March 24, 2018 | Author: Mathan Fadillah | Category: Human Communication, Language Mechanics, Style (Fiction), Semiotics, Grammar



RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Talking about Future PlansNAMA SEKOLAH MATA PELAJARAN KELAS/SEMESTER : XI/4 PERTEMUAN KE ALOKASI WAKTU STANDAR KOMPETENS KOMPETENSI DASAR INDIKATOR : SMK NEGERI 2 BANJARMASIN : BAHASA INGGRIS : 1 & 2 / minggu ke -2 : 4 X 39 MENIT : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara level Elementary : 2.4 Menceritakan pekerjaan di masa lalu dan rencana kerja yang akan datang. : Ungkapan untuk mengemukakan kegiatan di masa datang digunakan dalam Tense yang benar. I. 1. 2. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Setelah mempelajari unit ini, siswa diharapkan dapat : mengungkapkan tentang rencana dan kegiatan yang akan datang dengan tepat. menceritakan masa depan. datang. 3. membedakan penggunaan “to be going to” dgn “will”+Verb1 utk menunjukkan kegiatan akan 4. 5. membuat kalimat yg menceritakan ttg kejadian-kejadian akan datang. membaca berbagai wacana yang menunjang pengembangan kosa kata dan struktur kalimat dengan topik yang sesuai dengan bidang keahlian masing-masing MATERI PEMBELAJARAN • Ungkapan – ungkapan untuk membicarakan rencana akan datang dengan penggunaan: SIMPLE FUTURE / BE GOING TO (a) He will finish his work Will or be going to is used tomorrow. to express future time. (b) He is going to finish his P F work tomorrow II. WILL VERSUS BE GOING TO 1. To express a PREDICTION – either WILL or BE GOING TO (a) According to the weather report, it will be cloudy tomorrow. (b) according to the weather report, it is going to be cloudy tomorrow. 2. To express PERIOR PLAN – only BE GOING TO is used (c) X: Whay did you buy this paint? Y: I’m going to paint my bedroom tomorrow. 3. To express WILLINGNESS –only WILL is used (d) X: The phone is ringing Y: I’l get it. 17 • Ask the students to make groups.. “Anybody is absent today?”. Students respond. thank you. .. class”. GURU/FASILITATOR • Tells the topic and the objective of the lesson. maam?”. maam”. KEGIATAN PENDAHULUAN ( 10 menit) GURU/FASILITATOR SISWA Students respond. • • Praying together Teacher checks the presence list. KEGIATAN INTI (55 menit) • SISWA Pay attension Students respond. • Ask the students some questions that related to the new topic: * What is your plan for the coming years? * What should you prepare for getting a job? * What characteristics should you have to be successful in your job. diligent . • Ask each group to arrange the jumbled 18 .. Motivating students. Teacher greets students. METODE PEMBELAJARAN • Questions – Answers / Discusions • Individual works/ pair works / group works • Penugasan / assessment/ homework IV LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN (Pertemuan 1) A. Having skill Good personality.. about you. “Fine.. “How are you this morning”. “I’m going to be a programmer”..• Wacana dengan berbagai topik disesuaikan dengan jurusan/program keahlian masing – masing III. and how “good morning. Students respond. B. • Greeting • “Good morning. each group of four. 46. Students respond. • homework. Asks ss of each group to act the result of their discussing out in front of the class. Ss do the task. Pay attentention Students express C. T leads the Ss to check the answers. Ss check the answers. KEGIATAN PENDAHULUAN (10 menit) GURU/FASILITATOR SISWA T reviews the previous lesson. Students respond.) T leads the Ss to check the answers. Ss do the task. T asks Ss to do the exercises (p. 19 . SISWA Ss conclude the lesson together. • T leads the Ss to check the Ss check the homework. SISWA Ss answer the Qs. Ask the ss to find the expressions contain Be going to or will Briefs using be going to or will. • • KEGIATAN PENUTUP (13 menit) GURU/FASILITATOR Gives a homework • • SISWA Pay attention Students respond Closing the lesson Thank for attention LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN (Pertemuan 2) A. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C. Asks Ss to express their plan tomorrow with using will or be going to. B. Ss pay attention. KEGIATAN PENUTUP (18 menit) GURU/FASILITATOR T leads the students to conclude the • lesson they have learnt. Ss check the answers. KEGIATAN INTI (50 menit) GURU/FASILITATOR T asks some questions using Future tense in interogative T gives the example of Future tense in negative and interrogative. Ss pay attention.• • • • • expressions into a good order. Leads the Ss to check their answers together. Students respond. T asks Ss to make five sentences to tell his/her plan. pronunciation is correct. V. SUMBER BELAJAR/ ALAT/ BAHAN A. Bahan : C. fluent  Meaning is clear. grammar is correct. grammar not correct.Pengayaan . pronunciation correct. fluent  Meaning is clear.Dialog .Star modul ( Putra Kertonatan) 2. fluent  Meaning clear. grammar not correct.Remedial Evaluation Technique Form Instrument Scoring guide : Oral test : Short conversation based on the text given : Picture : Aspects to be assessed  Meaning is clear. VII TINDAK LANJUT . grammar is not correct.Melengkapi kalimat -Membuat Kalimat VI. pronunciation correct. pronunciation not correct. . Sumber Belajar 1. grammar is correct. not fluent  No answer score 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 .Merespon pertanyaan # Tes Tertulis . not fluent  Meaning clear. pronunciation is not correct.Understanding and using(Betty Schrampfer) B. Alat PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR # Tes Lisan .• T gives post test • Ss do the post test. Hj.19610107 199003 2002.x 100 = 80 Banjarmasin.x 100 Maximum Score Example : 4 Final Grade = 5 --------. Gatot Subiyanto NIP. 19600325 198403 1 011 Dra. 1 Mei 2011 Acknowledged by English Teacher Drs.Obtained Score Final Grade = --------------------------------. 21 . Ainun Jariah NIP. .......... B : I (get) ............. I can’t............... rearrange these the jumble expressions in a good order................................. A : This letter is in French.............................................. I’ll pick you up at 8 tomoorow evening” ............................. Cessy : “ No....... B : just a minute. .............. In group of four...... What are you planning to do? .......... A : good for you......... A : Brrr...................................................................................................................... A. you a hot cup of tea.................................................................................. Can you help me? B : Sure. 22 .................... Exercise 2......................... I (translate) ......................... I’m going to work late tonight................. Then..................................................... 8........................ A : oh....................................... no! I do........... Would you like to come with me? ....... a damp cloth for you..... B : I (make) ........ A : this light doesn’t work.. oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my shirt.... 4. Where are the new light bulbs................................... Cessy?? Woud you like to go out?” ........ one for you...........it for you 2..........Enclosure Excercises 1.............. 7......................... A : Thanks.................................... That sound good............... Tom : “all right.......... : What do you to be when you grow u? B : I (be) ...................it! 6.................. how about tomorrow evening? Are you doing anything then?” ............................... A : Do you want tobgo shopping with me ? I (go) to the shopping mall down town..... Cessy : “ Sure.................... and I don’t speak a word of french. 5.........................it D : No.........................an astrounaut............................................. A : Who want to erase the board? Are any volunteers? B : I (do) . TOM : “What are doing tonight................ My nose is cold and my fingers Are cold.................................................................................................... A : Do you mind if I turn the TV off? I (place) .....................................a long distance call................................................... I have to finish some reports” .......... I’d like to! What time will you pickme up?” ......... act it out with your partner! Tom : “I’m going to a concert.... I’m not............. Put the verb into the correct form using ‘will”or “going to’............................ 1........ I (get) ........ The bulp is probably burn out.......................... Tom : “Well. I’m sorry......................................................................................................it............................................. C : I (do) ......... Who turned up the air conditioner? It’s really cold in here............................. B : What time do you to leave? 3....... and it’s hard to hear if the TV is on.................................... Cessy: “Oh.... A : I’ve decide to re..paint this room B : Really? What colour ...(you/paint) it? 10...... 9.... B : it’s quite easy. I ... (show) you.B : No. A : I can’t work out how to use this camera.... that’s fine. I wasn’t watching it anyway... 23 ..
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