sanskrit lessons Month 2 Lessons 9 C-13 B.pdf

April 4, 2018 | Author: ParasAkumen | Category: Grammatical Gender, Verb, Linguistics, Semiotics, Grammar



Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 38/76 Lesson 9 C . By the Way... We were at the garden, Tarangini and the rest of us, studying Shantiniketan style, when she suddenly said to me, "Don't lean against him!" " Him, who?" i was bewildered, i was just resting against a tree. Then enlightenment struck ( seems as if trees and enlightenment have a thing going) "A tree is masculine in Sanskrit, ¨þ¼âþ | So is a cloud Ÿø‹þ | A village ŠÏþŸþ , a question œÏª›þ | So is space ‚þˆÅþªþ | Some neuter words in English are masculine in Sanskrit...and the other way around." From that moment onwards, i stopped comparing the two languages and began appreciating the uniqueness of both. i just check the dictionary to confirm gender. Some dictionaries introduce masculine words by giving the œÏ˜þŸþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ form . For example, the root noun-word £þŸþ is introduced as £þŸþ: | Some others prefer to give the root word (just £þŸþ ) and print an "M" next to it to say masculine. A root noun-word isn't logical...take for example the word, ¹Ÿþ°þ . The masculine form of ¹Ÿþ°þ means the sun and the neuter form of ¹Ÿþ°þ means a friend. Curious as to how a neuter word is declined? Slow and steady...will introduce you to it by and by. i also realized the need to have duals and plurals for names when confronted with five Abhisheks in a class of forty eight. So instead of £þŸþþ: ŠþŽ¹›·þ, i simply said ‚¹žþ«øˆÅþ: ŠþŽ¹›·þ | Who says space can't be divided?! We managed it when two of us fought and landed up with ‚þˆÅþªþù...neither was allowed to trespass into the other's personal space! The richness of Sanskrit began to come through. We were slowly letting go of preconceived notions of what should and shouldn't be in a language and in that open approach, we created an atmosphere conducive to quicker learning. This lesson has been named Lesson 9 C because we are still dealing with the first two vibhaktis. Let's build a vocabulary of ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ œé¿iLLa¼ words and verbs and work on sentence structures. Once we are comfortable with Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 39/76 the first two vibhaktis and how they are used, we'll move ahead. Param Poojya Swamiji constantly refers to ý¨þµþ¿ , Ÿþ›þ›þ¿ and ¹›þ¹¸š¡þþ¬þ›þŸþà | Clubbed with this should be the perfect expression of that which has been absorbed. So with each concept , i will provide you with plenty of exercises for practice. To help you, using our £þŸþ table as our guide and standard, here is how you work on the declensions of the first two vibhaktis, using a few examples. £þŸþ ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ œé¿iLLa¼ Do you see how the rhyming is done now? Do i also see a question hovering now as to why these words are ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ œé¿iLLa¼ ? ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ œÏ˜þŸþþ subject £þŸþ: ‚¹žþ«øˆÅ: ‚Ÿþ£: ¨þ¼âþ: Ÿø‹þ: ŠÏþŸþ: œÏª›þ: £þŸþù ‚¹žþ«øˆÅù ‚Ÿþ£ù ¨þ¼âþù Ÿø‹þù ŠÏþŸþù œÏª›þù £þŸþþ: ‚¹žþ«øˆÅþ: ‚Ÿþ£þ: ¨þ¼âþþ: Ÿø‹þþ: ŠÏþŸþþ: œÏª›þþ: ¹×·þú¡þþ object £þŸþŸþà ‚¹žþ«øˆÅŸþà ‚Ÿþ£Ÿþà ¨þ¼âþŸþà Ÿø‹þŸþà ŠÏþŸþŸþà œÏª›þŸþà £þŸþù ‚¹žþ«øˆÅù ‚Ÿþ£ù ¨þ¼âþù Ÿø‹þù ŠÏþŸþù œÏª›þù £þŸþþ›þà ‚¹žþ«øˆÅþ›þà ‚Ÿþ£þ›þà ¨þ¼âþþ›þà Ÿø‹þþ›þà ŠÏþŸþþ›þà œÏª›þþ›þà Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 40/76 Let's break the £þŸþ word. £þŸþ = £Ã + ‚þ + Ÿþà + ‚ (the word £þŸþ ends in a ‚ ) Please refer to our first three lessons. Ÿø‹þ = Ÿþà + ‡ + ‹þà + ‚ Is it clear now? Consonants (¨¡þ؏þ›þ ) ALWAYS need a vowel (¬¨þ£) to be pronounced. Why is Šé² an „ˆÅþ£þ›·þ word? Šé²= Šþà + „ + £Ã + „ | Gottit?? In Lesson 9 A , you have been taught how to develop the verb table. Armed with this, let's try our hand at sentences. Exercises in Lesson 9 D. ************* Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 41/76 Lesson 9D. Practice makes perfect. Nouns Verbs Avyayas þ›þˆÅ father M ÇÅúÛà (ÇÅúÛ¹·þ to play) ƒ¸þ›þúŸþà now œé°þ son M œþ·þà (œþ·þ¹·þ to fall ) ‚šé›þþ now ¹ªþâþˆÅ / ‚š¡þþœþˆÅ teacher M ¬Ÿþ¼ ( ¬Ÿþ£¹·þ to remember) šþþ¨þà ( šþþ¨þ¹·þ to run) ¡þ¸þ when... used in a statement ›þ£ man M ¹þ (þ¡þ¹·þ to win/conquer) ·þ¸þ then ¬ê¡þÄ sun M þ›Í moon M ›þú ( ›þ¡þ¹·þ to take away) œþ¼ŽÃ ( œþ¼Ž¹·þ to ask) ˆÅ¸þ when.... used in a question œÏª›þ: question M ¹ªþ«¡þ student M á (−£¹·þ to take away/steal) ¬þ¸þ always œÏþ±þ / œþ¹µÛ·þ a wise man M þ¥þà ( þ¥þ¹·þ to walk) ¬þ¨þĸþ always ¬þþ›þ a good man M ‡ˆÅ¸þ once ¸ºþÄ›þ a bad man M Translate. 1. The boy is running. 2. The good man conquers the bad man. 3. The student and the teacher fall. 4. You look at the sun. 5. I am looking at the moon. 6. The bad man takes away/ steals the son. 7. The father remembers the son now. 8. The student asks a question. 9. ( A tricky one coming up...keep your antennae tuned...) The student asks the teacher. 10. The student asks the teacher a question.( i feel perfectly wicked!!!) 11. You play here. 12. When does the teacher speak? 13. When the student asks a question, the teacher speaks. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 42/76 14. The son speaks to the father. 15. The boy looks at the sun and the moon always. 16. He remembers the tree. 17. The sun and the moon look at the tree. 18. The tree falls here. 19. The tree runs there. 20. I take away the tree( it's a small one!) 21. When I laugh you laugh. 22. The wise man is eating here. 23. The many bad men are writing everywhere. 24. The two good men are reading. 25. The teacher remembers the two questions. 26. The two students bow down ( Namaskaar) to the sun, the moon, the trees and the two teachers. 27. The son walks. 28. He falls. 29. He speaks to father. 30. The son and the father play elsewhere. 31. Once a king goes to school. 32. You speak once. 33. I speak always. 34. The two of you play here always. 35. When do you speak? 36. When I ask a question, you speak. 37. When are all of you going to Gokarn? 38. The king conquers the many bad men always. Check your answers against those given in Lesson 9 E. If this marathon session has been a good one, we'll move onto Lesson 10. dealing with a new concept. ************ Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 43/76 Lesson 9E ....Answers to 9D 1. The boy is running. þþ¥þˆÅ: šþþ¨þ¹·þ | 2. The good man conquers the bad man. ¬þþ›þ: ¸ºþÄ›þ¿ þ¡þ¹·þ| 3. The student and the teacher fall. ¹ªþ«¡þ: ¹ªþâþˆÅ:/‚š¡þþœþˆÅ: þ œþ·þ·þ:| 4. You look at the sun. ·¨þ¿ ¬ê¡þô œþª¡þ¹¬þ | 5. I am looking at the moon. ‚−¿ þ›Í¿ œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ | 6. The bad man takes away/ steals the son. ¸ºþÄ›þ: œé°þ¿ −£¹·þ| 7. The father remembers the son now. þ›þˆÅ:‚šé›þþ/ƒ¸þ›þì œé°þ¿ ¬Ÿþ£¹·þ | 8. The student asks a question. ¹ªþ«¡þ: œÏª›þ¿ œþ¼Ž¹·þ | 9. The student asks the teacher. ¹ªþ«¡þ: ¹ªþâþˆ¿Å/‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å œþ¼Ž¹·þ | 10. The student asks the teacher a question. ¹ªþ«¡þ: ¹ªþâþˆ¿Å/‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å œÏª›þ¿ œþ¼Ž¹·þ | 11. You play here. ·¨þŸþà ‚°þ ÇÅúÛ¹¬þ| 12. When does the teacher speak? ‚š¡þþœþˆÅ: ˆÅ¸þ ¨þ¸¹·þ ? 13. When the student asks a question, the teacher speaks. ¡þ¸þ ¹ªþ«¡þ: œÏª›þ¿ œþ¼Ž¹·þ ·þ¸þ ‚š¡þþœþˆÅ: ¨þ¸¹·þ | 14. The son speaks to the father. œé°þ: þ›þˆ¿Å ¨þ¸¹·þ| 15. The boy looks at the sun and the moon always. þþ¥þˆÅ: ¬þ¨þĸþ ¬ê¡þô þ›Í¿ þ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 16. He remembers the tree. ¬þ: ¨þ¼âþ¿ ¬Ÿþ£¹·þ | 17. The sun and the moon look at the tree. ¬ê¡þÄ: þ›Í: þ ¨þ¼âþ¿ œþª¡þ·þ:| 18. The tree falls here. ¨þ¼âþ: ‚°þ œþ·þ¹·þ | 19. The tree runs there. ¨þ¼âþ: ·þ°þ šþþ¨þ¹·þ | 20. I take away the tree. ‚−¿ ¨þ¼âþ¿ ›þ¡þþ¹Ÿþ | 21. When I laugh you laugh. ¡þ¸þ ‚−¿ −¬þþ¹Ÿþ ·þ¸þ ·¨þ¿ −¬þ¹¬þ | Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 44/76 22. The wise man is eating here. œþ¹µÛ·þ: ‚°þ ‰þþ¸¹·þ| 23. The many bad men are writing everywhere. ¸ºþÄ›þþ: ¬þ¨þÄ°þ ¹¥þ‰þ¹›·þ| 24. The two good men are reading. ¬þþ›þù œþÚ·þ:| 25. The teacher remembers the two questions. ‚š¡þþœþˆÅ: œÏª›þù ¬Ÿþ£¹·þ| 26. The two students bow down ( Namaskaar) to the sun, the moon, the trees and the two teachers. Žþ°þù ¬ê¡þô, þ›Í¿, ¨þ¼âþþ›þà , ‚š¡þþœþˆÅù þ ›þŸþ·þ: | 27. The son walks. œé°þ: þ¥þ¹·þ| 28. He falls. ¬þ: œþ·þ¹·þ| 29. He speaks to father. ¬þ: þ›þˆ¿Å ¨þ¸¹·þ| 30. The son and the father play elsewhere. œé°þ: þ›þˆÅ: þ ‚›¡þ°þ ÇÅúÛ·þ: | 31. Once, a king goes to the school. ‡ˆÅ¸þ ›þ¼œþ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 32. You speak once. ·¨þŸþà ‡ˆÅ¸þ ¨þ¸¹¬þ | 33. I speak always. ‚−¿ ¬þ¸þ ¨þ¸þ¹Ÿþ | 34. The two of you play here always. ¡é¨þþŸþà ‚°þ ¬þ¨þĸþ ÇÅúÛ˜þ:| 35. When do you speak? ·¨þ¿ ˆÅ¸þ ¨þ¸¹¬þ? 36. When I ask a question, you speak. ¡þ¸þ ‚−¿ œÏª›þ¿ œþ¼Žþ¹Ÿþ ·þ¸þ ·¨þ¿ ¨þ¸¹¬þ| 37. When are all of you going to Gokarn? ¡ê¡þ¿ ˆÅ¸þ ŠþøˆÅµþô ŠþŽ˜þ? 38. The king conquers the many bad men always.›þ¼œþ: ¸ºþÄ›þþ›þà ¬þ¸þ þ¡þ¹·þ| Let me know how you fared. We should iron out every problem as it comes. If you have been able to do this with a fair amount of accuracy, move on to Lesson 10. ********* Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 45/76 Lesson 10. Neuter words to the rescue!! Lesson 9 D was an eye-opener. Without neuter npu<ski¥þ¼ words, my life would be dull indeed. i tried to imagine a day without a book, œé¬·þˆÅ ; water þ¥þ ; a meal žþøþ›þ ; a flower œé«œþ; a leaf œþ°þ; a letter œþ°þ; fruit ûÅ¥þ; work ˆÅþ¡þÄ and wealth šþ›þ... and i decided, for sanity's sake, that they MUST make an appearance now. When i introduce neuter npu<ski¥þ¼ words, i will put an "N" next to the word. As in masculine words, some dictionaries will say "N" against neuter words and some others will state the œÏ˜þŸþþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ form of the npu<ski¥þ¼ word. Let's just concentrate on the ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ npu<ski¥þ¼ words first. Yup, there are „ˆÅþ£þ›·þ , ƒˆÅþ£þ›·þ and other ending neuter words as well, but let us wallow in the waters of "Ignorance is bliss," till such a time that we are required to be 'unblissful.' We've appointed ¨þ›þ forest, as our standard word. The first vibhakti of all neuter words is exactly like its second. There's a surprise for you when we do the third vibhaktis of both the masculine and the neuter in the coming weeks . No big revelations now... ¨þ›þ forest ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ npu<ski¥þ¼ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ œÏ0 ¨þ›þŸþà ¨þ›ø ¨þ›þþ¹›þ ¹×0 ¨þ›þŸþà ¨þ›ø ¨þ›þþ¹›þ Now let's expand this to include a few of the words i've listed at the beginning of the lesson to show you how to rhyme them. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 46/76 ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ npu<ski¥þ¼ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ œÏ0 ˆÅ·þþÄ subject and ¹×0 ˆÅŸþÄ object. ¨þ›þŸþà œé¬·þˆÅŸþà œé«œþŸþà œþ°þŸþà ûÅ¥þŸþà šþ›þŸþà ¨þ›ø œé¬·þˆ½Å œé«œø œþ°ø ûÅ¥ø šþ›ø ¨þ›þþ¹›þ œé¬·þˆÅþ¹›þ œé«œþþ¹µþ œþ°þþ¹µþ ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ šþ›þþ¹›þ Sample sentences. ¸ºþÄ›þ: šþ›þ¿ −£¹·þ | ‚−¿ žþøþ›þ¿ ‰þþ¸þ¹Ÿþ | ·¨þ¿ œé¬·þˆÅ¿ œþÚ¹¬þ | ¬þþ þ¥þ¿ ¹œþþ¹·þ | £þŸþ: ¨þ›þ¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | þþ¥þˆÅ: œþ°þ¿ ¹¥þ‰þ¹·þ | The first question that might pop up is "Does one need a dual or a plural for a word like þ¥þŸþà ? " No, one may not. But the option to decline it in duals and plurals is available. The freedom to do so is what is important. Poets, as you can well imagine, will have a field day! Don't miss the important concept that is being introduced on the next page...scroll down please! New Concept. ¨þ›þŸþà becomes ¨þ›þþ¹›þ | Why does œé«œþŸþà become œé«œþþ¹µþ and not œé«œþþ¹›þ ? Words change as they are being declined, agreed? In some vibhaktis, a ›þà crops up attached to the root word. That ›þà changes into a µþà in some declined words. Note: If the root word contains a ›þà , the ›þà in the original Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 47/76 word does not change, only the one that is added to it in a declined form changes • This rule, of the ›þà changing into a µþà , is applicable to words that contain a £Ã and a «þà . The only vibhaktis that are affected are 1. ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ and «þ«Úú þ−º¨þþ›þ in Masculine words . 2. œÏ˜þŸþþ þ−º¨þþ›þ and ¹×·þú¡þþ þ−º¨þþ›þ AND ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ and «þ«Úú þ−º¨þþ›þ in Neuter words. The finer nuances will be explained as we move on with our vibhaktis. If this concept is slightly mindboggling, don't allow it to bother you. Things will get clearer when the other vibhaktis are introduced. Just file away this concept for future references. Shall we move onto new words and exercises? Here's greeting Lesson 10 A . ************* Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 48/76 Lesson 10 A. Smooth seas never a sailor made!! A bit of turbulent weather with new words and verbs thrown at you, and you will come out of these stormy sentence sessions, brimming with confidence. Most of these words are familiar. Some are not. Throw a quick glance over these guys once a day, and you will have all these words and verbs at your fingertips. Space out these exercises throughout the week, if you wish. All the best! Nouns Verbs Avyayas £þ¡þ kingdom N ·é¸Ã ( ·é¸¹·þ to give pain/unhappiness, to trouble.) ‚¹œþ also/too „Ôþþ›þ garden N ‹Ïþ ( ¹þ‹Ï¹·þ to smell ) ›þ not Šþ¼− house N ¹¨þªþà ( ¹¨þªþ¹·þ to enter) ±þþ›þ knowledge N ›þ£ man M ƒ«þà ( ƒŽ¹·þ to desire/want) ¬þ·¡þ truth N ¬œþ¼ªþà ( ¬œþ¼ªþ¹·þ to touch) þù£ / þø£ thief M œþþà ( œþþ¹·þ to cook) Example sentences The man goes to the garden. ›þ£: „Ôþþ›þ¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | He enters the garden. ¬þ: „Ôþþ›þ¿ ¹¨þªþ¹·þ | He sees a flower. ¬þ: œé«œþ¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ | He sees a fruit too. ¬þ: ûÅ¥þŸþà ‚¹œþ œþª¡þ¹·þ | Do you want to try your hand at it now? Here goes... A request--thou shalt laugh uproariously at my concocted sentences and make thy day! 1. The thief goes to a house. 2. He sees wealth. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 49/76 3. He touches the wealth. 4. He desires the wealth. 5. He steals the wealth. 6. The king sees the thief. 7. When the thief sees the king, then he runs. 8. The king also runs. 9. He protects the wealth. 10. The two sons go the garden. 11. They see trees, flowers, fruits and leaves. 12. They touch the trees, flowers fruits and leaves. 13. They want the fruits. 14. They eat the fruits there. 15. Many boys are playing. 16. They run. 17. They laugh. 18. They do not see the tree. 19. They fall. 20. The father and the son are remembering the good man. 21. They ( as in the father and son)cook. 22. The good man enters the house. 23. He eats a meal. 24. He takes away food ( doggy bag.) 25. The good man speaks the truth. 26. You too speak the truth. 27. You are a good man. 28. I am a bad man. 29. I do not speak the truth. 30. I trouble the father and the good man . 31. The two of you are always playing. 32. Now the two of you are studying. 33. Where are the two of you eating? 34. Where( ¡þ°þ ) the two of you are eating, there the two of us are also eating. 35. All of you are entering school. 36. There all of you see the teacher. 37. You bow down to the teacher. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 50/76 38. I also see the teacher. 39. Now, I am also bowing to the teacher. 40. When I bow to the teacher, then you also bow to the teacher. 41. When are you going to school? 42. When I see the sun, I go to school. 43. When I see the moon, I go home. 44. The two of us are entering the house. 45. The two of us see the father and the son. 46. They are reading a book. 47. The two wise men are also reading two books. 48. The two of us ask the two wise men a question. 49. All of us are remembering the good men. 50. All of us are smelling flowers. 51. All of us are playing now and all of you are studying there. Answers in 10 B. ******************* Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 51/76 Lesson 10 B. Answers to Lesson 10 A. 1. The thief goes to a house. þø£: Šþ¼−¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 2. He sees wealth. ¬þ: šþ›þ¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 3. He touches the wealth. ¬þ: šþ›þ¿ ¬œþ¼ªþ¹·þ | 4. He desires the wealth. ¬þ: šþ›þŸþà ƒŽ¹·þ | 5. He steals the wealth. ¬þ: šþ›þ¿ −£¹·þ | 6. The king sees the thief. ›þ¼œþ: þø£¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 7. When the thief sees the king, then he runs. ¡þ¸þ þø£: ›þ¼œþ¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ ·þ¸þ ¬þ: šþþ¨þ¹·þ| 8. The king also runs. ›þ¼œþ: ‚¹œþ šþþ¨þ¹·þ| 9. He protects the wealth. ¬þ: šþ›þ¿ £âþ¹·þ| 10. The two sons go the garden. œé°þù „Ôþþ›þ¿ ŠþŽ·þ: | 11. They see trees, flower, fruits and leaves. ·þù ¨þ¼âþþ›þà ,œé«œþþ¹µþ , ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ, œþ°þþ¹µþ þ œþª¡þ·þ: | 12. They touch the trees, flowers, fruits and leaves. ·þù ¨þ¼âþþ›þà ,œé«œþþ¹µþ , ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ, œþ°þþ¹µþ þ ¬œþ¼ªþ·þ: | 13. They want the fruits. ·þù ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ ƒŽ·þ: | 14. They eat the fruits there. ·þù ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ ·þ°þ ‰þþ¸·þ: | 15. Many boys are playing. þþ¥þˆÅþ: ÇÅúÛ¹›·þ | 16. They run. ·ø šþþ¨þ¹›·þ | 17. They laugh. ·ø −¬þ¹›·þ | 18. They do not see the tree. ·ø ¨þ¼âþ¿ ›þ œþª¡þ¹›·þ | 19. They fall. ·ø œþ·þ¹›·þ | 20. The father and the son are remembering the good man. þ›þˆÅ: œé°þ: þ ¬þþ›þ¿ ¬Ÿþ£·þ: | 21. They cook. ·þù œþþ·þ: | 22. The good man enters the house. ¬þþ›þ: Šþ¼−¿ ¹¨þªþ¹·þ | 23. He eats a meal. ¬þ: žþøþ›þ¿ ‰þþ¸¹·þ | 24. He takes away food. ¬þ: žþøþ›þ¿ ›þ¡þ¹·þ | 25. The good man speaks the truth. ¬þþ›þ: ¬þ·¡þ¿ ¨þ¸¹·þ| 26. You too speak the truth. ·¨þŸþà ‚¹œþ ¬þ·¡þ¿ ¨þ¸¹¬þ | 27. You are a good man. ·¨þ¿ ¬þþ›þ:| 28. I am a bad man. ‚−¿ ¸ºþÄ›þ: | 29. I do not speak the truth. ‚−¿ ¬þ·¡þ¿ ›þ ¨þ¸þ¹Ÿþ | Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 52/76 30. I trouble the father and the good man.‚−¿ þ›þˆ¿Å ¬þþ›þ¿ þ ·é¸þ¹Ÿþ | 31. The two of you are always playing. ¡é¨þþ¿ ¬þ¨þĸþ ÇÅúÛ˜þ: | 32. Now the two of you are studying.‚šé›þþ ¡é¨þþ¿ œþÚ˜þ:| 33. Where are the two of you eating? ¡é¨þþ¿ ˆºÅ°þ ‰þþ¸˜þ: ? 34. Where( ¡þ°þ ) the two of you are eating, there the two of us are also eating. ¡þ°þ ¡é¨þþ¿ ‰þþ¸˜þ: ·þ°þ ‚þ¨þþŸþà ‚¹œþ ‰þþ¸þ¨þ: | 35. All of you are entering school. ¡ê¡þ¿ ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ¹¨þªþ˜þ | 36. There all of you see the teacher. ·þ°þ ¡ê¡þŸþà ‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å œþª¡þ˜þ | 37. You bow down to the teacher. ·¨þŸþà ‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å ›þŸþ¹¬þ | 38. I also see the teacher. ‚−Ÿþà ‚¹œþ ‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ | 39. Now, I am also bowing to the teacher. ƒ¸þ›þúŸþà ‚−Ÿþà ‚¹œþ ‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å ›þŸþþ¹Ÿþ | 40. When I bow to the teacher, then you also bow to the teacher. ¡þ¸þ ‚−Ÿþà ‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å ›þŸþþ¹Ÿþ ·þ¸þ ·¨þŸþà ‚¹œþ ‚š¡þþœþˆ¿Å ›þŸþ¹¬þ| 41. When are you going to school? ·¨þ¿ ˆÅ¸þ ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ŠþŽ¹¬þ? 42. When I see the sun, I go to school. ¡þ¸þ ‚−¿ ¬ê¡þô œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ ·þ¸þ ‚−¿ ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ | 43. When I see the moon, I go home. ¡þ¸þ ‚−¿ þ›Í¿ œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ ·þ¸þ ‚−¿ Šþ¼−¿ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ | 44. The two of us are entering the house. ‚þ¨þþ¿ Šþ¼−¿ ¹¨þªþþ¨þ: | 45. The two of us see the father and the son. ‚þ¨þþ¿ þ›þˆ¿Å œé°þ¿ þ œþª¡þþ¨þ: | 46. They are reading a book. ·þù œé¬·þˆ¿Å œþÚ·þ: | 47. The two wise men are also reading two books. œþ¹µÛ·þù ‚¹œþ œé¬·þˆ½Å œþÚ·þ: | 48. The two of us ask the two wise men a question. ‚þ¨þþ¿ œþ¹µÛ·þù œÏª›þ¿ œþ¼Žþ¨þ: | 49. All of us are remembering the good men. ¨þ¡þ¿ ¬þþ›þþ›þà ¬Ÿþ£þŸþ: | 50. All of us are smelling flowers. ¨þ¡þ¿ œé«œþþ¹µþ ¹þ‹ÏþŸþ: | 51. All of us are playing now and all of you are studying there. ‚šé›þþ ¨þ¡þ¿ ÇÅúÛþŸþ: ¡ê¡þ¿ ·þ°þ œþÚ˜þ þ | Sample sentences like these are helpful in two ways. You are able to test yourselves for one and they also give you a fair idea on how Sanskrit is spoken. You will NOT set your paper and pencil aside if mistakes have been shall remember that you are just beginning and mistakes are but stepping stones to success. I need your feedback on this. It will help me plan the pace of the lessons. Should I go slower, faster, do you need more exercises ? Your feedback will be genuine contribution to making this project a success. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 53/76 Lesson 11. To be or not to be, that is the question. My life as a teacher is a particularly fulfilling one. Fortunately for me, i am not restricted by a narrow-minded, structured syllabus. i am free from the constraints of a dictatorial Educational Board. i have the liberty and the discretion to decide when to introduce a new concept depending on the brilliance of my students. Going by the responses that i have received, i think i've real intelligent ones. And so i think it is time to introduce you to some mavericks in the Sanskrit verb world. Their independence is not difficult to fathom. How in the world does one stand out like a neon light if one is not different?! But these verbs are important. (You'd think that that reason would be more than sufficient to not feel the need to covet more attention! Those greedy fame seeking things.) And so we'll look in on them, one at a time, whenever the need arises. Today's maverick is the verb ‚¬þà ( ‚¹¬·þ to be) ‚¬þà ( ‚¹¬·þ to be) present tense ¥þÙà ¥þˆÅþ£| œé²«þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ œÏ0 ‚¹¬·þ ¬·þ: ¬þ¹›·þ Ÿþ0 ‚¹¬þ ¬˜þ: ¬˜þ „0 ‚¹¬Ÿþ ¬¨þ: ¬Ÿþ: You'll recognize the verb forms quite easily. Last week's subhashita had the verb ‚¹¬·þ in it. Our Mahavakyas ... ·þ·þà ·¨þŸþà ‚¹¬þ | ‚−¿ Ï¯þþ¹¬Ÿþ...have made us pretty familiar with the ‚¬þà šþþ·é | Now a few sentences to see how they can be used in regular conversation. ‚−Ÿþà ‚¹¬Ÿþ | I am . ‚−¿ ›þ¼œþ: ‚¹¬Ÿþ | I am a king ( high hopes) More all parents are... ‚−¿ ¬ê¸: (cook) £þˆÅ: (washerman) ‚š¡þþœþˆÅ: ( teacher) ¨ùÔþ: ( doctor ) þ ‚¹¬Ÿþ | ·¨þŸþà ‚¹œþ ¬ê¸: £þˆÅ: ‚š¡þþœþˆÅ: ¨ùÔþ: þ ‚¹¬þ ¹ˆÅŸþà ? ·¨þŸþà ‚¹¬þ | You are. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 54/76 A Žþ°þ: is a student. ‚þ¨þþ¿ Žþ°þù ¬¨þ: | ¡é¨þþ¿ Žþ°þù ¬˜þ: | ·þù Žþ°þù ¬·þ:| ¨þ¡þ¿ Žþ°þþ: ¬Ÿþ:| ¬þ¹þ›þ: Žþ°þ: ‚¹¬·þ | ·þ°þ Žþ°þþ: ¬þ¹›·þ | ·ø Žþ°þþ: ¬þ¹›·þ | ·¨þ¿ Žþ°þ: ‚¹¬þ | ¡ê¡þ¿ Žþ°þþ: ¬˜þ| Clear? ¨þ¼âþ: ‚¹¬·þ | One tree is . ¨þ¼âþù ¬·þ: | Two trees are. ¨þ¼âþþ: ¬þ¹›·þ | Many trees are. ¨þ¼âþ: ‚°þ ‚¹¬·þ | One tree is here. ¨þ¼âþù ·þ°þ ¬·þ:| Two trees are there. ¨þ¼âþþ: ¬þ¨þÄ°þ ¬þ¹›·þ | Trees are everywhere. (Except where they have been felled to promote industries , which results in soil erosion...) Anyone been watching Atom Ant on Cartoon network lately ?He is one strong ant who is capable of doing superhuman things. He is introduced with the jingle.. He's here, he's there, he's everywhere. ¬þ: ‚°þ ‚¹¬·þ ¬þ: ·þ°þ ‚¹¬·þ ¬þ: ¬þ¨þÄ°þ ‚¹¬·þ ! £þŸþ: ˆºÅ°þ ‚¹¬·þ ? £þŸþ: ‚°þ ›þ ‚¹¬·þ | £þŸþ: ‚°þ ›þþ¹¬·þ | £þŸþ: ‚›¡þ°þ ‚¹¬·þ | ¨þþ¡é: ¬þ¨þÄ°þ ‚¹¬·þ | ¸½¨þ: ¬þ¨þÄ°þ ‚¹¬·þ | ‚−¿ ¬þ¨þÄ°þ ›þ ‚¹¬Ÿþ | ‚−¿ ¬þ¨þÄ°þ ›þþ¹¬Ÿþ | That seemed fairly simple, did it not? So how about an absolutely new concept? New Concept Certain ‚¨¡þ¡þ s are used with only certain ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ s and not with others. As we wend our way through the ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ s , i'll introduce you to each special ‚¨¡þ¡þ -¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ combination. Exercises that follow will help the memorizing process. Over to exercises in 11 A. dealing with today's lesson. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 55/76 Lesson 11 A. Exercises to complement Lesson 11. Note: The ‚¨¡þ¡þ s listed below are to be used ONLY with the ¹×·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ | Example sentences have been done for you. Nouns/ Pronouns Verbs Avyayas for the ¹×·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ | ‚š¡þâþ a president superintendent M þú¨þà ( þú¨þ¹·þ ) to live. ‚¹žþ·þ:/œþ¹£·þ:/¬þ¨þÄ·þ: on all four sides Ÿþþ¥þþˆÅþ£ gardener M ·þ¼ ( ·þ£¹·þ) to swim „žþ¡þ·þ: on both sides. ‰þŠþ bird M œÏ¹·þ towards ‚þˆÅþªþ space/ sky M ¹¨þ›þþ without. ¡þþþˆÅ a beggar M šþ¹›þˆÅ a rich man M žþÆ·þ a devotee M ¸½¨þ The Lord/ God. M Ÿþ·¬¡þ fish M ˆ»ÅŸþÄ tortoise M ¨þþ›þ£ monkey M ‚››þ food N Ÿþ¹›¸£ temple N ˆÅþ¡þþÄ¥þ¡þ place of work N ¹¨þ›þþ (without.) is used with the fifth and the third vibhakti as well. Example sentences follow. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 56/76 ˆ½Åªþ¨þ: ‚š¡þâþ: ‚¹¬·þ | Keshava is a superintendent. ¬þ: ˆÅþ¡þþÄ¥þ¡þ¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | He goes to the workplace. ˆÅþ¡þþÄ¥þ¡þŸþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/œþ¹£·þ:/¬þ¨þÄ·þ: ›þ£þ: ¬þ¹›·þ | There are men all around the workplace. ‚−¿ ¸½¨þ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ ›þ þú¨þþ¹Ÿþ | I cannot live without God. šþ¹›þˆ Ÿþà „žþ¡þ·þ: ¡þþþˆÅþ: ¬þ¹›·þ | There are beggars on both sides of the rich man. A) Translate. 1. Madhava is a gardener. 2. He goes to the garden. 3. There are trees all around the garden. 4. There are flowers and fruits all around the garden too. 5. Madhava goes towards the house. 6. There are trees on either side of the house. 7. Damodara is a student. 8. He is going towards the school. 9. There are boys on all sides of the school. 10. There are teachers on all sides of the school. 11. He looks at the teachers and the students. 12. Mallapur is a village. 13. There are two gardens on either side of Mallapur. 14. There are trees , flowers and men on all sides of Mallapur. 15. I see the beggar. 16. A beggar is there. 17. He desires wealth. 18. I am going towards the beggar. 19. Two bad men are walking towards the two good men. 20. The two bad men trouble the two good men. 21. Suresh is a devotee. 22. He goes to the temple. 23. The temple has gardens on all four sides. 24. The temple has water on both sides. 25. Suresh enters the water. 26. He swims. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 57/76 27. Suresh enters the temple. 28. He walks towards the Lord. 29. He does namaskaar to the Lord. 30. There is water on both sides of the house. 31. There are trees on all four sides of the house. 32. The fishes and the tortoises cannot live without the water. 33. The birds cannot live without the sky and the trees. 34. I cannot live without food and water. 35. You are a devotee. 36. You cannot live without God. 37. The two of you are rich men. 38. The two of you cannot live without wealth. B)Choose the correct word from the brackets • -------- ( £þŸþ: , £þŸþþ:, £þŸþ¿ ) ¹¨þ›þþ ¥þâŸþµþ: ›þ ---------(þú¨þ¹·þ , þú¨þþ¹Ÿþ, þú¨þ˜þ:)| • ------- (Ÿþ−½ªþþ›þà , Ÿþ−½ªþ:, Ÿþ−½ªþ¿, ) ----------( ¨þ¼âþþ›þà ¨þ¼âþþ:) œþª¡þ¹·þ | • ------- (¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þþ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þŸþà ) œþ¹£·þ:------- (¨þ¼âþ¿ ¨þ¼âþù ¨þ¼âþ:) ¬·þ:| C) Correct these sentences.(Clue: Pick the verb first and then the subject) £þŸþþ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ: ŠþŽ¹·þ| ¨þþ›þ£¿ ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ ‰þþ¸¹·þ | ˆ¼Å«µþ: „žþ¡þ·þ: žþÆ·þ: ¬þ¹›·þ | þ¥þ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ Ÿþ·¬¡þþ›þà ·þ£¹›·þ | ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ: œÏ¹·þ ‚−¿ ŠþŽþ¨þ: | „Ôþþ›þ: ‚¹žþ·þ: ¨þ¼âþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| D) Identify the šþþ·é and its œÏ˜þŸþ œé²«þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ verb form for each of the following. One has been done for you. Read = œþÚà ( œþÚ¹·þ) Write, Speak, Eat, Go, Be, Walk, Namaskaar, Want. Touch. ************* Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 58/76 Lesson 11 B. Answers to Lesson 11 A. Translated. 1. Madhava is a gardener. Ÿþþšþ¨þ: Ÿþþ¥þþˆÅþ£: ‚¹¬·þ | 2. He goes to the garden. ¬þ: „Ôþþ›þ¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 3. There are trees all around the garden. „Ôþþ›þŸþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/ œþ¹£·þ:/ ¬þ¨þÄ·þ: ¨þ¼âþþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| 4. There are flowers and fruits all around the garden too. „Ôþþ›þŸþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/ œþ¹£·þ:/ ¬þ¨þÄ·þ: œé«œþþ¹µþ ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ ‚¹œþ ¬þ¹›·þ | 5. Madhava goes towards the house. Ÿþþšþ¨þ: Šþ¼ −¿ œÏ¹·þ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 6. There are trees on either side of the house. Šþ¼−Ÿþà „žþ¡þ·þ: ¨þ¼âþþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| 7. Damodara is a student. ¸þŸþø¸£: ¹ªþ«¡þ:/ Žþ°þ: ‚¹¬·þ | 8. He is going towards the school. ¬þ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ œÏ¹·þ ŠþŽ¹·þ| 9. There are boys on all sides of the school. ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þŸþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/ œþ¹£·þ: / ¬þ¨þÄ·þ: þþ¥þˆÅþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| 10. There are teachers on all sides of the school. ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þŸþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/ œþ¹£·þ:/¬þ¨þÄ·þ: ‚š¡þþœþˆÅþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| 11. He looks at the teachers and the students. ¬þ: ‚š¡þþœþˆÅþ›þà Žþ°þþ›þà þ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 12. Mallapur is a village. Ÿþ¥¥þþœé£: ŠÏþŸþ: ‚¹¬·þ | 13. There are two gardens on either side of Mallapur. Ÿþ¥¥þþœé£Ÿþà „žþ¡þ·þ: „Ôþþ›ø ¬·þ:| 14. There are trees , flowers and men on all sides of Mallapur. Ÿþ¥¥þþœé£Ÿþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/ œþ¹£·þ:/¬þ¨þÄ·þ: ¨þ¼âþþ: œé«œþþ¹µþ ›þ£þ: þ ¬þ¹›·þ| 15. I see the beggar. ‚−¿ ¡þþþˆ¿Å œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ | 16. A beggar is there. ¡þþþˆÅ: ·þ°þ ‚¹¬·þ| 17. He desires wealth. ¬þ: šþ›þŸþà ƒŽ¹·þ| 18. I am going towards the beggar. ‚−¿ ¡þþþˆ¿Å œÏ¹·þ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ | 19. Two bad men are walking towards the two good men. ¸ºþÄ›þù ¬þþ›þù œÏ¹·þ ŠþŽ·þ: | 20. The two bad men trouble the two good men. ¸ºþÄ›þù ¬þþ›þù ·é¸·þ: | 21. Suresh is a devotee. ¬é£½ªþ: žþÆ·þ: ‚¹¬·þ| 22. He goes to the temple. ¬þ: Ÿþ¹›¸£¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ| 23. The temple has gardens on all four sides. Ÿþ¹›¸£Ÿþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/ œþ¹£·þ:/¬þ¨þÄ·þ: „Ôþþ›þþ¹›þ ¬þ¹›·þ| 24. The temple has water on both sides. Ÿþ¹›¸£Ÿþà „žþ¡þ·þ: þ¥þŸþà ‚¹¬·þ | 25. Suresh enters the water. ¬é£½ªþ: þ¥þ¿ ¹¨þªþ¹·þ | 26. He swims. ¬þ: ·þ£¹·þ | Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 59/76 27. Suresh enters the temple. ¬é£½ªþ: Ÿþ¹›¸£¿ ¹¨þªþ¹·þ| 28. He walks towards the Lord. ¬þ: ¸½¨þ¿ œÏ¹·þ ŠþŽ¹·þ| 29. He does namaskaar to the Lord. ¬þ: ¸½¨þ¿ ›þŸþ¹·þ| 30. There is water on both sides of the house. Šþ¼−Ÿþà „žþ¡þ·þ: þ¥þŸþà ‚¹¬·þ | 31. There are trees on all four sides of the house. Šþ¼−Ÿþà ‚¹žþ·þ:/ œþ¹£·þ:/¬þ¨þÄ·þ: ¨þ¼âþþ: ¬þ¹›·þ | 32. The fishes and the tortoises cannot live without the water. Ÿþ·¬¡þþ: ˆ»ÅŸþþÄ: þ þ¥þ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ ›þ þú¨þ¹›·þ | 33. The birds cannot live without the sky and the trees. ‰þŠþþ: ‚þˆÅþªþ¿ ¨þ¼âþþ›þà þ ¹¨þ›þþ ›þ þú¨þ¹›·þ | 34. I cannot live without food and water. ‚−Ÿþà ‚››þ¿ þ¥þ¿ þ ¹¨þ›þþ ›þ þú¨þþ¹Ÿþ | 35. You are a devotee. ·¨þ¿ žþÆ·þ: ‚¹¬þ | 36. You cannot live without God. ·¨þ¿ ¸½¨þ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ ›þ þú¨þ¹¬þ | 37. The two of you are rich men. ¡é¨þþ¿ šþ¹›þˆÅù ¬˜þ:| 38. The two of you cannot live without wealth. ¡é¨þþ¿ šþ›þ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ ›þ þú¨þ˜þ: | B)Correct word chosen from the brackets • £þŸþ¿ ( £þŸþ: , £þŸþþ:, £þŸþ¿ ) ¹¨þ›þþ ¥þâŸþµþ: ›þ þú¨þ¹·þ (þú¨þ¹·þ , þú¨þþ¹Ÿþ, þú¨þ˜þ:)| • Ÿþ−½ªþ: (Ÿþ−½ªþþ›þà , Ÿþ−½ªþ:, Ÿþ−½ªþ¿, ) ¨þ¼âþþ›þà ( ¨þ¼âþþ›þà ¨þ¼âþþ:) œþª¡þ¹·þ | • ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ (¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þþ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þŸþà ) œþ¹£·þ: ¨þ¼âþù (¨þ¼âþ¿ ¨þ¼âþù ¨þ¼âþ:) ¬·þ:| Note the correct form of ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ anuswar to match consonant after it. C) Corrected sentences.( The verb picked first and then the subject) £þŸþþ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ: ŠþŽ¹·þ| £þŸþ: ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ| ¨þþ›þ£¿ ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ ‰þþ¸¹·þ | ¨þþ›þ£: ûÅ¥þþ¹›þ ‰þþ¸¹·þ| ˆ¼Å«µþ: „žþ¡þ·þ: žþÆ·þ: ¬þ¹›·þ | ˆ¼Å«µþŸþà „žþ¡þ·þ: žþÆ·þþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| þ¥þ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ Ÿþ·¬¡þþ›þà ·þ£¹›·þ | þ¥þ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ Ÿþ·¬¡þþ: ›þ ·þ£¹›·þ | Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 60/76 ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ: œÏ¹·þ ‚−¿ ŠþŽþ¨þ: | ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ œÏ¹·þ ‚þ¨þþ¿ ŠþŽþ¨þ: | „Ôþþ›þ: ‚¹žþ·þ: ¨þ¼âþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| „Ôþþ›þŸþà ‚¹žþ·þ: ¨þ¼âþþ: ¬þ¹›·þ| D) Identify the šþþ·é and its œÏ˜þŸþœé²«þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ verb form for each of the following. Read = œþÚà ( œþÚ¹·þ) Write = ¹¥þ‰þà ( ¹¥þ‰þ¹·þ ) Speak = ¨þ¸Ã ( ¨þ¸¹·þ ) Eat = ‰þþ¸Ã ( ‰þþ¸¹·þ ) Go = ŠþŸþà ( ŠþŽ¹·þ ) Be = ‚¬þà ( ‚¹¬·þ ) Walk= þ¥þà ( þ¥þ¹·þ ) Namaskaar = ›þŸþà ( ›þŸþ¹·þ ) Want = ƒ«þà ( ƒŽ¹·þ) Touch= ¬œþ¼ªþà ( ¬œþ¼ªþ¹·þ ) ************** Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 61/76 Lesson 12. Mala makes her entry. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Mala. Ram's been on the website for some time now and Vana has already made its presence felt. Time now that Mala be shown how much we have been waiting for her to arrive. Mala ‚þˆÅþ£þ›·þ ¬°þú0 is the standard word we use to decline‚þˆÅþ£þ›·þ ¬°þú0 words. âþŸþþ forgiveness, ¥þþþ shame, þþ¹¥þˆÅþ girl, ˆÅ›¡þþ girl, ›þþ¹¬þˆÅþ nose, ¹ªþ¥þþ stone, ªþþ¹ÙˆÅþ sari are examples of ‚þˆÅþ£þ›·þ ¬°þú0 words. Interesting Fact: There are no ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ ¬°þú0 words in Sanskrit. So how would one decline Jasminder of the 'Bend it like Beckham' fame? Or for that matter lovely modern feminine names like Shireen, Suman, Sonal, Charlotte, Posh, Venus or Neelam ? Ah! But don't we have solutions to every problem!! If you want to be grammatically correct, simply add the word 'Ÿþ−ø¸¡þþ Madam ' to the ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ name if the lady you desire to speak about is a grown-up, or the word ' ˆÅ›¡þþ/ þþ¹¥þˆÅþ girl' if it's a little lady that you are referring to. These words convert the ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ name into an‚þˆÅþ£þ›·þ one and are now ready to be declined like Ÿþþ¥þþ | Simple. Rules remain the same...œÏ0¹¨þ0 subject, ¹×0¹¨þ0 object. Ÿþþ¥þþ ( name of a girl/ a garland)‚þˆÅþ£þ›·þ ¬°þú0 ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ œÏ0 Ÿþþ¥þþ Ÿþþ¥ø Ÿþþ¥þþ: ¹×0 Ÿþþ¥þþŸþà Ÿþþ¥ø Ÿþþ¥þþ: So shall we move onto our exercises In lesson 12 A? Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 62/76 Lesson 12 A. Exercising with Jane-FondA! Nouns/ Pronouns Verbs General Avyayas. þþ¹¥þˆÅþ girl ˆÅ›¡þþ girl „œþ + ¹¨þªþà („œþ¹¨þªþ¹·þ ) to sit. ƒ·þ: from here œþþÚªþþ¥þþ school ‚þþ she goat ¬þ¸Ã (¬þú¸¹·þ ) to sit ·þ·þ: from there ¬þþ She þ›þ person M ¬˜þþ (¹·þ«Ú¹·þ ) stand/wait ¡þ·þ: from whence ¹þ°þœþÙŠþ¼− cinema N „œþþ−þ£Šþ¼− restaurant/ eatery N ‚þ + ŠþŸþà (‚þŠþŽ¹·þ ) come. ˆºÅ·þ: from where? ¹¨þÔþþ knowledge £þà (£þ¡þ¹·þ )to make. ƒ¹·þ Thus / so ¥þ·þþ creeper/ name of a girl. ›þ¼·þà ( ›þ¼·¡þ¹·þ ) to dance œþ£›·é / ¹ˆÅ›·é but ÇÅúÛþ game/play ‚š¡þþ¹œþˆÅþ teacher (Of course a woman!) ¹þ›·þà ( ¹þ›·þ¡þ¹·þ ) to think Be one of those ideal students and revise all the previous lessons, won't you? It's absolutely necessary if you want to do today's exercise without tripping up. i'd rather you don't think me a monster. A) Translate. 1. I am studying. 2. Sarika and Ganesh are also studying. 3. We look at the books. 4. We think, "Where does knowledge come from?" 5. Sarika says, "Knowledge comes from here! " ...thus. 6. We all laugh. 7. Anubhav is walking towards the temple. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 63/76 8. He sees a she goat. 9. The she goat is eating leaves. 10. She looks at the people around the temple. 11. She waits there. 12. Mala walks towards the she goat. 13. She touches the she goat. 14. The she goat and Mala sit on both sides of the temple. 15. Where does the girl come from? 16. The girl comes from there. 17. From whence the girl comes, from there the boy also comes. (I realize the sentence sounds ludicrous, so how about a Hindi translation? þ−Ü ¬ø ¥þÛˆÅú ‚þ·þú −¾, ¨þ−Ü ¬ø ¥þÛˆÅþ žþú ‚þ·þþ −¾ ) 18. The boy and the girl go to the garden. 19. The girl falls. 20. She sits down. 21. The boy also sits down. 22. The boy speaks but the girl does not speak. 23. The gardener is looking at the garden. 24. He touches the flowers. 25. He makes a garland. 26. He makes two garlands. 27. Now he makes many garlands. 28. The two girls are dancing. 29. Lata is dancing . 30. Sharda is waiting and looking at Lata. 31. Now Sharda is dancing. 32. But Lata is not looking at Sharada. 33. She is looking at the sky. 34. Radha wants food. 35. She wants water too. 36. She goes to the restaurant. 37. She sees two birds there. 38. They are eating a meal too. 39. Radha now does not wait there. 40. She goes home. 41. There she eats food and drinks water. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 64/76 42. There are creepers all around the garden. 43. I see the creepers. 44. Mala says ," You see the creepers. But I see the flowers too" 45. Then we both see the creepers and flowers. B) Form the complete verb tables in the present tense for all the verbs in today's lesson. C) Revise all the verbs and the avyayas in the lessons done so far. Quite a bit of homework! ****************** Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 65/76 Lesson 12 B) Answers to Lesson 12 A) 1. I am studying. ‚−¿ œþÚþ¹Ÿþ | 2. Sarika and Ganesh are also studying. ¬þþ¹£ˆÅþ Šþµøªþ: ‚¹œþ œþÚ·þ: | 3. We look at the books. ¨þ¡þ¿ œé¬·þˆÅþ¹›þ œþª¡þþŸþ: | 4. We think, "Where does knowledge come from?" ¨þ¡þ¿ ¹þ›·þ¡þþŸþ:," ¹¨þÔþþ ˆºÅ·þ: ‚þŠþŽ¹·þ?" 5. Sarika says, "Knowledge comes from here! " ...thus. ¬þþ¹£ˆÅþ ¨þ¸¹·þ ," ¹¨þÔþþ ƒ·þ: ‚þŠþŽ¹·þ ," ƒ¹·þ | 6. We all laugh. ¨þ¡þ¿ −¬þþŸþ: | 7. Anubhav is walking towards the temple. ‚›éžþ¨þ: Ÿþ¹›¸£¿ œÏ¹·þ ŠþŽ¹·þ| 8. He sees a goat. ¬þ: ‚þþ¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 9. The goat is eating leaves. ‚þþ œþ°þþ¹µþ ‰þþ¸¹·þ | 10. She looks at the people around the temple. ¬þþ Ÿþ¹›¸£Ÿþà ‚¹žþ·þ: þ›þþ›þà œþª¡þ¹·þ | 11. She waits there. ¬þþ ·þ°þ ¹·þ«Ú¹·þ | 12. Mala walks towards the goat. Ÿþþ¥þþ ‚þþ¿ œÏ¹·þ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 13. She touches the goat. ¬þþ ‚þþ¿ ¬œþ¼ªþ¹·þ | 14. The goat and Mala sit on both sides of the temple. ‚þþ Ÿþþ¥þþ þ Ÿþ¹›¸£Ÿþà „žþ¡þ·þ: „œþ¹¨þªþ·þ: / ¬þú¸·þ: | 15. Where does the girl come from? þþ¹¥þˆÅþ / ˆÅ›¡þþ ˆºÅ·þ: ‚þŠþŽ¹·þ ? 16. The girl comes from there. þþ¹¥þˆÅþ ·þ·þ: ‚þŠþŽ¹·þ| 17. From whence the girl comes, from there the boy also comes. ¡þ·þ: þþ¹¥þˆÅþ ‚þŠþŽ¹·þ, ·þ·þ: þþ¥þˆÅ: ‚¹œþ ‚þŠþŽ¹·þ | 18. The boy and the girl go to the garden. þþ¥þˆÅ: þþ¹¥þˆÅþ þ „Ôþþ›þ¿ ŠþŽ·þ:| 19. The girl falls. þþ¹¥þˆÅþ œþ·þ¹·þ| 20. She sits down. ¬þþ „œþ¹¨þªþ¹·þ / ¬þú¸¹·þ | 21. The boy also sits down. þþ¥þˆÅ: ‚¹œþ ¬þú¸¹·þ | 22. The boy speaks but the girl does not speak. þþ¥þˆÅ: ¨þ¸¹·þ œþ£›·é þþ¹¥þˆÅþ ›þ ¨þ¸¹·þ| 23. The gardener is looking at the garden. Ÿþþ¥þþˆÅþ£: „Ôþþ›þ¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 24. He touches the flowers. ¬þ: œé«œþþ¹µþ ¬œþ¼ªþ¹·þ | 25. He makes a garland. ¬þ: Ÿþþ¥þþ¿ £þ¡þ¹·þ | 26. He makes two garlands. ¬þ: Ÿþþ¥ø £þ¡þ¹·þ | 27. Now he makes many garlands. ‚šé›þþ ¬þ: Ÿþþ¥þþ: £þ¡þ¹·þ | 28. The two girls are dancing. ˆÅ›¡ø ›þ¼·¡þ·þ: | Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 66/76 29. Lata is dancing . ¥þ·þþ ›þ¼·¡þ¹·þ | 30. Sharda is waiting and looking at Lata. ªþþ£¸þ ¹·þ«Ú¹·þ ¥þ·þþ¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ þ | 31. Now Sharda is dancing. ƒ¸þ›þì ªþþ£¸þ ›þ¼·¡þ¹·þ | 32. But Lata is not looking at Sharada. ¹ˆÅ›·é ¥þ·þþ ªþþ£¸þ¿ ›þ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 33. She is looking at the sky. ¬þþ ‚þˆÅþªþ¿ œþª¡þ¹·þ | 34. Radha wants food. £þšþþ žþøþ›þŸþà ƒŽ¹·þ | 35. She wants water too. ¬þþ þ¥þŸþà ‚¹œþ ƒŽ¹·þ| 36. She goes to the restaurant. ¬þþ „œþþ−þ£Šþ¼−¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 37. She sees two birds there. ·þ°þ ¬þþ ‰þŠþù œþª¡þ¹·þ | 38. They are eating a meal too. ·þù ‚¹œþ žþøþ›þ¿ ‰þþ¸·þ: | 39. Radha now does not wait there. £þšþþ ‚šé›þþ ·þ°þ ›þ ¹·þ«Ú¹·þ| 40. She goes home. ¬þþ Šþ¼−¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 41. There she eats food and drinks water. ·þ°þ ¬þþ žþøþ›þ¿ ‰þþ¸¹·þ þ¥þ¿ ¹œþþ¹·þ þ| 42. There are creepers all around the garden. „Ôþþ›þ¿ œþ¹£·þ: ¥þ·þþ: ¬þ¹›·þ | 43. I see the creepers. ‚−¿ ¥þ·þþ: œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ | 44. Mala says ," You see the creepers. But I see the flowers too." Ÿþþ¥þþ ¨þ¸¹·þ ," ·¨þ¿ ¥þ·þþ: œþª¡þ¹¬þ | œþ£›·é ‚−¿ œé«œþþ¹µþ ‚¹œþ œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ |" 45. Then we both see the creepers and flowers. ·þ¸þ ‚þ¨þþ¿ ¥þ·þþ: œé«œþþ¹µþ þ œþª¡þþ¨þ: | You will not require answers for B), and C) . You shouldn't have a problem with those. Till next week! **************** Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 67/76 Lesson 13. Welcome Trutiya! ‚−¿ Ÿþø¸ˆ¿Å ‰þþ¸þ¹Ÿþ | Great. With what do i eat that delicious, mouthwatering, modak that has the ability to help me put on an extra kilo in a single bite? With my mouth. Ÿé‰þ½›þ | ‚−¿ Ÿé‰ø›þ Ÿþø¸ˆ¿Å ‰þþ¸þ¹Ÿþ | ‚−¿ Ÿé‰ø›þ ¨þ¸þ¹Ÿþ | ‚−¿ Ÿé‰ø›þ ‰þþ¸þ¹Ÿþ ¨þ¸þ¹Ÿþ þ | i eat and speak with my mouth. ‚−¿ −¬·ø›þ ¹¥þ‰þþ¹Ÿþ ‚þ¹¥þ‰þþ¹Ÿþ ‰þþ¸þ¹Ÿþ þ | i write, draw and eat with my hand. It's time that the ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ be placed Before us now that we are faced With sentences that need to explain with what part of my anatomy i hold that oversized pot. −¬·ø›þ you say. i don't agree. That pot is just too heavy for me. −¬·þþž¡þþŸþà is the word i seek At the vibhakti table, let's take a peek. Plurals dear, you shall fret not. Just two hands, are all i've got. But i have fingers and i have toes. There's much that i can do with those. With arrows i fight, with friends i play. Let's learn the ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ today. First the vibhakti table for quick reference.. £þŸþ ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ œé¿0 ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ ·þ¼·þú¡þþ by, with £þŸøµþ £þŸþþž¡þþŸþà £þŸþ¾: ¨þ›þ ( forest) ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ ›þœé¿0 ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ ·þ¼·þú¡þþ by, with ¨þ›ø›þ ¨þ›þþž¡þþŸþà ¨þ›ù: Enlightenment! Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 68/76 From the third vibhakti onwards, the ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ œé¿0 and the‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ ›þœé¿0 are rhymed and declined in the same manner! Hallelujah!! Ÿþþ¥þþ ( name of a girl/ a garland)‚þˆÅþ£þ›·þ ¬°þú0 ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ ‡ˆÅ¨þþ›þ ¹×¨þþ›þ þ−º¨þþ›þ ·þ¼·þú¡þþ by, with Ÿþþ¥þ¡þþ Ÿþþ¥þþž¡þþŸþà Ÿþþ¥þþ¹žþ: Back to our newest concept.... ˆÅµþÄ ear, is a œé¿0 word.‚−¿ ˆÅµøÄ›þ ‚þˆÅµþÄ¡þþ¹Ÿþ | Oh dear ! It seems as if only one of my ears has the capacity to hear. Poor me. ‚−¿ ˆÅµþþÄž¡þþ¿ ‚þˆÅµþÄ¡þþ¹Ÿþ | i listen with my two ears. ( what would you say if you were Ravana?! ) The word for eye is ›ø°þ | ›ø°þ is ›þœé¿0| ‚−¿ ›ø°øµþ œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ | It is obvious that i'm winking, unless i am blind in one eye.‚−¿ ›ø°þþž¡þþ¿ œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ There we have it. i see with my two eyes. As for my nose, it is feminine..›þþ¹¬þˆÅþ | ‚−¿ ›þþ¹¬þˆÅ¡þþ ¹þ‹Ïþ¹Ÿþ | £þ¨þµþ: ›þþ¹¬þˆÅþ¹žþ: ¹þ‹Ï¹·þ | Recall of Concept Do you recall the concept introduced in Lesson 10. Neuter words to the rescue? Refer to it first before moving ahead. In the ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ , we have £þŸøµþ , ƒÄæþ£½µþ, ¬ê¡øĵþ, ¹ªþ«¡øµþ etc...BUT ¸½¨ø›þ, þ›þˆ½Å›þ, þþ¥þˆ½Å›þ, ¹ªþ¨ø›þ etc. The exact rule to follow as to when ›þà changes to µþà is a whole lesson by itself. Therefore, for the moment, the rule we follow is "Go by ease of expression." Change the ›þà into µþà in declined words if you can say the declined word without your tongue turning cartwheels. Feel free to make mistakes at this stage. The idea is to understand HOW the trutiya vibhakti is used. Once i teach you the ›þà to µþà rule, then i will expect accuracy in spelling. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 69/76 Are you familiar with the ¹ªþ¨þˆÅ¨þþŸþà ? Towards the end, there are these wonderful examples of the ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ | The verb forms in the prayer, are those forms that show a request or an order and have not yet been introduced to you. But the general meaning is clear. Just concentrate on the ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ forms of the noun shown in blue. The sadhaka asks of the Lord to do the following to his enemies ( pretty aggressively too as suggested by using each verb twice!) ...¹°þªê¥ø›þ ¹¨þ¸þ£¡þ ¹¨þ¸þ£¡þ With the Trishul, tear asunder ˆºÅÚþ£½µþ ¹žþ¹›šþ ¹žþ¹›šþ With the axe, chop/destroy/split ofœgen ¹Ž¹›šþ ¹Ž¹›šþ With the sword cut off/ amputate ‰þÙ¨þþ¼en ¹¨þœþø˜þ¡þ ¹¨þœþø˜þ¡þ ‰þÙ¨þþ¼ M, is the club or staff with a skull on top. It is a weapon that Shiva carries. With the staff, smash (ŸþŸþ œþþœþ¿ ªþøšþ¡þ ªþøšþ¡þ) ( cleanse me of my sins) Ÿé¬þ¥ø›þ ¹›þ«œø«þ¡þ ¹›þ«œø«þ¡þ With the pestle, grind into powder þþµù: ¬þ¿·þþÛ¡þ ¬þ¿·þþÛ¡þ... With arrows, hit i wouldn't be in that enemies' shoes ( or whatever they used in those days) for the world. Please memorize the first three vibhaktis of the three genders . Also do not miss "Supplement 5 " which gives you the entire vibhakti tables for £þŸþ, ¸½¨þ, ¨þ›þ and Ÿþþ¥þþ | Use ¸½¨þ ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ œé¿0 as your standard word for words without £Ã and «þà | Time now for exercises and new words and verbs. Move on to Lesson 13 A. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 70/76 Lesson 13 A . Exercises with the ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ | Nouns Verbs Avyayas for the ·þ¼·þú¡þþ ¹¨þžþ¹Æ·þ | þþµþ arrow M ¨þ¬°þ clothing N é£Ã ( þø£¡þ¹·þ ) steal ¹âþœþà ( ¹âþœþ¹·þ ) throw ¬þ−/ ¬þþšþÄŸþà / ¬þþˆÅŸþà / ¬þŸþŸþà with ¡éÖ battle/war N žþâþà ( žþâþ¡þ¹·þ ) eat ¹¨þ›þþ without žþþ«þµþ speech N ·þÛà (·þþÛ¡þ¹·þ ) beat/hit ¨þ¥ˆÅ¥þ Clothing worn by ascetics made of the bark of trees. M/ N Ÿþ›þø£˜þ Daydream M ‚þ+ˆÅµþÄà (‚þˆÅµþÄ¡þ¹·þ ) hear žÏŸþà ( žÏŸþ¹·þ / žÏþŸ¡þ¹·þ ) to wander or stroll. ¨þ¼Ö old man M šþ¼ ( šþþ£¡þ¹·þ ) wear. ýŸþ hard-work. M šþ¼ ( šþ£¹·þ ) hold −¬·þ hand M œþþ¸ foot/leg M ‚æþ horse M ¸µÛ stick M ›ø°þ eye N ˆÅµþÄ ear M Note: šþ¼ šþþ·é , when conjugated differently, has two different meanings. ¹¨þ›þþ (without) goes with the second, third and the fifth vibhakti. 1. ‚−¿ £þŸøµþ ¬þ− ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ | I go to school with Ram. 2. ‚−¿ £þŸøµþ ¹¨þ›þþ ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ›þ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ| I do not go to school without Ram. Languages are unique...try translate some sentences of one language into another and we land up with preposterous statements. These two sentences are an example. ¬þ− means "with" ...but is used specifically with the trutiya vibhakti when you wish to say "with someone. ( as in a person)" So translated it becomes "with with someone." Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 71/76 Therefore Ÿþþ¥þ¡þþ ¬þ−, ¸½¨ø›þ ¬þ−, £þšþ¡þþ ¬þ−, ¹ªþ«¡øµþ ¬þ− etc. If you say ‚−¿ ˆÅ›¸ºˆ½Å›þ ÇÅúÛþ¹Ÿþ, you mean that you are playing with a ball. If you say ‚−¿ ˆÅ›¸ºˆ½Å›þ ¬þ− ÇÅúÛþ¹Ÿþ, the idea that you convey is you and the ball are pals and the two of you are playing together while you talk and laugh and fight and do whatever kids do when they play. (Hope the difference comes through clearly.) £þŸøµþ ¹¨þ›þþ translated is "with Rama without"...ridiculous in English, but accurate in Sanskrit. Also accurate is £þŸþ¿ ¹¨þ›þþ | 3. £þŸþ: ƒÄæþ£½µþ ¬þ− (¬þþšþÄ¿ ¨þþ ¬þþˆÅ¿ ¨þþ ¬þŸþ¿ ¨þþ )‰ø¥þ¹·þ | Ram is playing with Ishwar.(You can choose any one of the four. i personally prefer ¬þ− | But i keep the rest in mind so that i recognize them when they do crop up in texts.) 4. £þŸþ: ƒÄæþ£: þ ‰þ½¥þ·þ:| Ram and Ishwar are playing. ( Do you see how the two sentences are different? In sentence 2. , since Ram is playing with Ishwar, Ishwar falls into the ·þ¼0¹¨þ0 and Ram becomes the subject...therefore the verb has to be ‰ø¥þ¹·þ | In sentence 3, we have two subjects therefore the verb has to be ‰þ½¥þ·þ:|) A. Translate (Sometimes, the verb is not stated. It has to be inferred.) þþµø›þ ¡éÖ¿ ›þ ·é žþþ«þµø›þ ±þþ›ø›þ ¬þþšé: ›þ ·é ¨þ¥ˆÅ¥ø›þ | £˜ø›þ ¡þþ°þþ ›þ Ÿþ›þø£˜ø›þ ýŸøµþ ¹¨þÔþþ ›þ ·é œé¬·þˆ½Å›þ || ·é means "but". In most cases it is used as a filler to help keep the metre of the poetic line intact. Other such fillers are ¹− , þ , ¨þþ, ¨ù | B. Choose the correct word from those given in the bracket. • Ÿþ−½ªþ: ________ ¹¥þ‰þ¹·þ | ( −¬·þ¿ , −¬·þ: , −¬·ø›þ ) Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 72/76 • þ›þˆÅ:_________( Ÿþø¸ˆ¾Å:, Ÿþø¸ˆÅþ: , Ÿþø¸ˆÅù ) _____( Ÿé‰þþž¡þþ¿ , Ÿé‰ø›þ, Ÿé‰ù: )__________( ‰þþ¸·þ: , ‰þþ¸¹›·þ , ‰þþ¸¹·þ ) | • _____( ¬é£½ªþþž¡þþŸþà , ¬é£½ªþ¿, ¬é£½ªþ: ) _____(œé«œù: , œé«œø, œé«œøµþ ) _____ ( œþª¡þþ¹Ÿþ , œþª¡þ·þ: , œþª¡þ¹·þ )| C. Correct the following sentences. ø·þ›þ¿ ¬þ− ¬þ¹þ›þ¿ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ | ‚−¿ ¹¨þÔþþ¥ù: ŠþŽ¹·þ | ‚æþ: œþþ¸þž¡þþ¿ šþþ¨þ¹·þ | ¬þ: ˆÅ›¸ºˆÅ: ¬þ− ‰ø¥þ¹·þ | D. Translate. 1. There goes the old man. 2. He is walking. 3. He is walking with a stick. 4. You see the old man. 5. You see the old man with one eye. 6. Now you see the old man with two eyes. 7. Here are clothes. 8. I hold the clothes with my hand. 9. I wear the clothes. 10. Amar is a man. 11. He is running. 12. He runs with two legs. 13. He is running towards Ramesh. 14. Now Amar and Ramesh are running towards the garden . 15. The two of you are writing. 16. The two of you are writing with your two hands. 17. Shiv is walking with Geeta, Surekha and Madhav. 18. The teacher is strolling with the student. 19. They see a boy. 20. He is playing with a stick. 21. Shyam is playing with a ball. 22. Raghava is playing with a stick and a ball. 23. The thief is stealing the wealth with his hands. 24. The father is beating the thief with a stick. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 73/76 25. The thief throws the wealth. 26. The thief is running with his legs. 27. The father is also running with his legs . 28. He throws the stick, holds the thief with his hand and beats the thief with his hands. 29. The father holds the wealth and stick with his hands and goes home. Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 74/76 Lesson 13 B. Answers to Lesson 13 A 1. Translated þþµø›þ ¡éÖ¿ ›þ ·é žþþ«þµø›þ ±þþ›ø›þ ¬þþšé: ›þ ·é ¨þ¥ˆÅ¥ø›þ | £˜ø›þ ¡þþ°þþ ›þ Ÿþ›þø£˜ø›þ ýŸøµþ ¹¨þÔþþ ›þ ·é œé¬·þˆ½Å›þ || A war (is fought) with an arrow, not (just by) talking about it. A Sadhu( is considered to be a sadhu) not by the clothes ( he wears) but by the knowledge ( he possesses). With a chariot (does) travel take place, not by daydreaming( about it) With hard work(comes) knowledge not( just) by (possessing)a book. 2. The correct word chosen • Ÿþ−½ªþ: −¬·ø›þ ¹¥þ‰þ¹·þ | • þ›þˆÅ: Ÿþø¸ˆÅù Ÿé‰ø›þ ‰þþ¸¹·þ | • ¬é£½ªþ: œé«œø œþª¡þ¹·þ | 3. Corrected • ø·þ›þ¿ ¬þ− ¬þ¹þ›þ¿ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ | ø·þ›þ½›þ ¬þ− ¬þ¹þ›þ: ŠþŽ¹·þ / ø·þ›ø›þ ¬þ− ‚−¿ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ depending upon whether you picked the verb or the subject first. Both correct. • ‚−¿ ¹¨þÔþþ¥ù: ŠþŽ¹·þ | ‚−¿ ¹¨þÔþþ¥þ¡þ¿ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ | • ‚æþ: œþþ¸þž¡þþ¿ šþþ¨þ¹·þ | ‚æþ: œþþ¸¾: šþþ¨þ¹·þ | • ¬þ: ˆÅ›¸ºˆÅ: ¬þ− ‰ø¥þ¹·þ | ¬þ: ˆÅ›¸ºˆ½Å›þ ‰ø¥þ¹·þ | 4. Translated. 1. There goes the old man. ¨þ¼Ö: ·þ°þ ŠþŽ¹·þ | 2. He is walking. ¬þ: þ¥þ¹·þ | 3. He is walking with a stick. ¬þ: ¸µÛ½›þ þ¥þ¹·þ | 4. You see the old man. ·¨þ¿ ¨þ¼Ö¿ œþª¡þ¹¬þ | 5. You see the old man with one eye. ·¨þ¿ ›ø°øµþ ¨þ¼Ö¿ œþª¡þ¹¬þ | 6. Now you see the old man with two eyes .‚šé›þþ ·¨þ¿ ›ø°þþž¡þþ¿ ¨þ¼Ö¿ œþª¡þ¹¬þ | 7. Here are clothes. ‚°þ ¨þ¬°þþ¹µþ ¬þ¹›·þ | 8. I hold the clothes with my hand. ‚−¿ ¨þ¬°þþ¹µþ −¬·ø›þ šþ£þ¹Ÿþ | 9. I wear the clothes. ‚−¿ ¨þ¬°þþ¹µþ šþþ£¡þþ¹Ÿþ | 10. Amar is a man. ‚Ÿþ£: ›þ£: ‚¹¬·þ | 11. He is running. ¬þ: šþþ¨þ¹·þ| Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 75/76 12. He runs with two legs. ¬þ: œþþ¸þž¡þþ¿ šþþ¨þ¹·þ | 13. He is running towards Ramesh. ¬þ: £Ÿøªþ¿ œÏ¹·þ šþþ¨þ¹·þ | 14. Now Amar and Ramesh are running towards the garden .‚šé›þþ ‚Ÿþ£: £Ÿøªþ: þ „Ôþþ›þ¿ œÏ¹·þ šþþ¨þ·þ: | 15. The two of you are writing. ¡é¨þþ¿ ¹¥þ‰þ˜þ: | 16. The two of you are writing with your two hands. ¡é¨þþ¿ −¬·þþž¡þþ¿ ¹¥þ‰þ˜þ: 17. Shiv is walking with Geeta, Surekha and Madhav. ¹ªþ¨þ: Šþú·þ¡þþ ¬þ−, ¬é£½‰þ¡þþ ¬þ− Ÿþþšþ¨ø›þ þ ¬þ− þ¥þ¹·þ | 18. The teacher is strolling with the student.‚š¡þþœþˆÅ: ¹ªþ«¡øµþ ¬þ− žÏŸþ¹·þ | 19. They see a boy. ·þù þþ¥þˆ¿Å œþª¡þ·þ: | 20. He is playing with a stick. ¬þ: ¸µÛ½›þ ‰ø¥þ¹·þ | 21. Shyam is playing with a ball. ª¡þþŸþ: ˆÅ›¸ºˆ½Å›þ ‰ø¥þ¹·þ | 22. Raghava is playing with a stick and a ball. £þ‹þ¨þ: ¸µÛ½›þ ˆÅ›¸ºˆ½Å›þ þ ‰ø¥þ¹·þ | 23. The thief is stealing the wealth with his hands. þø£: −¬·þþž¡þþ¿ šþ›þ¿ þø£¡þ¹·þ | 24. The father is beating the thief with a stick. þ›þˆÅ: ¸µÛ½›þ þø£¿ ·þþÛ¡þ¹·þ| 25. The thief throws the wealth. þø£: šþ›þ¿ ¹âþœþ¹·þ | 26. The thief is running with his legs. þø£: œþþ¸þž¡þþ¿ šþþ¨þ¹·þ| 27. The father is also running with his legs . þ›þˆÅ: ‚¹œþ œþþ¸þž¡þþ¿ šþþ¨þ¹·þ| 28. He throws the stick, holds the thief with his hand and beats the thief with his hands. ¬þ: ¸µÛ¿ ¹âþœþ¹·þ ,þø£¿ −¬·ø›þ šþ£¹·þ , þø£¿ −¬·þþž¡þþ¿ ·þþÛ¡þ¹·þ þ| 29. The father holds the wealth and stick with his hands and goes home. þ›þˆÅ: −¬·þþž¡þþ¿ šþ›þ¿ ¸µÛ¿ þ šþ£¹·þ Šþ¼−¿ ŠþŽ¹·þ þ | Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme – Month 2 Level 1 - Month 2 Lessons 9C-13B ©Shri Chitrapur Math 2002-2014 76/76 Summing up of Month 2. By the end of the second month, you would have achieved the following.. Know that... • Neuter words in English need not be neuter in Sanskrit. • Masculine words in English need not be masculine in Sanskrit. • And so on and so forth.... • Certain avyayas can be used with only certain vibhaktis.. • There are no ‚ˆÅþ£þ›·þ ¬°þú0 words in Sanskrit. • The first three vibhaktis of all three genders are at your fingertips. • Be accurate in the use of the first three vibhaktis. • Total vocabulary would have increased to Nouns/Pronouns = 84 Verbs = 35 Avyayas = 27 Grand total = 146 Pretty impressive, huh?! *********
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