May 28, 2018 | Author: Lisa Robinson | Category: Computer Network, Databases, Kernel (Operating System), Operating System, System Software



SAP Basis IMP TaskABAP System Logs & Traces 1. During the starting of SAP system, events are written to log files. These files are extremely important from the point of view of identifying and troubleshooting problems. Logs of the SAP start process are stored in the file system and can be opened and read by the <SID>adm user. 2. Log file in Windows. Filepath where logs reside : <Drive>:\usr\sap*<Sys-ID>\DVEBMGS<Sys-Nr>\Work*. • dev_w0 file contains logs about the current work process. • dev_dispatcher gives information about the dispatcher’s activities. • stderr files report errors with sapstart process. 3. Log file in Unix. • The path is typically : /usr/sap/Sys-ID/DVEBMGS<Sys-Nr>/work • dev_w0 work process contains information about the latest ABAP work process. But it can happen at time that the other work processes may fail or create errors. If that is the case , one has to identify the work process by its number and open the log file and examine the issue 4. Information about trace files. During the start process, the STDERR<n> log files are created by the SAP service. The starting processes write to the individual files, depending on the sequence in which they are listed in the start profile. The contents of these log files therefore depends on the individual system setup, and could, for example, be as follows: • STDERR1: Information about the start process of the database system. • STDERR2: Information about the start process of the message server. • STDERR3: Information about the start process of the dispatcher. AL08 - List of All Users Logged On Transaction code AL08 shows the list of all the users who are logged on to the system globally or for all the instances in the system which are active. • Active instance – Shows the Active instance. • Active users – Displays the active users logged on to the active instance. • Interactive users – Displays the Dialog users logged on to the active instance. • RFC users – Display the users that are connected via RFC on the active instance. • Mand – Client number. • User – User name of users logged on. • Terminal – From which Terminal/machine user has logged on. • T-code – Last executed transaction code. • Time – The time when a user last initiated a dialog step by entering data. • External Sessions – Number of External sessions the user has opened. It use SAP memory to share data between external sessions and it based on per main window. An external session is started when starting a program and when ever the use of CALL TRANSACTION. Each user can open maximum 6 SAP system windows in a single SAPGUI session. Each of these windows corresponds to a session on the application server with its own area of shared memory. The session can be created by System -> Create Session. • Internal Sessions – Number of Internal sessions the user has opened. A session that with in external session. There can be many internal sessions in an external session. ABAP MEMORY is used to exchange the data between internal sessions. When calling a program using SUBMIT or CALL Transaction, it will be loaded in a new internal session. AL11 - SAP Directories 1. Transaction code AL11 is used to display all the SAP Directories. We can access the different file systems that have been defined and attached to a Parameter. In this transaction we can view a file, find files under a directory. Few important directory parameters are DIR_CT_RUN, DIR_DB2_HOME, DIR_DATA, DIR_EXECUTABLE, DIR_TRANS. 2. When you double click on a directory, you will see all the files in the directory. Using the directory parameters in the profile or in program, we can call a file from the OS level in SAPGUI on the user PC/Laptop. Source: BRARCHIVE .lock.bra Failed The .lock.bra file is a locking mechanism which is created every time BRARCHIVE starts to make sure only one session of BRARCHIVE is running at a time. When BRARCHIVE is ending successfully, it deletes this lock file, but when BRARCHIVE are killed or stops abnormally for some reason, it often fails to delete the lock file. So, in order to overcome this issue, we need to remove the lock.bra file in the operating system level. 1. Login to the affected operating system. Go to /oracle/<SID>/saparch/ directory and find the .lock.bra file. Remove it now! Source: BTCAUX07 - SAP Check Active Job Job Name: SAP_CHECK_ACTIVE_JOBS Report: BTCAUX07 Variant: no variant is required Frequency: hourly Job Description: This report the jobs that remain in ‘active’ status after the background work process terminates or after database connection problems occur. Source: Change SAPOSCOL Owner, Group & Permission in UNIX & Linux 1. Login to the UNIX / Linux system as a root and go to /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run. Execute the following commands • Change directory 1. cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run • Change the saposcol owner to root 1. chown root saposcol • Change the saposcol group to sapsys 1. chgrp sapsys saposcol • Change the saposcol permission 1. chmod 4750 saposcol 2. Verify the file properties to be similar like below.. 1. ls -la /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/saposcol rwsr-x-- 1 root sapsys 1234567 Jan 30 12:21 saposcol Source: Change SAP Standard User Password 1. Logon to the system as superuser (sap* or ddic) in the same client environment. Execute transaction code SU01. Key in the user name. 2. At the current screen, go to Users > Change password. 3. You will be prompted by a box to define a new password. Key in your new password! Source: Check SAP Transport History the history of transport. You can check either in development or production system. • Using STMS, go to Transport Overview, select the appropriate system (development or production) and click on Import History. • Using SE01, put the request number and click on Display or Logs for the history. • Using SE16, put E070 / E071 and enter. Enter the transport number and execute for the history. Source: Create CCMSPing Monitoring Pause 1. Call transaction RZ21. 2. Choose Technical Infrastructure -> Availability Monitoring -> Configure CCMSPING Monitoring. 3. The screen shows monitored and unmonitored systems in two lists, where you can display for the monitoring of the monitoring systems by expanding the subtree for the corresponding system. 4. Select the desired systems by choosing the folder symbol for the corresponding systems. Choose Pauses and then Create Monitoring Pause. Additional note: Note that a system is only correctly selected when the entire line is highlighted. 5. The Maintain Time not Monitored screen appears. Rules can define for single monitoring pauses, and pauses that are repeated daily or weekly. The monitoring pauses that are repeated daily take effect immediately, the monitoring pauses that are repeated weekly are valid from the time specified, each time for the selected period of time and on the selected weekday. 6. Save the monitoring rule that you have created. Once you have successfully saved your rule, the system displays a success message and your rule appears in the list at the bottom of the screen. Source: DB01 - Analyze Exclusive Lockwaits Transaction code DB01 is used for monitoring exclusive lockwaits. Exclusive lockwaits happened when a process wants to locks a database object exclusively, but this lock is prevented by a another database transaction (a ‘blocking lock’), then the system blocks the lock request until the current database transaction releases the object again. Generally, the locked object is a table entry. Source: DB02 - Database Performance Transaction code DB02 is to analyze and monitor database statistics (db growth, table space size , missing index & etc). 1. Check Tablespace size. By default, 6 tablespaces were created during installation & need to be monitor from overflows. Go to Current sizes / Space statistics / Freespace statistics. If PSAP[SID] tablespace size is reaching 95% level, it’s advisable to increase the size. • PSAP<SID> = <90% • PSAP<SID><Kernel Version> = <90% • PSAP<SID><User Directory> = <90% • PSAPTEMP = <50% • PSAPUNDO = <50% • SYSTEM = <90% 2. Check missing indexes. Missing indexes – Indexes which are defined in the ABAP Dictionary but are missing in the database or indexes which were created in the database but are unknown to the ABAP Dictionary. 3. Check Space critical objects. Space critical objects are objects that become space critical due to lack of insufficient free space in tablespace. Source: DB03 - Database Options, Active & History Parameters Transaction code DB03 is used to display and change the current database parameters online, check the status and validity of the database parameters and display the history of the database parameters. Note Transaction DB03 is same with transaction DB26 Source: DB12 - Backup Logs Overview Transaction code DB12 is to collects and presents information that is necessary to monitor database backups. It is an important source of information for the database administrator who has the task of supervising the execution of a defined backup strategy. On the initial screen of the monitor, it shows overview of important information related to SAP database backups. • The last successful backups for the SAP, master and msdb databases and transaction logs. • The last SAP database size and duration of the backup job. • Whether the SQL Server Agent is started or not. • The amount of log space allocated and how much is still free. • The Recovery interval, which specifies the maximum time that SQL Server should spend recovering after a database startup. 1. Overview of database backups -> Database Backup Logs Screen 2. You can also check for the Redo log backups. In there, you can find the Archiving directory status, Overview of redo log files and the Overview of the redo log backups Note: Check the last date backups & remark the start/end time & verify that the backup is completed successfully or not. Source: Delete SAP Spool Number If the SAP spool numbers reached 100% or getting full, you need to delete the spool numbers to make sure the print is working properly. Below are the steps and procedure to follow to reduce the spool numbers. 1. Verify the SAP_REORG_SPOOL_NEW is executed (check on a day before till today’s date) in SM37. This job will delete the old spool requests and need to be run on daily basis. 2. If the job is not run, you need to manually execute the report RSPO1041in transaction SE38. Click on execute button and it will delete the old spool requests. 3. Aside to number 2 step, you can delete the old spool request via transaction code SP01. At SP01, list all the spool request according to the selected date. Click on the recycle bin icon to proceed with the deletions. Source: Delete SAP System Trace File in ST01 You can generate many trace files via transaction ST01. But, how do you delete them again? You can delete the system trace file via transaction ST01. Note that both the SQL trace (transaction ST05) and the System Trace (ST01) use the same files. Thus, ensure that you do not delete files with transaction ST01while other user is currently viewing the system trace in ST05. 1. Execute transaction code ST01, go to Goto -> Delete Backup File Source: Delete Spool Request in SP01 1. Run transaction code SP01, list all the spool request based on selected date. You will be listed with the roles administrator information which is the creator name. At . Logon to Transport Domain controller and run transaction Disable Transport All in STMS Import 1. Execute transaction code PFCG. Unix / Linux 1. Select the Instance profile. authorization and user tab. Source: http://itsiti. 2. Choose the system to be disable import all. Source: http://itsiti. it displays a dialog box with the options “Terminate the current sessions” or “Terminate this logon”. There are also additional information under the menu. Click on the recycle bin icon to proceed with the spool request deletions. Source: Display SAP Roles Information & Details 1.username2. restart* the Instance to apply these changes. env | grep schema Source: http://itsiti.username3 Note Each username is separated by comma and do not leave space between the username. At the initial screen. Telnet/SSH to OS level then switch to database SID user. Go to Overview -> Systems. This parameter works with SAPGUI logons. If the function is Disable Multiple SAP Logons a multiple logons to SAP system but we can disable the function. Source: http://itsiti. Run command. The “BIG LORRY” or Transport All option will not be listed. Under Transport Tool tab. add/create Parameter “NO_IMPORT_ALL” set its value to 1. put the roles name and execute. Tick on which spool request you want to delete or just select all. Go to RZ10. Put below parameter: login/multi_login_users=username1. Create a new parameter login/disable_multi_gui_login and set the login/disable_multi_gui_login=1. Finally*. You also can allow certain users to have an ability to have a multiple Find Database Schema Windows 1.2. workflow. Start -> My Computer Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables. the date and time changes and etc. within the same instance profile. 3. multiple dialog logons to (in the same client and under the same user name) are blocked by the system: When the system recognizes a multiple logon. choose Extended maintenance and create a new parameterlogin/disable_multi_gui_login (if it’s not created yet) 2. 1. This option will controls the deactivation of multiple dialog logons login/disable_multi_gui_login=1 3. For kernel information. 2. the number of the Find SAP System Status & Kernel Information 1. Collector > launch 6. select on Search for Objects in Requests/Tasks and click execute. status. You can enter other object types yourself. for example. From any screen. As the result. program Force Start SAPOSCOL in UNIX & Linux 1. SAP data. then switch user to <SID>adm. 3. Select any objects you want to find. Start saposcol. Host data and Database data. Delete the saposcol shared memory (to clean shared memory).Find SAP Object Requests & Tasks This program searches for objects in requests and tasks. Source: http://itsiti. # su . you only need to enter the name of the object itself (generically if you want). Some object types used frequently are already listed. put the requests/tasks list and execute again. select the option Also search for sub-objects. If you also want to search for all sub-objects. you need to click on ‘other kernel info‘ at the bottom of System: Status box. 3. Note • Objects often consist of many sub-objects. Collector > stat Source: . This option is normally deactivated. or the request type. Log on to Unix/Linux OS level. Tick the box at the left side of request and click on speck icon for details. Type saposcol -d option with help command for available commands list. Execute transaction code SE03. Source: http://itsiti. you can find the objects short description.SIDadm 2. From the Status. since the set of objects can be very large. date changed. 1. object type and object name. Verify. the owner. You can specify the objects in the selection screen. Kill the saposcol. you can view the SAP system status information such Usage data. Collector > leave 5. Collector > kill 4. go to System -> Status. 3. You can restrict the requests/tasks by entering. Note • You can also view the SAP system information at transaction code SM51 via Release Notes. 2. then the setting for the system profile parameter is used. TIMEOUT=900). Find the particular user whose session you want to delete. 1. This value overrides the system profile parameter icm/server_port_n (for example. Note If you click on the Information about this value you’ll see the description below: ***************Description taken from SAP help – F1*************************** Specifies the timeout for http connections (time between two data packages at line level). Execute transaction code SXMB_ADM and double click on Integration Engine Configuration. enter the user name. 2. icm/server_port_0 : Monitor SAP Spool Numbers You can monitor the performance of your SAP spool system in the context of the SAP monitoring architecture. click on lock icon (F6). To lock. Click on Specific Configuration. The SAP Web Application Server may issue HTTP timeout error messages. The Spool Monitor provides you with a tool with which you can obtain an overview of the system status quickly and can react to alert messages. Increase the HTTP_TIMEOUT parameter value – this value depends on your specific needs the picture below is only for demonstration purposes and it does not present the recommended value. Source: http://itsiti. you can use the below steps to overcome the problems. Source: http://itsiti. Go to SU01. . 2. Go to transaction code Kick User Session in SAP 1. 3. Unlock User 1. Click on Lock/Unlock (Ctrl+F5). PORT=50044. ******************************************************************************** Source: http://itsiti. Click on Lock/Unlock (Ctrl+F5). If the error occurs. enter the user name.Increase SAP ICM HTTP_TIMEOUT Runtime You want to configure the timeout settings of the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) or the SAP Web Dispatcher. You can try increasing the HTTP_TIMEOUT of the Integration Engine. Go to SU01. 2. To unlock. If you do not set the parameter HTTP_TIMEOUT or if you set the parameter to 0. click on unlock icon (F7).com/kick-a-user-session-in-sap Lock & Unlock User in SAP System Lock User 1. Double click on the user and click on End Session. Choose the category for which you want to check network performance by choosing the corresponding button. The system displays a table containing the number of active presentation servers (front ends). The System Wide subtree contains information about the current utilization of the number range for the spool numbers. 3. you must delete old output requests before this number reaches 100 percent Source: http://itsiti. The spool monitoring tree consists of the subtrees System Wide and Spool Servers. background processing and so on) from a central position. This time is a good indicator of the network transfer Performing a SAPGUI LAN Check with PING You can use the operating system monitor to perform a performance check of the network connections to the various hosts in your network.Usage of the spool numbers as a percentage. Source: http://itsiti. Note: • SpoolNumbers . Execute transaction code OS01. 2. it will display the dates of most recent operating system parameter changes if found any. OAM1 . At here. this command requires a longer execution time.SAP ArchiveLink Monitor Transaction code OAM1 allows you to monitor all the components necessary for storage (spool. Note • Use the 10 x Ping button to obtain better performance statistics. All steps are logged. and choose the button 1 x Ping or the button 10 x Ping to perform the check. The SAP program PING is used for this purpose. particularly if you have selected a number of servers. choose Detail. Source: http://itsiti. and start the Spool System monitor by double clicking it. and database servers of the local system. including the errors. It considers the physical network distance and the network technology in use. active parameters and history of the OS03 . ON the CCMS Monitor Sets screen.1. It determines the time required to transfer a data packet across the network from its own system to a target system and is an enhancement of the standard UNIX command PING. Storage requests with errors can be re-triggered. The PING command server provides the following information: • Minimum transfer time for data packets • Maximum transfer time for data packets • Average transfer time for data packets • Number of lost PING data packets 1. The figures next to the push buttons state how many entries are currently in the table. expand the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates monitor set. You can monitor storage of the following documents: • Print lists • Outgoing documents • Incoming documents in bar code scenarios. Select the hosts for which you want to check the connection. On the initial screen. The system displays a monitoring tree you can expand to display the information you require. you can select the period time for the changes.Parameter Changes in Operating System Transaction code OS03 is used to track any parameter changes that been implemented in the operating system level. The system displays the results of the connection check. To obtain the transfer times of the individual data packets.Spool number that is assigned to every output request • UsedNumbers . Start the Spool Monitor by calling transaction RZ20. . You can use the push buttons to display the table named on each button. This function is also available to you as transaction OS01. application servers. queues. and to assign the roles to any number of users. • Stop the Central Services Instance if it is on a separate host other than the Central Instance. and so on that are contained in the menu. The roles. Check transaction SM04 and AL08 find out if users are active. you can execute report BTCTRNS2 . we still need detailed knowledge of all SAP authorization components. reports. the active and just released jobs might fail . We can also use the central user administration functions to centrally maintain the roles delivered by SAP or our own. 2. To release back. Also plan to restart the jobs after the system is up and running. These include activities such as: • Taking an offline database backup • Upgrading the SAP kernel • Activation of modified profile parameters • Upgrade of the SAP instance • Restarting due to system performance issues Sequence of Stopping an SAP system • Stop all Dialog Instances (Application Servers) one by one (there is no sequence to be followed here). In the role maintenance. Steps can be referred here. authorizations. With the roles. These roles are the connection between the user and the corresponding authorizations. and profiles. During the course of shutdown . The actual authorizations and profiles are stored in the SAP system as objects. 4. These are then presented for fine-tuning. speak to the Job owner and ask them to reschedule the jobs or cancel the active ones. Check for all users using AL08. The role maintenance functions support in performing the task by automating various processes and allowing to be more flexibility in the authorization plan. we can assign to any users which will be the user menu that is displayed after they log on to the SAP System. creating composite roles and transport and distributing roles. SAP recommend that to use the role maintenance functions and the profile generator (transaction code PFCG) to maintain the roles. ready and active jobs. for released . Source: http://itsiti.SAP Role Maintainance Transaction code PFCG is a role maintenance administration to manage roles and authorization data. we can also change and assign roles. creating roles. the Profile Generator automatically creates authorization data based on selected menu functions. If so. • SM04 command will show only the users logged onto the particular dialog instance. You can create a system message using transaction SM02. • Check if there are no critical background jobs running before shutdown. whether it be central or dialog . and cause inconsistencies in transaction processing. • Execute report BTCTRNS1 to stop all released status job. Checks to be performed before shutting down. Although we can continue to create profiles manually. 3. The tool for role maintenance. new roles. 1.If there are such jobs . Web-based applications.Source: http://itsiti. To check for all users across all instances .com/pfcg-sap-role-maintainance Procedure Before Stopping an SAP System – ABAP Stack The SAP system may need to be stopped due to maintenance purposes. • Stop the Central Instance. which are based on the organizational plan of your company. identify the job owner and inform them about the shutdown reasons. . Check for Background Jobs in SM37 (Currently Active Jobs) • Check using SM37 . form the structure for the Profile Generator. use the global command AL08. • PFCG . Roles also contain the authorizations with which users can access the transactions. It is a best practice to post a message on the SAP system informing the active users about the decision to shut down the system. Check for active Background Processes in SM50. stop the Database Instance. 5. Transaction code RSMO is used to administer and monitor the workbench of the data flow from the source system to the target system in the SAP Business Warehousing/ Intelligent system.SAP Reorg Batch Input New Job Name: SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT_NEW Report: RSBDC_REORG Variant: ZSAP_STD_1DAY (SAP Standard Values) Frequency: Daily Job Description: This job deletes old batch input sessions and logs.SAP Reorg Orphaned Joblogs Job Name: SAP_REORG_ORPHANED_JOBLOGS Report: RSTS0024 Variant: ZSAP_STD Frequency: Weekly on Sundays at 01:30 hrs Job Description: This job deletes orphaned job logs. the updates may be pending because of excessive database activities. Source: http://itsiti.6.SAP Reorg Spool New Job Name: SAP_REORG_SPOOL_NEW Report: RSPO1041 Variant: 10days Frequency: Daily Job Description: This job deletes old spool requests. Source: http://itsiti. You can refer the load request status by it’s colour. 7. Source: http://itsiti. If there are any open updates . RSPO1041 .com/rsbdc_reorg-sap-reorg-batch-input-new RSMO . time request id and etc and load request status as well. The logs that cannot be deleted by RSBTCDEL report remains as ‘orphans’ which will be deleted by the report RSTS0024 Source: RSPO1043 . You can see data by request. Now you can proceed to stop the SAP ABAP system if all the above requirement RSBDC_REORG . Source: http://itsiti. In many cases . source . The report can delete inconsistencies in the background and it only deletes inconsistencies if it has found them in repeated RSTS0024 . You can also configure the monitor overview yourself by using the Configure tree and New selections push button inside . check the logs and trace files to identify the reason for the delay.SAP Spool Consistency Check Job Name: SAP_SPOOL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK Report: RSPO1043 Variant: Standard Variant Frequency: Daily Job Description: Job is for Spool data (Temse) consistency check. Check for updates in SM13 • It is important to check if there are any open updates pending. Source: http://itsiti.Workbench Monitor 1. The RZ01 functions looks similar with the transaction code SM37. you can configure allocations for the individual operation modes (Normal or Night) in the total number of work processes taken from the instance profile. By default. Night modes will be during out of office hours (2300 pm – 0600 am) and Normal mode will be during office hours (0600 am – 2300 pm). minute. display job log (Jobs -> Display job log). hour. The group used for a particular job step must be specified in the job-step program in the keyword CALL FUNCTION STARTING NEW TASK DESTINATION IN SAP Import Queue . From the initial RZ03 . you can optimize the sharing of resources through RFC server groups. In addition to these built-in safeguards. For RZ15 . Source: RZ04 . day or even a year!) and etc. RZ01 is a graphical monitoring tool.Request Must Still Be Approved Status . Night and Normal.RSTS0043 . From the initial screen. The job logs that cannot be deleted by RSBTCDEL will remain in the system as ‘orphans’ to delete these orphaned jobs after we schedule this program. by defining RFC RZ01 . 2. you can see the operation modes is divided into two modes.RFC Server Group Maintenance Transaction code RZ12 is used to define and maintain the RFC server groups parallel processed RZ12 .XMI Log Management Transaction code RZ15 is used to view/display XMI log within the SAP system.CCMS Maintain Operation Modes & Instances 1. The parallel processing system has built-in safeguards that eliminate the possibility that a parallel job can soak up all of the resources in an SAP System and cause performance problems for other jobs or other users. you can control which servers can be used for parallel-processed jobs. Source: http://itsiti. a group specifies the set of SAP application servers that can be used for executing a particular program in parallel. You can manually set the time frame of operation modes via transaction code SM63. Source: http://itsiti. You can also create your own more limited groups. An RFC group specifies the set of allowed servers for a particular parallel-processed job. The allocations normally to be change either between dialog process and background process.SAP Reorg Orphaned Temse Files Job Name: SAP_REORG_ORPHANED_TEMSE_FILES Report: RSTS0043 Variant: ZSAP_STD Frequency: Weekly on Sundays at 02:00 hrs Job Description: This job deletes orphaned Temse files. a parallel-processed job uses all qualified servers in an SAP System according to automatic resource-allocation rules. Source: http://itsiti. This overview can be used by the system administrator to decide which application server should be analyzed in greater detail. However.Application Server Overview Transaction code RZ03 provides an initial overview of all application servers in a distributed system.Batch & Background Jobs Monitor Transaction code RZ01 is used to monitor batch and background jobs in the SAP system. In the context of parallel processing. Source: http://itsiti. Source: http://itsiti. view and maintain groups with transaction code RZ12. check job status (Jobs -> Check job status). You can fill in the selective field and time frame period as needed. Transaction code RZ04 is used to maintain operation modes and instances. you can check the terminated jobs (Monitor -> Terminated Jobs). time frame of job status (can be in second. Preparation Go to transaction code SM51.SAR – Kernel Part 1 and DB2_UDB SAPEXEDB_xxx-xxxxxx. Go to Extras -> Activate Inactive Requests. select your database to download the part II of the package). Create a new directory folder and transfer the two packages inside. 3. Backup & Transfer Process 1. Source: http://itsiti. click on Release Notes to check the current kernel version. Point and select the necessary transport request. It will activate the selected transport request and now you can proceed to transport the request. Database required. Logon to the system. Execute transaction code STMS. 2. Additional note: The packages should be similar like this. Download the necessary Kernel Patch from http://service. The steps will be similar as on Windows environment – the differences will be the kernel directory / no saproot. 1.Request must still be approved status define that the request is in the QA worklist and it has not yet been approved completely. In the same step. Linux Environment) The kernel upgrade activity was completed on UNIX. Linux environment. Create a new folder to store the packages. – Kernel Part Steps to Upgrade SAP Kernel ( Downloads -> SAP Support Packages -> Entry by Application Group -> SAP NetWeaver -> SAP Netweaver -> SAP Netweaver <version> -> Entry by Component -> <select component> -> <select your system version> -> #Database independent (this is the part I. Part I: Kernel Download. Backup the old kernel to other location # cp -pR /sapmnt/SID/exe/* /old_kernel Additional note: Default location for kernel is in /sapmnt/<SID>/exe Part II: Kernel Upgrade Process . # mkdir /new_kernel Additional note: You can transfer using WinSCP. Login to the system as <SID>adm and go to /<new_kernel> directory to uncar the two packages. you can check the kernel at System -> Status -> Kernel SAP Keyboard Shortcut 1. batch jobs are alerted. Stop the SAP system and saposcol (still in <SID>adm mode) # stopsap R3 # saposcol -k Additional note: Before stopping the SAP system. After all the packages copied. click on Release Notes. please make sure the logged user. To open new SAP session. Check the latest kernel number. run the following commands # cd /sapmnt/SID/exe/ # . ctrl & + . Login to the system as root and copy all the extracted kernel packages into /sapmnt/<SID>/exe # cd /new_kernel # cp -pR * /sapmnt/SID/exe/ 4. Additional note: Otherwise./ SID 5. 3.SAR # SAPCAR -xvf SAPEXEDB_xxx-xxxxxx. Switch user to <SID>adm and start the SAP system and saposcol as well. # SAPCAR -xvf SAPEXE_xxx-xxxxxx.SAR 2. Go to transaction code SM51.1. # saposcol # startsap R3 Part III: New Kernel Test 1. 3. If Method 1 is unsuccessful. All the prerequisites can be requested from SAP Service Marketplace. ctrl + shift + F5 5. To go to the Transaction code command field on SAP SAP License Installation SAP license can be installed using the SLICENSE transaction. System Administration information. installation number. proceed to Method 2 • Method 2 1. Source: http://itsiti. Create folder in Favorite list. ctrl + ? 10. ctrl + shift + F12 7. Direct go to Role maintenance. Run transaction code SLICENSE. Make sure that you have received the license key. ctrl + shift + F7 6. To access history of Transaction code used. Upload the license (in text file). Once it has been installed. Check the status. Go to Extras -> Other Requests -> Add 2. ctrl + shift + F8 3. Select text on SAP screen ctrl + Y 8. Click Refresh (F5) to refresh all the imported transport in the import SAP Transport Request Import Queue is Empty You encountered error “Import Queue is Empty” while dealing with transport request.2. 2. Go to Install box and a pop up will appear. • Method 3 . Go to System -> Status. Add additional object. the license key is activated immediately. Note: This is the initial screen of the SLICENSE transaction. ctrl + shift + F8 4. To download and upload the user favourites within/across systems in SAP Easy Access Screen. alt + F + W and alt + F + U Source: http://itsiti. Add the transport request into import queue. • Method 1 1. Click on the Transaction code command field and use UP and DOWN arrow keys 9. Manual entry of Transaction Code. hardware key and expiration date from SAP. 1. • Method 4 1. If this happened to your system. The buffer will be something like below… Check your import queue again. this time it’s working! Source: http://itsiti. Then click on the new entries button. Hopefully. be pray that your system have a copy of the buffer file (old buffer). it would not add the transport request into the import queue. finally you found the error. Key in the client number and name. find the directory /usr/sap/trans/buffer/<SID>. Key in T-code SCC4.Copy the transport co & data files from the source directory to the target directory. If the buffer file is something like this. Change the client role to Test. Yet. The buffer file is probably missing and it means that every time you add the transport SAP Local Client Copy Steps 1. 2. you need to copy the old buffer into the current buffer of your system. Click on create button. ..yup. Login to OS level or go to AL11 (under DIR_TRANS). Selected profile SAP_ALL.3. Enter T-Code SCCL. Then click schedule job. Key in the Source client as 000. Uncheck No printer dialog and check immediately. 4. Click on schedule as background job. . Login into new client with Sap*. 6. . Click continue.5. click wizard. If you get this prompt. 7. Click continue. . . Click continue.8. . . After complete the creating RFC connection. Then click continue.9. Click on schedule job again. • Dictionary activation error. • Method execution error. Then monitor until the status complete. successfully imported. RC = 12. not imported ended with error Common issue: • Syntax error. • Program generation error.10. RC = 4. • Objects are not active. . Then go to T-code SCC3. Common issue: • Import is canceled due to object missing. Common issue: • Generation of programs and screens • Columns missing and Rows missing. RC = 8. import is cancelled. SAP Transport Return Code Status RC = 0. imported ended with warning. Then double click on the column. Common issue: • Import cancelled due to system down while importing. There are different archiving objects in SAP system depending on the data which they archive. Data archiving will removes bulk data which is no longer required in the SAP system. To check. 3. All SAP default jobs will be scheduled. You can check how the archive filenames and archive destination are setup in transaction FILE. 4. 2. Click on Default scheduling. go to SM37 and put the username as batchuser. delete and manage all data archive in SAP system. Source: http://itsiti. • Connection problem between system. Logon to the system as batchuser.Archive Administration Transaction code SARA is an archive administration tool that is used to SCC3: Client Copy & Transport Log Analysis Transaction code SCC3 can be used to monitor the process of client copy that is running in background or check the log of front end process. Source: http://itsiti. Schedule SAP Standard Jobs 1.• Program terminated due to job “RDDEXECL” is not SE03: Transport Organizer Tools . archiving is performed by archiving object. Source: http://itsiti. Go to transaction SM36. RC = 16. • Import cancelled due to user expires while importing • Import cancelled due to insufficient roles. In the SAP system. but which must be retained accessibly from the database. import is SARA . The archiving procedure comprises of two main steps which are jobs to write the messages to the archive and jobs to delete the archived message. .Processing after Installation of CTO Transaction code SE06 has to be executed once in every newly installed R/3 System. delivered version of the R/3 System. For information on what a tool does and how to use it. The system needs to be assigned a new and independent role within the SAP system group or outside of it. SE06 provides the following functions for processing after installation: • Generating basic settings of the Change & Transport Organizer. R3setup provides utilities to do this. It is assumed that the system is running on a correct. double-click its text (or right-click and choose Documentation). Standard installation The system was installed from the SAP CD using R3setup. • Setting the system change option. position the cursor on it and choose Execute. Database copy / database migration The system was created on the basis of a copy. This applies to an R/3 standard installation as well as the installation of a copy of an existing R/3 system. SE06 . To execute the tool. • Closing other requests & tasks. No adjustments based on corrections or repairs have been made.Transaction code SE03 is a transport organizer tools which contains collection of programs that help you to work with the transport organizer. The documentation appears on the right of the screen. Standard installation The system was installed from the SAP CD using SE06: Processing after Installation of CTO Transaction code SE06 has to be executed once in every newly installed R/3 System. SE10 . To release a transport request all the change tasks included in TR should be released. It is also called as customizing organizer which tracks any changes via this transaction code. Database copy / database migration The system was created on the basis of a copy. then only the owner of TR can release the TR. • Closing other requests & tasks. No adjustments based on corrections or repairs have been made. SE06 provides the following functions for processing after installation: • Generating basic settings of the Change & Transport Organizer. This applies to an R/3 standard installation as well as the installation of a copy of an existing R/3 system. It is not possible to include different types of data in any of these request types. Source: . • Setting the system change option. Once all the developments are completed the request should be released to be moved among the systems in the landscape. The system needs to be assigned a new and independent role within the SAP system group or outside of it. delivered version of the R/3 System. It is assumed that the system is running on a correct. A transport request depends on its type can be created in Workbench Organizer or Customizing Organizer.Transport Organizer Transaction code SE10 is used for creating and manage any registration of customizing (change management) made on specific client.Source: http://itsiti. R3setup provides utilities to do this. Transaction code SE11 is a ABAP dictionary. edit or even create a new one. change and display table entries and structures. At the initial screen. By using this transaction code. 2.SE11: ABAP Dictionary 1. . you can create. you can put any tables or structures to view. Transaction code SE11 is normally used a ABAP programmer. the request can be handled by any one of the R/3 dialog workprocesses (usually one productive ABAP instance has 20 or more dialog workprocesses).Searching for specific content on ABAP servers EXAMPLE SCENARIO: Configured SSO setup between portal and ABAP system fails with issues similar to: ISSUE: Usually we analyze the J2EE and ABAP server logs. more details can be seen from the diagtool trace. but when it comes to the ABAP server. Now searching all the dev_w0 files can be a . Now from the J2EE end. Or just use the user ID with which the issue was reproduced. There are some recurring error entries like “note 1055856” . “cannot create SAP logon ticket”.cumbersome affair particularly if many ABAP instances are involved. Type in the search text entry. “TWPSSO2ACL”. SOLUTION: Use the ABAP server search function (TCode: /nSM51). The next screen shows you the exact trace file which has the error: . “ticket issuer not trusted” etc. 1. you can also send message to a only specific user in SAP by using the transaction code SE37 and function module TH_POPUP. Fill in all the details and click on execute. this needs to be done individually on each instance. The only caveat is that this search is instance specific. Note • RFC Target System – Standard name of an RFC destination of the receiver system • CLIENT . you get more information: The above error now clearly shows how to resolve this case. 2. Send Message to a Specific User in SAP Instead of send message to all users in SM02.Login ID of receiver • MESSAGE – Message that you want to send to receiver • MESSAGE_LEN – Length of the message • CUT_BLANKS – Fill it with ‘x’ .Client on which receiver is logged in • USER . Execute transaction code SE37 and enter TH_POPUP as the function module name. test run on it. Now. The receiver must be online to receive the message.Navigate to the trace file (using /nAL11 or /nST11) and voila. if you have more than one ABAP server. From the Change Trace Components box. go to Process -> Trace -> Active components. 3. you can set the trace level from 0 to 3. It is possible to set trace level for individual work processes in SM50 transaction. The possible values for this parameter are: 0: Errors only 1: Error messages and warnings (default) 2: Error messages and a short trace 3: Error messages and a complete trace 2. Set SAP Trace Level of Information 1. . and therefore the larger the size of the files. You can set the level of detail of the logged information to four levels using the rdisp/TRACE profile parameter. The higher the trace level. You should therefore only increase the default value for short periods for problem analysis. In SM50. The rdisp/TRACE parameter has to be set explicitly in the instance profile. the larger the amount of logged information.Source: http://itsiti. you need to trigger a consistency check manually. . 1. When logging on to the system for the first time.SICK: SAP Initial Inconsistency Check Transaction code sick is to determine inconsistencies in the system. The function is then called automatically whenever you start the system or an application server. The initial consistency check determines whether: • The release number in an SAP kernel matches the release number stored in the database system. Note: • Transaction code SICK is same with the transaction code SM28. • The character set specified in the SAP kernel matches the character set specified in the database system. The total number of users and sessions are given at the bottom of the list. RFC or Plugin (HTTP or SMTP request). Tick the box of the transaction and chose the button Lock/Unlock to toggle as required.User List Transaction code SM04 shows the list of the users which are logged on to the instance in which are currently logged in. • Time: Time at which the user last initiated a dialog step by entering data. (If it is a UNIX frontend.) • TCode: Last executed SAP transaction (transaction code). • Server . ST03) put the transaction code and then press Enter key which lists it in SM02 . 1. • Sessions: Number of external sessions (session) opened by the user (up to 6). • Lang. You can display detailed information on a session by selecting a user and choosing the Sessions button. if it is a Windows or OS/2 frontend. Then click on the new entries button. • Ty: Connection type ( SAP Local Client Copy Steps 1. Click on create button. the terminal name corresponds to the display variable of the frontend process.SM01 .Can be choose from the list • Client . This SM01 is not advisable to execute because it can cause inconsistency in users administration. Note • System message text – The 3 lines are the space for the message. . Source: http://itsiti. • MByte: Size of the memory allocated to the user in megabytes. Source: http://itsiti. Most importantly. . Solution Transaction code SM01 is used for the control of transaction code. it can be used to broadcast messages regarding security profile changes so users will be aware of downtime or any change or information about the system. you can either lock and unlock transaction codes. From the SM01. the terminal name corresponds to the host name on which the frontend was started.Client number. Key in T-code SM04 . • User: User logged on to server (SAP user name). Source: http://itsiti.Language ( will only be received based on sender specific language ) • Expires / Delete on – Message expired / when to delete time.Lock & Unlock Transaction Codes Symptom You want to lock or unlock transaction codes in your SAP system. • Terminal: Terminal at which the user is working.SAP System Messages Transaction code SM02 is a very useful transaction for communicating system changes or alerts to the entire community of SAP users. To lock a transaction code (for example here. Note • Client: SAP Client. 3. . Change the client role to Test. Selected profile SAP_ALL. Click on schedule as background job. Key in the client number and name. Enter T-Code SCCL.2. Key in the Source client as 000. Login into new client with Sap*. . 5. If you get this prompt. Uncheck No printer dialog and check immediately. Then click schedule job.4. click wizard. 6. Click continue. . . Click continue.7. . Click continue.8. . Then monitor until the status complete. 10. . Then double click on the column. Then click continue. Then go to T-code SCC3. After complete the creating RFC connection. Click on schedule job again.9. Get the user contact from SU01 and inform about the lock else if the user is offline. In SM12. Only the same lock owner can reset the lock . The lock mechanism is closely related to the Update Mechanism. 1.SM12 .Lock Concept The SAP System is equipped with a special lock mechanism that synchronizes access to data on the database. • rdisp/enqname – Name of the application server that provides the enqueue service. even if they are from different users. An exclusive lock set on an object that already has a shared lock will be rejected. Note Important profile parameters for the lock concept:- • enque/table_size – Size of the lock table managed by the enqueue server in the main memory. check any lock entry older > 2 days. If no update problems exist. release the table from lock by deleting the lock. The lock table contains information on which locks are currently held by whom. You can use SM12 to check and delete lock entries. . Requests from further shared locks are accepted. Lock entries are usually set and deleted automatically when user programs access a data object & release it again. You can check whether the update server is functioning correctly. • Exclusive (E) – An exclusive lock protects the locked object against all types of locks from other transactions. The purpose of the lock mechanism is to prevent two transactions from changing the same data on the database simultaneously. Default value: 4096Kb • rdisp/wp_no_enq – Number of enqueue work processes that are to run on this instance. If any outdated entry found. you can use this parameter to increase the size of the lock table. check the corresponding user is user online/offline in AL08 or SM04 (you can get the transaction code that been use by the user). 2. since the lock table can grow very fast if the update function stops. The lock mode:- • Shared Lock (S) – Several users can access locked data at the same time in display mode. The information in this list can further used to analyze the errors which are indicated with Red sign under Priority. In the system log analysis window. Problems and message and All messages.Maintain Table Views Transaction code SM30 can be used to display and update table data. The switch occurs when the size of the active log file is half the value as specified in the rslg/max_diskspace/central parameter. which if any needs to be attended. Note • Transaction code SM28 is same with the transaction code SICK. A standard maintenance dialog is an ABAP/4 .SAP Initial Inconsistency Check Transaction code SM28 is to perform check the SAP system installation does not contain errors during the process of installation. The active file contains the current log. From the initial screen. When it reaches the maximum size.).Update Request Transaction code SM13 is a update management transaction which is used for: • Display update requests • Analyze problems pertaining to the update • Test and debug canceled update requests • Display and reset the status of update requests • Delete update requests • Display statistics on updates Source: http://itsiti. user locks due to failed log on attempts from known users. starting over from the beginning. the system log overwrites it. and process messages in the system log. you can check/analyze the critical error message by double clicking to it. (The location of the active file is specified in the rslg/central/file profile parameter. go to System Log -> Choose -> All remote system logs. The list can be restricted for Problems Only. the location of the old file is specified in the rslg/central/old_file. 2. When this log file reaches the maximum permissible length. SM30 . The SAP System logs is the all system errors. and creates a new active file. (The location of the local log is specified in the rslg/local/file profile parameter.System Logs Analysis Transaction code SM21 is used to check and analyze system logs for any critical log entries. The system log records these messages in a circular file on the server. The central log consists of two files: the active file and the old SM13 . Source: http://itsiti. Source: http://itsiti. a special program called a standard maintenance dialog must be generated for the table you want to display.) • Central Logs Each individual application server sends its local log messages to this server. Also we get information of Tcode that was used by the user when the error got generated. SM28 . the system performs a “log file switch”. This is one time activity after the installation only.Source: http://itsiti. Set the date a day before and click on Reread system log. makes the previously active file the “old” file. The server that you designate to maintain the central log collects the messages from the other application servers and writes these messages to the central log. It deletes the old log SM21 . There are to two different types of logs created by the system log: • Local Logs Each SAP System application server has a local log that receives all the messages output by this server. The input field on the first screen of SM30 is long enough to accommodate any table name and before you can use the transaction code. From the initial screen.. and information about whether additional parameters are permitted. batch jobs running in the system. When you invoke transaction code SM30. • Debug an ABAP program that is running. • Cancel a process (with or without core) – long running jobs • End a session • Activate/deactivate the restart option after an error • Execute various functions for the process trace No. The internal ID number of a process.The job is currently running. On the next screen. we will execute “ping” command in SM49. you can search by the job name. This can happen in two ways: . but the start condition has not yet been defined.External OS Commands Transaction code SM49 is used to execute external operating system commands in SAPGUI. It provides a more complex interface and more functionality than SE16. the pre-defined parameters in their full length. • Released .The start condition of a released job has been SM50 . you will be prompt with the configuration and information of “ping” command.Background & Batch Jobs Transaction code SM37 is to monitor the background.All steps that make up this job have completed successfully. Yupp. 1. A job scheduler has put the job in line to wait for an available background work process. “ping” and double click on it. Used to identify messages that belong to a work process in the system log.program that you generate. including a start condition.Job already been defined. you will be prompted with the Additional parameters field. • Ready . Source: http://itsiti. As for this example. Search the Command name.The job has been fully defined.The job has terminated. Click execute to continue the command execution. i put “localhost” at the Additional parameters to ping the system to the SM49 . 3. Active jobs can no longer be modified or deleted. 1. user name or program name accordingly with the time condition. SAP Systems contain detailed information for each external command. Note • Planned . • Active . you can see the result of the ping. • Canceled . including the operating system command itself. the data browser will automatically find and invoke that generated SM37 . Before the “ping” command executed. In the work process overview.Process Overview Transaction code SM50 is used to monitor and manage work processes.An administrator intentionally terminates the job . such as: * an E or A error message in an ABAP program * a failure return code from an external SAPXPG program Source: http://itsiti. .A job step contains a program that produces an error. For example. Source: http://itsiti. you can: • End an ABAP program that is running. • Finished . 2. for example. you can change Restart to Yes so that the system starts the work processes. evaluate the performance of your system using the Performance Monitor. • SPO: For spool formatting processes. Error Indicates how many times a work process has aborted. the reason is displayed. If a work process aborts during its startup. the system automatically sets Restart to No. GUI (system waits for response from the SAPGUI front-end program. Time Indicates the elapsed time used by a work process for the dialog step that it is currently processing • Report – ABAP program or report that is currently being executed • Client – Client for the session that is currently being executed • User – User whose request is currently being processed . then system performance suffers. If too many processes are in hold status. CPU Cumulative CPU time since the start of a work process. You may also see PRIV (PRIVate use) as a reason for holding a work process. PID Process ID of the work process (on the operating system). • UPD: Update process for making U1 (time-critical) database changes. • ENQ: For locking or releasing SAP lock objects. locks. Start Indicates whether the process should be automatically restarted if a process ends prematurely. The work process has exceeded the limit of the SAP memory that is used by other processes. This measure protects against endless attempts to restart a process if a database system is not available. Normally. PRIV indicates that a work process is reserved for a single user for memory management use. or another serious problem is affecting the system. for a remote function call (RFC)). Typical reasons are: Debugging. After correcting the problem. this field should be empty.Type • DIA: Work process for executing dialog steps in user transactions. Sem Indicates the number of the semaphore for which a work process is waiting. You can use the Reason column to identify work processes with status hold that can be released. leave Restart set to Yes. CPIC activity. Status • Running (executing a request) • Waiting (idle and waiting for work) • Hold (held for one user) is not an abnormal state. but a work process can only serve a single user. You can change the restart status of a process by choosing Process > Restart after error > Yes/No. updates. • BTC: For processing background jobs. • Stopped (aborted with Restart set to No) Reason If a work process is in hold status. The process is held as long as the current user requires local memory. • UP2: Update process for executing U2 (not time-critical) database changes. Normally. If one or more semaphore numbers frequently appears. sap. Use an event collector to raise another event (E4) when E1. So. X2 (E2) & X3 (E3). Scenario example: • You have job X that needs to be triggered after the completion of job X1. Use event E4 as a start condition for job X. • Processes: Display & control work process.SAP Server Overview Transaction code SM51 is to display list of active application servers that have registered in the SAP message server.g job X needs to be triggered after the successful completion of job X1.jspa?threadID=377630 SM65 . specify the new event name as the “Start Condition”. you can raise an event (E1) at the successful completion of job X1 and use the event (E1) as a start condition for job X. for e. New background job always can be defined as a periodic job. this column shows the name of the table being accessed.Event Creation & Administration Transaction code SM62 is used to create SAP events and as well as for events administration. [SM21] Source: http://itsiti. Source: http://forums. There 2 types of background processing check here which is the simple test or the expert mode test. In that case. Further. X2 & X3. [SM04] • SNC Status: Display SNC status. This allows you to trigger the job in the future as opposed to one time only.• Action – Action that is being executed by the current program. • If you have multiple jobs.Transactional RFC Transaction code SM58 is used to check the transactional rfc job logs for whichever chain that are running in the If the transactional fails. Source: http://itsiti. • Table – If the database is being accessed. Please make sure that no other batch jobs are running while performing this transaction. The actions displayed are recorded by the SAP Performance Monitor. The Performance Monitor must be active (SAP profile parameter stat/level = 1(default)) for actions or database table accesses to be displayed. The transaction code need to be run in the source system from where it is bringing the data for your target system. SM58 . create background job through SM51 .sdn. • Remote Logon: Log on by any server in the system. • System Log: System logs. Events are used to trigger the jobs in SAP and it is used to manage the dependency across multiple jobs without using process SM62 .SAP Background Processing Analysis Transaction code SM65 is a tool for checking the consistency of background process. This tool will lock TBTCO table when you are executing the process and will unlock till the process is done. • Release Notes: Display detailed release information for an application server. In order to model this scenario you need to raise individual events after the completion of X1 (E1). An event by itself doesn’t do anything. the data transfer will be incomplete. Source: http://itsiti. Normally background job needs to be defined & configured to wait for the event. [SM50] • User: Display & manage user sessions. You can resemble event collector with AND process type in a process chain. work process in all application servers belonging to the SAP System. E2 & E3 are raised. you can see the server where you are logged on in the status bar in the second entry from the left. . you can manage & display the status. which sends and receives requests to and from the Internet. You can use the global work process overview to: • Monitor the work process load on all active instances across the system • Identify locks in the database (lock waits). Under system wide tests.Language Management Transaction code SMLT is transaction to handle language that been used in the SAP system. select Goto -> Additional tests. Click execute to perform the test. Source: http://itsiti. You can set the authorizations under a specific user. execute transaction code SMLT Source: http://itsiti.1. but does not accept any new connections.With a hard SMLT . consistency check DB tables and function to remove any found inconsistencies. For expert mode test. you can choose options to determine all job servers. In the Server Overview (transaction SM51) you can see the work process types provided on the server and the entry ICM. You also can use this transaction to import extra language packages such as SM66 . English and German languages are installed in all newly systems.ICM Monitor Transaction code SMICM is used to monitor and administrate the Internet Communication SNAP NO NEW ENTRY Symptom The short dump contains the message ABAP/4 runtime error SNAP_NO_NEW_ENTRY Caused . Source: http://itsiti. You do not need to import them into the the installed systems. All existing connections and. The ICM is running on the server. To view the current installed language in the system.Global Work Process Overview Transaction code SM66 is used to quickly investigate the potential cause of a system performance problem by checking the work process load. execute external programs. Using the Global Work Process Overview screen. By default. • Sending a Hard Shutdown (With or Without a Restart) .com/sm66-global-work-process-overview SMICM . Note • Sending a Soft Shutdown (With or Without a Restart) . perform TemSe check. You will prompt to simple mode test at the initial screen of transaction code SM65 2. all requests are lost.The ICM tries to send responses to its existing clients. 1. Japanese or else. of course. you can see at a glance: • The status of each application server • The reason why it is not running • Whether it has been restarted • The CPU and request run time • The user who has logged on and the client that they logged on to • The report that is running Source: http://itsiti. the process is simply terminated. SAP System Trace. Switch on the trace and select the required components: Switch Trace On and Off 2. Source: http://itsiti.System Trace Transaction code ST01 is used to record the internal SAP system activities. At the initial screen. • Data buffer cache size & quality must be above 95% [meaning less physical read from disk] . Execute transaction code ST01 . The following components can be monitored using the SAP system trace: Authorization checks • Kernel functions • Kernel module • Database accesses (SQL trace) • Table buffers • RFC calls • Lock operations (client side) Proceed as follows: 1. At here. If above steps aren’t ST04 . total number of output requests and total spool requests. faulty or deleted request. After executing SPRO transaction code. 3. Perform the tasks that lead to the error or problem. 4. You can try the hardcore way via http://itsiti. table name. you will see IMG (Implementation Management Guide) menu which you will find customization settings for all modules. Evaluate the Trace Source: http://itsiti. you can get the information and status on total requests Source: http://itsiti.SAP Project Reference Object Transaction code SPRO is used configure the SAP System as per clients requirement. records fetched against each SQL command the system performed with the variables according to transactions and values. Solution 1. SPOV . both history and current time. Switch off the trace.Print Request Overview Transaction code SPOV used to display information on general overview of the print request.This error means that the short dump could not be found in the database. • Short dump has already been solved by reorganization. 3. With this on activation of the trace the user transactions gets captured in to the trace file with information on the program name. Source: http://itsiti. The error may be caused by the following: • Table SNAP is full. Goto -> SPRO . total in host spool.DB Performance Analysis Transaction code ST04 is used to shows detail of the database behave & usage. • Short dump was not written due to database problems. SPRO is abbreviation for SAP Project Reference Object. It also provides extensive support for analyzing individual trace ST11 .Business Transaction Analysis Transaction code STAD is used to calculates the resource usage of individual transactions for ABAP systems and provides a detailed analysis of a transaction and the dialog steps. variables that caused the error.ABAP Runtime Error Transaction code ST22 is used to lists the ABAP dumps generated in the system.• User/Recursive Call > 2 [Recursive call will get more over time] • Read/User Call < 30 [> 30 means expensive SQL statements] • Time/User Call < 15ms • Busy time & CPU time ratio 60:40 ratio. we can restrict for a STAD . Source: http://itsiti. The Performance Trace contains the following traces: • SQL Trace: Monitor the database access of reports and transactions. locking activities. similarly the SQL area get ratio. The statistical records contain detailed information about: • Proportions of the response time • Database accesses • Memory use • RFC calls . The selection criteria include ST05 . Source: http://itsiti. and start time. This each record indicates the reason for the error. transaction code. • RFC Trace: Information about Remote Function Calls between instances. Using this transaction we can view the trace files for all the work processes that happen at the OS level with start of SAP and operational status of SAP work process. • Instance performance. It should be less than 0. 2. Similarly there is another fact which is in-memory sort ratio. If you want to save a file locally. In fact the less the disk sorts the better. transaction. user as required. Soft parse ratio max value is 1 which is not possible because at least once the SQL is hard parsed and then soft parsed in its next executions.Performance Analysis ST22 . Higher ratio means tuning required • Sort sections. • Table Buffer Trace: Monitor accesses made to the table buffer and how it is loaded or invalidated. Source: http://itsiti. choose System -> List -> Save -> Local file. program. The Performance Trace additionally offers wide support when analyzing individual trace records in detail. and remote calls of reports and transactions in a trace file and to display the performance log as a list. Double-click on a file to display the log / trace. Transaction code ST05 (The Performance Trace) used to record database access. The types of error can be of various kinds for which action is to be taken to fix this error from happening again after analysis. start date. Source: http://itsiti.1% of total sorts. But this must be as close as possible to 1 for a healthy system. task type. • Enqueue Trace: Monitor the locking system. this is for a healthy system should have higher values.Display Trace Files Transaction code ST11 is used to display the trace files in the work directory. 1. DD (data dictionary) cache quality should be more than 99%. • Shared pool statistics. stopsap DB • R3 stops the instances & associated processes of the SAP System: . However. then switch user to <SID>adm. 2. Log on in your OS level as a user with SAP administrator authorization (<SID>adm). Linux OS Environment Starting the SAP System Start & Stop SAP System in UNIX. Note This analysis makes sense if you want to analyze the performance on this detailed level. Check saposcol status. Source: http://itsiti. To stop. Type saposcol command for available commands list. The following applies to this command: • DB starts the database system: 1. 4. run saposcol -k. this is usually not done by Database Support. Enter the command stopsap [DB|R3|ALL]. To start. 3. run saposcol -l. startsap DB • R3 starts the instances & associated processes of the SAP System: 1. 2. The following applies to this command: • DB stops the database system: 1. Log on in your OS level as a user with SAP administrator authorization (<SID>adm). startsap R3 • ALL starts both the database system & the SAP System: 1. 5. Source: http://itsiti. Log on to Unix/Linux OS level. run saposcol -s. 2. Transaction Workload Monitor ST03N displays the value determined here in aggregated form. Enter the command startsap [DB|R3|ALL]. startsap ALL Stopping the SAP System Start & Stop SAPOSCOL in Unix & Linux 1. Switch Between SAP Application Servers If your SAP system have more than 2 application servers inside and you do not know how to switch to another application server. We can use this to analyze for a particular user. 1. execute to transaction code SM51. now double click to the application server you wanted to go.voiilaa. you will log off your system and make a new login connection. You can maintain table USR40 with Transaction SM30. stopsap ALL Note • The dw process in Unix indicates the dispatcher and work processes. you can specify impermissible passwords generically if you want. enter it in table USR40.User Authorization Buffer Transaction code SU56 is used to monitor the number of objects that are buffered from individual user authorization roles and profiles. In USR40... You can remove any errors found. • icman – This process is started in both Unix and Windows as icman . • The ms process in Unix indicates the message server. Source: http://itsiti.Object Directory Consistency Check in SAP Transaction code STDR is used to determine the object directory consistency. 1. This is only a monitoring tool. no further action can be taken from within this transaction. Okay. Execute the transaction code STDR.1.Visible in Task Manager and Unix OS with the same name Source: are now inside the application server! Source: http://itsiti. You can see all the active application servers. a user buffer is built containing all authorizations for the user. To prohibit the use of a password. Yes. Each user has his or her own user buffer. When a user signs on to an SAP system. There are two wildcard characters: • ? stands for a single character • * stands for a sequence of any combination characters of any STDR . To display all the application servers. 1. Every user can display only his or her own user buffer using transaction Table USR40 . You also can set the object consistency check to run immediately or with a start time. Click Display Results to find out any inconsistencies. you do not need to do that now. stopsap R3 • ALL stops both the database system & the SAP System.exe in the Task Manager or using ps --ef | grep gwrd command in unix • saposcol . Select the appropriate objects to check the consistency.Specifying Impermissible Passwords You can prevent users from choosing passwords that you do not want to allow. visible with the Task Manager and with the ps -ef command • gwrd – You can find the Gateway process by seeing gwrd. Source: http://itsiti. Example: . SU56 . or reset the buffer for the user. USR02 where BNAME='SAP*' and MANDT=000. View the SAP* table. it keeps the status Released. 2. This activity is logged. To unlock a request. Select Unlock Objects (Expert Tool) and click execute. Unlock the SAP* password. • Default password for sap* is pass / 06071992. 3. A box will prompt for confirmation on unlocking the objects request. Set the parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar is set to 0. Remote Desktop (Windows) / Telnet (Unix/Linux) to OS level and connect to the sql using the command prompt.• 123* in table USR40 prohibits any password that begins with the sequence “123.USR02 where BNAME='SAP*'. If the request has already been released. login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0 Note: • This example shows for SAP* in client 000 in Oracle environment.” • AB? prohibits all passwords that begin with “AB” and have one additional character: “ABA”.com/unlock-reset-sap-password-in-oracle Unlock SAP Request & Tasks This program is used to unlock a request or task. Normally.” • *123* prohibits any password that contains the sequence “123. 1. SQL> update SAPSR3. 4. Execute transaction code SE03. C:\Documents and Settings\devadm>sqlplus"/as sysdba" 2. Note . “ABB”. 3. • Execute transaction code /$tab to reset buffer Source: http://itsiti. Source: http://itsiti. You also can check in RZ11. and its status is set to Modifiable. You need to reboot the SAP once the parameter is change. choose Log. Unlock requests/tasks in exceptional cases only. To display the Unlock & Reset SAP* Password in Oracle 1. Reset the SAP* password SQL>delete from SAPSR3. “ABC” and so on. SQL> select UFLAG.USR02 set UFLAG=0 where BNAME='SAP*' and MANDT=000. BNAME. you need the administration authorization in the Transport Organizer. MANDT from SAPSR3. all objects in the request are unlocked. 5. • Use the function Create transport of copies to create a new transport of copies when you unlock change requests. SAP New Dimension. Which files can be deleted? Before you go through with the steps. n = number). If these data are no longer required for productive operation and (!) if the files are saved on tape. The measurement program automatically detects the Engines used in the system. Delete the old ABAP/4 trace files. This core file can be deleted at any time. The naming convention usually is Rxxmmddn (xx = application. is it too small to hold the files and define the unnecessary files inside the file systems. Delete theold core file. files are written to the global directory. The measurement program contains counting modules to automatically determine the Engines used (generic SAP. so that you can document their current version. When old data is USR-SAP-SID is Getting Full. mm = month. Source: http://itsiti. • Use the function Set to ‘Released’ to set the request to Released automatically when you unlock it. dd = day. These are not necessary for R/3 to function and should be deleted regularly. please verify that the disk size. for example. You can find the work directory at*/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSxx/work* Delete the old archiving files. Execute these 3 reports in SE38 to free up some space in the system. • Job Name: SAP_REORG_JOBS_NEW Report: RSBTCDEL2 Job Description: This jobs deletes old background jobs from the system. • Job Name: SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT_NEW Report: RSBDC_REORG Job Description: This job deletes old batch input sessions and logs. \\<sapglobalhost>\sapmnt\<SID>\sys\global (Windows). measures them in the background. Delete the old spool and log files.System Measurement Transaction code USMM is to determine the number of users and the chargeable objects of the Engines of the SAP software for each USMM . and copy the object list of the request to the transport. Source: http://itsiti. \\<sapglobalhost>\sapmnt\<SID>\sys\global (Windows). Find the global directory at /sapmnt/<SID>/global (UNIX / Linux) . /sapmnt/<SID>/global (UNIX / Linux) . Delete old audit logs Go to transaction code SM18 to execute the process. RMM12280. you can delete them from the disk. . What Do i Do? The file system with the R/3 file tree is getting full. You can then no longer use this request.• Use the function Create versions of the objects to create versions of all the objects when you unlock a change request. The report can delete inconsistencies in the background and it only deletes inconsistencies if it has found them in repeated runs. Old core file is a file that generated when the previous system is terminated. and SAP IS Add-On products). Programs for measuring Engines are either delivered with the product or are also available for lower releases through Support Packages. • Job Name: SAP_SPOOL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK Report: RSPO1043 Job Description: Job is for Spool data (Temse) consistency check. and lists them in the measurement log. These files are for all instances and located in the global directory. Find the data directory at /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSxx/data. When the fifth file is completed. the new logs start overwriting the old log files. E++++++<Extension>. The trace files AT<instance number>nnnn are in the data directory. They are automatically created again during the R/3 System startup. Delete old Java archive logs Go to below directory. the set of five files is converted into a ZIP file and stored as an archive on the file system. The maximum size of the roll file is given by: (rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS – rdisp/ROLL_SHM) * 8 kBytes. in order to avoid the file system overflow.OLD. Delete Old Developer Trace File Under work directory. if a termination occurs. Find the data directory at /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGSxx/data Delete the pagefile and rollfile. These files are automatically deleted after these commands have been successfully executed. You need to send the dev_w0 to null. in order to avoid the dev_w0 file large and larger. If the R/3 System is offline (but only then!!!). • The files PAGFILnn and ROLLFLnn are located in the data directory. Execute below command. Let say. These logs are AS Java log files. So. In SU10. Old files can be View SAP Locked User 1. scroll down a bit. on Unix there is normally no extension) for the Extract. Delete the old output requests. The exact file names are stored in the profile parameters FN_SORT or FN_EXTRACT. You can use Transaction SE30 to delete the files. A similar formula appplies to the paging file. You can move the files to a different file system by defining other values for R/3 parameters DIR_ROLL and DIR_PAGING. Please consult with your colleagues before proceed with the files deletion. the work process crashes and cause the file system overflow. If you enable the archiving process. Under normal circumstances they are deleted automatically when the output is completed. Delete the old Sort and Extract files. the dev_w0 is overflow. find files that be named as . The temporary files for Sort are named S++++<Extension> (on NT . In Authorization data. and grow as necessary up to the allowed maximum. you need to send the work process file into nowhere. you try to reset the trace file from transaction code SM50 (i assume the trace file cannot be reset because someone maybe using the file at the moment). These files are automatically named . The maximum space available for all files is defined by the parameter abap/atrasizequota (in kbytes. Do not delete them while the system is online. each file with a maximum size of 10 MB. Temporary files are created by the Abap commands Sort and Extract. First. Therefore. 1. you can delete the roll and page files. Output requests are stored on the data directory as files SP*. Send Work Process to Nowhere Sometimes. These Logs are written to five files. . SMGW. Source: http://itsiti. The files under work directory suddenly become very large. The locations of these files can be set using profile parameter DIR_SORT or DIR_EXTRACT. default = 10000 kbyte).OLD after the system restart. So. deleting them makes hardly any sense. 2. look for Additional selection criteria & tick on Locked Users Only. Please be noted that the trace file is going to nowhere and you cannot find logs after that. go to Authorization data.dat is used as extension. cat /etc/null > dev_w0 Reset Trace File Reset the trace file from transaction code SM50. However. Find X months old log in zip files and delete them all. it can happen that these files remain. you must have installed a storage system. The business object and stored document must be uniquely identified for the link. which must all therefore wait. Click on execute (F8). Linking documents according to content guarantees long term easy access to the documents. but this lock is prevented by a another database transaction (a ‘blocking lock’). You must consider this when you run an SQL statement analysis. you can directly display the stored document that is associated with it. The business object identification consists of: Client Business Object Type (abbr. or a stored procedure for example. etc. This replaces time consuming processes such as making copies of originals. If you execute many transactions that all need to lock the same database object. The link is written in an ArchiveLink link table while the system is running. It may also be an entire table. You can also use attributes to search for documents. This affects all of the SAP system users quite suddenly. this sets off a chain of lock situations. then this work process is also blocked and is unavailable for processing by other SAP programs or transactions. From the screen of the application document. the locked object is a table entry. then the system blocks the lock request until the current database transaction releases the object again. The document to be stored must already be in. Integration To use ArchiveLink. Source: http://itsiti. or be converted to electronic What are Exclusive Lockwaits & Effect to the System? What are exclusive locwaits? • If a process wants to lock a database object exclusively. Such blocking lock situations reduce the maximum degree of parallelism and therefore generally impair the system performance as well. Effect to the system? • If a blocked database transaction itself has a blocking lock.3. The average database time may also be extended correspondingly for a certain transaction in the workload monitor (Transaction ST03). Source: http://itsiti. searching for procedure- related information. It does not matter how the document is physically stored in the storage system. Features The following documents can be stored in a storage system using ArchiveLink: Incoming documents Outgoing documents Print lists Archive files Incoming and outgoing documents are linked to the corresponding Business What is ArchiveLink and features Purpose ArchiveLink is a service integrated in the SAP Web Application Server for linking archived documents and the application documents entered in the SAP system. since there is a delay in executing database transactions and the application therefore waits. A list of locked user will appear. • Since the queue time belongs to the database time. • If the locked transaction is executed on the database by an SAP work process.: Object type) . The user may believe that the system has hung or crashed while it is waiting for a work process to be unlocked. Generally. it is possible for only a few locks (which last a long time) to greatly extend the average execution time of an SQL statement. A business object is created in the SAP System whenever an application document is entered. a relatively small number of users may occupy all the available dialog work processes in the SAP system. or several stored documents can be linked to one business object.: Object ID) The stored document identification consists of: Content Repository ID Document ID The diagram below illustrates all the link entry data in the link entry table: Different sorts of multiple references are possible. for example one stored document can be linked to several business objects. .Business object ID (abbr.
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