Rpp Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas XII

April 30, 2018 | Author: eliadwiwaluyo | Category: Airlines, Languages, Labour, Business



RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARANSMK GAMALIEL I TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.1 Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan IV. Indikator 1. Menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum (general information) yang terkait dengan monolog dengan benar. 2. Menjawab pertanyaan mengenai isi monolog (detailed information) dengan benar. 3. Menulis kembali monolog yang muncul dalam situasi kerja tertentu dalam bentuk intisari / summary (taking notes) V. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum (general information) yang terkait dengan monolog dengan benar. 2. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan mengenai isi monolog (detailed information) dengan benar. 3. Siswa mampu menulis kembali monolog yang muncul dalam situasi kerja tertentu dalam bentuk intisari / summary (taking notes). VI. Materi Ajar  Pertemuan 1 : Short Talk from advertisement: Are you tired of getting up to turn off the television? Tired of getting up to turn down the radio? Turn on the video recorder? Our new remote control will let you operate any electronic appliance in your home from comfortable chair. Call our toll-free number for more information. No sales personnel will call your home.  Pertemuan 2 : Short Talk from a report: Here’s today’s weather report. Temperatures will be in the mid sixties with breezes of ten to fifteen miles per hour. The sun will shine all day with no clouds expected. It’s great day to spend some time outdoor.  Pertemuan 3 : Short Talk from an announcement and work situation:  Short Talk from an announcement This train provides service to all arrival and departure gates, baggage claims, and ticketing areas. Color-coded maps and signs are posted within each car. Please move to the center of the car and away from the door. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015  Short Talk from work situation Organizing your work day is the key to getting things done. Start every morning by making a list of things you need to do during the day. Next, rank each task on the list according to its importance. Work on the most important task first, and stay with it until it is completed. Then, move on to the next task. The Example of Note / Memo from work situation: Memo TO : ALL RNs (Room Nurses) FROM : Margareth Smith, Director of Nurses DATE : August 16, 2009 Subject : RN Identity patches Effective September 1, 2009, all RNs will have the choice of wearing caps or an identity patch. Patches should be sewn on the upper right arm of lab coats or uniform so that staff and patients can easily identify you as an RN.  Siswa diharapkan bisa mengerjakan monolog secara kreatif dan mandiri VII. Alokasi Waktu : 10 x 45 menit (pertemuan ke-1 s/d 3) VIII. Metode Pembelajaran : 1. Listening: Listening to recorded short talks 2. Speaking: Telling about a monolog form advertisement, announcement, or report 3. Writing: Write a summary of a short talk IX. Kegiatan Pembelajaran PERTEMUAN 1 : A. Langkah Awal: Greetings Mengecek kehadiran siswa Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Bertanya kepada siswa tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan monolog. Mendengarkan kaset dan atau membacakan monolog. Menerangkan bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum dan informasi detail yang terdapat dalam monolog iklan (advertisement). 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan dan tugas dengan mengerjakan modul berupa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum dan informasi detail yang terdapat dalam monolog iklan (advertisement). 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Membuat kesimpulan dari materi yang telah dibahas pada hari tersebut bersama-sama dengan murid RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 PERTEMUAN 2 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Bertanya kepada siswa tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan monolog dari sebuah laporan (report). Mendengarkan kaset dan atau membacakan monolog dari sebuah laporan (report). Menerangkan bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum dan informasi detail yang terdapat dalam monolog dari sebuah laporan (report). 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan dan tugas dengan mengerjakan modul berupa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum dan informasi detail yang terdapat dalam monolog dari sebuah laporan (report). 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 3 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Bertanya kepada siswa tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan monolog dari sebuah pengumuman (announcement) dan situasi kerja tertentu Mendengarkan kaset dan atau membacakan monolog dari sebuah pengumuman (announcement) dan situasi kerja tertentu Menerangkan bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum dan informasi detail yang terdapat dalam monolog dari sebuah pengumuman (announcement) dan situasi kerja tertentu 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan dan tugas dengan mengerjakan modul berupa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum dan informasi detail yang terdapat dalam monolog dari sebuah pengumuman (announcement) dan situasi kerja tertentu 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi X. Penilaian Hasil Belajar :  Pertemuan 1 Short Talk from advertisement: Are you tired of getting up to turn off the television? Tired of getting up to turn down the radio? Turn on the video recorder? Our new remote control will let you operate any electronic appliance in your home from comfortable chair. Call our toll-free number for more information. No sales personnel will call your home. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 1. What is being offered? A. Television B. A radio C. A video recorder D. A remote control 2. How can consumer learn more? A. Have a salesperson call at home B. Visit their office C. Call a toll-free number D. Read an electronic magazine  Pertemuan 2 Short Talk form report: Here’s today’s weather report. Temperatures will be in the mid sixties with breezes of ten to fifteen miles per hour. The sun will shine all day with no clouds expected. It’s great day to spend some time outdoor. 1. 2. What is the approximate temperature for today? A. About 15 degrees B. About 60 degrees C. About 65 degrees D. About 90 degrees What does the weather forecaster suggest that people do? A. Stay inside B. Go outdoors C. Take sunglasses D. Wear a sweater  Pertemuan 3  Short Talk from announcement: This train provides service to all arrival and departure gates, baggage claims, and ticketing areas. Color-coded maps and signs are posted within each car. Please move to the center of the car and away from the door. 1. 2. Where this train is probably located? A. In an airport B. In a city C. Along the coast D. At an amusement park Where you should stand when in a train car? 1. By the doors 2. By the windows 3. In the center 4. At either end RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015  Monolog from work situation CITRANUSA COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY Memorandum To : All Department Supervisors Fm : Oka Wiryawan Personnel Officer Sub : Summary of 3/24 training session on improving performance Date : April 1, 2008 Employees work best if they are happy. As a supervisor, there are things you can do to increase employees' job satisfaction. Make sure your employees understand what they have to do. Give them proper and thorough training so they can do it well, and give them opportunities to bring that training up to date. Make sure that employees have freedom to exercise their own judgment, to offer their suggestions, and to point out problems. Most of all, make sure that you tell them they are doing a good job, not only during special assignments but when they maintain a high standard of routine work. How to Increase Employees's Job Satisfaction 1. Make sure your employees understand what they have to do. 2. ………………………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………………………. 4. ……………………………………………………… 5. ………………………………………………………. XI. Sumber Belajar : a. Global Access to the World of Work (Diknas) b. English for Hotel Services c. Grammar in Use (Betty Schrampfer) d. BSE for English SMK (Diknas) Mengetahui, Madiun, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Juli 2014 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi Level Intermediate : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.1 Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan IV. Indikator 1. Menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum (general information) yang terkait dengan monolog dengan benar. 2. Menjawab pertanyaan mengenai isi monolog (detailed information) dengan benar. 3. Menulis kembali monolog yang muncul dalam situasi kerja tertentu dalam bentuk intisari / summary (taking notes) TES LISAN Summarize and retell the advertisement, reports, or announcements in front of the class KRITERIA PENILAIAN: No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kategori Penilaian Kelancaran (fluency) Pengucapan (pronunciation) Intonasi (intonation) Kosakata (vocabulary) Penampilan (performance) Penggunaan kata keterangan Ekspresi (expression) Content (isi) Jumlah score Score: Ya mendapat score 5 Kurang mendapat score 3 Tidak mendapat score 2 Ya Kurang Tidak Nilai = jumlah score x 5 2 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN SMK GAMALIEL I RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.2 Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli. IV. Indikator 1. Menanggapi ungkapan-ungkapan untuk membuat reservasi yang dilakukan oleh penutur asli dengan benar. 2. Menanggapi ungkapan-ungkapan untuk mengajukan keluhan yang dilakukan oleh penutur asli dengan tepat. 3. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk membuat kesepakatan (arrangement) dengan tepat. 4. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk memastikan dan membatalkan kesepakatan dengan tepat. 5. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yang tidak nyata baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atau masa lampau (conditional and subjunctive wish) dengan tepat. 6. Menggunakan ungkapan -ungkapan yang dipakai dalam wawancara dengan tepat. V. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Siswa dapat menggunakan dan menanggapi ungkapan-ungkapan dalam membuat reservasi dengan tepat. 2. Siswa dapat menggunakan dan menanggapi ungkapan-ungkapan dalam mengajukan keluhan dengan tepat. 3. Siswa dapat membuat kesepakatan (arrangement) dengan tepat. 4. Siswa dapat memastikan dan membatalkan kesepakatan dengan tepat. 5. Siswa dapat menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yang tidak nyata baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atu masa lampau (conditional and subjunctive wish) dengan tepat. 6. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipakai dalam wawancara dengan tepat. VI. Materi Ajar  Pertemuan 4 :  Reservation / Pemesanan A Kinds of sentences used by the receptionist: 1. Good morning / afternoon / evening….(your hotel name) May I help you? Do you have any reservation? What can I do for you, Sir / Madam? 2. Is it for today / tonight? When is it for? How many night s do you want the room for? 3. I’m afraid we’re full. I’m sorry we’ve no vacancies? There is no room available for tonight. Yes, sir the room is available for tomorrow. It’s $1000 per day including breakfast. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 4. What name is it for, please? How do you spell that, please? Could you fill in this card, please? I beg your pardon. 5. Your room number is ….. Here’s your key. Would you like someone to carry your bag? 6. How would you like to come? B. Kinds of sentences used by guest 1. I’d like to reserve a room, please 2. We’d like a room, please. 3. We’d like to book a VIP room, please. 4. It’s for ……….. (tonight, next weekend,..) 5. We’d like it for three days, starting from ………... 6. How much do you charge per day? 7. How much is it? 8. It’s for Mr. ……(names/spell the names) 9. Please, pick me up at the airport / the railway station at ……(hour), on…… (day/date) C. Reservation Form PARAMITHA HOTEL REGISTRATION CARD Room Number Arrival Date Departure Date Adult Child Rate Code No. PRINT BLOCK LETTERS ONLY PLEASE SURNAME ………………………………………………………….. First Name …………………………………………………………… Private address ………………………………………………………. Company Name and Adreess ………………………………………… OCCUPATION ……………………………………………………… NATIONALITY ………………… CAR REG. NO ………………….. PASPORT NO ………………. NEXT DESTINATION……… MY ACCOUNT WILL BE SETTLED BY o o o o o o CASH CHEQUE COMPANY ACOUNT AMERICAN EXPRESS VISA Other C/C SPECIMEN SIGNATURE CLERK’S INITIALS  Complaint (keluhan) a. Some expressions before we actually come to the point of complaint I wonder if you could help me. There’s something you could help me with. Look, I’m sorry to bother you, but…. I hate to say this, but……… b. Response to the complaint Oh, I’m awfully sorry. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I’m very sorry. I didn’t realize. I just don’t know what to say. I’m extremely sorry. c. Letter of complaint Bandung, July 17th 2009 The Manager Mawar Tours and Travel Jl. Ahmad Yani No.78 Dear Sir, I have recently returned from your travel package tour to Malang with my colleagues. I’m very upset by the standards and the organization of this tour and I have a number of comments about that. In general, the food was extremely poor and the service was very slow. In one hotel, there was a problem with overbooking. After a long and tiring journey, we discovered that this hotel had no accommodation for us. There were also a number of travel delays during the tours. Finally, I think your staff should have handled these problems in better way. Some of them were rather rude when complaint were made. I fell your company should consider an appropriate refund because of the bad service that was provided. Yours faithfully, Mr. Tommy Andrianto  Arrangement ( kesepakatan) 1. Identifying yourself / your company Anugrah Electronic. Can I help you? John speaking This is Edward. John here. 2. Asking the caller to identify himself / herself Who’s calling, please? 3. Asking for connection I’d like to speak to…………… Could you put me through to ……….., please I’d like to speak to …about delivery, please 4. Taking / leaving message I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message? Can you ask him to call me back? 5. Explaining the reason for call The reason I call is ………………. I am just phoning to ……………….. 6. Making appointment Could you manage Tuesday? What about Friday? Shall we say two o’clock? I’m sorry, I’m out all day. Friday would be fine. That suits me. Is tomorrow OK for you? 7. Signing off I look forward to seeing you. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Thanks for calling. Goodbye. Bye.  Pertemuan 5 : Conditional, Subjunctive ‘wish’, If only, Would rather: 1. Conditional II and III  To express a condition that is unreal (contrary to the fact) at the moment of speaking or in the future: If Clause Main Clause Simple Past / Past Progressive would + V1/would be  To express a condition which is unreal in the past: If Clause Main Clause Past Perfect (had + V3) would have + V3 2. Subjunctive ‘Wish’ Subjunctive ‘wish’ shows a wish that is contrary to fact.  ‘Wish’ is followed by simple past (V2/were) if the situation is in present: Tono doesn’t speak English fluently. I wish that Tono spoke English fluently.  ‘Wish’ is followed by had + V3 if the situation is in the past: He was absent. I wish he had not been absent. 3. If only ‘If only’ (jika saja) is only followed by had + V3. It is only used for past situation: 1. I didn’t pay attention to the teacher. If only I had paid attention to the teacher. 2. Maria spent her money foolishly. If only Maria had not spent her money foolishly. 4. Would rather / ‘d rather: If the situation is in present, simple past is used with would rather. If the situation is in the past, the past perfect (had + V3) is used. 1. We are still watching television now. Mother would rather we went to bed. 2. He didn’t come to my party a week ago. I’d rather he had come to my party. 3. Nina came yesterday. I would rather Nina had come the day before yesterday.  Nilai karakter yang dibangun siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang ada dalam kehidupan nyata dengan kreatif dan komunikatif 2. Alokasi waktu: 10 X 45 menit (Pertemuan ke-4 s/d 5) 3. Metode Ajar 1. Listening A. Dialogue about reservations, complaints, arrangements, confirmations, imaginary situations, interviews. B. Questions and answers about the dialogues mentioned above. 2. Speaking: Dialogue practice with the above matters 3. Reading: Reading dialogues and questions and answers 4. Writing: Working in pairs to compose dialogues based on the situation given by the teacher. 4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 PERTEMUAN 4 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Bertanya kepada siswa untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengetahuannya tentang reservasi baik reservasi langsung maupun reservasi, complain dan arrangement melalui telepon. Membacakan / memutar kaset sebuah dialog reservasi, complain, arrangement langsung dan melalui telepon. Menjelaskan tentang ekspresi-ekspresi yang dipakai dalam reservasi, complain dan arrangement langsung maupun melalui telepon. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan dan tugas dengan mengerjakan modul berupa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai informasi umum dan informasi detail yang terdapat dalam dialog reservasi, complain dan arrangement. Membuat dialog tentang reservasi, complain dan arrangement melaui telepon dan mempraktekkannya di depan kelas. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 5 A. Langkah Awal: Pre Test Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yang tidak nyata baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atu masa lampau (conditional and subjunctive wish) dengan tepat. Menjelaskan tentang ekspresi-ekspresi yang dipakai dalam menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yang tidak nyata baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atu masa lampau (conditional and subjunctive wish) dengan tepat. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan dan tugas dengan mengerjakan modul berupa membuat kalimatkalimat conditional dan subjunctive ’wish’. Melakukan wawancara dengan siswa. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi 5. Penilaian Hasil belajar  Pertemuan 4 : Reservation, Complaint dan Arrangement  Reservation Make a dialogue of reservation based on the following information: one way ticket for two person to Kuala Lumpur/first class/tomorrow/GIA240/leaves at 11.30 and arrives at KL at 1.30.$440.  Complaint 1. Complete the following dialog: RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 1. Rossa : Look, I’m sorry to say this, but the radio you fixed yesterday is broken again. I don’t know what’s wrong. Amir : ………, and I will tell you what’s going on. Rossa : thank you. That’s very kind of you. …….can I get it again? I need it badly. Amir : tomorrow, I think 2. Nora : I hate to say this, but I have already ordered my food for an hour ago. And I don’t get it until now. Waiter : ……, we’ll get your order right away. Thank you for your patient, ma’am. Nora : all right, but please don’t do it again next time. 3. Jojo : SK : Jojo : SK : Jojo : SK : 2. I’d like to return this blouse. what’s the reason? it doesn’t fit me. ………………………………….? here is the receipt I’m sorry, we’re assure you it won’t happen again next time. Make a dialog of complaint based on the following situation: a. You bought a new handphone in Jatim Cell. But it does not function outside the area. You want a new one for the refund. b. You bought a tape recorder in an electronic shop. When you try it in the shop, there is no problem at all. But when you try it at home, it can’t be used to play a cassette. You complain to the shop.  Arrangement 1. John Peterson speaking. a. Who’s calling, please? b. Sandra here c. Hello, John. Glad you call 2. Can I take a message a. I’d like to leave message b. Yes, could you ask him to call me back c. Please tell him to give me a ring 3. Could you manage Tuesday? a. No, I can’t b. No c. I’m afraid I can’t 4. So that’s fixed Friday at 11 o’clock a. I’m afraid that’s out of the question b. Right, I look forward to seeing you again c. Bye  Pertemuan 5 : Imaginary situation 1. If computers controlled the traffic, (it/move/smoothly). 2. If I were living in the year 2010, (might/be/eat/man-made meat) 3. If I were a doctor now… 4. My father would go to China if ………………….. 5. My mother might be angry if ………………….. 6. Mary isn’t here. I wish …………………… 7. I live in the dorm. I wish…………… 8. Bob didn’t tell me the truth. I wish …………… 9. Tom spent all his money yesterday. I wish…….. 10. He failed the exam yesterday. If only he ……. 11. You didn’t tell me the problem yesterday. If only you ……………….. 12. You didn’t take my advice last month. If only you …………… 13. I lost my library book last month. If only I ……………….. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. You missed the train yesterday. If only you …………. You don’t go to Bali. I would rather you …………. The child didn’t eat his biscuit. I’d rather he …………….. The children made so much noise. I’d rather the children …………. He broke his promise to me. I’d rather he …………. XI. Sumber Belajar 1. English for Hotel 2. Grammar in Use 3. American Business English Mengetahui, Madiun, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Juli 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Satuan Pendidikan Kelas Semester Kompetensi Keahlian Mata Pelajaran Jumlah Pertemuan : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.2 Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli. IV. Indikator 1. Menanggapi ungkapan-ungkapan untuk membuat reservasi yang dilakukan oleh penutur asli dengan benar. 2. Menanggapi ungkapan-ungkapan untuk mengajukan keluhan yang dilakukan oleh penutur asli dengan tepat. 3. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk membuat kesepakatan (arrangement) dengan tepat. 4. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk memastikan dan membatalkan kesepakatan dengan tepat. 5. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yang tidak nyata baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atau masa lampau (conditional and subjunctive wish) dengan tepat. 6. Menggunakan ungkapan -ungkapan yang dipakai dalam wawancara dengan tepat. KISI-KISI SOAL A. TES LISAN Memperagakan dialog berpasangan Make a dialogue of reservation based on the following information: one way ticket for two person to Kuala Lumpur/first class/tomorrow/GIA240/leaves at 11.30 and arrives at KL at 1.30.$440. KRITERIA PENILAIAN: No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kategori Penilaian Kelancaran (fluency) Pengucapan (pronunciation) Intonasi (intonation) Kosakata (vocabulary) Penampilan (performance) Penggunaan kata keterangan Ekspresi (expression) Content (isi) Jumlah score Score: Ya Kurang Tidak mendapat score 5 mendapat score 3 mendapat score 2 Nilai = jumlah score x 5 = 100 2 B. TES TERTULIS 1. John Peterson speaking. (10) a. Who’s calling please b. Sandra here c. Hello, John. Glad you call RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Ya Kurang Tidak 2. Can I take a message (10) a. I’d like to leave message b. Yes, could you ask him to call me back c. Please tell him to give me a ring 3. Could you manage Tuesday? (10) a. No, I can’t b. No c. I’m afraid I can’t 4. So that’s fixed Friday at 11 o’clock (10) a. I’m afraid that’s out of the question b. Right, I look forward to seeing you again c. Bye 5. If computers controlled the traffic, (it/move/smoothly). (10) 6. If I were living in the year 2010, (might/be/eat/man-made meat) (10) 7. If I were a doctor now…(10) 8. My father would go to China if …………………..(10) 9. My mother might be angry if …………………..(10) 10. Mary isn’t here. I wish ……………(10) Score Tes tulis: Jawaban benar = 10 X 10 = 100 C. NILAI AKHIR = Tes lisan + tes tulis = 100 2 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN SMK GAMALIEL I TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan M : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.3 Menyajikan laporan. IV. Indikator : 1. Menulis outline laporan prakerin di dalam format power point slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat singkat dan padat. 2. Menyajikan laporan prakerin secara lisan dalam bentuk presentasi yang benar. V. Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Siswa dapat membuat outline laporan prakerin ditulis di dalam format power point slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat singkat dan padat. 2. Siswa dapat menyajikan laporan prakerin secara lisan dalam bentuk presentasi yang benar. VI. Materi Ajar :  PERTEMUAN 6 Making job training Report Outline in power point written in short and clear sentences.  PERTEMUAN 7 1. How to open a speech      2. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Distinguished / honorable guests / school principal My beloved teachers / friends I am pleased to welcome you in this party / celebration. …………….. I’ll deliver a speech to represent the student council leader….. How to propose ideas  On this occasion, I would like to tell you something about the program for weekend……………..  Ladies and gentlemen, we are at a particular critical time in the life of our company, In order to advance or even to survive in this highly competitive industry; we must substantially upgrade our performance capabilities. There are two/three ways in which we can do this: ……………… 3. How to elaborate ideas 4. How to close a speech        Finally, …….. To end up my speech I’d like to say once again………… I’d like to conclude that ……………….. Now, I’ve come to the conclusion,………………. To sum up, I’d like to stress once more on …………… I finally hope that ………………. So, to summarize, there are four main parts of my speech, namely ……………. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015  Now, I think I have covered three main points as I’ve mentioned before. I’d say thank you very much for the attention. 5. How to handle question 6.  Would you mind repeating the question so that I can be sure I understand you?  That’s an excellent question. Let’s think about it for a few moments.  That question has certain interesting implications. How do some of you feel about it? How to use body language 7. How to maintain audience’s attention 8. How to use presentation aids  PETEMUAN 8 To present the report and questions and answers  Siswa dapat membuat laporan prakerin dan mempresentasikannya dengan mandiri dan kreatif. VII. Alokasi Waktu : 12 x 45 menit (Pertemuan ke-6 s/d 8) VIII. Metode Pembelajaran : 1. Writing Menyiapkan outline laporan prakerin dalam tayangan power point atau transparansi. 2. Speaking Menyajikan laporan prakerin dan questions and answers IX. Kegiatan Pembelajaran : PERTEMUAN 6 (Making job training Report Outline in power point) A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana membuat outline laporan job training dengan kalimat singkat dan padat. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan dan tugas dengan membuat outline laporan job training dengan kalimat singkat dan padat. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 7 (Making job training Report Outline in power point) A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana membuat presentasi dengan power point. Menjelaskan pada siswa bagaimana membuat presentasi dengan menggunakan power point. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan dan tugas dengan membuat outline laporan job training dalam power point dengan kalimat singkat dan padat. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 8 (Bagaimana menyampaikan sebuah presentasi dengan benar) A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana menyajikan sebuah presentasi dengan benar. Menjelaskan pada siswa bagaimana membuka sebuah presentasi, menyampaikan presentasi sampai dengan menutup presentasi. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta maju kedepan dan mempresentasikan outline job training mereka di depan kelas dengan menggunakan power point. Siswa menyajikan presentasi laporan outline job training di depan kelas dengan menggunakan alat bantu presentasi. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Kesimpulan dari materi X. Penilaian Hasil Belajar :  Pertemuan 6 Buatlah Outline Job Training dengan kalimat yang singkat dan padat!  Pertemuan 7 : Buatlah Outline Job Training kedalam format Power Point untuk presentasi!  Pertemuan 8 : Present your report in writing by answering the following questions: 1. What should you do before presenting your report? 2. What should you do if you have a chance to do the rehearsal in the room you are going to present your report formally? 3. What should you do to overcome nervousness during the presentation? 4. If English is not your native language, what should you do to avoid awkward English and hyper-nervousness? 5. Why should you memorize presentation like a play script? 6. Why should you have enough sleep before presenting your report? 7. Why should you make major points in several ways for in the presentation? RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 XI. Sumber Belajar : a. Global Access to the World of Work (Diknas) b. English for Hotel Services c. Grammar in Use (Betty Schrampfer) d. BSE for English SMK (Diknas) Mengetahui, Madiun, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran : RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Juli 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Satuan Pendidikan Kelas Semester Kompetensi Keahlian Mata Pelajaran Jumlah Pertemuan : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan M : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.3 Menyajikan laporan. IV. Indikator : 1. Menulis outline laporan prakerin di dalam format power point slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat singkat dan padat. 2. Menyajikan laporan prakerin secara lisan dalam bentuk presentasi yang benar. KISI-KISI SOAL B. Tes Tertulis Buatlah Outline laporan Job Training kedalam format Power Point Score Tes Tertulis: 100 B. Tes Lisan Presentasikan Outline Job Training dalam format power point di depan kelas! KRITERIA PENILAIAN: No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kategori Penilaian Kelancaran (fluency) Pengucapan (pronunciation) Intonasi (intonation) Kosakata (vocabulary) Penampilan (performance) Penggunaan alat Bantu LCD Ekspresi (expression) Content (Format isi) Jumlah score Score: Ya mendapat score 5 Kurang mendapat score 3 Tidak mendapat score 2 Ya Kurang Tidak Nilai = jumlah score x 5 = 100 2 C. Nilai Akhir: Nilai Tes Tertulis + Nilai Tes Lisan = 100 2 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN SMK GAMALIEL I RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.4 Memahami manual penggunaan peralatan. IV. Indikator : 1. Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi manual penggunaan alat denan benar. 2. Mengungkapkan kembali petunjuk penggunaan peralatan (minimal dua manual) dengan kata-kata sendiri dengan benar. V. Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi manual pengguanaan alat dengan benar. 2. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan kembali dengan kata-kata sendiri dengan benar penggunaan peralatan. VI. Materi Ajar  PERTEMUAN 9  Describing the process how to use a manual.  When we describe how to use / maintain / repair a manual, we can use the expressions in the following: The expressions that can be used to describe the process are, first, ……, second,…, next ……, after that, …….., before ………., finally, ………….  When giving instructions in the process how to use / maintain / repair, we use imperative sentences: Don’t turn the lights on Plug in the VCR Push the red button Don’t turn it off  PERTEMUAN 10  Describing the process how to maintain a manual.  PERTEMUAN 11  Retell the content of the process of the use/ the maintenance/ or repairing a / two manual(s)  Siswa dapat menerangkan bagaimana memberikan petunjuk penggunaan satu alat manual secara kreatif, mandiri dan komunikatif VII. Alokasi Waktu : 12 x 45 menit (Pertemuan ke-9 s/d 11) VIII. Metode Pembelajaran : RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 1. Writing: To write the process how to use, to maintain, and to repair a manual. 2. Speaking: retell the content of the manual(s), and questions and answers IX. Kegiatan Pembelajaran : PERTEMUAN 9 (Describing the process how to use a manual) A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana mendescribsikan langkah-langkah menggunakan sebuah peralatan manual. Menjelaskan pada siswa ungkpan-ungkapan yang dipakai dalam mendeskripsikan proses. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menentukan sebuah manual dan kemudian mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah menggunakannya. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Membuat kesimpulan dari materi yang sudah dibahas bersama siswa. PERTEMUAN 10 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana mendescribsikan langkah-langkah merawat atau memperbaiki sebuah peralatan manual. Menjelaskan pada siswa ungkpan-ungkapan yang dipakai dalam mendeskripsikan proses merawat atau memperbaiki sebuah peralatan manual. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menentukan sebuah manual dan kemudian mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah merawat atau memperbaikinya. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 11 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang materi yang sudah dibahas sebelumnya tentang bagaimana mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah menggunakan, merawat atau memperbaiki sebuah peralatan manual. 2. Elaborasi RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menentukan sebuah manual dan kemudian mendeskripsikan di depan kelas langkah-langkah menggunakan, merawat atau memperbaikinya. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi X. Penilaian Hasil Belajar :  Pertemuan 9 Aziza has bought a cassette player, but she doesn’t know how to use it. She asks her friend to help her. Angga gives her instructions. Rearrange the instructions in the following into good order: a. Insert the cassette into the cassette chamber b. To stop it, pres the stop button c. To make the tape go forward quickly, press the fast-forward button d. And adjust the sound, please adjust the volume knob e. First plug the cord f. To start it, press the start button g. For recording, press the start and record button at the same time h. To make it go back, press the rewind button  Pertemuan 10 Describe the process how to maintain a manual.  Pertemuan 11 Determine one manual and describe how to use, repair or to maintain it! XI. Sumber Belajar : a. Various Manual b. Global Access to the World of Work (Diknas) c. BSE for English SMK (Diknas) Madiun, Juli 2014 Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan M : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.4 Memahami manual penggunaan peralatan. IV. Indikator : 1. Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi manual penggunaan alat denan benar. 2. Mengungkapkan kembali petunjuk penggunaan peralatan (minimal dua manual) dengan kata-kata sendiri dengan benar. KISI-KISI SOAL A. TES TERTULIS: 1. Describe the process how to maintain a carburetor in motorcycle. (50) 2. Describe the process how to repair a flat tire. (50) Score Tes Tertulis = 100 B. TES LISAN: Determine a free manual and secribe the process how to use, maintain, or repair it and perform it in front of the class. Kriteria Penilaian: No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kategori Penilaian Kelancaran (fluency) Pengucapan (pronunciation) Intonasi (intonation) Kosakata (vocabulary) Penampilan (performance) Penggunaan Kata keterangan Ekspresi (expression) The order of the instruction (uruturutan instruksi) Jumlah score Score: Ya mendapat score 5 Kurang mendapat score 3 Tidak mendapat score 2 Ya Kurang Tidak Nilai = jumlah score x 5 = 100 2 C. Nilai Akhir: Nilai Tes Tertulis + Nilai Tes Lisan = 100 2 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 SMK GAMALIEL I TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.5 Memahami surat-surat bisnis sederhana. IV. Indikator : 1. Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dengan benar. 2. Menceritakan kembali isi surat bisnis dengan benar. V. Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dengan benar. 2. Siswa mampu menceritakan kembali isi surat bisnis dengan benar. VI. Materi Ajar  PERTEMUAN 12 : Letters There are two main types of letters: 1. Personal (private) letter: This kind of letters is usually sent by a personal to another person or to an office telling about his personal matters. He can tell everything he feels in his letter. Personal letters do not follow certain limitations. 2. Business letters: When somebody writes a letter to his boss in the office or when he applies for a job he must write a business letter. He cannot tell everything he feels. He writes things to the point, because the person he writes the letters is always busy and doesn’t have much time to read long letter. A business letter always follows certain regulations. Business letters: 1. Letter of Inquiry: they are simple requests for information, such as literature, favors, reservations, appointments, and so on. 2. Letters Answering Request: They are answering all the coming orders from big or small companies. Some times they use special form for thiskind of letter, unless it requires personal message. They are sometime difficult to write, because they have to refuse a customer’s request, to tell the delay of delivery. This letter requires the utmost tact and courtesy. 3. Claim and Adjustment Letter: Sometimes a customer complains about things you do for him. Thus, you have to reply for this disappointed customer. 4. Credit and Collection letters: These letters are answering people who send letters asking for credits which are the basis of business transactions. The answers are usually favorable. Collection letters are sent to those who receive credits. They might forget to pay the loan back. The letters should remind, reason, and threaten sometimes. 5. Sales Letters: People use these letters for special purposes: for selling products or services. 6. Employment letters: These letters are for getting a position, asking about a position, thanking for an interview and resigning for a position. 7. Social Business Letters: Business people write these letters to maintain friendly relationship with customers and other business acquaintances. This business correspondence includes: letters of congratulation, letters of sympathy, invitations, RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 8. letters of friendship, and thank you letter. They promote goodwill among the writers and the receivers. etc.  PERTEMUAN 13 : Memo, Telephone Message, Fax 1. Memo MEMORANDUM 308 To: Fm/from: All employees Donetta Fuscillo Safety Coordinator Date: June 23, 2009 Sub: Fire doors. Employees are reminded that the doors designated for fire doors must stay closed at all times. The purpose of fire doors is to help direct smoke away from areas where people are working in case of fire in the building. Even though the weather is hot and the repairs to the company’s air conditioners are not complete, keeping the fire doors open is dangerous and is not allowed. 2. Telephone Message: From To TELEPHONE MESSAGE : ……………….. : ……………….. Please ring back: …… Will call again: ……… Message : ………………................................................ …………………………………………………………. Time: ………………… Taken by: ……………. 3. Fax: Starling Brothers Investment Firm 145 East 45th Strret New York NY 10019 To: All airline investors BY FAX Fm: Alfonso Relly Pages: This only Broker Stock Alert Stock Alert Stock Alert Southern Regional Airlines earned $9.8 million in this fourth quarter, compared with a loss of $585.1 million the previous year. The profit was due to reduced costs and an increase in profitable routes. This year the airline lost $112.4 million in total, compared with a loss of $1 billion last year. If the present management does not change, we assume that the costreduction measures and their choice of route will continue to have a positive effect on earnings. By eliminating even more routes across the Atlantic, the airline should be able to focus on the shirt-haul markets where it built its strong base. We suggest keeping Southern Regional stock at this time. If there is any change in this forecast, we will advice you.  PERTEMUAN 14 : Advertisement, Forms 1. Advertisement RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 WHY WAIT FOR A BETTER JOB? Get a great job now! National Air Is hiring full-time representatives for Sales & Reservations. Talk to our employees and discover why we’re the best thing in the air. OPEN HOUSE National Air Headquarters Southeast Regional Airport Thursday, June 15 7:30 p.m. 2. Forms ARRIVAL FORM Family name…………………… Given Name …………………… Country of Citizenship ………... Passport Number ……………… Country Where You Live …….. Birth Date ……………………. Sex …………………………… Airline and Flight ……………. Where Boarded ……………… Purpose of Travel ……………  Siswa dapat memahami isi surat bisnis dan menjawab pertanyaan dari surat bisnis tersebut secara kreatif dan mandiri VII. Alokasi Waktu : 12 x 45 menit (Pertemuan ke-12 s/d 14) VIII. Metode Pembelajaran : 1. Writing: Questions and answers based on the business letters 2. Reading: Reading business letters 3. Retelling the content of the business letters IX. Kegiatan Pembelajaran : PERTEMUAN 12 A. Langkah Awal: Pre Test Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang berbagai macam surat bisnis sederhana. Memberikan contoh surat bisnis sederhana. Menjelaskan pada siswa format surat bisnis sederhana. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan dari surat bisnis sederhana. Memberikan latihan kepada siswa menulis surat bisnis sederhana. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 13 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang memo, pesan telephon dan fax. Memberikan contoh memo, pesan telephon dan fax. Menjelaskan pada siswa cara penulisan memo, pesan telephon dan fax. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan dari memo, pesan telephon dan fax. Memberikan latihan kepada siswa menulis memo, pesan telephon dan fax. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 14 A. Langkah Awal: Pre Test Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang advertisement / selebaran iklan serta form / formulir. Memberikan contoh advertisement / selebaran iklan serta form / formulir. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan dari advertisement / selebaran iklan serta form / formulir. Memberikan latihan kepada siswa , mengisi formulir berdasarkan sebuah dialog. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi X. Penilaian Hasil Belajar :  Pertemuan 12: Letters Read the following letter of inquiry and answer the questions: RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 ANDRIANTO & SONS CORPORATION International Trader BE 17-18 Karaba-KIIC Karawang – West Java Indonesia Karawang, July 19, 2009 The Export Manager YASAMHIRA Co. 108 Toffu Road Kyoto Japan Dear Sir, As one of the largest importers of machinery in Indonesia, we are interested in the mini-off-set printers you displayed at the recent Jakarta Fair. Please let us have your catalogue and your latest F.O.B export, price together with your term of payment and state whether you would be able to deliver within three weeks of receipt of order. We would also like to know if you allow a discount for regular purchases. We look forward to receiving your reply. Yours Faithfully, SADAM PUTERA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who wrote this letter? To what company is it addressed? What does it enquire? Where was it found before? Is sender waiting for an answer, and how do you know?  Pertemuan 13 : Memo, telephone message, fax I. Answer the questions based on the following memo MEMORANDUM To: Fm/from: All employees Donetta Fuscillo Safety Coordinator Date: June 23, 2009 Sub: Fire doors. Employees are reminded that the doors designated for fire doors must stay closed at all times. The purpose of fire doors is to help direct smoke away from areas where people are working in case of fire in the building. Even though the weather is hot and the repairs to the company’s air conditioners are not complete, keeping the fire doors open is dangerous and is not allowed. 1. What kind of memo is this? a. A notice about policy b. A safety warning c. A personnel memo d. A reception invitation 2. What is the purpose of the fire doors? a. to keep smoke away from people b. To provide escape route c. To keep fire from spreading d. To contain heat 3. Why were employees probably keeping the fire doors open? a. To get a higher floor b. To look at the view RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 c. To go from office to office d. To let in cool air II. Answer the questions based on the following fax Starling Brothers Investment Firm 145 East 45th Strret New York NY 10019 To: All airline investors BY FAX Fm: Alfonso Relly Pages: This only Broker Stock Alert Stock Alert Stock Alert Southern Regional Airlines earned $9.8 million in this fourth quarter, compared with a loss of $585.1 million the previous year. The profit was due to reduced costs and an increase in profitable routes. This year the airline lost $112.4 million in total, compared with a loss of $1 billion last year. If the present management does not change, we assume that the costreduction measures and their choice of route will continue to have a positive effect on earnings. By eliminating even more routes across the Atlantic, the airline should be able to focus on the shirt-haul markets where it built its strong base. We suggest keeping Southern Regional stock at this time. If there is any change in this forecast, we will advice you. 1. To what is this profit due? a. New marketing strategies b. Lower cost and more profitable routes c. Greater tickets sales d. Changes in the competition 2. How much did the airline lose this year? a. $1 million b. $ 908 million c. $11204 million d. $1 billion 3. What is the core of the airlines ‘business’? a. Shipping b. Transatlantic route c. Short-haul routes d. Charter lights  Pertemuan 14 : Advertisements, forms I. Answer the questions based on the following advertisement WHY WAIT FOR A BETTER JOB? Get a great job now! National Air Is hiring full-time representatives for Sales & Reservations. Talk to our employees and discover why we’re the best thing in the air. OPEN HOUSE National Air Headquarters Southeast Regional Airport Thursday, June 15 7:30 p.m. 1. What is the purpose of this ad? a. To meet new people b. To sell tickets RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 c. To find job applicants d. To show off the new headquarters 2. Where will the event be held? a. At their headquarters b. At the owner’s house c. On a plane d. At the regional office 3. What job does the airline have available? a. Baggage handlers b. Pilots and co-pilots c. Reservation and sales d. Operations and management II. Listen to the statements read by the teacher and fill in the following forms: ARRIVAL FORM Family Name…………………… Given Name …………………… Country of Citizenship ………... Passport Number ……………… Country Where You Live …….. XI. Birth Date ……………………. Sex …………………………… Airline and Flight ……………. Where Boarded ……………… Purpose of Travel …………… Sumber Belajar : 1. English for Secretaries 2. Business Letters 3. Global Access to the World of Work (Diknas) 4. BSE for English SMK (Diknas) Madiun, Juli 2014 Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.5 Memahami surat-surat bisnis sederhana. IV. Indikator : 1. Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dengan benar. 2. Menceritakan kembali isi surat bisnis dengan benar. KISI-KISI SOAL A. TES LISAN Dandy Manufacturing, Inc. 2525 E. 34th Street Greeley, CO 80631 February 3, 2007 Better Widget Makers, Inc. 5555 Widget Avenue Silver City, CO 80456 Attention: Sales Department I would like to order the Widgets listed in the table below. The reference numbers are from our 2006 catalogue. Please include a new catalogue with my order. I would like this order to ship COD complete. If you cannot ship the complete order within 10 days, please notify me immediately. I can be reached at (303) 954-0202 #35 Quantity Ref.# 100 AB045 300 XT111 50 NT066 Description Tiny Blue Widget Deluxe Yellow Widget Super Deluxe Red Widget Price Total $2.38 $238.00 $4.56 $1,386.00 50 $6.15 $307.00 Total: $1,913.50 Thank you, Jim Dandy, Jr. General Manager Read the letter and report to the class the content of the letter according to the following questions. • Who wrote the letter? RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 • Whom is the letter written to? • When was the letter written? • What companies are engaged? • What was ordered? • How much is the total price of the order? • How soon should the complete order be sent? Kriteria penilaian: No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kategori Penilaian Kelancaran (fluency) Pengucapan (pronunciation) Intonasi (intonation) Kosakata (vocabulary) Pemahaman isi surat (comprehension) Jumlah score Score: Ya mendapat score 5 Kurang mendapat score 3 Tidak mendapat score 2 Ya Kurang Tidak Nilai = jumlah score x 4 = 100 B. TES TERTULIS Klara Agusta Jalan W.Z. Johanes No. 621 Kel. Bumi Nyiur, Manado 95118 May 26, 2007 The Tiny Tots Toy Company Jalan Ceningan Sari No. 50 Sesetan, Denpasar 80223 Dear Customer Service Representative: I recently purchased one of your Tiny Tents (Model #47485) for my three-year old daughter. Unfortunately, after viewing the components that came with the product, I discovered that four of the parts were missing. Also, the instructions that came with the tent are in Portuguese and Russian, but not in English or French, the two languages I speak. These two unforeseen problems have resulted in the tent remaining un assembled and unacceptable as a toy for my daughter. I am writing to request replacements for the missing parts, and a copy of the full set of assembly instructions (in English or French) for the model I purchased. If reasonable arrangements are not made within ten business days, I will return the tent to the store I purchased it from and expect a full refund. To assist you in processing my request, I am including a copy of my sales receipt and a list of the missing parts. I have purchased other toys manufactured by your company in the past, and have always been impressed with the quality and selection that Tiny Tots has made available to its customers. I sincerely hope this is a one-time incident, and that any future purchases I make will live up to the standard my family has come to expect from your company. Sincerely, Klara Agusta Enc: 2 Answer the following questions based on the letter above: 1. Which is NOT TRUE about Klara Agusta? (1) RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 a. She recently purchased a toy for her daughter. b. She speaks four languages. c. She found the components of the toy she bought were incomplete. d. She wrote the letter because she didn’t understand the assembly instructions. 2. How many problems does Klara Agusta have with the toy she purchased? (1) a. One. b. Two. c. Three. d. Four. 3. What does Mrs. Agusta ask for? (1) a. A new toy of the same model. b. A copy of her sales receipt. c. The missing parts of the toy and its assembly instructions in English or French. d. A refund. 4. What might make Mrs. Agusta purchase Tiny Tents manufactured by the Tiny Tots Toy Company? (1) a. The toys have a low price. b. The toys are easy to assemble. c. The design of the toy is impressive. d. The toys manufactured by the company, which she has purchased, have always had an impressing quality. 5. Whom does Mrs. Agusta write the letter to? (1) a. The shopkeeper of the store where she purchased the toy. b. The owner of the Tiny Tots Toy Company. c. The worker who made Tiny Tents. d. The customer service representative of the Tiny Tots Toy Company. Identify the following parts of the letter. 1. letter head (1) 2. date line (1) 3. inside address (1) 4. salutation (1) 5. closure (1) Total Score: 10 Score Tes Tertulis: 10 X 10 = 100 C. NILAI AKHIR: Nilai Tes Lisan + Nilai Tes Tertulis = 100 2 D. ANSWER KEY: A. TES LISAN RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jim Dandy, Jr. Sales Department of Better widget Makers, Inc. February 3, 2007 Better Widget Makers, Inc. and Dandy Manufacturing, Inc. Tiny Blue Widget, Deluxe Yellow Widget, Super Deluxe Red Widget $ 1,913.50 10 days from the date of the letter B. TES TERTULIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B B C D D Klara Agusta Jalan W.Z. Johanes No. 621 Kel. Bumi Nyiur, Manado 95118 7. May 26, 2007 8. The Tiny Tots Toy Company Jalan Ceningan Sari No. 50 Sesetan, Denpasar 80223 9. Dear Customer Service Representative: 10. Sincerely RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN SMK GAMALIEL I RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.6 Memahami dokomen-dokumen teknis. IV. Indikator : 1. Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dengan benar. 2. Menceritakan kembali Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) di tempat kerja dengan katakata sendiri dengan benar. V. Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dengan benar. 2. Siswa mampu menceritakan kembali dengan kata-kata sendiri Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) di tempat kerja dengan benar. VI. Materi Ajar  PERTEMUAN 15 : Standard Operating Procedure from workplace A. Standard Operating Procedure of Activating SIM Card: 1. Before installing SIM card, always make sure that the phone is switched off and you can then remove the battery. 2. With the back of the phone facing you, press the release button. Slide and lift the back cover off the phone in the direction of the arrow. 3. Lift the battery out of the phone. 4. Insert the SIM card into the phone. Make sure that the SIM card is positioned correctly and that the golden contact area on the card is facing downwards. 5. Replace the battery. 6. Replace the back cover. Make sure that the locking catches on the sides of the covers go in the notches on the phone. B. How to install a socket: 1. The recess and the channel are marked out with pencil. 2. the plaster is cut away using a hammer and a chisel. 3. The brickwork is removed by drilling holes in it and then cutting it away with the hammer and chisel. 4. the box is inserted in the recess and screwed into place. 5. The cable is placed in the channel. 6. It is then pulled through the hole in the box. 7. The cable channel is covered. This is done by filling it with plaster, which is the painted or papered. 8. The socket is connected to the cable by inserting each wire in the terminal and tightening the screw. 9. The socket is screwed to the box. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 C. Checklist of job in a car service: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Check the oil: look at dipstick Raise oil level: take off cap, pour oil in Check water level: take off cap, check level is 15 mm below neck. Raise water level: pour in more water. Check lights: switch on lights, get out of car and look. Check brake lights: press brake pedal, ask your workmate to look, remove cap. Check tire pressure: place gauge on valve. Increase tire pressure: pump in air. D. How to weld (Electric Arc): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hold the screen in front of your eyes. Hold the electrode at 80 to the surface of the plates. Make sure that the tip of the electrode is less than 3 mm from the plate. Strike an arc between the tip and the plate. Move the electrode steadily backwards in a straight line.  Pertemuan 16 dan 17 : Perform the procedure SOP in front of the class VII. Alokasi Waktu : 12 x 45 menit (Pertemuan ke 15 s/d 17) VIII. Metode Pembelajaran : 1. Speaking: Retelling the content of Standard Operating Procedure 2. Writing: Writing the content of Standard Operating Procedure IX. Kegiatan Pembelajaran PERTEMUAN 15 : A. Langkah Awal: Pre Test Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Memberikan contoh SOP yang muncul dalam lingkungan kerja. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan yang terkait dengan SOP. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 16 dan 17 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang bagaimana menceritakan kembali sebuah SOP dengan kata-kata sendiri. Menjelaskan pada siswa bagaimana menceritakan kembali sebuah SOP dengan katakata sendiri. 2. Elaborasi RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menceritakan kembali sebuah SOP dengan kata-kata sendiri. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi X. Penilaian Hasil Belajar :  Pertemuan 15 I. Match the instructions with the ones in the box. 1. Tighten the screw. a. Write from left to right. b. Turn it anti-clockwise. c. Push the switch downwards. d. Push the switch upwards. e. Turn it clockwise. f. Write from right to left. 2. Switch off the power. 3. Write in English. 4. Loosen the nut. 5. Write in Arabic. 6. Switch on the power II. Answer the following questions based on the text! Fuse box Fuse wire Fuse Mending a Fuse Every household electrical system has a fuse boxwhich contains fuses. Often a fuse wire burns out and youwill have to fix a new fuse wire which can be bought atan electrical or a hardware shop. You must always use the same thickness of wire. To change the fuse wire, you will first have to open the fuse box. Next, find the fuse carrier with a new one. Always wind the wire in a clockwise direction. Finally, put the carrier back, turn on the main switch on the lights. Taken from English Form 4, 1990 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is the text about? What is inside of the fuse box? Why should the fuse carriers be pulled out one by one? How can you know that the fuse is broken? Can you use any kinds of wire for replacing the broken one? Which word in the text means in the direction of the movement of the hands of a clock? 7. What is the very last step you have to take when mending a fuse?  Pertemuan 16 dan 17 Describe one of the following SOP in front of the class! RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 1. Describe the Standard Operating Procedure in a car service! 2. Describe the Standard Operating Procedure in welding using electric arc! XI. Sumber Belajar : 1. Global Access to the World of Work (Diknas) 2. BSE for English SMK (Diknas) 3. SOP from workplace 4. Vocabulary Book Madiun, Juli 2014 Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.6 Memahami dokomen-dokumen teknis. IV. Indikator :  Menjawab pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dengan benar.  Menceritakan kembali Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) di tempat kerja dengan katakata sendiri dengan benar. KISI-KISI SOAL TES LISAN 1. Find one SOP in the work place and describe it in front of the class! KRITERIA PENILAIAN: No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kategori Penilaian Kelancaran (fluency) Pengucapan (pronunciation) Intonasi (intonation) Kosakata (vocabulary) Penampilan (performance) Penggunaan kata keterangan Ekspresi (expression) Urut-urutan menjelaskan proses kerja / cara mengoperasikan alat (order) Jumlah score Score: Ya mendapat score 5 Kurang mendapat score 3 Tidak mendapat score 2 Ya Kurang Tidak Nilai = jumlah score x 5 = 100 2 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN SMK GAMALIEL I RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran 1. Satuan Pendidikan 2. Kelas 3. Semester 4. Kompetensi Keahlian 5. Mata Pelajaran 6. Jumlah Pertemuan : : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.7 Menulis surat bisnis dan laporan sederhana. IV. Indikator : 1. Membuat surat-surat bisnis (tawaran, pesanan, enquiry dll) secara sederhana. 2. Membalas Surat-surat bisnis (tawaran, pesanan, enquiry dll) secara tertulis dengan benar. 3. Merespon iklan lowongan pekerjaan dengan membuat surat lamaran dengan benar. 4. Menyajikan laporan prakerin dalam bentuk laporan tertulis. V. Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Siswa mampu mebuat surat-surat bisnis secara sederhana. 2. Siswa mampu membalas secara tertulis surat-surat bisnis dengan benar. 3. Mampu membuat / menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan dengan benar. 4. Siswa mampu menyajikan laporan prakerin secara tertulis dengan benar. VI. Materi Ajar  PERTEMUAN 18 dan19 1. Enquiry Letter ANDRIANTO & SONS CORPORATION International Trader BE 17-18 Karaba-KIIC Karawang – West Java Indonesia Karawang, July 19, 2009 The Export Manager YASAMHIRA Co. 108 Toffu Road Kyoto Japan ANDRIANTO & SONS CORPORATION Dear Sir, As one of the largest importers ofInternational machinery inTrader Indonesia, we are interested in the BE 17-18 Karaba-KIIC mini-off-set printers you displayed at the recent Jakarta Fair. Karawang – West Java Indonesia Please let us have your catalogue and your latest F.O.B export, price together with Karawang, Aug 1, 2009 your term of payment and state whether you would be able to deliver within three The Export Manager weeks of receipt of order. We would also like to know if you allow a discount for YASAMHIRA regular purchases.Co. We look forward to receiving your reply. 108 Toffu Road Kyoto Japan Yours Faithfully, Dear Mr.Fumashita Many thanks for your quotation and catalogue about the mini offset-printer which SADAM PUTERA arrived last week. Import Manager We are now more convinced that the machine will be very suitable for the market in our country and therefore we would like you to send us: 20 units of mini off-set printers type YOP-417 at once. 2. Order Letter Our order is subject to your term of payment, viz. Payment against bill of exchange at 60 days, less 2 ½ percent. If this first order is executed satisfactorily, we will be happy to place further business with you. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Yours faithfully, Sadam Putera 3. Complaint Letter ANDRIANTO & SONS CORPORATION International Trader BE 17-18 Karaba-KIIC Karawang – West Java Indonesia Karawang, Aug 10, 2009 Mr. Fumashita YASAMHIRA Co. 108 Toffu Road Kyoto Japan Dear Mr.Fumashita, We have already received our order. The shipment arrived yesterday but I’m sorry to tell you that one of the cases was damaged. When we investigated further we found out that the machine inside was also damaged. I attach the statement of the forwarding company about the damage. Since we can’t possibly sell the machine I its present condition, we have to ask you to send us another unit to replace the damaged one. As for the defected one, we are waiting for your request, but we will be glad to help you ship the machine back to Japan. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Sadam Putera YASAMHIRA Co. 108 Toffu Road Kyoto Japan Kyoto, July 27, 2009 Mr. Sadam Putera The Importer Manager Andrianto & Sons Corp BE 17-18 Karaba-KIIC Karawang – West Java Indonesia Dear Mr Sadam Putera, Thank you so much for your interest in our machine and we hope your company will place order from us. 1. The Replyweofenclose Enquiry Letter the latest F.O.B export and the price list. For Herewith, our catalogue, your information our company would be able to ship your order as soon as possible to satisfy our customer. And we place payment against bill of exchange at 60 days, less 2 ½ percent. RPP Kelas XII Teknik We lookPemesinan2014-2015 forward to receiving your order. Yours faithfully 2. The Reply of Order Letter YASAMHIRA Co. 108 Toffu Road Kyoto Japan Kyoto, August 27, 2009 Mr. Sadam Putera The Importer Manager Andrianto & Sons Corp BE 17-18 Karaba-KIIC Karawang – West Java Indonesia Dear Mr Sadam Putera, In reply to your order of August 19, we enclose our detailed quotation and catalogue. We are also happy to inform you that we can guarantee of our merchandise within Three weeks of receipt of your order. Owing to the heavy demand for this type of machinery, we would ask you to order without delay. After receiving the usual reverences, we would be pleased to offer the following terms: Payments against bill of exchange at 60 days, less 2 ½ %. We are wiling to allow a 10 % reduction in price on the second order up. You can reply on us on the execution of your order. Yours faithfully, YASAMHIRA Co. 108 Toffu Road Kyoto Japan Kyoto, July 27, 2009 Mr. Sadam Putera The Importer Manager Andrianto & Sons Corp BE 17-18 Karaba-KIIC Karawang – West Java Indonesia Dear Mr Sadam Putera, Thank you so much for having business with our company and get satisfied of our services. We’re truly sorry for what happened to one of the machine we shipped.  The of Complaint WeReply would like to keep up theLetter good business with you for a long period. Therefore, we’ll change the damage with the new one. Thank you that you will help us to ship back the damage machine and within in a month the new one will be dispatch to your harbor. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Many Pemesinan2014-2015 thanks for your information and still looking forward to receiving your further order. Yours faithfully  PERTEMUAN 20 1. The Example of Advertisement on Job Vacancy: U R G E N TLY R E Q U I R E D An International leading manufacture and distributor of a wide range equipment is looking for the following position: ACCOUNTING STAFF QUALIFICATION:  Male/Female (Max 30 years old)  D-III / S-1 Degree  Min. 2 years experience in similar position  Fluent in English both oral and written  Computer literal  Knowledgeable in taxation Please send your application, detail CV, recent photograph within 2 weeks to: P.O BOX 4188 Jakarta 10041 Tasikmalaya, 1 August 2009 Mr. Tommy Harry A Personal Manager of Pindo Deli Corp. KIIC, Karawang West Java Dear Sir, Referring to your advertisement in the Kompas newspaper published on July 25 about a vacancy in you, herewith, I would like to inform you that I can meet the requirement for being a typist. 2. The Example of employment letter summary / application letterthe details of my The enclosed, qualifications provides education and work experiences. I do not mind at all having interview with you whenever you think it necessary. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 Yours faithfully, Anisa T. Devi 3. The Example of Curriculum Vitae (CV) CURRICULUM VITAE Name Address Date of Birth Education : Fery Fadly : Jalan Kencana Wungu No.22 Surabaya : 22 April 1982 : Vocational High Scholl on Automotive Mechanic : International Course of English Qualifications : Vocational High School Certificate : English Course Diploma : Automotive Machinery - Good : English - Good Experience : None Interests : Automotive, sports Rererence : Mr.Prapto, the Principal of Vocational High School : Mrs. Maryani, the Director of International Course Indonesia Siswa dapat membuat dan menjawab surat bisnis dengan kreatif, mandiri dan komunikatif  VII. Alokasi Waktu : 12 x 45 menit (Pertemuan ke-18 s/d 20) VIII. Metode Pembelajaran Writing: : 1. 2. IX. Composing the business letters and the replies Composing application letter to respond the advertisement on job vacancy Kegiatan Pembelajaran PERTEMUAN 18 dan 19 : RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 A. Langkah Awal: Greeting Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang beberapa macam surat bisnis. Memberikan contoh serta format surat bisnis sederhana, yaitu inquiry letter, order letter dan complaint letter. Memberikan contoh serta format surat balasan untuk inquiry letter, order letter dan complaint letter. 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menulis inquiry letter, order letter dan complaint letter. Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menulis balasan untuk inquiry letter, order letter dan complaint letter. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi PERTEMUAN 20 A. Langkah Awal: Pre Test Menyiapkan alat / bahan / sumber B. Langkah Inti: 1. Eksplorasi Menggali pengetahuan siswa tentang proses bagaimana melamar pekerjaan. Memberikan contoh serta format surat lamaran pekerjaan serta CV (daftar riwayat hidup). 2. Elaborasi Memberikan latihan kepada siswa dengan meminta siswa menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan serta CV. 3. Konfirmasi Guru memberikan informasi ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas. C. Langkah Akhir: Kesimpulan dari materi X. Penilaian Hasil Belajar :  Pertemuan 18 dan 19 Write (1) an inquiry letter and (2) the reply of the enquiry letter (3), and then write order letter, and (4) complaint letter based on the following information: Name of your company: STAR COMPUTERS, Sukarno Hatta Street No. 342, Bandung Order: 20 Unit of computers with Intel Core Duo 20 Units of Epson printer laser jet Name of the other company : BARLETT & COMPANY, Kawasan Industry Cikarang, west Java – Indonesia Your name as Star Computer’s Manager: Andri Wijaya The name of other company’s manager: Dicky Chandra You complain because two units of printer do not function well and one unit of the computer cannot be operated. You want to send them back and ask for new ones.  Pertemuan 20 Find a job vacancy advertisement in newspaper and then write an application letter based on the advertisement. Write your CV as well. RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 XI. Sumber Belajar : a. Global Access to the World of Work (Diknas) b. English for Hotel Services c. Grammar in Use (Betty Schrampfer) d. BSE for English SMK (Diknas) Madiun, Juli 2014 Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Drs. Antonius Hary Purwito Budhi Santoso, S.Pd PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR I. Identitas Mata Pelajaran : RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Satuan Pendidikan Kelas Semester Kompetensi Keahlian Mata Pelajaran Jumlah Pertemuan : SMK Gamaliel 1 Madiun : XII : 1 (satu) : Teknik Pemesinan : BAHASA INGGRIS : 80 x 45 menit II. Standard Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate III. Kompetensi Dasar : 3.7 Menulis surat bisnis dan laporan sederhana. IV. Indikator : 1. Membuat surat-surat bisnis (tawaran, pesanan, enquiry dll) secara sederhana. 2. Membalas Surat-surat bisnis (tawaran, pesanan, enquiry dll) secara tertulis dengan benar. 3. Merespon iklan lowongan pekerjaan dengan membuat surat lamaran dengan benar. 4. Menyajikan laporan prakerin dalam bentuk laporan tertulis. KISI-KISI SOAL TES TERTULIS 1. Write (A) an inquiry letter and (B) the reply of the enquiry letter, and then write (C) order letter, and (D) complaint letter based on the following information: Name of your company: STAR COMPUTERS, Sukarno Hatta Street No. 342, Bandung Order: 20 Unit of computers with Intel Core Duo 20 Units of Epson printer laser jet Name of the other company : BARLETT & COMPANY, Kawasan Industry Cikarang, west Java – Indonesia Your name as Star Computer’s Manager: Andri Wijaya The name of other company’s manager: Dicky Chandra You complain because two units of printer do not function well and one unit of the computer cannot be operated. You want to send them back and ask for new ones. Score: 5 X 10 =50 2. Find a job vacancy advertisement in newspaper and then write an application letter based on the advertisement. Write your CV as well. Score: 2 X 10 = 20 3. Write your essay report of your job training. Score: 30 RPP Kelas XII Teknik Pemesinan2014-2015
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