Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques

April 2, 2018 | Author: Anu Kp | Category: Road Surface, Runway, Asphalt, Fiberglass, Concrete



Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and TechniquesSeminar Report 2012-2013 1.INTRODUCTION The transport modes like roadway, waterway and airway have been used by the mankind using land, water and air. In the past railways were assigned priority of developments, Because it was one mode of transport, which helped mass transportation of goods and passengers. Railways and roadways in India and abroad are in competition today for providing better transportation facilities. Air transportation is the most suitable transportation technique for long distance travels. So runway has very importance. Runway is a long and comparatively narrow strip, which is paved for small aerodromes. Repair and resurfacing of runway is a complex activity, which requires comprehensive engineering evaluation, selection of suitable materials commensurate to problems and proper co-ordination of construction procedure and activities .It also demands setting up adequate quality planes and quality assurance methods. For runway resurfacing it is required to determine the nature and extend of deterioration and also the causes of deterioration. For this it is essential to carry out detailed study including overall projection evaluation so as to evolve suitable repair alternatives. Dept. Of Civil Engg. 1 GPTC Muttom Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 2. The Pavement Classification Number- Runway Strength Rating and Load Control System. The Air craft Classification Number/ Pavement Classification Number (CAN/PCN) system has been adopted by ICAO as the standard for the international reporting of air field pavement bearing strengths .The ACNPCN system of rating air port pavements is designated by the international civil aviation organization (ICAO) as the only approved method for reporting strength. The ACN- PCN method came in to use in1981. The ACN- PCN system is simple to use. Each air craft is assigned a number that expresses the structural effect on a pavement for a specified pavement type and a sub grade category. Each air port operating authority reports site pavement strengths using the same numbering system. The pavement is capable of accommodating unrestricted operations provide the air craft load number is less than or equal to the pavement strength number. Maximum tire pressure limitations may also be applied to some pavements which may further restrict certain air craft operations. The ACN is based on static application on aircraft loads to the pavement surface making them somewhat conservative in nature Dept. Of Civil Engg. 2 GPTC Muttom Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 The ACN and PCN are defined as follows: • ACN is a number that expresses the relative structural effect of an aircraft on different pavement types for specified sub grade strengths in terms of a standard single wheel load • PCN is a number that expresses the relative load carrying capacity of a pavement in terms of a standard single wheel load • The system is structured so that a pavement with a particular PCN value can support, without weight restrictions ,an aircraft that has an ACN value equal to or less than the pavements PCN value Dept. Of Civil Engg. 3 GPTC Muttom require hard paving:• runways • taxi-ways providing access to runways • aircraft parking. flying may be restricted in inclement weather or the facilities may not come up to the minimum standards required by the regulatory authorities for passenger carrying aircraft. access may be difficult to the airfield. which gives good performance and durability under the most heavily trafficked conditions. They are therefore eminently suitable for use in the construction and surfacing of access roads. Of Civil Engg. 4 GPTC Muttom The following areas on a typical airfield are likely to . Asphalt is obtained by fractional distillation of petroleum crude. These materials are also widely used in the construction of hard standing and parking areas for both light and heavy vehicles.1 Airfield uses of asphalt Most of the world‟s paved roads are surfaced with asphalt. perimeter roads and vehicle parking areas on airfields. re-fuelling or servicing aprons • hanger floors Dept.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 3. Asphalt is obtained by fractional distillation of petroleum crude. Without hard paving. ASPHALT APPLICATIONS 3. Where jet-engined aircraft operate. for paved areas where aircraft will undergo refuelling and servicing. This term may also be used for “Foreign Object Debris” when referring to any detritus or loose particles on or near to runways or taxiways. For aircraft parking areas the main requirement is adequate stability under high wheel-loadings. an even surface regularity to ensure passenger comfort and minimum risk of damage to delicate electronic components and adequate strength to support the high wheel-loadings of modern aircraft. For example. freedom from loose particles is an additional. One means of Dept. bus or commercial vehicle parking areas • access roads • edge drainage (French Drains) for runways and taxiways In each of these areas different considerations apply. essential requirement to avoid the expensive damage that can be caused to jet-engines from ingestion of foreign objects (known as Foreign Object Damage or FOD). the principal considerations are adequate stability under wheel-loads and heavy point loads from maintenance machinery as well as good resistance to oil spillage Runways need to be constructed with sufficient strength to carry the moving aircraft. runways require good skid resistance and surface water drainage for good braking. Of Civil Engg. Runways require a higher degree of resistance to skidding and aquaplaning in view of the higher speeds involved. 5 GPTC Muttom .Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 • car. Where relatively light aircraft are involved standard road surfacing materials. If Hot Rolled Asphalt is employed. 6 GPTC Muttom . Of Civil Engg. namely Hot Rolled Asphalt. Beneath the Porous Friction Course a strong impervious binder course of Hot Rolled Asphalt or a dense Asphalt Concrete known as Marshall Asphalt is required laid to adequate falls. This is of particular importance if a Porous Friction Course is to be applied and ensures that water is not held in the new surfacing to lead to heavy ice formation in winter. it is essential that the existing surfacing is of good regularity and laid to adequate falls or the levels are corrected by applying an appropriate regulating layer.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 achieving the latter. a 35% stone Dept. close-graded/dense Asphalt Concrete or Stone Mastic Asphalt specified using the guidance from PD 66911 and the appropriate European Asphalt Standard will provide good durability and adequate performance. now employed on many major runways in the UK. is to use an open-graded Porous Asphalt surface course traditionally known as Porous Friction Course as the running surfacing. Alternatively the new surface course may be laid directly on an impervious existing surfacing. This acts as a drainage layer to prevent surface water adversely affecting aircraft tire grip on the surfacing in wet weather. When resurfacing work is being undertaken on runways. developed a number of products that can be used in runway surfacing and other heavily trafficked areas within airports. One fuel damage resisting product Nyguard . a continuous graded aggregate mix that gives a harder surface than traditional hot rolled mixes. They do the work in short bursts. Of Civil Engg. These include binders with high resistance to damage by fuel oils and de-icing fluids – a major issue for airport managers – as well as binders for thin surfacing and foam mixes. Nynas has. that designers and contractors tend to stick with tried and tested mixes for the new runway surface – usually Marshall Asphalt. These ancillary areas are seen as lower risk. 7 GPTC Muttom . It is not surprising.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 content mix without the application of pre-coated chippings should give good performance and durability 3. with contractors given access for just a few hours. was used at Bristol Airport to bring two redundant runways back into use as taxiways and for aircraft refueling and parking(fig.1). Dept. given these constraints. over the years. completing a section each night and reopening it the next day.2 MODERN ASPHALTS Most runway resurfacing is carried out at night. Of Civil Engg. the binder gives cohesion values up to five times greater than equivalent paving grade bitumen. Dept. tearing and deformation. As well as its fuel damage resisting properties. making it much more resistant to shearing forces and resulting scuffing. a hot mix binder specifically designed for heavy duty areas like airfields. 8 GPTC Muttom .2).Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 Fig. docks and bus bays.1 Nyguard. was used at Bristol airport to bring two redundant runways back in to use Nynas has developed the product further to produce Nyguard HR(fig. 9 GPTC Muttom . Tarmac reused runway planings for sections of recycled pavement. and commercial firms increasingly aware of waste and energy consumption.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 Fig.2 Nyguard HR. These areas – the outer strips of the runway – were re-constructed using Nyfoam. there is increasing pressure to reuse material in runway resurfacing. Of Civil Engg. With local authorities setting targets for recycling. In a recent contract at Liverpool Airport. a hot mix binder specifically design for heavy duty areas One issue that may make airport owners more willing to look at non-traditional mixes for runways is sustainability. 4 Dept. a binder specifically developed by Nynas for foam mixes and used last year on the UK‟s largest road recycling contract on the A38 in Devon. Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 The successful application of the technique at Liverpool is likely to lead to other airports considering recycling for future resurfacing projects. the company also has experience of supplying specialist materials for main runways. The Super AirMat mix was designed specifically for airfields. and is laid in a single pass. its Nypol TS polymer modified binder was used by Bardon in the construction of a “Super AirMat” runway – a thin surfacing alternative to traditional Marshall Asphalt. Super AirMat contains a 10mm nominally sized grit-stone with a very high polished stone value to give the surfacing a high level of grip. The Nypol TS is designed to give good adhesion and cohesion with the stone. Of Civil Engg. and extra durability comes from adding cellulose fibres to the asphalt mix. for example. While Nynas‟ specialist products have so far mainly been used on ancillary areas. making it a very efficient way to surface large areas in a relatively short time. such as taxiways and parking bays. At Exeter Airport. 10 GPTC Muttom . Dept. 200 m² per hour are claimed).Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 4. A combined suction part or a sweeper that picks up the rubber debris during its operations usually accompanies it. This allows for the pavement to be easily and quickly returned to operations and is especially advantageous in airport operations where time constraints and short possession time is common. 11 GPTC Muttom .1 High Pressure Water blasting (HPW) Rubber is removed by means of rotary devices that move along the surface as it cleans. • Shot Blasting. The water that penetrates the surface effectively cleaning rubber deposits creates an hydraulic effect. Benefits of using this technique are: • The speed at which rubber is removed (1.000 bar . Rubber Removal Techniques The most common methods of pavement retexturing are: • High Water Pressure. • Mechanical Process. This helps to increase the frictional values and surface texture of the pavement. This is done utilizing up to 30 gallons of water per minute at pressures of between 100 to 1. Of Civil Engg. 4. • Ultra High Water Pressure (Track Jet). Dept. • Chemical. Of Civil Engg. • Its usage is independent of weather and can be operated in cold. 12 GPTC Muttom . • Does loosen surface matrix encouraging the loss of fine materials. Dept.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 • The cost efficiency of the process (water is generally provided). Disadvantages are: • Noise from the operation requires the wearing of hearing protection. • Appropriate disposal of waste material is required. • Heavily damages certain asphalt types like antiskid. • Cleaning rate is 70% with one run. HPW is most effective on sprayed seals and asphalts that show loss of texture due to flushed bitumen. • Cannot be used to clean AGL. • Damages grooves and pavement surfaces over time (8 years). This results in safer operating conditions for pavements. • Damages sealing. • The improved friction characteristics of the pavement due to penetration of the water and the removal of rubber. • Eye protection should also be worn in the vicinity of the machine while in operation. damp wintry conditions. • The ease of getting off the runway in the event of an emergency. as well as European highways for retexturing and paint marker removal. Through its modern technology of retexturing. is widely used at BAA airports and other leading airports in Europe. • Best possible friction values. Dept. therefore prolongs the time interval till next cleaning. an Ultra High-Pressure Water blasting machine developed by Bernd Weigel in Germany. this machine has consistently removed 100% of rubber build-up and pavement markings from pavements without touching the pavement micro or macro texture. • Reduces direct and indirect renovation cost by prolonging cleaning and resurfacing cycles.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 4. It utilises a nozzle system that is truck mounted. Benefits of this technology are: • Optimum treatment with care of pavement surface. 13 GPTC Muttom . anti-skid. Of Civil Engg. for example asphalt. applying very little water at very high pressure through a unique computer-controlled system. This enables an environmentally friendly and most effective maintenance for all kind of surfaces. Cost savings through increasing rubber removal intervals without damaging or destroying the aggregates on the pavement surface result in an increased pavement life.2 TrackJet (Ultra High-Pressure Water blasting) The TrackJet. • Applicable to all kinds of surfaces. petrogrip and concrete. • Clearing out of expansion joints. 14 GPTC Muttom . • Only needs one personnel to operate. apron areas and oil spill removal. Dept. • Low expenses with waste removal. • The ease of getting off the runway in the event of an emergency. runway can be evacuated in 3 minutes leaving the working area tidy and surface like new. because no chemical is used to separate the rubber waste from waste water. the Track Jet works with clean water without chemical adhesives and requires only 10 to 20% of the water and 30% of the fuel HPW systems normally require. • Its usage is independent of weather and can be operated in cold. • No damage to grooving. Disadvantage of systems: • Appropriate disposal of waste material is required. cleaning of steel and concrete areas. marker paints and joint sealing. runway lighting systems. • Some airport staff claims that up to 800 m² per hour cleaning (but 100% rubber removed) is too little. Of Civil Engg. • High environmental care due to extremely low water and fuel consumption. concrete renovation. This system is also universally suitable for cleaning sealing joints. damp wintry conditions or warm temperatures (2 to 40 degrees centigrade).Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 • High environmental compatibility is reached due to very low water consumption and very low eroded road/runway substance volume. 3 SUPRA SNOW REMOVAL VEHICLE Fig.4 UNIMOG 400 L FOR WATERJET SYSTEM Fig. Of Civil Engg.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 Various equipments used for water jet system are shown in figures Fig. 15 GPTC Muttom .5 EQUIPMENT FOR WATERJET SYSTEM Dept. brushing and working them into the rubber deposit over several hours.3 Chemicals Environmentally friendly chemicals have been developed that are safe and effective in cleaning rubber from contaminated surfaces. Even though the debris is considered to be biodegradable. The debris cannot be swept up using conventional sweepers since the chemicals will react with the rubber seals within the sweeper. During this process. the chemical is not and as a result. 16 GPTC Muttom .Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 4. The cost of chemical removal is usually double the cost of HPW and Track Jet due to the cost of the chemicals. The substance is then flushed off the runway by water blasting when the process is completed. The chemicals break down the polymerized rubber into a soft jelly like substance. the debris accumulates and may eventually cause an environmental problem requiring remediation. the runway cannot be reopened until the process is completed due to the runway surface being slippery. Over time. Dept. Of Civil Engg. This is done by spraying the chemicals onto the pavement surface and then scrubbing. the usual method of clean up is: flush the soapy residue off the pavement surface onto the surrounding soil after completion of works. 4.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 Benefits of this method are: • Rubber is cleaned at the same rate as HPW. • It is expensive in comparison to HPW and Track Jet. • Poses an environmental problem due to chemicals not being biodegradable over time. The primary reason using this method is for paint removal and the resurfacing and Dept. the pavement/runway must remain closed until clean up is complete. The steel is then recycled for re-use. • Reacts with rubber seals in conventional sweepers and on runways. On a non-grooved surface it collects the abrasive particles. • Requires more than one personal to carry out process. Disadvantages are: • Once the process begins. • The work can be accomplished using airfield staff and equipment. The operation is environmentally clean since it is self . loose contaminants and dust from the runway surface. • Large amount of effluent needed to be disposed of. • It softens and removes polymerized rubber. • Time taken for process to be completed.4 High Velocity Impact Removal or Shot Blasting Propelling abrasive particles onto the runway surface that blast the contaminant from the pavement surface using Shot-blasting. Of Civil Engg. 17 GPTC Muttom .contained and the equipment can be adjusted to produce the desired surface texture result. • The equipment is truck-mounted and can easily be removed from the runway (like HPW and TrackJet) in case of an emergency landing. • FOD hazard on airfields where steel shot becomes semi-embedded into the surface and then dislodged later in time. • Noise and vision hazards due to operation process of machine. • Retexturing is done by removing a thin layer of the pavement and coincidentally removing rubber deposits as well.5Mechanical Removal (Grinding or Milling) Mechanical Removal is generally carried out either by grinding or milling.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 retexturing of pavement surfaces and not necessarily the removal of rubber deposits . Of Civil Engg. Like shot blasting. 18 GPTC Muttom . • The equipment cleans the surface while working. Benefits are: • It retextures pavement and removes rubber deposit in excess of 1. 4. • Overall cost is expensive.000 m² per hour. Disadvantages are: • Expensive to mobilise. Dept. • Care is required to carry out machine operation. the primary reason for the machine is not the removal of rubber from pavement surface. • Improves pavement surface friction characteristics by removing a thin surface layer. Benefits are: • Removes high areas such as bumps on pavement surfaces or at joints where slabs have shifted or faulted. • Mills asphalt surface for preparation of overlaying. Disadvantages: • Can cause micro-cracking of the structure leading to accelerated aging of the surface. Of Civil Engg.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 It is most effective in removing rough patches on highways and profiling high spots on pavements. It also removes rubber deposits as its process is carried out.  Damages surface texture. Dept. 19 GPTC Muttom . a SAMI is placed on top of an existing pavement and subsequently capped with a hot mix asphalt overlay (Fig.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 5. SAMI within the pavement structure “A saturated asphalt concrete is typically unaffected structurally by water unless the asphalt aggregate is stripping prone. salt and other deleterious materials that can accelerate the deterioration of the entire pavement structure once it penetrates the aggregate base. Fig: 6.Its purpose is to delay the propagation of cracking that originates in the pre-existing pavement that will eventually reflect through to the new surface layers. The products may be classified in a number of categories such as. Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer(SAMI) Asphalt interlayer system consist of a wide variety of products and processes. nonwovens. sand asphalts. steel reinforcements and SAMIs. In general. Of Civil Engg. 20 GPTC Muttom . Cracking in the surface layers allows penetration of water.6). In Dept. grids. each with unique benefits and specific placement methods to ensure good adhesion to the underlying pavement. Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 contrast. a saturated base aggregate loses about 40% of its strength when saturated. The first layer of emulsion provides a bond to the existing hard surface. be flexible enough to allow it to move within the pavement structure as well as providing a waterproof barrio for the ingress water from the surface to the pre-existing pavement. the second application of asphalt emulsion encapsulates the fiberglass.1 Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI) using the FiberMat process FiberMatTM is a process that sandwiches strands of chopped fiberglass between two layers of polymer modified asphalt emulsion.”( source: Pavement Preservation Task Group of Caltrans) In effect each crack will allow a certain amount of water to enter the road base hence negatively impacting the original engineered design. The aggregate is seated into this second layer of emulsion using traditional rolling techniques and the SAMI is capable of accepting traffic in approximately 20 minutes. 5. Of Civil Engg. and is quickly covered with a thin veil of aggregate. 21 GPTC Muttom . An effective SAMI should therefore. with random interweaving of the fiberglass strands providing tensile strength to the mix. Dept. provide additional tensile strength to the pavement to combat reflective cracking. and is applied using specialized equipment. ensures the existing pavement is sealed. and ultimately prolong the useful service life of the road. the patented cutter assembly system. Once capped with hot mix. The unit is pulled by an asphalt emulsion tanker. on high volume roads. Patented equipment. connecting the output lines of the tanker to the Fiber Mat machine‟s emulsion pumping system Dept. it becomes a true SAMI. developed specifically for the FiberMat process. This equipment is contained within a trailer that houses several spools of fiber glass.2 Constructing a SAMI using the FiberMat process FiberMat is a flexible. an asphalt emulsion pump and distribution spray nozzles. 22 GPTC Muttom . Of Civil Engg. 5. ensures even distribution of the materials and precise computer controls to allow adjustments in application rates while the machine is in motion. plus the computer system that controls the application rate of each component (figure7) . and is usually covered with a thin layer of hot mix asphalt within 14 days. reduce reflective cracking through the new wearing surface. Its function is to seal the existing pavement with a resilient waterproof membrane.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 This reinforced layer can be used as a temporary wearing surface. meeting all three requirements of an effective SAMI. waterproof membrane that incorporates asphalt emulsion and fiberglass strands to combat reflective cracking. The fiberMat .Computer Dept. Of Civil Engg. 23 GPTC Muttom . The fiberMat Application System Fig:9.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 Fig:7. Even distribution of materials The even distribution of emulsion and fiberglass is achievable in a swath up to 4m wide (easily covering an entire lane width). Fig:8. Application System The fiberglass strands are pneumatically blown between two separate layers of asphalt emulsion (figure8) ensuring complete and even coverage of both fiberglass and asphalt emulsion(figure9). Application deck. showing separate lines of fiberglass capable of up to 4m width in single pass To complete the process. it is necessary to imbed a layer of aggregate in to the second layer of asphalt emulsion. Aggregate is placed with a traditional chip spreader and seated using pneumatic rollers. Of Civil Engg.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 synchronized nozzles and cutters allow the operator to vary the application width to accommodate changes in pavement width. The completed FiberMat (SAMI) is capable of accepting traffic within 20 minutes. It is possible to place FiberMat as narrow as 1m to a maximum of 4m (150mm increments) Fig:10. tapered sections and turning lanes. 24 GPTC Muttom . and should be Dept. The purpose of the aggregate layer is to protect the newly constructed membrane from vehicular traffic and construction equipment. aggregate trucks and rubber tire rollers(Figure 12).Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 overlaid with hot mix asphalt prior to the onset of freezing temperatures.The unfinished road. FiberMat and aggregate are shown below(figure11). 25 GPTC Muttom . chip spreader. Dept. FiberMat trailer. Stages of FiberMat application The entire „ train‟ of equipment consists of the emulsion tanker. Fig:12. Of Civil Engg. Fig:11. depending on the severity of the cracking. a combination of special polymer modified asphalt emulsion. Dept. FiberMat Type B is also faster to apply than another conventional SAMI‟s. This method is superior to other surface treatments as there are no adhesion problems and the membrane can‟t gather or tear because it is sprayed in place. the latter may even be applied at later date. The glass fibres are applied at a rate of 100-140g per m2.82. which is then rolled into the surface. chopped fiberglass strands and aggregate. Of Civil Engg.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 and sandwiches them between two layers of asphalt emulsion prior to the application of a light dressing of 6.35mm size aggregate. 26 GPTC Muttom . It can be opened to traffic within initial lay-down and the overlaying of the final wearing course. This mixture act as a highly resilient waterproof membrane that seals and effectively delays reflective cracking.3 litres/m2 FiberMat Type B uses the patented FiberDec process. with asphalt emulsion being applied in two simultaneous applications totaling 1.3 FiberMat Type B APPLICATION Specially developed patented machinery chops (60-90mm length) fiberglass strands in. 27 GPTC Muttom .its thickness absorbs stress. FiberMat Type B acts like a cushion.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 FiberMat Type B has sufficient tensile strength and flexibility to absorb movements in the pavement structure and can prevent the pavement from cracking. While conventional SAMI‟s simply relieve stress. Dept. Where pavement lateral movement of the overlay might occur(due to cracks in the under laying material) FiberMat Type B reduces the magnitude of the resulting strain in the overlay by spreading it over a greater area. Of Civil Engg. thereby acting as a true stress absorbing membrane. 28 GPTC Muttom . consolidating the soil and stabilizing the surrounding area.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 6. Dept. Soil consolidation. which is expensive and time-consuming. filling underground voids. to within a tolerance of 5mm per meter. Next we inject specifically developed environmentally friendly material with uniquely strong and expansive properties. Of Civil Engg. This material expands at a 100% predictable rate. we drill small holes to the appropriate depth above or next to the problem area. URETEK’S UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES (Floor lifting. All this can be achieved without the need for excavation.1 Method After detailed analysis of the problem. Void filling) 6. The process can also be used to lift sunken concrete or foundations with great accuracy. Of Civil Engg.2 ADVANTAGES URETEK‟s unique technologies are particularly effective and there are a number of advantages that are not offered by alternative methods. Universally accepted These methods are universally accepted by architects. 29 GPTC Muttom . national and international authorities and are even recommend by insurers Phenomenal lifting capacity These methods have a lifting capacity of 40.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 Fig:13. We can restore our concrete to full working strength no matter how heavy a load it supports. Dept.000 kg per square metre. 6. so load can immediately be restored to a treated area. Also it cause minimal dust and noise pollution. Of Civil Engg. After only 15 minutes our material has already reached 90% of its full strength. They do not pollute and do not affect the quality of underground water. Dept. 30 GPTC Muttom .Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 Environmentally friendly The resins used are without CFCs and can be applied in practically all circumstances. curing and cleanup equals minimal disruption. Minimal disruption Fast installation. They are even allowed for applications in the food industry. However. CONCLUSIONS Runway rehabilitation scheme requires in-depth study of problems of formulate repair scheme and to choose suitable materials and techniques for repair. no guidelines are available with respect to various methods. These are the fields. However. its long-term performance in context of Indian climatic conditions is yet to be established and proven. 31 GPTC Muttom . Of Civil Engg. which needs further studies. In future. SAMI(FiberMat Type B) to delay propagation of reflection cracks are found to be a lasting solution. these materials are likely to find extensive usage in highway and runway work. Dept.Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 7. Use of new materials like modern asphalts. March 2005.31-39  Pawan Kumar and A K Sriinivastave. IRC Journal of Indian Highways. Dept. “Glass Fibre Reinforced plastic”.trackjet.45-50  ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3  Defence Estates Specification 013 – Marshall Asphalt for Airfields Website: www..REFERENCES  Devendra Kumar. 32 GPTC Muttom .Runway Resurfacing and Repairing Using Modern Materials and Techniques Seminar Report 2012-2013 8. Of Civil Engg. pp.pp. “Runway Maintenance Using modern Techniques”.de. Civil Engineering Construction.. November 2002.
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