SAIC-A-2010 Rev 2

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ramesh Palakkad | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Leak, Valve, Welding, Hvac



SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID - 18-MAY-05 - REV 0 (Standards Cutoff - December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping PROJECT TITLE 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 WBS / BI / JO NUMBER 1-Dec-06 Piping- CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT ID NUMBER(S) LAYOUT DRAWING NUMBER SCHEDULED INSPECTION DATE & TIME SAUDI ARAMCO TIP NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION LEVEL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION REV. NO. PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER EQPT CODE SYSTEM ID. PLANT NO. EC / PMCC / MCC NO. QUANTITY INSP. MH's SPENT TRAVEL TIME ACTUAL INSPECTION DATE & TIME SAUDI ARAMCO ACTIVITY NUMBER CONTRACTOR INSPECTION LEVEL SAUDI ARAMCO USE ONLY WORK PERMIT REQUIRED? ITEM No. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA REFERENCE PASS FAIL N/A RE-INSP DATE NOTE: Use Pre-test Punch List Form, SATR-A-2007, for listing of specific deficiencies, indicating location and/or references A A1 Test Pack Verification & Review* (*Thorough & detailed review of specs for each new system's first package) Test Package has been verified to be approved and to contain the detailed elements of SAEP-1160, Sect 8 as detailed in SAIC-A-2003. Use Attachments 1 & 2 of this checklist (quick reference). Pressure Testing Procedure is approved. Test application meets SA reqmts as checked against Pressure Test Matrix - Attach. 3. Construction & Special Process Control (per SAEP-1160 Database) has been documented as complete* (ready for Punch Listing). Welding, NDT, PWHT, BHT, PMI, Other Testing, is documented in pkg Procedure is followed regarding Test Pkg flow sequence. SAES-A-004, Para. 5.6.1 SAES-A-004, Para. 7.1.1 SAEP-1160, Section 6 Weld Database A2 A3 B B1 SIS Sheet Data Verification (Safety Considerations & Limiting Factors in Pressure Test Calculations) SIS Sheets contain full code pressure calculations for applicable piping sizes. Limiting Factor listed on SIS Sheet is supported by data On SIS sheets, proposed hydrostatic strength test pressures for NEW plant piping systems are verified against the listed applicable limiting factors by determining the lesser of the following: A) Pressure rating of flanges (per ASME B16.5 or other) B) Pressure rating of any valves used in isolation (ASME B16.34) Note: (Valve pressure ratings for seat closure = tested at 110% when valves are used for isolation) C) Other system components (Internal Coating pressure rating) may result in test pressure reduction APCS 102 = 3,000, others 5,000psi SAES-L-150, Para. 7.1 B2 Test Pressure=2t(0.9)(SMYS)/D where: t= nominal pipe wall thickness minus the specified mill tolerance* *mill tolerance =12.5% (seamless pipe) or .01" for welded plate SMYS= Specified minimum yield strength (psi). Use ASME B31.3 Appendix A Tables for specific material grade used (SIS sheet). Example: SMYS for API 5L Gr X-60 = 60 KSI or 60,000 psi D = Outside piping diameter (OD)* ... Per ASME B36.10 Tables *Note: For nominal piping sizes 14" (& above), actual O.D. = 14" For nominal pipe sizes 12" & below ... See ASME B36.10 Tables On SIS sheets, proposed hydrostatic strength test pressures for EXISTING PLANT PIPING SYSTEMS (TIE-INS) is the test pressure shall be minimum required by the Code ASME B31.3. Actual min wall thickness of piping shall be verified (PROCEDURE) and used in such calculations. Thickness readings are current (30 days) & flange rating is considered when calculating test pressure (ASME B31.3) SAES-L-150, Para. 7.1 B3 Test Pressure=2t(0.9)(SMYS)/D where: t= ACTUAL PIPING WALL THICKNESS (MINIMUM MEASURED) SMYS= Specified minimum yield strength (psi). Use ASME B31.3 Appendix A Tables for specific material grade used (SIS sheet). Example: SMYS for API 5L Gr X-60 = 60 KSI or 60,000 psi D = Outside piping diameter (OD)* ... Per ASME B36.10 Tables *Note: For nominal piping sizes 14" (& above), actual O.D. = 14" For nominal pipe sizes 12" & below ... See ASME B36.10 Tables SAES-L-150, Para. 7.1 Page 1 of 17 1 SAES-L-108. and undercut) shall be removed by grinding and inspected by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. Pressure gages and pressure recorders are calibrated within one (1) month before the test. Additional temporary support may be installed as required. gasket mat'l verified & properly torqued. Para. Para.5 (a) SAES-A-004. Note: Exceptions are submarine & buried* pipelines (*pump-outs) Vents and drain valves.3.1.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff .2 SAES-A-004.6 SAES-W-011. 6. Isolation valves are verified to have been body and seat tested prior to installation through verification of field test certificates. permanent vent & drain valves are in open position. SAIC-L-2014) Drains shall be provided at all low points of the piping system.2 SAES-A-004. Para. Check stickers at the time of the test. Para.3 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 SAES-L-450. 7. Section 4. Para. C19 C20 C21 C22 Buried pipeline are adequately bermed or covered to anchor the line during pressure test.7 SAES-W-011. Para.7 SAES-A-004.4. ( Refer SAES-L-108) Supports are installed. welded or mechanical seals) are left exposed for visual leak detection during the strength test. C ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Punchlisting Field Walkdown (Pressure Piping Systems): REFERENCE PASS FAIL N/A RE-INSP DATE SPEC CHECK SHALL BE UTILIZED BY SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTORS FOR FIELD WALK-DOWNS All joints (flange. All in line valves that are not used as test isolation valves are in open position. uneven weld profiles. Method for storage (plastic bag & tie) allows visual verification. 7. Para.1 SAES-A-004. Para. gouges. All permanent flange joints were inspected. During filling. 5. Temporary welded attachments to the pipe were ground off and inspected by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method All threaded joints and faying surfaces shall be seal welded by a continuous fillet weld (required weep holes shall be left unwelded). Para 8. B) The pipe itself can be externally primed & coated to a final coat. C1 SAES-L-150.2 SAES-A-004. and other indications of careless workmanship (such as surface porosity. (Review Flange joint report.15.3 SAES-L-150. Para. Process instruments and equipment that may be damaged by the strength test pressure are disconnected. C14 Disc of check valve is removed. 11. Safety of test "implements" has been checked (SAIC-A-2009) A bleed valve readily accessible is provided in case immediate depressurization is required. A) External coating & priming of joints is allowed only if approved by Insp Dept Mgr & proponent Organization Representative. both temporary and permanent. 7. unless check valve has by-pass.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . 7. Plugging is only AFTER WATER FILL & EFFICIENT AIR VENTING. 7. 6.1 SAES-A-004. Para. C15 Spare taps of orifice flanges are plugged and seal welded.4 SAES-L-150.2 SAES-L-105. Arc strikes.2 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 Drains are provided immediately above check valves (vertical lines). 9. Para. 7. 11.3 SAES-L-110. Para. Page 2 of 17 . 5.9 SAES-L-150.4 SAES-L-450 Appendix C SAES-A-004. Para. 11.4 SAES-W-011. Paddle or spectacle blinds shall be used to isolate test sections. The pressure testing manifold is separately pressure tested to at least 1. Expansion joints and spring hangers or spring supports are provided with temporary restraints. Para.2 SAES-L-110. Para.5. Para. Para. 8.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping PROJECT TITLE 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 WBS / BI / JO NUMBER 1-Dec-06 Piping- CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR ITEM No. 6.18-MAY-05 .2 SAES-A-004.5.1. 8.3. C16 C17 All threaded joints up to the first block valve of hydrocarbon pipeline are seal welded. Para. Para. 7. Thread engagement has been verified & accepted.2 C18 times the system test pressure but not less than the discharge pressure of the pump used for the pressure testing. conforms with the piping class or rating. threaded.4. 5. Initials and Date: Saudi Aramco PMT Representative T&I Witnessed QC Record Reviewed Work Verified QC Inspector Performed Inspection Name. (30 September. Construction of On-Land and Near-Shore Pipelines. Verify post-test removal of C23 scale/debris/water in low points (Check valve cavities). ISOs (Pressure Test Diagram) SAES-A-004. 4.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . (30 September.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . 3. 9 C) As Referenced PRE-TEST SPEC CHECK ATTACHMENT 4. Para. Welding Requirements for On-Plot Piping. Initials and Date: Name. SAES-A-004. This is a standard comment or addition to the punchlist. 2005) SAES-L-108. Initials and Date: Work / Rework May Proceed PID Representative T&I Witnessed Name. testing As Referenced REMARKS: REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: 1. Flushing Cert is available in the test package for review All pressure containing components of pipeline. Organization. (30 March. 2005) SAES-L-110.1. Para. 6. 2003) SAES-W-011. C26 Use SAIC-A-2011 along with this checklist (inspection efficiency) whenever walkdown is done on the same day as press.1 Line compliance with Isometrics: C25 A) Correct Materials utilized grade/schedule (Bill of Mat'ls) B) Correct flange and fittings rating Construction tolerances per SAES-L-350.18-MAY-05 . 2005) SAES-L-150. (30 March. 2003) SAES-L-450. 2005) Contractor / Third-Party Construction Representative* Work is Complete and Ready for Inspection: Name. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA REFERENCE PASS FAIL N/A RE-INSP DATE EVALUATE CLEANING (PROCEDURES) & PROPOSED LAY-UPS: For pipe up to 12-inch NPS . 7. Sign and Date: *Person Responsible for Completion of Quality Work / Test Proponent and Others Name. (30 March. 5. 2. cavity cleanliness is highly suspect where no low point drains exist. 5. Sect. Selection of Valves. 7.2 SAES-A-004.flushed clean of loose scale/debris or scraped prior to commencement of pressure testing per procedure Note 1: If flushing was done with valves in line.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping PROJECT TITLE 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 WBS / BI / JO NUMBER 1-Dec-06 Piping- CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR ITEM No. Piping Material Specifications. General Requirements for Pressure Testing.6. (30 March. Pressure Testing of Plant Piping and Pipelines. (30 March. Limitations on Pipe Joints and Components. Initials and Date: QC Record Reviewed Work Verified QC Supervisor Quality Record Approved: Name. Random verification involves Inspection of valve cavities. except instruments that C24 may be damaged by the test pressure. Note 2: Internal Cleaning procedure for pipe size larger than 14 inch shall be submited for review and approval) See SATIP-L-108. 2005) SAES-L-105. Initials and Date: T&I Witnessed QC Record Reviewed Work Verified Y = YES N = NO F = FAILED Page 3 of 17 . were physically verified to be included in test using P&ID. December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 1 -.NEMA TC 2 (Type EPC-40-PVC) Page 4 of 17 .18-MAY-05 .SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID .SAEP-1160 Section 8 (Test Pkg Minimum Content) Attachment 2 -.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . TEST PACKAGE FLOW CHART Test Package (or Test System) No Test Pack Preparation Engineering Contractor QC Pre-Test Punch Listing (NOTE: Use form SATR-A-2007) Construction Contractor QC Clear 'A' Items Construction Contractor QC S. Aramco Final Insp for MCC SAPMT PID Proponent Page 5 of 17 .Attachment 2 -. Aramco 'A' Items Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Flushing & Cleanliness Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Proponent (By Request) Pressure Testing Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Proponent System Lay-Up Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Proponent (By Request) Reinstate System Final Insp (Contractor) Construction Contractor QC SAPMT S. Aramco Pre-Test Punch Listing SAPMT PID Proponent (By Request) Clear S. 000 psi for APCS 100. Flare lines 24-inch NPS & larger with a design pressure of 75 psig or lower may be strength tested pneumatically (75 psig is tested at 1. 345. etc. Page 6 of 17 .5 times design pressure or 100 psig. See Notes Lube & Seal Oil whichever is greater. Perform a preliminary soap bubble test at 5-10 psig after construction is complete & threaded joints are checked for engagement (two full visible thread rule). shall successfully pass a hydrostatic test. repair to pressure boundary) OR IF PWHT is reqd*. NDE in lieu of pressure test may be performed if requested & approved by SA Insp. Test duration shall not be less than 30 minutes. Coordinate with system Service tests and construction completion.3. See Exceptions Below. When evaluating leakage.5 of ASME B31. Drain holes installed. vents & piping downstream of pressure relieving devices that discharge directly to the atmosphere (max internal pressure 10 psig) are EXEMPT from testing. Portions of the test may be less than 24 inches from these valves to the flare header branch connection. 30 days ahead of testing. In case of flanged tie-in connections. physical configuration. Oil residue found after wiping the joints (check low points carefully) is cause for clean and retest. When pneumatic test is not practical (pressure greater than 1000 psig.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 3 -.1 & B31.) test with liquid or water. Refurbishment. between the root isolation valve and the instrument isolation shall be pneumatically pressure tested (air or nitrogen) at 1. valves or other component (exceptions below).3 Note: Test limits shall be downstream of isolation valves (beyond PZVs & locked valves for equipment).SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . Process requests per Sect 5 of SAES-A-004. Mgr. Dept. especially at flanged and threaded joints. and at a minimum. (Flush. a flange tester is utilized to conduct hydrostatic testing of flange butt weld. hydrostatic strength test pressures for every section of new constructed line shall produce a hoop stress in pipe of 90% SMYS at test temperature.3 CODE PRESSURE PIPING (SATIP-A-004 Series) TEST PRESS TEST CONSIDERATIONS & NOTES & DURATION As Calculated* 30 mins (min) Piping Line Class List (Hydrotest Spec) lists all new process piping line classes (strength test required per code) with exceptions for Service Test and other tests as noted below. Always wait a minimum of 30 mins after wiping joints before reevaluation. Vacuum Piping Air & Inert Gas (150 psig max) LP Steam (60 psig max) Weld-Plus-Ends Existing Plant Piping Incl. Coordinate with Compressor and Receiver Service tests and final gasket installation. Weld-Plus-Ends shall be subjected to a pneumatic pressure test of 5 to 10 psig in the annulus between the gasket and the seal weld. Test limits utilize blind flanges at removed isolation valve locations.1 factor or 82 psig) per Para. the test pressure shall be minimum required by the Code ASME B31. test & dry clean using a quality of water not harmful to lines). Tie-Ins RETESTING REQMTS See Notes 30 mins (min) SERVICE TEST & Soap Bubble Test 30 mins (min) SERVICE TEST 30 mins (min) Soap Bubble Leak Test at 5-10 psig As Calculated* 30 mins (min) Tested to 1. Perform a stored energy calc when requested by Company. all internal coating and Holiday Testing PRIOR TO pressure testing. VISUAL EXAM Drains. Systems that already passed a successful pressure test require RETEST IF subjected to new welding activities (Modifications. REPAIR EXISTING PIPING Open-Ended Piping Instrument Impulse Lines See Notes Every existing plant piping & pipeline. As Calculated* 30 mins (min) Whether piping or tubing. For revalidation purposes of existing plant piping. Internally FBE Coated Lines As Calculated* 30 mins (min) For internally Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coated piping system. Line(s) shall be visually examined. Perform preliminary tests to identify all leaks. Chemical cleaning precedes pressure testing. the test pressure shall not exceed 5. etc Note: Test Package SIS Sheet shows design data & "EXEMPT" under required test pressure. Conduct this test on a weekend to minimize personnel exposure. The test pressure shall be in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code. difficult to identify as "active" or "non-active". 101. utilize clean dry cloths to identify "active" leaks for repair. *Note: Unless limited by flanges. FW & Plumbing) SYSTEM Process Piping ON-PLOT NEW B31. Follow Pneumatic Testing SATIP. a 24 hr recorded test (Chart Recorder) reqd. Note: Instrumentation that could be damaged due to the test shall be disconnected. See Notes Note: Seal welds of threaded connections & Attachment welds of non-pressure containing parts. Upgrades. *Baby Powder works best to clean/dry joints Note: Leaks are common.000 psi for APCS 102 System Note: ALL Welding shall be completed (Design Issue).18-MAY-05 .5 times the differential external pressure.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . Note: SAEP-310 requirements apply as well for pressure testing after Repairs. 103 systems & 3. Flare system Isolation Valves receive a pneumatic seat test at 5 psig in lieu of a high pressure seat hydrotest. Underground Process Piping Flare Lines (24" & above) As Calculated See Notes See Notes 30 mins (min) A) Test prior to backfilling (all joints exposed) & maintain test pressure for a minimum of 2 hrs B) If justifiable (safety) & line must be back-filled. etc EXEMPT. *Lube & seal oil piping is pressure tested with its own fluid at 1. Joints shall be completely 30 mins (min) Systems cleaned* (oil free) before testing. such as wear pads DO NOT REQUIRE RETEST UNLESS THE LINE REQUIRES PWHT (Including attachment welds & seal welds to the pressure boundary). after repairs or alterations have been made that affect the integrity of the pressure containing parts. but not less than 15 psig. UG Utilities.25 X design pressure of the piping system or process equipment to which it is connected. It shall be examined for leaks using a soap solution.Pressure Testing Matrix for On-Plot Piping (Incl. The actual wall thickness of the piping and flange rating shall be determined and taken into consideration when calculating the test pressure. Sect 18 6.Hydrostatic testing for new vessels (shop or field fab) shall be conducted as follows: ASME Section VIII. When testing with adjacent Lube oil system piping (no leaks = acceptance). Controlled System for Valve Placement exists.Pressure testing of On-Plot Plant Piping shall be per SAES-L-150. & ASME Section VIII. Exemptions include sight glasses & other instruments.8 Potable Water Systems .7 Refrigerant Piping Systems . 6. Boiler pressure test After Repair or Alteration.For new. etc) 6. OR T-4 of ASME SEC VIII D2) Boilers receiving Hydrostatic test (new. New Valves Low pressure pneumatic seat test at 5 psig shall be substituted for high pressure See Note Exception hydrostatic seat test for flare system valves. shall be tested per SAES-S-070.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 3 -. Section 4. Exceptions to UPC requirements are listed in SAES-S-060. 6. Identify & Segregate Early!!! Exemption Procedure (Checklist Item D4) See Note See Note Buttweld & socketweld end valves in NPS 2 inches and smaller are exempt Test procedures. & leakage acceptance criteria shall be equal to those that the valves were originally purchased to. vacuum & compressed air system piping for building services shall be tested per ASME B31. Valve ID shall be controlled.1.Valves shall be tested in accordance with SAES-L-108. hydrostatic testing shall be per 32-SAMSS-006 for large.3.3 Pressure Vessels . durations. See Section C of this Checklist. 6. including irrigation piping & water distribution mains. PVC/UPVC & CPVC shall be tested per SAES-S-070. All resilient (soft) seated isolation valves shall have zero leakage. OR T-4 of ASME SEC VIII D2) 6.9 Utility Piping Systems . D2 to 32-SAMSS-004.Steam & condensate piping outside the jurisdiction of ASME B31. NB-23.Utility systems. Strength or Service test associated piping based on service Note: ALL Code Piping construction (in-situ) that is not VENDOR supplied shall be tested.14 Gas Cylinders . SPECIFIC TESTING REQUIREMENT SUMMARY (ALL SA APPLICATIONS PER SAES-L-150. 6. Heater Tube (coil) Assy Hydrostatic test for new.3. ambient lay-up (corrosion protection per mfg instructions & follow-up preservation reqmts) & segregation control to prevent "mixing valves". See Section D of this Checklist. Section 18).Industrial drainage and sewers shall be tested per SAES-S-020 (SAES-070.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . 6.1 & B31.3.Pressure test new & existing fire protection systems (SAES-B-017.Sanitary sewer systems within buildings shall be tested per reqmts of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC).Pressure Testing Matrix for On-Plot Piping (Incl.10 Industrial Drainage and Sewers . See SAIC-L-2042 Note: Proponent specifies those Line Classes and valves subject to field hydrotesting.Gas cylinders shall be tested per Saudi Aramco Bottled Gas Manual.7 6. field fabricated heater tube assembly shall be per 32-SAMSS-029. Pneumatic test as approved by Insp Dept Mgr (UG-100 of ASME SEC VIII D1. 6. For pneumatic testing.6 Fire Protection Systems .5 Tanks . Para 16.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . Location) per SAEP-1160.9.11 Sanitary Sewers .001). Process = Strength Test EXEMPT IF TESTED BY VENDOR 1.18-MAY-05 .2 Hydrostatic testing for existing vessels shall be conducted per SAES-D-008.2 Cross-Country Pipelines . Section 18). Heat Exchanger Tube bundles removed from X-chgr (maintenance) get in-situ shell side test per SAES-D-108 prior to return to service Fin Fan X-chgr is strength tested (as stamped) in-situ prior to final acceptance (new project). Page 7 of 17 . (exceptions noted) FIELD HYDROTESTING OF NEW VALVES (SAES-L-108. field fabricated tanks. heating & cooling water piping.1 Plant Piping . refer to same as above for Vessels (UG-100 of ASME SEC VIII D1.8. 6. THERE ARE 3 MAJOR EXCEPTIONS FOR INSPECTION AWARENESS Sanitary sewer lines outside of buildings shall be tested in accordance with SAES-S-070 Section 18. When code repairs are made to skid-mounted piping to correct misalignment. J Test Location All new valves designated for isolation service (as specified by the Proponent) shall be See Note Field Testing of subjected to high pressure hydrostatic seat test prior to installation in line.4 Heat Transfer Equipment . Valves shall be given a unique ID & corresponding test report document upon receipt.1. Thermoplastic.8. THERE ARE 3 MAJOR EXCEPTIONS FOR INSPECTION AWARENESS Potable water piping outside of buildings shall be tested per the requirements of SAES-S-040 (SAES-S-070.Refrigerant piping serving building air conditioning systems shall be tested according to the requirements of SAESK-001 and the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC). Line Class. Section 1520. Boiler Hydrostatic test during T&Is shall be per test pressure as specified on boiler's safety instruction sheet. pressure test. Paragraph 10. & existing tanks. 6. pressure test the affected spools. Building Services Piping.16 Non Metallic Piping . Section 18) Note: Only OWS portions are tested. Section 6) 6. Test separately (separate package) as required. documents transferred into appropriate Test Pkg & Database (Piping System. Section 18. GI-1781.3 CODE PRESSURE PIPING (SATIP-A-004 Series) Sampling Lines Vessel & Tank Trim (Piping) Skid-Mounted Piping (Vendor) See Note See Note Test as an integral part with the piping or equipment to which it is connected. 2. Para 16.New Labs. FW & Plumbing) ON-PLOT NEW B31. Valves received shall be carefully identified & given a unique ID number for installation into the correct Line Class based on visual verification of construction stamp.13 Miscellaneous Building Services Piping .Hydrostatic tests for existing equipment shall be per SAES-D-008. 6. D1 to SAMSS-004. 6. & whenever transported.Potable water piping inside buildings shall be tested per the reqmts of Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). or 32-SAMSS-005 for atmospheric steel tank. SAIC-A-2031 Sect. Line Number.12 Storm Water Drainage Systems .7 & SATIP-L-108 & SAIC-L-2042) See Note Location shall be specified by proponent & PID approved. physical per 01-SAMSS-010 damage or any modifications in-situ. pressures. low pressure welded tanks. UG Utilities. (Application . Section 4.Pressure testing of cross country pipelines shall be per SAES-L-150. field fabricated boilers) shall be in accordance with 32-SAMSS-021.15 Valves . 6.Test per SAES-S-030 (SAES-S-070.Such as RTR. Exceptions to UPC requirements are listed in SAES-S-060. as applicable. Utility = Service Test. refer to SAES-D-008 & National Board Insp Code. Procedure identifies all critical aspects of Valve Testing incl Receipt Inspection (internal visual exam by qualified Inspector). December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 4 . Verify roundness of Brinnell indentation. Check BHT reports against spec requirements (sweet & sour services). use Spec-Check one last time (Pre-Commissioning. Color code Table CRITICAL: COLOR CODES EXIST FOR ALL GASKETS (TABLE COVERS ALL GASKETS IN ALL LINE CLASSES) b.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . PT.5. Note: Ensure orifice flange reports are included & any NDT specified 6. h. supports.O. f. 2. valves.M” This is especially critical for Sour Service & Special Service lines. (10% shop. Check status sheet for signoffs. Verify visually PWHT was done g. flanges. penalties) & field verify the markings exist on the correct joint. Bolting Installation & Torque (Bolts. etc). Check WPS and any special instructions needed per welding (invaluable tool for Control) 3) Perform FOCUSED ASSESSMENTS with both CHECKLISTS & SPEC-CHECK 4) Perform Focused Assessments with Spec-Check alone on all specified Materials 5) Perform Focused Assessments with Spec-Check alone on Special Construction Processes. not 1. Lubricants. Nuts.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . simply review the film and follow NDT checklists for RT (Clear direction exists here). special walk down notes. During FEIL walkdowns. 2) Check field installations (Pre-Hydro Walkdown. Jack screws. PMI OK markings exist on those joints PMI examined. blinds. Commissioning) a. Check RT reports closely for repairs (repair shots. Check color codings of materials to assure correctly specified material was used in piping systems. Review P&IDs and isometrics against spec check for line class required materials (drawings often are in error) Note: Make note on cover in Punch list Accepted by PID “Field verify against Spec/B. Check test package Bill of materials against piping line class requirements (See sample Spec Check) c. Check hydrotest diagram • Manifold arrangement sketches must show all elements. Verify markings to correct joint. i. PWHT. Commissioning) 7) Add notes for: WPS Review/Compilation after Review of Line Class Tables. use Spec-Check during accumulation of Field Exception Items List (FEIL) c. Friction Factors.SPEC CHECK INSTRUCTIONS 1) Test Package Review Tool & Special Process Clearance Verification BEFORE Hydrotest. Check Index against contents 3. b. d. FEIL. etc for SPECIFIC SASD DRAWING conformance. Pressure Test Data Sheet • Check drawing numbers against actual enclosed • Check excluded equipment & especially if there are any P&ID notes • Check pressure test value proposed to assure limiting factor is correct (usually a flange) 4. fittings) & Limitations (L-110) g. spacers.Visual before installation. Check for correct NDT extent specified and correct NDT methods. Surveillances) for following special processes: a. See Torque Tables) c. Use Spec-Check along with SAIC-A-2003 (Checklist for Hydrotest Package Review) & this checklist. e. & manifold construction/insp must be per SAIC-A-2009 Caution: Ensure test pressures do not exceed manifold element ratings (Valves are next size up for systems tested) Example 1: Class 300 # systems(1125 psi) would utilize a Class 600 Isolation valves in test manifolds at minimum. MT. etc by using a numerical code and hand written notes on back! SPEC-CHECK can be modified for any item. Check NDT requirements in SPEC-CHECK against NDT enclosed in given test packages. PMI.18-MAY-05 . Check PWHT reports against material spec requirements (service. Note: If discrepancies exist. Valve Spec codes. etc) • Compare against list of outstanding NDT (Backlog of Penalty & Repairs) 5. Valve Installations (Check Valves installed against SAES-L-105 Spec Table Attached) d. 6) Perform Post-Hydro Checks “in the field” (Reinstatement. Do a Weld Tracker NDT report review (detailed) • Compare completed Special Process reports (RT. a. Check miscellaneous material elements (Class & pressure ratings for weld bosses. BHT. Gasket Installation – HOLD POINT FOR CONTRACTOR . Ensure the best quality on your project! Check all specs Test Package Review Notes 1. Shop/Field Weld NDT requirements vary and need to closely checked for omission of work. etc) b. During Final walkdowns. Use Spec-Check along with SAIC-A-2010 (Checklist for Hydrotest Reinstatement) to ensure correct installation (Bolting. Example 2: A manifold with 800# gate valves will not be used in testing 600# systems (2250 psig) Reason: You are testing against the valve seat (closed position) & this is rated for 1. Pre-Commissioning. thickness. Check Spectacle plates.1 times test pressure. Piping specs and piping schedules cab be included e. During Reinstatement. Check NDT reports and compare RT field markings to the test reports. See Next Page for Spec Awareness (Basis for Spec Check on Projects) Page 8 of 17 . 100% fld) f. Never assume NDE % & PWHT. PMI. Follow-up (after initial specification review/approval) can also include checking ISO drawings and bill of materials against approved specs before Pre-Hydro Walkdown 2. piping schedules in hand on all my projects & run at about a 2% reject rate. again). mislocated. SHARE SPEC CHECK WITH YOUR CONTRACTOR FOR QUALITY Test Test Pressure=2t(0.18-MAY-05 . After all SPECS submitted by Contractor are accepted . Average large projects can have as many as 50 different piping specs & details can be very hard to pick up in the field. “CREATE” your custom SPEC-CHECK (sample attached with instructions).SPEC CHECK INSTRUCTIONS SPEC AWARENESS PID’s ATTENTION TO SPECS & SPEC-Check (Piping Line Class Specs. This is done by checking Contractor’s specs against Line Class Material requirements listed in SAES-L-105. 4. Clear violations such as our “weekly highlight example” (such as specs and drawings that use 3000# fittings on a 900# system instead of required 6000# fittings) must be itemized & brought to SAPMT attention early..9)(SMYS)/D where: where: Page 9 of 17 . Give special attention to critical systems & systems above 300#. On your project. etc) on Projects: Initial Review of SPECS 1. Create a custom SPEC-CHECK for focused assessments on Valves.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . 6. Commentary: This is a valuable review and exercise for all inspectors. etc) as early as possible (as soon as they are issued and available). Sect 17 for NDT & 13 for PWHT). THIS INCLUDES THE MAZE OF GASKETS!!! 4. PWHT.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . etc performed/not performed by contractor is correct.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 4 . mismark) 3. Carefully recheck Contractor Piping Specs (Line Class Summary & Tables) as early as possible during or just after Design is complete (as soon as they are issued and available). Past projects have seen poor practice with failure to follow 12-step BHT procedure per NACE RP-0472 App A. Have all inspectors trained in this task for self-reliance during future projects. I do it myself with a 2-man crew with me. A thorough test package review system is a page by page review that takes only 15 minutes per package & checks every page and every weld & all materials for completeness/correctness. See attached Sample Weekly Highlight. Incorrect valve installation is very common with valves placed in the wrong service (swapped. Findings (often human error) can be critical. specification requirements* and substandard installation identification*. Past projects have seen as many as 20% of all piping segments installed of the wrong schedule of piping (J-80. Carefully check Contractor Special Process SPECS (WPS. *FACT: MOST INSPECTORS ARE WEAK REGARDING KNOWLEDGE OF SPECIFICATIONS & ARE UNAWARE OF MANY CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS! SPEC CHECK PUTS THESE DOWN ON PAPER (BY SYSTEM) Test Package Review & Pre-Hydro Walkdow 1. Turn your project surveillance into an effective and efficient Inspection asset that is valuable to Projects. Create a custom SPEC-CHECK for focused assessments on small diameter piping (UT purposes). I visit projects and find numerous substandard installations very often (human error. NDT. SAES-W-012 is similar to SAES-W-011 in this respect 7. USE YOUR CUSTOM “SPEC-CHECK” on every new plant project as the perfect walk down and test package review tool. NDT Specs. Help prevent unplanned shutdowns on your projects & find substandard material specs before they are installed or before they enter service. 2. WPS. 9. order/request/perform/get Contractor to do random checks of small diameter piping segments (2” & below). most often unintentional and simply due to a lack of AWARENESS. PWHT. Time taken for early review only takes an experienced plant inspector 2 days of review. Surveillance & Focused Assessment 1.9)(SMYS)/D Pressure=2t(0. 2. PMI. RT Refinery). 3. Omission of Special Process work by Contractor is widespread & frequent. Inspectors must be taught a systematic review method for test packs with focus on Specs. Important Note: Never assume drawings or test packages are correct.. This is done by checking Contractor’s Special Process Specs against code and SA requirements (SAES-W-011. Pipelines have fewer specs and are easier to manage. 5. Use SPEC-CHECK on routine surveillance. This teaches critical lessons in Materials*. 5. Create a custom SPEC-CHECK for focused assessments on PWHT & BHT. 8. Ensure that notes are included in these SPECS that require increased NDT based on “field welding” and other code considerations. 2 SAES-A-004. unless check valve has by-pass. Section 4.7 SAES-A-004. Para. gasket mat'l verified & properly torqued. uneven weld profiles.18-MAY-05 .4 SAES-L-450 Appendix C SAES-A-004. C ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Punchlisting Field Walkdown (Pressure Piping Systems): REFERENCE PASS FAIL N/A RE-INSP DATE SPEC CHECK SHALL BE UTILIZED BY SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTORS FOR FIELD WALK-DOWNS All joints (flange. Para. (Review Flange joint report.2 SAES-A-004. ( Refer SAES-L-108) Supports are installed. Plugging is only AFTER WATER FILL & EFFICIENT AIR VENTING.2 SAES-A-004. 11.3 SAES-L-110.3 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 SAES-L-450.2 SAES-L-105.3.3 SAES-L-150. 5.5. conforms with the piping class or rating.5. Para. Para 8. Para. Para. Pressure gages and pressure recorders are calibrated within one (1) month before the test. C1 SAES-L-150. Spare taps of orifice flanges are plugged and seal welded. and undercut) shall be removed by grinding and inspected by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. 9. Process instruments and equipment that may be damaged by the strength test pressure are disconnected. Drains are provided immediately above check valves (vertical lines). Para.2 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 Page 10 of 17 . Para. both temporary and permanent. Method for storage (plastic bag & tie) allows visual verification. SAIC-L-2014) Drains shall be provided at all low points of the piping system. 5. 8.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . Para.4. Para. 6.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . Temporary welded attachments to the pipe were ground off and inspected by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method All threaded joints and faying surfaces shall be seal welded by a continuous fillet weld (required weep holes shall be left unwelded). Note: Exceptions are submarine & buried* pipelines (*pump-outs) Vents and drain valves.4. 6. B) The pipe itself can be externally primed & coated to a final coat.4 SAES-W-011.3. Isolation valves are verified to have been body and seat tested prior to installation through verification of field test certificates. Check stickers at the time of the test. 7. All threaded joints up to the first block valve of hydrocarbon pipeline are seal welded. Para. Para. Para. Paddle or spectacle blinds shall be used to isolate test sections. 7. permanent vent & drain valves are in open position. Safety of test "implements" has been checked (SAIC-A-2009) A bleed valve readily accessible is provided in case immediate depressurization is required. 5.7 SAES-W-011. threaded.2 times the system test pressure but not less than the discharge pressure of the pump used for the pressure testing. 7. 7.1. 11.2 SAES-L-110. Additional temporary support may be installed as required. 7.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping PROJECT TITLE 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 WBS / BI / JO NUMBER 1-Dec-06 Piping- CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR ITEM No.5 (a) SAES-A-004. The pressure testing manifold is separately pressure tested to at least 1. 7.1 SAES-A-004.6 SAES-W-011. Para. 6. Expansion joints and spring hangers or spring supports are provided with temporary restraints. Para. Para. Para.2 SAES-A-004. 7. 11. and other indications of careless workmanship (such as surface porosity.1 SAES-A-004.4 SAES-L-150. Para.9 SAES-L-150. gouges. Disc of check valve is removed.1. During filling. Thread engagement has been verified & accepted. All in line valves that are not used as test isolation valves are in open position. Buried pipeline are adequately bermed or covered to anchor the line during pressure test. Para. 8.15. welded or mechanical seals) are left exposed for visual leak detection during the strength test. Para. A) External coating & priming of joints is allowed only if approved by Insp Dept Mgr & proponent Organization Representative. Arc strikes.1 SAES-L-108. All permanent flange joints were inspected. 2003) SAES-L-450. Para.18-MAY-05 . 5. testing As Referenced REMARKS: REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: 1. 2003) SAES-W-011. Initials and Date: Name. except instruments that may be damaged by the test pressure. General Requirements for Pressure Testing.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping PROJECT TITLE 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 WBS / BI / JO NUMBER 1-Dec-06 Piping- CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR ITEM No.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . 5. Initials and Date: Work / Rework May Proceed PID Representative T&I Witnessed Name.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . 9 C) As Referenced PRE-TEST SPEC CHECK ATTACHMENT 4. (30 September. 2005) SAES-L-108. (30 March. (30 March. Initials and Date: Saudi Aramco PMT Representative T&I Witnessed QC Record Reviewed Work Verified QC Inspector Performed Inspection Name. Piping Material Specifications.2 C24 SAES-A-004. 7. 2005) SAES-L-105. were physically verified to be included in test using P&ID. 2. Selection of Valves. This is a standard comment or addition to the punchlist. Initials and Date: T&I Witnessed QC Record Reviewed Work Verified Y = YES N = NO F = FAILED Page 11 of 17 . ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA EVALUATE CLEANING (PROCEDURES) & PROPOSED LAY-UPS: For pipe up to 12-inch NPS . Sect. Initials and Date: QC Record Reviewed Work Verified QC Supervisor Quality Record Approved: Name. Limitations on Pipe Joints and Components. 2005) SAES-L-110. (30 September. 4. Sign and Date: *Person Responsible for Completion of Quality Work / Test Proponent and Others Name. 6. Organization. (30 March. Note 2: Internal Cleaning procedure for pipe size larger than 14 inch shall be submited for review and approval) See SATIP-L-108.1.6. 7. C26 Use SAIC-A-2011 along with this checklist (inspection efficiency) whenever walkdown is done on the same day as press. Construction of On-Land and Near-Shore Pipelines. Random verification involves Inspection of valve cavities.1 Line compliance with Isometrics: C25 A) Correct Materials utilized grade/schedule (Bill of Mat'ls) B) Correct flange and fittings rating Construction tolerances per SAES-L-350. Flushing Cert is available in the test package for review All pressure containing components of pipeline. 2005) Contractor / Third-Party Construction Representative* Work is Complete and Ready for Inspection: Name. cavity cleanliness is highly suspect where no low point drains exist. 3. SAES-A-004. Para. 2005) SAES-L-150.flushed clean of loose scale/debris or scraped prior to commencement of pressure testing per procedure Note 1: If flushing was done with valves in line. Pressure Testing of Plant Piping and Pipelines. (30 March. ISOs (Pressure Test Diagram) REFERENCE PASS FAIL N/A RE-INSP DATE C23 SAES-A-004. (30 March. Welding Requirements for On-Plot Piping. Verify post-test removal of scale/debris/water in low points (Check valve cavities). REV 0 (Standards Cutoff .18-MAY-05 .December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 1 -.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID .SAEP-1160 Section 8 (Test Pkg Minimum Content) Attachment 2 -.NEMA TC 2 (Type EPC-40-PVC) Page 12 of 17 . TEST PACKAGE FLOW CHART Test Package (or Test System) No Test Pack Preparation Engineering Contractor QC Pre-Test Punch Listing (NOTE: Use form SATR-A-2007) Construction Contractor QC Clear 'A' Items Construction Contractor QC S.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff .18-MAY-05 . Aramco Pre-Test Punch Listing SAPMT PID Proponent (By Request) Clear S. Aramco Final Insp for MCC SAPMT PID Proponent Page 13 of 17 .December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 2 -. Aramco 'A' Items Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Flushing & Cleanliness Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Proponent (By Request) Pressure Testing Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Proponent System Lay-Up Construction Contractor QC SAPMT PID Proponent (By Request) Reinstate System Final Insp (Contractor) Construction Contractor QC SAPMT S.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . Oil residue found after wiping the joints (check low points carefully) is cause for clean and retest. When evaluating leakage. but not less than 15 psig. especially at flanged and threaded joints. difficult to identify as "active" or "non-active". test & dry clean using a quality of water not harmful to lines). See Notes Note: Seal welds of threaded connections & Attachment welds of non-pressure containing parts. Upgrades.Pressure Testing Matrix for On-Plot Piping (Incl. Coordinate with system Service tests and construction completion. NDE in lieu of pressure test may be performed if requested & approved by SA Insp. etc Note: Test Package SIS Sheet shows design data & "EXEMPT" under required test pressure. The test pressure shall be in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code. Process requests per Sect 5 of SAES-A-004. Chemical cleaning precedes pressure testing. UG Utilities. Joints shall be completely 30 mins (min) Systems cleaned* (oil free) before testing.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . Portions of the test may be less than 24 inches from these valves to the flare header branch connection. *Lube & seal oil piping is pressure tested with its own fluid at 1. 30 days ahead of testing.18-MAY-05 . Flare lines 24-inch NPS & larger with a design pressure of 75 psig or lower may be strength tested pneumatically (75 psig is tested at 1. FW & Plumbing) SYSTEM Process Piping ON-PLOT NEW B31. See Exceptions Below. The actual wall thickness of the piping and flange rating shall be determined and taken into consideration when calculating the test pressure. For revalidation purposes of existing plant piping. Conduct this test on a weekend to minimize personnel exposure. In case of flanged tie-in connections.1 factor or 82 psig) per Para.) test with liquid or water.5 times design pressure or 100 psig. 345. Note: SAEP-310 requirements apply as well for pressure testing after Repairs. utilize clean dry cloths to identify "active" leaks for repair. Coordinate with Compressor and Receiver Service tests and final gasket installation.000 psi for APCS 102 System Note: ALL Welding shall be completed (Design Issue). etc. the test pressure shall not exceed 5. all internal coating and Holiday Testing PRIOR TO pressure testing. such as wear pads DO NOT REQUIRE RETEST UNLESS THE LINE REQUIRES PWHT (Including attachment welds & seal welds to the pressure boundary). VISUAL EXAM Drains.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . and at a minimum. 103 systems & 3. Tie-Ins RETESTING REQMTS See Notes 30 mins (min) SERVICE TEST & Soap Bubble Test 30 mins (min) SERVICE TEST 30 mins (min) Soap Bubble Leak Test at 5-10 psig As Calculated* 30 mins (min) Tested to 1. valves or other component (exceptions below).25 X design pressure of the piping system or process equipment to which it is connected. a flange tester is utilized to conduct hydrostatic testing of flange butt weld. hydrostatic strength test pressures for every section of new constructed line shall produce a hoop stress in pipe of 90% SMYS at test temperature. REPAIR EXISTING PIPING Open-Ended Piping Instrument Impulse Lines See Notes Every existing plant piping & pipeline. Test limits utilize blind flanges at removed isolation valve locations. *Baby Powder works best to clean/dry joints Note: Leaks are common. When pneumatic test is not practical (pressure greater than 1000 psig.3 CODE PRESSURE PIPING (SATIP-A-004 Series) TEST PRESS TEST CONSIDERATIONS & NOTES & DURATION As Calculated* 30 mins (min) Piping Line Class List (Hydrotest Spec) lists all new process piping line classes (strength test required per code) with exceptions for Service Test and other tests as noted below. Perform a preliminary soap bubble test at 5-10 psig after construction is complete & threaded joints are checked for engagement (two full visible thread rule). *Note: Unless limited by flanges. Refurbishment. Always wait a minimum of 30 mins after wiping joints before reevaluation. after repairs or alterations have been made that affect the integrity of the pressure containing parts. Drain holes installed.1 & B31. between the root isolation valve and the instrument isolation shall be pneumatically pressure tested (air or nitrogen) at 1.5 of ASME B31. a 24 hr recorded test (Chart Recorder) reqd.5 times the differential external pressure. Perform preliminary tests to identify all leaks. Systems that already passed a successful pressure test require RETEST IF subjected to new welding activities (Modifications. the test pressure shall be minimum required by the Code ASME B31. physical configuration. Follow Pneumatic Testing SATIP. As Calculated* 30 mins (min) Whether piping or tubing. vents & piping downstream of pressure relieving devices that discharge directly to the atmosphere (max internal pressure 10 psig) are EXEMPT from testing. Weld-Plus-Ends shall be subjected to a pneumatic pressure test of 5 to 10 psig in the annulus between the gasket and the seal weld. Flare system Isolation Valves receive a pneumatic seat test at 5 psig in lieu of a high pressure seat hydrotest. Mgr.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 3 . Underground Process Piping Flare Lines (24" & above) As Calculated See Notes See Notes 30 mins (min) A) Test prior to backfilling (all joints exposed) & maintain test pressure for a minimum of 2 hrs B) If justifiable (safety) & line must be back-filled. repair to pressure boundary) OR IF PWHT is reqd*.3 Note: Test limits shall be downstream of isolation valves (beyond PZVs & locked valves for equipment). 101. Perform a stored energy calc when requested by Company.000 psi for APCS 100. Test duration shall not be less than 30 minutes. Page 14 of 17 . Dept. It shall be examined for leaks using a soap solution. etc EXEMPT. Internally FBE Coated Lines As Calculated* 30 mins (min) For internally Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coated piping system. Line(s) shall be visually examined.3. (Flush. shall successfully pass a hydrostatic test. See Notes Lube & Seal Oil whichever is greater. Vacuum Piping Air & Inert Gas (150 psig max) LP Steam (60 psig max) Weld-Plus-Ends Existing Plant Piping Incl. Note: Instrumentation that could be damaged due to the test shall be disconnected. 6.8 Potable Water Systems . pressure test. See SAIC-L-2042 Note: Proponent specifies those Line Classes and valves subject to field hydrotesting. Exceptions to UPC requirements are listed in SAES-S-060. Procedure identifies all critical aspects of Valve Testing incl Receipt Inspection (internal visual exam by qualified Inspector). For pneumatic testing. When testing with adjacent Lube oil system piping (no leaks = acceptance). SPECIFIC TESTING REQUIREMENT SUMMARY (ALL SA APPLICATIONS PER SAES-L-150. low pressure welded tanks. 6.9 Utility Piping Systems .New Labs. Para 16. THERE ARE 3 MAJOR EXCEPTIONS FOR INSPECTION AWARENESS Sanitary sewer lines outside of buildings shall be tested in accordance with SAES-S-070 Section 18. 6.For new.14 Gas Cylinders . 6. Identify & Segregate Early!!! Exemption Procedure (Checklist Item D4) See Note See Note Buttweld & socketweld end valves in NPS 2 inches and smaller are exempt Test procedures.2 Hydrostatic testing for existing vessels shall be conducted per SAES-D-008.1. New Valves Low pressure pneumatic seat test at 5 psig shall be substituted for high pressure See Note Exception hydrostatic seat test for flare system valves. Section 4.7 & SATIP-L-108 & SAIC-L-2042) See Note Location shall be specified by proponent & PID approved. heating & cooling water piping.Potable water piping inside buildings shall be tested per the reqmts of Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). refer to SAES-D-008 & National Board Insp Code.1. Section 18).3 Pressure Vessels . etc) 6. Test separately (separate package) as required. vacuum & compressed air system piping for building services shall be tested per ASME B31. Paragraph 10.3. Controlled System for Valve Placement exists. PVC/UPVC & CPVC shall be tested per SAES-S-070. Sect 18 6. OR T-4 of ASME SEC VIII D2) 6. 6. Heater Tube (coil) Assy Hydrostatic test for new. D2 to 32-SAMSS-004. Exemptions include sight glasses & other instruments. 2.5 Tanks .001).9.Steam & condensate piping outside the jurisdiction of ASME B31. Boiler pressure test After Repair or Alteration. Line Class. pressure test the affected spools.Hydrostatic tests for existing equipment shall be per SAES-D-008. or 32-SAMSS-005 for atmospheric steel tank.Refrigerant piping serving building air conditioning systems shall be tested according to the requirements of SAESK-001 and the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC). Utility = Service Test. Section 18.16 Non Metallic Piping . Heat Exchanger Tube bundles removed from X-chgr (maintenance) get in-situ shell side test per SAES-D-108 prior to return to service Fin Fan X-chgr is strength tested (as stamped) in-situ prior to final acceptance (new project).11 Sanitary Sewers . All resilient (soft) seated isolation valves shall have zero leakage. Line Number. refer to same as above for Vessels (UG-100 of ASME SEC VIII D1.Test per SAES-S-030 (SAES-S-070.Utility systems. D1 to SAMSS-004. 6.6 Fire Protection Systems . Location) per SAEP-1160. & existing tanks. documents transferred into appropriate Test Pkg & Database (Piping System. as applicable. durations. ambient lay-up (corrosion protection per mfg instructions & follow-up preservation reqmts) & segregation control to prevent "mixing valves". field fabricated tanks. field fabricated heater tube assembly shall be per 32-SAMSS-029.7 Refrigerant Piping Systems . Section 6) 6.7 6.4 Heat Transfer Equipment . Valves received shall be carefully identified & given a unique ID number for installation into the correct Line Class based on visual verification of construction stamp.Such as RTR. including irrigation piping & water distribution mains. When code repairs are made to skid-mounted piping to correct misalignment. Section 18). Exceptions to UPC requirements are listed in SAES-S-060. SAIC-A-2031 Sect. Para 16. NB-23. Strength or Service test associated piping based on service Note: ALL Code Piping construction (in-situ) that is not VENDOR supplied shall be tested.13 Miscellaneous Building Services Piping . pressures. Process = Strength Test Skid-Mounted EXEMPT IF TESTED BY VENDOR 1. J Test Location All new valves designated for isolation service (as specified by the Proponent) shall be See Note Field Testing of subjected to high pressure hydrostatic seat test prior to installation in line. Section 18) Note: Only OWS portions are tested. GI-1781. hydrostatic testing shall be per 32-SAMSS-006 for large.1 Plant Piping .8.12 Storm Water Drainage Systems .3. Valves shall be given a unique ID & corresponding test report document upon receipt. 6. Valve ID shall be controlled.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping Sampling Lines Vessel & Tank Trim (Piping) See Note See Note 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Test as an integral part with the piping or equipment to which it is connected.8. field fabricated boilers) shall be in accordance with 32-SAMSS-021.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . & leakage acceptance criteria shall be equal to those that the valves were originally purchased to. per 01-SAMSS-010 Piping (Vendor) (exceptions noted) physical damage or any modifications in-situ. THERE ARE 3 MAJOR EXCEPTIONS FOR INSPECTION AWARENESS Potable water piping outside of buildings shall be tested per the requirements of SAES-S-040 (SAES-S-070. See Section D of this Checklist.15 Valves .10 Industrial Drainage and Sewers . See Section C of this Checklist. 6.Hydrostatic testing for new vessels (shop or field fab) shall be conducted as follows: ASME Section VIII.18-MAY-05 . & ASME Section VIII.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . Page 15 of 17 .Gas cylinders shall be tested per Saudi Aramco Bottled Gas Manual. Pneumatic test as approved by Insp Dept Mgr (UG-100 of ASME SEC VIII D1.3. (Application . Section 4. shall be tested per SAES-S-070.Pressure test new & existing fire protection systems (SAES-B-017. Boiler Hydrostatic test during T&Is shall be per test pressure as specified on boiler's safety instruction sheet. 6. 6.Pressure testing of On-Plot Plant Piping shall be per SAES-L-150. Thermoplastic. OR T-4 of ASME SEC VIII D2) Boilers receiving Hydrostatic test (new.Valves shall be tested in accordance with SAES-L-108.Pressure testing of cross country pipelines shall be per SAES-L-150.Industrial drainage and sewers shall be tested per SAES-S-020 (SAES-070.2 Cross-Country Pipelines . Building Services Piping.Sanitary sewer systems within buildings shall be tested per reqmts of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). FIELD HYDROTESTING OF NEW VALVES (SAES-L-108. & whenever transported. Section 1520. 6. PMI OK markings exist on those joints PMI examined. etc) b.5. 2) Check field installations (Pre-Hydro Walkdown. Verify roundness of Brinnell indentation. Verify visually PWHT was done g. Commissioning) a. Note: Ensure orifice flange reports are included & any NDT specified 6. MT. f. 100% fld) f. d.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . (10% shop. Check BHT reports against spec requirements (sweet & sour services). Do a Weld Tracker NDT report review (detailed) • Compare completed Special Process reports (RT.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID . Check WPS and any special instructions needed per welding (invaluable tool for Control) 3) Perform FOCUSED ASSESSMENTS with both CHECKLISTS & SPEC-CHECK 4) Perform Focused Assessments with Spec-Check alone on all specified Materials 5) Perform Focused Assessments with Spec-Check alone on Special Construction Processes. PWHT. Commissioning) 7) Add notes for: WPS Review/Compilation after Review of Line Class Tables. spacers. Check status sheet for signoffs. 2. Check PWHT reports against material spec requirements (service. See Torque Tables) c. a. not 1.Visual before installation. Verify markings to correct joint. etc for SPECIFIC SASD DRAWING conformance. Friction Factors. Nuts. & manifold construction/insp must be per SAIC-A-2009 Caution: Ensure test pressures do not exceed manifold element ratings (Valves are next size up for systems tested) Example 1: Class 300 # systems(1125 psi) would utilize a Class 600 Isolation valves in test manifolds at minimum. PT. BHT. flanges. Check NDT reports and compare RT field markings to the test reports. See Next Page for Spec Awareness (Basis for Spec Check on Projects) Page 16 of 17 .18-MAY-05 . Note: If discrepancies exist. e. FEIL. Shop/Field Weld NDT requirements vary and need to closely checked for omission of work. During Reinstatement. simply review the film and follow NDT checklists for RT (Clear direction exists here). Color code Table CRITICAL: COLOR CODES EXIST FOR ALL GASKETS (TABLE COVERS ALL GASKETS IN ALL LINE CLASSES) b. valves. Check RT reports closely for repairs (repair shots. supports. 6) Perform Post-Hydro Checks “in the field” (Reinstatement. Check color codings of materials to assure correctly specified material was used in piping systems. Check Spectacle plates. etc by using a numerical code and hand written notes on back! SPEC-CHECK can be modified for any item. Check test package Bill of materials against piping line class requirements (See sample Spec Check) c. Gasket Installation – HOLD POINT FOR CONTRACTOR . blinds.1 times test pressure. i. Piping specs and piping schedules cab be included e. Lubricants. use Spec-Check one last time (Pre-Commissioning. Check miscellaneous material elements (Class & pressure ratings for weld bosses. During FEIL walkdowns. Check Index against contents 3. Jack screws. h. Surveillances) for following special processes: a. thickness. Bolting Installation & Torque (Bolts. penalties) & field verify the markings exist on the correct joint. PMI. Pre-Commissioning. Use Spec-Check along with SAIC-A-2003 (Checklist for Hydrotest Package Review) & this checklist. Pressure Test Data Sheet • Check drawing numbers against actual enclosed • Check excluded equipment & especially if there are any P&ID notes • Check pressure test value proposed to assure limiting factor is correct (usually a flange) 4. etc) • Compare against list of outstanding NDT (Backlog of Penalty & Repairs) 5.M” This is especially critical for Sour Service & Special Service lines. etc). Valve Installations (Check Valves installed against SAES-L-105 Spec Table Attached) d. Review P&IDs and isometrics against spec check for line class required materials (drawings often are in error) Note: Make note on cover in Punch list Accepted by PID “Field verify against Spec/B.O. Check for correct NDT extent specified and correct NDT methods. special walk down notes. Example 2: A manifold with 800# gate valves will not be used in testing 600# systems (2250 psig) Reason: You are testing against the valve seat (closed position) & this is rated for 1. Check NDT requirements in SPEC-CHECK against NDT enclosed in given test packages.December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- Attachment 4 . Use Spec-Check along with SAIC-A-2010 (Checklist for Hydrotest Reinstatement) to ensure correct installation (Bolting. During Final walkdowns. fittings) & Limitations (L-110) g. Ensure the best quality on your project! Check all specs Test Package Review Notes 1. use Spec-Check during accumulation of Field Exception Items List (FEIL) c. Check hydrotest diagram • Manifold arrangement sketches must show all elements. b.SPEC CHECK INSTRUCTIONS 1) Test Package Review Tool & Special Process Clearance Verification BEFORE Hydrotest. Valve Spec codes. THIS INCLUDES THE MAZE OF GASKETS!!! 4. Important Note: Never assume drawings or test packages are correct. See attached Sample Weekly Highlight. Help prevent unplanned shutdowns on your projects & find substandard material specs before they are installed or before they enter service. piping schedules in hand on all my projects & run at about a 2% reject rate. etc) on Projects: Initial Review of SPECS 1. 4. etc) as early as possible (as soon as they are issued and available). Create a custom SPEC-CHECK for focused assessments on Valves. PMI. Give special attention to critical systems & systems above 300#. 9. Past projects have seen poor practice with failure to follow 12-step BHT procedure per NACE RP-0472 App A. 6. Pipelines have fewer specs and are easier to manage. 8. most often unintentional and simply due to a lack of AWARENESS. PWHT. again). mismark) 3. Use SPEC-CHECK on routine surveillance. Time taken for early review only takes an experienced plant inspector 2 days of review. Commentary: This is a valuable review and exercise for all inspectors. Past projects have seen as many as 20% of all piping segments installed of the wrong schedule of piping (J-80. WPS. Follow-up (after initial specification review/approval) can also include checking ISO drawings and bill of materials against approved specs before Pre-Hydro Walkdown 2. I do it myself with a 2-man crew with me. I visit projects and find numerous substandard installations very often (human error. SAES-W-012 is similar to SAES-W-011 in this respect 7. Create a custom SPEC-CHECK for focused assessments on PWHT & BHT. Omission of Special Process work by Contractor is widespread & frequent. Sect 17 for NDT & 13 for PWHT). Average large projects can have as many as 50 different piping specs & details can be very hard to pick up in the field. This teaches critical lessons in Materials*. NDT Specs. This is done by checking Contractor’s specs against Line Class Material requirements listed in SAES-L-105. Create a custom SPEC-CHECK for focused assessments on small diameter piping (UT purposes).18-MAY-05 . After all SPECS submitted by Contractor are accepted . 5. PMI. NDT. On your project. 3. “CREATE” your custom SPEC-CHECK (sample attached with instructions). 5. Clear violations such as our “weekly highlight example” (such as specs and drawings that use 3000# fittings on a 900# system instead of required 6000# fittings) must be itemized & brought to SAPMT attention early. Inspectors must be taught a systematic review method for test packs with focus on Specs. Incorrect valve installation is very common with valves placed in the wrong service (swapped.SAUDI ARAMCO ID/PID .December 2005) Rev 2 SAIC NUMBER SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST Pre-Test Punch Listing of On-Plot Piping 31-Dec-05 DATE APPROVED QR NUMBER SAIC-A-2010 1-Dec-06 Piping- SPEC AWARENESS PID’s ATTENTION TO SPECS & SPEC-Check (Piping Line Class Specs.REV 0 (Standards Cutoff . 2. A thorough test package review system is a page by page review that takes only 15 minutes per package & checks every page and every weld & all materials for completeness/correctness. Have all inspectors trained in this task for self-reliance during future projects. SHARE SPEC CHECK WITH YOUR CONTRACTOR FOR QUALITY Page 17 of 17 .. Findings (often human error) can be critical. order/request/perform/get Contractor to do random checks of small diameter piping segments (2” & below). Turn your project surveillance into an effective and efficient Inspection asset that is valuable to Projects. Ensure that notes are included in these SPECS that require increased NDT based on “field welding” and other code considerations. *FACT: MOST INSPECTORS ARE WEAK REGARDING KNOWLEDGE OF SPECIFICATIONS & ARE UNAWARE OF MANY CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS! SPEC CHECK PUTS THESE DOWN ON PAPER (BY SYSTEM) Test Package Review & Pre-Hydro Walkdow 1. mislocated. Carefully recheck Contractor Piping Specs (Line Class Summary & Tables) as early as possible during or just after Design is complete (as soon as they are issued and available). Surveillance & Focused Assessment 1. Carefully check Contractor Special Process SPECS (WPS. USE YOUR CUSTOM “SPEC-CHECK” on every new plant project as the perfect walk down and test package review tool. 2. PWHT.. Never assume NDE % & PWHT. RT Refinery). specification requirements* and substandard installation identification*. This is done by checking Contractor’s Special Process Specs against code and SA requirements (SAES-W-011. etc performed/not performed by contractor is correct.
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