
March 27, 2018 | Author: seed_viii | Category: Windows Xp, Usb, Adobe Flash, Command Line Interface, Device Driver



RSD Lite Version 4.5.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Document Version: 4.5.7 Jun 18 , 2009 RSD Lite User Manual & Release Notes Version 4.5.7 Motorola Confidential Proprietary 1 RSD Lite v4.5.7 User Manual 81621947.doc RSD Lite Version 4.5.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Table of contents RSD Lite User Manual Section .....................................................................................................................3 Highlights of changes in this version of RSD Lite.......................................................................................4 Installation of Motorola Drivers.................................................................................................................4 RSDLite feature details:..............................................................................................................................4 Command Line Usage details.................................................................................................................4 ODM Usage details.................................................................................................................................5 TI Blank Flash Usage Details.................................................................................................................6 Additional options in RSDLite.ini file....................................................................................................7 DeviceID Allocation Usage Details........................................................................................................9 Online Version Check Details.................................................................................................................9 Set the length of Die ID details.............................................................................................................10 Windows OS Details for RSD Lite.............................................................................................................11 PC/HW Requirements ...............................................................................................................................12 Do’s / Don’ts with RSD Lite .....................................................................................................................13 RSD Lite Component Details.....................................................................................................................13 Debugging, Logging and Error Messages in RSD Lite.............................................................................14 Support Limitations and known issues......................................................................................................17 Support Contact(s).....................................................................................................................................18 RSD Lite Release Notes Section...................................................................................................................19 Build Information......................................................................................................................................20 Motorola Confidential Proprietary 2 RSD Lite v4.5.7 User Manual 81621947.doc 7 User Manual 81621947.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 RSD Lite User Manual Section Motorola Confidential Proprietary 3 RSD Lite v4.5.RSD Lite Version 4.5.doc . RSDLite feature details: Command Line Usage details RSDLite can be launched by the command line method. The usage of command line has the syntax as following: <PROMPT> [RSDLite Launching path] [-f] [Flash/Flex file path] {[Option parameter] …} Option parameter = [Option command line parameter] {value} The details of description of command line parameters are below: Motorola Confidential Proprietary 4 RSD Lite v4.RSD Lite Version 4. please use the web link at: 1) For market/service-center users.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Highlights of changes in this version of RSD Lite    Support RQUID for OMAP3430 Added Flash/Flex support for Snapper-TD Added basic flashing support for Datacard – Nemo.7 User Manual 81621947. please check the phone software release notes.doc .mot.5. Installation of Motorola Drivers Moving forward in RSD Lite. please download latest Motorola driver package which passed WHQL certification at: http://compass. To install latest Motorola 2) For internal engineers. please download latest Motorola driver package which support all the shipped and underdevelopment products at: http://compass.mot. there will be no device drivers installed along with the tool. Regarding which driver version should be used. RSD Lite Version 4.ini file will be used.sdf  D:\XXX\XXX\SDL.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 “-f ”: It is mandatory in the command line method and used to separator the application path and flash/flex file path..5.shx –t 10 –s –c –h 1 –x 0 –p 2 –m 1 ODM Usage details The following ODM serial phones are being supported as of now:  Tango – Serial Phone based on TI-Locosto chipset Other ODM USB phones supported as of now for flashing are:  Borneo Motorola Confidential Proprietary 5 RSD Lite v4.ini file will be used. “-n”: It is an optional parameter and it will enable “TI Blank Flash” option of RSDLite. “-x ”: It is an optional parameter and the followed value designates the action after flex. “-o”: It is an optional parameter and it will enable “ODM_Serial” option of RSDLite.\XXX\SDL. Otherwise the default action in PST... “-s ”: It is an optional parameter and it means that it should suppress all prompts of RSDLite.5.exe  .\XXX\XX\. The formats are as following:  .doc . Otherwise the default action in PST. they can be expressed as in the way either the relative path or the absolute path. “-d”: It is an optional parameter and it needs to detect all devices designated by the input.\XX\xx. “-c”: It is an optional parameter and it means that RSDLite should be closes automatically when it finishes flash/flex operation. “-h ”: It is an optional parameter and the followed value designates the action after flash.ini file. If the value is less than the default value defined in RSDLite.exe An example for command line of RSDLite is as follwing: D:\SDL. “-m ”: It is an optional parameter and it specifies the work mode. The parameters can combine freely. As to the application file path and flash/flex file path. and then start flash/flex automatically after the wanted time delay. Otherwise the default action in PST.7 User Manual 81621947. “-t ”: It is an optional parameter and the followed parameter must specify the time out value which is used to decide when to start flash/flex operation. the default value should be should used. The order of the parameter is not cared in the command line.exe -f D:\abc.\.ini file will be used.ini file will be used. “-p ”: It is an optional parameter and it specifies the value for MFF loop feature. Otherwise the default action in PST. Connect the phone .5. For ODM-Serial driver issues. TI Blank Flash Usage Details TI OMAP. please contact the appropriate teams.7 User Manual & Release Notes  Lipari MT  Salina HT 06/18/2009 ODM Serial Drivers: Please install the ODM drivers. Connect the ODM phone (Serial or USB) and start flashing the phone by pressing the start button.7 User Manual 81621947.The phone will be enumerated in Blank flash mode Motorola Confidential Proprietary 6 RSD Lite v4.doc .RSD Lite Version 4. Following are the steps to use the Blank Flash option . Click on the ODM-Serial checkbox for ODM Serial phones. please uncheck the ODMSerial Checkbox provided in RSD Lite and run the tool. as shown below.5. as needed for the ODM phones. For non-ODM/ODM USB phones. Locosto USB phones can be blank flashed using this option. The serial drivers are to be obtained from the ODM teams handling the project.Select the check box . doc . This decides the type of devices that the tool is going to be used with. ♦ MaxFlashLogFileSize This option is to configure the maximum size of flash module log file size.7 User Manual 81621947. ♦ WorkMode PST Framework work mode.7 User Manual & Release Notes Select appropriate file and click start button. Option Values MODE_NONE MODE_USB MODE_SERIAL MODE_SIMULATOR MODE_NETWORK MODE_DETECTION_OFF =0x00 =0x01 =0x02 =0x04 =0x08 =0x10 =0x03 Meaning No mode is selected Enable work on USB only Enable work over Serial only Enable work on Socket for simulator Enable work on network only Disable driver notifications Enable work on USB + Serial Enable work on USB + Serial + Socket Enable work on NETWORK over USB Enable work on USB + Serial + Socket + Network over USB Mode combinations MODE_USB_SERIAL MODE_USB_SERIAL_SOCKET =0x07 MODE_USB_NETWORK =0x09 MODE_USB_SERIAL_SOCKET_NETWORK =0x0F Motorola Confidential Proprietary 7 RSD Lite v4.ini file is installed in the RSD Lite folder. ♦ LogType Enable (1) or Disable (0) RSD Lite log. The number of iterations of flashing/flexing to be done can be specified here. ♦ MFFLoopFeature Users can perform flash or flex operations in a continuous loop. ♦ MaxLogFileSize This option controls the maximum size of the RSD Lite log file. ♦ FlashLog Enable (1) or Disable (0) Flash log.5. 06/18/2009 Additional options in RSDLite.5. Users can configure the following settings by modifying the RSDLite. a new log file will be created to continue logging.ini file The RSDLite. Aftelr every iteration RSD Lite will continue as if the user clicked the start button until the number of loops specified in this option is performed.ini file settings. Once the log file reaches the maximum size.RSD Lite Version 4. The method will return without waiting for other device. Restart no wait asynchronous. Power down after any error restart asynchronous. The method will return without waiting for reenumeration. asynchronous. No synchronization for multiple devices. ♦ TIROMBlankFlash Options for post-flex operations 0x00 .needed for GNPO Power down after any error. Synchronized restart commands only. The method will wait for all devices completing operation synchronously and return. The method will return without waiting for reenumeration. only the value 1. but will not wait for device re-enumeration. E_RESTART_SYNCHRONOUS=1 E_POWERDN_ASYNCHRONOUS=2 E_RESTART_ASYNCHRONOUS=3 Meaning Power down all phones synchronously Restart all phones synchronously Power down the individual phone which has completed flashing and not wait for other phones Restart the individual phone which has completed flashing and not wait for other phones No more action required after flashing. but will not wait for device re-enumeration.5. Locosto USB phones can not be blank flashed Motorola Confidential Proprietary 8 RSD Lite v4.Restart the phone 1 .7 User Manual 81621947.TI OMAP.doc . No more action required after flashing. Asynchronous restart command.needed for GNPO Restart after any error.needed for GNPO E_SYNC_NOACTION_NEEDED=4 E_ASYNC_NOACTION_NEEDED=5 E_RESTART_SYNC_NOWAITFORREENUM=6 E_RESTART_ASYNC_NOWAITFORREENUM=7 E_PDN_AFTANY_ERROR_RESTART_ASYNC =8 E_PDN_AFTANY_ERROR_PDN_ASYNC =9 E_RESTART_AFTANY_ERROR_RESTART_NOWAIT_SYNC =10 E_RESTART_AFTANY_ERROR_RESTART_NOWAIT_ASYNC =11 Note that if it runs a loop test. Pdn.needed for GNPO Restart after any error.RSD Lite Version 4.7 User Manual & Release Notes Enable work for all modes except Serial Enable work for all modes 06/18/2009 MODE_ALL_NO_SERIAL MODE_ALL =0x0D =0x0F ♦ AfterFlexOption Options for post-flex operations 0 .5.No action needed ♦ AfterFlashOption Options for post-flash operations Option Values E_POWERDN_SYNCHRONOUS=0. 3 and 8 are supported. Restart no wait synchronous . exe to allocation DeviceID. please refer the “DeviceID Allocation Tool UserManual” for details.RSD Lite Version 4.The phone will be enumerated in Blank flash mode . it means the RSDLite should be closed and re-launched to make the DeviceID option selection take effective.  Close DeviceIdAllocationTool. If following Dialog box is popup.Set the entry in RSDLite.7 User Manual & Release Notes 0x01 . Online Version Check Details If version is not the latest.5.5. launch RSDLite. DeviceID Allocation Usage Details Suggested Steps to Enable DeviceID Allocation Functionality:  Use DeviceIdAllocationTool.TI 06/18/2009 OMAP. Locosto USB phones can be blank flashed Following are the steps to use the Blank Flash option .doc .7 User Manual 81621947. following dialog will pop up when RSDLite starts up: Motorola Confidential Proprietary 9 RSD Lite v4.exe.Select appropriate file and click start button. click “OK” to finish it or “Cancel” to cancel this operation.  Select Menu: Config-> DeviceId Options  Select one mode you want.Start RSDLite .Connect the phone .ini file . 7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Select “Don’t show this prompt next time” can disable this function and don’t show the prompt.doc . From menu “Help”->”Check for update” can enable this function.7 User Manual 81621947.5.5. Set the length of Die ID details Steps to change the length of Die ID from GUI of RSD Lite when getting all UIDs ( For OMAP3430 only):  Select Menu: Config-> UID Options Motorola Confidential Proprietary 10 RSD Lite v4.RSD Lite Version 4. 5. will not be installed via RSD Lite installer.  Additional options in pst_flash.doc . the required 4 XP hot fix files named: Q814560. please visit: http://compass. This English version of hot fixes will be Motorola Confidential Proprietary 11 RSD Lite v4. and then try installing RSD Lite application.RSD Lite Version 4. To install foreign language XP hot fixes. ♦ [SendRQUID] -> OMAP3430 Options of sending RQUID.mot. click “OK” to finish it or “Cancel” to cancel this operation. Q822603 and Q810400 for foreign language OS.ini file settings. 0 – Not send RQUID 1 – Send RQUID Windows OS Details for RSD Lite Foreign language Operating Systems: The required 4 XP hot fix files named: Q814560. The pst_flash. Install these hot fixes first when prompted.ini file If uses want to send RQUID in the process of Flash for nonsecurity phone.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009  Change the length of AP or BP as you want (The max length of die ID is 14 bytes). the default value is ‘0’.ini file is installed in the RSD Lite Users can configure the following settings by modifying the pst_flash.7 User Manual 81621947. Q822603 and Q810400 will be installed via RSD Lite installer program. Q816843. XP with Service Pack1: For English OS only. Q816843.5. doc . the above named hot fix files are included and installed with SP2 by Microsoft Corporation. If re-named or moved. Microsoft’s drivers must support the controller. XP with Service Pack2: 06/18/2009 For XP with SP2. RSD Lite program will not work.5. The RSD Lite application will not install XP hot fixes for SP2 machines. In other words if the mother boards is a Universal Host Controller then the PCI card must be an Open Host Controller (OHCI).7 User Manual & Release Notes installed only once.5. PC Requirements  Pentium III. The controller must be USB IF compliant The controller card must not be the same type of host controller as the motherboard. The controller must NOT have a Via Technologies or Lucent Host controller. RSD Lite program is released in English language only. The controller ports must reside directly on the controller PCB.RSD Lite Version 4. users do not need to install them manually.7 User Manual 81621947. 500MHz or faster Motorola Confidential Proprietary 12 RSD Lite v4. to install the necessary drivers for each MA type of the phone.1 compliant. Thus. Re-naming of RSD Lite folder or moving to different location is not recommended. The controller’s packaging or PCB must have the “USB” compliance insignia printed on either of them. The system requires that you have to log on as an Administrator. PC/HW Requirements Host Controller Cards         The controller must have two type A USB ports The controller must be at least USB v1. RSD Lite does not support communication through docking stations due to limitations of docking stations. RSD Lite Component Details Drivers and Docking Stations:  time. daisy-chain setup is not supported. RSD Lite and RSD programs can co-exist on the same PC but should not be run simultaneously.7 User Manual 81621947.7 User Manual & Release Notes 128MB of RAM Windows XP SP1 or higher Windows 2000 SP2 or higher HW Setup  06/18/2009    Belkin 7 port hub F5U027 or a USB v1. The security key (wibu key) is not needed to run RSD Lite program.1 compliant 7 port hub. RSD Lite Flash   Flashing over USB and flashing the simulator cannot be performed simultaneously. If using USB hubs.   USB support only (No Serial support). CSV log file displays BL & RDL Download time details 13 RSD Lite v4. Do’s / Don’ts with RSD Lite     Applications that are a known problem are True Sync and HotSync. the phone must be plugged in and completely powered-up.5. Before flashing or flexing.doc The drivers are provided as available in the driver installer at this    Motorola Confidential Proprietary . USB cables have to be directly connected to ports on the laptop.5.RSD Lite Version 4. They should not be active while using RSD Lite. Device installation is simplified by pre-installing INF and driver files for Windows 2000 systems. Therefore. Motorola Confidential Proprietary 14 RSD Lite v4. which is created in RSD Lite folder. This flexerror. The tool will restart the phone after the flexing operation if option for action after flex option is set up with the value 0. It is created in the RSD Lite folder.7 User Manual 81621947. Logging and Error Messages in RSD Lite List of log 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) files needed while reporting issues: swdl. User must have write access to this folder. if the desired behavior is restarting the phone after the flexing operation (that’s the behavior in RSD Lite 2. which is created in RSD Lite\PhoneFileLog folder. The firmware upgrade and multi-upgrade error messages are logged in: swdl.doc .8).5.log flexerror.txt file is created whenever a flash related error occurs. set the value to 0.txt USBView Snap Shot All error messages are logged in text files. The flex operation error messages are logged in flexerror.txt.txt file is created only when there is an error during flex operation.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 RSD Lite Flex  Support for Flexing with the new HSR format Suspend mode after flex operation in RSD Lite: Only users who want the phone in suspend mode after the flex operation will need set the “AfterFlexOption” with the value 1 in RSDLite.5. Debugging. User must have write access to this folder. This swdl.7 and 2.txt file. FlashErrorLog.RSD Lite Version 4. User must have write access to this folder.txt xx_xx_xx_xx_PST_Core.txt file is always created and messages are logged sequentially by date/time.ini file.log FlashErrorLogxx_xx_xx_xx_xx. This feature is turned OFF by default. The details provided will contain the flashing time for each code group and size of CGs etc.7 User Manual and type in the error number into the Spreadsheet following the instructions provided in the spreadsheet.1 Release onwards. For all flash / Framework error lookup. Motorola Confidential Proprietary 15 RSD Lite v4. For Framework logs. For Flash logs.ini file.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Flash break-up time can be logged to a CSV File in RSD Lite v1.7. please refer http://compass.5.RSD Lite Version 4.5. Turning ON logs for Framework and Flash in RSD Lite For debugging purposes. For more details. the logs may have to be turned ON in RSD Lite. in pst_flash.ini file in C:\Program Files\Motorola\RSD Lite directory [CORE_LOGGING] Level = 0x00000000 and set the core logging level value to 0xFFFFFFFF. please change the value in pst. please refer User manual. set the values of DebugLogEnable and ErrorLogEnable to 1. Please delete all the existing log files in C:\Program Files\Motorola\RSD Lite directory.mot.doc . 5.doc .7 User Manual 81621947.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 USB View snapshots Please provide the snapshot details (Example shown below for a Motorola device) Motorola Confidential Proprietary 16 RSD Lite v4.5.RSD Lite Version 4. 7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Support Limitations and known issues  If a phone is subsidy locked.RSD Lite Version 4.doc Motorola Confidential Proprietary .  The FSAC timeout has been increased to 600 seconds. 17 RSD Lite v4.  RSD Lite will use the generic flex class if the SEEM Technology information is blank.5.  A Master Clear is not issued after a flex procedure. The phone must be manually unlocked prior to flexing to properly write secure elements. RSD Lite will ignore errors returned by the phone when flexing secure elements and continue.5.7 User Manual 81621947. 7 User Manual 81621947.RSD Lite Version Driver Mailing List : [email protected] User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Support Contact(s) RSD Lite Mailing List : [email protected] Motorola Confidential Proprietary 18 RSD Lite v4.doc . doc .7 User Manual 81621947.5.RSD Lite Version 4.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 RSD Lite Release Notes Section Motorola Confidential Proprietary 19 RSD Lite v4.5. 01I_ZCH45 DATE: 19-Jun-2009 BUILD ENGINEER: a21412 RELEASE LABEL: RSD-MSI_N_09.25.01I_ZCH45  RSD lite label: RSD-RSDL_N_09.5.mot.7 User Manual 81621947.doc BR number 582553 580890 583959 Description FW: Cannot connect to Dual modem interfaces properly FW: PSTGetDeviceList() call causes a crash SDISDK: Enlarge the timeout to meet slow flash response from Q2 SDISDK: MOT_AUTOSWITCH_NEGLECT_MCPC_CFG11_MODEM lost issue W3gLinux: Initial connectivity changes FW: Handle new BLAN driver service string RSD-Lite: Get technology info for Morrison FW: Fix PSTReleaseInterfaceHandle issue SDISDK: Size optimization for MediaSync .5.01I_ZCH45 RELEASE LOCATION: http://compass.25.01I_ZCH45_INT Product Label: RSD-MSI_N_09.Phase I 20 RSD Lite v4.01I_ZCH45  Flex label: Released CRs/BRs : Framework: CR LIBss59846 LIBss55556 LIBss40129 LIBss49953 LIBss30692 LIBss46520 LIBss40773 LIBss47121 LIBss21902 LIBss34153 Flash: CR LIBss313 55 LIBss313 52 LIBss090 Description Flash: Handle W3GLinux flashing changes Flash: Parse all strings in the array RSD-Lite: 11084 for SnapperTD .25.25.PhaseI SDISDK: Add shared mutex object for Autoplay BR number 589055 589054 587720 586429 582329 584329 584751 585053 582468 582468 Motorola Confidential Proprietary .01I_ZCH45  Flash label: FLASH_N_09.25.7 User Manual & Release Notes 06/18/2009 Build Information BUILD LABEL:  Framework label: FW_N_09.22.RSD Lite Version 4. RSD Lite Version 4. Flash: RQVN/RQHW wrong sequence issue RSD-Lite: update test suite for Morrison/Motus/Calgary Motorola Confidential Proprietary 21 RSD Lite v4.5.7 User Manual 81621947.7 User Manual & Release Notes 16 LIBrr939 31 RSD: CR LIBss407 73 LIBrr939 31 LIBss598 47 LIBss226 57 LIBss407 47 Description RSD-Lite: Get technology info for Morrison 06/18/2009 SAM-OMAP chipset security related flashing changes 584993 BR number 584751 584993 588918 584755 585503 SAM-OMAP chipset security related flashing changes RSDLite: Flashing failed when Clicking Start before BLAN is ready.5.doc .
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