Samsung Air Conditioner Manual
OWNER'S INSTRUCTIONSAWO69CB AW(lSgCB AWl()gGB AWl29CB AWl49CB AWl89CB AWO6ECBT AW(ISECBT AWlOEGBT AWl2ECB7 AWl5ECB7 AWl8ECB7 AW25ECB7 Room Window-type Air Gonditioner (Gooling) @O DBsi-00656A(3) G""ipti.-" "f Each Component * The design and shape are subiect to change. Air inlet(Outside) lnnerairflow blades(righuleft orientation) Air outlet lever Ventilation Grille Front Air inlet(Outside) Airfilter(lnside) Powerplug (Thetypeof powerPlug on depending maydiffer, the localpowersuPPlY). Temperatureffimer se{ings Mode selection button (Cool, Fan, DrY) Energy Saver button Sleep timer setting button adiustment Temperature buttons On/Offbutton button Timer setting Fan speed adjustment button Remote control , RemoteControl - Buttons Timer settingbutton Sleeptimersetting button Temperature adjustment buttons Modeselection buttons Fan speed adjustment buttons EnergySaver button l; I CettingStarted I You have just purchased a Samsung window-type noom Air Conditioner which should be installed by following your installation manual. You Ownerns Instructions contain valuable information on using your air conditioner. Pleasetake the time to read them as they will help you take full advantage of the unit's features. The booklet k organized as follows. I The following figures are shovvn on pages 4 and 5: D*cription of Each Component Remote c,ontrol (buttons) fhey will help you find the bultons and understand the symbols displayed. a ln the manual, you will find a *ries of step-by-step procedurcs for each function available. use four different symbols: The illustrations in the step-by-step procedur* l I R'SH,. > MFORTAIIT. NOTE PRE9S Inserting Remote the ControlBatteries You must insert or replace the remote contrcl balteries when : ) You purchase the air conditioner , The remote contrcl does not work correctly t Do not use old batteries different kindsof batteries together, or may be mmpletelydischarged a Batteries after 12 months,even if they have not been used. with thumb 1 Push battery the cover therearof theremote on control your in thedirection theanowandremove it. of 2 Insert the two batteries,taking care to respec'tthe polarities a + on the batterywith + on the remotecontrol. a - on the battervwith - on the remotecontrol. Close the cover by sliding it back until it clicks into place. 3 GoolingYour Room You must selec.t the Cool mode ff you wish to lower the temperature in your room, You can also set the Fan speed. RemoteContol Contlol Panel 1 Pressthe Q (On/Off) button. Result: a The air conditioner stiarts in the Cool mode. up a The unit beepstwice. ffi Power g, 2 (3 The air conditioner fittedwith a protection is mechanism prevent to the unitfrom beingdamagedwhen it is startedimmediately after being: in a Plugged a Stopped It will beginto coolafterthreeminutes lf the temperature not displayed the controlpanel: is on a Pressthe G;D buttonon the remotecontrol or O Pressthe lEl buttonon the unit one or moretimesuntil-: is displayed Result: a The unit beepseachtime you pressthe Cci"it / lEl a The air conditioner startsuDin the Cool mode. Outton. q]_ T7-r T?mP 3 pressthe 4$or p To adiustthe temperature, buttonson the remote controlor unit one or moretimesuntilthe desiredtemperature displayed. is The temoerature be set between can 64'F and 86"F Result: a Eachtime you pressthe TT-lor fE) buttons: is by on - The temperature adjusted 1'F and displayed the controloanel - The unit beeps a lf the roomtemperature higherthanthe selected is temperature, the air conditioner startscooling. a lf the roomtemperature reaches set temperature, air the the conditioner stopscooling, the fan still operates. but To set the fan sDeed: a Pressthe @,@ or@ buttonon the remotecontrolas desired. or a Pressthe l;-l buttonon the unit one or moretimesuntilthe desired speed(F1, or F3)is displayed. Fan F2 4 f v -l /r\ v 5 To controlthe direction ofthe airflow, referto page 11 Airing Your Room lf you want to provide air circulation without cooling, you can use the Fan mode, 1 pressthe 1) lonlofq button. lf necessary, Result: a The air conditioner startsup in the Cool mode. a The unit beeDs twice. Benote CoffiiDl GontrulPanel @ 2 lf the fan speed(Fl, F2 or F3) is not displayed the controlpanel: on I Pressthe Cra-) buttonon the remotecontol AI O Pressthe f=l buttonon he unitone or moretimesuntilthe fan speed (F1,F2 or F3)is displayed. Result a The unitbeepseachtimeyou pressthe 6.) / fF) button. a Theairconditioner starts in Fanmode. up is Whenthe airconditioner in the Fanmode, temperature the cannot setor displayed. be 3 To set the fan speed: a Pressthe afiii), @ or<@ buttonon the remotecontrolas desired. AI a Pressthe Fill lutt66 on the unit one or moretimesuntilthe desiredfan speed(Fl,F2 or F3) is displayed. 4 To controlthe direction the air flow,referto page 11. of RemovingExcessHumiditY If the atmospherc in your room is very humid or damp. you oan rcmove exess humidity without lowertng the rcom ternperature too much' Conrol Panel lf necessary,pressthe 1) (On/Off)button. startsup in the Cool mode' Result: I The air conditioner o The unit beePs. (preThe air conditioneris fitted with a protectionmechanismto vent the unlr rrom Deingdamagedwhen it is startedimmediately afterbeing: in t Plugged a StoPPed It will beginto cool after three minutes' RomotoCon0ol 1 2 on is lf the lemperature not displayed the controlpanel: I Press the CE) button on the remotecontrol AI o pressthe GFI buttonon the unit one or moretimesuntil 3 is displayed (D I GFI uutton' Resuli: a The unit beepseachtime you pressthe <)The air conditioner startsup in the Cool mode 3 buttonsone or press the f-f-lorE) To adjust the temperature, moreiimes until the requiredtemperatureis displayed' The temoeraturecan be set between64"F and 86'F' Result: O Each time you pressthe m-lor f-?-lbuttons: - The temperatureis adjustedby 1"F - The unit beeps I The air conditionerstarts removingthe€xcess humidity; ths qualityof air is adjustedautomatically' To controlthe directionof the air flow refer to page 11 4 Adjustingthe Air Flow DirectionHorizontally Depending on the position of the unit in your room, you can adiust the orientation of the inner air flow blades on the unit. position sliding to by themsideto side. Adjust inner flowblades thedesired the air Adjustingthe Air Flow DirectionVertically The outer ah flow blades can be adjusted to control the vertical air flow direction, 'ffi";-. "' *'REcoMMENDAnoN - mf""t t" ur;e;;;;;;-: * Adjustthe outerair flow bladesto the desiredposition, pushing them by upwards downwardsor operates Cool modefor longperiodsof time,dew may: in - Formon the surfaceof the blades - Driofrom the blades @ the Setting On Timer The On Timeren*l* you b swi'f/r on the afuanditioner automaticallyafter a giventime. You can selectthe On tim* onlywhent{p air onditioner is off. ffire@ Remotefn6ol f,orrol Panel ofi; that has Check the air conditioner beenswitched if necessary pressthe O (on/off) button. Sel the desiredamountof time in hoursbeforethe unilwill comeon by pressing the (Ffft 5utt6n6^ the remotecontrolor lT;;l button on the unitoneor moretimes.Thecountdowntimecanbe set between and 24 hours. 1 Result a Eachtime you pressthe fi;;l button: by on - The time is adjusted t hourand displayed the conbol Danel - Theunitbeeps to automatically and a Thecountdowntime is displayed decreases time. indicate remaining he a The air condilioner startsup in the Cml or Dry modeautomatF zero. timereaches callywhenhe countdown and EnergySaving >> You can selectthe fan speed,temperature mode after settingthe On timer mode. You also can change the Cool or Dry mode withoutcancellingthe On timer mode. ' 1i- ,EoCancelthe Timer On press: the Tocancel timer, a Timer the remote on control unitoneor moretimesuntil"--"is displayed. or ST a The O (On/Off) buttonon the remotecontrolor unit (TheAir Conditioner retumsto the previously operation selected mode.) ..; Settingthe Off Timer TheOfl Timer enabl* you to switdr off the air conditionerautomaticallyafter a given tim6, Youcan selectthe Off timer only when the air @nditioneris on. 1 on; has that Check theair conditioner beenswitched if necessary, press the $ (on/off)button. Set the desiredamounl of lime beforethe unit will turn off by pressing ths ffiA buttonon the remotecontrolor tifi;l buttonon the unit one or The the timeis displayed. countdowntimecanbe moretimesuntil desired 1 set between and24 hours. the Result: a Eachtimeyou press @) button: on by - Thetimeis adjusted t houranddisplayed themntrol oanel - Theunitbeeos automatically and timeis displayed decreases a Thecountdown the tjme. to indic€te remaining when switches automatically the off i Theairmnditioner zero. countdowntimereaches whenyou cnange aftersetting Offtimermode.However, the mode.the timermodeis canceled. Off to the fan sDeed the i*h Cancel Off Timer '€:t press: the Tocancel timer, i} Timer the remote control unjtoneor moretimesuntil"--' is displayed or on AI or on control unit. button the remote t The (l) (On/Off) SelectingSleep Mode The Sleepmode can be used when you are aoling your room to switch l:lp air onditioner off automatically after 8 houts. re lemoteCo||trol > The Eleep function can he set whether the air conditioner is conaolPancl Power g, button on the remotecontrol Pressthe @ or pressthe fG-l 6uttonon the unit. Result the o Eachtime you pressa button, unit beeps. o The rD indicator " B'will be displayed. and and in a The remaining time is decreased displayed t hour segments. o lf Sleepis selected on afterswitching the unit,the air conditioner the this period, temperature will run in Coolmode.During displayed the one you set for the Cool mode.lf Sleepis is starts on selected beforeswltching the unit,the air conditioner is runs in Coolmodeand the temperalura set to 79'F. o The fan runsin low mode(F1),and you can adjustthe sPeed. Mode Sleep Gancelthe lf you no longerwishto cand it at anytime. usethe Sieep modethat you have set, You can 1 Pressthe remotecontrol @ uutton on the or presstne @ nuttonon the unit to switchofi the air conditioner. . Sleepmode,you can alsopressthe (@, 2 To cancelthe selected @, @ or @) butlonontheremotecontrol buttonon the unit. AI pressthe l-i;;|, lts*-I, l#lorlffi] €@, Rssult: aThe unitbeeps. a TheD indicator no longerdisplayed. is in mode. a The air conditioner operates the lastselected lf you selectthe EnergySavingmodein the Sleepmode,the Sleep will and modewill be cancelled the air conditioner startup in the EnergySavingmode. SelectingEnergySavingMode wish to save energy when using Your air conditioneL select the energy saving mode. 1 To selectthe energysavingmode,pressthe @ buttonon the remote controlor G=;l buttonon the unit one or moretimesuntilthe Energy lights up. Saverindicator cycleon and off together. Result: a The fan and compressor to a Thefan will continue run for a shorttime afterthe cyclesoff. compressor You cannotuse the Dry modein the energysaving ![6 G;;? button. mode. . : ..'. ': r' .' .-....,..-,.. :....- ,, ..,, colt!'ol Remote , ,, co!!d q"ry! ffiW , .,, .. , .,,:,:,,1. ,, , ., . I , ,:, .,,: 2 To stop the energysavingmode,pressthe @ button on the unit again. controlor GS":*iI buftonon the remote on cycles andoff. whilethe compressor Result: Thefan runsat all times, will and will Saving be cancelled the air mnditioner startup in the Timermode. Sleep ffip"t"turean@ humidity opqation range' air conditioner's temperature and The following table indicates the **"** Mode tndoorrempililJ* 70'F to 90'F aPProx outdoorTemperature 70'F to 110'F aPProx' lndoorHumidity 80% or less ttitt" is used at"' "i, "onJitioner HighertemPeratures Lowertemperatures levets humiditY Higher Then"' ffiay and betriggered theair if mayhappen the of the anddripfrom surface theunit will conditioner stoP' ffilfunction"y f heat exchangerreezes' .".d*Jon if it is usedfor long Penoos' Cleaning YourAir Conditioner Be surc to clean the air filter periodi@lly to keep the air nnditioner operating at optimum level. (When cleaning the air conditioner, turn it off and pull out the power plug, 1 Openthe frontgrilleby pullingthe tabs on both sidesofthe frontgrille Then lift it up slightlyto open the frontgrillecompletely. 2 Gr abthetabson theair filter andpull itupand oul 3 cleaner brush or Remove duston the air filterwitha vacuum all 4 When you have finished, insert the air filter back into its original position, 5 and then wipe it again Wipethe surfaceof the unit with a neutraldetergent solventor otherchemical with a dry cloth.(Be sure not to use benzene, products.) lf you,.. Willnotbe usingthe air conditioner a for longperiod time of Then... O Switchthe fan on for a few hoursto of thoroughly the inside theair dry conditioner. if Switch airconditioner and off the unplug fromthewallsocket. it I Clean filter the andoutersurfaces. Switchthe fan on for a few hoursto of thoroughly the inside the air dry conditioner. Havenotusedthe air conditioner a long for period time of I Solving CommonProblems I I Before contacting a Samsung authorized service center, pefiorm the following simple che*s. They may save you the time and expense of an unn*essary call. Problem The air condilioner does not operate at all ExplanationSolution / a Check that the circuit breaker used for the air conditioner has not been triggered. O Check that the power cable is plugged into a wall socket and the socket is switched on, if necessary il Check that the temperature indicator on the unit is lit; if necessary, press the O (On/Off) button on the remote control or unit. a Check that there are no obstacles between you and the unit. a Replace the remote control batteries if necessary a Check that you are close enough to the unit (seven meteryyards or less) The air conditioner does not operate with the remote control No beepis heard whenyou presstheC) (On/Ofi) button on the remotecontrol doesnot Theair conditioner cool it Check thatyou are pointing remote the control the remote at control sensor on the unit. it Reolace remotecontrolbatteriesif necessarv. the a a a ,' modehasbeenselected(Cool). Check thatthe conectoperating may b€ too low. The roomtemperature instructions. Dustmaybe blocking airfilter;referto page17 for cleaning the Check thatthereis no obstacle blocking airflowintoor outof the unit. the conectly; referto pages12-14. that Thetimeris notcorectlytrig- a Check the timerhasbeenprogrammed Odorsare permeating the a Ventilate room, the roomduring conditioning air Techn ical Specifications are Designand specifications subjectto changewithout notice PowerSupply AWO69CB AWOSgCB AW lOgCB AW129CB AW149CB AWO6ECBT AWOSECBT AW lOECBT AW 12EC87 AW 15EC87 AW189CB AW 18ECB7 AW25ECB7 60Hz 230-208V-. ANU LTATIO ,TU$TA NTII AL roonl Window-Type air conditioner a This bdef procedureguide was preparedto.supplementth6 user manualin helpingto corectly install your room air conditioner. a You should considerseekinga pofessional installation specialistif you are unsurc of installing the air conditionerafter readingthis supplement. a The weight and size of the unit may make it too difficult for you to install by yourcelf. !} lf you feel you can installthe air conditioner, this guide will assistyou towardsa safe installation. However, pleaae note: W3 arc not rcspomlble for any accldent caused as a rcsult of youl attempt to lnstall the alr conditioner on your own. O The illustrations showq in thls gulde may not exactly match your air condltloner. ,) This air conditionershould be installedin a window. To ensure product quality and safety, do not installthe air conditionerin a wall. @ srnRTED h rrtruc for Preparation Installation l) Always have an assistantto help you. Never attemptto install any air conditioner alone. l) You risk the possibility hurtingyourselfor injuringothers by of attemptingto installit alone. CheckpointsPrior to Installation 1 Carefullyremovethe unit from the packingcase, lay it on (as indicated)are enclosed. the floor and check that all accessories 2 Check the cabinetand front grilleof the unit for any defectssuch as scratches. 3 Be sure to check the power supply. a Refer to the soecifications the label attachedto the unit. on lnstallationConditions 1 Requirements Electrical For personal safety: grounded. must be properly a This appliance i| Do not, under any circumstances, or removethe third grounding cut prongfrom the power cord. a We recommendthat you do not use an extensioncord or an plugwith this appliance. adapter a Do not changethe plug on the powercordof this appliance. O Follownational electrical codesor localcodesand ordinances. 115V 230-208V 230-20AV . 'l5AMPcircuit 20Al\,lPcircuit 15AMPcircuit 30AMPcircuit "O-'IOUU "parallel" type "perpendicula/'type "tandem" type "tandem" type (ll) \:-/ (t-) \r' (--) \:-/ (--) \:/ provided a lf theelectric supply doesnotmeettheabove specifications, a licensed call electrician. problems a Aluminum house wiring mayposespecial mnsulta qualified electrician. i' Thisunitrequires separate serving thisappliance. only a orcurt, WindowType Requirements o A standard double-hung window with an actual opening width of "X." The installationwill need to be modified for windows other than the standarddouble hung type. t Clear a verticalopeningof 'Y" minimum,from bottomof sash to sill. o lnstallthe air conditioner a window where there will be in enough clearancearound the cabinetto allow ample circulation of air throughthe unit. . All supporting parts should be secured to firm wood, masonry, or metal. Type width lllodels AW069CB AW06ECB7 "x' 61.7mto 91.gcm (24a1o'b 36 v5') 34.ocm (1 aB') 3 B1 AWOS9CB AW08ECB7 63dn b 92m (24 7tltJ'lo 36 ns") 38.ocn (14aa\ 82 AW109CB AW129CB AWlOECBT AW12ECB7 AW149CB AW18ECB7 AW189CB AW15ECB7 66.2cm 100m to (26" b 39 !2") 41.0m (161EJ 72,2m b 100on (2825'to 39 zs") 76.2cmto 104cm (30" tic41) 44.2cm (17s) 46.7m (A25"\ c AW25EC87 f999 lJ:91" . PhiliDshead screwdriver . Ruler or taoe measure . Adjustablewrench . Pencil . Scissors hro. 4Em Type A(Qty.6) TopSupport 6nannet Ro: lnstallation Al,lr069CB/AW06EC87 The illustationsslrorvnin this sectionmay not exactlymatchyourair conditioner The following as@ssorles may be not supplled depending on the model. TypeB(Oty.10) Type C(Aty-2) "{sS 'w{3 A:=_=.=::_z Adhesive seal strip E b (ffi gasket Window trf fillsr panel Top support channel sealstrip ffi iI channel stripand seal fromthetopsupport the 1 Remove backing attachit to the bottomof the top supportchannel. LTop support channel sealstip Topsuppo.l cnannet 2 Installthe top supportchannelwith four Type B screwsprovided gauge the channel smaller the on and on Thescrewholesareof larger sideofthe The is The channel "L"shaped. high cabinet. topsupport faceinwards. mustalways channel 3 Assemblethe windowbracketson the cabinet. 3-1 Loosenthe lowerscrewslightlyon each side of the cabinetand install the Type G window bracket. the 3-2'l'ightenthe screwssecuring brackets. 4 Attachthe windowfillerpanelsto the unit. 4-1 Slidethe windowfillerpanelsand theirframesinto the channelson the top and bottom of the cabinet. the 4-2 Assemble windowiiller panelsto the cabinetusingsix Type B screws. I E Instalation(cont.) rypO awoogcB/AW06EcB7 5 Attach the seal striDto the window. 5-1 Cut the adhesive-backed foam seal stripgasketto the windowwidth. 5-2 Removethe backingfrom the adhesiveseal stripand attachthe stripto the underside the bottomwindow. of 6 Installthe unit in the window. 6-1 Placethe air conditioner cabinetinto the windowwith the top just supportchannelpositioned in frontof the bottomsash. 6-2 Centerthe cabinet,side to side in the windowthen pull the window just down untilit restson ihe air conditioner, behindthe mounting channelfrontflangeon top of the cabinel 6€ Make sure the cabinet maintains a slightly downward slant to the outside. A 1/4" slant cabinet from front to rear is desirable to help prevent water from entering the room, 7 Extendthe windowfillerDanels. 7-1 Secure window the brackets the ledgeusingtheTypeA screw at to eachside. 7-2 Extendthe windowfillerpanelsinto the windowsash tracks on both sides.Whenthe windowis pulleddown,the windowshould rest on the unitjust behindthe windowfillerpanelframes. 7-3 Slidethe windowfillerpanelsoutwarduntilthey touchthe sides of the window Securethe panelsby puftingfour Type A screws throughthe mountingholesin the panelsand drivingthem into the window ledgeand sash. i I II o nt' 87 Ec EI ry p 0 o*ougcB/AW06 |nstaati n(co ) gasket. the 8 lnstall window the Cut the foam windowgasketto the windowwidth and stuff it behryeen windowand the glassto preventair and insects{rom gettingintothe room 9 Check for air leaks and seal. Turnthe air to 10 Plugin the powercordconnected the air conditioner' it on conditioner andoperaie in Coolmode. vibrations. Checkto makesurethereare no unusual it return to the dealer. lf the unitdoesnot.please I E f}p0 o*our"B/Aw06EcB7 Instalation(cont.) Removal of the Front Grille tf you nd to rcmovethefront gdllefor repl@meft, foilowthe ste'6 below. grilleby pulling tabson bothsidesof thegrille. the 1 Openthefaont Thenlifi it up slighflyto openthe frontgrillecompletely. 2 Remove the screw that holds the grille in place. if necessarv. w the 3 Disassemble frontgrille. 3-1 Pressbothsidesof the cabinetin the direction the anow as shown of in the figure. foMard. 3-2 Pullthe lowerpartof the frontgrilleslightly than7.6cm(3"). Doingso may cause damageto the grille'stwo top tabs. lift 3-3 Graspthe grilleat both sides nearthe bottomand carefully it straight up to disengage grille'stwo top tabs from slots nearthe top of the the cabinet. the 4 Re-install frontgrille. 4-1 Fix the upperfront grille. 4-2 Slideone side of the lowerpart of the front grilleslightlybackward 4-3 Slidethe otherside backward. 44 Re-install screwand the air filter. the brn The following a@e$ories Typ€ A(Oty-B ) 0ECB7 29CB/AW08ECB7/AW1 IAW12ECB7 AW089CB/AWI 09CB/AW1 Installation yourairconditioner match maynotexacuy shown thissection in Theillustrations may be not supplied depending on the model Type C(Oty-2) Type B(Qty-18 or 19) Type D(aty-2) Window sash seal .qns0 TopSuppdt ChannelT-\ Topsupport\ channel sealstrip @ W 4" <;i' #/ .-----4 gasket Window ml -\ t i Security bracket f f i3 Bottomgasket t-t I F====-- | = nz l to on lf 1 Opentheftontgrille depending the model. necessaurefer your owner's instruclions. i' \ --"'1aa-i 7-41iil :8lq 6t Ui 1 I J_ tl.Z I 2 Remove the screw located at the lower section of the front grille. It is secured in the <--,".""--rsection depending on the model. ,@g l i S€Rl/ i I the 3 Remove frontpanel. in of 3-1Pressbothsidesof thecabinet the direction theanowas shown in thefgure. forward. slightly 3-2Pullthe lowerpartof thefrontpanel (nomorethan7.6cm/3 inches) upward. 3-3Liftthefrontpanel a of 34 Disconnect connector thefrontpanel. i,Wl "i for@to remove frontpanelmaycause the excessive - Applying damageto the tab; be sure notlo use excesive force- two 4 Remove or fourscrewson the lowerrightand left sidesof the unit. I I I r ,-.:.:. I II lrrna , . I I P tr yj_r:c B/AW ec B/AW c B/AWo cBztAwr B7.1Awr 10 12e IE oEc ' 2EcBT lll :' ' In s ta l l a ti o n (cont.) ., ': f il 5 Carefully remove chassis the . fromthecabinet pulling forward by it (Alittie careful leverage a screwdriver helpto slidethe unitout.) with may > Nowwouldbe an goodtimeto inspect fan for damage the causedby shipment. Rohtethefan blade withyourhands. . lt should revolve freely without scratching unusual any or noise. packthe unitup andretumit to yourdealer. lf sucha noiseexists, Theunitmayhavebeenmisaligned to shipping due abuse. The empty cabinet without the chassr's,3 now reratively light. ff you have common Double Hung Windows, procd to inshll the top support channel on.the cabinet 6 Remove backing the fromthetop support channel stripand seal attach to the boftom thetopsupport it of channel. seal strip 7 Install top support the channel four or five TypeB screwsprovided. with > Makesureto screw fromthetopof thecabinet ontothechannel. > Thetopsupport channel "L"shaped. highsideof thechannel is The musl always faceinwards. 8 Attach window lhe fillerpanels the cabinet. to 8l Slide window the fillerpanels theirframes the channels the and into on toDandboftom the cabinet of 8-2Attach window the fller panels thecabinet to using TypeB screws. six @ br* s-2 AW089CB/AW1 o9CB/AW1 29CB/AW08ECB7/AW1 0ECB7AW12ECB7 I Installation Now position the cabinet centnlly into the window. Make sure you have about a five degreedownward slant to the outside for proper drainage of condensation. 9 Attach support brackets the cabinet order to adjustthe pitch. in the to 91 Selectthe Type D support bracket position will placethe bracket that nearhe outermost ooint thewindow ln mostcabinets will on sill. this be the first set of holes.Usingeight Typs B screws, attachthe supportbrackebto eachsideof the cabinetbottom. $2 Threadthe Type C bolts intottre supportbrackeb,makingsurethe cabinet maintains slightly a downward slantto theoutside. > Somewindows nothavea suffcient do ledge oEde window in suchcasesthe brackelsserveno usefulpurpose. TypeC Bolts 10 10 Attach window the sashsealto thewindow. 1Gl Cutthewindow width. sashsealto thewindow fromthe windory sashsealand attachit to 10-2 Remove backing the of the underside the boftomof the window. sasn brro. AW089CB/AW1 09CB/AW1 29CB/AW08ECB7/AW1 oECB7|N!{12f:ciB7 :: : l n s ta ffa ti o n (cont.) ', '" 11 Install cabinet thewindow. the in 11'1Place cabinet thewindow the into withthetopsupport channel just positioned in frontof the bottomsash. 11-2Pullthewindow just downuntilit rests thecabinet, behind top on the support channel. 11-3Locate threescrewholesalong cabinet the bottom frontedge. Center cabinet, to side,in thewindow mount to tne the side and il window stoolusingthree TypeA screws. Forsafety, always make surethebottom channel rests securely theinside on font edgeof thewindowlf yourwindow dimensions suchthatthisis sill are possible, mayneedto drillthreeadditional you not holesequally spaced on the bottom channel properly to secure cablnet. the it to 5cm(2") widestrips of - Forsomewindows, maybe necessary install hardwoodpositioned along widthof thewindow obtain proper the to the alignment pitch. wooden and The stripmustbe screwed downsecurely before resting cabinet topof it. Neglecting ensuresuch security the on to may risk havingthe air conditioner out ot the windowand hurting fall someone. 12Extend window the fillerpanels. 12-1Whenthewindow pulled is down,thewindow should on the rest just cabinet behind window the fillerpanel frames. 12-2Slide fillerpanels the outward theytouchthesidesof thewindow. until Secure panels putting the by four TypeA screwsthrough the mounting holesin the panels dnving and themintothewindow stool andsash. Type Screws A 13Attachthe securitybracketwitha TypeA screw [- I E ry p e *gl*:liglll. 2 c87 E 1 B/Aw's 2sc Ec B7lAw1 o cB7lAw1 E ",^* 14Slide chassis the cablnet. into the slide 14-1Carefully theairconditioner intothecabinet. back gasket 14-2Place bottom the between bottom the ofthe chassis the and insidebottomof the cabinet.Folduo the endson bothsidesof the bottomgasketandpushthemin. 14-3Reinstall chassis-to-cabinet the retaining on screwsremoved page11. 15 Wndorv gasket gasket. 15 Install window the Cutthe windowgasketto the windowwidthand stufi it between window the fromgetting the room. into andtheglassto prevent andinsects air the and 16 Reinstall panel grille. 16-1Fixthe upper frontpanel. 1G2Slide onesideof the lowerpartof thefont panelslightly backward. 1&3 Slide othersidebaclward. the 'i6.4 Reinstall ftontgrille the cabinet the to afterreplacing screw the removedin step2. ficr 17 Check air leaks andseal. > Someinstallations requke may additjonal sealing around the and window air conditioner. 18 Plug in the power,tum the air conditioner and operateit in on Cool mode and checkfor unusualvibrations. > Afferseveralminutes unitwill be blorringout coldair. the refumit to thedealer. lf the unit does not.please bto o s fhe following accF&ries AW1 B/AW1 B/AwlsEcB7IAWI 49c 89c SEcB?/Awzsecei Installation Theilluslrations shownin lhissection yowak @nditioner. maynotexactly match may be not supplied depending on the model. Type D(Oty-2) TypeA(Oty40) TypeB(Oty-2r) Type C(Oty-2) Window seal ssh @@ TopSupport ChannelN- ffiwwwmmE1g 24,> N==v ropsuppon channel sealstrip ml Srcuritybracket a l vl I 1 Openthefrontgrille.lf necessary refer yourowner's to instructions. 'w #/ gasket Wndow Bottomgasket €3::W w 2 Remove the screw located at the lower section of the front grille. It is secured in the <:l:> section depending on the model, 3 Remove frontpanel. the 3-1 Press bothsidesof thecabinet thedirection thearrow shown in of as in thefigure. 3-2 Pullthe lowerpartof thefrontpanel slightly forward. (nomorethan7.6cn/3inches) 3-3LiftthefrontoaneluDward. 3-4Disconnectconnector the frontpanel a of . > Applying excessive forceto remove frontpanelmaycause the damage thetab;be surenotto useexcessive to force. 4 Remove screws the lowerrightandleftsides the unit. four on of ' T- brn, 4gCB/A'rrl AW1 89CB/AW1 5EGB7/AW1 8ECB7/AW25ECB7 Installation(cont.) removethe chassis 5 Carefully fiom the cabinetby pullingit foMard to[,ardsyou. (A litte carefulleverage with a screwdriver may helpto slide he unitout.) > Nowwouldbe a goodtime to inspect fan for damage the causedby shipment.Rotate fun blade the withyourhands. . lt should revolve freely without scratching unusual any noise. or packthe unitup andrelumit to yourdealer. lf sucha noiseexists, Theunitmayhavebeenmisaligned to shipping due abuse. Theemptycabinetwithoutthechassis nowretatively rls light lf you havecommon DoubleHungWndows,Wceed to insfa,ll the top supportchannel the cabinet on ffi 6 Remove backing the fiom the top supportchannelsealsfip and attachit to the bottomof the top supportchannel. LTop supportchannel sealstrip 7 Install top supportchannel the withfive Type B soews provided. > Makesureto screwfom the top of the cabinetontothe channel. > Thetopsupport channel "L"shaped. highsideof thechannel is The musl alwavsfuce inwards. I Attachthe windowfilleroanelsto the cabinet. the filler &1 Slide windoirr oanels theirframes thechannels he and into on top and bottomof the cabinet 8-2Attach window the fillerpanels thecabinet to using elghtTypeB screws. I I f- I r :. f X Trrna I y U tr AWI4gcB/AWl B/AwlsEcB7lAwl 89c lI BEcBztAW2sEc1,,, Bi r 'r lnstatlationlcont.) : . , : Now position the cabinet centrally into the window. Make sure you have about a five downward slant towards the outside backwards for proper drainage of condensation. 9 Attach support the brackets thecabinet adjusting pitch. to for the 9-1 Select TypeD supportbracketposition willplace bracket the that the pointon thewindow ln mostcabinets will neartheoutermost sill. this be thefirstsetof holes. Using eightTypeB screws,attach lhe support brackets eachsideof thecabinet to bottom. 9-2 Thread TypeC bolts intothesupport the brackets, making surethe cabinet mainlains slightly a downward slantto the outside. >- Somewindows nothavesufficient do window ledge theoutside on edgeof pumose. thewindow, suchcases brackels in the serveno useful 10 Attach the window sash seal to the window. 10-1 Cut the window sash seal to the window width. 10-2 Remove the backing from the window sash seal and attach it to the underide of the bottom of the window. 10 /Z Tl I I E l- Ec 87 I Ec sEc li| rype fiHffi :'igliecB/Awl B7lAwl B7lAw25 in cabinet thewindow. 1l lnstallthe channel with into the 11-1Place cabinet thewindow he top support just positioned in frontof the bottomsash. just the downuntilit restson thecabinet, behind top 11-2Pullthewindow channel. support 11-3Locatefive screwholesalongthe cabinetbottomfrontedge. and sideto side,in the windory mountit to the Centerthe cabinet, windowstoolusingfive TypeA screlvs. > Forsafety, on rests securely theinside channel surethebottom always make are sill font edgeofthe windowlf yourwindow dimensions suchthatthisis holesequallyspacedon pu not possible, may needtc drillthreeadditional securethe cabinet. to the bottomchannel properly to > For somewindo ts, it may be necessary installftm(2") wide stripsof alongthe widthof the windowto obtainthe proper hardwoodpositioned screwed down and alignment pitcfr.Thewoodenstripmustbe securely to beforerestingthe cabineton top of it. Neglec'ting ensur€ such security fall may risk havingthe air conditionor out of the windowand hurting someone. fillerpanels. the 12 Extend window rest should on the the is down, window 12-1Whenttrewindow pulled filler cabinet behindthe windo\w panelframes. lust of the until outward theytouch sides thewindow the 12-2Slide fillerpanels Securethe panelsby pufiingfour TypeA screws throughthe stml holesin the panelsand drivingthemintothe windor,v mounting andsash. TypeA Screws with a TypeA screw 13Attachthe secuntybracket l- I I ]l + f! g sEcB7/AWi sEcezAw2secBT ryp flHffi :trHiecB/Awl 14 Slide chassis thecabinet. the into 14-1Carefully theairconditioner intothecabinet. slide back gasket the and 14-2Place bottom the between bottom ofthe chassis the of inside bottom thecabinet. of Folduo the endson bothsides thebottom gasket pushthemin. and in screws 1+3 Reinstall frontscrews the sideof unitamono removed 2 on the page 17. Bottomgasket gasket. 15 Install window the gasket thewindow the to widthandstufiit between window Cutthewindow fromgetting the room. into to air andtheglass prevent andinsects Windowgaskel 16 Reinstall panel grille. the and '1G1Fixthe upper frontpanel. backward. slighfly 16-2Slide onesideof the lowerpartof thefrontpanel 16-3Slide othersidebackward. the the to afterreplacing screw 164 Reinstall frontgrille the cabinet the in 2. removed steD for andseal. 17 Check air leaks > Someinstallations require the additional sealing around may window air conditioner. and on, 18 Plug in the power,tum the air conditioner operateit in Cool mode and checkfor unusualvibrations> Afferseveral out minutes unitwillbe blowing coldair. the retumit to thedealer. lf the unitdoesnot,please i,.,',...'. . . .. ,. @,, -T-- SAMSUNG ROOM CONDITIONER AIR ThjsSAMSUNG brandproduct, supplied distributed SAMSUNG as and by ELECTRONTCS AN/ERICA, tNC. (SAMSUNG) delivered and neq in the original purchaser, wanantedby SAMSUNG cartonto the original consumer is againstmanufactunng defectsin materials workmanship a limtted periodof: and for warranty Five (5)YearsPafts, Labor and CompressorWarranty purchased usedin theUnited Thislimited wananty begins theoriginal of purchase, is valid on date and onlyon products and States. Wananty repairs mustbe performed SAMSUNG'S by authorized service center. receive To wananty servrce, original the dated of salemustbe presented request proof purchase SAI/4SUNG SAMSUNG'S bill upon as of 1o or authorized service center pats SAMSUNG repair replace partfound bedefective nocharge, strpulated will or any to at with as herein, newor reconditioned period during limited the wananty specified above.Torequest wananty service, purchaser contact the must SAMSUNG for problem procedures. determination seruice and SAMSUNG doesnotwanant unlnterruptedenor-ftee or operation theproduct. of parts products All replaced parts and become property SAMSUNG mustbe retumed SAMSUNG. the of and to Replacement and products assume remaining the (90) original wananty, ninety days, or whichever longer. is In - HomeService: period, During wananty the labor in-home subject availability thecontiguous service be provided will to within United States. In-home service notavailable allareas. during is in lf in-home service repair notbe completed,maybe necessary rsnove, it can to repalr retum product. in-home lf and the service unavailable, is SAMSUNG elect, ouroption, provide transportaton may at to for of ourchoice andfroma SAMSUNG to authorized service Otherwise. center. transDortation ftomtheSAMSUNG to and authorized service center theresponsibility purchaser is of the Thislimited wananty manufacturing covers defects materials wokmanship in and enmuntered normal, in nonmmmercial of use thisproduct shall apply thefollowing, and not to including, notlimited delivery installation; but to: and damage which occusin shipment; applications usesforwhich product notintended; and this failures problems or which caused products are by or was equipment supplied SAMSUNG; not by accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, misapplication, water, fire, lightning other or actsof nature; inconect elecrical voltage, line flucluations surges; product or caused improper fuulty installation; damage by or ateration or product altered modificationt improper unauthonzed or repair; cosmetic or serial numbers; failureto damage exterior finish; with prescnbed the insfuctjonbook;customer followoperatrng environmental and instructions arecovered and in that adjustments, parts, routine maintenance cleaning; and consumable suchas filters; of non-SAMSUNGunauthorized supplies, items use or product result service problems. accessories equlpment or which damage this or in THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARMNTIESOTHER THANTHOSELISTED AND DESCRIBED ABOVE, ANDNOWARMNTIES WHETHER EXPRESS IMPLIED, OR INCLUDING, NOTLIMITED ANY IMPLIED BUT TO, WARRANTIES MERCHANTABILIOF FOR TY OR FITNESS A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, APPLY AFTER THEEXPRESS WARRANry PERIODS SHALL STATED ABOVE, ANDNOOTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY GUAMNTYGIVEN BYANYPERSON, OR FIRMORCORPOMTION WTH RESPECT THISPRODUCT FORLOSS TO SHALL BINDING SAMSUNG. BE SAMSUNG SHALL NOTBE LIABLE ON OF REVENUE PROFITS, OR FAILURE REALIZE TO OR BENEFITS, OTHER SPECIAL, SAVINGS OTHER ORANY INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES TO OR CAUSED BYTHEUSE,MISUSE INABILIry USETHISPRODUCI OR REGARDLESS THE LEGALTHEORY WHICH OF ON THECLAIMIS BASED, AND EVENIF SAI\,1SUNG BEENADVISED HAS OFTHE POSSIBILITY SUCHDAMAGES. OF NORSHALLRECOVERY ANYKINDAGAINST SAMSUNG GREATER BE IN OF AMOUNT THAN THEPURCHASE PRICE THEPRODUCT OF SOLDBYSAMSUNG CAUSING ALLEGED AND THE FOR LIMITING FOREGOING, THE PURCHASERASSUMESALL RISKAND LIABILITY LOSS, DAIV1AGE DAMAGE. WITHOUT OR INJURYTO PURCHASERAND PURCHASERS TO THEIR PROPERryARBING OUTOF PROPERTYAND OTHERSAND THEUSE,MISUSE INABILITY USETHISPRODUCT OR TO DIRECTLY THE SOLDBYSAIVSUNG CAUSED NOT BY NEGLIGENCE SAMSUNG. OF THISLIMITED WARMNry SHALLNOTEXTEND ANYONE TO OTHER THANTHEORIGINAL PURCHASER THISPRODUCT. IS NON-TRANSFEMBLEAND IT OF STATES YOUREXCLUSIVE REMEDY Somestatesdo notallowlimitations howlongan implied on wanantylasts,or the exclusion limitation incidental or of or gives specific you consequential damages, theabove so limitations exclusions notapply you. Thiswaranty or may to legal nghts, you mayalsohaveotherrights and lvhichvaryfom stateto state. please Toobtain warantyservice, mntactSAI/SUNG at ELECTRONICS SAMSUNG AMERICA. INC.. 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