rtn 1 System Description



Chapter 1 Overview ......................................................................................... 1.1 Introduction to IAD .................................................................................. 1.2 Functions of the IAD132E(T) .................................................................. 1.3 Services Provided by the IAD132E(T) .................................................... Chapter 2 Features .......................................................................................... 2.1 Flexible Configuration ............................................................................. 2.2 Diversified Interfaces .............................................................................. 2.2.1 Interfaces Provided by Rear-access IAD132E(T) .......................... 2.2.2 Interfaces Provided by Front-access IAD132E(T) ......................... 2.3 High QoS ................................................................................................ 2.4 Multiple Call Modes ................................................................................ 2.5 Convenient Management ....................................................................... 2.6 Simple Maintenance ............................................................................... 2.7 Reliability ................................................................................................ 2.8 Security .................................................................................................. Chapter 3 Structure ......................................................................................... 3.1 Hardware Structure ................................................................................ 3.1.1 Front Panel .................................................................................... 3.1.1 Rear Panel ..................................................................................... 3.2 Software System .................................................................................... 3.2.1 Principle ......................................................................................... 3.2.2 Software Structure ......................................................................... Chapter 4 Networking Applications ............................................................... 4.1.1 Hybrid Access ..................................................................................... 4.1.2 Networking with PSTN/PBX ................................................................ 4.1.3 IP Centrex Networking ........................................................................ 4.1.4 Networking for Multiple Uplink Modes ................................................. 4.1.5 Networking with ETG........................................................................... Chapter 5 Specifications and References ..................................................... 5.1 System Specifications ............................................................................ 5.2 Service Specifications ............................................................................ 5.3 Complied Standards and Protocols ........................................................ Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................ 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-4 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-3 A-1 HUAWEI U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device System Description V100R001/ V100R101/ V100R002 U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device System Description Manual Version Product Version BOM T2-010275-20040830-C-1.14 V100R001/ V100R101/ V100R002 31020775 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support and service. Please feel free to contact our local office, customer care center or company headquarters. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Administration Building, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, P. R. China Postal Code: 518129 Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: [email protected] SmartAX are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co. iSite. SYNLOCK. TELESIGHT. INtess.Copyright © 2004 Huawei Technologies Co. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy of the contents. . M900/M1800. Trademarks . express or implied. ViewPoint. U-SYS. Ltd. Radium. Musa. EAST8000. Quidview.. OptiX. All other trademarks mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective holders.. C&C08. Lansway. Tellwin. OpenEye. Netkey. but all statements. TELLIN. DOPRA. Airbridge. iTELLIN. information. and recommendations in this manual do not constitute the warranty of any kind. Quidway. Ltd. . Notice The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. NETENGINE. Inmedia. iMUSE. Ltd. VRP. All Rights Reserved No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co. HONET. C&C08 iNET. SoftX. InfoLink. HUAWEI OptiX. HUAWEI.. ETS. DMC. Organization of the Manual The manual briefs the function. supported services and networking applications of the U-SYS IAD132E(T). software modules and the implementation principles. including the functional structure. Chapter 5 Specifications and References introduces the system specifications and service specifications. data configuration. It provides guides on the installation of the IAD132E(T). applications and specifications of the U-SYS IAD 132E(T) Chapter 1 Overview introduces the functions. Related Manuals Manual U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Operation Manual U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Installation Manual Content It provides guides on the use of IAD132E(T) command line. orientation. Intended Readers The manual is intended for the following readers: . Chapter 2 Features introduces in detail the merits of the U-SYS IAD132E(T). orientation. Chapter 3 Structure introduces the hardware structure. application and specifications. including the hardware installation and software loading. It provides an overall introduction to the IAD132E(T). Chapter 4 Networking Applications introduces five typical networking applications of IAD132E(T).About This Manual Version The product versions that correspond to this manual are U-SYS IAD132E(T) V100R001. as well as the complied protocols and standards. structure. Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations is a collection of acronyms and abbreviations used in this manual. and maintenance operations. IAD132E(T) V100R101and IAD132E(T) V100R002. Window names... Description II. For example. Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. III. Terminal Display is in Courier New. Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional... One is selected. pop up the [New User] window. menu items. click <OK> button. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.. Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. } [ x | y | . Command conventions Convention Boldface italic [] { x | y | . General conventions Convention Arial Arial Narrow Boldface Courier New Normal paragraphs are in Arial. Multi-level menus are separated by forward slashes. Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. ] * Description The keywords of a command line are in Boldface. One or none is selected. Warnings. [File/Create/Folder]. Many or none can be selected.Network designers and administrators Technicians concerned with the U-SYS IAD132E(T). Cautions. } * [ x | y | . Headings are in Boldface.. For example. Conventions This manual uses the following conventions: I. Notes and Tips are in Arial Narrow.. data table and field names are inside square brackets. Command arguments are in italic. For example. . ] { x | y | .. GUI conventions Convention <> [] / Description Button names are inside angle brackets. V. Warning. Tip. Comment. Thought: Means a complementary description. Press the left button twice continuously and quickly. For example. <Tab>. Mouse operation Action Click Double Click Drag Description Press the left button or right button quickly (left button by default).IV. <Alt. Symbols Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of special attention during the operation. Press the keys in turn. <Enter>. Knowhow. A> means the two keys should be pressed in turn. Press and hold the left button and drag it to a certain position. For example. Note. . Press the keys concurrently. Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the operation. VI. For example. <Ctrl+Alt+A> means the three keys should be pressed concurrently. Key2> Description Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. Keyboard operation Format <Key> <Key1+Key2> <Key1. or <A>. <Backspace>. They are defined as follows: Caution. ............. 3-1 3...............................................1 Interfaces Provided by Rear-access IAD132E(T) ...................................................................3 High QoS ...............................................................................2 Interfaces Provided by Front-access IAD132E(T) ................................................................................................... 5-1 5............. 1-2 Chapter 2 Features ................................1....................................................1 Principle............................ 2-1 2........... 4-5 Chapter 5 Specifications and References ..........................................................................1 Front Panel.................................. 2-4 2................2.........................................................................................................1 Introduction to IAD ....................................... 4-3 4..............................................................2.................................................................................1............................................................................. 5-3 Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ............1 Flexible Configuration ............ 5-1 5............ 1-1 1................ 2-1 2.............................................. 2-2 2...................... 2-4 2........................1...........................................................1 System Specifications......2 Service Specifications......................................................7 Reliability...........................2 Functions of the IAD132E(T) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4-4 4........... 1-1 1..............................................................................2 Software Structure .........................................................................2.....................................................................................................A-1 i ...... 2-2 2.............................6 Simple Maintenance ...........................System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 Overview ............1 Hybrid Access ..............2.....................................................................................................................3 Complied Standards and Protocols ............................1.......... 4-2 4......................................................1...............................................................................................4 Networking for Multiple Uplink Modes...............2 Diversified Interfaces ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3........... 2-1 2........................... 3-1 3.......................... 2-3 2............................................................................................. 1-2 1.......................................................................2 Networking with PSTN/PBX ..............................................................4 Multiple Call Modes ......8 Security .............. 3-2 3......... 2-2 2............................................1................ 3-3 3.....3 IP Centrex Networking .............. 5-1 5................................... 2-1 2...............................................................................................1 Rear Panel .......................................................................2 Software System...1 Hardware Structure............................... 2-5 Chapter 3 Structure ........................................................................................ 4-1 4.............................................................5 Convenient Management.................. 4-1 4...........................................................................1........................................................................................................................5 Networking with ETG ..3 Services Provided by the IAD132E(T) . 3-3 3... 3-4 Chapter 4 Networking Applications.................... as shown in Figure Figure 1-1 Appearance of front-access IAD132E(T) Figure 1-2 Appearance of rear-access IAD132E(T) 1-1 . The IAD132E(T) has two models: front-access model and rear-access model. In IP Access Network (IP AN).1 Introduction to IAD The Integrated Access Device (IAD) locates at the access layer of the Next Generation Network (NGN). The IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device of Huawei. in order to provide telephone service over global IP network at a very low cost. The IAD132E(T) networks with softswitching systems through H. The IAD132E(T) can provide efficient and high-quality voice services over the global IP network (Internet or Intranet). Meanwhile. IAD adopts the Voice over IP (VoIP) technology to encapsulate analog voice signals into data packets that can be transmitted over packet-switched network.248 or MGCP. it can network with Edge Trunk Gateway (ETG) and connect the call between the calling party and called party under the control of softswitching system or ETG. and provide VoIP/FoIP solutions for customers. acts as an IP-based Voice/Fax over IP (VoIP/FoIP) Media Gateway (MG). referred to as the IAD132E(T) hereafter. and is an important component in the NGN solutions.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 1 Overview 1. IAD also implements access for data and visual terminals. Depending on hardware configuration. its features are as follows.248 MGCP/H. 100Base-FX. Compared with Access Media Gateway (AMG5000). IAD132E(T) can access 16 or 32 Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) subscribers and provide one 10/100Base-TX network port to access data subscribers. H.248 IAD132E(T) AMG5000 PSTN PSTN PCphone SIP multimeia termianl Ephone Figure 1-3 Position of IAD132E(T) in the network 1. and sends the IP packets over the IP network to the called MG.323GK R R AAA SCP 3rd Party Server MRS SoftSwitch SoftSwitch SG IP network TMG TMG MGCP/H. including: Access POTS subscribers to IP network Access POTS subscribers to PSTN 1-2 .System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 1 Overview 1. IAD132E(T) encapsulates the voice-band signals into IP packets with standard voice codec and compression technologies. or Very-high-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL). In this way. It is suitable for the enterprises. like 10/100Base-TX. residential communities and companies that have only a few subscribers. IAD132E(T) can access the IP network in multiple modes. VoIP and FoIP functions are achieved.3 Services Provided by the IAD132E(T) IAD132E(T) provides abundant services. Figure 1-3 shows the position of IAD132E(T) in the network.2 Functions of the IAD132E(T) As one of the most popular terminal devices in NGN. So that the subscriber can have more choices to meet individual requirements. which will make a reverse conversion on the IP packets to recover the original voice-band signals. 38 fax or transparent fax transmission PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) Test on subscriber line Backup of SoftSwitch Together with the Data and Voice Conflux (DVC) device and a LAN switch (LSW in the following figure). Various new services prescribed in the national standards in coordination with a SoftSwitch Intelligent services and special applications in coordination with a SoftSwitch. Caller Identification Display (CID) and call waiting. to provide voice/data signal access over a hybrid Category 5 (C5) cable PSTN services like call forwarding. and internal SPC T.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 1 Overview Access Private Branch Exchange (PBX) to IP network Access data subscribers to IP network Semi-Permanent Connection (SPC) over IP network. 1-3 . 2 Diversified Interfaces The two types of IAD132E(T) can provide the following interfaces. fax and data access promoted by the residential communities. 2. easy-to-maintain and simple-structured device. and an ATU provides 4 FXO ports.2. 2.1 Flexible Configuration The rear-access IAD132E(T) provides three slots. The cards accommodated in Slot 1 and Slot 2 can be: ASI (Analog Subscriber Interface) card ATI (Analog Trunk Interface) card The cards accommodated in Slot 3 (only provided by the rear-access model) can be: FSIU/FMIU (100Base-FX Single Mode Fast Ethernet Interface Unit /100Base-FX Multi-Module Fast Ethernet Interface Unit ) FTIU (100Base-TX Fast Ethernet Electrical Interface Unit) VDU (Very-high-rate DSL Interface Unit) ATU (Analog Trunk Interface Unit) Note: Slot1 and Slot2 can accommodate both ASI and ATI. Electrical Ethernet: Five 10/100Base-TX ports (4 on the front panel. and the front-access IAD132E(T) provides two slots. 1 on the FTIU) 2-1 .1 Interfaces Provided by Rear-access IAD132E(T) POTS: Each ASI card provides 16 POTS ports (FXS port) FXO: Each ATI card provides 16 FXO ports. 2. The transmission of voice and data over IP network can greatly reduce the subscribers’ expenses on the calls. Such modular design enables the customer to choose proper types according to actual needs. office buildings and enterprises. easy-to-install. and enables easier data access.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 2 Features Chapter 2 Features The IAD132E(T) is a low-investment. It meets the requirements on voice. 168 Lost-packet compensation Detection/generation of Dual Tone MultiFrequency (DTMF) signals Optional TX/RX gain control 2. These three PSTN call modes cannot be configured on the same IAD132E(T). Electrical Ethernet: Two 10/100Base-TX ports.3 High QoS To ensure a high Quality of Service (QoS). VoIP calls are implemented under the control of SoftSwitch in NGN.165/G. which means the method for the IAD132E(T) to implement conversation. There are three call modes. PSTN calls can be classified into AT0 (Analog Trunk) call.2 Interfaces Provided by Front-access IAD132E(T) POTS: Each ASI card provides 16 POTS ports (FXS port) FXO: Each ATI card provides 16 FXO ports. Serial port: RS-232 local maintenance port (CONSOLE). the following functions and features have been enabled on the IAD132E(T): Voice Activation Detection (VAD) Comfortable Noise Generation (CNG) Dynamic adjustment of Jitter Buffer Echo cancellation in compliance with ITU-T G. IAD132E(T) supports VoIP mode. VDSL: VDU card provides one VDSL port. 2. PSTN call mode means to connect the subscriber to the PSTN through FXO port.2.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 2 Features Optical Ethernet (single mode/multimode): FSIU card provides one 100Base-FX single mode optical port. Serial port: RS-232 local maintenance port (CONSOLE).4 Multiple Call Modes Call mode: It is also called call routing mode. 2-2 . PSTN call without convergence. VDSL: One VDSL port. Internal call mode means that IAD132E(T) independently implements the call between two FXS ports without the attendance of SoftSwitch. FMIU card provides one 100Base-FX multimode optical port. VoIP mode Internal call mode PSTN call mode By default. and PSTN call with convergence. 2. It includes the following aspects. 2. IADMS is generally located in the machine room on the remote end. you can configure the PSTN call as with or without convergence. IADMS is a subsystem of Huawei iManager N2000 U-SYS Management System (UMS). You can invoke the IADMS Client program in the network management system to manage the IADs.5 Convenient Management The maintenance of IAD132E(T) is very convenient. The existence of multiple call modes promotes the communication reliability. I. In case the VoIP network is faulty.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 2 Features AT0 provides another means for connecting the PSTN with the NGN. while IAD132E(T) connects them through analog trunk cables. the IAD telephone subscribers in the NGN can call the subscribers in the PSTN through the IAD132E(T) that is configured as in AT0 mode. II. If the number of configured FXO ports equals to that of FXS ports. This networking mode differs from that of the Trunk Media Gateway (TMG) in that the TMG connects the NGN and the PSTN through E1 trunks. The internal call mode and PSTN call mode make full use of the network resources. Remote maintenance Telnet login Network management through Web browser Concentrated network management via SNMP V2/V3 Huawei’s Integrated Access Device Management System (IADMS) running over the SNMP V2/V3 facilitates centralized management on multiple IADs. If the number of configured FXO ports is less than that of FXS ports. In this mode. it is called PSTN call with convergence. and you can create multiple IADMSs under the same UMS to manage different telecom operators’ IADs in the entire network. intelligent terminals and other network devices. The calls with or without convergence provides interconnection between the PSTN subscriber and the telephone subscriber in the IAD132(T). Local and Remote Maintenance 1) 2) Local maintenance Local maintenance is implemented through the serial port (Console). According to actual networking condition and hardware configuration. the IAD subscribers can dial PSTN numbers in these two modes. since the UMS needs only to manage a limited number of IADMSs. it is called PSTN call without convergence. This hierarchical structure helps to reduce the working load of the network management system. while the iManager N2000 UMS is installed in the management center. Perfect On-line Help Information 1) Command line 2-3 . The system can automatically detect the faults and report alarms through the NM system to shorten the recovery time. and noise control (auto-control on the fan speed according to the temperature). NM alarm reporting and traffic statistics. Independent clock module for the Control and Voice Processor (CVP) and the components on the ASI/ATI.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 2 Features The on-line help supports multiple languages. on-line test. Excellent maintenance.7 Reliability Perfect fault detection and NMS alarm function. if you enter “help” or “?”. power off the system first. Hot-swappable cards for easy replacement. File loading through the Ethernet ports in File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) mode. There is also a toolbar in the NMS GUI that offers shortcut icons for common operation commands. Over-current and over-voltage protection for power module and interface units. 2. 2-4 . In this way. When you put the cursor on the icon. 2) NMS ”Help” main menu is available in the NMS Graphic User Interface (GUI). On-line upgrading and smooth expansion.6 Simple Maintenance Console port on the front panel for fast and easy configuration and test. Support to dual backup of MGCs. while ensuring correct phases between related clocks. you can obtain the function descriptions for all the commands that correspond to the mode. monitor on power supply and temperature. fault detecting. Fast restoration of cards: when BIOS loading program from Flash. the cards can recover in less than two minutes after resetting. Watch Dog Timer (WDT) helps system recover in case of software abnormality. and which are available for your authority level. description on corresponding command will be displayed. the IAD132E(T) can automatically switch to register on the backup MGC by means of heartbeat detection or event reliability. By default. 2. If the active MGC is faulty. It can also perform automatic detection on faults. In any configuration mode. To do this. the services on the IAD132E(T) is ensured. The language files can be loaded or updated independently. The service of the system will be interrupted if the service uplink card is plugged or unplugged. it is in English. Oper and Exec. The operation log records the login information of various operators (including user name.8 Security In NGN. The device ID. and the SoftSwitch completes the control functions. and different devices should have different device IDs. In the IAD132E(T). in order to prevent unauthorized access. The information will not get lost even if the IAD132E(T) is powered off. debug log etc. The command line is protected by a hierarchy of authorities. and the same secret key should be configured on the SoftSwitch when the IAD132E(T) is put into service. login date. Admin and SuperAdmin can operate in all the command modes. which can be the MGCP domain name or H. and IP address or domain name of the SoftSwitch. the device ID. secret key. The alarm log records major events (mostly alarms) occurred in the system. and the debug log is the collection of the debugging information. alarm log. When an IAD132E(T) device is put into service. if the authority levels are different. Admin. An Exec can only operate in the user mode. 2-5 . login mode and IP address) and the operations made on the device after login. The commands that are available for different operators may be different. So the IAD132E(T) must register to the IADMS and the SoftSwitch respectively before the service can start. while the Oper. IP address or domain name of the IADMS. The IADMS and SoftSwitch will perform authentication on the IAD132E(T) for management and service control. login time. the IADMS implements management on the IAD132E(T). will be assigned onto the IAD132E(T).System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 2 Features 2. There are four levels of operator authorities: SuperAdmin. is a character string no longer than 32 bytes. Logs are used to record the maintenance and operation information of the system. The secret key is also a character string no longer than 32 bytes.248 Management Information Base (MIB). there are operation log. and its pinouts 4 and 5 can be used as VDSL port. The hardware structure of the front-access model differs greatly from that of the rear-access model.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 3 Structure Chapter 3 Structure The IAD132E(T) adopts box-like design. RUN. and has a plug-in card structure. with width as 19 inches and height as 1 U. 3. It provides front-access box and rear-access box. This chapter describes the structure of IAD132E(T) in aspects of hardware and software. ALM indicators (7) CONSOLE port (2) Slot2 (5) LAN interface (8) RESET button (3) Line indicators (6) WAN port Figure 3-1 Front panel of front-access IAD132E(T) Descriptions on ports: Slot1/Slot2: Slot for ATI and ASI.1 Front Panel I. Description on indicators: 3-1 . Description on button: RESET: Button used to reboot the device. The following part describes them. WAN/LAN: 10/100Base adaptive Ethernet electrical interface. The ports on the front panel are shown in Figure 3-1 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 7 (1) Slot1 (4) PWR. Console: Maintenance serial port.1. It has two slots. Front-access model The front-access model is a 2-slot modular design. The WAN port is an RJ-45 port.1 Hardware Structure The ports of the IAD132E(T) are located on the front and rear panels. 3. 1 (1) -48V DC power port 2 (2) grounding stud Figure 3-3 Rear panel of the front-access IAD132E(T) 3-2 . Front-access model As shown in Figure 3-3. Console: Maintenance serial port. there are -48V DC power port and grounding stud. RUN: System running indicator. Rear-access model The rear-access IAD132E(T) is a 19-inch wide and 1U high box that contains three slots. Descriptions on indicators: PWR: Power indicator. 1 2 3 4 (1) Ethernet electrical interface (2) Console port (4) PWR. on the rear panel of IAD132E(T). BSY1/BSY2: Card state indicator.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 3 Structure Line indicators: They indicate whether the 0~31 user channels of slot 1 and slot 2 are busy. RUN: System running indicator. PWR: Power indicator. ALM and BSY1/BSY2 indicators (3) Reset button Figure 3-2 Front panel of the rear-access IAD132E(T) Descriptions of ports: 10/100BASE-TX: 10/100Base adaptive Ethernet electrical interface.1 Rear Panel I. RUN. ALM: Alarm indicator. The ports on the front panel are shown in Figure 3-2.1. ALM: Alarm indicator II. 3. Description of button: RESET: Button used to reboot the device. 248.2. Rear-access model The rear-access IAD132E(T) has three slots on the rear panel to accommodate different types of cards. next to which are the three slots. Then the IP packets are transmitted uplink to the IP network through the LSW network port. On the leftmost is the power switch and socket. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)/IP data flow) are transmitted to the device via ASI or ATI.2 Software System 3. Controlled by the CPU. and then encoded by the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) on the CVP. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (1) Power switch (4) Slot 1 (2) AC power port (5) Slot 2 (3) Reset button (6) Slot 3 Figure 3-4 Rear panel of rear-access IAD132E(T) 3.e. The signaling data flow exchanged between the IAD132E(T) and the SoftSwitch complies with MGCP or H. as shown in Figure 3-6. 3-3 .1 Principle Figure 3-5 shows the implementation principle and logic structure of the IAD132E(T). the PCM/IP data flow is encapsulated into IP packets according to the Realtime Transport Protocol/Realtime Transport Control Protocol (RTP/RTCP).System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 3 Structure II. PCM data flow Analog phone subscriber RTP data flow IP data flow NMS ASI CVP Analog trunk subscriber FTIU LAN Switch Router IP network ATI SoftSwitch IAD132E(T) PCM/IP data flow Management and maintenance data flow Signaling data flow Figure 3-5 Service implementation of the IAD132E(T) The voice signals from the subscriber (i. not only be able to report its own state to the SoftSwitch. Adminations and Maintenance (OAM) module Service access module IP network interface Subscriber interface SPC processing module TDM/DSP IP network interface POTS VoIP service processing module FXO interface TDM/DSP IP network interface FXO Protocol processing module MGCP/H.2.2 Software Structure The software system of the IAD132E(T) consists of the master CPU software and DSP software on the CVP. administration and maintenance of the IAD132E(T).System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 3 Structure The IAD132E(T) is a self-contained device in NGN. but also implements detection. The IAD132E(T) software can also be divided into the following functional modules: Operations. 3-4 . Administration and Maintenance (OAM) module Service access module SPC processing module VoIP service processing module Protocol processing module Bottom-layer drive processing module Figure 3-6 shows the relationship among the modules: Operations. and is responsible for call control. 3. Service access module: It filters and reports the information about analog or analog trunk subscribers while forwarding the messages from the service modules. The master CPU software is the core of the device. alarm reporting and management functions on itself.248 Bottom-layer drive processing module Figure 3-6 Functional modules of the IAD132E(T) OAM module: It is responsible for operations. VAD and CNG. management & maintenance and forwarding of media stream. The DSP software implements voice codec. detection/generation of DTMF and Frequency Shift Keying (FSK). Protocol processing module: It processes MGCP/H248 stack and protocol adaptation.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 3 Structure SPC processing module: It sets up and maintains the SPC between the subscribers of the same IAD132E(T). or between subscribers of different IAD132E(T) devices. Bottom-layer drive processing module: It drives the functional chips on the CVP. 3-5 . VoIP service processing module: It controls the signaling exchange between the subscribers. controls the TDM/DSP subscriber module and interworks with the Media Gateway Controller (MGC). and large office rooms. as shown in Figure 4-1.1. office buildings and corporations to deploy VoIP and FoIP services. On this hybrid C5 cable. pins 1. 4. like in the residential communities. SoftSwitch NGN NMS iOSS App server C5 cable core IADMS IP network LSW C5 cable DVC LSW C5 cable IAD132E(T) Hybrid C5 cable Splitter Telephone line C5 cable IAD132E(T) Telephone line Telephone line Figure 4-1 Hybrid access over one C5 cable with DVC When a DVC is available.1 Hybrid Access This application is typically used in a small-capacity network for voice and data access. as shown in the lower-left part in Figure 4-1. As the MG for concentrated access. the IAD132E(T) can uplink with the IP network through its Ethernet interfaces. Figure 4-2 shows the front and rear panel of a DVC. and downlink the subscribers through the POTS ports over the telephone lines already laid in the area. 3 and 6 of the RJ45 connector are directly connected 4-1 . stories in office buildings. The DVC provides 16 access ports and combines an ordinary telephone line into the C5 cable to form a hybrid C5 cable. and it is widely applied in residential communities. the IAD132E(T) can implement the access of data and voice at the same time over a hybrid C5 cable that connects the DVC with the subscriber through a splitter.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 4 Networking Applications Chapter 4 Networking Applications A single IAD132E(T) device can provide a maximum of 32 VoIP/FoIP channels. 2. The IAD132E(T) subscriber can directly call the PBX subscriber. 2.1. In the PSTN call ode without convergence. Figure 4-2 Front and rear view of a DVC 4. and can make either VoIP calls in NGN. the IAD132E(T) (in the lower-left part of the figure) can be connected to PSTN through its FXO port. The IAD132E(T) also provides AT0 call (Analog Trunk call). the subscribers can communicate through the other network.2 Networking with PSTN/PBX To protect our customers’ investment. can connect to the FXO port on IAD132E(T) through the user cable (that is FXS port) on PBX. 3 and 6 to transmit data signals. you can configure the corresponding relationship between FXO interface and FXS interface. which has PBX. while pins 4 and 5 are connected to the telephone lines to transmit voice signals. An enterprise. the interconnection between PBX user and NGN can be implemented. when one of the networks is busy or out of service. as shown in the right part of Figure 4-3. so as to implement the “one set with two numbers” function. The IAD132E(T) in right part can call the subscribers in the PSTN through the IAD132E(T) in left part. In Figure 4-3. In this way. or PSTN calls. 4-2 . In this way. A subscriber has two numbers for the two networks. As shown in Figure 4-3. configure the IAD132E(T) as to provide AT0 call. the IAD132E(T) allows coexistence of circuit-switched phones and packet-switched phones.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 4 Networking Applications to the output pins 1. 3 IP Centrex Networking This networking provides IP Centrex solution for large or medium-sized enterprises.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 4 Networking Applications NGN NMS SoftSwitch iOSS App server IP network IADMS PSTN LSW PBX LSW FXO FXO IAD132E(T) IAD132E(T) FXS FXS Figure 4-3 Networking with current PSTN/PBX The Foreign eXchange Subscriber (FXS) port usually connects with ordinary telephone set or fax machine on the subscriber side. In this application. you need to set the convergence ratio to 16:16. in order to provide calling signals like the ringing tone and dialing tone. The SoftSwitch defines the headquarters and the branches as a basic subscriber group. 4. the convergence ratio between the FXO port and the FXS port can be 4:32. They can enjoy the basic services and new services of IP Centrex. 4:16 or 16:16. the FXS ports and FXO ports work together so that the POTS subscribers can access the PSTN. IP Centrex can be used for the communication among the headquarters and branches in different geographical locations. Subscribers in this group can be both IP phone subscribers and PBX subscribers. In the “one set with two numbers” service. or connects with the PBX or other devices with FXO ports. On the IAD132E(T).1. 4-3 . As shown in Figure 4-4. 1. SoftSwitch NGN NMS iOSS App server IP network PSTN IADMS LSW C5 cable Fiber DSLAM IAD132E(T) IAD132E(T) IAD132E(T) Uplink through Ethernet electrical interface Uplink through Ethernet optical port VDSL uplink Figure 4-5 Networking with multiple uplink modes 4-4 . PC users can access the IP network through the network port provided by IAD132E(T).4 Networking for Multiple Uplink Modes The IAD132E(T) provides multiple uplink modes for your choice: you can uplink through the electrical Ethernet port.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device SoftSwitch Chapter 4 Networking Applications NGN NMS iOSS App server IP network IADMS LSW LSW IAD132E(T) IAD132E(T) IP Centrex Figure 4-4 IP Centrex networking 4. the optical Ethernet port or VDSL port. while in IPAN. and the ETG implements control over the IAD132E(T) through H.248/MGCP.248/MGCP. the control device is the SoftSwitch. NGN NMS PSTN V5 interface ETG IP network IADMS LSW LSW IAD132E(T) IAD132E(T) Figure 4-6 Networking with ETG 4-5 .System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 4 Networking Applications 4.1.5 Networking with ETG Apart from standard NGN networking. The ETG uplinks the PSTN switch through its trunk interfaces running V5 protocol to provide all the services that can be provided in the PSTN. the control device is the Edge Trunk Gateway (ETG) that is capable of terminating H. the IAD132E(T) supports the IP Access Network (IP AN). In the IPAN network. as shown in Figure 4-6. the IAD132E(T) is connected to the ETG over the IP network. In a standard NGN networking. number of subscribers 32 analog subscribers (2 ASI cards) 32 analog trunk subscribers (2 ATI cards) Front-access model can access one data subscriber.2 Service Specifications Item Call processing ability Simultaneous calls Specification 2.0 V DC. working current is 5 A.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 5 Specifications and References Chapter 5 Specifications and References 5. Rear-access model can access four data subscribers.000 BHCAs (Busy Hour Call Attempts) 32 5-1 .0 A 86W 436mm (W)×360mm (D)×42mm (H) 436mm (W)×375mm (D)×42mm (H) 8 kg Long term: 0~+55°C Short term: -40 ~+85°C Long term: 5%~85% (non-coagulation) Short term: 0%~90% ≤4000m 70~106kPa Power supply Max. power consumption Dimensions Weight Temperature Relative humidity Altitude Atmospheric pressure 5. 50/60Hz. For front-access model: -48 V DC. Max.1 System Specifications Item Specification 16 analog subscribers (1 ASI card) 16 analog trunk subscribers (1 ATI card) Max. input current 2. ranging -40. For rear-access model: AC: 100~240V.0 ~ -57. 729: <30ms G. delay =100ms) Voice quality Reliability = MTBF/ (MTBF+MTTR) Mean Time (MTBF) Between Failures MOS >3.3Kbps CODEC delay: G.0 with worst-quality network (packet loss ratio =5%.723. jittering tolerance ≤80ms System jittering <10ms Objective voice assessment: Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement (PSQM) average <1.729: <8Kbps Voice encoding rate G. delay =100ms) Voice quality PSQM average <2.3Kbps G.0 with worst-quality network (packet loss ratio =5%.0 with high-quality network MOS >3.8 with poor-quality network (packet loss ratio =1%.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 5 Specifications and References Item DSP convergence ratio Call completion rate 1-hour call hold capacity Voice coder conversion time 1:1 >99% >99% <60ms G.723(5.99% >30000h <30min Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) 5-2 . network jittering =20ms. network jittering =60ms.3K): <5.723(6. delay =400ms) Subjective voice assessment: Mean Opinion Score (MOS) >4. network jittering =60ms.5 with poor-quality network (packet loss ratio =1%. delay =400ms) >99.5 in high-quality network PSQM average <1. network jittering =20ms.1: <40ms Delay Specification IP packet forwarding delay: <8ms (1516-byte forwarding delay) RTCP test delay ≤1s Max.3K): <6. V.29. ITU-T G. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)/Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP).21.3Kbps).711 µ-Law (64Kbps). Call signal (call control) IETF MGCP (RFC 2705).711 A-Law (64Kbps). ITU-T T. V.System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Access Device Chapter 5 Specifications and References 5.1 (6.38 real-time IP G3 protocol. IP address allocation Static or DHCP.3 Complied Standards and Protocols The IAD132E(T) complies with the following standards and protocols: I. V. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). Internet Transfer Control Protocol (TCP)/IP. busy tone. V. 5-3 . ITU-T G. ringback tone. II. Tone generation and test Dual-Tone MultiFrequency (DTMF) and calling tones (dialing tone.729A (8Kbps). IP fax Transparent transmission. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client and TFTP Client. RFC 2327). VII. Domain Name Server (DNS) Client. off-hook tone and so on). VI. IV. ITU-T G. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Web Server.27ter and V. User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/IP.723.17.3K/5. Voice packet encapsulation/decapsulation RTP (RFC1889) and Session Description Protocol (SDP. rate <14400bps. Telnet. Voice/multi-media data signal CODEC ITU-T G. voice/fax automatic identification. III. 248 I IAD IADMS IPAN M MFC MGC MGCP MGW MRS N NGN NMS O OAM A-1 .System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Acess Device Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Abbreviation 3rd Party Server Third Party Server Access Media Gateway Analog Subscriber Interface Analog Trunk Interface Analog Trunk Interface Unit Busy Hour Call Attempts BOOT strap Protocol Basic Rate Interface Command Line Interface Comfort Noise Generation Control and Voice Processor Distributed Object-oriented Programmable Architecture Digital Subscriber Line Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer Data Signal Processor Data and Voice Conflux Echo Cancellation Ethernet Telephone Adapter Edge Trunk Gateway Fast Ethernet 100Base-FX Multi-Mode Fast Ethernet Interface Unit 100Base-FX Single Mode Fast Ethernet Interface Unit 100Base-T Fast Ethernet Electrical Interface Unit Fax over IP File Transfer Protocol Foreign eXchange Office Foreign eXchange Station H. Administration and Maintenance Real-time Meaning A AMG ASI ATI ATU B BHCA BOOTP BRI C CLI CNG CVP D DOPRA DSL DSLAM DSP DVC E EC ETA ETG F FE FMIU FSIU FTIU FoIP FTP FXO FXS H H.248/MECAGO protocol Integrate Access Device Integrated Access Device Management System IP Access Network Multi-Frequency Control Media Gateway Controller Media Gateway Control Protocol Media Gateway Multimedia Resource Server Next Generation Network Network Management Station Operations. System Description U-SYS IAD132E(T) Integrated Acess Device Abbreviation OSS Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Meaning Operating Support System Private Branch Exchange Plain Old Telephone Service Packet Switched Public Switched Telephone Network Quality of Service Remote Access Server Remote Switch Access Remote Subscriber Processor Real-time Transport Protocol Real-time Transport Control Protocol Signaling Gateway Session Initiation Protocol Time Division Multiplexing Trivial File Transfer Protocol Trunk Media Gateway Very-high-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line Very-high-rate DSL Interface Unit Voice over IP Watch Dog Timer P PBX POTS PS PSTN Q QoS R RAS RSA RSP RTP RTCP S SG SIP T TDM TFTP TMG V VDSL VDU VoIP W WDT A-2 .
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