SAP BCM Opt Multisys Paymt Con Config Guide SP01
SAP BCM Opt Multisys Paymt Con Config Guide SP01
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SAP Custom DevelopmentSAP Bank Communication Management, option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Configuration Guide Version 1.0 Status Final Date 2013-09-25 Confidential © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) Typographic Conventions Type Style Example Text Description Words or characters quoted from screens. These include field names, screen titles, pushbutton labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options. Cross-references to other documentation. Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters, as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you need to replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system. Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER. Icons Used in the Text Symbol Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax In SAP documentation, other icons are used to show the type of information that a text contains. For more information, see the initial screen of each version of SAP Library by choosing Help on Help General Information Classes and Information Classes for the Business Information Warehouse. Example Text EXAMPLE TEXT Example Text Example Text <Example Text> EXAMPLE TEXT © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management, option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 2 von 20 ..........................................1 3...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Configuring SAP Bank Communication Management ....................................... 6 3 Application Overview .1................... 5 Important Notes:.............................................................................................................................................................1...........................................................1......................... 4 Glossary .................................................................................... 8 Configuring Financial Accounting (FI).................................................................2 4.....................................................................................Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) Contents 1 Organization .......1.......4 4.........................................................1 2......5 4.................................................1 4.......... 13 Security ..... 5 2................................................2 3...................................0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 3 von 20 ............................................. 8 Technical System Landscape .......6 4......................................2 Related Information ........ option for multisystem payment consolidation Application .................................................. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1...................................3 4............. 4 2 Preparation .1......1 4........... 8 4..........................................................................3 System Landscape .................................1..........1 1..... 7 4 Scenarios .................................... 10 Configuration of the SAP Bank Communication Management...................................................... 7 Implementation and Configuration – General Description ............... 4 1................................... 7 Software Component Matrix ...... 7 3.................. 8 General Overview ................ 10 Authorization Handling of different import sources ...................................................1..................7 Enterprise to Bank ......... 20 © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management.................................................................................................................2 Target group........................... 1 Target group This configuration guide is intended for the following target groups: Customer relationship managers Partners Customers 1. Interface for the communication of application programs with other systems Application Programming Interface (API) SAP ERP Human Capital Management. uses mainly open standards (especially XML and Java) and offers services that are indispensable in a heterogeneous and complex system landscape: Runtime infrastructure for exchanging messages. SAP NetWeaver enables the connection of non-SAP systems with SAP systems from different vendors in different versions on different platforms (Java. organizational management. The Process Integration utilization type includes all current functions in SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure with which you implement cross-system business processes. and future-oriented functions for personnel administration and core functions for personnel administration. It enables you to contact your bank. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. payroll processing. SAP ERP Financials enables cross-company control and integration of financial and company information for strategic decision making. Configurations options for controlling business processes and the message flow as well as the means for mapping messages before they reach the recipient. and to improve Straight-Through-Processing and the observance of internal guidelines.2 Glossary SAP Terms Term SAP Bank Communication Management Definition Part of the SAP ERP Financials Solution You use this application to manage interfaces for the communication with banks.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 4 von 20 . based on an open architecture. SAP NetWeaver Process Integration. (SAP NetWeaver PI) © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. time management.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 1 Organization 1. This means in particular that with this utilization type. It also helps improve the communication between your stakeholders and investors. and statutory reporting. to track the complete lifecycle of a transaction. ABAP. Utilization type in SAP NetWeaver. (SAP ERP HCM) SAP ERP Financials Human Capital Management solution that provides essential strategic. analytic. Cross-industry solution that helps enterprises process and analyze financial and company data efficiently and to process financial transactions. SAP NetWeaver. and so on). The application supports sub steps of the business processes that are mapped by the SAP Bank Communication Management application. This document describes all the steps that are needed to configure the application.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 5 von 20 .0 © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. option for multisystem payment consolidation. In addition to the description of the configuration.1.7) 2. option for multisystem payment consolidation.com/swdc Software Downloads Installations and Upgrades Browse our Download Catalog Industry-specific Components BCM OPT MULTISYS PAYMT CON BCM OPT MULTISYS PAYMT CON 1.sap.1 Related Information Guide/Document Application Help (information about processes and functions) SAP Service Marketplace http://service.sap. These are the following business scenarios: Process: Enterprise to Bank o Process-Step: Transfer of external payment medium files to the application SAP Bank Communication Management.com/swdc Software Downloads Installations and Upgrades Browse our Download Catalog Industry-specific Components BCM OPT MULTISYS PAYMT CON BCM OPT MULTISYS PAYMT CON 1.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) Abbreviations used in the Document Term SAP Bank Communication Management SAP ERP Financials SAP ERP Human Capital Management Abbreviation SAP BCM FI HCM 2 Preparation This document gives you a central point of reference for the technical implementation and configuration of the application SAP Bank Communication Management. you can find security information in this document (see chapter 4.0 Solution Manager Documentation (information about "Business Scenarios" and "Business Processes") http://service. option for multisystem payment consolidation. you need to ensure that the required software has been installed. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. SAP Service Marketplace http://service.com/instguides 2.2 Important Notes: Before you start the implementation. For information about the installation.com/swdc. Make sure that you are working with the newest versions of SAP Notes.sap.0 EHP2 Description This note supplies information about the installation of the software by SAP Bank Communication Management. see the SAP Notes in the table below. List of related SAP Notes: Number of SAP Note 1562327 Title Installation of BCON 602 on ERP 6. These notes contain the newest information about the installation as well as corrections to the installation. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. You can find the installation note for this application in the Software Download Center on SAP Marketplace http://service.sap. We recommend that you read the SAP Installation Notes before you start to implement and install the application.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) Guide/Document Current versions of the Installation and Upgrade Guides for the SAP Bank Communication Management application and the underlying components.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 6 von 20 . Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 3 Application Overview 3.2 5.3 5. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1.6 5. including Workflow Customizing Installation of the application SAP Bank Communication Management.3 Implementation and Configuration – General Description Software to be installed and the corresponding configuration 1 2 3 4 5 5. option for multisystem payment consolidation Function Module for the Release Procedure Customizing for the Application Inbound Directory Data Medium Formats and Read Modules Authorization Handling of different import sources De.0 Financials Bank Communication Management SAP Bank Communication Management.1 System Landscape 3. option for multisystem payment consolidation See chapter 4.5 5.7 Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) Customizing for SAP BCM.4 5.and Encryption of payment medium Bank Status Message Reconciliation SWIFT Compliance Outbound Directory © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 7 von 20 .2 Software Component Matrix Scenario/Business Process Enterprise to Bank Transfer of external payment medium files to SAP Bank Communication Management SAP ECC 6.1 5.1.3 Software Components Implementation and Configuration Process 3. Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4 Scenarios 4. Transaction /BCON/BNKCON is available for the retry. This reduces the complexity during maintenance and lowers the maintenance costs. The database integration causes logical restrictions: The SAP BCM application as well as the payment module to be executed.1 Enterprise to Bank This scenario covers the following process step: Transfer of external payment medium files to SAP BCM 4. It is not possible to process external data mediums. In the Customizing activity Define Formats for Payment Medium Files under Financial Supply Chain Management → Bank Relationship Management → SAP Bank Communication Management. if the system is not supplied by the import parameters.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 8 von 20 .1 General Overview The standard delivery of SAP Bank Communication Management creates data mediums for payments that are made in supported payment runs. you can use SAP BCM application to cover the entire payment structure. By using the software. You need to take monitoring and follow-up activities in consideration. however. With it. need to be implemented on the same system. You can implement release rules. In SAP BCM. You need to define the logical path in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver → Application Server → System Administration → PlatformIndependent Files Names → Cross-Client Maintenance of File Names and Files Paths. these FI payment runs (payment run for creditors and debtors and payment run for payment requests) and HR payment runs are integrated automatically. Set the logical path in the inbound directory to the constant value /BCON/BCM_IN. You define the FI payment runs on the SAP Easy Access screen under SAP Menu Accounting Financial Accounting Banks Outgoing Automatic Payment Open Items (Debtors and Creditors) and Payment Requests)). the payment medium file remains in the application’s inbound directory until a manual retry of the call takes places. workflows. you assign specific function modules to the payment medium format that is transported as the import parameter when you call up the interface. this gives you the option of processing data mediums in standardized data formats from any system. you may need to make changes in the source systems.1. In SAP BCM. FI or HCM. Confirmations and error messages that occur when you call up the interface for the application are supplied to the calling system. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. and other checks centrally in a system. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. 4. option for multisystem payment consolidation. The SAP Bank Communication Management. To transfer the input parameters or the corresponding files to the application completely. provides a file-bases interface for the connection to external SAP systems and non-SAP systems. the SAP BCM user has the advantage of having a central inbound interface available.2 Technical System Landscape You need to supply the application interface with the necessary import parameters and call it up.1. option for multisystem payment consolidation software. In case of errors. This is because the payment proposals are stored in the same database tables that SAP BCM accesses to create the data medium. 0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 9 von 20 . To derive the house bank from the FI master data. In Customizing for SAP NetWeaver.1. 4. Check Company Code. In Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Incoming Payments → Automatic Incoming Payments → Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program → Configure All Company Codes for Payment Transactions. the data defined here is required so that the information that the payment medium contains can be displayed in batch and payment monitoring or so that an external batch can be created and possibly derive follow-up steps from it. In Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Global Parameters for Company Code -> Enter Global Parameter and Set Company Code to Productive 3. At the very least. Configure the defined company codes as paying company codes. Delete. Configure the required company codes in the system. the system needs to read the bank key or the BIC (Bank Identifier Code) from the payment medium file.1. On the SAP Easy Access screen under SAP Menu → Accounting → Banks → Master Data → Bank Master → Create. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. Set the defined company codes to productive and configure the global parameter check. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. 2.3.1 Defining Company Code 1.1. The definitions of the house banks need to be complete for each company code in FI Customizing.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4.3.3 Defining House Banks and House Bank Accounts for each Company Code Define the house banks and house bank accounts for each company code In Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) → choose Bank Accounting → Bank Accounts → Define House Banks.1. You use a transport request to import the relevant Customizing values from an SAP system with the corresponding Customizing settings to the SAP BCM environment or you can make the entries manually.3 Configuring Financial Accounting (FI) 4.3. under Enterprise Structure → Financial Accounting → Edit. 4. Copy.2 Define Bank Master Data Create the bank master data and enter it in the bank master for each country. 0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 10 von 20 .5 Configuration of the SAP Bank Communication Management.1. Define the logical file path /BCON/BCM_IN (see screenshot).Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4. When doing so.1. is entered for object type BNK_COM and Activity 43. option for multisystem payment consolidation application. Change the function module and enter /BCON/BNK_API_BATCH_RET.1. option for multisystem payment consolidation application.1 Defining API Function Modules For the specific processing of payment medium files that were imported with the SAP Bank Communication Management.4. 4. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1.1. 4. This means an adjustment in SAP BCM. Function module BNK_API_BATCH_RETURN is entered for object type BNK_COM and Activity A1. take note of Customizing for the workflow functions. You need to check this entry each time you import a service pack for SAP BCM. Change the function module and enter /BCON/BNK_API_BATCH_RETURN. 4. The Customizing settings are across all clients. Function module BNK_API_BATCH_RET is entered for object type BNK_COM and Activity RT.1 Define Logical File Path for Import 1. In Customizing for SAP NetWeaver. In the Table/View field.5. you need to make the basic settings for SAP BCM. The following sections describe the necessary assignments between logical path and physical path for the import of payment data mediums. as it is possible for a service pack to overwrite the entry. enter the name V_TBCA_REL_FM and choose the Maintain pushbutton. 3.1.5. 2.1 Configuring Inbound Directory You need to define logical paths and make the relevant customer-specific assignments to the physical paths in order to process payment data mediums.4 Configuring SAP Bank Communication Management To operate the SAP Bank Communication Management. Change the function module and enter /BCON/BNK_API_BATCH_RELEASE.1. 5. choose Application Server -> System Administration-> Platform-Independent File Names -> Cross-Client Maintenance of File Names and File Paths. Use transaction SM30 to start table view maintenance. 4. Function module BNK_API_BATCH_RELEASE. you need to define the AP function module /BCON/BNK_API_BATCH_RELEASE for the SAP BCM system: 1. option for multisystem payment consolidation Application 4. the physical file name is transferred with parameter 1. the system uses the inbound directory that is assigned to logical path /BCON/BCM_IN.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) Assign the corresponding physical path to the logical path /BCON/BCM_IN (see the example in the screenshot). option for multisystem payment consolidation application by means of the relevant import parameter. Define the logical file names. 3. Assign the file to the physical file (see example in the screenshot) In this example. You can define alternative and additional paths that are transferred to the SAP Bank Communication Management. By default. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. 2.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 11 von 20 . 2 Configuring Data Medium Formats and Read Modules You need to define the payment medium formats and the relevant read function modules. select the Active checkbox to use the read function module in the program routine. In Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 12 von 20 .Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4. To identify the module when you call the SAP Bank Communication Management. option for multisystem payment consolidation → Define Formats for Payment Data Mediums. The Customizing settings are across all clients. In the Customizing activity Define Formats for Payment Data Mediums. you define customer-specific processing for additional formats (such as MT101) by making a new entry and defining the relevant read function module. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. option for multisystem payment consolidation application. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. choose Bank Relationship Management → SAP Bank Communication Management. you always need to transfer the correct format description to the import parameter. For more information. see Customizing for Formats for Payment Data Mediums.1. The following data medium formats are delivered with the installation of the software: DTAUS DTAZV ZZV CLIEOP03 V3 SEPA_CT SEPA_DD. In the Customizing activity.5. In Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4. Authorization handling for those batches can be defined via the standard authorization object F_STAT_MON restricting based on the Rule ID.6 Authorization Handling of different import sources You need to define by which Rule ID the payment medium. all payment mediums in company code 1000. In this example. option for multisystem payment consolidation → Define Direct Release for Payment Medium Files . 1. House Bank DEBA3. All payment mediums in company code 1000. IBAN will be processed with Rule Id “DIREKT” (Parameters for this Rule Id are defined in standard BCM configuration). choose Bank Relationship Management → SAP Bank Communication Management. define the rules DIREKT and WORKFLOW under Bank Relationship Management → Release Strategy © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. is subject to be released.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 13 von 20 . House Bank DEBA2. that is the related external batch. In Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management. IBAN will be processed with Rule Id “WORKFLOW” (Parameters for this Rule Id are defined in standard BCM configuration) IMG: Financial Supply Chain Management.1. Automatic Payments (No Approval) In this IMG activity you assign a workflow Rule ID based on the criteria listed below Company code Short key of house bank Short key of house bank account Free grouping field 1 Free grouping field 2 In addition you can define any other rule as a generic container. define the rules DIREKT and WORKFLOW under Bank Relationship Management → Release Strategy → Define Rules for 2. Create the following entries in table SSFAPPLIC via direct table maintenance: APPLIC o B_TOOLKIT: ZBCON o B_FORMAT: X o B_PAB: X o B_PROFID: X o B_PROFILE: X o B_HASHALG: X o B_ENCRALG: X o B_INCCERTS: X o B_DETACHED: X o B_ASKPWD: X o B_DISTRIB: X o DESCRIPT: ZBCON 2.and Encryption of payment medium 1.6. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 14 von 20 .1 De.1.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4. Create a new SSF application in transaction SSFA with the following parameters © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. Import a certification response in transaction STRUST 7.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 15 von 20 . Add own certificate to certificate list © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. like http://service.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 3. Create a certificate response via the preferred Certifcate Agent (e. Create PSE for newly created SSF application with transaction STRUST (Important: Use RSA algorithm only) 4.sap. Create certificate request in transaction STRUST for newly created PSE 5. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1.g.com/TCS) 6. .Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4. option for multisystem payment consolidation →Define Formats for Payment Data Mediums The settings will make sure that the payment file reference number (e. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management.RENUM) gets updated in table “REGUT-RENUM” as well as the payment document number gets correctly written into table “BNK_BATCH_ITEM-VBLNR” Please note: For XML-based payment files you have to maintain the name of the XML tag without left and right angel brakets.2 Bank Status Message Reconciliation You need to define the specific place in the payment medium where the reference number is contained.1.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 16 von 20 .g.6. For normal text-based payment files you have to specify the location and length of the relevant numbers. so that the system can derive it within the Inbound process. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. This definition should be done per payment medium in IMG activity for Financial Supply Chain Management Bank Relationship Management → SAP Bank Communication Management. 3 Swift Compliance You can populate additional SWIFT header parameters into the uploaded payment file which can be maintained in IMG via Financial Supply Chain Management Bank Relationship Management → SAP Bank Communication Management. The key name is defined as “Parameter Name” (e.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 17 von 20 . RequestType) and for maintaining the actual value you have two options: The first option is to customize a fixed value in the field “SWIFT Parameter Value”. option for multisystem payment consolidation → Maintain SWIFT Parameters Based on the settings in this IMG activity. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1.6.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4.6.1. the system will append key value pairs on top of the payment file.2 Bank Status Message Reconciliation) © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management.g. These values will be used in SAP PI to assemble the SWIFT parameter file. In this case you need to distinguish between XML and text-based files (see section 4.1. The second is to specifiy the location of the relevant value in the respective payment file. 2.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4.6.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 18 von 20 .4 Configuring Outbound Directories You need to define a logical path so that payment mediums are moved to the relevant outbound directory after release. Define the logical file path for export (see example /BCON_BCM_OUT_1 in the screenshot) and rejected files (see example /BCON_BCM_ARCH in the screenshot). Assign the corresponding physical path to the logical path (see the example in the screenshot).1. © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. In Customizing for SAP NetWeaver. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. choose Application Server -> System Administration-> Platform-Independent File Names -> Cross-Client Maintenance of File Names and File Paths. This definition is analog to the definition of the inbound directory. 1. you can maintain the following fields: Company code Short key of house bank Short key of house bank account Free grouping field 1 (available as of EHP4) Free grouping field 2 (available as of EHP4) Logical file path Logical file path (rejection) You need to create at least one entry (logical file) for each company code. In Customizing for Financial Supply Chain Management. As a rule. In Customizing for SAP NetWeaver.6. for example SWIFT or EBICS. choose Application Server -> System Administration-> Platform-Independent File Names -> Cross-Client Maintenance of File Names and File Paths. option for multisystem payment consolidation → Define Outbound Directories.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 19 von 20 . choose Bank Relationship Management → SAP Bank Communication Management.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) 4. the payment mediums from company code 1000 are moved to logical directory /BCON/BCM_OUT_1 © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. you define one outbound and one rejection directory per bank communication channel. In this example.5 Defining Outbound Directories/Bank Communication Channels To define outbound and rejection directories. you need to assign the bank communication standards to the relevant logical path. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1. The system dynamically selects the relevant outbound directory after release and moves the released payment medium file into the corresponding directory. In the Customizing activity Define Outbound Directories.1. com/securityguide http://service.1. For more information about security. option for multisystem payment consolidation application is based on SAP ERP Financials (including SAP Bank Communication Management) and SAP NetWeaver Process Integration.com/solutionmanager SAP Solution Manager © 2013 SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 D-69190 Walldorf Title: SAP Bank Communication Management. the rejected payment mediums from company code 1000 are moved to logical directory /BCON/BCM_ARCH 4.1.com/securityguide → Infrastructure Security http://service.7. For a complete list of the SAP Security Guides that are available.1 Related Security Guides The SAP Bank Communication Management. Therefore.sap.com/platforms http://service.sap.Configuration Guide Confidential (Vertraulich) In this example.sap. see SAP Service Marketplace at http://service. see SAP Service Marketplace at: Topic Security Security Guides Platforms Infrastructure Link at SAP Service Marketplace http://service. the related guides also apply to this application.sap.7 Security 4.com/security http://service. option for multisystem payment consolidation (SP1) Version: 1.sap.com/securityguide.sap.0 Datum: 2013-09-25 Seite 20 von 20 .
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