ROSOV Operation Manual

April 4, 2018 | Author: nikhil vatsa | Category: Valve, Bearing (Mechanical), Screw, Actuator, Electrical Connector



Triple Offset ValveRemote Operated Shut-Off Valves (ROSOV) INSTALLATION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL Website : Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual Content General Instructions Page No. 1 Introduction 3 2 Transportation, Reception and Storage 4 3 Do’s and Don’ts 5 4 Installation 6 5 Operation of the valve 8 6 Trouble Shooting 9 7 Preventive Maintenance 9 8 Ordering the Spares 10 9 Disassembly and Assembly Instructions 10 10 Exploded View 13 11 Possible Misuse of Triple Offset Valve 14 12 Valve Ordering Information & Warranty 14 13 Address for Correspondence, Works & Sales Offices 16 2 Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual 1. Introduction Scope The manual is provided to ensure proper installation, operation & maintenance for the TriTork Triple Offset Valve (TOV) manufactured and supplied by Virgo Group of Companies. This manual covers Virgo’s Triple Offset valve range from 3” to 30”. Fig 1.1 Identification of Valve 3 Transportation.2 Fixing the Rope Fig.3 Lifting of Valve Fig. Use crane to lift and mount the valve on pipeline. bear in mind its weight. 2. • Always place the valve preferably on rubber sheets laid on ground. Lifting the valve from any other location may damage the valve / automation components. • While loading & unloading check for any “arrow” mark on cartons. 2. • Placing the valve directly on the ground or on a concrete floor should be avoided. protected from rain & storm. All valves shall be duly packed and delivered with disc in partially open position. • Place the rope securely around the valve body while handling the valve (Fig. Lift the valve only as shown in Fig 2. • While unpacking the valve. ensure that the valve and other accessories have not been damaged during transportation. • All wrapping and protection on the valves should not be removed until the valve is ready for installation.3.4 Lifting of Valve 4 .Installation. • We recommend storing of the valves should be indoor in a dry and dust free atmosphere. Operation & Maintenance Manual 2. Reception and Storage • Valves are being packed in cartons. • When handling the valve or the valve package.2). boxes or pallets while shipping to the customer. boxes or pallets as indicating upward position. 2.1 Storing the Valve Fig. Fig. 2. 2. • Do not try to rectify the valve leakage by reworking of seal ring. (Disassembling or removing a valve in pressurized condition will result in uncontrolled pressure release. dust & moisture free air while opening the valve with pneumatic actuator or for cleaning purposes. User of the valve must be aware of all the safety rules and regulations related to a particular environment in which the valve is to be used. User to ensure that the valve is used only for the specified application as agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. dirt can enter the pipeline during the valve maintenance.) • Do not pressurize the line without a Gear operator / actuation device properly installed & working on the valve. (Exceeding the pressure/temperature rating limitations marked on the valve may result in major damage or personal injury. end user should incorporate appropriate limiting/monitoring devices in the system for the safe operation of the valve. • Do not allow any such process that may generate spark. • Ensure that thorough ventilation is provided while working on the close equipment. Users of these valves should ensure that the valve pressure/temperature is less than or equal to the rated pressure/temperatures. Leaking seal ring has to be replaced with the new TriTork genuine seal ring. • Follow the safety rules and regulations. • Be aware of the type of media involved. Always isolate the relevant part of the pipeline. • Do not exceed the valve pressure/temperature rating limitations. Don’t • Do not drag the valve on bare floor. • Periodically ensure the tightness of Gland plate & Bottom flange joint bolting. • Always use dry. If required. • Use the valve for specified application only. Operation & Maintenance Manual before installing. 5 . Make sure that no dust. operating or repairing of any TOV. release the pressure from the valve and remove the media before dismantling the valve. Operation & Maintenance Manual 3. to use the Installation. Do’s and Don’ts Do’s • It is recommended always.) • Do not disassemble the valve or remove it from the pipeline while the valve is in pressurized condition. Protect people and the environment from any harmful or poisonous substances. particularly working in Hydrogen or Oxygen service line or any such inflammable fluids.Installation. 3 Valve Installation 6 . • Keep the valve in closed position while installing in the pipeline.Installation. welding residuals. • Never install the Valve with the Actuator on the underneath side in the pipeline. Operation & Maintenance Manual 4.1) Fig 4.2 Supporting the valve Fig 4. Fig 4. • Valves are bi-directional and can be installed in either direction. debris. But TriTork recommends putting shaft side towards upstream side. • Clean the pipeline to avoid damage of the super finish seal ring due to impurity. clean valve ends & bore using Acetone / suitable commercial solvent or as per the Customer’s requirement. Installation • Before installation. scaling. 4. (Fig. etc.1 Avoid this mounting position. 47 Series B (for 26” & above) as a standard. • Particular care should be taken with those valves equipped with “fail-open” actuators while installation. • If the pipeline is lined.PRACTICE • Close the disc fully and center the valve between the flanges. to make the fitting easier. • Rotate the disc in counter-clockwise direction and check the disc/seal ring clearance in the pipe.PRACTICE • Confirm that the distance between the flanges is as per valve face-to-face dimension. • Remove the valve. • Tack welds the flanges to the piping. • The Triple Offset valves have been designed for installation between flanges made in accordance with ASME B16. • Turn the valve disc in fully closed position.Installation.5 (for 3” to 24”) & ASME B16. • Complete the welding and allow cooling. • Install the valve by same sequence as per installation in an existing piping / practice VALVE REMOVAL FROM THE PIPING • Release the pressure from the pipeline and remove the media before valve removal from piping. INSTALLATION OF VALVES IN A NEW PIPING . Nameplate instructions will give the necessary information. 7 . there is no interference between the seal ring and piping. centering the body and insert all the bolts. INSTALLATION OF VALVES IN AN EXISITING PIPING . • Release and remove the bolts. • Keep the valve aligned between the flanges and close the bolts. • Close the valve body between some bolts and closes them partially. • Don’t weld the pipe on line with valve fitted as the heat may damage the valve seal ring. for the line where the valve is to be mounted. • During installation. Operation & Maintenance Manual FLANGE AND PIPING COMPATIBILITY • Valve should be checked for identification purpose and ensure that characteristics of valve matches to those specified for piping specifications. Failure to confirm that the disc rotation does not contact the lining may result in damage to the valve. • The mating flanges shall be aligned before final tightening of the flange bolts to ensure proper valve operation and the seating of any seals and gaskets. Stretch the pipe flanges using a proper tool. • Use the assembly valve/flanges for centering the valve in the piping. • Close the valve properly to keep the disc inside the valve face-to-face dimension. • Make sure that during opening of disc. • Insert the valve between the flanges. • Now bring the disc in full open position and close the bolts in a cross sequence. valve should be in closed position so that the seal ring does not get damaged. • Stretch pipe flanges using a proper tool. • Remove the valve and bolts from the piping before full welding. confirm that the disc does not come in contact with the lining during opening stroke. Installation. and/or leaking.2 • Valve should be opened and closed slowly to avoid hammering effect on the valve and pipeline. This can damage the seal ring or shaft.2: VALVE OPEN/CLOSE ORIENTATION 8 . refer General Arrangement Drawing. Operation of the Valve Clockwise rotation of shaft closes the valve & counter-clockwise rotation opens the valves. • If the valve is not operating to fully open or fully closed position. The valve disc open and close status can be visually identified by dimple position provided on shaft. valve should be operated 3-4 times and then kept in the fully open position. The valve closes in clockwise direction and can be rotated through 90º to the fully open or fully close position. Operation & Maintenance Manual 5. • Once the flushing is complete. 5. For constructional details of Valve automation. do not apply excessive force to operate the valve. • • • • Fig No. Refer figure 5. unless & until it is required. Do not disturb the Valve automation adjustment setting. Valve seat leaking Valve not fully closed Water hammer or noisy operation Jerky operation Debris trapped in valve Actuator mechanical stops improperly set Seal ring damage Error in valve sizing or flow of fluid with high velocity. Loosen gland nuts. 9 . • The type of process fluids involved. • Once a valve is repaired. (Refer General Arrangement Drawing). working conditions and location of the valves in the plants. bottom gaskets. Preventive maintenance is absolutely essential as the failure due to lack of the same may cause an emergency shutdown of the plant. • In order to avoid valve failure during operation. Flush the bearing Tighten Gland flange nuts Replace shaft packing Tighten bottom flange bolts. Replace or repair operator. Properly align the coupling 7. Hydro/Pneumatic tests should be carried out as per the specifications relevant to the valve. it is recommended that the seal ring. cycle valve & then re-tight. • While doing periodical checks. Preventive Maintenance Note: Observe the safety precautions as outlined in Do’s & Don’ts before performing maintenance. • Section 9 describes the procedure for complete dis-assembly & re-assembly of the valve.2 Cycle & flush the valve Remove the stop for closure and reset properly. Operation & Maintenance Manual 6. Refer figure 5. Symptom Valve won’t rotate Possible Fault Shaft packing is too tight Operator has failed Valve packed with impurities Shaft key has sheared Bottom flange gasket leaking Fluid solidification between bearings & shaft. Replace the seal ring Confirm valve sizing. it should undergo a complete set of tests to make sure that the valve is adequate for the original working conditions. Shaft Packing is too tight Shaft Packing leaking Air supply to actuator is inadequate. Actuator and shaft coupling misaligned Recommended Actions Loosen gland nuts. will determine the frequency of periodic inspection / maintenance which in fact will be made at the time of partial or total shutdown of the plant.Installation. Trouble Shooting The following table lists the possible malfunctions that might occur after prolonged use. seal ring & bottom flange gasket. seals and shaft packing should be replaced by genuine spares. all valves should be periodically inspected thoroughly to detect the damage of seal ring. Increase pressure or volume of supplied air. Replace gasket Close the valve fully. Flush or clean the valve Find out cause of shearing & replace the key. dimple on the shaft will be perpendicular to flow line axis. The procedure for a valve failing during operation due to lack of preventive maintenance is mentioned under maintenance of shaft packing. seals and even body. shaft. Gland flange nuts too loose Shaft Packing Damaged Bottom flange bolting loose Spiral wound gasket damaged. When the valve is fully closed. 20. Now remove gland packing rings (13) & spacer (12). Operation & Maintenance Manual 8. 14. 9. seal ring (03). 9. always convey the following information. 6. Date Part No. Place the valve body face horizontally on table such that retainer side faces towards roof. Push the shaft (08) from top till it is removed from bottom side. remove bearings (11) with the help of bearing removal tool. Due to the nature of the product. If required. Remove bracket & its dowel pins (19) from body (01). Mfg. 15. 13. 11. gasket (25) and lower-thrust washer (21) from body. Remove retainer ring (05). P. Size of the valve Valve rating Sr. gland (14) & gland stud (16). using or servicing the valve. 10. disc dowel pin (04) & disc gasket (06). O. 5. Remove gland nuts (17). split ring. 12. Rotate disc by hand such that total rotation of disc will be 180º with respect to initial closed position. this manual cannot cover all the individual situations that may occur while installing. No. 2. 16. Separate the gearbox (31) from bracket (18) by removing bolt (20). Dis-assembly & Assembly Instructions 1) Complete Dis-assembly 1. Ordering the spares When ordering for spare parts. 10 . Name of the part Number of valves required.Installation. Place the valve body face horizontally on table such that retainer ring side of body faces upwards. Rotate the body by 180º so that ribs on disc face upwards. 7. then remove shaft key (27) by removing socket headed screw. 18. Remove bottom flange (24). Remove retainer screws (07) from disc (02). 8. Unscrew adjustable screw (23) from shaft and then remove stop washer (22) from body. gland plate (15). 19. Remove bearing protector (28) from bearings. Ensure the valve is in closed condition. 3. Remove disc from body. 17. Remove bottom flange bolts (26) from the body. Remove taper pin nuts and taper pins (09). Lift the valve assembly and then fully open the valve. Number Available on name plate or body of the valve Available on general arrangement drawing Note: Selection and use of the valve for a specific application requires close consideration of detailed aspects. / Batch No. 4. Arrange gland plate over gland. Insert dowel pin (04) in its position. concentric with shaft axis. Insert spacer (12) passing over shaft from upper side. Put dowel pins (19) at body upper plate as a locator for bracket (18). Insert gland (14) over gland packing set. Mount Gearbox (31) / Actuator on the bracket & fix it with the help of heavy hex bolt (20). Place bottom flange on bottom face of body. Seal ring & all internals. Ensure that tooling & other supplementary things (cotton. Ensure alignment of shaft pin hole and disc pin hole and insert shaft pin. Put disc gasket (06) into the disc groove.Installation. Place the body horizontal on table such a way that retainer side of disc will upward. Place second pin same as described in 9. Table must be covered with rubber sheet. Place the body (01) horizontally on table ensuring that body sealing area close to table platform. Rotate the disc in 180 . lubricants etc. Gland plate edge should be parallel with face of body mounting flange. Place the disc (02) in body inner pocket keeping disc ribs upward. Assembly table should be clean. 11 . Properly tighten of gland plate with nut (17) & stud (16).) easily available at assembly table. Slowly insert the shaft (08) in body bore from upper side. Rotate the bottom flange to accommodate the correct position & center the holes with the threaded holes on body. • Damaged internals to be replaced by genuine & with recommended parts only. Place the seal ring (03) on disc with reference to dowel pin. Repeat the procedure 4 for inserting another bearing through bottom side body shaft bore. Hold the disc at perfectly close position & then tighten the retainer screws. Place stop washer (22) on thrust washer with proper alignment of its slot & across flat of adjustable screw (23). Insert studs (16) on body tapping provided for gland plate (15) assembly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Assembly should be done on perfectly horizontal table. Ensure proper position of bracket with reference to dowel pin location. Attach washer and heavy hex nut to shaft pin for fitment. 0 Keep entire assembly perpendicular to table surface. Put the bottom flange gasket (25) on bottom flange (24). Clamp the retainer ring with disc by hand tightening the retainer screws (07). Ensure that body shaft bore & disc shaft bore are inline. Fix the bottom flange with body by tightening the bolts (26). Remove burr. Insert lower thrust washer (21) from bottom side & secure it with the help of adjustable screw. foreign particles from body bore area. to ensure correct positioning of seal ring. Repeat the procedure 32 & 33 if valve leaks. Same way first insert anti-extrusion packing rings (13) on spacer then graphite molded rings at center followed by top anti-extrusion ring. Fix the bracket with body with heavy hex bolts (20). Insert bearing in body shaft bore from upper side & press it with the help of nylon bar until it take its position as shown in general assembly drawing. Put retainer ring (05) on seal ring with reference to dowel pin position. Clean the body bore area with the help of dry air. Apply lubricant on the outer surface of bearing (11) & place packing rope (28) in bearing groove. Take care while shaft passing through bearing & just before entering the disc bore. Place the shaft key (27) at keyway & fix it with help of disc screw. Confirm the exact position of disc with shaft. inspect the valve for any damage on Body. Operation & Maintenance Manual 2) Complete Re-Assembly • Before re-assembly. Match the disc-offset arrow in same direction with respect to body offset bore. Operate the disc as “full close-full open-full close” for at least 5 cycles. • Remove packing (13) without damaging the shaft & the shaft bore. 12 . Rotate the bottom flange to accommodate the correct position & center the holes with the threaded holes on body. split rings. • Insert new packing rings keeping anti-extrusions packing rings at top & bottom. gland plate & hand tighten the nuts. • Remove the bottom flange (24). tighten the nuts slowly & evenly until the leakage has stopped. Shaft packing replacement procedure: • Ensure valve is not in pressurized condition. • Remove gland nuts (17). Ensure proper alignment of seal ring with dowel. • Now place the new bottom flange gasket on the bottom flange. • Reassemble the gland. Note the position of the gear operator/actuator relative to the valve for proper reassembly. • Fix the bottom flange with body by tightening the bolts. • Pressurize the pipeline.Installation. • Assemble the new seal ring on the disc. use half-turn increments until leakage has stopped. Seal Ring & Bottom Flange Gasket If leakage is observed through the packing. Seal Ring replacement procedure: • Ensure valve is not in pressurized condition. • Clamp the retainer ring by hand tightening the retainer screws. • Open the valve & loosen the retainer screws (07). • Carefully remove retainer screws & the retainer ring (05) from the valve. • Now tighten the retainer screws keeping the valve in closed position. • Now fully open the valve. • Reassemble connecting keys & gear operator/actuator & close the valve. If leakage is observed. • Assemble new gasket in the disc groove without damaging it. • Clean the gasket seating area & the bottom flange. split ring & gland (14) from the valve. • Cycle the valve as “full close-full open-full close” for minimum 5 times. • Tighten the gland nuts & cycle the valve. • Assemble retainer ring & ensure alignment of punch mark on retainer ring for proper cone matching. • Clean the disc (02) & gasket seating area for any foreign particles or dust. gland plate (15). tighten the gland nuts slowly and evenly until the leakage stops. • Remove seal ring (03) & disc gasket (06). Operation & Maintenance Manual 3) Maintenance of Shaft Packing. • Clean the valve & ensure dirt/dust free atmosphere. Bottom Flange Gasket replacement procedure: • Ensure valve is not in pressurized condition. • Remove the valve from pipeline with disc in closed position. • Insert the bottom flange in the body centering the gasket position. • Carefully clean the packing cavity & the shaft. When tightening the gland nut. • Remove the gear operator/actuator & the connecting keys. • Remove the bottom flange gasket (25). Exploded View 13 . Operation & Maintenance Manual 10.Installation. (Not as specified in Customer is advised to check suitability if intended service Valve Data Sheet/P. Upside down mounting of Upside down mounting of Valve to be avoided. The undertaking shall exclude any and every other obligation. whichever is earlier provided that such defective parts are returned free to our works for examination. OR Fluid details (if available) Work Order No. Operation & Maintenance Manual 11. Valve Ordering Information Customer Project Consultant P. No. O. Possible Misuse of TriTork Triple Offset Valve Sr. fluid. 1 2 3 4 Exceeding the limits of the Customer shall take care not to use valve beyond limits Pressure/Temperature as specified on Nameplate / Body marking. Date of Last Dispatch Date of Commissioning Warranty: “Our liability in respect of any defect in or failure of the goods supplied or for any loss. Triple offset butterfly valve with blind flange is recommended for dead end service.O) Valve for dead end service Ensure marking on valve for dead end service. agreed between Virgo and Customer (Ref. Use of different application Valve data sheet / fluid details are supplied with IOM. P. Triple offset butterfly valves.O. injury or damage attributable thereto is limited to making goods by replacement or repair defects which under proper use appear therein and arise solely from faulty materials and workmanship within a period of 18 calendar months after the original goods shall have been first dispatched or 12 calendar months from the date of commissioning.” 14 .) is different from valve data sheet.Installation. Possible Misuse Recommended / Proposed actions No. and Date Valve Data Sheet No. 12. 15 . or which does not comply with this manual. or applications they are supplied. or instructions provided by Virgo.Installation. Operation or maintenance outside these procedures constitutes abuse of the product and voids all warranty and claims. Operation & Maintenance Manual Virgo does not assume responsibilities for any liabilities/damages arriving out of wrong application of its valves. or imprudent operations carried out by inexperienced operators. The valves shall be appropriately used for the purpose they are built. Valves shall be operated and maintained strictly in accordance with the procedures. Use of standard valves for special applications is not recommended unless it has been communicated and agreed to by Virgo. . [email protected]. Suite 1904. TEXAS 77477. Ground Floor.Delhi@virgovalves. Vikram Vihar. Pune – 411 057. Near Sukchar Harisabha. Operation & Maintenance Manual 13. L. please contact our nearest Factory / Sales Office. Adyar. Box – 18478. P. A . Behind Akota Stadium. STAFFORD. ITALY VIA Sicilia. Pollachi Taluk Coimbatore -642 110. Baroda 14. Italy Phone: +39 0331 308211 Fax: +39 0331 306299 TOV : IOM ROSOV 2013/R0 16 . U. VIRGO VALVES & CONTROLS LIMITED VIRGO VALVES & CONTROLS LIMITED Regd. Kovilpalam Via. 2341053 Fax : +91-265.51729164 E-mail : Virgo.Mumbai@virgovalves. Maan (Mulshi). 19th Floor. Lajapat Nagar. Guruprasad Society. 96 20020.O. 2nd Floor. Addresses for Correspondence In case of service / repair. Dubai-UAE Phone : +971-4-8860980 Fax : +971-4-8860981 VIRGO EUROPE S. Kamaraj Avenue.. First Floor. Teacher’s MALAYSIA Virgo Valves and Controls Ltd. 1 B. Parksite. INDIA Phone :+91-265-2342837. Office: Sulakkal Road . 1. Mettupalayam Village. Magnago [email protected] Ali Free Zone (South).Marg.A. River side P. Building No. Behind Godrej Delhi 7/39.S. INDIA. Baroda-390 VIRGO ENGINEERS INC.400 079 Phone : 022 40100700 Fax : 022 40110701 E-mail : Virgo.2314449 E-mail : Virgo. Chennai-600 020. 59.51729161/2/3/4 Fax : +91-11. INDIA Phone : +91-44.B. Off. Kailash Industrial Complex. (Sales & distribution Office) USA 10225 MULA ROAD. INDIA Phone: +91-04259-259847 Fax: +91-04259-259846 Kolkata Gopal Sett Road.A.S. SUITE 130. Vikhroli (E ) Mumbai .50250 Kuala Lumpur.Installation.O.Hinjewadi Phase II. TEL : +1 281 933 3100 FAX : +1 281 933 3110 Chennai No. Phone: +91-20-66744000 Fax: +91-20-66744021 Mumbai Unit No. [email protected] Fax : +91-44-24410664 E-mail : Virgo. INDIA Phone : +91-11. New Delhi – 110 024.Sukchar Kolkata-700 115 Tel : (033) 65011417 Mobile : +91 9433070154 E-mail : Virgo.Wing. Malaysia Ph : +60 3 21618260 Fax : +60 3 21612220 Virgo Valves & Controls Limited (Warehouse and Valve Automation Center) Unit . Kenanga International Jalan Sultan 277.Fzs1 AH07. ( for explanation of "Dew point" see Appendix A below) 2. However if a monitored alarm is not available . condensation occurs. A monitored alarm is preferred . If contaminants exists in the compressor intake area . 4. the intake should be moved to a different elevation or location free from contamination. Compression increases the partial pressure of the water vapour present. maximum particle size in the instrument air system should be verified to be less than 40 micrometers. Compression and cooling stages in an instrument air system causes condensation. If the water vapour partial pressure is increased to the saturation water vapour pressure . a temperature dependent variable . Lubricant Content The lubricant content should be as close to zero as possible. which could be drawn in the instrument air supply . Cooling reduces the saturation water vapour pressure .01 establishes a maximum pressure dew point to protect the instrument air systems from the presence of moisture. For example . and under no circumstances shall it exceed 1 ppm w/w or v/v. engine exhaust Appendix A ISA-S7.01-1996) Instrument air quality standard establishes four elements of instrument air quality for use in pneumatic instruments 1. Particle size A maximum 40 micrometer particle size in the instrument air system is acceptable for the majority of pneumatic devices.0.The air supply intake should be monitored for contaminants. Pneumatic devices that require instrument air with less than 40 micrometer particle size shall have additional filtration to meet the particulate size limit for the device. Some sources of contamination are: a. chemical cleaning c.If the saturation water vapour pressure is reduced to the partial pressure of the . Subsequent to any maintenance or modification of the air system . painting b. Contaminants Instrument air should be free of corrosive contaminants and hazardous gases . the use of automatic oilers is strongly discouraged. The pressure dew point shall not exceed 4 deg C (39 deg F) at line pressure. Pressure Dew point The pressure dew point as measured at the dew point outlet shall be at least 10 deg C (18 deg F) below the minimum temperature to which any apart of the instrument air system is exposed. 3.0. then per shift monitoring is recommended. Any lubricant in the compressed air system shall be evaluated for compatibility with end-use pneumatic devices.Instrument Air Quality Standard (ANSI/ISA-S7. . and combination of these methods. The most common methods of moisture removal are compression cooling .water vapour present . moisture removal is a major consideration of instrument air treatment systems. mechanical separation. absorption. chemical methods. water or ice will result.0. Therefore.For complete information please refer the ISA document mentioned.011996. Note : This is only a small extract of ISA standard ANSI/ISA-S7. . # + " ( @ > J . !  . ! I + < 2  " H < ' . ! " 0 = . 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" # " 4 , !   0 1 " " 4 …  # & ) # ( <  "  ' + * ,    ' : 7 " - " b * ' (   F )   - " a s , < %   " + 9 # ! , X "   ; < ( -  - B #  2 "  * W m 8 # # P ' , ( ) `  # i , ' # "  W *  o 2 4 2 c r & ( q "   $  p  " j &  L "  k *  $ & + ( 9 ( $ ? % " +  q j + " + - 2  Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual LIMIT SWITCH BOX. x ; 1 , - x ( ;  x x  ;  ( 1 < ,  c   ‘ x x ` x d 2 4 2 ) T ! + ) 2 1 > 2 < ' 2 ,  + ) $ % +  & ’ x x x + 6 \ ( # 7 ( < + , '    ,  ' # & " ' E d v ' 4 $ # ! ~ ,  " < 4 ) x - . % d +   v $ + D -  ' + ( < , - ( # -  ( ) W " # ) , W  ( * V  ( %   - * )  & ' 4  " W   Ž '  ) ' V C %  D  w ( , ( d  - - + ' ) % & |   + ) ' "  & '  "  % " ' <   , % ( - + ' 2 % )    h x  h d x    y D E d v ' < % ( # + $ ' <  2 2 H  " # <  &  " "   '  " .  +  , ' % & ( #  . . , 2 ! + ) % # & ( & " & # * + & !  (  ( # 1  ' & ) # , ! (  4 W % ( V \ ! 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CONTENTS GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE SECTION CONTENT PAGE 1 Introduction 3 2 Installation 3 3 Maintenance 5 4 Grease and Hydraulic Oil Specifications 6 5 Cylinder Seal Replacement 7 6 Fault Detection 8 7 Actuator Drawing / Parts List 9 A Stop Bolt Adjustment 10 B MB1 Switchbox Setting Procedure 11 Appendix Page 2 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 . operate. hydration) correspond to that for with the actuator was manufactured. This is the responsibility of the user.2 Motive Power Supply (pneumatic. 2.1.0 Introduction This manual is produced to enable a competent user to install.1..g. In hazardous areas an appropriately certified threaded blanking plug must be used. It is extremely important that precautions are taken to avoid spark or static discharge in any areas of potentially explosive atmosphere. 2. Should further information or guidance relating to the safe use of GP range actuators be required.. The latest general information regarding any Rotork product is available on our website www. This may present an unacceptable hazard in some applications. filtration.2. Test certificates and replacement documentation are available upon request. and lightning strikes as well as magnetic or electro-magnetic fields.0 Installation 2. 2.1. Ensure that threaded adaptors. Remove any plastic transit plugs. Consult Rotork Fluid Systems if in doubt as to the suitability of the equipment supplied for your application. cable glands or conduit are tight and fully waterproof. glands or conduit may be used if the unit is installed in a hazardous area. 2. Otherwise. INSTALLATION 2. and maintain Rotork Fluid Systems GP range actuators. Verify that the electrical supply characteristics are compatible with the supplied actuator control components.g. Job specific documentation is shipped with the actuator. Users are responsible to follow the instructions in this manual as well as any additional documentation that has been supplied regarding the actuator or accessories supplied by Rotork Fluid Systems.3 Access to live electrical conductors is forbidden in hazardous areas unless done under a special permit to work. Refer to the applicable wiring diagram to identify functions of terminals. Connection documentation is supplied with the actuator.2 Only appropriate certified explosion-proof entry reducers. 2.1. pneumatically powered actuators may exhaust the power supply gas to atmosphere in the course of normal operation. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the equipment is operated in a safe manner and that any personnel working with or on the equipment are properly trained for the work they are performing and are also aware of their responsibilities relating to health and safety in the workplace.2. hydraulic) 2.1 Any electrical connections required are the responsibility of the user. adjust.1 Electrical Considerations 2.1 Ensure that the actuator will not be exposed to pressure in excess to the maximum rating as indicated on the nameplate. All Rotork Fluid Systems actuators are tested prior to despatch. Seal unused cable entries with a steel or brass plug.INTRODUCTION GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 1. Page 3 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 . 2. all power should be isolated and the unit moved to a non-hazardous area for repair or attention. Make cable entries appropriate to the cable type and size. Rotork Fluid System must be contacted to verify compatibility of any proposed changes to supply medium.rotork. it will be provided on request. inspect. natural gas). surges.4 The actuator and control components must be protected from electrical spikes.2.2 Verify that medium composition (e. Note: Depending upon control circuit design.3 Ensure that throughout the installation that there are no leaks of a potentially explosive supply medium ( Users are also responsible to be familiar with and follow any relevant legislation or statutory provisions regarding health and safety. 2.Other maximum temperature build options are available. The user should plan and provide for a periodic cleaning/maintenance program that will maintain the installation environment per the guidelines set forth in EN 1127-1 par 6.4 Operating Environment 2. filter drains. Contact Rotork Fluid Systems if in doubt.5.4. 2. 2.1 The user must ensure that the operating environment and any materials surrounding the unit cannot lead to a reduction in the safe use of. When the correct positioning is obtained. that the surface temperature of the actuator does not exceed the ignition point of the potentially explosive atmosphere. 2.5. or the protection afforded by the actuator. the position of the stop bolts should be checked to ensure full opening and closing of the valve. vibration sources and vehicular movement.3. 2.1 It is recommended that before lifting an actuator onto a valve. Where appropriate. Further fault detection procedures are outlined in Section 6. the pneumatic/hydraulic power supply should be checked for correct pressure and volume flow.4. lightning strikes. 2.2. Page 4 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 .3 Ensure all fasteners are adequately tighten to avoid loosening during the course of operation. Ensure tubing runs are adequately fastened and supported to minimise repetitive stress induced by any vibration induced by the dynamics of the pipeline..2 If the unit has a nameplate indicating that it is suitable for installation in potentially explosive atmosphere (hazardous area).2 Rotork actuators can be mounted on valves in almost any desired position. hydraulic reservoirs. the user must ensure the actuator is suitably protected against its operating environment including. great care is taken to ascertain the position of the valve and orientate the actuator accordingly. it must not be installed in a hazardous area that is not compatible with the gas groups and temperature class defined on the nameplate.5.4.8 Once in position. Stroke the yoke away from the stop bolt when adjusting. 2.5 When the actuator has been bolted to the flange or adapter. the actuator should operate the valve with a smooth continuous action. in the case of sites where a potentially explosive atmosphere may exist. In these cases it is recommended that the actuator stop bolt positions coincide with the valve stop positions. require proper orientation with respect to gravity to function properly.54 All tubing used to provide pneumatic/hydraulic power to the actuator must be free from contaminants and debris.7 Ensure there are no leaks from any pneumatic or hydraulic connections.INSTALLATION GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 2. then return it to check position.g. taking into account vibration induced by the dynamics of the pipeline. A build up of dust or dirt on the actuator can inhibit cooling and contribute to increased surface temperatures.3 Maximum Allowable Temperature 2.3. re-tighten the fixing nut. If uneven operation occurs. Tighten as required.5. If these end of travel positions are not correct. These could throttle the flow thus reducing the pressure and volume at the actuator and causing intermittent motion.6 Certain valves incorporate their own stops. It is usual however to align the centerline of the cylinder to the centerline of the associated pipe work. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the maximum allowable temperature as indicated on the nameplate is not exceeded and also. 2. 2.2 Be aware that the temperature of the contents of the valve/pipeline as well as that of the power supply gas will affect actuator temperature. the stop bolts may be adjusted by first loosening the fixing nut and then screwing the bolts in or out until desired end position is obtained. Note: Certain accessory and control components e.1 The maximum temperature allowable for standard build actuators is 100°C (212°F).5.5. 2.5 Mechanical Considerations 2. 2. Flow may be restricted by undersize pipe or fittings. but not limited to.5. 5 Improper operation.0 Maintenance 3. release potentially explosive gas and or dangerous liquids.6 After maintenance has been performed and re-assembly completed.7. Tighten pipe fittings as required. depending on the application.3 No inspection or repair should be undertaken unless it conforms to any applicable hazardous area certification requirements. the actuator should be isolated from remote control signals and the pneumatic/hydraulic power supply.7.7. 3.2 Any personnel working with or on the equipment must be properly trained for the work they are performing and be aware of their responsibilities relating to health and safety in the workplace. particularly if the actuator is not frequently operated.2 Verify that the power gas supply pressure value is within the required range. local control and manual override.6 Inspect actuator paint work for damaged to ensure continued corrosion protection. 3. 3. Page 5 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 .3 Visually inspect external components of the actuator for physical damage. 3. follow the inspection guidelines as outlined section 3.MAINTENANCE GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 3. Touch-up as required to applicable paint specification.4 Check pneumatic/hydraulic connections for leakage.. 3. The actuator should be cycled several times with all the existing controls e. 3. The system should be then be relieved of any internal pressure prior to disassembly.g.7.4 Before performing maintenance. 3.1 Rotork actuators are designed to work for long periods of time in the most severe conditions. a preventative approach to maintenance helps prevent costly down time and can actually reduce the cost of ownership. 3. 3. adjustment or maintenance of the actuator and controls may. They can inhibit cooling thus raising the temperature of the actuator above the maximum allowable limit. remote control.7.5 Remove dust and dirt build-up from all actuator surfaces. 3. Rotork can provide an actuator maintenance contract tailored to meet each customer’s individual requirements.6. However. Under no circumstances should any modification or alteration be carried out on the unit as this could invalidate the certification. 3.7 Periodic Inspection 3.7.1 Ensure that the actuator correctly operates the valve within the required cycle time. 5 cSt Viscosity at 100°C: 4.5/1.88 160.1 Grease Specification Manufacturer: Mobil Trade name: Mobiltemp 78 Colour: Gray/black Soap type: Inorganic QUANTITY OF GREASE IN HOUSING CENTRE BODY SIZE Oil type: Mineral Consistency (NLGI GRADE)-ASTM D217: 1 Worked penetration at 25°C-ASTM D217: 295/325 dmm Dropping point . 085.66 130 0.2 cSt Viscosity index ASTM: 168 ISO Grade: 16 Pour point: -42°C Specific weight at 15°C: 0.2 Hydraulic Oil Specification Manufacturer: Mobil Trade name: DTE 11 Viscosity at 40°C: 16. 100 0.ASTM D2265 260°C Viscosity of base oil at 40°C-ASTM D445: 485 cSt Viscosity of base oil at 100°C-ASTM D445: 32 cSt QTY (kg/lb) 065.3/0.85 kg/dm3 Equivalent to: Statoil .4/0.GREASE AND HYDRAULIC OIL GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4.10 270. If an alternative was specified and/or supplied.76 350 1.64 Note: This is the standard grease specification for Rotork Fluid Systems actuators. 271 0. 201 0.8/1. which is available upon request. Page 6 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 . which is available upon request. it is noted in job specific documentation. 161. 200. 4. it is noted in job specific documentation.0 Grease and Hydraulic Oil Specifications 4.2/2. If an alternative was specified and/or supplied.Hydraway HVX-A15 Note: This is the standard hydraulic oil specification for Rotork Fluid Systems actuators. 5.1 Disconnect pneumatic and electrical supply connections. 5.3 Loosen stop nut (31) and remove stop bolt (32).1. center body cover (15) and cover gasket (14).750 1. 5.1. follow the disassembly procedure in reverse order.1.1.16 Coat new o-rings.7 Remove housing cover bolts (16). 5. 5. 5. shoulder washer (30).1.2. Fault Detection.1 Disassembly 5. 5. 5. 5.4 Remove tie rod nuts (34) from the tie rods (22).6 Remove cylinder tube (19).250 921 M33 1. 5.1.0 Cylinder Seal Replacement 5.1. LBS Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 .2 Assembly 5. seals and gaskets with grease.1.1.5 6 M8 20 15 M10 40 30 M12 55 40 M14 110 81 M16 220 162 M20 430 317 M22 425 313 M24 585 431 M27 785 579 M30 1. 5.5 Remove bottom flange (21).13 Remove bolts (38) and shaft seal retaining flange (37) from the head flange (18). at end of the spring stroke).2. 5.030 M36 1.400 1.2.1. ensure that the actuator is in the failed position (i. If not.1.1.1 To reassemble the actuator.1.8 Remove piston retaining nut (35) and separate piston (23).CYLINDER SEAL REPLACEMENT GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 5. 5.12 Remove head flange and bottom flange o-rings (26).1.14 Remove o-ring (28) and shaft seal (29). 5. 5. 5.9 Remove o-ring (25) and sliding ring (24) from piston (23). 5. For spring return actuators.e. 5.15 Clean all sealing surfaces..2 Reconnect power gas supply lines to the actuator. and o-ring (36) from piston rod (20).10 Remove piston rod (20) by unscrewing it from the guide block (4). Movement should be smooth and continuous. refer to Section 6.3 Cycle the actuator several times. RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE BOLT SIZE NM M6 8.290 Page 7 of 12 FT.11 Remove flange retaining bolts (13) and remove head flange (18).1.1.2 Remove stop bolt nut (33). 3 Apparent lack of power Page 8 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 .3.3. 6.1 Irregular supply of operating medium. Fit new seal and reassemble. 6.3.7 Defective rod seal. Incorrectly set stops (valve and /or actuator).3. 6. 6.3. crushed pipe or leakage. re-lubricate and reassemble.1. Visually inspect for significant wear.0 Fault Detection In the unlikely event of a fault developing.5 Defective controls.3.3. Reference to equipment not supplied should be ignored. 6.2.1 Examine the controls.2 Hardened grease. Refer to component manufacturer's documentation. 6. This table is designed to cover as wide a range of Rotork Fluid Systems actuators as possible.2. refurbish or renew as necessary.1.2 Incorrect speed control settings. 6. 6.6 Defective piston seal.1 Erratic movement 6. 6. 6.2 Inadequate lubrication.1 Disassemble cylinder assembly to remove debris. the following Fault Location Table is provided to assist the maintenance technician.3 Worn parts. Fit new seal and reassemble. 6. re-lubricate and reassemble.4.2 Short stroke 6.3 Exhaust port blocked. 6.1 Dismantle the cylinder assembly.8 High valve torque or valve seized.1 Check the position of the travel stops and readjust as necessary. 6. 6.1. 6. Inadequate supply pressure.3. 6.1 Check operating medium for consistent supply pressure and correct as necessary. 6.1 Examine the pipe work for blockages.3. Clear or replace as necessary.6.1.1 Ensure supply pressure is above the minimum operating pressure of the actuator and that output torque produced at supply pressure exceeds valve torque demand.3. SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY 6.4 Defective valve.3.2. 6. remove the defective piston seal.3.1 Dismantle the cylinder assembly. Consult the valve manufacturer's documentation. 6. 6. 6.FAULT DETECTION GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 6.7.2. 6. Consult the valve manufacturer's documentation.2.2.5. 6.4. 6. 6.1.1 Dismantle.1. 6. 6. 6.3.4 Pipe work blocked.2.4 Defective valve. crushed or leaking.1 Dismantle.1 Dismantle.1.1 Consult the valve manufacturers documentation.8.3. Actuator replacement may be required. remove the defective rod seal. 6.3.1 Adjust speed controls to increase flow. Reassemble cylinder assemble as necessary. remove any hard grease.3 Debris left in the cylinder or housing during maintenance.2.1 Remove and clean the exhaust port silencers and replace. Nickel Plated 20 Piston Rod 21 30 Shoulder Washer Alloy Steel 1 31 Stop Bolt Fixing Nut Carbon Steel 1 32 Stop Bolt Alloy Steel 1 33 Stop Bolt Cap Nut Carbon Steel 1 34 Tie Rod Nut Carbon Steel - 35 Piston Retaining Nut Carbon Steel 1 36 O-ring NBR 1 37 Seal Retaining Flange Stainless Steel 1 38 Seal Retaining Flange Bolt Stainless Steel 2 39 Bushing Carbon Steel 1 Quantity varies with size of the actuator.DRAWING / PARTS LIST GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 48 49 46 44 47 45 42 43 2 41 18 19 6 51 50 3 1 22 20 5 26 13 39 23 30 36 4 31 21 24 25 33 32 34 26 40 35 28 CENTRE BODY ASSEMBLY ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 17 QTY 1 Centre body Carbon Steel or Ductile Iron 1 2 Guide Bar Alloy Steel . 2 PNEUMATIC CYLINDER ASSEMBLY SPRING CARTRIDGE ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 41 Head Flange Carbon Steel 1 1 42 Driving Flange Carbon Steel 1 Carbon Steel . 40 O-ring NBR 1 Included in centre body seal kit.Chrome Plated 1 43 Connecting Rod Carbon Steel . QTY CLOSURE ASSEMBLY QTY Included in pneumatic cylinder seal kit. Some models have a cast.Chrome Plated 1 Bottom Flange Carbon Steel 1 44 Bushing Steel/Bronze/PTFE 1 22 Tie Rod Alloy Steel - 45 Spring Canister Carbon Steel 1 23 Piston Carbon Steel 1 46 Spring Spring Steel 1 24 Sliding Ring PTFE/Graphite - 47 Stop Bolt Carbon Steel 2 25 O-ring NBR - 48 Bottom Flange Carbon Steel 1 26 O-ring NBR 2 49 Protection Plug Carbon Steel 1 27 Shaft Bushing Steel/Bronze/PTFE 1 50 O-ring NBR 1 28 Seal Washer Carbon Steel/NBR 2 51 Shaft Bushing Steel/Bronze/PTFE 1 29 Seal Washer NBR/PTFE/Graphite 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 52 Flange Carbon Steel 1 53 Flange Nut Carbon Steel 4 54 Seal Washer Carbon Steel/NBR 2 55 Stop Bolt Alloy Steel 1 56 Stop Bolt Cap Nut Carbon Steel 1 57 Stop Bolt Fixing Nut Carbon Steel 1 QTY ITEM Carbon Steel 1 Cylinder Tube Carbon Steel . ductile iron centre body and yoke.Chrome Plated 1 3 Safety Valve Brass/Stainless Steel 1 4 Guide Block Carbon Steel 1 5 Yoke Carbon Steel or Ductile Iron 1 6 Guide Block Shaft Bushing Steel/Bronze/PTFE 2 7 O-ring NBR 2 8 Upper Bushing Bronze 1 9 Lower Bushing Bronze 1 10 Sliding Block Bronze 2 11 Bar Pin Alloy Steel 1 12 Retaining Ring Spring Steel 2 13 Flange Retaining Bolt Carbon Steel - 14 Cover Gasket Vaporflex/SA 1 15 Cover Carbon Steel 1 16 Cover Mounting Bolt Carbon Steel 17 Flange Gasket Vaporflex/SA ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 18 Head Flange 19 16 14 51 4 7 15 8 27 38 29 Centre body cross-section 10 7 13 9 37 12 11 3 17 53 55 52 54 57 56 Typical fabricated carbon steel centre body and yoke illustrated. Page 9 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 . 7 Once desired position is achieved.3.3. 1.8 Re-install stop cover.3 .5 Repeat steps 1.7 Once desired position is achieved. tighten stop nut. 1.1. 1.3 Apply pressure to outboard side of cylinder to remove load from stop bolt.3) until seated against stop screw to verify stop position. 1. On fail open actuators. 1. 1.3. 1. Failure to do so may result in damage to the actuator! On fail close actuators.1. SPRING STOP SPRING STOP CAP Jackscrew (See figure 3) 1.Stop Bolt Adjustment GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 1. this is done by turning the handwheel anti-clockwise. as necessary to achieve desired degree of travel.2 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Cylinder (See figure 1) Spring Canister (See figure 2) 1. jackscrew.1 Remove stop bolt cover.2. 1. tighten stop nut.2 Loosen stop nut. ensuring sealing washer is properly centered on the shaft and fitted in the machined recess in the flange. 1.1 Remove the spring stop cap. Note: The jackscrew is not designed to function as a travel stop. Stroking the actuator against the jackscrew may damage it. Once the desired position is achieved.APPENDIX A . Turn jackscrew fully in to compress spring and remove any load from the stop.2 Depressurize the cylinder to allow the spring to relax. 1.2.3. replace spring stop cap.1. ensuring sealing washer is properly centered on the shaft and fitted in the machined recess in the stop cover.4 Pressurize to outboard side of power cylinder sufficiently to induce a complete stroke of the actuator and then check the stop position. 1.0 Overview 1.1. Strictly follow the instructions as outlined below with particular attention to the warnings is steps 1.3. figure 2 STOP SCREW SEALING WASHER STOP SCREW STOP NUT SEALING WASHER SEALING WASHER STOP NUT STOP BOLT COVER SEALING WASHER STOP BOLT COVER figure 1 figure 3 Page 10 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 . ensuring sealing washer is properly centered on the shaft and fitted in the machined recess.5 as necessary to achieve desired degree of travel.2.6 Repeat steps 1.3 Adjust the spring stop in/out as desired. 1.4 as necessary to achieve desired degree of travel. ensuring sealing washer is properly centered on the shaft and fitted in the machined recess in the stop cover. spring cartridge and. GP. 1. 1. 1.8 Re-install stop cover.1. Failure to do so may result in damage to the actuator! 1.2 .3 All RFS G Range actuators (ie.5 Back jackscrew out (opposite direction of as determined in 1.2.1. GO and HPG) incorporate adjustable stops to limit the degree of travel in both directions. this is done by turning the handwheel clockwise.6 Repeat steps 1.3.3. Loosen stop nut.1.1 Remove stop bolt cover.1.4 Adjust stop bolt in/out as desired.3 .3 and 1.. Failure to do so may result in damage to the actuator! 1. 1.3. Steps are outlined below for adjustment of the three stop configurations: pneumatic/hydraulic cylinder.5 Remove pressure from cylinder to verify stop position.1 1.3. 1. 1. 1.4 Adjust stop bolt in/out as desired. Actuators may be damaged by improper adjustment procedure. GH. Place the actuator/valve in the fully OPEN position.3 Loosen the setscrew (5) and rotate the cam (4) until it is on the same axis as the switch and re-tighten the setscrews. Loosen the four screws (1) and remove the cover (2). Position the switch the proper distance from the cam to activate the switch.3.2.2.MB1 Switch Adjustment GP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 1.The switch is now set.2 Setting the CLOSE limit switch.3.3.2. Re-tighten the fixing and lock nuts.1 Place the actuator/valve in the fully CLOSED position.1. 1.1. 1. Setting Proximity Type Contact Switches 1. The switch is now set.1. Setting the OPEN limit switch.3. 1. Setting the CLOSE limit switch.3 Loosen the setscrew (5) and rotate the cam (4) until the switch operates.2. Replace the cover (2) and tighten the four screws (1).4 1.4 ITEM 1 Replace the cover (2) and tighten the four screws (1).2 Locate the proper switch cam. Position the switch the proper distance from the cam to activate the switch.1 Place the actuator/valve in the fully OPEN position.2. 1. The switch is now set.2 Loosen the four screws (1) and remove the cover (2). Tighten the setscrew.2. Re-tighten the fixing and lock nuts.3 1. 1.4 Loosen fixing nuts on the switch.2.3 Setting the OPEN limit switch.4 Loosen the fixing nuts on the switch.1 1. 1.1. The switch is now set.1. DESCRIPTION Screw 2 Cover 3 Microswitch 4 Cam 5 Dowel Page 11 of 12 Publication F130E Date of issue 04/08 . 1.2 Locate the proper switch cam.1.1.2 Locate the proper switch cam.APPENDIX B .2. 1.2.0 MB1 Limit Switch Adjustment The MB1 is a Rotork Fluid Systems designed and manufactured switch enclosure suitable for use in harsh and/or hazardous environments.3. 1.1 Place the actuator/valve in the fully CLOSED position. 1. Contact Rotork Fluid Systems switch options and certification details. Loosen the setscrew (5) and rotate the cam (4) until the switch operates. Consult the applicable job specific wiring diagram for termination details. 1. It is available with either dry contact or proximity type switches.1 Setting Dry Contact Switches 1. 1. 1. Tighten the setscrew. 1.2. 1.3 Loosen the setscrew (5) and rotate the cam (4) until it is on the same axis as the switch and re-tighten the setscrew. Locate the proper switch cam. com . Texas Tel: +1 713 856 5640 Fax: +1 713 856 8127 [email protected] Tel: +39 0583 93061 Fax: +39 0583 934612 [email protected] Spain Bilbao Tel: + 34 94 676 6011 Fax: + 34 94 676 6018 [email protected] United States United Kingdom Bramley. Leeds Tel: +44 (0)113 236 3312 Fax: +44 (0)113 205 7266 [email protected] Centres of Excellence Australia United States United States North Singapore Tel: + 65 6457 1233 Fax: + 65 6457 6011 mail@rotork. As we are continually developing our products.Manufacturing Centres Germany Melle Tel: +49 (0)5422 9414-0 Fax: +49 (0)5422 9414-10 sales@rfs-pci. Rotork recognises all registered United States Petaluma. Published and produced by Rotork Fluid Systems. Rhode Island Tel: +1 401 294 1400 Fax: +1 401 294 3388 Email: [email protected] Italy Tassignano Sweden Falun Tel: +46 (0)23-587 00 Fax: +46 (0)23-587 45 Email: info@remotecontrol. Alberta Tel: +1 403 569 9455 Fax: +1 403 569 9414 info@rotork. their design is subject to change without notice. Victoria Tel: +61 (0) 3 9729 8882 Fax: +61 (0) 3 9729 8884 sales@rfsaustralia. New York Tel: +1 585 247 2304 Fax: +1 585 247 2308 [email protected] Canada All Rotork Fluid Systems actuators are manufactured under a third party accredited ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance programme. California Tel: +1 707 769 4880 Fax: +1 707 769 4888 rfsinfo@rotork. RFSMH0408 Latest information is available on www. Established Leaders in Valve Actuation CP RANGE COMPACT PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . TABLE OF CONTENTS CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE SECTION CONTENT PAGE 1 Introduction 3 2 Installation 3 3 Maintenance 5 4 Grease Specification 6 5 Cylinder Seal Replacement 7 6 Fault Detection 8 7 Drawing / Parts List 9 8 Contact Rotork Fluid Systems 10 Page 2 of 10 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . The latest general information regarding any Rotork product is available on our website www.0 Introduction This manual is produced to enable a competent user to install. It is extremely important that precautions are taken to avoid spark or static discharge in any areas of potentially explosive atmosphere. operate.3 Access to live electrical conductors is forbidden in hazardous areas unless done under a special permit to work.4 The actuator and control components must be protected from electrical spikes. it will be provided on request.1 Electrical Considerations 2.1. 2.2 Motive Power Supply (pneumatic. Otherwise.g. Rotork Fluid Systems must be contacted to verify compatibility of any proposed changes to supply medium. Refer to the applicable wiring diagram to identify functions of terminals. Page 3 of 10 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . 2. pneumatically powered actuators may exhaust the power supply gas to atmosphere in the course of normal operation. This may present an unacceptable hazard in some applications. Remove any plastic transit plugs.INTRODUCTION CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 1.g. all power should be isolated and the unit moved to a non-hazardous area for repair or attention. adjust. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the equipment is operated in a safe manner and that any personnel working with or on the equipment are properly trained for the work they are performing and are also aware of their responsibilities relating to health and safety in the workplace. 2. Make cable entries appropriate to the cable type and size.2 Verify that medium composition (e. 2. Users are also responsible to be familiar with and follow any relevant legislation or statutory provisions regarding health and safety..3 Ensure that throughout the installation that there are no leaks of a potentially explosive supply medium (e.0 Installation 2. Connection documentation is supplied with the actuator. filtration. 2. 2. natural gas). surges.rotork. Ensure that threaded adaptors.1. In hazardous areas an appropriately certified threaded blanking plug must be used. INSTALLATION 2. Seal unused cable entries with a steel or brass plug.2 Only appropriate certified explosion-proof entry reducers.2. glands or conduit may be used if the unit is installed in a hazardous area.1 Ensure that the actuator will not be exposed to pressure in excess to the maximum rating as indicated on the nameplate. Consult Rotork Fluid Systems if in doubt as to the suitability of the equipment supplied for your application. hydraulic) 2.2. All Rotork Fluid Systems actuators are tested prior to despatch. Job specific documentation is shipped with the actuator. Should further information or guidance relating to the safe use of CP Range actuators be required.. hydration) correspond to that for with the actuator was manufactured. inspect. Verify that the electrical supply characteristics are compatible with the supplied actuator control components. This is the responsibility of the user. Test certificates and replacement documentation are available upon request. and maintain Rotork Fluid Systems CP range actuators.1 Any electrical connections required are the responsibilty of the user. and lightning strikes as well as magnetic or electro-magnetic fields.1. cable glands or conduit are tight and fully waterproof. Users are responsible to follow the instructions in this manual as well as any additional documentation that has been supplied regarding the actuator or accessories supplied by Rotork Fluid Note: Depending upon control circuit design.2. 2..5. Note: Certain accessory and control components e.4 Operating Environment 2.1 The maximum temperature allowable for standard build actuators is 100°C (212°F).2 Rotork actuators can be mounted on valves in almost any desired position.g. 2. When the correct positioning is obtained.5 Mechanical Considerations 2. the position of the stop bolts should be checked to ensure full opening and closing of the valve. Stroke the yoke away from the stop bolt when adjusting. hydraulic reservoirs. lightning strikes.3 Maximum Allowable Temperature 2. Further fault detection procedures are outlined in Section 6.4.5. the pneumatic/hydraulic power supply should be checked for correct pressure and volume flow.5 When the actuator has been bolted to the flange or adapter. 2. 2. the user must ensure the actuator is suitably protected against its operating environment including. A build up of dust or dirt on the actuator can inhibit cooling and contribute to increased surface temperatures.5. 2. in the case of sites where a potentially explosive atmosphere may exist. it must not be installed in a hazardous area that is not compatible with the gas groups and temperature class defined on the nameplate. filter drains. Page 4 of 10 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . Other maximum temperature build options are available. In these cases it is recommended that the actuator stop bolt positions coincide with the valve stop positions. Contact Rotork Fluid Systems if in doubt.2 Be aware that the temperature of the contents of the valve/pipeline as well as that of the power supply gas will affect actuator temperature.4. It is usual however to align the centerline of the cylinder to the centerline of the associated pipe work.6 Certain valves incorporate their own stops. 2. great care is taken to ascertain the position of the valve and orientate the actuator accordingly. Ensure tubing runs are adequately fastened and supported to minimise repetitive stress induced by any vibration induced by the dynamics of the pipeline. vibration sources and vehicular movement.1 It is recommended that before lifting an actuator onto a valve.3. If these end of travel positions are not correct. taking into account vibration induced by the dynamics of the pipeline.3.5.5. Tighten as required. or the protection afforded by the actuator.If uneven operation occurs.54 All tubing used to provide pneumatic/hydraulic power to the actuator must be free from contaminants and debris. then return it to check position. re-tighten the fixing nut. Where appropriate. 2.4. that the surface temperature of the actuator does not exceed the ignition point of the potentially explosive atmosphere. Flow may be restricted by undersize pipe or fittings.8 Once in position. but not limited to. 2. the stop bolts may be adjusted by first loosening the fixing nut and then screwing the bolts in or out until desired end position is obtained. The user should plan and provide for a periodic cleaning/maintenance program that will maintain the installation environment per the guidelines set forth in EN 1127-1 par 6. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the maximum allowable temperature as indicated on the nameplate is not exceeded and also. 2. These could throttle the flow thus reducing the pressure and volume at the actuator and causing intermittent motion. the actuator should operate the valve with a smooth continuous action.2.7 Ensure there are no leaks from any pneumatic or hydraulic connections.INSTALLATION CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 2.2 If the unit has a nameplate indicating that it is suitable for installation in potentially explosive atmosphere (hazardous area).3 Ensure all fasteners are adequately tighten to avoid loosening during the course of operation.5. 2.5. require proper orientation with respect to gravity to function properly.1 The user must ensure that the operating environment and any materials surrounding the unit cannot lead to a reduction in the safe use of. 2. Rotork can provide an actuator maintenance contract tailored to meet each customer’s individual requirements. The actuator should be cycled several times with all the existing controls e.3 Visually inspect external components of the actuator for physical damage.. release potentially explosive gas and or dangerous liquids. follow the inspection guidelines as outlined section 3.3 No inspection or repair should be undertaken unless it conforms to any applicable hazardous area certification requirements. 3.MAINTENANCE CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 3.6 Inspect actuator paint work for damaged to ensure continued corrosion protection.4 Before performing maintenance. particularly if the actuator is not frequently operated.6. 3. 3. 3. Page 5 of 10 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . 3.7. 3. Touch-up as required to applicable paint specification. the actuator should be isolated from remote control signals and the pneumatic/hydraulic power supply.6 After maintenance has been performed and re-assembly completed. 3. They can inhibit cooling thus raising the temperature of the actuator above the maximum allowable limit.7. depending on the application.7 Periodic Inspection 3. The system should be then be relieved of any internal pressure prior to disassembly. However.0 Maintenance 3.1 Rotork actuators are designed to work for long periods of time in the most severe conditions. 3.1 Ensure that the actuator correctly operates the valve within the required cycle time. Tighten pipe fittings as required.5 Remove dust and dirt build-up from all actuator surfaces. local control and manual override. 3.7. a preventative approach to maintenance helps prevent costly down time and can actually reduce the cost of ownership. Under no circumstances should any modification or alteration be carried out on the unit as this could invalidate the certification. 3.2 Any personnel working with or on the equipment must be properly trained for the work they are performing and be aware of their responsibilities relating to health and safety in the workplace.2 Verify that the power gas supply pressure value is within the required range. 3. adjustment or maintenance of the actuator and controls may.7.5 Improper operation.g.6.4 Check pneumatic/hydraulic connections for leakage. remote control.7. which is available upon request.1 Grease Specification Manufacturer: Mobil Trade name: Mobiltemp 78 Colour: Gray/black Soap type: Inorganic Oil type: Mineral Consistency (NLGI GRADE)-ASTM D217: 1 Worked penetration at 25°C-ASTM D217: 295/325 dmm Dropping point . 4.0 Grease and Hydraulic Oil Specifications 4.2 cSt Viscosity index ASTM: 168 ISO Grade: 16 Pour point: -42°C Specific weight at 15°C: 0.GREASE AND HYDRAULIC OIL CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4. If an alternative was specified and/or supplied. which is available upon request.ASTM D2265 260°C Viscosity of base oil at 40°C-ASTM D445: 485 cSt Viscosity of base oil at 100°C-ASTM D445: 32 cSt Note: This is the standard grease specification for Rotork Fluid Systems actuators.2 Hydraulic Oil Specification Manufacturer: Mobil Trade name: DTE 11 Viscosity at 40°C: 16. it is noted in job specific documentation.5 cSt Viscosity at 100°C: 4. If an alternative was specified and/or supplied.Hydraway HVX-A15 Note: This is the standard hydraulic oil specification for Rotork Fluid Systems actuators. it is noted in job specific documentation.85 kg/dm3 Equivalent to: Statoil . Page 6 of 10 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . For spring-return actuators.7B Spring-return actuators only: Begin to unscrew the piston fixing bolt (item 10). 5. It’s movement should be smooth and continuous. verify that the actuator is positioned so that the spring is fully extended as instructed in step 5.1. between the cylinder tube and spring can. 5.2 Disconnect power gas supply line from the end flange (item 4). Also ensure that threaded bushing (item 18C) remains fixed inside the axial bar (item 18B).0 Cylinder Seal Replacement When the cylinder seals must be replaced. Remove piston fixing bolt (item 10) and washer (item 8). the actuator must be positioned so that the spring is fully extended. either due to a leak or as part of a preventative maintenance programme.2 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE Carefully clean the o-ring grooves and all sealing surfaces. If not.1 Ensure that the power gas supply to the actuator is shut off. 5. follow the procedure outlined below (reference drawing on page 9). 5.1.2 Reassembly 5. 5.CYLINDER SEAL REPLACEMENT CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 5.4 Remove the end flange (item 4) and the o-ring (item 14*) from the end flange. 5. Ensure that the piston is free and sliding on the shaft as the fixing bolt is unscrewed so that all spring force is released before the fixing bolt is disengaged.2.4 Reconnect power gas supply lines to the actuator.1. BOLT SIZE NM M8 20 FT. Lubricate all the new o-rings with clean grease and place them in the proper locations.2. 5.8 Remove the piston (item 5). Note: When the spring is fully extended some spring force remains against the piston.1.5 Remove the cylinder tube (item 7) and o-ring (item 14*) that is between the cylinder tube and spring container (item 30) on spring-return actuators or. 5. refer to Section 6.2.1 5. on double-acting actuators is between the cylinder tube and housing (item 21).5 Cycle the actuator several times.3 Unscrew the tie rods (item 24).1 Disassembly 5. 5.3 The assembly procedure is the direct reverse of the disassembly procedure. 5. * On double-acting actuators item 14 is used in two locations: on both end of the cylinder tube sealing against the end flange and the housing.6 For spring-return actuators. On spring-return actuators item 14 is used in three locations: between the end flange and cylinder tube. 5. Fault Detection.7A Double-acting actuators only: Unscrew the piston fixing bolt (item 10) and remove it and washer (item 8). and between the spring can and the housing.1.2.1. LBS 15 M10 40 30 M12 55 40 M14 110 81 M16 220 162 M20 430 317 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE EXCEPTIONS ACTUATOR TIE RODS (AND CYL FLG TO HOUSING CP065 ONLY) 5.9 Remove the o-rings outside (item 6) and inside (item 9) the piston. Page 7 of 10 M16 (CP055) 130 96 M16 (CP065) 180 133 ACTUATOR HOUSING TO VALVE OR ADAPTER FLANGE M10 (CP045) 45 M12 (CP055) 85 33 63 M20 (CP065) 300 221 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . 6.1 Irregular supply of operating medium. 6. Fit new seal and reassemble.8. crushed pipe or leakage.7 Defective rod seal.8 High valve torque or valve seized.4 Pipe work blocked.1 Consult the valve manufacturer's documentation. Refer to component manufacturer's documentation.2.1 Check operating medium for consistent supply pressure and correct as necessary. 6. remove the defective piston seal.7.3.1 Erratic movement 6.1.2 Incorrect speed control settings.2.3. 6.1 Adjust speed controls to increase flow. 6. 6. 6.1. Visually inspect for significant wear. remove the defective rod seal.2.1. Clear or replace as necessary. refurbish or renew as necessary. 6.3 Apparent lack of power Page 8 of 10 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 . 6.1 Check the position of the travel stops and readjust as necessary.2.1 Disassemble cylinder assembly to remove debris. Reference to equipment not supplied should be ignored. 6.4 Defective valve.2.1 Dismantle.2 Inadequate lubrication.3.1 Dismantle the cylinder assembly.3.5 Defective controls.2.3.1 Consult the valve manufacturers documentation. 6.3 Debris left in the cylinder or housing during maintenance. 6. 6. 6. This table is designed to cover as wide a range of Rotork Fluid Systems actuators as possible. 6.1 Incorrectly set stops (valve and /or actuator). 6.2. 6.FAULT DETECTION CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 6. 6.1 Remove and clean the exhaust port silencers and replace. crushed or leaking.1 Examine the pipe work for blockages. re-lubricate and reassemble.3 Exhaust port blocked.1 Examine the controls.1 Consult the valve manufacturer's documentation.3. 6.3.1. 6. 6.1 Dismantle.1. remove any hard grease. Actuator replacement may be required.2.2 Short stroke 6. SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY 6.1 Dismantle the cylinder assembly.1 Dismantle. 6. the following Fault Location Table is provided to assist the maintenance technician.2 Hardened grease.3.3.6 Defective piston seal. Reassemble cylinder assemble as necessary.1.1. Fit new seal and reassemble.1 Ensure supply pressure is above the minimum operating pressure of the actuator and that output torque produced at supply pressure exceeds valve torque demand. 6.1.0 Fault Detection In the unlikely event of a fault developing. 6.1 Inadequate supply pressure.1. 6.5.3. 6.3. re-lubricate and reassemble. 6.4 Defective valve.3. 6.3. 6.3. 6.3.3 Worn parts. 6.2. Spring-return actuators only. (3) for spring-return. Page 9 of 10 Publication F230E Date of issue 03/08 .DRAWING / PARTS LIST CP RANGE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 15 11 DOUBLE-ACTING 29 13 12 21 1 25 14 SPRING-RETURN 7 19 14 26 27 16 23 22 3 17 18A 2 9 4 14 28 5 8 24 10 30 6 18B 18C 31 ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL QTY ITEM 1 Stop Screw – Housing Carbon Steel 1 17 2 Stop Nut Carbon Steel 2 3 O-ring Buna-N 4 End Flange 5 PARTS FOR SPRING-RETURN ONLY DESCRIPTION MATERIAL QTY Spring Pin Spring Steel 1 18A Axial Bar – Double-Acting Alloy Steel (Nit-ox® treated) 1 2 18B Axial Bar – Spring-Return Alloy Steel (Nit-ox® treated) 1 Ductile Iron 1 18C Bushing – threaded Alloy Steel 1 Piston Carbon Steel 1 19 Bushing Steel/Bronze/Teflon 1 6 O-ring Buna-N 1 20 Housing Plug (not shown) Carbon Steel 1 7 Cylinder Tube Carbon Steel (Nit-ox® treated) 1 21 Housing Carbon Steel 1 8 Washer Carbon Steel 1 22 Stop Screw – End Flange Carbon Steel 1 9 O-ring Buna-N 1 23 Yoke Ductile Iron 1 10 Piston Retaining Bolt Alloy Steel 1 24 Tie Rod Alloy Steel 4 11 Retaining Ring Spring Steel 1 25 Adapter Plate Ductile Iron 1 12 Key Carbon Steel 1 26 Washer Carbon Steel 2 13 Spring Spring Steel 1 27 Bushing Steel/Bronze/Teflon 2 14 O-Ring Buna-N 28 Yoke Pin Alloy Steel (Nit-ox® treated) 1 15 O-ring Buna-N 4 29 Output Shaft Alloy Steel (Nit-ox® treated) 1 16 Bushing Steel/Bronze/Teflon 1 30 Spring Container Carbon Steel 1 31 Spring Spring Steel 1 Quantity (2) for double-acting. As we are continually developing our products. The name Rotork is a registered trademark. their design is subject to change without notice. Fluid Power Actuators and Control Systems Electric Actuators and Control Systems Latest product information and a full listing of our worldwide sales and service network is available on our website. Services and Retrofit Published and produced by Rotork Fluid Systems.rotork. Published data may be subject to change. RFSMH0908 .www. Gearboxes and Gear Operators All Rotork Fluid Systems actuators are manufactured under a third-party accredited ISO 9001:2000 quality assurance programme. Rotork recognises all registered trademarks. 5 mm2 ausgelegt. unter deren Aufsicht vorzunehmen. Sie entsprechen der Kategorie II2D und haben die Schutzart IP66. Nach dem Einstecken der Kabellitze wird der Schraubendreher wieder herausgezogen und der Anschluss ist hergestellt. Der Explosionsschutz bezieht sich auf den Betrieb.02 . die Klemmkraft wird allein durch ein Federelement aufgebracht. Werden die Magnete äußeren Belastungen besonderer Art ausgesetzt.B. Der Schutzleiter ist immer anzuschließen. Die Magnete dürfen nicht als Hebelarm benutzt werden. 1 2 - + ~ 3 4 Der Magnet wird über die Klemmen im Anschlussraum mit der Spannungsversorgung verbunden.50. die die zünddurchschlagsicheren Spalte bilden. Wartung oder Reparatur sind unbedingt die entsprechenden Ex-Vorschriften – insbesondere EN 60079-14 und EN 50281-1-2 – zu beachten. sind erforderlichenfalls zusätzliche Schutzmaßnahmen nötig. 2 Varistor 4 3 Brückengleichrichter 4 Spule AC / UC 1 Verwendung. Beim Austausch/ Wechsel von Magneten ist darauf zu achten. sind auszutauschen. Montage. Instandhaltung Ventilbetätigungsmagnete sind elektrotechnische Komponenten. . Vor der Installation sind die Angaben der Gerätekennzeichnung mit den vorgesehenen Betriebsbedingungen zu vergleichen. dies gilt insbesondere für beschädigte Oberflächen an den Stellen von Gehäusen und Deckeln.DIESES MERKBLATT SOLLTE AN EINER SICHEREN STELLE AUFBEWAHRT WERDEN THIS LEAFLET SHOULD BE KEPT IN A SAFE PLACE FOR REFERENCE Betriebsanleitung für Ventilmagnete Typ 46XX Explosionsschutz Die Ventilmagnete sind einsetzbar . Offensichtlich beschädigte Magnete dürfen nicht eingebaut werden bzw. Maximale Oberflächentemperatur ist T = 130 °C. Stelle des 5-stelligen Date-Codes entspricht der 4.08. Ventil-Magnet-Kombinationen werden in der Regel komplett montiert und geprüft geliefert. die Klemme für den Potentialausgleich an der Außenseite des Gehäuses erlaubt bis zu 4 mm2. Sie entsprechen der Kategorie II2G und haben die Zündschutzarten EEx md IIC T4/T5/T6 oder EEx me II T4/T5/T6. Wenn beim Betrieb Störungen oder Ausfälle mit unbekannter Ursache auftreten. Baujahr: die 2.). Die elektrische Installation ist unter zusätzlicher Beachtung einschlägiger nationaler Vorschriften (in Deutschland VDE 0100) von einer Elektrofachkraft Bereichen mit brennbarem Staub der Zonen 21 und 22. 7503455. Stelle des Baujahres (Zählung ab Jahr 2000). Damit öffnet sich die Federklemme. dass die Kombination mit einem Norgren-Herion-Ventil freigegeben ist und der Magnet sachgerecht (z. Elektrischer Anschluss DC 1 1 Sicherung 2 Installation Bei Installation. Anzugsdrehmoment) auf dem Ventil befestigt wird. Sie sind ohne zugehöriges Ventil nicht betriebsfähig. Anschlussklemmen Bei den Klemmen handelt es sich um schraubenlose Klemmen. Beim Anschluss braucht die Polarität nicht beachtet zu werden. elektronische Bauteile können nicht repariert oder ersetzt werden. Inbetriebnahme. sind die Magnete auszutauschen. Zur Betätigung wird ein schmaler Schraubendreher in eine der kleinen Schlitzöffnungen der Klemme eingeschoben (siehe Abb. Die Anschlussklemmen sind für Querschnitte bis gasexplosionsgefährdeten Bereichen der Zonen 1 und 2. zul. Die elektrischen und thermischen Kenngrößen der einzelnen Varianten sind aus der Tabelle 2 zu entnehmen. um einen bestimmungsgemäßen Betrieb sicherzustellen. Die Magnete sind wartungsfrei. Defekte Spulen oder andere elektrische bzw. 3 x IB (nach IEC 60127-2-1) bzw. Deckelmontage Nach dem Anschluss ist der Deckel wieder sorgfältig zu montieren. d. erfüllt. Werden die in Tabelle 1 genannten Umgebungstemperaturen nicht erreicht.(bzw.h. Achtung: Verletzungsgefahr beim Berühren! Wenn bei t amb PN Tabelle 1 0. silikonhaltigen) Anschlussleitung bzw. dass weder die max. Elektromagnete als Antriebselement für Ventile stellen im Sinne der EMV-Richtlinie keine selbstständig betreibbaren Geräte dar und werden nur durch fachkundige Betriebe weiterverarbeitet bzw. Hinweise zur Richtlinie 73/23/EWG (Niederspannungsrichtlinie): Die Magnete wurden unter Beachtung der Norm „Elektromagnetische Geräte“ DIN VDE 0580 entwickelt. Um speziell den freien Warenverkehr in der EU zu ermöglichen. Hinweise zur Richtline 94/9/EG (Explosionsschutzrichtlinie [ATEX 100a]): Die Magnete entsprechen der in der EG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung PTB 02 ATEX 2085X beschriebenen Bauart und erfüllen die einschlägigen Anforderungen der Richtlinie. der Anschlussraum braucht nicht mehr geöffnet zu werden.und EEx me-Ausführung absolut baugleich. Gegebenenfalls ist der Magnet gegen Überlast zu schützen. d. Bei Verwendung einer Silikon. EEx e II-Kabelverschraubungen mit entsprechender Baumusterprüfbescheinigung verwendet werden. Ausschaltvermögen gleich oder größer als der maximal anzunehmende Kurzschlussstrom am Einbauort (üblicherweise 1500 A). Reduzierungen. Die Oberfläche des Magneten kann bei Dauerbetrieb sehr heiß werden. Die Inbetriebnahme ist solange untersagt. insbesondere harmonisierten Normen sind. Zur Vermeidung von Abschaltspannungsspitzen. ein Motorschutzschalter mit Kurzschluss. am Versorgungsnetzeingang ggf. hat der Europäische Rat gemeinsame Richtlinien für den europäischen Markt erlassen. Mit einer EEx dVerschraubung entsteht so ein EEx md-Magnet und mit einer EEx e-Verschraubung dementsprechend ein EEx me-Magnet. Ausführungen. Mit der CE-Kennzeichnung wird bestätigt.: X-Kondensator 47 nF) vorzusehen. Damit werden auch die Anforderungen der Niederspannungsrichtlinie. einer nicht ritzbeständigen Leitung ist diese gegen mechanische Beschädigung zu schützen (z.B. Im Betrieb ist sicherzustellen. dass die Gesamtmaschine bzw. die Mindestanforderungen für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz vorgeben. dass Produkte den Richtlinien entsprechen. Sollte der maximal anzunehmende Kurzschlussstrom am Einbauort größer als 35A sein. konstruiert und gefertigt. um die physikalisch bedingte leitungsgebundene Abschaltstörung der Magnetspule zu dämpfen.und Gewerbebereich sowie in Kleinbetrieben. sondern richtet sich an die zuständigen Behörden.und Fluidtemperaturen noch die Grenzleistung (max. Die Sicherung darf im zugehörigen Versorgungsgerät untergebracht sein oder muss separat vorgeschaltet werden. Sicherung Die in der Typenübersicht aufgeführten Magnete haben eine eingebaute Sicherung.50. ist die Verwendung normal temperaturbeständiger Kabel zulässig. die ab Werk mit Anschlusskabel geliefert werden.h. zusätzlich einen geeigneten Netzfilter (z. die in der Anlage zu Schäden führen können. Um mindestens die Schutzart IP66 zu gewährleisten. Die jeweilige Zündschutzart wird also erst mit der verwendeten Kabelverschraubung festgelegt! Es dürfen ausschließlich EEx d IIC. konform mit den einschlägigen. Jedem Magnet ist eingangsseitig ein Varisator vorgeschaltet.Kabel Bei der Auswahl der Anschlussleitung sind sowohl die erforderliche Kabelqualität (EN 60079-14) als auch der Durchmesserbereich der Kabelverschraubung zu beachten. so ist ein Kurzschlussschutz mit folgenden Bedingungen vorzuschalten: Sicherungsauslegung max. Erweiterungen und Übergangsstücke müssen ebenfalls entsprechend bescheinigt sein. deren Ausschaltvermögen 35 A ist. Sicherungs-Bemessungsspannung gleich oder größer als die angegebene Nennspannung des Magneten.und UC-Ausführungen wird dem Anwender empfohlen. Umgebungs.7 W / 1 VA >66 °C 4 W / 5 VA >58 °C 8 W / 9 VA >61 °C 11 W / 13 VA >44 °C dann muss das Kabel >95 °C temperaturbeständig sein. Kabelverschraubung Die Magnete sind in der EEx md. muss der Anwender ggf. in eine Maschine eingebaut.bzw.02 . damit die Schutzart IP66 (EN 60529) gewährleistet ist. 10% Überspannung) überschritten werden. über den eingebauten Varistor hinausgehende geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen vorsehen. Die Kabelverschraubung muss sachgerecht montiert werden. Beim Einsatz von AC. Hinweise zur Richtlinie 89/336/EWG (EMV-Richtlinie): Die Magnete erfüllen die Anforderungen der Fachgrundnormen für Störaussendung (EN 50081-1) und für Störfestigkeit (EN 50082-2) sowohl im Industriebereich als auch im Wohn-. unterbrochenes Rohrsystem mit Kantenschutz).B.und thermischer Schnellauslösung (Einstellung auf Bemessungsstrom). 2 7503455. sind verwendungsfertig.08. CE-Kennzeichnung Die CE-Kennzeichnung ist kein Qualitätsmerkmal. bis festgestellt wurde. Alle Magnete sind mit einem Varistor beschaltet. die für Nennspannungen von 50 bis 1000 V AC und von 75 bis 1500 V DC Gültigkeit hat. Geschäfts. zul. ist dazu (ebenso wie bei der Kabelverschraubung) die Originaldichtung zu verwenden. Anlage den Bestimmungen der EMV-Richtlinie entspricht. Bei höheren Umgebungstemperaturen ist zu beachten: Betrieb 100% ED sind auch bei den ungünstigsten zulässigen Umgebungsbedingungen erlaubt. 2 VA 1.0 VA (1.3 VA 8.Typenübersicht Magnete Magnet Bestell-Nr.02 .8 W 14.9 W 4.5 W 4.3 VA 15.9 W 5.7 W 1.0 VA 11.8 W 4.3 VA 15.1 W 5.Zündschutzart sicherung aufnahme Bemessungsstrom 0.8 VA 10.5 4623 4673 M20 X 1.7 VA 10.5 W 4.7 W 1. EEx me II T4/T5 Kategorie II2G (Gase) bei T4: -40 … +50 °C bei T5: -40 … +40 °C Kategorie II2D (Stäube) T 130 °C 7503455.4 W 5.7 VA 10.6 VA 15.2 VA 1.4 W 11.5 W 12.1 VA 8.3 W 1.4W) 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V DC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 4W bzw.8 VA 14.0 VA 8.5 4620 4670 1/2-14 NPT 4621 4671 1/2-14 NPT 4622 4672 M20 X 1. EEx me II T4/T6 Kategorie II2G (Gase) bei T4: -40 … +80 °C bei T6: -40 … +55 °C Kategorie II2D (Stäube) T 130 °C EEx md IIC T4/T6 bzw.2 VA EEx md IIC T5/T6 bzw.2 VA 11.6 VA 15.5 4603 4653 M20 X 1.3 VA 3.08.9 W 4.1 W) 33 mA 15 mA 12 mA 43 mA 17 mA 11 mA 6 mA 33 mA 15 mA 12 mA 43 mA 17 mA 11 mA 6 mA 162 mA 101 mA 41 mA 217 mA 107 mA 49 mA 23 mA 162 mA 101 mA 41 mA 217 mA 107 mA 49 mA 23 mA 369 mA 156 mA 69 mA 346 mA 210 mA 80 mA 43 mA 369 mA 156 mA 69 mA 346 mA 210 mA 80 mA 43 mA 475 mA 240 mA 116 mA 557 mA 328 mA 133 mA 66 mA 475 mA 240 mA 116 mA 557 mA 328 mA 133 mA 66 mA 63 mA 40 mA 40 mA 80 mA 40 mA 40 mA 40 mA 63 mA 40 mA 40 mA 80 mA 40 mA 40 mA 40 mA 400 mA 200 mA 80 mA 400 mA 250 mA 100 mA 40 mA 400 mA 200 mA 80 mA 400 mA 250 mA 100 mA 40 mA 800 mA 315 mA 160 mA 630 mA 400 mA 160 mA 80 mA 800 mA 315 mA 160 mA 630 mA 400 mA 160 mA 80 mA 1000 mA 500 mA 250 mA 1000 mA 630 mA 250 mA 125 mA 1000 mA 500 mA 250 mA 1000 mA 630 mA 250 mA 125 mA 3 0.5 W 7.5 W 12. 13 VA (13. 1.8 VA 10.9 W 7.6 W 7.und Fluidtemperatur für Temperaturklassen sowie Oberflächentemperatur Kategorie II2G (Gase) bei T5: -40 … +80 °C bei T6: -40 … +70 °C Kategorie II2D (Stäube) T 130 °C EEx md IIC T4/T6 bzw.5 4633 4683 M20 X 1.9 W 5.4 VA 5.0 VA 0. EEx me II T5/T6 Zulässige Umgebungs.8 W 14.8 W 0.3 W 3.1 W 5.4 W 11.50.5 4610 4660 1/2-14 NPT 4611 4661 1/2-14 NPT 4612 4662 M20 X 1. 5 VA (4.1 VA 8.5 W) 8W bzw.8 VA 14.8 VA 1.5 4613 4663 M20 X 1. 9 VA (8 W) 11 W bzw.5 4630 4680 1/2-14 NPT 4631 4681 1/2-14 NPT 4632 4682 M20 X 1. EEx me II T4/T6 Kategorie II2G (Gase) bei T4: -40 … +70 °C bei T6: -40 … +40 °C Kategorie II2D (Stäube) T 130 °C EEx md IIC T4/T5 bzw.9 W 7.5 Tabelle 2 Nennleistung (Grenzleistung) Spannung Nennstrom GeräteLeistungs.8 W 0.3 W 1.3 VA 0.8 VA 1.8 W 4.6 W 7.7 W bzw.5 W 7. Magnetschlusshülsendurchmesser Anschlussgewinde für Kabelverschraubung 13 mm 16 mm 4600 4650 1/2-14 NPT 4601 4651 1/2-14 NPT 4602 4652 M20 X 1.0 VA 0. Gruppe . Verwendete harmonisierte Normen: EN 50 014:1997 EN 50 018:2000 EN 50 019:2000 EN 50 028:1987 EN 50 281-1-1:1998 Allgemeine Bestimmungen Druckfeste Kapselung „d“ Erhöhte Sicherheit „e“ Vergusskapselung „m“ Schutz durch Gehäuse Gerätegruppe. D-70731 Fellbach Stuttgarter Straße EG . (Theo Paulus) Techn. Kategorien.Konformitätserklärung nach Richtlinie 94/9/EG ____________________________________________________________________________ Hiermit erklären wir.: +49 (0)7 11 / 52 09-0 Fax: +49 (0)7 11 / 52 09-614 www. 0102) EG-Zertifikat für das Qualitätssicherungssystem : EX3 03 07 11122 009 ausgestellt vom TÜV Product Service GmbH. (Dieter Maisch) Explosionsschutzbeauftragter Ein Unternehmen der IMI. im November 2003 ppa. D-80339 München (Benannte Stelle Nr.norgren. D-38116 Braunschweig (Benannte Stelle Nr. Werk Fellbach.Norgren GmbH. Zündschutzarten: II 2 G bzw II 2 D EEx md IIC EEx me II IP 66 T4/T5/T6 T4/T5/T6 T 130 °C EG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung: PTB 02 ATEX 2085 X erstellt von der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. 0123) Fellbach. dass die Geräte: Ventilbetätigungsmagnete Bestell-Nr.V. D-70736 Fellbach Tel.: 46xx die Anforderungen der Richtlinie 94/9/EG zur bestimmungsgemäßen Verwendung in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen erfüllen. Leiter Deutschland i. is pushed into one of the small slots (see at illustration). i. vapour. When connecting the solenoid there is no need to take notice of the areas with combustible dust in Zones 21 and 22. EN 60079-14 and EN 50281-1-2 – are observed during installation. Service Valve actuating solenoids are electrical components. the device identification information must be compared with the planned operating conditions to ensure compliant usage.5 mm 2. Solenoids must not be used as lever arms. Mounting. Year of manufacture: The second figure of the 5-digit date code corresponds to the fourth figure of the year of manufacture (from 2000 onwards). in Zones 1 and 2.e. This then opens the spring. a small screw driver. Additional protective measures are necessary if solenoids are exposed to certain kinds of external loading. To make the attachment. The terminal for the potential compensate on the outside of the housing allows up to 4 mm 2. Damaged coils or other electric components can not be repaired or replaced. Electrical installation is also to be carried out by or under the supervision of a skilled electrician taking into account the relevant national regulations (in Germany.and mist-air-mixtures are present. Usage. 1 7503455.g. They are not suitable for use without the associated valve.50. They correspond to Category II2D with protection class IP 66. VDE 0100). . When replacing or changing solenoids care should be taken to ensure that the combination is approved for a Norgren-Herion valve and that the solenoid is properly fixed to the valve (e. permissible tightening torque). Maximum surface temperature T = 130 °C. The attachment is only secured by a spring. Terminals The terminals are made without screws. They correspond to Category II2G with protection class EEx md IIC T4/T5/T6 or EEx me II T4/T5/T6. maintenance and repair. 1 1 Fuse 2 2 Varistor 4 3 Bridge rectifier 4 Coil AC / UC 1 2 - + ~ 3 4 The solenoid is connected to the voltage supply via the terminal. Valve-solenoid combinations are usually supplied fully assembled and tested. Implementing. After putting in the cable flex pull out the screw driver again and the connection is established. The protective conductor must always be connected.DIESES MERKBLATT SOLLTE AN EINER SICHEREN STELLE AUFBEWAHRT WERDEN THIS LEAFLET SHOULD BE KEPT IN A SAFE PLACE FOR REFERENCE Operating Instructions for Solenoids Type 46XX Explosion Protection Valve solenoids can be used . The terminals are suitable for cross sections up to 2. Before installation. Explosions protection refers to the usage. Should there be some interruptions or failures with unknown origin the solenoids have to be changed. The electrical and thermal characteristics of the different versions can be found in Table 2. Electrical Connection DC Installation It is essential that the appropriate explosion regulations – in particular. Solenoids that appear to be damaged must not be fitted or must be replaced. The solenoids are maintenance-free.08.02 .in areas where gas-. This especially the case for damaged surfaces on housings and covers which build the flameproof joint. The original gasket must be used to guarantee a protection category of at least IP 66 (as with the cable gland). X-capacitor 47 nF) on the mains supply input to suppress the physically inherent switch-off interference from the solenoid coil associated with the cables. Comments on Directive 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage Directive): The solenoids have been developed. The CE mark confirms that products comply with the Directives. The fuse may be located in power source or must be separately ballasted.e. To avoid switchoff voltage spikes. it is not necessary for the terminal box to be re-opened. designed and manufactured taking into account the standard on ”Electromechanical Devices” DIN VDE 0580. 3 x IB (according IEC 60127-2-1) or motor protection switch with short circuit. It must be ensured that neither the maximum permissible ambient and fluid temperatures nor the limiting power (max. Fuse The solenoids of the chart are fitted with a fuse whose breaking capacity is 35 A.or EEx de II-cable glands with test certificates are allowed to be used. possible fault current in the place of installation (normally 1500 A). With EEx d-connection is a EEx md-solenoid and with a EEx e-connection is a EEx me-solenoid. fuse voltage rating equal or more than voltage rating of the solenoid. Warning: Risk of injury when touching! CE Marking The CE mark is not sign of quality but is directed towards the responsible authorities. intermittent piping system with edge protection). to the harmonised standards. Mounting of cover After connecting. Each type of protection will be defined by the applied cable connectors. The requirements of the Low Voltage Directive. the cover must be carefully refitted.08. If the ambient temperatures given in Table 1 are not reached. Operation 100% ED is allowed even under the most unfavourable permissible ambient conditions. i. breaking capacity equal or more than max. Reductions. In addition. Solenoid surfaces can become very hot during continuous operating. Electromagnets as actuators for valves do not represent independently operated devices in the sense of the EMC Directive and are only applied or fitted to a machine by specialist operatives. The cable connection has to be fitted suitably for IP66 (EN 60529) is guaranteed. Fuse assembly max.Cable When selecting the connection cable.7 W / 1 VA >66 °C 4 W / 5 VA >58 °C 8 W / 9 VA >61 °C 11 W / 13 VA >44 °C then the cable must be able to withstand temperatures of >95 °C.g. Comments on Directive 94/9/EC (Equipment in Explosive Atmospheres [ATEX 100a]): The solenoids comply with the type of construction described in the EC Type Examination Certificate PTB 02 ATEX 2085 X and the relevant requirements of the Directive. If used by PN t amb Table 1 0. Only EEx d IIC. Versions that are supplied ex-works with a connection cable are ready for use. the user must provide suitable protection over and above the integral varistor if necessary.50. the following is applicable for versions that are supplied exworks without connecting cables: All solenoids are fitted with a varistor.and thermal action (set to current rating).e. both the required cable quality (EN 60079-14) and the cable gland diameter range should be taken into account. conform to the relevant and in particular. which could lead to damage in the equipment. which prescribe minimum requirements for safety and the protection of health. Silicone connecting leads. are thereby fulfilled. The Council has published common directives for the European Market especially to enable the free transfer of goods within the EU. extentions and spare parts have to be certificated also. Comments on Directive 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive): The solenoids meet the requirements of the generic standards for emissions (EN 50081-1) and for immunity (EN 50082-2) both in the industrial area and in the domestic. It is not permissible to put the machine into operation until it has been established that the entire machine or system accords with the requirements of the EMC Directive. commercial and trading areas as well as in small businesses. the user must provide a suitable mains filter (e.and EEx me-versions of the solenoids are built absolutely identically. When using AC and UC versions. All solenoids are fitted with a varistor. 10% overvoltage) are exceeded during operation. which is applicable to rated voltages from 50 to 1000 V AC and from 75 to 1500 V DC. silicone containing connecting leads or cables which are not scratch resistant have to be protected against mechanical deterioration (e. a protection will work and switch on a rated voltage that has at least the nominal voltage. Cable gland The EEx md. 2 7503455. the use of normally temperature resistant cable is permissible.02 . Should the short circuit current at the place of fitting higher than 35A.g. The solenoid must be protected against overload if necessary. i. 4 VA 5.3 W 1.4 W 5.4W) 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V DC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 24 V DC 48 V DC 110 V DC 24 V UC 48 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC 33 mA 15 mA 12 mA 43 mA 17 mA 11 mA 6 mA 33 mA 15 mA 12 mA 43 mA 17 mA 11 mA 6 mA 162 mA 101 mA 41 mA 217 mA 107 mA 49 mA 23 mA 162 mA 101 mA 41 mA 217 mA 107 mA 49 mA 23 mA 369 mA 156 mA 69 mA 346 mA 210 mA 80 mA 43 mA 369 mA 156 mA 69 mA 346 mA 210 mA 80 mA 43 mA 475 mA 240 mA 116 mA 557 mA 328 mA 133 mA 66 mA 475 mA 240 mA 116 mA 557 mA 328 mA 133 mA 66 mA 63 mA 40 mA 40 mA 80 mA 40 mA 40 mA 40 mA 63 mA 40 mA 40 mA 80 mA 40 mA 40 mA 40 mA 400 mA 200 mA 80 mA 400 mA 250 mA 100 mA 40 mA 400 mA 200 mA 80 mA 400 mA 250 mA 100 mA 40 mA 800 mA 315 mA 160 mA 630 mA 400 mA 160 mA 80 mA 800 mA 315 mA 160 mA 630 mA 400 mA 160 mA 80 mA 1000 mA 500 mA 250 mA 1000 mA 630 mA 250 mA 125 mA 1000 mA 500 mA 250 mA 1000 mA 630 mA 250 mA 125 mA Category II2G (gases) for T5: -40 … +80 °C for T6: -40 … +70 °C 13 mm 16 mm 4600 4650 1/2-14 NPT 4601 4651 1/2-14 NPT 4602 4652 M20 X 1.4 W 11.5 W 4.1 VA 8.1 W 5.2 VA EEx md IIC T5/T6 or EEx me II T5/T6 Category II2D (dusts) T 130 °C EEx md IIC T4/T6 or EEx me II T4/T6 Category II2G (gases) for T4: -40 … +80 °C for T6: -40 … +55 °C Category II2D (dusts) T 130 °C EEx md IIC T4/T6 or EEx me II T4/T6 Category II2G (gases) for T4: -40 … +70 °C for T6: -40 … +40 °C Category II2D (dusts) T 130 °C EEx md IIC T4/T5 or EEx me II T4/T5 Category II2G (gases) for T4: -40 … +50 °C for T5: -40 … +40 °C Category II2D (dusts) T 130 °C 7503455.8 VA 1.7 VA 10.0 VA 8.0 VA 0.1 W 5.5 4613 4663 M20 X 1.50.5 W) 8W or 9 VA (8 W) 11 W or 13 VA (13.5 W 7.Overview solenoid types Solenoid Type-No. Core tube diameter Table 2 Connection thread for cable gland Nominal power (max. permissible ambient and fluid temperature for temperature classes and surface temperature 0.1 W) 3 0.5 4620 4670 1/2-14 NPT 4621 4671 1/2-14 NPT 4622 4672 M20 X 1.5 W 12.3 VA 15.5 4623 4673 M20 X 1.8 W 14.0 VA (1.5 W 12.7 W 1.7 W 1.3 W 1.9 W 4.3 VA 3.8 W 14.8 VA 10.4 W 11.3 VA 8.9 W 5.8 W 4.5 4603 4653 M20 X 1.0 VA 11.3 VA 15.8 VA 10.9 W 7.8 W 0.1 VA 8.7 VA 10.5 W 7.5 4633 4683 M20 X 1. power) Nominal voltage Nominal current Rated Power Protection class current of consumpintegrated tion fuse Max.02 .0 VA 0.5 W 4.6 VA 15.5 4W or 5 VA (4.3 W 3.5 4610 4660 1/2-14 NPT 4611 4661 1/2-14 NPT 4612 4662 M20 X 1.8 VA 14.2 VA 11.6 W 7.8 W 4.7 W or 1.2 VA 1.9 W 4.8 VA 1.8 VA 14.2 VA 1.3 VA 0.9 W 7.5 4630 4680 1/2-14 NPT 4631 4681 1/2-14 NPT 4632 4682 M20 X 1.9 W 5.6 W 7.08.8 W 0.6 VA 15. II 2 D EEx md IIC EEx me II IP 66 T4/T5/T6 T4/T5/T6 T 130 °C EC-Type Examination Certificate: PTB 02 ATEX 2085 X issued by Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. Categories. D-70731 Fellbach Stuttgarter Straße 120.Gruppe . 0123) Fellbach. (Theo Paulus) Technical Director Germany i.Declaration of Conformity In accordance with Directive 94/9/EC ____________________________________________________________________________ This is to declare that the Equipment: Valve Solenoids Model Series: 46xx is in conformity with the provisions of the Directive 94/9/EC for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. D-38116 Braunschweig (Notified Body No. November 2003 ppa.V.norgren. D. D-70736 Fellbach EC . Werk Fellbach. (Dieter Maisch) Authorized Representative Ein Unternehmen der IMI.: +49 (0)7 11 / 52 09-0 Fax: +49 (0)7 11 / 52 09-614 www.80339 München (Notified Body No. Referenced normative documents: EN 50 014:1997 EN 50 018:2000 EN 50 019:2000 EN 50 028:1987 EN 50281-1-1:1998 General requirements Flameproof enclosures „d“ Increased safety „e" Encapsulation "m" Protection by enclosure Equipment group. Types of protection: II 2 G resp. 0102) EC Certificate for quality system: EX3 03 07 11122 009 issued by TÜV Product Service GmbH.Norgren GmbH. . . . . . . . the filter/regulator will trap the over-pressure in the downstream line..........25 µm R. 38)...... turn adjustment (1 or 7) counterclockwise to remove all force on regulating spring (12).2 bar (3 psig) Minimum air flow required to close drain: 0... 45.... Inspect parts.. 47......06" to 0. Disassemble in general accordance with the item numbers on exploded view.7 to 3..619-50 Automatic drain (21.... 23) ............1/2" Adjustment Thread Form K.....4 (20 to 30) 22. Install a pressure gauge or plug the gauge ports..Metal with liquid level indicator Q....0. Connect piping to proper ports using pipe thread sealant on male threads only.... 25µm (50) ......3 to 4 bar (5 to 60 psig) M. 2...............stem.Transparent with guard T ....Non-relieving 2 .. or 40 µm filter element Air quality: Within ISO 8573-1. 51 (Louver) 1....Relieving 3 .3 bar (5 psig) Bowl pressure required to open drain: Less than 0. 5. Push bowl.....3/8" 4 ......3 to 2.5 fluid ounce) Manual drain connection: 1/8" Automatic drain connection: 1/8" Automatic drain operating conditions (float operated): Bowl pressure required to close drain: Greater than 0... Tighten lock nut (8) to lock pressure setting.4 (15 to 30) 49 (Baffle)... 22...... Gauge ports can also be used as additional outlets for regulated air.4383-600 Nonrelieving ....1/4" 3 .1 litre (3.....24") INSTALLATION 1............................. 26......1 dm3/s (0. 25 µm....8 (20 to 25) 43 (Screw) 1........With N.. 4....Without * Outlet pressure can be adjusted to pressures in excess of...... Pull knob up to release..... and less than.........3 bar (90 psig) set pressure and 1 bar (15 psig) droop from set: 50 dm3/s (106 scfm) Nominal bowl size: 0. DISASSEMBLY 1. 3.outer circumference and both sides...push into body and turn counterclockwise.. Install filter/regulator in air line ● vertically (bowl down). Replace those found to be damaged.. 9 (Screw) 2....... Filter/regulator can be disassembled without removal from air line. into body and turn fully clockwise before pressurizing. Class 3 and Class 5 (particulates) Typical flow with 10 bar (150 psig) inlet pressure. 6... or bowl with guard. Blow air through filter element (50) from inside to outside to remove surface contaminants.... 3..1 to 2.B73G Installation & Maintenance Instructions Filter/Regulator B73G . 3....4438-03 Manual drain (18...★★★ Port 2 . Do not allow sealant to enter interior of unit. Assemble the unit as shown on the exploded view. 5..ISO G parallel Drain Bowl A. Do not remove the drains unless replacement is necessary..ISO Rc taper T .. make pressure reductions with some air flow in the system..... Install tamper resistant cover (see Replacement Items) to make setting tamper resistant. Particle removal: 5 µm. 53 (Valve) .01 (4/98) a subsidiary of IMI plc Supersedes 12/97 .★★★ .. CLEANING 1. Open manual drain to expel accumulated liquids. Push bowl.... ● as close as possible to the device being serviced..... 2..Knob A.T-bar G... Turn adjustment (1 or 7) fully counterclockwise....... Shut off air pressure.... KNOB ADJUSTMENT....... Lubricate the following items with o-ring grease.. 19.... Torque Table Item Torque in Nm (Inch-Pounds) 2.. 34... dry compressed air......2 scfm) Manual operation: Depress pin inside drain outlet to drain bowl Gauge ports: 1⁄4 PTF with PTF main ports Rc1/4 with ISO Rc main ports Rc1/8 with ISO G main ports Materials: Body: Aluminum Bonnet: Aluminum Valve: Brass Bowl: Transparent: Polycarbonate Transparent with guard: Polycarbonate........ Replace plastic bowl with a metal bowl if plastic bowl shows signs of cracking or cloudiness.. Push knob down to lock pressure setting.. 18....4438-02 Filter element..40 µm Spring (Outlet Pressure Range) * F ... Clean other parts with warm water and soap..... Clean plastic bowl (25..... T-BAR ADJUSTMENT..... ● upstream of lubricators and cycling valves...the portion of the body that contacts the bowl. 2.. steel guard Metal: Aluminum Metal bowl liquid level indicator lens: Transparent nylon Element: Sintered polypropylene Elastomers: Neoprene and nitrile REPLACEMENT ITEMS Service Kit (includes items circled on exploded view): Relieving. those specified.............0..... Always approach the desired pressure from a lower pressure. Shut off inlet pressure.Manual.. ● with air flow in direction of arrow on body..... 46. 5. Keep liquids below baffle (49).300.0...... 5µm (50) ....... Reduce pressure in inlet and outlet lines to zero.. ASSEMBLY 1. SERVICING 1.......... 40µm (50) . NOTE With non-relieving filter/regulators. 3.... and the hole that accommodates the stem of drain valve (19..... 4 (Thrust washer) .4380-020 Filter element. 3...Transparent Diaphragm Element 1 ..4455-51 PANEL MOUNTING DIMENSIONS Panel mounting hole diameter: 48 mm (1. 1/4 turn P... Clean or replace filter element when dirty. 20) . 37 (Manual drain body) ..3 to 10 bar (5 to 150 psig) S.... 32. 54 (O-rings) 2. 47) ...... Do not use these units to control pressures outside of the specified ranges.threads and tip.. first reduce to some pressure less than that desired.... ADJUSTMENT 1........ If made under no flow (dead-end) conditions.... 41 (Nut) 2........ Before applying inlet pressure to filter/regulator.... into body and turn fully clockwise... When reducing from a higher to a lower setting... 2.. then turn adjustment (1 or 7) clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to decrease pressure setting. 28. 4. or bowl with guard. Remove and replace drains only if they malfunction.. then bring up to the desired pressure.4438-01 Filter element.. Apply inlet pressure........ 4.PTF B...89") Panel thickness: 2 to 6 mm (0. 2... 29..3 to 3.. Remove bowl .Automatic D... 35) with warm water only......... TECHNICAL DATA Fluid: Compressed air Maximum pressure: Transparent bowl: 10 bar (150 psig) Metal bowl: 17 bar (250 psig) Operating temperature*: Transparent bowl: -20° to +50°C (0° to +125°F) Metal bowl: -20° to +80°C (0° to +175°F) * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2°C (+35°F)... 7 (Adjusting screw) ..2 (10 to 20) 1 12 3 13 2 16 15 4 5 14 53 54 6 52 7 8 51 10 9 50 11 49 26 18 21 23 17 25 24 20 19 22 34 28 31 27 35 33 30 29 32 47 37 40 48 46 36 45 43 42 39 38 41 44 © Norgren 1998 IM-180.4000-51R Tamper resistant cover (knob adjustment only)..★★★ ... Blow out internal passages in body (16) with clean.7 to 17 bar (10 to 250 psig) Gauge G.5 µm N....... Rinse and dry parts.....4383-601 Liquid level lens kit (43...... both during shipment (despite care in packaging) and during the service life. Clean with warm water only.300. strong alkalies. If a pressure gauge is to be used with these products and if inaccurate indications may be hazardous to personnel or property. Fumes of these substances in contact with the polycarbonate bowl. can also result in damage. Before using these products with fluids other than air. for non industrial applications. WARNING These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. the gauge should be calibrated before initial installation and at regular intervals during use.B73G Installation & Maintenance Instructions CAUTION Water vapor will pass through these units and could condense into liquid form downstream as air temperature drops. If outlet pressure in excess of the filter/regulator pressure setting could cause downstream equipment to rupture or malfunction. Use metal bowl in applications where a plastic bowl might be exposed to substances that are incompatible with polycarbonate. externally or internally.02 (4/98) a subsidiary of IMI plc Supersedes 12/97 . © Norgren 1998 IM-180. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under Technical Data. or for life-support systems consult Norgren. Polycarbonate plastic bowls can be damaged and possibly burst if exposed to such substances as certain solvents. The accuracy of the indication of pressure gauges can change. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. compressor oils containing esterbased additives or synthetic oils. The relief pressure and flow capacity of the relief device must satisfy system requirements. install a pressure relief device downstream of the filter/regulator.
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