
May 28, 2018 | Author: go2kaatt | Category: Databases, Subroutine, Information Science, Data, Information Technology Management



SAP ABAPABAP tutorials, notes, ebooks • • • Home About Subscribe to Feed • Latest Publications ABAP Data dictionary interview questions Posted in May 17, 2009 ¬ 5:27 pmh. CINTHIA NAZNEEN 1 Comment » Q. What’s the full form of ECC? Ans: Enterprice Central Component. Q. What’s the full form of IDES? Ans: Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System. Q. What’s ABAP dictionary and its role in SAP? Ans: ABAP dictionary is the central information base for the developers. This manages all definitions(metadata) required for different applications in SAP. ABAP dictionary is completely integrated into ABAP development workbench. All other component of ABAP development workbench can access the data definitions(meta data) stored in the data dictionary. Role: ABAP data dictionary supports • definition of user-defined types (data elements, structures, table types). structure of database objects (tables, indexes and views) can also be defined. These user-defined types/objects are then automatically created in the underlying relational database using the above data definitions. • The ABAP dictionary also provides tools for editing screen fields (e.g., for assigning a field an input help i.e. F4 help). • Data dictionary ensures data integrity, consistency and security. Q. What are the main object types of ABAP dictionary? Ans: The object types of ABAP dictionary can be of following type: • • • • • • Tables: Tables are defined in the ABAP Dictionary independently of the database. A table having the same structure is then created from this table definition in the underlying database. Views: are logical views on more than one table. The structure of the view is defined in the ABAP Dictionary. A view on the database can then be created from this structure. Types (elements, structures, table types): Types are created in ABAP programs. The structure of a type can be defined globally in ABAP programs. Changes to a type automatically take effect in all the programs using the type. Lock objects:are used to synchronize access to the same data by more than one user. Function modules that can be used in application programs are generated from the definition of a lock object in the ABAP Dictionary. Domains: Different fields having the same technical type can be combined in domains. Foreign keys: Relationship between the table and the other tables are defined. Ans: Tables are defined independently of the database in ABAP dictionary. The documentation about the field is created for a data element. field names and data types are defined. a table is automatically created in the physical database(when the table is activated). Indexes: Secondary indexes are created for a table for faster data selection. Ans: • • • • Table fields: For table fields. Again following are defined for a table fields: • Field name can be of maximum 16 characters in a table and must start with a letter. The fields of the table are defined with their (Databaseindependent) data types and lengths. Note on SAP tables(defining through ABAP dictionary). Q. • Data element: The ABAP Dictionary also contains the information displayed with the F1 and F4 help for a field in an input template. What are the components of a table definition. . Q. Using the table definitions stored in the ABAP dictionary. • Input help: The list of possible input values that appears for the input help is created by a foreign key or a search help.Domain defines the value range of all table fields and structure components that refer to this domain. Technical settings: Data class and size category defines that what type of table to be created and how much space required. short text to a field. An input check(check table) for a field can be defined with a foreign key. field length (and decimal places) are automatically determined from the domain of the data element. The short description of the data element is then assigned to the field as a short text. Field length denotes the number of valid places in the field. field Length and short Text of any field is assigned? Ans: i. . iii. Also fields from other structures can be added to the table definition as include. field length (and if necessary decimal places) short text can be directly assigned to a field in the table definition. Data element assignment to a field. Decimal places Number of places after decimal point for float type value. What are the assignment options to the field? Ans: i. field length. Q.• • • • • Key flag determines if a field should be the table key. ii. A search help can be assigned to a field. ii. Field type depicts the data type of the field in the ABAP dictionary. How data Type. Direct assignment of data types. Q. Data element can be assigned to a field so that data type. Data type. Short text describes the business meaning of the field. iv. The reference field can also reside in the table itself. What’s table include? Ans: In addition to listing the individual fields in a table or structure. Q. <TABLE / STRUCTURE NAME > . The group of fields of that include can be addressed as a whole in ABAP application programs with a group name which is called as named include.g.<GROUP NAME>-<FIELD NAME> . Field UNIT contains currency key for PRICE. <TABLE / STRUCTURE NAME > . a name can be assigned to that included (included substructure). This field is called the reference field of the output field.TAB1 is the reference table for field PRICE and UNIT is the reference field for field PRICE.: TAB1 contains the field PRICE which holds price values. What’s reference table and reference field? Ans: Reference table is specified for fields containing quantities(data type QUAN) or currency(Data type CURR).v.g. E. Reference field or reference table must be specified for a table field that holds currency or quantity type value. What’s named include? Ans: If an include is added to define a database table or database structure.< FIELD NAME> 2.:We can access field of a table/ structure in the ABAP application program in the following manner: 1. Q. So. This reference table must contain a field with the format for the currency key (data type CUKY) or unit of measure (data type UNIT). fields from another structure can be included as includes. E. Q. Ans: Structure S1 may include structure S2 and again S2 may include S3.3. <TABLE / STRUCTURE NAME > . Whare are the uses of foreign keys in SAP? Ans: • Using foreign keys(as main table-field is linked with check table). Q. Give an example of nested include. fld4. Q. What’s the number of characters limit for field name? Ans: A field name may not have more than 16 characters in a table. fld7(primary key). fld2 and fld4 fields of the table tab1 are called as foreign key fields to the table tab2 and tab2 is called as check table or referenced table. • Foreign keys can also be used to link several tables. fld2. tab1-fld4 is connected to tab2-fld6Therefore. but in a structure maximum 30 characters are allowed for a field name. input value check for any input field can be done.e. tab1(Foreign key table or dependent table) contains the following fields: fld1(primary key). fld5 and Tab2(Referenced table) contains the following fields: fld6(primary key).<GROUP NAME> Q. What are foreign keys? Ans: Relationships between tables are defined in the ABAP dictionary by creating foreign keys. . Explaination on foreign keys: Suppose. fld9 and tab1-fld2 is connected to tab2-fld5. Q. Q. fld3. maximum 9 structures can be included in a table/structure. fld8.What’s the maximum depth of nested includes in a table? Ans: Maximum depth is 9 i. What’s check table? Ans: Check table is maintained at field level for data validation. What’s check field? Ans: One of the foreign key field is marked as the check field. What are text table? Q. Q. input validation checking is done i. One record of the foreign key table uniquely identifies a record of the check table (using the value entries in the foreign key fields of the foreign key table).Q. What are foreign key fields? Ans: One field of the foreign key table corresponds to each key field of the check table. That field of the is called as foreign key field. What are the types of foreign key fields? Q. How many types of data classes are there in SAP? .e. What is ‘technical settings’ of a table?What are the important parameters to be mentioned within it? Q.e. Q. Q. Q. Uses: A foreign key permits assigning data records in the foreign key table and check table. What’s cardinality? Q. a checking is done that whether the inserted value exists in the check table or not. What’s generic and constant foreign keys? Q. dataclass determines that under which table space/dbspace the table will be stored. This depicts that the foreign key relationship is maintained for that field. If doesn’t exist then system rejects the entry else input validation check for that field is successful. What’s data class? Ans: Data class is that which allows the table to get automatically assigned under specific tablespace/dbspace during table creation in the SAP database i. When a value is entered for that check field in the table. Choose APPL0(master data) for data that is frequently accessed but rarely updated/changed. Q.Choose APPL1(transaction data) for data that is frequently changed.e. an initial extent) in the database. What’s size category? Ans: The Size category is used to defined the space requirement for the table in the database. iii. How many tables are there in SAP? . then additional memory is added according to the mentioned size category for that table. How many types of size category are there in SAP? Ans: There are five size categories. correct size category prevents the creation of a large number of small extents for a table i. What’s the utility of size category? Ans: During table creation. What are the different buffering types? Q. prevents memory wastage. What are the different buffering permissions? Q. Q. A certain fixed memory size is assigned to each category in the SAP database. the SAP system reserves an initial space i.If in any case more space is needed. What’s logging? Q. ii.Data classes are mainly of three types(for application tables): i. Q. The other two types of data classes are:USR and USR1(for customer’s own development purpose).e. Size category from 0 to 4 can be choosen for the tables.Choose APPL2(organizational data) for customizing data that is defined/entered during system installation and rarely changed. How database tables are buffered? Q. What’s buffering? Q. Q. How buffers are filled up? Q. Q. ii. BSED. Q. What are table clusters? Ans: Table cluster is a table in the SAP database in which many cluster tables are stored. BSES and BSET. Q. Example of table cluster and cluster tables. program parameters. What is transparent table? Ans: The tables which create 1-to-1 correspondence between the table definition in the ABAP data dictionary and the table definition in the physical database are called as transparent tables in SAP. BSEG. Transparent tables. Uses of table pool or table cluster. Ans: i. Ans: VBAK. Q. What is table pool? Ans: Table pool is a table in the SAP database in which many pool tables are assigned. BSEC. What are pool tables? Ans: Tables assigned to a table pool are called as pool tables. What are clustered tables? Ans: Tables assigned to a Table cluster are called as clustered tables. Q. Pool tables. temporary data. KNA1 etc. Cluster tables. Give examples of transparent table. Q. Q.Ans: i. The table cluster RFBLG holds data for five transparent tables i. Ans: Table pool or table cluster is used to store SAP’s internal control information (screen sequences. continuous texts such as documentation). Q. iii.e. . VBAP. Q. Currency/Quantity fields. Transparent tables can store table relevant data whereas table pool or cluster tables can store only system data/ application data based on the transparent tables. Transparent tables are accessible both by Open and native SQL statements whereas table pool/cluster tables are accessible only by open SQL but never by native SQL. DOKCLU. DOKTL . and data transport to other SAP system). v. Fields.Attributes.Delivery & maintenance. Other examples of table clusters are CDCLS.ii. What are tabs under the maintenance screen of the ABAP data dictionary screen? Ans: There are five tabs under ABAP dictionary. If . Q. client copies. Delivery class is that which regulates the transport of the table’s data records (during SAP installations. A transparent table has 1-to-1 cardinality between the table definition in the data dictionary and in the table definition of sap database whereas cluster/pool tables have many-to-1 cardinality between the table definition in the data dictionary and in the table definition of sap database. Entry help/check. iii. i. Q. What is delivery class? Ans: We need to insert an delivery class value while creating customized table in SAP through the transaction code SE11. iv. RFBLG. ii. What are the differences between transparent and cluster/pool tables? Ans: i. CDHDR. ii. iii. SAP and its customers have different write types depending on the variety of delivery class. SAP software upgrade. E.: Codes for SAP transactions. no. A: Application table (master and transaction data) is maintained by the customers using application transaction.: function module table. data changes have the status of program changes i. it depicts that the application table for master and transaction data changes only rarely. iii. What are the differences between domain and data element? Ans: i.Within domain value range of a field can be described.g. Table contents are maintained by maintenance transactions. E: System table with its own namespaces for customer entries. L: Table for storing temporary data. iv. field length. Whereas within the data element parameter id and search help for a particular field can be assigned. S: System table.Domain depicts the technical attributes of a field (its data type. ii. How many types of delivery classes are there in SAP? Ans: There are following delivery classes: i. Data is maintained only by the customer. G: Customer table. Whereas data element denotes the semantic attributes(short description. appreance on the sreen) of a SAP database table. Whereas domains are not directly attached to the fields and a single domain can be under many data elements. E. System table for program’s nature. ii.e. C: Customer table. of decimal places. v.g. Maintained only by SAP.Data elements are directly attaced to the fields of SAP database tables and each data element has an underlying domain within it. label names) for a field. W: System table for system operation and maintenance. Q.Delivery class is A. iii. vi. vii. Q. new data records can be inserted but may not overwrite or delete existing ones. . TABLE POOL. INDEXES. TECHNICAL SETTINGS. REFERENCE FIELD. REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY.1) What are SAP reports? . DOMAINS. DATA CONSISTENCY. TYPES. NESTER INCLUDES.REFERENCE TABLE. METADATA. SECURITY. ENTITY INTEGRITY.TABLES. DATA SECURITY.STRUCTURES. KNA1. ECC. ‘Z’. DELIVERY CLASS. FOREIGN KEY. DOMAIN. 2009 ¬ 2:43 pmh. NATIVE SQL. VBAP. Above question-answers are prepared and posted by: Cinthia Nazneen Notes ABAP DATA DICTIONARY. CDHDR. TABLE INCLUDE. CHECK TABLE. BSED. system will allow to use these values only. CLUSTERED TABLES. SAP TABLES. TABLE TYPES. DATA INTEGRITY. OBJECT TYPES OF ABAP DICTIONARY. FOREIGN KEYS. DATA ELEMENT. Suppose for a particular domain. RFBLG. CDCLS. DATA DICTIONARY.BSESM BSET. MAINTENANCE SCREEN. INPUT HELP. MAINTENANCE SCREEN OF ABAP DICTIONARY. During domain creation. DOKTL. BSEC. NAMED INCLUDE. DATA CLASS. CLUSTER TABLES.CUSTOMER TABLE. SIZE CATEGORY. BSEG. CARDINALITY. ABAP Dictionary. ‘B’. DOMAIN INTEGRITY. What’s value table? Ans: Value table is maintained at domain level in SAP. IDES. SYSTEM TABLE. OPEN SQL. TRANSPARENT TABLES. TRANSACTIONAL DATA.VBAK. POOL TABLES. ORGANIZATIONAL DATA. LOCK OBJECTS.MASTER DATA. CINTHIA NAZNEEN 3 Comments » Q. Value table. DOKCLU. So whenever the domain will be used. its value table holds the values ‘A’. APPLICATION TABLE.Q. value range of the domain is defined by specifying value table. DATA ELEMENTS. TABLE CLUSTER. VIEWS ABAP Interview questions on ABAP reports Posted in May 3. Subroutine pool. ABAP report types are available in report’s attributes screen. Q. vii.3) What are ABAP report types? Ans: ABAP report types are of 7 types. . Q. Basic list is displayed.Function group (containing function modules) .2)What are types of reports? Ans: i.Ans: SAP Reports are event-driven programs using ABAP/4 programming langugage.Simple report and ii.Interactive report. v. iii.5)How many lists can be displayed through an interactive report? Ans: Maximum 21 lists can be displayed(1 basic list+ 20 secondary lists). Include . iv. Class pool. vi. Q. Module pool. User develop SAP report object on ABAP editor using the standard SAP transaction SE38. Interface pool . ii. fetched data is processed to display result on output screen. These reports are used to fetch businessspecific data from SAP standard databases under specified selection criteria.4)What are the steps involved in interactive report? Ans: i. ii. i. Q.Case 1: User double clicks on any key figure to get more detailed data on it Case 2: User presses on any customized toolbar button so that another specified process is performed or corresponding event is trigerred.Executable program. iv. the following events are possible in case of Interactive Reports.abapguide. 4. 3.) Q. 6): 5.6)What are the events in classical and interactive reports? Ans: EVENTS IN A CLASSICAL REPORT: 1. OUTPUT EVENTS(5. ( Note: The purpose of load of program is to load the program into system memory so that the program can be executed.8)What are the events in dialog program? Ans: i. EVENTS IN AN INTERACTIVE REPORT: In addition of the above. But if the program is of type 1.Q. ii.7)what is the event that will be triggered first in an ABAP report? Ans: Initialization event is triggered first if user executes an ABAP report. iii.At pF<key>. 2. 6. TOP-OF-PAGE.At user-command. [P. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. 7. then LOAD-OFPROGRAM is trigerred first and then INITIALIZATION event. START-OF-SELECTION. i.At line-selection. M.N. INITIALIZATION.Top of page during line selection. or S. AT SELECTION-SCREEN/<field>. END-OF-PAGE.: For detailed notes on events : http://www.PBO : Process Before Output] Q. F. END-OF-SELECTION.PAI : Process After Input . MODULE POOL. In case of interactive reports user can interact with specific result data at a time. Click on the specific key field to display data of the secondary list. AT USER-COMMAND. AT PF. SIMPLE REPORT. REPORTS. EVENT-DRIVEN PROGRAMS. at the end of the list and handling user action on the list. START-OF-SELECTION. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.POH : Process on Help iv. Or. AT SELECTIONSCREEN. Q. SE38. CLASSICAL REPORT. EVENT. ABAP REPORT TYPES. CLASS POOL. 2008 ¬ 7:24 amh. events in report. . LOAD OF PROGRAM. EVENTS IN INTERACTIVE REPORT. INTERFACE POOL..iii. TOP-OF-PAGE. Notes ABAP REPORT. TYPES OF REPORTS REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET Posted in December 18. SUBROUTINE POOL. SAP REPORTS. OUTPUT EVENTS. END-OFSELECTION.END-0F-PAGE. SAP. Execute the report ii. and to print data at the top of the list. CINTHIA NAZNEEN 1 Comment » REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET: Returns table of possible events for a list type ======================================================================= After preparing the fieldcatalog the next step is to build an event table for both user commands and system dependent events like top of page. click on application toolbar button or any screen button for required data display.10)Mention the steps involved in case of displaying data of an interactive report? Ans: i. TOP OF PAGE DURING LINE SELECTION. INTERACTIVE REPORT.9)What are the differences between simple and interactive ABAP reports? Ans: A simple ABAP report allows the user to interact with the whole business-result data. ABAP/4. SECONDARY LIST. INCLUDE.POV : Process on Value Request Q. end of page etc. BASIC LIST. EXECUTABLE PROGRAM. EVENTS IN CLASSICAL REPORT. INITIALIZATION. FUNCTION GROUP. The i_event internal table is of TYPE SLIS_T_EVENT(i.When this table is passed from the function module REUSE_ALV_EVENT_NAMES_GET the function module returns all the possible events for a list type. . ENDIF. in your ALV Program you have any HEADER part for that you write a form Top-of-page and you mention in ALV function module. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.. IF sy-subrc = 0. This table i_events contains all the events wrapped up in the ALV LIST or ALV GRID and i_event also consists of two fields NAME and FORM.e. for calling that subroutine this function moodule is used. *&———————————————————————* *& * Form EVENT_TAB subroutine for populating the events * * *&———————————————————————* *———————————————————————-* FORM event_tab . ET_EVENTS TYPE SLIS_T_EVENT). The purpose of REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET is. IF sy-subrc <> 0. The name field of the table holds the name of the events like TOP-OF-PAGE and END-OF-PAGE. ENDFORM.i_event is initial for all events as default. =0 ENDIF.A list of possible events is populated into an event table i_events. USERCOMMAND and form will contain the name of the FORM ROUTINE that will be called dynamically through callback mechanism when the particular event will fire. * Call FM ‘REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET’ to get the events CALL FUNCTION ‘REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET’ EXPORTING i_list_type IMPORTING et_events = i_event EXCEPTIONS list_type_wrong = 1 OTHERS = 2. ” EVENT_TAB * READING THE EVENT FOR THE HEADER READ TABLE i_event INTO w_event WITH KEY name = ‘TOP_OF_PAGE’ . EBOOKS. CINTHIA NAZNEEN 2 Comments » Download from the following link: abap-certification-questions sap-abap-exam Download an excellent ebook on ‘SAP ABAP Interview Questions.Failing this the form ‘TOP_OF_PAGE’ will not be called. RESUE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY.the modified events internal table has to be passed to the FM ‘REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY’ in the exporting parameter IT_EVENTS. IT_EVENTS. TOP_OF_PAGE ABAP CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS. 2008 ¬ 7:27 amh. ===================================================== =================== In the above function-module check the statement w_event-form = ‘TOP-OF-PAGE’. This event is used for placing heading information like showing current date and time or the name of the report at the top of the report. answers. Posted by: Cinthia Nazneen Notes ALV. Here the form routine ‘TOP-OF-PAGE’ is being set up for the event TOP_OF_PAGE event which will fire when the ALV LIST will be displayed. SYLLABUS Posted in October 14. EVENT. this form will be called dynamically by the ALV list display during TOP-OF-PAGE event and for this. explainations: ABAP Certification Review’ : ABAP CERTIFICATION REVIEW SAP CERTIFICATION SYLLABUS: Click here to view Posted by: Cinthia Nazneen .w_event-form = ‘TOP_OF_PAGE’. MODIFY i_event FROM w_event INDEX sy-tabix TRANSPORTING form. 45 ‘MM Document’. 26 ‘Ex/Non Ex’. and w_final is the work area of your final internal table. 44 sy-vline. CINTHIA NAZNEEN No Comments » If i_final is the final internal table containing retrieved business data. 2 ‘PO Number’. 61 sy-vline. 12 sy-vline.CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS DISPLAY OF CLASSICAL REPORT Posted in August 4. 56 sy-vline. . 25 sy-vline. ABAP CERTIFICATION. 57 ‘Item’. *&———————————————————————* *& Form TOP_OF_PAGE *&———————————————————————* * For data display *———————————————————————-* form TOP_OF_PAGE . IF NOT i_final[] IS INITIAL. LOOP AT i_final INTO w_final. ULINE.certification papers ABAP. WRITE:/1 sy-vline. ABAP CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS. WRITE:/1 sy-vline. ULINE. 36 ‘Date In’. then you can display the result (classical report view) by writing code in following manner. 35 sy-vline. 13 ‘PO Line Item’. 2008 ¬ 3:48 pmh. 57 w_final-zeile. OF-PAGE “PO Number “PO Line Item “Ex/Non Ex “Date in “MM document “Item ” TOP_OF_PAGE Uncategorized ABAP. ENDIF. 25 sy-vline. Client dependent table: Client dependent tables are always client-specific. highest level of organization structure is client. CINTHIA NAZNEEN No Comments » In SAP.2 w_final-ebeln. we login to a specific client. Data in the R/3 sytem is categorized as client-dependent and client-independent.Whenever we login to SAP system. 45 w_final-mblnr. CLASSICAL REPORT. 26 w_final-segal. SAP. 44 sy-vline. 61 sy-vline. CLASSICAL. 12 sy-vline. 2008 ¬ 3:30 pmh. this field contains the client no. TOP- client-dependent and client-independent table in ABAP Posted in March 28. These cannot be accessed from any other client. 56 sy-vline. 36 w_final-aedat. First column of any client-dependent table is always client(type MANDT) by default and it’s a primary key. 13 w_final-ebelp. ENDLOOP. endform. 35 sy-vline. A client-dependent table may have different dataset for different clients. . REPORT. e. all the statements in the program form the entire event block START-OFSELECTION. Posted by: Cinthia Nazneen Notes ABAP. MANDT. M. . or S. If the program contains no explicitly defined event blocks. ABAP runtime environment automatically introduces a START-OF-SELECTION at the first execution line. a client-independent table will always have same dataset for all clients. CINTHIA NAZNEEN 11 Comments » There is no mandatory event in a report program. cross-client. . Hence. DD02L. so accessible from any other client and changes made in this table under one client. SAP. F. sap table. client dependent. SAP TABLES Events in an ABAP/4 Report Program Posted in December 29. Following events are triggered in a report. and rest records are containing the name of client-independent tables. Records having CLIDEP(Client-speicific) checked as ‘X’. client independent. Client dependent table. client. ABAP/4 report programs are event driven programs. R/3. independent of any client. client independent table. The purpose of load of program is to load the program into system memory so that the program can be executed. will be reflected in all the other clients.Client independent table: Client-independent table are cross-client i. Events are actually used to organize the statements and control the flow of the program. are containing tha names of client-dependent tables.If propgram is of type 1. Identifying the client dependent and independent tables: Check table DD02L is having a field named CLIDEP which is with the short-text ’flag-indicating client-specific entries’. then LOAD-OF-PROGRAM is trigerred first and then INITIALIZATION. Execute this table. CLIDEP. 2007 ¬ 3:44 pmh. LOAD OF PROGRAM. when F8. END-OF-SELECTION is generally used for the . Data retrieval logic is written under this event. . AT SELECTION-SCREEN/<field> : This event is triggered before leaving the selection screen.e. 2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT: This is triggered when the selection screen is loaded in memory before being displayed. This statement tells the server that all the database reading is completed and no more data reading is going to take place. 3. This event is used when there is use of logical data base in the report. START-OF-SELECTION. all the selection is finished and before the list processor is started. . 6. START-OF-SELECTION: This is the the first and default event for displaying the report.when user interacts.INITIALIZATION. It is triggered in type 1 programs once the logical database completes reading all data i.At the end EVENTS IN A CLASSICAL REPORT: 1. . . END-OF-SELECTION: This event is triggered after the START-OFSELECTION is completed. .just once.This is the default event in ABAP. 7.when there is selection-screen AT SELECTION-SCREEN. OUTPUT EVENT(5. END-OF-PAGE : This event is triggered every time the list data reaches the footer region of the page. 4. END-OF-SELECTION. 6): 5. INITIALIZATION: This is triggered when the report is loaded in memory. TOP-OF-PAGE: This event is triggered every time a new page is started in the list. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. EVENTS IN AN INTERACTIVE REPORT: In addition of the above. Data selection is done between STARTOF-SELECTION and END-OF-SELECTION. 2. ================================================== Finally I want to include one point: If you debug your report program from the Abap editor screen then it triggers from 1. 2. Top of page during line selection : top of page event for secondary list. Hence. So it is always good practice to write END-OF-SELECTION statement after finishing the data selection from database. the database will remain locked till the programs get terminated. In an executable program without logical data base. the performance will be reduced.End-of Selection. 4. 3. After a program is executed by the user. At line-selection : evey time user dbl-clicks(F2) on the list data. At user-command. there is no need to implement the event block END-OFSELECTION.Initialization. Now if we don’t write the END-OF-SELECTION statement.summary/results of reports.Start-of Selection. 3.At Selection-screen. At pF<key> : function key from F5 to F12 to perform interactive action on the list. the database is locked when it encounters a START-OF-SELECTION statement and the lock is released when an END-OF-SELECTION statement is encountered (to maintain the consistency). 4. . 1. the following events are possible in case of Interactive Reports. START-OFSELECTION. END-OF-SELECTION.End-of-page.TOP OF PAGE DURING LINE SELECTION. TOP OF PAGE END OF PAGE END-OF-SELECTION. AT PF. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.Start-of-selection. 3. 6. 2007 ¬ 3:42 pmh. 4. INITIALIZATIO N. INTERACTIVE REPORT. AT SELECTION-SCREEN.Process After Input POH . Events in Dialog Program PBO . AT USER-COMMAND.Process Before Output PAI . LOAD OF PROGRAM.Top-of-page. AT LINE-SELECTION.At Selection-Screen.Process on Value Request.EVENTS.End-of-page.Top-of-page. END-OF-PAGE. CINTHIA NAZNEEN No Comments » There will be different types of events in ABAP. Posted by: Cinthia Nazneen Notes ABAP/4. REPORT. But if you debug from the selection-screen then it triggers from 1.Process on Help POV .5. TOP-OF-PAGE EVENTS IN ABAP Posted in December 29. Control Break events related to Internal Tables . CLASSICAL REPORT. EVENT. 2. Events in Classical Report INITIALIZATION AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT AT SELECTION-SCREEN START-OF–SELECTION. This is a very useful one I found. MM table index 3. SAP TABLE INDEX: 1. FI table index 5. CLASSICAL REPORT. AT LINE-SELECTION AT PF-FUNCTION KEY Notes ABAP. CONTROL BREAK EVENTS. HR tables/Infotypes tables 9.EVENTS IN CLASSICAL REPORT. SD Table index 2. PAI.PBO. EVENTS IN INTERACTIVE REPORT. POV SAP-TABLES Posted in December 15. PS tables 6. PP tables 7. Purchasing table index 4. 2007 ¬ 3:38 pmh. EVENTS. DIALOG PROGRAM.AT NEW FIELD AT END OF FIELD AT FIRST AT LAST Events in Interactive Report AT USER-COMMAND. SAP PM-SD Tables 8. System tables Download SAP TABLE HELP Posted by: Cinthia Nazneen . CINTHIA NAZNEEN No Comments » Download SAP-TABLE help ebook. EVENTS IN DIALOG PROGRAM. POH. PURCHASING TABLES. SAP TABLES. SD TABLES. MM TABLES. SAP SD TABLES. SAP HR TABLES. INFOTYPES TABLES. SAP PM-SD TABLES. SAP TABLE RELATIONSHIP. SAP MM TABLES.SYSTEM TABLES • Top of Form Search Bottom of Form • calendar APRIL 2011 M T W T F S S « May 1 4 1 1 1 8 2 5 • • • • 2 9 1 6 2 3 3 0 3 1 0 1 7 2 4 5 1 2 1 9 2 6 6 1 3 2 0 2 7 7 1 4 2 1 2 8 8 1 5 2 2 2 9 • categories certification papers (1) ebook (1) Notes (6) Uncategorized (1) • tag cloud ABAP ABAP/4 ABAP CERTIFICATION ABAP CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS ABAP Dictionary ABAP REPORT TYPES ALV AT PF AT SELECTION-SCREEN AT SELECTIONSCREEN OUTPUT AT USER-COMMAND CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS CLASSICAL REPORT CLIDEP clientclient dependent Client dependent tableclient independent client independent table cross-client DD02L END-OF-SELECTION EVENT EVENT-DRIVEN . SAP EBOOK. SAP TABLE HELP. HR TABLES. SAP SYSTEM TABLES. PP TABLES.ebook FI TABLES. SAP PP TABLES. 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