RVS 09.02.31

March 28, 2018 | Author: Nesa Markovic | Category: Ventilation (Architecture), Duct (Flow), Mechanical Fan, Traffic, Tunnel



1.------IND- 2008 0360 A-- EN- ------ 20080905 --- --- PROJET Tunnel Tunnelausrüstung Belüftung Page 1 GRUNDLAGEN Tunnels Tunnel equipment Ventilation Basic principles RVS 09.02.31 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 Preliminary remarks................................................................................................................. 1 Area of application................................................................................................................... 2 Basic principles of planning................................................................................................... 3 Determining the air requirement............................................................................................. 3.1 Traffic data................................................................................................................................. 3.1.1 Traffic flow.................................................................................................................................. 3.1.2 Traffic composition..................................................................................................................... 3.1.3 Condition of the traffic................................................................................................................ 3.2 Design limit values..................................................................................................................... 3.2.1 CO concentration....................................................................................................................... 3.2.2 NOx [oxides of nitrogen] concentration...................................................................................... 3.2.3 Turbidity...................................................................................................................................... 3.2.4 Maximum longitudinal speed...................................................................................................... 4 Choice of system...................................................................................................................... 4.1 Decision-making criteria............................................................................................................. 4.1.1 Criterion of traffic type/structural conditions............................................................................... 4.1.2 Criterion of the situation in the surroundings............................................................................. 4.1.3 Reviewing the choice of ventilation system............................................................................... 4.2 Ventilation systems.................................................................................................................... 4.2.1 Longitudinal ventilation............................................................................................................... 4.2.2 Semi-transversal ventilation....................................................................................................... 4.2.3 Transverse ventilation................................................................................................................ 5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.4 5.5 Technical specifications.......................................................................................................... General....................................................................................................................................... Fans and ventilators................................................................................................................... Jet fans....................................................................................................................................... Air intake ventilators and exhaust fans...................................................................................... Manoeuvrable smoke dampers.................................................................................................. Operating condition.................................................................................................................... Case of fire................................................................................................................................. Design parameters..................................................................................................................... Specifications............................................................................................................................. Operation.................................................................................................................................... Testing smoke dampers............................................................................................................. Checks, servicing and tests following commissioning............................................................... Auxiliary equipment.................................................................................................................... Air ducts and structure............................................................................................................... 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 “Tunnel construction” working group AUSTRIAN RESEARCH “Works and safety equipment” working committee ASSOCIATION FOR Issued 1 August 2008 ROADS, RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are finding new ways This RVS was subject to a notification procedure. Further details can be found on the FSV's homepage (www.fsv.at). This document is protected by copyright. All rights, in particular, in respect of translation, reproduction, the extraction of figures, radio transmission, reproduction by photomechanical or similar means, and storage on data processing equipment, including extracts thereof, are reserved exclusively for the FSV. Where the electronic form is acquired, storage on data carriers within the meaning of the licence agreement is permitted . Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 2 RVS 09.02.31 6 Aerodynamic dimensioning........................................................................................... 6.1 General............................................................................................................................. 6.2 Longitudinal ventilation...................................................................................................... 6.3 Semi-transversal and transverse ventilation...................................................................... 7 Controlling and operating the ventilation system........................................................ 7.1 Requirements relating to control........................................................................................ 7.1.1 Measured values and data................................................................................................ 7.1.2 Limit values for barricading the tunnel............................................................................... 7.1.3 Theoretical values for standard operation......................................................................... 7.1.4 Limit values for servicing operation................................................................................... 7.2 Control procedures depending on traffic numbers............................................................. 7.2.1 Input values....................................................................................................................... 7.2.2 Determining the differential air requirement (qdiff)............................................................... 7.2.3 Variance analysis of the quantities of air required............................................................. 7.3 Control procedures according to the measured air quality values..................................... 7.3.1 Description of the control procedure.................................................................................. 7.3.2 Control parameters........................................................................................................... 7.4 Special operation-related requirements............................................................................. 7.4.1 Automatic operation........................................................................................................... Automatic control during standard operation..................................................................... Semi-automatic operation.................................................................................................. Automatic control during emergency operation.................................................................. 7.4.2 Manual operation............................................................................................................... 7.4.3 Servicing operation............................................................................................................ 7.4.4 Inspection operation.......................................................................................................... 7.5 Special system-related requirements................................................................................ 7.5.1 Longitudinal ventilation with unidirectional traffic............................................................... 7.5.2 Longitudinal ventilation with bi-directional traffic................................................................ 7.5.3 Semi-transversal ventilation.............................................................................................. 7.5.4 Transverse ventilation....................................................................................................... 7.5.5 Combined ventilation systems........................................................................................... 7.6 Cross cuts and exits.......................................................................................................... 7.7 Portal designs.................................................................................................................... 8 Smoke and fire behaviour tests..................................................................................... 8.1 General............................................................................................................................. 8.2 Fire behaviour tests........................................................................................................... 8.3 Parameter studies using 3D computer programmes.......................................................... 9 Simplified risk assessment procedure.......................................................................... 9.1 Frequency equivalent........................................................................................................ 9.2 Equivalent extent of damage S.......................................................................................... 9.2.1 Equivalent extent of damage for unidirectional tunnels...................................................... 9.2.2 Equivalent extent of damage for bi-directional tunnels...................................................... 9.2.3 Coefficients of correction for other influencing factors....................................................... 9.3 Risk equivalent value R and hazard classes..................................................................... 9.4 Area of application for the simplified method and notes relating to more in-depth risk analyses............................................................................................................................ 9.5 Model principles................................................................................................................ 10 Cited Acts, guidelines and standards............................................................................ 11 Annex............................................................................................................................... 11.1 Application example for unidirectional tunnels................................................................... 11.2 Application example for bi-directional tunnels.................................................................... 13 13 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 26 26 27 28 29 29 29 30 31 31 32 0 Preliminary remarks RVS 01.01.11 applies with regard to the provisions for the EEA [European Economic Area] AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS, RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads, Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. finding new ways. Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 3 RVS 09.02.31 and Turkey. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads, Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. finding new ways. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS, RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are 1 3.1 Determining the air requirement Traffic data Traffic flow The definitive hourly traffic flow as the Q30 value which forms the basis when calculating the air requirement. If mechanical ventilation is needed based on the data contained in Table 1. They apply.31 1 Area of application These Guidelines and Regulations for Highway Construction [German designation: RVS] shall be applied as a basis for the replanning and operation of ventilation systems in road tunnels and housings. to reconstructions. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. and • the proportion of lorries (HGVs) (see RVS 09. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. The following principles must be observed in relation to the ventilation system: • In the operating condition . Tunnels. finding new ways. mutatis mutandis. a check shall be carried out in relation to every tunnel and housing as to whether mechanical ventilation is required. . as well as the composition of the traffic. and for a period of ten years thereafter.01. and . shall be taken from a traffic forecast study for the section of road in question in which the tunnel is located.e.2 Traffic composition Emission calculations shall be broken down according to • the proportion of passenger cars. . 2 Basic principles of planning In principle.11. • In case of fire .tunnel users and operational staff should not suffer any injuries. the maximum traffic flow shall also be examined since the more flexible ventilation system shall be preferred in the borderline case with regard to the service life of the structural works. 3. for instance as a result of blocking the second tube. taking into account the length of stay which is required in all traffic situations which arise during operation. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. by way of comparison. 3 3.1.32) and the emissions relative to these proportions determined separately.the field of vision which is required when stopping must be maintained. taking national laws and acts into account. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .11 shall be established as the maximum traffic flow for the tunnel. The traffic flow calculated in accordance with RVS 03.01. the size of this ventilation must also take the fire scenario into consideration. i.02. are regarded as unidirectional tunnels. vehicles and the tunnel structure) must be achieved. which are temporarily used by bidirectional traffic. In addition to this. that value which is achieved or exceeded for 30 hours per annum. In every case.the emergency services must be able to benefit from favourable conditions for a sufficient period of time.a reduction in the extent of the damage (incurred by individuals. it shall be reviewed whether a deduction must be made from this figure in connection with the road network. The correlation between the hourly traffic flow and the annual average daily traffic flow shall be taken from RVS 03.1.escape routes must be kept free of smoke when escaping.02.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 4 RVS 09. The forecast is designed to estimate the anticipated traffic conditions for the year when the tunnel is commissioned. 20 years is anticipated as the service life of electrical machine parts and fittings.3 Condition of the traffic As a rule. As regards the structural works in a tunnel. the design limit value for NO x.2.02. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.33. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . 3.2. 3.2.4 Maximum longitudinal speed The longitudinal speed occurring in the tunnel.1. stop–and-go traffic and suchlike) Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.2 NOx [oxides of nitrogen] concentration If NOx-controlled tunnel ventilation is required. may not exceed a value of 10 m/s. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.1 CO concentration 100 ppm shall be accepted as the design limit value for CO concentration. In the case of tunnels with low traffic levels (annual average daily traffic flow ≤ 5 000 vehicles/day) and gradients of less than 2%.1 Decision-making criteria The following criteria shall be taken into consideration as regards the operating condition: • the type of traffic (unidirectional traffic.31 In principle. shall be stipulated pursuant to RVS 09. bi-directional traffic. an HGV proportion of 10% may be assumed unless the proportion given in the most recent traffic census is above this figure.1. depending on the total amount of immissions introduced in the portal area.02. service life shall generally be set at 80 years.2 Design limit values The quantity of fresh air which is required shall be determined for the traffic condition as per point 3.02.3 Turbidity The extinction coefficient of 7 ⋅ 10-3 ⋅ m-1 shall be assumed as the design limit for turbidity. The mean vehicle speed on inclines is specified by the maximum speed per lane which can be achieved by lorries (see RVS 09. 3. supported by meteorological influences and the thrust of the vehicle.2. Otherwise.1. however. Stop–and-go traffic (< 30 km/h) shall be taken into consideration if. the proportion of HGVs shall be forecast which should also include HGVs of average weight. only the condition of “moving traffic” (≥ 30 km/h) shall be taken as a basis. Preferably. as well as in relation to the predicted traffic data. 3. 4 Choice of system The key factors when deciding on the ventilation system are cost effectiveness and the safety analysis during operation and in the event of fire. 3. maximum traffic flow. detailed freight traffic analyses shall be taken as a basis. in which connection the limit values given below shall be taken as a basis. a mean congestion frequency (see point 4. 4. finding new ways. 3.3. These sections shall be laid down on the basis of the transport engineering project. As regards economic considerations. at the very least. periodic bi-directional traffic.1) must be envisaged.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 5 RVS 09. this traffic condition shall be minimised or limited to certain sections by corresponding traffic control measures.32). escape routes and suchlike) • the situation in the surroundings (immissions. depending on the length of the tunnel and the traffic load as per Table 1.1.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 6 RVS 09. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are - > 3 000 Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. With longer tunnels. . protective measures and suchlike) 4. finding new ways. cross section. gap 750 m) Exhaust air suction with suspended ceiling AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. Table 1: Area of application for ventilation systems Type of traffic Annual average daily traffic Tunnel length [m] flow/lane [motor vehicles/day] < 5 000 and low congestion frequency ≤ 500 ≤ 700 Type of ventilation Natural ventilation Natural ventilation ≥ 5 000 to < 10 000 and mean congestion frequency Unidirectional traffic 500 to ≤ 3 000 Longitudinal ventilation ≥ 5 000 and high congestion frequency 500 to ≤ 1500 Longitudinal ventilation ≥ 5 000 and high congestion frequency 1 500 to ≤ 3 000 Longitudinal ventilation and point exhaust suction (max. gap 750 m) Exhaust air suction with suspended ceiling Natural ventilation Natural ventilation Longitudinal ventilation < 2 000 < 5 000 with low congestion frequency < 5 000 and mean congestion frequency > 3 000 ≤ 500 ≤ 700 m 500 to 2 000 m Bi-directional traffic 500 to 1 500 Longitudinal ventilation ≥ 5 000 1 500 to 3 000 Longitudinal ventilation with point exhaust suction (max. provision shall be made for transverse ventilation systems or combined systems.31 • structural conditions (length. gradient. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.1 Criterion of traffic type/structural conditions Longitudinal ventilation systems are permitted.02. 31 Low congestion frequency: Standard value: ≤ 25 hours/annum Definition: tunnels and adjoining outdoor road sections are sufficiently efficient.1. resulting in jams in the tunnel.02. a low congestion frequency of 0. .33 shall be applied. points of convergence.2 Ventilation systems AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. no references to specific causes of congestion If no external influences on the flow of traffic in the tunnel are indicated (e.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 7 RVS 09. To this end.3 Reviewing the choice of ventilation system The following iterative process shall be implemented when choosing the system: Choice of ventilation system Determining the hazard class based on a risk analysis (see point 9) Stipulating the works and safety equipment High tunnel cross sections generally have a positive impact on safety in the event of fire. a check shall be carried out as to the extent to which congestion frequency is raised as a result. tunnels and adjoining road sections are sufficiently efficient in the standard scenario and only occasionally overloaded (e. slip roads with adjoining intersections).g. The decision on the need for ventilation must be clarified in the preliminary draft relating to the tunnel within the framework of the environmental analysis. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. 4. as a result of seasonal traffic peaks on individual days during holiday traffic) High congestion frequency: Standard value: > 75 hours/annum Definition: frequent (e.1. Structural measures.g.29% of the operating time is assumed.2 Criterion of the situation in the surroundings If tunnel portals are situated in areas which have more stringent requirements in terms of protection against immissions. including cross girders or similar. Mean congestion frequency: Standard value: 25 to 75 hours/annum Definition: occasional congestion as a result of intermittent traffic peaks.g. or owing to tailback effects from the secondary network in the case of departure ramps or before crossroads after the tunnel) The occurrence of a jam with a duration in excess of 20 min/hour is regarded as a congestion hour. mechanical ventilation may also be necessary in the case of tunnel systems for which no ventilation would otherwise be necessary as per point 4.02. finding new ways. daily) congestion as a result of regularly occurring traffic peaks (for instance.1. This value takes account of tailbacks forming in the area of the tunnel as a result of breakdowns and accidents. the methods as per RVS 09.1. 4. owing to the capacity of the tunnel or the adjoining road sections being exceeded on a regular basis. 4. generally speaking. considerably impede the expulsion of smoke. If external influences impact on the traffic flow. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.2. supply air is introduced. • The exhaust ports shall be opened fully in the area of the scene of the fire.2. at any random point of the exhaust air duct.2. • The exhaust air ports above the scene of the fire shall be opened fully. Provision shall be made for manoeuvrable smoke dampers as regards the extraction of exhaust air from the carriageway. • To optimise the operating costs.2.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 8 RVS 09. the gap between the exhaust ports may not exceed 110 m.2. • In the event of fire.3 Transverse ventilation With transverse ventilation. the ventilation system must be able to extract at least 120 m³/s of the air in the tunnel over a 150 m section (based on 20 °C and 1 013 bar). finding new ways. The following requirements must be observed in this regard: • The maximum longitudinal speed as per point 3. or exhaust air semi-transversal ventilation in combination with longitudinal ventilation or transverse ventilation. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. • In the event of fire. while the gap between air intake openings may not exceed 55 m. The more critical of the two values is decisive with regard to the ventilation construction. 4. and exhaust air extracted.4 must be observed.1. Exhaust air semi-transversal ventilation. • Generally speaking. • Provision shall be made for adjustable air intake outlets as regards the supply of air from the air intake duct. 4. the air supply is introduced via the tunnel portals while the exhaust air is extracted over the length of the tunnel and flows to the outside via ducts. longitudinal air flow in the tunnel area is generated naturally or by means of fans and ventilators. is permitted. The following requirements must be observed in this regard: • The maximum longitudinal speed in the clear tunnel cross section as per point 3. • The fans and ventilators shall be constructed in such a way that they are reversible and able to achieve a flow velocity of 2 m/s or an air flow volume of 120 m3/s in case of fire under the marginal conditions specified in point 6.2. a longitudinal air flow shall be generated by jet fans or suitable smoke damper control. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .31 A distinction must be drawn between the following principal types of ventilation system regarding their mode of action and possible applications. the ventilation system must extract at least 120 m³/s of the air in the tunnel over a 150 m section (based on 20°C and 1 013 bar). The following requirements must be observed in this regard: • The maximum longitudinal speed as per point 3. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. • Generally speaking. at any random point of an air duct.4 must be observed. All other exhaust ports must be closed.1 Longitudinal ventilation In the case of longitudinal ventilation.02. the fans and ventilators shall be deployed over the length of the tunnel. The jet fans shall be arranged in various fire alarm sections (numbering at least two). while all other exhaust ports must be closed. The air intake outlets and smoke dampers must be adjusted in such a way that air is distributed in a uniform manner along the tunnel in relation to the design scenario. distributed over the length of the tunnel.2 Semi-transversal ventilation With semi-transversal ventilation.4 must be observed. 4. the gap between the exhaust ports may not exceed 110 m. • To raise operational safety under the effects of fire and minimise turbulence. the capacity of the exhaust fan must be at least 200 m3/s in the event of fire. • With point exhaust suction. including cabling in tunnels with longitudinal ventilation and hazard classes I to III.9 and the efficiency of the total unit ventilator where η VGE = 0.2. The drive motor and terminal boxes shall be realised with at least degree of protection IP 65 in accordance with the Austrian Electrotechnical Association [German designation: ÖVE]. The fan or ventilator shall be designed in such a way that at all times. mutatis mutandis. a steel cable). guide wheel and electric motor [fan motor unit].2. including their mountings and sound absorbers. The maximum permitted starting current shall be set in accordance with the requirements of the respective public utility.02.4571 or higher-value steels in the V5A group).31 5 5. As regards jet fans. the ventilators for controlling air quantities shall be fitted with a rotor blade adjustment. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. replacing the fans or ventilators. In accordance with the structural conditions. diffuser. The fans or ventilators are generally installed in portal stations or in caverns. The air intake ventilators and exhaust fans comprise the fan or ventilator with a wheel. a speed control.1 Technical specifications General The following technical specifications must be observed by fans and ventilators. their auxiliary equipment and cabling to operate in flue gas situations (fire scenarios).g. appropriate access and installation openings shall be incorporated and provision made for a lifting gear.g. 5. safe start-up (even with a 10% undervoltage. fluctuations in the supply voltage) is guaranteed. The failure of a fan or ventilator should not affect the functionality of other fans or ventilators. At the same time. or a combination of the two. 5. if applicable. their auxiliary equipment and any ventilation ducts: If provision is made for fans and ventilators. to all components in the exhaust air duct. a temperature stability of 250 °C over a 60-minute period is sufficient. shall be constructed from corrosion-resistant material (at least material quality 1. This provision applies. where possible. Proof of the air tightness of both the flaps and the air duct shall be furnished in the form of a measurement. The drive motor shall generally be constructed as a three-phase asynchronous motor with maintenance-free rolling bearings. If necessary.7 may be set as the standard values. The insulation class as per ÖVE-M Part 10 must be two classes higher than the maximum thermal load during continuous operation. The jet fan shall be mounted in a way which limits vibrations. The quantity of air which is discharged and the change in pressure in the fans or ventilators must be documented.1 Fans and ventilators Jet fans The housings of jet fans. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. As regards the dimensioning of the ventilation system. and a minimum distance between the jet fans ≥ 200 m. the efficiency of the fan motor unit where ηVME = 0. including. Provision shall be made to monitor the vibrations in the fan motor unit and the temperature of the coil and bearings. shut-off valve and. every effort shall be made to ensure that maintenance work can always be performed outside the traffic area. they must continue to operate at a temperature of 400°C over a two-hour period (e. using temperature-controlled forced cooling). the front and rear reducer [total unit ventilator]. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. The fan or ventilator shall be protected against falling by means of an additional safeguard (e.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 9 RVS 09. as well as the nozzle. but may not exceed six times the rated current. finding new ways.2 5.2 Air intake ventilators and exhaust fans Axial fans are envisaged as ventilators. 3. As far as possible.2. When fully open.2. one or more smoke dampers (see points 4.3. 5. these dampers shall be positioned concentrically in the tunnel cross section.0 m.3.3. 5.31 Any maintenance and repair work performed on a total unit ventilator should not adversely affect the rest of the ventilation system. in order to minimise operating costs.2 The velocity of air through the smoke dampers The mean longitudinal speed through the open smoke damper may not exceed 25 m/s. the smoke dampers are installed directly in the latter. • Lateral ducts: if provison is made for lateral ducts for dissipating exhaust air in cut-andcover tunnels. With large tunnel cross sections.3.3. care must be taken that smoke is extracted from the upper carriageway area in an efficient manner.3.1 Volume of exhaust air AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. longitudinal air flow can be bolstered by jet fans (see point 4. In this regard. in which connection the aim is to achieve a hydraulically optimum design for the smoke damper.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 10 RVS 09. the smoke in the immediate vicinity of the source is to be extracted. This shall be ensured by adjusting the angle of opening of the smoke dampers accordingly. thereby reducing the efficiency of flue gas extraction. depending on the ventilation design in the ventilation section in question. with the remainder closed. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. 5. Moreover.3 Design parameters The smoke dampers shall be dimensioned in such a way that a minimum quantity of exhaust air of 120 m³/s flows through the dampers which are opened in the event of fire (measured in the exhaust air duct based on 20 °C and 1 013 bar). 5. finding new ways.2.3. As regards semi-transversal ventilation. Speeds above this result in significant pressure losses.2 or 4.3 The shape and position of smoke dampers The dampers shall be as wide as possible.1 Operating condition The contaminated air shall be extracted into the exhaust air duct in a uniform manner over the length of a ventilation section.3. inter alia. the danger exists that air is extracted from the lower zones. The effects of this are as follows: • the concentrated extraction of smoke with the highest possible level of efficiency • preservation of the natural stratification of smoke with a smoke-free zone in the lower area • concentration of the smoke in that area where the fire originates. which may still be free from smoke. the smoke dampers shall be rectangular in shape. The desired width shall be 3. 5. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .2 Case of fire In the event of an accident involving smoke formation.3) are open.3 Manoeuvrable smoke dampers Manoeuvrable smoke dampers assist in the targeted regulation of the exchange of air between the carriageway and the exhaust air ducts.3. 5.4 Distance between the smoke dampers Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. 5. The vertical dimensions may not be too large such that they prevent the absorption of fresh air from the area beneath the smoke layer. by also generating excess pressure in areas still not affected by the fire 5.2). The following possibilities exist as regards installation: • Installation in the suspended ceiling: if a suspended ceiling forms the floor of the exhaust air duct. They shall fulfil a variety of purposes in transverse-ventilated tunnels during operation and in the event of fire.3.02. the smoke dampers must be situated such that they are as close as possible to the tunnel crown. on account of the large vertical impulse. If possible. the sum of the area of the clear damper openings through which air flows must at least equal the area of the exhaust air duct over a length of 150 m. and every ten minutes for the remainder of the time thereafter.08 0.07 0. As a rule.3.4.3. 5.6. 5.4.10 0.2.2 The impact of temperature on damper operation In a fire situation. For this reason. must be fully operational for at least two hours at a temperature of 400 °C.4.3 Leakage quantities Smoke dampers must be as airtight as possible since leakages reduce the effective quantities extracted. the dampers.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 11 RVS 09. finding new ways.2. In this regard.3.1 Static pressure Proof of air tightness shall be furnished in the form of a measurement (see point 5.055 0.05 5.1).3.4 Operating times The time taken to change the operating condition from “closed” to “open” (a maximum of 120°) and vice versa may not exceed 25 s. complete opening (90° or 120°) and closing by the corresponding actuation shall be effected every five minutes.09 0. smoke dampers can be exposed to very high temperatures.3. the distance between the smoke dampers may not exceed the values indicated in points 4.02.06 0. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .3.3. 5.3. 5.3. during the first 30 minutes.5 Operation The following types of smoke dampers are currently used internationally: • Smoke dampers with plates • Sliding smoke dampers Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.4 Specifications The smoke dampers shall be dimensioned such that they satisfy the maximum pressure differentials relative to the installation without suffering losses in terms of air tightness or functionality.2 or 4. operating units and all of the associated equipment. Proof of this temperature stability shall be furnished by means of a test conducted by an accredited inspection body and corroborated in the form of a test report. 5.1 Operating principle AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. as well as the supply and control lines. The following leakage quantities may not be exceeded: Table 2: Permitted leakage quantities depending on the test pressure Temperature [°C] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Pressure [N/m2] 4 000 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 Volume flow [m3/s/m2] 0. g. 5. in which connection effective thermal insulation must be present in the driveshaft in order to prevent the transmission of heat to the electrical actuator.4. the actuator shall be deactivated using the end switches.31 In terms of design. • In the event of fire. one smoke damper freely selected by the Client from those manufactured is subjected to mechanical tests and leakage tests under low temperatures and pressure.02. sliding smoke dampers generally exhibit higher pressure losses and lower exhaust air volumes with the same crosssectional area.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 12 RVS 09. Following each pressure stage. the amount of deformation at characteristic points of the damper is measured. • Where fresh air and exhaust air ducts are present. • Operating conditions under pressure: the damper is tested under pressure. At the end of the test.5. with a lot in excess of ten units.2 Requirements in the event of fire The following points must be taken into consideration in relation to the optimum working of smoke dampers in the event of fire: • The equipment as a whole in the exhaust air duct (including control and monitoring) must be resistant to a temperature of 400 °C over an exposure time of 120 minutes (see point 5. in which connection the zero point of the air flow must occur in the carriageway in the area of the open damper(s). the pressure ratios at the damper must be reproduced in keeping with the system. 2 000 Pa. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.3. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .1 Test conducted by the manufacturer and/or the inspection body (acceptance inspection) AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.g. 5.3. • Prior to acceptance of the leakage test.3. the controls must be installed in the fresh air duct. any deformation which adversely affects air tightness should not be present. In both positions. • Subsequent waterproofing measures (e. • During the acceptance inspection. 3 000 Pa. the pressure difference is returned to the value 0 and the smoke dampers fully opened and closed at least ten times. in this way.3. Once the damper is closed. finding new ways. At maximum pressure (4 000 Pa). 4 000 Pa).2) or be protected accordingly to ensure that it continues to function. five opening and closing cycles are effected using the mounted electrical driving mechanism. In this regard. turning the handwheel).2 On-site tests The following functional tests shall be performed on site prior to commissioning: • Every smoke damper shall be opened and closed using the local and/or remote operating systems installed and.6. The mechanics of the construction must be preserved for a 60-minute period up to a temperature of 750°C.3. the damper shall first be operated with the actuator in the “open” position and then in the “closed" position. compared with smoke dampers with plates. All the tests mentioned are performed using a prototype and. 5. the use of silicone) are not permitted. its position may no longer be altered prior to the acceptance inspection (e. 1 500 Pa. The envisaged actuator shall be mounted. • The smoke dampers are pressurised to varying degrees (1 000 Pa.6 Testing smoke dampers The procedure for accepting the damper is as follows: • At the time of acceptance. connected electrically and the end positions adjusted and started up. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. 2 500 Pa. Every pressure stage is maintained for five minutes and the final one for 30 minutes. air flow shall be generated in the carriageway from both sides of the open damper(s). 5.6. 3 500 Pa. tested in terms of their functionality. the damper must be constructed such that it is fully functional and appropriate to the system. 1 Visual inspection of the smoke dampers Smoke dampers shall be serviced and inspected in accordance with the recommendations from the manufacturer. 5. dampers are required in front of and also behind the fans and ventilators. Checking the plates and driveshaft for possible deformation (plastic deformation). 5. 2. At least on an annual basis. The inspections. • An examination shall be carried out with regard to the functionality of the sealing elements in the exhaust air duct and at the dampers.7. 2.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 13 RVS 09. servicing and tests following commissioning Preventative servicing and tests constitute the basis for the smooth functioning of all the components in an emergency system. attention must be paid to the fact that the auxiliary equipment is resistant to corrosion. Checking the open and closed positions. It shall be examined with regard to the incidence of cold air and ice formation whether an additional damper is required close to the fresh air inlet which is closed when the fan or ventilator has stopped.4 Auxiliary equipment In order to prevent uncontrolled flows into the exhaust air and air intake ducts when the fans and ventilators are deactivated. Checking for sedimentation and foreign bodies on the damper plates and gaskets. readjusting the correct position and functioning of every damper on site and reporting this back to the central control system. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. The dampers are to be moved through their individual operating positions (open. 3. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. provision shall be made for a visual inspection of the exhaust air duct along the following lines: 1. In addition to the requirements as per point 5.1. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . Monthly functional testing: all fans and ventilators and smoke dampers shall be inspected monthly as regards their functionality under all volume flows and damper positions involving automated control in terms of their planned design. in which connection it must be ensured that the plates run synchronously.31 • Suction tests shall be performed using routine fans and ventilators and by measuring the volume flow under different configurations. Preventative servicing procedures must be specified and their implementation supervised.02. • The smoke dampers must be tested as a system in connection with the fire programmes. Obvious browning discolouration must be removed promptly so as to prevent progressive corrosion damage.3. servicing and tests carried out shall be recorded and these records archived. Checking the fastening elements of the dampers and their fittings.3.3. Checking the surfaces of the dampers (exhaust air-side and traffic-side) for corrosion. 5.2 Functional testing of the ventilation system 1. 5. 6. 3. normal operation and closed) and the operating positions checked based on the feedback received in the control room.7. Checking the seals of the dampers in relation to the concrete. The minimum required exhaust air volume flow must particularly be observed at the smoke damper which is furthest away from the exhaust fan.7 Checks. if necessary. suction tests involving volume flow measurements shall be performed in order to examine the minimum exhaust air volume flow required at every smoke damper. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. Every six years. finding new ways. 4. 5. along with the operating position. Annual functional testing: This shall be carried out together with the annual visual inspection with the aim of inspecting and. those which correspond to the 98th percentile. • The number of natural vibrations in the supporting structure and the vibrations in the fan motor unit shall be analysed and attention paid to the fact that adequate frequency spacing is maintained. of the half-hour averages. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. as regards hazard class IV. • Provision shall be made for a corresponding snow precipitation area in the case of the fresh air inlet. Portal designs which raise dynamic pressure (e. • Adequate air tightness of the air ducts must be ensured for efficient flue gas extraction and proof of this furnished by means of an air tightness test. The basic principles governing aerodynamic dimensioning are as follows: • Meteorological influences. ventilation structures and appurtenant plant and equipment. The wind speed shall be converted to a height of 4 m above the ground using the function  4 u = u mess ⋅  z  mess    [m / s]  P The wind direction shall be limited to the components which are relevant to the portal.31 Examples of other auxiliary equipment include: • • • • Fire and flue gas dampers Sound absorbers Deflection vanes Access covers for the installation openings Regarding the impact of noise from ventilation systems on the area surrounding the tunnel.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 14 RVS 09. finding new ways. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . by means of excess pressure). several years of measurement results relating to pressure differentials and wind speeds at the site of the planned portals and lift shafts shall be consulted. those barometric pressures and wind speeds which correspond to the 95th percentile and. • As regards the design of portals. • During the acceptance inspection. the quantity leaking from the exhaust air duct as a whole (excluding leakages from the smoke dampers) may not exceed 5 m³/s/km.1 Aerodynamic dimensioning General Aerodynamic calculations shall be performed. as a result of noise barriers) shall be considered accordingly. As regards hazard classes I to III. The aerodynamic parameters determined in this regard assist in the dimensioning of the ventilation system and the optimum coordination of structural conditions and the ventilation design. such as barometric pressure differentials and the effects of the wind Where possible. shall be taken as a basis.g.5 Air ducts and structure The following technical requirements pertaining to air ducts and the structure must be observed: • The air ducts and all appurtenant fixtures must be designed in an aerodynamically favourable manner. 6 6. • The penetration of atmospheric pollutants and dirt from the traffic area into the cavern station shall be prevented (e.02. cross cuts. an examination shall be conducted in connection with the relevant guidelines and provisions. measures must be taken to avoid air short circuits. taking the quantity of air required as a basis. where: u is the speed 4 m above the ground [m/s] Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. 5.g. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. 25) [-] If such measurement results are not available. Aerodynamic calculations must also take the fire scenario into account. The following characteristic values apply to design fires: 5 MW ΔTBrand without extraction 25 K ΔTBrand with smoke extraction 20 K ΔTnat 10 K LBrand 400 m ηBrand 0.TBrand [K] In the case of tunnels with a mixture of passenger cars and HGVs. Where the traffic consists solely of passenger cars.02.75 AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. In the standard scenario as well as in the event of fire. finding new ways. the design fire shall be set at 30 MW. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. separate investigations shall be carried out as regards calculation formulations. . Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. resulting in a flue gas quantity of 120 m3/s.75 50 MW 90 K 65 K 10 K 800 m 0. a fire involving one HGV and two passenger cars is stipulated as a design fire for ventilation purposes. • Thermal influences as a result of differences in temperature Differences in temperature between the portals and shafts.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 15 RVS 09. For all tunnels with a longitudinal gradient < 3%. In the case of structural conditions which deviate from this. this figure shall be 5 MW. two lanes and a standard tunnel cross section. converted to the same height. the decisive meteorological influence shall be determined by a meteorological report. the effect of the pressure of the air in the tunnel as a result of warming up shall be taken into consideration in the calculation based on the following formulations: Δρnat = (ρa ± ρi) ·g · LTunnel · s/100 [Pa] ΔρBrand = (ρi – ρBrand) ·g · LBrand · sBrand · ηBrand /100 [Pa] p [kg/m 3 ) RLT ρ= where: Δpnat is the pressure effect as a result of natural buoyancy [Pa] ΔpBrand is the pressure effect as a result of the heated air (fire) [Pa] ρ is the density dependent on the temperature and external pressure [kg/m3] LBrand is the length of the fire compartment [m] s is the longitudinal gradient [%] sBrand is the longitudinal gradient in the fire compartment (LBrand) [%] ηBrand is the extent of the effect of the fire (ratio of actual to theoretical heat released) Index a is outside the tunnel Index i is inside the tunnel with no fire present ΔTnat is Ta . the impact on tunnel safety shall be presented on the basis of a tunnel risk analysis or a risk assessment and an increase in the fire load reviewed as a measure.31 umess zmess p is the speed at the measured height [m/s] is the measured height (generally 10 m above the ground) [m] is the exponent pursuant to ÖNORM [Austrian Standard] M 9440 regarding neutral propagation conditions (0.85 Design fire 30 MW 65 K 40 K 10 K 800 m 0. As regards tunnels with a higher proportion of HGVs (> 15%). and the air in the tunnel shall be included.Ti [K] ΔTBrand is Ti . the aerodynamic calculations relating to longitudinal ventilation comprise a calculation of the flow losses in the tunnel. 6.2. the air intake and exhaust air ducts and shafts. taking into account • meteorological influences • the quantity of air which needs to be supplied • building-related structural conditions and fixtures which are relevant in terms of ventilation • traffic data • the pumping action of the vehicles. the aerodynamic dimensioning shall be augmented as follows: • determining the pressure losses in the area of the ventilation buildings. Deviations must be considered with special structural conditions. etc. the anticipated loss of thrust must be taken into account. finding new ways. road signs and the like).00 m). Fans and ventilators in the area of the fire may not be operated (destruction of the flue gas stratification. Jet fans shall be arranged in such a way that optimum realisation of the thrust in the tunnel cross section is possible (no influence from structural works.2 Longitudinal ventilation In the case of mechanical longitudinal ventilation. the thrust needed to achieve the requirements determined by the system (see points 4. The design shall give consideration to this (i. the design-related data concerning the size of the fans and ventilators and the data concerning the adjustment of the air intake outlets and the smoke dampers is laid down. electrical energy requirement). the length of the ventilations sections (exhaust air) should not exceed 2 500 m • since. the aim shall be to position the fans at uniform intervals across the width of the tunnel.31 The above values represent mean empirical values. alcoves. surface unevenness. With large tunnel cross sections (clear width upwards of 12. consideration must be given to the fact that jet fans located in the flue gas exhibit a low thrust on account of the increase in temperature. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. portal design. Furthermore. the flow conditions and pressure losses in the area of the ventilation structures.e. at least one fan/ventilator or a row thereof). Therefore. as well as the air inlet distribution ducts and the exhaust air collection flues • determining the pressure losses in the traffic area • determining the pressure losses at the air intake outlets and exhaust air devices • new installations must be designed and dimensioned in such a way that the maximum pressure differential between the exhaust air duct and the carriageway does not exceed 3 000 Pa • as a rule. In addition to the stipulations in the preceding section.5) shall be determined. etc.g. and • economic aspects (e. The jet fans shall be arranged such that they do not exert a mutual influence on one another. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .3 Semi-transversal and transverse ventilation As regards semi-transversal or transverse ventilation. as regards these ventilation systems. the air intake and exhaust air ducts and in the tunnel area must be taken into consideration.1 and 7. over the course of operation. traffic control systems and the like must be taken into consideration when designing the capacity of the fans.02. leakage quantities increase compared with the Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. taking account of the characteristic features and fittings (road signs.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 16 RVS 09. 6. If this cannot be avoided given the requirements of the installation. Appreciable changes in the cross section as a result of road signs.). AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. The fire area shall be laid down specific to the installation. As a result of the aerodynamic calculations.). Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 17 RVS 09. longitudinal speed and traffic indicated in RVS 09. fans and ventilators operate automatically. the following data is recorded in relation to optimisation of the ventilation depending on the structural conditions for every ventilation section.22.1. 7. etc. as regards the safe operation of the flue gas extraction device in the event of fire. although manual intervention must be possible in every operating condition. lane and direction: the number of vehicles in the tunnel (separated according to HGVs and passenger cars. the following data must be recorded and taken into consideration when designing the control: • the volume flow and pressure increase at the ventilator in the case of semi-transversal and transverse ventilation • regarding traffic data. finding new ways.2 Limit values for barricading the tunnel The tunnel shall be barricaded automatically if one of the following conditions applies: ● CO levels ≥ 100 ppm for a period exceeding ten minutes ● CO levels ≥ 150 ppm ● an extinction coefficient ≥ 12 ⋅ 10-3 ⋅ m-1 for a period exceeding one minute The tunnel blockade shall be automatically lifted again if ● CO levels of 90 ppm. congestion) • data specific to the total unit ventilator (temperature. Adaptation by the operator of the parameters and the programme procedures in line with operating conditions must be possible at all times. turbidity. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are Provisions concerned with the protection of workers must be heeded. 7.1.5) shall be increased by 100% with regard to ventilator design 7. Generally. .1 Measured values and data In addition to the measurable variables relating to CO. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.1 Controlling and operating the ventilation system Requirements relating to control The ventilation system shall be controlled on the basis of economic criteria.1. taking account of safety during operation and in the event of fire.31 condition which prevailed at the time of initial testing. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. vehicle speed.02. or ● an extinction coefficient of 7 ⋅ 10-3 ⋅ m-1 are fallen short of for a period exceeding one minute and this trend is downwards. vibration.3 Theoretical values for standard operation a theoretical CO value of 30 ppm a theoretical value for turbidity of 4 ⋅ 10-3 ⋅ m-1 These values shall be adapted in line with an economic modus operandi during operation.4 Limit values for servicing operation As regards servicing operations which continue over a longer period. 7.) • maximum monitoring (electrical power) 7.1. the following limit values must be observed in the ventilation section in question: CO Turbidity 20 ppm 3 ⋅ 10-3 ⋅ m-1 AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. the permitted leakage quantity (see Table 2 and point 5. 7. Deviations from the stipulations in this chapter are only permitted in instances requiring special justification.02. and then adjusted over time in the course of operating experience. Depending on the turbidity emissions from vehicles and the dust which is whirled up. the anticipated turbidity value can be calculated.3) must be effected automatically. unidirectional traffic. irrespective of the parameters determined: • Traffic composition The traffic shall be broken down as follows: .2. short tunnel).HGVs • Predicted emission value .2 7. In this instance. Depending on the CO emissions from vehicles. the anticipated CO value can be calculated.g. • The maximum permitted deviation from the predicted emission values (range of tolerance) • The theoretical concentration values which are required for calculating the air requirement shall be stipulated for the time being as 30 ppm for CO and 4 ⋅ 10–3 ⋅ m–1 in relation to turbidity. 7. This shall be done separately for every ventilation section.passenger cars . the current traffic flow and the composition of the traffic.32. • Predicted emission value . AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.CO On the basis of the emission tables as per RVS 09.2 Determining the differential air requirement (qdiff) Determination of the differential air requirement is required for automatic ventilation control. depending on particle emissions from vehicles) The air requirement qTr shall be determined in the same way as the air requirement qco. • Critical time constant tkrit for regulation In the case of the system. a period shall be laid down for which the predicted emission value may be exceeded or fallen short of without altering the method of regulation. any reduction in the quantity of supply air qsoll available at the time of the malfunction may only take place following a 20-minute delay. In the case of longitudinal ventilation with simple structural conditions (e. the maximum range of tolerance may not exceed the design limit values. a switch to control procedures according to the measured air quality values (see point 7. the predicted emission value shall be used as a parameter for the air requirement which is determined mathematically (air requirement relating to turbidity (qTr)). the predicted emission value shall be used as a parameter for the air requirement which is determined mathematically (CO air requirement qco). the following criteria are decisive: • Air requirement in relation to CO (qco) (air requirement which is determined mathematically. • As regards both CO and turbidity.g.1 Control procedures depending on traffic numbers Input values The following input values shall be stipulated in relation to the use of ventilation. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. The air requirement qco results from the sum of the air requirement for all lanes. stipulation of the maximum tolerance ranges for maximum permissible operating values suffices. finding new ways.31 7. However.02. when traffic is at a standstill).Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 18 RVS 09. the current traffic flow and the composition of the traffic. • Air requirement in relation to turbidity (qTr) (air requirement which is determined mathematically. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. depending on CO emissions from vehicles) The air requirement for each lane and direction of travel shall be calculated in relation to CO from the predicted emission values which have been determined. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . a traffic-dependent (temporary) range of tolerance shall be laid down within which no direct change is made to the method of regulation. If no traffic data is available for regulation purposes (e.turbidity On the basis of the emission tables as per RVS 09. To this end. The higher of these two air requirement values shall be compared with the authoritative total air requirement q soll. qvorh shall be adjusted in line with qsoll. • Total air requirement (qges) (necessary air requirement) The total air requirement is the air requirement qsoll.2. If the measured emission values exceed the maximum stipulated ranges of tolerance on a permanent basis (e. This comparison shall take place under the following conditions: • The values shall only be compared if the ventilation system is operational for a period of at least six minutes. taking into account the conditions below: . Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.With a rising qdiff. The higher of each of the CO and turbidity values shall be used for calculating the air requirement. Over a period of at least 24 hours. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.02. Physically.3 using the coefficient of correction Kf. 24 h Kf = ∫Q 0 MESS dt dt 24 h ∫Q 0 PROGNOSE Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.g. control shall be effected using manually specified air quantities.2.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 19 RVS 09.02. For the purposes of this comparison. adjusted to the forecast value which is derived from the variance analysis as per point 7. as a result of gradients. The differential air requirement qdiff is the difference between the total air requirement q ges and the quantity of supply air qvorh which is already present as a result of natural or mechanical ventilation. the calculated six-minute value applies If the adjusted total air requirement q ges exceeds the maximum range of tolerance laid down pursuant to point 7.31 • Air requirement (qsoll) (decisive air requirement) The higher of the two calculated values qco or qTr is the value qsoll and is authoritative in terms of the total air requirement. the newly calculated value applies (final minute value) .3 Variance analysis of the quantities of air required The variance analysis of the quantities of air required is necessary for adjusting the control cams.Where the qdiff figure remains constant or is falling. The definitive value is determined from calculations performed every minute over six-minute intervals. the measured and calculated CO and turbidity values and quantities of air shall be assimilated with regard to the comparable periods (considering system inactivity) and calculated from the difference between the corresponding coefficient of correction and the forecast value.1 for longer than tkrit.g.2. This condition shall be notified by means of an announcement. this coefficient of correction represents an adaptation of the emission tables as per RVS 09. the approximate determination of qvorh is possible using the mean longitudinal speed and the cross-sectional area. • Quantity of supply air (qvorh) (actual quantity of supply air present in the tunnel area) The value qvorh shall be measured directly at the fan motor unit with semi-transversal and transverse ventilation. the CO concentration and the turbidity concentration in the ventilation section shall each be measured twice. traffic composition). contamination.32 in line with the actual emission behaviour exhibited by the traffic under the given tunnel conditions (e. finding new ways. As regards longitudinal ventilation. when the control mechanism is faulty). RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . 7. the actual value exceeds the corresponding theoretical value. and also meteorological influences. time constant) shall be adjusted in view of the ventilation section’s inactivity.32 points 4. the traffic composition.3.e.3 Control procedures according to the measured air quality values The aim of operational ventilation control is the observance of air quality values which facilitate safe passage through a tunnel. and the professional servicing of the air quality measuring instrument on the other. the regulator again scales back the level of discharge to a level below the minimum discharge quantity which deactivates the ventilator. provision shall be made for a separate regulator.1 Description of the control procedure: Irrespective of the amount of traffic. the varying emission levels of all vehicles. The difference is the control deviation. A theoretical value relating to air quality is set on the respective regulator. tunnel contamination.g. the emission tables as per RVS 09. this procedure is particularly recommended because it takes account of the continually changing load and environmental influences. this must be reported accordingly. Once the delay in terms of activating the ventilation has lapsed. especially those with bi-directional traffic and. This shall be achieved by using corresponding control elements (e.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 20 RVS 09. such as traffic frequency.g. the regulator increases the discharge. Positive control deviation therefore brings about an increase. On this basis.31 co Tr Q Kf PROGNOSE = Max │q . these measured values and parameters shall also be used for managing ventilation control. 7.qTr • Adaptation may automatically extend to ± 10% from the respective forecast value. In the case of large tunnels. The measured values pertaining to air quality inherently include all traffic-related and environmental influences. For every air quality parameter and every ventilation section.02. If this deviation is positive. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . The control parameters (e. What is important as far as economic operation is concerned. 7. negative deviation a decrease. consequently. the regulator alters the discharge from the ventilator unit. a proportional-integral-differential regulator [PID]). on the one hand.32 and. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. although control values for CO and turbidity as per point 7. where applicable.q │ is the volume flow measured in the ventilation section [m3/s] is the coefficient of correction [-] pursuant to RVS 09.02. the variations in loads as a result of gradients or inclines. If the control deviation is negative. The regulator receives measured values relating to air quality from the ventilation section on a continual basis. i. observance of the theoretical values for CO and turbidity must be guaranteed. They are the result of all the influences as a whole. Since these air quality values (CO content and visual turbidity as standard) are measured continually. is the optimum adjustment of the control elements.2 in [m³/s] per ventilation section. falling to zero. those which mostly have consistently controllable ventilation and aeration.02. Irrespective of the development in the control deviation.2 QMESS qco.3.1 and 4. If the deviation is regressive. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. finding new ways. As long as the deviation is positive. an optional two-minute delay in terms of activation may begin. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. These values are actual values (the maximum figures of all the measured values taken from a ventilation section/CO or turbidity). the section is ventilated at 20% of the discharge. The regulator compares the actual value with the theoretical value. Should more extensive adaptation requirements (in excess of ± 10%) emerge over a longer period. The regulator’s differential term takes account of an abrupt change in the control deviation. The absolute amount of control deviation determines the running speed of the regulator. in the discharge quantity. the adjusted discharge remains the same (balance between contaminant entry and discharge). shall be examined. 1 Automatic control during standard operation 7.4. the hierarchy and locking conditions below apply. when a fire breaks out. All the interlocks. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.1 Automatic operation In principle. for instance. on the basis of the parameters and measured values from the tunnel section in question which are available. In addition.g. taking into account the parameters and control conditions cited under point 7. the control system must be able to conduct all the flue gases away the tunnel tube in the most concentrated manner possible. Manual operation is automatically terminated by a fire alarm.31 7. constitutes standard operation. with the exception of vibration monitoring and flow measurement devices (if present). RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . although the possibility exists of specifying a certain theoretical value for individual ventilation sections without interrupting automatic operation in the other sections.4. the respective command must be clearly indicated at every control level.2 Control parameters The following parameters shall be adjusted for operation: Activation delay: two minutes Switching off point. become inoperative.02. the most recent automatic operation control settings are frozen until altered by manually inputting ventilation condition values.4. Ventilation in case of fire takes priority over all other ventilation operating modes. In case of fire. automatic operation of the ventilation system.3.4. Likewise. minimum discharge quantity. in which connection interruptions to flow must be controllable at all times by means of open cross-cut doors.2 Manual operation In the “manual” operating mode. finding new ways. To protect the machines and installation. axial ventilators: e. 7. all the conditions as under point 7.2 Semi-automatic operation Essentially. the control system must also ensure that the escape galleries are kept free from smoke. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.1. 20% Proportional share: control amplification Integral share: time constant Differential share: differential time constant (factor) It must be possible for authorised personnel to adjust these parameters at the control system of the central monitoring station and for these parameters to then be transferred to the respective regulators on site.1 apply. attention must be paid to the fact that the flue gases remain stratified for as long as possible and are not intermingled by fans or ventilators.1. the control system must allow manual correction control interventions (e. all the machine protection devices. however.g.4. In the control state which applies in the event of fire. however. In this regard. As regards the various manual control levels. with the exception of inspection operation. 7.3 Automatic control during emergency operation In the event of fire.1. opening another smoke damper) without deactivating the automated control system.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 21 RVS 09. 7. all the locking conditions remain active. beginning with the topmost hierarchy: Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. This also applies to any maximum energy level observations. 7. in which connection the ventilator is operated in accordance with economic principles at constant levels of comfort.4 Special operation-related requirements Every operating mode must be clearly indicated at all monitoring devices. 7.1. installation and machine protection devices are active.4. 31 • on site • operating station • superordinate central offices and others 7. the theoretical values for longitudinal airspeed in the tunnel must be achieved and kept stable for five minutes in the case of longitudinal ventilation and ten minutes in the case of transverse ventilation. The limit values which apply in this regard shall be harmonised with provisions concerned with the protection of workers 7. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .5 to 2 m/s. the principal direction of the traffic (pronounced).4. the theoretical value for longitudinal speed is 1.0 to 1. 7.5 m/s in the tunnel area in order to keep escape routes free from smoke for as long as possible. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. other restrictions). Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.1 Longitudinal ventilation with unidirectional traffic Under standard operation.g. the envisaged direction of blow of the jet fans is the direction of travel.5.02. pronounced existing natural air flow.3 Servicing operation During servicing operation. In a fire situation.4. from the time fire breaks out.5 Special system-related requirements As regards the automatic operational check. dampers. all the measurement and control parameters from the tunnel tube or ventilation section in question are set to constant values which enable corresponding servicing and inspection work (e. For the time being.5. a pressure mode may also be employed. 7. fans and ventilators). fire alarm system) to be performed in the tunnel with good air quality. Fumigation of the escape routes must be prevented (fire in the direction of travel after the last escape route).Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 22 RVS 09.g. Special consideration shall be given to the position of passable cross-cuts (open doors) in the fire programmes and when stipulating the measurement locations. provision shall be made for special control systems so as to guarantee the functionality of moving parts in an emergency (e. finding new ways. the ventilation shall be operated as follows: • The aim is to achieve an air speed of 1. minor changes in the principal direction of traffic flow or in the natural air flow may not result in any change in the direction of discharge of the jet fans. the following criteria must be taken into consideration: • • • • • environmental requirements (control structures. The measurement values specified are valid without measuring tolerances. the jet fans shall be activated starting with the exit portal (suction operation). The measurement values specified are valid without measuring tolerances. the preferential direction of the jet fans (efficiency). In the event of an incident. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.2 Longitudinal ventilation with bi-directional traffic Under standard operation. 7. In a fire situation. This operating mode has the highest priority and cannot be deactivated by a fire alarm either. The flow shall be reversed in the adjacent tube and an excess pressure generated in relation to the fire tube by means of suitable ventilation control. Depending on the location of the fire.4 Inspection operation This operating mode renders inoperative all the automatic supervision and control conditions in relation to all relevant parts of the ventilation system and is only permitted when repair and inspection work is carried out on mechanical parts of the ventilation system. The same applies to the requirements in the action plans. 5. the aim shall be to achieve uniform flow from both sides. As regards unidirectional tunnels.3 shall be adjusted. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. they shall be regulated in such a way that in the case of bi-directional traffic operation. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.2 m/s and.5.31 • The existing direction of flow must be maintained. and • structural conditions. As regards inspection work carried out in the ventilation ducts. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . if possible. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. In this connection. With unidirectional traffic. If there are several ventilation sections. 7. as a result. special precautions which guarantee safe operation and protection of the inspection staff shall be taken for the fire scenario. irrespective of the respective longitudinal flows in the tunnel. If necessary.4 Transverse ventilation Under normal operation. At the same time. Dividing walls between ventilation sections shall be constructed in such a way that they can be opened as required for support purposes (largest possible opening cross section).Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 23 RVS 09. The location and principal direction of discharge of the fans and ventilators. should be higher than the counterflow behind the fire smoke damper (so as to protect individuals staying in the area of the vehicle congestion in front of the fire against back layering). the manoeuvrable smoke dampers as per point 5. consideration must be given to • environmental requirements.2 m/s in the direction of traffic (in front of the fire smoke damper).3 shall be adjusted. and • structural conditions. the adjacent ones shall be controlled in such a way that air flow is generated from both sides in relation to the area of the fire. the manoeuvrable smoke dampers as per point 5. the speed of air flow in the direction of travel (in front of the fire smoke damper) may not exceed 1. The existing direction of flow at the time fire breaks out. The following criteria must be taken into consideration: • • • • 7. bolstering by jet fans is required. Structural conditions and longitudinal speed shall be used as a basis for optimisation. As regards bi-directional traffic. the risk for tunnel users can be minimised.3 The location of the source of the fire. The number of vehicles. the exhaust fan shall be operated at maximum suction capacity. • Fans and ventilators shall primarily be operated from that side which is located upstream of the fire. the quantities of air are to be distributed in such a way that more air flows from the scene of the fire and the speed of flow does not fall below a value of 1. finding new ways. an equally high longitudinal air speed is generated in the carriageway from both sides of the scene of the fire (in order to clear the tunnel of flue gases as quickly as possible).02. Semi-transversal ventilation Under normal operation. In case of fire. • A reversal in the direction of flow is permitted if. If several ventilation sections are present. The exhaust air in the ventilation section in question shall be switched to full suction capacity. their speed and direction. the semi-transversal ventilation shall be controlled in such a way that it can extract flue gases in the area of the source of the fire. In the event of fire. consideration must be given to • environmental requirements. In the case of semi-transversal ventilation. the air supplied shall be drawn off via portals and the exhaust air extracted via the air duct. however.5. The maximum permitted opening pressures as per RVS 09.5 Combined ventilation systems If ventilation systems are combined.31 Dividing walls between ventilation sections shall be constructed in such a way that they can be opened as required (largest possible opening cross section). 8 8. mutatis mutandis. special programmes shall be developed which take account. 7. filled with 20 l of diesel and 5 l of petrol respectively • location of the fire cones: adjacent to one another • location of the fire: the location of the fire shall be laid down in consultation with the persons responsible for assisting public authorities in planning new ventilation projects. on the one hand. as support and. 7. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . as assistance for the ventilation section in the adjacent section.6 Cross cuts and exits The ventilation system shall be designed such that in the open escape doors of the cross cuts and escape routes. each 1 m2 in area. Where mechanical ventilation is not present. on the other. • to review the functions of the fire programme and. A record shall be submitted of the result of the fire behaviour test. The purpose of fire behaviour tests is • to test the operational efficiency of the safety equipment in case of fire. of the control conditions listed above. 7. Prior to clearance for traffic. this test shall be performed in coordination with the competent State fire brigade federation. provision shall be made for portal drifts or dividing walls approximately 30 m long and whose height is adjusted in line with the height of the portal. 50 to 80 cm high.24 must be heeded. surfacing).02. and • to familiarise the fire brigade and the operating personnel with the fire situation.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 24 RVS 09. a longitudinal air speed of at least 2. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. The parameters of the fire behaviour test are as follows: • two steel cones.5 m/s is achieved in the direction of the fire tubes in the event of a fire. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.01. the need for these tests shall be reviewed in consultation with the State fire brigade federation.1 Smoke and fire behaviour tests General Fire behaviour tests shall be carried out in tunnel installations with mechanical ventilation. As regards inspection work carried out in the ventilation ducts. finding new ways. The test should be conducted at an unfavourable spot in terms of ventilation. short circuiting of the ventilation must be avoided.7 Portal designs In the case of portals situated close to one another.2 Fire behaviour tests In order to obtain a representative declaration relating to smoke extraction (semi-transversal and transverse ventilation) or to the dispersal of flue gas (longitudinal ventilation). a fire behaviour test is necessary. if necessary. taking account of local conditions. Provision shall be made for corresponding barriers to protect the facilities in the environment (carriageway. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. special precautions which guarantee safe operation and protection of the inspection staff shall be taken for the fire scenario. Depending on the geographical or meteorological situation. adjust it in line with current knowledge. 8. 9 Simplified risk assessment procedure The aim of the risk assessment based on the simplified method is to gauge the risk posed by a tunnel and to assign the tunnel to one of four hazard classes in respect of which minimum technical standards are defined in RVS 09. shall be recorded. and to obtain a better insight into the opportunities for ventilation control in the event of fire and fire-fighting measures. it is recommended to conduct fire practices at regular intervals.). both directions in the case of unidirectional tunnels).31 So as to ensure the functionality of the ventilation system in the event of fire. appreciable changes in the cross section.11). This risk equivalent value takes into account the principal factors influencing the risk posed by a road tunnel as regards the frequency of incidents and the extent of damage and represents an equivalent of the total expectation value of the annual risk posed by a road tunnel.65 ⋅ 10–4 ⋅ LTU ⋅ UR ⋅ fVK ⋅ fTL ⋅ fVF JDTV is the annual average daily traffic flow at the cross section as a whole (i. finding new ways.22.1 Frequency equivalent The frequency equivalent H represents the anticipated frequency of accidents involving personal injury/annum and is calculated according to the following formula: H = JDTV ⋅ 3. in which connection. Any gallery or well which adjoins the tunnel structure is disregarded when calculating tunnel lengths. For evaluating standard tunnels.02. the mean structural lengths of the two individual tubes). Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. etc. on both sides. 8. numerical calculations can be performed as back-up to the fire behaviour tests. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.3 Parameter studies using 3D computer programmes In the case of tunnels with complex structural conditions (approach roads and exits within the tunnel. even after the initial commissioning of the tunnel.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 25 RVS 09. a simplified calculation method for calculating a risk equivalent value is defined on the basis of the analyses of the results of the tunnel risk analysis (in accordance with RVS 09. If the difference in the lengths of the two tubes exceeds 10%. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. an additional 50 m section in the open shall be added on for considering the portal area. forecast value (time of traffic clearance + ten years) [motor vehicles/day] LTU is the length of the tunnel + portal area [km] UR is the specific accident rate [accidents involving personal injury/1 million motor vehicle km] UPS means accidents involving personal injury fVK is the coefficient of correction “traffic capacity” fTL is the coefficient of correction “tunnel length” fVF is the coefficient of correction “point of convergence” Tunnel length LTU The length of the tunnel structure shall be set as the length of the tunnel itself (as regards unidirectional tunnels with two tubes.02.03. The results of these practices. 9. The programmes used must be validated for such investigations. and also any actual fire scenarios in the tunnel. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .e. or for considering large fire loads. a separate consideration is necessary (assessment of the risk expectation value involving both lengths). 112 x. This coefficient of correction only applies to unidirectional tunnels. The accident rate base value is as follows: • as regards unidirectional tunnels: Specific accident rate. bi-directional traffic = 0. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .0 km long.021 ⋅ 10 -5 ⋅ x . Coefficient of correction for traffic capacity fVK The coefficient of correction for traffic capacity is calculated according to the following formulae: • as regards unidirectional tunnels: fVK . above or below this.077 x... As regards bi-directional tunnels.annual average daily traffic flow The formula for the coefficient of correction for traffic capacity applies in the case of bi-directional tunnels in the region from 10 000 to 20 000 motor vehicles/day.02. irrespective of the length of the tunnel.3543 0. the accident rate over the length of this point of convergence shall be increased by a factor of 2: Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.5 km to 3. • as regards bi-directional tunnels: fVK ... the value for L TU = 3.Logarithmus naturalis The formula for the coefficient of correction for traffic capacity applies in the case of unidirectional tunnels in the region from 15 000 to 40 000 motor vehicles/day. unidirectional traffic = 0.base value UR As regards unidirectional and bi-directional tunnels..1081 ⋅ x −0.0 km is determined in accordance with the following formula: fTL = 0. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.0...31 Specific accident rate . the values for 15 000 or 40 000 motor vehicles/day shall be used.LTU [km] As regards tunnels more than 3. Factors influencing points of convergence in or before the tunnel fVF If points of convergence and their sphere of influence (stretch of road which can be travelled in ten seconds at maximum speed) are to be found in the tunnel or in the portal area..Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 26 RVS 09.0 km is used.2781 0.217 ⋅ 10 -14 ⋅ x 3 − 2.. the value f TL shall be set at 1.934 ⋅ 10 −2 ⋅ ln( x ) − 0.GV = 3. a separate base value (accidents involving personal injury) shall be set each time in relation to the specific accident rate.. the values for 10 000 or 20 000 motor vehicles/day shall be used...annual average daily traffic flow (for both directions) ln(x) . Coefficient of correction for tunnel length fTL The coefficient of correction for tunnel length where this ranges from 0.6935 0.RV = 7..077/1 million motor vehicle km This accident rate base value shall be adapted in line with the respective structure using the coefficient of corrections for traffic capacity or tunnel length. above or below this..112 x ….209 ⋅ 10 −9 ⋅ x 2 + 5.. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.112/1 million motor vehicle km • as regards bi-directional tunnels: Specific accident rate. finding new ways.0. 0 km 2.31 fVF . emergency exits only have an insignificant impact on the specific risk and are not therefore indicated separately.1). Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.5 to 1.2.09684 0.1. If the respective points of convergence and their sphere of influence exceed 200 m.5 to 0. If points of convergence and their sphere of influence are to be found in the portal area. 9. a maximum length of 200 m shall be taken into consideration in the calculation.09582 0.13407 0.02. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .09557 Longitudinal ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation On account of the modest share of the overall risk which is accounted for by the fire risk in the case of unidirectional tunnels (the exception being tunnels with high congestion frequency). these shall be considered up to a length of 50 m in front of the portal and the corresponding length in the tunnel.0 km 1. Table 3: Equivalent extent of damage for unidirectional tunnels Equivalent extent of damage S Longitudinal area 0.09580 0.GV = Unidirectional traffic: where Σ V is the sum of the points of convergence and their sphere of influence.0 to 2.09649 0.0 km > 3. The simplified method can only be used for tunnels with low to average congestion frequency (see point 4. Tunnels with high congestion frequency require a more in-depth analysis. 9.09547 0.13420 0.7 km 0.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 27 RVS 09. The specific risk was stipulated in relation to defined tunnel classes on the basis of the results of the tunnel risk analysis and is indicated in the following tables depending on the • • • • • tunnel system ventilation system traffic load distance to the emergency exit (only in the case of bi-directional tunnels) and congestion frequency. for every point of convergence.GV = Bi-directional traffic: (LTU − ∑LV ) + 2∑LV LTU (2 ⋅ LTU − ∑ LV ) + 2 ⋅ ∑ LV 2 ⋅ LTU fVF . Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.0 km Ventilation No mechanical ventilation Low congestion frequency 0.1 Equivalent extent of damage for unidirectional tunnels The values relating to the equivalent extent of damage for unidirectional tunnels shall be taken from Table 3.0 to 3.09539 Mean congestion frequency 0. finding new ways.2 Equivalent extent of damage S The equivalent extent of damage S corresponds to a specific risk (statistically anticipated deaths/1 million motor vehicle km per annum) in the tunnel.09570 0. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. 26930 0.33114 0.0 km no mechanical ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Longitudinal ventilation with point exhaust suction Transverse ventilation 0. Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.31 9.26106 0.23926 0.02.38950 0.28004 > 3.31304 0.23482 0.29199 0. finding new ways.29255 0.37771 0. different values relating to the specific risk apply to tunnels with and without emergency exits (see Tables 4 and 5): Table 4: Equivalent extent of damage for bi-directional tunnels.5 to 1. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.29186 0. the mean of these distances shall be used.24386 0.30491 0.5 to 0.0 km no mechanical ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Longitudinal ventilation with point exhaust suction Transverse ventilation 0.33094 0.26910 0.33926 0.5 km 1. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.5 to 3.0 km 0.27834 0.29211 0.34131 0. the values in the above tables shall be interpolated in a linear manner (as regards the category “No emergency exit”. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .31323 0.32806 0. If the tunnel structure has somewhat different distances to emergency exits.28720 0.2 Equivalent extent of damage for bi-directional tunnels In the case of bi-directional tunnels.7 km 0. mean congestion frequency Equivalent extent of damage S Traffic load in terms of annual average daily traffic flow < 10 000 motor vehicles/day without an emergency exit Distance to the emergency exit 500 m Distance to the emergency exit 250 m Traffic load in terms of annual average daily traffic flow > 10 000 motor vehicles/day without an emergency exit Distance to the emergency exit 500 m Distance to the emergency exit 250 m Longitudinal area Ventilation 0.25712 0.32857 0.26294 0.26114 0.2.34075 0. low congestion frequency Equivalent extent of damage S Traffic load in terms of annual average daily traffic flow < 10 000 motor vehicles/day without an emergency exit Distance to Distance to the the emergency emergency exit 500 m exit 250 m Traffic load in terms of annual average daily traffic flow > 10 000 motor vehicles/day without an emergency exit Distance to the emergency exit 500 m Distance to the emergency exit 250 m Longitudinal area Ventilation 0.27849 0.28027 > 3.30047 0. the maximum tunnel length for this category shall be accepted as the distance to the emergency exit).39037 0.5 km 1.5 to 3.24360 With other distances to emergency exits.7 km 0.23933 0.29513 0.5 to 0.37692 0.24355 Table 5: Equivalent extent of damage for bi-directional tunnels.29533 0.25687 0.30098 0.30517 0.0 km 0.28700 0.32798 0.23487 0.33847 0.32711 0.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 28 RVS 09.26272 0.24372 0.5 to 1. 02.1% .5% .9% + 27.44.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 29 RVS 09. the values relating to the equivalent extent of damage as per Tables 4 and 5 shall be adapted using the factors in Table 6.2% . AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.5% . Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.39. Where proportions of heavy traffic deviate from this.5% + 23.38.5% + 9. finding new ways.39.5% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 30% + 5.38.1% + 25.42.7% .5.8% .6% + 26.40.7% + 26.5% .1% .3% . RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .4% . + 24.9% .8% + 23.4% Unidirectional tunnel Natural ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation Natural ventilation without emergency exits Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation Natural ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation Natural ventilation Emergency exits every 250 m Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation Natural ventilation without emergency exits Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation Natural ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation Natural ventilation Longitudinal ventilation Transverse ventilation Bi-directional tunnel Emergency Annual average daily exits every 500 traffic flow < 10 000 motor m vehicles/day Bi-directional tunnel Emergency Annual average daily exits every 500 traffic flow > 10 000 motor m vehicles/day Emergency exits every 250 m Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.5% + 23.3 Coefficients of correction for other influencing factors Coefficient of correction for the proportion of lorries A proportion of heavy traffic in the region of 20% forms the basis for the values specified in relation to the equivalent extent of damage.3% .4% .5.41.1% + 2.1% + 3.9% + 26.38.7% + 24.3% .6% + 24.0% .7% .4% + 26. with interim values interpolated in a linear manner: Table 6: Coefficients of correction in the case of deviating proportions of heavy traffic Proportion of HGVs Tunnel type 5% .6% .2.7% -40.7% + 24.8% + 25.9% .4% + 23.38.2% + 24.9% + 25.4% . 02. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . finding new ways. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 30 RVS 09. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.31 Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. are necessary. In the case of tunnels less than 500 m long.11. for instance.31 9. the obligation exists to examine every tunnel in terms of special characteristics which may impact on the safety of tunnel users and to take these characteristics into account when assessing the risk (refer to the Road Tunnel Safety Act). RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.5 km long unidirectional tunnels with annual average daily traffic flows > 60 000 motor vehicles/day bi-directional tunnels with annual average daily traffic flows > 40 000 motor vehicles/day tunnels with uneven surfaces (e. • • • • • • • • • • tunnels more than 7. cross girders) tunnels with combined ventilation systems tunnel tubes with more than two lanes throughout tunnels with a high probability of congestion tunnels with a maximum longitudinal gradient ≥ 3% tunnels with a maximum fire detection time ≥ 150 seconds (see RVS 09.02.02. more in-depth analyses. in the form of a tunnel risk analysis as per RVS 09. finding new ways. additionally. Table 7: Hazard class arrangement Risk equivalent value lower limit > 2 ⋅ 10-2 > 1 ⋅ 10-1 > 5 ⋅ 10--1 upper limit 2 ⋅ 10-2 1 ⋅ 10-1 5 ⋅ 10-1 - Hazard class I II III IV 9. As regards tunnels for which the conditions cited below apply. The simplified method for evaluating risk can only be applied in the context of the limits cited below.g.03.22) tunnels with cross-sectional changes (e. no separate considerations of the risk are necessary as a rule.4 Area of application for the simplified method and notes relating to more in-depth risk analyses The simplified method shall be applied to all tunnels more than 500 m long.g.3 Risk equivalent value R and hazard classes The risk equivalent value R is calculated by multiplying the frequency equivalent H by the equivalent extent of damage S: R=H⋅S The risk equivalent value R corresponds to the risk expectation value (statistically anticipated deaths per annum) of the tunnel under investigation over a one-year period. As regards a calculation of the risk and an assessment of the effectiveness of safety measures.5 Model principles AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. 9. . only a rough estimate of the risk is possible using the simplified method. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. the tunnels to be assessed can be divided into hazard classes. On the basis of the risk equivalent value.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 31 RVS 09. widening based on additional lanes or hard shoulders) Even when applying the simplified method. 8 kg/s • CO production: 0.11 Tunnels. calculating the air requirement RVS 09.0045 or 0. with bi-directional traffic .01. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.02.1089 kg/s • HCN [hydrogen cyanide] production: 0.03. Federal Law Gazette 54/2006. issued 1 October 2000 ÖVE-M 10 Electrical machines DIN ISO 2533 Standard atmosphere Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. with two continuous lanes per tunnel tube • fire detection and the start of smoke extraction after 150 seconds • individuals only leave their vehicles if the smoke spreads as far as the vehicle in question.65 or 2.01. 3% of individuals remain in their vehicles • source rates for 5 or 30 MW fires: • CO2 production: 0. safety. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .33 Tunnel equipment. immissions burden at tunnel portals ÖVE/ÖNORM + A1 EN 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures.24 Tunnel construction. guidelines and standards STSG Road Tunnel Safety Act.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 32 RVS 09.two minutes in the case of longitudinal ventilation and three minutes in the case of transverse ventilation. as amended RVS 03. examining the structural conditions of roads RVS 09.11 Road planning. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. structural design.four minutes in the case of longitudinal ventilation and five minutes in the case of transverse ventilation.02. 10 Cited Acts.32 Tunnel equipment. risk analysis model RVS 09. principles.018 or 0. finding new ways.31 The following assumptions formed the basis of the calculations: • a horse shoe cross section 53 m2 in area.02. structural works RVS 09.027 kg/s • flue gas release in the tunnel with 5 or 30 MW fires: in three or five minutes • achieving the maximum fire load with 5 or 30 MW fires: in three or five minutes • reaction time until full suction capacity is achieved: with unidirectional traffic . 112 = 0. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. finding new ways.112 fVK = (7. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.31 11 11.95–0. the sphere of influence (see point 9.0080 .Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 33 RVS 09.95 km Annual average daily traffic flow: 24 500 motor vehicles/day.934 · 10-2 · ln(24 500) .85 km => LTU = 2.65 · 10–4 · LTU [km] · UR · fVK · fTL · fVF where the annual average daily traffic flow = 24 500 motor vehicles/day LTU = 2. a) Frequency equivalent H = annual average daily traffic flow [motor vehicles/day] · 3.6935) / 0.1) of points of convergence in the unidirectional tunnel is 278 m long.6579 fVF = 1.112 = 0.02.1 Annex Application example for unidirectional tunnels Data pertaining to the tunnel: Two tubes (unidirectional traffic).0.0678 (see the Points of convergence) H = 2. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .95 km UR = 0.Points of convergence A point of convergence + its sphere of influence up to 200 m is considered (per tube). System sketch: Key to diagram: Portalbereich Tunnelbereich Ausfahrtsstreifen Verflechtungsbereich Einflussbereich Einfahrtsstreifen Portal area Tunnel area Exit road Weaving area Sphere of influence Entry road Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.9674 fTL = (0.1081 · 2. proportion of HGVs: 23% Low congestion frequency Distance to the emergency exits: 300 m North tube: the interweaving lane extends 80 m into the tunnel South tube: the interweaving lane extends 220 m into the tunnel With a permitted maximum speed of 100 km/h. for every two lanes per direction of travel Ventilation system: longitudinal ventilation Average tunnel length: 2.3543) / 0. 700 − 0. finding new ways.021 ⋅ 10 −5 ⋅ 16. the sphere of influence (see point 9.0678 [Key to equation: Verflechtungsstrecken = points of convergence] b) Equivalent extent of damage S = 0.85 km => LTU = 2.209 ⋅ 10 −9 ⋅ 16.09582 (as per Table 3) Coefficient of correction as a result of an increased proportion of HGVs of 23%: Increase in the equivalent extent of damage by 3.7003 − 2.02. for every lane per direction of travel Ventilation system: longitudinal ventilation with point exhaust suction Average tunnel length: 2.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 34 RVS 09.40) + 0.00 fVF = 1.93% => S = 0. c) Risk equivalent R = H · S = 2.077 (3.217 ⋅ 10 −14 ⋅ 16.95 − 0.0678 (see the Points of convergence) H = 1. linear interpolation results in an increase in S of 0.7002 + 5.1) of points of convergence in the bi-directional tunnel is 222 m long.31 f vf = = ( 2 ⋅ LTU − ∑Verflechtungsstrecken ) + ∑Verflechtungsstrecken 2 ⋅ LTU 5.90 ⋅2 ( 2 ⋅ 2. proportion of HGVs: 16% Mean congestion frequency Distance to the emergency exits: 500 m The interweaving lane extends 50 m into the tunnel With a maximum permitted speed of 80 km/h.95 km Annual average daily traffic flow: 16 700 motor vehicles/day.077 fTL= 1.09671 = 0. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.0080 · 0.40 ⋅ 2 = 1.95 km UR = 0.1% (as per Table 6) with a proportion of HGVs of 30%.8082 . Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. a) Frequency equivalent H = annual average daily traffic flow [motor vehicles/day] · 3.2 Application example for bi-directional tunnels Data pertaining to the tunnel: One tube (bi-directional traffic). as regards a proportion of HGVs of 23%.65 · 10–4 · LTU [km] · UR · fVK · fTL · fVF where the annual average daily traffic flow = 16 700 motor vehicles/day LTU = 2. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .19419 Hazard class assignment pursuant to Table 7: => hazard class III 11.09671 The distance to the emergency exits has a negligible impact in the case of unidirectional tunnels.Points of convergence System sketch: Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.2781) fVK = 0. 5445 Hazard class assignment pursuant to Table 7: => hazard class IV Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads.35% => S = 0.02.8082 ∙ 0.30113 c) Risk equivalent R = H ∙ S = 1. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are .31 fVF = = (LTU − ∑ Verflechtu ngsstrecke n ) + ∑ Verflechtu ngsstrecke n ⋅ 2) LTU (2.30113 = 0.20) + 0. linear interpolation results in a reduction in S of 8.95 A point of convergence up to 200 m is taken into consideration b) Equivalent extent of damage S = 0.32857 (as per Table 5) Coefficient of correction as a result of a low proportion of HGVs of 16%: Reduction in the equivalent extent of damage by 31. as regards a proportion of HGVs of 16%. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS.20 · 2 =1 .3% (as per Table 6) with a proportion of HGVs of 5%.0678 2. finding new ways.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 35 RVS 09.95 0. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. Asfinag Dipl. Michael Steiner.-Ing.-Ing.-HTL-Ing. Mag.-Ing.-Ing. ZT Univ. Bernhard Kohl.und Schnellstraßen Finanzierungs AG] Dipl. Asfinag Margareta Schludermann. RAIL AND TRANSPORT We are . Josef Santner.-Ing. finding new ways. Wolfgang Stroppa. Asfinag [Autobahn.-Ing. Federal Ministry of Transport. ILF Beratende Ingenieure ZT GmbH Dipl. Innovation and Technology Dipl. AUSTRIAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION FOR ROADS. Karl Pucher Ing. Federal Ministry of Transport. (FH) Alexander Wierer. Rudolf Hörhan. Asfinag Can be obtained from the Austrian Research Association for Roads. Dr. Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics at the Graz University of Technology Ing. ventilation working party” working committee in collaboration with Dipl. Innovation and Technology (Head) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Office of the Styrian Provincial Government Dipl. Rail and Transport Issued 1 August 2008 This document is protected by copyright. Tiwag-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG ao. and the “Works and safety equipment. Guntram Lechner. Peter-Johann Sturm.02.31 Drawn up by the “Tunnel construction” working group. ILF Beratende Ingenieure ZT GmbH Dipl. Anton Waltl. Katharina Hoyer. Dr.Tunnels BASIC PRINCIPLES Page 36 RVS 09.Prof.Prof. Univ. Günter Rattei. instructions (replacement.02..31 of 18 February 1997 and the addendum of 25 January 2001 > Consideration given to European and international standards (CEN) Yes > Expected savings or additional costs: These Guidelines and Regulations are already taken into account in current replanning..02. changes on account of new RVS. . ventilation. Grundlagen Title [English]: Tunnel equipment. standards.261 and 09. Additional costs are to be anticipated in part.11 and published as a consultative document .31 only deals with the simplified risk assessment procedure. as well as in line with the requirements of the Road Tunnel Safety Act [German designation: STSG] and the EU Directive on minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the Trans-European Road Network > Effects on existing RVS.Page 37 Austrian Research Association for Roads.31 Title [German]: Tunnelausrüstung. The risk analysis model to be drafted in accordance with the requirements of the EU Directive is dealt with in detail in RVS 09. Working group: Tunnel construction Working committee: Works and safety equipment Consent of the executive committee to draft the guideline on 20 April 2004 > Need for the guideline Adaptation in line with the current safety technology used in road tunnels and technical facilities. > Environmental effects: No > Legal consequences: No > Other effects: RVS 09.02.03. Rail and Transport We are finding new ways Explanatory report of 2 August 2007 relating to drawing up X publication RVS 09. Belüftung. basic principles These Guidelines and Regulations for Highway Construction are to be published in the form of X an RVS guideline (binding) an RVS consultative document. in whole or in part.): Replacement of the existing RVS 9. Bernhard Kohl. Univ. Anton Waltl. Dr. Dr. Asfinag Margareta Schludermann. Federal Ministry of Transport. Dr. Asfinag Dipl. Josef Santner. Wolfgang Stroppa. Asfinag Dipl.-Ing.Prof. Katharina Botschek. Guntram Lechner. Peter Sturm. ILF Dipl.-Ing. ZT Univ.-Ing.Prof. Federal Ministry of Transport. techn.Page 38 Austrian Research Association for Roads. Rail and Transport We are finding new ways > Contributors: (if already known. Innovation and Technology Dipl. name and organisation) Dipl. Tiwag-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG A.-Ing. ILF Dipl. Günter Rattei. Michael Steiner.-Ing. Graz University of Technology Ing. FH Alexander Wierer.-Ing. Rudolf Hörhan.-Ing. Asfinag . Innovation and Technology (Head) Dipl. Karl Pucher Ing.-Ing. Office of the Styrian Provincial Government Dipl.
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