
March 26, 2018 | Author: hyderabad | Category: Pump, Pipeline Transport, Petroleum, Gas Compressor, Alternating Current



Engineering StandardSAES-A-010 26 February 2013 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards Table of Contents 1 Scope................................................................. 2 2 Conflicts and Deviations..................................... 2 3 References......................................................... 3 4 Definitions........................................................... 4 5 GOSP Product Specification.............................. 7 6 Overall Process Design...................................... 8 7 GOSP Equipment Design Considerations….... 10 7.1 Flowlines/Trunklines 7.2 Production Manifold 7.3 Production Separators 7.4 3-Phase Production Separators 7.5 2-Phase Production Separators 7.6 Charge Pumps 7.7 Crude Oil Dehydration/Desalting 7.8 Booster/Shipping Pumps 7.9 Gas Compression 7.10 Gas Conditioning 8 Auxiliary Systems............................................. 21 8.1 Wash Water Systems 8.2 Chemical systems 8.3 Hot Oil Systems 8.4 Closed Drain System 8.5 Instrument and Plant Air Systems 8.6 In- Plant Piping Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 Page 1 of 32 Primary contact: Fernandez, Gabriel Thomas on +966-3-8809476 Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2013. All rights reserved. Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Table of Contents (cont’d) 9 GOSP De-Bottlenecking................................... 26 Appendix I – Simplified Schematic of Satellite On-Shore GOSP........................... 27 Appendix II – Simplified Schematic of Off-Shore GOSP......................................... 28 Appendix III – Simplified Schematic of Simple GOSP with Gas Compression….… 29 Appendix IV-Simplified Schematic of Complex GOSP with Gas Compression and Crude Stabilization…………….…….… 30 Appendix V – Simplified Schematic of Hot Oil System............................................ 31 1 Scope 1.1 This Standard provides the minimum mandatory requirement for the design of a grass root Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) with or without crude stabilization. 1.2 The standard also provides the minimum requirement for debottlenecking an existing GOSP. 1.3 The crude Oil stabilization, Produced water treatment & disposal and Heat Exchangers are excluded from the scope of this standard. Other support systems that are part of the GOSPs (e.g. Fire water system, Fire & Gas detection, Plant alerting & Alarm system, Safety equipment, Flare system, etc.) are also excluded from this standard. These shall be referenced in the relavant SAESs. 2 Conflicts and Deviations 2.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Standard Drawing (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer's Representative through the Manager, P&CSD of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran. Page 2 of 32 Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 2.2 3 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or Buyer's Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager, P&CSD of Saudi Aramco. References All referenced Specifications, standards, Codes, Forms, Drawings and similar material shall be considered part of this standard and shall be the latest issue (including all revisions, addenda and supplements unless stated otherwise). 3.1 Saudi Aramco References Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures SAEP-14 Project Proposal SAEP-250 Safety Integrity Level Assignment & Verification SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement SAEP-354 High Integrity Protective Systems Design Requirements SAEP-363 Pipeline Simulation Model Development and Support SAEP-364 Process Simulation Model Development and Support SAEP-1663 Design Guidelines for Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards SAES-A-020 Equipment Specific P&ID Templates (ESPT) SAES-A-400 Industrial Drainage Systems SAES-A-401 Closed Drain Systems (CDS) SAES-A-403 Off-Shore Platform Drainage Systems SAES-B-006 Fireproofing for Plants SAES-B-014 Safety Requirements for Plants and Operations Support Buildings SAES-B-062 Onshore Well Site Safety SAES-D-001 Design Criteria for Pressure SAES-H-001 Coating Selection and Application Requirements for Industrial Plants and Equipment Page 3 of 32 2 SABP-A-015 Chemical Injection Systems SABP-A-018 GOSP Corrosion Control SABP-A-036 Corrosion Monitoring Best Practice SABP-K-401 Site Performance Testing of Centrifugal Compressors Industry Codes and Standards American Petroleum Institute API SPEC 12J Specification for Oil and Gas Separators Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) IEEE 519 4 Guide for Harmonic Control and Reactive Compensation of Static Power Converters Terms and Definitions AC: Alternating Current AC/DC: Alternating Current/Direct Current AFD: Adjustable Frequency Drive APSD: Advanced Process Solutions Division BPD: Barrels Per Day BS&W: Basic (Bottom) Sediments and Water Page 4 of 32 .Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) SAES-H-002 Internal and External Coatings for Steel Pipeline and Piping SAES-J-005 Instrumentation Drawings and Forms SAES-J-601 Emergency Shutdown and Isolation Systems SAES-J-901 Instrument Air Supply Systems SAES-K-402 Centrifugal Compressors SAES-L-100 Applicable Codes and Standards for Pressure Piping Systems SAES-S-020 Oily Water Drainage Systems SAES-Z-003 Pipelines Leak Detection Systems Saudi Aramco Best Practices 3. Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) CDS: Closed Drain System CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics CML: Corporate Model Library Crude Types: (Degree API: Typical range for various Saudi Aramco crudes) ASL : Arab Super Light (49-52º API) AXL : Arab Extra Light (37-41º API) AL : Arab Light (32-36º API) AM : Arab Medium (28-32º API) AH : Arab Heavy (26-28º API) CSD: Consulting Services Department DCS: Distributed Control System Dehydrator: Electrostatic Coalescer for removal of majority of water and salt from Crude Oil. DBSP: Design Basis Scoping Paper Disposal Water: Treated produced water for downhole/surface disposal/injection DFD: Dual Frequency Desalter DF-LRC: Dual Frequency-Load Responsive Controller DPD: Dual Polarity Desalter E&P: Exploration and Production EIV: Emergency Isolation Valve EPD: Environmental Protection Department ESD: Emergency Shutdown ESI: Emulsion Separation Index to measure Emulsion Stability ESP: Electrical Submersible Pump FEA: Finite Element Analysis Page 5 of 32 . (Identical to dehydrator). Desalter: Electrostatic Coalescer for removal of residual Water and salt from crude oil. produced water separation and treatment facilities EPD: Environmental Protection Department H2S: Hydrogen Sulfide HP: High Pressure HPPT: High Pressure Production Trap (2 or 3-phase separator) Injection (Power) Water: Treated Sea Water or aquifer water for reservoir pressure support IPPT: Intermediate Pressure Production Trap (2 or 3-phase separator) L/D: Length to Diameter Ratio LPDT: Low Pressure Degassing Tank (2 or 3-phase separator) LPPT: Low Pressure Production Trap (2 or 3-phase separator) MBCD: Thousand Barrels per Calendar Day MBOD: Thousand Barrels per Operating Day MBOD= MBCD/Overall Operating Factor MCC: Mechanical Completion Certificate MOC: Management of Change Page 6 of 32 . Formation (Produced) Water: Water produced from Reservoir with Oil and Gas production FPD: Facilities Planning Department GOR: Gas Oil Ratio in Standard Cubic Feet of Gas per Barrel of Stock Tank Oil GOSP: Gas Oil Separation Plant GOSP (Satellite): Onshore Gas Oil Separation Plant without oil dehydration/desalting. produced water separation and treatment facilities GOSP (Offshore): Offshore Gas Oil Separation Plant without oil dehydration/desalting. Gas or water wells for production or Injection.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) FEED: Front End Engineering Development Flowline: Pipelines connected to a single Oil. expressed in a percentage Page 7 of 32 .Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) MOV: Motor Operated Valve OOK: Out of Kingdom OSPAS: Oil Supply Planning and Scheduling Department Overall Operating Factor: Factor accounting for shrinkage and downtime (Fraction) PPM: Parts Per Million P&CSD: Process and Control Systems Department P&FDD: Production & Facilities Development Department PFD: Process Flow Diagram P&ID: Piping and Instrumentation Diagram PM&OU: Process Modeling & Optimization Unit Production Manifold: Piping manifold where all incoming Trunklines/Flowlines combine within the GOSP battery limit to feed the production Trap PTB: Pounds of salt per thousand Barrels of Crude oil Remote Production Manifold: Piping Manifold where Trunklines/Flowlines combine into one Trunkline outside the GOSP fence to feed the GOSP Production manifold RMD: Reservoir Management Department RVP: Reid Vapor Pressure Shrinkage: Decrease in oil volume caused by the evaporation of solution gas or by lowering of fluid temperature during storage Stock Tank Oil: Stabilized dry oil as it exists at atmospheric conditions in a stock tank. TDS: Total Dissolved Solids TEG: Tri-Ethylene Glycol Trunkline: Pipeline to which two or more flowlines are connected TT: Temperature Transmitter Turndown: The ratio of normal maximum flow to Minimum controllable flow of the GOSP. .H2S in Crude: 70 PPM by weight (Max) 30 PPM by weight (Design conditions) 1-60 PPM by weight (Operating Range) . 5 GOSP Product Specification 5. The 100 mg/L mg/L oil-in-water of disposal water quality is the maximum allowable requirement. The required Disposal water quality is to be specified by Upstream based on the disposal reservoir permeability and the economics of the water disposal over the life Cycle.True Vapor pressure 13 psia (Max) at export or storage temperature.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) TVP: True Vapor Pressure (@ temperature) VSD: Variable Speed Drive Wash Water: Low salinity water used to wash the crude oil and dilute the formation water in the crude desalting process. Water cut (Percent): Produced water rate*100/(Crude rate+ Produced water Rate) Well-head Piping: Piping system connecting the well head to the flowline first isolation valve WOSEP: Water Oil Separator.BS&W to Pipeline: 5. when treated produced water is injected in oil reservoir for pressure maintenance When treated produced water is injected in tighter disposal reservoir: . Collect and treat separated water mainly from the 3-phase separators and dehydrator to remove the entrained oil before disposal to the reservoir. DBSP shall refer to the final agreed disposal water specification.Target Oil-in-water 100 mg/L (Max).Target Oil-in-water Note: As stated by RMD.2 Vol% (Max) Stabilized Crude (for GOSPs with Stabilizers) .Disposal Header Pressure: Specified by E&P based on Injection well pressure Page 8 of 32 .Salt-in-Crude to Pipeline: 10 PTB (Max) . Disposal Water (for GOSPs with Produced Water Treatment Units) . (whichever is higher).1 Desalted Dry Crude .3 0.2 5. 3 The Gas compression simulations shall be carried out for summer and winter conditions. The Process simulation software package that will be used in the project shall be concurred by P&CSD. 6. Project Proposal or FEED followed by Detailed Design and construction.2 The Base Case production option and other alternative production Options shall be finalized in discussion with Upstream.3. 6. All final process simulation models.3. DBSP approval. pre-DBSP study. Building Risk Assessment.1 The GOSP design shall progress through conceptual study. operating and shutdown conditions per SAES-K-402. P&CSD and FPD. The data required to conduct GOSP process studies during the various phases shall be referred in SAEP-1663. 6. and SAES-B-014 respectively.3.3 Simulations 6.3. SIL. The gas compression to be sized on the controlling gas rates based on the simulations. 6. 6. RMD/P&FDD shall provide the required data. etc. Page 9 of 32 .5 The Final Process simulation models shall be included as part of the project deliverable during the FEED and Detailed Design Stage. 6. Overall Process Design 6. The necessary Safety Reviews (HAZOP.3. SAES-J-601.6 Transient Dynamic process simulation shall be performed for each gas compressor system during the detailed design stage to confirm the functionality of the compressor control system under all start-up.1 Steady State Process simulation shall be based on the latest version of the approved simulation Software package based on SAEP-363 and SAEP-364.4 The Process simulation during the FEED and Detailed Design Phase shall be reviewed and approved by P&CSD.) shall be conducted per applicable sections of SAEP-14. 6.2 The GOSP simulations shall be carried out for summer and winter conditions at Design Water cut. initial Water cut and intermediate production phase. during FEED and Detailed Design stage shall be delivered to P&CSD’s CML coordinator through document transmittal. with their documentation.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 Note: 6 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Maximum injection pressure is recommended to be below 3000 psig at disposal pump shut off so that 1500# rating disposal piping can be used.3. 3.Orifice Bore and Flow Transmitter Range Page 10 of 32 .5 Stream Data for Summer. operating and shutdown conditions of individual or multiple gas compressors.2 SAES-J-005 provides the Instrument data to be included in the P&IDs. winter and the life cycle of the project per paragraph 6.8. 6. 6. 6.2 Initial Water cut 6.9. PFDs 6.2 The Preliminary PFDs showing the Heat & Material Balances for Summer and Winter conditions shall be developed for the Gas compression.1.4.3 Final Water Cut 6. Winter and Design condition shall be provided in the PFDs.4.4 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) 6.7 Transient Dynamic simulations shall also be performed on parallel gas compression trains to confirm the functionality of the compressor control system during start-up.1.4 The simulations and PFDs to be finalized after completing the Energy system Optimization Assessment Study. P&IDs 6. The final dynamic Simulation Models shall be delivered to P&CSD’s CML coordinator as part of the MCC.4. 6.1 SAES-A-020 shall be used as a building block to develop the project P&IDs.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 6. 6. The energy optimization shall satisfy all operating conditions for summer.1.1.8 The Transient Dynamic simulations of the Gas compressors individually and combination of parallel trains shall be reviewed and approved by P&CSD/APSD/PM&OU.4.4. Preliminary gas export pipelines pressure shall be available to determine the Gas compression HP requirement.5 SAES-A-010 Preliminary PFDs showing the heat & material balances for Summer and Winter conditions of the GOSP and the crude stabilizer (if included in the GOSP) for the following conditions shall be developed: 6.3. The following additional instrument data shall be included in the P&IDs: a) Orifices. Energy System Optimization Assessment study shall be conducted based on the preliminary PFDs per SAEP-14.1 Design Water Cut 6.1 6.4. ESP or multiphase pump). 7. Note: 7 SAES-A-010 The above required instrument details can be included in SAES-J-005. the stabilizer column turndown will be the controlling factor for the GOSP turndown.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) b) Control Valves.3 The flowlines and trunkline network shall be designed to the maximum shut-in pressure of the field including future artificial lift (Gas lift.1 Flowlines and Trunklines 7. i) All shutdown switch settings j) All shutdown Alarms shall be shown connected to the Sequence of Events Recorder. Alarm setting on the DCS block or display g) Temperature Gauge.Tight Shut-Off requirement c) Level Transmitter. Page 11 of 32 .1 Flowlines and trunklines sizing shall be based on transient simulations over the full field life including turndown conditions and trunkline scraping.Type of TT and Range. backlighting requirement f) Temperature Transmitter. 6.Type of level transmitter. 7.Range of the pressure transmitter/gauge. Level alarm settings shall be shown as actual levels (instead of percentages) in DCS block or display. The outcome of the transient analysis shall be applied in the design of GOSP.1.11 All GOSPs shall be designed for Wet Sour Service for potential souring of the production field during the life cycle unless RMD recommends otherwise. the vessel template shall show the various level alarm settings as height from vessel bottom for horizontal vessels and Tan line for Vertical vessels.1. Alarm settings on the DCS block.2 The selected trunkline size shall satisfy both minimum and maximum velocities at minimum water cut and design water cut including turndown. GOSP Equipment Design Considerations 7.1.Range of Temperature Gauge h) Pressure transmitter/gauge. 6. Calibration Range d) Additionally. e) Level Gauge: Type of Level Gauge.10 All the GOSP shall be designed for 40% turndown. For GOSPs with crude stabilization. 7.2. To avoid dead legs. Production Separators 7. 7.4 Each crude increment shall have its own production manifold and all trunklines shall be connected to the individual increment production manifolds.3 SAES-A-010 For existing GOSPs. Note: 7. 7.6 Long Radius elbows (5D) shall be provided on the production header downstream of the inlet ESD valve to the first Production Separator. the inlet to the “T” shall be from below the horizontal.7 The inlet header from the production manifold to the first production separator shall be sized to avoid mist/spray flow. Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 Note: 7. 7.2. HIPPS to be implemented at the subject wellheads that exceeds the design pressure of the production manifold.1 For new GOSPs the Production manifold and the production header to the last block valve to the inlet of the first production Separator (Trap) shall be designed for the maximum shut-in pressure of the field including future artificial lift (Gas lift. HIPPS to be evaluated in accordance with SAEP-250 and SAEP-354 if the shut-in well head pressure exceeds the design pressure. This will enable selecting the trunklines to the desired increment for uniform distribution of the field production to the individual crude increments. However. 7. Production Manifold/Header 7.2.3. 7. ESP or multiphase pump). Slug flow in trunklines shall be avoided and slug mitigation measures to be provided to minimize production trap level and pressure upsets.5 Two parallel production separators (HPPTs) can be connected to one production manifold with symmetrical piping arrangement downstream of the “T” dividing the flow to the two production separators.4 7.2. the active trunklines to be connected at the ends of the production manifold with the spare connections in the middle. spare connections with blinds shall be provided on the production manifold for connecting future trunklines.3 As per RMD/P&FDD requirements.2 Flowline/Trunkline connections to the Production Manifold shall be from the Top for new facilities.1 The number of Flashing stages and Flash pressures in the GOSP for the crude production shall be determined by Upstream in consultation with Page 12 of 32 .2 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) For existing Flowline/Trunkline networks. Note: 7.  Any internals for optimum separation efficiency shall be selected based on the results of the Computational Fluid Dynamic Model.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) P&CSD and FPD based on life cycle economics during the initial field development study.6 The first Production Separator receiving the well production fluids from the production manifold shall be equipped with suitable inlet device (Vane type. 7.7 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of the inlet device support structure is recommended. 7.3.3 The number of flash stages and flash pressures shall be specified in the DBSP along with the flash stage descriptions.3. 7. Mist eliminators shall be provided in production separator vessels to Page 13 of 32 . 7. impingement plate or cyclonic device). Note: The number of flash stages increases at higher GOR and higher Flowing Well Head pressures to optimize the gas compression cost. Individual stage GORs.  The low low liquid level alarms and shutdowns shall be minimum 12” above the bottom of the vessels. 7.3.3. The inlet device shall be designed to withstand the forces over the full operating range based on transient simulation of the flowline/trunkline network. reservoir production strategy over the field life and crude type to optimize production cost during the field life and maximize reservoir recovery.5 Crude oil heat exchanger shall not be located between the production manifold and the first production separator.3.  Vortex breakers shall be provided in all liquid outlet nozzles of production separators  Non-Slam type check valve shall be provided on the common Gas outlet  All gas relief valves shall be installed directly above the vessel with minimum pipe length.3.4 The following requirements shall be met in all production Separators:  The bottom of the feed inlet nozzle shall be at least 6” above the HH liquid level shutdown  Perforated (not Slotted) Anti-Wave baffles shall be provided.2 The flash stage pressures shall be based on Flowing well head Pressures. 4 The design pressure of Tanks in low pressure production separation service shall be minimum 10 psig.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) minimize liquid carry over in the Gas.4.4. 7. Page 14 of 32 .3 The minimum seam-seam to Vessel Diameter ratio (L/D) shall be 7 for the horizontal 3-phase production separator vessel.4. 7.3. GOSP Three Phase Production Separators 7. i.. 7.1 The 3-phase Production Separator shall be designed for the design water cut or minimum 30% water cut whichever is higher.4 The water weir for the 3-phase production separator vessel shall be located at least one vessel diameter from the vessel tan line. 7. Liquid carry over in gas shall be less than 1 gal/MMSCF.4.7 The nozzles for the interface level instruments shall be located close to the water weir.8 The selected 3-phase separator sizing shall be approved by P&CSD. 7. 7.e.6 Following are the minimum surge times between different level settings for the 3-phase production separator vessels based on design flow rates:  Between High High oil level shutdown and High oil Level alarm: 1 Minute  Between High oil Level alarm and Low Oil level alarm: 3 minutes  Between High High interface level alarm and high interface level alarm: 2 Minutes or 6” height  Between High interface and Low interface alarms: 5 minutes or 1’ height  Between Low interface and Low Low interface shutdown: 3 minutes or 1’ height 7.4.2 Typical liquid retention (Holdup) time for water-oil separation shall comply with API standard.4.5 The normal oil level in the 3-phase production separator vessel shall be at least 6”above the Weir top. The nozzles for the interface level instruments shall be taken from the side of the vessel.8 7. API Spec 12J. The High-High Interface level alarm setting shall be at least 6” below the weir top.4.4. 7. 6. Charge Pumps 7.5 7.2 The charge pumps shall be Vertical Can type.1 Minimum 3 x 50% capacity charge pumps shall be provided for pumping the wet crude through the crude desalting train. The charge pump seals shall be flushed by dry crude oil or other suitable buffer fluid.1 For GOSPs processing AXL and AL crude grades. 7. minimum two stage dehydration/desalting shall be provided to minimize instances of offspec crude to the crude stabilizer/pipeline during electrostatic grid upsets Page 15 of 32 .6.6.7 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Two Phase Production Separators The charge pump isolating MOV’s (EIVs) shall be located outside the fire hazard zone as defined by SAES-B-006 to avoid the need of fireproofing 7.5 7. 7. 7.5.3 The typical retention time (Hold up) for Gas-oil separation for 2-phase vessels are given in API SPEC 12J.1 The 2-phase production separator upstream of the crude oil dehydration/desalting train shall be sized for 30% water cut. Crude Oil Dehydration and Desalting (Production Field) 7.5.5. 7. 7. Gas supply connection shall be provided to pressurize the pump can to displace the wet crude to the suction vessel.6 SAES-A-010  Between High High Oil level shutdown and High Oil level alarm: 2 Minutes  Between High Oil level alarm and Lo Oil level alarm: 2 Minutes  Between Lo Oil level alarm and Lo Lo oil level shutdown: 1 minute The selected 2-phase separator sizing shall be approved by P&CSD.4 Following are the minimum surge time between the oil-level settings based on design flow rates: 7.4 The charge pump discharge pressure at pump shut-off shall not exceed the design pressure of the dehydrator and desalter vessels.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 7.2 The minimum seam-seam to Vessel Diameter ratio (L/D) shall be 7 for the horizontal 2-phase production separator vessel. 7. The system shall be designed to allow for a 20 sec delay for 10 psi below vapour pressure. Power to the electrical grids shall be switched off after a time delay of 20 sec if the last stage desalter pressure drops to 10 psig above the crude vapor pressure.AC Field Desalting: Double volt. The feed to the dehydrator/desalter shall be heated to achieve the desired viscosity.3 The dehydrator and desalter piping configuration shall be designed to operate with the any one vessel bypassed at a time.6 The operating pressure of the last stage desalting vessel shall be at least 25 psig above the vapor pressure of the crude at the operating temperature.2 For GOSPs processing AM and AH crude grades minimum 3 stage dehydration/desalting shall be provided.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) or crude production interruptions during maintenance of one stage.7. 0-30% Water cut Note: AC Field Bi-electric designs with emulsion feed distributed between the grids shall not be used in the production field.4 Where reservoir pressure support is provided by power water injection. The bypass capability shall be provided for both vessels. 7. Notes: Two stage dehydration/desalting can be considered in AH and AM crude production with new technology internals provided the Vendor is guaranteeing the desalted crude specification with single stage operation at minimum 60% dry crude throughput.7 Recommended Desalting technologies: . Tri-Volt. 7. the crude dehydration and desalting trains shall be designed for 30% water cut.7.Dual Polarity Desalting: AC/DC field 0-10% water cut Page 16 of 32 . 7.5 The dry crude viscosity in all desalting vessels shall be below 10 cP and preferably below 5cP.7. The two-stage desalting in AH and AM crude service shall be concurred by both P&CSD and Operations. 7. . the need of crude desalting to be evaluated based on the formation water TDS and Emulsion stability Index to meet the specification to the pipeline.7. 7. Bi-electric desalting designs shall be limited to refinery applications.7.7. Reduced trims to be installed on control valves for better controllability during the initial production phase where the water cut is low. The crude export to pipeline shall be stopped if the power is not restored to the electrical grids within 5 minutes. 7. For ASL crude grade and Khuff gas condensate processing. 7. Single Volted Electrical grid configuration (Bottom grids charged and Upper Grid Grounded) shall not be used in the production field.10 The electrostatic grids of the DFD desalters shall be charged by 3 power units. At least 6” clearance shall be provided between the rod ends and the vessel dished end to prevent arcing to the vessel wall. The DPD desalters are limited to 0-10% water cut due to the lack of arc control which could potentially damage the carbon steel plates. 300# rating.7.8 Minimum two levels of charged grids (double volted) shall be provided for the AC field dehydrator/desalter in the production field. 7. The rods shall run parallel to the length of the desalters and not across the cross-section. 7.7.7. 7. The primary supply to the Power units shall be 480 volts.7.14 Vessel nozzle size for the entrance bushing shall be minimum 6”. If necessary a filtering system shall be used to meet the criteria. A spacer with vent connection between the vessel nozzle and the entrance bushing standpipe shall be provided to eliminate vapor.7. High pressure bushing is also recommended at the transformer secondary. The spacer vent shall be connected to the oil outlet pipe.9 The electrostatic grids of AC field and DPD shall be charged by 3 single phase step-up transformers. 7. Composite plates are not recommended due to the short service life. 7.7.7. Page 17 of 32 .Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) .12 Carbon Steel Plate electrostatic grids shall be provided for DPD and DFD technology desalters.11 The AC field desalters shall be equipped with Carbon Steel rod type electrostatic grids. The transformers shall be equipped with external tap changers to adjust the secondary voltage for the required voltage level. The DFD desalters are equipped with arc control and additionally will drop out majority of the water before it reaches the grids. The preferred primary supply voltage to the AC field and DPD technology transformers is 4160 Volts. 3 Phase. 0-30% water cut 7. 60 Hz.Dual Frequency Desalting: Upgrade of Dual Polarity Desalting technology with Frequency modulation and Arc control. The DFD power unit harmonics level shall be below the TIF values identified within IEEE 519.13 Oil immersed High pressure entrance bushings rated above the maximum secondary voltage of the transformer shall be provided to connect the transformer secondary to the vessel internal grids. 7.7.20 Minimum 2 out of the following 3 types of interface measuring devices shall be provided to control the interface level:  Nucleonic type.19 All internal piping below the center line of the vessel shall be internally and externally coated. The distance between the top of the feed distributor and bottom of the charged grids shall be minimum 3.7.Side mounted  External displacer type directly mounted on vessel nozzles Flexibility shall be provided to select any one of the interface measuring instruments to control the interface level.18 Internal Interface skimming header and water (sand) jetting header shall be provided.15 The entrance bushing standpipe shall be equipped with a transparent type level gauge and a sampling point for periodic sampling of the standpipe oil for analysis of di-electric constant on a quarterly basis as a minimum. 7.Top mounted  Microwave type (2 probes). Page 18 of 32 . 7.7. The probes shall be retrievable type for on-line maintenance.17 Electrical grid loading for the AC field desalting systems in the production field shall be the following:  AXL crude service: 150 BPD/Square Feet of grid area  AL crude service: 150 BPD/Square Feet of grid area  AM crude service: 110 BPD/Square Feet of grid area  AH crude service: 80 BPD/square Feet of Grid area Note: The above grid loading is field proven with the minimum life cycle operating costs for the AC field systems. 7. 7. Adequate clearance and space shall be provided to measure the various interfaces including solids at the bottom of the vessel.7. Interface sampling valves to collect interface samples shall be provided.3 feet (1 meter).7.16 Emulsion Feed distributors shall be designed based on CFD modeling for uniform distribution of the feed over the electrical grid area and prevent channeling/ recirculation. Note: Nozzles shall be provided for installing all three types of instruments.7.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) 7. Note: For DFD technology internal floats to ground the grids is not recommended due to concern on life expectancy of the electronics. For DFD technology. Page 19 of 32 .22 Level switch shall be installed and connected to permissive circuit to ensure the vessel is filed with liquid before applying the power. The Dehydrator/Desalters shall be designed to withstand the shut-off head of the charge pump with the design margin per SAES-D-001.8 SAES-A-010 Online salt-in-crude analyzer (without using chemicals) to be tested to prove the accuracy and repeatability. Insertion type sample take off installed on vertical main pipe to be provided for representative stream.24 For AC field and DPD technology desalters a local panel shall be provided with a power switch.7. green/red pilot lights for each secondary phase and a local panel light. 7.7. external level switch to be connected to the ESD system to switch-off power in case of falling oil level. 7.26 GOSPs with crude desalting shall be designed to start on wet crude. 7.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) 7. 7. current indication. Booster and Shipping Pumps 7. 7.25 For the DFD technology desalters all feed-back signals and control signals that are displayed in the DF-LRC II panel shall be interfaced to the DCS system. transformers secondary voltage indication.7.2 The Booster pumps and Shipping Pumps isolating MOV’s (EIVs) shall be located outside the fire hazard zone as defined by SAES-B-006 to avoid the need of fireproofing.7.23 Internal floats shall be provided to ground the grids in case the crude oil level drops for AC field and DPD technology. 7.28 7. The transformer secondary voltage shall also be indicated in the DCS. 7.8. GOSPs shall be designed for recycling off-spec dry crude.27 Online BS&W analyzers shall be provided at the outlet of the desalter.21 Two Transparent type interface monitoring sight glasses with backlighting shall be provided.7. Note: 7. The sight glasses shall be located at both ends of the vessel and directly connected to vessel nozzles taken from the side.1 Variable speed drives shall be evaluated for crude oil shipping pumps without booster pumps. 9 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Gas Compression 7. fluctuations in crude production rate and energy loss due to compressor recycling. 3 other operating points for summer. 7.7 Spare gas compressor shall be provided to eliminate gas flaring. 7. specially the “O” rings for H2S service shall be approved by CSD. the materials selected.9.99% liquid droplets of 6 microns and larger. P&CSD/UPED and P&CSD/Energy division for review. Reduction of crude rate and operating on one gas compressor is acceptable.6 The number of gas compressors shall be determined based on the production forecast over the life cycle of the project to minimize compressor recycling.4 The compressor discharge temperature under normal operating conditions shall not exceed 320F. The life cycle economics of compressor driver selection report shall be submitted to CSD. 7. the GOSP gas compressor energy consumption over the life cycle shall take into consideration the crude production forecast.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 7. Page 20 of 32 .9.9. Besides the normal operating point.9. The rated point of the compressor shall be selected by the manufacturer based on these conditions per SAES-K-402.1 Each GOSP gas compressor shall be provided with its own suction drum. winter and 105% of the normal gas rate shall be specified in the compressor data sheet. Note: 7.9.3 CFD shall be performed on the gas compressor suction drum to confirm the liquid removal efficiency over the full operating range of the compressor.8 The deletion of spare gas compressor shall be concurred by Operating organization.5 Variable Speed drives shall be evaluated for all gas compressors based on SAES-K-401 and SAES-K-402. For higher compressor discharge temperatures.2 Compressor suction drum shall be equipped with mist eliminator to remove 99.9. 7. after cooler and compressor discharge KO drum. 7. P&CSD/UPED and EPD. 7. Notes: Individual Compressor discharge drum can be deleted in lean gas compression where negligible liquids are formed after cooling.9. However.9. Large capacity HP gas compressors suction drums in the GOSPs shall be equipped with “V” type mist eliminator. Fiber Glass or other synthetic coalescing packing shall not be used in the compressor suction drums. 10 Field performance testing shall be conducted on all new process gas compressors within 6 months of start-up or immediately after overhaul to establish the baseline performance per SABP-K-401. Page 21 of 32 .11 The maximum approach temperature of after cooler (Air) is 15F based on summer design dry bulb temperature @ 1%.10.10.  On-shore gas pipelines transporting compressed associated gas through populated area as defined by SAES-B-062.99% of liquid droplets 6 microns and larger.1 Gas dehydration and hydrocarbon dew point control shall be provided in the following applications:  Lift Gas for producing wells  Sub-sea gas pipelines transporting compressed associated gas to on-shore.2 A knock out drum shall be installed upstream of the Gas dehydration unit coalescing filter to knock out liquid droplets carried over in the flashed gas from the production traps.10. 7.10 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) 7. Compressor discharge drums located upstream of the dehydration unit coalescing filter shall be equipped with mist eliminators to remove 99. 7. 7. All compressor performance records shall be maintained by the respective plant engineering Unit.3 The water content of dehydrated gas shall not exceed 7 lb/MMSCF. Compressor performance testing to repeated on a 3-6 years interval in GOSPs. 7.10. Refer SAES-K-402 for start-up capability requirements of fixed speed motors for low suction pressure gas compressors.9. Gas Dehydration and Hydrocarbon Dew Point Control 7.99% of liquid droplets 6 microns and larger.9 Fixed speed motors of Spheroid and LP gas compressor shall be sized to start the compressor at normal operating pressure. only gas dehydration is required to remove the water. Note: In dense phase gas injection systems. The knock out drum shall be equipped with mist eliminator to remove 99.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 7.10. 7. 7.9.5 The design TEG circulation rate for the TEG based gas dehydration systems in the production facilities shall not exceed 3 GPM per pound of water removal.4 Hydrocarbon dew point control units shall be designed to eliminate liquid dropout in the gas transfer lines.9. 1.6 Wash water shall be controlled by flow control to provide steady required wash water rate to crude oil desalting. Auxiliary Systems 8. Three.1. BS&W and salt-in-crude specification of the desalted crude. if required.1. BS&W at the inlet of the final stage desalter.1 The design TDS of the Wash water used in crude oil desalting depends on factors such as type of crude oil.6 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Gas Dehydration standard is under development by P&CSD / UPED / GPU. Wash water injection points shall be upstream dehydrator and desalter. Mixing pressure drop range is 7 -25 psid.1.1 Wash Water Systems for Crude Oil Desalting 8. 8. wash water rate and mixing efficiency. Note: 8 SAES-A-010 The requirements for gas dehydration included in this standard are in addition to the Gas dehydration standard.3 Wash water systems for aquifer water shall be designed for minimum 4% of the dry crude rate. 8.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 7. 8.1. 8. Water treatment systems to reduce TDS of the wash water. The wash water shall be pumped from the Wash Water surge drum by the Wash Water pumps to the desalting facility. 8.10. 8.5 A gas blanketed surge drum shall be provided to receive the wash water from its source.7 Water jetting header take off shall be upstream of the wash water flow orifice for aquifer water based wash water systems. For low TDS wash water systems. 50% capacity wash water pumps shall be provided. Page 22 of 32 . Wash water supply shall not be based on level control of the surge drum. High efficiency Mixing control valves shall be used for mixing wash water with the crude at the inlet of the final stage desalter.1.25% of the dry crude rate. formation water TDS. Recycle pumps shall be provided to provide internal recycle under flow control to the inlet of the desalter to optimize wash water (Low TDS) consumption and maintain the minimum required wash water rate. Provide recycle line for wash water pumps to allow for low wash water rates at low crude rates. the desalter recycle pump discharge water to be used for water jetting.2 The design mixing efficiency shall exceed 50%.1.4 Wash water rate for Low TDS wash water from Flash evaporation shall be minimum 1. shall be provided. 8 Recommended locations for on-line corrosion monitoring are: Production Manifold.1 All GOSPs shall be provided with facilities for bulk storage (tanks) and injection of Demulsifier. all other chemical dosage rates and injection locations shall be finalized in consultation with CSD and Plant Corrosion control. Corrosion monitoring coupon locations shall be finalized in consultation with Plant Corrosion Control.2. Note: 8. 8. Dehydrator water out.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 8.3 The chemical dosing pumps shall be positive displacement.1. Refer to SABP-A-015.2. Disposal Water out to disposal Line. Refer to SABP-A-018 and SABP-A-036. GOSP crude to pipeline and Gas to pipeline. 8.4 Each chemical dosage point shall have its own dedicated pump or pumps discharge manifold for dedicating the pump to one injection point. 8. metering type capable of adjusting the dosage rates both locally and remotely from the control system.2 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Sand/sludge recovery system shall be provided on the water jetting effluents from the dehydrator/desalter. Two parallel strainers with isolation valve shall be provided if chemical dosing cannot be interrupted.2 All chemical storage tanks and injection skids shall be preferably located at one location.5 Strainers shall be provided upstream of the chemical dosing points.2. 8. Wash water supply. Note: The need of chemical systems for Biocide. Chemical Systems 8. 8. Refer to Page 23 of 32 . Refer to SABP-A-018 and SABP-A-036. Each chemical dosage point shall be provided with a flow meter to monitor the chemical dosage rate and Low flow alarm. Pump rate shall be confirmed by graduated cylinder installed on the pump suction. Large chemical storage tanks shall be accessible for road tankers.2.2. The locations for on-line corrosion monitoring shall be reviewed with CSD and Plant corrosion control. LPPT Oil out.6 With the exception of Demulsifier and methanol. Oxygen Scavenger and Methanol injection need to be evaluated on a case by case basis. corrosion inhibitor and Scale inhibitor.8 8.2. Required space shall be provided for on-line coupon retrieval and installation tools.7 On line corrosion monitoring system (MICROCOR® or equivalent) shall be provided in the GOSP to monitor corrosion.2. HPPT water Out. 8.2. 2. Note: 8.2.13 To ensure good mixing the pipeline corrosion inhibitor injection point can be upstream of the crude tie-line control Valve or suction of the shipping pump.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) SABP-A-018 and SABP-A-036. 8. Minimum one month storage capacity shall be provided for the demulsifier.2. The Demulsifier injection rate shall be automated to optimize the demulsifier consumption.2. IPPT. Separate corrosion Inhibitor injection (Pump. Dehydrator. desalter. LPPT. The selection of hot oil fluids is based on the auto ignition temperature. Refer to SABP-A-015.11 The demulsifier injection points shall be provided at the production manifold and at the inlet of the dehydrator. Note: 8. flow meter and Injection tubing) for the crude oil leaving the GOSP to the crude Oil pipeline shall be provided.12 8. Hot Oil Systems 8. chemical degradation potential.2. Approved mixing valve at the dehydrator inlet is available. WOSEP) that handle wet crude and are installed with anodes for cathodic protection. Note: 8. Minimum three 100% capacity demulsifier dosing pumps shall be provided for demulsifier injection.1 Specialized Hot Oil fluids including and Diesel can be used for heating the crude Oil in the GOSP.2. SABP-A-018 and SABP-A-036. Note: 8.3 Refer SAEP-1663 for typical demulsifier dosage rates for different crude grades.10 Corrosion inhibitor injection of the GOSP and crude Pipelines shall not be combined at one injection point at the production manifold. For multiple desalting trains the demulsifier injection point to be located downstream of the common Charge pump discharge header. 8.14 3-phase demulsifier mixing device will be tested at the production manifold.3. Mixing devices to mix the injected demulsifier with the wet crude shall be provided. P&CSD/Plant Engineering to be consulted for finalizing the Algorithms for demulsifier automation. This is applicable to all GOSPs existing and new. The Flow meter of corrosion inhibitor injection to the crude pipeline shall be connected to OSPAS.9 Anode Monitoring System (AMS) shall be provided on all vessels (HPPT. scale and Page 24 of 32 . 3.5 The wet crude shall be flowing through the tube side and the hot oil through the shell side of the hot oil heat exchanger.3. Note: For all new GOSPs.4 Lined Pit shall be provided outside the GOSP Fence to collect emergency drains. 8.4. The Hot oil Expansion vessel shall be provided with inert gas blanket.6 The Hot Oil fluid pressure shall be at least 50 psig higher than the cold process fluid (wet Crude) pressure in the hot oil heat exchanger to avoid chances of process fluids leaking into the hot oil system.4. Auto ignition temperature of the heating media shall be at least 50C above the max operating temperature. The hot oil pump suction temperature shall be connected to the DCS.2 All off-shore GOSPs. 8. For existing GOSPs a Master Plan is ongoing to convert existing Pressure sewer and Gravity sewer systems into CDS and OWDS.4 Minimum 3 x 50% capacity Hot Oil circulation pumps shall be provided. All on-Shore GOSPs shall be provided with Closed Drain System per SAES-A-400/SAES-A-401 and Oily Water Drain Systems per SAES-S-020.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) coke build up tendencies besides process heating requirements.2 Hot Oil Expansion vessel shall be provided. 8. Well Platforms shall be provided with Closed Drain Systems per SAES-A-400/SAES-A-403 and Oily Water Drain System per SAES-S-020.4. Drain Systems 8.4 8. 8. 8.3 The Hot oil return shall flow into the Hot Oil Expansion vessel.3 The closed drain header from the production manifold shall be run separately to the CDS drum and shall not be combined with other low pressure closed drain headers. 8. 8. 8. Page 25 of 32 . The Hot oil circulating pumps shall take suction from the Hot oil expansion vessel. the term Closed Drain System (CDS) shall be used instead of Pressure Sewer System and Oily Water Drainage System(OWDS) Instead of Gravity Sewer System ( consistent terminology). 2 The Spec breaks between two piping codes shall be connected by flanges.1 The GOSP piping system shall be designed based on SAES-L-100. GOSP In-Plant Piping 8. 8. On Gas pipeline Leak Detection. 8. Gas export lines and Water disposal line exiting the GOSP. Booster Pumps and Shipping Pumps discharge  Bypass lines of Booster and Shipping Pumps  Crude oil stabilizer gas outlet  Crude oil.2 The reciprocating Instrument air compressors at on-shore GOSPs shall be water-cooled.6. LPDT)  Gas slug catchers. formation water and Wasia water piping shall be coated as per SAES-H-001 and SAES-H-002. 8.1 The Instrument Air system shall be designed in accordance with SAES-J-901. receiving gas from satellite GOSPs  Crude Charge Pumps.6. the export ESD valve shall close resulting in GOSP Gas flaring.5 All wet crude.3 Non-slam type Check valves shall be installed at the following locations:  Gas outlets of all Production Separators( HPPT.5. 8. 8.5.3 Plant air connection shall be provided at all utility stations besides nitrogen. Page 26 of 32 .6.4 All Instrument Air Surge drums shall be internally prepared and coated with heat cured phenolic coating APCS-100 in accordance with SAES-H-002. 8. IPPT.6.5.4 Pipe Line Leak Detection System (LDS) shall be installed on the crude Oil and Gas export lines of the GOSP per SAES-Z-003.6. The leak detection signal shall close the export ESD valve to the pipeline from the GOSP. A spectacle plate shall be provided at the spec break flange.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 8.6 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Instrument Air/ Plant Air systems 8. 8. The Plant ESD system will activate the plant shutdown on high trap levels on crude oil pipeline LDS. LP steam and water connections.5. LPPT.5 8. 7 The design velocities in the low pressure piping from the Low pressure degassing Tanks/vessels to the Spheroid compressor shall not exceed 40 feet/sec.6. The selected line size shall ensure that the minimum velocity criteria shall be met at turn-down. 9.4 A Plant test shall be conducted with concurrence from P&CSD/UPED/OPU and P&CSD/DPED/F&RSU to confirm the equipment limitations. Relief valves and other similar applications shall be sloped for self-draining on both sides. 26 February 2013 Revision Summary New Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard. 9.1 A flare and Relief system study shall be conducted to establish the maximum crude capacity of the GOSP at the operating and future projected GORs of the field. 8.3 A process study shall be conducted to establish the equipment or pipelines limitation at the plant capacity established by the flare and relief system capacity. Page 27 of 32 .2 The plant capacity to be estimated based on the Relief and Flare system capacity at the operating GOR.6 All bypass lines of control valves.6. GOSP De-Bottlenecking 9. 9. 9. ESD valves.5 A Management of Change (MOC) process shall be completed for any changes to facilities including the Design Capacity of the plant.Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 9 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) 8. Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Appendix I – Simplified Schematic of Satellite On-Shore GOSP Page 28 of 32 . Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Appendix II – Simplified Schematic of Off-Shore GOSP Page 29 of 32 . Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Appendix III – Simplified Schematic of Simple GOSP with Gas Compression Page 30 of 32 . Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Appendix IV – Simplified Schematic of Complex GOSP with Gas Compression and Crude Stabilization Page 31 of 32 . Document Responsibility: Process Engineering Standards Committee Issue Date: 26 February 2013 Next Planned Update: 26 February 2018 SAES-A-010 Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) Appendix V – Simplified Schematic of Hot Oil System Page 32 of 32 .
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