFO=SID_<Sys www. Import the J2EE schema (SAP<SID>DB) Perform the following the import the J2EE schema: su .log full=y RZ11 -> param-name: rdisp/j2ee_start -> display -> Change value -> New value: 1 -> save Start the J2EE engine using SMICM: Administration > J2EE Server > Restart > Yes At the OS You should see the following processes (different on J2EE 7. SAP_NEW Perform the steps above to re-create the remaining users.dmp indexes=y grants=y log=/tmp/ .ora<sid> cd sapreorg imp sap<sid>db/<Password> file=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/ J2EE_GUEST SAPJSF SAP_J2EE_GUEST SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION None SAP_ALL. com .      Logon with J2EE_ADMIN user to the Portal (HTTPS/<Port number>) Navigate to "System Administration" -> "System Configuration" Expand Portal Content. Expand Systemlandscape Right click on SAP_BW  Open  Connection Tests Select all tests and choose Test the connection to the J2EE engine using the Appropriate URL and port number: The following is displayed: Verify the configuration Portal Connection for BW systems. www.keylabstraining. The tests must complete grant create any context to BUGREQ.log full=y www. STEP. grant create sequence to BUGREQ. commit. Drop user bugreq su – ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/as sysdba‘ drop user bugreq cascade. 4.dmp indexes=y grants=y commit=y log=/tmp/importbug. grant create any procedure to BUGREQ.keylabstraining. grant create any cluster to BUGREQ. grant create any indextype to BUGREQ. grant CTXAPP to BUGREQ. STEP. Create user BUGREQ in SAP EBP system su . grant create table to BUGREQ. grant unlimited tablespace to BUGREQ. grant create any index to BUGREQ. grant create trigger to BUGREQ. grant create session to . grant create view to BUGREQ.ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/as sysdba‘ create user BUGREQ identified by <See WARP> default tablespace PSAPBUGSEYE temporary tablespace Note: If there exist a problem in bringing up java after refresh check if user sapjsf in unlocked and correct password of it is maintained in secure store.40 Re-import BugsEye & eMerge data (if applicable) Re-Import BugsEye data & eMerge data (if applicable) in the following way: Make sure the J2EE processes are stopped! (done for both BugsEye & eMerge) Stop the j2ee processes: Logon to SAP SMICM  Administration  J2EE Server  Send Hard shutdown  Without Restart Optional  Check processes: ps –ef | grep jlaunch STEP. Import all bugseye data info into SAP EBP system su [email protected]<sid> imp bugreq/<See WARP> file=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/exportbug. grant create synonym to BUGREQ. grant create table to EMEREQ. STEP. grant create view to EMEREQ.ora<sid> www. [email protected] STEP.keylabstraining. Drop user emereq su – ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/as sysdba‘ drop user emereq cascade. grant create any cluster to EMEREQ. grant CTXAPP to EMEREQ. grant create session to EMEREQ. Test connection Start the J2EE processes: Logon to SAP SMICM  Administration  J2EE Server  Send Hard shutdown  With Restart {it can take up to 5 minutes before the homepage is available} Test connection: http://<servername + dns>/requisite/login. grant create any indextype to . STEP. grant create synonym to EMEREQ.htm For eMerge: Make sure the J2EE processes are stopped again. Create user EMEREQ in SAP EBP system su .ora<sid> sqlplus ‗/as sysdba‘ create user EMEREQ identified by <See WARP> default tablespace PSAPEMERGE temporary tablespace PSAPTEMP. grant create trigger to EMEREQ. grant create any index to EMEREQ. grant create sequence to EMEREQ. grant create any procedure to EMEREQ. Import all emerge data info into SAP EBP system su . Logon to SAP SMICM  Administration  J2EE Server  Send Hard shutdown  Without Restart STEP. grant unlimited tablespace to EMEREQ. grant create any context to EMEREQ. The output should look like the following : GRANTEE GRANTED_ROLE OPS$D04ADM OPS$D04ADM OPS$D04ADM SAPDBA CONNECT RESOURCE full=y ADM DEF NO YES YES YES YES YES -----------------------------.sql.5 and below) www.--- 4.keylabstraining.sql <SID> UNIX sqlplus ‗/ as sysdba‘ select * from dba_role_privs where grantee like ‗OPS%‘. Test connection Start the J2EE processes: Logon to SAP SMICM  Administration  J2EE Server  Send Hard shutdown  With Restart {it can take up to 5 minutes before the homepage is available} Test connection: http://<servername + dns>/emerge/ .com imp emereq/<See WARP> file=/oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/exporteme. On the target server su – ora<sid> cd /local/bin/sap/dbcopy grep OPS sapdba_role. V_User := 'OPS$SAPSERVICE' || '&&1'.info@keylabstraining. First you must make sure you have the proper script.log STEP. You must run the sapdba_role.htm 4.42 SAP INFOCUBE INDEXES REPAIR Run report SAP_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_REPAIR (Applicable for BW systems on version 3.sql V_User := 'OPS$' || '&&1' || 'ADM'.sql to fix Oracle privileges for OPS$SIDADM The OPS$SIDADM Oracle account must have the privilege of SAPDBA to allow the DBA housekeeping jobs to work properly. The results should look like the above sqlplus system/<password> @sapdba_role.-----------------------------.41 Run sapdba_role.dmp indexes=y grants=y commit=y log=/tmp/importbug.--. Some background: BW systems are running with NOLOGGING configured on Oracle level. In BW system client: SE38  SAP_INFOCUBE_INDEXES_REPAIR background Program Execute in   This can and probably will run for hours. While BW drop/recreates indexes quite frequently as part of dataloading.43 Convert logical system names(BDLS RUN) Old logical system name = <SSID>CLNT<Client number> New logical system name = <TSID>CLNT<Client number> Login to the Production client and navigate to transaction BDLS. these indexes will get corrupted blocks. The solution is to drop/recreate these indexes in the refreshed system (switching on LOGGING in the production system is not feasible as performance would go down. There is no need to wait for this program to finish. NOLOGGING is also the SAP recommendation for BW systems) When rolling forward a database during a refresh. You can however safely continue with the next steps. lots of index creations are not in the redologs. 4. and proceed to schedule all LSN conversions from Source to target(There might be more than one BDLS runs depending on LSN‘s which exist in the system which indeed depends on clients too) Be sure to select radio button Conversion of client-dependant and client-independent tables! Deselect the check boxes Test Run and Existence check on new names in tables Program  Execute in . This means that the creation of indexes are not captured in redologs. as too much time would be wasted. Expand the row as below and doubleclick on the line Problem Class. However. It is not feasible to wait on the outcome of the first run before starting the second run. but overall it will be quicker than running sequentially. it won‘t work). In this way the BDLS runs can still hit the same table simultaneously (and therefore slow down). Go to the application log via transaction SLG1  enter appopriate dates  Execute. The output of the SM37 job does not give all the You will get a warning LSN already exists: press ―enter‖ to ignore (don‘t click on the warning. Click on the Choose button to see the actual output of the BDLS run. the application log of SAP catches the actual output of BDLS. Therefore scheduled the BDLS‘s one hour behind . This will run for quite a while. . www. Apart from these we also need to reconfigure/repair important RFC connections in case they are not working after database [email protected] If there persist a problem in BDLS Conversion we can proceed converting them from SQL prompt too.
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