


Path Management and SAN Boot with MPIO on AIXJohn Hock [email protected] Dan Braden [email protected] Power Systems Advanced Technical Skills Materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. 5.3 IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Agenda  Correctly Configuring Your Disks ► Filesets for disks and multipath code  Multi-path basics  Multi Path I/O (MPIO) ► Useful ► Path MPIO Commands priorities ► Failed Path Recovery and path health checking path management  SDD and SDDPCM  Multi-path code choices for DS4000, DS5000 and DS3950  XIV & Nseries  SAN Boot ► MPIO © 2011 IBM Corporation 2 IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Disk configuration  The disk vendor…  Dictates what multi-path code can be used  Supplies the filesets for the disks and multipath code  Supports the components that they supply  A fileset is loaded to update the ODM to support the storage  AIX then recognizes and appropriately configures the disk  Without this, disks are configured using a generic ODM definition  Performance and error handling may suffer as a result  # lsdev –Pc disk displays supported storage  The multi-path code will be a different fileset  Unless using the MPIO that’s included with AIX Beware of generic ―Other‖ disk definition No command queuing. Poor Performance & Error Handling © 2011 IBM Corporation 3 IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 How many paths for a LUN? • Paths = (# of paths from server to switch) x (# paths from storage to switch) …Here there are potentially 6 paths per LUN …But reduced via: • LUN masking at the storage Assign LUNs to specific FC adapters at the host, and thru specific ports on the storage • Zoning WWPN or SAN switch port zoning • Dual SAN fabrics divides potential paths by two • 4 paths per LUN are sufficient for availability and reduces CPU overhead for choosing the path • Path selection overhead is relatively low—usually negligible • MPIO has no practical limits to number of paths • Other products have path limits • SDDPCM limited to 32 paths per LUN Server FC Switch Storage © 2011 IBM Corporation 4 IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 How many paths for a LUN?, cont’d Dual SAN Fabric Reduces Potential Paths Server FC Switch Storage 4 X 4 = 16 © 2011 IBM Corporation 2X2+2X2=8 5 or  Memory to keep track of IO service times down each path  Latency added to the IO to choose the best path © 2011 IBM Corporation 6 . round robin Generally utilization of links is low  Costs of path selection algorithms  CPU cycles to choose the best path  Memory to keep track of in-flight IOs down each path. savings from use of sophisticated path selection algorithims vs. if any.1 B/b x1048576 KB/GB) = 0. there likely won’t be much.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path selection benefits and costs  Path selection algorithms choose a path to hopefully minimize latency added to an IO to send it over the SAN to the storage  Latency to send a 4 KB IO over a 8 Gbps SAN link is 4 KB / (8 Gb/s x 0. and IOs are round trip  As compared to fastest IO service times around 1 ms  If the links aren’t busy.0048 ms  Multiple links may be involved. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Multi-path IO with VIO and VSCSI LUNs VIO Client MPIO  Two layers of multi-path code: VIOC and VIOS  VSCSI disks always use AIX default MPIO and all IO for a LUN normally goes to one VIOS ► algorithm = fail_over only Multi-path code VIO Server Multi-path code VIO Server  VIOS uses the multi-path code specified for the disk subsystem  Set the path priorities for the VSCSI hdisks so half Disk Subsystem use one VIOS. and half use the other © 2011 IBM Corporation 7 . IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Multi-path IO with VIO and NPIV  VIOC has virtual FC adapters (vFC) Multi-path code VFC VFC VFC VFC VIO Client ► Potentially one vFC adapter for every real FC adapter in each VIOC of 64 vFC adapters per real FC adapter recommended ► Maximum VIO Server VIO Server  VIOC uses multi-path code that the disk subsystem supports  IOs for a LUN can go thru both VIOSs Disk Subsystem  One layer of multi-path code © 2011 IBM Corporation 8 . 2)  MPIO is also a commonly used acronym for Multi-Path IO ► In this presentation MPIO refers explicitly to the architecture. and if they were. not the acronym  Why was the MPIO architecture developed? ► ► With the advent of SANs. etc ►  MPIO architecture details available to disk subsystem vendors ► ► ► ► Compliant code requires a Path Control Module (PCM) for each disk subsystem Default PCMs for SCSI and FC exist on AIX and often used by the vendors Capabilities exist for different path selection algorithms Disk vendors have been moving towards MPIO compliant code MPIO Common Interface © 2011 IBM Corporation 9 . they usually required their own FC adapters Integration with AIX IO error handling and recovery ● Several levels of IO timeouts: basic IO timeout. each disk subsystem vendor wrote their own multi-path code These multi-path code sets were usually incompatible ● Mixing disk subsystems was usually not supported on the same system.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 What is MPIO?  MPIO is an architecture designed by AIX development (released in AIX V5. FC path timeout. g. after installing new adapter and cable to the disk run cfgmgr (or cfgmgr –l <adapter>)  One must get the device layer correct.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Overview of MPIO Architecture  LUNs show up as an hdisk ►Architected ►No for 32 K paths more than 16 paths are necessary PCMs exist for FC. Defined or non-existent  Paths can also be Available. before working with the path status layer © 2011 IBM Corporation 10 . SCSI may write optional PCMs  PCM: Path Control Module ►Default ►Vendors ►May provide commands to manage paths  Allows various algorithms to balance use of paths  Full support for multiple paths to rootvg Tip: to keep paths <= 16. disabled or failed if the path is Available (use chpath command to change status)  Add path: e. Defined. Missing or non-existent  Path status can be enabled. group sets of 4 host ports and 4 storage ports and balance LUNs across them  Hdisks can be Available. V7000 DS3/4/5000 in VIOS IBM XIV Storage System IBM System Storage N Series EMC Symmetrix HP & HDS (varies by model) MPIO code IBM Subsystem Device Driver Path Control Module (SDDPCM) Default FC PCM recommended Default FC PCM Default FC PCM Default FC PCM Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (HDLM) Default FC PCM Multi-path algorithm fail_over. load balance. DS6000. round robin. SVC. DS3950. round_robin fail_over © 2011 IBM Corporation 11 . round_robin SCSI VIO VSCSI Default SCSI PCM Default SCSI PCM fail_over. round_robin. round_robin fail_over. round_robin fail_over. load balance port fail_over. round_robin fail_over. DS8000. extended round robin fail_over.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 MPIO support Storage Subsystem Family IBM ESS. DS4000. round_robin fail_over. DS5000. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Non-MPIO multi-path code Storage subsystem family IBM DS4000 EMC HP HDS Vertias supported storage Multi-path code Redundant Disk Array Controller (RDAC) Power Path AutoPath HDLM (older versions) Dynamic MultiPathing (DMP) © 2011 IBM Corporation 12 . VA. you can’t used SDDPCM for one DS8000 and SDD for another DS8000 on the same AIX instance © 2011 IBM Corporation 13 . HP example: ―Connection to a common server with different HBAs requires separate HBA zones for XP.. and EVA‖ that SDD and RDAC can be mixed on the same LPAR  Generally one non-MPIO compliant code set can exist with other MPIO compliant code sets ►Except ►The non-MPIO compliant code must be using its own adapters  Devices of a given type use only one multi-path code set ►e. Contact vendor for latest updates.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Mixing multi-path code sets  The disk subsystem vendor specifies what multi-path code is supported for their storage ►The disk subsystem vendor supports their storage.g. the server vendor generally doesn’t  You can mix multi-path code compliant with MPIO and even share adapters ►There may be exceptions. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Sharing Fibre Channel Adapter ports  Disk using MPIO compliant code sets can share adapter ports  It’s recommended that disk and tape use separate ports Disk (typicaly small block random) and tape (typically large block sequential) IO are different. and stability issues have been seen at high IO rates © 2011 IBM Corporation 14 . path status and path attributes for a disk  chpath – change path status or path attributes ► Enable or disable paths  rmpath – delete or change path state ► Putting a path into the defined mode means it won’t be used (from available to defined) ► One cannot define/delete the last path of a device  mkpath – add another path to a device or makes a defined path available ► Generally cfgmgr is used to add new paths  chdev – change a device’s attributes (not specific to MPIO)  cfgmgr – add new paths to an hdisk or make defined paths available (not specific to MPIO) © 2011 IBM Corporation 15 .IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 MPIO Command Set  lspath – list paths. paths go to two storage ports and WWPNs: 203900a0b8478dda 201800a0b8478dda  List a specific path's attributes # lspath -AEl hdisk2 -p fscsi0 –w “203900a0b8478dda.f00000000000“ scsi_id 0x30400 SCSI ID False node_name 0x200800a0b8478dda FC Node Name False priority 1 Priority True ► © 2011 IBM Corporation 16 .f000000000000 Available 0 Enabled fscsi0 201800a0b8478dda.f000000000000 Available 3  The connection field contains the storage port WWPN In the case above.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Useful MPIO Commands  List status of the paths and the parent device (or adapter) # lspath -Hl <hdisk#>  List connection information for a path # lspath -l hdisk2 -F"status parent connection path_status path_id“ Enabled fscsi0 203900a0b8478dda.f000000000000 Available 1 Enabled fscsi1 201900a0b8478dda.f000000000000 Available 2 Enabled fscsi1 203800a0b8478dda. if you set path A’s priority to 1 and path B’s to 255.e. and the next path's priority (in case of path failure) to 2. the primary path to be used by setting it's priority value to 1. i. the primary path will be the first listed for the hdisk in the CuPath ODM as shown by # odmget CuPath  algorithm=round_robin ►If the priority attributes are the same. “1” is high priority  algorithm=fail_over ►the ►the ►Set ►if path with the higher priority value handles all the IOs unless there's a path failure. then IOs go down each path equally. other path(s) will only be used when there is a path failure. Value specified is inverse to priority.  To change the path priority of an MPIO device on a VIO client: # chpath -l hdisk0 -p vscsi1 -a priority=2 ►Set path priorities for VSCSI disks to balance use of VIOSs © 2011 IBM Corporation 17 . the path priorities are the same and algorithm=fail_over. there will be 255 IOs sent down path B. How it works depends whether the hdisk’s algorithm attribute is set to fail_over or round_robin.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path priorities  A Priority Attribute for paths can be used to specify a preference for path IOs. and so on. ►In the case of two paths. then for every IO going down path A. © 2011 IBM Corporation 18 . With SDDPCM.5000000000000 Enabled Available # lspath -AEl hdisk9 -p fscsi1 -w"20160080e517b6ba.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path priorities # lsattr -El hdisk9 PCM PCM/friend/otherapdisk algorithm fail_over hcheck_interval 60 hcheck_mode nonactive lun_id 0x5000000000000 node_name 0x20060080e517b6ba queue_depth 10 reserve_policy single_path ww_name 0x20160080e517b6ba … Path Control Module Algorithm Health Check Interval Health Check Mode Logical Unit Number ID FC Node Name Queue DEPTH Reserve Policy FC World Wide Name False True True True False False True True False # lspath -l hdisk9 -F"parent connection status path_status" fscsi1 20160080e517b6ba.5000000000000 Enabled Available fscsi1 20170080e517b6ba. Otherwise. path priorities only apply when the algorithm used is fail over (fo).5000000000000" scsi_id 0x10a00 SCSI ID False node_name 0x20060080e517b6ba FC Node Name False priority 1 Priority True Note: whether or not path priorities apply depends on the PCM. they aren’t used. send the IOs for half the LUNs to one VIOS and half to the other ►Set priorities for half the LUNs to use VIOSa/vscsi0 and half to use VIOSb/vscsi1 both VIOSs CPU and virtual adapters is the only option at the VIOC for VSCSI disks ►Uses ►algorithm=fail_over  With NSeries – have the IOs go the primary controller for the LUN ►Set via the dotpaths utility that comes with Nseries filesets © 2011 IBM Corporation 19 .IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path priorities – why change them?  With VIOCs. When a value of 0 is selected (the default).  Consider setting up error notification for path failures (later slide) © 2011 IBM Corporation 20 . then the healthcheck command is only sent on paths with a state of failed. then the healthcheck command is also sent on each of the paths that have a state of enabled but have no active IO. If the algorithm selected is round_robin. The attribute supports a range from 0 to 3600 seconds. two hdisk attributes apply: # lsattr -El hdisk26 hcheck_interval hcheck_mode 0 nonactive Health Check Interval Health Check Mode True True  hcheck_interval Defines how often the health check is performed on the paths for a device.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path Health Checking and Recovery  Validate a path is working  Automate recovery of path  For SDDPCM and MPIO compliant disks. because the round_robin algorithm keeps all enabled paths active with IO. If the algorithm selected is failover. health checking is disabled ► Preferably set to at least 2X IO timeout value ►  hcheck_mode ► Determines which paths should be checked when the health check capability is used: ● enabled: Sends the healthcheck command down paths with a state of enabled ● failed: Sends the healthcheck command down paths with a state of failed ● nonactive: (Default) Sends the healthcheck command down paths that have no active I/O. including paths with a state of failed. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path Recovery  MPIO will recover failed paths if path health checking is enabled with hcheck_mode=nonactive or failed and the device has been opened  Trade-offs exist: ► Lots of path health checking can create a lot of SAN traffic ► ► ► Automatic recovery requires turning on path health checking for each LUN Lots of time between health checks means paths will take longer to recover after repair Health checking for a single LUN is often sufficient to monitor all the physical paths. SDDPCM provides a health check daemon to provide an automated method of reclaiming failed paths to a closed device. but not to recover them  SDD and SDDPCM also recover failed paths automatically  In addition.  To manually enable a failed path after repair or re-enable a disabled path:  To disable all paths using a specific FC port on the host: # chpath –l hdisk1 –p <parent> -s disable # chpath -l hdisk1 -p <parent> –w <connection> -s enable © 2011 IBM Corporation 21 . IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path Health Checking and Recovery – Notification!  One should also set up error notification for path failure.  This is accomplished by determining the error that shows up in the error log when a path fails (via testing). so that someone knows about it and can correct it before something else fails. Hint: You can use # odmget errnotify to see what the entries (or stanzas) look like. then you create a stanza and use the odmadd command to add it to the errnotify class. © 2011 IBM Corporation 22 . and then  Adding an entry to the errnotify ODM class for that error which calls a script (that you write) that notifies someone that a path has failed. application delays or performance impacts and potential error recovery bugs  It’s better to stop using a path before you know the path will disappear ► © 2011 IBM Corporation 23 . Check the paths with lspath Avoid timeouts. paths will be in the failed state Remove paths with # rmpath –l <hdisk> -p <parent> -w <connection> [-d] -d will remove the path. removing. enabling and disabling paths ► ► ► ► Adapter failure/replacement or addition VIOS upgrades (VIOS or multi-path code) Cable failure and replacement Storage controller/port failure and repair Paths will not be in use if the adapter has failed.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path management with MPIO  Includes examining. 4. 5. adding. without it the path will changed to Defined Remove the adapter with # rmdev –Rdl <fcs#> Replace the adapter cfgmgr  Adapter replacement ► 1. 3. 2. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Active/Active vs. Nseries. DS5000. then the active/passive role switches for the affected LUNs  Terminology regaring active/active and active/passive varies considerably © 2011 IBM Corporation 24 . DS6000. DS3950. DS8000. but passive for the others  IOs for a LUN are only sent to the Active controller’s port for disk subsystems with Active/Passive controllers ► ► ESS. Active/Passive Disk Subsystem Controllers  IOs for a LUN can be sent to any storage port with Active/Active controllers  LUNs are balanced across controllers for Active/Passive disk subsystems ► So a controller is active for some LUNs. and XIV have active/active controllers DS4000. V7000 have active/passive controllers ● The NSeries passive controller can accept IOs but IO latency is affected ► The passive controller takes over in the event the active controller or all paths to it fail  MPIO recognizes Active/Passive disk subsystems and sends IOs only to the primary controller ► Except under failure conditions. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Example: Active/Passive Paths © 2011 IBM Corporation 25 . IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 SDD: An Overview  SDD = Subsystem Device Driver – Pre-MPIO Architecture  Used with IBM ESS.rte devices.<sdd_version>. not both. DS8000 and the SAN Volume Controller. dump or paging devices ► ► One can exclude disks from SDD control using the excludesddcfg command Mirror rootvg across two separate LUNs on different adapters for availability © 2011 IBM Corporation 26 . but less are recommended with more than 600 LUNs  One installs SDDPCM or SDD. with an hdisk device for each path ►32 paths maximum per LUN. DS6000. but is not MPIO compliant ►A ―host attachment‖ fileset (provides subsystem-specific support code & populates the ODM) and SDD fileset are both installed attachment: ibm2105.sdd.  No support for rootvg.rte ►Host ►SDD:  LUNs show up as vpaths. df or the default) and chooses adapter with fewest in-flight IOs load balancing sequential – optimized for sequential IO round robin sequential – optimized for sequential IO ►lbs: ►rrs:  The datapath command is used to examine vpaths. disabling paths. adapter statistics.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 SDD  Load balancing algorithms ►fo: ►rr: ►lb: failover round robin load balancing (aka. and extendvg4vp is used instead of extendvg  SDD automatically recovers failed paths that have been repaired via the sddsrv daemon © 2011 IBM Corporation 27 . paths. and other administrative tasks such as adapter replacement. path statistics. etc. dynamically change the load balancing algorithm. vpath statistics.  mkvg4vp is used instead of mkvg. adapters. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Does Load Balancing Improve Performance?  Load balancing tried to reduce latency by picking a less active path ► …but adds latency to choose the best path  These latencies are typically < 1% of typical IO service times  Load balancing is more likely to be of benefit in SANs with heavy utilizations or with intermittent errors that slow IOs on some path  A round_robin algorithm is usually equivalent Conclusion: Load balancing is unlikely to improve performance--especially when compared to other strategies like algorithm=round_robin or approaches that balance IO with algorithm=fail_over © 2011 IBM Corporation 28 . possible to setup fail_over LUNs so that the loads are balanced across the available FC adapters. ―If one adapter is handling more IO than another. Then if we assign half the LUNs to FC adapterA and half to FC adapterB. ► It's ► Let's ►A ► Since © 2011 IBM Corporation 29 .000 IOPS then we're unlikely to bottleneck at the adapter and add significant latency to the IO.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Balancing IOs with algorithm=fail_over  A fail_over algorithm can be efficiently used to balance IOs! ► Any load_balancing algorithm must consume CPU and memory resources to determine the best path to use. Assume we correctly lay out our data so that the IOs are balanced across the LUNs (this is usually a best practice). then the IOs are evenly balanced across the adapters! question to ask is. use an example with 2 FC adapters. will this have a significant impact on IO latency?‖ the FC adapters are capable of handling more than 35. mpio.<version>.ibm. V7000 and the SVC ► ► ► A ―host attachment‖ fileset (populates the ODM) and SDDPCM fileset are both installed Host attachment: devices. DS5000.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 SDDPCM: An Overview  SDDPCM = Subsystem Device Driver Path Control Module  SDDPCM is MPIO compliant and can be used with IBM ESS. DS3950.rte SDDPCM: devices. DS4000 (most models). not both.disk.rte  LUNs show up as hdisks.fcp. DS6000. paths shown with pcmpath or lspath commands ► 16 paths per LUN supported  Provides a PCM per the MPIO architecture  One installs SDDPCM or SDD. SDDPCM is recommended and strategic © 2011 IBM Corporation 30 .sddpcm. DS8000. Yes Enhanced utilities (pcmpath commands) to show mappings from adapters. The customer must manage coexistence levels between both the mix of devices. paths. NOT a licensed program product. operating system levels and VIOS levels. as well as performance and error statistics © 2011 IBM Corporation 31 . devices. The supported devices differ between AIX and POWERVM VIOS Add-on software entity that has its own update strategy and process for obtaining fixes. paging support PowerHA & GPFS Support Utilities Yes Yes standard AIX performance monitoring tools such as iostat and fcstat Yes. Restart required if SDDPCM installed after MPIOPCM and SDDPCM boot desired. dump.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Comparing AIX Default MPIO PCMs & SDDPCM Feature/Function How obtained MPIO PCMs SDDPCM Provided as an integrated part of the base VIOS Provided by most IBM storage products for POWERVM firmware and AIX operating system subsequent installation on the various server product distribution OS’s that the device supports Supports most disk devices that the AIX operating system and VIOS POWERVM firmware support. Fail over Round Robin Load Balancing (default) Load Balancing Port Suported Devices OS Integration Considerations Update levels are provided and are updated and migrated as a mainline part of all the normal AIX and VIOS service strategy and upgrade/migration paths Path Selection Algorithms Fail over (default) Round Robin (excluding VSCSI disks) access must be stopped in order to change Dynamic Algorithm Selection Disk algorithm SAN boot. including selected third-party devices Supports specific IBM devices and is referenced by the particular device support statement. failover policy .IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 SDDPCM  Load balancing algorithms ► rr ► lb ► fo ► lbp . DS8000.load balancing port (for ESS.round robin .load balancing based on in-flight IOs per adapter . paths. Set the hc_interval to a non-zero value for an appropriate number of LUNs to check the physical paths. path statistics. © 2011 IBM Corporation 32 . V7000 and SVC only) based on in-flight IOs per adapter and per storage port  The pcmpath command is used to examine hdisks. This is recommended. dynamically change the load balancing algorithm. disabling paths  SDDPCM automatically recovers failed paths that have been repaired via the pcmserv daemon ► MPIO health checking can also be used. adapter statistics. and can be dynamically set via the pcmpath command. adapters. hdisk statistics. and other administrative tasks such as adapter replacement. DS6000. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path management with SDDPCM and the pcmpath command # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath # pcmpath And more query adapter List adapters and status query device List hdisks and paths query port List DS8000/DS6000/SVC… ports query devstats List hdisk/path IO statistics query adaptstats List adapter IO statistics query portstats List DS8000/DS6000/SVC port statistics query essmap List rank. LUN ID and more for each hdisk set adapter … Disable/enable paths to adapter set device path … Disable/enable paths to a hdisk set device algorithm Dynamically change path algorithm set device hc_interval Dynamically change health check interval disable/enable ports … Disable/enable paths to a disk port query wwpn Display all FC adapter WWPNs  SDD offers the similar datapath command © 2011 IBM Corporation 33 . V7000 and DS3950 also have active/passive controllers IOs will be balanced across paths to the active controller © 2011 IBM Corporation 34 .IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path management with SDDPCM and the pcmpath command # pcmpath query device … DEV#: 2 DEVICE NAME: hdisk2 TYPE: 2145 ALGORITHM: Load Balance SERIAL: 600507680190013250000000000000F4 ========================================================================== Path# Adapter/Path Name State Mode Select Errors 0 fscsi0/path0 OPEN NORMAL 40928736 0 1* fscsi0/path1 OPEN NORMAL 16 0 2 fscsi2/path4 OPEN NORMAL 43927751 0 3* fscsi2/path5 OPEN NORMAL 15 0 4 fscsi1/path2 OPEN NORMAL 44357912 0 5* fscsi1/path3 OPEN NORMAL 14 0 6 fscsi3/path6 OPEN NORMAL 43050237 0 7* fscsi3/path7 OPEN NORMAL 14 0 … • • • • * Indicates path to passive controller 2145 is a SVC which has active/passive nodes for a LUN DS4000. DS5000. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Path management with SDDPCM and the pcmpath command # pcmpath query devstats Total Dual Active and Active/Asymmetrc Devices : 67 DEV#: 2 DEVICE NAME: hdisk2 =============================== Total Read Total Write I/O: 169415657 2849038 SECTOR: 2446703617 318507176 Active Read 0 0 Active Write 0 0 Maximum 20 5888 Transfer Size: … <= 512 183162 <= 4k 67388759 <= 16K 35609487 <= 64K 46379563 > 64K 22703724 • Maximum value useful for tuning hdisk queue depths • “20” is maximum inflight requests for the IOs shown • Increase queue depth until queue is not filling up or until IO services times suffer (bottleneck is pushed to the subsystem) • • • See References for queue depth tuning whitepaper © 2011 IBM Corporation writes > 3ms reads > 15-20ms 35 . IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 SDD & SDDPCM: Getting Disks configured correctly  Install the appropriate filesets SDD or SDDPCM for the required disks (and host attachment fileset) If you are using  Reboot or start the sddsrv/pcmsrv daemon ► ►  smitty disk -> List All Supported Disk Displays disk types for which software support has been installed  Or # lsdev -Pc disk | grep MPIO disk mpioosdisk fcp MPIO Other FC SCSI Disk Drive disk 1750 fcp IBM MPIO FC 1750 …DS6000 disk 2105 fcp IBM MPIO FC 2105 …ESS disk 2107 fcp IBM MPIO FC 2107 …DS8000 disk 2145 fcp MPIO FC 2145 …SVC disk DS3950 fcp IBM MPIO DS3950 Array Disk disk DS4100 fcp IBM MPIO DS4100 Array Disk disk DS4200 fcp IBM MPIO DS4200 Array Disk disk DS4300 fcp IBM MPIO DS4300 Array Disk disk DS4500 fcp IBM MPIO DS4500 Array Disk disk DS4700 fcp IBM MPIO DS4700 Array Disk disk DS4800 fcp IBM MPIO DS4800 Array Disk disk DS5000 fcp IBM MPIO DS5000 Array Disk disk DS5020 fcp IBM MPIO DS5020 Array Disk ► © 2011 IBM Corporation 36 ► Host attachment scripts ● http://www. install the MPIO fileset as well which comes with AIX ● devices.mpio. com/support/docview.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 www-01.wss?rs=540&uid=ssg1S7001350#AIXSDDPCM © 2011 IBM Corporation 37 .ibm. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 © 2011 IBM Corporation 38 . Uninstall SDD and the host attachment fileset for SDD 6. Varyoff your SDD VGs 2. Install the host attachment fileset for SDDPCM and SDDPCM 7. Configure the new disks (if you rebooted it's done. Varyon your VGs . else run cfgmgr and startsrc –s pcmserv) 8. Remove the dpo device 5.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Migration from SDD to SDDPCM  Migration from SDD to SDDPCM is fairly straightforward and doesn't require a lot of time. The procedure is documented in the manual: 1. Stop the sddsrv daemon via stopsrc -s sddsrv're back in business To remove the vpaths and hdisks. use: ►  # rmdev -Rdl dpo   No exportvg/importvg is needed because LVM keeps track of PVs via PVID Effective queue depths change (and changes to queue_depth will be lost): ► SDD effective queue depth = # paths for a LUN x queue_depth ► SDDPCM effective queue depth = queue_depth © 2011 IBM Corporation 39 . Remove the SDD devices (both vpaths and hdisks) via instructions below 4. DS5300 use MPIO or SDDPCM © 2011 IBM Corporation 40 . DS5020.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Multi-path code choices for DS4000/DS5000/DS3950  These disk subsystems might use RDAC. DS5100. MPIO or SDDPCM ► Choices depend on model and AIX level uses MPIO and is recommended not supported on VIOS yet for these disk subsystems so use MPIO  MPIO is strategic ► SDDPCM ► SDDPCM  SAN cabling/zoning is more flexible with MPIO/SDDPCM than with RDAC ► RDAC requires fcsA be connected to controllerA and fcsB connected to controllerB with no cross connections IO for a LUN goes to its primary controller  These disk subsystems have active/passive controllers ► All ● Unless the paths to it fail. or the controller fails. then the other controller takes over the LUN ► Storage administrator assigns half the LUNs to each controller vary among models and AIX levels  The manage_disk_drivers command is used to choose the multi-path code ► Choices  DS3950. SDDPCM  AIX_fcparray .AIX_fcparray AIX_APPCM.RDAC © 2011 IBM Corporation 41 .MPIO with active/passive controllers  AIX_SDDAPPCM . DS4000 and DS5000 # manage_disk_drivers -l Device Present Driver 2810XIV AIX_AAPCM DS4100 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS4200 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS4300 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS4500 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS4700 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS4800 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS3950 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS5020 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS5100/DS5300 AIX_SDDAPPCM DS3500 AIX_AAPCM Driver Options AIX_AAPCM.AIX_fcparray AIX_APPCM.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Multi-path code choices for DS3950.AIX_non_MPIO AIX_APPCM.AIX_fcparray AIX_APPCM AIX_APPCM AIX_APPCM AIX_APPCM  To set the driver for use: # manage_disk_drivers -d <device> -o <driver_option>  AIX_AAPCM .AIX_fcparray AIX_APPCM.AIX_fcparray AIX_APPCM.MPIO with active/active controllers  AIX_APPCM .AIX_fcparray AIX_APPCM. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Other MPIO commands for DS3/4/5000 # mpio_get_config –Av Frame id 0: Storage Subsystem worldwide name: 608e50017be8800004bbc4c7e Controller count: 2 Partition count: 1 Partition 0: Storage Subsystem Name = 'DS-5020' hdisk LUN # Ownership hdisk4 0 A (preferred) hdisk5 1 B (preferred) hdisk6 2 A (preferred) hdisk7 3 B (preferred) hdisk8 4 A (preferred) hdisk9 5 B (preferred) # sddpcm_get_config –Av output is the same as above User Label Array1_LUN1 Array2_LUN1 Array3_LUN1 Array4_LUN1 Array5_LUN1 Array6_LUN1 © 2011 IBM Corporation 42 . 1.3 TL VIOS 2.1 TL3.wss?uid=ssg1S4000802  # lsdev -Pc disk | grep xiv disk 2810xiv fcp N/A  XIV support has moved from fileset support. to support within AIX ► Installing the Host Attachment Kit is still recommended ● Provides diagnostic and other commands  Disks configured as 2810xiv devices  ODM entries for XIV included with AIX 5.x and AIX 7 © 2011 IBM Corporation 43 .IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 XIV  Host Attachment Kit for AIX http://www-01.2. AIX there will be 255 IOs sent down primary path © 2011 IBM Corporation 44 .mpio_attach_kit.* ► Provides the dotpaths utility and sanlun commands dotpaths sets hdisk path priorities to favor the primary controller ► …for every IO going down secondary path.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Nseries/NetApp  Nseries/NetApp has a preferred storage controller for each LUN  Not exactly an active/passive disk subsystem. as the non-preferred controller can accept IO requests  I/O requests have to be passed to the preferred controller which impacts latency  Install the SAN Toolkit Ontap. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Storage Area Network (SAN) Boot Boot from an SVC  Storage is zoned directly to the client  HBAs used for boot and/or data access  SDDPCM runs in client (to support boot) Boot Directly from SAN  Storage is zoned directly to the client  HBAs used for boot and/or data access  Multi-path code for the storage runs in client SAN Sourced Boot Disks  Affected LUNs are zoned to VIOS(s) and assigned to clients via VIOS definitions  Multi-path code in the client will be the MPIO default PCM for disks seen through the VIOS. © 2011 IBM Corporation 45 . Boot from SVC via VIO Server  Affected LUNs are zoned to VIOS(s) and assigned to clients via VIOS definitions  Multi-path code in the client will be the MPIO default PCM for disks seen through the VIOS. this runs the install program ► When you do the installation you'll get a list of disks that will be on the SAN for the system the disks for installing rootvg aware of disk SCSI reservation policies ► Choose ► Be ● Avoid policies that limit access to a single path or adapter © 2011 IBM Corporation 46 . disk subsystem and FC switch) ► Appropriate ► Disk subsystem supporting AIX FC boot Some older systems don’t support FC boot. check the sales manual  SAN disk configuration ► Create ► For the SAN LUNs and assign them to the system's FC adapters’ WWPNs prior to installing the system non-MPIO configurations. assign one LUN to one WWPN to keep it simple  AIX installation ► Boot from installation CD or NIM. FC adapter.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Storage Area Network (SAN) Boot  Requirements for SAN Booting ► System with FC boot capability microcode (system. if in doubt. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 How to assure you install to the right SAN disk  Only assign the rootvg LUN to the host prior to install. or  Create a LUN for rootvg with a size different than other LUNs. assign data LUNs later. or  Write down LUN ID and storage WWN. or  Use disk with an existing PVID These criteria can be used to select the LUN from the AIX install program (shown in following screen shots) or via a bosinst_data file for NIM © 2011 IBM Corporation 47 . 06EF634-V5-C22-T1-W500507680120165C-L3000000000000 Storage WWN LUN ID © 2011 IBM Corporation 48 .06EF634-V5-C22-T1-W500507680120165C-L2000000000000 3 hdisk5 U8234.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Choose via Location Code 1 hdisk2 U8234.EMA.EMA.06EF634-V5-C22-T1-W50050768012017C2-L1000000000000 2 hdisk3 U8234.EMA. IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Choose via Size © 2011 IBM Corporation 49 . IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Choose via PVID © 2011 IBM Corporation 50 . 5-10 ms read due to cache. Higher IOPS ► Availability with built in RAID protection ► Ability to easily redeploy disk ► Ability to FlashCopy/MetroMirror the rootvg for backup/DR ► Fewer hardware resources  SAN rootvg disadvantages ► SAN ► Performance problems can cause loss of access to rootvg ~ not an issue as app data is on SAN anyway loss of system dump and diagnosis if loss of access to SAN is caused by a kernel bug to change multi-path IO code ► Potential ► Difficult ● Not an issue with dual VIOS—can take down one VIOS at a time and change multipath code  SAN boot thru VIO with NPIV is like SAN boot © 2011 IBM Corporation 51 .IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Storage Area Network Booting: Pros & Cons  The main benefits of SAN rootvg < 2 ms write. one LPAR at a time © 2011 IBM Corporation 52 . one SAS adapter with a SAS disk or two can be used to migrate SDD to SDDPCM. reducevg. or: ► Move rootvg to internal SAS disks. or use alt_disk_install ► Change ► Move the multi-path code rootvg back to SAN versions of AIX require a newer version of SDD or SDDPCM ► Newer  Follow procedures in the SDD and SDDPCM manual for upgrades of AIX and/or the multi-path code  Not an issue when using VIO with dual VIOSs If one has many LPARs booting from SAN. migratepv..IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Changing multi-path IO code for rootvg – not so easy How do you change/update rootvg multi-path code when it’s in use?  Changing from SDD to SDDPCM (or vice versa) requires contacting support if booting from SAN. e.g. using extendvg. bosboot and bootlist. wss?rs=540&context=ST52G7&dc=D430&uid=ssg1S400006 5&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en Downloads and documentation for SDDPCM: SDD and SDDPCM Support matrix: 1&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) http://www-03.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Documentation & References  Infocenter ―Multiple Path IO‖ /baseadmndita/ Downloads and documentation for SDD www.html AIX disk queue depth tuning techdoc: © 2011 IBM Corporation       53 .com/support/docview.wss Guide to selecting a multipathing path control module for AIX or VIOS http://www. EMC MPIO Support Site s&objectID=c02619876&jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN HP StorageWorks for IBM AIX  HP Support Site http://h20000.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Documentation & References    Hitachi MPIO Support Site https://tuf.html © 2011 IBM Corporation 54 . Lake Down B Friday. April 29. Lake Hart B © 2011 IBM Corporation 55 .Thursday. April 28. 14:30.IBM Power Systems Technical Symposium 2011 Session Evaluations Session Number – SE39 Session Name – Working with San Boot… Date . 13:00.
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