Sap Bpc Optimized



1.Activate Embedded BW 1.1 Preparation Steps for Activation of Embedded BW The activation of the embedded BW has to be conducted in each system (development, test, production) separately. This activity is part of the system setup and not part of Customizing. 1.1.1 Decide Which Client Is to Be Used as BW Client First decide which client to use as BW client. Log on to this client and execute all subsequent steps within this client. In most cases, the productive client is used as the BW client. 1.1.2 Check for Existing Settings for the BW Client in the System In some cases, there is already a setting for the BW client in table RSADMINA, even if no BW is used in the system. Check the situation beforehand and correct as necessary. a) Use transaction SE16 to display all data in the RSADMINA table. b) Under CUSTOMIZID, if the entry is BW but the corresponding entry under BWMANDT is not the client used above, start transaction SE37, enter function module RS_MANDT_UNIQUE_SET, and click Test/Execute (F8). Enter the BW client you want to use in field I_MANDT and click Execute. The BW client is now set. If there is no such entry, or the BWMANDT field is empty, then there is no need to run function module RS_MANDT_UNIQUE_SET. 1.2 Customizing Steps for Activation of Embedded BW 1.2.1 Assign Logical System Client a) Under Controlling -> General Controlling -> Planning -> Setup for Planning -> Define Logical System, define the logical system, and then assign it to your BW client. b) You must define a logical system. If you do not work with logical systems, enter a dummy name for the technical name and a brief description. c) Choose Assign Logical System to Client. d) Under Controlling -> General Controlling -> Planning -> Setup for Planning -> Assign Logical System to Client, select the client that you have chosen as BW client. e) Check the settings of 'Cross-Client Object Changes'. Use one of the following settings: No changes to cross client customizing Changes Repository and cross client Customizing allowed f) Set the logical system to the one you created before. 1.2.2 Set BW Namespaces to Modifiable a) In the Transport Organizer Tools (transaction SE03), choose Administration -> Set System Change Option, and then Execute. b) In the System Change Option screen, select the namespaces with the prefixes /BI0/ and /BIC/as modifiable. 1.2.3 Activation of Technical Content The report is started with the DDIC user, which must contain the profiles SAP_ALL and S_A.SYSTEM. a) Start transaction SU01, enter user DDIC and press the Change pushbutton. b) Go to the Parameters tab. Enter parameter RSWAD_DEV_MDVERSION, and 072 as the value. c) Enter parameter RSWAD_SKIP_JAVA and value 'X'. d) Save your entries. Use transaction SFW5 to activate the required business functions. Cost center planning requires the activation of business function FIN_CO_CCPLAN.4 Use RSTCO_ADMIN to Check Status a) Call transaction RSTCO_ADMIN and check if the Installation status is green.5 Perform a First Check You can also check if the planning content is already activated by using transaction RSD1 and checking if 0RSPL* Info Objects exist in the active version. select 03 for Business Functions c) Select the line with the technical name /ERP/SFIN_PLANNING and click Activate. Project planning requires the activation of business function FIN_CO_CCMGMT as a technical prerequisite. g) Under Treatment of Already Active Content Objects. 2. A background job SFW_ACTIVATE_SF0X is scheduled. Call transaction SMX (Own Jobs) and check that the job finishes without error messages (this typically takes about 15 minutes). press Select Sub-Tree and Activate DataSource. Switch On Business Function The activation of the business function as well has to be conducted in each system (development. In the dialog box. Call transaction SMX (Own Jobs) and check that the job will finished without error messages (typically needs about 15 minutes). b) Click Display Logs and check that the log does not contain any red error messages. d) On the next screen. 1.2. enter NONE. Activate Content Bundle for New Financials Planning and BW Reporting 3. a) Start transaction SPRO and activate Content Bundle /ERP/SFIN_PLANNING under Controlling -> General Controlling -> Planning -> Setup for Planning -> Activate BI Bundle Content for Planning b) Under Business Category. 3. 3. production) separately. 1.2. create one entry with "Dialog RFC connection" = NONE and "Background RFC connection"= NONE Also ensure that you select the Local checkbox.2 Activate Content Bundle Remark: You can activate the content bundle in each system separately. c) Use the Find functionality to jump to DataSource 0PROFIT_CTR_0106_HIER d) Activate the DataSource: place the cursor on the DataSource. . e) Now start transaction RSA1. choose 'Only Activate' A message appears that the background job BI_TCO_ACTIVATION is scheduled. f) In the Replicate Metadata dialog box. f) Select No Data Source Replication. click the RFC Mapping button. press the Copy radio button and select the Install all Collected Objects checkbox. but you can as well transport this activation. test. e) Under RFC Destination for Content Objects.1 Activate DataSource 0PROFIT_CTR_0106_HIER a) Start transaction RSA5 b) Expand the complete SAP structure. in addition /ERP/SFIN_M01_Q1000_WB01 (Income Statement by Market Segment). press the Match radio button if you have changed the content delivered by SAP. 4. Do not select a source system. a) Start transaction RSOR to activate the Analysis Office Workbooks. but you can as well transport this activation.2 Categories for Plan Data Create categories for your plan data. ERP/SFIN_V10_Q0001_WB01 (Work Analysis). for example. and click on Transfer Selections. Select all workbook starting with /ERP/SFIN_A*. Categories can be created in each system separately but as well be transported into test and production system. Automatic choices between Match and Copy depend on the object type (See flag MERGEFL in table RSTLOGOPROP). j) The Select Source System dialog box appears. and /ERP/SFIN_V11_Q0001_WB01 (WIP Analysis). b) Ensure that in the right panel Grouping is set to Only Necessary Objects and Collection Mode is set to Start Manual Collection. 3. . b) Use transaction RSRT for a first technical test. Do not select a source system. Deselect the Install all Collected Objects if only new SAP delivered objects are to be considered. d) The Data Warehousing Workbench: Bi Content box appears. e) The Select Source Systems dialog box appears. set the user parameter CAC for the controlling area. c) Choose BI Content -> Object Types.0 Categories To use new Financials Planning. h) Click Activate. If you want to transport categories mark the categories you want to transport and select in the menu 'Edit' and 'Include in request'. k) Check the activation log. click Cancel. Note: Other options could be useful for later activations: In future. f) Select all objects for installation and click on Install (If you want to transport the activation in test and production system chose 'Install and transport').1 Category for Actual Data Create category ACT01 (maintenance view FCOMV_CATEGORY). 5 Perform a First Test a) Under System -> User Profile -> Own Data. for optimistic or pessimistic forecasts. i) Start the activation (If you want to transport the activation in the test and productive system click 'Activate with transport'). select More Types -> Analysis Office Excel Workbook -> Select Objects. Do this creation in Customizing. c) Under Query. For content objects delivered by SAP. select /ERP/SFIN_A01_IRQ0001. under Controlling -> General Controlling -> Planning -> Maintain Category for Planning.3 Activate Analysis Office Workbooks Remark: You can activate the Analysis Office Workbooks in each system separately. click Cancel. you are then asked if the new content version is to be merged with the active object. 4. you need to create and maintain relevant categories. 4. b) You have activated the SAP Business Warehouse Planning Applications Kit. Activate Planning and Consolidation Unified 6. b) Run transaction SM30. 2. see SAP Note 1919631.1 Prerequisites a) You are using a SAP HANA database. select HTML. the currency with the controlling area currency. enter variable screen =x g) To run the first test. as follows: . Some values are defaulted. For more information. a company code. f) In the text box. and a fiscal year. see SAP Note 1637199.If you want to transport this parameter mark the categories you want to transport and select in the menu 'Edit' and 'Include in request'. e) Press the Parameter 1 radio button. c) Enter the RSPLS_HDB_ACT table view. c) This activation can be conducted in each system separately but can also be transported if needed. This test result proves that the planning functionality has been installed and configured correctly. e) For more information. Select “Content” as version and “0PPM_VC1” as infoCube. Error Log Error while activating infocube 0PPM_VC1 At this step I got an errors. h) Click Execute and see the first result.2 Procedure a) Log on to the SAP GUI. Start transaction RSDCUBEM. click Execute (F8) The Query selection screen appears. 6. Enter at least a category. d) Add and activate the following parameter: BPC_ACT: BPC-PAK integration active (or "BPC Embedded Model Active"). d) Under Query Display. 6. Go through errors and finally get: (this is a screenshot from the log of activation content from transaction RSTCO_ADMIN) The best way to solve this issue is manual activation: 1. for example. Start transaction RSTCO_ADMIN. Click “Start installation” and wait. Start transaction RSA1 – Infoprovider and find cube 0PPM_VC1. 2. Go ahead. 1. we’ve successfully activated a technical content. Select “Subsequently activation” as option of activation: 4. Test passed successfully: . Open cube for edit and activate it manually. To perform a first test. Let’s try to activate technical content one more time. 3. start transaction RSD1 and check. 3. Done! Well. It will be inactive. whether infoobjects 0RSPL* exist in active version. Start transaction SE11 and check whether there’s application component EC-PCA-IO with D version in table RODSAPPL If you have “D” in field OBJVERS of this table. I got a list of errors: . Then. you need to call T-CODE RSA9 and click YES in a pop-up window. Error of activation content bundle After almost 20 minutes of waiting. try to activate extractor one more time.Error of activation an extractor During activation of extractor 0PROFIT_CTR_0106_HIER I got a list of errors like this: (I saw it through the transaction SLG1) This errors are associated with the fact. To activate it: 1. It will be successful. that application component EC_PCA_IO is inactive. Press Execute After execution of the report.40 to SP11 or above. try to activate function /erp/sfin_planning again. clear the tails of your previous trying of activation content bundle: 1.For solving it. After patching your system. Run report RSR_MULTIPROV_CHECK in SE38. . you must patch your SAB BW 7. 2. Scroll the bottom and flag ‘All Infoprovider‘ 3. it has successfully activated now.
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