Rustoiu 2011 Eastern Celts

March 26, 2018 | Author: bucellarii | Category: Celts, Jewellery, Funeral, Jewelry



Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultetMediterranei Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Založba Annales Analles Mediterranei Edited by Mitja Guštin The Eastern Celts The Communities between the Alps and the Black Sea Edited by Mitja Guštin Institute for Mediterranean Heritage, Science and Research Centre Koper, University of Primorska Miloš Jevtić Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Reviews: Acad. prof. Nikola Tasić, PhD; Acad. prof. Biba Teržan, PhD Secretary: Marija Ljuština, Petra Vojaković, Andrej Preložnik Translating and proof-reading: Vesna Pintarič Kocuvan Cover design: Andrej Preložnik Print: Littera picta d.o.o. Printed in 300 copies Publisher Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Založba Annales Cover: Kantharos from Beograd – Karaburma, grave 34 (original in Belgrade City Museum). CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 903(4)‘638’(082) The EASTERN Celts : the communities between the Alps and the Black Sea / edited by Mitja Guštin and Miloš Jevtić ; [translating Vesna Pintarič Kocuvan]. - Koper : Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales, 2011. - (Knjižnica Annales Mediterranei) ISBN 978-961-6862-00-4 1. Guštin, Mitja, 1947257456384 The easTern CelTs THE CoMMUNITIES BETwEEN THE ALPS AND THE BLACK SEA Edited by Mitja GUŠTIN, Miloš JEVTIć Koper–Beograd 2011 . ......................................................31 Alenka JoVANoVIć Middle La Tène Female Grave 56 from Brežice..............................................20 Marija LUBŠINA TUŠEK....................................................................................................................................................... Jiří MILITKÝ The oberleiserberg types in the context of Taurisci influences .... Slovenia ..................................................7 Tomasz BoCHNAK The Eastern Celts in the North .................Contents Mitja GUŠTIN...................99 Mitja GUŠTIN on the Celtic tribe of Taurisci Local identity and regional contacts in the ancient world ................................................................................................137 Marija LJUŠTINA Rotary quern from Židovar – a glimpse into Late La Tène economy.............. Boris KAVUR Srednica near Ptuj A contribution to the beginning of the La Tène period in Eastern Slovenia....................................................................143 Petar PoPoVIć Late Iron Age ritual pits at Kale-Krševica (southeastern Serbia) ...........91 Marko DIZDAR The La Tène culture in central Croatia The problem of the eastern border of the Taurisci in the Podravina region.................................... Hungary) ............ Péter GERGELy NéMETH Celtic warriors from Szabadi (Somogy County...........................................119 Maciej KARwowSKI.....65 Daša PAVLoVIČ La Tène farmsteads near Murska Sobota .............................................................................151 .............................................................................................................. Miloš JEVTIć From treasure of objects to treasure of words The past and the present research on Eastern Celts .....................................................13 László HoRVáTH........................................................131 Borislav JoVANoVIć Galatae and Scordisci Eastern Celts and the Mediterranean import .................................................................................................................................................................................................51 Branko KERMAN Celtic settlement in Prekmurje .................................................................83 Georg TIEFENGRABER The ‘oppidum Celeia’............................................ .189 Dragi MITREVSKI The treasure from Tremnik and some traces of the Celts in the Vardar valey ......Aurel RUSToIU The Celts from Transylvania and the eastern Banat and their southern neighbours.............................................................................................................227 Zdravka HINCAK.............................179 Milena ToNKoVA The silver jewellery hoard from Chelyushnitsa in Thrace – a new perspective ............................. Mitja GUŠTIN Anthropological analysis of Celtic graves from Brežice and Dobova (Slovenia .........................207 Lyudmil VAGALINSKI A new Late La Tène pottery kiln with a bread oven on the lower Danube(northern Bulgaria) .............................171 Ivana PoPoVIć The Židovar treasure and Roman jewellery from the Balkan provinces of the empire ...........................................................261 ......199 Valeriu SÎRBU.......................................255 Literature ........................................................................................................................................241 Živko MIKIć The Celts in the territory of Serbia – anthropological remains ................................................................................163 Josif Vasile FERENZ About the end of the Celtic presence in South-western Transylvania ................................219 Jordan ANASTASSoV The Celtic presence in Thrace during the 3rd century BC in light of new archaeological data.................................................... Cristina BoDÓ Coins from Geto-Dacian sacred sites .. Cultural exchanges and individual mobility ............................................................................. Aurel Rustoiu The Celts from Transylvania and the eastern Banat and their southern neighbours. 233-236. along the Carpathian Apuseni Mountains and later on. Another example is the cemetery from Pişcolt in north-western Romania. covering a period between the second half of the 4th century and the beginning of the 3rd century BC. dated to the period prior to the Celtic arrival. archaeological evidence indicates that the way in which these interactions developed varies significantly in the areas under discussion. different Celtic groups interacted with the indigenous communities and a similar process can also be observed in the newly colonised regions. some groups settled in Transylvania. at Fântânele in Transylvania the funerary rite and ritual belong exclusively to the Celtic tradition. Earlier cemeteries start at the end of Lt B1 and the beginning of the Lt B2 sub-phase. 1). while others were established only from Lt B2 onwards. The typical features of local burials. Further advance continued towards the south. On their way. within the cemetery at Muhi – Kocsmadomb in Hungary it was observed that the Celts and the Scythians were buried on the same plot. For example. 192). 163 . although each ethnic group carefully preserved its specific funerary rite and ritual (Hellebrandt 1999. Cultural exchanges and individual mobility AUREL RUSTOIU he so-called ‘Latènization’ of the eastern Carpathian Basin resulted from a process of colonisation. in successive stages. 62). in which a series of cremation burials preserved several T funerary elements that belonged to the pre-Celtic period. Fig. On the contrary. which may suggest a slow advance. to the northern part of the Great Hungarian Plain and the Upper Tisa Basin. However. are illustrated by the cemetery at Sanislău (Németi 1982). due to the mixed cultural character of the local communities. These gradual movements are attested by a series of cemeteries that mark the above-mentioned route (fig. Thus. first Celtic groups advanced from Transdanubia towards the east. at the beginning of the Late Iron Age. for example the graves M 198 and M 203 (Németi 1989. and the Celtic advance towards the eastern Carpathian Basin (List 1). although 80 Figure 1 Cemeteries that begin in the Lt B1/B2 (white circles) or in the Lt B2 (black dots) phase. which may suggest a rapid integration of the indigenous population. Its funerary inventory consists of a rich set of jewellery. 2: 23). both handmade – fig. the piece under discussion belongs to the subvariant IIIb. a silver ring (fig. 2: 20). 1).7-9). were also taken into consideration. 14-15). Fig. made by V. and less of ceramic vessels. Fig. the main funerary patterns of the cemeteries from the eastern Carpathian Basin are different from those belonging to the populations of the northern Balkans. Many finds may have not been a result of commercial exchanges. 2: 26). 12. 1976. 2: 21-22). The jewellery set is specific for the La Tène environment and includes some elements of southern origin. As a consequence. Lazarov 2006). They mostly consist of metallic pieces. 2: 16). dating from Lt B2-C1. the Celtic plundering raids and invasions. Aside from the metallic and ceramic finds recovered from sites in present-day eastern Bulgaria. the number of other artefacts and assemblages dated to the LT B2-C1 remains small. The jewellery includes three bronze bracelets (a pair and a single different one – fig. dated to the first half of the 3rd century BC. 7-8). According to the typology of the Thracian brooches. a series of artefacts from the southern region has been discovered in La Tène contexts from Transylvania and the Banat. Zirra (who wrongly includes the brooch from Fântânele in the sub-variant Ic: Zirra 1996-1998. like the Thracian brooch and the amphora-shaped bead. First La Tène artefacts appeared in the northern Balkans shortly after the establishment of the Celtic groups in the eastern Carpathian Basin. Concerning the amphora-shaped bead. V. 175-177. 223-226. 2: 27-29). all recovered from indigenous contexts. Fig. from the Mediterranean world. Besides occasional trading relationships. The bead from Fântânele was perhaps brought to Transylvania through the indigenous communities from the south of the Carpathians. 389. poorly preserved and which have not been restored (very probably they formed three pairs). six iron brooches. since the mechanisms through which material culture circulates across wide areas can be diverse (for the nature of various possible relationships between Iron Age communities see Ven- 164 . which might have been related to the existence of the Kingdom of Tylis (Anasstasov 2006. a few Thracian brooches are known from different Celtic assemblages (Zirra 1996-1998. All other associated jewellery may help establish the dating of the grave towards the beginning of the 3rd century BC.Aurel Rustoiu per cent of the graves dating from Lt B2 contain local pottery. at the beginning of the 3rd century BC. like brooches or bracelets. a bronze Pauken brooch (fig. Beside these. 23. Fig. seven beads made of bronze wire or sheet (fig. 1976. four blue glass beads of various shapes and sizes (fig. an iron knife with a curved blade (fig. together with an iron one (fig. 2: 30) and two ceramic vessels (a truncated bowl and a beaker. 2: 17). 2: 24) and another one made of bronze (fig. 52: 6). similar pieces were imported into the Carpathian Basin. 34. Fig. 2: 18-19). For example. may have also been part of the necklace. a yellow translucent amphora-shaped bead (fig. the deceased also wore a necklace consisting of five clay beads (fig. Therefore in the ‘70s. Nevertheless. where such pieces were very popular (see for example the bead from Zimnicea: Alexandrescu 1980. 2: 1). 42-44. two light green glass beads (fig. At the same time. while discussing the origins of such artefacts and assemblages in the Thracian areas. 2: 2-5. 2: 6. 6. believed that they are the results of various sporadic contacts between these populations. The more recent discoveries from the northern Balkans did not significantly change the overall distribution pattern of La Tène artefacts from the Thracian environment. two bronze earrings (fig. 38). 2: 25) and another of the Thracian type (fig. 2: 13) and an amber bead (fig. A similar brooch has been recovered from an inhumation burial belonging to a woman. Two simple bronze rings (fig. from the second half of the 4th century until the beginning of the 3rd century BC (Popović P. 70-74. a bronze pendant (fig. if they were not used as garment accessories with unknown function. 1997). 2: 10-11). from the cemetery at Fântânele. Zenon Wozniak (1974. despite regional variations. a series of interactions between different communities from these two regions can be identified within certain archaeological contexts. Fig. 3) and Vlad Zirra (1971. compared with the territories inhabited by the Celtic groups in the Carpathian Basin. All the above-mentioned artefacts illustrate the existence of some contacts between the La Tène communities from the inner Carpathians area and those from the northern Balkans. 2: 31-32). 85-90. in Bulgaria. Tacitus. 2). Anabasis. such exchanges are often archaeologically visible through the concentration of specific artefacts in distinct areas of distribution and consumption. 2: 7). Germania. 17-22. which suggests that such harnessing elements were used for a longer period. and horses with complete harnessing gear were frequently included. 23. Two other horse-bits found in Oltenia (Werner 1988. An iron horse-bit found in the La Tène cemetery from Ciumeşti. which may suggest that they were less likely the subject of constant and consistent commercial exchanges. The well-known grave from Ciumeşti. Very often. 34-36). 85-86). 30 iron. might have been the material expression of certain political relationships established by a Celtic group with a Triballian chieftain from today’s northwestern Bulgaria (Theodossiev 2005. 116-117). 79/1973 from the cemetery at Fântânele-Dâmbul Popii (select inventory). 10-15 glass. The practice of exchanging gifts between political and military leaders of different communities represents another way through which some artefacts may have travelled between various cultural areas. 24 silver. 30-32 scale 1:2. 35. closely related to the piece from Ciumeşti. 25-29 bronze. the horse-bit from Ciumeşti perhaps illustrates the existence of similar practices within the relationships between a Celtic and a Thracian community from this region. the well-known golden torques from Gorni Tsibar. 7-9. Fig. The burial was discovered accidentally 165 . 16 amber. who received two horses decorated with phalerae and accompanied by their grooms (other similar examples at Xenophon. some imported artefacts appear as isolated finds in foreign cultural environments. constituted another important factor of mobility.Aurel Rustoiu clová 2002. Therefore. very probably belonged to a Celtic chieftain who fought as a mercenary in the Hellenistic south. In this context. In such cases. 72-74). Similar pieces are known from the Thracian environment in modern-day Bulgaria. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Figure 2 Grave no. 5) mentions a Celtic embassy at Rome. containing a helmet and dating from Lt C1. dated after the second quarter of the 3rd century BC (Bader 1984. Regular commercial contacts usually underline a more general orientation of economic interests towards certain geo-cultural areas. dating from the 5th – 4th centuries BC (Werner 1988. 2-5. 64. Titus Livius (XLIII. On the other hand. the diplomatic negotiations and treatises were enforced through exchanging gifts. 43-44. in north-western Romania. 2. who participated in military campaigns in the southern Balkans and were later recruited as mercenaries in the eastern Mediterranean. are dated to a later time. may suggest similar diplomatic connections between Celtic communities from the Carpathian Basin and populations from the northern Balkans. 1-clay. The Celtic warriors. I. Rustoiu 2006a. XV. no. 6. For example. 1-29 scale 1:1. the individual mobility must have played an important role in the distribution of culturally specific artefacts over wider areas. For example. Thus. 4: 6). 6-8). a fragmentary brooch. 4: 4).Aurel Rustoiu 1 2 3 4 Figure 3 Grave goods from the grave with a helmet from Ciumeşti (after Rusu 1969). well-known in the Scordiscan environment (Božič 1982). and these details required a direct contact with the artisan. were not commonly imported commodities. The exception refers to an inhumation grave that belonged to a woman. starting with the Early Iron Age (Jovanović M. Similar belts 166 . 3: 2). The author considers that such mobility. resulting from distant marriages. 3: 3) (see further discussion in Rustoiu 2006a. The fragment from Remetea Mare belongs to the Osijek type. Rustoiu 2006b. 3: 1). The greaves. and its inventory recovered and published in successive stages. 4: 5). others iron. the cemetery only contains cremation graves. with whom he perhaps mingled. A grave discovered at Remetea Mare in Banat is a significant example for this interpretation (Medeleţ mss. 1998). Different scales. not only warriors were responsible for the circulation of various artefacts far from their original area of consumption. With a single exception. Fig. iron tweezers (?) with fragments of cloth still attached (fig. However. sometimes over large distances. and whose inventory includes a handmade bowl (fig. Very recently. because they were always manufactured following the precise size and anatomic characteristics of the owner. 4: 7). a chain mail (fig. mostly as a consequence of matrimonial alliances between different communities. an iron helmet decorated with a bird of prey made in a realistic manner (fig. Both the funerary rite (singular within the entire cemetery) and the inventory suggest that the deceased belonged to an ethnically different community. who wanted a status symbol similar to that of the Greek officers. following an order of the Celtic chieftain. which have typical La Tène inventories. The cemetery itself had a short lifespan. The assemblage consists of two ceramic vessels. 3: 4). the greaves were very probably made in a Mediterranean workshop. with previous bibliogra- phy). a Thracian bronze brooch (fig. a wheel-made small bi-truncated pot (fig. and two bronze greaves (fig. The belts with astragals had known a longer evolution in the north-western Balkans. an iron chain. Its funerary rite and ritual illustrate the cultural mixture that characterised the above-mentioned Celtic cemeteries from the eastern Carpathian Basin. Betina Arnold has brought into discussion the mobility of the women within Iron Age societies. 4: 3) and a segment of a belt with astragals reused as pendants (fig. 215-216. made by a Greek workshop. may be archaeologically visible when the women’s dress accessories were highly differentiated and if the newcomers preserved their native costume and jewellery in the adoptive community (Arnold 2005). a javelin head (fig. during the Lt B2 and at the beginning of the Lt C1 phase. 3-bronze. An isolated cremation grave. showing a mixture of Thracian and La Tène type details. 4/5. Yet. 3 from the cemetery at Remetea Mare (after Medeleţ mss. similar matrimonial relationships must have also resulted from Celtic women entering into ethnically different communities. 41. Guštin 1984a. Therefore. fire). it is not a coincidence that several hybrid pieces. For example. between a Celtic community from Banat and her own south Danubian people. The Thracian brooch from Remetea Mare belongs to the IIb variant and was dated to the first half of the 3rd century BC (Zirra 1996-1998. who came from a community settled to the south of the Danube. Fig. 5: 1-4). The entire assemblage of jewellery and garment accessories is characteristic for the Celtic environment dating from the Lt C1 phase (second half of the 3rd century and the beginning of the 2nd century BC). Vasić has mentioned some similar finds from the western Balkans and underlined their concentration in the eastern Scordiscan territory and in the Iron Gates region. appeared in the same area. but here its drawing is wrong). Jovanović B. 6).Aurel Rustoiu have been found in graves dated to Lt C. in a grave from Mahrevići. 54-55. an iron horse-bit and two iron elements which probably belonged to a ceremonial cart. Furthermore. 10). Rustoiu 2006b). but a similar practice has also been observed in other cases. two fragmentary bronze brooches (probably a pair. 106). probably established during the first half of the 3rd century BC. Fig. it may be presumed that the grave from Remetea Mare belonged to a woman. in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Taking into consideration the composition of jewellery and garment accessories. albeit typical attire points to the possible existence of an inter-ethnic matrimonial alliance. The segment recovered from Remetea Mare was reused as a pendant. 21. Vaday 1971. in which inhumation was the preponderant funerary rite. but some pieces might have already been in use during the Lt B2. R. Therefore. Its inventory consists of a fragmentary bronze belt (fig. Fig. she might have come to Remetea Mare to fulfil a matrimonial alliance. wellknown in the middle Danube region (see the discussion in Stancsik. in which they remained in use for a longer period (Vasić 2000). The bronze belt belongs to the so-called Hungarian type (fig. Fig. 5: 6-13). These brooches are widespread mainly in north-western Bulgaria and southern Romania (at Zimnicea and Bâzdâna). one destroyed on the pyre) (fig. Recently. the funerary inventory from Teleşti represents an isolated Celtic assemblage in a region occupied by Getae communities. 6-7 scale 1:4. in which similar La Tène finds are rare. who wore a richly adorned. Rustoiu 2004-2005. 3-4 bronze. n. 167 . a pendant made of a segment that belonged to an enamelled belt of the Hungarian type was found (Truhelka 1912. but also in the southern Banat (Banatska Palanka) and the Danube’s Iron Gates region (Zirra 1996-1998. 5-iron. four glass beads (fig. 12. 67-68. suggests this phenomenon (see the entire discussion in Rustoiu 2004-2005). 5: 5). 3-5 scale 1:1. discovered by chance in 1977 at Teleşti in Oltenia. fragments of a blue glass bracelet (also damaged by 2 0 2 cm 5 1 0 8 cm 0 2 cm 3 6 0 2 cm 0 8 cm 4 7 Figure 4 Grave no. 1983. 340. The presence of this Celtic woman. in a contact zone between the Thracians and the Scordiscan – Illyrians. 3 – distribution map). the careful display of all personal jewellery and costume accessories. and was aware of and able to perform all traditional prescriptions. such matrimonial alliances required. 1-4 glass. 0 5 cm Figure 5 The grave from Teleşti (select inventory. but is less evident in other social groups. the deceased were buried with their specific attire and following the rite and ritual of their own community of origin. Therefore. suggests that the deceased came from a Celtic area. the movement of people over large distances also facilitated. often visible through the distribution of various archaeological artefacts. which were not hidden behind local garment elements.Aurel Rustoiu funerary ritual might suggest the presence of a suite. which probably came together with the bride. 74-75). perhaps enforced by the diplomatic nature of the marriage. might suggest a privileged status within their adoptive community. In the above-mentioned cases. As a consequence. as well as other garment accessories. The individual mobility facilitated the cultural exchanges between different populations. The above-mentioned examples may suggest that individual mobility was a social practice. even if only temporary. less visible exchanges of knowledge. others iron. after Rustoiu 2004-2005). besides the circulation of material culture. according to Natalie Venclová. At the same time. which mainly characterised the Iron Age elite. perhaps from the middle Danube region. the careful observance of the Figure 6 Distribution of the Hungarian type belts (List 2. Her belt. 168 . the movement of a significant number of individuals from one community to another. The presence of such funerary assemblages in foreign cultural environments raises some questions concerning the status of the deceased within the receiving communities. after Rustoiu 20042005). Transylvania or the Scordiscan territory. ideology and cultural practices (Venclová 2002. However. Peţelca: Crişan 1973b. 17. Magyartés: Maráz 1977. 1989. 199215. Fig. 17. 16. Arad-Ceala: Crişan 1974b. 15. 14. Dezmir: Crişan 1964. 21. 20. Vaday 1971. 1/1. Vaday 1971. 3. 239-251. In this context. 8. Diosig (X): Németi 1988. 102. 16. Farmos (two pieces in the graves no. 6. 3/12. Vaday 1971. Vác (X): Hellebrandt 1999. Fig. 58. 17. Fig. 189-194. Aszód: Hellebrandt 1999. 4. 17. 2. no. 7. 215. LIST OF HUNGARIAN TYPE BELTS HUNGARY 1. 11. 62. 22. Tankó 2006. Nógrádmarcal: Hellebrandt 1999. Penc: Hellebrandt 1999. 3. Fig. Szabó 1995. 63. 5. 1256/2007-2008. Fig. 14. 168. 22. Zirra 1971. 113. 102. 3. Gyoma (X): Maráz 1977. 17. Tărian: Chidioşan. 10. 12. SERBIA 27. but also for the Celtic elements adopted by various populations from the above-mentioned southern areas. 12. 91-100. Săcuieni: Németi1989. 2. 14. Pruniş: Crişan. 479. 1992. many of the socalled ‘invisible’ contacts might have been responsible for the eastern Mediterranean and Balkan influences 1. ROMANIA 1. Fig. 299300. 7. Tiszarád: Szabó 2006. 18. 3. 3. Arka: Stanczik. 40-44. Jacanović 1992. 102. no. Fântânele – La Gâţa: Vaida 2006. 17. Fig. Szentes: Maráz 1977. 169 . Ignat 1972. cat. 15. Ferencz 1998. 3. 300-301. Palkó 1995. Vaday 1971.Aurel Rustoiu Therefore. 5. no. LIST OF THE CEMETERIES THAT BEGIN IN LT B1/B2 (X) AND LT B2 HUNGARY 1. 16. 39-40. 69. 4/4. Németi 1975. 4. 11/5-9. 91-93. 52-54. Kistokaj-Kültelkek (X): Hellebrandt 1999. 1993. Szabó 1986. 5 and 6): Hellebrandt 1999. 30. 61. 196-200. Dipşa: Horedt 1941-1944. no. Fig. Curtuiuşeni: Chidioşan. 1. 19. 51-52. 13. 5. Fig. Pişcolt (X): Németi1988. 7. 4. 8. 3. 2737. 11. 31-35. Hatvan-Boldog: Petres. Felsőméra: Kotigoroško 1995. Szöreg: Maráz 1977. Csákberény: Stanczik. Bonyhád: Stanczik. p. 2/1. 21. 7. Rozvágy: Szabó 2006. 5. 6-7. Fig. 3. Arad-Gai (X): Crişan 1974b. Rustoiu. the relationships between eastern Celtic communities and the populations from the northern Balkans might have been more intense and diverse than previously considered. 26-27. 302. Dunafödvár: Stanczik. Pećine: Jovanović B. 15-21. 19. no. 6-8. Fig. 6. Bercel: Hellebrandt 1999. SLOVAKIA 23. 147. 148-149. 62. 245-248. Vaday 1971. pl. Fig. no. 102. Vaday 1971. Rustoiu 2005a. 20. Sălacea: Németi 1989. Mediaş (X?): Nestor 1937-1940. 44-48. 300 (with literature). 18. Hatvan-Bajpuszta (X): Hellebrandt 1997. Vurpăr: Horedt 1941-1944. 189. no. Bölcske – Madocsahegy: Stanczik. Cece: Stanczik. Fig. 2. Csővár: Hellebrandt 1999. 11. identified within the Celtic culture and civilization in the eastern Carpathian Basin. 17. Şeica Mică: Crişan 1973b. Remetea Mare: Rustoiu 2006b. Cejkov: Szabó 2006. 17. Sanislǎu: Zirra 1972. 72. Fig. 61. 55-102. 10-12. 13. 5. Ludas: Szabó. Szabó 2006. 215-216. Muhi-Kocsmadomb (X): Helebrandt 1999. Săşianu 1982. no. 15. 10. Aradu Nou (X): Crişan 1974b. Vaida 2006. 113. Hort: Hellebrandt 1999. Cepari: Vaida 2006. 1984. Fig. 15. 9. 1. 2. 6. 24. Fig. 162-163 Pecica (X): Crişan 1974b. 5. Turdaş (X): Crişan 1973a. despite a rather small number of specific artefacts. 38-39. 3. Fig. Novajidrány-Sárvár (X): Hellebrandt 1997. 3. 8-10. 6. 8. 25. no. 46-47. no. Kosd: Szabó. Fântânele – Dealu Popii: unpublished. 26. 4. 215-236. Archiud: Dănilă 1973-1974. Toarcla: Horedt 1941-1944. This paper is supported by the CNCSIS research grant no. Vaida 2006. Radostyán: Hellebrandt 1999. 70-71. 23. Petres 1992. no. 9. Copşa Mică: Zirra 1971. no. 350. no. 20-21. Szennyespuszta: Stanczik. 47. Tengelic: Stanczik. 19. SLOVENIA 44. Lengyel: Stanczik. pl. 71. no. 1983. 47. 45. 25. Fig. Hrtkovci-Gomolava: Jovanović B. 12 (segment reused as pendant). Vaday 1971. ROMANIA – OLTENIA 50. 19. fig. Pečka Bara: Jovanović B. 17. 20. Regöly: Stanczik. 13. Belgrad-Rospi Ćuprija: Jovanović B. 1/1. 25. 32-43). pl. 30. 19. Vaday 1971. Vaday 1971. 46. 29. Vaday 1971. Törökszentmikós-Surján: Stanczik. no. 1983. 17. pl. 27. 27. 12/6. 13. Mahrevići: Truhelka 1912. 20. 18. 47. no. Vaday 1971. no. Valea lui Mihai: Stanczik. 21. 18. SLOVAKIA 29. SERBIA 32. 9. Vaday 1971. 20. no. 134. Rustoiu 2005b. Szentes: Stanczik. AUSTRIA 28. CROATIA 42. Vaday 1971. 22. pl. 18. Sárszentlőrincz: Stanczik. 20. 1983. no. 21. no. Unknown site – Komitat Tolna: Stanczik. 34. 12. Vác – Gravel pit: Hellebrandt 1999. 18. 21. 29. 21. Jászberény: Stanczik. Mukaćevo: Stanczik. 20. fig. Holiare: Stanczik. 1983. 23. 16. no. 48. 27. 17. 15. 47-51. 24. ROMANIA – TRANSYLVANIA 46. Raggendorf: Stanczik. 26. Vaday 1971. 20. Ciumeşti: Zirra 1967. no. no. 17. 37. Vaday 1971. Zemun-Surčin: Jovanović B. Karancslapujtő: Stanczik.Aurel Rustoiu 8. 7/5. Vaday 1971. 22. Unknown sites – Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum – 12 pieces): Stanczik. no. no. Vezseny: Stanczik. 20. Valična vas: Teržan 1973. 1983. Kiskunfélegyháza: Stanczik. Vaday 1971. no. Vaday 1971. TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE 31. 43. 51. 24. no. Vaday 1971. 21. 36. 35. no. 60. 14. Sombor-Bački Monoštor: Jovanović B. 41. Vaday 1971. Osijek: Jovanović 1983. Veţel: Stanczik. 12. 18. 17. Unknown site – Komitat Fejér: Stanczik. 14. Somlóvásárhely: Stanczik. 15. no. 11. Turda: Róska 1944. BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 45. Kajdacs: Stanczik. 45-46. no. 14. Vaday 1971. Vukovar: Majnarić-Pandžić 1970. 46. 19. 1/6-13. Vaday 1971. Vaday 1971. Vaday 1971. 33. no. Vaday 1971. 20. 1/2 (variant). Vaday 1971. 10. Teleşti: Rustoiu 2004-2005. no. Vaday 1971. 44. 17. Vaday 1971. 23. 1983. 40. 38. 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