San Beda College Law Curriculum

March 24, 2018 | Author: Ralph Romeo Bascones | Category: Jurisprudence, Lawyer, Lawsuit, Intestacy, Crime & Justice



FIRST YEAR, FIRST SEMESTER Persons and Family Relations A basic course on the law of persons and thefamily which first views the effect and application of laws and the law on human relations, and then proceeds to examine the legal norms affecting civil personality, marriage, property relations between husband and wife, legal separation, the matrimonial regimes of absolute community, conjugal partnership of gains and complete separation of property, family, paternity and filiation, adoption, guardianship, support, parental authority, surnames, absences and emancipation, including the rules of procedure relative to the foregoing. Cases, recitations and lectures: 5 hours a week - 5 units. Criminal Law I A detailed examination into the characteristics of criminal law, the nature of felonies, stages of execution, circumstances affecting criminal liability, persons criminally liable, the extent and extinction of criminal liability as well as the civil liability of the offender, what it includes, and the extinction and survival of civil liability, as well as understanding of penalties in criminal law, their nature and theories, classes, crimes, habitual delinquency, juvenile delinquency, the Indeterminate Sentence Law and the Probation Law. The course covers Articles 1 – 113 of the Revised Penal Code and related laws. Cases, recitations and lectures: 4 hours a week - 4 units.d Constitutional Law I A survey and evaluation of basic principles dealing with the structure of the Philippine Government. Cases, recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week - 3 units. Statutory Construction A course that explores the use and force of statutes and the principles and methods of their construction and interpretation. Cases, recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week - 2 units. Legal Research and Legal Bibliography A course in the use of law books and principles of legal research, including a probe into the methodology of legal research and the preparartion of legal opinions, memoranda, expository or critical, on any subject approved by the professor-in-charge. Lectures, recitations, readings and practical work: 2 hours a week - 2 units. Legal Profession The history and development of legal profession in the Philippines, its current problems, goals, and the role in society. Cases, recitations and lectures: 1 hour a week - 1 unit. Seminar I This course covers two theological principles: (a) encountering Jesus Christ in Sacred Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, and (b) encountering Jesus Christ in the life and mission of the Church with particular stress on fundamental and contemporary moral and social issues. Recitations, readings and lectures: 1 hour a week - 1 unit. LAW CURRICULUM 1st Semester Units kind and effect of obligations. Cases. Lectures. natural obligations and estoppel. as amended. Constitutional Law II A comprehensive study of the Constitution. . and the problems and perspective deemed significant together with the nature of the solutions advanced affecting the social structure. Cases. elements and corresponding penalties. readings and practical work: 2 hours a week .2 units. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . and their extinguishment.Persons & Family Relations Criminal Law I Constitutional Law I Statutory Construction Legal Research & Legal Bibliography Legal Profession Seminar I (SBC Requirement) 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 ___ 18 units FIRST YEAR. the material and ideal views on the nature of the law. readings and lectures: 2 hours a week . Legal Ethics A course that focuses on the canons of legal ethics involving the duties and responsibilities of the lawyer with respect to the client. contracts in general.3 units. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week .4 units. legal reasoning and preparation of legal opinions or memoranda. It involves applied legal bibliography.2 units. SECOND SEMESTER Obligations and Contracts An in-depth study of the nature. including quasi-contracts. Recitations. recitations and lectures: 4 hours a week . the significance of the law as a means of social control.2 units. and defective contracts. Criminal Law II A comprehensive appraisal of specific felonies penalized in Book II of the Revised Penal Code. case digesting and reporting analysis. Legal Philosophy A study of the main currents of jurisprudential thought. their nature. Legal Writing An introduction to legal writing techniques. their requisites. the bill of rights and judicial review of acts affecting them. form and interpretation. recitations and lectures: 5 hours a week 5 units. the court. Cases. the bar and the public. Cases. its nature and form. possession.3 units. FIRST SEMESTER Property The law on the different kinds of property. Sales and Lease An in-depth consideration of the provisions of the Civil Code on the contract of sale. Law I) Constitutional Law II Legal Writing Legal Ethics Legal Philosophy (Elective) Seminar II (SBC Requirement) 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 ___ 19 units SECOND YEAR. It deals expecially with the sacrament of marriage. Negotiable Instruments Law An examination of the statutory provisions governing negotiable instruments as well as other commercial papers. LAW CURRICULUM Starting School Year 1996-1997 2nd Semester Units Obligations & Contracts Criminal Law II (Pre-Crim. and the nationalization law. Cases. the Bulk Sales Law. warranties. Criminal Procedure The rules on criminal procedure. readings and lectures: 1 hour a week . the jurisdiction of courts and the procedure in criminal cases. Cases. the obligations of the vendor and the vendee. and the different modes of acquiring ownership. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . recitations and lectures: 4 hours a week . recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week .4 units. including the basic rights of the accused. including investment papers and money market instruments. co-ownership. usufruct. nuisance.3 units. easements or servitudes. including the Rental Law.Seminar This course deals with encountering Christ in the sacraments of the Church as His continuing presence in the world. Recitations. ownership and its modifications. Cases. breach of contract. Land Titles and Deeds . Cases. conventional and legal redemption. remedies. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week .2 units. as well as the Civil Code provisions on lease. The course includes assignments of credits and incorporeal rights.1 unit. and barangays.1 unit.1 unit. the laws affecting the creation. recitations and lectures: 1 hour a week .2 units. readings and lectures: 1 hour a week . recitations and lectures: 1 hour a week . organization and government of provinces. the scope and application of the powers of municipal ordinances. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . rights. I & II) Election Law (Elective)(Pre-Const. municipalities. municipal districts.1 unit. Banking Laws Study of the rules and regulations governing banks and non-bank financial intermediaries including major Central Bank rules. Cases. nationalism. Seminar 3 This course deals with the definition and analysis of justice as well as with related concepts. Public Corporations A study of the general principles governing municipal corporations. freedom. Cases. Cases. and development.The system and methods of registration of titles and deeds to land. recitations and lectures: 1 hour a week . Election Law This course examines the rules regulating the conduct of elections and the law on preproclamation contests and election protests. LAW CURRICULUM Starting School Year 1996-1997 1st Semester Units Property (Pre-ObliCon) Sales & Lease (Pre-ObliCon) Negotiable Instruments Law (Pre-ObliCon) Criminal Procedure Land Titles & Deeds Public Corporations (Elective)(Pre-Const. Recitations. cities. Cases. contracts. liabilities and enterprises. I & II) Banking Laws (Elective) Seminar III (SBC Requirement) 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 . such as human dignity.1 unit. Transportation The general principles and basic regulations governing common carriers (land. Cases. including the concept and function of insurance. Credit Transactions The law governing loans and deposits. Cases.___ 19 units SECOND YEAR. LAW CURRICULUM Starting School Year 1996-1997 2nd Semester Units Business Organizations I (PAT)(Pre-ObliCon) Credit Transactions (Pre-ObliCon) Labor Standards Administrative Law (Pre-Const. Insurance A study of Insurance Code and related laws. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . the nature of the insurance contract. Agency and Trusts. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week .2 units.2 units. Cases. antichresis. including the concept and function of insurance. Cases.3 units. Labor Standards An investigation into the minimum labor standards.3 units.3 units. Cases. Seminar 4 A study of Insurance Code and related laws. Public International Law An overview of the legal principles governing international relations based. including mortgages. insurable interest. among others. air).2 units. Cases. Administrative Law The development and application of principles and doctrines governing administrative agencies with rule-making and adjudicative functions. Cases. on the United Nations Charter and the decisions of international tribunals. special forms of insurance and government regulation of the insurance business.2 units. sea. pledge. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week .2 units. insurable interest. Cases. sureties and other securities or collaterals. including statutes and decrees on labor standards. the nature of the insurance contract. I & II) Transportation (Pre-ObliCon) Public International Law Insurance (Pre-ObliCon) Seminar IV (SBC Requirement) . recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . special forms of insurance and government regulation of the insurance business. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . SECOND SEMESTER Business Organizations I (PAT) A course combining the laws of Partnership. including the Law on Public Officers. working conditions and employment benefits. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . guaranty. disinheritance. pickets and lock-outs. Cases. computation of legitimes of compulsory heirs. Labor Standards An investigation into the minimum labor standards. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week .3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 ___ 18 units THIRD YEAR. Copyright and Intellectual Creation. including pertinent revenue regulations. Cases. Cases. FIRST SEMESTER Civil Procedure The rules of civil procedure involving basic principles of jurisdiction and procedure in civil cases and provisional remedies.4 units. including wills. Taxation 1 The general principles of taxation and statutory provisions on income taxation.3 units. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . and partition and distribution of the estate. Lectures. Labor Relations A survey of the laws implementing the rights to self-organization and collective bargaining. Torts and Damages An analysis of the law on quasi-delicts as well as the nature. including statutes and decrees on labor standards. Cases. working conditions and employment benefits. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week .2 units. recitation. Legal Counseling An introduction to the art and technique of legal counseling as well as a consideration of the responsibilities of the lawyer as counselor.2 units. Succession A detailed evaluation of the law on testate and intestate succession. Patent. classes and extent of damages.3 units. The course also takes up rules of procedure on the settlement and administration of the estate of deceased persons. Cases. recitations and lectures: 5 hours a week . Law on Intellectual Property A study of the Laws on Trademarks. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . including the laws relating to strikes. lectures: 4 hours a week: .5 units. Cases. Cases.3 units. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . institution of heirs. LAW CURRICULUM Starting School Year 1996-1997 1st Semester Units .2 units. readings and practical work: 2 hours a week . Cases. the formulation of the theory of the case.Civil Procedure Succession (Pre-Persons) Taxation I Labor Relations Torts & Damages (Pre-ObliCon) Legal Counselling Law on Intellectual Property 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 ___ 21 units THIRD YEAR. Outstanding cases illustrating the effective and efficient utilization of procedural rules in enhancing successful litigation are analyzed in detail and.4 units Succession A detailed evaluation of the law on testate and intestate succession. admissibility. . It includes practical suggestions on effective methods and gathering the facts of cases. construction of pleadings. lectures: 4 hours a week: . Taxation II A study of the concepts and general principles of transfer (estate and donor’s). of the Rules of Court. hypothetical cases are presented for solution by the students. Cases. recitations and lectures: 4 hours a week . search for legal authorities. and weight and sufficiency of evidence. both civil and criminal. percentage. with particular emphasis on Sections 1 to 19. Evidence and Trial Technique A course which looks into the rules of presentation. letters testamentary and administration. Cases. including burden of proof and presumption. Cases. amusement. Rule 132. Special Proceedings and Special Civil Actions A study of rules on settlement of estate. computation of legitimes of compulsory heirs. The course also takes up rules of procedure on the settlement and administration of the estate of deceased persons. It includes the Securities and Exchange Commission. encumbrance of property of decedent and escheats.3 units. Integrated with it is practical instruction in the preparation of cases and trial briefs before actual trial of cases. business.4 units. where appropriate. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . and miscellaneous taxes provided in the National Internal revenue Code. recitations and lectures: 4 hours a week . specific. interview of witnesses and examination of witnesses in the course of the trial. including general principles on tariff and customs duties. including wills. wills. recitation. General Guardians and Guardianship. SECOND SEMESTER Business Organization II A study of the Corporation Code or the law governing private corporations.4 units. institution of heirs. disinheritance. and partition and distribution of the estate. 2 units. Training on practical skills of drafting commonly used contracts. recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . Cases. Constitutional Law Review A thorough review of the political laws of the Philippines. FIRST SEMESTER Criminal Law Review A general review of the Revised Penal Code with its latest amendments. Problem Areas in Legal Ethics A course aimed at examining and resolving specific problems which may confront lawyers and judges in the exercise of the profession. and Public Corporations. Voluntary Dissolution of Corporations. Hospitalization of Insane Persons. Law on Public Officers. how to avoid litigation.6 units. Election Law. as well as how to fully express and protect the true intent of the parties. LAW CURRICULUM Starting School Year 1996-1997 1st Semester Units Civil Procedure Succession (Pre-Persons) Taxation I Labor Relations Torts & Damages (Pre-ObliCon) Legal Counselling Law on Intellectual Property 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 ___ 21 units FOURTH YEAR. Judicial approval of Voluntary Recognition of Minor Natural children. and the interpretative decisions of the Supreme Court as well as the other relevant penal statutes.2 units. including a general survey of the Constitution of the Philippines. The course also includes a study of the Rules of Court and jurisprudence governing special civil actions.Trustees. Change of Name. Habeas Corpus. Administrative Law. readings and practical work: 2 hours a week . recitations and lectures: 6 hours a week . Lectures. Cases. Legal Forms (with Contract Drafting) A course which trains students in the drafting of various legal documents and deeds. recitations and lectures: 5 hours a week .3 units. Absentees. Cancellation or Correction of entries in the Civil Registry.5 units. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . Cases. Adoption and Custody of Minors. . Cases. 2 units. Ownership and its Modifications. Cases. including quasi-contracts. LAW CURRICULUM 1st Semester Units Criminal Law Review Constitutional Law Review Civil Law Review I Legal Medicine (w/ Practicum IV) Labor Law Review Practice Court I 6 5 4 2 2 2 ___ 21 units FOURTH YEAR. motions. Pertinent provisions of special laws and Rules of Court are also reviewed. the law on human relations. the Different Modes of Acquiring Ownership. and defective contracts. including the procedure of presenting and examining a medical or other expert witness. Cases. answers. fingerprints and other related subjects. Labor Law Review A general review of all laws affecting labor standards and labor relations. briefs and other pleadings before tribunals and the art of effective oral advocacy. Persons and Family Relations. including Succession. forensic chemistry. voice print identification. petitions. recitations and lectures: 5 hours a week 5 units.4 units. recitations and lectures: 4 hours a week . Recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . their requisites.2 units. the study of ballistics.Civil Law Review I A general integration of the principles in civil law covering the effect and application of laws. contracts in general. form and interpretation. kind and effect of obligations. SECOND SEMESTER Obligations and Contracts An in-depth study of the nature. natural obligations and estoppel. The course also includes population education.2 units. Practice Court I Training on the preparation and drafting of complaints. Cases. and their extinguishment. polygraph. Property. questioned documents. Recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . Legal Medicine (with Practicum IV) An overview of the principles relating to medico-legal cases. Criminal Law II . LAW CURRICULUM Starting School Year 1996-1997 1st Semester Units Criminal Law Review Constitutional Law Review Civil Law Review I Legal Medicine (w/ Practicum IV) Labor Law Review Practice Court I 6 5 4 2 2 2 ___ 21 units . recitations and lectures: 3 hours a week . the material and ideal views on the nature of the law.4 units. recitations and lectures: 4 hours a week . the significance of the law as a means of social control. Legal Ethics A course that focuses on the canons of legal ethics involving the duties and responsibilities of the lawyer with respect to the client.A comprehensive appraisal of specific felonies penalized in Book II of the Revised Penal Code. Lectures. readings and lectures: 2 hours a week .2 units. case digesting and reporting analysis. It deals expecially with the sacrament of marriage. their nature. Seminar 2 This course deals with encountering Christ in the sacraments of the Church as His continuing presence in the world.2 units. elements and corresponding penalties. Legal Writing An introduction to legal writing techniques. It involves applied legal bibliography. recitations and lectures: 2 hours a week . Legal Philosophy A study of the main currents of jurisprudential thought.2 units. readings and lectures: 1 hour a week . Cases. and the problems and perspective deemed significant together with the nature of the solutions advanced affecting the social structure.1 unit. the bar and the public. readings and practical work: 2 hours a week . legal reasoning and preparation of legal opinions or memoranda.3 units. Recitations. the court. Cases. as amended. Constitutional Law II A comprehensive study of the Constitution. the bill of rights and judicial review of acts affecting them. Recitations. Cases.
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