Rules and Regulations

March 30, 2018 | Author: Divinelinda Estranero Dela Cruz | Category: Educational Assessment, Secondary School, Test (Assessment), University And College Admission, Identity Document



Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION National Capital Region Division of City Schools of Makati MAKATI SCIENCE HIGHSCHOOL City of Makati SCHOOL RULES AND REGULATIONS (Revised June 2010) I. ADMISSION POLICY (Adapted from DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2005) Incoming Makati Science High School first year students shall be admitted based on the following requirements: A. Student applicants must have grades of at least 85 percent in English, mathematics, and science and technology, and at least 83 percent in other subjects in the first and the second grading periods to qualify for the Makati Science High School Admission Test. B. The Makati Science High School Admission Test shall be conducted by the Makati Science High School Admission Committee and shall include mental ability and aptitude tests in English, mathematics, science and technology, and abstract reasoning. C. The final score of the student examinees shall be computed as follows: English Mathematics Science and Technology Abstract Reasoning TOTAL 30 % 30 % 30 % 10 % 100 % D. The top 125 of the total number of student examinees from the public schools and the top 125 of the total number of student examinees from the private schools and other public schools outside the City of Makati shall be accepted as incoming Makati Science High School first year students. II. ENROLMENT Enrolment at the Makati Science High School is considered as a formal acceptance by students of the obligation to faithfully carry out their responsibilities and their expression of willingness to collaborate with the school administration, faculty, and staff. A. Only student examinees who passed the Makati Science High School Admission Test can enroll in the first year. B. Report Card (Form 138), Certificate of Good Moral Character, Birth Certificate (NSO Copy), and five 1 X 1 ID picture are requirements for enrolment in the first year. C. For the next year level, i. e., second, third, and fourth years, students should meet the grade requirements stated in the Retention Students who fail to enroll on the prescribed period without valid reasons forfeit their rights to enroll. The school requires regular and punctual attendance in all classes. III. C. B. Three instances of tardiness without valid reasons are equivalent to one absence. The excuse slip must be certified by the class adviser or. The same identification card shall be presented for entry and for the use of school facilities. Report Card (Form 138) and five 1 X 1 ID pictures are requirements for enrolment in the second. The school requires its students to wear the official identification card while inside its premises. CODE OF DISCIPLINE The legal basis of the school’s authority to discipline its students is provided in the Manual of Regulations of the Department of Education. E. third. Absences due to illness must be certified by a medical doctor. and fourth years. IDENTIFICATION CARDS 1. IV. The responsibility for making up such work depends upon the students. Failure on the part of the parent or guardian to appear shall be ground for the school principal to drop the student concerned from the school roll. DIRECTIVES ON DISCIPLINE A. E. services. 2. The appreciation or implementation of the rules on attendance and absences may be modified at the discretion of the school principal. B. Students shall enroll on the prescribed period for their particular year level. V. In all cases of absences. D. ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES A. which shall determine if the student should be issued a new identification card or not. All cases of tardiness are considered unjustified unless an excuse letter signed by the parent or guardian is presented to the class adviser. A student who cuts classes shall not be admitted in all his or her classes the next day unless accompanied by his or her parent or guardian. UNIFORMS The school requires its students to attend their classes and school functions in their prescribed uniforms. an excuse or admission slip must be secured from the Guidance Office. Any absence for any cause whatsoever does not exempt a student from written works or examinations and any matters required during the period of his or her absence. in his or her behalf. F.Policy (Section XI of this Rules and Regulations). D. to wit: . The loss of an identification card shall be reported immediately by the student concerned to the Discipline Board. or both. by the guidance counselor. F. A student who incurs 10 consecutive absences or 20 inconsecutive absences in any subject shall be notified by the members of the Discipline Board. incendiary devices. such as borrowing of pens. MINOR OFFENSES 1. interference. 7. misuse. cassette recorders. littering. 3. or barbiturates or operate in any form within the school premises. Sitting on tables and arms of chairs. 2. indecent. 4. 4. 9. Dishonesty. credentials. Disturbance. Possession. during class hours. Engaging in lewd. such as plagiarism or cheating during examination. and . or other deadly weapons. Bringing to school. 7.” VI. 8. Extortion. Fighting or quarrelling within the school premises or in its immediate vicinity. 5. CAUSES OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION The following minor and major offenses are whereby disciplinary and administrative sanctions. and other items that disrupt classes. Spitting. game and watch. or illegal use of narcotic drugs. 9. marijuana. except for causes as defined in this Manual and/or in the school’s rules and regulations duly promulgated and only after due investigations shall have been conducted. Wasteful use of chalk or writing on the board without the teacher’s permission. distribution. Roaming around the room during class sessions or occupying the seat assigned to someone else. which shall be meted out after due investigation by the Discipline Board: A. Drunkenness or drinking liquor within the school premises. 6. Engaging in any form of gambling within the school compound. and 10. or tampering of identification cards. school offices. “No penalty shall be imposed upon any student. transistor radio. books. Violation of haircut or uniform regulation. or documents. Forgery. lending. and official school functions. such as LSD. 8. among others. B. without permission from the school principal. borrowing. or loitering along the hallways or corridors when classes are going on. 3. or alteration of school records. 2. Use or illegal possession of explosive. 5. Theft or damage to property of the school or its constituents. Not wearing. and obstruction with the normal functioning of classes. Schools shall have the authority and prerogative to promulgate such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary from time to time effective as of the date of their promulgation unless otherwise specified. SERIOUS OFFENSES 1. 6. Entering any faculty room without valid reason.“Rule 145. or immoral conduct within the school premises. after due investigation.10. Suspension Second Offense – Suspension and failing grade in conduct Third Offense – Dropping of student from the school roll NOTE: A student who commits three major offenses will be recommended for expulsion. breakage of doors. Every school shall maintain discipline inside the school campus as well as outside the school premises when students are engaged in activities authorized by the school. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE DISCIPLINE BOARD The Discipline Board shall be responsible for the implementation of disciplinary actions for any infractions that a student commits. school principal. C. guidance counselor.” B. LEGAL BASIS The legal basis of the school’s authority to discipline its students is provided in the Manual and Regulations of the Department of Education. which includes tearing or defacing any library books or periodicals. “Section 1. PENALTIES The school reserves the right. DISCIPLINE BOARD A. electrical devices. members. no cruel or physically harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against any pupil or student. school cases. and the parents and teachers association. and other similar acts. VII. unauthorized removal of official notices or posters from bulletin boards. the supreme student government. Vandalism. advisers of the student and the supreme student government. and other parts of the school building. posts. and presidents of the faculty club. Authority to Maintain School Discipline. vice chairman. to subject a student found violating the rules on discipline to the following penalties depending upon the nature and gravity of the offense committed: MINOR OFFENSES First Offense – Reprimand.1. fences. it has the power to formulate special policy or policies regarding students’ . School officials and teachers shall have the right to impose appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in case of minor offenses or infractions of good discipline. However. drawing or posting unauthorized notices on the walls. Likewise. glass windows. COMPOSITION OF THE DISCIPLINE BOARD The Discipline Board is composed of the following: chairman. to wit: “Section 1. year level chairman. Parents to see the school principal Second Offense – Suspension and failing grade in conduct Third Offense – Dropping of student from the school roll SERIOUS OFFENSES First Offense – Parents to see the school principal. He or she sends communication to the parents. as well as providing one’s opportunity to cheat.3 PRESIDENT OF THE FACULTY CLUB. There shall be absolute silence during the whole length of the examination.1 GUIDANCE COUNSELOR. The term cheating during any examinations means not only actual copying from someone but also the possession of the examinee either in his or her person or within his or her reach of any material related to the subject matter under examination. MEMBERS 3. Giving one’s answer is also a form of cheating. informing them of the infraction of their child and inviting them to meet the members of the Discipline Board. and assists the president of the faculty club in writing the final report. The decision of the chairman is final and executory. keeps record of the minutes of the meeting or investigation. 3. because of justifiable reasons. looking at. He or she assists the other members of the Discipline Board in making or formulating decisions and disciplinary sanctions for submission to the chairman of the Discipline Board. However. He or she approves or disapproves the recommendations of the Discipline Board. or holding other’s paper. fails to take any examination. B. He or she helps the president of the faculty club to gather evidences and written statements from students who will support the case. 3. CHAIRMAN.5 PRESIDENT OF THE PARENTS AND TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. 3.behaviors and attitudes not contained in this Rules and Regulations. D. a student who. 2. He or she heads the investigation committee. may be given a special examination upon the discretion of the Discipline Board. No student shall be allowed to take any examination if he or she is not in complete uniform with his or her identification card properly pinned on his polo or her blouse. and recommends sanction or punishment of the student’s infraction. No student shall leave his or her seat during quarter examinations. Students shall take the prescribed quarter examinations scheduled during the school year. C. and 3. A student may be excused to go to the comfort room if he or she is already through with the examination and his or her paper has been turned in. He or she serves as the secretary of the Discipline Board.4 PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME STUDENT GOVERNMENT. like talking to a student. He or she gathers evidences and written statements from witnesses and collates all findings to support the decision of the Discipline Board. submits written report of the findings. VICE CHAIRMAN. The Discipline Board has the following functions: 1. 3.2 CLASS ADVISER. . EXAMINATIONS A. VIII. convenes the members of the Discipline Board to discuss the conduct of investigation. 2005) A. B. 2004 shall continue to be enforced. D. Every learning deficiency shall be addressed and every learning gap shall be bridged. The 60-30-10-test design shall continue to be adopted. where 60 percent of the items shall be easy. AND HEALTH Assignment Quizzes Participation 10 % 10 % 15 % 10 % 20 % 20 % 25 % 25 % 100 % . The following are the percentage distribution of the components of the students’ grades per subject area: FILIPINO Quizzes Periodical Test Projects/Outputs Participation TOTAL ENGLISH Quizzes Periodical Test 10 % 25 % 20 % 25 % 25 % 30 % 100 % Projects/Outputs Participation TOTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Assignment Quizzes Periodical Test Projects/Outputs Participation TOTAL MATHEMATICS Periodical Test Unit Test Quizzes Projects/Outputs Participation TOTAL ARALING PANLIPUNAN Assignment Periodical Test Projects/Outputs Quizzes Participation TOTAL 25 % 40 % 100 % 10 % 10 % 25 % 20 % 35 % 100 % 15 % 15 % 15 % 25 % 30 % 100 % 10 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 30 % 100 % INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Quizzes Participation Projects/Outputs Performance Periodical Test TOTAL MUSIC. 30 percent shall be average or moderately difficult. The implementing guidelines on the performance-based grading system as defined in DepEd Order No. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. GRADING SYSTEM (Adapted from DepEd Order No. Students’ progress in the attainment of objectives shall be regularly monitored as basis for enrichment or remediation.IX. and 10 percent shall be difficult. 35. with emphasis being placed on the formative function of assessment. The use of rubrics as scoring guides shall be continued for a more objective method of rating students. Authentic assessment that considers application of learning in reallife situations shall be the basic mode of measuring learning. 33. C. s. s. Alternative assessment shall be utilized whenever appropriate. ARTS. although assessing critical thinking. 6. Observable manifestation of student’s thoughts. 4. Students’ grades in the previous year level shall not be considered in the ranking of honors for graduating students. 92. as salutatorians. The following are the components and the descriptions of the students’ grades: 1. X. research. speech delivery. 4. journal. Only the grades in the current year level shall be considered in the ranking of honor students. 2. students shall be ranked using 7-3 point scheme (7 points for the academic performance and 3 points for co-curricular activities as explained in the Procedure in the Ranking of Honor Students). s. choral reading. To determine the Top 10. Summative assessment of student’s learning at the end of the quarter. . and so on). student’s demonstration of a skill or process (e. in any year level.). shall be drawn from the Top 10 students of the school. The general average shall be computed to three decimal places. ASSIGNMENT. Summative assessments of student’s learning at the end of the unit. 2009) A. SELECTION OF HONOR STUDENTS (Adapted from DepEd Order No. role play. 2. 3. feelings. 5. book report. 5. candidates shall be declared both in the same honor ranking (both as valedictorians. etc. Candidates for honors. 1. Product of a skill or a process (e. Summative assessments of the student’s learning at the end of the lesson. All candidates for honors must be of good moral character and have not been subjected to any disciplinary action within the current school year. QUIZZES. Work usually done outside the classroom in preparation for the next lesson and may involve an extension or an application of learning. experiment. theatrical performance. g. and 7. music. dance. etc. PARTICIPATION OR PERFORMANCE. BEHAVIOR.Performance Periodical Test Projects/Outputs TOTAL EDUKASYON SA PAGPAPAHALAGA Behavior Periodical Test Projects/Outputs Participation TOTAL 15 % 25 % 25 % 100 % 6. UNIT TESTS. grade is reflected in Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga although every subject teacher is expected to contribute to the assessment of the student’s behavior.). book or movie review. PROJECT OR OUTPUT. PERIODICAL TEST. Student’s involvement in the learning process individually or in group or both. They must not have a final grade of lower than 80 percent in any subject. and attitudes. GENERAL GUIDELINES 10 % 25 % 25 % 40 % 100 % E. In case of a tie. 3. g. In case of protest. and campus journalism. regional.1 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (7 Points) Academic excellence shall be based on the general average of all the learning areas in the curriculum year.1.345 91. national. 1.891 INITIAL RANK 1 2 3 4 5 WEIGHTED RANK 7 14 21 28 35 honors 1. 8. Candidates for honors and their advisers must be present during the open selection process. divisional. PROCEDURE IN THE RANKING OF HONOR STUDENTS 1.1. Any member of the school selection committee must not be related within the second degree of affinity or consanguinity to any of the candidates for honors. ILLUSTRATION NAMES OF CANDIDATES A B C D E AVERAGE OF GRADES IN THE LEARNING AREAS 91. B. The following procedure shall be used in determining honor students: 1. i. it shall be filed by the candidate for honors with his or her parent or guardian to the school principal within five working days from the final announcement and shall be settled by the school selection committee within five working days from the filing of the protest. performing arts. 1.2. respectively. shall be given recognition. 9. and 1.3 Rank the candidates for according to their average. not later than 15 days before the recognition day or commencement exercises. and other civic activities. 1. and international.2 Get the average of the grades of all learning areas.012 89. outstanding awards in recognition of the actualization of what has been learned from school..1.390 90. 1.7. and in special curricular areas.2 CO-CURRICULAR PERFORMANCE (3 Points) Co-curricular performance covers the achievements of the candidates for honors in all levels. and 1. 10. The school principal shall be the chairman of the school selection committee composed of at least three members from the teaching staff and shall make the final announcement of honor students after final results have been duly recommended and approved by the school principal or the schools division superintendent or both. travels in relation to school work.2.258 90. The rating shall be based on the combined assessments of all the teachers of the candidate in the year level. such as English. The procedure for ranking on academic excellence is as follows: 1.2.1. e. The composite rank is the sum of all the ranks given by the raters.1 Compute the average of each learning area up to three decimal places. and science and technology. school. . such as athletics.1 Get the composite rank of each candidate for honors. mathematics.2 Rank the candidates for honors from the lowest to the highest sum.3 Multiply the rank by 3 points. active participation in authorized clubs or student organizations. Achievements of students in specific academic disciplines.4 Multiply the rank by 7 points. 2005) A. All students.1 Add the weighted ranks of the students 1. beliefs. Obtain a final grade of at least 83.2 or A.5 3 3.1 shall disqualify a student to enroll in the next year level at the Makati Science High School.000 percent with no final grade lower than 80. he or she should: . are required to participate in school functions. XI. mathematics.5 3 5 4 WEIGHTED RANK 4.5 18. Failure to meet A.5 1 1 2 3.0 21.5 4. 5 2 2 3 4 5 6 3 3 4 5 2 1 1 2 4 5 3 2 1 4 5 2 3 2.000 percent in English.5 COMPOSITE RANK 15.5 9 15 12 TOTAL 11.5 9 15 12 1. or activities. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A.ILLUSTRATION NAMES OF CANDIDATES A B C D E ACTIVITIES 3 4 5 3. C. and science and technology.000 percent in all subjects.000 percent in other subjects. programs. 41. Co-curricular activities are a part of the computation of candidates for honor students.0 43.3 FINAL RANKING 1. A corresponding weight of 30 percent is given. Failure to meet A.5 FINAL RANK 1.3 or both shall put an incoming second year or third year student under probation for a period of one year.3. including additional subjects. Obtain a final grade of at least 85. and 3. Obtain a general average of at least 85.5 1. regardless of creeds. For a student to remain in the program. 1.5 18.5 15.5 19. RETENTION POLICY (Adapted from DepEd Order No. s.2 Rank the sums from the lowest to the highest ILLUSTRATION NAMES OF CANDIDATES A B C D E ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE 7 14 21 28 35 CO-CURRICULAR PERFORMANCE 4.5 30.3.5 4.0 47 RANK 1 2 3 4 5 XII.5 4 3. B. or religions. B. I hereby declare that I have read the rules and regulations and promise to abide by these. _______________________________________ STUDENT’S SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME _______________________________________ ADVISER’S SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME _______________________________________ DATE LOURDES FULGENCIO GONZALEZ Guidance Counselor CONFORME: _______________________________________ DATE _______________________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME DIVINELINDA ESTRAÑERO-DELA CRUZ. ED D Principal II _______________________________________ DATE _______________________________________ DATE .
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