SAE J200 2008 Classification System for Rubber Materials



SURFACE VEHICLE RECOMMENDED PRACTICEJ200 MAY2008 Issued Revised Superseding 1962-05 2008-05 J200 NOV2006 (R) Classification System for Rubber Materials RATIONALE Editorial Changes: BK basic requirements table inadvertently lists Tensile change of ±30% twice. Redundancy was removed. J3000 is no longer an active document, and the reference to it in the Appendix C title was removed. Balloted Changes: 1. Table 4, footnote 10 use to be part of footnote 8, but was inadvertently labeled as a separate footnote during a recent table revision. Footnote 11 actually refers to items footnoted as 10. Moved footnote 10 text to footnote 8. Relabeled footnote 11 as footnote 10. Relabeled footnote for K3 adhesion to refer to footnote 10. 2. Table 4, removed reference to paragraph 7.5 of D1329. No paragraph 7.5 is present in D1329. 1977 ASTM version shows 7.5 is now 8.5, but is redundant as it is part of the basic procedure of D1329, Same rationale for removal of 10 minute holding time. Changed sample size to 38 from 38.1 to be consistent with D1329. 3. Table 4, Added F7 for TR-70. 4. Deleted Method A from C1 and Method B from C3 in Table 4. Revised footnote references for these, incorporating the consolidation of D 1171 ozone chamber testing into D1149. D1171 Outdoor aging is not affected. 5. Revised reference section. Added D1149 for chamber deterioration evaluations. 6. Revised text in Table 3 and all suffix tables (Table 6) regarding use of “Z”s in call out. Clarification of use for rubber characteristics only. 7. Added “Z” as an available suffix for Table 6, EE and EK. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2008 SAE International All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123- Email: [email protected] SAE WEB ADDRESS: SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 FOREWORD -2- The original version of this SAE Recommended Practice was prepared jointly by the Society of Automotive Engineers and the American Society for Testing and Materials and bore the designation SAE J200/ANSI/ASTM D 2000. This document superseded and replaced SAE J14/ASTM D 735 and was intended to be used as a source of material quality “line callout” specifications on procurement documents and drawings. This Recommended Practice is now under the sole jurisdiction of the SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications and bears the designation SAE J200. This document is based on basic physical properties of rubber materials obtained directly from standard compression molded test specimens. Test specimens may be fashioned from finished products or by alternate methods. However, test specimens so prepared may be affected by forming of the product or sample and/or by shaping them for testing. Therefore, test results prepared from finished products or by alternate methods may not duplicate values obtained from standard test specimens. 1. SCOPE This classification system tabulates the properties of vulcanized rubber materials (natural rubber, reclaimed rubber, synthetic rubbers, alone or in combination) that are intended for, but not limited to, use in rubber products for automotive applications. NOTE 1: The SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications (CARS) has the sole responsibility for SAE J200. CARS Works closely with and receives input from ASTM Subcommittee D11.30 on Classification of Rubber Compounds with the goal to keep SAE J200 and ASTM D 2000 technically equivalent. Candidate materials presented for development of new tables or for inclusion in Tables A1 or A2 of SAE J200 or Table X1.1 of ASTM D 2000 shall be initiated with the SAE CARS Committee. The procedure to be followed is detailed in Appendix C of SAE J200. NOTE 2: This document may serve many of the needs of other industries in much the same manner as SAE numbered steels. It must be remembered, however, that this system is subject to revision when required by automotive needs. It is recommended that the latest revision always be used. This document is based on the premise that all rubber materials intended for use in rubber products can be arranged into characteristic designations. These designations are determined by types, based on resistance to heat aging, and classes, based on resistance to swelling by oil. Basic levels are thus established which, together with values describing additional requirements, permit complete description of the quality of all rubber materials. In all cases where provisions of this document would conflict with those of the detailed specifications for a particular product, the latter shall take precedence. NOTE 3: When the rubber product is to be used for purposes where the requirements are too specific to be completely prescribed by this classification system, it is necessary for the purchaser to consult the supplier in advance to establish the appropriate properties, test methods, and specification test limits. 1.1 1.1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the engineer in the selection of practical, commercially available rubber materials, and further to provide a method for specifying these materials by the use of a simple line call-out designation. This document was developed to permit the addition of descriptive values for future rubber materials without complete reorganization of the classification system and to facilitate the incorporation of future new methods of test to keep pace with changing industry requirements. 1.1.2 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123- SAE 2. REFERENCES 2.1 Applicable Publications J200 Revised MAY2008 -3- The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. 2.1.1 ASTM Publications Available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, ASTM D 395 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 429 ASTM D 430 ASTM D 471 ASTM D 573 ASTM D 575 ASTM D 624 ASTM D 865 ASTM D 925 ASTM D 945 Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression Test Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Tension Test Methods for Rubber Property—Adhesion to Rigid Substrates Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration—Dynamic Fatigue Test Methods for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration in an Air Oven Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Compression Test Methods for Rubber Property—Tear Resistance Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration by Heating in Air (Test Tube Enclosure) Test Methods for Rubber Property—Staining of Surfaces (Contact, Migration, and Diffusion) Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Compression or Shear (Mechanical Oscillograph) ASTM D 1053 Test Method for Rubber Property—Stiffening at Low Temperature; Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics ASTM D 1149 Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration – Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber ASTM D 1171 Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber (Triangular Specimens) ASTM D 1329 Test Method for Evaluating Rubber Property—Retraction at Low Temperatures (TR Test) ASTM D 1349 Practice for Rubber—Standard Temperatures for Testing ASTM D 1418 Practice for Rubber and Rubber Lattices—Nomenclature ASTM D 2137 Test Methods for Rubber Property—Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics ASTM D 2240 Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness ASTM D 3183 Practice for Rubber—Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from Products Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123- See Appendix A for the types of polymers most often used to meet the specification. New York.69. % no requirement 140 120 100 80 60 40 30 20 10 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. Type and class are each indicated by letter designations as shown in Tables 1 and 2 and illustrated in 8. NOTE 4: Call-outs not prefixed by the letter M refer to an earlier classification system based on U.2 Rubber materials shall be designated on the basis of type (heat aging resistance) and class (oil swelling resistance).1.4. This was published in editions prior to 1979. TABLE 1 .2 ISO Publications J200 Revised MAY2008 -4- Available from ANSI. www.ansi. °C 70 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 TABLE 2 . 25 West 43rd Street. ISO 162 ISO 17025 Rubber and Latices—Nomenclature General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories 3. max.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR ESTABLISHING TYPE BY TEMPERATURE Type A B C D E F G H J K Test Temperature. Type is the first letter after the grade number and class is the second letter. NY 10036-8002.4 . TYPE AND CLASS 3.1. Tel: 212-642-4900.1 The prefix letter M shall be used to indicate that this classification system is based on SI units.S.SAE 2.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR ESTABLISHING CLASS BY VOLUME SWELL Class A B C D E F G H J K Volume Swell. customary units. always indicates the temperature of test and is taken from Table 5. 14 for 14 MPa. 505.69. Questions regarding IRM oils should be directed to ASTM D 11. 4. time of test is part of the method and is taken from the listings in Table 4. 3. 1.E. and thus is not referenced in the last column of each basic requirement table.1 Grade Numbers Since the basic requirements do not always sufficiently describe all the necessary qualities. Grades other than No. Modified requirements may be agreed upon between the customer and the material supplier and be specified by use of a “Z” suffix. 1 are used for expressing deviations or additional requirements.4 NOTE 5: The selection of type based on heat aging resistance is understood to be indicative of the inherent heat aging resistance that can be normally expected from commercial compositions. 4. 2 and 3 have been replaced by IRM 9011. indicates that materials that meet these requirements for heat aging and oil swelling resistance are commercially available.5 The letter designations shall always be followed by a three-digit number to specify the hardness and the tensile strength—for example. Correlation of available materials for desired hardness and tensile strength is obtained through the elongation values (see 6. 1 Available from R. for example. Differences in severity of two approved heat aging test methods (ASTM D 865 and D 573) may invalidate direct comparison between those classes of rubber material not tested by the same method. provision is made for deviation or adding requirements through a system of prefix grade numbers. A grade number is written as a material prefix number preceding the letters for type and class (see 8. Trenton.for example. suffix letters. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. F1–11.4 . The first suffix number always indicates the method of test. NJ 08801.4. Class is based on the resistance of the material to swelling in IRM 903 oil after 70 h immersion at a temperature determined from Table 1. if used. Limits of swelling for each class are shown in Table 2. Grade No. 6 for 60 ± 5. choice of class is based on the range of volume swell normally expected from such commercial compositions as established by type.2). 5 for 50 ± 5. appear in Table 3. NOTE 6: ASTM Oils No. 4.1). 1 is always an available suffix grade number. Comparison of the effects of each new IRM oil on most elastomers produces a close correlation. Carroll. The fact that a type and class of material is listed under Basic Requirements. except that a maximum temperature of 150 °C (the upper limit of oil stability) shall be used. for example: A1–10. Grade No.2 Suffix Letters The suffix letters that may be used together with their meaning. 3. P. elongation of not more than -50%. The temperatures at which these materials shall be tested for determining type are listed in Table 1. NOTE 7: Most oil aged data in the SAE J200 tables were developed with ASTM Oil #3 and are to be used as a guideline for material selection. and hardness of not more than ±15 points after heat aging for 70 h at an appropriate temperature.SAE 3. SUFFIX LETTERS.1). and suffix numbers.15. Where three-digit numbers are required. The second suffix number. 1 indicates that only the basic requirements are compulsory and no suffix requirements are permitted.O. 05 for 5 MPa.3 J200 Revised MAY2008 -5- Type is based on changes in tensile strength of not more than ±30%. Box 139. The next two digits indicate the minimum tensile strength .3 Suffix Numbers Each suffix letter should preferably be followed by two suffix numbers (see Note 9 in 7. Likewise. GRADE NUMBERS. The first digit indicates durometer hardness. but may not necessarily produce the same property change as the oil replaced. a dash (–) is used for separation. B4–10. IRM 9021. AND NUMBERS 4. Continued conformance will be based on testing in IRM903 oil. and IRM9031 (last number for each IRM denotes the ASTM oil replaced). 4.MEANING OF SUFFIX LETTERS Suffix Letter A B C D EA EF EO F G H J K M N P R Z Test Required Heat Aging Resistance Compression Set Ozone or Weather Resistance Compression-Deflection Resistance Fluid Resistance (Aqueous) Fluid Resistance (Fuels) Fluid Resistance (Oils and Lubricants) Low-Temperature Resistance Tear Resistance Flex Resistance Abrasion Resistance Adhesion Flammability Resistance Impact Resistance Staining Resistance Resilience Any special rubber material requirement which shall be specified in detail -6- Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 3 .4 .69. solid — D 865. Heat Aging Resistance Suffix B. 70 h.(4) ozone exposure — D 573. IRM 901 (8) Oil. 168 h D 395.(7) 70 h D 471. Fluid Resistance (Oils and Lubricants) — D 471. solid D 1171.(8) 70 h D 471. Reference Fuel A. waterethylene glycol. Fluid Resistance (Fuels) Basic D 2240 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — D 412 die C — — — — — — — — — D 573. 168 h D 395. 70 h D 395. 1000 h Method B. Reference 85 volume 85 volume Fuel D.(8) 70 h Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. percent percent 70 h Reference Fuel D plus 15 volume percent denatured anhydrous (7) ethanol. water (5) 70 h D 471. Method B. 70 h D 471.(3) weather exposure D 575. Ozone or Weather Resistance Suffix D.(8) 168 h D 471. 70 h D 471. CompressionDeflection Resistance Suffix EA. 1000 h D 395. Reference Fuel B. 85 volume percent Reference Fuel C plus 15 volume percent anhydrous methanol — Suffix EO. plied — — — — — — — — — — D 575. Compression Set Suffix C. plied D 1171.(8) 168 h D 471. D 471.ASTM METHODS OF TEST(1) -7- Requirement or Suffix Letter Durometer Hardness (Type A) Tensile Strength. solid D 1171. 1000 h Method B. 70 h D 395. Method B.4. Reference Fuel C. Service Fluid No. Fluid as designated in Table 6. IRM 902 Oil. IRM 902 Oil. Method A — — — — — — D 471. Method B.(8) 70 h D 471. 22 h. 101. Method B.(8) 168 h D 471. D 471. Fluid Resistance (Aqueous) Suffix EF. plied — D 573. 70 h(6) D 471. ozone exposure (2) D 865.(8) 70 h D 471. 70 h. IRM 903 Oil. 70 h Reference Fuel C plus 15 volume percent anhydrous ethanol. Elongation Suffix A. Method B D 865.69. IRM 901 Oil. 22 h. 70 h D 471. 1000 h D 395.4 . 70 h — — — — — — — D 471. IRM 903 Oil.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 4 . │T10 – T5│ retraction retraction degree of 10% min 50% min separation maximum. 38 mm die. Control Panel — — — — — — — — — — D 945 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1. 22 h 4 5 6 7 D 1329. Impact Resistance(10) Suffix P.4. Flex Resistance Suffix J. LowTemperature Resistance Basic — 1 D 2137.3. Method C — — — — — — — — — — — — — — D 429. Method A — D 429. Method A D 925. elongation. The designations refer to the following methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials. Method A. Method B — — — — D 430. Abrasion Resistance(10) Suffix K. 38 mm die 5 min 50% 50% T5. Method B — (10) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — D 925. 5 min T2 or T5 or T10or T50 or T100 3 D 2137. Method A — D 624.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 4 . Flammability Resistance(10) Suffix N. Adhesion Suffix M. and Diffusion) ASTM D 945—Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Compression or Shear (Mechanical Oscillograph) ASTM D 1053—Test Method for Rubber Property—Stiffening at Low Temperature.ASTM METHODS OF TEST(1) (CONTINUED) -8- Requirement or Suffix Letter Suffix F. Tear Resistance Suffix H.4 . Method A. Paragraph 9. die C D 430. D 1053. Staining Resistance Suffix R. Method B.2. Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics ASTM D 1171—Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber (Triangular Specimens) ASTM D 1329—Test Method for Evaluating Rubber Property—Retraction at Low Temperatures (TR Test) ASTM D 1349—Practice for Rubber—Standard Temperatures for Testing ASTM D 1418—Practice for Rubber and Rubber Lattices—Nomenclature ASTM D 2137—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Brittleness Point of Flexible Polymers and Coated Fabrics ASTM D 2240—Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness ASTM D 3183—Practice for Rubber—Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from Products Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. Migration. die B D 430.(9) — — — Suffix G. ASTM D 395—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression Test ASTM D 412—Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Tension ASTM D 429—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Adhesion to Rigid Substrates ASTM D 430—Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration—Dynamic Fatigue ASTM D 471—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids ASTM D 573—Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration in an Air Oven ASTM D 575—Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Compression ASTM D 624—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Tear Resistance ASTM D 865—Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration by Heating in Air (Test Tube Enclosure) ASTM D 925—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Staining of Surfaces (Contact.69. 38 mm die 50% elongation. D 1329. T10. paragraph 9. Resilience Suffix Z. Retraction 70% min — 8 — D 1329.2 3 min 2 D 1053. and elongation. Special (10) Requirement — D 624.3. P.4. 3. Parts 37 and 38.O. 9. Commercial fluids may produce different results. ASTM No. Volume increase by displacement method. Anhydrous ethanol denatured with unleaded gasoline according to CDA formula #20.69. 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Test Temperature °C(1) 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 70 38 23 (2) A. Trenton. elongation. Method B. 6. EO. 4. Iowa 52406 and Ralph Shrader Inc. Detroit.4 .O. NJ 08638. When determining changes in tensile strength. and 3 oils are no longer commercially available. Cedar Rapids. test tube to be 3/4 full after specimens are immersed. Piscataway. test tube to be 3/4 full after specimens are immersed. See example in Section 8. Anglamol 99 is available from Lubrizol Corp. Ambient temperature in the case of outdoor testing. Test Method to be specified. When determining changes in tensile strength. Method B. 1 Oil + 5 mass percent Anglamol 99. Procedure B2. F 23 0 –10 –18 –25 –35 –40 –50 –55 –65 –75 –80 1. and hardness. 2. 7. OH 44117. Determination to be made after 30 min. Volume increase by water displacement method. Maximum T-values used for defining a curve for dynamic seal materials. Olden Ave. ASTM Service Fluid 102 consists of 95 mass percent ASTM No. The above fluids are intended for comparative testing purposes. 5. Sources are Archer-Daniels-Midland. Cleveland. acetone dip to be omitted. EA..E. 2450 Lovette Avenue. elongation.. except alcohol dip omitted. 1570 N. Distilled water shall be used. Michigan 48210. Cool in distilled water. NJ 08854. 2. Procedure B4. Box 1445. Carroll Inc. Cool in distilled water. Test area and time of year to be agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer. and hardness. Box 2.3. 1. P. 10. is 6 weeks duration. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.SAE 2. These test temperatures are based on the ASTM Recommended Practice D 1349.O. Use ozone chamber exposure method of ASTM Method D 1149. P.SUFFIX NUMBERS TO INDICATE TEMPERATURE OF TEST Applicable Suffix Requirements Second Suffix No. Annual Book of ASTM Standards. except alcohol dip omitted. EF.. Turner Place. Weather Test. TABLE 5 . G. Box 17100. J200 Revised MAY2008 -9- Use ozone chamber exposure method of ASTM Method D 1149. ASTM Service Fluid 101 is available as Anderol 774 from Hüls AG Division. K. acetone dip to be omitted. B. Equal parts by volume of distilled water and reagent grade ethylene glycol. Determination to be made after 30 min.. 8. C. ASTM Method D 1171. IRM Oils are available from: R. Unless a suffix requirement is used to override an existing basic requirement. Compression set values are basic requirements to ensure proper vulcanization. together with added compounding materials of such nature and quantity as to produce vulcanizates that comply with the specified requirements. but not all suffix values available for a given material need be specified. Also. Volume 09.1 This classification is predicated upon materials. For all other uses.01.3 6.2 The available materials are listed in the appropriate material section of the table. furnished under a specification based thereon. 6. These suffix requirements are set forth for the various grade numbers.4. and the resulting product shall be free of porous areas. Annual Book of ASTM Standards.HK.10 - 5. 6. when differences due to the method of processing or to the difficulty in obtaining suitable test specimens from the finished part arise.AA to 6. Suffix letters and suffix numbers describing these suffix requirements may be used singly or in combination.4 7. FK.2 With the exception of FC.1 The basic requirements for physical properties of available rubber materials are listed in Tables 6. bubbles. foreign matter. This deviation is permissible only because of the recognized effects of knitting. FE.AA to 6. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 2 3 Tensile strength values (psi) shown in Tables 6.4 . or other defects affecting serviceability.69. being manufactured from natural rubber. the basic requirement applies. alone or in combination. Color 5. and buffing on the material when test specimens are prepared from finished parts and tested for tensile strength and elongation. weak sections. SUFFIX REQUIREMENTS 7. grain. synthetic rubber. 6. Test results from specimens prepared from finished products may not duplicate values obtained from standard test specimens. and GE materials. This can be done by comparing results of standard test specimens with those obtained on actual parts. reclaimed rubber.1 Supplementary (suffix) requirements for available grades are listed in 6. NOTE 8: When standard test specimens can be cut from finished parts in accordance with ASTM D 31833 a deviation to the extent of 10% (on tensile strength and elongation values only) is permissible when agreed upon by the purchaser and the supplier. BASIC REQUIREMENTS 6. there is a repetition of the values for the basic heat and oil aging requirements for the material resulting from the assignment of type and class.AA to 6. All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with good commercial practice. the values in the material tables are based on black compounds and comparable values may not be available in color. Available suffix numbers for each available rubber material are shown in the last column under Basic Requirements. Section 9. COMPOSITION AND MANUFACTURE 5. Suffix requirements shall be specified only as needed to define qualities necessary to meet service requirements.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 . giving each hardness and tensile strength grade with its appropriate elongation value.KK are for information purposes only. This deviation is intended to apply to goods purchased by the government. the purchaser and the supplier may agree on acceptable deviations.KK2 are based on test results obtained on test specimens having the highest and lowest tensile strength specified for each grade and durometer range. BASIC AND SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . 5 2. Method B. 4 2. 5 2. Strength. % 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 600 250 250 400 400 400 400 400 500 250 250 300 300 350 400 400 400 500 150 150 200 200 250 300 300 350 100 100 150 200 200 75 100 125 Heat Aged. 3. No requirement Compression set. 5 2 2 2. 4. min. 4 2. max. 3. 4. 3 2. 4. 4. 3 2. 4. 3. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 70 °C Compression Set. 4. ASTM D 1053 properties must then be less than or equal to the specified temperature for the corresponding T-value. %. 3 2. 5 2. 3. 3.69. 4. -50% max 90 3 90 7 90 10 1.4. ASTM D 573.AA MATERIALS Tensile Tensile Strength.AA . See Note 6 in 3. 5 2. 5 2 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. ASTM D 471. 3 2. min min (psi) (MPa) 7 1015 10 1450 14 2031 7 10 14 17 21 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 21 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 21 24 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 21 3 7 10 14 17 1015 1450 2031 2466 3046 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 3046 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 3046 3481 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 3046 435 1015 1450 2031 2466 435 1015 1450 Oil Immersion. ±30% 50% max Change in ultimate elongation. 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Durometer Hardness. 3. 22 h at 70 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2. along with the maximum allowed temperature. 3 2. ±15 points Change in tensile strength. 4. 4 2 2 2. 3. 5 2. Solid. 4. 4 2. 4 2. 4. 4 2.4 . 4. ASTM D 395. ±5 points 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 Ultimate Elongation. 5 2. 4.4.SAE 7. 70 h at 70 °C Change in durometer hardness. 5 2. 5 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4 2. 4. the line specification must define which T-values are required. 5 2. 3. 3. 5 2.2 J200 Revised MAY2008 Use of ASTM D 1053 as a Suffix Requirement . Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.11 - When specifying an F2 or F6 requirement. TABLE 6. or additional requirements per Tables 3. % Resistance to outdoor aging. MPa Adhesion. max.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ASTM D 429..8 7 pass 22 26 1. max. max. ASTM D 573. 70 h at 100 °C.AA MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 . % Compression set.4 .69.AA . paragraph 9. Method A. min. 4. quality retention rating. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 85 85 10 pass 85 10 pass ±15 ±30 -50 25 35 +10 -25 -25 25 35 85 85 10 pass 85 10 pass +10 -25 -25 25 35 B13 B33 C12 C20 Compression set. ASTM D 624. max. min. min. ASTM D 471. Method B. kN/m Over 7. 70 h at 70°C: Change in hardness. % EA14 Fluid resistance. % F17 Low-temperature resistance.0 MPa tensile strength. Control Panel. 22 h at 70 °C. ASTM D 395. Method A. ASTM D 2137. ASTM D 925. % Resistance to ozone.8 7 pass (Special requirements) Shall cover only. min. Method B. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Tear resistance. kN/m Staining resistance. and 5 specified as in Section 8. ASTM D 429. 22 h at 70 °C.4 7 pass 22 26 2. min. water. Nonstaining G21 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 1. including test methods and aging parameters.3.2. Die C: Under 7. max.0 MPa tensile strength.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.12 - Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A13 Heat aging resistance. max.4 7 pass 22 26 2. kN/m K11 K21 P2 Z Adhesion. % Change in ultimate elongation. points Change in tensile strength. quality retention rating. ASTM D 395.4. Method B. ASTM D 1171.2 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. min. ASTM D 1171. volume change. Method B. % Change in ultimate elongation. Method A. or additional requirements per Tables 3. ASTM D 471. +10% max 50% max Change in tensile strength. % B33 Compression set. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 395. ±5 points 40 50 60 Tensile Strength.2.AK MATERIALS Compression Set. 1. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in durometer hardness. IRM 903 (1).AK MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements A14 Heat aging resistance. 22 h at 70 °C . See Note 6 in 3. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +15 -15 -40 50 +15 -15 -40 50 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade Grade Grade Grade 5 6 7 8 EO14 Fluid resistance. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in volume. TABLE 6.AK . Oil 70 h at 100 °C: Change in durometer hardness. ASTM D 573. min (MPa) 3 3 5 Tensile Strength. max. Compression set. ASTM D 471.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. points Change in tensile strength. nonbrittle.69. -50% max 2 2 80 7 1015 1015 150 100 3 3 90 7 1. including test methods and aging parameters. 3 min at -40 °C Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -5 to +10 -30 -50 pass -5 to +10 -30 -50 Basic Requirements Only -3 to +5 -3 to +5 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. %.4 .AK . max. max.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . % EO34 Fluid resistance. Z Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. ±15 points Volume change.4. % Change in ultimate elongation. min min. IRM 901 Oil. 4.4. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. 70 h at 70 °C Oil Immersion.13 - Durometer Hardness. Method B. 22 h at 70 °C max. max. ASTM D 395. max. % (psi) 435 400 435 725 400 300 Heat Aged. % F17 Low-temperature resistance. points Change in tensile strength.2.4. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 70 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 70 7 1015 250 Change in durometer hardness. and 5 per Section 8. See Note 6 in 3. Method B. max. Solid. Ultimate Elongation.3. 9.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ASTM D 2137. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. ASTM D 573. Materials would typically be 20 to 25 durometer based upon current capability.5 8 8 2.5. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 100 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 3 2 2.6 .6 2.4. min (psi) 870 1015 1450 2031 435 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 2466 435 870 1015 1450 2031 2466 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 1015 1450 2031 Ultimate Elongation.4 7 2.6 8 8 min.4.3.5 2. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. ASTM D 395.3.3.7 2.3.7 2.3.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. ±15 points Change in tensile strength.4 Change in durometer hardness. ±5 points (2) 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 Tensile Strength. See Note 6 in 3.BA MATERIALS Compression Set.4. %. No requirement ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. % 400 400 400 400 300 300 400 400 300 400 400 400 250 250 300 350 400 400 150 150 200 200 250 300 300 100 150 200 Heat Aged. ASTM D 471.14 - Durometer Hardness.5 2. ASTM D 573.5 2. 70 h at 100 °C Oil Immersion.8 2. min (MPa) 6 7 10 14 3 7 10 14 7 10 14 17 3 6 7 10 14 17 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 7 10 14 Tensile Strength.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . max. Solid. 2.3.4 2. -50% max Compression set.6 2. 22 h at 70 °C .4.6 2.8 2.4.8 50% max 90 3 435 75 90 7 1015 100 90 10 1450 125 1.8 2.5 2.4 .5.3. Method B.5 2.4.8 8 2.5.4. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 100 pass +10 -25 -25 25 100 pass 100 pass 100 pass +10 -25 -25 25 100 100 25 100 B13 C12 F17 Compression set. including test methods and aging parameters. Method A. ASTM D 2137.69. points Change in tensile strength. max. min. % Resistance to ozone.2.4 7. max.2 1. 4.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ASTM D 429. 22 h at 70 °C. and 5 per Section 8.BA MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . quality retention rating. Method A. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness.4 7.0 (1) 1. 9.2. % Low-temperature resistance. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Low-temperature resistance. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. ASTM D 1171. Method of evaluation and requirement shall be based on agreement between fabricator and end user.BA . min. ASTM D 2137. min.4 7.4 . max. Method A.3. ASTM D 429. Method B.15 - Grade 8 A14 Heat aging resistance ASTM D 573. % Change in ultimate elongation. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.4 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. Method B. bond made after vulcanization F19 Basic Requirements Only pass pass K11 K21 K31 Z Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 1. ASTM D 395.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. kN/m Adhesion.0 (1) 1.4. max. or additional requirements per Tables 3. MPa Adhesion. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Adhesion.3. 9.0 (1) 1. 6 2. max. 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Change in durometer hardness. 5. 6 3. 6 3. ASTM D 395.16 - Tensile Durometer Strength. 5 3. 5 2 2.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . (MPa) ±5 points 30 3 30 7 30 10 30 14 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 3 7 10 14 17 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 3 7 10 14 17 21 3 7 10 14 Tensile Strength. 5 2. 70 h at 100 °C Oil immersion. 6 3.69. % 300 400 500 500 300 400 500 500 500 300 300 350 400 450 500 500 300 300 350 350 400 400 400 200 200 250 300 300 300 100 100 100 150 50 100 150 150 Heat Aged. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 5 2. 6 2. ASTM D 573. 5 2 2 2.BC MATERIALS . Solid. -50% max Compression set. ASTM D 471.4 . 5. 5. min. 5 2.4. 5 2. 6 2. 5. 22 h at 100 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2. Method B. 6 3. See Note 6 in 3. 5 2. 5 3. 6 3. 5 3.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. 6 3.BC .4. +120% max Change in tensile strength. 6 3. 6 2. min (psi) 435 1015 1450 2031 435 1015 1450 2031 2466 435 1015 1450 2031 2466 3046 3481 435 1015 1450 2031 2466 3046 3481 435 1015 1450 2031 2466 3046 435 1015 1450 2031 435 1015 1450 2031 Ultimate Elongation. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. 5 2. ±15 points Volume change. 6 3. %. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 100 °C Compression Set. 5. min Hardness. 6 3. 5 3. 80% max 90 3 90 7 90 10 90 14 1. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in tensile strength.0 MPa tensile strength.3.2 1.4 2.4 . max. ASTM D 395. and 5 per Section 8. IRM 901 Oil. ASTM D 471.BC . Method B. Die C: Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±10 -30 -30 -10 to +15 ±10 -30 -30 -10 to +15 ±10 -30 -30 -10 to +15 ±10 -30 -30 -10 to +15 ±10 -30 -30 -10 to +15 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -70 -55 +120 pass -60 -50 +100 pass -45 -30 +80 pass -60 -60 +100 -60 -50 +100 pass F19 pass G21 Under 7. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.8 min. Basic Requirements Only 26 26 26 kN/m 10 MPa tensile strength and over.0 to 10 MPa tensile strength. min. min. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. Basic Requirements Only 22 22 22 kN/m 7. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. % Change in volume. See Note 6 in 3. Control Panel. 22 h at 100 °C. max.4 1. 4.69. max. min. Method A.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . max.2. 9. % Change in ultimate elongation. max. 9. ASTM D 471. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. % Change in ultimate elongation. Method A. Basic Requirements Only 26 26 26 26 26 kN/m K11 Adhesion. ASTM D 573. ASTM D 2137. max. min.4 1. quality retention rating. % EO14 Fluid resistance. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Tear resistance.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. ASTM D 2137.3. % Change in volume.4 1. points Change in tensile strength. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Low-temperature resistance. % Change in ultimate elongation. max. % Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . points Change in tensile strength. including test methods and aging parameters. IRM 903 Oil(1). max. ASTM D 624. max.2. Basic Requirements Only 1. ASTM D 925. Method A. ASTM D 1171.17 - Grade 8 A14 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +15 -15 -40 35 100 +15 -15 -40 35 100 +15 -15 -40 35 100 +15 -15 -40 35 100 +15 -15 -40 35 100 B14 Compression set. % C12 Resistance to ozone.4. Nonstaining Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only.4. % F17 Low-temperature resistance. % EO34 Fluid resistance.BC MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Heat aging resistance. Basic Requirements Only pass pass pass Method B. ASTM D 429. or additional requirements per Tables 3. MPa P2 Staining resistance. min (psi) 435 1015 435 870 1015 1450 2031 435 870 1015 1450 2031 Ultimate Elongation. +80% max 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 2 2 2. Method B.BE MATERIALS Compression Set. 70 h at 100 °C Oil Immersion. ASTM D 573.69.4 .18 - Durometer Hardness. Solid. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. %. ASTM D 395.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . 22 h at 100 °C 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 . ±15 points Change in tensile strength. % 500 500 350 350 400 400 400 300 300 350 350 350 Heat Aged. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. min.3 2 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 3 6 7 10 14 17 7 10 14 17 435 870 1015 1450 2031 2466 1015 1450 2031 2466 1015 1450 2031 200 200 200 250 250 250 100 100 150 150 100 100 150 Change in durometer hardness. -50% max Volume change. min (MPa) 3 7 3 6 7 10 14 3 6 7 10 14 Tensile Strength.BE .SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.4.3 2 2 2 2 2.4. max. ASTM D 471. ±5 points 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 Tensile Strength.3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 90 7 90 10 90 14 1. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 100 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 2 2 2 2. See Note 6 in 3. max. ASTM D 2137. 9. or additional requirements per Tables 3. Method B. points Change in tensile strength. points Change in tensile strength.3. IRM 901 Oil. ASTM D 1171.4 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -50 -40 pass -50 -40 Change in ultimate elongation.BE MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . ASTM D 573. max. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Tear resistance. ASTM D 624. % F17 Low-temperature resistance. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in tensile strength.19 - Grade 8 A14 Heat aging resistance.4 . ASTM D 2137. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +15 -15 -40 25 100 +15 -15 -40 25 100 Change in ultimate elongation. Method A.69. % Basic Requirements Only -10 to +15 -10 to +15 F19 Basic Requirements Only pass G21 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. MPa Basic Requirements Only 26 1.2. Method A.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 395. max. ASTM D 471. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Low-temperature resistance.4. min. ASTM D 429. Die C: 10 MPa tensile strength and over. % EO34 Fluid resistance. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±10 -30 -30 ±10 -30 -30 Change in ultimate elongation. max. min. See Note 6 in 3. max.2. % EO14 Fluid resistance.BE . 70 h at 100°C: Change in hardness. max. min. max.2 1. including test methods and aging parameters.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. % Basic Requirements Only B14 C12 Compression set. (1) IRM 903 Oil . % Resistance to ozone. 22 h at 100 °C. and 5 per Section 8.4. 4. % Change in volume. max. Method A. 9. quality retention rating.3. Basic Requirements Only kN/m K11 Z Adhesion. ±5 points 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Tensile Strength. Solid. including test methods and aging parameters.4.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .69. 70 h at 100 °C Oil Immersion. % Basic Requirements Only -25 Change in ultimate elongation. Basic Requirements Only 25 Method B. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. % Basic Requirements Only -45 Change in ultimate elongation. % Basic Requirements Only -10 to +10 EO34 Fluid resistance. max. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. min min. points Basic Requirements Only -20 Change in tensile strength.3. max.4 . TABLE 6. +60% max Change in tensile strength. Method A. Elongation. See Note 6 in 3. (1) IRM 903 Oil . max. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only. ASTM D 471. and 5 per Section 8.4. ASTM D 395. –50% max Compression set. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 100 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Change in durometer hardness. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 471. 50% max 80 3 80 7 80 10 80 14 1. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. ASTM D Basic Requirements Only 2137. 22 h at 100 °C max. % Basic Requirements Only 0 to +60 pass F19 Low-temperature resistance. ASTM D 395.20 - Durometer Hardness. % Basic Requirements Only -45 Change in volume.2. or additional requirements per Tables 3. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 395. IRM 901 Oil.BF MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Suffix Requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B14 Compression set. See Note 6 in 3. Basic Requirements Only 25 Method B. %. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. Method B. points Basic Requirements Only ±10 Change in tensile strength.2 1. min (MPa) 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 Tensile Ultimate Strength. 9.4. ±15 points Volume change. 22 h at 100 °C . % EO14 Fluid resistance. 4.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . % B34 Compression set.BF MATERIALS Compression Set. max. ASTM D 573.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.BF . max. % Basic Requirements Only -45 Change in volume. % (psi) 435 200 870 200 1015 250 1160 250 1450 300 2031 350 2466 350 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 435 1015 1450 2031 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 100 100 125 125 Heat Aged. 22 h at 100 °C max.BF . max. ±5 points 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Ultimate Elongation. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 100 °C Compression Set. 5 2 2.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . -50% max Compression set.4. min. 3. Volume change. 5 2 3. 70 h at 100 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2. 5 2 2. 4. 3 3. 4 3. 4 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 80 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 21 28 3 7 10 14 21 28 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 3046 4061 435 1015 1450 2031 3046 4061 435 1015 1450 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 350 400 100 100 125 125 300 350 50 100 100 Change in durometer hardness. 22 h at 100 °C . ±15 points Change in tensile strength. 5 2. Solid. min (MPa) 7 10 3 6 7 8 10 14 21 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 21 28 Tensile Strength. % 450 450 300 300 350 350 300 350 400 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 Heat Aged. ASTM D 471. 3. 3. 5 2 2.21 - Durometer Hardness. 4 3. 4. 4 2. 7 6. 7 6. 50% max 2. ±30% +40% max Change in ultimate elongation. Method B. 5 2. 4. 7 3. 7 6. 6. 5 2 2. 5 3. %. 3. 4 3. 5 2.BG . ASTM D 395. 4. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 5 2. max. 5 2. min (psi) 1015 1450 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 3046 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 3046 4061 Oil Immersion.69. See Note 6 in 3. 5 2 2.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.BG MATERIALS Tensile Strength. 5 2 2. ASTM D 573. 4 6.4 . 7 90 3 90 7 90 10 1. 4. 7 3. 7 6.4. 5 2. 4 6. SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.BG - SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS - BG MATERIALS (CONTINUED) - 22 - Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Suffix Requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A14 Heat aging resistance, ASTM D 573, 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness, max, points Basic Requirements Only ±5 ±15 ±15 Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic Requirements Only ±15 -20 -20 Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic Requirements Only -15 -40 -40 B14 Compression set, ASTM D 395, Basic Requirements Only 25 50 50 25 25 25 Method B, 22 h at 100 °C max, % B34 Compression set, ASTM D 395, Basic Requirements Only 25 25 25 Method B, 22 h at 100 °C max, % EA14 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, water, 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness, points Basic Requirements Only ±10 ±10 Change in volume, % Basic Requirements Only ±15 ±15 EF11 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, Reference Fuel A, 70 h at 23 °C: Change in hardness, points Basic Requirements Only ±10 ±10 Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic Requirements Only -25 -25 Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic Requirements Only -25 -25 Change in volume, % Basic Requirements Only -5 to +10 -5 to +10 EF21 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, Reference Fuel B, 70 h at 23 °C: Change in hardness, points Basic Requirements Only 0 to -30 0 to -30 Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic Requirements Only -60 -60 Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic Requirements Only -60 -60 Change in volume, % Basic Requirements Only 0 to +40 0 to +40 EO14 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness, max, points Basic Requirements Only -5 to +10 -7 to +5 -7 to +5 -5 to +15 -5 to +15 -5 to +15 Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic Requirements Only -25 -20 -20 -25 -25 -25 Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic Requirements Only -45 -40 -40 -45 -45 -45 Change in volume, % Basic Requirements Only -10 to +5 -5 to +10 -5 to +5 -10 to +5 -10 to +5 -10 to +5 EO34 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, (1) IRM 903 Oil , 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness, points Basic Requirements Only -10 to +5 -10 to +5 -10 to +5 0 to -15 0 to -20 -10 to +5 Change in tensile strength, max, % Basic Requirements Only -45 -35 -35 -45 -45 -45 Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic Requirements Only -45 -40 -40 -45 -45 -45 Change in volume, % Basic Requirements Only 0 to +25 +16 to +35 0 to +6 0 to +35 0 to +35 0 to +25 Basic Requirements Only pass F16 Low-temperature resistance, ASTM D 2137, Method A, 9.3.2, nonbrittle after 3 min at -35 °C Basic Requirements Only pass pass F17 Low-temperature resistance, ASTM D 2137, Method A, 9.3.2, nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Basic Requirements Only pass pass pass F19 Low-temperature resistance, ASTM D 2137, Method A, 9.3.2, nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C P2 Staining resistance, ASTM D 925, Basic Requirements Only pass pass Method B, Control Panel, Nonstaining Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only, special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters, or additional requirements per Tables 3, 4, and 5 per Section 8.2 1. See Note 6 in 3.4. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123- SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.BK - BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS - BK MATERIALS Compression Set, ASTM D 395, Method B, Solid, max, %, 22 h at 100 °C - 23 - Durometer Hardness, ±5 points 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 Tensile Strength, min (MPa) 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 3 6 7 8 8 10 14 17 3 7 10 14 3 7 10 Tensile Strength, min (psi) 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 435 870 1015 1160 1160 1450 2031 2466 435 1015 1450 2031 435 1015 1450 Ultimate Elongation, min, % 200 200 250 250 300 350 350 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 300 100 100 125 125 50 100 100 Heat Aged, ASTM D 573, 70 h at 100 °C Oil Immersion, ASTM D 471, IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 100 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Change in durometer hardness, ±15 points Change in tensile strength, ±30% Volume change, +10% max Compression set, 50% max 4 4 4 4 Change in ultimate elongation, -50% max 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1. See Note 6 in 3.4. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123- SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.BK - SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS - BK MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade Grade 2 3 Grade 4 - 24 - Grade Grade Grade Grade 5 6 7 8 A24 Heat aging resistance, ASTM D 865, 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness, points Change in tensile strength, max, % Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±10 -20 -30 25 25 B14 B34 Compression set, ASTM D 395, Method B, 22 h at 100 °C, max, % Compression set, ASTM D 395, Method B, 22 h at 100 °C, max, % EF11 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, Reference Fuel A, 70 h at 23 °C: Change in hardness, points Change in tensile strength, max, % Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Change in volume, % EF21 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, Reference Fuel B, 70 h at 23 °C: Change in hardness, points Change in tensile strength, max, % Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Change in volume, % EO14 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, IRM 901 Oil, 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness, points Change in tensile strength, max, % Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Change in volume, % EO34 Fluid resistance, ASTM D 471, IRM 903 Oil(1), 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness, points Change in tensile strength, max, % Change in ultimate elongation, max, % Change in volume, % Z Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -10 to +5 -20 -30 0 to +5 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±5 -20 -20 -10 to 0 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to -20 -50 -50 0 to +25 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±5 -20 -20 ±5 (Special requirements) Shall cover only, special rubber material requirements specified in detail, including test methods and aging parameters, or additional requirements per Tables 3, 4, and 5 per Section 8.2 1. See Note 6 in 3.4. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123- ASTM D 395. min min.8 1.8 7.CA .4. Ultimate Elongation. ±5 points 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 Tensile Strength. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 70 h at 125 °C Oil Immersion. 60% max 4 4 60 60 60 70 70 70 80 80 80 90 90 7 10 14 7 10 14 7 10 14 7 10 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 250 250 250 200 200 200 150 150 150 100 100 Change in ultimate elongation. % (psi) 1015 1450 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 2466 500 500 400 400 400 300 300 350 350 Heat Aged.25 - Durometer Hardness. ±15 points Change in tensile strength. ±30% No requirements Compression set. -50% max 3 4 4 3 4.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. See Note 6 in 3. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 125 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 Change in durometer hardness. 22 h at 100 °C .4.5 6 7. ASTM D 573.CA MATERIALS Compression Set.69. Method B. max.5 4. min (MPa) 7 10 7 10 14 7 10 14 17 Tensile Strength.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .4 . Solid. ASTM D 471. %.8 6 7. Basic Requirements Only Method A. Die B.4. points Change in tensile strength. ASTM D 395. % Low-temperature resistance. min.2. Die C. water. max. Basic Requirements Only Method A. 9. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only F18 pass pass pass pass pass F19 pass G11 G21 K11 P2 R11 Z 17 17 26 26 1.CA . volume change. ASTM D 945. ASTM D 395. Method A. Method B. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -20 -40 70 35 pass ±5 pass +10 -20 -40 70 50 pass ±5 pass pass ±5 pass pass ±5 pass pass ±5 pass pass ±5 pass pass ±5 pass +10 -20 -40 70 +10 -20 -40 50 +10 -20 -40 70 +10 -20 -40 70 +10 -20 -40 50 B35 B44 C32 EA14 F17 Compression set.8 pass 26 26 1.26 - Grade 8 A25 Heat aging resistance.4 pass 26 26 2. 9.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ASTM D 2137. Method B.8 pass 60 26 26 2. % Compression set. max.69. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Tear resistance. kN/m Tear resistance. nonbrittle. max. kN/m Adhesion. Nonstaining Resilience in compression. 70 h at 125 °C: Change in hardness.3. % Resistance to ozone. Method B Fluid resistance. ASTM D 471. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. ASTM D 1171.8 pass 26 26 2.2. 70 h at 100 °C. ASTM D 2137. ASTM D 429. min.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.2 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.CA MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 .3. 70 h at 100 °C. nonbrittle after 3 min at -50 °C Low-temperature resistance. Basic Requirements Only Method A. after 3 min at -40 °C Low-temperature resistance. Control Panel.4 26 26 2.4 . max. min.8 pass pass 70 pass 50 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. or additional requirements per Tables 3. and 5 per Section 8. ASTM D 2137. ASTM D 624. % Change in ultimate elongation. ASTM D 865. Method B. MPa Staining resistance. including test methods and aging parameters. 9. 22 h at 125 °C.3.2. ASTM D 624. max. min. 4. ASTM D 925. SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . Control Panel. points Change in tensile strength.CE MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements A16 Heat aging resistance.27 - Durometer Hardness. See Note 6 in 3. Method B. % 400 350 400 400 200 250 300 300 200 250 250 Heat Aged.4 . ±15 points Change in tensile strength. Solid. % Change in ultimate elongation. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C P2 Z Staining resistance. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 125 °C Compression Set. max. 4. ASTM D 471.3 2.3 2. ASTM D 573. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. 80% max 2. Method B.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. or additional requirements per Tables 3.2 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. % F19 Low-temperature resistance. ±5 points 50 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 Ultimate Elongation.4.3 2. +80% max Compression set.3 2. 22 h at 125 °C. 22 h at 70 °C . ASTM D 925.3 1. Method B. max.CE .CE MATERIALS Tensile Strength.3 2.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . Method A. TABLE 6. ASTM D 395.3 Change in durometer hardness. and 5 per Section 8.69. ASTM D 2137. min.3 2. min (psi) 2031 1450 2031 2466 1015 1450 2031 2466 1015 1450 2031 Oil Immersion. 9. ASTM D 573.4.3. min (MPa) 14 10 14 17 7 10 14 17 7 10 14 Tensile Strength. max.3 2.3 2. 70 h at 125 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2.2. -50% max Volume change. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. ASTM D 395. %.CE . including test methods and aging parameters. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness.3 2. % B15 Compression set. Nonstaining Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±20 ±30 -60 60 pass 80 pass Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Basic Requirements Only pass pass (Special requirements) Shall cover only. 3 2.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .4.4. Method B. max. 70 h at 125 °C Oil Immersion.28 - Durometer Hardness.4 3. ±15 points Change in tensile strength. ASTM D 865.4 .6 2. Solid.3 2. +30% max Compression set.3 2.4 3. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. % 22 h at 100 °C .3.3 2.4.3 2. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 125 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2.4 3. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.3 2. ASTM D 395.3 2. -50% max Volume change. % 200 200 250 250 300 350 350 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 100 100 125 125 50 100 100 Heat Aged. min (MPa) 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 3 6 7 8 10 14 17 3 7 10 14 3 7 10 Tensile Strength min (psi) 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 435 870 1015 1160 1450 2031 2466 435 1015 1450 2031 435 1015 1450 Ultimate Elongation min.4 1.3 Change in durometer hardness. ASTM D 471.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.3 2. ±5 points 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 Tensile Strength.3 2.3 2.6 3.5.CH MATERIALS Compression Set.CH . 50% max 2.4 3. See Note 6 in 3. % Basic Requirements Only -30 -30 Change in volume. 4. ASTM D 471. % Basic Requirements Only -15 -15 Change in ultimate elongation.4 .2 1. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 9. See Note 6 in 3. % EF31 Fluid resistance. Method A. % B34 Compression set. % Basic Requirements Only -35 -50 -40 Change in volume. 9. min.CH . IRM 901 Oil. points Basic Requirements Only 0 to -30 0 to -30 0 to -20 0 to -20 Change in tensile strength. max. max. points Basic Requirements Only ±10 ±10 Change in tensile strength. IRM 901 Oil. 70 h at 23 °C: Change in hardness. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only. % C12 Resistance to ozone. % Basic Requirements Only -40 Change in volume. or additional requirements per Tables 3.29 - Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Suffix Requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A25 Heat aging resistance. max. % Basic Requirements Only 0 to +50 0 to +50 0 to +40 0 to +40 EO15 Fluid resistance. 22 h at 100 °C. and 5 per Section 8.4. including test methods and aging parameters. max. Basic Requirements Only 25 25 30 25 Method B. Method A.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . 70 h at 125 °C: Change in hardness. % Basic Requirements Only -15 to +5 -15 to +5 EO16 Fluid resistance. ASTM D 395. 70 h at 125 °C: Change in hardness. max. Method A. % Basic Requirements Only -60 -60 -50 -50 Change in ultimate elongation. max. ASTM D 395.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. ASTM D 2137.69. points Basic Requirements Only ±10 -5 to +10 -5 to +10 Change in tensile strength. % Basic Requirements Only 0 to +25 0 to +10 0 to +15 Basic Requirements Only pass F14 Low-temperature resistance. % Basic Requirements Only -35 -10 -15 Change in ultimate elongation.2. ASTM D 865. max. ASTM D 1171.3. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. points Basic Requirements Only 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +10 0 to +10 Change in tensile strength. ASTM D 471. 9. ASTM D 2137. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. max. ASTM D 471. % Basic Requirements Only -15 to +5 EO35 Fluid resistance. max.2.2.3. (1) IRM 903 Oil . nonbrittle after 3 min at -18 °C Basic Requirements Only pass F16 Low-temperature resistance. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. Reference Fuel C. max. 22 h at 100 °C. points Basic Requirements Only 0 to +10 Change in tensile strength. % Basic Requirements Only -35 -35 Change in volume.3. 70 h at 125 °C: Change in hardness. % Basic Requirements Only 0 to +25 0 to +25 EO36 Fluid resistance. (1) IRM 903 Oil . % Basic Requirements Only -20 Change in ultimate elongation. max. % Basic Requirements Only -50 -50 -50 -40 -30 B14 Compression set. points Basic Requirements Only 0 to +10 0 to +10 Change in tensile strength.4.CH MATERIALS (CONTINUED) . max. max. Basic Requirements Only 100 100 quality retention rating. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 471. nonbrittle after 3 min at -35 °C Basic Requirements Only pass pass F17 Low-temperature resistance. max. % Basic Requirements Only -20 -20 Change in ultimate elongation. Basic Requirements Only 25 25 25 30 25 Method B. % Basic Requirements Only -60 -60 -60 -50 Change in volume. ASTM D 2137. % Basic Requirements Only -25 -25 -25 -10 -20 Change in ultimate elongation. Method B.3 2.3 1. -50% max 2.3 2.3 70 70 70 80 80 80 7 10 14 7 10 14 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 200 200 200 150 150 150 Change in ultimate elongation. Plied. ±30% No requirement Compression set. max. min (psi) 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 Ultimate Elongation.4. ±5 points 50 50 50 60 60 60 Tensile Strength.DA . min (MPa) 7 10 14 7 10 14 Tensile Strength.30 - Durometer Hardness.3 2. ASTM D 573. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 2 2. 70 h at 150 °C Oil Immersion. See Note 6 in 3.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ±15 points Change in tensile strength.4 .3 Change in durometer hardness.69.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. 50% max 2.3 2. ASTM D 471.4. min. % 300 300 350 250 250 300 Heat Aged.3 2.3 2. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.DA MATERIALS Compression Set. %. 22 h at 150 °C . ASTM D 395. max. 22h at 150 °C.2.31 - Grade 8 A26 Heat aging resistance. 70 h at 100 °C. kN/m Adhesion. or additional requirements per Tables 3. max. Method A. ASTM D 624. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. max.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. volume change. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -20 -20 40 pass ±5 pass +10 -20 -20 25 pass ±5 pass B36 C32 Compression set. min. 4. min.% Resistance to ozone. Method A. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Tear resistance.2 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. % G11 G21 K11 P2 R11 Z Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 17 17 17 17 1. exposure Method B EA14 Fluid resistance.DA MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . Die C. % Change in ultimate elongation.69. Nonstaining Resilience in compression. ASTM D 471. D 945. and 5 per Section 8. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness.3. Method B. 9.4 . min. water. MPa Staining resistance.DA . ASTM D 2137. Method B. kN/m Tear resistance.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ASTM D 624. ASTM D 395. Control Panel. max. % F19 Low-temperature resistance. including test methods and aging parameters.4 pass 60 pass 60 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. Die B. max. min.4. ASTM D 865. ASTM D 1171. ASTM D 925. ASTM D 429. points Change in tensile strength. BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . Method A. Method B. 80% max 5 6 80 80 80 90 90 7 10 14 10 14 1015 1450 2031 1450 2031 200 200 250 150 150 2 5 1. min. Basic Requirements Only 55 35 25 35 30 Method B. ASTM D 471. (MPa) ±5 points 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 10 14 17 7 10 14 17 Tensile Strength. -50% max Volume change. Basic Requirements Only 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . nonbrittle after 3 min at -35 °C Basic Requirements Only pass pass pass F17 Low-temperature resistance. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2. ASTM D 573. 70 h at 150 °C: Volume change.4. and 5 per Section 8. ASTM D 573. 9.2 1.4. ASTM D 395.DE .DE MATERIALS Compression Set.32 - Tensile Durometer Strength. Method A.2.4 . 4. 9. ±15 points Change in tensile strength.DE . TABLE 6. See Note 6 in 3. points 15 15 15 15 Change in tensile strength. 4 2 Change in durometer hardness. Solid. or additional requirements per Tables 3. min Hardness. 3. % -30 -30 -30 -30 B15 Compression set. ASTM D 2137.3. % 350 400 400 200 250 300 300 Heat Aged. max. ASTM D 2137. max.2. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation.4. 22 h at 125 °C.3. +80% max Compression set. including test methods and aging parameters. 3 2. % +70 +70 +60 Basic Requirements Only pass pass F16 Low-temperature resistance. %. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 22 h at 125 °C . See Note 6 in 3.DE MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Suffix Requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A16 Heat aging resistance. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. % Basic Requirements Only EO36 Fluid resistance.69. (1) IRM 903 Oil . ASTM D 471. ASTM D 395. % 30 30 30 30 Change in ultimate elongation. 70 h at 150 °C Oil Immersion. min (psi) 1450 2031 2466 1015 1450 2031 2466 Ultimate Elongation. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only. max. max. ASTM D 865.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 . %. +60% max 90 80 90 80 85 2 2 5 2 5 3 4 Durometer Hardness. max.4 .69. Available Suffix 22 h at 150 °C Grade Numbers 80 2 80 Change in durometer hardness ±15 points Change in tensile strength.DF .33 - TABLE 6.DF MATERIALS Tensile Strength. Method B. min. ASTM D 471. % 225 225 175 100 150 100 150 125 Heat Aged.4. ±5 points 40 50 60 70 70 80 80 Ultimate Elongation. ASTM D 395. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . min (MPa) 6 7 8 6 8 6 8 Tensile Strength. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Compression Set. Solid.4. min (psi) 870 1015 1160 870 1160 870 1160 1015 Oil Immersion. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 70 h at 150 °C 90 7 1. -50% max 80 Volume change. See Note 6 in 3. ASTM D 865. and 5 per Section 8. Method A. Method A. IRM 901 Oil.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. 4.4 1. including test methods and aging parameters. max. % Compression set. 9. % F14 Low-temperature resistance. 22 h at 150 °C. ASTM D 471. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. (1) IRM 903 Oil . nonbrittle after 3 min at -25 °C Adhesion.DF . ASTM D 471. min. 9. % Change in ultimate elongation. MPa Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -30 -60 -40 +50 -30 -60 -30 +50 pass -30 -60 -30 +50 pass -30 -60 -50 +50 pass Basic Requirements Only -8 to +15 -8 to +10 -8 to +10 -8 to +10 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -20 -30 -20 -30 -20 -30 -30 -50 Basic Requirements Only -5 to +10 -5 to +10 -5 to +10 -5 to +10 F15 Basic Requirements Only pass K11 Z Basic Requirements Only 1. max. Method A.4 1. ASTM D 395. % EO36 Fluid resistance. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness.2.69. 22 h at 150 °C. or additional requirements per Tables 3. max. nonbrittle after 3 min at -18 °C Low-temperature resistance.4 . max. max.DF MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . Method B. points Change in tensile strength. % Change in ultimate elongation. ASTM D 2137. max. % EO16 Fluid resistance. ASTM D 429.4 1. % Change in volume. max. Method B. max. points Change in tensile strength. max.4 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness points Change in tensile strength.4.3. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -25 -30 50 75 +10 -25 -30 60 80 +10 -25 -30 75 85 +10 -25 -30 80 B16 B36 Compression set.2.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . max.4.34 - Grade 8 A26 Heat aging resistance. ASTM D 395.3. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. max. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 2137. % Change in ultimate elongation. See Note 6 in 3.2 1. % Change in volume. 4 .DH MATERIALS Compression Set. Solid. max. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.4.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ±5 points 40 50 60 60 60 Tensile Strength.DH . ASTM D 471. min (MPa) 7 8 8 10 14 Tensile Strength.35 - Durometer Hardness. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.4.69. ASTM D 395. 22 h at 150 °C 60 60 60 60 40 Change in durometer hardness. min (psi) 1015 1160 1160 1450 2031 Ultimate Elongation. 70 h at 150 °C Oil Immersion. See Note 6 in 3. ASTM D 865. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 2 2 4 1. % 300 250 200 200 250 Heat Aged. -50% Volume change. min. 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 6 8 10 16 6 8 10 20 10 20 870 1160 1450 2321 870 1160 1450 2901 1450 2901 100 200 200 250 100 175 175 150 100 100 ±15 points Change in tensile strength. +30% max 75 60 60 40 75 60 60 40 60 45 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 . Method B. %. 4 1. max. ASTM D 2137.2. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. 9. ASTM D 471. special rubber material requirements specified in detail.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.69. max. (1) IRM 903 Oil . Method A. % Basic Requirements Only -20 Change in ultimate elongation. 9. % Basic Requirements Only -40 -30 -40 -40 Change in ultimate elongation. including test methods and aging parameters. points Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -25 -30 30 50 +10 -25 -30 30 50 +10 -15 -25 +10 -25 -30 60 35 Basic Requirements Only -5 to +10 Change in tensile strength. points Basic Requirements Only -15 -15 -15 -15 Change in tensile strength. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C K11 Adhesion. points Change in tensile strength. Method B. % B36 Compression set. ASTM D 395. Method B.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . See Note 6 in 3.3.4. Method A.4 . max. max. max. 22 h at 150 °C. % Basic Requirements Only -40 -30 -30 -40 Change in volume.3.4 1. IRM901 Oil.2 1. max. ASTM D 395. nonbrittle after 3 min at -10 °C Basic Requirements Only pass F14 Low-temperature resistance. nonbrittle after 3 min at -18 °C pass F17 Low-temperature resistance.4.36 - Suffix Requirements A26 Heat aging resistance ASTM D 865. max. -5 to +10 -20 -30 ±5 -5 to -5 to +10 +10 -20 -20 -30 -40 -10 +5 ±5 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. and 5 per Section 8. MPa Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only. % EO16 Fluid resistance.DH . ASTM D 2137. 22 h at 150 °C. % Basic Requirements Only ±5 EO36 Fluid resistance. 9. % Basic Requirements Only +25 +25 +25 +25 Basic Requirements Only pass pass F13 Low-temperature resistance. max.3.2. % B16 Compression set. max. Basic Requirements Only 1. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 429. Method A. % Change in ultimate elongation.2. or additional requirements per Tables 3. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. Method A. 4. max. % Basic Requirements Only -30 Change in volume.4 min. max. ASTM D 2137.DH MATERIALS (CONTINUED) . 4 .4. max.4 3. ±5 points 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 Tensile Strength. min (psi) 1160 1450 1740 2031 870 1160 1740 2031 1160 1450 1740 1450 1740 2031 2321 870 1450 2031 Ultimate Elongation. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 3 3 4 3. ASTM D 865.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.69. See Note 6 in 3.5 3 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 4 3 1.4. 75% max 3.EE MATERIALS Compression Set. ASTM D 471. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. 70 h at 175 °C Oil Immersion. ASTM D 395. min. % 400 500 500 500 200 300 300 400 Heat Aged. 22 h at 150 °C . Solid.5 4 3 4 3.4. ±15 points Change in tensile strength.5 3 3 Change in durometer hardness.4.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .EE . -50% max Volume change. +80% max Compression set.37 - Durometer Hardness. Method B. min (MPa) 8 10 12 14 6 8 12 14 8 10 12 10 12 14 16 6 10 14 Tensile Strength. %.4. max. 4. points Change in tensile strength.4 . min. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -60 -55 +70 -50 -50 +60 -50 -50 +50 EA14 Water resistance. and 5 per Section 8. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in tensile strength. kN/M F17 G21 Z Basic Requirements Only 20 20 20 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. % Fluid resistance. % Change in volume.EE MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . max. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Tear resistance.2. See Note 6 in 3. special rubber material requirements specified in detail.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . max. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -30 -50 50 50 +20 -30 -65 75 75 +10 -30 -50 50 50 B46 B37 EO16 Compression set.38 - Grade 8 A47 Heat resistance.3. % Compression set. max. 9. max. 70 h at 150 °C. Method B. ASTM D 395. including test methods and aging parameters.4. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +15 pass +15 pass +15 pass Low-temperature resistance. ASTM D 471. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in volume. ASTM D 471. max.4. 168 h at 175 °C: Change in hardness. (2) IRM 903 Oil .EE . points Change in tensile strength. % Change in ultimate elongation. max. % Change in ultimate elongation. IRM 901 Oil. max. max. max. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. 22 h at 175 °C. ASTM D 2137. % Change in volume.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. or additional requirements per Tables 3.2 1. max. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. Die C. % Change in ultimate elongation. ASTM D 395. EO36 change in hardness was not included as data contained too much scatter. ASTM D 573. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -10 to +5 -10 to +5 -10 to +5 -25 -35 ±15 -25 -35 ±10 -25 -35 ±10 EO36 (1) Fluid resistance. max. 2. Method A. ASTM D 624. ASTM D 471. Method B.69. max. ±15 points Change in tensile strength. Method B. See Note 6 in 3. ASTM D 471. ±5 points 40 50 60 60 Tensile Strength.69. %.4 . Solid. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.EH .SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. min. ±30% 70 70 80 6 9 7 870 1305 1015 100 125 100 Change in ultimate elongation. -50% max Volume change. 70 h at 175 °C Oil Immersion. 22 h at 175 °C 75 75 Change in durometer hardness. ASTM D 865. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 3 3 3 3 1. min (psi) 1015 1160 870 1305 Ultimate Elongation.4. min (MPa) 7 8 6 9 Tensile Strength.4.EH MATERIALS Compression Set.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ASTM D 395. +30% max 75 75 75 3 3 3 75 75 .39 - Durometer Hardness. % 250 175 100 150 Heat Aged. % Change in volume.2. special rubber material requirements specified in detail.40 - EO16 Fluid resistance ASTM D 471. points Change in tensile strength.4 (2) (Special requirements) Shall cover only.4. nonbrittle after 3 minutes at -18 °C Low-temperature resistance. max. % F14 Low-temperature resistance. max. % Compression Set. ASTM D 865. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -30 -40 60 60 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 4 5 6 7 8 . max. Method B.2 1. T100. or additional requirements per Tables 3.EH MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements A27 Heat resistance. max. Method A. 9. 70 h at 175 °C: Change in hardness. 4. max. (1) IRM 903 Oil . max.3. % EO36 Fluid resistance ASTM D 471. points Change in tensile strength. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. 22 h at 175 °C. max. min. including test methods and aging parameters.4 . -25 °C Adhesion. ASTM D 1053. points Change in tensile strength.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. ASTM D 2137. MPa Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -20 -40 -30 +25 pass Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±5 -20 -30 ±5 F25 K11 Z Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only pass 1. % Change in ultimate elongation. and 5 per Section 8. % Change in ultimate elongation.69. 2. Method B.4. % B17 B37 Compression Set. ASTM D 395. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. ASTM D 395. IRM 901 Oil.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 429. max. % Change in volume.EH . See Note 6 in 3. From current DH specification. Method A. max. 22 h at 175 °C. % Change in ultimate elongation. 70 h at 175 °C Change in durometer hardness. Method B.4. max. min (MPa) 9 10 Tensile Ultimate Strength. Elongation. +10% max Compression Set. ASTM D 471. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Volume change.4. ASTM D 395.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. Solid.41 - Durometer Hardness.EK .EK MATERIALS . -50% max Oil Immersion. Available Suffix 22 h at 175 °C Grade Numbers 60 60 2 2 80 10 1450 100 60 2 1.4 . See Note 6 in 3.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. ASTM D 573. ±15 points Change in tensile strength. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. ±5 points 50 70 Tensile Strength.69. %. min min. % (psi) 1305 1450 125 125 Heat Aged. max. Method B. max. % F19 Low-temperature resistance. points Change in tensile strength. or additional requirements per Tables 3. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±10 -25 Basic Requirements Only -20 to +30 A18 Heat aging resistance. IRM 901 Oil. max. ASTM D 1171. % Basic Requirements Only -15 to +10 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -60 60 50 pass Basic Requirements Only -10 to +40 B17 B26 C32 Compression set.3. % Change in ultimate elongation.69. % Change in volume. Z Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. Reference Fuel C. max. 4. % EO36 Fluid resistance. 10% retraction.4 . ASTM D 395. max. ASTM D 471.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. max. % Change in volume. 70 h at 23 °C Change in hardness. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Low-temperature resistance. after 10 min at -55 °C. % Compression set. % Resistance to ozone.4. ASTM D 573.42 - Grade 8 A17 Heat aging resistance. max. points Change in tensile strength. Method B EA14 Fluid resistance. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. Method A. water. IRM 903 (1) Oil . % Change in ultimate elongation. % Change in ultimate elongation. 70 h at 175 °C: Change in hardness. 70 h at 200 °C: Change in hardness. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 471.EK MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . solid. max. Method B. points Change in volume EF31 Fluid resistance. points Change in tensile strength. % EO16 Fluid resistance. 9. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. points Change in tensile strength. max. points Change in tensile strength. % Change in volume.4. % Change in ultimate elongation.EK . solid. and 5 per Section 8. % Change in ultimate elongation. ASTM D 2137. ASTM D 573. ASTM D 1329. ASTM D 395. min Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -15 to 0 -20 -20 +10 pass Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -10 to +5 -10 -20 +10 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -20 to +5 -50 -50 +40 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -5 to +10 0 to +20 F49 Basic Requirements Only pass (Special requirements) Shall cover only. See Note 6 in 3. 22 h at 175 °C. 70 h at 150 °C. max. max. max. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. including test methods and aging parameters. max.2. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 471.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .2 1. ±5 points 30 30 40 Tensile Strength. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 3 1. Method B. +120% max 60 80 3 4 .69. See Note 6 in 3. 22 h at 175 °C 60 60 60 Change in durometer hardness. 60 60 70 7 8 7 1015 1160 1015 300 400 200 -50% max 60 80 60 3 4 3 Volume change. 70 h at 200 °C Oil Immersion. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. Plied.4 . ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. %. min (MPa) 3 5 7 Tensile Strength. max.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.4. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 395. 50 50 7 8 1015 1160 400 500 ±15 points Change in tensile strength. ASTM D 573.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .FC . min.4.FC MATERIALS Compression Set. min (psi) 435 725 1015 Ultimate Elongation. % 350 400 400 Heat Aged.43 - Durometer Hardness. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. % F1-11 Low-temperature resistance. ASTM D 471. special rubber material requirements specified in detail.2.4. Die B: Under 7.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. max.FC MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 .44 - Grade 8 A19 Heat aging resistance. including test methods and aging parameters. kN/m 7. max. ASTM D 395. max. kN/m Z Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 5 17 26 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to -10 -50 -30 pass 0 to -15 -50 -50 pass 0 to -15 -50 -50 0 to +20 pass Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 Basic Requirements Only 0 to +20 0 to +20 (Special requirements) Shall cover only. Method A. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. % EA14 Fluid resistance. points Change in tensile strength. % Change in ultimate elongation. points Change in volume. 70 h at 225 °C: Change in hardness.3. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -40 -40 40 +10 -40 -40 45 +15 -50 -50 60 B37 Compression set. points Change in tensile strength. % Change in volume. % Change in ultimate elongation. nonbrittle after 3 min at -75 °C G11 Tear resistance. IRM 901 Oil. max. 22 h at 175 °C.4 .2 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. water. ASTM D 573. min. % EO16 Fluid resistance. ASTM D 2137. Method B.FC . min. 4. ASTM D 624. ASTM D 471. and 5 per Section 8.69. or additional requirements per Tables 3. max.0 MPa and above tensile strength.0 MPa tensile strength. 9. max. 4 . 70 h at 200 °C Change in durometer hardness. ±5 points 30 30 Tensile Strength. ±15 points Change in tensile strength.4. min (psi) 435 1015 Ultimate Elongation. ±30% Oil Immersion. 22 h at 175 °C 60 60 Volume change. max.4. % 400 500 Heat Aged. -50% max 1. Solid.69. Method B.45 - Durometer Hardness. min (MPa) 3 7 Tensile Strength. min. +80% max 60 80 3 4 .FE MATERIALS Compression Set. ASTM D 573. ASTM D 395.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .FE .SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. ASTM D 471. %. See Note 6 in 3. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 5 40 50 8 8 1160 1160 500 500 Change in ultimate elongation. See Note 6 in 3. ASTM D 2137. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. points Change in tensile strength. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to +20 0 to +20 0 to +20 0 to +20 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only pass +80 pass -40 +80 pass +65 G11 9 22 (2) 26 (2) 25 (2) pass pass pass (Special requirements) Shall cover only. max.FE MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 .0 MPa and above. max. % EO36 Fluid resistance. ASTM D 471. points Change in volume. (1) IRM 903 Oil . ASTM D 471. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -60 -60 45 +10 -40 -60 50 +15 -40 -60 65 +10 -50 -50 35 Change in ultimate elongation. % EA14 Fluid resistance. ASTM D 925. kN/m K31 P2 Z Adhesion.46 - Grade 8 A19 Heat aging resistance. % F19 Low-temperature resistance. 4. 70 h at 225 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 395. tensile strength. Materials must be free from surface conditions and compound constituents that are or may become deleterious to adhesion. 9. Method B.4. points Change in volume. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. Control Panel. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Tear resistance.4 .3. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. 22 h at 175 °C.69. max. max. Method A. min.2. Nonstaining Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only (2) Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to -10 -50 -50 0 to -10 -50 -50 0 to -10 -50 -50 0 to -10 -40 -40 Change in ultimate elongation. max. points Change in tensile strength. IRM 901 Oil. max. and 5 per Section 8.4.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. or additional requirements per Tables 3.0 MPa tensile strength. ASTM D 471. kN/m 7. 2. including test methods and aging parameters. water.2 1. ASTM D 624. % Basic Requirements Only B37 Compression set. Method B. % EO16 Fluid resistance. ASTM D 573. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. max.FE .SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . min. % Change in volume. Die B: Under 7. bond made after vulcanization Staining resistance. ASTM D 395. max. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to -10 -35 -30 0 to +10 pass Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to -15 -60 -50 0 to +25 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +15 -45 -45 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only. points Change in tensile strength. 70 h at 200 °C Change in durometer hardness. 9. 4. % Change in ultimate elongation. max. ASTM D 471. % Change in ultimate elongation. and 5 per Section 8. max. % Change in volume. +10% max 50 2 1. % Change in ultimate elongation. Plied. 70 h at 23 ° C Change in hardness. including test methods and aging parameters. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation.47 - Durometer Hardness.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Compression Set.FK MATERIALS Tensile Strength. Reference Fuel C. max. % EO36 Fluid resistance. 70 h at 225 °C: Change in hardness.4 .2 1. max. See Note 6 in 3. 22 h at 175 °C .69. % F19 Low-temperature resistance. ASTM D 471. % EF31 Fluid resistance.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.4. ASTM D 2137. ±5 points 60 Ultimate Elongation. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. or additional requirements per Tables 3. max. min (psi) 870 Oil Immersion. Method B. points Change in tensile strength. % Change in volume.FK .4.FK MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements A19 Heat aging resistance.3. -50% max Available Suffix Grade Numbers Volume change. ±15 points Change in tensile strength. ASTM D 573. points Change in tensile strength. (1) IRM 903 Oil .FK . TABLE 6. Method A. See Note 6 in 3. min.4. special rubber material requirements specified in detail. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. % 150 Heat Aged. max.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . %. max.2. ASTM D 471. ASTM D 573. min (MPa) 6 Tensile Strength. GE .GE MATERIALS Compression Set. 22 h at 175 °C 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Change in durometer hardness. Method B. min. See Note 6 in 3. min (psi) 435 725 870 435 725 870 435 725 870 1160 Ultimate Elongation. max.48 - Durometer Hardness. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.4.69. ASTM D 573. %. Plied. ASTM D 395. ASTM D 471. % 300 400 400 200 300 300 200 250 250 400 Heat Aged. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation.4. min (MPa) 3 5 6 3 5 6 3 5 6 8 Tensile Strength. 60 60 60 70 70 70 80 80 80 3 5 6 3 5 6 3 5 6 435 725 870 435 725 870 435 725 870 100 200 200 60 150 150 50 150 100 -50% max 50 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 3 4.4 . ±5 points 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 Tensile Strength. 5 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 Volume change. 5 5 9 1. +80% max 70 50 60 . 70 h at 225 °C Oil Immersion. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2 2 8 2 2 8 3 4.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . ±15 points Change in tensile strength. Die B: Under 7.GE . max. Control Panel. ASTM D 2137. kN/m K31 P2 Adhesion. special rubber material requirements specified in detail.69. % F19 Low-temperature resistance. water. 2. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to +15 0 to +10 0 to +15 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +10 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +60 pass -30 +60 pass -35 +60 pass -30 +60 pass -40 +60 pass -40 +60 pass (1) -30 +60 pass +60 pass G11 5 6 9 9 5 9 9 25 (2) pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only. IRM 901 Oil. max.3. (1) IRM 903 Oil . max. Method of evaluation and requirement shall be based on agreement between fabricator and end user. 4.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. nonbrittle after 3 min at -55 °C Tear resistance.4. including test methods and aging parameters. Nonstaining Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 0 to -10 -30 -30 0 to -15 -20 -20 0 to -15 -20 -20 0 to -15 -20 -20 0 to -15 -20 -20 0 to -15 -20 -20 0 to -10 0 to -10 -30 -20 -30 -30 Change in tensile strength.4 . Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. 70 h at 100 °C: Change in hardness. and 5 per Section 8. See Note 6 in 3. max. max. max.49 - Grade 9 A19 Heat aging resistance. ASTM D 573.2 1. max. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 471.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . 70 h at 225 °C: Change in hardness. Method B.0 MPa tensile strength. or additional requirements per Tables 3.GE MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 . Method B. % EA14 Fluid resistance. % Basic Requirements Only B37 Compression set. 9. max. % Change in volume. ASTM D 471. 70 h at 150 °C: Change in hardness. ASTM D 471. % Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -25 -30 25 +10 -25 -30 30 +10 -30 -30 50 +10 -25 -30 25 +10 -25 -30 30 +10 -25 -30 30 +10 -25 -25 25 +10 -30 -30 40 Change in tensile strength. points Change in ultimate elongation. max. min. % EO16 Fluid resistance. 22 h at 175 °C. ASTM D 624. points Change in ultimate elongation.2. ASTM D 395. min. points Change in volume. Method A. points Change in volume. bond made after vulcanization Staining resistance.4.0 MPa and above. tensile strength. ASTM D 925. % EO36 Fluid resistance. kN/m 7. 4. +10% max Compression set.HK MATERIALS Compression Set. 6 2. 6 Change in durometer hardness. 70 h at 250 °C Oil Immersion. 6 80 80 80 90 90 90 7 10 14 7 10 14 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 150 150 150 100 100 100 Change in ultimate elongation.69. 4. See Note 6 in 3. 4. -50% max 2. 6 2. min.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . 6 2. 4. 4. %. max. IRM 903 Oil(1) 70 h at 150 °C Available Suffix Grade Numbers 2. min (MPa) 7 10 14 7 10 14 Tensile Strength.4 . % 200 200 200 175 175 175 Heat Aged. 6 2. 7 1. 5. 4. 5. ASTM D 471.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.4. 4. ±5 points 60 60 60 70 70 70 Tensile Strength. ASTM D 573. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.50 - Durometer Hardness. ASTM D 395. Plied.HK . Method B. ±30% Volume change. 22 h at 175 °C . 7 3. min (psi) 1015 1450 2031 1015 1450 2031 Ultimate Elongation. 6 2.4. 7 3. 4. 5. 6 3. 6 2. 4. ±15 points Change in tensile strength. 35% max 2. Stauffer 7700 . % C12 Resistance to ozone. % Change in ultimate elongation. % A1–11 Heat aging resistance ASTM D 573.51 - Suffix Requirements A1–10 Heat aging resistance. max. ASTM D 471. 70 h at 23 ° C Change in hardness. ASTM D 1171 EF31 Fluid resistance. 101(1). max. 22 h at 200 °C. % Change in ultimate elongation. max. points Change in tensile strength. points Change in tensile strength. 22 h at 175 °C. % EO88 Fluid resistance. % B31 Compression set. ASTM D 471. % EO78 Fluid Resistance. points Change in tensile strength. 70 h at 275 °C: Change in hardness. points Change in tensile strength. 70 h at 250 °C: Change in hardness.HK MATERIALS (CONTINUED) . max. % Change in volume. ASTM D 1171 C20 Resistance to outdoor aging.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6.4 . ASTM D 395. Method B. ASTM D 471. % Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only +10 -25 -25 +10 -25 -25 +10 -25 -25 +10 -25 -25 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only 50 50 pass pass 30 50 pass pass +10 -40 -20 +10 -40 -20 -5 to +10 -5 to +10 -40 -40 -20 -20 15 20 50 pass pass 50 pass pass 15 pass pass 20 pass pass Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only ±5 -25 -20 ±5 -25 -20 ±5 -25 -20 ±5 -25 -20 ±5 -25 -20 ±5 -25 -20 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 0 to +10 Basic Requirements Only -15 to +5 -15 to +5 -15 to +5 -15 to +5 Basic Requirements Only -40 -40 -40 -40 Basic Requirements Only -20 -20 -20 -20 Basic Requirements Only 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +15 0 to +15 Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only Basic Requirements Only -15 to +5 -15 to +5 -40 -40 -20 -20 +25 +25 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. max. Method B. max.HK . % Change in volume. Service Liquid No.4. points Change in tensile strength. % Change in ultimate elongation. Method B. % Change in ultimate elongation. max. max. ASTM D 395. (2) SAE Fluid 2. max.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . max. ASTM D 395. 70 h at 200 °C: Change in hardness. max. % Change in ultimate elongation. max. max. max. max.69. ASTM D 573. % B38 Compression set. Reference Fuel C. max. % B37 Compression set. 22 h at 23 °C. % Change in volume. 70 h at 200 °C: Change in hardness. IRM 903 Oil 70 h at 150 °C Volume Change. min (psi) 1595 Ultimate Elongation. ASTM D 471. ±30% Change in ultimate elongation. followed by the appropriate suffix requirements.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS .4 . 25% max NOTE 9: Examples of the use of suffix letters and numbers would be A14 and EO34. Suffix A (Table 11) stands for heat resistance. min.SUPPLEMENTARY (SUFFIX) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER MATERIALS . (+10% max) Compression Set. % 125 Heat Aged. 70 h at 300 °C Change in durometer hardness ±15 points Change in tensile strength.HK . % 22 h at 200 °C Compression set. the prefix letter M. ASTM D 395. which is a specification. and 5 per Section 8. nonbrittle after 3 min at -40 °C Z (Special requirements) Shall cover only. and the hardness and tensile strength. Replacement fluids are under development. SAE Fluid #2 is no longer available.KK .3. 9.52 - Grade 8 pass pass Low-temperature resistance. 99. Plied max. including test methods and aging parameters. Similarly. 2.2. the grade number. –50% max Oil Immersion. Suffix 1 (Table 12) specifies that the test be run according to ASTM Method D 5734 for 70 h.2. ASTM D 573. special rubber material requirements specified in detail.3. shall contain: The document designations.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE 6. min (MPa) 11 Tensile Strength. ASTM Basic Requirements Only pass D 2137. 9.3 Basic requirements are always in effect. Method A. the material designation (type and class). Method A. and Suffix 4 (Table 13) indicates the temperature of test as 100 °C. Figure 1 is an example of a line call-out. and are not yet qualified. 4. 0. or additional requirements per Tables 3.4.69. phenothiazine (CAS 92-84-2). Suffix EO34 indicates resistance in IRM 903 Oil measured in accordance with ASTM Method D 4714 for 70 h at 100 °C. ±5 points 80 Tensile Strength.2 1.01.KK MATERIALS Durometer Hardness. Volume 09.1 A line call-out. 8. Section 9. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. ASTM Basic Requirements Only D 2137. LINE CALL-OUTS 8. unless superseded by specific suffix requirements in the line call-out. Method B. F15 TABLE 6.HK MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Suffix Requirements Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 . nonbrittle after 3 min at -25 °C pass F17 Low-temperature resistance. Service Liquid 101. 7.5 mass %. 4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards.di 2 ethyl hexyl sebacate (CAS 122-62-3).5 mass %. is not superseded and. 5 would be the only other grade available to a BC 507 material.BC. NOTE: Following is an example of a valid “line call-out. unless otherwise specified. which is not included as a suffix requirement. Methods other than those listed in Table 4 must be specified in detail. EO14. and Zs. shall be met as specified in Table 6. 2 is available for BC 507 in the list of Available Suffix Grade Numbers Table 6. EO34. The only Available Suffix Grade Number for a BG 617 is 2 and available Suffix Requirements would include B14. –15% max. along with the suffix numbers from Tables 4 and 5 corresponding to the desired test method. Deviations to durometer hardness. 4 is not an Available Suffix Grade Number for a BG 617. the basic requirements for heat aging resistance and oil swelling resistance are superseded for suffix requirements.4 . tensile strength. An example of an invalid “line call-out” would be as follows: SAEJ200M4BG617A14B14EO14F17 The suffix requirements included are all available for a Grade 4. However.53 - FIGURE 1 . The requirement shall always follow the test method/condition when using a “Z” suffix. and elongation shall default to the industry method outlined in Table 4. tensile strength change. ±15% max. EA14. When Z(s) are used. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. Test conditions may be specified by referencing the suffix letter from Table 3 corresponding to the appropriate test. hardness change.” or specification. however. EF21. or (2) that provided for by a special Z suffix requirement. The Grade No. complete test conditions as well as requirements shall be specified. exposure media. F17.BC and both A14 and EO34 are available Suffix Requirements for Grade No.LINE CALL-OUT In this example. and exposure time.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 . ultimate elongation change. The final form of a callout using this method is: SAEJ200M2BG617B14EO14F17Z1 Suffix Z1 – A14. ±5 points max.4.69. Since no A14 suffix requirement is available. therefore. B34. NOTE 10: An invalid “line call-out” is unacceptable. 8. EF11. SAEJ200M2BC507A14EO34 The line call-out is valid since Grade No. 2 materials. heat resistance would be either (1) that specified under basic BG requirements.2 A step-by-step guide to establishing line call-outs is given in Appendix B. the basic requirements of 80% for compression set. 1 The applicable methods of test are listed in Table 4. NOTES 12.54 - In this example the numbers following F2 represent the user desired T-values (T2. See Appendix C for the development of and additions to this table. including technical revisions. SAE J200 M3HK810 A1-10 B37 EO78 Z1. T5. Setting of material specifications. upon request of the purchaser at the time of ordering. 9. METHODS OF TEST 9.SAE 8. SAMPLING AND INSPECTION 10.3 J200 Revised MAY2008 Incorporation of D 1053 F2 or F6 suffix into a line call out. SAE J200 M3HK810 A1-10 B37 EO78 Z1. the determination of Cpk values and a quality control plan are the responsibility of the producer and consumer.2 It must be borne in mind that all physical tests are subject to test errors as indicated by precision statements included in many ASTM test procedures. and T100 are typical). Test specimens shall be prepared as prescribed in 6. T50. Z1 = F2 (T5:-27. T10. furnish a sufficient number of samples to perform the required tests. In this case T5. the supplier shall. 2) In this example the numbers following F6 represent T5.1 A lot.2 When proof of conformance with a specification based on this classification system is required. This example has an “M” denoting that all data is in metric. 12. 10. 11. LIMITATIONS OF DOCUMENT IN ESTABLISHING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 11. T10 and T100 are the desired values to be reported. Z1 = F6 (-12. Table 6 was not necessarily developed on the basis of statistical data. have been made to the previous issue of this document. so the T-values are represented in degrees Centigrade. PREPARED BY THE SAE COMMITTEE ON AUTOMOTIVE RUBBER SPECIFICATIONS Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. and the maximum degrees of separation allowed between T5 and T10.69.4. -14. unless otherwise specified.1 The data in Table 6 are based on physical properties of rubber materials obtained directly from standard compression moulded test specimens made from compounds mixed under ideal conditions (for example. nor in documents that contain editorial changes only. shall consist of all products of the same material submitted for inspection at the same time. 11.1 Marginal Indicia A change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications. They indicate the combinations of properties that are believed to be obtainable.1. so the T-values are represented in degrees Centigrade. 10. in a laboratory). T10. This example has an “M” denoting that all data is in metric. T100:-37) . The samples shall be warranted to have equivalent cure and to be from the same run or batch of compound used in the lot. T10:-29. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document.4 . not editorial changes. BIIR.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 APPENDIX A . IIR.1 Appendix A is intended to assist the users of SAE J200 and is not to be considered as part of the system.69. Reclaim RBR 1.55 - A. CM NBR NBR. EPDM CSM. Trade Names for the majority of rubber compounds utilizing above polymers may be located in the following and other publications of the rubber industry: "The Synthetic Rubber Manual. SBR. Table A1 is not intended to be limiting. IR. BR. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. CIIR. IIR. EPDM CM.4 . CM CR. Tables A1 and A2 list the SAE J200 designation (Type and Class) and the type of polymer most often used in meeting the material requirements.4." Lippincott & Peto."Rubber World Magazine Blue Book. TABLE A1 .DESIGNATION (TYPE AND CLASS) AND POLYMER . EPM. EPM. EPDM CR." International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers. CIIR. Symbols and names are based on ASTM D 1418. CSM ACM ACM. ECO EPM. other polymers may be used to meet the same specification. HNBR AEM ACM FZ PVMQ MQ FVMQ VMQ FKM FFKM Type of Polymer(1) Frequently Used NR.SAE J200 DESIGNATION SAE J200 Material Designation (Type and Class) AA AK BA BC BE BF BG BK CA CE CH DA DE DF DH EE EH EK FC FE FK GE HK KK T SBR. Inc. EU NBR EPM. AU. EPDM. CM NBR. CO. BIIR. Ester Type Polyurethane .69. Trade names for the majority of rubber compounds utilizing above polymers may be located in the following and other publications of the rubber industry: "The Synthetic Rubber Manual.4.4 . Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.POLYMER MOST OFTEN USED FOR MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Polymer Symbol NR Reclaim RBR IR SBR BR IIR CIIR BIIR T EPM EPDM CR CO AEM Common Name (Chemical Name) Natural Rubber Reclaimed Rubbers Isoprene (Synthetic Rubber Styrene Butadiene Rubber Butadiene Rubber Butyl Rubber (Isobutene-Isoprene) Chlorobutyl Rubber (Chloro Isobutene-Isoprene) Bromobutyl Rubber (Bromo Isobutene-Isoprene) Polysulfide Rubbers Ethylene Propylene Copolymer Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer Polychloroprene Epichlorohydrin Homopolymer (Polychloromethyl Oxirane) Acrylic Ester/Ethylene Copolymer VMQ." International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers.56 - 1." Lippincott & Peto. PVMQ) FVMQ FZ ECO Fluoroalkoxyphosphazene Rubber Epichlorohydrin/ Ethylene Oxide (Oxirane) Copolymer FKM FFKM Fluorosilicone Rubber Fluorocarbon Rubber Perfluoroelastomer EU AU ACM CSM CM HNBR Polymer Symbol NBR Common Name (Chemical Name)(1) Nitrile Rubber (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Copolymer) Hydrogenated Nitrile Rubber (Hydrogentated Acrylonitrile Butadiene Copolymer) Chlorinated Polyethylene Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Polyacrylate Rubber (Acrylic Esters Copolymer) Polyurethane . Symbols and names are based on ASTM D 1418."Rubber World Magazine Blue Book. Silicone Rubbers . Inc.Ether Type MQ (MQ.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 TABLE A2 . When indicating special requirements. The basic requirement for a BC material is 120% maximum volume swell.6 STEP 6 Special requirements that are demanded of the material but not shown in Tables 6. select the desired durometer-tensile-elongation combination. Of those suffix requirements which appear. and so forth).KK include no such material. the SI code “M” and the grade number of 1. Steps 4 through 7 do not apply in this case. Thus.2 STEP 2 Under the basic requirements heading in the appropriate type-class section of Tables 3 to 10. fluid resistance. In the example of 8. If the basic requirements accurately and thoroughly describe the desired properties of the material.” “Oil Immersion. Prefix the line call-out with SAEJ200.AA to 6. NOTE: Use only those durometer-tensile-elongation combinations specified in the table. NOTE: Only suffix requirements appearing in the chosen grade number column may be specified.AA to 6. respectively.HK headed “Suffix Requirements.5 STEP 5 Go to the portion of Tables 6.” and “Compression Set”) are satisfactory for the line call-out which is being established. keep in mind that they must be consistent with the type and class of the material. the suffix requirements are added to the line call-out in the following manner: 2BC507A14EO34 B.4. B. a 50 ± 5 Type A durometer material having a minimum tensile strength of 7 MPa would be described as a BC 507 material. a special requirement of 20% maximum volume swell in IRM 903 oil for a BC material. BC. Write the final form of the line call-out as: SAEJ200M1BC507 The call-out is written as one continuous string having no spaces between characters. it would be improper to select an AB material since Tables 6. Before proceeding. BA.4 . This material will have a minimum elongation of 300%.69. B. For example. for a BC 507 material. in Table 6.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 APPENDIX B .KK to make sure you have selected a type-class which corresponds to a material which is listed in the table. for example.GUIDELINES FOR ESTABLISHING A LINE CALL-OUT . consult Tables 6. grade 2 was chosen and suffix requirements A14 and EO34 were selected for heat aging and fluid resistance. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.1 STEP 1 Using Tables 1 and 2.AA to 6. the line call-out is completed at this step.4 STEP 4 If the basic requirements are not as stringent or complete as you would like.” Decide which of the suffix requirements are applicable to the material (such as heat aging resistance.57 - B. for example. examine the available suffix grade numbers in the far right column of the table. only those which are necessary shall be added to the line call-out. In this example.1. etc. find the type and class which correspond to the temperature resistance and IRM 903 oil volume swell requirements of the material.BC. B. AA. B.HK shall be designated by a “Z” suffix.AA to 6.3 STEP 3 Determine whether the remaining basic requirements (under the headings “Heat Aged. Then choose the grade number which encompasses all or most of the applicable suffix requirements. Do not specify. For example. suffix grades 2 and 5 are available. they are denoted by Z1. Z3. ASTM D 2240 suffix Z3—20% maximum tension set.” The call-out is written as one continuous string having no spaces between characters.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 .4 . Grade Number 5 would be the only other grade available to a BC 507 material. Z2. The final form of the example call-out is shown as follows: SAEJ200M2BC507A14EO34Z1Z2Z3 suffix Z1—polymer content of rubber compound shall be 100% polychloroprene suffix Z2—55 ± 5 Type A durometer. including test method and test conditions. etc. ASTM D 412 (elongate to 200% for 10 min.58 - If several special requirements exist.4. The format for specifying Z requirements is given in the following call-out: 2BC507A14E034Z1Z2Z3 suffix Z1 (for example)—polymer content of rubber compound shall be 100% polychloroprene suffix Z2 (for example)—55 ± 5 Type A durometer. measure set after 10 min recovery) B. 2 materials. measure set after 10 min recovery) The line call-out is valid since Grade No. ASTM D 412 (elongate to 200% for 10 min. ASTM D 2240 suffix Z3 (for example)—20% maximum tension set. 2 is available for BC 507 in the list of Available Suffix Grade Numbers (Table 6. “Z” requirements shall be specified in detail whenever used. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.BC) and both A14 and EO34 are available Suffix Requirements for Grade No.69.7 STEP 7 Complete the line call-out by prefixing the line with SAE J200 and the SI code “M. must have an ASTM D 1418 or ISO 1629 chemical classification.2.1 C. Identify the proposed suffix requirements.2. The coordinator shall be responsible for the full implementation of the program and shall report back to Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications at each subsequent committee meeting.2 C.59 - C. This may be done concurrent with table development.4 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. C.2 C. If the round robin is to include additional test(s) not currently included in SAE J200.3 C. Proposed SAE J200 Table Development Identify the number of compositions intended to be tested and the basic requirements for each composition.1 C. The ASTM D11. from which the compound is produced. the sponsor shall add those tests to the file in the same format. The proposed compound or family of materials currently under consideration and development is intended for. the sponsor shall supply a hard copy of the format. or shall designate a coordinator.2. The sponsor shall remove any test sections from the file which are not pertinent to their round robin.2. The chemical family of materials.1. APPROVED SAE J200 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM For an approved program. Assign an alphanumeric code to each laboratory to insure anonymity. an automotive application. In the event a participating laboratory does not have the appropriate spreadsheet program.2 C. C. but not limited to. The sponsor shall request the labs to respond as to which tests they are able to run internally.1.1 C.4.DEVELOPMENT OF AND ADDITIONS TO THE SAE J200 TABLES . Subsequent table data must represent commercial compounds convertible to useable goods. secure additional laboratories to perform those specific tests. secure a minimum of six laboratories which may include the proposer’s or coordinator’s laboratory. the proposer shall either co-ordinate the program.1.1.2. a file copy of the reporting format.3 C.2.2 C.4 .3 C.3. The proposed compound(s) must be a vulcanized commercial thermoset rubber prior to program initiation.3. The sponsor shall make sufficient disk copies and supply them to the participating laboratories (alternately the sponsor may Email these files). if any.2.8 committee gives chemical classification designations.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 APPENDIX C . The sponsor will obtain from the committee chair. for each of the compositions intended to be tested. This aids in table assignment and potential recycling identification.1 C.2. If any of the original six laboratories are unable to perform specific required tests.69.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to set forth the procedure for establishing new tables or additions to existing tables for the SAE J200 document.2. In conjunction with the committee. The additional laboratories need not complete the entire test program. C.4 PROPOSED SAE J200 TABLE DEVELOPMENT PRE-REQUISITES Present to the Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications a proposal for an additional table or a revision to an existing table based upon preliminary laboratory data. All plaques for dumbbell samples shall be produced from a single mold.2 C.5. and the die shall be inspected before cutting samples from a different composition. elongation. All sample bags for a given composition should be placed in a large bag with a report form for that composition.3 C. It is imperative that all steps be taken to reduce variation. the tests to be performed and space for recording the test result for each individual specimen. etc.SAE C.4. If a die is damaged during the course of cutting a composition it shall be repaired. all of the test specimens of the same type shall be mixed. shall be produced from a single mold.7 C. All samples for testing volume change.4 C.3.5. The completed speadsheet file shall be forwarded to the program sponsor. where applicable. shall be in metric.6 C.3 C. SAMPLE TESTING Inform the laboratories by letter of any special procedures to be used or precautions to be taken. The participating laboratories are to keep a copy of the spreadsheet.5.60 - Prepare a sufficient quantity of each of the compositions to provide samples for all of the required testing (five test specimens.5 C. It is preferable to use production compositions but laboratory prepared compositions are acceptable. C.3.4 C. hardness. The participating laboratories shall include 5 data points (per test) on the spreadsheet.4 C. If 50% or more the test labs providing table data are ISO 17025 Accredited. and environment for testing. or other approved procedures..3.1 C. per test per laboratory). A subcommittee of the Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications will analyze the data and make the final recommendation to Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications for inclusion into SAE J200 as appropriate.5 C. One operator shall cut all samples.5 C.5. until 1 year after publication. When all the required test specimens have been prepared from a given composition.5.3. the mold temperature shall be checked using a pyrometer or similar instrument.5. Using the appropriate die. and periodically throughout the molding.1 C. and a new set of samples from that composition shall be prepared.5.69. Averages are not allowed. Prior to molding.4.2 C.5. Each testing laboratory is to carry out the tests that they have agreed to perform. ASTM test identification.5. Sets of specimens should be placed in a small plastic bag with a label indicating the composition designation. All Data entries.4. The report form should include the composition designation. A due date for returning data should be included. hardness. temperature. Each testing laboratory shall be provided five test specimens for each test that they are to conduct. cut all test specimens required for a given composition. and the appropriate number randomly selected for each laboratory. Test for tensile.3. that portion of the table shall be identified using the “A” symbol. taking care to ensure that the proper test procedures are followed and that all test temperatures are correct.3.1 Sample Preparation J200 Revised MAY2008 .2 Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. DATA PROCESSING Submit the test data on the report form to SAE “CARS” including the proposed basic and suffix requirements and line call-outs.4 . Compositions shall be molded as designated by ASTM. the time. and compression set to verify the composition meets the anticipated requirements. In the case of partial development for additions to a table. Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155.1 J200 Revised MAY2008 NON-SAE CARS J200 DEVELOPMENT . - Partial or complete table development programs conducted with the approval of Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications. the footnote shall designate the applicable section.SAE C.6 C.4 . but not by members of CARS shall be credited with the accomplishment by way of a footnote at the bottom of that table. the expansion of current tables or the addition of new tables based on new rubber materials that will better serve both the rubber industry and their customer. SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications may ask for assistance from ASTM D 11.30 Committee to provide the necessary laboratories for performing the required inter-laboratory testing.69.62 - D.4.SAE J200 AND ASTM D 2000 SPECIFICATION SYSTEMS . Author:Gilligan-SID:9234-GUID:24306123-155. as necessary. (CARS). They will consider.1 PURPOSE The SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications. the SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications will be the gatekeeper of any changes and additions to the tables in these specification systems.30 Committee affirm that we will work together to maintain the SAE J200 and ASTM D 2000 specification systems. In the unlikely event that the SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications declines to make any additions or changes to the tables. then the ASTM D11.4 .30 Committee may choose to proceed with making those changes or additions if they deem them as additive for the rubber industry. As such. and the ASTM D11.SAE J200 Revised MAY2008 APPENDIX D . It is our goal to keep the tables in these two documents equivalent.
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