RPA 1950 and 1951

April 2, 2018 | Author: Sachith Soju | Category: Government, Politics, Public Law, Constitutional Law, Social Institutions



ClearIAS.com Home How to clear IAS? Buy IAS Books UPSC Exam Strategies IAS Study Materials Search Are you a confused beginner Salient features of the Representation looking for IAS guidance? Start from of Peoples Act for freshers. You may also install Article 324 to 329 of Part our comprehensive strategy post Clear IAS Android App for FREE! XV of the Constitution deals with the electoral Enter your e-mail ID and get each system in our country. new post of ClearIAS.com Constitution allows delivered straight into your inbox. Parliament to make provisions in all matters relating to elections to the Parliament and State Legislatures. In exercise of this power, the Parliament has enacted laws like Representation of the People Act 1950 (RPA Act 1950), Representation of the People Act 1951 (RPA Act 1951) and Delimitation Commission Act of 1952. In this article, let us focus on the salient features of the Representation of Peoples Act : RPA Act 1950 and RPA Act 1951. Representation of Peoples Act 1950 (RPA Act 1950) Representation of Peoples Act 1950 (RPA Act 1950) provides for the following : 1. Qualification of voters. 2. Preparation of electoral rolls. 3. Delimitation of constituencies. Email Address Subscribe Detailed list of recommended IAS Bo Buy Cameras 8. Allocation of seats in the Parliament and state legislatures. Buy Books 1951) 5. Buy Clothing 2. Flipkart Offers Zone . RPA Act 1950 Parts and Schedules Part I : Preliminary Part II : Allocation Of Seats And Delimitation Of Constituencies Part IIA : Officers Part IIB : Electoral Rolls For Parliamentary Constituencies Part III : Electoral Rolls For Assembly Constituencies Part IV Electoral Rolls For Council Constituencies Part V General The First Schedule Allocation of seats in the House of the People The Second Schedule Total number of seats in the Legislative Assemblies The Third Schedule Allocation of seats in the Legislative Councils The Fourth Schedule Local authorities for purposes of elections to Legislative Councils The Fifth Schedule [Repealed by the Government of Union Territories Act. Buy Mobiles 7. 1963] The Sixth Schedule [Repealed by the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act. 1956] The Seventh Schedule [Repealed by the Representation of the People (Amendment) Act] UPTO 60% OFF! SHOP ONLI NE! 1. Beauty Representation of Peoples Act 1951 (RPA Act 4. Buy Laptops 6.4. Buy Watches 3. Poll. the major amendment being made PRELI MS + MAI NS in 1966. 2. The act also deals with details like qualification and disqualification of members of Facebook social plugin both houses of Parliament (ie Loksabha and Rajyasabha) and the state legislatures (ie. 7. Representation of People’s Act 1951 was . MAI NS SPECI AL! 4.976 people like Clear IAS. 5. Election offences. State Legislative Assembly and State Legislative Council). By-elections.Shop Online & Pay on Delivery! Search All Categories Clear IAS Like 144. CLEAR I AS BUY MOTO G 3. Administrative machinery for conducting elections. Rules for the mode of Clear IAS conduct of elections is highlighted in detail. 6. Actual conduct of elections. The People’s Representation act provides for the actual conduct of elections in India. Election disputes. The act is of special significance to the smooth functioning of Indian democracy. Follow Highlights of RPA Act 1951 + 214 1. Representation of Peoples Act 1951 is an act enacted by the Indian provincial parliament before first general elections. APP! ! amended many times. Registration of political parties. as it checks the entry of persons with criminal background into the representative bodies. The provisional parliament enacted Representation of People’s Act 1951. PART VIII : DISQUALIFICATIONS. 9. PART I : PRELIMINARY.). GS 4 general elections could be conducted according to the Paper rules mentioned.Biodiversity. Essay Specifically mentioned in Civil Service Mains GS Paper 2. 6. PART VI : DISPUTES REGARDING ELECTIONS. Social Justice etc. 8. PART VII : CORRUPT PRACTICES AND ELECTORAL OFFENCES. 2. The details of the parts in Representation of People Act 1951 are as below: Culture.[Salient features of the Representation of Peoples Act: 1. 7. PART IV : ADMINISTRATIVE MACHINERY FOR THE CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS. Citation is Article No 43 of 1951. 10. PART IV A : REGISTRATION OF POLITICAL PARTIES. Representation of People’s Act contains 13 parts (2 parts added as amendments).Indian Economy. Climate Change etc. 1. PART IX : BYE-ELECTIONS. PART II : QUALIFICATIONS AND DISQUALIFICATIONS. GS 3 Constituent Assembly had mentioned for a provisional Paper parliament.Indian and World Geography. Paper can also be asked for Prelims and Interview] 2. 4. GS 1 Paper Salient features of the Representation of 3. so that 5.National and international. Geography Notes . General Science Notes . GS 2 People’s Act Paper Part 21 of the the Indian Constitution drafted by the 4. PART V : CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS. Indian Polity Notes . 3. IAS Study Materials for Mains (Extra Topics) . PART VA : FREE SUPPLY OF CERTAIN MATERIAL TO CANDIDATES OF RECOGNISED POLITICAL PARTIES. Economics Notes .Science and Technology. 5.Constitution.Indian History and later. Each part is divided into I AS STUDY MATERI ALS: PRELI MS CUM different sections making it a total of 171 numbered MAI NS sections (including those sections which were repealed History Notes . Environment Notes . Current Affairs Notes . 11. PART III : NOTIFICATION OF GENERAL ELECTIONS. 13.12. Indian Society Notes . “Election” means an election to fill a seat or seats in either House of Parliament or in the House or either paper 2. Notes . Most Viewed Representation of Peoples Act 1951. World History Notes . Expressions not used in 1951 act. International Affairs Notes . Download Representation of Peoples Act in PDF Recent Posts Most Commented Representation of Peoples Act 1950.GS paper 1. PART X : MISCELLANEOUS. Security and Disaster Management Notes . PART XI : GENERAL. shall have the same meaning. is always quoted by Supreme Court and High Court in various judgments. but listed in Foreign Relations Notes . since is Dark Matter vs Anti Matter vs pivotal in Negative Matter preventing criminals being The Four Fundamental Forces elected as of Nature representatives.GS paper 4. Integrity and Aptitude of Jammu and Kashmir.GS paper 3. Fermions and Bosons : Particles Which Make The Universe News: July 10.GS paper Representation of the People Act 1950 (43 of 1950) 2. Corrupt practices are mentioned in section 123.GS Chief Electoral Officer is mentioned in section 13A.GS paper 1. Representation of Peoples Amendment Act 2010. House of the Legislature of a State other than the State Ethics. Historical Background of Indian Constitution Why Representation of the People Act is in news now? Higgs Boson : The God Particle The act. 2013: Supreme Court struck down Section 8(4) of the Representation of People’s (RP) Act Details: A two-judge Supreme Court bench on July 10 struck down Section 8(4) of the Representation of People’s FOLLOW US! . in the case of a person who on the date of the conviction is a member of Parliament or the Legislature of a State. Prevention of Terrorism Act 2002 etc.A person convicted for the contravention of—(a) any law providing for the prevention of hoarding or profiteering. from the date of such conviction and shall continue to be disqualified for a further period of six years since his release. 1961. 3 .(RP) Act. take effect until three months have elapsed from that date or. subsection (2) or sub-section (3)] a disqualification under either subsection shall not.A person convicted of any offence and sentenced to imprisonment for not less than two years [other than any offence referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2)] shall be disqualified from the date of such conviction and shall continue to be disqualified for a further period of six years since his release. or (b) any law relating to the adulteration of food or drugs. Section 8(4) had provisions for convicted lawmakers to hold on to their seats provided they filed an appeal within three months of their conviction. (ii) imprisonment.A person convicted of an offence punishable under certain acts of Indian Penal Code. where the convicted person is sentenced to — (i) only fine.Notwithstanding anything 8[in sub-section (1). What is Section 8 of Representation of Peoples Act 1951 : Section 8 deals with Disqualification of representatives on conviction for certain offences. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967. 2 . if within that period an . or (c) any provisions of the Dowry Prohibition Act. shall be disqualified. 4 . Prevention of Corruption Act 1988. This section states that : 1 . for a period of six years from the date of such conviction. Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955. rule applies to those in jail and police custody. not applicable to those out on bail.” Share this:  Google  Facebook 11  Twitter 4  Email Update: Extend your IAS Preparation from laptop to mobile! Install Clear IAS Android App from Google Play Store for FREE! . The stroked-through portion above was the controversial Section 8(4) clause of the Representation of Peoples Act which was struck down by the Supreme Court calling the Act ultra-vires of the Constitution and providing for disqualification of MPs/MLAs on the day of their conviction. Details : Convicted or not. until that appeal or application is disposed of by the court.appeal or application for revision is brought in respect of the conviction or the sentence. The Bench said: “We have heard counsel for the [political] parties and we do not find any infirmity in the findings of the High Court in the impugned common order that a person who has no right to vote by virtue of the provisions of Section 62 (5) of the Representation of the People Act 1951 is not an elector and is therefore not qualified to contest the election to the House of the People or the Legislative Assembly of a State. News: July 2013: SC upholds Patna High Court judgment debarring persons in judicial and police custody from contesting elections (Section 62 (5) of the Representation of the People Act 1951). strategies. Parliament (Articles 79-88/122) 4.com provides free IAS online coaching. books and online study-materials with a vision that no candidate should be left out of UPSC exam competition due to inaccessibility of expensive IAS classroom coaching. Officers. Indian Companies Act 2013 : Salient Features 2. The Vice-President Of India (Articles 63-73) 7. ClearIAS. PS: Don't forget to check out Clear IAS . guidance. Governor of States (Article 152-162) 9. Conduct of Business and Disqualification of MPs (Articles 89-106/122) 10.Also see: 1. Fundamental Duties : Part IVA (Article 51A) 8. Schedules of Indian Constitution 6.com has always set high standards of quality and simplicity. Election to Rajya Sabha : The Procedure 3. The President of India (Articles 52-62) 5. Constitution of India : List of All Articles (1-395) and Parts (1-22) Written by Clear IAS™ ClearIAS. Started by Alex Andrews George. com | Filed under: Polity and tagged with: Representation of Peoples Act. 2014 ClearIAS. You are here: Home › Polity › Salient features of the Representation of Peoples Act Last updated on April 2nd.android app as well as "Write Articles. UPSC Mains General Studies Paper 2 (GS2) 7 Responses to "Salient features of the Representation of Peoples Act" anakin says: September 1. 2013 at 12:06 pm very helpful Reply . UPSC Civil Services Mains Paper 3. Win Prizes" contest. 2013 at 10:00 am productive Reply Ashwini Bhat says: October 23. 2013 at 6:38 pm Very useful………….Elango says: September 9. Reply Nikita says: September 16. 2013 at 6:43 pm I love you ! Reply francis says: September 21. 2013 at 2:40 pm very precise Reply . 2013 at 9:32 am Great! Reply Arjun says: September 20.T.. What is IAS? 2. IAS Polls 5.. IAS Books Prelims Sitemap 2. 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